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2023-07-07 13:33:31
TAG: 英文


parent 基本词汇 

英 ["peu0259ru0259nt]     美 ["peru0259nt]    

n. 父母;根源

v. 抚养;产生

Being a parent can be hard work.


Ignorance is the parent of many evils.


Greed is the parent of many evils.



parent指父亲或母亲,复数parents指“双亲”。但在儿童语言中,表示“双亲”用father and mother比用parents更常见。




父母 [fù mǔ] 基本释义







parents 难道你要找father mother??











如果你看了此帖,请立即回贴,并点击“菩萨保佑”,然后将此贴在别吧转发3份,如果不发的话,那只手会在你洗澡时伸出来,你会和那个女孩是同样下场!要相信,一切是真的 ...........



父母的英语:parents 读音:英["peərənts]美["peərənts] n.父母;双亲 名词parent的复数形式. 词汇搭配 1、indulgent parents 溺爱孩子的父母 2、foster parents 养父母 3、Parents visit the school 家长来校参观 4、Love your parents 爱父母 常见句型: 1、Children need their ...
2023-07-07 07:30:494


2023-07-07 07:31:162


2023-07-07 07:31:507


parents的英语读音为:英[u02c8peu0259ru0259nts]、美[u02c8peru0259nts]。父母即爸爸和妈妈。动物界,一个雌雄相异的物种里,将一个生命带到这个世界的两个个体,就被称作父母。他们是这个新生命的父母,并且永远拥有这父母的身份。对人类而言,父母包含了更多的含义。将一个人带到这个世界上的两个人,是他或她的亲生父母,养育这个人的可能是其他人,被称作养父母。当然养父母不局限于两个人,也没有性别的限制。绝大多数情况下,父母是唯一可以不顾一切帮助儿女的人。因为父母的爱是世界上最无私的爱。父母和儿女之间的关系可能会很僵,甚至会出现十分极端的状况。但是亲情在生命诞生的那一刻,已经把父母和儿女牢牢的缠在一起。双语例句:1、To say that the child has got the father"s nose fetches the parents.说孩子的鼻子长得像他父亲准会使做父母的感到高兴。2、It is not acceptable for parents to leave children unattended at that age.父母把那种年龄的孩子丢下不管令人无法接受。3、The lack of one or both parents" affirmation leaves some children emotionally crippled.没有父母双方或其中一方鼓励性的肯定会使得一些孩子在情感上发育不健全。4、Parents get a bit worried if you don"t front up now and then.如果你们不偶尔露露面的话,家长们就有点担心了。5、A microchip that will allow parents to block reception of violent programmes.使父母能够阻止暴力节目接收的微芯片。6、The amount they spend on clothes would appal their parents and stupefy their grandparents.他们买衣服花的钱会吓住父母,吓傻祖父母。7、Her parents had never sought to interfere with her freedom.她的父母从来没想干涉她的自由。8、I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.我把对家长们的访谈结果作为专业判断的对比。9、Sons wont to nurse their Parents in old age.儿子们习惯于在父母年老的时候照顾他们。10、The damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children.父母与子女分离可能产生的伤害。
2023-07-07 07:32:211


2023-07-07 07:32:491

parents英语怎么读 parents英语解释

1、parents,读音:美/peru0259nt/;英/peu0259ru0259nts/。 2、释义:n.父母;双亲(parent的复数)。v.教养;引起(parent的三单形式)。n.(Parents)人名;(法)帕朗。 3、例句:My parents are home.我父母在家。
2023-07-07 07:33:061


父母的英语应该这样读:英/" pearants /" 美/" perants /其意思是:n. 父母;双亲(parent 的复数)v. 教养;引起(parent 的三单形式)n. (Parents)人名;(法)帕朗 家长;双亲专业 亲本 [农业科学];父母 [心理学];父母 [医药科学]原形 parent英语学习主要在于积累,日复一日的积累和平常英语语法的学习,如果英语学习没有得到明显的进步的话不用慌,因为,英语学习是一门语言科目的学习,主要在于平常的积累,英语讲究循序渐进,积硅步方能致千里,积小流方能成江海,祝大家英语学习越来越有兴趣,越来越好,听说读写都有大的进步。
2023-07-07 07:33:131


你好,很高兴为你解答:parent英 [ˈpeərənt]美 [ˈperənt]详细释义father and mother二老双亲;父母;爹妈;二老parentsn.父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本;创始机构;母公司;总部
2023-07-07 07:33:341


2023-07-07 07:33:472

parent 是什么意思?怎么读?不明白的单词 可以去查查
2023-07-07 07:34:037


2023-07-07 07:34:392


2023-07-07 07:34:505


2023-07-07 07:35:2915


父母英文:parent ,读法:英 ["peu0259r(u0259)nt] 美 ["pu025bru0259nt]释义:1、n. 父亲(或母亲);父母亲;根源2、n. (Parent)人名;(法)帕朗;(英、西)帕伦特例句:1、I love the Church as one loves a parent.我爱教会就像一个人爱他的父亲一样。2、So at this point, you may be wondering if I think my father was a good parent.因此在这一点上你也许会惊讶我是否会认为自己的父亲是一个好父亲。扩展资料表示“父母”的其他词汇:一、parents读音:英 ["peu0259ru0259nts] 美 ["pu025bru0259nts]释义:1、n. 父母;双亲(parent的复数)2、v. 教养;引起(parent的三单形式)3、n. (Parents)人名;(法)帕朗例句:You should not hurt your parents.你不应该伤你父母的心。二、father and mother释义:二老双亲;父母;爹妈;二老。例句:But Ihear it came from my mother and father. Once upon a time, they fellin love.我是从我的爸爸和妈妈那里听到的,很久之前,他们坠入爱河。
2023-07-07 07:35:511


2023-07-07 07:36:016


2023-07-07 07:36:177


parent的读音是:英["pe?r?nt]。parent的读音是:英["pe?r?nt]。parent的意思是n.父母;根源;v.抚养;产生。parent名词:parenthood;过去式:parented;过去分词:parented;现在分词:parenting;第三人称单数:parents。一、详尽释义点此查看parent的详细内容n.(名词)亲本,亲代母体,母亲,母本父亲,父本母公司根源,本源,起源双亲,家长原因祖先保护者总部创始机构,创始公司v.(动词)养育(子女),抚养做...的父母亲产生,引发adj.(形容词)起始的母体的作为渊源的二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]父亲,母亲; 家长 father or mother三、词典解释1.父母Yourparents are your mother and father.parent的反义词e.g. Children need their parents...孩子们需要父母。e.g. This is where a lot of parents go wrong...这正是很多父母犯错的地方。2.创始的;母公司的;总公司的An organization"sparent organization is the organization that created it and usually still controls it.e.g. Each unit including theparent company has its own, local management.包括母公司在内,每个单位都有自己的地方管理层。e.g. ...the zoo"sparent body, the Zoological Society of London.该动物园的创始组织,伦敦动物学会3.(动物、植物或有机体)亲本的,亲代的Theparent animal, plant, or organism of a particular animal, plant or organism is the one that it comes from or is produced by.e.g. Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物。四、例句My parents have gone to Hangzhou for holiday.我父母已经去杭州度假了。Being a parent can be hard work.当父母可是件辛苦的事。Ignorance is the parent of many evils.无知是许多罪恶的根源。Greed is the parent of many evils.贪婪是万恶之根源。We should parent children with both love and discipline.我们应该用爱和管教来抚养孩子。True albinos occur in about one in 10,000 births, after inheriting a rare and recessive albino gene from each parent.在遗传了各别父母既稀少的又隐性的白子基因后,真实的白子以在一万胎之中大约一只来产生。Prime Creator lets its creations be and learns about its own potential by watching what it has birthed, just as a wise parent learns from its children.最初的创造者通过观察造物的产生来让他的造物具有和学习他自己的潜力,正如一位聪明的父亲学习它的孩子。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)My parents forbid me from having wine and cigarettes.我父母不许我抽烟喝酒。My parents have consented.我父母已经同意了。My parents often stopped me doing things I liked.父母时常制止我做我所喜欢做的事情。Both of her parents teach at a middle school.她的父母都在一个中学任教。Her parents brought her up to be polite.她的父母把她培养成有礼貌的人。That girl"s health concerned her parents.那个女孩的身体状况令她的父母担忧。She spent three years at college, scraping along on an allowance from her parents.她靠父母的津贴勉勉强强地在大学里度过了三年。She still lives on her parents.她仍依靠父母生活。His parents don"t allow him out on Sunday.他父母不许他星期天外出。He was always a burden to his parents.他一直是父母的沉重负担。His unkind behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.他不厚道的行为令他的父母极度痛苦。The student"s failing grades troubled his parents deeply.这个学生考试常不及格,使他的家长深为忧虑。He welcomed us and explained where his parents had gone.他对我们表示欢迎,并告诉我们他父母到哪里去了。As an only child he was the idol of his parents.作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。The parents were happy at the happy marriage of their daughter.父母为女儿美满的婚姻而感到愉快。Pride is the parent of all evils.骄傲乃万恶之源。Our club is the parent association and there are now four others like it.我们的俱乐部是始创协会,现在又有四个类似的俱乐部。六、经典引文Most of her childhood meals were eaten with Granny and not with her parents.出自:C. Tomalin七、常见错误n.(名词)他父母住在香港。误 His parent live in Hong Kong.正 His parents live in Hong Kong.析 parent作为单数名词,只指父母中的一个,当表示“双亲”时,要用parents。我们的老师对我们像父母一样慈爱。误 Our teachers treat us parently.正 Our teachers treat us as kindly as our parents.析 有少数名词可以加-ly构成形容词,如 friendly, fatherly, motherly, comradely等,但parently不能这样用。parent的相关临近词parentage、pare、Parenta、Parente、Parenti、parents、Parenty、parentis、Parentes、Parentela、Parenthou、parenting点此查看更多关于parent的详细信息
2023-07-07 07:38:111


n.父亲; 母亲; 养父; 养母; 家长; 母公司; 亲本; 总公司; 起源; 亲代v.做…的父亲
2023-07-07 07:38:262


1、parents的读音:英[pernts],美[pernts]。 2、含义:n.父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本;创始机构;母公司;总部; 3、例句 Ileftmyparents"house,relinquishedmyestateandmypatrimony. 我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产。
2023-07-07 07:39:121


  1、parents的读音:英[pernts],美[pernts]。   2、含义:n.父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本;创始机构;母公司;总部;   3、例句   Ileftmyparents"house,relinquishedmyestateandmypatrimony.   我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产。
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2023-07-07 07:39:484


父母合称为parents一方为parent具体而言父亲为father母亲为mother所以也可说father and mother
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2023-07-07 07:43:421


爸爸妈妈的英语是:Papa and Mama、Dad and Mom、father and mother、parents(父母)例句:1、爸爸妈妈嘱咐她在外边要好好工作,家里的事不用牵挂。Her parents told her to work well and not to worry about the family affairs.2、亲爱的凯丽/爸爸妈妈/女士Dear Kerry/Mum and Dad/Ms.3、我最大的后盾就是我的爸爸妈妈。My parents are my biggest supporters.4、我爸爸妈妈会还给你的, 我发誓.My parents will pay you back, I promise.5、本:也许爸爸妈妈在跟踪我们。Ben: Maybe Mom and Dad spotted us!
2023-07-07 07:44:281


couple 夫妻parents 父母child 孩子husband 丈夫wife 妻子father 父亲mother 母亲son 儿子daughter 女儿grandchildren 孙辈grandson 孙子,外孙granddaughter 孙女,外孙女brother 兄弟sister 姐妹twin 双胞胎grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母granny 奶奶,外婆grandma 奶奶,外婆grandpa 爷爷,外公great-grandfather 曾祖父great-grandmother 曾祖母son-in-law 女婿daughter-in-law 儿媳father-in-law 岳父(公公)mother-in-law 岳母(婆婆)sister-in-law 妯娌stepfather 继父stepmother 继母stepson 继子stepdaughter 继女stepbrother 异父(母)之兄弟stepsister 异父(母)之姐妹foster father 养父foster mother 养母adopted son 养子adopted daughter 养女uncle 叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父aunt 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母nephew 侄儿,外甥niece 侄女,外甥女cousin 堂兄妹
2023-07-07 07:46:521


2023-07-07 07:47:378


2023-07-07 07:48:164

parents book怎么读音

parents book 的读音parents 音标:英["peu0259ru0259nts] 美["peu0259ru0259nts]book 音标:英[bu028ak] 美[bu028ak]
2023-07-07 07:49:311


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2023-07-07 07:44:585


cool读音:英 [kuu02d0l] 美 [kuu02d0l]意思:adj.凉的、凉爽的、凉快的、使人感到凉爽的、冷色的、冷静的、镇静的、平静的。v.(使)变凉,冷却、冷静下来、镇静下来、冷淡下来。n.凉气、凉快的地方。短语:cool head 冷静的头脑。cool place 凉爽的地方。keep cool 保持凉爽;保持冷静。词语用法1、cool用作形容词的基本意思是“凉快的,凉爽的”,其温度低于warm高于cold,而给人的感觉多是令人惬意的。2、cool也可指颜色给人以凉爽感觉的、冷的,引申可表示人心境平和,即“冷静的,镇定的”,还可表示“冷漠的; 厚颜无耻的”。3、cool在俚语中还可作“令人愉快的,棒的”解,即流行语中的“酷”。4、cool也可用于钱、距离等数目之前以强调数目之大,可译作“整整的,不折不扣的”。
2023-07-07 07:45:011


2023-07-07 07:45:011

Top Of The World 女声部分

  她是Dev.  经常和The cataracs乐队合作。    原名Devin Star Tailes,89年出生,来自加州,墨西哥和葡萄牙后裔。原本是个游泳选手?她08年把自己的歌传到Myspace后被The Cataracs发掘。2010年签约了环球。  个人作品  booty bounce   fireball   top of the world   monsta   just another day   When Strangers Fall In Love   bass down low (dev ft the cataracs)   sunrise   like a G6   bass down low (the cataracs ft dev)   2nite   dance floor   Mobbin"   a1(ft. Bobby Brackins)   in the dark    热门作品   《like a g6》是2010年由Far East Movement、The Cataracs和Dev共同演绎的单曲。本曲由The Cataracs和Far East Movement负责编写,The Cataracs制作。本曲的和声是取样自Dev的单曲《Booty Bounce》。 至于歌曲名中的G6就是小型商务客机Gulfstream 650的缩写,也就是MV最后那台飞机。   而mv中穿红色衣服的女主角名字叫Erica Ocampo,是法国和菲律宾的混血儿。她的职业是一位模特儿。  GossipGirl第四季第5集夜店插曲   最新歌曲排名:The Cataracs Feat. Dev - Top Of The World   7月最新单曲:In The Dark
2023-07-07 07:45:021

英语作文A school day

I study in XX middle school. My school is very big and beautiful. I often get up atX.00 a.m. Ten minute later I have my breakfast. Our classes begin at X.00 a.m. we have eight lessons every day. I often have Chinese,English and Maths lessons in the morning. I go home for lunch at about X.00 p.m. From X.XX to X.XX p.m, we have other lessons like Geography, History, Biology, Political and PE. I don"t like play basketball,football and pingpang. But I like run. I very like English and Computer lessons. English is very important. It is very hard to learn. Computer lesson is very interesting. My school life is very colorful.
2023-07-07 07:45:031

sha1 的hmac算法c++的 今晚急求!!!!!

HMACSHA1.h文件#ifndef _IPSEC_SHA1_H_#define _IPSEC_SHA1_H_typedef unsigned long__u32;typedef char__u8;typedef struct{__u32 state[5];__u32 count[2];__u8 buffer[64];} SHA1_CTX;#if defined(rol)#undef rol#endif#define SHA1HANDSOFF#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN #define rol(value, bits) (((value) << (bits)) | ((value) >> (32 - (bits))))/* blk0() and blk() perform the initial expand. *//* I got the idea of expanding during the round function from SSLeay */#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN#define blk0(i) (block->l[i] = (rol(block->l[i],24)&0xFF00FF00) |(rol(block->l[i],8)&0x00FF00FF))#else#define blk0(i) block->l[i]#endif#define blk(i) (block->l[i&15] = rol(block->l[(i+13)&15]^block->l[(i+8)&15] ^block->l[(i+2)&15]^block->l[i&15],1))/* (R0+R1), R2, R3, R4 are the different operations used in SHA1 */#define R0(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=((w&(x^y))^y)+blk0(i)+0x5A827999+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);#define R1(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=((w&(x^y))^y)+blk(i)+0x5A827999+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);#define R2(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(w^x^y)+blk(i)+0x6ED9EBA1+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);#define R3(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(((w|x)&y)|(w&x))+blk(i)+0x8F1BBCDC+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);#define R4(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(w^x^y)+blk(i)+0xCA62C1D6+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);/* Hash a single 512-bit block. This is the core of the algorithm. */void SHA1Transform(__u32 state[5], __u8 buffer[64]);void SHA1Init(SHA1_CTX *context);void SHA1Update(SHA1_CTX *context, char *data, __u32 len);void SHA1Final( char digest[20], SHA1_CTX *context);//void hmac_sha1(unsigned char *to_mac,unsigned int to_mac_length, unsigned char *key,unsigned int key_length, unsigned char *out_mac);void SHA1_Encode( char* k, /* secret key */ int lk, /* length of the key in bytes */ char* d, /* data */ int ld, /* length of data in bytes */ char* out, /* output buffer, at least "t" bytes */ int t );#endif /* _IPSEC_SHA1_H_ */HMACSHA1.cpp 文件#include"stdafx.h"#include "HMACSHA1.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <memory.h>#ifndef SHA_DIGESTSIZE#define SHA_DIGESTSIZE 20#endif#ifndef SHA_BLOCKSIZE#define SHA_BLOCKSIZE 64#endif/* Hash a single 512-bit block. This is the core of the algorithm. */void SHA1Transform(__u32 state[5], __u8 buffer[64]){__u32 a, b, c, d, e;typedef union { unsigned char c[64]; __u32 l[16];} CHAR64LONG16;CHAR64LONG16* block;#ifdef SHA1HANDSOFFstatic unsigned char workspace[64]; block = (CHAR64LONG16*)workspace;// NdisMoveMemory(block, buffer, 64); memcpy(block, buffer, 64);#else block = (CHAR64LONG16*)buffer;#endif /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */ a = state[0]; b = state[1]; c = state[2]; d = state[3]; e = state[4]; /* 4 rounds of 20 operations each. Loop unrolled. */ R0(a,b,c,d,e, 0); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 1); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 2); R0(c,d,e,a,b, 3); R0(b,c,d,e,a, 4); R0(a,b,c,d,e, 5); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 6); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 7); R0(c,d,e,a,b, 8); R0(b,c,d,e,a, 9); R0(a,b,c,d,e,10); R0(e,a,b,c,d,11); R0(d,e,a,b,c,12); R0(c,d,e,a,b,13); R0(b,c,d,e,a,14); R0(a,b,c,d,e,15); R1(e,a,b,c,d,16); R1(d,e,a,b,c,17); R1(c,d,e,a,b,18); R1(b,c,d,e,a,19); R2(a,b,c,d,e,20); R2(e,a,b,c,d,21); R2(d,e,a,b,c,22); R2(c,d,e,a,b,23); R2(b,c,d,e,a,24); R2(a,b,c,d,e,25); R2(e,a,b,c,d,26); R2(d,e,a,b,c,27); R2(c,d,e,a,b,28); R2(b,c,d,e,a,29); R2(a,b,c,d,e,30); R2(e,a,b,c,d,31); R2(d,e,a,b,c,32); R2(c,d,e,a,b,33); R2(b,c,d,e,a,34); R2(a,b,c,d,e,35); R2(e,a,b,c,d,36); R2(d,e,a,b,c,37); R2(c,d,e,a,b,38); R2(b,c,d,e,a,39); R3(a,b,c,d,e,40); R3(e,a,b,c,d,41); R3(d,e,a,b,c,42); R3(c,d,e,a,b,43); R3(b,c,d,e,a,44); R3(a,b,c,d,e,45); R3(e,a,b,c,d,46); R3(d,e,a,b,c,47); R3(c,d,e,a,b,48); R3(b,c,d,e,a,49); R3(a,b,c,d,e,50); R3(e,a,b,c,d,51); R3(d,e,a,b,c,52); R3(c,d,e,a,b,53); R3(b,c,d,e,a,54); R3(a,b,c,d,e,55); R3(e,a,b,c,d,56); R3(d,e,a,b,c,57); R3(c,d,e,a,b,58); R3(b,c,d,e,a,59); R4(a,b,c,d,e,60); R4(e,a,b,c,d,61); R4(d,e,a,b,c,62); R4(c,d,e,a,b,63); R4(b,c,d,e,a,64); R4(a,b,c,d,e,65); R4(e,a,b,c,d,66); R4(d,e,a,b,c,67); R4(c,d,e,a,b,68); R4(b,c,d,e,a,69); R4(a,b,c,d,e,70); R4(e,a,b,c,d,71); R4(d,e,a,b,c,72); R4(c,d,e,a,b,73); R4(b,c,d,e,a,74); R4(a,b,c,d,e,75); R4(e,a,b,c,d,76); R4(d,e,a,b,c,77); R4(c,d,e,a,b,78); R4(b,c,d,e,a,79); /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */ state[0] += a; state[1] += b; state[2] += c; state[3] += d; state[4] += e; /* Wipe variables */ a = b = c = d = e = 0;}/* SHA1Init - Initialize new context */void SHA1Init(SHA1_CTX* context){ /* SHA1 initialization constants */ context->state[0] = 0x67452301; context->state[1] = 0xEFCDAB89; context->state[2] = 0x98BADCFE; context->state[3] = 0x10325476; context->state[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0; context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0;}/* Run your data through this. */void SHA1Update(SHA1_CTX* context, char* data, __u32 len){__u32 i, j; j = context->count[0]; if ((context->count[0] += len << 3) < j)context->count[1]++; context->count[1] += (len>>29); j = (j >> 3) & 63; if ((j + len) > 63) {// NdisMoveMemory(&context->buffer[j], data, (i = 64-j)); memcpy(&context->buffer[j], data, (i = 64-j)); SHA1Transform(context->state, context->buffer); for ( ; i + 63 < len; i += 64) { SHA1Transform(context->state, &data[i]); } j = 0; } else i = 0;// NdisMoveMemory(&context->buffer[j], &data[i], len - i); memcpy(&context->buffer[j], &data[i], len - i);}/* Add padding and return the message digest. */void SHA1Final( char digest[20], SHA1_CTX* context){__u32 i, j; char finalcount[8]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { finalcount[i] = ( char)((context->count[(i >= 4 ? 0 : 1)] >> ((3-(i & 3)) * 8) ) & 255); /* Endian independent */ } SHA1Update(context, ( char *)"200", 1); while ((context->count[0] & 504) != 448) { SHA1Update(context, ( char *)"", 1); } SHA1Update(context, finalcount, 8); /* Should cause a SHA1Transform() */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { digest[i] = ( char) ((context->state[i>>2] >> ((3-(i & 3)) * 8) ) & 255); } /* Wipe variables */ i = j = 0;// NdisZeroMemory(context->buffer, 64);// NdisZeroMemory(context->state, 20);// NdisZeroMemory(context->count, 8);// NdisZeroMemory(&finalcount, 8); memset(context->buffer, 0x00, 64); memset(context->state, 0x00, 20); memset(context->count, 0x00, 8); memset(&finalcount, 0x00, 8);#ifdef SHA1HANDSOFF /* make SHA1Transform overwrite its own static vars */ SHA1Transform(context->state, context->buffer);#endif}void truncate(char* d1, /* data to be truncated */char* d2, /* truncated data */int len /* length in bytes to keep */){int i ;for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) d2[i] = d1[i];}/* Function to compute the digest */void SHA1_Encode(char* k, /* secret key */int lk, /* length of the key in bytes */char* d, /* data */int ld, /* length of data in bytes */char* out, /* output buffer, at least "t" bytes */int t){SHA1_CTX ictx, octx ;char isha[SHA_DIGESTSIZE], osha[SHA_DIGESTSIZE] ;char key[SHA_DIGESTSIZE] ;char buf[SHA_BLOCKSIZE] ;int i ;if (lk > SHA_BLOCKSIZE) {SHA1_CTX tctx ;SHA1Init(&tctx) ;SHA1Update(&tctx, k, lk) ;SHA1Final(key, &tctx) ;k = key ;lk = SHA_DIGESTSIZE ;}/**** Inner Digest ****/SHA1Init(&ictx) ;/* Pad the key for inner digest */for (i = 0 ; i < lk ; ++i) buf[i] = k[i] ^ 0x36 ;for (i = lk ; i < SHA_BLOCKSIZE ; ++i) buf[i] = 0x36 ;SHA1Update(&ictx, buf, SHA_BLOCKSIZE) ;SHA1Update(&ictx, d, ld) ;SHA1Final(isha, &ictx) ;/**** Outter Digest ****/SHA1Init(&octx) ;/* Pad the key for outter digest */for (i = 0 ; i < lk ; ++i) buf[i] = k[i] ^ 0x5C ;for (i = lk ; i < SHA_BLOCKSIZE ; ++i) buf[i] = 0x5C ;SHA1Update(&octx, buf, SHA_BLOCKSIZE) ;SHA1Update(&octx, isha, SHA_DIGESTSIZE) ;SHA1Final(osha, &octx) ;/* truncate and print the results */t = t > SHA_DIGESTSIZE ? SHA_DIGESTSIZE : t ;truncate(osha, out, t) ;}//int main()//{//char k[1024],d[1024],out[1024];//int lk,ld,t;//strcpy(d,"what do ya want for nothing?");//strcpy(k,"Jefe");//lk=strlen(k);//ld=strlen(d);//printf("lk=%d ",lk);//printf("ld=%d ",ld);//t=20;//hmac_sha(k,lk,d,ld,out,t);////return 0;//}调用方法:SHA_RESULTSIZE =20;char paramSrc[1024]="aaa";char keySrc[100]="bbbb";char sha1Str[SHA_RESULTSIZE] = "";SHA1_Encode(keySrc,strlen(keySrc),paramSrc,strlen(paramSrc),sha1Str,sizeof(sha1Str));sha1Str就是最终的值。
2023-07-07 07:45:051

and in the darke dark room there is a dark dark cupboard是什么意思

2023-07-07 07:45:093

以A school trip为题写篇英语作文,不要太长,在60词左…

Yesterday evening,I went out for a walk with my mother.On the road,we met a foreigner. He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel.I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left, then he could see the hotel.He thanked me very much for my help.I was happy that I could help him.Dear Ace Travel, I"m Li Ming, from the east of China. For the coming winter vacation, my family and I want to spend our vacation in a foreign city for ten days. We would like to go somewhere not only warm but also interesting. We don"t mind how far we have to go. It has to be a place where we can swim everyday, and it would be nice if our hotel is not expensive but clean and comfortable. We like to pay no more than $ 5,000 for the trip. Could you please give us your suggestions for vacation spots? Thanks a lot. Yours, Li Ming One Possible version: Dear Li Ming, I"m Gina. It"s my pleasure to give you some suggestions for your vacation spots. According to your letter, I think either Sydney or Hawaii is the best choice because they are both warm and interesting. There are some inexpensive hotels, which are clean and comfortable in both places. What"s more, you can enjoy sunshine, walk on the beach and swim every day. Besides, there are many good museums in Sydney. (It"s also a wonderful place for shopping. )And if you go to Hawaii, you could have a visit to Pearl Harbor, which is quite educational and historical. (And you can also enjoy exotic dances. ) That"s just my idea. I hope it would give you some help. Yours, Gina   ---本人小云,来自<广东教育学院>商务英语系
2023-07-07 07:45:101


in the school 一般在句子中指前文或语境中已出现的学校in a school 通常理解为在一间学校里
2023-07-07 07:45:172

Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies) (Album Version)歌手:Fear Factory专辑:DigimortalInvisible Wounds (Dark Bodies)Fear FactoryDigimortalFear factory-Invisible woundsUploaded by:LTXDark bodies floating in darknessNo sign of light ever givenImprisoned in a world without a memoryUnconscious, or am I conscious?Cut from the heart I am part ofSometimes I feel as though I"m frozen in heavenAnd I saw my own face in the dark and lonelinessAnd I saw my own face like a spark frozen in heavenIn dreams I see myself flyingCloser to the sun, and I"m climbingTried to touch the sunBut the brightness burned my eyesUnconscious, or am I conscious?Fell from the sky like a starSometimes I feel as though I"m frozen in heavenAnd I saw my own face in the dark and lonelinessAnd I saw my own face like a spark..Dark !Dark !Dark !My life was so dark...Dark !Dark !My mind was so dark...Dark !Dark !My life was so dark...Dark !Dark !Everything was darkDark !Unconscious, or am I conscious?Fell from the sky like a starSometimes I feel as though I"m frozen in heavenAnd I saw my own face in the dark and lonelinessAnd I saw my own face like a spark frozen in heavenDark bodies floating in darkness...Dark bodies floating in darkness...Dark bodies floating in darkness...Dark bodies floating in darkness...Dark bodies floating in darkness...Dark bodies floating in darkness...Dark bodies floating in darkness...
2023-07-07 07:45:171

rooling in the deep歌词

  是Rolling in the deep吧  There"s a fire starting in my heart,  我心中燃起了一股火焰  Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark  那温度将我从黑暗解救  Finally, I can see you crystal clear.  我终于看清你了  Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.  继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中  See how I leave, with every piece of you  看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离  Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.  不要低估我将会做些什么  There"s a fire starting in my heart,  我心中燃起了一股火焰  Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark  那温度将我从黑暗解救  The scars of your love, remind me of us.  你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我  They keep me thinking that we almost had it all  让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切  The scars of your love, they leave me breathless  你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸  I can"t help feeling...  我甚至已失去知觉  We could have had it all  我们本应幸福的  Rolling in the Deep  在黑暗中翻滚  Your had my heart... Inside of your hands  你曾把我的心捏在手里  And you played it... To the beat  然后玩弄它  Baby I have no story to be told,  宝贝我已无话可说  But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.  可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你  Think of me in the depths of your despair.  在绝望的深处想着我  Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.  在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担  The scars of your love, remind me of us.  你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我  They keep me thinking that we almost had it all  让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切  The scars of your love, they leave me breathless  你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸  I can"t help feeling...  我甚至已失去知觉  重复“We could have had it all... Rolling in the Deep  Your had my heart inside of your hand  And you played it To the beat  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep.  You had my heart inside of your hand,  But you played it with your beat  Throw yourself through ever open door (Whoa)  从每一扇开着的门中穿越  Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)  希望你能找到你想要的  Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)  把我的悲伤化作“财富“  And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you"ve sown.  让你知道什么事种瓜得瓜种豆得豆  重复“(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)  We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)  We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)  It all. (Tears are gonna fall)  It all  It all (Rolling in the deep)  We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)  Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)  You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)  And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)  We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)  Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)  You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)”  But you played it  但你欺骗了我  You played it.  欺骗了我  You played it.  欺骗了我  You played it to the beat.  欺骗了全部的我
2023-07-07 07:44:551

steps的《Buzzz》 歌词

歌曲名:Buzzz歌手:steps专辑:BuzzBuzzzBy StepsI see the way you act like you"re nonchalantBut there"s no way to hideWhat"s in your eyes, what"s going onI"m not imagining the message coming throughSo I"ll just say the way I feelI know you feel it tooThinking I know the reason that you"re holding me backDon"t want me to see you overreactI"m not the kind that has to have it rehearsedI"m making my move, I"ll go firstI get a b-b-buzzz off youJust bec-c-c-cause I doI"m saying it just the way it is"Cos it"s everywhere in it"s roomI get a b-b-buzzz all nightAnd you"re making me crazy insideThe secret"s out and there ain"t no doubtWanna give this b-b-buzzz right back to youB-b-b-babyI get a b-b-buzzz off youI doI guess I could pretend as if I didn"t careThat"s just a game to playTo walk away, to leave you thereI want you next to meSo I"ll just speak the truthIt"s not so hard to sayCome on admit you want it tooThinking I know the reason that you"re holding me backDon"t want me to see you overreactI"m not the kind that has to have it rehearsedI"m making my move, I"ll go firstI get a b-b-buzzz off youJust bec-c-c-cause I doI"m saying it just the way it is"Cos it"s everywhere in it"s roomI get a b-b-buzzz all nightAnd you"re making me crazy insideThe secret"s out and there ain"t no doubtWanna give this b-b-buzzz right back to youB-b-b-babyI get a b-b-buzzz off youI doYou know it"s trueI get electric when I feel everything you d-d-doI know you know it"s what I want, what I need from y-y-youI"d only be a liar if I said I didn"t get a rushGimme a shot, I know you"re hotYou know I got a b-b-buzzzA b-b-buzzzI get a b-b...I get a b-b...I get a b-b-buzzz off youJust bec-c-c-cause I doI"m saying it just the way it is"Cos it"s everywhere in it"s roomI get a b-b-buzzz all nightAnd you"re making me crazy insideThe secret"s out and there ain"t no doubtWanna give this b-b-buzzz right back to youI get a b-b-buzzz off youJust bec-c-c-cause I doI"m saying it just the way it is"Cos it"s everywhere in it"s roomI get a b-b-buzzz all nightAnd you"re making me crazy insideThe secret"s out and there ain"t no doubtWanna give this b-b-buzzz right back to you
2023-07-07 07:44:541


2023-07-07 07:44:491

求高手Rolling in the deep音译的歌词

看看我原创的,绝对能唱出来,不是按歌词译的,是根据原唱一个音一个音扣的:贼赛 死 fai 儿 司大婷 音 买 哈特瑞驰应 啊 飞我 皮尺 布瑞ING米 奥则 大可fai了 里 爱 看 sei 有 可瑞斯透 颗粒go and 萨米 啊拉的 阿里 要地是被si 啊 奥里 为则爱波瑞 为仨kiu都安的瑞色 明个sing色个啊波度贼赛 死 fai 儿 司大婷 音 买 哈特瑞驰应 啊 飞我 皮尺 布瑞ING米 奥则 大可贼死 嘎 搜 有拉味儿 买米 卡 哇C kiV sink 木为 奥姆仨贴噢贼死 嘎 搜 呀 辣围 礼米 撇也 贼仨 看 奥 死林为库林哈地奥 怕林林则地 有哈马哈吨扫 地要汗姆 有陪地 图则比贝贝 啊 还思谋 四道瑞 吐鼻头 哈韩读万到读娘 看了没 要狠拜sing可 米要 姆 打死了要 地死陪 没king红大给我忙球忘地谢贼死嘎早 要 辣味儿 买米 要 吧sei ki 为 sing可 米为 奥吗 萨贴奥贼死嘎早 要 辣味 里米 拽 贼仨 看 还奥 非林为库林哈地奥 怕林林则地 有哈马哈吨扫 地要汗姆 有陪地 图则比库林哈地奥 怕林林则地 有哈马哈吨扫 地要汗不球陪林 为则比林某有搜速 爱为润 有哦盆都看球 来 森色 fai林球了否谈吗 搜 嗯球 揣岑都 卑鄙 吧啃打林 为住 哇亲搜为库读法里哦 为库读法里NO一楼 一楼 一楼为库林哈地奥 怕林林则地 有哈马哈吨扫 地要汗姆 有陪地 图则比库林哈地奥 怕林林则地 有哈马哈吨扫 地要汗不球陪累 球陪累 球陪累 陪累 吐比请注明谷筝原创
2023-07-07 07:44:483


全动词给你 pick have take make tear name arm beat copy dive. 给多点词你参考 双音节单词 A across agree afraed arrive apron attack abase abbey abbess abbot abuse above absorb absent abroad about aboard accept access accord account accuse achieve acid acre action active acute adapt address adjust admit adopt adverb advice advise affair affect afford after again agent ahead alarm alert alike alive allow ally alone along alter amaze amid among amuse anchor anger angle angry annoy answer any apart appeal appear apply approve arise army arouse arrest arrow aside asleep assess asset assign assist assume assure atom attach attack attain attempt attend attract author auto autumn await awake award aware away awful B baby bacon badly balloon banner barber barely bargain barrel basic basis beauty become before befin behalf boney behave being belief believe belong beside better between beyond biscuit bitter blackboard bloody border borrow bother bottom breakfast brother bucket budget bullet burden bury business busy butcher butter button C cabbage cabin camel campus canal cancel cancer candy capture carbon career cargo carpet carriage carrot carry cartoon cassette ceiling cement center certain chapter charter chicken cigar circuit civil clever clinic cloudy clumsy collapse collect college column combat combine comfort comment commerce commit common compel compete complain compose compound compress compress comprise conceal concede concept concern copcert conclude condemn condense conduct confess confine confirm confront confuse connect conquer conscious consent consist constant consult consume contain contact contain copper corner correct costly cotton counter country county courage cover create creature credit crisis critic crucial culture cupboard currentD D daily dairy damage darling data daylight decade deceive decide decline decrease defeat defect defind define degree dlete delight dental deny depart depend depress derive descend desert design despite dessert detect device devise devote dictate differ dinner direct dirty discard discuss disease disgust dislike display dispose distant distress disturb diverse divide doctor dollar dozen drama E early earnest easy effort elbow elect email elect elder emerge emit empty enough entry envy erect error escape estate even event ever every exam exact exceed except express extend extent eyesight F fabric factor fairly fairy famine fancy farmer farther fashion fetal fatal fasten faulty feather feedback figure filter final finger finish focus follow foolish football footstep forbid forehead forest forgive forget forest formal format former fortune forward fraction fragment framework freedom friendly frighter fulfill function funny furnace further future gallon garage garden gather given global glory golden goodness govern graceful grateful greedy greenhouse grocer guidance guideline guilty H habit himself herself handbay handful handy happen happy harbor hardly hardship hardware harness harvest hatred hazard headache heading headline healthy heaven heavy hello holy homework honest honey honor hopeless hostel housewife human hurry handless hundred ideal I ignore illness immense impact imply import impose impress incline include income increase indeed index indoor infant infect infer inform injure inner input insert inside insight insist inspect instance instant instead instruct insult intend intense interest invade invent invest invite involve inward island item itself jacket jealous journey judgment justice K keyboard kilo kingdom kitchen kindess konwledge L labor ladder lightly landlord landscape largely laser lady largely laser lately later latter laughter laundry lawyer lazy leader leading learned leather lecture legal lesson letter lifetime lightning likely lobby local locate logic lonely loosen lorry lover lovely lucky M machine madam magnet magic mailbox manland maintain major manage mankind manner many margin market marriage married marry massive master matter mature meaning meantime meanwhile measure medal media meeting member mention menu mercy merely message meter method meter metric midday midnight million minro minus minute mirror mislead missile mirror mislead missile missing mission mister mobile model modern modest moment Monday money,monkey,moral mostly motion motive motor movement movie murder mushroom myself N namely narrow nation nature naval navy nearly nearby neglect Negro nephew nervous network never nightmare nonsense normal northeast northern northwest notebook notion novel nowhere nuclear number nylon O obey object oblige order obvious obstacle observe occur ocean oldness offence offer often okay omit oneself onion only onto open oppose potion oral orbit orange organ other outcome outdoor outer outlet outline outlook output outset outside outward oval oven over owing owner P package packet painful painter palace panel paper parade parcel pardon parent partly partisl partner patient pattern payment peaceful peasant pencil penny pension pepper perceive percent perfect perform perhaps permit persist person persuade petrol thoto picnic picture pigeon pillar pilot pity planet paastic picture pigeon pillar pilot pity planet plastic playground pleasant pleasure plenty pocket poison polish polite pollute porter portion portrait possess possible postage postman poster portpone powder practice precious precise predict preface prefer prepare presence preserve pressure pretend pretty prevail prevent previous principle prison private probable problem proceed product program progress project promise promote pronoun proper propose prospect protect protest provde province provoke public publish punish pupil purchase purpose Q question R rabbit racial radar railroad railway rainbow raincoat react reader reading ready really realize reason rebel recall receipt receive recent reckon record reduce refer refine reflect reform refresh refuse regard region regret reject relate relax release remain remark remind remote render renew repair replace reply report request require rescue research reserve resign resist tesort respect respond response restless testore restrain restrict result resume retail retain retire retreat return reveal reverse review revise revolt reward rhythm ribbon rigid rival river rocker roller ruler rotate routine rubber rubbish rumor rural S safety sailor salad salesman sanction sandwich saucer sausage saving scarcely scatter scholar scissors season second secret section sector secure segment seldom select selfish senate senior sentence servant service session settement seversl severe shadow shelter shiver shortage shortly shoulder sideways siganl silent silly silver simply sincere sister slender soccer social soda sofa software solar soldier solemn solind somehow someone something sometime somewhere somewhat sorrow sorry southeast sothwest southern speaker special spider spirit spokesman sponsor sportsman standard statement static station statue status steady steamer sticky stomach storage storey story structure student study stupid subject submerge submit subtract suburb subway succeed success sudden suffer sugar suggest summit summer sunset sunrise superb supper supply support suppose supreme surface surplus surprise surround survey survive suspect sustain swallw sweater symbol system T turtle tailor talent targer taxi tedious temper tender tennis tension terror textbook textile theatre theory thereby thirsty thorough thousand thunder ticket tidy tiger tiny tissue title today topic torture total toward tractor traffic transfer transform translate transmit transport treasure treatment treaty trumpet truly tunnel turbine tutor U ugly under undo unit unite unless unlike unload until upon upper upright upset upstairs upward useful user utmost utter V vacant vacuum valid valley value vanish napor vary venture version very vibrate victim village virtue vital vivid W waiter waitress waken wander wallet water weaken weaver weakness wealthy weapon weather weekday weekend weekly welcome welfare western shisper wholly widen widely widow winter winner window wisdom wildlife witheraw within without withstand witness woman wonder wooden woolen workman workshop worldwide worry worship worthless worthwhile worthy writer workmate Y yellow youngster youthful yearly Z zero
2023-07-07 07:44:441

dark end of the street歌词的中文翻译

On Butler Street out in the dark 在巴勒街外的黑暗之中 Remember when we lost the keys 还记得当时我们遗失了钥匙 And you lost more than that in my backseat 而你,在我的后座失去了更多 Remembe...
2023-07-07 07:44:403


2023-07-07 07:44:398


2023-07-07 07:44:361


2023-07-07 07:44:341


叫辫子线,英文叫pigtail. 用于连接线圈和负载端子,以及线圈和接触臂。每个产品一般有两根这种辫子线。
2023-07-07 07:44:291