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must have done与must have been doing区别

2023-07-08 21:11:48

第一个就是对过去事实推测 must have been doing 其后的be doing 表示进行 我们知道must have done 是对过去 那么must have been doing就是过去进行咯 就可以理解为过去一直发生的事情

举个例子 You must have been driving too fast 你肯定一直在超速 表示过去一直 再举个must have done 的例子 The road is wet. It must have rained last night 昨晚肯定下过雨 其实想想和 完成时和完成进行时差不多 一个强调结果 一个强调一直进行



举个例子,I am interested in the book. The book is interesting.一个以人做主语,一个以物做主语。加ed是修饰人的,而加ing则是令人怎样的形容词。加ed成名词我没听说过。加ing是成动名词吧。说的不好你可以看下面的:ing形式做定语,意义上接近一个定语从句,表示一个正在进行的动作或表示一个主动的动作

如: China is a developing country=China is a country which is developing)


如:boiled water开过了的水,白开水。

boiling water沸水

fallen leaves已落在地上的叶子

falling leaves正在下落的叶子


如:interesting game好玩的游戏,ing表示游戏的性质——好玩

excited boy 兴奋的男孩,ed表示男孩的感情

除了这些特定的词,好多动词都可以加 ed,ing的,这并不局限,你可以参照英语人教版高一unit20 Humour(讲ing)和高二unit2(讲ed)


英文 must/ must have/ must be 用法与中文意思差异

英文 must 用法 你都知道了吗?英文 must 的中文意思是指「必定、必须」的意思,must 有强烈的语气,后面接be 动词时变成must be ,意思是「必定是」的意思。同时,还可以变成 must have 或是must have been。本篇文章要教学所有must 的用法,赶快学起来吧! 下面教学英文 must/ must have/ must be 用法与中文意思差异。 内容目录 英文 must 用法 Must 用法1.must 必定、必须 Must 是 modal verb,也就是情态动词的意思。情态动词是一个学术词语,用来表达可能、意愿、必要的动词。 例: You must go home today. 你今天一定要回家。 例: I must get some sleep. 我必须睡一会儿了。 例: You must call Jenny today. 你今天要打给珍妮。 注意,如果must 后面接not 的话,代表不允许的意思喔。 例: You must not talk to Jenny today. 你今天不准跟珍妮说话。 例: You must not talk to strangers. 你不能跟陌生人聊天。 Must 用法2.must be 必定是 Must 后面的动词如果是be动词,那就变成了「必定是」的意思。 例: You must be Jenny"s mother. 你一定是珍妮的妈妈。 例: You must be hungry. 你一定饿了。 例: It must be tough for you. 对你来说肯定很艰难。 Must 用法3.must have+ p.p 用法 must have 后面接名词,意思是「一定有…」的意思。 例: You must have a car. 你一定有一辆车。 must have 是个很常见的句型,must have 后面常常加过去分词,变成 must have+ p.p。 例: You must have seen my mother before. 你一定以前见过我妈妈。 例: The door is open; someone must have been here. 门是开的,一定有人来过了。 例: I cannot find my watch; I must have lost it. 我找不到我的手表; 我一定丢了。 例: She must have been very tired. 她一定很累了。 其实must have+ p.p 的句型是must 加上完成式,也就是指过去发生了什么事情,是一种推测的语气,算是放马后炮的意思。 Must 用法4. is a must 必不可少的东西 你可能会很常听到这样的一句话,xxx is a must . 代表 xxx 是一件必不可少的东西啦!此时 must 当成名词,意思是「必需品、必备品」的意思。 例: Computer is a must for him. 电脑对他来说是必不可少的东西。 例: If you live in the country a car is a must. 如果你住在乡下,汽车是必不可少的。 5.英文 must 的其他用法 跟must有关的用法还有must-read跟must-have,must-have 是形容词,意思是指「必须要有的、必备的」,must-read 同样也是形容词,意思是指「必读的」。 例: This is a must-read book. 这是一本必读书。 例: The mobile phone is now a must-have device for children. 现在手机已成为儿童的必备设备。 另外,must-have 也可以直接当成名词,意思变成了「必备品」。 看完上面例句,你应该发现must- 开头的,其实就是「必…的」意思。相同的用法还有must-see或是must-do。 例: This is a must-see movie. 这是一部必看的电影。 must, must be, must be 用法, must have, must have 用法, must 中文, must 用法, 一定 英文, 必定 英文
2023-07-08 18:39:511

must have可以翻译成“一定有”或者“必须有”,那在句子中怎么区分应该翻译成那一种呢?

2023-07-08 18:39:593

would have 和 must have 有什么区别? 一个是 绝对 一个是肯定?

那这样的话,为什么不说 he must have come back whatever the reasons.并且 would have 不是代表实际上这个人没回来吗?
2023-07-08 18:40:063

must have的句型是怎么用啊?什么时候是过去时,什么时候是现在完成时啊?

must have ,必须有,必须要,肯定已经. 过去时.i must have done that before.我肯定干过那事. i must have it.我一定要得到,一般现在时. 现在完成时是BE动词家过去分.must have的现在完成时在日常生活中很少出现.硬翻译过来也不是不可能.举个例子:i am must had dinner,我肯定刚吃完晚饭.一般正常的说法是:i am done with dinner.我吃完饭了. 过去时:i"ve seen you before.我见过你.i"ve been there before.意思是我去过那,但此时此刻本人并不在那. 完成时:i had been here.我来过这,本此时此刻也在这.
2023-07-08 18:40:131

must be和must have的区别

简单地说:对过去情况作推测,用must have been;所对现在情况作推测,用must be.比较:He must be ill. 他一定是病了.(指现在有病)He must have been ill. 他当时一定是有病 / 他一定生过病.(指过去有病)He must be very rich. 他一定非常富有.(指现在有钱)He must have been very rich. 他当时一定非常富有 / 他一定曾经富有过.(指过去富有过)下面是几个must have been的例子,有一定的背景或语境,你可以体会一下:She must have been very young when she got married. 她结婚时一定很年轻.I didn"t hear the phone. I must have been asleep. 我没有听到电话铃,我一定是睡着了.When you got lost in the forest you must have been very frightened. 当你在森林里迷路的时候,你一定很害怕吧.I must have been blind not to realize the danger we were in. 我一定是瞎了眼,连我们身临险境也看不出来.这下你明白must be与must have been 的区别了吗?该不会再误用must have been与must be了吧!
2023-07-08 18:40:202

英语,must be=must have ?

Must be=一定是Must have=一定有He must be a demi-god他一定是个半神He must have the ring with him魔戒一定就在他身上He must be a dog他一定是只狗He must have a dog他一定有只狗
2023-07-08 18:40:361

英语问题,must have 和 might 是什么关系啊?

情态动词+完成时的内容 1. must have done 表示对已经发生的事情的推测,意为“一定,想必”。这种结构一般只用于肯定句。例如: Students must have access to good resources.2. might(may的过去式,用于间接引语)表示可能,可以。例如:he said he might be late.不是完全肯定的意思,还可以用来表达[表示某种条件未实现时的可能性][表示因某人未做某事而生气][表示目的][用于问句或请求可以]例如:1.might have won if we d played might have told me!
2023-07-08 18:40:432

could have/might have /must have/should have都有什么区别

1. must have done 表示对已经发生的事情的推测,意为“一定,想必”。这种结构一般只用于肯定句,其否定形式是can"t (couldn"t)have done ,表示“不可能,肯定不会”。例如: He didn"t hear the phone. He must have been asleep.2. can(could)have done表示对过去的时间内可能发生的事情的猜测,can have done 一般只用于否定句和疑问句。could have done 还可以用于肯定句,常用来表示本来可能完成而实际未完成的动作。例如: He can"t have finished the work so soon. 3may(might)have done 表示对已经发生的事情的不太肯定的推测,意为“可能已经,或许已经”。例如: If we had taken the other road , we might have arrived earlier.4needn”t have done 指实际上做了本来不必要做的事,意为“本来不必”。例如: There was plenty of time . She needn”t have hurried. 5. should (ought to )have done 指本该做而实际未做的事,意为“本来应该”。其否定式shouldn”t(oughtn”t)have done 则表示某种行为不该发生但却发生了。例如: You should have started earlier , but you didn”t.
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must have come

只有must have done ,句子中的must have come 里的come是 过去分词 must have done,表示一定做了.对过去的事情进行推测 比如:He must have left.他一定已经离开了. You must have told him the secret.你一定告诉了他这个秘密.
2023-07-08 18:42:191

must have done 和must have been 的区别

2023-07-08 18:43:232

must have done sth.的用法。

must have done sth.一定做某事。表示对过去事情的较有把握的推测,这时只能用在肯定句中,“肯定/必须已经干过…”,在否定句和疑问句中用can"t或couldn"t或can/ could,例如:1.From what you said, she must have told you all about it.从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。2.The light was out. They must have gone to bed.灯都熄了,他们必定睡了。3.He must have done it when I was off with those assholes.他一定是趁我和那群混蛋一起的时候做的。4.The man must have done something right, more right than all jumpers before.这个人一定是做了些很对的事,比所有以前跳高的做得更对。5.China must have done something supremely right to produce the economic miracle we observe.中国一定是做了非常对的事才产生了我们见到的经济奇迹。6.You must have done something to her.你一定有跟她做什么事。7.He must have done sometime. Certainly he had always been jealous of him as a child.有时他肯定爱,当然他总是忌妒弟弟,像一个小孩子。
2023-07-08 18:43:311

must have been和must be的区别

must have been“(过去)肯定是”must be“肯定/一定是”
2023-07-08 18:43:423

关于must have done的虚拟语气?

be动词后接形容词或名词都行;must have been意思是“((过去)肯定(已经)是……”,后面接形容词或名词都行。表示对过去的状态的判断。The city one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. 这座古城肯定一度很繁荣,因为它曾享有高度的文明。Your bravery must have been the reason why Odin requires you at Valhalla. 你的勇敢一定是奥丁让你去尔哈拉殿堂的原因。must have done不是虚拟语气,表示“肯定已经做……”He must have finished the work.他肯定已经完成工作了。
2023-07-08 18:43:571

must be和must have be有什么区别

第二个应该是 must have been
2023-07-08 18:44:164

must have done和must have been doing的区别

must have done和must have been doing的区别:您好。两者都是表示肯定的推测。must have done:是说你肯定做了某事。must have been doing:译为肯定当时正在做某事,只有意思的区别。
2023-07-08 18:44:251

must have done sth有没有这样的句型?

must have done sth.一定做某事。表示对过去事情的较有把握的推测,这时只能用在肯定句中,“肯定/必须已经干过…”,在否定句和疑问句中用can"t或couldn"t或can/ could,例如:1.From what you said, she must have told you all about it.从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。2.The light was out. They must have gone to bed.灯都熄了,他们必定睡了。3.He must have done it when I was off with those assholes.他一定是趁我和那群混蛋一起的时候做的。4.The man must have done something right, more right than all jumpers before.这个人一定是做了些很对的事,比所有以前跳高的做得更对。5.China must have done something supremely right to produce the economic miracle we observe.中国一定是做了非常对的事才产生了我们见到的经济奇迹。6.You must have done something to her.你一定有跟她做什么事。7.He must have done sometime. Certainly he had always been jealous of him as a child.有时他肯定爱,当然他总是忌妒弟弟,像一个小孩子。
2023-07-08 18:44:321

must have done是什么时态怎么翻译

must have done是现在完成时态(过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响); had done是过去完成时态(过去发生的动作对过去造成的影响) must have done常与情态动词连用,情态动词+have done,表示一定做了某事。 扩展资料   结构和用法   1、must have done sth.一定做某事。表示对过去事情的较有把握的"推测,这时只能用在肯定句中,“肯定/必须已经干过…”,在否定句和疑问句中用can"t或couldn"t或can/ could.   例如:From what you said, she must have told you all about it. 从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。   2、can/could have done sth.本来能够做某事,而实际上未做。   例如:But we could have done it all so much better. 但是,我们本可以把这一切做得更好。   3、can"t/couldn"t have done sth.不可能做过某事 。   例如:I could"t have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到那样的。   4、ought to/should have done sth.过去本应该做某事而实际上并没有做 。   例如:You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring. 你应该在今年春天第一次看到它们盛开的时候就挖一些的。
2023-07-08 18:44:401

must have done的用法分过去和完成两种情况

2023-07-08 18:45:012

must have 连读

因为这句话=you must"ve been hungry. 那个have其实就是个v,讲得时候很快的咬下下嘴唇就过去了.
2023-07-08 18:45:071

must和have to区别

2023-07-08 18:45:245

must have done是什么意思?

must have done ,是表示对过去发生的事情的推测,常常可以译成: 一定做过某事。例如: It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.(昨天晚上一定下雨了,因为地下都湿了。)
2023-07-08 18:45:421

must have stolen 和must be stolen的区别?

2023-07-08 18:46:061

下面这句话中“must have taken”是虚拟语气的用法么?“must”可以用作为构成虚拟语气的情态动词么?

不是。虚拟语气是说 想象。 判定/推断(estimation)和想象(imagination)不同, 是完全区分的概念, 判断是根据实际条件/正常情况来的,想象是根据虚假条件/极不可能的情况来的。那么这些 组合 都有 两种用法 表示 判断 或者 是想象。 我们可以用 情态动词+have+done 推断(could have,should have,might have,may have)/判定(would have,must have)过去的情况,此时依据的是 真实条件/正常情况。也可以用它们来进行 想象,此时依据的条件是 虚假的 if clause,without,或者是有转折的条件but..., 这时候就会和真实情况产生违背,因为只有不同 才会去想象。用你的话做个例子I thought you must have finished your home work last night.说这句话你是根据正常情况来判定的话,那他极大概率是完成了。此时叫判定(推断)又比如 10 years ago i would have been a little girl. (判定) 这明显是和事实符合的。如果是根据 虚假条件,转折条件,这就会和现实相违背。I thought you must have finished your home work last night if u had not been taken out by ur sister. 此时这就叫想象。当然并不是所有的话,都必须有 if 什么的,但是通过当时情景 可以知道 他说这句话是什么意思。 比如she would have apologized to u. 这句话,你打电话和对方说,表示你根据正常情况判断,她会跟你道歉,现实是 她很大概率确实道歉了,也有可能没道歉。但是 这个 “she”要是死了走丢了,此时你说这句话的含义是,你在想象一个虚假的条件she woulda apologized to u (if she were here/ if she were still alive). 这就是现实里 她并没道歉。其实我很不清楚 为什么很多人说话 用到 这些 组合的时候 总是会在乎 客观是不是真的发生了。完全没有关系
2023-07-08 18:46:145


could/might have 可能有,语气较弱must have 必须有,语气很强should have 应该有,语气较强
2023-07-08 18:46:311

must和have to的区别

must和have to的区别介绍如下:1、强调重点不同:两者都表示“必须”,但must侧重于说话者的主观看法,have to则侧重指客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意。must是强调说话者的要求;用have to强调的是客观实际的需要。2、所用时态不同:must只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去),而have to则有多种时态形式。如:He said she must go with me.他说她必须同我一起去。除在宾语从句中表示过去可用must之外,其他表示过去的情况一般只用had to。3、非限定形式不同:have to可以有分词、动名词、不定式等形式,must则没有这些形式。4、动词搭配不同:根据语义的需要,have to可以与情态动词搭配使用,而must本身作为情态动词,不能这样用。扩展资料:重点词汇:must英[mu0259st]释义:aux.必须;一定;应该,得n.绝对必要的事物;待发酵的葡萄汁;发霉,潮气n.(Must)(美)穆斯特(人名)[复数:musts;第三人称单数:musts;现在分词:musting;过去式:musted;过去分词:musted]短语:Romeo Must Die致命罗密欧;罗密欧必死;致命豪杰。
2023-07-08 18:47:191

关于情态动词must和have to的区别

1) 两词都是"必须"的意思,have to 表示客观的需要, must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。 My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事) 2) have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。但must 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。 He had to look after his sister yesterday. 3) 在否定结构中: don"t have to 表示"不必" mustn"t 表示"禁止", You don"t have to tell him about it. 你不一定要把此事告诉他。 You mustn"t tell him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他。
2023-07-08 18:47:462


“must+be”“must+be+ v -ing”“must+表示状态的动词”可表示现在或一般的情况;“must+have”表示过去的情况;“must+表示动作的动词”表示将来的情况。must的英式读法是[mʌst];美式读法是[mʌst]。单词直接源自古英语的moste,意为应当,必须,需。作助动词意思有必须;应当;很可能。作名词意思有必须做的事;未发酵的葡萄汁;发霉。相关例句:1、Something must be done about it.必须得想个办法。2、The dictionary must be on the bookshelf in my bedroom.词典很可能丢在卧室的书架上。扩展资料:一、单词用法aux. (助动词)1、must表示义务或强制,含意是“必须”“应当”; 其否定结构表示“不许可”或“不应该”; 用于一般疑问句时,表示征求对方的意见,其肯定答语用Yes,please或I"m afraid so,否定答语用needn"t或don"t have to;must在间接引语中表过去。2、must表示必然性,一般只用于肯定句中,有时表示“意愿”,带有感情色彩。3、must表示推测,暗含很大的可能性,一般只用于肯定句中,在否定句中表示推测用can"t而不能用mustn"t。4、must可表示讽刺或抱怨,此时须以you为主语。5、must表示客观上不愉快的情况,意为“偏偏”。二、词义辨析aux. (助动词)must, have to这组词语都有“必须”的意思。其区别在于:1、must侧重表达说话者的主观看法,认为“必须做某事”; have to则用来表示因客观条件或客观环境的迫使而“不得不做某事”。2、have to可强调一动作重复发生,而must不能。3、must作情态动词用时,没有时态和人称变化,可表示现在或将来,但不用于过去时;而have to作情态动词用时,有时态和人称变化,可用于过去时。两者均是后接动词原形在句中共同构成谓语。
2023-07-08 18:47:541

must have been的用法和意思

现在must have done都是表推测,要表达“本应”的含义都用should/could have done.
2023-07-08 18:48:122

must have done什么意思

常与情态动词连用,情态动词+have done,表示一定做了某事。拓展资料:结构和用法1、must have done sth.一定做某事。表示对过去事情的较有把握的推测,这时只能用在肯定句中,“肯定/必须已经干过…”,在否定句和疑问句中用can"t或couldn"t或can/ could.例如:From what you said, she must have told you all about it. 从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。2、can/could have done sth.本来能够做某事,而实际上未做。例如:But we could have done it all so much better. 但是,我们本可以把这一切做得更好。3、can"t/couldn"t have done sth.不可能做过某事 。例如:I could"t have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到那样的。4、ought to/should have done sth.过去本应该做某事而实际上并没有做 。例如:You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring. 你应该在今年春天第一次看到它们盛开的时候就挖一些的。参考资料:must have done(百度翻译)
2023-07-08 18:48:223

must have done和must have been doing的区别

must have done和must have been doing的区别must have done和must have been doing的区别must have done和must have been doing的区别must have done和must have been doing的区别must have done和must have been doing的区别must have done和must have been doing的区别
2023-07-08 18:48:393

must have done什么意思?

常与情态动词连用,情态动词+have done,表示一定做了某事。拓展资料:结构和用法1、must have done sth.一定做某事。表示对过去事情的较有把握的推测,这时只能用在肯定句中,“肯定/必须已经干过…”,在否定句和疑问句中用can"t或couldn"t或can/ could.例如:From what you said, she must have told you all about it. 从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。2、can/could have done sth.本来能够做某事,而实际上未做。例如:But we could have done it all so much better. 但是,我们本可以把这一切做得更好。3、can"t/couldn"t have done sth.不可能做过某事 。例如:I could"t have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到那样的。4、ought to/should have done sth.过去本应该做某事而实际上并没有做 。例如:You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring. 你应该在今年春天第一次看到它们盛开的时候就挖一些的。参考资料:must have done(百度翻译)
2023-07-08 18:48:462

have 和 must 有何区别?

想确定一下 是have to 和must的区别吗?
2023-07-08 18:49:052

“must have done”和“must have been doing”的区别是什么?

must have done和must have been doing的区别:您好。两者都是表示肯定的推测。must have done:是说你肯定做了某事。must have been doing:译为肯定当时正在做某事,只有意思的区别。
2023-07-08 18:49:291

have to do和must的区别

must表示主观的义务和必要,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,意思为“必须……,得……,要……”;由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或haveto,否定回答要用needn"t或don"thaveto,意思是“不必”;must的否定形式mustn"t表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。 表示肯定的猜测,常用于肯定句中,意思为“一定是,必然……”。 注意must表示推断或猜测的几种情况: Your sister must be a doctor in this hospital.(现在的猜测) 你姐姐一定是这家医院的医生。
2023-07-08 18:49:535

must have done 与may( might) have done的区别

2023-07-08 18:50:072

must have done的用法

"must have done"是一种推测过去的语法结构,表示根据已有的线索或证据,推断出某个过去的行为或情况十分可能发生过。例如:1. He must have forgotten his keys at home. (他肯定在家里忘记了钥匙。)2. They must have arrived at the airport by now. (他们现在肯定已经到达机场了。)3. She must have studied very hard for the exam. (她肯定为考试学了很多。)在使用该结构时,通常要结合上下文和语境进行判断,避免造成歧义。
2023-07-08 18:50:152

英语you must have had many things怎么翻译?

must have done 是对过去事实的推断,属于虚拟语气,可以翻译为“你必定有过许多东西”。
2023-07-08 18:50:376

must have done的问题?

"Must have done"通常被称为虚拟完成时,表示过去某个时间发生的事情。在这种情况下,"must"表示说话者对事情发生的推测或假设,而"have done"则表示发生在过去的动作或事件。当使用"must have done"时,它通常暗示过去的时间,但并没有具体指明。因此,它可以用于现在完成时的某些情况下,例如:对于发生在过去、但没有具体时间表明的动作或事件,例如:"She must have finished her homework by now."(她现在肯定已经完成作业了。)对于对某个过去事件的推测或假设,例如:"He must have missed the train."(他肯定错过了那趟火车。)对于过去的某个可能性或猜测,例如:"They must have gone to the beach last weekend."(他们上个周末可能去了海滩。)需要注意的是,"must have done"并不总是等同于现在完成时,它只是现在完成时的一种用法,强调的是对过去事件的推测或假设。
2023-07-08 18:51:001

must have done和must be的区别?

2023-07-08 18:51:152

must have done的用法分过去和完成两种情况

must + 完成式(have done):推测过去所发生的事情和已经完成的动作: He must have arrived here last night. 他肯定是昨晚到达这里的. He must have had lunch. 他肯定吃过午饭了. must + 完成进行式(have been doing): 推测过去某一时刻正在进行的动作. It must have been raining at 8 yesterday morning.昨天早上六点钟时天肯定在下雨.
2023-07-08 18:51:341

must be done和 must have done区别

must be done 意思是必须要做什么事 must have done 这是虚拟语气 必定做了…(表示对过去的推测
2023-07-08 18:51:411

must have been和must be有什么区别?

must have been和must be的区别在have。因为本句是指对过去情况的推测,所以必须要用“情态动词+动词的完成式”。have在这里表示是动作已经完成。所以must have been是对过去的事实的肯定猜测,must be是对现在事实的肯定猜测。例句:Sorry I made such a fool of myself last night. I must have been drunk.翻译:对不起,我昨晚真是出丑了,我一定是喝醉了。must的用法1、must表示义务或强制,含意是“必须”“应当”;其否定结构表示“不许可”或“不应该”;用于一般疑问句时,表示征求对方的意见,其肯定答语用Yes, please或I"m afraid so,否定答语用needn"t或don"t have to; must在间接引语中表过去。2、must表示必然性,一般只用于肯定句中,有时表示“意愿”,带有感情色彩。
2023-07-08 18:51:481

must have been和mustbe的区别在哪儿?

must have been和must be的区别在have。因为本句是指对过去情况的推测,所以必须要用“情态动词+动词的完成式”。have在这里表示是动作已经完成。所以must have been是对过去的事实的肯定猜测,must be是对现在事实的肯定猜测。例句:Sorry I made such a fool of myself last night. I must have been drunk.翻译:对不起,我昨晚真是出丑了,我一定是喝醉了。must的用法1、must表示义务或强制,含意是“必须”“应当”;其否定结构表示“不许可”或“不应该”;用于一般疑问句时,表示征求对方的意见,其肯定答语用Yes, please或I"m afraid so,否定答语用needn"t或don"t have to; must在间接引语中表过去。2、must表示必然性,一般只用于肯定句中,有时表示“意愿”,带有感情色彩。
2023-07-08 18:52:021

must与have to的区别

1. 强调重点不同两者都表示“必须”,但must侧重于说话者的主观看法,have to则侧重指客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意。比较:You can borrow my car, but you must bring it back before ten. 你可以借我的汽车,但必须在10点以前开回来。I have lost my pen, so I have to buy one. 我的钢笔丢了,所以得去买一支。第一句用must,强调说话者的要求——你必须这样做,否则借车免谈;第二句用have to强调的是客观实际的需要——不得不买支新的,否则就没有笔用。2. 所用时态不同must 只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去),而 have to则有多种时态形式。如:He said she must go with me. 他说她必须同我一起去。We had to borrow a lot of money. 我们不得不要借一大笔钱。She has had to sell her house. 她不得不把房子卖掉。As a matter of fact, he"s having to sell his house. 事实上,他现在得卖房子了。除在宾语从句中表示过去可用 must 之外,其他表示过去的情况一般只用 had to。3. 非限定形式不同have to可以有分词、动名词、不定式等形式,而must则没有这些形式。如:I hate to have to get up in the morning. 我真不愿意早上非得起来不可。I don"t enjoy having to work with her. 我不喜欢必须与她共事。4. 动词搭配不同根据语义的需要,have to可以与情态动词搭配使用,而must本身作为情态动词,显然不能这样用。如:He may have to cancel the plan. 他可能需要打消这个计划。If we missed the train, we should have to wait an hour at the station. 假如我们赶不上这班火车,我们就得在车站再等一小时。5. 否定式的意义不同must 的否定式 mustn"t 意为“一定不要”“不允许”;而 have to 的否定式 don"t have to 意为“不必”(=needn"t)。比较( mustn"t tell him about it. 你一定不要告诉他这件事。(这可能是秘密)You needn"t tell him about it. 你不必告诉他这件事。(他可能知道了)
2023-07-08 18:52:161

must后可以加have to 吗?

2023-07-08 18:52:268

must与must have done 的区别是什么?

must对将来或现在猜测,must have done 表示对过去猜测或对过去所做的事感到后悔
2023-07-08 18:52:413

must have done 和 must do 有什么区别!哪一个是表示对过去的猜测呢?

must have done是表示对过去的猜测楼上不懂不要乱讲
2023-07-08 18:52:495

must表推测时 must do 和must have done的区别

must表推测时 must do 和must have done的区别must表推测时 : 必定,一定 The light is still on, so he must be at home. 灯还是亮的,他一定在家。 The light was out. They must have gone to bed. 灯都熄了,他们必定睡了。 注意:1. must表示推测时的否定式是can"t或couldn"t(不可能) ,因为must只用于肯定句,语气很强。2. 若对过去情况的推测用must have加过去分词。
2023-07-08 18:53:041

must have to区别

2023-07-08 18:53:127


1、思想影响命运机遇改变命运行动决定命运。 Thought to influence change destiny opportunity action destiny fate. 2、改变自己不是为了取悦他人,而是为了自己。 Not change yourself to please others, but for yourself. 3、这个伟大的世界永远旋转,不断地改变陈规。 This great world forever, constantly change stereotypes. 4、成功需要改变,用新的方法改变过去的结果。 Success requires change, with the result of the new way to change the past. 5、一个人幸运的前提,其实是他有能力改变自己。 One lucky Pmise, is actually he has the power to change yourself. 6、人身体天天在变是躯体,永远不会改变那是性格。 Body is changing every day is a body, will never change that is personality. 7、如果试图改变一些东西,首先应该接受许多东西。 If you try to change something, first of all should accept many things. 8、文明可以改变爱情的方式,却永远不能扼杀爱情。 Civilization can change the way of love, but can never kill love. 9、网络比较虚拟,只有知识能改变自己真正的命运。 Network is virtual, only knowledge can change their destiny. 10、人的智力是按照人如何学会改变自然界而发展的。 Person"s intelligence is according to how people learn to change the nature and development. 11、不是这个社会改变了我,而是从来我都是这样子。 Is not this society changed me, but I never is like this. 12、当你改变了自己的信念,你也就改变了自己的行为。 When you change your own beliefs, you also changed their behavior. 13、一个人会为了另一个人去改变、去迁就,这就是爱。 One person to another person to change, to compromise, this is love. 14、环境改变的程度越高,则人格改变的程度也越高了。 The higher the degree of change, the personality and the higher the degree of change. 15、对于某种无法改变的习性,我感到一种宿命的无奈。 For some can"t change the habit, I feel a kind of fate. 16、谁以为命运女神不会改变主意,谁就会被世人所耻笑。 Whoever thought destiny goddess wouldn"t change his mind, will be laughed at by the world. 17、真理不会因人的误解而改变,也不会随着人情做修正。 Truth will not change by people"s misunderstanding, also won"t do correction as human feelings. 18、与所爱的人长期相处的秘诀是:放弃改变对象的念头。 Get along with loved ones for a long time is the secret of: give up the idea of changing object. 19、环境正是由人来改变的,而教育者本人一定是受教育的。 Environment is to change by someone, but the educator himself must be influenced by education. 20、怜悯也许能拯救一个人的灵魂,但却不能轻易改变生活。 Compassion may be able to save a person"s soul, but will not easily change your life. 21、只有通过一种方式才能征服死亡:抢在死亡之前改变世界。 Only in a way to conquer death: before death to change the world. 22、改变好习惯比改掉坏习惯容易的多,这是人生的一大悲衰。 Change easier than breaking bad habits, good habits, this is the life of a great failure. 23、同在一个环境中生活,强者与弱者的分界就在于谁能改变它。 In an environment of life, the strong and the weak boundary is that who can change it. 24、那些疯狂到以为自己能够改变世界的人,才能真正改变世界。 Who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, can really change the world. 25、我只不过是把视力集中在一点,以改变我以往对事物的看法! I just turn the vision is focused on the point to change my opinion of things past! 26、用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。 Use your smile to change the world, don"t let the world change your smile. 27、能随着时代和世事而改变他的本性,命运就永远掌握在他手中。 Can be changed over time and the world and his nature, the destiny is always in his hands. 28、人们总说时间会改变一切,但是实际上你需要自己努力去改变。 People always say that time can change everything, but in fact you need their own efforts to change. 29、未来走到我们中间,为了能在它发生之前很久就先行改变我们。 Future go among us, in order to for a long time will change our first before it happens. 30、只有彻底的行动,才是改变自己,改变自己周围社会的唯一途径。 Only change ourselves, radical action, is the only way to change their surrounding society. 31、改变不了环境但可以改变自己;改变不了事实,但可以改变态度。 Don"t change the environment but can change yourself; Don"t change the fact, but can change the attitude. 32、谁说的?我只是把视力集中在一点,以改变以往我对事物的看法! Who said that? I just put the vision is focused on the point to change my opinion of things past! 33、财富和声誉的庞儿们在我们眼前纷纷落马,却不能改变我们的雄心。 Wealth and reputation of PangEr in front of us cut, but can"t change our ambition. 34、随着一种观念的流行,言语创新的程度丝毫不亚于习惯改变的程度。 Words with the popularity of an idea, the degree of innovation is no less habits change. 35、时间带走一切,长年累月会把你的名字、外貌、性格、命运都改变。 Time take away everything, long will put your name, appearance, character, fate change. 36、奢侈品对于我来说是生活必备品,我认为它对我生活的改变很重要。 Luxury is a life style for me, I think it is very important to the change of my life. 37、获得心理平和的方法是改变人的想法,你应努力培养舒畅自然的心态。 Access to psychological peace method is to change people"s ideas, you should try to develop natural state of mind. 38、无论如何努力,若不能达成使人改变的目标,就说不上是在培养人才。 No matter how hard, if not to achieve the target of make people change, it"s not in training talents. 39、每个人都是独一无二的,你不需要别人改变自己,做真实的自己好了。 Everyone is unique, you don"t need others to change myself, to be true to yourself. 40、如同磁铁吸引四周的铁粉,热情也能吸引周围的人,改变周围的情况。 Around like a magnet attracts iron powder, also can attract the people around you, change the situation around. 41、承认贫困并不是可耻的。相反,不为改变贫困而努力才是确实可耻的。 Admit that poverty is not shameful. On the contrary, to try to change the poverty is not really shameful. 42、坦然面对生活中那些不可改变的事情,努力付出那些你可以改变的事情。 Calm in the face of life things do not change, efforts to pay those things you can change. 43、宇宙间只有一个永不改变的法则,那就是一切都在改变,一切都是无常。 The law of the universe is only one it will never change, that"s all changing, everything is impermanent. 44、只要内心不乱,外界就很难改变你什么。不要艳羡他人,不要输掉自己。 As long as the heart not disorderly, the outside world is hard to change what you are. Don"t envy others, don"t lose yourself. 45、你可以相信一座山移动了位置,却不必去相信一个人改变了自己的个性。 Can you believe that a mountain to move the position, but don"t have to believe that a person changed his personality. 46、被我们称为势利鬼的人,无论以什么面目出现,都改变不了势利的本性。 We called snob people, no matter in what form, all can"t change the nature of snobbery. 47、发生任何问题,先从自己身上找问题。因为改变自己容易,改变别人难。 There is any problem, first from yourself to find the problem. Because change yourself easy, but hard to change others. 48、环境的改变和人的活动的一致,只能被看作是并合理地理解为**的实践。 Environmental change and human activities, and can only be seen as a reasonably understood as the practice of the revolution. 49、没有什么比时间更具有说服力了,因为时间无需通知我们就可以改变一切。 There were no more persuasive than time because time without notice, we can change everything. 50、谁会知道生活会怎样的变幻,但你要坚信你能改自己的生活改变这个世界。 Who knows what life will be change, but you have to believe that you can change your life change the world. 51、为了不让生活留下遗憾和后悔,我们应该尽可能抓住一切改变生活的机会。 In order not to let the life regret and regret, we should seize every chance to change life as much as possible. 52、爱情最让人无法掌握的地方,就是不知道时间什么时候会带来什么样的改变。 Where the love is the most let a person cannot master, I don"t know what time to what time will bring change. 53、智者是自己命运的创造者。谁想改变命运,就得勤奋工作,否则将一事无成。 A wise man is the creator of his own fate. Who want to change your fate, you have to work hard, otherwise will accomplish nothing. 54、当人们学会自嘲,能够嘲笑自己的愚蠢和所做的错事时,他就在开始改变了。 When people learn to laugh at myself and able to laugh at your own stupidity and do wrong, he began to change. 55、不要相信你永远没有朋友,人都是在改变的,要相信自己,你会慢慢变的幸福! Don"t believe you don"t have friends forever, people are in change, believe in yourself, you will gradually become happy! 56、善恶并不是一成不变的东西,而是不断改变所处的场所和立场。平衡本身就是善。 Good and evil is not the same thing, but the changing of place and position. Balance is good in itself. 57、有时候,我们等的不是什么人、什么事,我们等的是时间,等时间,让自己改变。 Sometimes, we is not what people, what matter, we such as time, such as time, let oneself change. 58、为了迎合风向而改变自己见解的人,我们认为是糟糕的、卑鄙的、毫无信念的人。 In order to cater to the direction of the wind and change their ideas, we think that is bad, despicable, someone who has no belief. 59、在**上,如同在宗教上一样,要想用火与剑迫使人们改变信仰,是同样荒谬的。 In politics, as in religion, in order to force people to change beliefs, with fire and sword is also ridiculous. 60、你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你一生。 You do every day in many seem pointless, but one day one of your decision can change your life. 61、年轻的时候我们都想着要去改变这个世界,到头来,我们却一直在被这个世界改变。 Young when we are thinking of going to change the world, in the end, we have been is the change in the world. 62、你接受比抱怨还要好,对于不可改变的事实,你除了接受以外,没有更好的办法了。 You accept good than complain, for the immutable fact, in addition to accept, you have no better way. 63、用勇气改变可以改变的事情,用胸怀改变不能改变的事情,用智慧分辨两者的不同。 With the courage to change can change things, with mind change does not change things, use wisdom to distinguish the difference. 64、不去为真理,为捍卫党的得益而斗争,见错不纠,不促其改变,还算什么共产党员。 Don"t go to the truth, the struggle to defend the party"s benefit, see a wrong not remedy, it is not changed, what is the communist party member. 65、上帝创造这个世界只用了七天时间,那么,一个人的改变绝对不会需要更长的时间。 God created this world in seven days, so, a person"s change will never take longer. 66、对国家要爱哟!中国要发达起来,中国穷了几千年了,现在是改变这种状况的时候了。 For countries to love! China to developed country, China is poor for thousands of years, and now it"s time to change this situation. 67、每个人都想改变世界,改变别人,但是没有人想过自己也不曾做到他自己期望的那样。 Everyone wants to change the world, to change others, but no one thought I didn"t do his own expectations. 68、青年只要朝着大目标前进,时代巨轮就会转动!青年只要嘶声伸张正义,历史就会改变! Youth as long as working towards a big goal, era ship will turn! Youth just screams justice, history will change! 69、我们的社会里,必须有改变物质生活的原动力,这样才能把未来的命脉握在自己的手里。 In our society, there must be a change agent of material life, so you can put the lifeblood of a future in their own hands. 70、太阳能比风更快的脱下你的大衣;仁厚、友善的方式比任何**更容易改变别人的心意。 Solar energy faster than the wind take off your coat; Very kind and friendly way easier than any violence to change someone"s mind. 71、长期形成的习俗不是轻易可以破除的;谁试图改变自己的生活方式,结果往往徒劳无益。 Long-term formation of the customs can not easily break; Who tried to change his way of life, the result is often useless. 72、你要改变是因为你自己愿意改,不要为任何人,怕只怕那人会令你失望,你又得打回原形。 You want to change because you want to change, not for anyone, is afraid that people will disappoint you, you have to play back to prototype. 73、你每天遇到千万人,没有一个真正触动你的心。然后你遇到一个人,你的人生就永远改变。 You meet every day ten million people, is not a real touches your heart. And then you meet one person, your life is changed forever. 74、有勇气来改变可以改变的事情,有胸怀来接受不可改变的事情,有智慧来分辨两者的不同。 Have the courage to change can change things, have a mind to accept the things that cannot be changed, have the wisdom to distinguish the difference. 75、为别人改变自己最划不来,到头来你会发现委屈太大,而且,人家对你的牺牲不一定欣赏。 For others to change yourself is the most foolish but, in the end you will find that the injustice is too big, and the sacrifice for you may not apPciate. 76、我们的生活有太多无奈,我们无法改变,也无力去改变,更糟的是,我们失去了改变的想法。 Our life has too many helpless, we can"t change, is weak to change, to make matters worse, we lost the change idea. 77、做你自己,不要为了任何人改变自己,如果他不能接受最坏的你,那么他也不值得最好的你。 Be yourself, don"t change yourself for anyone, if he can"t accept the worst you, so he is not worthy of your best. 78、一个人的本性如何,是无可更改的事实,染缸再大,也改变不了一个人的本质,怪什么社会? How a person"s nature, the fact that there is no change, vats again big, also can not change the nature of a man, what blame society? 79、世上只有时间不会因为任何人任何事而改变,但时间却可以改变很多事,甚至可以改变一切。 There is only time will not change because of anyone anything, but time can change a lot of things, and even can change everything. 80、即使认为什么都没变,其实它正一点一点地改变。静止的时间也在移动。即使是往结束的方向。 Even if you don"t think anything, it is changing bit by bit. The stillness of the time also in the mobile. Even to the direction of the end. 81、为别人改变自己最划不来,到头来你会发觉委屈太大,而且,别人对你的牺牲不一定表示欣赏。 For others to change yourself is the most foolish but, in the end you will find too much injustice, and others to sacrifice doesn"t apPciate you. 82、笑着面对,不去埋怨,悠然,随性,随缘,注定让一生改变的,只在百年后,那一朵花开的时间。 Smiling face, not to complain, carefree, along with the gender, fate, doomed to let life change, only in one hundred, after the flower bloom time.
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