barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-08 22:04:53


英 [bru028cu0283]

美 [bru028cu0283]

n. 刷子;画笔;毛笔;争吵;与某人有效冲突;灌木丛地带;矮树丛;狐狸尾巴

vi. 刷;擦过;掠过;(经过时)轻触

vt. 刷;画;


brush 电刷,刷子,画笔

carbon brush 碳刷,炭刷,碳电刷

lip brush 口红刷,唇刷,唇笔



brush 英[bru028cu0283] 美[bru028cu0283] n. 刷子,画笔;灌木丛;小冲突 vt. 刷;掠过;擦;轻触 vi. 刷;擦过 [例句]Everyone should brush at least twice a day.每个人每天至少要刷两次牙。
2023-07-08 21:05:341


2023-07-08 21:05:411


2023-07-08 21:07:422

brush teeth英语怎么读

[br__] [ti_θ]。 brush teeth英语正确读音为[br__] [ti_θ] ,中文读音音似“不软题目”。其中θ在英语中,属于辅音中的摩擦音。∫是个清辅音,声带不震动,和汉语中的声母sh很相近,但要注意的是_不卷舌,是个平舌音。_是元音音标,属于单元音、中元音及短元音,发音时嘴巴张开一半,牙齿分开,舌中部抬起,舌尖和舌端贴在下齿,由喉部推出气流发出短促有力的类似“啊”的音。brush作动词是刷或涂抹的意思,teeth可作为名词使用,的意思是牙齿,因此brush teeth的意思是刷牙。动词短语中是Brush teeth,动名词是Brushing。
2023-07-08 21:08:001


  brush表刷子,画笔; 灌木丛; 小冲突的意思,那么你知道brush的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理brush的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   brush的短语:   brush up   1. 重温,再练   2. 更新技术,改善   brush someone back   1. (棒球 非正式)(投球手)迫使击球手后退以免被投出的近身球击中   brush up on (或 brush something up)   1. 温习,复习   温习一下你给人打电话的技巧。   brush up on your telephone skills.   give it another brush   润色,再加工一下 try to make the painting better   Before the artist finished his work he liked to give it another brush.那位画家在完成他的工作之前喜欢润色一下他的作品。   give sb the brush off   拒绝某人u2026,让某人碰钉子,充耳不闻; 不予理睬 terminate a friendship with sb, refuse to hear or believe, quickly and impatiently   He"d let me down more than once so the next time he asked me for a favour I gave him the brush off. 他已不止一次为难我,因此下次他求我帮助时,我也让他碰碰钉子。   have a brush with   与u2026发生摩擦,小冲突 have a short fight or disagreement   She had a brush with her neighbour. 她同邻居发生了一次争吵。   brush的短语例句:   1. I rounded a bend where the trees and brush grew thickly.   我绕过一个林木茂盛的弯。   2. When it"s dry, brush the hair using a soft, nylon baby brush.   当头发干后,用柔软的婴儿用尼龙发刷梳理头发。   3. Brush your teeth after each meal and floss daily.   餐后要刷牙,而且每天要使用牙线清洁牙缝。   4. The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.   公司正在努力摆脱自身遭遇的第二次破产危机。   5. I ran the brush through my hair and dashed out.   我用刷子刷了一下头发,冲了出去。   6. Once inside her apartment she felt an urge to brush her teeth.   一回到自己的公寓,她就有一种想要刷牙的冲动。   7. Clean the mussels with a stiff brush under cold running water.   用一把硬刷子在冷自来水下冲洗贻贝。   8. Using a small brush, he brushed away the fine sawdust.   他用一把小刷子刷掉细锯末。   9. Brush the glaze over the top and sides of the hot cake.   在热蛋糕的顶上和周围刷上一层蛋浆。   10. I gave it a quick brush with my hairbrush.   我用我的梳子把它迅速梳了一下。   11. Perhaps you shouldn"t brush the idea aside too hastily.   也许你不应该太仓促地否定这个想法。   12. He"s giving a broad brush approach to the subject.   他将对这一学科进行概述。   13. My first brush with a headmaster came six years ago.   我跟校长的第一次冲突发生在6年前。   14. Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.   取一张擀得很薄的油酥面皮,上面刷上一层熔化的牛油。   15. I had hoped to brush up my Spanish.   我曾打算好好温习一下我的西班牙语。
2023-07-08 21:08:071


2023-07-08 21:08:225

brush的词性和词 义是什么?

brush 可作动词也可作名词 ,意思是 刷,刷子如 He brushes his teeth every morning. He bought a new brush yesterday.
2023-07-08 21:08:383


sually是频率副词,可以接动词 or “或者”使用 brush 刷(n/v) MS.有些类似. 跟MR. NO
2023-07-08 21:09:023


brush v. 刷例:brush one"s teeth 刷牙
2023-07-08 21:09:102

deshedding brush什么意思

deshedding brush是宠物毛刷Deshedding, Deshedding Suppliers and Manufacturers at Alibaba...deshedding brush pet brush desheder deshedding pet brush dog brush deshedding dog grooming deshedding pet hair deshedding tool deshedding grooming tool More...
2023-07-08 21:09:181


brush teeth
2023-07-08 21:09:285

brush怎么读 英语brush怎么读

1、brush英[bru028cu0283]美[bru028cu0283],n.刷子; 毛刷; 画笔; 刷; 轻擦; 掠过;v.(用刷子)刷净,刷亮,刷平顺; (用刷子)抹,涂; (用刷子或手)拂,掸,擦掉。 2、[例句]Wet the brush slightly before putting it in the paint.把刷子弄湿点再去沾油漆。
2023-07-08 21:10:231


brush:n.刷子;毛刷;画笔;刷;轻擦;掠过;小冲突;灌木丛;狐狸尾巴;v.(用刷子)刷净,刷亮,刷平顺;(用刷子)抹,涂;(用刷子或手)拂,掸,擦掉;轻擦,掠过。词语用例:动词短语brush aside/brush away不理会;不顾;漠视;brush off被刷掉;被拂去;brush sbu2194off不理睬某人;打发。brush sb/yourself off掸净某人 / 自己,拂去衣服上的灰尘(尤指摔跤后);brush sthu2194up/brush up on sth奋起直追(重温生疏了的技术等)。brush sb/sthu2194aside不理会某人 / 某物;漠视;brush sthu2194down刷干净;brush up/brush up on重温;复习。习语daft as a brush傻得很;愚蠢透顶;paint sth with a broad brush大致地描述;be tarred with the same brush (as sb)被认为是一路货色;被看成一丘之貉。
2023-07-08 21:10:301


2023-07-08 21:10:462

Brush 造句 请以"brush"来造几个句子. brush 的作用是"动词-画"

Brush the snow aside 扫雪 brush away the crumbs ; brush aside the objections. 拂去灰尘;拂去异议. Brush up your shoes. 把你的鞋子刷干净. I brush my hair. 我梳理头发. I brush my teeth. 我刷牙. It is a brush. 它是一把刷子. Brush up one"s act 检点自己的行为 A brush for applying paint. 画笔用于画画的刷子 A brush for the hair. 发刷刷毛发的刷子 Brush butter on the roast. 在烤肉上刷一层黄油.
2023-07-08 21:12:031


2023-07-08 21:12:129

Brush 造句

2023-07-08 21:14:014


含义不同、用法不同。1、含义不同。flush的含义是脸红;激动;喜悦,brush的是含义是刷子,画笔; 灌木丛; 小冲突。2、用法不同。flush主要用作动词、形容词、副词,brush主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词。
2023-07-08 21:14:081

brush teeth翻译

2023-07-08 21:14:162

brush 在面料中是什么意思

brush是 抓毛的意思,相对于磨毛而言,抓毛的毛长要更长。
2023-07-08 21:14:241


2023-07-08 21:14:311


翻译成汉字是 刷子,谐音刷子brush 读音用拼音表示bu riwuashi
2023-07-08 21:14:381


used for brushing the mug/cup
2023-07-08 21:14:473


wash vt. 清洗 ,洗刷She washed her face with cold water.她用冷水洗了脸。They looked as if they hadn"t watered in days.他们看样子好几天没有洗澡了。brush vt. 刷 , 洗刷After Li Ming gets up , he brushes histeeth and washes his face. 李明起床后,他刷牙、洗脸。
2023-07-08 21:15:062


brush [bru028cu0283]
2023-07-08 21:15:303


2023-07-08 21:15:371


2023-07-08 21:15:441


rub是擦。比如用毛巾擦地。wipe就是抹掉。比如脸上有东西就用wipe抹掉。brush是刷。比如刷牙。polish是打蜡,擦亮。所以用擦鞋的时候用polishi ,一般用在皮鞋上。如果单纯是把鞋洗干净,直接用wash就可以了。
2023-07-08 21:15:531


[br__] [ti_θ]。 brush teeth英语正确读音为[br__] [ti_θ] ,中文读音音似“不软题目”。其中θ在英语中,属于辅音中的摩擦音。∫是个清辅音,声带不震动,和汉语中的声母sh很相近,但要注意的是_不卷舌,是个平舌音。_是元音音标,属于单元音、中元音及短元音,发音时嘴巴张开一半,牙齿分开,舌中部抬起,舌尖和舌端贴在下齿,由喉部推出气流发出短促有力的类似“啊”的音。brush作动词是刷或涂抹的意思,teeth可作为名词使用,的意思是牙齿,因此brush teeth的意思是刷牙。动词短语中是Brush teeth,动名词是Brushing。
2023-07-08 21:16:261


brush英 [brʌʃ] 音译【bu riua xi】
2023-07-08 21:16:352


2023-07-08 21:16:503


2023-07-08 21:17:031


scrub[skrʌb]vt. & vi. 用力擦洗vt. 对…不予考虑; 取消n. 擦洗 brush[brʌʃ]n. 1 刷子; 画笔; 毛笔 2 擦, 吹拂; 刷 3 小冲突, 小争执, 小摩擦 vt. & vi. 1 擦; 刷 2 轻触, 掠过
2023-07-08 21:17:111


2023-07-08 21:17:198


2023-07-08 21:06:511


形容壮志凌云的成语 【成语】: 老骥伏枥 【拼音】: lǎo jì fú lì 【解释】: 骥:良马,千里马;枥:马槽,养马的地方。比喻有志向的人虽然年老,仍有雄心壮志。 【出处】: 三国·魏·曹操《步出夏门行》诗:“老骥伏枥,志在千里。” 【成语】: 老当益壮 【拼音】: lǎo dāng yì zhuàng 【解释】: 当:应该;益:更加;壮:雄壮。年纪虽老而志气更旺盛,干劲更足。 【出处】: 《后汉书·马援传》:“丈夫为志,穷当益坚,老当益壮。” 【成语】: 鸿鹄之志 【拼音】: hóng hú zhī zhì 【解释】: 鸿鹄:天鹅,比喻志向远大的人;志:志向。比喻远大志向。 【出处】: 《吕氏春秋·士容》:“夫骥骜之气,鸿鹄之志,有谕乎人心者,诚也。”《史记·陈涉世家》:“嗟乎!燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉!” 壮志凌云的 意思相近差不多的四字词语 【成语】: 豪情壮志 【拼音】: háo qíng zhuàng zhì 【解释】: 豪迈的情感,远大的志向。 【出处】: 茅盾《温故以知新》:“他们大多数两鬓添霜,然而豪情壮志,更见坚强。” 【成语】: 慷慨激昂 【拼音】: kāng kǎi jī áng 【解释】: 慷慨:情绪激动;激昂:振奋昂扬。精神振奋,情绪激昂,充满正气。 【出处】: 汉·李陵《录别诗》:“悲意何慷慨,清歌正激扬。”唐·柳宗元《上权舆补阙温卷决进退启》:“今将慷慨激昂,奋攘布衣,纵谈作者之筵,曳裾名卿之门。” 【成语】: 雄心勃勃 【拼音】: xióng xīn bó bó 【解释】: 勃勃:旺盛的样子。形容雄心很大,很有理想。 【成语】: 意气风发 【拼音】: yì qì fēng fā 【解释】: 意气:意志和气概;风发:象风吹一样迅猛。意志和气慨像风一样强烈。形容精神振奋,气概豪迈。 【成语】: 抱负不凡 【拼音】: bào fù bù fán 【解释】: 抱负:远大的志向。指有远大的志向,不同一般。 【出处】: 宋·楼钥《绩溪县尉楼君墓志铭》:“念吾兄抱负不凡,不见于用。” 关于四字成语壮志凌云的成语解释 【成语】: 壮志凌云 【拼音】: zhuàng zhì líng yún 【解释】: 壮志:宏大的志愿;凌云:直上云霄。形容理想宏伟远大。 【出处】: 《汉书·扬雄传下》:“往时武帝好神仙,相如上《大人赋》,欲以风,帝反缥缥有凌云之志。” 四字词语壮志凌云造句子 即使环境恶劣,他仍旧不改壮志凌云的气概,终于开创出一番事业。 Even if the environment is bad, he still does not change his ambition, and finally starts a career. 洒汗水,让理想“开花结果”;献青春,为祖国“增辉添彩”,雄鹰展翅,壮志凌云,天之骄子,时代先锋,做栋梁材,创千秋大业。青年节,加油! Sweat, let the ideal "blossom and bear fruit"; youth, for the motherland "add luster and color", eagle wings, lofty ambition, the son of God, the pioneer of the times, to be the pillar of the material, create a great cause for thousands of years. Youth day, come on! 学鲜花,把美丽绽放,锦绣河山;学阳光,把温暖播洒,和谐家园;学大海,把心胸开阔,壮志凌云;学高山,挺拔屹立,辉煌中华! Learning flowers, blooming beauty, beautiful rivers and mountains; learning sunshine, spreading warmth, harmonious home; learning the sea, open-minded, ambitious; learning mountains, standing tall and upright, brilliant China! 男人应当坚强如刚,任何困难都挡不住前进的脚步;男人应当壮志凌云,心中的理想像阳光一样闪亮;男人应当热情似火,冰雪遇到他都会融化。男人节到了,祝你这个纯爷们快乐健康! Men should be strong as hard, and any difficulty can"t hold back the pace of progress; men should be ambitious, and their ideals shine like the sun; men should be warm as fire, and ice and snow will melt when they meet him. Men"s day, I wish you a happy and healthy man! 他的这首词,采用浪漫主义手法,把作者气吞山河,壮志凌云的 *** 表现得淋漓尽致。 His poem, using the romantic technique, shows the author"s passion with great ambition. 没想到当年壮志凌云的他,今日竟然变得如此萎靡不振。 I didn"t expect him to become so depressed. 四根石柱上刻有仙鹤祥云,意味着鹤啸九天壮志凌云。 The four stone pillars are carved with auspicious clouds of cranes, which means that the cranes roar with lofty ideals. 别看他年纪已大,胸中可是壮志凌云,爱国热忱更是丝毫不输给年轻人。 Although he is old, he is ambitious in heart, and his patrioti *** is not lost to young people at all. 壮志凌云几分愁知己难逢几人留。胡歌 It"s a bit of a worry to be ambitious and a few friends to stay. Hu Ge 少年心,寂寞行,壮志凌云傲天地!沧桑路,痴女心,一世柔肠,几多回首,仍难离!笑山河,松长青,观风月,梦几许。长剑纵横,笑傲山林,何人问,英雄落泪,可为情?心梦无痕 Young heart, lonely line, proud of heaven and earth! Vicissitudes of life, spoony girl heart, a tender, how many look back, still difficult to leave! Xiaoshan River, pine evergreen, view the wind and moon, dream a few. Long swords crisscross, *** iling and proud of the mountains and forests. Who asked? Heroes shed tears, but for love? No trace of dreams 手执唐宋百卷诗,耳详国学千篇字;明德惟馨仁孝礼,壮志凌云精忠义;高风亮节弘正气,恪守不渝严律己;躬行文明同协力,留取丹心照青史。 Holding hundreds of poems of Tang and Song Dynasties, listening to thousands of words of Chinese learning; being virtuous, benevolent, filial piety, high-minded, loyal, honest, unswerving and strict in self-discipline; practicing civilization and making concerted efforts, and keeping a heart of loyalty according to the history. 春风吹得人儿醉,官运亨通事事顺,愿你高升之后大展宏图,再创佳绩,壮志凌云,扶摇而上,红旗招展奏凯歌,前途无量放光芒,芝麻开花节节高,一天更比一天好。 The spring wind makes people drunk, and the official fortune is prosperous. I hope you can make great achievements after your promotion. You will have a lofty ambition and soar to the top. The red flag will play a triumphant song. The future will shine. The sesame will blossom higher and higher every day, better than every day. 一群壮志凌云的青年正在努力攀登科学高峰。 A group of ambitious young people are trying to climb the peak of science. 一个人不但要能壮志凌云,同时更要认真踏实,才能获得一番成就。 One should not only be able to be ambitious, but also be conscientious and down-to-earth to achieve something. 青年岁月太匆匆,珍惜时光莫放纵。学习知识展才华,乘风破浪为豪雄。壮志凌云不懵懂,脚踏实地追逐梦。国际青年日,愿你展翅翱翔,奔向成功! Young people are in a hurry. Cherish time and don"t let it go. Learn knowledge to show your talent and take advantage of the wind and waves. He is not ignorant of ambition and pursues dreams on the ground. International Youth Day, I hope you can fly to success! 壮志凌云几分愁,知己难逢几人留。再回首,却闻笑传醉梦中。笑叹词穷,古痴今狂终成空。刀钝人乏,恩断义绝梦方破。晃儿 It"s a bit of a worry to be ambitious, but it"s hard to find a few friends to stay. Look back, but *** ell and laugh and pass on the dream. Laugh and sigh at the poverty of words, and the old obsession and the present obsession will eventually become empty. The knife is blunt, but the man is lack, and the dream is broken. Shake child 壮志凌云地想,脚踏实地的干。 I want to work on the ground. 六月一日好时节,阳光灿烂花宜人;芍药盛开燕飞来,玫瑰含笑樱桃熟;宏伟理想鼓斗志,壮志凌云创大业;幼小心灵开红花,歌舞欢腾庆六一!儿童节快乐! June 1 is a good time, with bright sunshine and pleasant flowers; peony is in full bloom and swallow is flying, rose is *** iling and cherry is ripe; grand ideal is full of fighting spirit and lofty ambition to create great business; young hearts are in red flowers, singing and dancing are celebrating June 1! Happy children"s Day! 初出社会的新鲜人,哪一个不是壮志凌云地想要出人头地。 New people who are new to the society, who are not ambitious and want to stand out. 即使环境恶劣,他仍旧不改壮志凌云的气概,终于开创出一番事业。 Even if the environment is bad, he still does not change his ambition, and finally starts a career. 文明人要像水木金火土那样:水能屈能伸,无坚不摧;木落地生根,壮志凌云;金凝重珍贵,惜阴如金;火冷中送暖,弃暗投明;土随遇而安,包容万物。 Civilized people should be like water, wood, gold, fire and earth: water can bend, stretch, and be invincible; trees can take root and have lofty ambitions; gold is precious and cherishes Yin as gold; fire sends warmth in the cold, abandons darkness and casts light in the dark; earth is content with everything. 老师经常教育我们,从学生时代起就应该立下壮志凌云,不畏艰难险阻,勇攀科学高峰的志向。 Teachers often teach us that from the time of students, we should set up the ambition to be ambitious, not to be afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and to bravely climb the peak of science. 海阔任鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。让你的梦想放飞,让你的事业飞黄腾达,让你的雄心壮志凌云腾飞。“国际民航日”搭乘快乐理想的航班,向理想进发,向成功冲刺。祝你:事业有成就,爱情价更。 The sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly. Let your dreams fly, your career soar, and your ambition soar. "International Civil Aviation Day" takes the happy ideal flight, advances to the ideal, to the success sprint. I wish you success in your career and more love. 四根石柱上刻有仙鹤祥云,意味着鹤啸九天壮志凌云。 The four stone pillars are carved with auspicious clouds of cranes, which means that the cranes roar with lofty ideals. 我们要发扬先辈们壮志凌云的开拓精神,建设好祖国。 We should carry forward the pioneering spirit of our ancestors and build a good motherland. 鸟语花香好时节,阳光灿烂花宜人;芍药盛开燕飞来,玫瑰含笑樱桃熟;宏伟理想鼓斗志,壮志凌云创大业;幼小心灵开红花,歌舞欢腾庆六一! It"s a good time for birds to sing and flowers to be fragrant. It"s sunny and flowers are pleasant. Peony is in full bloom and swallows are flying. Roses are *** iling and cherries are ripe. It"s ambitious and ambitious. It"s a great cause. Young hearts are blooming with red flowers and singing and dancing! 青春是一把火,燃烧 *** 。青春有理想,壮志凌云。青春是年华,多姿多彩。青春有梦想,高飞远翔。青春是美好,走向辉煌。国际青年节祝你;意气风发斗志昂扬。 Youth is a fire, burning passion. Youth has ideals and lofty ideals. Youth is time, colorful. Youth has dreams, flying high. Youth is beautiful, towards glory. I wish you all the best on International Youth Day. 喜鹊枝头喳喳叫,鱼跃龙门真骄傲,高等学府去深造,全家上下乐陶陶,十年苦读有回报,有志之人终欢笑,锦绣前程真美好,实现梦想在今朝,壮志凌云步步高! The magpie branches are chirping, the fish leaping over the dragon"s gate is really proud, the higher learning institutions go to further education, the whole family is happy with pottery, ten years of hard study has paid off, the aspiring people laugh at the end, the bright future is really beautiful, the realization of the dream in today"s day, step by step! 意犹未尽春节过,无可奈何把家别。壮志凌云摘星月,顺便观赏美山河。新年工作要高调,积极不做马后炮。见到领导会微笑,升职加薪鼓腰包。职场寄语四个字:恭喜发财! The Spring Festival is still in full swing. I have no choice but to leave home. Pick the stars and the moon, and enjoy the beautiful mountains and rivers. The new year"s work should be high-profile and proactive. See the leader will *** ile, promotion and salary increase. Workplace message four words: congratulations to get rich! 中国航海日,朋友们,我们一起杨帆吧!在大海中驰骋,让大海带走我们的烦恼,让大海带有我们的不幸,让我们和大海融为一体,体会它的海纳百川,体会它的壮志凌云! China Sailing Day, friends, let"s Yang Fan together! Gallop in the sea, let the sea take away our troubles, let the sea take our misfortunes, let us integrate with the sea, experience its sea embracing all rivers, and realize its ambition! 豪情满怀进考场,壮志凌云压群芳,雄鹰展翅任翱翔,骏马奋蹄勇敢闯。十载苦读在寒窗,一举成功题金榜,祝君高考获头彩,前程似锦宏图长! Full of pride, he entered the examination hall, with lofty ambition and clouds pressing the masses of fragrance. The eagles spread their wings and soared freely, and the horses bravely rushed forward. Ten years of hard study in the cold window, a successful Title gold list, I wish you the first prize in the college entrance examination, a promising future! 经过这些无情的折磨,在他身上已经看不到当年壮志凌云的豪气了。 After these merciless torments, he can no longer see the lofty spirit of that year. 一时间她神思飞扬,壮志凌云。 For a time, her mind soared and her ambition soared. 金马昂首送吉祥,张灯结彩颂吉祥,轻扬马蹄奔前程,条条大道都辉煌,壮志凌云展鸿图,马到功成创新篇,默默许下小心愿,马年大吉创佳绩,其乐融融合家欢,马年大吉! The golden horse holds its head high to send the auspiciousness, lights up and celebrates the auspiciousness, and heads for the future with flying horses" hoofs. All the roads are brilliant, with lofty ambitions and brilliant plans. When it comes to success, it becomes an innovation. It silently makes *** all wishes. The great auspicious year of the horse makes great achievements, and it is happy to be a happy family, and the great auspicious year of the horse! 青藏高原虔敬你的庄严,教我壮志凌云,登千仞高处向天竞发。 The Qinghai Tibet Plateau reveres your solemnity and teaches me to soar to the sky. 那时候的我们是多么的气势恢宏,壮志凌云。 At that time, we were so magnificent and ambitious. 你一遇到挫折就退缩,难道已将当年壮志凌云的理想都给忘了吗? As soon as you encounter setbacks, do you recoil from the lofty ideals of those days? 这号人,在困难中不是低头叹气,而是奋发图强,壮志凌云,气吞山河。 This person, in difficulty, is not bow his head and sigh, but strive to be strong, have lofty aspirations and swallow mountains and rivers. 展望未来,壮志凌云的海正人信心满怀。 Looking forward to the future, the ambitious Haizheng people are full of confidence. 造句网是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子. Sentence making work is an online dictionary of sentence making. Its purpose is to make better sentences faster 午休惊得敲门叫,忽闻同学把喜报。咱俩榜示前后靠,特来磋商志愿报。热门给力不实效,名校专长不粘靠。学好专业辉煌耀,驾驶银燕空中翱。祝壮志凌云! I was shocked to knock at the door during the lunch break. I suddenly heard that my clas *** ates gave me a good report. We are leaning back and forth to discuss the volunteer newspaper. Popularity is awesome, but elite schools do not stick to them. Learn professional brilliance and fly silver swallow in the air. I wish you all the best! 初出社会的新鲜人,哪一个不是壮志凌云地想要出人头地。 New people who are new to the society, who are not ambitious and want to stand out. 莘莘学子读书忙,数年辛苦夙愿偿。今日考场如战场,壮志凌云不慌张。十年磨剑显锋芒,势如破竹无题挡。捷报传来笑颜开,亲朋夸赞心欢畅。祝金榜题名! Many students are busy with their studies and have worked hard for years to fulfill their long cherished wishes. Today"s examination hall is like a battlefield, with lofty ambitions and no panic. Ten years of sharpening the sword shows the edge, the situation is like breaking a bamboo pole without a title. The good news came with a *** ile, and the family and friends praised and cheered. Best wishes for the title! 我们笑遍世界,心情像小鸟一样飞翔。我们忠于理想,理想像雄鹰一样翱翔。我们海纳百川,胸怀就像太平洋。国际民航日,一鸣惊人,壮志凌云,无愧青春! We laugh all over the world and fly like birds. We are loyal to our ideals, which soar like eagles. We have a sea full of rivers and a mind like the Pacific Ocean. International Civil Aviation Day, a spectacular, ambitious, worthy of youth! 这些年轻人虽然羽翼未丰,但个个壮志凌云。 Although these young people are fledgling, they are all ambitious.
2023-07-08 21:06:521

英语,在地上是in the ground,on the ground是什么

On the ground在地上
2023-07-08 21:06:523

请问object , reject, refuse的区别

2023-07-08 21:06:551


Your tutor is an asshole.
2023-07-08 21:06:573


2023-07-08 21:07:011


偶像的分手方式sulli:那个人离开了我的泪水都干涸了不安的离别又再次开始了爱情弃我而去什么时候才会再回来I can not live without youlove no more希澈:Yeah! It your boy 希大人This song is sulli是真理Break up to Make up!Make up to Break up!Break up to Make up!Make up to Break up!sulli:只留下爱情离开的你我再一次的受到了伤害如果不能拥有那个人I can not live without youlove no more希澈:Hey, Girl Sorry Sorry Baby先来点诱饵又要宣告隔阂的分手吗已经不是一两次了真是烦我的Face是Flower承认吧 被纠缠太可惜已经说过了我一个人更自在所谓爱情表现二进制0与1心冷的男人也许想要再见面就把你的心放到那遥远悲伤的天空因为你的男朋友是偶像话也只能大概说一下无情?那就不要再做伤心的事了那样会更狠毒 (ok)sulli:只留下爱情离开的你我再一次的受到了伤害如果不能拥有那个人I can not live without youlove no more希澈:现在把迷恋 爱情 记忆都收起来把短信 照片 邮件都擦掉Think about me as a shower在厌烦之前走掉我好像不会只见一个女人看脸色恋爱的话还是算了只是陷入所以就一个女人 So Cool甩了我这样的男人虽然看过TV我就像盐地的盐一样稀少反正所谓爱情碎的话就会散落在空中的东西因为你的男友是偶像话也只能大概说一下无情?那就不要再做伤心的事了那样会更狠毒sulli:只有这次把我留下如果给了我痛苦我们的爱情就这样结束了我是多么的讨厌这样那个人离开了我的泪水都干涸了不安的离别又再次开始了爱情弃我而去什么时候才会再回来I can not live without youlove no more只留下爱情离开的你我又一次的受到了伤害只留下爱情离开的你I can not live without youlove no more
2023-07-08 21:07:021

英语 refuse 和 reject 的区别

2023-07-08 21:07:032


2023-07-08 21:06:492


2023-07-08 21:06:481

look into look for look up的区别

look into 调查,观察,在...里查资料 1.观赏 They stopped to look into the window. 他们停下来看看橱窗。 2.调查 The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse. 政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题. 3.看 to look into the mirror 照镜子 look for 指寻找,更倾向于找的过程,动作,(顺便提一下)look up 一般指在字典里查找单词什么的,look up the word in the dictionary。
2023-07-08 21:06:451

over the ground和on the ground有什么区别

2023-07-08 21:06:442

求CINEMA 4D R10的序列号

安装码:VAFU-0NEOKQCO(分清零和欧,只有NE前面的那个是零)。Cinema 4D R10: 10001047933-CPPC-ZXMV-GDFX-XJLWMOCCA: 35200047933-DPCZ-WTPT-BJXT-LDGBDynamics: 36200047933-NKLF-FRGV-NBJZ-NWFTAdvanced Render: 32200047933-BCGV-WNHD-NDBH-HKTHHair: 40200047933-DSXS-KPBB-TXBB-PBSTMoGraph: 41200047933-GLDM-XFZK-ZLCM-WDJMSketch and Toon: 37200047933-LCCT-FTJD-TFMB-SHBWThinking Particles: 33200047933-DNKP-MSTB-GJNJ-KLMKNet Render: 30001047933-GHCH-HCBB-BFCK-GTGS
2023-07-08 21:06:421


1.从语气上看:refuse 属普通用词;而 reject 则属于正式用词,多用于较正式的场合.2.从意思上看:refuse 表示“拒绝”,强调态度的肯定和坚决;而 reject 则强调摈弃、不采用或不使用.3.从是否及物来看:refuse 可用作及物或不及物动词,而 reject 通常只用作及物动词.比较下面两句动词后宾语的有无4.refuse 后可接不定式表示“拒绝做某事”,而 reject 通常不这样用
2023-07-08 21:06:401


该系列是为了记录自己学习的过程 pyradiomics是一个开源的 python 软件包,可以从医学影像中 提取 出Radiomics影像组学 特征 SimpleITK 支持的所有图像类型可以用作PyRadiomics的 输入 。 输出为由参数映射的SimpleITK图像,而不是针对每个特征的float值。 在PyRadiomics中可以通过4种方式自定义特征提取: 非常重要 图像类型进行影像组学特征提取的图像既可以是原始图像,也可以是经过滤波器处理的派生图像。默认情况下只使用原始图像 目前可用的特征类如下: 1)**firstorder **:First Order Statistics(19features) 2) shape2D :Shape-based(2D)(10fetures) 3) shape :Shape-based(3D)(17features) 4) Glcm :Gray Level Cooccurence Matrix(24features)灰度共生矩阵 5) Glrlm :Gray Level Run Length Matrix(16features),灰度级运行长度矩阵 6) Glszm :Gray Level Size Zone Matrix(16features) 7) Gldm :Gray Level Dependence Matrix(14features)灰度依赖性矩阵 8) Ngtdm :Neighbouring Gray Tone Difference Matrix(5features) pip install pyradiomics
2023-07-08 21:06:351

高级英语第五课 love is a fallacy 中的俚语都有哪些

dump as a ox 类似于汉语"笨得像驴一样"nothing upstairs :empty headed "傻了吧唧的”pin-up :指的是这个女孩美得像挂历中的美女一样,总让人想挂在墙上keen :在美俚语中意为"good,fine"go steady :to date sb of the opposite sex regularly and exclusively "成为关系确定的情侣"casual kick :a casual relation ,not a serious commitment
2023-07-08 21:06:331