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2023-06-29 07:12:40
TAG: sout


south 英[sau028aθ] 美[sau028aθ]

n. 南方; 南部; 美国南方各州; (南半球的) 发展中国家;

adj. 南的; (风) 来自南方的; 南风的; 南方吹来的;

adv. 向南方,在南方;

[例句]The town lies ten miles to the south of here



南边 :south

在南边:in the south



nán bian

(南) south

(口) (南部地区) the southern part



2023-06-28 20:20:496


N: 代表北方 (North)S: 代表南方 (South)E: 代表东方 (East)W:代表西方 (West)在翻译中,如果要翻译东南西北, 可以直接翻译成 east and west, north and south。另外还有: northeast 东北 ,northwest 西北, southeast 东南 ,southwest 西南注意:英语和汉语一样,都有表示东西南北的专用词,但如果不是这四个方向时,表达方式就不一样了,汉语表示其他方向永远都是“东,西”开头,而英语表达其他方向时永远都是‘北,南"方向开头,例如:汉语:东北(注意:是‘东"在前,‘北"在后)英语:northeast (注意:是‘north"在前,‘east"在后)
2023-06-28 20:21:321


南缩写英文:S,全写是:South。重点词汇:South英[sau028aθ]释义:n.南;(罗盘的)南方adj.位于南方的;(风)来自南方的;南部居民的adv.向南,朝南v.朝南移动;(天体)穿过子午线n.(South)(美)苏(人名)短语:South Africa南非;南非地区;南非共合国;南非共和国扩展资料:词源解说:直接源自古英语的suth,意为向南的。东南西北缩写形式:东缩写英文:E,英文:East。南缩写英文:S,英文:South。西缩写英文:W,英文:West。东缩写英文:N,英文:North。
2023-06-28 20:22:131


问题一:东西南北用英语分别怎么说? east东 north北 west西 south 南 还有 东南方 Southeast 东北northeast 这与汉语是相反的 问题二:”南北走向”用英文怎么说? 形容词“南北走向的” 1, north-south directional (north-south direction是名词) 2,north-south orientated 问题三:东西南北用英语分别怎么说 east 东 south 南 west 西 north 北 我也不是很会教人怎么记,只是提供个方法给你哈! 首先,先分成两类:“东西”是以“st”结尾的,“南北”是以“th”结尾的。 然后,分别记忆。 问题四:东南西北的英语是什么 东 east 南 south 西 west 北 north 东南 Southeast 西南 Southwest 东北 Northeast 西北 Northwest 问题五:南北向,东西向 英文怎么说? northwestward, 或 north west directions east westwards 或 east west dirctions 问题六:”南北走向”用英文怎么说 形容词“南北走向的” 1, north-south directional (north-south direction是名词) 2,north-south orientated 问题七:东西南北的英文分别怎么读 east 亿死他 west玩死他 south嫂死 north挪死 问题八:东西南北用英语怎么说? 东 east 西 west 南 south 北 north 如果是句子里的东西南北的话, 可以直接翻译成 east and west, north and south 问题九:东西南北用英语分别怎么说? east东 north北 west西 south 南 还有 东南方 Southeast 东北northeast 这与汉语是相反的 问题十:南北交界用英语怎么说啊 南北交界 North and south junction 绝对正确,放心采纳,谢谢
2023-06-28 20:22:391


I live in the south of the mountain. The moutain is very beautiful. don"t be so noisy the mountain is high i"m satisfy i try to make a conversation
2023-06-28 20:22:471


2023-06-28 20:22:564


用法不同 1、south名词。 1)south用作名词时,其基本意思是南,南方,南面”,没有复数形式,前面常加定冠词the,当强调方向时首字母s一般大写。 2)south的首字母大写时,还可表示u2026的南部”,指位于某一特定的方位点以南的地区或国家。 3)south与介词in连用时表示在所说范围内的南部”,与on连用时表示在u2026南面(相连)”,与to连用时表示在u2026南面(相隔)”。 2、southern形容词。 1)southern的意思是南方的,南部的”,指世界或一国之南,也可指某地属于或在南部。 2)southern在句中常用作定语,有时也可用作表语。 3)southern无比较级和最高级。 一词多义不同 1、south作名词意思有南;南方。作形容词意思是南方的。作副词意思有在南方;向南方;自南方。如:He suggested that we should make for the south.他建议我们往南走。 2、southern作形容词意思是南部的;南方的。如:He lives in southern China.他住在中国南部。 词汇搭配不同 1、south。 1)at south 在南面 2)from south 从南边来 3)in south 在南部 2、southern 1)southern direction 南方 2)southern part 南部 3)southern sun 南国的阳光
2023-06-28 20:25:221


southward:adv.& adj.向南方(的)south:n.南方; 南部; 美国南方各州; (南半球的)发展中国家adj.南的; (风)来自南方的; 南风的; 南方吹来的adv.向南方,在南方
2023-06-28 20:26:102


简单来说 要看 south 和 southern 的分别 应先从词类入手. 1 a.) 当 South 是一个名词 (noun) 解作南方 The wind is blowing from the south. (普通名词用小写) Hong Kong is located at the South of China. (某国或地方之南部要大写) 1 b.) 当 South 是一个形容词 (adjective) 解作 南方的 或 来自南方的 A south wind is blowing. (来自南方的风) The swing is in the south direction of the zoo. (在南面的方向) 2 a.) Southern 大部份时间都用作形容词 (adjective) 解作 南的 各 (方位)向南的 Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. (南半球) [因整个是复合名词要大写] They live in southern Australia. (澳洲南部 要小写) Southern Cross (南十字星座) [ 因整个是复合名词要大写] 2 b.) 当 Southern 用作 名词 (noun) 通常都解作 南方人 They are Southern. They are Southerner. 以上两句都可以 但一定要大写. 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/3 ^o^ ^o^ ^o^
2023-06-28 20:26:171


My room is face south.我的房间面向南。
2023-06-28 20:26:242


主要区别在于词性不同。South的意思是南方、南面,一般作名词,也可做形容词。Southern的意思是南方的,一般做形容词,做名词的意思:南方人。例如:Hainan island is in the southern part of China。海南岛位于中国的南部。Hainan island is in the south of China。海南在中国的南部。
2023-06-28 20:26:301

south southern southest的区别与用法

south 名词:南方southern 形容词 南方的southeast 东南
2023-06-28 20:27:003


2023-06-28 20:22:083

人教版初二英语听力下载 爱词霸,非常不错。 英语学习网站超级大全 中文站: (主要是英语新闻,很适合阅读) (沪江论坛,超有名,学习英语必不可少的交流地方) (普特英语听力,英语听力的天空,资源丰富倒是真的) (还过得去的综合英语学习网站,内容有点乱,我也不常去) (还较有名的论坛,资料有点新意) (最近刚改版过了,很不错,文章、资料站) (英语沙龙的电子版,买不起杂志的同志这里有免费的) (站的页面做的不咋地,但是资料还是很全的,要下系列英语 资料又找不到地儿的,来这儿好了。两个字:实惠!) (吐血推荐:special english的最好资源站,还有兄弟交流) (王长喜的网站,4、6级的同志来看) 英文站: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (纽约时报的网站,注册一下就可以看所有的news) (时代周刊的官方网站,不错) (今日美国,和上面的性质也差不多) 欢乐美语 ***** 几个FTP站点 ****英语学习/ ftp://sitman:english@ E族英语 **** 一个新网站,趁斑竹有更新的热情,赶快下! TOEFL网络课堂资料下载 **** 从零开始学英语 *****从0开始学英语/Zero_1.rar从0开始学英语/Zero_2.rar从0开始学英语/Zero_3.rar从0开始学英语/Zero_4.rar从0开始学英语/Zero_5.rar从0开始学英语/Zero_6.rar从0开始学英语/Zero_7.rar从0开始学英语/Zero_8.rar 一堆杂七杂八的书 * 英语资料不是很全,但速度绝对让你满意 沪江语林下载中心 ***** 除了下载麻烦些外,说不出别的什么不是. 林语堂当代汉英词典 *** Chinadaily汉英词汇表 ** 网络英语教室 **** 一个英语教学网,推荐里面的英语万用字典. 锐角英语 **** 一个更新颇为勤快的网站。 路途英语学习网 *** 一个大而全的网站。 洋话连篇 **** 全套文档 语音资料 …… …… 英语初级口语,英语中级口语,英语高级口语 ***** 新概念英语1-4册,走遍美国等等(新链接) ***** TUNING IN THE USA(欢乐美语) **** ...... 刘毅词汇 ***** 刘毅词汇基础3000 刘毅词汇5000 刘毅词汇10000 刘毅词汇22000 疯狂英语2001年合订本 *** 商务英语脱口出 **** CD 1 Iso CD 2 Iso 雅思网站专题 无忧雅思,一个很著名的雅思网站 雅思的官方网站 雅思考试网东西不多 关于雅思的一些资料 英文电影剧本站专题 提供14部电影英文剧本 提供了24部英文电影剧本 提供了10部英文电影剧本 子曰电影网的电影剧本 银海网下载电影剧本 Screenplay电影剧本 这里的囊括了现在流行电影的剧本 一个教育网站提供的英文剧本下载 看电影学英语 听力专题 一个很不错的英语学习网站,VOA资料很全 一些VOA新闻的文本 有一部分听力 《美国习惯用语 Words & Idiom》是Voice of America推出的**广播讲座 中华网关于VOA的听力技巧的一些文章,当然也有别的好东东 很不错的听力网站,有初级中级高级 **的听力新闻,带文本 VOA英语广播收听技巧听VOA的朋友可以看看 2002年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语听力样题录音下载 VOA英语广播收听技巧很不错的技巧文本 超酷的英语听力站,是个老站点. 听力特快网站 通用英语百句(视频)*** CNN英语学习资源***** 现代交际英语(视频)****
2023-06-28 20:22:141


2023-06-28 20:22:181


2023-06-28 20:22:216


higher-erik gronwallshow me the meaningno matter whatyou are beautifulanother day in paradisei knew i love you before i met you total eclipse of the heart-westlifeyou needed me -westlifeshow me the meaninglet it be
2023-06-28 20:22:255


2023-06-28 20:22:273

Toy Ride每首歌的lrc歌词谁有?

2023-06-28 20:22:392

Toy Ride每首歌的lrc歌词谁有?

2023-06-28 20:22:402


荣幸为您解答!郭采洁—狠狠哭这是我最近听的,超好听·想你的夜—关喆好听啊!我一直在练但就是高音,吼不上卡啦不OK—小文感觉不错的说谎—林宥嘉 好听也是我至今能唱完唱好的歌爱上未来的你—潘玮柏这个就是百听不厌爱上你—BY2做为BY2的粉丝当然要顶一下了,其实BY2的歌都很好听·带点青春!金沙—星月神话 大概你听过吧·不过还是推荐一下·我听哭过噢·因为我是仙剑迷·对这种曲风很喜欢爱的太快—拜尔我推荐了很多人都说好听噢·不信你听!新不了情—萧敬腾 强力推荐·天啊·没人说不好听噢·离开地球表面—五月天这是摇滚听着也很爽噢!弦子—天真 这是朋友告诉我的·很好听!试一试吧!来不及—罗忆诗相信我吧·这歌绝对OK!薛之谦—深深爱过你这歌有前世 今生两个版本都有不同的感觉噢·推荐一下sgwannabe—罪与罚————↓→超好听!做为韩国感人MV的歌,不推荐真对不起良心!sgwannabe—活着——————↑杨丞琳—匿名的好友 说实话真的有被感动了!推荐!可米小子—青春纪念册 我们学校噢·毕业时放这歌·很多人听哭了! 温岚+周杰伦—屋顶 也很有感觉的!不是复制噢·望采纳O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 绝对原创
2023-06-28 20:22:415


2023-06-28 20:22:471


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2023-06-28 20:22:521


2023-06-28 20:22:552


杰森·玛耶兹——i"m yours
2023-06-28 20:22:5614

榆树办护照去哪里啊?在哪啊?价钱呢? 我和姥姥(我过年12)?或者我和许多人!

2023-06-28 20:22:583


2023-06-28 20:23:0511


2023-06-28 20:23:053


【 #英语资源# 导语】军训,是新学期的第一课。军训的目的是增强国防意识与集体主义观念,深刻领悟“立德、立学、立行、立新”的真正含义;培养团结互助的作风,增强集体凝聚力与战斗力。军训,还能提高生活自理能力,培养思想上的自立和独立,还能帮助我们养成严格自律的良好习惯。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关军训第一天的英语作文范文   Today is the first day of military training. With light steps, I walked into a school that I am not familiar with and will spend three years here.   In the morning, the teacher asked us to choose a team name and slogan. Everyone was thinking, and I was no exception. After a while, the blackboard was full of slogans. Which one should I choose? Finally, we elected the "falcon team" by voting. "Falcons attack, invincible!" We practice this slogan over and over again. At the opening ceremony of physical training, our class 703 loudly shouted the slogan belonging to our class. Every time I read a sentence, I feel more firm in my heart. Yes, we are like falcons, indomitable and courageous!   With the passage of time, we began physical training. Everyone was in a neat line, dressed in camouflage clothes, and quietly. At first glance, it really looked like a company of officers and soldiers. Slowly, we walked into the playground and saw several instructors teaching us posture. I watched with interest and admired the instructors from the bottom of my heart. Under the scorching sun, after watching the wonderful performance of the instructor, the military training began. "Students, today we practice standing at attention. Face the front with your head squarely, do not bow your back, straighten your chest and tuck in your abdomen, keep your fingers together, keep your heels close, and keep your toes 60 degrees apart." In this way, everyone stood under the scorching sun. At this time, my clothes were already wet, and large beads of sweat fell off my forehead. I really want to wipe them off with my hands. I struggle with my thoughts and must persist. Think about how those officers and soldiers spent their time in the hot sun. Yes, I must persist. I still have to overcome the difficulties behind. At my insistence, the military training ended.   The loud slogan of the instructor, how powerful, makes me feel a responsibility, and I can"t help admiring them. Although this military training is very tiring, it is a test for us. Only by perseverance can we overcome everything and defeat ourselves! 2.有关军训第一天的英语作文范文   Today is the first day of military training, and it is also the first time we stand in the military posture. When it comes to standing in the military position, I feel afraid. It"s so hard to think of standing in the military position. I don"t want to stand anymore, but the military training is not over yet, and it is not easy to stand in the military posture. I know, I can"t escape, I can"t escape, I only experience, I can gain.   Therefore, I resolutely chose to stand in the military posture, endured the pain of my body, and withstood the scorching sun. I believe that I can. I can stand for ten to twenty minutes, but I can"t fall down. I know that each of my persistence will make me proud.   After some training, we went back to the classroom and looked to the playground. I can"t imagine such a hot day. We can still train outside. If I were at home, I would never have suffered like this. More importantly, I can still persist. I suddenly felt that military training had made us grow up.   Without a bone chilling cold. I can"t smell the plum blossom. I believe that after a week of strict military training, we will certainly reap a lot. 3.有关军训第一天的英语作文范文   Today is the first day of formal military training. Today I have a very full life, full of joy and sweat.   In the morning, we had a 13 kilometer hiking "summer tour". Rest stations and water supply stations are set up in the middle of the road. 13km is a bit difficult for me, but I am the flag bearer, and so many students accompany me, which also eases my pressure to a certain extent.   The most tiring activity today is not the morning pull exercise, but the afternoon military posture exercise. The humidity is relatively high and it is very stuffy. And I have to stand still for half an hour, which gives me a headache. I can"t stand half way! Although a little dizzy. This familiar feeling. I feel like I"m going to faint. So I shouted "report". Everything around me is bright. I can"t even hear what I said. After a short rest, I returned to the team and participated in training. This may be the special feature of military training.   In the evening, the school arranged a fire safety knowledge lecture. After the lecture, I took a bath. Now, I lie in bed and finish this diary. Today, I have a very full life. I hope my life here can become my high school career, and even my good memories of life! 4.有关军训第一天的英语作文范文   Today is the first day of formal military training and the second day of arriving at Badaling military training base.   Today"s training subjects are basic queue, stand at attention, take a rest, turn left and right, step forward, and basic military training password subjects.   The night before yesterday, I was on the night shift. The first shift was from 10:00 to 11:00. For the first time in my life, I experienced the sacredness and responsibility of being a people"s soldier to protect the safety of my comrades in arms, a mighty soldier on duty, a heroic and upright feeling, and a strong sense of pride.   The careful instructor Comrade brought two military cotton coats. The careful instructor loves his soldiers. Although they seem to be so "ruthless" on the training ground, in fact, the soldiers are the dear ones of the instructor. If we have any discomfort, the first thing to worry about is our instructor. 5.有关军训第一天的英语作文范文   Today is the first day of my military training.   In the morning, we were taken to the gate of the armed police base by the school bus. When we got off the bus, we met the instructor first. Our instructor"s surname is Zhang. He is in his twenties. His skin is dark and he is slightly older than his peers. He is strict with us.   Today"s training is very hard. We can"t move under the scorching sun. I feel sick all over and want to scratch, but I can"t. With the last hour left, I was secretly congratulating myself. Suddenly, I felt a little uncomfortable. I can"t say what I felt. Then, the scene in front of me disappeared. Instead of it, there were bright spots of flowers. I felt dizzy. I didn"t know what "dizziness and dizziness" was until I was so old. This time, I"ve learned a lot.   At sunset, the day"s training life is finally over! We walked wearily back to the dormitory to take a bath. There is no hot water here. The bath water is surprisingly cold. There are several centimeters of water on the ground, which is very dirty. There is no air conditioner in the dormitory. It is very hot when sleeping, and cold when sleeping. Many students have caught cold. I have a good adaptability and get used to it very quickly.   Today is really tired. I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. I hope tomorrow will be better! 6.有关军训第一天的英语作文范文   Today, the sun is shining. All the fifth grade students of our affiliated primary school came to Hangzhou Shangcheng District junior military school to receive five-day military training.   After arriving at the military academy and changing into military uniforms, we came to the auditorium to assemble. I"m curious about the military training life, but I"m a little afraid. I"m afraid because I have to accept military training. I"m afraid that if I don"t do well, I will be trained by the instructors; I"m afraid I"ll be laughed at by my classmates when I miss my parents.   Soon after the training, our first lunch at the military school began. A group of several people gathered around a table, each of them had a meal, and enjoyed a large bowl of soup. The lunch was very delicious, and everyone ate very delicious. After eating, everyone returned to the classroom. I quickly adapted to the life in the military school, and I felt very happy.   In the afternoon, we will have a long-distance training. Before the training, the teacher gave each of us an apple and told us to test whether we could resist the temptation of apples when we were thirsty and tired. In order to keep enough water, we drank water before the training. After that, we gathered on the playground and were ready to start. The long-distance training takes 12 kilometers. After we went up the mountain, we walked and walked. After about 5 minutes, some people could not hold on. After more than 10 minutes, my sweat flowed down. I said to myself, "come on, come on, I must hold on!" When we arrived at a vacant lot, the teacher asked us to stop and tell us that there were "mines" under the ground (that is, the white paper with the word "mines" written on it). I finally found one, but it was written "sweet potato" on it. It really made me laugh and cry.   Next, we saw the ruins of Shengguo temple, where there were several roosters. I also picked up some fruits underground. When I saw that the fruits were full of insect eggs, I quickly threw them on the ground. Not long after we walked, we saw the "Eighteen Arhats" again. We were counting and saying, "Hey, there are really 18 Arhats!" Some people only count to 17 Arhats, and we will tell him: "here, there is another one on the mountain!" This is, I have been sweating, but the team is still moving. I can only endure thirst and fatigue and continue to move forward.   Finally, we reached the bottom of the mountain. The team also stopped. I took out the apple and hesitated whether to eat it. Finally, I decided not to eat it.   We walked a little further and saw several large houses. We followed the team all the way to the end. We knew that it was the army. We came to visit the life of the army. Then we saw many uncles in the same clothes as us practicing. Their movements were very powerful and orderly. We watched and clapped excitedly.   The long-distance training finally ended, and we quickly fell asleep in the evening! 7.有关军训第一天的英语作文范文   Today is the first day of our formal military training. I am very excited.   From 6:30 in the morning, we will complete the hard task of the day as soldiers. After breakfast, our training officially started.   Ah! The sun in August is suffocating. We smell the unique smell of the soil. When we step on the earth scorched by the sun, the sweat is like a tap water tap. At this time, we feel that the sweat is hot.   Let"s start by learning the most basic things: stand at attention, relax and cross the line. Although it looks very simple, it is not easy to achieve the position. You should pay attention to how to put your hands and how to stride your feet. It should be close to 60 degrees. To cross the column, you should cross the right foot, half clench the fist with your right hand, hold the wrist of your right hand with your left hand, and put it on your waist. There are many rules! I really don"t know if I don"t practice. I"m scared when I practice.   After lunch, we went to take a nap. After taking a nap, the instructors came to the dormitory to teach us how to arrange the internal affairs. Everyone carefully studied the folding method of the quilt, the placement of the tooth cup, the washbasin, the shoes and the clothes. In particular, we practice folding quilts over and over again. You help me and I help you. It"s really interesting.   At 3 o"clock in the afternoon, we started our new training. It was another arduous "journey". People were so tired that they could not breathe and sweat like rain. At 6:10 p.m., we gathered on time. It was said that there was a total lunar eclipse, which was a rare opportunity. The science teacher gave us some methods to appreciate the total lunar eclipse in advance. We sat on the basketball court eagerly waiting for the moon to come out. Unfortunately, there were some dark clouds. The instructor also considered this problem, so let"s have a tug of war first. Tug of war is a movement that relies on unity. The students just got to know each other. This is a great test for us. Watching other classes finish one by one makes me very nervous.   The tug of war began, and we won one game each. In the case of 1:1, we mustered our strength and exerted our strength to pull. But the rope was stuck, and the rope was left and right, making people very nervous. The teachers and students around us are cheering for us. Let"s fight! Finally, we worked hard together, "red scarf" came, and we won! 8.有关军训第一天的英语作文范文   Today is the first day of military training. I am very excited and nervous. Because I"m usually quite active, it"s not easy to control myself. I think: in this military training, I must be strict with myself as a soldier.   First of all, the instructor taught us the basic military posture: two feet differential, and there should be a distance between one foot; Keep your chest up, your head up and your belly closed, keep your hands close to the middle seam of your pants, and keep your legs together... WOW! The most basic military posture has so many requirements! I quickly stood up as required. One stop was three minutes. I insisted! Then we learned to sit cross legged. This action is very simple. In a moment, I learned it completely according t
2023-06-28 20:23:061


2023-06-28 20:23:071


我喜欢的歌曲,风格各异,但总忘不了的旋律,或者是歌词共鸣,或二者兼有之。音乐共享。Nickelback<Gotta Be Somebody><far away><If Everyone Cared> <Someday><Burnit To the Ground>;成熟大气的声音;Green Day - 《Wake Me Up When September Ends》<Amy><American Idiot>< Nuclear Family>;Idina Menzel <let it go>看《冰雪奇缘更有感觉》;We Shot The Moon 《 Please Shine》;Ania - <Sound Of Silence>;sandy-<Tell me>;Befour《Comsic Ride 》;Blaxy<If you feel my love>;Akon<Trouble Maker>;TheCranberries < Never Grow Old>《carry on》《Dying In The Sun》《Dreaming My Dreams》等。很有感觉的曲风; Meiko 《Stuck On You》; KellyClarkson《stronger》《because of you》<breakaway><timeless><neveragain>也是power型的。 Flo Rida< Whistle>;onedirection《What Makes You Beautiful》<LiveWhile We‘re Young>; A GreatBig World (feat. Christina Aguilera)< Say Something>朋友推荐的,静静聆听,引人入胜;ChristinaAguilera < We Remain><fighter>< Beautiful><Reflection>很有power。 Bon Jovi《Because We Can》<it"s my life><this ain"t alove song>爱上这种声音,K歌必备; Florenceand the Machine<dog days are over>; Brunomars <when i was your man><talking to the moon><lazysong><count on me>他的嗓音很有感染力; albumversion<gently as she goes>;EnriqueIglesias - <Don"t Turn Off The Lights>;MichaelLearn To Rock<fairy tale><that"s why>;Tomodell<another love>Globus - 《Europa》;LeneMarlin<sitting down here><a place nearby>才女; Fun. 《 We Are Young》<carry on>< All Alright><TheGambler >;hedley的<perfect><onelife><shelter><carry on>等都不错;;thewanted 的<gladyou came>;;SecondhandSerenade <Fall For You>;Cody Simpson < La Da Dee>;kellysweet《we are one》<ready for love><silentnight>< i will be waiting><eternity>很温婉;MirandaLambert<gunpowder& lead>;Fall OutBoy < The Phoenix>;One OkRock - <No Scared>; Jewel<Stand>; JavierColon<Angel ><fix you><Time After Time>; lenka<troubleisa friend><everything at once><show><you will be mine>;旋律很有趣;Darin的《be what you wanna be》<love killer><can"t stoplove>《one trueflame》《Why Does It Rain》《homeless》《 Everything But The Girl》《Endless Summer》《what if》;dima的<bealive>;<apologize>;CinemaBizarre<love songs(they kill me)>; <rockyou>; KennyLattimore - <For You>; Globus<Europa>; Queen<WeAre The Champions>;Five& Queen <We will rock you >;《We areready》; DarrenHayes<creepin up on you>;cobra 的《bring it》;philip的<home>;The JoyFormidable - <I Don"t Want To See You Like This>; RadicalFace - <Welcome Home>;linkinpark<burn it down><new divide><my December>等;《Time To Say Goodbye》;Jaci Velasquez < Come As You Are>alison<whenyou say nothing at all>;Nightwish<sleepingsun><WishI Had An Angel>; RebeccaLoebe < Come As You Are>withintemptation<stand my ground>;imagindragons<demons>;DavidGuetta<titanium>;Zedd -<Clarity>(feat. Foxes、matthewKoma);Ke$ha<dieyoung><Tik Tok><blow><CrazyKids>;PiaToscano-<This Time>; Brett Anderson<adifferent place>; EmilyBindiger < everytime you kissed me > <A Stray Child>;Shayne Ward的<breathless><you are not alone><until you><nopromises><Stand By Me>< Foolish>< Close To Close><A BetterMan><AllMy Life>;喜欢他的嗓音;SarahMaclalan<Angel><Oridinary Miracle> Dima的<bealive>;Paramore<MiseryBusiness>;The Script<breakeven><I"m Yours><The Man Who Can"t Be Moved>;Katy Perry<firework><wide awake><hot N cold><teenage dream>搭配着MV看赏心悦目啊;Timbaland<apologize>;也是之前上英语学习网上的一首歌,然后就成了收藏歌曲之一了;TheCascades -《 RhythmOf The Rain》偶然得之,幸;TheMonkees <I Wanna Be Free>; Sarah Brightman<scarboroughfair>很老的一首歌曲,好听;Miley Cyrus<HoedownThrowdown><butterfly fly away><I"ll Always Remember You><Wrecking Ball>< i hope you find it><ordinary girl><TheClimb><You"ll Always Find Your Way Back Home>独特的声音; No doubt<don"tspeak>老歌一首,都不知道怎么得来的了,喜欢Craig David<insomnia>;sugarland<stay><stuck like glue>;MyOwn World - <Fly Project>;taylor swift<safe &sound><love story><our song><22><I knew you weretrouble><we are never ever get backtogether>Swedish House Mafia < Don"t You Worry Child>ingrid的<be ok><everybody><sortof>;娓娓道来;natasha thomas<let me show you the way><sunshine afterrain><it"s over now>Lady Antebellum<need you now>;被调子吸引;themagic key<one T and cool T>;lily alan<hard out here>naughty boy《La la la》<so strong>lalalazee 的<bitter heart><poppy>Rosstallanma<lubov>;Carly Rae Jepsen<Call Me Maybe><This Kiss><good time>第一首歌MV有点儿搞,我后来才留意到;John The Whistler - 《Wild WildWeb》有趣;野人花园<truly madly deeply>老歌一首,舒缓悠扬;还有sarah conner的《just last one dance》<living to love you ><chrismas in my heart><bounce><every moment of my life><fallapart><From Sarah With Love><He"s Unbelievable><love is colorblind>< Miss U Too Much><Still Crazy In Love><Wait Till YouHear From Me>train<hey soul sister>,好听;ColbieCaillat<bubbly>TheWeepies<gotta have you >trademark<only love>;westlife<soledad><seasons in th sun><my love>碧昂斯<single ladies><if i were aboy>;sons of day<oceans deep>p!nk< perfect><so what><Just Give Me aReason><sober><Over The Rainbow>;Richard Marx<right here waiting for you>GrooveCoverage <God is a girl><years and 50 days>《she》<on the radio><far away from home>等,K歌必备;fun<we are young><carry on>;Maroon 5<moves like jagger><payphone><wake up call>spice girl<wanna be><viva forever>;Florence and the Machine<The Dog Days Are Over>;Dia Frampton《Losing myreligion》、《InventingShadows》<heartless>xenia<hiding places><price tag><i"ll stand by you>< Sagan><TheMan Who Can"t Be Moved>marc terenzi《i cry》;Bobo 《I"m Living To Love You》《Dead Or Alive 》Sweetbox 《 Human Sacrifice》Shakira 《She Wolf》Aken 《 Right Now Na Na Na》;Kylie Minogue <Can"t Get You Out Of My Head>;Kelly Rowland,nelly < Dilemma>;Jennifer Lopez < On The Floor>;Tina <Fantasia De Amor>;Jason Derulo 《TalkDirty》(feat. 2 Chainz)有趣吸引人;Cody Simpson<La Da Dee>;<mad world> 《Trespassing》<never close our eyes>by Adam Lambert;驾驭的很好;muse<unintented>代表曲目;Kristina Debarge <Goodbye>;Cara Dillon <Summer"s Just Begun>Bridgit Mendler< How To Believe>;Selena Gomez <Fly To Your Heart>;Michael Learns To Rock《take meto your heart》吻别的英文版;Owl City - <The Saltwater Room>第一次听就喜欢上,就这样;Kris Allen《Alrightwith me》;God Lives Underwater《try》;Backstreet Boys《Unmistakable》《All IHave To Give》《AnywhereFor You》《as longas you love me》,等等.经典不解释;Capital Cities < One Minute More><safe and sound>;westlife《AgainstAll Odds》《FlyingWithout Wings》《I BelieveI Can Fly 》<Nothing"s GonnaChange My Love ><Seasons In The Sun><Total Eclipse Of TheHeart>>经典不解释;Kris Allen 《 Live Like We"re Dying》;Gotye< Somebody That I Used To Know>调子有趣;Lights < Fall Back Down><perfect><quiet><white>;George Nozuka -《Such AFool》好有反讽的感觉;Keith Urban - 《All For You》;Cavallie London<We Will Fly >相信we will fly;Kim Taylor <I Am You>曲调可以;Jackson Browne < Stay>绿箭的广告背景乐之可以;Estelle 《American Boy》;Skylar Grey 《 Words》;Rihanna 《 Love The Way You Lie》《Diamonds》《Take A Bow》《Stay》;Loona 《Eternally》;Elisa 《 Euphoric Field》;Ace Of Base 《 All For You》;Devics 《 Lie To Me》;Hugh Grant Halay Bennett 《 Way Back Into Love》Usher 《 Black Black Heart》Blue <U Make Me Wanna>中文:毛阿敏《相思》《嫁给张无忌》很适合唱古风,不错;方炯镔《遗憾》;偶然得到的歌曲了;邓紫棋《泡沫》《喜欢你》《I havenothing》《all about you》等,不解释,喜欢你很好听;李行亮《愿得一心人》词不错;樊凡《相见不如怀念》;刘伟德戴爱玲《gentleman》搭配爱4看,有感觉;李玖哲《解脱》《想太多》中文唱得不错;凤飞飞《追梦人》老歌一首;《约定》;王菲《红豆》《宽恕》《传奇》等;郑中基《答应不爱你》;阿桑《寂寞在唱歌》《叶子》《一直很安静》《受了点伤》东方朱丽叶《逆风》;雪天使《忘了爱》同《memory》;杨宗纬《其实都没有》等;严艺丹《三寸天堂》等;孙燕姿《木兰情》《风筝》《眼泪成诗》《世说心语》《我不难过》《一起走到》等,很多很共鸣;王铮亮《时间都哪儿去了》;《送别》;《真心英雄》;蔡琴《你的眼神》《夜来香》;筷子兄弟《老男孩》《父亲》歌词好感人;张学友《慢慢》等;齐秦《袖手旁观》;张惠妹《人质》《我很快乐》《听你听我》《听海》《排山倒海》《勇敢》等;坚定喜欢的满文军《懂你》老歌,想起妈妈;蓝雨《梦想旅程》关于梦想;《爱之初体验》《唱给你听》老歌;乐方舟 -《青春的颜色》;羽泉《月光》《奔跑》《冷酷到底》《深呼吸》《解放》《狂流》《回家乡》;那英《不管有多苦》《偏心》《梦醒时分》等;喜欢不解释;张杰《这就是爱》《最美的太阳》《天下》《勿忘心安》《夜空中最亮的星》《着魔》《穿越人海》《年轻的战场》《今生今世》《天空》《高飞》《仰望星空》《我的舞台》《明天以后》等;张信哲《我是真的爱你》《爱如潮水》《爱就一个字》《白月光》《信仰》范玮琪《启程》《到不了》《最重要的决定》不解释;梁静茹《小爱情》《偶阵雨》《勇气》《问》;爱不解释;陈瑞《白狐》《女人心》声音可以,曲调可以;雨宗林《过期的爱情》好桑感;郁可唯《时间煮雨》《指望》;田馥甄《魔鬼中的天使》《离岛》《寂寞寂寞就好》《只对你有感觉》;蜜雪薇琪《独立》;《一千零一个愿望》;林宇中《路过的新娘》桑感;杨乃文《祝我幸福》;飞儿《雨樱花》《有路可退》《lydia》《红潮》《荆棘里的花》;不错的组合,有些快歌也可以,他们的快歌算很好听的了;beyond《喜欢你》《真的爱你》《海阔天空》,经典不解释;李雅薇《我们的纪念》;韩庚《如梦令》可以;《让她降落》;水木年华《启程》《在他乡》《完美世界》《为梦而生》很励志的感觉;杨千嬅《可惜我是水瓶座》《小城大事》;卫兰《大哥》苦涩;薛凯琪《倒刺》;南拳妈妈《靠近一点点》;柯有伦《零》;许绍洋《花香》;罗志祥《爱转角》《灰色空间》(偶然听到原版《Classic river》)《小丑鱼》《爱不单行》《全城热爱》等,桑感;周传雄《黄昏》《寂寞沙洲冷》《孤单大街》《蓝色土耳其》;徐若瑄《爱笑的眼睛》;陶喆《黑色柳丁》《寂寞的季节》;胡杨林《留住冬天》《每当你抱着我》《香水有毒》《樱花舞》爱不解释;张靓颖《画心》《天下无双》《木兰星》;爱不解释李悦君红布条《远方》词好调好;韩红《剑侠情缘》《天路》等;萧敬腾《王妃》;BY2《曾经的约定》《爱丫爱丫》《我知道》;王菲《传奇》《红豆》《宽恕》《我愿意》;谢雨欣《仰望》;黄玲《痒》;李玖哲《想太多》苏打绿《小情歌》《无与伦比的美丽》《我好想你》不解释;沙宝亮《暗香》;姚贝娜《菩萨蛮》《来不及》《小头发》第一收古风不错;王铮亮《时间去哪儿了》引人垂泪啊;王杰《不值得》;莫文蔚《广岛之恋》<如果没有你>《阴天》等;陈楚生《山楂花》《风起时想起你》《且听风吟》《有没有人你告诉你》《一叶知秋》《相忘于江湖》等不解释;alan<心战>;许茹芸《囚鸟》《如果云知道》《独角戏》;辛晓琪《爱的回答》《领悟》不解释;张敬轩《值得》;如夏的《影子》,偶然听到很赞;SHE《一眼万年》《白色恋歌》《爱情海洋》等;周杰伦《烟花易冷》《青花瓷》《最长的电影》《千里之外》《黑色的毛衣》《稻香》《迷迭香》《夜曲》《蜗牛》《牛仔很忙》等;蔡依林《妥协》《许愿池的希腊少女》《马德里不思议》《就是爱》;刘庭羽《爱到万年》;韩红《剑侠情缘》《神话》;金莎《相思垢》《星月神话》;王心凌《黄昏晓》《爱的天国》《花的嫁纱》;金贵晟《虹之间》;徐佳莹《一样的月光》《惧高症》;陈珊妮《来不及》;元卫觉醒《夏天的风》;<感动天感动地》;《求佛》;《等爱》;《追梦的孩子》;张芯瑜<when i have adream>;sweety<爱是怎么一回事>《默契》《樱花草》《最勇敢的幸福》;庄心妍《繁星点点》《一万个舍不得》《时间长了受不了》《真的不容易》《幻想家》《爱囚》;张艾嘉《顺其自然》《没那么简单》;萧亚轩《表白》《最熟悉的陌生人》《冲动》《爱的主打歌》《一个人的精彩》《突然想起你》《不爱请闪开》《类似爱情》;孙浩《中华名谣》熊天平《火柴天堂》其他:推荐我喜欢的妖精的尾巴里的winds《be as one》《the rock city boy》《fairy tale》等不错;《sunshine girl》;全职猎人:<Carry On><Do You Feel Like I Feel>轻音少女《Don"t Say Lazy》《进击的巨人》的歌曲LinkedHorizon 《红莲の弓矢》,看动漫的就知道,歌曲剧情相得益彰。Flumpool < 君に届け>字数有限就暂举那么多。满意请采纳。
2023-06-28 20:22:021


这是美剧迷才懂的笑点::就是把希拉里比作了“龙母”。“卡丽熙”是热门美剧《权力的游戏》中的重要女性角色“龙母”丹妮莉丝·坦格利安,一直以打回故事中的韦斯特洛大陆为目标,目前正在这场“权力的游戏”中处于上风。背景: 一年一度的白宫记者协会(WHCA)招待宴会25日晚在美国首都华盛顿举行。依据惯例,美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马在宴会上大打“幽默”牌,将前国务卿希拉里·克林顿、共和党人和自己“涮”了个遍。白宫记者协会成立于1914年。上世纪30年代后,时任总统参加年度晚宴已经成为惯例,以热点时事打趣和捉弄政要也是年度晚宴的特色之一。
2023-06-28 20:21:591


2023-06-28 20:21:591


海鸣威 老人与海何静 月亮偷着哭胡彦斌 有梦还甜蜜江美琪 你那边是个晴天金莎 被风吹过的夏天。。。
2023-06-28 20:21:5414


补充,happyskysu 要在户口所在地办理
2023-06-28 20:21:512


1 CFR(cost and freight) 成本加运费价 2 T/T(telegraphic transfer) 电汇 3 D/P(document against payment) 付款交单 4 D/A (document against acceptance) 承兑交单 5 C.O (certificate of origin) 一般原产地证 6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences) 普惠制 7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons) 纸箱 8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces) 只、个、支等 9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars) 美元 10 DOZ/DZ(dozen) 一打 11 PKG(package)  一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 12 WT(weight) 重量 13 G.W.(gross weight) 毛重 14 N.W.(net weight) 净重 15 C/D (customs declaration) 报关单 16 EA(each) 每个,各 17 W (with) 具有 18 w/o(without) 没有 19 FAC(facsimile)  传真 20 IMP(import) 进口 21 EXP(export) 出口 22 MAX (maximum)  最大的、最大限度的 23 MIN (minimum) 最小的,最低限度 24 M 或MED (medium) 中等,中级的 25 M/V(merchant vessel) 商船 26 S.S(steamship) 船运 27 MT或M/T(metric ton) 公吨 28 DOC (document) 文件、单据 29 INT(international) 国际的 30 P/L (packing list) 装箱单、明细表 31 INV (invoice) 发票 32 PCT (percent) 百分比 33 REF (reference) 参考、查价 34 EMS (express mail special) 特快传递 35 STL.(style) 式样、款式、类型 36 T或LTX或TX(telex) 电传 37 RMB(renminbi) 人民币 38 S/M (shipping marks) 装船标记 39 PR或PRC(price) 价格 40 PUR (purchase) 购买、购货 41 S/C(sales contract) 销售确认书 42 L/C (letter of credit) 信用证 43 B/L (bill of lading) 提单 44 FOB (free on board) 离岸价 45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight) 成本、保险加运费价
2023-06-28 20:21:511


2023-06-28 20:21:461


2023-06-28 20:21:421


cfm有以下两种意思: 1、CFM是风量单位。CFM:Cubic Feet per Minute(风量-立方英尺每分) 风量(CFM)即单位时间内通过风扇出风口(或进风口)截面的空气体积。 2、ColdFusion Server是ColdFusion的核心部分,它在NT中运行为一项服务,在WIN95中作为应用程序运行,其作用是等待Web服务器的请求。
2023-06-28 20:21:411


2023-06-28 20:21:402


上QQ163里面摇滚专栏 速度很快 试听觉得好的话 自己下MP3 风格不同 的
2023-06-28 20:21:3716


not be attending the annual White House Correspondents" Association (WHCA) dinner, o
2023-06-28 20:21:351


2023-06-28 20:21:3011


2023-06-28 20:21:284

求一些好听的英文歌 要抒情的

那你可以直接去听Mariah carey的歌,是很抒情的R&B,还有westlife,jonas brother的歌都很抒情
2023-06-28 20:21:274


2023-06-28 20:21:271


2023-06-28 20:21:201

求toybox的 Wizard of Oz

《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard of Oz)这是那个电影的下载地址,可以自己看看里面有没有你需要的歌..你要的具体那首歌确实找不到。.
2023-06-28 20:21:101


  导语:一般女生都喜欢唱一些抒情的英文歌,那么适合女生唱的"英文歌有哪些呢?下面就由我给大家介绍一些适合女生唱的英文歌,希望大家喜欢。   适合女生唱的英文歌有哪些 篇1   1.Relax,Take It Easy   2.a ride in the snow   3.Follow Your Heart   4.Walking In The Air   5.Greatest Love Of All a virgin   7.Never Be the Same Again   8.Right Now & Right Here   9.Encore une fois   10.Chanson De Toile   11.Bonny Bonny   12.gomenasai   13.Walking in the Sun   14.Crash   15.Shape Of My Heart   16.I Will Be   17.Ten Feet High   18.Addicted   19.Graduation Song   20.Put Your Arms Around Me   适合女生唱的英文歌有哪些 篇2   1.Bizarre Love Triangle   2.Spell   3.Our Own Way   4.Like I Always Do   5.Back To Black   6.Blinded by Love   7.Overprotected   8.Nature Boy   9.give in to me   10.will you be there   11.remember the time   12.Can t Fight The Moonlight   13.Nobody s Fool   14.White Flag   15.Hit by a feeling   16.If you leave my world   17.Total Eclipse Of The Heart   18.Everything I Do   19.Contagious   20.Grace Kelly   适合女生唱的英文歌有哪些 篇3   No.1 Cara Dillon《The Lark in the Clear Air》   No.2 The Bangles《eternal flame》   No.3 Cranberries《Dying In The Sun》   No.4 Whitney Houston 《I have nothing》   No.5 Mariah Carey《when you believe》   No.6 Lene Marlin《 Sitting Down Here》   No.7 Christina Aguilera 《come on over》   No.8 Sarah Connor & Natural 《Just One Last Dance》   No.9 Shania Twain《 Any Man Of Mine》   No.10 Lene Marlin《 A Place Nearby》   No.11 Christina Aguilera 《Believe Me 》   No.12 Mariah Carey《hero》   No.13 Timo Tolkki《Are you the one》   No.14 Shawn Colvin 《Sunny Came Home》   No.15 Ronan Keating 《When You Say Nothing At All》   No.16 Caron Nightingale《 Promise Don"t Come Easy》   No.17 Sinead O"Connor《A Perfect Indian》   No.18 Groove Coverage 《God Is A Girl》   No.19有里知花《I cry》   No.20 Dido《Thank you》   No.21 Dido《This land is mine》   No.22 Lene Marlin《One year ago》   No.23 Emilla 《Big Big World》   No.24 Angelica 《blue ghost》   No.25 Christina Aguilera《beautiful》   No.26 Whitney Houston《I Will Always Love You》   No.27 Mariah Carey 《without you》   No.28 Carpenters《close to you》   适合女生唱的英文歌有哪些 篇4   1. Yesterday once more----the Carpenters   2. Seasons in the sun –West life   3. My heart will go on---Celine Dion   4. Right here waiting----Richard max   5. Heal the world----Michael Jackson   6. One of us ---Gareth Gates   7. That"s why you go away---MLTR   8. One better ---Aaron Carter   9. Casablanca《卡萨布兰卡》   10. Rose---West life   11. Ben--- Michael Jackson   12. Big big world---Emilia   13. Yesterday---the Beatles   14. Hotel California---the Eagles   15. Nothing Compares to you---Sinead O Connor   16. Baby One More Time---Britney Spears   17. As long as you love me---Backstreet Boys   18. I will always love you---Whitney Houston   19. Tears in Heaven—Eric Clapton   20. Only love---Trademark   21. The day you went away--M2M   22. Bye bye bye ---N"Sync   23. Don"t Speak---No Doubt   24. Careless Whispers---Wham   25. When you say nothing at all---Krauss   26. Everything I do—Bryan Adams   27. Trouble is a friend---Lenka   28. Lonely---nana   29. You took my heart away---MLTR   30. Sunny came home---Shawn Colvin   31. Cinderella--- Britney Spears   32. Stuck in my heart ---C21   33. Can you feel the love tonight---Elton John   34. Goodbye---air supply   35. That is my goal---Shayne Ward   36. I want it that way--- Backstreet Boys   37. Words---Boy zone   38. Lemon tree---fool"s garden   39. Said I love you but I lied---Michael Bolton
2023-06-28 20:21:091