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2023-06-29 07:18:00

2008年Rain代言镜面音乐手机 三星F258.是一款有韩国人气天王Rain代言的一款地位低端的手机。因为定位的问题,硬件上三星F258仅采用了一块65K色QQVGA(128×160)分辨率的屏幕和130万像素的摄像头,表现非常一般。但是背部Rain的签名还是非常抢眼的。不过三星F258也并不是一无是处的,作为一款音乐手机,它的音乐表现力还是非常到位的。 2010 Rain 10年5月 W SK800手機 三款Rain手机各具特色:直板PG-1400的厚度仅为12.8mm,翻盖PG-3500的厚度为,就连PG-3600滑盖款也突破了以往体积过大的缺陷,厚度仅为16.9 mm。其中直板手机PG-1400,完全可以跻身目前手机市场最薄手机行列,它轻盈的机身是追求手机美观和实用者的不二之选。三款均有黑色和银色可供选择,其中金属外壳富有高科技的感觉,握在手中也有不错的质感。泛泰拥有市场上同类产品无法比拟的设计和功能优势,拿在手里,感觉到的是一种时尚感十足的品位。 体积虽小,功能却不含糊。三款均具备64和弦铃声、真彩屏显示、摄像头等时尚功能,同时可以实现彩信(MMS) 和WAP 2.0及JAVA无线增值服务功能。 PG-3500和PG-3600多媒体功能方面更为丰富,支持130万像素摄像头,支持4倍数字变焦,5级亮度调节、8种特效模式,另外还支持最多达15张的连拍能力,能够实现长时间有声视频摄录,并内置MP3播放器,同时支持外接T-Flash扩展存储卡和蓝牙,满足手机多媒体应用中对存储的要求。 PG-1400具备33万像素VGA摄像头,支持有声视频摄录,而且还具备了收音机和录音功能,并且在机身背面设计了单独的扬声器,使手机声音表现更为出色。其突出个性的外观,优异的功能和性价比无疑会成为年轻一族的最爱。 2006Rain正式签约韩国第二大手机厂商Pantech(泛泰)三款Rain手机各具特色:直板PG-1400的厚度仅为12.8mm,翻盖PG-3500的厚度为,就连PG-3600滑盖款也突破了以往体积过大的缺陷,厚度仅为16.9 mm。其中直板手机PG-1400,完全可以跻身目前手机市场最薄手机行列,它轻盈的机身是追求手机美观和实用者的不二之选。三款均有黑色和银色可供选择,其中金属外壳富有高科技的感觉,握在手中也有不错的质感。泛泰拥有市场上同类产品无法比拟的设计和功能优势,拿在手里,感觉到的是一种时尚感十足的品位。 体积虽小,功能却不含糊。三款均具备64和弦铃声、真彩屏显示、摄像头等时尚功能,同时可以实现彩信(MMS) 和WAP 2.0及JAVA无线增值服务功能。 PG-3500和PG-3600多媒体功能方面更为丰富,支持130万像素摄像头,支持4倍数字变焦,5级亮度调节、8种特效模式,另外还支持最多达15张的连拍能力,能够实现长时间有声视频摄录,并内置MP3播放器,同时支持外接T-Flash扩展存储卡和蓝牙,满足手机多媒体应用中对存储的要求。 PG-1400具备33万像素VGA摄像头,支持有声视频摄录,而且还具备了收音机和录音功能,并且在机身背面设计了单独的扬声器,使手机声音表现更为出色。其突出个性的外观,优异的功能和性价比无疑会成为年轻一族的最爱。 rain代言的三星音乐手机i458这款手机的造型设计非常的年轻化,很适合年轻消费者的选购,而双向滑盖的出现也增加了该机的科技含量。i458的功能搭配在中端手机中还算主流,2.4英寸QVGA分辨率的屏幕以及200万像素摄像头是处于这一价格区间的手机的标配,表现不错。 当然该机主打的音乐功能方面该机拥有专业的播放器以及配备了B&O Ice Power 音效增强技术,音质方面的表现在同档次手机中算是比较不错的,表现非常值得期待。系统方面,其采用Symbian 9.2操作系统和S60第三版操作界面,具有丰富的附加功能。 2008三星F278做工考究、手感细腻。外壳正面选用了黑色钢琴漆材质,背面采用了橡胶漆材质,能有效地防止手机从手中滑落。在外观上,F278正面及背面均采用黑色设计,而将银色元素融入到整机的四周,形成强列的视觉反差,将经典的颜色搭配展现的淋漓尽致。尤其是超大的圆形控制键,具有强烈的动感气息。采用时下最为流行的双滑盖设计,推拉顺畅自如。采用了一块2.2英寸QVGA26万色TFT彩屏,图像绚丽多彩,具有超强的真实感。屏幕周围与边框形成一体,没有任何接缝,手感非常细腻,做工考究非常令人满意。而且耳机接口是最为普遍的3.5毫米通用耳塞,在选择耳机方面有了更多的选择性,易用性大大增强。键盘区字体较大,适合任何年龄群的人士使用。整机三围尺寸为102.5×48.5×16.5mm,重量为99.0g。 作为一款以音乐功能为主打的手机,三星F278内置了WindowsMediaPlayer播放器, 支持MP3、AAC、AAC+、WMA等音频格式播放。打开手机内置的音乐播放器,可以把音乐储存到播放列表中,因为此款手机的记忆功能很强,可以记住最近播放的以及多次播放。F278内置能有效降低音效失真率的 B&O Ice Power 数字音效放大技术,另外三星还在这款手机身上增添了独家专利的DNSE (Digital Natural Sound Engine) 3D环绕音效,在欣赏音乐的时候更具立体感。内置了较为主流的200万CMOS摄像头,最高支持1600×1200分辨率拍照,支持LED补光灯、白平衡选项以及夜景模式,并支持有声视频拍摄。 支持MPEG4、H.264/AVC、H.263/3GP、RealVideo 等视频格式全屏播放。另外,只要按住导航圆盘上的“音乐快捷键”不放,同时上下、左右摇晃就能进行多种音乐播放器的操作。 三星I458拥有一面2.4吋QVGA萤幕,它主打音乐,除了抢眼的大喇叭,它也和U708、F308一样使用了B&O Ice Power音效增强技术,可提供超乎手机水准的音乐品质。i458 同时具备 FM 收音机、3.5 mm 耳机插孔、A2DP、背景播放,以及对 MP3、MP4、H.264、WMA 影音档案的支援,还可使用最高 4 GB 的 microSD 记忆卡扩充容量,满足你对多媒体手机的一切需求。被部设计十分独特,乍看之下甚至有点Nokia N81的影子,有干净的背盖和200万画素相机附 LED相机灯。由于使用了 S60,i458的附加功能变得很丰富,像是IM即时通讯、声控命令、行事历、录音器、POP3 / IMAP电子邮件等等,i458也一併支援,要当作商务手机使用也没问题。可支持MP3、AAC、Real、WMA等多种格式的音乐播放,并配备了一颗硕大无比的独立扬声器,出色的音质效果令人满意。该机基于Symbian S60 3rd操作系统,强大的扩展能力同样可方便用户安装更多的软件。 07-03-15尼康Nikon 韓國的LG公司为了旗下的XNOTE S1笔记本2006 rain代言三星数码相机-KENOX V4 rain代言的SK-900手机 代言的SKTelecom手机



  SKY手机是韩国的品牌。  Pantech泛泰手机在韩国,“SKY”是Pantech(泛泰)集团旗下的高端手机品牌。在中国鲜为人知的Pantech,在韩国乃至欧美却是家喻户晓的手机品牌。  至于手机质量应该是不成问题的与三星lgvk等我们熟悉的韩国品牌手机差不多的。
2023-06-28 21:15:581


2023-06-28 21:16:041


制造商: Pantech(泛泰)手机类型 :4G手机,智能手机,拍照手机外观:直板大小:132.4 x 68.9 x9.35毫米重量:133g (SKT/KT Black a830K), 或者134.15g (LG U+ White即a830L)颜色 :白色,黑色屏幕 :4.8HD高清(720X1280)1600万色TFT液晶相机:前200万像素,背面800万像素+ LED闪光灯CPU:高通MSM8960 1.5GHz双核处理器(28纳米工艺)GPU:高通 Adreno 225RAM:1GB机身内存:16GB存储卡: 支持32GB操作系统:Android 4.0蓝牙:3.0触摸: 电容屏接口:micro USB 5针连接器(金卤灯支持),3.5mm音频接头电池容量:2020mAh无线局域网:802.11全球定位系统: A-GPS多任务:Android原生支持其他功能:内置DMB,DivX,NFC.A-GPS.HDMI,手势操作,OTG基本组件:两个标准电池,电池盖,电池充电座,耳机,麦克风和充电适配器,电池的情况下,保护膜,一个简单的指南,安全指南
2023-06-28 21:16:131

pantech business hub在新加坡的哪个城市

pantech business hub在新加坡共和国的新加坡市其实新加坡这个国家只有一个城市啦,整个国家的面积还没有北京的一个区大。你问的这个地方离金文泰地铁站不远,旁边是个大蓄水池。周围都是工业区,有好多印度人出没。还有问题的话欢迎追问
2023-06-28 21:16:271


2023-06-28 21:16:474

要过年了,高分征 给客户的新年贺词

2023-06-28 21:17:066


2023-06-28 21:17:397


2023-06-28 21:18:146


买了有没用 没有中文输入 除非你会韩文
2023-06-28 21:18:305


2011年电子设备工程联合委员会(Joint Electron Device En gineering Council,简称JEDEC)发布了第一代通用闪存存储(Universal Flash Storage,简称UFS)标准,希望能够替代eMMC。然而,第一代的UFS并不受欢迎,因为相对于不断更新换代的eMMC它似乎没有提供足够的优势。为此,JEDEC在2013年9月发布了新一代的通用闪存存储标准UFS 2.0,该标准下的闪存读写速度可以高达每秒1 400MB,这相当于在两秒钟内读写两个CD光盘的数据,不仅相比eMMC它有巨大的优势,它甚至能够让电脑上使用的闪存存储介质固态硬盘也相形见绌。x0dx0aUFS 2.0所能达到的传输速度是eMMC所无法比拟的,即使与当前最新的eMMC 5.0标准相比其速度也高出3倍。能够实现这样速度的关键在于,UFS 2.0采用了许多聪明的设计,例如不同于eMMC存储器读取和写入必须分开执行的方式,UFS 2.0传输的数据可以在UFS主机与闪存之间以全双工模式进行交换,读写可以同时执行。此外,UFS 2.0附加的控制通道可以有效地确保数据的安全传输,不必再因为冗长的写操作而做不必要的等待。这是UFS 2.0获得更高速度的关键,存取指令将通过UFS驱动程序传递到CPU芯片上的UFS主机控制器,控制器将对传入命令进行排序,确保它们能够尽可能快地进行处理,而且UFS 2.0能够通过存储器芯片平行执行队列中的多个命令。x0dx0aUFS 2.0命令队列包含一个优先次序,例如命令队列中视频播放器接收其数据的速度将比浏览器后台的下载任务有更高的优先级别。串行连接的命令并没有彻底地改变,但是它将和USB 3.0一样采用SCSI的指令系统,因此UFS 2.0可以将存储块作为独立的逻辑单元并行地进行操作。相对于eMMC来说,这是一个巨大的优势,因为在使用eMMC的系统中,整个系统必须等待之前的任务完成之后才可以启动另一个任务。另一方面,UFS 2.0可以同时处理多项任务的功能,可以更好地支持系统的多线程操作。x0dx0a 除了速度上有明显的优势之外,相对于eMMC,UFS 2.0还可以支持更大容量的闪存。由于eMMC采用硬编码的32位寻址系统,因而系统只能支持2TB的闪存存储器。2TB的闪存存储器无疑足以满足当前所有智能手机和平板电脑的应用需求,但是未来则难以预料。相比之下,UFS的寻址系统要灵活许多,可以轻松跨越2TB的障碍(最大可寻址的精确容量取决于UFS具体的执行方法)。UFS允许建立8个分区,并且可以从这些分区上启动。此外,分区可配置保护功能,例如可以通过加密的密钥保护分区上的敏感数据。x0dx0a UFS 2.0相关的产品即将推出,首先高通将推出支持该标准的系统芯片骁龙805,而采用UFS 2.0存储器的第一款智能手机将是配备这款芯片的Pantech Vega Iron 2,而其他的设备也将很快推出。
2023-06-28 21:18:541


2023-06-28 21:19:132


2023-06-28 21:19:357


2023-06-28 21:19:514

《那年冬天风在吹》 宋慧乔用的是哪款手机呢?

泛泰 VEGA R3 (A850)
2023-06-28 21:19:593


2023-06-28 21:20:142


2023-06-28 21:20:321


第一 SAMSUNG x0dx0a第二 Pantech ud32cud0ddx0dx0a第三 LG x0dx0aLG已经被Pantech超越 06年5月与韩国最大的移动运营商SK电信达成全球收购协议,收购其旗下手机公司SKTT60%股份后,pantech在韩国市场份额一跃超越LG,成为韩国第二大手机厂商 x0dx0a韩国新品牌VOTO也是刚出不久
2023-06-28 21:20:401


制造商: Pantech(泛泰)上市日期: 2011年05月手机类型 :3G手机,智能手机,拍照手机外观设计: 直板主屏尺寸: 4.3英寸触摸屏: 支持主屏材质: TFT主屏分辨率: 480×800像素网络模式: GSM,WCDMA数据业务 GPRS,EDGE,HSDPA支持频段: 2G:GSM 850/900/1800/19003G:WCDMA 900/2100MHz操作系统: Android OS v2.3(miui4.03)核心数: 双核CPU型号: 高通 snapdragon MSM8660CPU频率: 1536MHzGPU型号: 高通 Adreno220闪光灯:支持机身内存: 16GB存储卡: MicroSD卡电池容量: 1650mAh键盘类型: 虚拟QWERTY键盘机身颜色: 黑色,白色机身尺寸: 65.6 mm (w)*126.9 mm (h)*9.45 mm (d)手机重量: 126.5 G
2023-06-28 21:20:471


2023-06-28 21:21:001

有一首韩文歌很好听 可我不知道名字 只知道名字里有 {时候}这两个字 请问谁知道完整的歌名!

〈手记〉 rain 放开手 放开手 放开手还你自由还你的自由眼看我们慢慢放开双手舍不得(舍不得)多年感情面临生死关头多年相处片段浮现心头好难受(好难受)要看着你走 yeah yeah曾经的温柔 曾经分享的馒头是时候 留在我的掌纹中漫游曾经的哀愁 曾经飞扬的眉头是时候 点滴成不朽我们和平分手我要还你自由请你记住我的pantech在你双手在你难过的时候在你失意的时候请你记住它仍在你左右做你的朋友眼看你站在我视线的背后舍不得(舍不得)我怕看到你的背影颤抖我怕你也忍不住要回头好难受(好难受)比赛谁首先泪流曾经的温柔 曾经分享的馒头是时候 留在我的掌纹中漫游曾经的哀愁 曾经飞扬的眉头是时候 点滴成不朽我们和平分手我要还你自由请你记住我的pantech在你手在你难过的时候在你失意的时候请你记住它仍在你左右做你的朋友我即将硬着心肠不回头找不到留下的理由你只需要我挥手我即将望穿秋水也不够想象你永远的微笑也不够我们和平分手我要还你自由
2023-06-28 21:21:191


尊敬的客户及各位朋友: 转瞬之间,2005年已临近尾声,新年的钟声即将敲响,我谨代表 向大家送上新年的祝福,恭祝大家新春快乐,万事如意!
2023-06-28 21:21:273

super junior的手机
2023-06-28 21:21:354


2023-06-28 21:22:205


2023-06-28 21:22:343


BOA代言过的东西类型很多:电子类有韩国的音响hello apm,PANTECH&CURITEL公司手机,代言韩国泛泰的旗下品牌Curitel手机.代言日本东芝手机.OLYMPUS μ相机,铁三角的专业耳机,三星anyband形象广告。化妆品类有过KOSE的fasio睫毛膏,missha,欧舒丹的天使草系列。服装类有出道时候的韩国Elite校服,Levis牛仔裤,NIKE的运动服,W doubledot服装。日本有代言过calpis矿泉饮料,韩国代言lotte巧克力,午后的红茶B,Hite酒类。还有KB的信用卡,mod"s hair电吹风。都是自己查的。
2023-06-28 21:22:431


2003 KTF EVER Proleague:东洋Orion2003 启蒙师杯KPGA Team League:Suma GO2003 LifeZone KPGA Team League:Suma GO2003~2004 Neowiz Pmang Proleague:Suma GO2003~2004 LG IBM Team League:4UnionSPL2004第一阶段:Hanbit Stars2004 Tucson Team League:SKTelecom T1SPL2004第二阶段:Pantech&CuritelSPL2004第三阶段:KOR2004~2005 MBCMovies Team League:GOSPL2004总决赛:Hanbit StarsSPL2005前期:SKTelecom T1SPL2005后期:SKTelecom T1SPL2005总决赛:SKTelecom T1SPL2006前期:SKTelecom T1SPL2006后期:MBCGame HeroSPL2006总决赛:MBCGame HeroSPL2007前期:Samsung KhanSPL2007后期:Lecaf OZSPL2007总决赛:Lecaf OZSPL2008:Samsung Khan。。PS:虽然我BS复制流。。但是你这个问题也只有复制了。。
2023-06-28 21:22:501

编译miui_recovery 时报cc: error: unrecognized command line option

2023-06-28 21:22:571

2023-06-28 21:24:344


2011年电子设备工程联合委员会(Joint Electron Device En gineering Council,简称JEDEC)发布了第一代通用闪存存储(Universal Flash Storage,简称UFS)标准,希望能够替代eMMC。然而,第一代的UFS并不受欢迎,因为相对于不断更新换代的eMMC它似乎没有提供足够的优势。为此,JEDEC在2013年9月发布了新一代的通用闪存存储标准UFS 2.0,该标准下的闪存读写速度可以高达每秒1 400MB,这相当于在两秒钟内读写两个CD光盘的数据,不仅相比eMMC它有巨大的优势,它甚至能够让电脑上使用的闪存存储介质固态硬盘也相形见绌。UFS 2.0所能达到的传输速度是eMMC所无法比拟的,即使与当前最新的eMMC 5.0标准相比其速度也高出3倍。能够实现这样速度的关键在于,UFS 2.0采用了许多聪明的设计,例如不同于eMMC存储器读取和写入必须分开执行的方式,UFS 2.0传输的数据可以在UFS主机与闪存之间以全双工模式进行交换,读写可以同时执行。此外,UFS 2.0附加的控制通道可以有效地确保数据的安全传输,不必再因为冗长的写操作而做不必要的等待。这是UFS 2.0获得更高速度的关键,存取指令将通过UFS驱动程序传递到CPU芯片上的UFS主机控制器,控制器将对传入命令进行排序,确保它们能够尽可能快地进行处理,而且UFS 2.0能够通过存储器芯片平行执行队列中的多个命令。UFS 2.0命令队列包含一个优先次序,例如命令队列中视频播放器接收其数据的速度将比浏览器后台的下载任务有更高的优先级别。串行连接的命令并没有彻底地改变,但是它将和USB 3.0一样采用SCSI的指令系统,因此UFS 2.0可以将存储块作为独立的逻辑单元并行地进行操作。相对于eMMC来说,这是一个巨大的优势,因为在使用eMMC的系统中,整个系统必须等待之前的任务完成之后才可以启动另一个任务。另一方面,UFS 2.0可以同时处理多项任务的功能,可以更好地支持系统的多线程操作。 除了速度上有明显的优势之外,相对于eMMC,UFS 2.0还可以支持更大容量的闪存。由于eMMC采用硬编码的32位寻址系统,因而系统只能支持2TB的闪存存储器。2TB的闪存存储器无疑足以满足当前所有智能手机和平板电脑的应用需求,但是未来则难以预料。相比之下,UFS的寻址系统要灵活许多,可以轻松跨越2TB的障碍(最大可寻址的精确容量取决于UFS具体的执行方法)。UFS允许建立8个分区,并且可以从这些分区上启动。此外,分区可配置保护功能,例如可以通过加密的密钥保护分区上的敏感数据。 UFS 2.0相关的产品即将推出,首先高通将推出支持该标准的系统芯片骁龙805,而采用UFS 2.0存储器的第一款智能手机将是配备这款芯片的Pantech Vega Iron 2,而其他的设备也将很快推出。
2023-06-28 21:24:441


小乔是林志玲演的! 名字: 林志玲 出生日期: 11月29日 国家或地区: 中国台湾 血型: B 身高: 174 厘米 体重: 52 公斤 婚姻状况: 单身 别名昵称: 冰淇淋 玲玲(昵称) 三围尺寸: 胸围 (34英寸) ; 腰围 (24英寸) ; 臀围 (36英寸)
2023-06-28 21:24:522


外媒:为何iPhone6所有参考消息网11月10日报道外媒称,或许很多人还没有注意到,在所有iPhone 6的广告中出现的时间数字都是09:41。在苹果的“地盘”上,几乎所有的东西都是经过精心研究的,就连这个频繁出现在苹果系列产品广告上的时间也一定有它的理由。据西班牙《阿贝赛报》11月6日报道,时间要退回到2007年。2007年1月10日,时任苹果公司CEO乔布斯出现在旧金山Macworld 2007大会上。乔布斯开始讲话的时间是上午9点,35分钟之后,乔布斯说道:“两年半以来我们一直期盼今天的到来……一款具有革命性的产品将改变一切。今天,苹果公司将再度推出手机产品。”就在他说完这些话之后,他身后的大屏幕上出现了苹果公司的第一款iPhone手机的图像,时间显示上午9:42。直到2010年,iPhone手机的所有广告中显示的时间数字都是上午9点42分,以此来代表和纪念苹果公司改变移动通信行业的时间。2010年,苹果公司推出了又一款伟大的产品—平板电脑,从此改变了数字内容的消费方式。在当年的新品发布会上,乔布斯在上午9点41分发布了苹果的首款平板电脑iPad。从此以后,这个时间就出现在所有苹果平板电脑和手机的广告中。前任苹果公司软件部门高级副总裁斯科特·福斯托尔在2010年道出了这个秘密。他指出,我们在设计苹果操作系统下运行的幻灯片演示软件Keynote时考虑到,它的图像可能会在发布会开始40分钟左右时出现。到iPhone手机时我们设计了两分钟的延迟,到iPad发布时就接近了9:41这个时间。2010年iPad上市后,苹果公司就将所有广告上的时间统一为上午9点41分。:外媒:iPhone6在韩国开放预购 人气比三星红火延伸阅读外媒:iPhone6在韩国开放预购 人气比三星红火参考消息网10月28日报道外媒称,韩国3家运营商在10月24日开放iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus预购,引发抢购热潮。分析师预估,新款iPhone预购数量约达10万台,超越Galaxy Note 4开放预购时的3万台。据美国《华尔街日报》10月27日报道,韩国KT表示,在开放预购1分钟内,iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus的合计订单就冲上1万笔,30分钟内订单数即达5万笔。KT为第1家将iPhone手机引进韩国市场的营运商。另一家运营商LG Uplus表示,开放预购20分钟内,订单数即达2万笔。韩国最大运营商SK电信不愿公布确切数据,仅强调第一批和第二批预购量已经销售一空。该公司表示,周一上午启动第三批预购,但拒绝透露每一批预购的配额。另两家运营商亦拟再推出新一波预购行动。iPhone 6/Plus将于10月31日在韩国正式上架。LG Uplus证实,到现在为止Galaxy Note 4的预购速度不如iPhone 6/Plus。据Counterpoint Research调查,第2季苹果在韩国手机市场拿下6%占有率,排名第4,三星以市占63%居首,乐金和Pantech市占各达22%、6%。首尔IBK证券分析师李承佑(Lee Seung-woo,音译)表示,眼见苹果跟随三星采取大屏幕策略,市场认为三星可能就此失去其唯一优势。李承佑指出,第4季三星的Galaxy S5和Galaxy Note 4将对决苹果的iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus,预料两者的成绩可能截然不同,预估后者的全球销量将是前者的至少5倍。(2014-10-28 07:57:00):韩iPhone6降价引发混乱 移动公司获口头警告延伸阅读韩iPhone6降价引发混乱 移动公司获口头警告当地时间2日清晨,韩国十几家手机销售店在违反有关提供手机补助费规定的情况下,廉价出售16G iPhone 6手机,引发了消费者在手机店前排长龙抢购手机的混乱。(韩联社)中新网11月3日电据韩国国际广播电台报道,当地时间2日清晨,韩国十几家手机销售店在违反有关提供手机补助费规定的情况下,廉价出售16G的iPhone6手机,引发了消费者在手机店前排长龙抢购手机的混乱。韩国放送通信委员会对移动通信公司进行了强烈警告。据报道,当天清晨,首尔市区10几家手机销售店在违反有关提供手机补助费规定的情况下,以十几万韩元(10万韩元约合人民币574元)廉价出售16G iPhone6手机,引发了消费者在手机店前排长龙抢购手机的混乱。报道称,韩国放送通信委员会2日传唤SK电讯等3家移动通信公司负责人,在政府果川大楼举行了紧急会议,对他们进行了口头警告,并要求他们制定避免再次出现类似情况的有关对策。据悉,韩国移动通信公司非法提供手机补助费违反了《终端流通结构改善法》的有关规定,放送通信委员会在对市场进行调查后,将决定是否对移动通信公司征收罚款等采取制裁措施。(2014-11-03 15:54:14):苹果CEO库克访郑州富士康 亲上iPhone6生产线当工人延伸阅读苹果CEO库克访郑州富士康 亲上iPhone6生产线当工人库克昨日来到河南郑州富士康工厂,参观iPhone 6生产线,与iPhone 6 Plus生产线女工交谈。(图片取自人民网)中国台湾网10月23日消息 正在大陆访问的苹果执行长库克(Tim Cook)昨(22)日晚间到位于郑州的富士康科技园,参观iPhone6生产线,还跟iPhone6 Plus生产线上的女工聊天。库克郑州行后,将前往北京。据台湾《中时电子报》援引陆媒报导,库克昨日低调来到郑州航空港经济综合实验区内的富士康园区,待了2个多小时才又搭乘专机离开。据报导,库克避开豪华礼车接送、迎接仪式,就直接进入富士康厂区。进入生产线换上工作服,套上鞋套、经过安检后直接就进入iPhone6的生产线上了解组装情形。库克除了跟组装的女工聊天外,还当了一会儿的装箱工人。苹果在21日刚发布季报,业绩亮丽。在iPhone6热销3930万支、年增16%带动下,苹果季营收年增加12%。(中国台湾网 王思羽)(2014-10-23 09:10:08):iPhone6在裤兜内折弯自燃 美国男子臀部被烧伤延伸阅读iPhone6在裤兜内折弯自燃 美国男子臀部被烧伤中新网10月22日电据外媒报道,美国一名男子日前不慎将新买的iPhone6手机折弯。手机被折弯,不仅让这名男子损失了“银子”,还给他带来了一场灾祸。这部手机在弯曲后自燃,导致男子臀部被烧伤。美国男子菲利普·莱克特(Phillip Lecter)称,他把iPhone6手机放在了裤子的口袋里,但没想到在他骑车的时候手机被折弯并自燃,导致他的臀部二度烧伤。莱克特表示,发现臀部着火之后,他对自己所骑的车上下检查了一遍,并没有发现任何可能在他身上“点火”的物体。但之后他突然意识到,是裤兜里的手机着火了。莱克特称,当时他的身后冒出浓烟,还发出难闻的味道。他赶忙把手机掏出来,并感觉自己的腿被烧伤了。掏出手机后,莱克特发现手机已经烧焦,还烧穿了他的牛仔裤和内裤的右臀部,在他的臀部造成一个10厘米长的伤口。目前,苹果公司尚未回应这起事件。报道称,尚不清楚此事件是一起独立事件,还是所有的iPhone6手机被放在裤兜里都可能发生类似的情况。(2014-10-22 10:18:12)责任编辑:王晓易_NE0011猜你爱看《新白娘子传奇》主演现状,她身价赶超赵雅芝,而他广告上时间都是9:41?(组图)
2023-06-28 21:24:591


  2011年电子设备工程联合委员会(Joint Electron Device En gineering Council,简称JEDEC)发布了第一代通用闪存存储(Universal Flash Storage,简称UFS)标准,希望能够替代eMMC。然而,第一代的UFS并不受欢迎,因为相对于不断更新换代的eMMC它似乎没有提供足够的优势。  为此,JEDEC在2013年9月发布了新一代的通用闪存存储标准UFS 2.0,该标准下的闪存读写速度可以高达每秒1 400MB,这相当于在两秒钟内读写两个CD光盘的数据,不仅相比eMMC它有巨大的优势,它甚至能够让电脑上使用的闪存存储介质固态硬盘也相形见绌。    UFS 2.0相关的产品即将推出,首先高通将推出支持该标准的系统芯片骁龙805,而采用UFS 2.0存储器的第一款智能手机将是配备这款芯片的Pantech Vega Iron 2,而其他的设备也将很快推出。   今年三星新一代的手机Samsung GALAXY S6 及S6 edge+都是用的UFS2.0协议的存储器,国内的魅族在Pro5也同样。
2023-06-28 21:25:192


P9不支持HDMI(MHL)。华为支持MHL :403HW、Ascend D Quad、Ascend D1、Ascend D1 Quad、Ascend D1 Quad XL、Ascend D2、Ascend P1、Ascend P1 S、Ascend P2D2-6114、Huawei MediaPad 7 (S10-102L, S10-103L) Lite Android Tablet、HW-03E、Mediapad M1 8.0 (403HW)P6 S-L01、P6 S-U06、S10-231L、S10-231W、S7-951wd、S7-961w、S8-303LY、U9200MHL 仅使用一条信号电缆,通过标准 HDMI 输入接口即可呈现于高清电视上。它运用了现有的 Micro USB接口,不论是手机、数码相机、数字摄影机和便携式多媒体播放器,皆可将完整的媒体内容直接传输到电视上且不损伤影片高分辨率的效果。扩展资料MHL接口够将移动设备中的视频信号与音频信号同时传输到外接显示设备上,不需要经过任何的设置,对于用户来说非常便利。而随着智能移动设备的 娱乐性和功能性越来越强大,它所包含的数据内容也是堪称一个小型的计算机。搭载MHL接口的产品:Samsung Galaxy Nexus,Samsung Galaxy Note,Samsung Galaxy S II,Samsung Galaxy Tab(专门配的MHL适配器),Meizu MX,LG Optimus LTE,HTC One X ,HTC EVO 3D,HTC Sensation,SONY Xperia Z,ZTE Grand Memo,ZTE Grand S LTE都支持MHL适配器。HTC Flyer,HTC One S,LG Verizon Spectrum ,Lenovo S2,Pantech Vega LTE,Samsung Galaxy S III,Samsung Epic 4G Touch,ZTE PF200以及小米2,魅族MX系列等多款知名手机产品。参考资料:华为商城 - 帮助中心
2023-06-28 21:25:281


一年两届SPL赛制介绍 SPL=Sky ProLeague ,站队联赛站队联赛一共11个站队参加(SKTelecom T1,KTF MagicNs,MBCGame Hero,CJ Entus,OnGameNet Sparkyz,Hanbit Stars,eStro,STX SouL,Samsung Khan,Lecaf OZ,Pantech EX)分3个阶段,前期联赛,后期联赛,总决赛前期联赛&后期联赛11个队打单循环,每场比赛bo5,第3场为双打,前四场上场选手不能重复单循环排名前4进入季后赛(战绩相同看净胜局,在相同的话加赛,1v1,Bo1定胜负)季后赛:冒泡赛制(第四挑战第三,胜者挑战第二,胜者挑战第一)比赛Bo7,第3,6场为双打,前6场上场选手不能重复总决赛:前期冠军 vs 后期冠军 Bo7
2023-06-28 21:25:411


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2023-06-28 21:26:033


姜东元生日 1981/1/18 星座 魔蝎座 身高 186cm 体重 68kg 学历 汉阳大学机械系99届 家族成员 父母 姐姐 血型 B 脚的尺寸 28.5cm 爱好 听歌 运动(踢足球) 经历 2000年7月出道 初次登场 2000年7月DKNY MEN Fashion Show 戏剧 2003 NBC 我的威风女友 2003 NBC 1%的可行性(周日) 2004 SBS 魔术(Magic)8月底上映 电影 2004 请不要相信她(与金荷娜) 2004 狼的诱惑 2005 刑事(与河智苑合作) 电视广告 LG CION KTF FIMM] CJ39 SHOPPING LG TELECOM MTV 曹成模~承诺 J~光 Link~悲歌 杂志 BAZZAR Esquire GQ Elle C.O.A.X Litmus J.Jkas D-Day So Basic 服装秀 2000-2001 SFAA DKNY Hugo Boss Gucci等金静华Kim Jung Hwa生日:1983.9.9 出生地:汉城 成员:有一个姐姐 身高:172CM 体重:49Kg 血型:A型 宗教:基督教 兴趣:网络游戏、看书 特长:游泳、饶舌歌曲 个性:开朗活泼 尊敬的演员:沈银河、朴信阳 出道时间:2000年6月电视作品:《1%的恋情》《白雪公主》《三叶草》电影作品:《间谍,你所不知道的她》
2023-06-28 21:26:114

RAIN 是韩国什么地方的人?

2023-06-28 21:26:194


2023-06-28 21:16:591


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Throwable是所有异常的父类,处理语句:try{//代码块}catch(Exception e ){//代码块}finally{//代码块}
2023-06-28 21:17:042


2023-06-28 21:17:083

英语作文_the importance of families

The importance of family education Family education on the issue since ancient times by people"s concern, but as a subject to study in China in recent years is also the matter. This is the development of the times, the demand, the National necessary to improve the overall quality of the issues involved. Here with the parents of the importance of family education, the aim is to the family and society, the education sector to shoulder the common task of educating the next generation. The education is a system of education works here include a family education, social education, collective (Tuoyouyuansuo, school) education, the three interrelated and organic combination of mutual influence, interaction and mutual constraints The education project from which one can, but in this project, family education is the foundation of all education. The former Soviet Union educators famous Su Huomu Belinsky transferred to a child than marble, he said, to shape this into a marble statue of need six sculptor: 1 family, 2 schools, 3 children of the collective; 4 child; books; 6 occasional factor. From the order, the family was included in the first place, can see the family in shaping children in the course of a very important role in the hearts of the educators occupy a position. For this reason parents understand the importance of family education is very necessary. First, family education is the starting point for education and basic point Family education generally refers to the family of parents and adult children of minors education process. Their educational objectives should be: the child into the community to accept collective education (kindergarten, school education) prior to guarantee the physical and mental health development of children, to accept the kindergartens, schools of education to lay a solid foundation. The child for admission into the school, with kindergartens, schools to moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, the various aspects of comprehensive development. Education is the focus of moral education mainly among children good moral quality and develop good habits mainly habits include: living habits, labor practices, learning habits, the church children how to learn "life." As a result of family education in the family, and kindergartens, schools of education, social education, compared with the following characteristics of these features so that family education to become the starting point for education and basic point is by no other educational advantages. (A) family of early education The family is the cradle of life of children, who are receiving education after the birth of a venue that is the first class life; parents are children"s first teachers, that is, the Enlightenment division. Therefore, parents of children by the application of early education the most. Generally speaking, after the birth of a child after three years of development, access to early childhood, from the 3-year-old…… 6-year-old is preschool, which is said in the early stages of education, this is the physical and mental development of an important period. China"s Gu Yan: "Cang, with the Cang, with the yellow, yellow." Childhood is gradually nurture life with the beginning of many basic human capacity is a stage of this age, such as language, and some basic moves Living habits, and so on, the character is gradually taking shape. U.S. psychologists Bloom, a person"s intellectual development if his 17-year-old regarded as the level reached 100 percent, then 4 years old when it reached 50 percent. 4-8 years old and a 30% increase ,8-17-year-old also won 20 percent. This shows that children in the 5-year-old former intelligence is the fastest growing period, the early intellectual development is the best, if parents in this period by the implementation of good family education, early child will be the key to intellectual development. Since ancient times, many people with lofty ideals, celebrities in the early years of fruitful period by a good family education is their future become an important cause. For example, the German poet, playwright Goethe"s become, effective early education in the family. Goethe 2-3 years old, his father hold on to the outskirts of the field visit to observe nature, culture Goethe"s observation capability. 3-4 years old, his father taught him to sing, the songs back, said a fairy tale, and we intend to let him in the face of public lectures, training his speaking ability. These are awareness education so that young Goethe optimistic, progressive, happy to think, be good at learning. Goethe-8-year-old can use, Germany, Britain, Italy, Latin, Greek reading books, 14-year-old wrote the script, the 25-year-old with a month"s time wrote a famous poem in Europe, "The Sorrows of Young Werther . " Another example of ancient "and his son calligrapher," Wang Xizhi"s known for, Wang Xianzhi, there have been a number of 1350 Edison invented the great inventors, the generation of literary star Guo Moruo, Mao Dun and other celebrities of the growth process that the family education in the early intellectual development is very important . Instead, the period of childhood are not good family education and intellectual impact on the normal development of many of the examples is. Such as India, "Langhai" Ka Mala, who was Diao to the wolf, when 8-year-old was found, but their living habits with the same people, their living habits and almost like a wolf, limbs, crawling, eating raw meat, day V Night, Later, a man-made training, two years before standing, after six years can be like walking Xiangren, four years learned to six words, in his 17-year-old, the intellectual level reached only 3-year-old child"s level. According to "China Women" revealed that China"s Nanjing City Xingma one of the workers suffering from mental and psychological diseases, Shenpa children persecuted by the people, will own three children from small lock at home, people so that they contacts with the outside world, has a long Up to 10 years, resulting in the children mental retardation, speech delay, compared with their peers, intellectual capacity and very different life, near idiots, so the family can not be neglected the role of early education, (B) family education continuity of family education second characteristic is the continuity. After the birth of a child, from small to large, almost 2 / 3 of time living in the family, Zhaochaomumu, all the parents in the education. Such education is the intentional and unintentional, planned and unplanned, consciously and unconsciously, are carried out, no matter what, in what time education, parents are in their own words and deeds at any time affect their children"s education . Such education of children living habits, moral conduct and behaviour and so on in the style of conversation kept to influence and demonstrations, the subtle influence of the considerable role, accompanied by a person"s life can be said to live to old to learn the old, some Parent educator again called for life teachers. This life of the education often reflects a family"s Family Style, Family Style is good or bad often have to continue for several generations, or even a dozen, dozens generation, and this Family Style often with family members engaged in the employment-related . Such as: Xinglin family "," Pear Orchard House, "" family education ", etc. At the same time Family Style also reflects a family"s style of study, study, good or bad is often the continuation of many generations, a dozen people, several dozens of generations . As in modern China, Wuxi people Yan Gong added-not "countries selected in the Museum", statistics from 2003-Shunzhi Branch to Guangxu 30 years Bing Xu Jia Chen Branch, the champion of 114 people, including his son by the first brothers Shuzhileishi Absolutely not, such as Suzhou Miao, Wu and Pan Sanxing, Changshu Weng, both surnamed Jiang, Chen Haining, Zhejiang, check the two surnames. See, family education is often the continuity of personnel groups have an important impact on the rise. This Situation. Ancient and modern times quite prominent in the contemporary with the development of science, and social needs of the unemployed increased, the broad people"s careers, a family member can not have all engaged in the same work, but many see this situation That some family members work frequently appears in the results, be commended, but some family members one after another crime. This is a continuous education and family have great relations. (C) family education authority Family Education is the authority of parents in their children on their elders reflected by the power and power. The existence of the family, parents and children identified the blood relationship, upbringing, emotional, moral and ethical children in the living needs of the elderly parents have great dependence, family members and the fundamental interests of consistency, have decided The father of each of their children a greater role in the constraints. Parent education was easier to accept and submit to the children, parents and reasonable use of this feature, the children good moral character and habits formed the usefulness, for child care, in particular, is the case. Child care and other children in playing the game, when disputes arise when parents are often invoked to confirm their own speech act is right, if they like to say: "My father is saying this." Or "My mother is So do. "And so on. Children of parents in the eyes of the authority decided to accept the child how to treat the nursery schools and community education. The relationship between children and parents, the child is the first to face an important social relations. In this relationship, almost embodies the moral social ethics in all aspects, if such a relationship in the formation of cracks and defects, the children then to the community, in a variety of relationships will be reflected. Therefore stressed the importance of parental authority, but also because the children of parents in childhood has always played a dual role: the safety of children is not only the survival of protected persons, but also a life of the Wizard of Enlightenment. The effects of parental education, depends on the extent to establish the authority of parents, foster parents must be authoritative Built on respect for children on the basis of personality, rather than the feudal patriarchal system, parents are wise to understand the importance of establishing authority, but also know how to establish the authority does not rely on repression and force, subjective assumptions, but the method used Gangrouxiangji. Both parents in the education of their children"s attitude on the first concerted and coordinate with each other, should be wide, wide, it should be strict martial law, in front of their children establish a kind of dignity and image, so that parents accept their children"s education. (D) of the infected family education Parents with children between the blood relationship and kinship between the natural and close, making the parents of the children have strong feelings on the role of infection. Children on the demeanour of the parents can often Xinlingshenkuai to intelligence-intelligence. In dealing with in and around the side of the relationship between matter and the issue of children on the attitude of parents is very easy to resonate. In the happy parents, the children will take part in joy, the parents showed irritability and Menmenbuyue, the child"s emotions can easily be affected, even young children as well. If the parents lack of rational and emotional, hot temper, will enable blind children to absorb its weaknesses. Some parents in dealing with unexpected incidents, show panic anxiety, surprise, the impact on children is not good if the frightened parents the same, steady firm and children in distress will also calm the situation calmly, so the quality of child psychology training Play a positive role. (5) timeliness of family education Family education process, parents are parents of children in the family of the individual acts of education than kindergarten, school education should promptly. As the saying goes:知子莫若父, that women Morrow home. Overnight between parents and children, their situation can be said to be well known to the children was slightly changed, even a look, a smile can make parents Xinlingshenhui, so as parents through their children"s every move, his every word and deed can make the best of At this very moment of their psychological state, found the child on the existing problems, timely education, timely corrective, not the problem overnight, so that bad habits in the embryonic stage of the eradication. And kindergartens, schools, teachers faced with dozens of children, only for the children of this age stage for general education, that is, education groups, because of time and energy constraints, it is impossible to take care of each child"s characteristics, Prone to the phenomenon of loss, or even to take care of the children of teachers and the poor do not have a sense of trust, and parents could guide their children promptly correct understanding. So parents of children to the correct family education so that children can enter kindergarten before forming a good habit, to accept collective education has laid a good foundation, can make up for the lack of mass education. Second, a good family education is the 21st century created the necessary conditions for personnel "China"s 1990s development program for children" in the specified: "Today"s children are the masters of the 21st century, child protection and the bottom-up development is to improve the quality of the population base, which is a prerequisite for development. The healthy growth of child
2023-06-28 21:17:111


发行日期: 2006年01月25日 专辑名称: Sad Tango(单曲) 唱片公司: 环球唱片 专辑简介: 2005年疯狂袭卷全亚洲的南韩天王Rain,进军日本歌坛的首支日文单曲“Sad Tango”(悲伤探戈)1月25日发行。这张单曲台湾将原装从日本进口,并与日本同步在1月25日发行,这也是Rain给台湾歌迷的新年献礼。 为了进军日本市场,这张日文单曲早在去年六月就开始进行筹划,Rain自己也对曲风提出了不少意见,直到夏末初秋时,由朴轸永和房硕赫负责作曲,日本HIP HOP/R&B音乐大师今井了介填词和制作,日韩两地的顶尖音乐人联手为Rain量身打造的“Sad Tango”才开使进行录制,而对韩国人发音相当困难的“tsu”及“zu”,在辛勤的努力之下,Rain的准确发音让大家佩服不已,而为了让歌声更好,听人说竹盐有益喉咙,更是毫不皱眉地舔着竹盐一边彻夜录音。 这次的“Sad Tango”音乐录影带的舞蹈及舞台、效果、服装也都是Rain一手负责包办,花费这么多的心血的成绩,现在终于要呈现在歌迷的眼前。 歌曲名字 1.Sad Tango 2.Slowly 3.Sad Tango (Instrumental) 4.Slowly (Instrumental) 顺便赠送给你MV下载地址吧!MV下载在这如果再新的话,是这个!【MV】Rain最新国语歌-Pantech赠送给你下载
2023-06-28 21:16:542

用英语回答几个问题 关于Lenin

1.The Bolsheviks, originally also Bolshevists,were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) which split apart from the Menshevik faction at the Second Party Congress in 1903.2.The Bolsheviks, founded by Vladimir Lenin, were by 1905 a mass organization consisting primarily of workers under a democratic internal hierarchy governed by the principle of democratic centralism, who considered themselves the leaders of the revolutionary working class of Russia. Their beliefs and practices were often referred to as Bolshevism.3.The Bolsheviks believed in organising a party in a centralised and disciplined fashion that sought to overthrow the Tsar through a mass workers" revolution. They believed and succeeded in creating a vanguard party, a mass revolutionary party composed of what they called "the most militant and class-conscious" workers capable of leading the masses of Russian workers.4.The Bolsheviks came to power in Russia during the October Revolution phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, and founded the Soviet Union.5No.6.Because he led Russia to be sucessful at the beginning.7.Lenin was born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov on 22 April [O.S. 10 April] 1870 in the town of Simbirsk in the Russian Empire. Simbirsk, a rural town on the River Volga nearly 1,500 miles from the capital Saint Petersburg, would be renamed upon Ulyanov"s death fifty-four years later as "Ulyanovsk" in his honour. That same year, Saint Petersburg itself would be renamed Leningrad after Ulyanov"s better-known cadre name.Lenin"s parents were Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova, a schoolteacher, and Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, a government education official. Lenin was baptised on 28 April [O.S. 16 April] 1870 at the local church of St. Nicholas into the Russian Orthodox Church. Lenin came from a diverse ancestry. He was of Russian, German, and Swedish descent. Some have argued that his maternal grandfather may have descended from the Blank family of Jews, and he is believed to have also had Kalmyk ancestry on his father"s side.Lenin was born into a comfortable middle-class family. Lenin"s father Ilya was elevated into the Russian nobility for his work in the government bureaucracy, and, after being appointed director of Simbirsk"s primary schools in 1874, was entitled to wear a blue gold-embroidered uniform and be addressed as "Your Excellency".Although later Soviet biographies tried to disguise his background, Lenin himself never made any effort to hide the fact that he was a nobleman by birth. Lenin argued explicitly in one of his most famous works What Is To Be Done? that intellectuals from "bourgeois" backgrounds have a vital revolutionary role to play bringing political ideas to the working-class movement: "By their social status the founders of modern scientific socialism, Marx and Engels, themselves belonged to the bourgeois intelligentsia."Athletically, Lenin was a good swimmer and ice skater, who later attended the Simbirsk Men"s Gymnasium which was headed by the father of Alexander Kerensky and graduated in 1887 with a gold medal.Being of the intelligentsia, the Ulyanovs educated their children (all of which except one become revolutionaries) against the ills of their time (violations of human rights, servile psychology, etc.), and instilled a readiness in them to struggle for higher ideals, a free society, and equal rights. Lenin in particular was impressed by his father"s descriptions of the "darkness" of life in the villages and of the arbitrary treatment of peasants by officials.Lenin, an intelligent and conscientious student who loved playing chess, also became a voracious reader, enjoying the writings of Alexander Pushkin, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy, and Nikolay Nekrasov. Additionally, he read the works of protorevolutionary writers such as Vissarion Belinsky, Alexander Herzen, Dmitry Pisarev, and Nikolay Dobrolyubov.有点长,希望能帮到你~
2023-06-28 21:16:511


2023-06-28 21:16:474


崔秀彬的粉丝名:MOA。崔秀彬(Soobin),2000年12月5日出生于韩国京畿道安山市常绿区,韩国流行乐男歌手,男子演唱组合Tomorrow X Together队长。2019年3月,随组合发行首张迷你专辑《The Dream Chapter: STAR》,正式出道;同月,首次担任SBS音乐节目《THE SHOW》的特别主持人;5月,随组合在美国举办巡回Showcase;8月,随组合获得M2 X Genie音乐奖的最佳男子新人奖。演艺经历2019年3月4日,随组合发行首张迷你专辑《The Dream Chapter: STAR》,正式出道,该专辑共收录5首歌曲,发行一周销量便达7.8万张;12日,首次担任了韩国SBS电视台音乐节目《THE SHOW》的特别主持人,并随组合凭借歌曲《CROWN》在该节目中获得了出道之后的首个一位。5月,随组合在美国举办巡回Showcase《TOMORROW X TOGETHER SHOWCASE: STAR in US》;8月1日,随组合获得M2 X Genie音乐奖的最佳男子新人奖;23日,随组合受邀出席Soribada最佳音乐大奖,并获新人奖。10月21日,随组合推出首张正规专辑《The Dream Chapter: MAGIC》,该专辑共收录8首歌曲,讲述了少年们努力追求梦想的故事。2020年7月20日,成为音乐节目《音乐银行》的MC。
2023-06-28 21:16:421


2023-06-28 21:16:414


The Sun Moon Lake in the mountains of central Taiwan is a truly delightful place for rest and relaxation. Also it is a favorite honeymoon spot. The poetically named lake, situated lake, situated at an elevation of 2,500 feet, is a year-round resort with many beautiful surroundings. The lake is a good base for hiking, also for visiting the highest pagoda and the biggest temple in Taiwan, an aborigine settlement and other places of interest.
2023-06-28 21:16:382