barriers / 阅读 / 详情

she told me to relax and had good rest语句有错吗?

2023-06-28 19:37:36
TAG: est lax




told后加不定式,也就是to do,所以relax和had都应该用原型



我认为应该是have a rest


Lesson 15

A(Possible completions)

He says he"s phoning from a public call box at Frinton Station.

He says he"s glad he always carries enough money for phone calls.

He says he"s just arrived at Frinton Station from Scotland.

He said that he couldn"t get home.He said he had run out of money.He said he had spent all his money while he was on holiday and that he only had enough for that telephone call.He said he couldn"t walk home from there and hoped that dad could fick him up in the car.


1 said 2 said 3 told 4 said 5 told 6 told 7 said


2 He said that he lived in a small village.

3 She told us that Mr.Green had just arrived.

4 He said that he had promised the workers a rise last month.

5 He told me that he would be there very soon.

6 She said that she could use a computer.

7 She told us that us that the children had gone to the cinema.

8 He said that he always started work at 8 o"clock.

D(A possible answer)

I asked the boss for a rise the orher day.I told him that the cost of living was very high.I said I had to support a wife and family and could not live on my salary.The boss told me that business was very bad,but to me surprise he offered me a big rise in salary.

Lesson 8

The best and the worst 最好的和最差的

A .The comparison of adjectives

Complete the table. 完成以下表格。






the best



the worst



the most



the least



the biggest


more interesting

the most interesting

B Superlative adjectives

Write sentences using the words given. 用所给的词造句。

1. The Nile/long river/the world

The Nile is the longest river in the world.

2. The Nile/long/the Yangtze

The Nile is longer than Yangtze.

3. The Temple of Heaven/one of/beautiful buildings/the world

The Temple of Heaven is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

4. The Antarctic /cold place/on earth

The Antarctic is the coldest place on earth.

5. A frog/South America/poisonous animal/on earth

A frog in South America is the most poisonous animal on earth.

C Everything, everyone, everybody and everywhere

Fill the blanks in these sentences with one of the words. 填空。

1. Everyone in our class has entered for the ‘Neatest Handwriting" competition.

2. I know everybody who lives in our short street.

3. She has made some cakes and sandwiches and now everything is ready for the party.

4. We"ve looked everywhere for her, but we can"t find her.

D situations

1. You are buying a coat in a shop. Ask if you can see something cheaper.

Can I see something cheaper?

2. I am thirsty. Ask me if I would like a glass of water.

Would you like a glass of water?

3. You are on the phone. Ask if you can speak to Mr. Scott.

Can I speak to Mr. Scott, please?

5. It"s very hot today. Make an exclamation about the weather.

What a terrible day!

E. Comprehension.

Read this story. Then choose the correct answers below. Put a ring round a, b or c.阅读故事,然后圈出正确答案。

Jane and Caroline

Jane and Caroline were school friends. Caroline was tall and very beautiful, and Jane was short and pretty. Caroline was very intelligent, too, and was often first in the exams. Jane was usually fifth or sixth in exams. Caroline"s handwriting was excellent. Jane"s handwriting was good, but not excellent.

When they left school, Jane and Caroline both applied for a job in a local office. The advertisement said: “Wanted: Young secretary for busy office. Must be intelligent and polite, and have good handwriting." They both went for and interview.

In the interview, Caroline answered all the questions and showed she was very intelligent. In her interview, Jane answered all the questions and was very polite. She got the job.

‘Sometimes," the office manager said, ‘politeness is more important than intelligence."

1 Which is true? C 标准答案是b 我觉得有争议

(a) Jane was more beautiful than Caroline.

(b) Caroline was more beautiful than Jane.

(c) Jane and Caroline were both very beautiful.

2 What did they do when they left school? B

(a) They worked in a local office.

(b) They applied for the same job.

(c) They wrote an advertisement.

3 what happened in the interviews? A

(a) They both answered all the questions.

(b) They both showed they were very intelligent.

(c) They both showed how polite they were.

4 Jane got the job because__________. C

(a) she was more intelligent than Caroline

(b) her handwriting was better than Caroline"s

(c) she was more polite than Caroline.

Lesson 9.

A cold welcome 冷遇

A. Prepositions of time

1(In) summer we usually go to the seaside. We began going there 2(in) 1985 when I was still a small boy, and now we go every year. We have to book early because the hotels are always full 3(in) July and August, 4(during) the school holidays.

We always follow the same routine every day. 5(In) the mornings, we get up 6(at) 8 o"clock. Then we have breakfast 7(at) 9:00. We spend three hours – 8(from) about 9.30 9(till) about 12.30-at the beach. 10(At) 12.30 we go back to the hotel and rest 11(in) the afternoon. 12(In) the evenings, we usually go out.

This year we"re going to the seaside 13(on) August 5th and we will be away 14(in) September. We will return home 15(on) Friday, September 7th. At the moment, we are still 16(in) January, so it is about six months before the holidays arrive! I can"t wait!

B. Special difficulties

Rewrite these sentences. 改写以下句子。

1. There is no sugar in my tea.

2. I haven"t been anywhere today.

3. The children have got nothing to do this afternoon.

4. I met no one I know in the town this morning.

5. There wasn"t anybody left in the office at 7 o"clock.

6. She goes nowhere and does nothing!

Answer: 1.There isn"t any sugar in my tea.

2. I"ve been nowhere today.

3. The children haven"t (got) anything to do this afternoon.

4. I didn"t meet anyone I know in the town this morning.

5. There was nobody left in the office at 7o"clock.

6. She doesn"t ever go anywhere or do anything!

C. Prepositions of time

Put these words in the correct columns under in, at or on. 按照正确的介词搭配将下列词组填入表内。

9 o"clock, April, 1995, the summer, Monday, January, 13th March, night, the evening, the moment, the morning, Sunday, February, the autumn, 6 months" time, New Year"s Eve, 10.30, 1st September




The evening

9 o"clock


13th March



The morning

The moment


New Year"s Eve

1st September

The summer



The autumn

6 months" time

Now fill the blanks in these questions with the correct prepositions – and answer them with true facts about yourself.用正确的介词填空,然后根据自己的真实情况回答下列问题。

1. What are you doing at the moment? I have a rest.

2. Where will you be in August? I"m in my horse.

3. Will you be at home on Saturday? Yes, I will.

4. Were you born in 1985? Yes, I was.

5. What do you usually do in the evening? I"m do homework.

6. What do you do on New Year"s Eve? I"m watching TV.

B. A postcard

Situation: You are on holiday at the seaside. Write a postcard to a friend. Make sentences with the words on the left.情景:你正在海边度假。用所给的词语给朋友写一张明信片。

arrived Friday

staying-my aunt"s

her house-not far from sea

every morning-get up-8

then- to the beach

swim-all morning

12-back to my aunt"s

cooks a lot of food-lunch

have a large lunch-sleep all afternoon


enjoying ourselves


I arrived here on Friday. I am staying at my aunt"s. Her house is not far from the sea. Every morning I get up at 8 o"clock. Then I go to the beach. I swim all morning. At 12 o"clock I go back to my aunt"s. She cooks a lot of food for lunch. I have a large lunch and sleep all afternoon. In the evening I walk into the town with some friends. We are enjoying ourselves.

Lesson 10

not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐

A. The passive: the simple present and the simple past

Write in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.用括号中动词的正确形式填空。


I"ve just bought a parrot from a pet shop. Polly was taught (1 teach/taught) to speak English by a sailor when he was young. I never know what Polly is going to say. If I say ‘Hullo, Polly," he sometimes answers, ‘Why am I kept (2 keep/kept) here? My heart is broken (3 break/broke/broken)."

Recently, Polly was heard (4 hear/heard) to cry, ‘I was sold (5 sell/sold) for a penny! I was brought (6 bring/brought) to this awful place!" Polly"s cries were heard (7 hear/heard) by my neighbor, Mrs. Gamp. I asked her to meet Polly.

‘Poor Polly," Mrs. Gamp said. ‘Why is your heart broken (8 break/ broke/broken)?"

‘It"s none of your business," Polly said. ‘This is a private conversation."

B. The passive

Rewrite these sentences making the word or words underlined the subject of the sentence.改写以下句子,把有下划线的词作为主语。

1. Someone made the piano in Germany. The piano was made in Germany by someone.

2. We keep it in the living room. It is kept in the living room.

3. Someone tunes it every six months. It is tuned every six months.

4. My mother bought it twenty-five years ago. It was bought twenty-five years ago(by my mother).

5. Some one damaged the piano recently. The piano was damaged recently.

6. They broke some of the keys. Some of the keys were broken.

7. A friend is now repairing the piano in the workshop. The piano is now being repaired in the workshop.

C. Phrasal verbs

Rewrite these sentences using it or them in place of the words in brackets.改写以下句子,用it或them来替代括号中的词组。

1. Take (your coat) off. Take it off.

2. Take off (your shoes). Take them off.

3. I gave a way (all my old clothes). I gave them all away.

4. Take care not to wake up (the children). Take care not to wake them up.

5. They have pulled (the old hotel) down. They have pulled it down.

C. Special difficulties: made in/from/of/by.

Fill in the blanks in these sentences with made in, made from, made of or made by. 填空。

1. This valuable violin was made in Italy in 1710.

2. It was made by a famous Italian violin-maker named Antonio Stradivari.

3. The violin was made of a special wood.

4. The strings of the violin are made from wire and other things.

D. Special difficulties

Rewrite this short paragraph using different phrases for the ones underlined. Look at the examples.参看例句,改写以下一小段话,用不同的词组来替代划线部分。

Last month one of my father"s friends sent me a letter. It was in answer to one of my letters. I sent mine from London, but his was from Hollywood. You see, he is now a famous film star, but he went to school with my father. I"m sure you"ve all seen one of his films.

Some of my friends are very envious and want to know if I have ever met him. I haven"t.

One day one of his letters will be very valuable. I think I"ll keep this one very carefully.


Last month a friend of my father"s sent me a letter. It was in answer to a letter of mine. I sent mine from London, but his was from Hollywood. You see, he is now a famous film star, but he went to school with my father. I"m sure you"ve all seen a film of his.

Some friends of mine are very envious and want to know if I have ever met him. I haven"t.

One day a letter of his will be very valuable. I think I"ll keep this one very carefully.


She Taught Me How To Yodel 歌词

歌曲名:She Taught Me How To Yodel歌手:Frank Ifield专辑:The Best Of The Emi YearsI went across to SwitzerlandWhere all the Yodellers beTo try to learn to yodelWith my yodel-oh-ee-deeI climbed a big high mountainOn a clear and sunny dayAnd met a yodellin" galUp in a little Swiss chaletShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-deeYodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-deeWell now I"m gonna teach youHow to yodel just like meIt"s easy when you"re singin"To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-deeFirst you take a deep breathThen it"s K.O. one, two, threeAnd then you"ll hear a yodelIf you listen close to meYeah, this is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeThis is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee
2023-06-28 18:35:451

《she taught me how to yodel》的中英翻译对照

2023-06-28 18:35:533

求She Taught me how to yodel-Yodel打败了我的歌词

I went across to SwitzerlandWhere all the Yodellers beTo try to learn to yodelWith my yodel-oh-ee-deeI climbed a big high mountainOn a clear and sunny dayAnd met a yodellin" galUp in a little Swiss chaletShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-deeYodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee[more yodelling]Well now I"m gonna teach youHow to yodel just like meIt"s easy when you"re singin"To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-deeFirst you take a deep breathThen it"s K.O. one, two, threeAnd then you"ll hear a yodelIf you listen close to meYeah, this is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeThis is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee不知道是不是这个 我只找到了这个
2023-06-28 18:36:001

金秀贤唱的She taught me how to yodel的韩文歌词是什么?要完整版的哦!

2023-06-28 18:36:072

黄金100秒里面的英文歌,高潮是you are my什么?

you are my destiny
2023-06-28 18:36:293

有谁知道《He Taught Me To Yodel>歌词的?

欧美音乐 美国乡村歌曲 country music 英文原 歌词 ( Lyrics ) I went across to Switzerland where all the Yodelers beTo try to learn to yodel and go yodel-ay-hee-deeI climbed a bighigh mountain on a clear and sunny dayAnd there I met a young yodeling guy up in a swiss chalethe taught me how to yodel-----(yodel)he taught me how to yodel-----(yodel)Then now I want to teach you all to yodel just like meIt"s easy while you"re singing to go yodel --ay--hee--deeFirst you take a deep breath, then you exhale one, two, threeAnd then you"ll hear the yodeling if you"ll listen close to meThis is how to yodel-----(yodel)This is how to yodel-----(yodel)yodel...中文歌词 Lyrics ,词译者:Oliver 我来到瑞士这满是yodel歌手的国度试着去学唱yodel,yodel-ay-hee-dee一个晴朗的日子我爬上高高的大山那里有个小伙子正在屋里唱着yodel他授我Yodel之道-----(yodel)他授我Yodel之道-----(yodel)现在我想教会你们同我一起yodel其实很简单,你只要这样yodel-ay-hee-dee 注:中文翻译(汉化)只显示10行,
2023-06-28 18:36:423


She Taught Me How To Yodel原唱:Frank Ifield歌词;I went across to SwitzerlandWhere all the Yodellers beTo try to learn to yodelWith my yodel-oh-ee-deeI climbed a big high mountainOn a clear and sunny dayAnd met a yodellin" galUp in a little Swiss chaletShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-deeYodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-deeWell now I"m gonna teach youHow to yodel just like meIt"s easy when you"re singin"To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-deeFirst you take a deep breathThen it"s K.O. one, two, threeAnd then you"ll hear a yodelIf you listen close to meYeah, this is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeThis is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee
2023-06-28 18:36:501

求《She taught me how to yodel》这个歌的地址

Ben Steneker She taught me how to yodel
2023-06-28 18:36:561

She taught me how to yodel 求中文 译音 歌词。

2023-06-28 18:37:032

有一首外国歌曲 歌词里老是什么 哟的咧依呜 是一首比较欢快的歌曲 欧美风情的那种 请问是什么歌?

2023-06-28 18:37:212


孤独的牧羊人 《Blue Yodel》Jimmie Rodgers 《I"ve Lost The End Of My Yodel》Charlie Drake Yodeling Cowgirls 《叫牛》 She taught me how to yodel-Ben Steneker 渡辺岳夫 -《阿尔卑斯山的少女海蒂》 01. おしえて 02. まっててごらん 03. ユキとわたし 04. アルムの子守呗 05. ペーターとわたし 06. 夕方の歌 07. アルムの子守呗(剧场版サイズ) 08. おしえて(オープニグTVサイズ) 09. BGMコレクション① 10. BGMコレクション② 11. 予告篇音楽 12. まっててごらん(エンディングTVサイズ) Kerry Christensen的约德尔演唱专辑《Hooked on Yodeling》 资源比较少,只能找到这些了
2023-06-28 18:37:291

she taught me how to yodel 这首歌,我想弄到空间去,但没有准确网站,谁有,给个准确的,先谢谢了, ifield&album=&appendix=&size=4全部拖黑再复制到地址栏
2023-06-28 18:37:361

请问哪可以找到she taught me how to yodel的伴奏啊???只找到了一个女声版的,抱歉。我再想办法找找,如果找到了再留言给你。
2023-06-28 18:37:431


五分熟 猫咪宝贝
2023-06-28 18:37:514

she taught him how to eat withchosticks,how是动词还是?

how是连词,这个结构叫作动词不定式的复合结构,特殊疑问词+to do
2023-06-28 18:37:593

求象‘She Taught Me How To Yodel ’Yodel 风格的歌曲能下载或者在线听的都成~

2023-06-28 18:38:171


the lonely goatherd
2023-06-28 18:38:253

She taught me how to yodel 伴奏 那个网址我下不下来 麻烦帮忙 邮箱
2023-06-28 18:38:321


根据句子意思填 to readShe taught her how to read and write.
2023-06-28 18:38:402

it is he who/that taught me how to play the piano对吗?时态不一致呀

2023-06-28 18:38:493

she asked me advice how to study english well

B advice for 后面加人也可加物 advice on后面只加事物具体的方面 而且on有关于的意思,一般加物用advice on比较好
2023-06-28 18:39:071

The most amazing thing was that she taught me to read my my mouth什么意思啊?

2023-06-28 18:39:143

连词成句:pictures taught to She draw me?

She taught me to draw pictures.她教我画画。给出的词中两个是动词,通过主语是she可判断处draw不是谓语,因为she是第三人称单数,其后的谓语动词不能是原形。
2023-06-28 18:39:212

I Love My ParentsI Love My Parents。They gave me life,they taught me a lot。They hug me warmly...

All of us have a special love .It "s from our parents .They gave us happiness at life .And they think us a lot . my mother always prepares delicious food for us .And she always give us a nice and clean house .at our life ,she help us a lot . my father is very kind for us .And he is very love us .if we make mistakes .he will tell us face it and teach us how to deal with the proplem .in a word ,we love each other in this happy family
2023-06-28 18:39:293

有首歌歌词有一句是tell me how to searching the good thing

Tell me why
2023-06-28 18:39:383

一.完成下列句子的改写。意思不能改变。 1.Can you tell me the way to King Street,please?

1 Can , how2 lost , way3 thoutht to4 donesn"t know too much about5 met greet warmly 都是同义短语替换 可参考【晨曦教育】资料。
2023-06-28 18:39:464

帮忙解释一下!Tell me how to operate the electronic computer,will you?

这是口语,使问话更婉转温和。如是正规文章,则用Magaret scarcely comes to visit you on Christmas Day,doesn"t she?
2023-06-28 18:39:533

Why are you so grateful to your neighbor? She told me how __ my classmates.求详解。

C不定式与疑问词连用。*****************************************************************************·May you be happy every day and make progress a lot !·祝天天开心,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!*****************************************************************************
2023-06-28 18:40:001

1 she explained to me ---personal computers let everyone explore their own ideas A that B how 答案B

选B,意思就是说:她向我解释了个人电脑是怎样给人们提供了表达自己观点的机会。也就是说,你对电脑这方面的知识没有,所以她给你解释了电脑这方面的运作机制,也是“怎么运作”,所以用how如果选A的话,那么,就是说用一个宾语从句讲一个事实,这样的话就不会是explained to me,而是told me。你体会一下看看能理解不 。2, 没听说过there be句型不能搭配have。3,all 的话就是代指前面列举的那些=all of them. everything的话就是泛指了,但是你并不是干什么事情都可以听音乐。洗澡的时候就不行- -。4,这不就是独立主格吗?主句是a bird fell on my head.于此同时伴随着一个动作,也就是我等车。但是等车的发出者是我,而落在我头上的发出者是鸟。分词的主语和主句的主语不一致,所以分词带上自己的逻辑主语:我。5,同上。6,选C,分词做状语的否定形式就是这么个顺序,not放前面
2023-06-28 18:40:201

She Taught Me How To Yodel 歌词

歌曲名:She Taught Me How To Yodel歌手:Frank Ifield专辑:Remembering The SixtiesI went across to SwitzerlandWhere all the Yodellers beTo try to learn to yodelWith my yodel-oh-ee-deeI climbed a big high mountainOn a clear and sunny dayAnd met a yodellin" galUp in a little Swiss chaletShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-deeYodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-deeWell now I"m gonna teach youHow to yodel just like meIt"s easy when you"re singin"To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-deeFirst you take a deep breathThen it"s K.O. one, two, threeAnd then you"ll hear a yodelIf you listen close to meYeah, this is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeThis is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee
2023-06-28 18:40:391

She Taught Me How To Yodel 歌词

歌曲名:She Taught Me How To Yodel歌手:Frank Ifield专辑:The Essential CollectionI went across to SwitzerlandWhere all the Yodellers beTo try to learn to yodelWith my yodel-oh-ee-deeI climbed a big high mountainOn a clear and sunny dayAnd met a yodellin" galUp in a little Swiss chaletShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-deeYodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-deeWell now I"m gonna teach youHow to yodel just like meIt"s easy when you"re singin"To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-deeFirst you take a deep breathThen it"s K.O. one, two, threeAnd then you"ll hear a yodelIf you listen close to meYeah, this is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeThis is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee
2023-06-28 18:40:461

She Taught Me How To Yodle 歌词

She taught me to yodel演唱:刘巍I went across to SwitzerlandWhere all the Yodellers beTo try to learn to yodelWith my yodel-oh-ee-deeI climbed a big high mountainOn a clear and sunny dayAnd met a yodellin" galUp in a little Swiss chaletShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeShe taught me to yodelYodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-deeYodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-deeWell now I"m gonna teach youHow to yodel just like meIt"s easy when you"re singin"To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-deeFirst you take a deep breathThen it"s K.O. one, two, threeAnd then you"ll hear a yodelIf you listen close to meYeah, this is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-deeThis is how to yodelYodel-oh-ee-deeDiddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee
2023-06-28 18:40:531

she taught me how to yodel 译音

2023-06-28 18:41:022

she taught me how to yodel

2023-06-28 18:41:081

求歌 这歌叫啥,到哪可以下载到?

She taught me how to yodel荷兰歌手Ben StenekerI went across to Switzerland Where all the Yodellers be To try to learn to yodel With my yodel-oh-ee-dee I climbed a big high mountain On a clear and sunny day And met a yodellin" gal Up in a little Swiss chalet She taught me to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee She taught me to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-dee Yodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee [more yodelling] Well now I"m gonna teach you How to yodel just like me It"s easy when you"re singin" To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-dee First you take a deep breath Then it"s K.O. one, two, three And then you"ll hear a yodel If you listen close to me Yeah, this is how to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee This is how to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee 百度mp3就可以下载。
2023-06-28 18:41:152

she taught me how to yodel kenny roberts

2023-06-28 18:41:221

找歌!!She taught me how to yode 音乐之声里面的~~

请点这个来下载MP3: mms:// 视听地址是 荷兰歌手Ben Steneker《She taught me how to yodel》 She taught me how to yodel ----------------------Ben Steneker I went across to Switzerland Where all the Yodellers be To try to learn to yodel With my yodel-oh-ee-dee I climbed a big high mountain On a clear and sunny day And met a yodellin" gal Up in a little Swiss chalet She taught me to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee She taught me to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-dee Yodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee [more yodelling] Well now I"m gonna teach you How to yodel just like me It"s easy when you"re singin" To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-dee First you take a deep breath Then it"s K.O. one, two, three And then you"ll hear a yodel If you listen close to me Yeah, this is how to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee This is how to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee
2023-06-28 18:41:291

求She Taught me how to yodel-Yodel简谱

2023-06-28 18:41:381


she taught me how to yodel
2023-06-28 18:41:463

求She Taught me how to yodel-Yodel简谱

yodel是一种歌,she taught me how to yodel 意思是:她教我如何唱yodel。希望这些可以帮到你哦。 (* U *)
2023-06-28 18:42:041

求象‘She Taught Me How To Yodel ’Yodel 风格的歌曲能下载或者在线听的都成~

Joe Meek - I Learned To Yodel
2023-06-28 18:42:101

求She Taught Me How To Yodel钢琴谱

她教我如何哼唱钢琴谱钢琴谱:Piano Scores
2023-06-28 18:42:181

she taught me how to yodel 伴奏 发我邮箱

她教我怎么唱岳得尔调。Yodel: 用真假嗓音反复变化地唱
2023-06-28 18:42:321

She taught him how to speak English?中的how to 是什么成分?为什么加to

how 和 to 不是在一起的,to 是和 speak 组成不定式 “to speak”,how 作为副词去修饰“to speak” ,English 是 to speal 的宾语. 看下面三个句子: She taught him English.她教他英语 She taught him to speak English.她教他说英语 She taught him how to speak English.她教他如何说英语 主语—— she 谓语—— taught 宾语—— him 宾补——how to speak English (不定式短语) 其中: to speak——不定式,English——宾语,how ——状语 ,
2023-06-28 18:42:391


She taught us how to make a model robot.
2023-06-28 18:42:451

Teach Me How To Dougie 歌词

歌曲名:Teach Me How To Dougie歌手:Cali Swag District专辑:Teach Me How To DougieTeach Me How To DougieCalifornia Swag DistrictAye! aye!Teach me how to dougie (aye!)They be like smooth (what?)Can u teach me how to dougie?You know why?Cause all da bitches love me (aye)All I need is a beat that"s super bumpinAnd for you, you, and you to back it up and dump it!Put your arms out front, lean side to sideThey gona be on you when they see you hit dat dougie right?Aint nobody fuckin wit my bro from morningsideHe go by bubba and he hit dat dance wit thunderI aint from dallas but I d-town boogieI show my moves off and everybody tryna do meI leave da function and all da ladies tryna screw meYou just do you and ima do me(all day)Niggas love to hate so they try to screw meBitches be stuck to me I think they tryna glue meI make the party shine bright when it start to boominDis beat was bubblegum so I had to chew itTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!My name is young!For da dudes who don"t know meI know I"m from da west but I can teach you how to dougie!Step up in da club and all these bitches bug meAll da niggas dancin and none of them know meI hear da crowd screamin like "aye! get it brody!"So I"m on my and I take it real lowDey like "how you da dat?" he can dougie on the floorAnd when dat nigga stop they like "dougie somemore!"I"m like a nigga kinda tired so, I pass it to da bro!M-bone! show these cats how to do dat down south danceDat we learned a lil too fastand bought it to da hoodAnd got da whole crew askin...Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!Back of the party ion really like to boogieI"m just tryna get bent and meet a thick redbone(Mmm) we do da dougie and da niggas hatin but I"m boutTo act a skateboard a bitch and head home(fuck it)She bout to dougie and hit wit 2 handsAnd I run it run it even if her legs longShe like you my hubby and I think she love me but,I change da subject and I do my dougieBut, ion give a fuck, blow trees, get moneyLeave 2 heifers feinin like sum playboy bunniesDey gon make us do da dougie in da middle of da danceAnd when I asked for some head da bitch looked at me funnyBye! bitch you can"t tell me nothin starr baked da beatAnd I just took it out the oven, I just hit the dougie when everybodyClubbin and I hate skinny jeans cuz da burner keep rubbin! (oh! )Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!Teach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieTeach me how to dougieT-teach me how to dougieAll my bitches love meAll my, all my bitches love meAll my bitches love meYou aint fuckin wit my dougie!
2023-06-28 18:42:521


1,How does teacher li go to school?She walk to school.2,How long do you go to beijing?3,my mom teach me ride bicycle.
2023-06-28 18:43:024

let me tell ___ (her , she , hers ) how to do it .

her 用宾格形式
2023-06-28 18:43:182

she did not how to do it与she did not how to do

一、对这三个短语的解释: 1、how to do 没有how to do这样的表达。 do是及物动词,后面应该加上宾语表示“做某事”,才算是完整的表达。而how表示的是“方式”,不能用作宾语,因此后面所接的to do必须跟个宾语。所以how to do是个不正确的表达。 2、how to do it 这里do 后面跟了宾语it,便是一个完整而又正确的表达。 意思是“怎么做(它),如何做(它)”,询问的是方式,例如完成某事的方法。 例句:Could you please tell me how to do it?(你能告诉我怎么做它吗?) 3、what to do 这里what是个代词,是可以作宾语的。what做的是do的宾语,提前,表示“做什么”的意思。 例句:Could you please tell me what to do this week?(你能告诉我这一周做什么吗?) 二、区别 how to do it询问的是方法,是完成某事应该怎么做; what to do询问的是所做的事情,到底应该做什么。
2023-06-28 18:43:361

求一首英文歌曲,里面好像有歌词:freeze,i am mabake,put up your hands and give me your money

Boney M - Ma BakerFREEZE! I"m Ma Baker - put your hands in the air,gimme all your moneyPut your hands in the air, Don"t anybody move!She was the meanest catIn old Chicago townShe was the meanest catShe really moved them downShe had no heart at allNo no no heart at allShe was the meanest catOh she was really toughShe left her husband flatHe wasn"t tough enoughShe took her boys along"cos they were mean and strongMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she taught her four sonsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - to handle their gunsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she never could cryMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - but she knew how to die- Here is a special bulletin.Ma Baker is the FBI"s most wanted woman.Her photo is hanging on every post office wall.If you have any information about this woman,please contact the nearest police station...Put your hands in the air,Put your hands in the air, Don"t anybody move!They left a trail of crimeAcross the U.S.A.And when one boy was killedShe really made them payShe had no heart at allNo no no heart at allMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she taught her four sonsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - to handle their gunsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she never could cryMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - but she knew how to diePut your hands in the air, FREEZE!FREEZE!Put your hands in the air, Don"t anybody move!One day they robbed a bankit was their last foraythe cops appeared too soonthey couldn"t get awayand all the loot they hadit made them mighty madand so they shot it outMa Baker and her sonsthey didn"t want to hangthey died with blazing gunsand so the story endsof one who left no friendsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she taught her four sonsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - to handle their gunsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she never could cryMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - but she knew how to die
2023-06-28 18:43:431