barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-07 00:56:17




① 简单句:7种万能句型结构

【1】 They came 他们来了

【2】 Mary arrived yesterday.玛丽昨天到的.

【3】 She sleeps for two hours every day.她每天睡两小时.

【4】 Tom likes English .汤姆喜欢英语

【5】 They are playing baseball 他们正在打棒球

【6】 They saw a snake yesterday. 他们昨天看见一条蛇

【5】Mary is my best friend. 玛丽是我最好的朋友

【6】Her brother and sister are both English teachers.


【7】They are all doctors. 他们都是医生.

【8】He told us an interesting story.他告诉我们一个有趣故事.

【9】Jack gave me a book yesterday.杰克昨天给了我一本书.

【10】My mother bought me a pair of shoes yesterday.


【11】Mary told me her telephone number yesterday.


【12】All of us called Li Lei"s little sister a lovely princess


【13】He wants me to help him.他想我帮助他.

【14】We call the boy Tom.我们叫这个男孩汤姆.


句子的类型(Types of Sentences)


【一】 主语+谓语 结构(谓语为不及物动词S + Vi 结构 )

【结构: Subject(主语) + Intransitive Verb(不及物动词)】

这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就是这种动词后不可以直接接宾语。常见的动词如:work, sing, swim, fish, jump, arrive, come, die, disappear, cry, happen等。如:

【1】主语+不及物动词【1】The sun rises in the east (名词)

【2】The sun is rising.太阳正在升起

【3】It"s snowing.天正在下雪.【4】Can you read?你会读书吗?

【5】The engine broke down.引擎坏了。

【6】The bomb blew up.这个炸弹爆炸了。

【7】How did the accident come about?这个事故怎么发生的?

【8】Everybody smiled.每个人都微笑了。

【9】He smiled a strange smile.【同源宾语】


【10】She often dreams.她经常做梦

【11】She dreamed a beautiful dream. 【同源宾语】


【12】He died 他死了

【13】He died a glorious death.他死的光荣

【14】Time flies. 时光飞逝.

【15】Birds fly. 鸟飞。

【16】She came (她来了) 。

【17】Class begins 开始上课。

【18】They disappeared. 他们消失了。

【19】The watch has stopped 表定了

【20】He came and left. 他来了又离开了。

【21】She cries and laughs 他哭了又笑了


【1】Mary gets up early every day.玛丽每天都起床很早.【2】Did you sleep well?你睡的好吗?【3】She often dreams.她经常做梦.

【4】She often dreamed a beautiful dream. 【同源宾语】她经常做了一个美梦.

【5】You go first and I will follow behind.你先走,我跟在你后面.

【6】Is the book selling well?这本书卖的好吗?

【7】Birds sing beautifully.鸟儿美妙地唱歌。

【8】We study in No.1 Middle School.我们在第一中学学习.

【9】He sleeps for two hours every day 他每天睡两小时.

【10】We study hard.我们努力学习

【11】The accident happened yesterday afternoon.事故是昨天下午发生的。

【12】We have lived in the city for ten years.我们在这座城市生活了10年了

【13】He stopped to have a rest .他停下来休息

【14】She often comes here to help us.她经常来这里帮助我们。

【二】 主语+谓语 +宾语 结构(谓语为及物动词 S+V+O 结构)

【结构: Subject(主语) +Transitive Verb(及物动词) +Object(宾语)】

这种句型中的动词一般为及物动词, 所谓及物动词,就是这种动词后可以直接接宾语,其宾语通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等来充当.【特别注意:英语中的许多动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。】

【1】主语+及物动词+名词(代词)/数词【1】Do you know these people?你认识这些人?

【2】He loved ice-cream.他喜欢冰淇淋

【3】What did he say? 他说了什么?

【4】He found his bag. 他找到了他的包。

【5】We study English every day. 我们每天学习英语。

【6】He knows everything.他知道一切事情.

【7】She likes English. 他喜欢英语

【8】She wants an apple.她想要一个苹果

【9】I bought a dictionary yesterday.我昨天买了一本字典。

【10】He can speak English.他会说英文

【11】We finished the work.我们完成了这项工作.

【12】She is playing the piano now.她现在正在弹奏钢琴。

【13】He often helps me.他经常帮助我。

【14】We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。

【15】He is playing football happily.他正在开心地踢足球.

【16】He handed in his homework this morning.他今天早上上交了他的家庭作业。

【17】She is looking for her pen.她正在寻找她的钢笔。

【18】We need two. 我们需要两个

【19】He hates you. (代词)他恨你

【20】I like China. (名词) 我喜欢中国

【2】主语+及物动词+反身代词【1】Now I will introduce myself.现在我将介绍我自己

【2】They blamed themselves for the accident.他们就这场事故责备自己。

【3】I enjoyed myself last night.昨天晚上我玩的很开心.

【4】We seated ourselves 我们让我们自己坐下.

【5】He devoted himself to the cause of medicine.他献身于医学事业.

【6】The boy can"t dress himself.这男孩不会给他自己穿衣服

【3】主语+及物动词+同源宾语【1】Everybody smiled.每个人都微笑了。

【2】He smiled a strange smile.【同源宾语】他露出一个奇怪的微笑。

【3】She often dreams.她经常做梦

【4】She dreamed a beautiful dream. 【同源宾语】

【5】He died 他死了.

【6】He died a glorious death.他死的光荣

【7】They live a happy life.他们过着幸福的生活

【4】主语+及物动词+不定式(做宾语)【常用于这句型的动词有:attempt, dare, decide, desire, expect, hope, intend, learn, need, offer, pretend, promise, propose, purpose, refuse, want, wish等。】

【1】She wants to be a teacher.他想成为一名老师.

【2】He decided to buy a new car .他决定买一辆新车.

【3】Tom hoped to be an actor in the future.汤姆希望将来成为一名演员

【4】Mike wish to go to America for his summer vacation.麦克希望去美国度暑假.

【5】We planned to stay for an hour.我们计划停留一小时.

【6】She refused to answer our questions.她拒绝回答我们的问题

【7】She offered to take me to the National Stadium.她主动提出带我去国家体育馆.

【8】We should learn to drive a car .我们应该学会开车.

【9】We should try to learn English well.我们应该努力地学好英文.

【10】He pretended to be asleep.他假装睡着了.

【11】He promised to help me with my English.他答应帮助学习英语.

【12】We can"t afford to pay such a price.我们不能支付起这样一个价格。

【13】You must try to improve your English.你们必须提高你们英语水平。

【14】We need to learn English well.我们需要学好英语。

【15】I started to talk with other students.我开始和别人谈话.

【16】They want to see her very badly.他们非常想看见她.

【17】He forgot which way to go.他忘记了该走哪条路了

【18】I don"t know what to do .我不知道该做什么.

【19】She doesn"t know how to do it.她不知道如何做这件事情。

【 常用于这句型的动词有:ask, consider, decide, discover, explain, find out, forget, guess, inquire, know, learn, observe, remember, see, settle, tell, think, understand, wonder等。】

【5】主语+及物动词+动名词(做宾语)【1】He likes dancing. (代词)

【2】Would you mind waiting for a few minutes?你介意等几分钟吗?

【3】I prefer standing.我更喜欢站着。

【4】I propose resting for half an hour我提议休息半小时。

【5】I enjoy wathching English films.我喜欢看英语电影.

【6】She finished doing her homework. 她做完了她的家庭作业.

【7】She minds smoking in the room.她介意在房间里抽烟.

【8】She practises playing the piano every day.她每天练习弹钢琴.

【9】Mary advises going for a walk.玛丽建议去散步.

【10】He stopped watching TV .他停止了看电视.

【11】He suggests doing it in a different way.他建议用不同方法做这件事情.

【12】Mary considers buying a new house.玛丽考虑买一栋新房子.

【13】I will appreciate hearing from you.收到您的信,我将非常感激.

【14】Please try not to avoid catching a cold.请尽量避免不要感冒了.

【15】He has to give up smoking for his health.为了他的健康,他不得不放弃抽烟.

【16】We should keep improving our English.我们应该保持提高我们英语水平.

【17】We can imagine living on the moon.我们能想象在月球上生活.

【18】The little girl dislike speaking in public 这个小女孩不喜欢在公共场合讲话.


【1.0】like to do sth 喜欢做某事

【1.1】like doing sth 喜欢做某事

①I like reading books

②I like to read books


【2.0】love to do sth 爱好做某事

【2.1】love doing sth爱好做某事

①She loves to listen to music

②She loves listening to music


【3.0】hate to do sth 憎恨做做事

【3.1】hate doing sth 讨厌做某事

I hate speaking before a big audience

I hate to speak before a big audience


【4.0】prefer to do sth 宁可做某事

【4.1】prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事

【5.0】start to do sth 开始做某事

【5.1】start doing sth 开始做某事

【6.0】begin to do sth 开始做某事

【6.1】begin doing sth 开始做某事

【7.0】continue to do sth 继续做某事

【7.1】continue doing sth 继续做某事

【8.0】intend to do sth 打算做某事

【8.1】intend doing sth打算做某事

【8.0】can"t bear to do sth 不能忍受做某事

【8.1】can"t bear doing sth不能忍受做某事

【9.0】attempt to do sth 试图做某事

【9.1】attempt doing sth试图做某事

【10.0】cease to do sth 中止做某事

【10.1】cease doing sth中止做某事

特别备注: 本身为进行时态,或者后面动词为心理变化意义的动词是,必须接动词不定式做宾语

例如: When we came in, they were beginning to have supper.


After his explanation , I began to understand it .


After his detailed explanation, I began to realize that I was wrong



【1.0】remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事

【1.1】remember to do sth 记住要去做某事

①He can remember to post the letters.


②He remembered posting the letters


【2.0】forget doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事

【2.1】forget to do sth 忘记要去做某事

①I forgot telling the thing.


②I forgot to tell him the news


【3.0】try doing sth 试着做某事

【3.1】try to do sth 努力/尽力/设法去做某事

① He tries opening the door.


②He tried to open the door.


【4.0】regret doing sth 后悔曾经做过某事

【4.1】regret to do sth 遗憾要去做某事

① She regretted doing this thing.


②She regretted to tell me that she could not come tonight


【5.0】stop doing sth 停止正在做某事

【5.1】stop to do sth 停止去做某事

① He stopped watching TV .


②He stopped to watch TV.


【6.0】go on doing sth 继续做同一件事

【6.1】go on to do sth 继续做另外一件事

① Tom goes on doing his homework.


②Tom goes on to do his homework after watching TV.


【7.0】mean doing sth 意味着做某事

【7.1】mean to do sth打算做某事/计划做某事

① Missing this train means waiting for another hour.


② I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.


③ I mean to stay here for a long time我打算在这里呆很久

④ Revolution means liberationg the productive forces.


【8.0】can"t help doing sth 禁不住做某事/情不自禁做某事

【8.1】can"t help to do sth不能帮助做某事

①I could not help crying when he heard the news.


②I can not help to solve the problem .


【6】主语+及物动词+从句 (做宾语)【宾语从句】

【 常用于这句型的动词有:Admit, believe, command, confess, declare, demand, deny, doubt, expect, explain, feel(觉得), hear(听说), hope, imagine, intend, know, mean, mind(当心), notice, propose, request, report, say, see(看出),show, suggest, suppose, think, understand, wish, wonder(觉得奇怪)。】

【1】He says that he will go to Beijing tomorrow他说他明天将要去北京

【2】She thinks that this news is not true 他认为这个消息不是真的.

【3】Our teacher said that he would go there.我们老师说,他将去那里.

【4】Did you write down what she said? 你记下了她所说的话吗?

【5】We need know what others are doing.我们需要知道别人都在做什么.

【6】I don"t think (that) he is right.我认为他不是对的

【7】I hope that I have said nothing to pain you.(从句做宾语,即:宾语从句)

【8】He claimed that he saw the accident.他声称他看见了这场事故。【9】I suggested (that) we (should) leave early.我建议我们应该早点出发/动身/离开。

【10】Do you see why I did it?你明白我为什么做这件事情吗?

【11】Can you tell which is your father?你能告诉到底哪个是你爸爸?【12】She asked if she might call and see me.她问她是否可能打电话并看过。

【13】I"ll do what I can.我将做我所能。

【14】I don"t remember when that happened.我不能记得那个事情什么时候发生的





spare time after school
2023-07-06 22:42:582

spare time怎么读

spare time发音:英 [spu025bu0259 taim]; 美 [spu025br tau026am]词汇解析:spare time中文释义:课余时间;业余时间,time available for hobbies and other activities that you enjoy同义词:free time双语例句:1、I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.我喜欢读书,并做一些收藏在我的业余时间。2、She now works in industry and writes on science in his spare time.她现在在企业工作,业余时间写点科学文章。3、She spends her spare time nursing her old mother.她的业余时间都花在照顾她年老的母亲上。
2023-07-06 22:43:141

空闲时间 英语

Free time
2023-07-06 22:43:395

at spare time 还是in spare time?

spare time 用做名词词组,意思为空闲的时间,业余的时间.spare time 的介词应用in,表示在空闲的时间.表示时间时,in表示在一段时间里(在将来时句子中则表示在一段时间之后),on表示在具体的某一天或者某天的上下午等具体的时间哦.
2023-07-06 22:44:021

spare time to do 还是doing?

用:spare to do当spare翻译为匀出,抽出,拔出,留出(时间、钱等)时,用法为:spare sth/sb to do sth或者:spare sth /sb for sth/sb。重点词汇:spare英[speu0259(r)]释义:adj.额外的,备用的;多余的;瘦高的,瘦长的;简朴的;未装饰的;空闲的;少量的;节约的v.饶恕;不伤害;不毁坏;使避免;(尤指在自己困难的情况下)抽出,匀出;剩下;分让;节约;吝惜;删节n.备用品;(汽车或其他设备的)备用零件,配件;(十柱保龄球戏中的)二击全倒n.(Spare)(美、英、瑞典、加、拉脱维亚、印、法)史琶尔(人名)[复数:spares;第三人称单数:spares;现在分词:sparing;过去式:spared;过去分词:spared;比较级:sparer;最高级:sparest]短语:spare parts备件;备品备件;零配件;配件扩展资料:词语辨析:spare,emaciated,haggard,lean,thin这组词都可表示“瘦”。1、spare指人的身材给人以美感的瘦;2、thin既可指人的身材,也可指人的身体某部位瘦,大多数指因疾病或疲劳而消瘦;3、emaciated表示的“瘦”主要是由疾病和营养不良造成的;4、haggard指人的面孔憔悴的,枯槁的,主要是由于忧虑和少眠所致;5、lean指人天生瘦,是缺少脂肪的意思。
2023-07-06 22:44:091

spare time是可数名词吗?

解答:spare time释义:空闲时间 是不可数名词
2023-07-06 22:44:542

my spare time英语作文60字

  空闲时间(my spare time )是我们额外训练自己 英语写作 的绝妙时机。 下面是我给大家整理了my spare time我的空闲时间 英语 作文 ,供大家参阅!   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇1   I"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇2   Reading is one of my favorite ways to my spare time. However I don"t like reading books at home. I prefer to read them in the library. We have a community library down the street. It"s small but has a huge collection of books. I would go there on weekend afternoons checking what"s new in the library and sitting in the reading room to read some of the best magazines and newspapers around the world. The warm and sweet afternoon sunshine accompanied by the smell of books,reading has certainly become one of the best ways for me to spend my spare time.   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇3   my spare time   nowadays,students are under too much pressure.we are too tired and even have no time to how to use our spare time is one of our biggest problem.   in my spare time,my favorite thing is playing sports. that is good for our health,it also can make us relaxed. And why not playing some computer games? it may be BOY,s favorite. I really love it. I have been a volunteer before. Doing good things makes me happy.   I think my spare time is really colorful because I did so many things in so little time.   I am proud of myself.   What about you?   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇4   My spare time   I alway do anything useful in my spare time.I usually spend 20 percent of my time playing badminton and billiards.I spend 30 percent of my time playing computer games like CF and QQ Flying Car.And I spend fifteen percent of my time doing housework for my parents including washing clothes,washing dishes and sweeping the floor.What`s more,I spend 15 percent of my time playing the piano and the bass,for I can music can relax me.In addition,I spend the rest of my time reading novels.So these are the things which I do in my spare time above,how about yours?   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇5   I am a middle school student.Though Iu2019m busy with my lessons,my spare time is still colorful.   After school I usually play sports.I like basketball and football very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often do some reading in the evening.I think books are our best friends.They give us much knowledge that we canu2019t learn at school.So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time.   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇6   Sometimes, when I am free I ususally do a lots of things.   I am fond of doing exercise. For example, I could be play basketball or football.   On the other hand, I am also keen on reading. I read some magazines and literature books. Especially books about science.   This"s my free time. 》》》》下一页更多精彩“my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文”
2023-07-06 22:45:141

My spare time初中英语作文

  英语是高中最基础的课程之一,是为以后更高层次的英语学习以及工作生活打基础阶段,因为当今英语在工作、生活中的重要性越来越突出。你会在你的空空闲时间里面做什么呢?下面是我为你整理的几篇关于My spare time初中英语作文,希望对你有帮助哦!   My spare time初中英语作文篇1   I am a middle school student.Though Iu2019m busy with my lessons,my spare time is still colorful.   After school I usually play sports.I like basketball and football very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often do some reading in the evening.I think books are our best friends.They give us much knowledge that we canu2019t learn at school.So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time.   Sometimes I watch TV or surf the Internet.I find itu2019s a good way to relax myself.At the same time it can also help me open up my eyes to the outside world.At the weekends I often help my parents with the housework.I clean the house,wash clothes and learn to cook.During the summer or winter vacation,I have enough time to do things like volunteering.I help those people who are in need.Itu2019s a good experience for me.I enjoy myself in my spare time.   我是一名中学生。尽管学业繁忙,但是我的业余生活仍然丰富多彩。   放学后我常常参加体育活动。我非常喜欢打篮球和踢足球。体育运动令我身体健康、学习也更加优秀。到了晚上,我常常会读点书。我认为书籍是我们最好的朋友,它教给了我们许多在学校里学不到的知识,所以读书大大充实了我的业余时间。   偶尔我也会看看电视、上上网,这倒是放松自己不错的方式,与此同时,还能开阔自己的视野。周末的时候,我经常帮父母做做家务:打扫房子、洗衣物、学做饭。在寒暑假,我有足够的时间,可以做的事情有很多,比如做一名志愿者,去帮助那些需要帮助的人们。这对我来说是一份宝贵的经验。总之,我乐享我的业余生活。   我是一名中学生。尽管学业繁忙,但是我的业余生活仍然丰富多彩。 放学后我常常参加体育活动。我非常喜欢打篮球和踢足球。体育运动令我身体健康、学习也更加优秀。到了晚上,我常常会读点书。我认为书籍是我们最好的朋友,它教给了我们许多在学校里学不到的知识,所以读书大大充实了我的业余时间。 偶尔我也会看看电视、上上网,这倒是放松自己不错的方式,与此同时,还能开阔自己的视野。周末的时候,我经常帮父母做做家务:打扫房子、洗衣物、学做饭。在寒暑假,我有足够的时间,可以做的事情有很多,比如做一名志愿者,去帮助那些需要帮助的人们。这对我来说是一份宝贵的经验。总之,我乐享我的业余生活。   My spare time初中英语作文篇2   As a middle school student, I don"t have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour. It"s a good way to relax myself. I always do some reading before go to bed. Besides, I always go to swimming after school. Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study. As the same as other students, I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework first. At the weekends, I will help my mother with the housework, such as clean the house, do some washing. And, it"s a time to visit my friends. We are always happy together.   作为一名中学生,我没有很多自由时间,但是我仍然有很多事情要做。我喜欢听音乐和阅读,所以空闲时间我经常上网听音乐半个小时。这是自我放松的一种好方式。睡觉前我经常看些书。此外,放学后我经常去游泳。锻炼帮助我保持健康,对我的学习有好处。和其他同学一样,我晚上也经常看电视,但是我必须先完成作业。周末,我会帮妈妈做些家务,比如打扫屋子,洗衣服等等。而且,这也是我拜访朋友的时间。我们在一起的时候总是很快乐。   My spare time初中英语作文篇3   I"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!
2023-07-06 22:45:231


2023-07-06 22:45:337


spare time是指业余和空闲时间,private time是私人的/个人的时间。
2023-07-06 22:45:491

spare time还是sparing time

当然是spare time啦,固定短语spare time to do sth
2023-07-06 22:45:561

关于my spare time英语作文

  不知各位小伙伴在空闲的时间会干嘛呢?下面是我为大家整理的文章,希望对大家有帮助。   篇(一)   I am a middle school student. Though I"m busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorful. After school I usually play sports. I like basketball and football very much. Sports help me to keep healthy and study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books are our best friends. They give us much knowledge that we can"t learn at school. So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time. Sometimes I watch TV or surf the Internet. I find it"s a good way to relax myself. At the same time it can also help me open up my eyes to the outside world. At the weekends I often help my parents with the housework. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn to cook. During the summer or winter vacation, I have enough time to do things like volunteering. I help those people who are in need. It"s a good experience for me. I enjoy myself in my spare time. 我是一名中学生。尽管学业繁忙,但是我的业余生活仍然丰富多彩。 放学后我常常参加体育活动。我非常喜欢打篮球和踢足球。体育运动令我身体健康、学习也更加优秀。到了晚上,我常常会读点书。我认为书籍是我们最好的朋友,它教给了我们许多在学校里学不到的知识,所以读书大大充实了我的业余时间。 偶尔我也会看看电视、上上网,这倒是放松自己不错的方式,与此同时,还能开阔自己的视野。周末的时候,我经常帮父母做做家务:打扫房子、洗衣物、学做饭。在寒暑假,我有足够的时间,可以做的事情有很多,比如做一名志愿者,去帮助那些需要帮助的人们。这对我来说是一份宝贵的经验。总之,我乐享我的业余生活。   篇(二)   Im my spare time,i have a lot of personal interests,such as playing basketball and surfing online and play some games   when play basketball,my position is PG(point guard),the feature of my performance is that i play very rapidly and agily   i believe some work out is very essential for people.Furthermore,as the olympic game is coming,sports are becoming more and more popular all over China   在我的课余时间,我有许多的个人爱好,比如打篮球,或者是上网冲浪,打打游戏   在打篮球的时候,我的位置是控球后卫,我的技术特点是动作迅速,敏捷   我相信运动对于人们来说是非常必须的,随着奥运会的临近,各类运动在中国变得越来越流行。   篇(三)   As a middle school student, I don"t have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour. It"s a good way to relax myself. I always do some reading before go to bed. Besides, I always go to swimming after school. Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study. As the same as other students, I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework first. At the weekends, I will help my mother with the housework, such as clean the house, do some washing. And, it"s a time to visit my friends. We are always happy together.   作为一名中学生,我没有很多自由时间,但是我仍然有很多事情要做。我喜欢听音乐和阅读,所以空闲时间我经常上网听音乐半个小时。这是自我放松的一种好方式。睡觉前我经常看些书。此外,放学后我经常去游泳。锻炼帮助我保持健康,对我的学习有好处。和其他同学一样,我晚上也经常看电视,但是我必须先完成作业。周末,我会帮妈妈做些家务,比如打扫屋子,洗衣服等等。而且,这也是我拜访朋友的时间。我们在一起的时候总是很快乐。
2023-07-06 22:46:031

初三英语作文带翻译:我的业余生活 My Spare Time

I am a middle school student. Though I"m busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorful. After school I usually play sports. I like basketball and football very much. Sports help me to keep healthy and study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books are our best friends. They give us much knowledge that we can"t learn at school. So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time. Sometimes I watch TV or surf the Internet. I find it"s a good way to relax myself. At the same time it can also help me open up my eyes to the outside world. At the weekends I often help my parents with the housework. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn to cook. During the summer or winter vacation, I have enough time to do things like volunteering. I help those people who are in need. It"s a good experience for me. I enjoy myself in my spare time. 我是一名中学生。尽管学业繁忙,但是我的业余生活仍然丰富多彩。 放学后我常常参加体育活动。我非常喜欢打篮球和踢足球。体育运动令我身体健康、学习也更加优秀。到了晚上,我常常会读点书。我认为书籍是我们的朋友,它教给了我们许多在学校里学不到的知识,所以读书大大充实了我的业余时间。 偶尔我也会看看电视、上上网,这倒是放松自己不错的方式,与此同时,还能开阔自己的视野。周末的时候,我经常帮父母做做家务:打扫房子、洗衣物、学做饭。在寒暑假,我有足够的时间,可以做的事情有很多,比如做一名志愿者,去帮助那些需要帮助的人们。这对我来说是一份宝贵的经验。总之,我乐享我的业余生活。
2023-07-06 22:46:091

英语作文 我的业余时间 英语口语三分钟表达 my spare time (我的业余时间)

It is very important for us to know how to use the free time. In my spare time,I often go on line.I usually get information for my lessons,so I can get more knowledge.I often read novels on the computer.I like music.Sometimes I download music and enjoy it.At the weekend I visit my website and write some articles in my blog. Besides computer,I do sports every day to make me healthy and strong. I"m fond of travel.Because it is good for my health.In the course of my journey,I can enjoy the beautiful scenery and social custom of the different places. … In a word,we should make good use of our free time.
2023-07-06 22:46:181

in spare time 只能用介词in吗

2023-07-06 22:46:252

share time /spare time区别

share time分享时间spare time挤出、腾出时间
2023-07-06 22:46:333

spare-time hobby怎么翻译

2023-07-06 22:47:007

free time,spare time区别

almost the same
2023-07-06 22:47:153

spare time 和free time 的区别

spare time自由之间,业余时间,余暇free time业余,空余时间,闲暇时刻
2023-07-06 22:47:221

i enjoy reading in my spare time这句话是什么语法

enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做某事
2023-07-06 22:47:293

what do the students of No.5Middle school do in their spare time?

具体的翻译如下:What do the students of No.5 Middle school do in their spare time? Last month, we conducted a survey on our school"s extracurricular activities. The answer is exercise, surfing the Internet and watching TV. Here is the specific result.五中的学生,他们课余时间都做些什么?上个月我们就我们学校的所进行的课外活动进行了调查,答案是锻炼,上网和看电视,这里就是具体的结果。We found in the survey that only 15% of the students exercise every day, 45% of the students exercise 4 to 6 times a week, 20% of the students only exercise 1 to 3 times a week, and 20% of the students never exercise!我们在调查中发现只有15%的学生每天进行锻炼,45%的学生每星期锻炼4到6次,20%的人每星期只锻炼1到3次,并且有20%的学生从来都不锻炼!We know that many students often surf the Internet, but we are surprised to find that 99% of the students surf the Internet every day. The other 10% of the students surf the Internet at least three or four times a week, and most of them only use their computers for entertainment rather than study.我们知道很多同学经常上网,但我们惊奇地发现99%的学生每天都上网。而其它的10%的学生会每周上网至少3或4次,大多数人只把电脑用于娱乐而不用于学习。As for our question about watching TV, the students" answers are also quite interesting. Only 2% of the students watch TV once to three times a week, 13% of the students watch TV at least three to four times a week, Although many students like to watch sports programs, all kinds of "show" programs are the most popular.关于我们提出的有观看电视的问题,学生们的回答也是蛮有趣的,只有2%的学生每周看1次至3次电视,13%的学生每周至少看3-4次电视,85%的学生每天都看电视!尽管很多学生喜欢看体育节目,但各类“秀”的节目却是最流行的。Although surfing the Internet and watching TV are good ways to relax, physical exercise is the best way to relax. Physical exercise is good for both physical and mental health.虽说上网和看电视是很好的放松方式,但体育锻炼确实是最好的放松方法。体育锻炼对于身心健康都大有益处。Sports such as football - when you play football with friends or family, you will feel very happy. Remember this sentence: "old habits can last longer." it"s not too late to start exercising now!运动如踢足球~当你和朋友或家人一起踢球时,你会感到特快乐。记住这句话:“老的习惯才能更长久的存在”,现在就开始锻炼也为时未晚!这部分内容主要考察的是宾语从句的知识点:置于动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用,宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。谓语动词、介词、动词不定式、动词现在分词、过去式、过去分词后面都能带宾语从句。有些形容词(afraid,sure,glad等)之后也可以带宾语从句。whether 和 if 都可引导宾语从句,但 whether后可紧跟or not;whether从句可作介词的宾语。当if/whether引导宾语从句时,在从句中不做任何成分,但有具体的含义,意为“是否”。if/whether不能省略。
2023-07-06 22:47:361


写作思路:根据题目要求,以“如何让业余时间过的有意义”作为主题,开头可以以每个人都会有业余时间来打开话闸子,之后描述自己的看法,正文:In addition to busy life, everyone will have some spare time to some extent, and many people choose to face their spare time with lazy attitude.生活中除了繁忙之外,每个人多多少少都会有点业余时间,而很多人选择用懒惰的态度来面对业余时间。But I think this is wrong. My spare time should be rich and colorful, for example, I can learn to sing, read extracurricular books and draw pictures.而我觉得这样是不对的,业余生活应该丰富多彩,比如可以学习唱歌、看课外书、画画。I used to like to sleep late in my spare time, until I studied painting in my spare time, which inadvertently improved my painting ability. It was not until I was praised by my teachers and classmates in class that I realized that I had made great progress in painting in my spare time.以前我也总喜欢的业余时间睡懒觉,直到我用业余时间学习了画画,业余时间的画画,无意间提高了我的绘画能力,直到在课堂上,我画的作品被老师同学夸奖,我才意识到,原来我用业余时间学习的画画,已经有了这么大的进步。My classmates say that my after-school life is very rich. I think: if you work hard, you can make your after-school life full of brilliance.同学们都说我的课余生活非常丰富,我认为:只要努力,你也能使你的课余生活充满光彩。
2023-07-06 22:47:521

节省时间,节省钱用英语怎么说?save money .save time 还是spare time

正确说法是,save money and save times
2023-07-06 22:48:064

高中英语,短文改错,it后面不是少了谓语吗?还有spare time为什么不能加s

2023-07-06 22:48:162

The home improvements have taken what little there is ________my spare time.? A.from .

C? 这是一个宾语从句。have taken 后接感叹句,其正常语序是what little of my spare time there is。由于调换了语序,增加了题目的难度,许多考生把它理解成了“在我业余时间里”,因而选了B。所以在做题时,一定要审准题目,区分句子结构,理解句子意思,才能做出正确答案。这句话的意思是“房屋装修占据了我那么少的业余时间”。?
2023-07-06 22:49:501

in spare time与during spare time的区别

答:您好!in spare time 意思为:在业余时间during spare time 意思为:在业余时间内第一个只说在什么时间,而第二个是在特定的时间内。
2023-07-06 22:49:571

spare time前介词用什么?

2023-07-06 22:50:043

when do you have spare time 有没有语法错误?

2023-07-06 22:50:112

英语作文:My spare time 60字

先来一个短些的:My Spare TimeI"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!再来个长一点的:I"d like to make full use of my spare time. Usually I would do three things in my spare time, reading, playing basketball, and serfing the Interet, which are three of my deepest passions.Reading is one of my favorite ways to my spare time. However I don"t like reading books at home. I prefer to read them in the library. We have a community library down the street. It"s small but has a huge collection of books. I would go there on weekend afternoons checking what"s new in the library and sitting in the reading room to read some of the best magazines and newspapers around the world. The warm and sweet afternoon sunshine accompanied by the smell of books,reading has certainly become one of the best ways for me to spend my spare time.Don"t mistake me as some book-hunger person. I"m sporty too. I love to play basketball with my friends during the weekend. We usually paly 3 to 3. It helps me a lot on getting the essence of team work and assists me to be a better leader while I"m doing my school projects.Internet has become a major media in recent years. My passion for Internet serfing has been growing stronger and stronger. At night when I"m not studying, I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there. I would also like to check out the employers who are hiring and try to find a job.Basicallly, that"s how I spend most of my spare time. Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news events. Playing basketball with friends helps me on building team working skills and interpersonal skills. Serfing on the Internet exposes me to the world"s different cultures and different people that come from different backgrounds.
2023-07-06 22:50:226

ones spare time

2023-07-06 22:50:381

求一篇英语作文my spare time初中水平

As a middle school student, I don"t have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour. It"s a good way to relax myself. I always do some reading before go to bed. Besides, I always go to swimming after school. Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study. As the same as other students, I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework first. At the weekends, I will help my mother with the housework, such as clean the house, do some washing. And, it"s a time to visit my friends. We are always happy together.作为一名中学生,我没有很多自由时间,但是我仍然有很多事情要做。我喜欢听音乐和阅读,所以空闲时间我经常上网听音乐半个小时。这是自我放松的一种好方式。睡觉前我经常看些书。此外,放学后我经常去游泳。锻炼帮助我保持健康,对我的学习有好处。和其他同学一样,我晚上也经常看电视,但是我必须先完成作业。周末,我会帮妈妈做些家务,比如打扫屋子,洗衣服等等。而且,这也是我拜访朋友的时间。我们在一起的时候总是很快乐。
2023-07-06 22:50:472

英语作文《my spare time》

Im my spare time,i have a lot of personal interests,such as playing basketball and surfing online and play some games when play basketball,my position is PG(point guard),the feature of my performance is that i play very rapidly and agily i believe some work out is very essential for people.Furthermore,as the olympic game is coming,sports are becoming more and more popular all over China 在我的课余时间,我有许多的个人爱好,比如打篮球,或者是上网冲浪,打打游戏 在打篮球的时候,我的位置是控球后卫,我的技术特点是动作迅速,敏捷 我相信运动对于人们来说是非常必须的,随着奥运会的临近,各类运动在中国变得越来越流行
2023-07-06 22:51:101

spare time的翻译是什么?

2023-07-06 22:51:281

在我课余时间 用英语怎么说

2023-07-06 22:52:448

以“My Spare Time”为题写一篇英语作文

以“My Spare Time”为题写一篇英语作文 I do not have the spare time when I have time to go to school, I finished school, I would play basketball, I am very good at playing basketball, I like to play with my clas *** ates, which is when I am very happy day. Sometimes I like to climb, especially on Sundays when many people which is very lively, and sometimes a breath of fresh air is good, makes me feel very unfortable, particularly birds of the woods was interesting, but very tired climbing, But this is a very interesting thing. 以 My Family and My Spare Time 为题目写一篇英语作文 快啊 fortunately,i am a happy member of a happy family,my parents give me a lot of love and support in my road to grow up .i can"t show my appreciation too much for them, in short ,i will study hard and learn much knowledge to e true my dream and in the same to meet thire expectation to my future,when talking about my spare time ,i have much word to say,my spare time has been filled by lots of pleasure and relax,going to moive with our panies ,reading many books i"m interested in ,taking part in various outside activities and so on.through these,my interests to knowledge have been largely developed and i also get a rich and colouful life 以My first time 为题写一篇英语作文 My first time to ride a bike Today I can ride a bike very well. But three years ago, it was too hard for me to ride a bike. Now I still remember my first time to ride a bike. I often fell off the bike, but I didn"t s riding. First I asked my father to help me with my bike. Next, let him not help me and I rode alone. Then I could ride a few minutes. I kept practising. Finally I could ride a bike to school. I was very happy. From this thing, I know nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it. 以My free time为题写一篇英语作文 Free time? I do a lot of activities during my free time.Some of them are sports. For example, cycling around the neighbourhood, playing badminton with my brother and jogging round the park. Sometimes, I go swimming. You see, I love reading. I usually read novels or storybooks. The book I like the most is " The Magic Faraway Tree" that is written by Enid Blyton from England. I love that story. Next, after reading or sports, I draw and paint. I like arts, especially watercolors and oil paintings. I love the arts of the oil paintings artists. It is very beautiful. Lastly, just take a rest... 请以“My Spare Time为题写一篇英语短文” My Spare Time I am a middle school student. Though I"m busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorful. After school I usually play sports. I like basketball and football very much. Sports help me to keep healthy and study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books are our best friends. They give us much knowledge that we can"t learn at school. So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time. Sometimes I watch TV or surf the Inter. I find it"s a good way to relax myself. At the same time it can also help me open up my eyes to the outside world. At the weekends I often help my parents with the housework. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn to cook. During the summer or winter vacation, I have enough time to do things like volunteering. I help those people who are in need. It"s a good experience for me. I enjoy myself in my spare time. 以His and Her Spare Time为题目写一篇英语作文 In his spare time he often surf the Inter and plays games on it . He also plays basketball with some friends . He sometimes goes climbing mountains. In her spare time she usually take some exercise . She also attend some classes for further study . She often goes to nursing homes to help those in need. She also does some reading at home or does some housework for her parents. 以“he|p my parents”为题写一篇英语作文 My P.E teacher My name is xiaoming,i was a student.i love going to school.because i love having classes.And P.E.lesson is my favorite class.because i like my P.E.thecher.He is a happy young man.He teaches me football,basket ball,pingpong,swimming and so on.He always told me,be careful when i was doing sports.Last sunday we went outside.We play basketball together.We had great fun.He taught me a lot.i love the way he taught me.And i think we could be friends forever. 以《My Room》为题写一篇英语作文 I have a new room.. There is bookcase, chair, desk, table, bed in my *** all room. My hat is on the chair. My baseball is under the bed. My school ID card is on the table. My CDs are in my backpack. Oh, there is a picture of mine on the wall. My room is very nice. I like it very much. Do you have your own room? Tell me! 以 My Grandma 为题写一篇英语作文 Grandma, a word is almost familiar to everyone as we are all bound to have one. For me, my grandma has the Chinese female"s traditional virtues: kindness、generosity、prudence and optimi *** . Not only the relatives but also her neighbors speak high of her. Now in my writing, I want to talk about my grandma in my eyes. My grandma is seventy-five years old now.He used to work in a factory near our home.He lives with us and help our famliy do some housework such as cooking for us since he was retired.My grandma gets on well with our neighbour.He always encourage me to study hard.I love him very much. 以my future 为题写一篇英语作文 In the future, I want to be a teacher, because teacher can teach students and tell them what is good, what is bad. teacher also know many things, can give us the right way to study. teacher can give us the knowledge, help others to find a good job in future. My future Everyone"s future is different. I think my future will be wonderful. I will be a teacher in the future,because I like teaching my clas *** ates about their difficult questions,they all think l am friendly. I study very hard. I always do my homework carefully. I also like reading books very much,books are useful. But l think l should study harder than before. That"s my future. My future As the song goes “ My future isn"t a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can e true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I "d like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away .
2023-07-06 22:53:091


不行。time表示“时间”的意思时,是不可数名词,前面不能用量词“a”修饰,所以不能用“have a spare time”,可以说“have spare time”。time表示“次数”的意思时,是可数名词。
2023-07-06 22:53:421

spare time的造句

I usually play basketball in my spare time.我业余时间里面打打篮球
2023-07-06 22:54:191

in my spare time 或 on my spare time 或 at my spare time?

更新1: @「本周之星」 time 有时不是用 at 的吗?例如 at noon at 3.00 place 也可以用 in/on/at 的:in the room on the playground at school。 哪是要怎么分呢?还是要靠语感? 严格区分in on at在时间长短做区分: in:(月 季 年用),in summer in 2021等 on:(天 日期),on Sunday on Christmas day at:(时),at seven o"clock on day in time at place,记住啦 《日英辞典》例1. What do you do in your spare time? (あなたは暇な时、何をしますか?) 例2. I play video games in my spare time. (私は暇な时ゲームをします。)
2023-07-06 22:54:261

my spare time 英语作文

My Spare Time I"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing puter games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!
2023-07-06 22:54:351

以myspare time 为题的英语作文对空闲时间的安排

写作思路:写出自己空闲时间所作的各种事情,包括读书、做家务、运动等等。I am a middle school student.Though I"m busy with my lessons,my spare time s still colorful.After school I usually play sports.I like basketball and football very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often do some reading inthe evening.I think books are our best friends.They give us much knowledge that we can"t learn at school.So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time.Sometimes I watch TV or surf the Internet.I find it"s a good way to relax myself.At the same time it can also help me open up my eyes to the outside world At the weekends I often help my parents with the housework.I clean the house wash clothes and learn to cook.During the summer or winter vacation,I have enough time to do things like volunteering.I help those people who are in need.It"s a good experience for me.I enjoy myself in my spare time.我是一名中学生。尽管学业繁忙,但是我的业余生活仍然丰富多彩。放学后我常常参加体育活动。我非常喜欢打篮球和踢足球。体育运动令我身体健康、学习也更加优秀。到了晚上,我常常会读点书。我认为书籍是我们最好的朋友,它教给了我们许多在学校里学不到的知识,所以读书大大充实了我的业余时间。偶尔我也会看看电视、上上网,这倒是放松自己不错的方式,与此同时,还能开阔自己的视野。周末的时候,我经常帮父母做做家务:打扫房子、洗衣物、学做饭。在寒暑假,我有足够的时间,可以做的事情有很多,比如做一名志愿者,去帮助那些需要帮助的人。
2023-07-06 22:54:511

英语作文:My spare time 60字

my spare timenowadays,students are under too much pressure.we are too tired and even have no time to how to use our spare time is one of our biggest my spare time,my favorite thing is playing sports. that is good for our health,it also can make us relaxed. And why not playing some computer games? it may be BOY,s favorite. I really love it. I have been a volunteer before. Doing good things makes me happy.I think my spare time is really colorful because I did so many things in so little time.I am proud of myself. What about you?
2023-07-06 22:55:112

how i spend mg spare time 谁能帮我写一个80字的作文?

How I spend my spare time. I"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing puter games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!,5,
2023-07-06 22:55:181

How do you _____ your spare time?填什么呢?A.employ B.take C.choose D.cost 为什么选A啊?

D ? 听说时间就是金钱哦
2023-07-06 22:55:254

in the spare time /on the spare time哪个对?

the spare time: 在闲暇时间 ;在业余时间 in the spare time: 业余
2023-07-06 22:55:442

spare time to do 和 spare time doing 的区别 应该有这两种说法的吧.

spare time doing 是对的 spare time to do 没有听到过呢
2023-07-06 22:55:501

英语作文 how i spend my spare time

I"d like to make full use of my spare time. Usually I would do three things in my spare time, reading, playing basketball, and serfing the Interet, which are three of my deepest passions. Reading is one of my favorite ways to my spare time. However I don"t like reading books at home. I prefer to read them in the library. We have a munity library down the street. It"s *** all but has a huge collection of books. I would go there on weekend afternoons checking what"s new in the library and sitting in the reading room to read some of the best magazines and newspapers around the world. The warm and sweet afternoon sunshine acpanied by the *** ell of books,reading has certainly bee one of the best ways for me to spend my spare time. Don"t mistake me as some book-hunger person. I"m sporty too. I love to play basketball with my friends during the weekend. We usually paly 3 to 3. It helps me a lot on getting the essence of team work and assists me to be a better leader while I"m doing my school projects. Internet has bee a major media in recent years. My passion for Internet serfing has been growing stronger and stronger. At night when I"m not studying, I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there. I would also like to check out the employers who are hiring and try to find a job. Basicallly, that"s how I spend most of my spare time. Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and bee familiar with news events. Playing basketball with friends helps me on building team working skills and interpersonal skills. Serfing on the Internet exposes me to the world"s different cultures and different people that e from different backgrounds. 这是全文,你可以适当的选几段、
2023-07-06 22:55:591


写作思路:根据题目要求,以“如何让业余时间过的有意义”作为主题,开头可以以每个人都会有业余时间来打开话闸子,之后描述自己的看法,正文:In addition to busy life, everyone will have some spare time to some extent, and many people choose to face their spare time with lazy attitude.生活中除了繁忙之外,每个人多多少少都会有点业余时间,而很多人选择用懒惰的态度来面对业余时间。But I think this is wrong. My spare time should be rich and colorful, for example, I can learn to sing, read extracurricular books and draw pictures.而我觉得这样是不对的,业余生活应该丰富多彩,比如可以学习唱歌、看课外书、画画。I used to like to sleep late in my spare time, until I studied painting in my spare time, which inadvertently improved my painting ability. It was not until I was praised by my teachers and classmates in class that I realized that I had made great progress in painting in my spare time.以前我也总喜欢的业余时间睡懒觉,直到我用业余时间学习了画画,业余时间的画画,无意间提高了我的绘画能力,直到在课堂上,我画的作品被老师同学夸奖,我才意识到,原来我用业余时间学习的画画,已经有了这么大的进步。My classmates say that my after-school life is very rich. I think: if you work hard, you can make your after-school life full of brilliance.同学们都说我的课余生活非常丰富,我认为:只要努力,你也能使你的课余生活充满光彩。
2023-07-06 22:56:061


During the summer holiday of this year,I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home ,watching TV and so on.So I got a job at a restawrant and worked there as a waiter.Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening.The job was hard,boring.It made me so tired that I almost quit half way.But I went on doing with my determination.在今年的暑假期间,我想我应该做一些有意义的事情,而不是呆在家里,看电视等等.所以,我在餐馆里得到了一份工作,在那里当服务员.每天早晨我早早地去工作,晚上很晚回到家.这份工作非常累人和无聊.这使我几乎半途而废.但是我用我的决心坚持了下来.
2023-07-06 22:56:214

英语作文 我的业余时间 英语口语三分钟表达 my spare time (我的业余时间)

It is very important for us to know how to use the free time. In my spare time,I often go on line.I usually get information for my lessons,so I can get more knowledge.I often read novels on the computer.I like music.Sometimes I download music and enjoy it.At the weekend I visit my website and write some articles in my blog. Besides computer,I do sports every day to make me healthy and strong. I"m fond of travel.Because it is good for my health.In the course of my journey,I can enjoy the beautiful scenery and social custom of the different places. … In a word,we should make good use of our free time.
2023-07-06 22:57:071

in all the spare time

那些字母表上列位不佳者利用所有闲暇尽情幻想出来的一种理论认为,情况从一开始就很糟. One theory(主语),dreamt up in all the spare time(后置定语,修饰theory) enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged(后置定语,修饰theory),is(系动词) that the rot sets in early(表语从句). in all the spare time:在所有的闲暇时间里 set in:开始.
2023-07-06 22:57:131