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2023-07-08 11:07:48
TAG: risk is ris

你是要问 risk有没有复数?

如果是这个问题的话, risk作动词时 有复数, risks

这是它用它作动词的意思 是vt.冒……的危险;使……冒风险(或面临危险)

第三人称单数:risks , 过去式:risked , 过去分词:risked , 现在分词:risking


risk n.危险,冒险;保险额;被保险人或物



危险常见释义英[ru026ask] 美[ru026ask] n. 危险; 风险; 危险人物; 会带来风险的事物; (风险很小或很大的)借款人,保险对象; vt. 使…冒风险(或面临危险); 冒…的风险(或危险); 冒险做; (明知结果而)大胆做; [例句]The group was considered to be a risk to national security.这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子。[其他] 第三人称单数:risks 复数:risks 现在分词:risking 过去式:risked 过去分词:risked
2023-07-08 04:34:261


risk用作名词表示危险,投资报酬的风险等含义;用作动词时,通常用作及物动词,表示冒..的危险,冒险去干等含义。 扩展资料   1、risk的基本意思是“冒…的危险”,含有“以…孤注一掷并愿意承担后果”的意味。可指冒由于做某事而发生另一不幸之事的风险。也可指虽然明知做某事会产生不幸后果,但仍不顾一切地进行。   2、risk用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词(不接动词不定式)作宾语。可用于被动结构。   (1)S+~+ n./pron.   He is not willing to risk a single soldier.   他不愿使任何一个战士遭受危险。   Don"t risk your health.   不要拿你的健康冒险。   (2)S+~+ v -ing   Don"t risk being late.不要冒迟到的危险。   They were willing to risk losing their jobs.他们甘愿冒丢失工作的危险。   3、risk用作名词表示危险,风险,投资报酬的风险   You are taking a big risk driving so fast.你开车这样快是在冒很大危险。   He knew this secret represent a security risk.他知道这个秘密会对安全造成危险。   4、risk用作名词的`短语   at one"s own risk 自担风险   at risk 有危险   at risk to 冒失去…的危险   at the risk of 冒可能…的危险   run the risk of 冒自身危险做某事   take risks 冒险做可能失败的事
2023-07-08 04:35:291


学习英语 这门学科,需要我们积累大量的单词,而记忆 英语单词 的时候,除了要了解它们的意思,还要弄懂它们的用法,那么risk的用法是什么呢?下面是我给大家带来的risk的用法 总结 大全_risk的用法及 短语 ,以供大家参考! ▼ 目 录 ▼ risk的释义 risk的用法 risk的短语 risk的词语辨析 risk的用法例句 ▼ risk的释义 risk英 [r?sk] 美 [r?sk] n. 风险;危险;冒险 vt. 冒…的危险 n. (Risk)人名;(英、阿拉伯)里斯克 [ 复数 risks 过去式 risked 过去分词 risked 现在分词 risking 第三人称单数 risks ] ▼ risk的用法 1. 用作动词时,为及物动词,表示“冒……的危险”“使遭受危险”。如: They risk their lives in order that we may live more safely. 他们冒了生死危险使我们生活得更安全。 后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不能用不定式。如: They risked losing everything. 他们冒失去一切的危险。 A lot of people run the risk of being killed. 许多人冒着被杀害的危险。 2. 用作名词时,注意以下用法: (1) 要表示冒危险,通常与动词run, take等搭配。如: Why run the risk? 为什么要冒这种危险? There was so much to lose (that) we couldn"t take any risks. 损失这么多,我们不能冒任何风险了。 (2) 表示“……的危险”,其后通常不接不定式,而接 of doing sth。如: He dare not run [take] the risk of being caught by the police. 他不敢冒被警察抓住的危险。 There"s not much risk of losing money if you bet on that horse. 如果你押那匹马,输钱的风险不太大。 比较run [take] the risk of doing sth与run [take] a risk in doing sth:前者指冒做某事的危险或风险,其中的of doing sth为修饰the risk的定语;后者指做某事有危险或冒风险,其中的in doing sth是状语,in有类似when的含义。如: I took a risk in telling him the news at that moment. 我那时把消息告诉他,那是冒了风险的。 (3) 注意以下习语的用法: ①at risk 处境危险,在危险中 How much at risk is the smoker? 吸烟者的危险性有多大? ②at one"s own risk 对发生的事负责,自担风险 Persons swimming beyond this point do so at their own risk. 游泳 者超越此界限若有意外后果自负。 ③at the risk of 冒……的危险 He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的性命。 <<< ▼ risk的短语 Risk premium 风险溢价 ; 风险贴水 ; 风险保费 systematic risk 系统性风险 ; 系统风险 ; 体系性风险 liquidity risk 流动性风险 ; 流通风险 ; 流动风险 risk evaluation 风险评估 ; [经] 风险评价 ; 风险衡量 all risk 全险 ; 一切险 ; 平安险 ; 战争险 risk investment [金融] 风险投资 ; [经] 危险投资 ; 险投资 ; 危害投资 Settlement risk 清算风险 ; 结算风险 ; 交收风险 Risk Society 风险社会学说 risk exposure 风险暴露 ; 风险敞口 ; 风险承担 <<< ▼ risk的词语辨析 risk, hazard, venture, chance, dare这 组词 都有“敢于冒险”的意思,其区别是: risk 指不顾个人安危去干某事,侧重主动承担风险。 hazard 主要指冒险作出某个选择,隐含碰运气意味。 venture 指冒风险试一试,或指有礼貌的反抗或反对。 chance 指碰运气、冒风险试试。 dare 可与venture换用,但语气较强,着重挑战或违抗。 <<< ▼ risk的用法例句 1. I"m a blood donor; I can"t risk any contagion. 我是献血者,我不能冒任何接触传染的危险。 2. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it. 风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。 3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. 吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。 4. You"re taking a big risk showing this to Kravis. 你把这个给克拉维斯看会有很大的风险。 5. Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer. 相关人员希望尽可能降低罹癌风险。 6. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names. 没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。 <<< risk的用法总结大全相关 文章 : ★ bear的用法总结大全 ★ represent的用法和例句 ★ dare用法总结大全5篇 ★ hurt的用法总结大全 ★ beg的用法总结 ★ arrive的用法总结大全 ★ return的用法总结 ★ 英语语法知识点总结 ★ right的用法和例句有哪些 ★ 人教版八年级英语知识点总结 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-07-08 04:35:471


RISK意思为风险、危险,是可数名词,因为风险的种类有很多,如健康风险、财产风险等,因此他作为可数名词,常说many risks.
2023-07-08 04:36:221


reach 是够得着,achieve 是获取,risk 是风险,冒险的意思。
2023-07-08 04:36:301

risk doing和risk to do的区别有哪些?

2023-07-08 04:36:383

in the risk什么意思

2023-07-08 04:36:465


risk 有名词和动词两种词性; risk在作为名词的时候的意思是为危险,冒险。是可数名词 在作为n.危险的时候有三种用法(短语),前两种短语词组是比较常用的; 在作为动词的时候的意思是冒……的危险;使……冒风险(或面临危险);是vt动词 扩展资料   The group was considered to be a risk to national security.   这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子。   Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk.   使用这些化学品可能有失火的危险。   He wanted to take no risks, however small.   他多小的风险也不想冒。   Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease.   吸烟会增加得心脏病的危险。
2023-07-08 04:36:581


有 冒险,保险额,危险的意思,具体取哪一个意思要看你的语境了
2023-07-08 04:37:063


take risks 冒险; 例句: You have no right to take risks with other peoples lives. 你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。 It requires one to take risks and experience failures. 它要求一个人要承担风险并经历失败。 扩展资料   This was not the time to take risks; he knew he should play it by the rule book.   这不是冒险的时候,他知道他应该按规则行事。Be curious, experiment, take risks, he said to the students.   他对学生们说:要有好奇心,要勇于尝试,要敢于冒险。   The more secure we are in our attachment to Mom, the more likely we are to try new things and take risks.   在与母亲的相处中越感受到安全,我们就越想去冒险去尝试新的事物。   Their bundle of characteristics echoes the ceaseless curiosity and willingness to take risks noted by other experts.   他们身上的`一系列特征,与其他专家所指出的无止息的好奇心和冒险意愿相呼应。
2023-07-08 04:37:231


risk of dong
2023-07-08 04:37:594


riskKK: []DJ: []n.1. 危险,风险[C][U][(+of)]He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.他冒着生命危险救了我的性命。He was ready for any risks.他准备冒一切风险。2. (保险业承担的)险;危险率;保险金额;保险对象[C]vt.1. 使遭受危险,以...作为赌注The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child.那位勇敢的人冒着生命危险试图救那孩子。2. 冒...的风险[+v-ing]They risked losing their jobs.他们冒着失去工作的风险。By criticizing her boss, she risked losing her position.批评老板使她冒失去职位之险。3. 冒险于[+v-ing]I don"t think they will risk holding an election.我想他们是不会冒风险举行选举的。以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
2023-07-08 04:38:062


  risk的用法在英语中是比较常见的一个单词,也是容易混淆的知识点之一,接下来我在这里给大家带来risk的用法,我们一起来看看吧!   risk的用法   1. 用作动词时,为及物动词,表示“冒u2026u2026的危险”“使遭受危险”。如:   They risk their lives in order that we may live more safely. 他们冒了生死危险使我们生活得更安全。   后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不能用不定式。如:   They risked losing everything. 他们冒失去一切的危险。   A lot of people run the risk of being killed. 许多人冒着被杀害的危险。   2. 用作名词时,注意以下用法:   (1) 要表示冒危险,通常与动词run, take等搭配。如:   Why run the risk? 为什么要冒这种危险?   There was so much to lose (that) we couldnu2019t take any risks. 损失这么多,我们不能冒任何风险了。   (2) 表示“u2026u2026的危险”,其后通常不接不定式,而接 of doing sth。如:   He dare not run [take] the risk of being caught by the police. 他不敢冒被警察抓住的危险。   Thereu2019s not much risk of losing money if you bet on that horse. 如果你押那匹马,输钱的风险不太大。   比较run [take] the risk of doing sth与run [take] a risk in doing sth:前者指冒做某事的危险或风险,其中的of doing sth为修饰the risk的定语;后者指做某事有危险或冒风险,其中的in doing sth是状语,in有类似when的含义。如:   I took a risk in telling him the news at that moment. 我那时把消息告诉他,那是冒了风险的。   (3) 注意以下习语的用法:   ①at risk 处境危险,在危险中   How much at risk is the smoker? 吸烟者的危险性有多大?   ②at oneu2019s own risk 对发生的事负责,自担风险   Persons swimming beyond this point do so at their own risk. 游泳者超越此界限若有意外后果自负。   ③at the risk of 冒u2026u2026的危险   He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的性命。   risk的相关解释   n. 危险,冒险;保险额;被保险人或物;   vt. 冒u2026的危险;使u2026冒风险(或面临危险);   risk的例句   1. I"m a blood donor; I can"t risk any contagion.   我是献血者,我不能冒任何接触传染的危险。   2. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.   风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。   3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   4. You"re taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.   你把这个给克拉维斯看会有很大的风险。   5. Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.   相关人员希望尽可能降低罹癌风险。   6. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.   没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。
2023-07-08 04:38:131


  风险,就是生产目的与劳动成果之间的不确定性。风险和收益成正比,所以一般积极进取的投资者偏向于高风险是为了获得更高的利润,而稳健型的投资者则着重于安全性的考虑。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   风险的英语说法1:   risk    风险的英语说法2:   venture    风险的网路短语:   风险管理 Risk Management ; management of risk ; exposure management ; MSc Risk Management   风险评估 Risk Asses *** ent ; risk evaluation ; exposure rating ; risk appraisal   审计风险 Audit risk ; ultimate audit risk ; Auditing Risk ; acceptable audit risk   系统风险 Systemic risk ; systematic risk ; System Risk ; Insurance systemic risk   风险厌恶 Risk aversion ; Risk Averse ; Risk tolerance ; Constant Relative Risk Aversion   金融风险 Financial risk ; Investment risk ; Risk ; Financial Sciences   作业风险 Operational risk ; Operation risk ; operating risk ; Operationelles Risiko   相对风险 Relative risk ; RR ; against benchmark   风险比 hazard ratio ; HR ; risk ratio ; hazard odds ratio    风险的英语例句:   1. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.   风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。   2. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸菸会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   3. Hawker Siddeley tried to hedge its bets by diversifying into other fields.   霍克·西德利试图通过在其他领域进行多样化发展来规避风险。   4. You"re taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.   你把这个给克拉维斯看会有很大的风险。   5. Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.   相关人员希望尽可能降低罹癌风险。   6. Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.   不幸的是,容易感冒是这个行业的职业性风险。   7. "I have never knowingly exposed any patient to needless risks," he said.   他说:“我从未故意将任何病人置于不必要的风险境地。”   8. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.   没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。   9. The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.   这人一定是疯了,居然去冒这种风险。   10. The officers had run the risk of being di *** issed.   这些警官冒了被开除的风险。   11. Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers.   工具腰带解放了双手,还减少了锤子掉落的风险。   12. A nation must take certain risks to achieve greatness.   一个国家想取得巨大的成就必定要冒一定的风险。   13. Higher returns and higher risk usually go hand in hand.   更高的收益通常伴随着更高的风险。   14. The medical benefits of x-rays far outweigh the risk of having them.   X光在医学上的益处远甚于它带来的风险。   15. Only 12 weeks ago he underwent major heart transplant surgery.   12个星期前他才刚刚接受了风险很高的心脏移植手术。
2023-07-08 04:38:201

risk怎么读 英语risk怎么读

1、risk英[ru026ask]美[ru026ask],n.危险; 风险; 危险人物; 会带来风险的事物; (风险很小或很大的)借款人,保险对象;vt.使…冒风险(或面临危险); 冒…的风险(或危险); 冒险做; (明知结果而)大胆做。 2、[例句]The group was considered to be a risk to national security.这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子。
2023-07-08 04:38:261


risk以固定搭配的形式出现:at risk(其中risk为单数):例句:He saved my life at the risk of his own.英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。
2023-07-08 04:38:331


risk在作“风险,危险”解释和第三人称单数时候的复数加s,具体释义如下:读音:[ru026asks]表达意思:风险,危险;冒……危险。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。例句:At the risk of being repetitive, I will say again that statistics are only a guide.尽管会被认为罗嗦,我还得再说一遍:统计数字只是指向。近义词介绍:venture读音:[u02c8ventu0283u0259(r)]表达意思:风险项目,冒险事业;冒险旅行,冒险行动;敢于去(未知或危险等地方);冒险;小心地说,谨慎地做;敢说,大胆表示。词性:venture通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。例句:He enjoyed little success when he ventured into business.他在冒险涉足生意时很少成功。
2023-07-08 04:38:401


2023-07-08 04:38:573


risk单词释义:n.风险; 危险; 危险人物; 会带来风险的事物; (风险很小或很大的)借款人,保险对象。v.使……冒风险(或面临危险); 冒……的风险(或危险); 冒险做; (明知结果而)大胆做。用法如下:1. risk的基本意思是“冒.的危险”,含有“以.孤注一掷并愿意承担后果” 的意味。可指冒由于做某事而发生另一-不幸之事的风险。也可指虽然明知做某事会产生不幸后.果,但仍不顾一. 切地进行。2. risk用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词(不接动词不定式)作宾语。可用于被动结构。(1) S+~+ n. /pron.He is not willing to risk a single soldier.他不愿使任何一个战士遭受危险。Don"t risk your health.不要拿你的健康冒险。(2) S+~+ v -ingDon" t risk being late. 不要冒迟到的危险。They were willing to risk losing their jobs. 他们甘愿冒丢失工作的危险。3. risk用作名词表示危险,风险,投资报酬的风险You are taking a big risk driving so fast.你开车这样快是在冒很大危He knew this secret represent a security risk.他知道这个秘密会对安全造成危险。4. risk用作名词的短语at one"s own risk 自担风险at risk 有危险at risk to 冒失去-的危险at the risk of 冒可能-的危险runtheriskof冒自身危险做某事take risks冒险做可能失败的事
2023-07-08 04:39:161


不对 risk在事故、疾病、处境中都可以用它 He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的性命. He was ready for any risks. 他准备冒一切风险. 作动词时有以下意思: 1.使遭受危险,以...作为赌注 The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child. 那位勇敢的人冒着生命危险试图救那孩子. 2 .risk doing冒险做……事,冒...的风险 They risked losing their jobs. 他们冒着失去工作的风险. By criticizing her boss,she risked losing her position. 批评老板使她冒失去职位之险. 3.冒险于[+v-ing] I don"t think they will risk holding an election. 我想他们是不会冒风险举行选举的. risk后不能加不定式,但adventure可以加to do不定式,在作动词时两者都可作及物动词,而adventure也可作不及动词,这就造成两者在不定式上的使用区别
2023-07-08 04:39:381


risk的读音是:英 [ru026ask],美 [ru026ask]。 n. 危险,风险,投资报酬的风险vt. 冒......的危险,承受......的风险例句:He saved my life at the risk of his own.翻译:他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。短语:run a risk 冒危险用法1、risk的基本意思是“冒…的危险”,含有“以…孤注一掷并愿意承担后果”的意味。可指冒由于做某事而发生另一不幸之事的风险。也可指虽然明知做某事会产生不幸后果,但仍不顾一切地进行。2、risk用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词(不接动词不定式)作宾语。可用于被动结构。3、risk也可表示(玩纸牌、赛马等)赌钱,后接具体的钱数或money。
2023-07-08 04:39:461


  danger 是个通用词,其“危险”的含义可强可弱,可大可小,risk 亦然,其不同于 danger 之处仅在于:risk 还包含着“知道危险的存在”的意思,所以它可汉译为“冒险”,另外,danger 只用作名词,而 risk 既可用作名词,也可用作动词.用作名词的 risk 的常用搭配为 take (run) the risk of doing… He stayed up so late that he was afraid that he was in danger of oversleeping and being late for work.他很迟都未睡觉,所以他担心会有睡过了头并且上班迟到的危险.The country is in danger.那个国家正处在危险之中.The doctor said that his life was out of danger.医生说他的生命已经脱险了.Mrs Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men.安妮·斯特林夫人穿越森林追赶那两个男人时,没有去想自己所冒的风险.I wouldn"t run the risk of being late for work.我不会冒迟到的危险的.
2023-07-08 04:40:451


risk用作名词表示危险,投资报酬的风险等含义;用作动词时,通常用作及物动词,表示冒..的危险,冒险去做...等含义。 相关搭配(部分): at risk处于危险中; assume the risk of承担…的风险; run a risk冒危险; low risk小风险; appalling risk可怕的危险 扩展资料   例句:   He saved my life at the risk of his own.   他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。   Investors in Central Asia have to face political risk.   在中亚,投资者还得面临政治风险。   Loans to farmers are now considered to be a bad risk.   贷款给农民现在被认为要承受糟糕的"投资报酬风险。   If you don"t warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself.   假如运动前不做准备活动,你就有受伤的危险。   The investor is not willing to risk the money in any investment.   投资者不愿承受将这笔钱用于投资的风险。
2023-07-08 04:43:101


  risk表示危险,冒险; 保险额的意思,那么你知道risk的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了risk的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   risk的短语:   at risk   1. 处境危险;遭受危险   非洲有2,300万人正处于饥饿的危险中。   23 million people in Africa are &B{at risk from} starvation.   at one"s (own) risk   1. 自负责任,自负后果   他们从事冒险活动,后果自负。   they undertook the adventure at their own risk.   at the risk of doing something   1. 冒(做某事)的危险   冒着使人厌烦得要死的风险,我重复了最重要的绘画规则。   at the risk of boring people to tears, I repeat the most important rule in painting.   at risk to oneself (或 something)   1. 在可能危及自己(或某事物)的情况下   他冒着健康受损的极大危险去巡视监狱。   he visited prisons at considerable risk to his health.   risk one"s neck   1. 冒生命危险   run the risk (或 run risks)   1. 冒u2026的危险   她宁可不冒与他姐姐发生冲突的危险。   she preferred not to &B{run the risk of} encountering his sister.   take a risk (或 take risks)   1. 冒险   at risk 或 at-risk   1. 处境危险,遭受危险:处于危险之中,如因疾病或缺少父母或家庭的教导及适当的医疗保健   市中心贫民区遭受危险的青少年;没有种植牛痘疫苗的处境危险的孩子   at risk youth in the inner cities; at-risk groups of children not having received the vaccine.   同义词辨析:   danger, risk, hazard, menace, peril, threat   这些名词均含有"危险,威胁"之意。   danger : 含义广,普通用词,指能够造成伤害、损害或不利的任何情况。   risk : 指有可能发生的危险,尤指主动进行某种活动或去碰运气而冒的危险。   hazard比risk正式,多指偶然发生的或无法控制的危险,常含较严重或有一定风险的意味。   menace : 所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。   peril : 指迫在眉睫很有可能发生的严重危险。   threat : 普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。   venture, chance, dare, hazard, risk   这些动词均含有"敢于冒险"之意。   venture : 指冒风险试一试,或指有礼貌的反抗或反对。   chance : 指碰运气、冒风险试试。   dare : 可与venture换用,但语气较强,着重挑战或违抗。   hazard : 主要指冒险作出某个选择,隐含碰运气意味。   risk : 指不顾个人安危去干某事,侧重主动承担风险。   risk的短语例句:   1. I"m a blood donor; I can"t risk any contagion.   我是献血者,我不能冒任何接触传染的危险。   2. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.   风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。   3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   4. You"re taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.   你把这个给克拉维斯看会有很大的风险。   5. Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.   相关人员希望尽可能降低罹癌风险。   6. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.   没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。   7. The crisis could well place the relationship at risk.   这场危机可能会使这一关系有破裂的危险。   8. This could intensify the risk of a nuclear exchange.   这可能会加剧爆发核战争的危险。   9. There"s not enough people willing to take the risk.   没有足够的人愿意冒这个险。   10. Americans wanted to aid Britain even at the risk of war.   哪怕冒着开战的危险,美国人也想帮助英国人。   11. Science has determined that the risk is very small.   科学已经探明其危险性非常小。   12. The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.   这人一定是疯了,居然去冒这种风险。   13. The consensus is that risk factors have an accumu-lative effect.   危险因素会与日俱增已成为共识。   14. The officers had run the risk of being dismissed.   这些警官冒了被开除的风险。   15. They ran the risk of being shot at any moment.   他们冒着随时会中弹的危险。
2023-07-08 04:43:191


at one"s own risk 自担风险at risk 有危险at the risk of 冒着…的危险risk it 冒险试试risk doing sth. 冒险做某事
2023-07-08 04:43:322


  risk有危险;风险;投资报酬的风险等意思,那么你知道risk的用法吗?下面是我为大家整理的risk的用法和相关 短语 例句,欢迎大家学习!    risk的用法:   risk的用法1:risk的基本意思是“冒u2026的危险”,含有“以u2026孤注一掷并愿意承担后果”的意味。   risk的用法2:可指冒由于做某事而发生另一不幸之事的风险。   risk的用法3:可指虽然明知做某事会产生不幸后果,但仍不顾一切地进行。   risk的用法4:risk用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词(不接动词不定式)作宾语。可用于被动结构。   risk的用法5:risk也可表示(玩纸牌、 赛马 等)赌钱,后接具体的钱数或money。    risk的常用短语:   用作名词 (n.)   at one"s own risk   at risk   at risk to   at the risk of   run the risk of   take risks   用作动词 (v.)   risk it    risk的用法例句:   1. I"m a blood donor; I can"t risk any contagion.   我是献血者,我不能冒任何接触传染的危险。   2. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.   风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。   3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   4. You"re taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.   你把这个给克拉维斯看会有很大的风险。   5. Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.   相关人员希望尽可能降低罹癌风险。   6. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.   没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。   7. The crisis could well place the relationship at risk.   这场危机可能会使这一关系有破裂的危险。   8. This could intensify the risk of a nuclear exchange.   这可能会加剧爆发核战争的危险。   9. There"s not enough people willing to take the risk.   没有足够的人愿意冒这个险。   10. Americans wanted to aid Britain even at the risk of war.   哪怕冒着开战的危险,美国人也想帮助英国人。   11. Science has determined that the risk is very small.   科学已经探明其危险性非常小。   12. The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.   这人一定是疯了,居然去冒这种风险。   13. The consensus is that risk factors have an accumu-lative effect.   危险因素会与日俱增已成为共识。   14. The officers had run the risk of being dismissed.   这些警官冒了被开除的风险。   15. They ran the risk of being shot at any moment.   他们冒着随时会中弹的危险。
2023-07-08 04:43:391


risk是可数名词。 risk:n.危险;风险;危险人物;会带来风险的事物; v.使…冒风险(或面临危险) 扩展资料   You have no right to take risks with other people"s lives.   你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。   It was a difficult decision but we decided to risk it.   这件事决心难下,但我们决定冒险一试。   There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through.   整桩买卖化为泡影的风险仍然存在。
2023-07-08 04:43:451


不对 risk在事故、疾病、处境中都可以用它 He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的性命. He was ready for any risks. 他准备冒一切风险. 作动词时有以下意思: 1.使遭受危险,以...作为赌注 The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child. 那位勇敢的人冒着生命危险试图救那孩子. 2 .risk doing冒险做……事,冒...的风险 They risked losing their jobs. 他们冒着失去工作的风险. By criticizing her boss,she risked losing her position. 批评老板使她冒失去职位之险. 3.冒险于[+v-ing] I don"t think they will risk holding an election. 我想他们是不会冒风险举行选举的. risk后不能加不定式,但adventure可以加to do不定式,在作动词时两者都可作及物动词,而adventure也可作不及动词,这就造成两者在不定式上的使用区别
2023-07-08 04:43:521


risk是一个常用的英语单词,意为“风险”、“危险”。在英语中,有很多与risk相关的短语,下面将介绍其中一些常用的短语及其用法。take a risk:冒险、冒风险。例如,“I decided to take a risk and invest in the stock market”(我决定冒险在股市投资)。run the risk:冒着风险。例如,“If you don"t wear a helmet, you run the risk of getting a head injury”(如果你不戴头盔,你就冒着头部受伤的风险)。at risk:处于危险之中。例如,“The company"s reputation is at risk due to the recent scandal”(由于最近的丑闻,公司的声誉处于危险之中)。risk it all:孤注一掷。例如,“He risked it all to start his own business”(他孤注一掷地创办了自己的企业)。risk management:风险管理。例如,“The company has a risk management team to identify and mitigate potential risks”(公司有一个风险管理团队来识别和减轻潜在的风险)。risk assessment:风险评估。例如,“Before making any investment, it"s important to conduct a thorough risk assessment”(在进行任何投资之前,进行全面的风险评估非常重要)。risk aversion:风险规避。例如,“Some investors have a high level of risk aversion and prefer to invest in low-risk assets”(一些投资者具有较高的风险规避意识,更喜欢投资于低风险资产)。
2023-07-08 04:44:411


risk形容词risky; risky:adj.有危险(或风险)的; 例如:It was a risky operation, but might buy more time 扩展资料   Buying a second-hand car can be a risky business.   买二手车可能有风险。   Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.   养马确实是个有风险的营生。   The case against is twofold: too risky and too expensive.   反对理由有两点:太冒险而且太昂贵。
2023-07-08 04:45:111

risk doing与risk to do两者有什么区别

risk后面绝对是加doing的 小孩都知道
2023-07-08 04:45:195


2023-07-08 04:45:501


不对 risk在事故、疾病、处境中都可以用它 He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的性命. He was ready for any risks. 他准备冒一切风险. 作动词时有以下意思: 1.使遭受危险,以...作为赌注 The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child. 那位勇敢的人冒着生命危险试图救那孩子. 2 .risk doing冒险做……事,冒...的风险 They risked losing their jobs. 他们冒着失去工作的风险. By criticizing her boss,she risked losing her position. 批评老板使她冒失去职位之险. 3.冒险于[+v-ing] I don"t think they will risk holding an election. 我想他们是不会冒风险举行选举的. risk后不能加不定式,但adventure可以加to do不定式,在作动词时两者都可作及物动词,而adventure也可作不及动词,这就造成两者在不定式上的使用区别
2023-07-08 04:45:571


at one"s own risk 自担风险 at risk 有危险 at the risk of 冒着…的危险 risk it 冒险试试 risk doing sth. 冒险做某事
2023-07-08 04:46:351


Risk management in the IT industryEvery organization has a mission. In this digital era, as organizations use automated information technology (IT) systems to process their information for better support of their missions, risk management plays a critical role in protecting an organizationu2019s information assets, and therefore its mission, from IT-related risk.Risk management is the process that allows IT managers to balance the operational and economic costs of protective measures and achieve gains in mission capability by protecting the IT systems and data that support their organizationsu2019 missions. This process is not unique to the IT environment; indeed it pervades decision-making in all areas of our daily lives.An effective risk management process is an important component of a successful IT security program. The principal goal of an organizationu2019s risk management process should be to protect the organization and its ability to perform their mission, not just its IT assets. Therefore, the risk management process should not be treated primarily as a technical function carried out by the IT experts who operate and manage the IT system, but as an essential management function of the organization. So, who should be involved in risk management of an organization?Personnel who should support and participate in the risk management process are:-u2022 Senior Management. Senior management, under the standard of due care andultimate responsibility for mission accomplishment, must ensure that the necessary resources are effectively applied to develop the capabilities needed to accomplish the mission. They must also assess and incorporate results of the risk assessment activity into the decision making process. An effective risk management program that assesses and mitigates IT-related mission risks requires the support and involvement of senior management.u2022 Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CIO is responsible for the agencyu2019s ITplanning, budgeting, and performance including its information security components. Decisions made in these areas should be based on an effective risk management program.u2022 System and Information Owners. The system and information owners are responsible for ensuring that proper controls are in place to address integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the IT systems and data they own. Typically the system and information owners are responsible for changes to their IT systems. The system and information owners must therefore understand their role in the risk management process and fully support this process.u2022 Business and Functional Managers. The managers responsible for businessoperations and IT procurement process must take an active role in the riskmanagement process. These managers are the individuals with the authority andresponsibility for making the trade-off decisions essential to mission accomplishment. Their involvement in the risk management process enables the achievement of proper security for the IT systems, which, if managed properly, will provide mission effectiveness with a minimal expenditure of resources.u2022 ISSO. Information System Security Officer and computer security officers are responsible for their organizationsu2019 security programs, including risk management. Therefore, they play a leading role in introducing an appropriate, structured methodology to help identify, evaluate, and minimize risks to the IT systems that support their organizationsu2019 missions. u2022 IT Security Practitioners. IT security practitioners (e.g., network, system,application, and database administrators; computer specialists; security analysts;security consultants) are responsible for proper implementation of securityrequirements in their IT systems. As changes occur in the existing IT systemenvironment (e.g., expansion in network connectivity, changes to the existinginfrastructure and organizational policies, introduction of new technologies), the ITsecurity practitioners must support or use the risk management process to identify and assess new potential risks and implement new security controls as needed tosafeguard their IT systems.u2022 Security Awareness Trainers (Security/Subject Matter Professionals). Theorganizationu2019s personnel are the users of the IT systems. Use of the IT systems anddata according to an organizationu2019s policies, guidelines, and rules of behavior is critical to mitigating risk and protecting the organizationu2019s IT resources. To minimize risk to the IT systems, it is essential that system and application users be provided with security awareness training. Therefore, the IT security trainers or security/subject matter professionals must understand the risk management process so that they can develop appropriate training materials and incorporate risk assessment into training programs to educate the end users.Most organizations have tight budgets for IT security; therefore, IT security spending must be reviewed as thoroughly as other management decisions. A well-structured risk management methodology, when used effectively, can help management identify appropriate controls for providing the mission-essential security capabilities.Risk management encompasses three processes: risk assessment, risk mitigation, and evaluation and assessment.Risk assessment is the first process in the risk management methodology. Organizations use risk assessment to determine the extent of the potential threat and the risk associated with an IT system throughout its SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). The risk assessment methodology encompasses nine primary steps, which areu2022 Step 1uf8e7System Characterization u2022 Step 2uf8e7Threat Identification u2022 Step 3uf8e7Vulnerability Identificationu2022 Step 4uf8e7Control Analysisu2022 Step 5uf8e7Likelihood Determination u2022 Step 6uf8e7Impact Analysis u2022 Step 7uf8e7Risk Determinationu2022 Step 8uf8e7Control Recommendations , and u2022 Step 9uf8e7Results Documentation Risk mitigation, the second process of risk management, involves prioritizing, evaluating, and implementing the appropriate risk-reducing controls recommended from the risk assessment process.When control actions must be taken, the following rule applies:Address the greatest risks and strive for sufficient risk mitigation at the lowest cost, with minimal impact on other mission capabilities.The following risk mitigation methodology describes the approach to control implementation:u2022 Step 1uf8e7Prioritize ActionsBased on the risk levels presented in the risk assessment report, the implementationactions are prioritized.u2022 Step 2uf8e7Evaluate Recommended Control OptionsThe controls recommended in the risk assessment process may not be the mostappropriate and feasible options for a specific organization and IT system. The objective is to select the most appropriate control option for minimizing risk.u2022 Step 3uf8e7Conduct Cost-Benefit AnalysisTo aid management in decision making and to identify cost-effective controls, a cost benefit analysis is conducted.u2022 Step 4uf8e7Select ControlOn the basis of the results of the cost-benefit analysis, management determines themost cost-effective control(s) for reducing risk to the organizationu2019s mission. Thecontrols selected should combine technical, operational, and management controlelements to ensure adequate security for the IT system and the organization.u2022 Step 5uf8e7Assign ResponsibilityAppropriate persons (in-house personnel or external contracting staff) who have theappropriate expertise and skill-sets to implement the selected control are identified,and responsibility is assigned.u2022 Step 6uf8e7Develop a Safeguard Implementation PlanDuring this step, a safeguard implementation plan (or action plan) is developed. The plan should, at a minimum, contain the following information:u2013 Risks and associated risk levelsu2013 Recommended controls u2013 Prioritized actions (with priority given to items with Very High and High risklevels)u2013 Selected planned controls (determined on the basis of feasibility, effectiveness,benefits to the organization, and cost)u2013 Required resources for implementing the selected planned controlsu2013 Lists of responsible teams and staffu2013 Start date for implementationu2013 Target completion date for implementationu2013Maintenance requirements.u2022 Step 7uf8e7Implement Selected Control(s)Depending on individual situations, the implemented controls may lower the risklevel but not eliminate the risk.In implementing the above recommended controls to mitigate risk, an organization should consider technical, management, and operational security controls, or a combination of such controls, to maximize the effectiveness of controls for their IT systems and organization. Security controls, when used appropriately, can prevent, limit, or deter threat-source damage to an organizationu2019s mission.And now we come to the last process but not the least, EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT.In most organizations, the network itself will continually be expanded and updated, its components changed, and its software applications replaced or updated with newer versions. In addition, personnel changes will occur and security policies are likely to change over time. These changes mean that new risks will surface and risks previously mitigated may again become a concern. Thus, the risk management process is ongoing and evolving.To put in a nutshell, a successful risk management program will rely on(1) senior managementu2019s commitment; (2) the full support and participation of the IT team ; (3) the competence of the risk assessment team, which must have the expertise to apply the risk assessment methodology to a specific site and system, identify mission risks, and provide cost-effective safeguards that meet the needs of the organization; (4) the awareness and cooperation of members of the user community, who must follow procedures and comply with the implemented controls to safeguard the mission of their organization; and (5) an ongoing evaluation and assessment of the IT-related mission risks. Thank you very much for your attention!
2023-07-08 04:47:551


可以说at the risk of being eaten作为动词:risk +doing 如果risk doing 中间出现sb.那是动名词的逻辑主语所以risk sb. to do sth. 是错的
2023-07-08 04:48:091


at risk 在危险中 risk capital (=venture capital) 冒风险投资的资本 a poor risk for surgery 手术成功的希望不大的病患 【习惯用语】 a poor risk for insurance 风险大的保险户 at risk 在危险中 at all risks (=at any risk) 无论冒什么危险; 无论如何 at one"s own [the owner"s,the buyer"s] risk (损失、风险等)由自已[物主、买主] 负责 at the risk of (=at riskto) 冒...之险; 不顾...之风险 run [take] a risk(s) 冒险 run[take] the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事
2023-07-08 04:48:231


2023-07-08 04:48:301


This is a risk task .
2023-07-08 04:48:393

risk 是什么游戏

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! Risk是一种从古代流传下来的征服世界的游戏  游戏简介如下:  游戏开始阶段  最开始每个人能获得的军队数目是  Totalfirst = ( 10 – 玩家总数) * round ( 国家总数 * 0.12)  这是系统按照一个随机设定的顺序(记住接下来的各方操作也全部是按照这一顺序进行)。让每个玩家轮流放置自己的军队,此时每个玩家每次能且只能放置一个军队。当地图上还有空着的国家时,你必须在空着的国家上放置军队。当地图上没有空着的国家时,你就应该往你所控制的国家放置军队(此时也只能1个军队1个军队的放置)。这一过程直到所有玩家的Totalfirst个军队全部放置完毕为止。  游戏正式进行阶段  按照前面随机生成的顺序,每个未被消灭的玩家将依次迎来自己的轮次(如果一个玩家已经没有任何所有国家,我们说这个玩家已经被消灭了) 我也是在这看到以后才知道的: http://baike.b***.com/view/641452.htm
2023-07-08 04:48:491


"Risk" 的反义词是 "safety" 或者 "security"。 "Risk" 指的是可能会导致不利后果的行为或情况,而 "safety" 或者 "security" 则指的是不会受到危险、风险或损失的状态。在许多情况下,人们使用这两个词来描述相同的概念,即与某种风险相关的程度。例如,一个行为被认为很危险,那么相应的行为就可以被描述为具有高风险。反之,如果一个行为被认为很安全,那么相应的行为就可以被描述为具有低风险或高安全性。在商业或金融领域中,"risk" 和 "return" 经常被一起提及。"Risk" 在这里通常被解释为某项投资的潜在风险或不确定性,而 "return" 则指的是投资可能获得的回报或利润。在这种情况下,"risk" 的反义词可能是 "certainty",因为 "certainty" 意味着一种非常确定和稳定的情况,不会带来潜在的风险或不确定性。
2023-07-08 04:48:561


风险的解释 [risk;hazard] 危险 ;遭受损失、伤害、不利或毁灭的可能性 担风险 详细解释 可能发生的危险。 茅盾 《子夜》 二:“你看这件事有没有风险?” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》 第二章:“咱们 陕北 人民为了自己部队消灭 敌人 ,什么风险的事都敢干。”亦泛指危险。 郭沫若 《李白与杜甫·杜甫的阶级意识》 :“店老板躲过了风险之后,逃 回来 了。” 马烽 西戎 《吕梁 英雄 传》 第十一回:“说时,皮鞭在 王臭子 身上、头上,好像捶泥一样的响起来。这等风险, 王臭子 却还是头一次遇到。” 词语分解 风的解释 风 (风) ē 空气流动的现象。 气象 学特指空气在水平方向的流动:风向。风速。风级。风险。 风波 (喻纠纷或乱子)。风雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色 黑暗 ,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻 * 或 境地 艰难 )。风花 雪月 险的解释 险 (险) ǎ 可能遭受的灾难:危险。风险。冒险。探险。保险。铤而走险。 可能发生灾难的:险象。险情。险境。险峰。险恶。 要隘,不易通过的地方:险隘。险厄。险固。天险。 存心狠毒:险毒。阴险。 几乎 ,
2023-07-08 04:49:371


风险的解释 [risk;hazard] 危险 ;遭受损失、伤害、不利或毁灭的可能性 担风险 详细解释 可能发生的危险。 茅盾 《子夜》 二:“你看这件事有没有风险?” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》 第二章:“咱们 陕北 人民为了自己部队消灭 敌人 ,什么风险的事都敢干。”亦泛指危险。 郭沫若 《李白与杜甫·杜甫的阶级意识》 :“店老板躲过了风险之后,逃 回来 了。” 马烽 西戎 《吕梁 英雄 传》 第十一回:“说时,皮鞭在 王臭子 身上、头上,好像捶泥一样的响起来。这等风险, 王臭子 却还是头一次遇到。” 词语分解 风的解释 风 (风) ē 空气流动的现象。 气象 学特指空气在水平方向的流动:风向。风速。风级。风险。 风波 (喻纠纷或乱子)。风雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色 黑暗 ,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻 * 或 境地 艰难 )。风花 雪月 险的解释 险 (险) ǎ 可能遭受的灾难:危险。风险。冒险。探险。保险。铤而走险。 可能发生灾难的:险象。险情。险境。险峰。险恶。 要隘,不易通过的地方:险隘。险厄。险固。天险。 存心狠毒:险毒。阴险。 几乎 ,
2023-07-08 04:49:441


2023-07-08 04:49:532


risk英 [ru026ask] 美 [ru026ask] n.危险,冒险; 保险额; 被保险人或物vt.冒…的危险; 使…冒风险(或面临危险)网络危险度; 风险度; 风险评估第三人称单数: risks 复数: risks 现在分词: risking 过去式: risked 过去分词: risked。
2023-07-08 04:50:362


2023-07-08 04:50:452


2023-07-08 04:50:549


riskn.风险;危险;冒险vt.冒……的危险eg:The fireman risks his life by rushing into the fire.(消防员冒着生命危险冲进火场)同义词有:①dangern.危险,危险的物(或人)v.危害excl.危险eg:The man is in danger whenever he cooks meal.(这男的一煮饭可就危险了。)②periln.危险vt.置……于危险中;危及eg:The man faced the peril of falling off the cliff.(这个男人面临着掉下悬崖的危险。)
2023-07-08 04:51:241

姓氏迷用日语怎么说,还要罗马文 冉用日语怎么说。还要罗马文

所以含“迷”字的姓氏如下:顽迷 がんめい ganmei迷妄 めいもう meimou迷惑 めいわく meiwaku迷子 まいご maigo世迷言 よまいごと yomaigoto低迷 ていめい teimei迷走 めいそう meisou混迷 こんめい konmei迷宫 めいきゅう meikyuu迷い まよい mayoi御迷惑 ごめいわく gomeiwaku迷星 まよいぼし mayoiboshiご迷惑 ごめいわく gomeiwakuさ迷う さまよう samayouはた迷惑 はためいわく hatameiwaku迷彩 めいさい meisai迷う まよう mayou迷子札 まいごふだ maigohuda迷路 めいろ meiro迷入 めいにゅう meinyuu昏迷 こんめい konmei四迷 しめい shimei傍迷惑 はためいわく hatameiwaku迷っ まよっ mayo迷わす まよわす mayowasu血迷う ちまよう chimayou迷信 めいしん meishin爱迷 あいまい aimai迷梦 めいむ meimu迷宫入り めいきゅういり meikyuuiri迷蒙 めいもう meimou世迷い よまよい yomayoi迷鸟 めいちょう meichou迷い込む まよいこむ mayoikomu迷児 まいご maigo世迷い言 よまいごと yomaigoto低迷期 ていめいき teimeiki迷彩柄 めいさいがら meisaigara迷言 めいげん meigen暗云低迷 あんうんていめい anunteimei顽迷固陋 がんめいころう ganmeikorou迷光 めいこう meikou迷い込ん まよいこん mayoikon迷盲 めいもう meimou迷走神経 めいそうしんけい meisoushinkei二叶亭四迷 ふたばていしめい hutabateishimei冉在日本读ぜん zen属于生僻汉字,应该没有日本人会用作名字,华人的话参照上面就可以。
2023-07-08 04:51:391

dism /cleanup-image含义

2023-07-08 04:51:371