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revealed comparative advantage 是什么意思

2023-07-08 12:50:56
RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage)指数是指一国总出口中某类商品所占份额相对于该商品在世界贸易总额中所占比例的大小



reveal过去式:revealed。过去式(past tense)是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。一般过去式的动词通常用动词原形的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。一般动词直接加-ed,例如:look-looked;以哑e结尾的动词直接加-d,例如:dance-danced;辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i再加ed,例如:study-studied;以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母加-ed,例如:skip-skipped。以c结尾的动词,要变c为ck,再加-ed;以l结尾的动词,若以非重读音节结尾,则末尾的字母双写与不双写均可。其中不双写的是美式拼写。例如:travel-travelled/traveled(美)。不规则动词动词过去式与原形相同;动词过去式以-ought或-aught结尾的单词;动词过去式由原形结尾的-end变为-ent;动词过去式以-elt,-eft,-ept结尾。动词过去式与原形比较,其中一个元音字母发生改变;动词过去式以-ew结尾;动词过去式-ee-变为-e-。
2023-07-08 09:14:061

Revealed (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Revealed (Live)歌手:Myron Butler & Levi专辑:Emi Gospel 2010Celine Dion - RevealIn a never-ending circleI"ve been sheltering a dreamI could climb over a rainbowTo a place I haven"t beenNever felt this way beforeTrusting you I feel so sureNow we are behind close doorsThe way you made me feel(Revealed)Why would you in privacy(Revealed)Make a woman out of me(Revealed)When you"re close I feel so right(Revealed)You and I revealed tonightTake me from this lonely riverHome into the open seaNever felt this way beforeIn yours hands I"m free to fallShow what"s underneath it allThe way you made me feel(Revealed)Why would you in privacy(Revealed)Make a woman out of me(Revealed)When you"re close I feel so right(Revealed)You and I revealed tonightAnd every breath I takeI feel you here inside meEach night I lie awakeDreaming you will find meAnd every brand new morningYou"re the sun that"s dawningAnd I love that landslideFeel so good, I want to cryNever felt this way beforeIn yours hands I"m free to fallShow what"s underneath it allThe way you made me feel(Revealed)Why would you in privacy(Revealed)Make a woman out of me(Revealed)When you"re close I feel so right(Revelaed)You and I revealed tonightYou and I, feel so rightYou and I revealed tonightThe way you made me feel so goodIt feels so rightYou and ILet me reveal myselfYou and I, you and ILet me reveal myself, oh yeahYou and IThe way you made me feel so goodFeel so right
2023-07-08 09:14:371

as is vividly revealed in the picture中的as的用法,引导什么从句啊,revealed是什么词性,是过去式吗

2023-07-08 09:14:442

revealed as accident 为什么加上as? reveal不是及物吗?

"Revealed as accident"中的"as"是一个介词,用于引导一个短语作为后面的名词或代词的补语。在这个句子中,"as"表示揭示的方式或原因。因此,这个短语"as an accident"是用来描述揭示的内容或方式,而不是揭示的对象。
2023-07-08 09:14:522

revealed as accident 为什么加上as? reveal不是及物吗?

"Revealed as accident" 的意思是 "被揭示为意外"。这里的 "as" 表示 "作为"。"Reveal" 是及物动词,但是在这里,它与名词 "accident" 搭配使用,构成了"be revealed as" 的结构,表示某事被揭示为另一件事。
2023-07-08 09:15:012

revealed preference是什么意思

revealed preference 显示性偏好;显示偏好;显示出来的偏好.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-08 09:15:093


2023-07-08 09:15:282

求翻译和讲解they are rarely so terrible as to ruin our reputations if revealed求翻译和讲解

第一句they 是主语are是系动词 rarely so terrible是表语 as to ruin our reputations 是结果状语if revealed是带连词的过去分词作条件状语,相当于一个条件状语从句=if they are revealed。如果秘密被揭露 这些秘密很少可怕到会把一个人的名声毁掉的地步。第二句 in what respect 是状语 does 。。。differ是谓语fact 是主语 from fiction 是状语concerning the secret是定语修饰fiction。 that people keep to themselves是定语从句作定语修饰the secret。在哪些方面,关于人们保守自己的秘密 ,事实与虚构不同?
2023-07-08 09:15:351

were revealed是什么时态

过去时态的被动语态。were是过去时态的标志词,ed代表了被动语态。reveal有揭露,揭发,揭示的意思。一般过去时表示在过去某个特定时间发生,也可以表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作。一般不强调动作的影响,只说明的事情。 句式:主语+动词过去式+宾语+其它 I had a word with Julia this morning今天早晨,我跟朱莉娅说了几句话。
2023-07-08 09:15:421


Day 334 morning 2021reveal:展现,显示;揭示,揭露;泄露,告诉 来源于拉丁语中由 re- (后)和 velum (帆 , 窗帘 , 面罩)组成的复合词 revelare (揭开)。 词根词缀: re- 后 + veal ( veil )面纱 → 面纱向后揭开 It took me a long time to learn where he came from. The little prince, who asked me so many questions, never seemed to hear the ones I asked him. It was from words dropped by chance that, little by little, everything was revealed to me.
2023-07-08 09:15:511


2023-07-08 09:16:003

分析一下revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts的语法点

Seeing the two parts as a whole 动名词短语作主语, is encouraged 谓语动词(被动语态), by the novel"s sophisticated structure 陈述语序下的主语, revealed in... 过去分词作非限定定语,修饰structure值得注意的是 see something as something 是动宾+宾补的结构。
2023-07-08 09:16:082

这个句子中sure enough had every turn 是个什么结构。 这里面的had做的是什么成分?是倒装句吗?请指导

2023-07-08 09:16:395

解析:It was from words dropped by chance that, little by little, everything was revealed to me

It 是形式主语was是系动词 from words dropped by chance是表语,后面是主语从句作真主语 that, little by little是从句中的状语, everything是从句中的主语 was revealed 是从句中的谓语to me是从句中的状语
2023-07-08 09:17:351


2023-07-08 09:17:453


Because many of his famous works had revealed the problems of the America .Every people pursue the equality and freedom.But racial discrimination still existed. The work had exposed the mask of democracy and freedom of the American capitalist ,revealed its worship of money, racial discrimination and the true face of aggression.
2023-07-08 09:19:152


2023-07-08 09:19:303

the research revealed that only 2% of male sparrows sung a different song.为什么这句里要用sung?

应该是用错了,应该是sang 或者是have sung
2023-07-08 09:19:373


2023-07-08 09:19:474


In the above two sentences we can see that RELEASEd and REVEALED are the same in meaning,and both are transitive verbs.
2023-07-08 09:20:251

as is vividly revealed in the picture

1 这是as引导的宾语从句 as和which,that都可以定语从句 其中,as与which可以引导非限定定从 非限定可以待指修饰一个句子或是一个名词, 有句型:as we know, as is known by us,都是这个句型as 充当了动词的宾语 2 revealed 原形是reveal 表示【揭示,透露出】之意,是过去式 这个句型和as is known by us 一样 3 原句翻译为:【.】在这个图片中被形象的揭示了. 【.】表示,此句前或后的句子或名词的意思
2023-07-08 09:20:331


reveal本身可以是名词,revelation是名词形式。n.(名词)揭示,揭露暴露,泄露,显露,透露【宗】默示,启示【建】窗侧壁,窗沿侧墙(外墙与门或窗之间的) 门侧,窗侧(汽车的)窗框revelation名词 1.揭示;暴露;显示 2.被揭露的真相 3.出乎意料的事 4.天启,神示 5.(大写)《启示录》(《圣经·新约》的末卷)
2023-07-08 09:20:532


Difficulties can bring out a person"s best qualities
2023-07-08 09:21:002

天启死前那句All is revealed那句话是在指什么

All is revealed指天启临终自叹一统全人类的夙愿要破灭了。天启四处搜集最强变种人以完成灭世大业,最终有了结果,而这个结果不是他所期望的,得到的却是在含恨中灰飞烟灭。要是能译成中国人说的“尘埃落定”更容易理解。All is revealed(一切早已揭晓)是呼应前面天启回应冲击波亚历克斯时说的All will be revealed,my child(一切即将揭晓,我的孩子)琴末世梦境里有天启仰视的画面,并成了x教授的记忆。天启进入x教授的脑意识见到了琴的梦境,并看到末世里有自己。天启借此妄以为人类也默认了天启即将灭世的命运。我觉得天启从头到尾都不知道有凤凰女这个头号变种人,也就不了解凤凰之力,他要真知道,他在片中所说的“the answer(我要的答案)”就不会是x教授,也就不会想尽办法要把自己的意识转移到x教授身上,而是直接去抓凤凰女并继承凤凰之力,从而完成灭世壮举,到那时才叫作凤凰灭世,而凤凰灭世的威力x3已经见识过了。
2023-07-08 09:21:071

天启死前那句All is revealed那句话是在指什么

All is revealed指天启临终自叹一统全人类的夙愿要破灭了。天启四处搜集最强变种人以完成灭世大业,最终有了结果,而这个结果不是他所期望的,得到的却是在含恨中灰飞烟灭。要是能译成中国人说的“尘埃落定”更容易理解。All is revealed(一切早已揭晓)是呼应前面天启回应冲击波亚历克斯时说的All will be revealed,my child(一切即将揭晓,我的孩子)琴末世梦境里有天启仰视的画面,并成了x教授的记忆。天启进入x教授的脑意识见到了琴的梦境,并看到末世里有自己。天启借此妄以为人类也默认了天启即将灭世的命运。我觉得天启从头到尾都不知道有凤凰女这个头号变种人,也就不了解凤凰之力,他要真知道,他在片中所说的“the answer(我要的答案)”就不会是x教授,也就不会想尽办法要把自己的意识转移到x教授身上,而是直接去抓凤凰女并继承凤凰之力,从而完成灭世壮举,到那时才叫作凤凰灭世,而凤凰灭世的威力x3已经见识过了。
2023-07-08 09:21:151


摔迷 你好!很高兴为你解答:克里斯坦出场音乐:歌名:《Just Close Your Eyes》 歌词:if you close your eyes, your life will, a naked truth revealed, dreams you never lived and scars never healed, in the darkness light will take you to the other side, and find me waiting there, you"ll see if you just close your eyes.if you just close your eyes,if you just close your eyes!Deceived by my eyes, and all I was told I should see, Opinion"s not mine, the person they taught me to be, one night in the dark, a vision of someone I knew, and in the darkness I saw, a voice say I"m you.Inside me a light was turned on, and I was alive, if you close your eyes, your life will, a naked truth revealed, dreams you never lived and scars never healed, in the darkness light will take you to the other side, and find me waiting there, you"ll see if you just close your eyes.Eyes in the sky, trapped inside somebody"s dream, too close to the fire, yet cold and so numb without me, the fever has broken, the river has run to the sea, washed in the ocean, and saved by a voice inside me.Inside me a light was turned on, and I was alive, if you close your eyes, your life, a naked truth revealed, dreams you never lived and scars never healed, in the darkness, light will take you to the other side, and find me waiting there, you"ll see if you just close your eyes.Never thought I would be so here, so high in the air, this is my unanswered prayer, defined by another, so much wasted time, out of the darkness each breath that I take will be mine.If you close your eyes, your life, a naked truth revealed, dreams you never lived and scars never healed, in the darkness light will take you to the other side, and find me waiting there, you"ll see if you just close your eyesIf you just close your eyes 歌曲试听和下载:
2023-07-08 09:21:351

This Kingdom 歌词

歌曲名:This Kingdom歌手:HeartCry Worship专辑:HeartCry Vol. 2: How Great Is Our GodJesus, God"s righteousness revealed,The Son of Man, the Son of God,His Kingdom come.Jesus, redemption"s sacrifice,Now glorified, now testifiedHis Kingdom come.And this Kingdom will know no end,And it"s glory shall know no bounds.For the majesty and powerOf this Kingdom"s King has come.And this Kingdom"s reign,And this Kingdom"s rule,And this Kingdom"s power and authorityJesus, God"s righteousness revealed.Jesus, the expression of God"s love,The Grace of God, the Word of God, revealed to us.Jesus, God"s holiness displayed,Now glorified, now justified, His Kingdom come.And this Kingdom will know no end,And it"s glory shall know no bounds.For the majesty and powerOf this Kingdom"s King has come.And this Kingdom"s reign,And this Kingdom"s rule,And this Kingdom"s power and authorityJesus, God"s righteousness revealed.( Repeat Chorus)
2023-07-08 09:21:411

it shot to prominence by tracing the long-term hacking of the New York Times, revealed 。。。

固定短语: shoot to fame/stardom/prominenceto suddenly become very famous: for example, Brian, an air steward, shot to fame on the television show "Big Brother".revealed last month 插入并修饰前句。。。tracing the long-term hacking of the New York Times back to Chinese officialdom。
2023-07-08 09:21:481

Shotgun Symphony 歌词

歌曲名:Shotgun Symphony歌手:Blind Stare专辑:Symphony of DelusionsShotgun SymphonyBlind StareSymphony of DelusionsBlind Stare--Shotgun Symphony--lndjove--......It all begins from this pointand it"s the point for all this to endEvery story has got an ending,but his is the oneThat keeps going without it......I"ve been haunted by the impossibleAnd blinded by my own eyesThis is the end of me!I pull the trigger to escape......I have followed the path and walked through the doorI have hated you so much, but now I knowIt would be pointless forevermoreCountless nights spent onjust pacing under the streetlightsThis is the part of the playwhere the hero is sentenced to death......This is called my realityand it is just my dreamThe hate so pure is the life of meand it is what I amEvery step towards you takes metowards to my endThe truth is now revealedand I am standing at the edge......I"ve been haunted by the impossibleAnd blinded by my own eyesThis is the end of me!I pull the trigger to escapeWaking up every morning is like entering a dreamSadness is just the gate to my own realmWalking forward is no longer an optionI am no longer part of this world......This is called my realityand it is just my dreamThe hate so pure is the life of meand it is what I amEvery step towards you takes metowards to my endThe truth is now revealedand I am standing at the edgeThis is called my realityand it is just my dreamThe hate so pure is the life of meand it is what I amEvery step towards you takes metowards to my endThe truth is now revealedand I am standing at the edge
2023-07-08 09:21:551


cAdversity successfully overcome is the highest glory.
2023-07-08 09:22:042

一道选择题:The results were to ____yesterday, but we have heard nothing. to do passive voice
2023-07-08 09:22:132


2023-07-08 09:22:322


reveal侧重于指揭露一直隐藏或隐秘的东西.侧重于这件东西之前的状态是隐藏着的,不为人所知的,而且这动作是人为的主动的.揭露出来的可能是好事也可能是坏事.eg:These few words fully revealed her noble quality.disclose侧重指揭露或泄露鲜为人知或保密的事.一般disclose揭露的是好事,而且不一定是人为的,可能是无意识的.eg:Science can disclose the mysteries of nature.It was suggested that all government ministers should disclose information on their financial interests.expose多指揭露丑闻,坏人坏事或各种阴谋.也可指某物暴露在外.
2023-07-08 09:22:411

Just Close Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:Just Close Your Eyes歌手:Dean Martin专辑:Everybody Loves SomebodyJust Close Your Eyesif you close your eyes your life,a naked truth revealed,dreams you never lived and scars never healed,in the darkness light will take you to the other side,and find me waiting there,you"ll see if you just close your eyes.if you just close your eyesand all I was told I should see,Opinion"s not mine,the person they taught me to be,one night in the dark,a vision of someone I knew,and in the darkness I herd,a voice say I"m you.Inside me a light was turned on,and I was alive,if you close your eyes, your life will, a naked truth revealed,dreams you never lived and scars never healed,in the darkness light will take you to the other side,and find me waiting there,you"ll see if you just close your eyes.Eyes in the sky,trapped inside somebody"s dream,too close to the fire,yet cold and so numb without me,the fever has broken, the river has run to the sea,washed in the ocean, and saved by a voice inside me.Inside me a light was turned on,and I was alive,if you close your eyes your life, a naked truth revealed,dreams you never lived and scars never healed,in the darkness, light will take you to the other side,and find me waiting there,you"ll see if you just close your eyes.Never thought I would be so here, so high in the air,this is my unanswered prayer,defined by another,so much wasted time,out of the darkness each breath that I take will be mine.If you close your eyes, your life, a naked truth revealed,dreams you never lived and scars never healed,in the darkness light will take you to the other side,and find me waiting there,you"ll see if you just close your eyesJust Close Your Eyes_Christian
2023-07-08 09:23:381

Crystal Clear 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Clear歌手:Marc Copely专辑:Limited Lifetime GuaranteeCrystal ClearJaci VelasquezWhen I"m a sparrow in winterYou are the seed I findWhen I"m a heart with a splinterYour whole blood, keeps me aliveIf I could call you a colorYou"d be the deepest of bluesIf I had my pleasure of anythingYou"d be the one that I"d chooseNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouNow that I can see the mysteries revealedNow I"m coming cleanI can feel my fears releaseNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouI"m soft like clayYour hands they mold meFor You, I would run awayJust to hear You calling out my nameNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouNow that I can see the mysteries revealedNow I"m coming cleanI can feel my fears releaseNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouI"m broken and emptyWithout You, I"m blindedI need You,I need You near me, I need You near meOooh...I"m fallingNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouNow that I can see the mysteries revealedNow I"m coming cleanI can feel my fears releaseNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouPlease catch me, I"m falling for youPlease catch me, I"m falling for youPlease catch me, I"m falling for youPlease catch me, I"m falling for...end~ a-ning loves alex
2023-07-08 09:23:441


英语课常常说报道,被媒体曝光做某事情这是汉语表达。1、It was reported that....onTV(通过电视报道,in the newspapers报纸报道,on radio通过广播报道)2、It was revealed that....例如It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.据透露,重要数据被隐瞒了。3、Sth/sb be exposed by ...某事/某人被曝光。(被曝光、被揭露)常见例子,My job as a journalist is to expose the truth.我作为记者就是揭露真相。(主动语态)说明:英语中常常有同义句子,一般来说有二至三个。但是,近义词与近义句子就多了,有时可以达到十多个近义词或者近义句,具体情况要依据英语语言环境、作者个人表达的侧重点和表达方法来确定,不能千篇一律、一概而论。
2023-07-08 09:23:531

excavation of...句子语法结构分析

同意两位的意见,应该补充的是可以把句子补全。Excavation of the city revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildings (which is) typical of towns (which have been) devastated by earthquakes.
2023-07-08 09:24:013


2023-07-08 09:24:202


6 C get to one"s feet 站起来7 A guilt 罪行8 B be cautious about 谨慎于9 D give up 放弃10 A contrive to do sth 努力做...11 C toss 扔 掷12 B adjust调整13 A look through 看遍了14 A look on/upon 看着15 B pull in有进站的意思 可引申为下雨了16 A 提倡 advocate doing sth17 D 产生影响 affect作动词18 A be capable of 有...能力19 C intend sb to do sth打算 意图 20 D rob sb of sth抢走
2023-07-08 09:24:371

英语it is subtly revealed怎么翻译?

2023-07-08 09:25:012

下面这句话中的“调查指出”为什么用被动语态“It was revealed”?因为“it”是形式主语吗?

被动语态(passive voice)是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,一般来说,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。汉语往往用"被""受""给"等被动词来表示被动意义 。被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。疑问式和否定式的变化也如此。It was revealed”因为“it”是形式主语,
2023-07-08 09:25:201

红辣椒乐队歌词 i will be there 哪首歌?

Don"t Forget Me I"m an ocean in your bedroomMake you feel warmMake you wanna re-assumeNow, we know it all for sureI"m a dance hallDirty break beatMake the snow fallUp from underneath your feetNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goI"m a meth lab, first rehabTake it all offAnd step inside the running cabThere"s a love that knows the wayI"m the rainbowIn your jail cellAll the memories ofEverything you"ve ever smelledNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you want to goOohSideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Come again, get me excited)I"m an inbred and a potheadTwo legs that you spreadInside the tool shedNow, we know it all for sureI could show youTo the free fieldOvercome and moreWill always be revealedNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goOohSideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Come again, get me excited, ooh)Sideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Never met now, let me light it)I"m the bloodstainOn your shirt sleeveComing down and more are coming to believeNow, we know it all for sureMake the hair standUp on your armTeach you how to danceInside the funny farmNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goI"ll be there butTell me when you wanna goCome again andTell me when you wanna goMore will be revealed my friend
2023-07-08 09:25:281

The phenomenon revealed in the illustration is fa

2023-07-08 09:25:378


This paper from interference of light, and light diffraction of light from the electromagnetic theory experiment and theoretical revealed the light volatility. Blackbody radiation and the photoelectric effect etc. Phenomenon revealed the light also has particles sex, namely the light has wave-particle duality. French physicist DE bromwich intended to light wave-particle duality inferred: the basis of all real particles bold is wave-particle duality. This corollary was quickly DaiWeiSun and leather at the end of the electron diffraction experiment confirmed. Microscopic particles volatility and modern science and technology has been widely used as the electron microscope, and electronic and neutron volatility has been widely used in research solid and liquid atoms inside structure, etc.
2023-07-08 09:25:512

as revealed In the什么意思

你好!as revealed In the显示的
2023-07-08 09:26:003


Working papersA. Rubinstein & L. Zhou, 1998. Choice Problems with a Reference Point, Princeton Economic Theory Papers 00s3, Economics Department, Princeton University.Ok, Efe A. & Zhou, Lin, 1997. The Choquet Bargaining Solutions, Working Papers 97-36, C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University.Zhou, L., 1996. Bayesian Utilitarianism, Papers 9611, Catholique de Louvain - Center for Operations Research and Economics.Ok, E.A. & Zhou, L., 1996. Revealed Group Preferences on Non-Convex Choice Problems, Working Papers 96-39, C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University.Zhou, L., 1996. Integral Representation of Continous Comonotonically Additive Functionals, Papers 9605, Catholique de Louvain - Center for Operations Research and Economics.Robert M. Anderson & Walter Tockel & Lin Zhou, 1994. Nonconvergence of the Mas-Colell and Zhou Bargaining Sets, Game Theory and Information 9403001, EconWPA.Lin Zhou, 1991. A Refined Bargaining Set of an n-Person Game and Endogenous Coalition Formation, Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers 974, Cowles Foundation, Yale University.Lin Zhou, 1991. Strictly Fair Allocations in Large Exchange Economies, Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers 972, Cowles Foundation, Yale University.Lin Zhou, 1991. An "Average" Lyapunov Convexity Theorem and Some Core Equivalence Results, Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers 976, Cowles Foundation, Yale University.Thompson, W. & Zhou, L., 1991. Consistent Allocation Rules in Atomless Economies, RCER Working Papers 294, University of Rochester - Center for Economic Research (RCER).Salvador Barbera & Hugo Sonnenschein & Lin Zhou, 1990. Voting by Committees, Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers 941, Cowles Foundation, Yale University.Lin Zhou, 1990. Inefficiency of Strategy-Proof Allocation Mechanisms in Pure Exchange Economies, Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers 954, Cowles Foundation, Yale University.Zhou, L., 1989. Impossibility Of Strategy-Proof Mechanisms For Economies With Pure Public Goods, Papers 343, Princeton, Department of Economics - Econometric Research Program.Indrajit Ray & Lin Zhou, . Game Theory Via Revealed Preferences, Discussion Papers 00/15, Department of Economics, University of York.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ArticlesXu, Yongsheng & Zhou, Lin, 2007. Rationalizability of choice functions by game trees, Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 127(1), pages 548-556, May.Lin Zhou, 2005. The structure of the Nash equilibrium sets of standard 2-player games, Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 26(2), pages 301-308, 08.Sun, Guang-Zhen & Yang, Xiaokai & Zhou, Lin, 2004. General equilibria in large economies with endogenous structure of division of labor, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 55(2), pages 237-256, October.Lin Zhou & Stephen Ching, 2002. Multi-valued strategy-proof social choice rules, Social Choice and Welfare, Springer, vol. 19(3), pages 569-580.Ray, Indrajit & Zhou, Lin, 2001. Game Theory via Revealed Preferences, Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 37(2), pages 415-424, November.Indrajit Ray & Lin Zhou, . Game Theory Via Revealed Preferences, Discussion Papers 00/15, Department of Economics, University of York.Ok, Efe A. & Zhou, Lin, 2000. The Choquet Bargaining Solutions, Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 33(2), pages 249-264, November.Ok, Efe A. & Zhou, Lin, 1997. The Choquet Bargaining Solutions, Working Papers 97-36, C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University.Rubinstein, Ariel & Zhou, Lin, 1999. Choice problems with a "reference" point, Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 37(3), pages 205-209, May.A. Rubinstein & L. Zhou, 1998. Choice Problems with a Reference Point, Princeton Economic Theory Papers 00s3, Economics Department, Princeton University.Rubinstein, A. & Zhou, L., 1997. Choice Problems with a Reference Point, Papers 28-97, Tel Aviv.Zhou, Lin, 1999. Subjective probability theory with continuous acts, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 32(1), pages 121-130, August.Efe A. Ok & Lin Zhou, 1999. Revealed group preferences on non-convex choice problems, Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 13(3), pages 671-687.Ok, E.A. & Zhou, L., 1996. Revealed Group Preferences on Non-Convex Choice Problems, Working Papers 96-39, C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University.Sprumont, Yves & Zhou, Lin, 1999. Pazner-Schmeidler rules in large societies, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 31(3), pages 321-339, April.Lin Zhou, 1997. The Nash Bargaining Theory with Non-Convex Problems, Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 65(3), pages 681-686, May.Robert M. Anderson & Walter Trockel & Lin Zhou, 1997. Nonconvergence of the Mas-Colell and Zhou Bargaining Sets, Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 65(5), pages 1227-1240, September.Robert M. Anderson & Walter Tockel & Lin Zhou, 1994. Nonconvergence of the Mas-Colell and Zhou Bargaining Sets, Game Theory and Information 9403001, EconWPA.Robert M. Anderson and Walter Trockel and Lin Zhou., 1994. Nonconvergence of the Mas-Colell and Zhou Bargaining Sets, Economics Working Papers 94-224, University of California at Berkeley.Zhou, Lin, 1997. Harsanyi"s Utilitarianism Theorems: General Societies, Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 72(1), pages 198-207, January.Zhou, Lin, 1995. A characterization of demand functions that satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference, Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 49(4), pages 403-406, October.Zhou Lin, 1994. A New Bargaining Set of an N-Person Game and Endogenous Coalition Formation, Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 6(3), pages 512-526, May.Zhou Lin, 1994. The Set of Nash Equilibria of a Supermodular Game Is a Complete Lattice, Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 7(2), pages 295-300, September.Zhou, Lin, 1994. A Theorem on Open Coverings of a Simplex and Scarf"s Core Existence Theorem through Brouwer"s Fixed Point Theorem, Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 4(3), pages 473-77, May.Zhou, Lin, 1993. A Simple Proof of the Shapley-Folkman Theorem, Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 3(2), pages 371-72, April.Thomson, William & Zhou, Lin, 1993. Consistent Solutions in Atomless Economies, Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 61(3), pages 575-87, May.Zhou, Lin, 1991. Stable matchings and equilibrium outcomes of the Gale-Shapley"s algorithm for the marriage problem, Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 36(1), pages 25-29, May.Zhou, Lin, 1991. A Weak Monotonicity Property of the Nucleolus, International Journal of Game Theory, Springer, vol. 19(4), pages 407-11.Zhou, Lin, 1991. Impossibility of Strategy-Proof Mechanisms in Economies with Pure Public Goods, Review of Economic Studies, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 58(1), pages 107-19, January.Barbera, Salvador & Sonnenschein, Hugo & Zhou, Lin, 1991. Voting by Committees, Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 59(3), pages 595-609, May.Salvador Barbera & Hugo Sonnenschein & Lin Zhou, 1990. Voting by Committees, Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers 941, Cowles Foundation, Yale University.Safra, Zvi & Zhou, Lin & Zilcha, Itzhak, 1990. Risk Aversion in the Nash Bargaining Problem with Risky Outcomes and Risky Disagreement Points, Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 58(4), pages 961-65, July.Zhou, Lin, 1990. On a conjecture by gale about one-sided matching problems, Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 52(1), pages 123-135, October.
2023-07-08 09:26:071


2023-07-08 09:26:222

改错题:The artical in the newspaper revealed that the official arrested by the police was.

2023-07-08 09:26:439


月球,即地卫一,俗称月亮或月,古称太阴、玄兔、婵娟、望舒等,是地球唯一的天然卫星,并且是太阳系中第五大的卫星。月球的直径略大于地球的四分之一,质量约为地球的1/81,相对于所环绕的行星,它是体积和质量最大的卫星,也是太阳系内密度第二高的卫星,仅次于木卫一。中文的月为象形文字,在甲骨文中月像一弯眉月的样子。东汉许慎在《说文解字》一书中分析月的字型时说:月,阙也。人们经过观察,发现月圆的时间少,阙(弦月或眉月等)的时间多,于是就照眉月的样子创造出这个象形字。在英语中月的专有名称是“the Moon”。该名词源于原始日耳曼语的“mu01e3nōn”,在725年之前的古英语被称为"mōna",1135年为“mone”,大约在1380年变为“moone”,之后再变成现在的写法。月球在现代英语的主要形容词是“lunar”,源自拉丁文的“Luna”。另一个比较不常用的形容词是“selenic”,则源自古希腊文的“Selene”(Σελu03aeνη),是衍生自字首“seleno-”(像是“selenography”)。古希腊塞勒涅(Selene)和古罗马的狄安娜(Diana)或称辛西娅(Cynthia)的女神都是月球的名字。辛西娅和塞勒涅是反映月球处于不同轨道期如远月点、近月点的专门术名,狄安娜一名连接死亡,意指白天。
2023-07-08 09:17:261


文/Cindy 这是关于@Cindy遇见美好的自己 的故事,更像是一份职场简历: 从一个北漂的外企小白领,转身拥抱互联网,创办了自己的公司,在厦门建立了第一个工作室,之后又辗转到深圳继续创业。现在的我依旧在创业路上,经营着自己的平台“遇见美好的自己”,很庆幸找到了自己的梦想职业,并且也遇到了同行的小伙伴们。 或许你们愿意听听我的故事~ 大学时候我特别喜欢《杜拉拉升职记》,我的一个梦想就是像小说里面的杜拉拉一样,在500强外企工作,可以出入高级写字楼,和一群高效干练的专业人士共事。 实际上我和小说里的杜拉拉还真有一些相似之处: 没有背景,普通大学,工作一年后积累了一些经验来到北京,走正规路子,靠个人奋斗得到了外企工作机会。 在我的脑海里始终印刻着这样的画面:刚来北京找工作时,有次坐车从东三环国贸桥下经过。那时阳光正好,天朗气清。国贸大厦整栋低调深灰镜面反射着金灿灿的阳光,格外晃眼。我眯着眼,抬头望向这栋大楼,心里默念,要是我能在这栋大厦上班那该有多好。 念念不忘,必有回响。就像电视剧的情节一样,我如愿地在那工作了三年。 北京的快节奏特别适合年轻人,我每天都兴高采烈地去上班,感觉每天都在学习和成长,非常喜欢和团队的小伙伴呆在一起。 这份工作对我来说是属于跨界的新领域(四期临床研究),每天都需要不断地学习和培训。前期项目工作量比较大,我需要支持全国四个办事处的CRA团队和好几个大型项目。很长的一段时间都是鸡血满满的战斗状态,很多时候忙到一杯水都顾不上喝。 一个好的企业就是一所好的大学 , 很庆幸在我职业生涯的早期就能有机会体验和感受跨国公司的企业文化并和身边优秀的同事共事学习。它们潜移默化影响我未来的工作水准,帮助我真正意义上树立了往后的职场习惯。 离开北京后,我开始做自媒体,写公众号,在粉丝突破5万时我写了一篇文章。之前在外企的老板不仅帮我分享,还写了一段特别走心的推荐。 其实,我们都应该为自己的简历工作,你的口碑就是你一点一滴做的事情的累积总和。 在移动互联网时代,对你简历的信任背书和推荐,就是对你最大的肯定和助力。 外企的工作状态持续到了第三年。项目方面的工作都游刃有余,工作趋于稳定,每天朝九晚五的生活状态让我觉得有点安逸。其实心里却是有点不安, 总觉得应该追求些什么? 于是我把我的很多能量放在了我的业余生活:因为公司企业文化比较好,我的职位可以让我做到 work life balance。我确实过了一年多老年般退休的生活,沉浸在自己的世界中。 譬如说:我花了很多时间和精力在捣腾阳台种菜、煲汤做菜、学画插画、周末去逛公园、学滑雪,爬金山岭长城,每年期待公司不同城市的年会、参加年会文艺演出。这样的日子对我来说简直就是梦幻般的生活。 所以我一直都说 北京是我的福地。我很喜欢北京,这座城市实在是太有魅力了,她给我带了很多可能性。 在北京我每天都乐呵乐呵的。直到2013年的夏天,一次很偶然的机会,我去了宇宙中心——五道口,听陈愉的演讲:题目就叫《如何找到你的梦想职业》。 永远不要满足于只给别人打工。想想要是你被解雇了怎么办? 从毕业到现在我一直都攀登我的职业阶梯。不断累积各种经验,去找寻我的最佳职业。第一份工作是外贸出口,我每天都在写英文邮件去开发国外客户,参加国际性的展会拿订单。第二份工作是因为向往外企的文化,才意外从事了一份跨专业领域的工作。这个职位在中国相对比较稀少,感觉职业晋升通道比较狭小。所以一直在思索: 这个职位究竟是不是我的梦想职业? 当时比较迷惑,甚至准备念MBA 。 所以陈愉的这个演讲对我触动非常大:她在演讲中提到 最成功的人的工作其实就是一种真实自我的体现。 他们的事业与他们最擅长最厉害的地方完全匹配。 如果把他们比作一双手,那他们的事业就是手套,是完全匹配的! 还提到了一个叫做“心流”flow的概念。"心流"是一种最理想的意识状态,人们和感觉到"强大而敏锐,一切尽在掌握,如行云流水,处于能力的巅峰状态"。就是在这样的时刻, 你将自己的能力发挥到最大的限度,你做好充分准备学习新的东西,你对所做的事情更加得心应手,你将有新的创造或发现。 还指出:怎样才能找到梦想职业?那就是: 去创造它! 这次演讲就像是一颗种子在我心中萌芽了。也就是我在平台上说的积极的外部性,“Aha moment” 顿悟时刻。 我想我也可以做一个类似博客的东西,既可以练习写作,也可以把我喜欢的东西分享出去,认识更多的朋友,拓展我的职业可能性。 直到我意外发现微信公众平台的标语:再小的个体,也有自己的品牌。顿时觉得眼前一亮。是呀,这跟我的想法太匹配了!为什么我不去尝试呢?好奇心的驱使下,我注册了“遇见美好的自己”。 特别凑巧的是:那一年我们公司的年会主题也是《共建卓越品牌》。那是我最后一次参加公司的年会,也是我收获最多的一次。 当时的年会中,市场部的一个外籍总监的演讲,给我带来许多力量。他有提到一点,我至今仍在受用: 一定要做你自己喜欢的事情,保持好奇心很重要。 我非常吃惊地发现,他和陈愉的思维里面都有 做自己,改变世界 的想法。但在中国很少有人可以这么洒脱,所以我非常羡慕他们的勇气和力量。 那就来做这件事!看看我能坚持做多久? 也是因为对市场和商业的兴趣,我开始摸索我自己的品牌模式。这个小平台更像是我的一个小王国,可以尝试各种想法,这让我觉得有成就感。 上海年会回来之后,我便利用自己的业余时间开始把“遇见美好的自己”当成是一个自己的品牌在经营。从2013年的11月份起,我便开始一周推送三篇文章。一直以来都非常喜欢那些 优雅独立的女性 , 所以我会更多地会偏向于分享这样的故事。 我一直都是利用我的业余时间默默地做,身边的朋友和同事都不知道除了临床项目我还是个我。平台的小伙伴们都是通过朋友的朋友的朋友,这样的弱连接汇聚在一起的。 因为运营了平台,我就想着怎么把它做得好一些。我甚至在尝试学习编程: 各种折腾:自己用photoshop制作平台的名片,迭代了很多版本,尝试不同的排版格式,在平台推荐Kindle电子书,写我Cindy的话。 或许这样的日子也还不错,一份稳定的工作+丰富的业余生活。可是生活不可能像你想象得那么好。由于公司架构调整和个人原因,我离开了北京,回到了职场起点——厦门。 回到厦门的小一年时间,是我落差感巨大的职业迷茫期。过去三年在北京的工作经验,对于回归的我来说,很悲惨地说是清零了。 而我也面临了大龄女性求职困境,也遇到职场不公。可能是自身的遭遇,我在平台上会更倾向于分享独立女性视角的文章,尽量多增添些理性,分享的同时也是在勉励自己,给自己打鸡血。 这一段时间的Gap Year里, 我大量的阅读和学习,投资自己总没有错。 找各种找机会去学习。类似:改变跨界,转型,创新,互联网,社群,自媒体,这样的词汇开始出现在我的视野里。我对这些陌生又奋进的词汇和信息感到非常新鲜,参加各种讲座,读书会,接受很多新的理念和想法。 从传统行业到移动互联网,对我来说又一次跨界了。 这期间,我发现我的脑细胞活跃起来了,不断有新的想法涌现出来。在平台快一周年的时候,发起了正能量柠檬水收集计划,首次尝试移动端众筹。在这里为参与柠檬水收集计划的153位小伙伴赞一个。他们贡献的柠檬水让平台增添了活力。 2014年11月,我加入了颠覆式创新研习社。听了李善友教授的关于移动互联网创业的课程,这次的课程对我很多思想观念是一次颠覆和创新。从这时候起,我便开始有产品意识,并把平台当成是一个产品在运营。 现在的我不仅仅是一个我,更是一个产品经理。 自从决定要好好运营“遇见美好的自己”平台后,我仿佛增加了许多力量。 直到现在我依然记得15年的那个夏天,阳光格外灿烂,我笑得最多。 那个夏天,我又回到了北京,在北大1898咖啡馆发起来第一次线下粉丝见面会。这次线下聚会,全程都是自己一个人策划,定场地,邀请分享嘉宾,排流程。通过平台发布,朋友圈传播。吸引来了很多趣味相投的小伙伴。 这次聚会,我得到了非常多勇气,证实了其实一个人也可以做很多事情。 接下来我便开挂式的马不停蹄南下武汉。并且在汉口又发起了一次线下聚会。 我和深圳的缘分也开始于线下聚会。那年夏天,在接连举办了两个线下聚会后,我又应邀去了深圳做了一场个人的分享会。而这次分享注定了我和深圳的不解之缘。 因为深圳,我遇到了我的合伙人,才拥有了我人生第一个公司。 做最难的事情,就是你成长最快的时候。 很开心,我走出去了,开始了一次又一次的尝试。这一段经历,无论是对于过去的自己,还是将来我要 探索 的自己的商业模式,都是一次鼓励。 因为成立了公司,我便要开始重新定义和转变自己的新角色,作为公司的负责人,我必须找到同行者,组建一支团队。 2015年10月份,我们在厦门找到了一间办公室,开始着手装修和组建团队。 创业真的比我想象中艰难很多,有了团队绝不是工作量的减少,反而更是多了很多责任和压力。 当我自己踏上这条路的时候,我对创业者多了几分理解和敬畏。 那个时候,公司在商业化的道路上尚且属于摸索阶段,而我的团队一直都没有准备好。也是在这个最艰难的时候,我的遇见美好官方商城上线了。 我第一次通过商城把遇见美好的产品推荐给小伙伴,也非常感谢小伙伴们对平台的信任和支持,因为有了这次尝试,给我带来了新的希望。 但是老天似乎总喜欢给你一点考验。正当我信心满满要开始大干一场的时候,我的小团队出现问题了,好几个小伙伴在这期间陆续离职了。 回想创业的这半年多来一点点组建起团队的艰辛,看着希望再次落空,真的很无力。 可是商城刚刚搭建起来,有很多工作都要继续。 问题是: 你敢不敢再从头来一遍? 好几次深夜自省,让我明白了一个道理:任何寻求安慰的行为都不会让你成长:宿醉、旅行、痛哭流涕、甚至和朋友的触膝长谈,都只是让你感觉安全、良好; 成长其实是特别艰难的自省 ,你必须抛弃所有说给别人和自己听的漂亮话,正视你的无能与不可得,甚至一遍一遍被怨恨愤怒及嫉妒撂倒,然后你才懂得: 成长无关改变,只是学会选择你能承受的。 厦门的工作室曾经给了我一个归属感,尽管很不舍,我还是决定退掉厦门的办公室,把工作室搬回到合伙人所在的深圳。 像是一个仪式,我自己一个人最后一次默默地把办公室打扫干净,也算是对自己一年多的努力的一个交代。 当初我们就是这样从0到1,从无到有。 未来还会有很多从0到1,是终点亦是起点。 深圳真不愧是奋斗者的天堂。 搬到深圳后,我又回到了最开始创业的状态:一个人,一台电脑,两个平台。 那段时间,我经历了巨大的落差,几度陷入恍惚和懊恼中,光顾着对付自己的情绪和压力,项目也处于停滞状态。 幸好,一本书让我再一次顿悟了,那就是偶然间翻阅了稻盛和夫的《干法》。 越是艰难的时候越是要努力地把工作当修行。越是孤独,越是失落,就越应该奋力向前。 一个团队的工作量都落在了我身上。只能 一边打鸡血,一边重整旗鼓。 这期间我就一个念想,快点让商城有起色,同时也给平台的小伙伴一个明确的信号: Cindy的创业还在继续,虽然启程遭遇挫折,但她并没有放弃。 创业路上,一个人也可以是一支队伍,对着自己的头脑和心灵招兵买马,不气馁,有召唤,爱自由。 创业需要团队,暂时没能遇到志同道合的伙伴之前,我可以是自己的司令员和政委、也可以是后勤部长,亦可以是自己的小兵,又可以是队伍的统帅。经过半年来的摸爬滚打,我很明确知道我的这支军队要向何处去。 我必须在这支军队沮丧的时候给它打气。在军队迷路时做它永不失灵的GPS。在它忘乎所以的时候给它兜头一盆冷水。在这支军队重伤的时候,你要给它输血、包扎,给它以休 养生 息的机会,你要让它安然和 健康 。 因为我知道什么对它是真正的好,并要不懈地坚持。 对,我就应该是这样一支队伍。 美国著名作家格拉德威尔在《异类》一书中说过: “任何一个成功的人,他们至少投入1万个小时在他们的长处。” 美国篮球运动员科比,虽然他有天分,上帝赐予他能力,但是他仍然每天在练习自己的球技。任何成功的人,他们是很用功的,一直在改进自己,改进那个最厉害的能力。 因为创业,我的视野比之前又扩大了许多。一直往前走的时候,虽然步履维艰,但一路上收获的喜悦是无法言表的。 每一次做一件事情,如果你是带着创始人的眼光去做,你真的会看到普通人看不到的角度,而这些往往就是商机。随着商城和平台业务的不断丰富,我也认识了好多优秀的同行,进入了和之前不一样的圈子。经过一整年的努力, 遇见商城不仅活下来了,还获得了有赞2018年度的行业TOP商家。 “遇见美好的自己”这个平台实际上就是我的作品。平台的分享是我精神世界的一部分,具有很强的人格属性。这一路的分享让我也收获了许多美好和感动。 我很喜欢这样一句话:任何人都不能给别人下一个定性。你可以去尝试更多可能性。只有你自己去尝试,去改变,才能体会到另一个世界的精彩。 小而美,是我的追求。 “遇见美好的自己”已经开始逐渐有了自己的气质和性格,这种气质能够让我们与别人区分开来从而吸引到更多志趣相投的人加入,就像一个磁场,吸引同类—— 更多希望独立成长并遇见美好自己的你们。 一直认为, 女人的成长比成功更重要! 创业以来的经历,足够让我更加反思自己,也对自己未来的路多了一些笃信和坚定。 我还是会继续经营我的平台和商城,这已然成为了我的事业。 尽管在我最艰难的那一刻,我会焦虑,会彷徨,会不知所措,但是从未想过放弃,满脑子想的还是如何活下去,或许这就是创业的魅力。很幸运,我的公司在深圳又活了过来,我又重新组建了团队。 创业这条路不分男女,只分强弱。这一过程也让女人有机会,吸取到男性基因里的可贵品质—— 稳重,理智,宽容,气度,见众生。 命运如刀,哪个人的成长,不是一次次越过刀锋的攀援?但若不是险途,又何以到达新的天地。 勇敢、乐观、坚忍地向前走,总会发现你的生命如同繁花般绚烂多彩。 请你相信,坚韧地努力,优雅地生活,善良地相处,终会把你变成一个妙女子。与其说这是我的自媒体创业之路,还不如说: 我走在做自己,遇见美好的自己的道路上,惊喜地发现有这么多同行的小伙伴。 Cindy的创业还在继续,以后还会分享更多我的故事。 永远倾心美好 永远保有自我 不停止好奇、求知和 探索 不妥协年龄 不依附他人 *作者:@Cindy遇见美好的自己 曾为500强外企白领,另一个“杜拉拉”;而今拥抱移动互联网,在深圳成立了自己的公司,现在是一名创业者。希望分享的文字,给你带来些许顿悟,让你遇见美好的自己。
2023-07-08 09:17:251