barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-07 12:23:46


1、股票 Short-term investments - stock


2、银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance


3、应收利息 Interest receivable


4、库存商品 Finished goods


5、长期投资 Long-term investment


6、现金 Cash



7、减值准备 Depreciation reserves


8、固定资产 Fixed assets


9、累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation


10、在建工程 Construction-in-process





1、account receivable 应收账款



4、accounting cycle 会计循环

5、accounting equation会计等式

6、accounting information system 会计信息系统

7、accrual-basis accounting 应计制会计、权责发生制会计


1、bond premium 债券溢价

2、book value 账面价值

3、brand names 商标

4、breakeven point 保本点、盈亏平衡点

5、budget 预算

6、capital 资本、资金

7、capital expenditure 资本性支出

8、cash budget 现金预算

9、cash disbursements journal 现金支出日记账

10、cash flow 现金流量

11、cash payment journal 现金支出日记账

12、cash receipts journal 现金收入日记账


1、credit 贷

2、credit memorandum or credit memo 贷项备忘录

3、creditor 债权人

4、current asset 流动资产

5、current liability 流动负债

6、current ratio 流动比率


1、debit 借

2、debit memo 借项备忘录

3、debt ratio 负债比率

4、debtor 债务人


1、earnings per share 每股收益

2、efficient capital market 有效资本市场

3、employee compensation 员工薪酬

4、entity 实体

5、estimated residual value 预估残余价值

6、expense 费用

7、extraordinary gains and loss 营业外收入和支出


1、financial statements 财务报表

2、finished goods inventory 完工产品存货(产成品、库存商品)

3、first-in, first-out 先进先出法

4、fiscal year 会计年度

5、fixed asset 固定资产

6、fixed cost 固定成本

7、flexible budget 弹性预算

8、foreign-currency exchange rate 汇率

9、franchises 特许经营权





















acceptance 承兑

account 账户

accountant 会计员

accounting 会计

accounting system 会计制度

accounts payable 应付账款

accounts receivable 应收账款

accumulated profits 累积利益

adjusting entry 调整记录

adjustment 调整

administration expense 管理费用

advances 预付

advertising expense 广告费

agency 代理

agent 代理人

agreement 契约

allotments 分配数

allowance 津贴

amalgamation 合并

amortization 摊销

amortized cost 应摊成本

annuities 年金

applied cost 已分配成本

applied expense 已分配费用

applied manufacturing expense 己分配制造费用

apportioned charge 摊派费用

appreciation 涨价

article of association 公司章程

assessment 课税

assets 资产

attorney fee 律师费

audit 审计

auditor 审计员

average 平均数

average cost 平均成本

bad debt 坏账

balance 余额

balance sheet 资产负债表

bank account 银行账户

bank balance 银行结存

bank charge 银行手续费

bank deposit 银行存款

bank discount 银行贴现

bank draft 银行汇票

bank loan 银行借款

bank overdraft 银行透支

bankers acceptance 银行承兑

bankruptcy 破产

bearer 持票人

beneficiary 受益人

bequest 遗产

bill 票据

bill of exchange 汇票

bill of lading 提单

bills discounted 贴现票据

bills payable 应付票据

bills receivable 应收票据

board of directors 董事会

bonds 债券

bonus 红利

book value 账面价值

bookkeeper 簿记员

bookkeeping 簿记

branch office general ledger 支店往来账户

broker 经纪人

brought down 接前

brought forward 接上页

budget 预算

by-product 副产品

by-product sales 副产品销售

capital 股本

capital income 资本收益

capital outlay 资本支出

capital stock 股本

capital stock certificate 股票

carried down 移后

carried forward 移下页

cash 现金

cash account 现金账户

cash in bank 存银行现金

cash on delivery 交货收款

cash on hand 库存现金

cash payment 现金支付

cash purchase 现购

cash sale 现沽

cashier 出纳员

cashiers check 本票

certificate of deposit 存款单折

certificate of indebtedness 借据

certified check 保付支票

certified public accountant 会计师

charges 费用

charge for remittances 汇水手续费

charter 营业执照

chartered accountant 会计师

chattles 动产

check 支票

checkbook stub 支票存根

closed account 己结清账户

closing 结算

closing entries 结账纪录

closing stock 期末存货

closing the book 结账

columnar journal 多栏日记账

combination 联合

commission 佣金

commodity 商品

common stock 普通股

company 公司

compensation 赔偿

compound interest 复利

consignee 承销人

consignment 寄销

consignor 寄销人

consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表

consolidated profit and loss account 合并损益表

consolidation 合并

construction cost 营建成本

construction revenue 营建收入

contract 合同

control account 统制账户

copyright 版权

corporation 公司

cost 成本

cost accounting 成本会计

cost of labour 劳工成本

cost of production 生产成本

cost of manufacture 制造成本

cost of sales 销货成本

cost price 成本价格

credit 贷方

credit note 收款通知单

creditor 债权人

crossed check 横线支票

current account 往来活期账户

current asset 流动资产

current liability 流动负债

current profit and loss 本期损益

debit 借方

debt 债务

debtor 债务人

deed 契据

deferred assets 递延资产

deferred liabilities 递延负债

delivery 交货

delivery expense 送货费

delivery order 出货单

demand draft 即期汇票

demand note 即期票据

demurrage charge 延期费

deposit 存款

deposit slip 存款单

depreciation 折旧

direct cost 直接成本

direct labour 直接人工

director 董事

discount 折扣

discount on purchase 进货折扣

discount on sale 销货折扣

dishonoured check 退票

dissolution 解散

dividend 股利

dividend payable 应付股利

documentary bill 押汇汇票

documents 单据

double entry bookkeeping 复式簿记

draft 汇票

drawee 付款人

drawer 出票人

drawing 提款

duplicate 副本

duties and taxes 税捐

earnings 业务收益

endorser 背书人

entertainment 交际费

enterprise 企业

equipment 设备

estate 财产

estimated cost 估计成本

estimates 概算

exchange 兑换

exchange loss 兑换损失

expenditure 经费

expense 费用

extension 延期

face value 票面价值

factor 代理商

fair value 公平价值

financial statement 财务报表

financial year 财政年度

finished goods 制成品

finished parts 制成零件

fixed asset 固定资产

fixed cost 固定成本

fixed deposit 定期存款

fixed expense 固定费用

foreman 工头

franchise 专营权

freight 运费

funds 资金

furniture and fixture 家俬及器具

gain 利益

general expense 总务费用

general ledger 总分类账

goods 货物

goods in transit 在运货物

goodwill 商誉

government bonds 政府债券

gross profit 毛利

guarantee 保证

guarantor 保证人

idle time 停工时间

import duty 进口税

income 收入

income tax 所得税

income from joint venture 合营收益

income from sale of assets 出售资产收入

indirect cost 间接成本

indirect expense 间接费用

indirect labour 间接人工

indorsement 背书

installment 分期付款

insurance 保险

intangible asset 无形资产

interest 利息

interest rate 利率

interest received 利息收入

inter office account 内部往来

intrinsic value 内在价值

inventory 存货

investment 投资

investment income 投资收益

invoice 发票

item 项目

job 工作

job cost 工程成本

joint venture 短期合伙

journal 日记账

labour 人工

labour cost 人工成本

land 土地

lease 租约

leasehold 租约

ledger 分类账

legal expense 律师费

letter of credit 信用状

liability 负债

limited company 有限公司

limited liability 有限负债

limited partnership 有限合伙

liquidation 清盘

loan 借款

long term liability 长期负债

loss 损失

loss on exchange 兑换损失

machinery equipment 机器设备

manufacturing expense 制造费用

manufacturing cost 制造成本

market price 市价

materials 原村料

material requisition 领料单

medical fee 医药费

merchandise 商品

miscellaneous expense 杂项费用

mortgage 抵押

mortgagor 抵押人

mortgagee 承押人

movable property 动产

net amount 净额

net asset 资产净额

net income 净收入

net loss 净亏损

net profit 纯利

net value 净值

notes 票据

notes payable 应付票据

notes receivable 应收票据

opening stock 期初存货

operating expense 营业费用

order 订单

organization expense 开办费

original document 原始单据

outlay 支出

output 产量

overdraft 透支

opening stock 期初存货

operating expense 营业费用

order 订单

organization expense 开办费

original document 原始单据

outlay 支出

output 产量

overdraft 透支

quotation 报价

rate 比率

raw material 原料

rebate 回扣

receipt 收据

receivable 应收款

recoup 补偿

redemption 偿还

refund 退款

remittance 汇款

rent 租金

repair 修理费

reserve 准备

residual value 剩余价值

retailer 零售商

returns 退货

revenue 收入

salary 薪金

sales 销货

sale return 销货退回

sale discount 销货折扣

salvage 残值

sample fee 样品

scrap 废料

scrap value 残余价值

securities 证券

security 抵押品

selling commission 销货佣金

selling expense 销货费用

selling price 售价

share capital 股份

share certificate 股票

shareholder 股东

short term loan 短期借款

sole proprietorship 独资

spare parts 配件

standard cost 标准成本

stock 存货

stocktake 盘点

stock sheet 存货表

subsidies 补助金

sundry expense 杂项费用

supporting document 附表

surplus 盈余

suspense account 暂记账户

taxable profit 可征税利润

tax 税捐

temporary payment 暂付款

temporary receipt 暂收款

time deposit 定期存款

total 合计

total cost 总成本

trade creditor 进货客户

trade debtor 销货客户

trademark 商标

transaction 交易

transfer 转账

transfer voucher 转账传票

transportation 运输费

travelling 差旅费

trial balance 电子表格

trust 信托

turnover 营业额

unappropriated surplus 未分配盈余

unit cost 单位成本

unlimited company 无限公司

unlimited liability 无限责任

unpaid dividend 未付股利

valuation 估价

value 价值

vendor 卖主

voucher 传票

wage rate 工资率

wage 工资

wage allocation sheet 工资分配表

warehouse receipt 仓库收据

welfare expense 褔利费

wear and tear 秏损

work order 工作通知单

year end 年结



appropriated v. (不适当地) 擅用( appropriate的过去式和过去分词 ); 拨出(款项等); 把…据为己有; 顺手牵羊; [例句]Several other newspapers have appropriated the idea另外有几家报社已盗用了这个创意。
2023-07-07 04:29:301


adj.形容词 适当的
2023-07-07 04:29:384


2023-07-07 04:29:452

bios 里面appropriated是什么意思

appropriated[u0259u02c8pru0259upriitid] v.(不适当地)擅用( appropriate的过去式和过去分词 );拨出(款项等); 把…据为己有;顺手牵羊
2023-07-07 04:29:531


2023-07-07 04:30:013


appropriate的副词形式是:appropriately。形容词:appropriative 名词:appropriateness 副词:appropriately 动词过去式:appropriated 过去分词:appropriated 现在分词:appropriating 第三人称单数:appropriates 。
2023-07-07 04:30:071


1. 按适当的 arrow keys 箭头键 appropriate 按适当的 is analysis 分析 - 相关搜索 2. 如果合适 center vertical keel 中内龙骨 appropriate 如果合适...hull girder 船体梁
2023-07-07 04:30:184


2023-07-07 04:30:274

请问 be appropriated with 是什么意思?

外文词典网上查到的appropriated ,"符合、依照、遵守"3. to set apart, authorize, or legislate for some specific purpose or use(注:为了特殊的用途): The legislature appropriated funds for the university. requirement 的解释an act or instance of requiring(消除)电磁干扰的要求,可以用CISPR 22芯片或者它的新版本STEL E-001芯片来专门地解决.(注:这两种芯片就是电磁共振专用芯片)be appropriated with (被)用什么什么专门地解决另:approximately 是近似,约计的意思,跟这个词很像,但它们不是一个意思
2023-07-07 04:30:354


形容词 a. 1. 适当的,恰当的,相称的[(+to/for)]She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。 及物动词 vt. 1. 拨出(款项等)[(+for)]The city will appropriate funds for the new airport. 该市将拨款建造新机场。 2. 占用;盗用,挪用The manager was found to have appropriated store money. 那位经理曾经挪用店里的钱。
2023-07-07 04:30:544


2023-07-07 04:31:028


2023-07-07 04:31:182


你好!适量运动Moderate exercise
2023-07-07 04:31:271


appropriate的固定搭配如下:1、用作形容词 adj.appropriate所表示的“恰当”指的是“非常匹配”,以至于看起来明显属于该人〔事物〕,而且这种适宜性常给该人〔物〕以一种优雅与魅力。appropriate后可接介词for或to,表示“…是恰当的”; appropriate还可用于虚拟语气中。2、用作动词 v.appropriate作动词意思是“挪用; 占用”土地、房屋、家具、款项等,尤指未经批准或非法挪用。appropriate也可作“拨出”解,常指为某种用途拨出款项,后接介词to表示“拨给…使用”,后接介词for表示“拨作…之用”。如:Several other newspapers have appropriated the idea...另外有几家报社已盗用了这个创意。在此句中appropriate表示盗用的意思Your beliefs generate the appropriate emotion that is implied.你的信念产生了它所蕴含的适当的情感.在此句中appropriate表示适当的的意思
2023-07-07 04:31:341


拨定留存收益(appropriated retained earnings) 拨定留存收益是指公司 董事会 指定了用途不可用于当期股利分配的利 润。
2023-07-07 04:31:561


动词:appropriated,approppriating, appropriates名词:appropriation
2023-07-07 04:32:051


A。持续的,一再出现的B。合适的,正确的C。深思的,思考的D。足够的,充分的我觉得选B 吧。如果选B,则可以翻译为:为许多父母,协会关心是关心的最适当和最有利的部分。
2023-07-07 04:32:133


2023-07-07 04:32:201

appropriateness 是什么意思啊 ?

适当的 adj
2023-07-07 04:32:404

论文翻译The first one is more appropriated in describing the power system as it is physically

2023-07-07 04:33:103


你好,很高兴为您解答:英语音标:[u02c8eu026au0292u0259]美语音标:[u02c8eu026au0292u0259u02cc]中文翻译n.亚洲;亚细亚单词例句用作名词 (n.)He kept a jurnal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。yinbiao:yinbiao5.comChina is a developing country in Asia. 中国是亚洲的发展中国家。It is a programme beamed at Asia. 这是一个对亚洲地区广播的节目。Much of Central Asia was appropriated by the tsars only in the nineteenth century. 中亚细亚的大部分地区只是到了十九世纪才被沙皇所吞并。
2023-07-07 04:33:191


Exploration is a fascinating human pursuit, involving the discovery of new places, cultures, and knowledge. From ancient explorers like Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus to modern adventurers like Neil Armstrong and Jacque Cousteau, explorers have pushed the boundaries of what we thought was possible.Exploration can take many forms, from conquering new lands to diving into the depths of the ocean. It requires bravery, curiosity, and a deep desire to understand the world around us. However, exploration also carries risks, including danger, uncertainty, and the potential loss of life.Despite the risks, many people are still drawn to exploration as a way to satisfy their thirst for adventure and discovery. Through exploration, we gain a greater understanding of our world and ourselves, and expand the limits of what we thought was possible.重点词汇:1. pursuit 追求2. cultures 文化3. adventurers 探险家4. boundaries 边界 5. bravery 勇气 6. uncertainty 不确定性 7. satisfaction 满足 8. thirst 渴望
2023-07-07 04:34:161


1、no pain,no gain.没有免费的午餐大哥不给分,我们怎么给力啊!
2023-07-07 04:35:075


2023-07-07 04:35:231


ColosseumFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Colosseum or Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium, Italian Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo), is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire. It is one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and engineering.Occupying a site just east of the Roman Forum, its construction started between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and was completed in 80 AD under Titus, with further modifications being made during Domitian"s reign (81–96).[1] The name "Amphitheatrum Flavium" derives from both Vespasian"s and Titus" family name ("Flavius, from the gens Flavia).Originally capable of seating around 50,000 spectators, the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles. It remained in use for nearly 500 years with the last recorded games being held there as late as the 6th century. As well as the traditional gladiatorial games, many other public spectacles were held there, such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The building eventually ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for such varied purposes as housing, workshops, quarters for a religious order, a fortress, a quarry and a Christian shrine.Although it is now in a ruined condition due to damage caused by earthquakes and stone-robbers, the Colosseum has long been seen as an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome. Today it is one of modern Rome"s most popular tourist attractions and still has close connections with the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchlit "Way of the Cross" procession to the amphitheatre.The Colosseum is also depicted on the Italian version of the five-cent coin.罗马斗兽场(Colosseum),亦译作罗马大角斗场、罗马竞技场、罗马圆形斗兽场、罗马圆形竞技场、科洛西姆、哥罗塞姆,原名弗莱文圆形剧场(拉丁语:Amphitheatrum Flavium),位于今天的意大利罗马市市中心,是古罗马时期最大的圆形角斗场,建于公元72至82年间,现仅存遗迹。
2023-07-07 04:35:312


在英美会计模式中,公司的利润分配由公司自行决定。对留存收益,法律上没有强制要求公司按一定比例提取法定盈余公积,这是与欧洲大陆模式最大的一个差别。公司对于因特定目的而需要保存的留存收益,只能是暂时的,在特定目的达到或不再需要时,应转回供利润分配之用。而在欧洲大陆模式中,公司每年按法定比例固定提留的盈余公积,则是永久性的,不能转入未分配利润。 (一)英国模式 根据英国《公司法》第117条规定:董事会在提出任何股息前,可从公司盈余中提取他们认为适当的数目作为一项或多项储备金,董事会可以自由决定把储备金使用于最适宜使用盈余的任何地方,在使用期间董事会可根据同样的自由决定权,或是把它用在公司的业务上,或是用于董事会认为合适的投资(除公司的股份外)上。董事会也可为谨慎起见,将他们认为不宜分派的任何盈余结转下届而不提作储备金。上述规定表明:公司对于因特定目的而需要保存一部分留存收益时,决定权在公司董事会,并且认为有必要时才提。 由于英国对盈余公积的计提不作法定要求,因此英国的财务报告中不存在“法定盈余公积”项目。但对于根据董事会决定提留的储备则要求披露。在英国资产负债表中,要求披露“对自己股票的储备”(Reserve for own shares)、“公司条例(或章程)所规定的储备”(Reserves provided for by the articles of association)等内容,并列于“资本和储备”(Capital and reserves)栏下的第四部分“其他储备”(Other reserves)中。如果公司当年根据董事会的决议不提取这些储备,则不用披露,灵活性很大。 (二)美国模式 同英国做法类似,美国也没有要求公司计提法定盈余公积,留存收益的分配由公司自己决定。根据美国公认会计原则,留存收益分为“已分拨的留存收益(Appropriated rerained earnings)”和“未分拨的留存收益(Unappropriated retained earnings)”。 在美国,股份公司在进行留存收益的分配时,如果不用于支付股利而被指定为其他用途,并从当年税后利润中扣除,称为留存收益的分拨(Appropriations of retained earnings),或称为限制用途(或指定用途)的留存收益(Restrictions of retained earnings)。这个“其他用途”包括:用于公司股票回购(同德英两国“对自己股票的盈余公积”)用于公司扩张的内部融资以及公司章程的限制等。公司的税后利润在弥补以前年度亏损和用于指定用途之后,剩下的才是可分配给股东的留存收益,即未分拨的留存收益。在《特拉华州普通公司法》(Delaware General Corporation Law)第171条“特殊用途储备金”中规定:董事可从该公司资金中划拨出一部分,作为一项或多项储备金,用于任何适当目的下的股息支付,且可对一项或多项储备金子以撤销。 美国的财务报告中有一张专门报表用来反映留存收益,即留存收益表(The statement of retained earnings)。这张表中涉及了留存收益的期初、期末数及股利分配情况,但对留存收益的分拨情况没有披露。公司往往在资产负债表中对留存收益的分拨进行说明,一般是在“留存收益”项目后面加括号注明分拨的金额及用途。另外,在财务报告附注中也对分拨情况予以反映。
2023-07-07 04:35:571


2023-07-07 04:36:063


Dear Major: As our economy grows at a fever pitch, and more and more people are moving into the major cities and industrial centers, traffic congestion BEComes the order of the day. Traffic congestion not only creates headaches for commuters, but also reduces productivity by taking away valuable time from work. This sickness that plagues our cities must be at least put under control, if not cured.Some people advocate that more roads be built to accommodate the increase in traffic, others think that enlarging the capacity of public transit systems: buses, subway, trains…is the answer. Building more roads would mean a lot of land will be appropriated-not a very good prospect for economic, agricultural, and environmental reasons. On the other hand, forcing everyone to take public transit will bring inconvenience to those whose use of their cars is essential to their work. Putting more buses on the road may have the opposite effect as big buses tend to clog up narrow streets. Building an extensive subway system can be the ideal answer, but that is very expensive. Clearly, we cannot go for one single solution. A compromise must be struck between the different solutions. My personal view is that for cities that have plenty of unused land, more roads should be built. Having special lanes reserved for bicycles and motorcycles should encourage more people to use bicycles and motorcycles instead of cars. As a long-term solution, extensive subway, or surface monorail systems should be built for all the major cities .Yours,Li Hua
2023-07-07 04:36:121


2023-07-07 04:36:225

用英文作文介绍学校的 读书周 活动 . 活动目的:创建读书环境. 活动内容:举办书展,

中文:“书是人类进步的阶梯”。读书不仅能够使人开阔视野,提升人的文化底蕴,而且能够陶冶情操,使人明理,为人生导航。近年来,我市把“书香校园”创建活动与校园文化建设、教师专业发展、学生读书活动等有机结合起来,取得良好成效。 开展“书香校园”创建活动,不是一个单纯的读书活动,而是将其作为全面深化课程改革和推进素质教育,培养师生的阅读习惯与能力,构建校园理想文化生态的重要举措。(一)加大宣传,重塑阅读理念。我市教育系统在教师中积极倡导“书香为伴”的思想,通过读书促进教师提高业务素质,享受阅读、享受教育、享受人生。在学生中努力倡导“我与好书同行”的思想,帮助学生养成良好的读书习惯,夯实文化底蕴,为人生打好底色。通过多种形式和渠道,大力宣传“读书是一种有益的生活方式”、“读书是一种美丽的休闲”、“让师生共沐书香”、“我读书、我快乐、我成长”等阅读理念,推动“书香校园”建设。(二)创设环境,营造书香氛围。一是建设“书香”校园大环境。每所学校在走廊、教学楼、食堂、宿舍等显要位置都设置催人奋进的读书名言和赏心悦目的书画作品,力求做到“让每面墙壁说话、让每个角落育人”。学校建立了“文化墙”、“读书亭”、“读报栏”,努力营造“书香”大环境。二是建设“书香”教室小环境。围绕“书香班级”建设,每个班级设立图书角,创设具有各班特色的读书口号和板报;班级布置突出读书主题,力求让无声的环境能够与学生有心灵的交流。(三)充实图书,丰富阅读资源。市教育局要求各地每年拨出一定的经费用于学校图书的购置,满足师生的阅读需要,同时加强对学校图书室、阅览室的管理,使图书报刊分类规范合理,摆放整齐美观,管理有序,方便满足师生借阅。各学校还注重流动书柜建设,让学生能够共同分享书籍的美妙和读书的乐趣。(四)纳入课程,确保阅读时间。我市多数学校坚持每天开展不少于15分钟的“晨读活动”、开设“大阅读课”,以此保障学生有必要的读书时间;每周安排一节课作为阅读指导课或读书交流会,由语文教师进行阅读指导、答疑解惑;定期向学生推荐介绍好书,引导学生开展课外扩展性阅读活动。(五)师生共读,开展主题读书活动。教师是校园阅读的第一推动者,是阅读的示范者。市教育局倡导全市教师养成“每天读一点、每天摘一点、每天背一点、每天写一点、每天讲一点”的读书方式,带动指导学生阅读,形成师生共读氛围,让孩子们多一点书生气,让教师多一份书卷气,让校园多一些书香气。通过开展“一日三读”(晨读古诗词、午读经典名著、晚间亲子共读)等形式多样的读书活动,为师生创设了交流和展示读书成果的渠道。教师通过阅读提升自己、超越自己;学生通过阅读体验“我读书、我快乐、我成长”的乐趣。(六)评比激励,共同感受成功体验。为激励各地各校更好地开展“书香校园”创建活动,我市教育局每年都组织“书香校园”的评比、命名和授牌活动。各县(市、区)也纷纷开展“书香校园”、“书香班级”、“书香少年”、“书香教师”以及“书香家庭”的评选活动。2008年以来,全市共有61所学校被评为市级“书香校园”,17所学校被评为省级“书香校园”。2010年我市开展“忠诚如山·感恩奉献”读书活动,树立了10名“忠诚楷模”学生读书先进典型。深入推进创建“书香校园”活动、加快建设学习型社会,是一项基础性、长期性的工作。我们虽然努力做了一些工作,取得了一定成效,但与上级要求以及形势发展的需要,还存在不少差距。我们将以这次会议为契机,认真学习借鉴兄弟市先进经验,求真务实,开拓创新,推动创建“书香校园”工作再上新台阶。英文:"The book is the ladder of human progress". Reading can not only broaden the horizons, enhance people"s culture, but also can edify sentiment, make people understanding, navigation for life. In recent years, our city "Scholarly Campus" to create activities and campus culture construction, the professional development of teachers, students reading activities organically, and achieved good results. Carry out the "Scholarly Campus" to create activities, is not a simple reading activities, but as deepening the curriculum reform and promote quality education, cultivate the habit of reading and ability of teachers and students, an important measure for the construction of ecological campus ideal culture.(a) increase the propaganda, reshape the ideas of reading. The city education system, actively advocated the "book with" thinking in the teachers, through reading to promote teachers to improve service quality, enjoy reading, enjoy, enjoy life education. In the student to advocate "I and good peers" thought, help students develop good reading habits, solid culture, lay the background for life. Through various forms and channels, vigorously promote the "reading is a good way of life", "reading is a kind of beautiful leisure", "let the students were bathing in book", "I read, I happy, I grew up reading philosophy," push "Scholarly Campus" construction.(two) the creation of environment, create a quiet atmosphere. One is "Shuxiang campus environment construction". Every school in the corridor, the teaching building, canteen, dormitories, a prominent position set inspiring reading words and pleasing works of calligraphy and painting, and strive to achieve "let every wall talk, let every corner of education". The establishment of the school of "culture wall", "reading Pavilion", "the newspaper column", and strive to create a "quiet" environment. Two is the construction of "elegant" classroom environment. Around the "Shuxiang class" each class construction, establishment of a Book angle, and create a class characteristic reading slogan and poster; class outstanding reading theme, strive to make the silent environment to communicate with students.(three) full of books, the rich reading resources. City Board of education throughout the year to be appropriated funds for the purchase of school books, meet the reading needs, while strengthening the school library, reading room management, the books and periodicals classification standard and reasonable, neat appearance, orderly management, convenient for teachers and students to borrow. The school also focus on flow bookcase construction, let the students to share the wonderful books and reading for fun.(four) into the curriculum, to ensure that the reading time. I most schools adhere to no less than 15 minutes a day to carry out the "morning reading activities", set up "reading", in order to protect the students need to read time; weekly schedule a lesson as reading guidance course or book exchange, reading guidance, answering questions from Chinese teachers; students regularly to recommend good books, guides the student extracurricular extended reading activities.(five) the teachers and students were reading, topic reading activities. The teacher is the first mover campus reading, reading the demonstration. City Bureau of education advocates the teachers form a "read a little bit every day, every day, every day, pick a point back a bit, wrote a little every day, every day a little" reading way, leading to guide students to read, the formation of teachers and students read atmosphere, let the children more bookish, let the teacher more than a volume of gas, let the campus more book aroma. Through the development of the "three day read" (morning, afternoon read poems read classic Books Classics, evening parent-child reading) and other various reading activities, creating the exchange and display the channel for teachers" and students" reading achievement. The teacher through the reading to improve themselves, beyond their own; students through reading experience "I read, I happy, I grow up" fun.(six) assessment incentive, share successful experience. To encourage all the schools to better carry out the "Scholarly Campus" to create activities, the city Bureau of education organizations every year "Scholarly Campus" rating, naming and awarding activities. Each county (city, district) have also carried out "Scholarly Campus", "a scholar class", "literary youth", "Book Teacher" and "scholarly family" selection activities. Since 2008, the city a total of 61 school was named municipal "Scholarly Campus", 17 schools were rated as the provincial "Shuxiang campus". In 2010 the city to carry out "loyalty mountain, Thanksgiving dedication" reading activities, set up 10 "loyalty model" of students reading and advanced models.Further create "Scholarly Campus" activities, accelerate the construction of learning society, is a long-term basis, work. Although we try to do some work, and achieved certain results, but with the higher requirements and the development of the situation, there are still many gaps. We will take this meeting as an opportunity to seriously study and learn from other city, advanced experience, pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, to promote the creation of "Scholarly Campus" work to a new level.
2023-07-07 04:36:391


释义:适当的,适合的eg. The HR manager said the most appropriate candidate for this job position is Mr. Lewis.
2023-07-07 04:37:044


2023-07-07 04:37:133


词典结果:appropriate[英][u0259u02c8pru0259u028apriu0259t][美][u0259u02c8prou028apriu0259t]adj.适当的; 恰当的; 合适的;
2023-07-07 04:37:222


2023-07-07 04:37:325


appropriate [ap·pro·pri·ate || u0259"pru0259u028apru026au0259t]v. 拨出; 挪用, 盗用; 占用adj. 适当的, 恰当的, 相称的
2023-07-07 04:37:503


appropriateappropriate适当的双语对照词典结果:appropriate[英][u0259u02c8pru0259u028apriu0259t][美][u0259u02c8prou028apriu0259t]adj.适当的; 恰当的; 合适的; v.盗用; 侵吞; 拨(专款等) ; 第三人称单数:appropriates过去分词:appropriated现在进行时:appropriating过去式:appropriated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Express your views with most appropriate words. 用最合适的词表达你的观点。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-07 04:37:592

appropriate 怎么读

appropriate 英[u0259"pru0259u028apru026au0259t] 美[u0259u02c8propriu026at] adj. 适当的;恰当的;合适的 vt. 占用,拨出 第三人称单数:appropriates;过去分词:appropriated;现在分词:appro... [例句]Use the appropriate wash cycle.设定好恰当的洗涤周期。
2023-07-07 04:38:061


appropriate 基本解释:形容词适当的; 合适的; 恰当的;动词:盗用; 挪用; 占用; 侵吞; 拨(专款等);短语:appropriate for : 拨出(款项、房屋等)供...之用(be), 适于, 合乎;例句:1. The city will appropriate funds for the new airport.该市将拨款建造新机场。2.All this money was appropriated for the support of his widow.所有这些钱作为给他的遗孀的抚养费。3. Five thousand dollars has been appropriated for the new school buildings.已拨款五千元为建设新校舍之用。
2023-07-07 04:38:131


adj.1. [appropriate (for/to sth)] 适当的;合适的;正当的及物动词:1. 拿(某事物)为己所用(尤指未经获准或非法者);擅用;挪用;窃用2. [appropriate sth for sth ] 拨出(尤指款项)词形变化形容词 appropriative副词 appropriately名称 appropriator,appropriateness,appropriation时态 appropriated,appropriating,appropriates英语解释meant or adapted for an occasion or usesuitable and fittinggive or assign a resource to a particular person or causesuitable for a particular person or place or condition etcbeing of striking appropriateness and pertinenceappropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairnesstake possession of by force, as after an invasion
2023-07-07 04:38:401


appropriate D.J.[u0259u02c8pru0259upriit] K.K.[u0259u02c8propriu026at] adj.适当的, 恰当的Her bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral.她那身鲜艳的衣服不适合参加葬礼。It is appropriate that he should get the post.由他担任这一职务是恰当的。[u0259u02c8pru0259uprieit] vt.挪用; 占用; 盗用The minister was found to have appropriated government money.部长被查出挪用了公款。拨出(款项)The government has appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.政府为建造医院拨出一大笔款项。
2023-07-07 04:39:231

be appropriated by是什么意思?

2023-07-07 04:39:473

appropriate for和appropriate to的区别

为学校拨出资金 a spot of ground appropriated for a garden 划作花园的场地 2.适于…之用:例句:This dress is appropriate for a summer day. research techniques 研究方法 appropriate to 适合的,恰当的apply to 适合于;approach 名词表示方法手段动词则是处理处置 appropriate to 适用于与之相应
2023-07-07 04:40:011

appropriated in full

appropriated completely .
2023-07-07 04:40:092


为学校拨出资金 a spot of ground appropriated for a garden划作花园的场地 2.适于…之用:例句:This dress is appropriate for a summer day.research techniques 研究方法appropriate to 适合的,恰当的apply to 适合于;approach 名词表示方法手段动词则是处理处置appropriate to 适用于与之相应
2023-07-07 04:40:171

where appropriate是什么意思

appropriate[英][u0259u02c8pru0259u028apriu0259t][美][u0259u02c8prou028apriu0259t]adj.适当的; 恰当的; 合适的; v.盗用; 侵吞; 拨(专款等) ; 第三人称单数:appropriates过去分词:appropriated现在进行时:appropriating过去式:appropriated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Determine appropriate methods of procurement. 确定合适的采购方法。2.Give first aid where appropriate. 在适当的地方给予急救
2023-07-07 04:40:251


2023-07-07 04:40:321


Mary had barely enough money to live on.We lit our campfire as darkness fell (=it became night).The load should be no more than five tons.we are proud that you won the championship in the matchthe sun gives the earth light and warmthscholarshipappropriatedbridepianist
2023-07-07 04:40:391


AIC CORPORATION BERHADCONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD / YEAR ENDED31 DECEMBER 2005AIC 2005年度损益表Revenue 营业收入Cost of sales销售成本Gross profit 利润总额(毛利润)Operating expenses营业费用Other operating income营业外收入Profit / (Loss) from operations营业利润(亏损)Interest income利息收入Finance costs财务费用Share of profits in associates分配利润Profit / (Loss) before taxation税前利润Tax expense - Coy & sub- Associate应交税费Profit after taxation before MIMinority Interest少数股权Profit after tax & MIUnappropraited profit b/fDividendReversal of negative goodwillRealisation of revaluation reserveUnappropriated profit c/f 未分配利润
2023-07-07 04:41:181


unappropriated 未分配的unappropriated profit 未分配利润unappropriated surplus 未分配盈余
2023-07-07 04:41:251


2023-07-07 04:41:321