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zencart 添加评论回复功能admin eviews.php怎么添加

2023-07-08 12:32:53
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
  void function(e,t){for(var n=t.getElementsByTagName("img"),a=+new Date,i=[],o=function(){this.removeEventListener&&this.removeEventListener("load",o,!1),i.push({img:this,time:+new Date})},s=0;s< n.length;s++)!function(){var e=n[s];e.addEventListener?!e.complete&&e.addEventListener("load",o,!1):e.attachEvent&&e.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"==e.readyState&&,o)})}();alog("speed.set",{fsItems:i,fs:a})}(window,document);
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  $rInfo->reviews_rating));??> <small>[<?php?echo?
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  includes emplatesezppt emplates pl_product_reviews_default.php?//功能:显示reviews_reply内容?
  var cpro_id = "u2845472";



回顾2014用英语怎么说 Review 2014 and look forward to the future. 回顾2014,展望未来 “回顾”用英语怎么说 Review 2014 and look forward to the future. 回顾2014,展望未来 精彩回顾的 英语怎么说 Highlight可以 Revieweg:同时,包括现场访问、精彩回顾、文化特辑和运动员博客等,将带给观众最前沿最丰富的奥运大餐。 At the same time, including site visits, 06 Reviews, cultural programme and athletes blog, and so on, will give viewers the forefront of the most abundant of the Olympic feast. 请问“回顾”用英语怎么说?(特指看以前看过的电视电影等) 你上面的句子可以这样说 I watched the movie one more time, it"s really a wonderful movie. 如果是在电视上重播的节目,可以说I watched the re-run of the movie (TV series电视系列剧) 回忆用英语怎么说 回忆: [ huí yì ] 1. recall2. recollect 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 我回忆得起这个人的容貌。 I can recall the men"s features. 2. 这个贫穷的母亲怅惘地回忆她已经逝去的青春。 The poor mother has wistful reminiscences of her lost youth. 3. 这个地方使人回忆起许多生动的往事。 This place conjures up vivid memories. 4. 我回忆不起来多长时间了。 I can"t recall how long it has been. 5. 她回忆起他走得很早. She recalled that he had left early. 6. 把发生的事情尽可能仔细地回忆一下. Try to recall (to mind) exactly what happened. 7. 这件事唤起了他对过去苦难经历的回忆。 The incident woke memories of his past sufferings. 8. 你能回忆起多久以前的事情? How far does your memory go back? 重点回顾用英语怎么说 imporetant review “回忆”用英文怎么说 动词:recall 名词 memory 例句: I recall all the great memories. 我回忆了所有的美好往事回忆;
2023-07-08 08:24:052

英语like a line of soldiers on review怎么翻译?

like a line of soldiers on review字面意思‘就像一排正在接受检查的士兵"‘就像一排正在被检阅的士兵
2023-07-08 08:24:293

Reviews Completed是什么意思

Reviews Completed的中文翻译_百度翻译Reviews Completed回顾完成
2023-07-08 08:25:057

wiley期刊的evaluating reviews是什么意思

evaluating reviews是审稿意见已回,等待编辑决定。 不过不幸的是编辑决定再找多一个审稿人 evaluation recommendation会在evaluating reviews后出现,关于这个状态大家说法不一,个人感觉可能是审稿意见返回后,编辑也参与审稿的一种状态
2023-07-08 08:25:211

名词解释 系统评价

系统评价(systematic reviews)是对新开发的或改建的系统,根据预定的系统目标,用系统分析的方法,从技术、经济、社会、生态等方面对系统设计的各种方案进行评审和选择,以确定最优或次优或满意的系统方案。由于各个国家社会制度、资源条件、经济发展状况、教育水平和民族传统等各不相同,所以没有统一的系统评价模式。评价项目、评价标准和评价方法也不尽相同。
2023-07-08 08:26:011

chart reviews什么意思

chart reviews 图表检阅reviews n. 回顾; 复习( review的名词复数 ); (报刊的) 评论; 检阅; v. 检验( review的第三人称单数 ); 复查; 写…的评论文章; 复习功课,温习功课; [例句]I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up.我点击了一个链接,有关该剧的最新评论弹了出来。
2023-07-08 08:26:091

efort open reviews是水刊吗

2023-07-08 08:26:161

movie reviews是什么意思

movie review[英][u02c8mu:vi riu02c8vju:][美][u02c8muvi ru026au02c8vju]n.电影评论; 例句:Related lunar eclipse 2010 december news movie review 21. 有关月食2010年12月21日新闻电影评论
2023-07-08 08:26:252


review 是规则变化,过去分词是直接在后面加 ed即reviewed
2023-07-08 08:26:333

期刊直接reviews send back to author是啥意思

reviews send back to author意思是:评论发回作者。指期刊把评论发回给作者。重点词汇:author。英['u0254:θu0259(r)]释义:n.作者,著者;作家;发起者,创始人;作品。v.撰写,写作;发起,创造。[复数:authors;第三人称单数:authors;现在分词:authoring;过去式:authored;过去分词:authored]短语:implied author隐含作者;隐藏作者;隐指作者。词语使用变化:authorn.(名词)1、author的意思是“作者”,专指从事文学作品创作的人;特指男性作家;与之相对的阴性名词为authoress,但此词现已很少使用;引申可作“策划者,造成…的人”解。2、author意为“作者”,“作家”,常指文章或书的创作者,要注意同“校订者”,以及“翻译”和“编辑”区分开来。author作为“文学家”的统称时,往往单独使用。
2023-07-08 08:26:531


卖家如何运用合规的方法为自己获得亚马逊review呢?现总结如下:1、建立客户邮件列表u271a这是一个长久的累积过程,首先需要获得目标客户的电子邮件。你的电子邮件列表可能是那些来自购买了产品,并留下评论的客户。《亚马逊Review与Feedback有什么区别?》卖家还可以访问竞争对手的亚马逊listing页面,找到目标用户电子邮件地址。2、利用各种论坛u271a你可以进入相关的论坛中,参与讨论。与其中的潜在用户群建立了良好的关系以后,你可以免费赠送一些产品给他们,请求他们在你的产品下留下亚马逊review。3、获得亚马逊review服务u271a官方允许的vine voice,俗称绿标,这是平台允许的,但投诉也不小。有条件的卖家可以去申请,但一定要记得自己亲自去弄或者找可靠的中介,切勿找到无良中介造成钱货两空还死了账号。4、充分利用客户服务u271a这一点和第一点类似,主要是从改善客户服务的切入点顺便促成客户主动留下客观的亚马逊review,而方法也是手动发邮件。
2023-07-08 08:27:135


reviews的意思中文为回顾。n.回顾;审查;评论;检讨;(review的复数)。v.复习;评论;回顾;检查;(review的第三人称单数)。复数:reviews。原形:review。第三人称单数:reviews。现在分词:reviewing。过去式:reviewed。过去分词:reviewed。网络释义:评论。综述。点评。评语。复审。双语例句:1、The coffee had perked him up long enough to tackle the reviews.咖啡使他振奋了一段时间来处理那些评论。2、A compendium of advertisements and reviews, interlarded with gossip.一份登载广告和评论的小集子,其中夹杂着一些小道传闻。3、their recent tour received rave reviews.他们近期的巡回演出受到热烈赞扬。4、your reviews are spot on.你的评论恰如其分。5、Of the reviews there is no lack of sharp criticism.所有评论中不乏激烈的批评。
2023-07-08 08:28:351


review 做名词的时候可数 ,意思是 回顾,复习,评论;复数形式是:reviews. 例句: The bad reviews of her new book were very hurtful to her. 对她的新书的负面评论使她很难过。 扩展资料   I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up.   我点击了一个链接,最近的演出评论就出来了。   Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column.   评论文章荟萃了发表于各大专栏文章的精华。   The film lost money; reviews, on the other hand, were by and large favourable.   这部电影赔了钱;但从另一方面来看,评论大体上是积极的"。   You want contemporary reviews.   你想要当代的评论。
2023-07-08 08:29:081


Nixon and i had a lengthy review . 尼克松和我对局势进行了详尽的审议。 Your case is ing up for review in may . 你的事情将在五月再研究。 He writes short reviews for the monthly magazines . 他为这些月刊写短评。 The play was killed by bad reviews . 那出戏被贬斥的评论扼杀了。 Our contracts are currently under review . 我们的合同正在复查。 I hope i made that clear in my review . 这一点我希望在我的书评中已说清楚。 Some review of its activities is required . 我们需要对其活动进行一些叙述。 He reviewed the miptary dispositions . 他回顾了军事部署情况。 The review was founded in 1963 . 这一评论性杂志创刊于1963年。 These have been psted in a recent review . 这些在最近的综论中已列出一览表。 The sentence would be reviewed . 判决照例要报请上级核准。 He called upon alexander to review the situation . 他请亚历山大综述当前的形势。 This subject has recently been reviewed by lete . Lete最近总结了这个专题。 There were no spdes and no financial reviews . 既没有幻灯片,也没有财务报告书。 Let us review this reasoning . 让我们回顾这个推理过程。 We arrive at the following review . 我们得出以下结论。 I am determined that this situation shall be reviewed . 我决心要重新研究这种情况。 His bitter childhood passed in review before the old man . 老人回顾了他悲惨的童年。 Let "s meet and review briefly each group "s discussion . 咱们碰一下各组讨论的情况。 Superior courts may review decisions of lower courts . 高级法院可复审下级法院的判决。 Among the reprints are a few excellent reviews . 在转载的这些文章中有一些极好的评论。 We have reviewed the whole text . 课文全复习完了。 Soldiers arrayed for review . 士兵们列队等待检阅。 These arrangements are subject to periodic reviews ... 这几项安排每隔一定时间须予复查。 While the war was raging, we reviewed our plans . 在激战正酣之际,我们审查了我们的计划。 They reviewed and rehearsed their cover story . 他们两个开始仔细推敲和排演他们编造的节目。 Parsons has reviewed the population geics pterature . Parsons给种群遗传学文献写了书评。 The review menced pubpcation in carmel, capfornia . 这家杂志创刊于加利福尼亚州的卡默尔。 These matters are under review [consideration] by the party mittee . 这些问题党委正在研究。 He read widely, and wrote innumerable reviews and articles . 他涉猎甚广,书评和论文也洋洋可观。 At poyds the concept of sponsorship is constantly being reviewed . 在劳合银行赞助的观念始终受到怀疑。 Norton has reviewed conditions of deposition of the uranium host rocks . 诺顿论述了含铀主巖的沉积条件。 Lord placed the report on a pile of others previously reviewed . 洛德把这份报告同已经审查过的放到一起。 She reviewed the heady days behind and the challenges ahead . 她回顾了过去令人伤脑筋的日子和未来的挑战。 The book was kindly and favourably reviewed in the principal papers . 这本书得到几家主要报纸的赞许和好评。 The drawing procedure is reviewed before interpreting this figure . 在解释这个图以前,先复习一下画图的方法。 An eighteenth-century satirist reviewed the troublesome period . 一位18世纪的讽刺作家对这一动乱时期作了评论。 The state medical service has been very much under review recently . 最近正在对国家的医疗事业进行认真的检查。 Since peano"s approach is very widely used we shall review it . 由于Peano的处理方法已被广泛使用,我们将介绍它。 Review of the various uranium areas shows a range in provenance . 概括各个不同的含铀区,即可得出一个来源的范围。 It would be beneficial to review the fundamental theory of electrostatics . 因此有必要对静电的基本理论作一简介。 In any other country the review would be known by a crude name . 在其它任何国家,这种调查都会得到一个难听的名字。 In the sections that follow, we shall begin with a review of newton"s laws . 从下面几节,我们将开始复习牛顿的定律。 A more pact review of a tutorial nature was pubpshed by ginzburg . 金兹伯格则发表了一篇指导性质的更简明的述评。 The system digital circuit requirements are now reviewed and modified . 现在需要对系统数字电路的要求进行分析和修改。 It is desirable to review in this book the fundamental concepts and principles . 本书拟就一些基本概念和原理作出评述。 Reviewing money matters is how i shall spend most of the six months . 六个月中大部分时间我要干的就是审理有关钱的问题。 Some methods for acppshing this program are reviewed in the following section . 下一节评议完成这一程序的一些方法。 Their review should be consulted for a more detailed description of the work . 他们的评论可作为这项工作详细记述的参考。 For individuals below the top level, quarterly reviews may be enough . 对于高层以下的人员,每季度进行一次检查可能就够了。
2023-07-08 08:29:521

wiley期刊的evaluating reviews是什么意思

evaluating reviews是审稿意见已回,等待编辑决定。不过不幸的是编辑决定再找多一个审稿人evaluation recommendation会在evaluating reviews后出现,关于这个状态大家说法不一,个人感觉可能是审稿意见返回后,编辑也参与审稿的一种状态
2023-07-08 08:30:161

亚马逊 customer reviews 是什么意思,销售量

customer reviews词典用户评论网络读者评论; 客户评论; 设计有效的客户评论 双语例句 Soon after Spore accumulated a hefty sum of customer complaints, some cried foul when Amazon"s UK store appeared to have yanked hundreds of customer reviews.在孢子积攒了数量客观的用户抱怨之后不久,很快有人惊呼亚马逊英国店貌似删除了数百条用户评论。
2023-07-08 08:30:482

reviews returned是什么意思

2023-07-08 08:30:551

wiley期刊的evaluating reviews是什么意思

"Evaluating reviews" 是指在Wiley期刊中,审稿意见已经返回,而编辑正在评估这些审稿意见。在这个阶段,编辑可能会考虑接受或拒绝论文,或者要求作者进行修改和改进。这个过程可能需要咨询其他审稿人的意见,因此可能需要一段时间来完成。
2023-07-08 08:31:052

Reviews Completed是什么意思

Reviews Completed 完善的评论reviewsn.回顾; 复习( review的名词复数 ); (报刊的)评论; 检阅; v.检验( review的第三人称单数 ); 复查; 写…的评论文章; 复习功课,温习功课; completed[英][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad][美][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad]adj.完整的,包含全部内容的; v.完成; 使完善( complete的过去式和过去分词 ); 使完整; 填写(表格); 例句:1.When"s the last time you completed your daily to-do list? 你上次完成你的日常工作清单是什么时候?2.The committee had just completed a two-day meeting. 该委员会刚刚结束为期两天的会议。
2023-07-08 08:31:452

she usually writes some book reviews中review是什么词性?

She usually writes some book re -views .句末的 some book reviews 中 reviews n. 名词 : 回顾, 复习,评论 ,句子汉语: 她通常写一些书评 。
2023-07-08 08:31:522


2023-07-08 08:32:206

mixed reviews是什么意思

2023-07-08 08:32:531

Reviews Completed是什么意思

Reviews Completed做好了的评论Reviews回顾双语对照例句:1.Hotels need to establish a process for tracking new reviews. 酒店需要建立一个追踪最新评论的流程。completed[英][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad][美][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad]adj.完整的,包含全部内容的; v.完成; 使完善( complete的过去式和过去分词 ); 使完整; 填写(表格); .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-08 08:33:011


一、首先是移除差评(Feedback) 主旨的部份尽量语气直接用字简明,让买家收到时再收信匣的预览界面就可以一目了然。再来是内容的部份,以下是请买家提供 SKU / ASIN 来做查询,可以依照您的需求来做内容调整。首先都是要先表达歉意,以及还有愿意积极处理的诚意,最后再表达由衷地感谢给予改进的机会。(以下为参考模板) 电邮主旨:Regarding your AMAZON.COM order feedback with 店铺名称 Dear Customer, You recently left us a negative feedback regarding your order placed with 店铺名称 on AMAZON.COM. We are sorry about the inconvenience. Please kindly provide us with the SKU number under the bar code label on the item packaging or on the box or plastic wrapping the item was in. Please let us know exactly what"s the model of your device and we will look into this matter. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for giving us the opportunity to rectify the matter. Sincerly yours 店铺名称 Customer Service Team 二、接着是移除负评(Product Reviews) 主旨当然也是一样简明扼要,不要添加太多无谓的赘字。 因为留下 Reviews 是比较需要多步骤的操作,也不需要购买就能留评! 记得!不管买家留下好评跟差评!首先先表明对对方愿意花时间写下 Reviews 致谢(基本礼貌先做好,老外有些吃软不吃硬,有时后你愿意提供免费商品给他,她还会跟 Amazon 检举你..)要这样的思路想,买家已经花时间帮你写评论,他们是无偿的,写下来不管好评或者差评,不管麦家有没有办法心平气和的去看待,都要感谢一下!作为改善产品的基准! 之后再开始表明对于 Reviews差评的歉意与具体改善的方法(如真诚地道歉、提供退款),之后就是展现客服的诚意,让对方了解他的意见是被认真重视的,给予顾客被尊重的感觉。(以下为参考模板),比较重要的是,千万不可以跟买家协商:退款给您,但是请您留好评,这样的字句在。 电邮主旨:Regarding your Amazon Product Review Dear Customer, Thank you for your purchase and taking the time to write a product review. We are terribly sorry to hear the product you received is defective and would like to know if we can send you a free replacement or assist you with a refund. Customer reviews is important to us and we value your response. All responses will be used to further improve the quality of our service and products. Please let us know how we may assist you to resolve the issue you have experienced. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for giving us the opportunity to rectify the matter. Sincerly yours 店铺名称 Customer Service Team
2023-07-08 08:33:081

reviews completed 这是什么意思 是不是文章被毙掉了

"reviews completed" 的意思是指审稿结束,并且已经完成了对该文章的评审。这并不一定意味着文章被毙掉了,因为审稿的结果可能是接受的,也可能是拒绝的,也可能是需要修改后再审。具体的结果还需要等待编辑的处理。
2023-07-08 08:33:162

怎样引导买家修改Amazon review?

差评猛于虎,面对亚马逊Product reviews,一个差review往往会使我们的销量一落千丈。Product Reviews 没有时间限制,随时可以修改,移除1个差评胜过20个好评。1. Product reviews的重要性一个产品的review最能直接影响客户是否购买的决定性因素之一。无论是通过关键字搜索找到我们的产品,还是通过类目找到我们的产品。买家总是可以很直观的看到我们的产品review。产品review对我们产品的转化率影响是很大的。2. Product reviews的分类2.1 亚马逊对于商品评论给予买家言论自由的权利,所以不论买家是否购买过该商品,都可以留下相关的评论。Product reviews分为2种,一种是有购买认证的,也就是大家在页面上经常看到的Verified Purchase,还有一种就是没有购买认证的,也就是亚马逊买家没有下单,直接给的产品review。2.2 从评分综合上分,Product reviews分为3种:1-2分是差评,3分是中评,4-5分是好评 。
2023-07-08 08:33:391

Reviews invited是不是过了初审

2023-07-08 08:34:152

Springer一篇文章Reviews Completed一个月了,什么情况

Reviews Completed的含义是所有审稿人都审完了,等待编辑做结论。只有等结果了,估计是修改。要拒的话,拒稿下结论的速度一般会比较快
2023-07-08 08:34:591


  评价,通常是指对一件事或人物进行判断、分析后的结论。如:至于它的内容,如果真有读者,将自会领会,自会评价,用不着我自己说什么。那么你知道评价用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    评价英语说法1:   evaluate    评价英语说法2:   assess    评价英语说法3:   estimate    评价的相关短语:   技术评价 Technology assessment ; technical evaluation ; technical review ; technological assessment   经济评价 economic evaluation ; economic appraisal ; business valuation ; economic assessment   教育评价 educational evaluation ; educational assessment ; education assessment and evaluation ; evaluation of education   安全评价 Safety Assessment ; safety evaluation ; risk assessment ; security evaluation   无损评价 Nondestructive Evaluation ; NDE ; UNDE ; NOE   营养评价 nutrition assessment ; Nutritional evaluation ; estimate of nutrition ; SGNA   个人评价 Personal Valuation ; Personal assessment ; Personal ; Self-Evaluation   药物评价 drug evaluation   临床评价 Clinical evaluation ; Clinical assessment ; Clinical Effectiveness    评价的英语例句:   1. The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.   对操行的评价会含有一些泛泛之论。   2. He seemed to be a good man, well thought of by all.   大家都对他评价不错,他似乎是个好人。   3. His administration has earned low marks for its economic policies.   他的班子在经济政策上所获评价很低。   4. How can he form any judgement of the matter without the figures?   没有这些数字,他怎么能对这件事作出任何评价呢?   5. They"re asked to make objective, in inverted commas, evaluations of these statements.   他们被要求对这些陈述作所谓“客观”的评价。   6. I am ready to judge any book on its merits.   我愿意根据每本图书各自的优点来作出评价。   7. They took a dim view of local trade unionists.   他们对当地的工会会员们评价很低。   8. The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim.   该影片受到了影评人和公众的高度评价。   9. He is highly regarded, but his youth might count against him.   人们对他的评价很高,但他年纪轻轻这一点也许会对他不利。   10. The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.   国防部长对目前的战事给予了乐观的评价。   11. "He speaks well of you." — "I"m glad to hear that."   “他对你评价很高。”——“真高兴听到这个。”   12. He has gone down considerably in my estimation.   我对他的评价已经一落千丈。   13. It"s very hard to pass judgement on yourself.   很难对自身作出评价。   14. The play received rave reviews from the critics.   这部剧得到了评论家的高度评价。   15. The Director thought a good deal of him.   主任对他评价很高。
2023-07-08 08:35:061

英语critic Reviews什么意思?

critic (名词、形容词:批评家,评论家;=critical 批评的,评论的);review 评论,回顾,审查,述评等。critic reviews 述评,评论,审阅,评析,回顾分析,评论综述,批判性的回顾
2023-07-08 08:35:131

customer reviews是什么意思

customer reviews 用户评论[例句]Find customer reviews , product information and shopping sites with these search engines.通过下列搜索引擎可以查询到顾客评论、产品信息及购物地点。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-08 08:35:281

Editorial Reviews是什吗意思?

editorial review 编辑审读(1) 目前没有对本词条修改信息 用户纠错 您要纠错的词条: editorial review 您要纠错的译词项: 编辑审读==新增译词== 您的称呼: 您的Email: 请选择您认为该词条有误的原因: 译义不准 拼写错误 译词重复 其他(请在下面输入您的理由) 请输入您认为正确的译词: 请输入您修改该词条的依据(参考资料或背景知识): 编辑审读 The structural characteristics of the combination of basic language types and their interrelationship are also discussed with reference to editorial review of scientific manuscripts. 并探讨了基本语言类型组合的结构特征及其相互关系,可为编辑审读科技文稿提供借鉴。 评价 添加词条 短句来源 中文词条: 英文词条: 用户名: Email: “editorial review”译为未确定词的双语例句 Editorial Review: This article is a preface to the book. The study of Liu Zong-yuan (柳宗元) :1980-2005 本文系作者为《柳宗元研究:1980-2005》一书所作的序言,题目为编者所加。 评价 添加词条 短句来源 中文词条: 英文词条: 用户名: Email: Introduction to Alan Hollinghurst and Editorial Review of The Line of Beauty 阿兰·霍灵赫斯特及《美丽线条》述评
2023-07-08 08:35:381


2023-07-08 08:35:541

Reviews of Geophysics的缩写?

Reviews of Geophysics的缩写是:Rev.Geophy.地球物理学综述.这是一个受邀科学家在地球物理学和空间科学方面发表综述的国际性期刊。Reviews of Geophysics is an invitation-only reviews journal that provides overviews of recent research in all areas of the Earth and space sciences.
2023-07-08 08:36:121

系统综述(systematic reviews)

2023-07-08 08:36:201


英文论文写作心得   对于一篇英文论文来说,要保证其完整度和优异的质量,以及考虑到导师所给出的如时间、参考资料等各方面的条件限制,下文是总结的一些英语论文写作心得体会。一起来看看吧!   英文论文写作心得体会篇一:   【写作前准备】   1、自己的实验结果是否够发一篇SCI文章?   2、适合发表在什么杂志?是选择专业期刊?还是综合期刊?   3、为什么类型的投稿(Types of submission)?比如Articles(论著);Reviews(综述);Reports(报告);Letter to editor(来信)等。   4、该杂志的影响因子(Impact factor)是多少,每年发表多少文章?是否有过本土中国人在上面发表?(便于评价自己的文章被接收的可能性)。   6、有没有下载该杂志最新的投稿须知(Instructions for authors)?   7、是否弄清楚了投稿须知各个条目的意思?   8、是否接收网上投稿(Submission on line)(一般有网上投稿的杂志更为方便)?   9、是否收版面费(Page charges)?如果论文被接收,自己的经济能力能否支付该杂志的发表全部费用。   10、手头有多少相关内容的文献?(越多越好,这样写作的时候能借鉴他们的思路和语句,对分析讨论的开展也很有好处)   【写作环节】   1、不要用中国式的思维去写英文句子。   2、套用老外的写作思路(比如前言第1段写对疾病的认识及重要性,第2段对基本背景知识的介绍,第3段如何引出研究问题。讨论部分往往每一段第一句为该段的中心句。)   3、格式一定要严格按照所投杂志的要求来排版(可以参考投稿须知的要求和该杂志最近发表的文章,要做到一模一样,这样编辑认为你是认真对待的)。   4、避免使用首次发现,该研究特别有意义的语句(老外喜欢你陈述事实,是不是首次发现由别人说了算,有没有意义需要时间来检验)。   5、首页有什么特殊要求?比如是否写清了通讯作者(Corresponding author)和页眉标题(Running title),Running title是否符合字符数要求,一般50个字符以下。首页是否要求标明全文字符数(The number of characters must be listed on the title page)。首页是否要求提供关键词(Key words),现在很多杂志在正式出版的时候是看不到关键词的,他多数目的是为了编辑好选择审稿专家。   6、摘要是否为有特殊格式(比如格式摘要:目的,方法,结果,结论),是否有字数限制(比如205个字以下)。   7、注意参考文献(References)一定要符合杂志的格式,参考文献的数目是否有限制。是否不能引用正在出版的(In press)文章或未公开的(Unpublished data)数据。   8、是否引用了较多著名杂志的文章为参考文献(大家看影响因子超过10的杂志文章,他们引用的文献多数也是来自10以上的杂志,也就是说你投高影响因子的杂志就尽量不要引用低档杂志的文章,这是一条潜规则)。   9、引用了几篇该杂志的文章作为参考文献(有的杂志有明确要求要引几篇,有的没有要求,但是编辑在还是喜欢你多引他们杂志的文章)。   10、写完后最好先找一个在国外呆过几年的`中国人修改第1次(这样能纠正明显写作错误和表达,又明白你的写作意思),然后再找一个英语为母语的人修改(最好是学医的,这样能够纠正一些微小错误和表达习惯)。最终的目的是即使退稿也不是因为语言问题。人家修改完了注意在回信中致谢(Thank you very much for the excellent and professional revision of our manuscript. In future, I will send you my English manuscripts for proofreading! I will acknowledge your help in the footnote.)和在文章中致谢(We thank *** for critical reading of the manuscript.)。   11、注意文章中不要有中文输入法情况下的标点符号(老外的计算机操作系统可能识别为乱码或者为非法程序)。   12、标点符号是否正确?空格是否恰当?   13、注意缩写的格式,时间表示的格式,希腊字母的格式。   14、该斜体的地方是否是斜体(in vitro,in vivo等)。   15、材料与方法中试剂后的厂家是否该杂志的要求(有的不但要标明公司名字和国家,还要城市名,货号)。   16、是否进行了伦理道德的申明。(如果进行了动物实验和人体实验)。   17、图表是否符合杂志的数目(Number)、大小(Size)和分辨率(Resolution)要求?有几副彩图(建议能设置为灰度的图就改成灰度的图,比如一些统计结果图。因为彩图收费(Color charges)是很贵的)。   18、图的格式类型是否有要求,一般只接收EPS或TIFF格式。图的模式是否有要求,比如过去一般要求是CMYK模式,现在很多杂志要求RGB模式。   19、图表是放在后面,还是插入在文章中。(看投稿须知要求)。   20、字数是否符合杂志要求(有的杂志对字数也有要求。比如最多8个版面。他一般会告诉你怎么推测自己的文章占几个版面,比如有的杂志大约是8000个字符数(characters)(包括空格)为一个版面)。   21、全文的字号是否符合要求。(一般是12号字(12-point),双倍行距(Double space))。   22、是否进行了致谢(国外的文章一般都会致谢。一般要求写受什么基金资助,谁对文章改了,谁进行了技术帮助,谁提供了一些实验材料等;其中很多杂志基金资助一般写在Footnote中)。   英文论文写作心得体会篇二:   1. 要写好科研论文,必须先养成读英文文章的习惯,争取每天30-60分钟。刚开始可以选择以读英文报纸、英文新闻为主,逐渐转为读专业杂志。我会在近期专门写一篇博客文章介绍一套行之有效的增强读专业杂志能力的办法。   2. 写科研论文,最重要的是逻辑。逻辑的形成来自对实验数据的总体分析。必须先讨论出一套清晰的思路,然后按照思路来做图(Figures),最后才能执笔。   3. 具体写作时,先按照思路(即Figures)写一个以subheading为主的框架,然后开始具体写作。第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而主要留心逻辑(logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。写作时,全力以赴,尽可能不受外界事情干扰(关闭手机、座机),争取在最短时间内拿出第一稿。还要注意:一句话不可太长。   4. 学会照葫芦画瓢。没有人天生会写优秀的科研论文,都是从别人那里学来的。学习别人的文章要注意专业领域的不同,有些领域(包括我所在的结构生物学)有它内在的写作规律。科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如 “To investigate the mechanism of u2026, we performed u2026”, “These results support the former, but not the latter, hypothesis u2026”, “Despite recent progress, how u2026 remains to be elucidated u2026” 等等。用两次以后,就逐渐学会灵活运用了。在向别人学习时,切忌抄袭。在美国一些机构,连续7个英文单词在一起和别人的完全一样,原则上就被认为抄袭(plagiarism)。   5. 第一稿写完后,给自己不要超过一天的休息时间,开始修改第二稿。修改时,还是以逻辑为主,但对每一句话都要推敲一下,对abstract和正文中的关键语句要字斟句酌。学会用“Thesaurus”(同义词替换)以避免过多重复。第二稿的修改极为关键,再往后就不会大改了。   6. 第二稿以后的修改,主要注重具体的字句,不会改变整体逻辑了。投稿前,一定要整体读一遍,对个别词句略作改动。记住:学术期刊一般不会因为具体的语法错误拒绝一篇文章,但一定会因为逻辑混乱而拒绝一篇文章。   这套方法行之有效,我对所有的学生和博士后都会如此教导。我的第一个博士后是柴继杰,1999年加入我在普林斯顿大学的实验室。继杰当时的英文阅读和写作能力很差。我对他的第一个建议就是,“每天花半小时读英文报纸”。难能可贵的是:他坚持下来了!经过几年的努力,2004年继杰已经能写出不错的grant proposal,2006年他的第一篇独立科研论文发表在《Molecular Cell》上,随后相继在《自然》发表两篇、在其它一流学术期刊发表十多篇论文。写作能力开始成熟。   发表论文是一件值得高兴的事情,但要明白:论文只是一个载体,是为了向同行们宣告你的科研发现,是科学领域交流的重要工具。所以,在科研论文写作时,一定要谨记于心的就是:用最简单的话表达最明白的意思,但一定要逻辑严谨!其实,中文和英文论文皆如此! ;
2023-07-08 08:36:271


2023-07-08 08:36:403

editorial reviews是什么意思

editorial reviews编辑评论如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-08 08:36:503

umbrella review这个词汇怎么翻译比较妥?

2023-07-08 08:36:582

顶级期刊之《现代物理评论》(Reviews of Modern Physics)

说少林跟武当是武林两大最大的门派,武林中人不会有啥意见。但是要是说少林或者武当武功天下第一,那很多人就不干了。就算少林有72项绝艺,可练武也得有天赋的,不见得有武林秘籍就可以成高手的。SCIENCE和跟NATURE发表的文章的确都很新颖,都是很重要的发现,但是在具体研究方向上的深度却不及很多专业期刊。在物理方向上,创刊于1929年的《现代物理评论》(Reviews of Modern Physics)就跟神话一般的存在,它是国际物理学界最权威的综述性评论杂志,有物理学“圣经”之称。虽然讨论它的影响因子有点俗,它早就超越了影响因子。不过话说回来,44的影响因子还是要比SCIENCE跟NATURE高出那么一截的。 《现代物理评论》(Reviews of Modern Physics)并不接受投稿,只是由杂志编辑邀稿,2011年一共刊登了38篇文章。能在这个杂志上发文,基本都是公认的国际大师级的权威。到目前为止,中国一共在上面发表了3篇文章,1985年一篇,2012年2篇,分别是: 每篇文章都是当今物理研究热点的总结,动辄几十上百页,也只有领域内的大牛才敢执笔。对咱们这种小菜鸟来说,这真的是高山仰止了。就笔者俺所在的专业的一篇文章来说,短短几年时间,引用率已经1000多了,所以说是“圣经”也不为过。 据江湖小道消息,能在上面发表的课题将来是潜在的诺贝尔奖。所以呢,诺贝尔物理学奖一直跟中国没啥关系,也可以从咱们的发文章数量体现的出来。就靠1985年的那篇顶了这么多年啊。不过以后好了,2012年出来了2篇,说不定以后会越来越多呢,所以大伙儿不必灰心,每年10月份至少都还是有点盼头的。
2023-07-08 08:37:071

glowing reviews是什么意思?

glowing 在这里应该是 highly enthusiastic(非常热烈/热切)的意思,这样的用法,常见的还有 glowing praisesIf a manager"s subordinates provide less than glowing reviews,that manager loses part of his or her bonus.经理人的下属如果给了不够热切的评论,该经理人会失去一部分奖金。意思就是:属下在评比时对经理的评论很重要,会影响到奖金
2023-07-08 08:37:151

systematic reviews是什么意思

systematic reviews系统综述 系统评价例句:1.Systematic reviews of dietary pesticide exposure all come to the same conclusion: thattypical dietary exposure to pesticide residues in foods poses minimal risks to humans. 有关饮食接触农药的系统综述都得出同样的一个结论:通过饮食接触食物中的农药残留对人们造成的危害风险是最小的。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-08 08:37:221

price review什么意思?求帮助

2023-07-08 08:37:315


yao zhe ge gan shen me
2023-07-08 08:33:333


查询快递海关清关状态的方法:1. 登录海关官方网站查询。2. 拨打海关热线电话12360进行咨询。3. 到海关办公现场进行查询。以上就是查询海关清关状态的一些方法,希望对您有所帮助。
2023-07-08 08:33:352


深大有个FOUR+快题 研究生办的 好像有资料送貌似
2023-07-08 08:33:362


2023-07-08 08:33:371


2023-07-08 08:33:271


2023-07-08 08:33:252


Hometown: 1. Where is your hometown? (Or, what partof China do you come from?) My hometown is Nanjing, the capital ofJiangsu Province. I came to Nanjing with my parents and grandparents when I was2 years old. So, Nanjing is my hometown.2. What"s the most famous thing about your hometown? The best part of my hometown, from my perspective, is the history with more than 2000 years, and it"s also the capital of six dynasties in China. It has witnessed the rise and fall ofdifferent dynasties and I am proud of being a citizen here.3. Is there anything worth visiting in your hometown? Undoubtedly, I would say Doctor Sun Yet-Sen"s Mausoleum. He"s considered to be the Father of Modern China both Mainland and Taiwan. The tomb is situated in the eastern suburb of Nanjing and it"s reallymagnificent.4. Has your hometown changed much in the past few years? (e.g. 20 years) It has been changed a lot for the last 20 years. Twenty years ago, Jingling Hotel was the highest building in Nanjing.Now it"s surrounded by enormous skyscrapers in Xinjiekou District, which is the largest business circle in Asia. So, you know, the housing industry is changing the city on an almost daily basis. Shopping: 1. Do you enjoy shopping? Yes, definitely, a lot. You know how much most girls like shopping, and I am no exception. I frequently go shopping with my mother or some friends. There are many new shopping malls in my city, with a lot of new shops, more choices. It"s always exciting to go there ,and relaxing,too.2. Do you prefer shopping in modern stores or in traditional markets? I definitely prefer to go to the modern department stores, because I know I can find whatever I want there. The shops offer a great variety of brand-name clothes. Usually the traditional markets in my hometown only sell cheap products or counterfeit items.3. What sorts of things do you enjoy buying most? I like to buy books. I read a lot, and I enjoy seeing all the books on the shelves in my house. Books are great; they allow me to relax, and they open the doors to an imaginary world. They make me dream. In addition, I love the smell of new books. I know it"s a bit weird,isn"t it?Food: 1. What"s your favorite food? Well, that"s a tough question because I loveso many different kinds of food, especially anything spicy. I love the specialties from Sichuan Province. I am sure you are familiar with Sichuan cuisine. They use red hot chilies with meat or vegetables. Everything is so tasty and colorful! A couple of days ago, I went out for dinner with some friends and we had spicy food: meat and tofu, as well as green beans and all kinds of vegetables in a spicy hot pot. It was unbelievable! It"s going to make my mouth water just thinking about it!2. What kinds of food are popular in yourcountry? It really depends on where you are. You know how huge our country is. So every area offers different types of cooking, different specialties. The coastal regions are usually big on sea food: in Fujian we love to eat fish and shrimps, and crab, anything from the ocean. In the western regions of china, they tend to eat spicy food, with lots of peppers. In the north, they eat dumplings, and a lot of fried foods. In general, the Chinese eat a lot of rice and vegetables. And in the last 10 years, everyone has been eating more meat too, thanks to the economic development our country has experienced.3. What are some of the benefits of eating home-cooked food? Well, obviously the food is cleaner; it"snot as oily as in restaurants; and because it"s prepared with love, home-cooked food always tastes better! At home, my mother always prepares the food very carefully. She buys the vegetables herself; she selects the best parts of the meat, and gets rid of the fatty bits too. And most important, she doesn"t use too much MSG or oil.4. What do you think about fast food? There are different kinds of fast food. If we are talking about KFC and McDonald"s, I would tell you that, although the burgers are tasty, people shouldn"t eat there too much because the sauces there are too fattening and full of calories. This is why we call it junk food. On the other hand, there is also a lot of Chinese fast food, like noodles and fried rice. I think they are obviously not the best, but they can be convenient from time to time when you are in a rush.Describe a traffic jam you experienced You should say: When and where the traffic jam took place Whether it is common to be stuck in traffic How the people around you reacted And explain how you felt A couple of weeks ago, my mother came to pick me up after school. She usually does this every Friday afternoon to give me aride home. I attend a boarding school and I only get to go home on the weekends.Usually it takes about 15minuts for us to get home. My high school is located on the southern side of the city, next to the University campus. But my mother showed up late that time, and we got stuck in traffic. It was a nightmare.In my city, like the most urban area, traffic gets pretty bad during rush hour. This time, the roads were completely congested,and it took us an hour to drive home. I could have walked and it would not have taken that much longer! The problem in our city is that most streets are narrow, and the number of cars increases every day. In addition, there are too many motorbikes and bicycles that always get in the way. On to pof this, taxi drivers and new drivers don"t really respect traffic regulations, and they swerve left and right, causing a mess. My mother complained the entire way, and I couldn"t help but sighing. It was such a waste of time! I remember sending messages to my grandmother to tell her we would be late for dinners, and my father was irritated because he had to wait for us. The whole thing was so frustrating!1. Which type of transport do you think is most dangerous in cities? Definitely motorbikes! In my hometown, so many people ride electrical bikes, scooters and motorbikes. The problem is that they don"t usually respect the traffic regulations, and they could be on any side of the road, even on the sidewalk. As a result, many accidents happen, and people get hurt. Last week, I saw a car hit a motorcycle, and the woman fell from her bike. It was quite violent. People should be extremely careful when they ride their bikes or scooters in the city.2. What are people"s attitudes towards the public transport system where you live? Well, the majority of people take the bus in my city because it is a very cheap form of public transport. It only costs 1yuan. But I really think that people still dislike taking the bus became it is always packed, especially at rush hour around 8 am and 6pm. You are usually shoulder to shoulder with strangers; you have no personal space. It is not very pleasant. As a result, anyone who can afford it will buy a car. Everyone will agree that it is a lot more comfortable than the bus, even if it releases exhaust fumes and pollutes the environment. I guess it would be nice to have more buses, and actually, there should also be some bus lanes for buses only, to help buses circulate faster in the city. It would make traveling by bus more appealing to people, I think.3. Do town planners pay enough attention to transport when developing new areas? I think they do now. Roads are definitely a lot wider in the newer areas of my city compared to the old city center. Nowadays, every new road counts at least 3 lanes on each side. The problem is that most cities in China were built hundreds of years ago; so most roads are narrow, because they obviously didn"t have cars in the past. As a result, a lot of buildings have been born down in order to widen the roads, and to accommodate the growing number of cars.
2023-07-08 08:33:231