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what 可不可以引导定语从句~!@~@~!详细点

2023-06-28 19:25:32











关系词 指代 在定语从句中的作用

that 既指人也指物 作主语、宾语

which 指物 作主语、宾语

who 指人 作主语

whom 指人 作宾语

whose 既指人也指物 作定语



1).当先行词为指物的不定代词,如all、everything、something、anything、nothing、none、the one等时,只能用that。

There is nothing ______ I can do for you .

2).当先行词被the only、the very 、the last、all、no、little等词修饰时,只能用that。

This is the very book ______ I"m looking for .

3).先行词被序数词修饰时,只能用that 。

This is the first nextbook ______ I studied in the middle school .


This is the most beautiful mountain ______ I have ever seen .=

I have _____ seen _____ a beautiful mountian .

5).先行词既有人也有物时,只能that 。

He told us many interesting things and persons _______ we had .


1).关系代词前有介词时,关系词只能用which 。

This is the building in ______ he lives .

2).先行词本身是that时,关系词只能用which 。

The clock is that _____ tells the time .


His book , ______ was lost last week , has been found now.

3.先行词是人时,一般情况下既可用who 也可用that 。但以下情况下,只能用who。

1).当先行词为those、one、ones、anyone且作主语时,一般用who 。

Those ______ are singing are all my classmates .

2).在there be 句型中,先行词指人时,只能用who。指物时用that。

There is a girl ______ expects to see you .

3).当先行词是I、you、he、they等时,只能用who 。

He ______ plays with fire gets burned .



where = in / at +which when = in / on / at +which why = for + which


1).先行词是表示地点的名词 2).在定语从句中作地点状语

Is this the house ______ you lived ?= Is this the house _____ _____ you lived ?

= Is this the house _____ you lived in ?


1).先行词是表示时间的名词 2).在定语从句中作时间状语

I will never forget the days ______ I met him .= I will never forget the days ____ ____ I met him.

注:先行词是the last time 时,when 可省略。

When was the last time you saw the parrot ?


先行词为reason 时,一般用why 。 why在句中作原因状语。

We don"t know the reason ______ they didn"t come .



The story _____ he told was very popular .

A.who B.whom C.whose D. /


I loves singers who _______(write) their own songs .

She is one of the girls who ______(study) hard .


Will you please show me the book ______ yesterday?

A. which you bought B. that you bought it C. you bought D. you bought it

4.定语从句中whose 的确定:


判断:看定语从句的主语前有无限定词(my、your、Jim"s等),若没有,则用whose 。

The girl _____ parents work in Beijing is Kate .

A. who B. whose C. which D. that

I know the boy . His handwriting is very good .= I know the boy ____ handwriting is very good.



1.She reveived a box which was full of presents .

She reveived a box _____ _____ presents .

2.He likes reading books that was written by Luxun.

He likes reading booking _____ ____ Luxun .

3.I like Chinese tea which has nothing in it .




关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。

关系副词有:when, where, why等。






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2023-06-28 16:43:471


就是买了三天就开不机了 ,太郁闷了
2023-06-28 16:43:576


2023-06-28 16:44:131


2023-06-28 16:44:222


手机进入应用程序--开发--打开USB调试。 2.下载线刷rom包。 3.下载刷机工具包odin后解压。 4.关机,然后同时按住下音量下键 + HOME键 + 电源键,等待3秒,出现英文界面。 按音量上键,进入界面为绿色机器人,此为刷机模式。 5.打开odin刷机工具,识别成功在...
2023-06-28 16:44:491


2023-06-28 16:44:575


蒙人的,特别不专业。千万别上当!送货源是个北京来广营的一个骗子公司。010-5209 7979。包装盒上倒是印着“清华同方”,但这个随便找人都能印刷!包装摸上去还掉渣儿。电话询问:“为什么产品上没有清华同方的标?只写着nextbook”。回答说,“nextbook就是清华同方!”简直弱智!都知道nextbook是美国的东东。客服(号称技术代表)说,“你不要,让快递送下一家!”太好了,我不要了……省我600多银子。
2023-06-28 16:45:112

易方nextbook mini8刷机包在哪下载?

2023-06-28 16:45:302


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2023-06-28 16:45:577


图书借阅管理系统源程序(C语言)/*1. 图书借阅管理系统(限1 人完成) 主要分为两大功能:1) 图书管理(增加图书、查询图书、删除图书、图书借阅、还书);会员管理(增加会员、查询会员、删除会员、借书信息);*/#include<stdlib.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<iostream.h>#define NULL 0typedef struct BookInfo{ /////图书结构 int b_Code; ////图书编号 char b_Name[20]; /////名称 int b_Total; /////总数 int b_Out; ///借出数 BookInfo* nextbook; //////下一类图书}BookInfo;typedef struct MemberInfo{ ///会员结构 long m_Code; /////会员编号 char m_Name[20]; ////会员名字 int l_Codes[6]; /////以借书的编号,最多5 MemberInfo* nextmember; ////下一会员}MemberInfo;typedef struct System{ ///管理系统结构 BookInfo* BI; MemberInfo* MI; int BookTotal; ////图书类库存量 int MemberTota; /////会员数量}System;System* InitSystem();/////void AddBook(System*);////增加图书BookInfo* SearchBook(System*,int);////查询图书信息void DelBook(System*);/////删除图书void BrrowBook(System*);///////借书处理void TurnBackBook(System*);////还书处理void AddMember(System*);/////添加会员void DelMember(System*);////删除会员MemberInfo* SearchMember(System*,int);/////查询会员信息void StoreData(System*);void LoadData(System*);void ExitSystem();void main(){ System* S=InitSystem(); int sel; do{ cout<<" 图书管理系统"<<endl; cout<<" ******************************"<<endl; cout<<" ******************************"<<endl; cout<<" 1.增加图书. 2.查询图书. 3.删除图书. 4.借书处理. 5.还书处理. 6.添加会员. 7.删除会员. 8.查询会员. 9.载入数据. 10.保存数据. 11.退出程序. "; cout<<" ******************************"<<endl; cout<<" ******************************"<<endl; cout<<"请选择:"; do{ cin>>sel; if(sel>=1&&sel<=11)break; cout<<"选择错误! 重新输入:"<<endl; }while(1); switch(sel){ case 1:AddBook(S);break; case 2:SearchBook(S,-1);break; case 3:DelBook(S);break; case 4:BrrowBook(S);;break; case 5:TurnBackBook(S);break; case 6:AddMember(S);break; case 7:DelMember(S);break; case 8:SearchMember(S,-1);break; case 9:LoadData(S);break; case 10:StoreData(S);break; default:ExitSystem(); } }while(1);}System* InitSystem(){ System* S=(System*)malloc(sizeof(System)); S->BI=(BookInfo*)malloc(sizeof(BookInfo)); S->BookTotal=0; S->BI->nextbook=NULL; S->MI=(MemberInfo*)malloc(sizeof(MemberInfo)); S->MemberTota=0; S->MI->nextmember=NULL; return S;}void AddBook(System* S){ int Tempcode; char sel; BookInfo* p=S->BI; BookInfo* t; BookInfo* m; int num; do{ cout<<"输入图书编号:"; cin>>Tempcode; if(m=SearchBook(S,Tempcode)){ cout<<"这类书以有库存. 输入图书的入库量:"<<endl; cin>>num; m->b_Total+=num; } else{ t=(BookInfo*)malloc(sizeof(BookInfo)); t->b_Code=Tempcode; cout<<"输入图书的名称:"; cin>>t->b_Name; cout<<"输入图书的入库量:"; cin>>t->b_Total; t->b_Out=0; t->nextbook=p->nextbook; p->nextbook=t; S->BookTotal++; } cout<<"添加完毕!"<<endl; cout<<"还要添加吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if(sel=="n"||sel=="N"){ cout<<"结束添加"<<endl; return; } }while(1);}BookInfo* SearchBook(System* S,int code){ BookInfo* bi=S->BI->nextbook; int bookcode; if(code==-1){ cout<<"请输入要查询的图书编号:"; cin>>bookcode; } else bookcode=code; while(bi&&bi->b_Code!=bookcode)bi=bi->nextbook; if(code==-1){ if(!bi)cout<<"没找到你所要的图书."<<endl; else { cout<<"图书编号为:"<<bi->b_Code<<endl; cout<<"图书名称为:"<<bi->b_Name<<endl; cout<<"图书库存量为:"<<bi->b_Total<<endl; cout<<"图书借出量为:"<<bi->b_Out<<endl; } } return bi;}void DelBook(System* S){ BookInfo* bi; BookInfo* pl=S->BI; MemberInfo* memi; char sel; int tempcode; int i; do{ pl=S->BI; bi=pl->nextbook; memi=S->MI->nextmember; cout<<"请输入要删除的图书的编号:"; cin>>tempcode; while(bi){ if(bi->b_Code==tempcode)break; pl=bi; bi=bi->nextbook; } if(bi==0)cout<<"没有找到要删除的图书"<<endl; else{ pl->nextbook=bi->nextbook; S->BookTotal--; while(memi){ for(i=1;i<=memi->l_Codes[0];i++){ if(memi->l_Codes[i]==tempcode)break; } if(i<=memi->l_Codes[0]){ for(;i<memi->l_Codes[0];i++)memi->l_Codes[i]=memi->l_Codes[i+1]; memi->l_Codes[0]--; } memi=memi->nextmember; } free(bi); } cout<<"还有图书要删除吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if(sel=="N"||sel=="n"){ cout<<"删除图书结束"<<endl; return; } }while(1);}void BrrowBook(System* S){ BookInfo* bi=S->BI->nextbook; BookInfo* p; char sel; int memcode; MemberInfo* mp; int tempcode; do{ cout<<"输入要借出的书号:"; cin>>tempcode; p=SearchBook(S,tempcode); if(!p){ cout<<"没有找到要借出的图书."<<endl; } else{ cout<<"此书的现存量为"<<(p->b_Total-p->b_Out)<<endl; if(!(p->b_Total-p->b_Out))cout<<"没有足够的书了,外借失败."<<endl; else{ cout<<"请输入会员编号:"; cin>>memcode; mp=SearchMember(S,memcode); if(!mp)cout<<"会员编号输入错误,外借失败"<<endl; else{ if(mp->l_Codes[0]==5)cout<<"借书量不能超过5本"; else{ p->b_Out++; mp->l_Codes[++mp->l_Codes[0>=tempcode; cout<<"外借成功."<<endl; } } } } cout<<" 还有图书要借出吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if(sel=="N"||sel=="n"){ cout<<"外借操作结束."<<endl; return; } }while(1);}void TurnBackBook(System* S){ BookInfo* bi=S->BI->nextbook; BookInfo* p; MemberInfo* mp; int membercode; int tempcode; int i; char sel; do{ cout<<"输入归还书号:"; cin>>tempcode; p=SearchBook(S,tempcode); if(!p){ cout<<"书号输入错误."<<endl; } else{ cout<<"此书的现存量为"<<(p->b_Total-p->b_Out)<<endl; cout<<"请输入会员编号:"; cin>>membercode; if(!(mp=SearchMember(S,membercode)))cout<<"会员编号输入错误,归还失败"<<endl; else{ p->b_Out--; for(i=1;i<=mp->l_Codes[0];i++){ if(mp->l_Codes[i]==tempcode)break; } while(i<mp->l_Codes[0]){ mp->l_Codes[i]=mp->l_Codes[i+1]; i++; } mp->l_Codes[0]--; cout<<"归还成功."<<endl; } } cout<<"还有要归还的图书吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if(sel=="N"||sel=="n"){ cout<<"归还结束."<<endl; return; } }while(1);}void AddMember(System* S){ int Tempcode; char sel; MemberInfo* p=S->MI; MemberInfo* t; do{ cout<<"输入会员编号:"; cin>>Tempcode; t=(MemberInfo*)malloc(sizeof(MemberInfo)); t->m_Code=Tempcode; cout<<"输入会员姓名:"; cin>>t->m_Name; t->l_Codes[0]=0; t->nextmember=p->nextmember; p->nextmember=t; S->MemberTota++; cout<<"添加完毕!"<<endl; cout<<"还要添加吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if(sel=="n"||sel=="N"){ cout<<"结束添加"<<endl; return; } }while(1);}MemberInfo* SearchMember(System* S,int code){ MemberInfo* bi=S->MI->nextmember; int membercode; int i; if(code==-1){ cout<<"请输入要查询的会员编号:"; cin>>membercode; } else membercode=code; while(bi&&bi->m_Code!=membercode)bi=bi->nextmember; if(code==-1){ if(!bi)cout<<"没找到指定会员."<<endl; else { cout<<"会员编号为:"<<bi->m_Code<<endl; cout<<"名称为:"<<bi->m_Name<<endl; cout<<"已借的图书有:"<<bi->l_Codes[0]<<"本."<<endl; for(i=1;i<=bi->l_Codes[0];i++) cout<<bi->l_Codes[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } } return bi;}void DelMember(System* S){ MemberInfo* bi; MemberInfo* pl; BookInfo* book; char sel; int i; int tempcode; do{ bi=S->MI->nextmember; pl=S->MI; cout<<"请输入要删除的会员的编号:"; cin>>tempcode; while(bi){ if(bi->m_Code==tempcode)break; pl=bi; bi=bi->nextmember; } if(!bi)cout<<"没有找到要删除的会员编号."; else{ pl->nextmember=bi->nextmember; S->MemberTota--; for(i=1;i<=bi->l_Codes[0];i++){ if(!(book=SearchBook(S,bi->l_Codes[i]))){ cout<<"删除会员出错!"<<endl; } else{ book->b_Out--; book->b_Total--; } } free(bi); } cout<<"还有会员要删除吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if(sel=="N"||sel=="n"){ cout<<"删除会员结束"<<endl; return; } }while(1);}void StoreData(System* S){ FILE* fp; BookInfo* bi=S->BI->nextbook; if(!(fp=fopen("BookSys","wb"))){ cout<<"打开文件BookSys失败!"<<endl; exit(0); } fwrite(&(S->BookTotal),sizeof(int),1,fp); while(bi){ fwrite(bi,sizeof(BookInfo),1,fp); bi=bi->nextbook; } MemberInfo* mi=S->MI->nextmember; fwrite(&(S->MemberTota),sizeof(int),1,fp); while(mi){ fwrite(mi,sizeof(MemberInfo),1,fp); mi=mi->nextmember; } fclose(fp);}void LoadData(System* S){ FILE* fp; if(!(fp=fopen("BookSys","rb"))){ cout<<"打开文件BookSys失败"<<endl; exit(0); } BookInfo* bi=S->BI; BookInfo* tempbi; fread(&(S->BookTotal),sizeof(int),1,fp); for(int i=1;i<=S->BookTotal;i++){ tempbi=(BookInfo*)malloc(sizeof(BookInfo)); fread(tempbi,sizeof(BookInfo),1,fp); bi->nextbook=tempbi; bi=tempbi; } bi->nextbook=NULL; MemberInfo* mi=S->MI; MemberInfo* tempmi; fread(&(S->MemberTota),sizeof(int),1,fp); for(i=1;i<=S->MemberTota;i++){ tempmi=(MemberInfo*)malloc(sizeof(MemberInfo)); fread(tempmi,sizeof(MemberInfo),1,fp); mi->nextmember=tempmi; mi=tempmi; } mi->nextmember=NULL; fclose(fp);}void ExitSystem(){ char select; cout<<"警告: 程序结束后未存储的数据将消失."<<endl; cout<<"确定要退出吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>select; if(select=="y"||select=="Y")exit(0); if(select=="n"||select=="N")return;}
2023-06-28 16:46:113


1.Good morning.2.That is a map.3.Is this your student ID?4.Please dail 338-4021 to find Mike.5.My parents are at home.6.his friends7.Lilei"s keys are on the dresser.8.Is her notebook on the shelf?9.We watch TV every day.10.They have many sports clubs.11.That sounds interesting.12.Do they have exercise at school?13.have many sports collections14.Can you answer this questiongs?15.The others are also in the room.16.Do you have the student list of your class?17.Conversation one is very interesting.18.Please take these video tapes to your room.19.We need health food.20.She likes bananas,but I do not.21.I like red,white and black sweaters.22.Our English speech contest is on the Octorber 20th.23.I think the hisory is boring.24.Which actor do you like best?25.Can your cousin speak a little Chinese?
2023-06-28 16:46:216

what 可不可以引导定语从句~

不可以 定语从句 一、定语从句(一): 1.定语从句的概念: 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句. 2.先行词: 被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词. 3.关系词: 引导定语从句的连词叫关系词.如that、which、who、whom、whose、where、when等. 4.由that、which、who、whom、whose引导的定语从句. 关系词 指代 在定语从句中的作用 that 既指人也指物 作主语、宾语 which 指物 作主语、宾语 who 指人 作主语 whom 指人 作宾语 whose 既指人也指物 作定语 二、定语从句(二) 1.先行词是物时,一般情况既可用that也可用which.但下列情况下,只能用that不用which. 1).当先行词为指物的不定代词,如all、everything、something、anything、nothing、none、the one等时,只能用that. There is nothing ______ I can do for you . 2).当先行词被the only、the very 、the last、all、no、little等词修饰时,只能用that. This is the very book ______ I"m looking for . 3).先行词被序数词修饰时,只能用that . This is the first nextbook ______ I studied in the middle school . 4).先行词为最高级或被最高级修饰时,只能用that. This is the most beautiful mountain ______ I have ever seen .= I have _____ seen _____ a beautiful mountian . 5).先行词既有人也有物时,只能that . He told us many interesting things and persons _______ we had . 2.先行词是物时,一般情况既可用that也可用which.但下列情况下,只能用which不用that. 1).关系代词前有介词时,关系词只能用which . This is the building in ______ he lives . 2).先行词本身是that时,关系词只能用which . The clock is that _____ tells the time . 3).引导非限定性的定语从句(先行词是物且先行词与关系词用逗号隔开),关系词用which. His book ,______ was lost last week ,has been found now. 3.先行词是人时,一般情况下既可用who 也可用that .但以下情况下,只能用who. 1).当先行词为those、one、ones、anyone且作主语时,一般用who . Those ______ are singing are all my classmates . 2).在there be 句型中,先行词指人时,只能用who.指物时用that. There is a girl ______ expects to see you . 3).当先行词是I、you、he、they等时,只能用who . He ______ plays with fire gets burned . 三、定语从句(三). 由关系副词when、where、why引导的定语从句. where = in / at +which when = in / on / at +which why = for + which 1.由where引导的定语从句. 1).先行词是表示地点的名词 2).在定语从句中作地点状语 Is this the house ______ you lived = Is this the house _____ _____ you lived = Is this the house _____ you lived in 2.由when引导的定语从句. 1).先行词是表示时间的名词 2).在定语从句中作时间状语 I will never forget the days ______ I met him .= I will never forget the days ____ ____ I met him. 注:先行词是the last time 时,when 可省略. When was the last time you saw the parrot 3.由why引导的定语从句. 先行词为reason 时,一般用why .why在句中作原因状语. We don"t know the reason ______ they didn"t come . 四、注意事项: 1.关系词在定语从句中作宾语时,常可省略. The story _____ he told was very popular . A.who B.whom C.whose D./ 2.that、who、which在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句的谓语动词应与先行词保持一致. I loves singers who _______(write) their own songs . She is one of the girls who ______(study) hard . 3.在定语从句中不能出现代替先行词的人称代词. Will you please show me the book ______ yesterday? A.which you bought B.that you bought it bought bought it 4.定语从句中whose 的确定: 无论先行词是人或物,在定语从句中做定语用whose. 判断:看定语从句的主语前有无限定词(my、your、Jim"s等),若没有,则用whose . The girl _____ parents work in Beijing is Kate . A.who B.whose C.which D.that I know the boy .His handwriting is very good .= I know the boy ____ handwriting is very good. 五、定语从句的简化 把定语从句简化为形容词短语、过去分词短语、介词短语、现在分词短语. 1.She reveived a box which was full of presents . She reveived a box _____ _____ presents . 2.He likes reading books that was written by Luxun. He likes reading booking _____ ____ Luxun . 3.I like Chinese tea which has nothing in it .
2023-06-28 16:46:431


2023-06-28 16:46:511


2023-06-28 16:47:002


一般 ,不过具体我不知道
2023-06-28 16:47:193


建议购买搭载了第六代智能英特尔酷睿处理器的产品,打破悖论,小身材大能量,澎湃性能毋庸置疑,改进的睿频加速技术,睿频幅度突破记录,可瞬间爆发计算性能的同时保持一流的系统功耗优化和散热管理,真正静若处子,动若脱兔。整体CPU速度提升高达50%,3D图形性能提升47%, 多媒体影音处理速度提升高达82%,锋锐轻盈,重磅性能,集大成于一身,比如:Acer 暗影骑士2 VN7-592G Core i7-6700HQ Windows10Dell Ins15MR-7748S I7 SKL-U 15" Window 10HP Pavilion Gamin WASD i5/i7 Skylake 15.6" windows10
2023-06-28 16:47:262


2023-06-28 16:47:331

易方nextbook p8se怎么root?安卓4.0的系统。用哪一款ROOT软件最简单、快捷?

2023-06-28 16:47:483


2023-06-28 16:47:596

易方 Nextbook P7se 8G 7寸平板电脑 怎样下载

易方Nextbook P7se 8G平板电脑怎样下载。。。。。你是想下载软件、游戏、电影还是图片?如果想下载软件、游戏可以去午午平板网,想下载电影的话可以在百度视频频道下载,想下载图片的话可以在百度图片频道下载
2023-06-28 16:48:142

易方nextbook m89可以玩火影忍者ol(腾讯网页游戏)吗?

2023-06-28 16:48:211


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2023-06-28 16:48:351

C语言 帮忙设计个小程序 我有多少分给你多少分!

#include<stdlib.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<iostream.h>typedef struct BookInfo /////图书结构{ int b_Code; ////图书编号 char b_Name[20]; /////名称 int b_Total; /////总数 int b_Out; ///借出数 BookInfo* nextbook; //////下一类图书}BookInfo;typedef struct MemberInfo ///会员结构{ long m_Code; /////会员编号 char m_Name[20]; ////会员名字 int l_Codes[6]; /////以借书的编号,最多5 MemberInfo* nextmember; ////下一会员}MemberInfo;typedef struct System ///管理系统结构{ BookInfo* BI; MemberInfo* MI; int BookTotal; ////图书类库存量 int MemberTota; /////会员数量}System;System* InitSystem();/////void AddBook(System*);////增加图书BookInfo* SearchBook(System*,int);////查询图书信息void DelBook(System*);/////删除图书void BrrowBook(System*);///////借书处理void TurnBackBook(System*);////还书处理void AddMember(System*);/////添加会员void DelMember(System*);////删除会员MemberInfo* SearchMember(System*,int);/////查询会员信息void StoreData(System*);void LoadData(System*);void ExitSystem();void main(){ System* S=InitSystem(); int sel; do { cout<<" 图书管理系统"<<endl; cout<<" ******************************"<<endl; cout<<" ******************************"<<endl; cout<<" 1.增加图书. 2.查询图书. 3.删除图书. 4.借书处理. 5.还书处理. 6.添加会员. 7.删除会员. 8.查询会员. 9.载入数据. 10.保存数据. 11.退出程序. "; cout<<" ******************************"<<endl; cout<<" ******************************"<<endl; cout<<"请选择:"; do { cin>>sel; if (sel>=1&&sel<=11)break; cout<<"选择错误! 重新输入:"<<endl; } while (1); switch (sel) { case 1: AddBook(S); break; case 2: SearchBook(S,-1); break; case 3: DelBook(S); break; case 4: BrrowBook(S);; break; case 5: TurnBackBook(S); break; case 6: AddMember(S); break; case 7: DelMember(S); break; case 8: SearchMember(S,-1); break; case 9: LoadData(S); break; case 10: StoreData(S); break; default: ExitSystem(); } } while (1);}System* InitSystem(){ System* S=(System*)malloc(sizeof(System)); S->BI=(BookInfo*)malloc(sizeof(BookInfo)); S->BookTotal=0; S->BI->nextbook=NULL; S->MI=(MemberInfo*)malloc(sizeof(MemberInfo)); S->MemberTota=0; S->MI->nextmember=NULL; return S;}void AddBook(System* S){ int Tempcode; char sel; BookInfo* p=S->BI; BookInfo* t; BookInfo* m; int num; do { cout<<"输入图书编号:"; cin>>Tempcode; if (m=SearchBook(S,Tempcode)) { cout<<"这类书以有库存. 输入图书的入库量:"<<endl; cin>>num; m->b_Total+=num; } else { t=(BookInfo*)malloc(sizeof(BookInfo)); t->b_Code=Tempcode; cout<<"输入图书的名称:"; cin>>t->b_Name; cout<<"输入图书的入库量:"; cin>>t->b_Total; t->b_Out=0; t->nextbook=p->nextbook; p->nextbook=t; S->BookTotal++; } cout<<"添加完毕!"<<endl; cout<<"还要添加吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if (sel=="n"||sel=="N") { cout<<"结束添加"<<endl; return; } } while (1);}BookInfo* SearchBook(System* S,int code){ BookInfo* bi=S->BI->nextbook; int bookcode; if (code==-1) { cout<<"请输入要查询的图书编号:"; cin>>bookcode; } else bookcode=code; while (bi&&bi->b_Code!=bookcode)bi=bi->nextbook; if (code==-1) { if (!bi)cout<<"没找到你所要的图书."<<endl; else { cout<<"图书编号为:"<<bi->b_Code<<endl; cout<<"图书名称为:"<<bi->b_Name<<endl; cout<<"图书库存量为:"<<bi->b_Total<<endl; cout<<"图书借出量为:"<<bi->b_Out<<endl; } } return bi;}void DelBook(System* S){ BookInfo* bi; BookInfo* pl=S->BI; MemberInfo* memi; char sel; int tempcode; int i; do { pl=S->BI; bi=pl->nextbook; memi=S->MI->nextmember; cout<<"请输入要删除的图书的编号:"; cin>>tempcode; while (bi) { if (bi->b_Code==tempcode)break; pl=bi; bi=bi->nextbook; } if (bi==0)cout<<"没有找到要删除的图书"<<endl; else { pl->nextbook=bi->nextbook; S->BookTotal--; while (memi) { for (i=1;i<=memi->l_Codes[0];i++) { if (memi->l_Codes[i]==tempcode)break; } if (i<=memi->l_Codes[0]) { for (;i<memi->l_Codes[0];i++)memi->l_Codes[i]=memi->l_Codes[i+1]; memi->l_Codes[0]--; } memi=memi->nextmember; } free(bi); } cout<<"还有图书要删除吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if (sel=="N"||sel=="n") { cout<<"删除图书结束"<<endl; return; } } while (1);}void BrrowBook(System* S){ BookInfo* bi=S->BI->nextbook; BookInfo* p; char sel; int memcode; MemberInfo* mp; int tempcode; do { cout<<"输入要借出的书号:"; cin>>tempcode; p=SearchBook(S,tempcode); if (!p) { cout<<"没有找到要借出的图书."<<endl; } else { cout<<"此书的现存量为"<<(p->b_Total-p->b_Out)<<endl; if (!(p->b_Total-p->b_Out))cout<<"没有足够的书了,外借失败."<<endl; else { cout<<"请输入会员编号:"; cin>>memcode; mp=SearchMember(S,memcode); if (!mp)cout<<"会员编号输入错误,外借失败"<<endl; else { if (mp->l_Codes[0]==5)cout<<"借书量不能超过5本"; else { p->b_Out++; mp->l_Codes[++mp->l_Codes[0]]>=tempcode; cout<<"外借成功."<<endl; } } } } cout<<" 还有图书要借出吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if (sel=="N"||sel=="n") { cout<<"外借操作结束."<<endl; return; } } while (1);}void TurnBackBook(System* S){ BookInfo* bi=S->BI->nextbook; BookInfo* p; MemberInfo* mp; int membercode; int tempcode; int i; char sel; do { cout<<"输入归还书号:"; cin>>tempcode; p=SearchBook(S,tempcode); if (!p) { cout<<"书号输入错误."<<endl; } else { cout<<"此书的现存量为"<<(p->b_Total-p->b_Out)<<endl; cout<<"请输入会员编号:"; cin>>membercode; if (!(mp=SearchMember(S,membercode)))cout<<"会员编号输入错误,归还失败"<<endl; else { p->b_Out--; for (i=1;i<=mp->l_Codes[0];i++) { if (mp->l_Codes[i]==tempcode)break; } while (i<mp->l_Codes[0]) { mp->l_Codes[i]=mp->l_Codes[i+1]; i++; } mp->l_Codes[0]--; cout<<"归还成功."<<endl; } } cout<<"还有要归还的图书吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if (sel=="N"||sel=="n") { cout<<"归还结束."<<endl; return; } } while (1);}void AddMember(System* S){ int Tempcode; char sel; MemberInfo* p=S->MI; MemberInfo* t; do { cout<<"输入会员编号:"; cin>>Tempcode; t=(MemberInfo*)malloc(sizeof(MemberInfo)); t->m_Code=Tempcode; cout<<"输入会员姓名:"; cin>>t->m_Name; t->l_Codes[0]=0; t->nextmember=p->nextmember; p->nextmember=t; S->MemberTota++; cout<<"添加完毕!"<<endl; cout<<"还要添加吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if (sel=="n"||sel=="N") { cout<<"结束添加"<<endl; return; } } while (1);}MemberInfo* SearchMember(System* S,int code){ MemberInfo* bi=S->MI->nextmember; int membercode; int i; if (code==-1) { cout<<"请输入要查询的会员编号:"; cin>>membercode; } else membercode=code; while (bi&&bi->m_Code!=membercode)bi=bi->nextmember; if (code==-1) { if (!bi)cout<<"没找到指定会员."<<endl; else { cout<<"会员编号为:"<<bi->m_Code<<endl; cout<<"名称为:"<<bi->m_Name<<endl; cout<<"已借的图书有:"<<bi->l_Codes[0]<<"本."<<endl; for (i=1;i<=bi->l_Codes[0];i++) cout<<bi->l_Codes[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } } return bi;}void DelMember(System* S){ MemberInfo* bi; MemberInfo* pl; BookInfo* book; char sel; int i; int tempcode; do { bi=S->MI->nextmember; pl=S->MI; cout<<"请输入要删除的会员的编号:"; cin>>tempcode; while (bi) { if (bi->m_Code==tempcode)break; pl=bi; bi=bi->nextmember; } if (!bi)cout<<"没有找到要删除的会员编号."; else { pl->nextmember=bi->nextmember; S->MemberTota--; for (i=1;i<=bi->l_Codes[0];i++) { if (!(book=SearchBook(S,bi->l_Codes[i]))) { cout<<"删除会员出错!"<<endl; } else { book->b_Out--; book->b_Total--; } } free(bi); } cout<<"还有会员要删除吗?(Y/N)"; cin>>sel; if (sel=="N"||sel=="n") { cout<<"删除会员结束"<<endl; return; } } while (1);}void StoreData(System* S){ FILE* fp; BookInfo* bi=S->BI->nextbook; if (!(fp=fopen("BookSys","wb"))) { cout<<"打开文件BookSys失败!"<<endl; exit(0); } fwrite(&(S->BookTotal),sizeof(int),1,fp); while (bi) { fwrite(bi,sizeof(BookInfo),1,fp); bi=bi->nextbook; } MemberInfo* mi=S->MI->nextmember; fwrite(&(S->MemberTota),sizeof(int),1,fp); while (mi) { fwrite(mi,sizeof(MemberInfo),1,fp); mi=mi->nextmember; } fclose(fp);}void LoadData(System* S){ FILE* fp; if (!(fp=fopen("BookSys","rb"))) { cout<<"打开文件BookSys失败"<<endl; exit(0); } BookInfo* bi=S->BI; BookInfo* tempbi; fread(&(S->BookTotal),sizeof(int),1,fp); for (int i=1;i<=S->BookTotal;i++) { tempbi=(BookInfo*)malloc(sizeof(BookInfo));
2023-06-28 16:48:561


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2023-06-28 16:49:132


以下3篇,您选一篇,希望对您有帮助:【梦想和未来】  这是一个老话题,中考常考,难度较小。  1.我的梦想是当一名医生(mydreamisdoctor)  iamanordinaryperson,ihaveanordinarydream:tobeadoctor.becausedoctormaylettheseexperiencepersonallythehumanwhichtheindispositionsufferstogetridofthepain.mayletthehumanchangethehealth.atthesametime,ibelievedthat,willhelpothers,ownalsotobeabletoobtainjoyfully.therefore,ihopedfutureimightbeadoctor.  2.以后十年内我的生活(mylifeintenyears)  intenyears,ithinki"llbeareporter.iwiilliveinanapartementwithmysister.becauseidon"tlikelivingalone.andicanplaywithherinthaparement.sointenyears,iwillbaagoodreporter.iwillmeetalotofinterestingandfaouspeopleandiwillgotoanotherplacesonbusiness.intenyears,iwillhavemanydifferentpets.maybeiwillkeepapetturtle.ithinkiwillgoshoppingwithmysisteraslongasihavetime.andiwillgotolondononmyvacation.  so,mylifeintenyearswillbebetterandbetter!  3.新学期的打算(theplanforthenewterm)  anothernewtermcomesagain,soishouldhaveastudyplantopromotmyself.  firstly,idescidetofinishmyhomeworkmorecarefullythanbefore.andpaymoreattentiontotheknowledgewhichididn"tknowitclearly.  secondly,iwilldoalotofreadingtowidentherangeofmyknowledge,andtrytocombinethoerytopractice.  finally,iwilllearntoadjusttobemorepositiveandmorehelpful.  that"swhatiplanttodoinanewterm.
2023-06-28 16:49:231

易方nextbook p8这个平板电脑怎么样

2023-06-28 16:49:431

易如 nextbook 用什么软件连接电脑

2023-06-28 16:49:501


2023-06-28 16:49:571

易方nextbook8 mini刷机包下载

2023-06-28 16:50:061

what do chinese college graduates

What do Chinese college graduates have in common with ants? The recent 36 Ant Tribes about the life of some young people 37 flock (群集)to Beijing after 38 university, describes the graduates as ants, smart but 39 as individuals, living together in communities.The book, which 40 two years of interviews with about 600 low-income college graduates in Beijing, 41 in mid-September, about a month ahead of an announcement by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security that 74% of the 6.11 million new graduates from universities and colleges had been 42 by Sept.1.The book"s chief editor, Lian Sir, says that the piece of statistic says 43 about the real situation for many of these graduates. “I am always 44 how many of these employed college graduates are leading a happy life,” Lian said. “I hope this book could offer a window on these graduates, whose stories are 45 known.”The setting of the book is several so-called “settlement villages for college students” in the outskirts (市郊) of Beijing, where 46 college graduates 47 . Most of these graduates work for 48 or medium-sized(中型的) businesses, 49 less than 2,000 Yuan a month. They live together because it"s 50 : The rent in these communities is only around 350 Yuan a month. Many of them travel several hours a day for short-term jobs or job interviews.Tangjialing, a small 51 20 kilometers from Tian"anmen Square, has around 3,000 52 villagers, but has become a 53 for more than 50,000 migrants (移民), most of whom 54 from universities or colleges all over the country. The students live in the five or six-storey buildings built by local farmers with 12 rooms on each floor and two or three people crammed (挤)together in each room of about 10 square meters.Up to 70 or 80 people 55 the same toilet and kitchen.36. A. film B. story C. book D. magazine37. A. what B. who C. which D. why38. A. leaving B. entering C. visiting D. enjoying39. A. necessary B. meaningless C. important D. strong40. A. is determined by B. is set in C. is based on D. is taken from41. A. came up B. came on C. came along D. came out42. A. fired B. interviewed C. employed D. trained43. A. much B. little C. some D. more44. A. wondering B. researching C. searching D. telling45. A. seldom B. well C. always D. often46. A. few B. a small number of C. a few D. a large number of47. A. work B. go C. relax D. live48. A. small B. big C. famous D. unknown49. A. thinking B. earning C. shopping D. paying50. A. expensive B. comfortable C. cheap D. convenient51. A. city B. town C. community D. village52. A. original B. young C. rich D. poor53. A. school B. home C. hotel D. company54. A. come B. differ C. graduate D. suffer55. A. clean B. build C. live D. share36---40 CBABC 41---45 DCBAA 46---50 DDABC 51---55 DABCD
2023-06-28 16:50:162


这一行改为If Right(fileName, 5) = ".xlsx" Then
2023-06-28 16:50:231

我的平板电脑7寸 NEXTBOOK 在易方数码买的 内外屏碎了 换个得多少钱

500左右 售后换一个就行了
2023-06-28 16:50:411


2023-06-28 16:50:512

我的棒球在床底下的地板上,用英语怎么说? 请把这些东西带给你妹妹,用英语怎么说?

Could you please bring the things to school?I want my cap, notebook and a pen, please.
2023-06-28 16:50:582


2023-06-28 16:51:053


2023-06-28 16:46:381


Markus : 马库斯 Stefan : 斯特凡 Florian: 弗洛里 Kathie : 凯茜 Steffi : 格拉芙 Sabina : 桧柏 Sandra : 桑德拉 Helga : 海尔加 应该是这些
2023-06-28 16:46:394


2023-06-28 16:46:411


2023-06-28 16:46:432


F1?没有教练,有车队总监,车队技术顾问,竞赛部主任等等......很大的团队。F1车手需要“教练”吗?所有的体育运动都有教练,似乎只有F1例外。在前F1世界冠军斯图沃特看来,F1的这个“特例”是时间被打破了——这样才能避免刘易斯-汉密尔顿在加拿大站犯的“失误”。 北京时间7月1日,在伦敦威廉姆斯车队某赞助商的早餐会上,斯图沃特“针对”性地提到到,“也许F1的一大弱点就是缺乏必要的培训。这是我能想到的惟一一项没有教练的运动项目——看看现在正在进行的温布尔登,球员的教练从来不会离开他们的左右,显然这对于球员的发挥和信心至关重要。我们有足球教练、橄榄球教练,板球教练,甚至高尔夫教练。” “泰格-伍兹从来不会离开他的教练10米以外,在这期间总会听到这样的询问:太快?太快?正确的肌肉摆幅?但是我们的赛车手却说他们不需要任何帮助!即便有时候你提醒他们觉得会对他们有益时,他们却固执己见。我不能理解。似乎一旦他们进入了F1,就不再需要任何的帮助,并且置疑这种善意的提醒会起到任何作用。” 斯图沃特这番略显“激烈”的言辞,主要是针对日前汉密尔顿在接受《每日邮报》采访时称他不需要“老车手”提供的建议,当时汉密尔顿说道,“只有我才是身临其境,其他人没有办法做到同样的设身处地。我惟一信任的顾问是我的父亲(安东尼)。他是一位伟大的父亲,他总是告诉我正确的事情。在我全部的职业生涯都是他在指引我。所以如果我有问题,我会选择问他。我有足够的能力来分析他的建议,做出自己的决定。当然如果我和达蒙(希尔)或者杰克(斯图沃特)有所交流的话,我会听听他们说的,但是我不会主动去寻求他们的帮助,甚至希望他们告诉我如何成为一个世界冠军。我只需要自己的力量。” 不过在斯图沃特看来,在蒙特利尔发生的维修区出口“追尾”事故已经证明汉密尔顿,包括罗斯伯格以及他们的车队需要一个教练来指导他们在比赛中的沟通,“我觉得最重要也是最大的问题是沟通,很显然现在他们没有足够的沟通。我们的年轻车手总是在比赛中有太多的干扰,听不到车队的信息:‘维修区关闭,红灯亮了"。” “当时的情况,刘易斯(汉密尔顿)有9秒的优势,尼科(罗斯伯格)的赛车非常有竞争力,有希望挑战领奖台。但是出动安全车之后,可能一切优势就化为乌有,车手当然会沮丧或者懊恼,这难道不会影响到他们的思考吗?显然会。他们进站的时候情绪就受到了影响。这种时候,‘教练"的角色更像是一个心理疏导的作用。你可以帮助他们冷静下来,比如不断地重复。指责刘易斯、指责尼科其实都是不对的,车队应当在当时的情况下清楚地提醒他们关注维修区的情况,并没有必要高速带出。维修区已经关了。他们都没有足够的心理状态重新加入比赛。” 斯图沃特认为即便像阿亚顿-塞纳这样伟大的车手,也曾经受益于他的前辈——他相信在同阿兰-普罗斯特搭档作为队友的时候,塞纳从中受益良多。不过值得一提的是,他认为F1车手教练的最佳人选并不是退役车手,而是富有经验的车队工程师——比如前F1车队技术总监加里-安德森。(
2023-06-28 16:46:472


美特斯邦威集团上海公司 x0dx0a地址: 上海市南汇区康桥东路800号x0dx0a邮编: 201319x0dx0a电话: (021) 38119999、38119998x0dx0a市场拓展部:(021)38119999-8762x0dx0a行政部:(021)38119999-8000x0dx0a人力资源部:(021)38119999-8180x0dx0a传真: (021) 38119996、38119997x0dx0a消费者热线:8008200790x0dx0avip热线:(021)38119999-8888x0dx0avip邮箱
2023-06-28 16:46:371


“美特斯·邦威”是上海美特斯邦威服饰股份有限公司于1995年自主创立的本土休闲服品牌。目标消费者是16~25岁活力和时尚的年轻人群。品牌致力于打造“一个年轻活力的领导品牌,流行时尚的产品,大众化的价格”,倡导青春活力和个性时尚的品牌形象,带给广大消费者富有活力个性时尚的休闲服饰。 美特斯邦威2008年11月,由于金融危机,美特斯·邦威正式收购流行服装衣之纯品牌,主要销往海外日韩地区。   “LEIMAI”前身为雷迈服饰有限公司主打系列服装,由于金融危机,于2008年9月被美特斯·邦威收购,正式成为美特斯·邦威旗下品牌系列,该系列主要销往亚洲东南亚地区,如日本、韩国、印度、马来西亚等地,采用了先进的工艺面料PIT技术,极大限度的节约了成本,性价比较高,已成为当前日、韩女性深受喜爱的品牌系列服装。   2009年中国主要女装外贸品牌“伊念”,与“美特斯·邦威”融资合作,“美特斯·邦威”为其代工生产,生产技术由“美特斯·邦威”负责支持,面料工艺由伊念承担,2010年“美特斯·邦威”为了抓紧与伊念的合作,再次引进美国高PIT科技面料工艺技术,将做工艺术技术再提高一个级别。2011年6月,“美特斯·邦威”与“伊念”正式合并,伊念服装品牌主要销往东亚地区。
2023-06-28 16:46:173

グリーン99アイズ ―姉キュン,より有多少集

2023-06-28 16:46:131

CentOS 7 中firewall-cmd命令

如果你的系统上没有安装使用命令安装 安装firewalld 防火墙 yum install firewalld 开启服务 systemctl start firewalld.service 关闭防火墙 systemctl stop firewalld.service 开机自动启动 systemctl enable firewalld.service 关闭开机制动启动 systemctl disable firewalld.service 查看状态 firewall-cmd --state //running 表示运行 获取活动的区域 firewall-cmd --get-active-zones 这条命令将用以下格式输出每个区域所含接口: <zone1>: <interface1> <interface2> ..<zone2>: <interface3> .. 获取所有支持的服务 firewall-cmd --get-service 在不改变状态的条件下重新加载防火墙: firewall-cmd --reload 启用某个服务 开启某个端口 使用命令加载设置 firewall-cmd --reload 查看开启的端口和服务 设置某个ip 访问某个服务 删除上面设置的规则 检查设定是否生效 执行命令 firewall-cmd --list-all 显示: 查询服务的启动状态 自行加入要开放的 Port
2023-06-28 16:46:091