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2023-06-29 08:23:03

英文原文《十条新年晚会的建议》, 10 Creative New Year"s Eve Party Ideas

2014 is going sneak up on us sooner than we know it, so if you"re hosting a New Year"s Eve bash, you should start your party planning now! To help us with the task, I asked "sassy" lifestyle guru and event planner Steve Kemble to share some creative party ideas for an unforgettable New Year"s Eve. From making your candles burn longer to hangover-reducing care packages, check out all of Steve"s tips below!

Dim your lights and flood the house with votive candles. Candles are the most romantic and cost effective way to create a festive, sexy atmosphere! To make your candles burn longer, put them in a zip lock bag in the freezer the day before your party.

Buy pink bulbs at any local home store (for example, Home Depot) and swap them into your lamps for the night; you will be amazed at the difference it makes and the atmosphere it creates!

They may be silly, but people still love the traditional New Year"s Eve party items such as noisemakers, hats, tiaras, boas, and horns. I always recommend putting these items on a platter or in a big decorative bowl and letting people grab items as they wish.

Ask all of your guests to give you their three favorite songs when they RSVP for the party. Create a custom CD from this list with all of your guests" favorites! Burn extra CDs for your guests with a custom cover created on your computer to give as party favors.

Casino setups are going to be all the rage this New Year"s Eve. You can rent casino games from local vendors. Also consider creating your own special “play money” using your computer!

On New Year"s Eve, serve a specialty drink at the start of the party and champagne at midnight, and then invite your guests to BYOB their favorites. As the host, be sure to provide all the setups, such as soda, tonic, soft drinks, lemons, limes, etc.

For your menu, I recommend light snacks throughout the evening, such as veggies and dip, pretzels, minipizzas, and chips. Then around 10:30 p.m., set out a breakfast buffet with premade casseroles, danishes, and fruit. It"s a change for people and puts something in their stomach toward the end of the evening.

At midnight, there will be lots of kissing going on with everyone ringing in the New Year. So place mints in your bathroom to keep things fresh!

Have phone numbers on-hand for your local taxi cab companies in case some of your guests need a lift home.

As a favor, give your guests fun care packages in small paper totes for New Year"s Day. Fill the bags with aspirin, Alka-Seltzer, vitamin C, and the CD of the all the music you created! Additionally, I like to give guests hot chocolate in a to-go container for the drive home!



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宏达鳄鱼纹伞、天堂伞、太阳城、、红叶、宝丽姿、TOTES、梅花伞、龙翔、迪士尼、雨中鸟、ANNA SUI、DECO、贝诗、海螺、福太、避风湾、雨阳洋、金蝶、Saint Sun 太阳圣、晴之缘、Burberry、埃斯普利特、金鼎、金欧、梦想天空、酷波德、Yusimeng、初雨、百盛洋、汉晶、跃高、甲路、爱彼此、Hello Raincats、安娜淑、集成伞
2023-06-29 07:39:2712


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2023-06-29 07:42:002

英语retote the cylinder怎么翻译?

2023-06-29 07:42:0812


环球教育老师为同学们总结雅思口语考试必备问题如下,希望对您的备考有所帮助~1. What"s your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning?3. Where were you come from?4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?5. What is the main crop in your hometown?6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?8. What is the climate like in your hometown?9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?11. What is people"s favorite food in your region?12. How do you make dumplings?13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.19. How long have you lived in Beijing?20. What is the weather like in Beijing?21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why?23. Which is the worst place you"ve been to China?24. Which is the best place you"ve been to China?25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?26. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?27. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.28. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?29. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?30. Do you enjoy shopping?不知道以上内容能否对您的雅思备考有些许帮助,如有雅思备考相关问题可以随时在线咨询我们的环球教育老师~~第一时间为您制定计划解答疑问,希望同学们都可以取得理想的雅思分数~环球教育秉持教育成就未来的理念,专注于为中国学子提供优质的出国语言培训及配套服务。环球教育在教学中采用“九步闭环法”,帮助学生快速提升学习效能,同时提供优质的课后服务,跟进学生学习进程,为优质教学提供坚强的保障。目前,环球教育北京学校已构建了包含语言培训、出国咨询、国际课程、游学考察、在线课程等在内的一站式服务教育生态圈。相关问题可在线免费咨询,或拨打免费热线400-616-8800~~
2023-06-29 07:42:522


好的日本保温杯有哪些呢?现在简单的给你介绍一下~ 膳魔师/Thermos 这个大牌子,在保温杯领域绝对是属于元老级的。但它属于哪个国家的牌子?或许很多人有疑惑。据笔者了解, 膳魔师为德国品牌,后被日本某企业收购,然后出售给台湾的皇冠金属,目前商标持有人是台湾皇冠金属。 目前针对中国大陆,膳魔师推出了其副品牌艾蒙多Elmundo,其产品较之膳魔师亲民很多,百元出头,并经常会有特价活动。如果预算有限,艾蒙多也是一个挺好的选择,但其做工的话也相应没那么好,笔者就不详细推荐。 接下来我就介绍个人认为较好的单品。因为这个牌子的保温杯国内和日本的差价很大。 办公、 旅游 款: JNO-500系列 携带式易开保温杯,无论是公园里,上班途中或者办公桌都很适用,可直接 放入袋中,简单便利。 重量为210g超轻质感 160 半回旋速开装置 304医用不锈钢材质 食品级PP材质 广口设计 休闲 时尚 款: JNL-500 这款应该是网络爆款了,每年都供不应求的,包括日本市场,在进入秋冬季后,各大市场都进行价格上调。 【容量】0.5(L) 【保温时间(6小时)】68度以上 【保冷时间(6小时)】10度以下 【口径】约4cm 【重量】0.21(kg) 日本:虎牌/tiger和象印/zojirushi 日本的虎牌与象印,是能和膳魔师保温杯平起平坐的品牌,无论是价格上、做工上还是技术上。都是百年老店,都是从生产热水瓶开始,有着相似的历程,保温效果上有人更说比膳魔师好,其实都差不多,应该说是难分伯仲的。日本制造与德国制造世界闻名,在很多方面都是数一数二的。 从外观设计上来说,这两家的产品中规中矩,没有太多的花样,款式不多。正所谓浓缩的都是精品,细节上都非常的出色,比如密封盖的设计可以拆卸,清洗起来更加方便,zojirushi的杯盖LOCK锁扣,使密封效果更佳。 从技术和产品线上来讲,tiger、zojirushi是有日本原装和非原装(中国造、泰国造、马来造等)的分别。日本原装的工艺更精,杯胆超镜面电解加工,不容易附着污垢,且容易清洗。此外,杯体壁更薄,保温效果更佳。如果能买到日本原产地的保温杯(日本人总是把最好的产品留给自己用的),不要犹豫可以出手了。 象印 SM-KA48 304不锈钢真空内胆,保温、保冷6小时。容量480ml,重约250g。内胆防沾涂层、可拆卸中栓,便于清洗。LOCK锁扣密封更佳,一键开合方便饮用,瓶身结露抑制。 SV-GHE50 容量为500ml,重480g。24小时( 47 )超长保温,采用18/8真空不锈钢材质内胆,SlickSteel涂层耐腐蚀,便于清洁。高速拉伸技术,杯壁仅有0.03mm,子弹头杯体超薄超轻。宽口设计,便于放置冰块,配合小口直饮一键开启。 虎牌 MCB-H系列 360、480ml容量,高速拉伸技术,杯身轻便小巧,杯盖一键弹出设计,内壁涂层耐腐蚀,便于清洁。 【外形尺寸】4.5*7.2*22.4cm 【商品重量】0.26kg(不含外包装和配送包装) 【保温效果】6小时/1小时 65 /85 (环境温度:20度,放入4/5开水,测温:95度. 盖上盖子竖立 希望对你有帮助吧~ 虎牌保温杯是岛国原产,做工精良,价格合理,在岛国最值得买!膳魔士、象印保温杯现在是在中国和东南亚委托加工,品质不稳定,价格不比虎牌便宜。去岛国建议买虎牌! 去日本时候带回来的,具体价格忘记了。保温效果好到不能再好,一开始用的时候不习惯,早上接了一杯开水,结果都晚上下班都没喝上。。。后来就只放温偏热的水。数九寒天的,一杯热水放车里,晚上还是热乎乎的。抛开政治说,小日本儿的保温杯真是好用。 朋友那里买的,不到200块,保温效果很好,在办公室用几本不盖盖子,喜欢这个杯子是因为小巧方便,杯盖子还带锁,杯盖子也是可以拆开来清洗的,外出带咖啡回来清洗也很方便 虎牌,象印算是质量和口碑最好的。膳魔师次之,并且膳魔师现在充斥着假货,日本代购也不一定可信。还有这个totes是最没名气的,学校女生特别喜欢。 看过火影没?岸本已给出答案 他为阿凯设计放大招的顺序是朝孔雀 昼虎 夕象 夜凯,个人认为如果不是凯放的,最后一招叫夜魔更贴切。所以回答题目对应的保温杯品牌分别是孔雀 虎牌 象印 膳魔师 虎牌不行的,我在亚马逊官方运营店买了一个保温壶,半年就不保温了,售后相互推诿扯皮,3个月了也没有给解决,直接败了。打算放弃了。象印的保温杯非常好一年了,和新买的一样。 没必要去日本买,我以前也买过象印和膳魔师保温杯,焖烧杯啥的,结果焖烧杯还没保温杯保温效果好,后面就在淘宝上找国内的,研究了一下为啥保温杯价格不一样,有59的79的,还有100多的,但都比日本的便宜的多。保温杯是有保温标准的,有保温4小时还是6小时60度,还有到75度的,差别还是挺大的。后面选的一款哈尔斯的轻量杯,非常不错,推荐,和象印差不多,冬天晚上倒的热水第二天早上还有点烫嘴。其实保温杯没啥技术含量,材料说不定都是中国生产的。日本的贵只是品牌溢价罢了。建议搜下哈尔斯的轻量杯。好像旗舰店是90多吧,我网上找的其他店,只要70多,很好用,质量做工也好。 当然是富光,去淘宝看看销量!中国人的骄傲! 我自己用的是一只日本产的泰格,把泡好的茶水倒进去放在车里随时使用,保温效果非常不错。是在日本的亲戚送的,自己去日本玩儿时大概比较了一下,大概300多元人民币吧。 也有中国合资生产的,价格相差百十元钱。据说差别在于保温的时间上有差异。日本国制的保24小时没问题,中国产的大概能保一半时间。
2023-06-29 07:43:011


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2023-06-29 07:44:0210

How to be a green consumer 初三的文采,不要太好.越快越好~

1 How to be a green consumer It is becoming easier and easier to know what effects the things you buy have on the environment. Be aware of what the things you buy are made of, where they come from, and how they made it to you. All of this knowledge determines how you impact biodiversity in your back yard and around the world. And remember, you have the power to choose what you spend your money on. Consume less. Use things until they wear out, buy second-hand, repurpose old things into something new. Choose products – printer paper, canvas totes for groceries, bank checks, or clothes – that are made of recycled material or can be reused or recycled. You can also find usual items made out of unusual reused and recycled materials. Nau is a CI partner with this kind of business model. Support companies that think about the environment like you do. CI has partnered with a number of eco-conscious companies such as Office Depot, Wal-Mart, McDonald"s, and Starbucks. Even your shampoo and conditioner can be green. Aveda, a CI partner, is committed to producing all-natural personal care products. The company can trace its ingredients from the communities they grow in to the bottles they are sold in. Having a party? Go ahead – use real plates, glasses, and cutlery. Your guests will feel special, and you"ll avoid a huge amount of waste. Be a one-bag family. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost to reduce your weekly trash contribution to one bag or less.
2023-06-29 07:45:541


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2023-06-29 07:46:421

英语问题: 根据汉语意思完成句子

there are many interesting things to do in the sunny townyou can"t get off until the bus stopsI have less money than youmy home is 15 minutes" walk from schooli think 3 kilometers" potatoes are enough i want to see such an interesting film.
2023-06-29 07:46:504


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2023-06-29 07:50:281

LE TOTES注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

LE TOTES商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,LE TOTES还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)
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2023-06-29 07:51:161


10750的高频头可以 我已经收到了楼上不懂就别说 10750头 几乎通用 个别不行
2023-06-29 07:45:524


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2023-06-29 07:45:559

日本连续剧 东京塔 的主题曲是什么名字 ? 就是开头的那个音乐很好听 不是コブクロ 的 是开头播放的那个.

2023-06-29 07:45:552


2023-06-29 07:45:563


郑州经度:东经113.65度纬度:北纬34.76度卫星名称 卫星经度 天线仰角 天线方位角 极化角 国际703 (InterSat-707) 57.0 18.62 南偏西69.43度 -50.28 国际604 (InterSat-604) 60.0 21.03 南偏西67.24度 -49.25 国际602 (InterSat-602) 62.0 22.63 南偏西65.72度 -48.49 国际804 (InterSat-804) 64.0 24.22 南偏西64.16度 -47.68 国际704 (InterSat-704) 66.0 25.79 南偏西62.54度 -46.80 泛美4/7 (PanamSat-4/7) 68.5 27.72 南偏西60.44度 -45.61 俄星LMI1 (LMI1) 75.0 32.60 南偏西54.51度 -41.99 亚太2R (ApStar-2R) 76.5 33.68 南偏西53.04度 -41.03 航向1号 (Luch-1) 77.0 34.04 南偏西52.54度 -40.70 泰星2/3 (ThaiCom-2/3) 78.5 35.10 南偏西51.00度 -39.68 快车6号 (Express-6) 80.0 36.14 南偏西49.42度 -38.61 印度2E (InSat-2E) 83.0 38.15 南偏西46.11度 -36.30 中卫1号 (ChinaStar-1) 87.5 40.96 南偏西40.73度 -32.42 中新1号 (ST-1) 88.0 41.26 南偏西40.11度 -31.95 马星1号 (MeaSat-1) 91.5 43.23 南偏西35.53度 -28.51 印度2B/2 (CInSat 2B/2C) 93.5 44.26 南偏西32.77度 -26.40 国际K-TV (NSS K-TV) 95.0 44.98 南偏西30.62度 -24.74 亚洲2号 (AsiaSat-2) 100.5 47.24 南偏西22.28度 -18.15 亚洲3号 (AsiaSat-3S) 105.5 48.69 南偏西14.10度 -11.55 百合花 (Bsat-1A/1B) 110.0 49.43 南偏西6.38度 -5.24 鑫诺1号 (SinoSat-1) 110.5 49.48 南偏西5.51度 -4.53 帕拉帕C2 (Palapa-C2) 113.0 49.62 南偏西1.14度 -0.94 中星8号 (待发射) 115.5 49.58 南偏东3.24度 2.66 韩星1/2 (KoreaSat-1/2) 116.0 49.55 南偏东4.12度 3.38 泰星1A (ThaiCom-1A) 120.0 49.05 南偏东11.04度 9.06 亚洲1号 (AsiaSat-1) 122.0 48.65 南偏东14.44度 11.82 日本通信4号 (JcSat-4) 124.0 48.13 南偏东17.76度 14.51 中星6号 (ChinaSat-6) 125.0 47.84 南偏东19.40度 15.83 日本通信3号 (JcSat-3) 128.0 46.81 南偏东24.17度 19.65 亚太1A号 (ApStar-1A) 134.0 44.16 南偏东33.05度 26.62 亚太1号 (ApStar-1) 138.0 42.01 南偏东38.44度 30.72 超鸟C (SuperBird-C) 144.0 38.35 南偏东45.76度 36.06 马步海 (Agila-2) 146.0 37.02 南偏东48.01度 37.63 超鸟B1 (SuperBird-B1) 162.0 25.24 南偏东63.11度 47.12 泛美8号 (PanamSat-8) 166.0 22.07 南偏东66.26度 48.77 泛美2号 (PanamSat-2) 169.0 19.67 南偏东68.49度 49.85 国际802 (InterSat-802) 174.0 15.61 南偏东72.02度 51.39 国际702 (InterSat-702) 177.0 13.16 南偏东74.03度 52.17 国际701 (InterSat-701) 180.0 10.71 南偏东75.98度 52.85
2023-06-29 07:45:591


2023-06-29 07:46:012


没有死。滨田龙臣(はまだたつおみ、Hamada Tatsuomi)2000年8月27日出生于日本千叶县,日本男演员。2006年,出演个人首部电视剧《熟年离婚回避SP2》,从而进入影视圈。2010年,在大河剧《龙马传》中饰演了童年时期的坂本龙马。同年10月,获得第3届Gold Dream Award”未来之星“奖。同年12月,其参演的特摄电影《超决战!贝利亚银河帝国》在日本上映。2011年,担任了中日合拍动画电影《藏獒多吉》中主角田劲的日语配音工作。2012年,出演文艺电影《黄色大象》。2013年8月,其主演的科幻电影《科学小飞侠》上映。2016年9月,主演传记电影《高跟鞋革命》。2017年7月,其主演的特摄剧《捷德奥特曼》首播,在剧中饰演主角朝仓陆。2018年3月,主演特摄电影《捷德奥特曼剧场版:连接吧!愿望!!》;4月,参演校园爱情剧《花后晴天~花男Next Season~》。2020年,参演特摄剧《泽塔奥特曼》。幼年时期出道的滨田龙臣凭借其出色的演技以及年幼可爱的模样吸引了许多粉丝。他在电影《高跟鞋革命》中饰演一位变性人,换上女装的他,却出人意料的清纯美丽,觉得他仿佛就是一个女孩子,动作也像女孩子一样,对角色的入戏程度甚至到了让人有些担心的地步。滨田龙臣演技出色,踏实可靠,表演非常自然,那份纯粹为人所折服。他在拍摄时总是会揣摩人物本身,思考着他们应该是什么样的,进而发挥自己的演技,演得相当不错。
2023-06-29 07:46:021

Spice Girls 的Spice Up Your Life歌词

La la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laWhen you"re feeling sad and lowWe will take you where you gotta goSmiling, dancing, everything is freeAll you need is positivityColours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!La la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laYellow men in TimbuktuColour for both me and youKung-Fu fighting, Dancin" QueenTribal spaceman and all that"s in betweenColours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!Flamenco, Lambada, but hip-hop is harderWe moonwalk the Foxtrot, then Polka the SalsaShake it shake it shake it, haka!Shake it shake it shake it, haka!Arriba!Colours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!
2023-06-29 07:46:032


2023-06-29 07:46:072


好了,如下:Guo Degang "People eventually go back home" center plays the role ofthe highway robber to refer has damages the Henan image Newspaper Reporter Li Peng for you time reported "Peopleeventually go back home" the nation hotly reflects, because Guo Degangacts in the movie the highway robber said the Henan speech, enables tohave 网友 to think has damages the Henan person"s image, some 网友proposed denounces Guo Degang, the prosecution direct makes widelyknown. Regarding this, yesterday reporter the telephone interviewed"People eventually go back home" to direct makes widely known. Makeswidely known explained regarding this that, actor the dialect whichsaid in the movie is according to the character role need, certainlynot any pointed. The lens return put: Guo Degang plays the role of the highway robberto say the Henan speech In the movie "People eventually go back home" center, GuoDegang receives an electric shock for the first time, acts the streethighway robber chieftain"s role. Zhao Benshan acts Lao Zhao brought todie brothers" corpse to sit on the long-distance bus has run into GuoDegang this gang "the highway robber". When the Guo Germany summarytakes away on dead body 5,000 dollars, is prevented by Lao Zhao. ThenGuo Degang said section of lines with certainly the nonstandard Henanspeech: "On me snatches the day, gets down snatches, middle snatchesthe air, has any not to be able to snatch. You said like this is notinsults me the occupational ethics?" 网友 denounces: Has damages the Henan person image However, Guo Degang acts the highway robber loudly said theHenan speech has actually caused the partial 网友 repugnance. Atpresent, thought Guo Degang the performance has damages the Henanperson image the card widely to disseminate. This card declared that,"the movie I saw to one half was unable to continue watching, I cannotunderstand, why lets " the highway robber chieftain " Guo Degang saythe Henan speech? You may say is the coincidence, may say is notintentionally, even other reasons, but you have thought theconsequence? After the audience looked Guo Degang the performance, howthey can think?" This placard has brought in massively with theplacard, thought this has the intense region discrimination, hasdamages the Henan person image, proposed gravely denounces Guo Degang,asks for a justice for the Henan person, moreover also some 网友proposed must sue the direct to make widely known. Makes widely known: Said the dialect pointed not any Yesterday, reporter the sound which proposed to 网友interviews "People eventually go back home" the dramatic team todirect makes widely known. Makes widely known tells reporter: "In themovie the actor says the dialect is, likes in the movie which needs todecide according to the character also to have said the Shaanxispeech, the Sichuan speech are same, certainly not any pointed."Proposes regarding 网友 must sue him the question, makes widelyknown said: "This too has been simply laughable, I do not haveinterest tube these."
2023-06-29 07:46:1113


just once James Ingram,80年代美国最经典伤感歌曲
2023-06-29 07:46:124


2023-06-29 07:46:142


阜阳经度:东经115.81度纬度:北纬32.89度卫星名称 卫星经度 天线仰角 天线方位角 极化角 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------国际703 (InterSat-707) 57.0 17.49 南偏西71.80度 -52.91 国际604 (InterSat-604) 60.0 19.99 南偏西69.75度 -51.98 国际602 (InterSat-602) 62.0 21.65 南偏西68.33度 -51.30 国际804 (InterSat-804) 64.0 23.30 南偏西66.87度 -50.55 国际704 (InterSat-704) 66.0 24.94 南偏西65.36度 -49.75 泛美4/7 (PanamSat-4/7) 68.5 26.97 南偏西63.39度 -48.66 俄星LMI1 (LMI1) 75.0 32.11 南偏西57.83度 -45.30 亚太2R (ApStar-2R) 76.5 33.26 南偏西56.45度 -44.41 航向1号 (Luch-1) 77.0 33.64 南偏西55.97度 -44.10 泰星2/3 (ThaiCom-2/3) 78.5 34.78 南偏西54.53度 -43.15 快车6号 (Express-6) 80.0 35.89 南偏西53.03度 -42.14 印度2E (InSat-2E) 83.0 38.06 南偏西49.89度 -39.96 中卫1号 (ChinaStar-1) 87.5 41.14 南偏西44.77度 -36.25 中新1号 (ST-1) 88.0 41.46 南偏西44.17度 -35.81 马星1号 (MeaSat-1) 91.5 43.65 南偏西39.76度 -32.48 印度2B/2 (CInSat 2B/2C) 93.5 44.82 南偏西37.08度 -30.41 国际K-TV (NSS K-TV) 95.0 45.65 南偏西34.99度 -28.78 亚洲2号 (AsiaSat-2) 100.5 48.32 南偏西26.75度 -22.21 亚洲3号 (AsiaSat-3S) 105.5 50.15 南偏西18.52度 -15.47 百合花 (Bsat-1A/1B) 110.0 51.23 南偏西10.61度 -8.90 鑫诺1号 (SinoSat-1) 110.5 51.31 南偏西9.71度 -8.14 帕拉帕C2 (Palapa-C2) 113.0 51.62 南偏西5.16度 -4.34 中星8号 (待发射) 115.5 51.74 南偏西0.57度 -0.48 韩星1/2 (KoreaSat-1/2) 116.0 51.74 南偏东0.35度 0.29 泰星1A (ThaiCom-1A) 120.0 51.47 南偏东7.68度 6.45 亚洲1号 (AsiaSat-1) 122.0 51.16 南偏东11.29度 9.47 日本通信4号 (JcSat-4) 124.0 50.73 南偏东14.84度 12.42 中星6号 (ChinaSat-6) 125.0 50.47 南偏东16.59度 13.87 日本通信3号 (JcSat-3) 128.0 49.54 南偏东21.69度 18.08 亚太1A号 (ApStar-1A) 134.0 47.00 南偏东31.18度 25.77 亚太1号 (ApStar-1) 138.0 44.89 南偏东36.91度 30.29 超鸟C (SuperBird-C) 144.0 41.22 南偏东44.63度 36.15 马步海 (Agila-2) 146.0 39.88 南偏东46.97度 37.87 超鸟B1 (SuperBird-B1) 162.0 27.87 南偏东62.48度 48.14 泛美8号 (PanamSat-8) 166.0 24.63 南偏东65.65度 49.91 泛美2号 (PanamSat-2) 169.0 22.16 南偏东67.88度 51.07 国际802 (InterSat-802) 174.0 18.01 南偏东71.39度 52.73 国际702 (InterSat-702) 177.0 15.50 南偏东73.37度 53.57 国际701 (InterSat-701) 180.0 12.98 南偏东75.28度 54.31
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2023-06-29 07:45:331


《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感范文200字(精选8篇)   品味完一本名著后,相信大家一定领会了不少东西,记录下来很重要哦,一起来写一篇读后感吧。是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?以下是我为大家整理的"关于《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感范文200字(精选8篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧!   《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 篇1   During the holiday, I read a book called pride and prejudice, which is very good-looking. It makes me feel a lot, and I also feel a lot.   Pride and Prejudice is the representative work of Jane Austen, a famous British writer. It describes the emotional entanglement between the arrogant single youth Darcy and the prejudiced second Miss Elizabeth, the wealthy single aristocrat Bingley and the virtuous first Miss Jane.   This book makes me realize that people should get along with each other harmoniously and dont misunderstand each other because of a small matter. We should also learn to understand each other, not because of other peoples provocation and constitute harm to others; learn to tolerate each other. Make our society better.   This book also makes me feel that this pair of "arrogance" and "Prejudice" have a happy marriage after many setbacks.   We should not give up because of a little setback. We should learn to persist. Persistence is victory!   《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 篇2   One day, I read a book called pride and prejudice.   The author of this book is Austin. She comes from a pastors family. She lives in the countryside of England most of her life, so she knows the local customs very well. Most of her works are from the lives she is familiar with.   Pride and Prejudice is mainly about the love story between Darcy and Elizabeth. Elizabeth is Bennetts second daughter, the heroine of the book. She is intelligent, beautiful, intelligent, and eager for true love. Because of the prejudice against Darcy, she easily refused Darcys proposal, which led to many twists and turns in their relationship. At last she got rid of prejudice.   Darcy is a young man with rich family and noble title. He was noble in appearance, flexible in mind and kind in heart, and he was very kind even to his enemy, Weiken. However, he is considered arrogant because of his bad association with strangers. After accepting Elizabeths criticism modestly, he won Elizabeths love.   This let me know that a person cant be arrogant because of his familys wealth, and he cant guess others at will and be prejudiced against others.   《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 篇3   Pride and Prejudice is the work of Jane Austen, a British woman writer. The scope of this work is only three or four families in a village, with Elizabeth as the main character. The main plot is nothing more than the chat about marriage and property in the front of the fireplace and in the meeting of relatives and friends, the bee chase and butterfly chase in the market, church, dance, banquet and other occasions, and the love talk.   The arrogance of Darcy and the prejudice of the heroine all have obvious class attribute. Their frustrations in love are not due to their accidental misunderstanding, but because there is an inevitable gap between the two sides in different class status. Elizabeth, as a middle-class common girl, only by virtue of the charm of her personality and her excellent quality, won the fame and fortune of the noble young master, and finally became a good couple with her. This is another copy of Cinderellas story.   The same is true in life. Only by putting down the arrogant attitude, throwing away the prejudiced vision, treating with empathy, and understanding each other through communication, can we know each other. Like Mr. Darcy in the book, although the appearance gives the impression of arrogance, arrogance and superciliousness. But the heart is kind and sincere and willing to let go, its attitude of not stubborn is really appreciated.   《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 篇4   If we talk about world literature, there must be the name of pride and prejudice, because this book reflects the social values and customs of the whole country with the social feelings of a town, which is a great work.   After I borrowed this book from the library, I couldnt help but start to read it. The novel is about a small town in England. Elizabeths mother has been worrying about her daughters marriage. She wants her to marry a rich man and live a life in the upper class in the future. The story begins here. Because of the different classes and concepts, this love is very tortuous However, the ending of the story is satisfactory.   Read this book: I despise enisabers mother very much. She is so snobbish and money worship. Human happiness and marriage are not mainly determined by money, but must be based on emotion. In addition, I think the authors literary achievements are very high. Using a small town to epitomize the whole Britain is a very good writing skill and ability.   《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 篇5   Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy.   The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcy"s first pride that she refused Darcy"s first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeth"s refusal that he loved Elisabeth more deeply. And Elisabeth"s antipathy(厌恶,憎恨) made Darcy realize his shortcomings. He was not angry about Elisabeth"s censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. During Elisabeth"s travel in Darcy"s manor(庄园). Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. When one of Elisabeth"s sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated(消除) Elisabeth"s prejudice. At last it end with their marriage.   Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative你(保守派) and blocking England town. It reflected the author"s view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. In fact Darcy"s pride manifested(证明) the gap (间隙,差距)between their statuses(地位). Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth and Darcy. From the different attitudes from Darcy"s two proposals, it reflected the feminine(女性) pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive(先进的) character from the image of Elizabeth.   《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 篇6   Austins "pride and prejudice", as she puts it, is thin on two inches of ivory carving, it is the masterpiece of Austin. Reflect the marriage problems of novel is a, the author works in the most is her favorite works.   Works of vivid reflects the late 18th century to the early 19th century in a conservative and occlusion of the British town life and the world. Its social graffiti like novels not only attract the readers at that time, solid to today, still give the reader a unique artistic enjoyment. She was the first to realistically portray ordinary grace novelist in daily ordinary life, plays an essential role in English novel.   The whole works, not least no winding ups and downs of the plot, but it is this simple, delicate and attracted us deeply. Austin, short life is spent in the country, almost all around may be simple, halcyon atmosphere nurtured her cool temperament. Not because there is no abundant experience, for the analysis of things for her ability to doubt.   People read the book pride and prejudice "will be fine for her, keen emotion. When writing "pride and prejudice", she is just a teenage girl, isnt this a gift? She does very little contact with the outside world, but thought, imagination, the existence of all this is enough.   《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 篇7   The feeling of 《Pride And Prejudice》   Then man treat great event in one‘s life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself‘s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too . So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women‘s emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .   The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord‘s family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth‘s misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him. Reach the thes of the west in fact status‘ the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals . Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by, dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.   《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 篇8   This is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece "Pride and Prejudice" in the opening section, leads some in the early nineteenth century England and on the value of the classic love story.   As we all know, in Austin, in the novel by Quebec five daughters getting different treatment, shown township middle-class families of marriage for girls who love the different attitudes, which reflected the author I love the idea of marriage: the sake of property, money and the - The marriage is wrong; The marriage did not take into account the above factors also stupid.Therefore, she opposes the money for the purpose of marriage, also opposes the marriage lightly. She stressed the importance of an ideal marriage, and the feelings of both men and women as the cornerstone of the conclusion of the marriage ideal.   The story of Quebec heroine Elizabeth (Keira Terri) was born to a family of small landowners four sisters, Sister Jane Quebec, Quebec sister Mary, Katie Quebec and Laidiya Quebec. Five sisters and a little monotonous quiet life along with the two young guys coming up and it is undeniable-and eliminate the waves. Bin Heli healthy and progressive and rich Darcy (Matthew Mike Deng) is a good friend, became acquainted with the town lure of this home, "five", a beautiful and full of "Pride and Prejudice" love story. ;
2023-06-29 07:45:281


看到那么多人推荐,我就不多说了。1.winter in my heart2.what about now3.setting down here
2023-06-29 07:45:2810


2013年参与TENTHOUSANDTHINGS LOVE & ADORN珠宝拍卖。2012年Robin Hood Foundation慈善捐献(帮助美国sandy飓风受害者);2012年出席2012-12-12美国飓风Sandy慈善义演;2012年CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT慈善捐献;2011年、2012年ShoeRevolt慈善捐献。2010年为Coach主办的“star totes”活动设计手袋;2010年为圣丹斯电影节海地地震募捐活动募捐 。2009年出席糖尿病慈善机构JDRF活动。2004年美国防治校园性侵公益电视广告。
2023-06-29 07:45:281


2023-06-29 07:45:235

T I A N P K Y L H 组成一个单词

2023-06-29 07:45:211

德国totes meer maske面膜的生产日期怎么看?就找到一串数字有七位数有八

2023-06-29 07:45:211


WANNABE!!!!!~SPICE GIRL的!!!~超动感!!!~上百度就能搜到!!!!~还有!!!~无比鄙视楼上的!!!~
2023-06-29 07:45:127


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2023-06-29 07:45:092