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2023-07-08 12:16:01

city 英[u02c8su026ati] 美[u02c8su026ati]

n. 城市; 全市居民; (由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的) 特许市; (由政府授予特权的) 特权市;

[例句]The Chicago River flooded the city"s underground tunnel system


[其他] 复数:cities






2023-07-08 07:46:003


2023-07-08 07:46:315


2023-07-08 07:46:541


city的读音是:英["s?ti]。city的读音是:英["s?ti]。city的详尽释义是n.(名词)城市,都市,市全体市民,全城居民伦敦城,伦敦商业中心区【希史】城邦境地市容有...特征的人、事、物特许市,特权市充满…的地方。city名词复数:cities。一、详尽释义点此查看city的详细内容n.(名词)城市,都市,市全体市民,全城居民伦敦城,伦敦商业中心区【希史】城邦境地市容有...特征的人、事、物特许市,特权市充满…的地方二、词典解释1.城市Acity is a large town.e.g. ...thecity of Bologna.博洛尼亚市e.g. ...a busycity centre.繁忙的市中心三、网络解释1. city1. 城市大学:近年来,从亨里学院完成预科课程的学生,有很多进入了英国的一些著名大学,如:阿斯通大学(ASTON),卡地夫大学(CARDIFF),城市大学(CITY),伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(QUEEN MARY"S COLLEGE),伯明翰大学(BIRMINGHAM),艾塞克斯大学(ESSEX),四、例句Beijing is a large city.北京是一座大城市。I live in the west of the city.我住在该城市的西部。The city is held by the enemy.这座城市已被敌人占领。He said he preferred country life to city life.他说他喜欢乡下生活,而不喜欢都市生活。The pressures of city life forced him to move to the country.都市生活的艰难迫使他迁往乡村。The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team.全市居民倾城而出迎接凯旋球队。She works in the City.她在伦敦商业区工作。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)This city has everything that one could wish for except good weather.这座城市里应有尽有,就是没有好天气。I tried to get any kind of job but it seemed that the whole city had closed the door on me.我想随便找个工作干,但整个城市看来都拒不接受我。London, Paris and New York are all large cities.伦敦、巴黎和纽约都是大城市。The fighting reduced the city to a shambles.这场战斗使这座城市成了一片废墟。The Romans founded a great city on the banks of this river.罗马人在这河岸上建立了一座大城市。Do you like to live in a great city?你喜欢住在大都市里吗?She strayed about in the strange city.她在这个陌生的城市四处乱逛。The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year.该城市去年交通事故减少了。Do you know of a really good hotel in this city?你知道这个城里有家真正像样儿的好旅馆吗?Sister Carrie was bewildered by the crowd and traffic in the city.嘉莉妹妹被城里众多的人群和繁忙交通弄得晕头转向。There are many differences between living in a city and living in the country.住在城里和住在乡下有许多差别。We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city.我们雇了一个司机带我们浏览这个城市。A week may be spent in seeing the interesting sights of the city.参观这个城市的名胜古迹可能要用一个星期。The habitants tried to fight against being moved to another city, but it was no use.居民们试图抵制移居到另一座城市去,但无济于事。To avoid the city centre, turn right here.如果要避开市中心,请在这里向右拐弯。Jenny was exhausted by the hustle and bustle of city life.珍妮被城市生活的忙乱喧嚣弄得筋疲力尽。Members of the city council peppered him with questions about the details of his plan.市议员们对他的计划的详情问个不休。I have inquires of the city planners, but they will give me no information about future plans for the area.我问过城市规划人员,可是他们不告诉我关于本地区远景规划的问题。The city"s population prepared to flee heat for the relative cool of the rivers.该市居民准备逃到天气较为凉爽的江河流域避暑。Now we supply power to nine-tenths of the city"s homes.现在我们向这个城市十分之九的家庭提供了电力。The city of Beijing was founded 3700 years ago.北京建城于3700年前。The entire city turned out for the celebration.全城的人都出来参加庆祝活动。The police searched all over the city.警察搜查全城。There are rumors in the City that the company is about to be taken over.伦敦商业区有种种谣传,说这家公司即将被收购。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~adopt a city as one"s residence把某城市作为居住地beautify a city美化城市build a city建设城市burn a city烧毁城市defend a city保卫城市destroy a city破坏城市develop a city发展城市dust a city清扫城市expand a city扩建城市found a city建立城市live in the city住在城市manage a city管理城市plan a city规划城市pollute a city污染城市run a city管理城市形容词+~ancient city古代的城市,古城beautiful city美丽的城市central city市中心区chief city主要城市,重镇free city自由城市friendly city友好城市great city大城市,伟大的城市growing city崛起的城市,发展中的城市inner city内城large city大城市lovable city可爱的城市medium-sized city中等城市old city旧城open city不设防城市overpopulated city人口过剩的城市peaceful city平静的城市planned city有计划建设的城市the most populous city人口最多的城市provincial city省辖市sleepy city沉睡的城市tourist city旅游城市twin citys姊妹城市youthful city年轻的城市,新兴城市名词+~business city商业城市capital city首都coal mine city煤城coast city海滨城市edge city边缘城市garden city花园城市home city家乡城市lake city湖畔城市port city港口城市satellite city卫星城市trading city贸易城市~+名词city article报纸上有关商业财政之消息city council市议会city councilor市议员city desk报馆的采访city edition报纸本地版city hall市政府大厦介词+~in a city在城里the poorer quarters of the city城市的贫民区through the city穿过城市~+介词city of David耶路撒冷city of Light巴黎city of Seven Hills罗马七、常见错误n.(名词)杭州是一个富有吸引力的旅游城市。误 Hangzhou is an attractive city of tourism.正 Hangzhou is an attractive city for tourists.正 Hangzhou is an attractive tourist city.析 “旅游城市”可说tourist city或city for tourists,不可说city of tourism。我从未到过该市。误 I"ve never been to the City.正 I"ve never been to the city.析 the City特指伦敦商业区。city的相关近义词capital、metropolis、town、boroughcity的相关临近词civic、citrus、City CI、citynik、city boy、city mad、citywall、City God、City One、city fog、city map、city law点此查看更多关于city的详细信息
2023-07-08 07:47:441


2023-07-08 07:48:131


2023-07-08 07:48:505


city与urban的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同cityn. 城市;都市;全体市民;特许市;特权市。City.n. (伦敦最古老的金融商务中心)伦敦商业区。urbanadj. 城市的;都市的。二、用法不同citycity是可数名词,意思是“城市,都市,市”,多指较大或重要的城市。在美国,人口在8000人以上的都可称为city。city也可表示“全市居民,全城居民”,作此解时是集合名词,常用作单数,可与单数或复数动词连用。the City的意思是“伦敦商业区,伦敦城”。“进城”可说go to the city,也可说go to town。注意town前无冠词。Beijing is a large city.北京是一座大城市。I live in the west of the city.我住在该城市的西部。urban1619年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的urbanus,意为属于一个城市。作形容词含有城市的,都市的,城镇的,居住在城市的,城市居民的,习惯于城市生活的,都市式的,都市化的等意思。In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas.在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels.城市生活的质量已被过度的噪音所破坏。三、侧重点不同citycity城市是法律的定义:是一个较大、永久人类栖居地;根据国家法律,具有行政、司法权利或历史地位的地方政府。urbanurban是形容词,指和城市相关的内容,尤其是城市才具有的都市文化。
2023-07-08 07:49:051


2023-07-08 07:49:321


2023-07-08 07:49:417

请问city 和 country有什么不同?谢谢。

2023-07-08 07:49:5711


一个广义 一个狭义
2023-07-08 07:50:316


2023-07-08 07:50:478


2023-07-08 07:51:031


city 随着进入上世纪70~80年代,世界工业文明的迅速发展,城市化加快,出现了大量农村劳动力向城镇转移从而形成集聚地。还有一整套功能齐全的能为城市的有秩序运行提供保障的基础设施与职能机构。它的原定义是人口在100到200万以上的,能够正常的进行政治,经济,文化生活的现代化的居民区。 当然现在有1000万人的超级城市,像伦敦,纽约就不能用urban,town,而应用city.urban 是都市化的意思 是中小型,人口50以上100以下,正在向大城市转变的城市。正在ing, 它还有一层意思 是规划建设中的意思
2023-07-08 07:51:111


2023-07-08 07:51:205


2023-07-08 07:52:325


2023-07-08 07:53:004

city 是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:54:062


1、city,n.都市; 城市; (由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市; (由州政府授予特权的)特权市。2、[例句]A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.控制城市交通的新系统已经设计出来。3、[其他]复数:cities。
2023-07-08 07:54:281


2023-07-08 07:54:461

city英语怎么读 city英语解释

1、city,城市,读音:美/u02c8su026ati/;英/u02c8su026ati/。 2、释义:n.城市,都市。adj.城市的;都会的。 3、例句:Beijing is a very big city.北京是一个很大的城市。
2023-07-08 07:54:531


city与urban的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同cityn. 城市;都市;全体市民;特许市;特权市。City.n. (伦敦最古老的金融商务中心)伦敦商业区。urbanadj. 城市的;都市的。二、用法不同citycity是可数名词,意思是“城市,都市,市”,多指较大或重要的城市。在美国,人口在8000人以上的都可称为city。city也可表示“全市居民,全城居民”,作此解时是集合名词,常用作单数,可与单数或复数动词连用。the City的意思是“伦敦商业区,伦敦城”。“进城”可说go to the city,也可说go to town。注意town前无冠词。Beijing is a large city.北京是一座大城市。I live in the west of the city.我住在该城市的西部。urban1619年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的urbanus,意为属于一个城市。作形容词含有城市的,都市的,城镇的,居住在城市的,城市居民的,习惯于城市生活的,都市式的,都市化的等意思。In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas.在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels.城市生活的质量已被过度的噪音所破坏。三、侧重点不同citycity城市是法律的定义:是一个较大、永久人类栖居地;根据国家法律,具有行政、司法权利或历史地位的地方政府。urbanurban是形容词,指和城市相关的内容,尤其是城市才具有的都市文化。
2023-07-08 07:55:001


2023-07-08 07:55:161


2023-07-08 07:55:254


2023-07-08 07:55:321


city 英 ["su026atu026a] 美 ["su026ati] n.城市,都市 adj.城市的;都会的 念起来有点像普通话的「西提 xiti」,xi发重些,ti发轻些
2023-07-08 07:56:201


2023-07-08 07:56:416

城市的英语怎么读 城市的英语如何读

1、城市的英文单词是city,其读音为英 [u02c8su026ati] 美 [u02c8su026ati] 。city, town这两个词的共同意思是“城市”或“城镇”。 2、city一般指规模较大或较重要的城市; town则一般指比city规模较小的城镇。例如: 3、The big city bewildered the old woman from the countryside.大城市把乡下来的老奶奶弄糊涂了。 4、city在美国比在英国更常用,大小相当于英国的town的市镇在美国都可以叫做 city ; 而town则在英国比在美国更常用,一个在美国可以称之为city的都市,在英国仍可叫做town。 5、town有时也可指城市的商业中心区,还可用以指整个城镇居民。例如:The whole town knew of it.全城(居民)都知道这件事。
2023-07-08 07:57:351


country(国家)city(城市) 这个保证是正确答案!我刚问完老师咧!
2023-07-08 07:58:231


2023-07-08 07:59:101


city与urban的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同cityn. 城市;都市;全体市民;特许市;特权市。City.n. (伦敦最古老的金融商务中心)伦敦商业区。urbanadj. 城市的;都市的。二、用法不同citycity是可数名词,意思是“城市,都市,市”,多指较大或重要的城市。在美国,人口在8000人以上的都可称为city。city也可表示“全市居民,全城居民”,作此解时是集合名词,常用作单数,可与单数或复数动词连用。the City的意思是“伦敦商业区,伦敦城”。“进城”可说go to the city,也可说go to town。注意town前无冠词。Beijing is a large city.北京是一座大城市。I live in the west of the city.我住在该城市的西部。urban1619年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的urbanus,意为属于一个城市。作形容词含有城市的,都市的,城镇的,居住在城市的,城市居民的,习惯于城市生活的,都市式的,都市化的等意思。In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas.在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels.城市生活的质量已被过度的噪音所破坏。三、侧重点不同citycity城市是法律的定义:是一个较大、永久人类栖居地;根据国家法律,具有行政、司法权利或历史地位的地方政府。urbanurban是形容词,指和城市相关的内容,尤其是城市才具有的都市文化。
2023-07-08 07:59:171


译为“城市;全市居民;(由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市;(由政府授予特权的)特权市”。短语搭配City Hunter城市猎人 ; 都会猎人 ; 都市猎人 ; 都邑猎人City University城市大学 ; 伦敦城市大学 ; 英国伦敦城市大学 ; 城市大学毕业证样本Oklahoma City俄克拉荷马城 ; 俄克拉何马城 ; 俄克拉荷马市Sun City太阳城 ; 日头城 ; 阳光都市 ; 森城Redwood City红木城 ; 雷德伍德城 ; 红杉市 ; 红木市Jilin City吉林市Ordos City鄂尔多斯市Suntec City新达城 ; 新加坡 ; 至最近的会展中心Dujiangyan City都江堰市garden city花园城市new york city纽约市(美国一座城市)big city大城市city planning城市规划modern city现代城市city centern. 市中心old city旧城;古城ancient city古都capital city首都city lifen. 城市生活central city大城市的中心区;闹市区coastal city沿海城市forbidden city紫禁城port cityn. 港口城市city hall市政厅city council市议会mexico city墨西哥城host cityn. 主办城市;举办城市city water自来水university city大学城
2023-07-08 07:59:491


1、城市的英文单词是city,其读音为英 [u02c8su026ati] 美 [u02c8su026ati] 。city, town这两个词的共同意思是“城市”或“城镇”。 2、city一般指规模较大或较重要的城市; town则一般指比city规模较小的城镇。例如: 3、The big city bewildered the old woman from the countryside.大城市把乡下来的老奶奶弄糊涂了。 4、city在美国比在英国更常用,大小相当于英国的town的市镇在美国都可以叫做 city ; 而town则在英国比在美国更常用,一个在美国可以称之为city的都市,在英国仍可叫做town。 5、town有时也可指城市的商业中心区,还可用以指整个城镇居民。例如:The whole town knew of it.全城(居民)都知道这件事。
2023-07-08 08:00:221


2023-07-08 08:00:385


city 英[ˈsɪti] 美[ˈsɪti] n. 城市; 全市居民; (由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的) 特许市; (由政府授予特权的) 特权市;
2023-07-08 08:00:521


2023-07-08 08:01:221


2023-07-08 08:01:315


city 英["su026atu026a] 美[u02c8su026ati] n. 城市;全市居民;(由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市;... 名词复数:cities [例句]u2022 Company : city of newyorku2022任职公司:纽约市
2023-07-08 08:01:452

city是什么意思 city怎么造句

1、city,n.都市; 城市; (由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市; (由州政府授予特权的)特权市。 2、[例句]A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.控制城市交通的新系统已经设计出来。 3、[其他]复数:cities。
2023-07-08 08:01:521

"Country" 和 "city" 的区别是什么呀?

2023-07-08 08:02:015


2023-07-08 08:02:1710


2023-07-08 08:02:424

rex女包 rx-30-1173价格多少

你好,很高兴为你解答。rex女包 rx-30-1173价格是538元。希望能帮到你,求采纳。
2023-07-08 07:52:081

安装了ansys,结果是workbench? 两者有什么区别

2023-07-08 07:52:111


2023-07-08 07:52:156

take everything easy

2023-07-08 07:52:2212

懂你英语 Level 7 Unit 2 Part 3【On Machine Intelligence 3】

I have a friend who developed such computational systems to predict the likelihood of clinical or postpartum depression from social media data. The results are impressive. Her system can predict the likelihood of depression months before the onset of any symptoms -- months before. No symptoms, there"s prediction. She hopes it will be used for early intervention . Great! But now put this in the context of hiring. So at this human resources managers conference, I approached a high-level manager in a very large company, and I said to her, "Look, what if, unbeknownst to you, your system is weeding out people with high future likelihood of depression? They"re not depressed now, just maybe in the future, more likely. What if it"s weeding out women more likely to be pregnant in the next year or two but aren"t pregnant now? What if it"s hiring aggressive people because that"s your workplace culture?" You can"t tell this by looking at gender breakdowns . Those may be balanced. And since this is machine learning, not traditional coding, there is no variable there labeled "higher risk of depression," "higher risk of pregnancy," "aggressive guy scale." Not only do you not know what your system is selecting on, you don"t even know where to begin to look. It"s a black box. It has predictive power, but you don"t understand it. "What safeguards ," I asked, "do you have to make sure that your black box isn"t doing something shady ?" She looked at me as if I had just stepped on 10 puppy tails. She stared at me and she said, "I don"t want to hear another word about this." And she turned around and walked away. Mind you -- she wasn"t rude. It was clearly: what I don"t know isn"t my problem, go away, death stare. Look, such a system may even be less biased than human managers in some ways. And it could make monetary sense. But it could also lead to a steady but stealthy shutting out of the job market of people with higher risk of depression. Is this the kind of society we want to build, without even knowing we"ve done this, because we turned decision-making to machines we don"t totally understand? Another problem is this: these systems are often trained on data generated by our actions, human imprints . Well, they could just be reflecting our biases, and these systems could be picking up on our biases and amplifying them and showing them back to us, while we"re telling ourselves, "We"re just doing objective, neutral computation." Researchers found that on Google, women are less likely than men to be shown job ads for high-paying jobs. And searching for African-American names is more likely to bring up ads suggesting criminal history, even when there is none. Such hidden biases and black-box algorithms that researchers uncover sometimes but sometimes we don"t know, can have life-altering consequences. In Wisconsin, a defendant was sentenced to six years in prison for evading the police. You may not know this, but algorithms are increasingly used in parole and sentencing decisions. He wanted to know: How is this score calculated? It"s a commercial black box. The company refused to have its algorithm be challenged in open court. But ProPublica, an investigative nonprofit, audited that very algorithm with what public data they could find, and found that its outcomes were biased and its predictive power was dismal , barely better than chance , and it was wrongly labeling black defendants as future criminals at twice the rate of white defendants. So, consider this case: This woman was late picking up her godsister from a school in Broward County, Florida, running down the street with a friend of hers. They spotted an unlocked kid"s bike and a scooter on a porch and foolishly jumped on it. As they were speeding off, a woman came out and said, "Hey! That"s my kid"s bike!" They dropped it, they walked away, but they were arrested. She was wrong, she was foolish, but she was also just 18. She had a couple of juvenile misdemeanors . Meanwhile, that man had been arrested for shoplifting in Home Depot -- 85 dollars" worth of stuff, a similar petty crime. But he had two prior armed robbery convictions . But the algorithm scored her as high risk, and not him. Two years later, ProPublica found that she had not reoffended. It was just hard to get a job for her with her record. He, on the other hand, did reoffend and is now serving an eight-year prison term for a later crime. Clearly, we need to audit our black boxes and not have them have this kind of unchecked power.
2023-07-08 07:52:021


2023-07-08 07:52:011

我想重装系统,我在网上下载了分wid7 64位系统,并就在e盘中,现在可以直接在电脑上安装吗?求高手解答!

2023-07-08 07:51:586

take it easy 是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:51:557