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2023-07-08 22:29:28




with regard to关于、至于、对于、就。in regard to关于、至于、对于、关于至于。regard as当作、认作、算是。



vt.将…认为;把…视为;看待;(尤指以某种方式)注视,凝视n.注意;关注;关心;尊重;尊敬;敬佩;(用于信函结尾或转达问候)致意,问候造句:1.Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。2.She is held in high regard by her students.学生对她评价很高。3.The development was planned without proper regard to the interests of local people.新开发区的规划没有正当考虑当地居民的利益。4.We regard health as inversely related to social class.我们认为健康状况与社会地位成相反关系。5.I have nothing further to say in this regard.在这方面,我没什么要说的了。6.I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.至于说她是否适合这个职位,我无可奉告。7.She regarded herself, first and last, as a musician.她认为她自己是一个不折不扣的音乐家。
2023-07-08 22:15:081


2023-07-08 22:15:334


regard的用法如下:regard,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“注意;尊重;问候;凝视”。作及物动词时意为“注重,考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关”。作不及物动词时意为“注意,注重;注视”。regard可用作动词,多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,有认为,注视等含义。作名词时有注意,关注,关心等含义。vt.认为,注视,涉及,尊敬vi.凝视,留意n.注意;关注;关心尊重;尊敬;敬佩用于信函结尾或转达问候致意,问候。第三人称单数:regards;复数:regards。现在分词:regarding;过去式:regarded;过去分词:regarded。双语例句:What do you have to say in this regard ?关于这一点你有什么要说的?Now you have any information in this regard it?你现在有任何这方面的情报吗?I regard him as my friend.我把他当作我的朋友。
2023-07-08 22:15:481


2023-07-08 22:16:532


2023-07-08 22:17:0110


2023-07-08 22:18:043


regard的副词形式是:regardfully, 例如:How to the redressal the UNIX system function parameter integrates bank application system to get best function, it is rifeness regardfully problem for the peoples. 如何针对bank业务应用系统进行相应参数的调整以获得最佳性能,是业内人士普遍关心的问题。
2023-07-08 22:18:111

regard 近义词是什么?

什么词性的呀?如果是名词,有N个意思。若是动词,又有N个意思。他们近义词,都需要参考在不同语境下要表达的意思。简单来说当regard是名词的时候,近义词通常有:account, appreciation, esteem, estimation, favor,admiration, respect是动词的时候,近义词通常有:behold, catch, descry, discern, distinguish, espy, eye, look (at), note, notice, observe, perceive, see, remark, sight,spot, spy, view, witness具体的各义例句可以参考韦氏词典的解释
2023-07-08 22:18:201


是的, on/ .to be.=regard .to be... 也就是说as 和to be 可以互换.
2023-07-08 22:18:271


2023-07-08 22:18:362


n.注意,关心More regard must be paid to safety on the roads.必须更加注意公路上的交通安全.尊重; 尊敬I hold her in the greatest regard.我非常尊敬她.致意; 问候Please give my regards to him.请代我向他致意.前两种不可数,后一种只有复数形式
2023-07-08 22:18:551

regarding和with regards to有什么区别

regarding介词 prep.关于;就...而论He knew nothing regarding the case.关于这个案子他一无所知.with regards to关于In regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully.关于他的建议,我们将充分地讨论.
2023-07-08 22:19:031


分开来记re- 表“重复”gard表“守卫、门卫”反复的去看守卫,是为了表示对守卫的“关心,关注,问候,和尊敬”,同时也是为了和守卫“拉关系,把守卫当作一个很重要的人看待”背单词必须要找到一些联系来记,记忆会深记得。科学的最好,不科学的也行白猫黑猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫。
2023-07-08 22:19:203


he regards me as his sister
2023-07-08 22:19:294

请教一下,greetings 和 regards 的区别是什么?

前面“曾老先生”说的不错,写信的时候,的确greetings在开头,regards在结尾; greeting(常用复数+s)表示的是欢迎或表达敬意的言语或行为; 因此常出现在与人接触的开头;它也表达一种良好的祝福或欢呼的情绪; 是一种对某种事情或情绪的高兴的相应; regards则是有两重意思:一种亲近的、尊重的态度,在信结尾,其实就等同于take care; 而它也表示一种关注,等同于pay attention to,这个时候,只是关注,是否敬意,不得而知; 它常用的成语或惯用法,as regards,in/with regard to.
2023-07-08 22:19:441


regard是尊重的意思。regard作为名词是注意、尊重、问候、凝视作为及物动词表示注重,考虑、看待、尊敬、把什么看作、与什么有关。作为不及物动词表示注意、注重、注视。Regard表示人名是指(西、意)雷加德、(法)勒加尔。with regard to关于、至于、对于、就。in regard to关于、至于、对于、关于至于。regard as当作、认作、算是。
2023-07-08 22:20:111

regard是什么意思 regard的解释

1、regard,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“注意;尊重;问候;凝视”。作及物动词时意为“注重,考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关”。作不及物动词时意为“注意,注重;注视”。 2、双语例句:What do you have to say in this regard ?关于这一点你有什么要说的?Now you have any information in this regard it?你现在有任何这方面的情报吗?I regard him as my friend.我把他当作我的朋友。
2023-07-08 22:20:292


regard英 [ru026a"gɑu02d0d]美 [ru026a"ɡɑrd]n. 注意;尊重;问候;凝视vi. 注意,注重;注视vt. 注重,考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关n. (Regard)人名;(西、意)雷加德;(法)勒加尔
2023-07-08 22:20:382


regard单词发音,英[ru026au02c8ɡɑu02d0d]美[ru026au02c8ɡɑu02d0rd]英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“注意;尊重;问候;凝视”。作及物动词时意为“注重;考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关”。作不及物动词时意为“注意,注重;注视”。短语搭配:to regard作为;看待;判断;方面respectful regard带有尊敬的关注soin regard护下;眼部护理I regard我认为;我方面fields regard注视区Regard Party论党regard seriously过分介意双语例句:What do you have to say in this regard?关于这一点你有什么要说的?Now you have any information in this regard it?你现在有任何这方面的情报吗?I regard him as my friend.我把他当作我的朋友。
2023-07-08 22:20:472


就像 best wishes 一样,就是用复数. Best regards! regard做名词的时候有问候的意思,可以加复数
2023-07-08 22:21:242


一、详细释义: n. 注意;关注;关心 例句: You should pay more regard to safety on the roads. 你应该多注意交通安全。 例句: They all continued their regard for me as long as they lived. 他们毕生都在关心着我。 尊重;尊敬;敬佩 例句: I have a high regard for his opinion. 我很尊重他的意见。 例句: I once thought you had a kind of regard for her. 我以前曾认为你对她有些尊敬之意。 (用于信函的结尾或转达问候)致意,问候 例句: Not at all. Please give my best regard to Mr. Wang when you see him . 没什么。您见到王先生的时候代我向他致意。 例句: Please give my best regard to Mr. Smith. 请替我向史密斯先生问候。 v. (尤指以某种方式)注视,凝视 [T] 例句: As he walked toward the freight house he saw a rat take its head out of a paper bag and regard him. 当他向货栈走去的时候,他看到一只老鼠从一个纸袋里伸出脑袋注视着他。 例句: He regarded me with curiosity. 他好奇地凝视着我。 考虑;注重;重视 [T] 例句: His works were not highly regarded until he died in 1936. 直到1936年他去世以后他的作品才受到重视。 例句: It is to be regarded as excusable in the light of circumstances. 考虑到具体情况,这将被看作是可以原谅的。 尊敬;敬重;器重 [T] 例句: The artist was highly regarded. 这位艺术家非常受尊敬。 例句: He is both brave and steady and is highly regarded by his general. 此人沉勇有智谋,很受将军的器重。 注意;听从(常用于否定句) [T] 例句: He never regarded my advice. 他从来不听我的话。 例句: Many passed but none regarded her. 许多人走过去了,没有一人注意她。 关系;与…有关;涉及 [T] 例句: This matter does not regard them at all. 这件事与他们毫无关系。 注意;留意 [I] 二、词义辨析: consider think believe count deem reckon regard 这些动词均含有“认为”之意。consider指经过考虑和观察后得出的结论。think普通用词,指按照自己的意见提出看法。believe通常指根据一定的证据,经思考后而认为属实。count指作出判断后而得出的看法等。deem正式用词,常用于法律、文学,强调作判断而不是思考。reckon指对人或事作全面“权衡”,把各方面意见考虑进去后得出结论。regard侧重凭外表或表面现象作判断。多强调观点。 三、词义辨析: admire honour respect regard esteem 这些动词均含“尊重、钦佩”之意。admire侧重指对某人或某物的仰慕、钦佩,并含欣赏爱慕之情。honour侧重指对某人或某物表示极大的敬意。respect指对人的行为、品德、才华或成就等的仰慕尊重。尤指对年长或地位高的人的尊敬。 regard最正式用词,中性,含义不很明确,一般需用修饰语加强或明确其意。esteem除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此而产生的称赞。 四、相关短语: regard as v.1.把…认作 一、参考例句: You seldom regard my advice. 你很少考虑我的劝告。 I regard this as a serious matter. 我认为这件事很重要。 We regard her behaviour with suspicion. 我们对她的行为有怀疑。 Don"t regard me as a child. 别把我当成小孩看待。 The French regard this as a coup. 法国认为,这是反扑的妙招。 Do you regard me full of carelessness? 你认为我很快活吗? Seldom does he regard my advice. 他很少听我的忠告。 We regard our teacher as our friend. 我们把老师看作是我们的朋友。 We regard her dumbness as the acknowledgment. 我们把她的沉默看作是同意. Don"t regard fantasies as truth. 不要把幻想看成事实。
2023-07-08 22:22:011


【 #英语资源# 导语】regard有尊敬;视为;注视;留意等意思,那么你知道regard的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】regard的用法大全   regard的用法1:regard的基本意思是指通过了解以后,将某人或某物看成是某一个人或事物,即“认作”。还可指将目光或注意力集中在某人或某物上来彻底地进行观察,即“注视,注意”。引申还可指“尊重”“和…有联系”。   regard的用法2:regard多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,有时可接由as短语充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,其中as不可以省略。可用于被动结构。   regard的用法3:regard作“注意,重视”解时,一般只用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。   regard的用法4:当regard作“和…有关”解时,后面常跟代词,特别是人称代词作宾语。   regard的用法5:regard常与程度副词或with短语连用,表示“对…持某种态度”。   regard的用法6:regard用作名词时意思是对某人或某事的“注意,关心”或对某人的“尊重,尊敬”,也可指出于礼貌对别人所表示的一种友好的问候,即“致意,问候”。   regard的用法7:regard作“致意,问候”解时,多用复数形式,常与give, send, convey, present等动词连用,也常用于best regards, with warm regards等短语中。   regard的用法8:with〔in〕 regard to作“关于,在这点上”解,其中介词to不可用其他介词代替。 【篇二】regard的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   as regards   regard with( v.+prep. )   用作名词 (n.)   in this〔that〕 regard   in〔with〕 regard to 【篇三】regard的用法例句   1. English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.   英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。   2. Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work.   要尽量客观地分析情况,尤其是在工作上。   3. He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority.   他说过不管资历如何,任何我人员他都有可能解雇。   4. I may have made a mistake in that regard.   我在那一点上可能已经犯了一个错误。   5. There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life.   到处都是武装分子,视人命如草芥。   6. He has no respect, no regard for anyone"s feelings.   他不尊重,也不顾及别人的感受。   7. We"ve made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard.   在那个方面,我们的社会已经取得了巨大的进步。   8. The press regard her as merely one of a ruling troika.   新闻界仅把她视为执政三巨头之一。   9. The Party ruled the country without regard for the people"s views.   该党治国对民意视而不见。   10. I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.   我认为创造力既是一种天赋也是一种技巧。   11. The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism.   总统常常认为教会属于落伍之物。   12. The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation.   这个部门正在审度其有关疫苗接种的政策。   13. These women regard his death as an act of providence.   这些女人认为他的死乃是天意。   14. He does not regard his new job as a poisoned chalice.   他并不认为自己的新工作是金杯毒酒。   15. He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.   他说他一直极其尊重和敬仰首相。
2023-07-08 22:22:591


2023-07-08 22:23:272


regard:v.将…认为;把…视为;看待;n.注意;关注;关心;短语: in this (或 that) regard 在这(或那)一点上; with (或 in 或 having) regard to 关于,至于 扩展资料   I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.   至于说她是否适合这个职位,我无可奉告。   She regarded herself, first and last, as a musician.   她认为她自己是一个不折不扣的音乐家。   Give your brother my regards when you see him.   看到你哥哥时,代我向他问好。
2023-07-08 22:24:031


regard 不是介词,只有名词和动词用法。n.尊重;注意;关心;尊敬v.看待;凝视;将…认为;把…视为但它可以与介词搭配成短语,如:介词+regardin〔with〕 regard to 关于in regard of 关于;为了答复…;在…方面;取决于…的regard+介词regard for 顾及…,考虑…,如:regard for cleanliness 注意清洁regard to 对…的重视如:regard to fact 重视事实
2023-07-08 22:24:171


含regard的短语如下:with regard to。关于, 至于, 就而言, 在方面。regard as。视为;看作。be regarded as。被视为;被认为;被看做。regard A as B。将 A 视为 B。in this regard。在这(或那)一点上。请点击输入图片描述in regard to。关于;至于;就而言;在方面。regard to。关于;至于;就。as regards。关于。in that regard。在这(或那)一点上。having regard to。关于;至于;就而言;在方面。请点击输入图片描述due regard。适当考虑;适当顾及;适当注意。regard for。考虑;尊重;对的注意。without regard to。无需顾及;没有顾及到。regard with。敬重对待;关照;看待。high regard。高度敬重(敬佩)。
2023-07-08 22:24:541

regard to的用法归纳

regard的基本意思是指通过了解以后,将某人或某物看成是某一个人或事物,即“认作”。还可指将目光或注意力集中在某人或某物上来彻底地进行观察,即“注视,注意”。引申还可指“尊重”“和…有联系”。 扩展资料   regard多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,有时可接由as短语充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,其中as不可以省略。可用于被动结构。   regard作“注意,重视”解时,一般只用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。   当regard作“和…有关”解时,后面常跟代词,特别是人称代词作宾语。   regard常与程度副词或with短语连用,表示“对…持某种态度”。   regard用作名词时意思是对某人或某事的.“注意,关心”或对某人的“尊重,尊敬”,也可指出于礼貌对别人所表示的一种友好的问候,即“致意,问候”。   regard作“致意,问候”解时,多用复数形式,常与give, send, convey, present等动词连用,也常用于best regards, with warm regards等短语中。   with〔in〕 regard to作“关于,在这点上”解,其中介词to不可用其他介词代替。
2023-07-08 22:25:231

regard as 和 regard with有什么区别?

regard as 是把……认作,看做regard with 是对……持有的态度或看待……希望对你有帮助哦~
2023-07-08 22:25:361

regard to的用法归纳高中

regard可用作动词,多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,有认为,注视等含义。作名词时有注意,关注,关心等含义。 扩展资料   regard的用法:   1、regard可以用作动词:   regard的基本意思是指通过了解以后,将某人或某物看成是某一个人或事物,即“认作”。还可指将目光或注意力集中在某人或某物上来彻底地进行观察,即“注视,注意”。引申还可指“尊重”“和…有联系”。   regard多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,有时可接由as短语充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,其中as不可以省略。可用于被动结构。   regard作“注意,重视”解时,一般只用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。   The artist was highly regarded.   这位艺术家非常受尊敬。   I regard reading as a form of recreation.   我把看书当作一种消遣的.形式。   He regards the bad weather as a prognostic of failure.   他将坏天气视为失败的预兆。   2、regard可以用作名词:   regard用作名词时意思是对某人或某事的“注意,关心”或对某人的“尊重,尊敬”,也可指出于礼貌对别人所表示的一种友好的问候,即“致意,问候”。   regard作“致意,问候”解时,多用复数形式,常与give, send, convey, present等动词连用,也常用于best regards, with warm regards等短语中。   with regard to作“关于,在这点上”解,其中介词to不可用其他介词代替。   No one showed the least regard for his feelings.   根本没有人关心他的感受。   I have done that out of regard for my sister.   我这样做是出于对我妹妹的关心。   We have a great regard for the advanced workers.   我们非常尊敬先进工作者。
2023-07-08 22:25:431

regard是什么意思 解析regard的含义与用法?

This matter regards the safety of the workers.(这件事关系到工人的安全。)总之,regard是一个非常常用的单词,其含义和用法也非常丰富。我们只有在不断的学习和使用中,才能更好地掌握和运用它。What is your regard on this matter?(你对这件事有什么看法?)4. 注重,重视2. 尊重,尊敬
2023-07-08 22:25:512


with regard toadv.关于;至于 in this regard就这一点而言 in regard to关于 regard asvt.把…认作 as regards至于,关于 regard for对…的注意没,尊重;考虑到 without regard to不考虑;不顾及 in regard of关于… pay regard to重视;注意到 regard highly器重;重视;尊重
2023-07-08 22:26:551

regard to的用法归纳分点回答

regard的意思 vt. 认为,注视,涉及,尊敬 vi. 凝视,留意 n. 凝视,留意,尊敬,问候 变形:过去式: regarded; 现在分词:regarding; 过去分词:regarded。 扩展资料   regard可以用作动词:   regard的基本意思是指通过了解以后,将某人或某物看成是某一个人或事物,即“认作”。还可指将目光或注意力集中在某人或某物上来彻底地进行观察,即“注视,注意”。引申还可指“尊重”“和…有联系”。   regard多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,有时可接由as短语充当宾语补足语的`复合宾语,其中as不可以省略。可用于被动结构。   regard作“注意,重视”解时,一般只用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。   regard用作动词的用法例句:   The artist was highly regarded.这位艺术家非常受尊敬。   I regard reading as a form of recreation.我把看书当作一种消遣的形式。   He regards the bad weather as a prognostic of failure.他将坏天气视为失败的预兆。   regard可以用作名词:   regard用作名词时意思是对某人或某事的“注意,关心”或对某人的“尊重,尊敬”,也可指出于礼貌对别人所表示的一种友好的问候,即“致意,问候”。   regard作“致意,问候”解时,多用复数形式,常与give, send, convey, present等动词连用,也常用于best regards, with warm regards等短语中。   with〔in〕 regard to作“关于,在这点上”解,其中介词to不可用其他介词代替。
2023-07-08 22:27:021


问候总很多的 所以要用复数 嘿嘿
2023-07-08 22:27:313


Consider:考虑,认为;多用于下结论或作决定. Regard:看作,当成,当作;多用于看待事物时的个人看法. regard...as都含”认为...是...”意思. consider侧重“经过考虑而认为”,表示“一种比较客观的看法”,如:I consider what he said (as) reasonable.我认为他说的有道理.regard 指“把...认为”、“把...看作”,表示“以外部形象得出认识或个人的主观认识”
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2023-07-08 22:29:202


with regard toadv.关于;至于 in this regard就这一点而言 in regard to关于 regard asvt.把…认作 as regards至于,关于 regard for对…的注意没,尊重;考虑到 without regard to不考虑;不顾及 in regard of关于… pay regard to重视;注意到 regard highly器重;重视;尊重
2023-07-08 22:29:271


regarding[英][ru026au02c8gɑ:du026au014b][美][ru026au02c8gɑ:rdu026au014b]prep.关于; 就…而论; 至于; v.regard的现在分词; 例句:1.Washington is being gradually boxed in regarding relations with china. 华盛顿逐渐被困在关于与中国的关系之中。2.A boeing spokeswoman declined immediate comment regarding those issues. 波音公司一位发言人拒绝对这些问题立即置评。
2023-07-08 22:29:351

sho is a sales in a department store .

saleswoman 售货员(女)
2023-07-08 22:21:082


小学英语毕业考试复习资料(一) 四会单词A active积极的;活跃的 actor男演员 actress 女演员 accountant会计and和 angry生气的 answer the phone接电话 apple苹果 Apr.四月 (缩写) aren"t = are not are是 artist 画家 what about…?…?怎么样 at在…点钟 Aug. 八月(缩写) B banana 香蕉 bag包 bathroom卫生间 because因为 bedroom 卧室 bed床 beef牛肉 behind在……后边 best最;极 bigger(体型) 更大的 big大的 bike自行车 birthday生日 blue 蓝色的 board 写字板 boat 小船 book 书 bored无聊的,烦人的 boy男孩 bread面包 bridge桥 brother兄弟 building 建筑物 but 但是 buy 购买 buy—bought 买 by 经…;乘C can"t = can not cat 猫 catch butterfly捉蝴蝶 chair椅子 chicken鸡肉 Chinese 语文 Chinese 中文,汉语 cinema电影院 class 课程 classroom教室 clean the bedroom打扫卧室 clean the room打扫房间 clean—cleaned打扫 cleaner 清洁工 clean干净的 climb mountains爬山 climb—climbed 爬 climb往上爬 closet壁橱;衣橱 clothes衣服 cloud云;云彩 cold 寒冷的 collect stamps集邮(ing形式:collecting stamps) colour 颜色 come from来自…;从…来 computer 计算机 cool 凉爽的 D dance—danced 跳舞 date日期 day天;日子 Dec. 十二月(缩写) desk课桌;书桌 dive跳水(ing形式:diving) do homework 做作业 doctor医生 do—did does doesn"t = does not dog 狗 don"t =do not door门 dress 连衣裙 drink water喝水 driver司机 duck 鸭子 E eat breakfast吃早饭 eat dinner吃晚饭 eat—ate吃 egg蛋 eight 八 elephant大象 eleven十一 English英语 evening夜晚;晚上 excited兴奋的F fall秋天 farmer农民 father父亲;爸爸 favourite特别喜爱的 Feb.二月(缩写) fifteen 十五 fight打架 fish 鱼 five 五 flower花 fly kites放风筝 fly飞 foot 脚 football 足球 for为;给 T-shirt T恤衫 fresh 新鲜的 Friday(Fri.)星期五 friend朋友 funny 滑稽可笑的 G get to 到达 get up起床 get—got 到达 girl女孩 go fishing—went fishing去钓鱼 go hiking—went hiking 去郊游 go hiking去远足 go ice-skating—went ice-skating 去滑冰 go shopping购物;买东西 go skiing—went skiing 去滑雪 go swimming—went swimming去游泳 go to school 上学 go 去(第三人称单数goes) good 好的 go—went去 grandpa爷爷;外公 grape葡萄 grass 草 green beans青豆 green 绿色的 H happy高兴的 have a cold感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a headache 头疼 have a picnic举行野餐 have a sore throat喉咙疼 have a toothache 牙疼 have English class上英语课 have—had have有;吃 he"s = he is heavier 更重的 her她的 hobby 爱好 home家 honey蜂蜜 horse 马 hospital医院 house 房子;住宅 how many多少 how much多少钱 how 怎样 how怎么,如何 hurt疼痛 I in 在……里面 is 是 it 它 it"s = it is J jacket夹克衫 Jan.一月(缩写) jeans 牛仔裤 July七月 jump跳 June六月 K kangaroo袋鼠 kind和蔼;亲切的 kitchen厨房 L lake 湖泊 last 上一个 last仅余的,留在最后的 learn—learned 学习 left左边 let"s = let us library 图书馆 like像;喜欢 listen to music听音乐 live 居住(第三人称单数形式:lives) living room客厅;起居室 long 长的 longer 更长的 lunch 中餐;午餐 M make a kites制作风筝 (ing形式:making a kites) make a snowman堆雪人 make the bed 铺床 Mar.三月 (缩写) math 数学 matter事情,麻烦 May五月 milk牛奶 mirror 镜子 mom妈妈 Monday(Mon.)星期一 mother母亲;妈妈 Mr先生 music音乐 my我的 N near 在……旁边 newspaper 报纸 next next week下周 nine 九 noon中午 nose 鼻子 not 不;不是的 Nov. 十一月 (缩写) no不;不是 nurse护士O o"clock…点钟 Oct.十月(缩写) often经常 old 年老的 older 年龄更大的 on 在……上面 one一 on在……时候 orange橙子 P P.E. 体育 pants 长裤 park 公园 path 路;小道 pear梨 pencil-case铅笔盒 pencil铅笔 pen钢笔 pick up leaves采摘树 picture 图画;照片 picture 照片 pig猪 plant trees种树 plant 植物;种植 play chess下棋 play sports进行体育运动 play the piano弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴(ing形式:playing the violin) play—played玩 play玩;踢 please请 policeman(男)警察 post card 明信片 post office邮局 potato 土豆 present 礼物 Q quiet安静的;文静的 R rabbit兔子 rain 雨;下雨 read a book看书 read books 读书 read 读;看(第三人称单数:reads) read—read 读 red 红色的 rice米饭 ride a bike骑自行车(ing形式:riding a bike) right 右边 river河流 road公路;大道 room房间 row—rowed 划(船) ruler尺子 run跑 S sad 忧伤的,悲伤的 salesperson 销售员 salty咸的 Saturday(Sat.)星期六 school学校 season季节 seed种子 see—saw看见 Sept.九月(缩写) set the table摆饭桌;摆餐具 seven七 she"s = she is shirt 衬衫 shoes 鞋子 short 矮的 short 短的 shorter 更矮的 should 应该 singer歌唱家;歌手 sing—sang 唱歌 sister姐妹 six 六 skate滑冰;滑冰鞋 skirt 裙子 sleep睡觉 sleep睡觉 smaller (体型)更小的 small小的 smart聪明;巧妙的 snowy下雪的 socks 袜子 soil土壤 sometimes有时候 sore 疼的 sour 酸的 spring春天 sprout苗;芽;嫩芽 straight成直线的 stream (小)河;(小)溪 strict 严格的 stronger 更强壮的 student学生 study书房 summer夏天 sun 太阳 Sunday(Sun.)星期日 sunny晴朗的 sweep the floor扫地 sweet甜的 swim游泳 swim游泳 swing荡;荡秋千 T take pictures照相 take—took 照;拍 taller更高的 tall高的 tasty好吃的;可口的 teach 教(第三人称单数:teaches) teacher"s desk讲台 teacher教师 ten十 that 那;那个 then 然后 then 然后 there那儿;那里 they 它(他、她)们 they"re = they are thinner 更瘦的 thin瘦的 Thursday(Thu.)星期四 today 今天 tofu豆腐 tomato 西红柿 trash bin垃圾箱 Tuesday(Tue.)星期二 turn转弯 TV reporter电视台记者 U uncle叔叔;舅舅 under在……下面 use a computer使用计算机 usually通常;一般 V visit grandparents看望祖父母 visit—visited 看望 W wait 等待;等 walk走 warm 暖和的 wash the clothes 洗衣服 wash—washed 洗 watch — watched 看 watch insects观察昆虫 watch看(第三人称单数:watches) water the flowers浇花 watermelon 西瓜 water水 Wednesday(Wed.) 星期三 weekend 周末 weekend周末 we我们 what 什么 when什么时候 where 在哪里;到哪里 where在哪里;到哪里 which哪一个 white 白色的 who"s =who is why为什么 window窗户 winter冬天 work工作 write a letter写信 write a report写报告 write an e-mail写电子邮件 writer 作家
2023-07-08 22:21:092


2023-07-08 22:21:131


2. How disappointing!,3. I"m disappointed. I missed the concert.,4. I was disappointed in the new house.,5. It wasn"t as good as I"d expected.,6. What a pity!,7. Just our luck.,8. What a shame!,9. I must say I had hoped to meet your manager.,return may es as a great appointment.,Dialogue 1,W: Oh, no! M: How dreadful! W: Look at the view from the window. M: Oh, dear. That"s terrible. Not at all what I expected. W: It"s awful, isn"t it? M: I can"t bear to look at it. I"m rather disappointed. W: It can"t be helped.,Dialogue 2,M: You are studying here, aren"t you? W: Yes. I have been here for three years. M: Do you like this campus? W: Well. I"m rather disappointed with it. M: How e? W: It"s too old. And it isn"t as specious as I expected. M: "s awful, but it can"t be helped. W: I"ll just have to put up with it.,Dialogue 3,W: What happen, John? M: Nothing. W: Why do you look unhappy? M: I"m rather disappointed at not being able to see my best friend off. W: Oh, cheer up. He"ll understand you. M: I hope so.,Dialogue 4,W: What he said disappointed me. M: What did he say? W: He advised me to change to a more suitable course. M: Why? W: He said that career in law was unsuitable for a women. M: It is stupid to say so.,Dialogue 5,W: Did you like the party? M: Not particularly. I was rather disappointed. W: Why? What had you expected? M: I"d expected it to be much more exciting.,Dialogue 6,W: David, why didn"t you clean the room? M: I"m not in the mood. W: Why are you feeling depressed? M: I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me. That"s a real let-down. W: I don"t think she will do such a thing. M: But she did and made me disappointed. W: Oh, cheer up. A girlfriend is not everything. M: But she means a lot to me. W: Then five her mistake. M: Oh. I just can"t fet it.,I arrive safely after a good journey. And town looks quite interesting. The people Lime Sting with seem very nice. But I must say I"m disappointed at my room. It"s terribly *** all and not well furnished. And the bed is narrow, hard and lumpy. And the room is dark, as there is only one *** all window and no view. There is no ware for me to study. Just a chair, but no table. I was pretty depressed when I sighted. It"s only for four weeks so. So I suppose I"ll just have to put up with it.,课后题目: 学完后,你知道“只是运气好。”这句话怎么说? Just good luck.
2023-07-08 22:21:141


问题一:投诉信用英语怎么说 用下面这些说法:letter of plaint A letter of plaint letters of plaint 问题二:英语投诉信怎么写 Dear_____, ①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a plaint about. ③The reason for my dissatisfaction is _____(总体介绍). ④In the first place,______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ______ (抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it_____(感觉) to _____(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). ⑦I appreciate it very much if you could _____(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by _____(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. 问题三:用英语写一份投诉信,该怎么写 (右上角)Dec 日期 (左上角)Dear Mr.Manager: (起一段,空两格),I"m writing to plain about the poor quality of mobil phone in your store.I bought an SQ200 mobile phone at The First department store.The mobile phone couldn"t sent message and take photos after a short time.I hope The First department store can exchange a new one with me or return me the whole money.(起一段,中偏右)Yours,(起一段,对齐上排)作者名字、 一个例子供参考: Dear General Manager Mr.XXX With all due respect, I am writing to you a serious letter to get either refunded or exchanged on a washing machine purchased at your department store on 17th, May. Only two week from the date we made the purchase, the machine was no longer functional and remained broken after being repaired again and again. I suspect the authority of the salesperson to make the decision, and therefore I am turning to you for your kindly help. Sincerely XXXXXX 祝开心喔~
2023-07-08 22:21:151

真爱on air(爱情正在直播)的插曲叫什么、?拜托各位大神

on air插曲 你不曾知道 我的笑为何看起来想在哭泣 就算显而易见你也不知道 因为你总是看着别处 以为你知道所以呼唤了你 但也像阵风似的 my heart I need you I love you I can"t say goodbye 我不曾允许 你却每天住进我心里 I need you I love you 无法停止 清晨的浪潮停止的时候 我也或许能停止吗? you know 一个字 我没能听到的一句话 (这句话就是)我爱你,我爱你 一句埋藏在我的心里的 让我流泪的话 让我心痛的这句话 在像这样送走你的瞬间 也没能说出口的话 我爱你 现在站在我的身边 可你到底又在看着谁 我的心埋怨着不懂我的你 回头看一看吧 只看着你一个人的我 我的爱在呼唤你 只在远处看着多么的痛苦啊 只一次 请握住我的手 如此的企盼着你的我 即使你在其他的爱情里受伤 我也会把你拥在怀中,为你擦干眼泪 我的心日日诉说的那句话 我的心日日呼喊的那句话 我爱你,我爱你 用眼泪擦去的一句话 让我存活至今的话 我至今也无法抹去的话 我爱你 我爱你 这句话我想让你听到 Don"t walk away 说呀~ 要离开吗? 想要回到没有我的过去吗? 忘记了吗 那亲吻 没有我 你也会像我似的 因为厌倦孤独而哭泣的 拜托(拜托) 我不能没有你(不要离开) 没有办法就此结束(留下来吧) 再次给予我梦想(回来吧) 不要走 我无法(一个人)生活 留在我身边 不要走 你只留下了影子 消失在黑暗中 请不要离开 没有结束的梦想中梦 如果醒来 你总是消失去那里 那儿是哪里 消失了 没有结束梦和爱情 样才能再找回来 再一次(再一次) 没有结束梦和爱情 怎么样 只留下我独自一人 留下来吧 没有办法就此结束* 回来吧 (不要走) 不要离开(不要走) 我无法(一个人)生活 留在我身边 不要走 你只留下了影子 消失在黑暗中 不要走 我无法(一个人)生活 留在我身边 不要走 你只留下了影子 消失在黑暗中 回来吧
2023-07-08 22:21:181


2023-07-08 22:21:222


late与later用法归纳如下:late为一般形容词,表示迟到了,太晚了,也可以作副词,表示晚,迟,在晚期。later则可以作为late的比较级形式,或者作时间副词表示随后,稍后。late可以用作形容词,基本意思是“晚的”,可指与规定的、预期的或惯常的时间相比“晚的”“迟的”,也可指在事物本身发展过程中或某一时间单位(如年月)“晚期的”“后期的”。late还可指在时间或顺序上的“新近的”“晚期的”。late用在头衔、人名前可作“已退职〔休〕,新近故去的,前任的”解,这时其前通常须加the,在句中常用作定语,没有比较级和最高级形式。late可以用作副词,表示“晚”“迟”,指迟于规定〔预期〕时刻,作此解时没有比较级和最高级。late还可表示“末期地”,指到达或接近某事物的后端。as late as后跟年月日时,不再加介词。late用于时间时,表示“不久前”。later的用法:1. 用作形容词和副词 late 的比较级。2. 用于一段具体时间之后,表示从过去或将来算起的多长时间以后,但通常不指从现在算起的多久以后。但是later单独使用(即不连用具体时间),可以表示从现在算起的“以后”(具有泛指意义)。3. 用于 later on,表示“以后”“后来”,可用于过去或将来。4. sooner or later 为习语,意为“迟早”,注意其词序不能倒过来。
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UNIT 1Ⅱ.Basic Listening Practice1-5: CBDADⅢ.Listening InTask 11-5: DACBCTask 2(S1)owner (S2)running (S3)drop (S4)outlaw (S5)uneventfully (S6)yelling (S7)lives (S8)As he"s picking himself up ,he sees large man, almost seven feet tall. He"s muscular, and is growling as he approaches the bar.(S9) The bartender nervously hand the big man a beer, hand shaking (S10) I got to get out of town !Didn"t you hear Big John is coming .Task 31-5: DCBDAⅥ. Further Listening and Speaking Task 11-5: ABCCDTask 21-5: TFFTFNews Report(S1) passengers (S2) height (S3) released (S4) dive (S5) 360 (S6) independently (S7) back and forth (S8) facing (S9) surprise (S10) adds (S11) length (S12) measure (S13) capacity (S14) thrilling UNIT 2Ⅱ .Basic Listening Practice1-5: BACDBⅢ. Listening In Task 11-5: CADBATask 2(S1) nose (S2) voice (S3) math (S4) sound (S5) inserted (S6) neck (S7) fat (S8) The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population, who try to make themselves sound younger (S9) a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago (S10) Voice lift can also benefit people like performers, lawyers, teachers, and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice.Task 31-5: CCBBDⅥ.Further Listening and Speaking Task 11-5: ACDBATask 21-5: FTFTFNews Report(S1) finals (S2) billion (S3) hosted (S4) one-time (S5) winners (S6) white (S7) dominated (S8) charm (S9) personality (S10) figure (S11) title (S12) represented (S13) went (S14) fierce (S15) turn (S16) waved (S17) celebrations UNIT 3Ⅱ. Basic Listening Practice1-5: DACBCⅢListening InTask 11-5: BCADCTask 2(S1) climb (S2) reports (S3) missing (S4) assistance (S5) factor (S6) presence (S7) originating (S8) Rainfall exceeded 500 mm(or 19,7 inches )along the border areas of Haiti and the Dominican Republic during that period (S9) This made it difficult for humanitarian relief workers to rescues stranded people and deliver badly–needed food ,medicine and supplies to residents (S10)Analysis of the past data shows that major floods in the Dominican Republic and Haiti are now a near-annual eventTask 31-5: ABCDCⅥTask 11-5: ACBDATask 21-5: FFTFTNews Report(S1) knocking (S2) coast (S3) tearing (S4) described (S5) managed (S6) following (S7) drop (S8) battled (S9) making up ground (S10) leader (S11) struggled (S12) teamwork (S13) recovery (S14) setting (S15) winds (S16) legs (S17) chance (S18) despite UNIT 4Ⅱ. Basic Listening Practice1-5: CBABDⅢ. Listening InTask 11-5: CBDAATask 2(S1) shortened (S2) known (S3) independent (S4) enterprises (S5) spread (S6) nearly (S7) so (S8) the acronym SOHO have been used to a great extend by companies that sell products to large numbers of small business with a small-sized office(S9) Many books are written and sold specifically for this type of office to tell people how to equip a small office (S10) In the field of software development, engineers often have to work 20 hours or more at a stretch, so they can hardly adapt to normal office hours.Task 31-5: BDDACⅥTask 11-5: DBCACTask 21-5: FTFTFNews Report (S1) travelers (S2) past (S3) behind (S4) translation (S5) portable packing (S6) general idea (S7) assist (S8) available (S9) communicate UNIT 5Ⅱ.1-5: BDACDⅢ.Task 11-5: BDACCTask 2 (S1)watched (S2) when (S3)pile (S4) around (S5) leaned (S6) hiding (S7) indifferently (S8) Stone rushed into the cashier"s office , took $250 from the cash box ,and returned. “Take it,” he said, and get out! Don"t let me see you around here again (S9) seeing the young man showed no sign of embarrassment, Stone got furious. (S10)He was waiting for the 20 dollars we owe him for lunch .He works for the coffee shop around the corner.Task 31-5: DCBCAⅥ Task 11-5:ABCDATask 2TTFFFNewes Rreport(S1) announced (S2) massive (S3)surprise (S4)rescue (S5)22,000(S6)discontinued (S7) salary (S8) turnaround (S9) profit (S10) hit hard (S11)closings (S12) emotion (S13) quality and productivityUNIT 6Ⅱ1-5:CCADBⅢ。Task 11-5: CBADCTask 2(S1)terrible(S2)misfortune(S3)reflection(S4) damaged (S5) heaven (S6) pick (S7)washed (S8) Some people claim that numbers is bad luck because thirteen people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified (S9) Friday the thirteenth of any month is considerer specially bad or unlucky ,and Friday the thirteenth of March is the worst of them all (S10)when people talk about the “seven-year itch” they mean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personalityTask 31-5: ABDDBⅥ.Task 11-5: ACDCBTask 21-5: TTFFTNews Report(S1) date back (S2) ancient (S3)modern (S4)inspection (S5) covers(S6)rights (S7) opened (S8) downtown (S9)below(S10) account (S11) damaged (S12)uncovered (S13)questions (S14)significance (S15) worthwhile UNIT 9Ⅱ.Basic Listening Practice1-5: ACDBAⅢ.Listening InTask 11-5: CDCABTask 2(S1) downtown (S2) loan (S3) security (S4) agreed (S5) against (S6) proceeded(S7)That will be $5,000 in principal ,and $20.30 in interest, the loan officer said, The woman wrote out a check and started to walk away.(S9)We are very happy to have had your business and this transition has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled.(S10)Where else in Manhattan can I park my car for two weeks for only $20.30 and expect it to be there when I return?”Task 31-5: DBCADⅤ.Let"s Talk1. the cost of natural resources and the environment 2. high energy consumption and uncontrolled discharge of wastes3. both the economy and environmental costs.4. traditional GDP minus the costs of resources and environmental damage.5. effectively restrict an enterprise"s impulse to expand6. the benefit green GDP brings will outweigh the demands imposed on enterprises.7. introduce the “green GDP” index system 8. the prosperity of future generationsⅥ. Further Listening and SpeakingTask 11-5: CDDABTask 21-5: FTFTTNews Report(S1)on display (S2)90 percent (S3)largest (S4)city and country (S5)folded (S6)side doors (S7)outdoors (S8)shower(S9)top (S10)ride (S11)cells (S12)innovative
2023-07-08 22:21:011

韩剧On Air里都有哪些明星客串啊?

2023-07-08 22:21:002


department store
2023-07-08 22:21:004