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2023-07-08 12:24:49



相关例句:With time he came to revise his opinion of the profession随着时间的推移,他开始修正自己对这一职业的看法。



revised 英[ru026a"vau026azd] 美[ru026a"vau026azd] adj. 经过修订(或校正)的; v. 修正; 修订( revise的过去式和过去分词 ) 改变; [主英国英语] 复习; [网络] 修改; [例句]I send you my revised catalog and price-list, In the hope that you may find something to suit you.兹寄上经过修订的商品目录和价目表。有些可能对贵方合适。[其他] 形近词: advised devised televised
2023-07-08 08:14:022


2023-07-08 08:14:116


2023-07-08 08:14:252


revised的意思:改变。一、基本解释1、事物发生显著的差别 : 你不可能根本改变人的本性 然而这一回,她的境遇却~得非常大。——鲁迅《祝福》2、改换;更动: ~供电线路室内布置改变一下,给人一种新鲜舒适感3、是对现状的不满,在当下通过学习做出调整和变化,使在未来实现想要的结果。二、引证释义1、变化,事物产生显著的差别。《孔子家语·弟子行》:“ 祈奚 曰:‘每位改变,未知所止,是以不敢得知也。"”唐白居易《重到渭上旧居》诗:“人物日改变,举目悲所遇。”宋罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷十二:“ 杜陵诗云:‘雨晴山不改,晴罢峡如新。"言或雨或晴,山之体本无改变。”茅盾《喜剧》:“经过了五年,这世界的一切当真并没有丝毫的改变么?”2、改换;更改。《全唐诗》卷八九九载《贺圣朝》词:“ 长安道上行客,依旧利深名切。改变容颜,消磨今古,陇头残月。”明黄元吉《流星马》第二折:“小生黄廷道 ,自离了京师,改变了衣服,随身带些乾粮。”巴金《怀念萧珊》:“她想改变自己的生活,不愿作家庭妇女,却又缺少吃苦耐劳的勇气。”三、相关名言1、环境改变的程度越高。——华生2、如果你不满意现在的环境,你就必须改变脑中的思想。如果你的想法是正面的,你会得到正面的结果;如果你的想法是负面的,你一定会得到负面的结果。——陈安之3、分形几何不仅展示了数学之美,也揭示了世界的本质,还改变了人们理解自然奥秘的方式;可以说分形几何是真正描述大自然的几何学,对它的研究也极大地拓展了人类的认知疆域。——周海中
2023-07-08 08:14:541


if there is anything that need to be modified, please inform me .
2023-07-08 08:15:179


vt. 修正;复习;校订vi. 修订;校订;复习功课n. 修订;校订及物动词后面可加名词作为宾语 ,作为名词,可作为动词do的宾语,do some revise
2023-07-08 08:16:242


问题一:"修改"用英语怎么讲? 看你是修改什么 1.correct 改正 用于文章错误时的改正 I have to correct the errors in the position. 我得改正文章中的错误. 2. revise 修改,修正 有进一步完善的意思 Bob asked me to revise my plan. Bob叫我修改计划. 3. modify 变更,修改 To modify by umlaut. 使元音变为曲音 以上三个词程度逐渐加深 问题二:变更用英语怎么说,与修改有区别么? 变更 change 决定性的改变 修改 modif互 微调性的改变 问题三:修改文章用英语怎么说 Modify articles 问题四:修改为英语怎么说 we have revised the carrier"s note as follow THE SAME AS CONSIGNEE.鼎please check. NOTIFY PARTY 问题五:这是我修改过后的版本英语怎么说 Here is the one I"ve revised(或者使用modified), please review (如果是给上次的最好使用review,如果是一般业务关系,可以用check)。 Thanks 问题六:"你是否需要更改"用英文怎么说 Do you need to make any changes? 或者, Do you need to update anything/ any information? 英文中更改更多的用的是update而不是change,update比change地道的多。 问题七:"修改"用英语怎么讲? 看你是修改什么 1.correct 改正 用于文章错误时的改正 I have to correct the errors in the position. 我得改正文章中的错误. 2. revise 修改,修正 有进一步完善的意思 Bob asked me to revise my plan. Bob叫我修改计划. 3. modify 变更,修改 To modify by umlaut. 使元音变为曲音 以上三个词程度逐渐加深 问题八:修改文章用英语怎么说 Modify articles 问题九:"你是否需要更改"用英文怎么说 Do you need to make any changes? 或者, Do you need to update anything/ any information? 英文中更改更多的用的是update而不是change,update比change地道的多。 问题十:这是我修改过后的版本英语怎么说 Here is the one I"ve revised(或者使用modified), please review (如果是给上次的最好使用review,如果是一般业务关系,可以用check)。 Thanks
2023-07-08 08:16:421

revised price是什么意思

2023-07-08 08:16:503

修订是revise 那新订该怎么翻译呢

new edtion! 国际权威翻译的 请参照新概念英语的 新版
2023-07-08 08:17:093

revise 后面跟什么

revise my paper这种,跟宾语。
2023-07-08 08:17:162


This is the revised version,please check,thank you.
2023-07-08 08:17:276

Revised Version是什么意思

Revised Version修订版双语对照词典结果:Revised Versionn.<圣经>钦定英译本修订版; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Finally, lexus unveiled a revised version of its durable lx 570 with seating foreight. 最后,雷克萨斯(Lexus)也展出了老车型LX570的8座改款.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-08 08:17:521


2023-07-08 08:18:001

revised letter是什么?

2023-07-08 08:18:073

The newly revised为啥副词在中间

2023-07-08 08:18:141

审核论文以Revised and resubmitted 什么意思?

2023-07-08 08:18:341

Revised Version是什么意思

2023-07-08 08:18:412

GRE revised General Test 和 GRE 有什么关系

revised是代表更新的 即取消了类比反义词 填空题加入了三空题 阅读题的题型有较大变化数学变难GRE泛指以前大陆和其他地区实行的机考作文和笔考verbal和数学 以及印尼等地的机考
2023-07-08 08:18:501

revised final paper due是什么意思

最后由于修改双语对照例句:1.The final paper due at the start of lecture 12. 期末论文在第12课开始时递交。2.The final paper will be due at the start of our final class meeting, lecture 12. 期末论文在第12课开始时递交,即最后一节课。The final version of the third paper is due on session 24 in class. 第三份报告修改过的最后版本必须在第二十四周的课堂上缴交。
2023-07-08 08:18:582


修回日期又称“改回日期”“修订日期”等(英文用“Revised date”或“Accepted date”表示),是指作者对经过评审的稿件按期刊编辑部提供的“修改意见”修改后返回到编辑部的日期。
2023-07-08 08:19:061

revised version review什么意思

就是你的文章修改后再投,重新被under review
2023-07-08 08:19:153


revised diagnosis综检诊断;诊断修改;修正诊断双语例句1Application of Revised McDonald Criteria in Children with Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis McDonald修订标准在儿童多发性硬化诊断中的应用2Objective In order to explore practical values of the revised Duck criteria for diagnosis and treatment of pediatric infective endocarditis ( IE). 目的探讨修改后Duck标准对儿童感染性心内膜炎(IE)的诊断和治疗价值。
2023-07-08 08:19:411

After I revised it和After I revising it的区别

2023-07-08 08:19:493

Moderate revise是什么意思

Moderate revise 适度的修改
2023-07-08 08:19:583

请求外贸专业人员英语翻译。内容如下: 请见附件是最终的出货资料,涂红色部分是修改过的。您还要支付的

Enclosed please find the packing list, the red area is revised and the balance payment is USD1500.
2023-07-08 08:21:037

inflation percentage和revised invoice,什么意思

2023-07-08 08:21:192

please find the revised one attached

2023-07-08 08:21:261


《1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》(Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941)是由美国几个商业团体制定并经美国全国对外贸易会议修改的贸易术语定义。《美国对外贸易定义》中所解释的贸易术语共有六种,分别为:ue004① Ex(Point of Origin)(产地交货);② FOB(Free on Board)(在运输工具上交货);③ FAS(Free Along Side)(在运输工具旁边交货);④ C&F(Costand Freight)(成本加运费);⑤ CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)(成本加保险费、运费);⑥ Ex Dock(NamedPort of Importation)(目的港码头交货)。《美国对外贸易定义》主要在北美国家采用。由于它对贸易术语的解释,特别是对第2和第3种术语的解释与国际商会《国际贸易术语解释通则》有明显的差异,所以,在同北美国家进行交易时应加以注意。在《美国对外贸易定义》的序言中也明确指出,本定义并无法律的约束力,除非有专门的立法规定或为法院判决所认可,为使其对有关当事人产生法律上的约束力,建议买卖双方接受此定义作为买卖合同的一个组成部分。(
2023-07-08 08:21:362

请教英文SCI修回revised manuscript中如何标注

sharply over and called out to know if that were me; and
2023-07-08 08:21:461


2023-07-08 08:21:532


This has changed the bill of lading, please confirm whether or not they are correct.
2023-07-08 08:22:014

under revised这是什么意思

under revised 根据修订后的
2023-07-08 08:22:191

Last Revised是什么意思?

2023-07-08 08:22:262

Manuscripts with Decisions 是什么状态

Manuscripts with Decisions 是你以前的稿子。Revised Manuscripts in Draft是你现在需要提交的修改稿。你已经点击了提交修改稿的按钮,但是还没有完成,所以出现了Revised Manuscripts in Draft这个状态。如果你已经完成了修改稿,从Revised Manuscripts in Draft进去(不要从Manuscripts with Decisions进去,),点击continue submission,就可以按步骤提交你的Revision了,最后Submit。注意的是,在提交文件的时候如果有修改的文件,需要把原来的删除,再提交。好运。
2023-07-08 08:22:341


我不是很懂 你的意思 我的理解是 1个文件夹你需要打开2个 是这个意思吗?如果你不想一个一个的点的话 你就把地址栏复制下来 打开IE 粘贴 回车 就可以了
2023-07-08 08:22:413


The revised annex issue records, red font that I modify and add content. Please note that after the meeting to be clear, easy to understand, do not be too general and broad. So that everyone understood the issues and how to achieve implementation
2023-07-08 08:22:514

工程塑料的UL簧卡报告 last revised 是什么意思?

last revised意思是上次修订的时间,UL报告的参数会一直完善和增补的,所以会有更新修订。
2023-07-08 08:22:581


7.Because he had not heard about that important decision.a main clause in a complex sentenceHe had not heard about that important decision8.The Sahara is larger than any desert in the world.proper use of comparisonsThe Sahara is larger than any other desert in the world9.We have revised our work plan last night.correct use of the tenseWe revised our work plan last night(过去时态)
2023-07-08 08:23:081

The Weepies - Gotta Have You的中文歌词

歌曲:Gotta Have You歌手:The Weepies所属专辑:Say I Am You歌词:苍白,安静和疲倦,尝试着浅忆不快的往事通过电话我想让你为我疯狂面红耳赤,激情似火我被儿时的歌谣带走我想乘上阳光回来,再也不离开再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒不 不 不 不 不再多的 再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你我必须拥有你长路慢慢变冷长路慢慢变冷今天里的六月感觉不到春天的气息我就像那只敞开心扉咕咕轻啼的小鸡哦 这样的首席女角为我自己难过但是绿色,这也是夏天我不会觉得一丝温暖,除非躺在你的臂弯再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒不 不 不 不 不再多的 再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你我必须拥有你我穿越时空看到这一切吉他 衣箱还有温暖的外套躺在蓝色的小船上轻轻的哼唱再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌没有人 不 不 不 不 不不 任何东西都替代不了我必须拥有你我必须拥有你再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒不 不 不 不 不不 任何东西都替代不了我必须拥有你我必须拥有你我必须拥有你我必须拥有你我必须拥有你
2023-07-08 08:14:332


Orginate in America in the Mothers Festival. May 9,1906, American consuming city Jia-Wei the mother misfortune of silk dies , her grief extremely. Avoid Japan in annual mother death anniversary, Miss An Na organizes catch up the campaign of Sai mother, encourage other person to also express the gratitude for own loving mother with similar way. Hereafter, she convinces people everywhere and establishes the Mothers Festival to the appeal of all sectors of society and call. Her appeal gets warm response. Through draft resolution, on May 10,1913, American Senate and House of Representatives signs by president Wilson second that announces and decides each year"s May for Sunday, is the Mothers Festival. This measure arouses world countries, is imitated one after another, install to 1948 Na pass away , 43 countries have established the Mothers Festival. The Mothers Festival of Japan is also second Sunday of May. In holiday, people give mother a red China pink , express congratulation. It is decided in finally a Sunday of May in 1928 and holiday that France celebrates the Mothers Festival for the first time. On holiday, this day cherishes happy mood frequently with the mothers of million ideas to accept the beautiful wish of " holiday is happy " of own offspring. Thailand announces in 1976 that August 12 is the Mothers Festival. This day is also safe queen the birthday of Li Ji. In holiday, whole country will develop the judgement campaign of " excellent mother ". Children hold the jasmine flower of fragrant strong fragrant , offer the mother given self. The Mothers Festival of a lot of countries of Arabic region is decided in " the spring of March 21 divides " for this day. Local thinks that " spring divides " is beginning from spring , the beginning of one year, with this expresssion mother is great. In the Mothers Festival of Portuguese, it is in December 8; And Indonesia is decided in December 22. In the Mothers Festival, it is regional holiday in our country, earlist have this holiday in Hongkong,Macao and Taiwan region. After reforming and opening up, the Mothers Festival is also accepted for inland. Guangdong province begins in 1988, the cities such as Hangzhou are in the beginning of 1989 years, the celebration campaign from different levels organization the Mothers Festivals of the Women"s Federation, and judgement " good mother " is one of contents of holiday. In the Mothers Festival, a lot of persons give Kang Nai Xin to mother, it is the first time that orginate in the American publishing commemorative stamp of the Mothers Festival of May 1934. A kind mother on stamp, both hands are put on knee, look at a bundle of bright-colored beautiful Kang Nai Xin in preceding vase gladly. Along with the propagation of stamp, in the mind of a lot of persons, connect the Mothers Festival with Kang Nai Xin, Kang Nai Xin has become the flower of symbol maternal love , gets the reverence of people. Kang Nai Xin connects with the Mothers Festival together. People miss mother , give presents to the feelings of mother, entrust on Kang Nai Xin, Kang Nai Xin has also become to give the indispensable valuable gift of mother. 我的最全,楼上的也不全
2023-07-08 08:14:353


2023-07-08 08:14:351


2023-07-08 08:14:405


  我为大家介绍商学院留学Essay英文范文,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。   Please give a brief evaluation of yourself as a leader.   Becoming a leader in the business world has been my goal since high school. In order to succeed at any goal, one must first find a path to reach the goal, and then embark on that path. My path to becoming a leader began in high school. While studying in high school, I demonstrated great dedication, a trait necessary for a leader. I mastered several different disciplines. I passed Advanced Placement tests in Art History, Chemistry and Physics, and graduated in the top 5% of my class. I also had the opportunity to exercise actual leadership skills as President of both the Science Club and the Business Club.   At the State University of California at Los Angeles, I continued to serve leadership positions while remaining committed to my studies. I won first place in the Phi Beta Lambda 31st State Leadership Conference in Management and Information Management. Although I worked 36 hours a week at two part-time jobs, in addition to participating in this conference, I as able to maintain my grades. I joined the General Education Honors Program. Upon entering the working world, I found that the value of leadership is priceless. The climate has changed drastically, from a cooperative, serene learning environment to a place where only the fittest survive. Luckily, my leadership training from high school and college has paid off. I was quickly promoted from purchasing agent to procurement supervisor.   As a further step in becoming a business leader, I recently accepted an offer from Rain Bird to be a buyer/planner. In this role, I am in total control of two product lines that make about $15 million in sales each year. Although I have learned new ways to manage labor and products, in this new position I have finally found my leadership qualities to be inadequate. I need to discover how engineering changes, climate changes, and marketing promotions of Rain Bird and its competitors affect my product lines. I want to learn how information systems enhance and ease business transactions, and how to be more productive and efficient in this global economy. After consulting several fellow co-workers who have studied in UCLA"s FEMBA Program, I think studying there would help me continue on my path of success.   What do you consider to be your most important personal and professional accomplishments?   I have made my most important personal and professional accomplishments as a member of APICS, the Educational Society for Resource Management. A co-worker introduced me to this organization. At first, I was reluctant to join because I thought, "I already have a degree in operations management; why do I need to join an association in which I would learn nothing new?" As time went on I found out more and more about this prestigious organization and gradually discovered that by contributing to it I could improve my managing abilities. I quickly became certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM). After about a year, I was appointed director of the San Gabriel Valley Chapter of APICS, which is the most cherished accomplishment I have to date.   Running a chapter is like running a small business. There is a national body, like a government, which establishes by laws and rules to which we have to adhere. We have to market ourselves, capture customers(members) and make them happy by offering our products and services. We book classrooms and sponsor workshops on different aspects of manufacturing for members and non-members. Every month we have a joint meeting with the Anaheim chapter which features a renowned speaker. We also create and publish a newsletter every month to update our members about APICS and the latest manufacturing trends. Sometimes we solicit companies in the San Gabriel Valley about the possibility of offering APICS classes onsite. The greatest challenge in directing an APICS chapter is in financing all of the chapters activities.   The most valuable benefit I have gained from being an APICS director has been the ties I have developed with fellow directors and members. In APICS, I continually meet new colleagues. They come from large and small companies, and in positions from receiving clerks to vice presidents. We all meet to discuss the latest trends in manufacturing and job opportunities around the area. By learning from each other, we can improve our companies" bottom lines. As an APICS director, I have learned a lot about marketing and finance. I would not have been able to gain such valuable knowledge without hands-on experience.The entrepreneurial abilities I have developed in this position will prove useful as I move further along my path to business success.   Why have you decided to enter the Fully Employed MBA Program? Why is this the appropriate time for you to begin?   There are many reasons why I believe this is the perfect time for me to start the Fully Employed MBA Program at UCLA. With regard to gaining knowledge, I have been learning continuously since high school. During high school summer breaks, I took SAT workshops, and in college, I took classes even in summer quarters. When I graduated and started working, I studied to become CPIM- certified for APICS. Starting the MBA program now is the next most logical step in my career.   In terms of career advancements, I am also pushing myself to the limit. I was quickly promoted to a supervisory level at Rain Bird and to a directing position at APICS. I want to keep my pace on this fast career track. Starting the MBA program now will surely open doors to upper management positions within Rain Bird. With regard to personal goals, I have wanted to go to UCLA since high school. I got accepted by the undergraduate school but financial difficulties forced me to choose a state university. Getting my MBA at UCLA will be a childhood dream coming true. Last but not least in making this the ideal time for me to pursue an MBA is the great support from people around me. My wife believes getting an MBA will improve the quality of our lives; my parents think that with an MBA I can be an exemplary model for my brother and sister; co-workers that are already in the FEMBA program told me the program is excellent and the experience worthwhile; and my plant manager, who is a FEMBA alumna, told me it was the best two and a half years she ever spent in school. With my high expectations and support from others, I am confident that I can succeed at UCLA. I am ready to start the FEMBA program this fall.
2023-07-08 08:14:421


2023-07-08 08:14:472


如今有力的脚又试探着把它重建, 惶怕恐地轻轻冒犯了它的国土条约, 脚下坚硬的土地损伤我的底座。 不远处,脚印之间,我的灾难在沉思…… 渐渐显露的礁石披着滑滑的海藻,易于 隐患逝(石藻不可名状地浑然一体) 礁石出现了……风仿佛掠过尸衣, 编织着水声荡漾的茫茫波纹
2023-07-08 08:14:281


usb3.2传输速度为20Gbps。USB3.2就是在USB3.1Gen2的基础上,将带宽翻了一倍、在现有的USBTypeC线上实现双通道,并且能够向下兼容USB2.0和3.1。usb3.2采用双向数据传输,同时,USB3.2标准将旧的USB3.0和3.1也纳入其中。也就是说,USB3.1 Gen2即USB3.2 Gen2,USB3.0和USB3.1 Gen1即USB3.2 Gen1,而真正的USB3.2则为USB3.2 Gen2x2。USB 3.2重要特性如下:支持在现有的USB Type-C线缆上使用双通道操作,沿用当前的SuperSpeed USB物理层数据速率和编码技术。小幅更新集线器规范以提升性能,确保单/双通道操作之间的无缝切换。要想支持USB 3.2规范,台式机需要在主板上加装一块支持新标准的扩展卡,因此笔记本用户就没那么幸运了。不过好在是,尽管需要新设备和新芯片来兼容USB 3.2特性,但现有的USB-C线缆却可以完全兼容。
2023-07-08 08:14:251


2023-07-08 08:14:221

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps求翻译

2023-07-08 08:14:215


2023-07-08 08:14:183

船讯网显示目的地是 SIN PEBGB请问这是哪里

新加坡 PILOT EASTERN BOARDING GROUND B , 锚地引水员登轮地方B。 新加坡锚地有不同的引水员上船引航的地方,有A,B,C ……
2023-07-08 08:14:181