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Of course后要接动词原形吗?

2023-07-09 07:47:53
TAG: course co urs rs se ur

你好,of course后面是不可以接动词的,of course的意思是当然的意思,这就是相当于一个单句,后面只可以接一句单句的!


of course什么意思

of courseadv.(尤用于赞同或不赞同某人时)当然;(表示平常、显然或众所周知的事实)自然conv.(表示许可的礼貌说法)当然(可以);(表示否定)当然不
2023-07-08 23:11:392


2023-07-08 23:11:521

of course的汉语意思

of course的中文意思是:当然、自然、敢情、自是、理当。of course读音:英 [u0254v ku0254u02d0(r)s] ,美 [u028cv ku0254u02d0(r)s] 。of course常用以表示所说的事不足为奇或理所当然。与此同时,由于可能不容易掌握恰当的语调,用of course或of course not回答询问或请求时可能显得不礼貌。因此,用其他词语可能更稳妥。例句:Of course there were lots of other interesting things at the exhibition 当然,展览上还有很多其他有趣的展品。"Can I just say something about the cup game on Saturday?" — "Yes of course you can." “我能说点儿周六杯赛的事情吗?”——“当然可以。”"I expect you"re right." — "Of course I"m right." 我想你是对的。——我当然是对的。
2023-07-08 23:12:131

of course怎么读?

2023-07-08 23:12:213


ofcourse 翻译成中文是当然。ofcourse 的用法:1、表示同意:当你同意某个观点、建议或请求时,可以说 "Of course"。这种用法通常表示认同对方的意见、感觉到自己和对方的想法很相似。例句:A: "你认为我们应该今天就去逛公园吗?" B: "Of course,我非常喜欢户外活动。"2、表示理所当然:当你认为某件事情是理所当然或显而易见时,可以说 "Of course"。这种用法通常表示对事情的自信和确定性。例句:A: "你认为下一场比赛我们会赢吗?" B: "Of course,我们有很多实力强劲的球员和出色的团队合作精神。"3、表示表达感谢:当你感激对方某件事,例如帮助你,可以说 "Of course"。这种用法通常表示对对方友好和感激。例句:A: "你真的愿意帮我完成这份任务吗?" B: "Of course,我们都是团队的一份子,彼此支持是很重要的。"ofcourse的造句:1、Of course I"ll go to the party with you tonight. 当然,我今晚会跟你一起去参加派对。2、Of course, it"s important to be honest in any relationship. 当然,在任何关系中诚实是很重要的。3、Of course, we can have pizza for dinner if you want. 当然,如果你想吃披萨,我们可以在晚餐时吃。4、Of course, I understand how to use this software. 当然,我明白如何使用这个软件。5、Of course, living close to the beach is paradise for me. 当然,对我来说,住在海边附近是天堂。
2023-07-08 23:12:491

of course的用法 意思、等于什么 ,都写出来

of course 一定,当然 =without doubt of course在口语中的用法 表示:当然;自然.如: He was late again,of course.自然他又迟到了. Of course I‘ll help you.我当然会帮你. Of course,I wish both of you well.当然我希望你们俩身体健康. He was joking.Of course I‘m not a poet.他是在开玩笑,我当然不是诗人. 通常在对话中用作回答.如: A:Are you coming with us?你和我们一起去吗? B:Of course.当然啦. A:Will you be able to come to the meeting?你能来开会吗? B:Of course.当然能来. A:May I book your dictionary?我可借你的字典吗? B:Yes,of course.当然可以. 有时与not连用.如: A:Were you glad to leave?你愿意离开吗? B:Of course not.当然不愿意. A:Do you want lost the game?你起输掉这场比赛吗? B:Of course not.当然不想.
2023-07-08 23:13:291

of course

of course 是当然的意思.course是路线,方向还有课程的意思.
2023-07-08 23:13:453


2023-07-08 23:13:511

of course 是什么意思?

2023-07-08 23:14:0112

关于Of course的用法

表示:当然;自然。如: He was late again, of course. 自然他又迟到了。 Of course I"ll help you. 我当然会帮你。 Of course, I wish both of you well. 当然我希望你们俩身体健康。 He was joking. Of course I"m not a poet. 他是在开玩笑,我当然不是诗人。 通常在对话中用作回答。如: A:Are you coming with us? 你和我们一起去吗? B:Of course. 当然啦。 A:Will you be able to come to the meeting? 你能来开会吗? B:Of course. 当然能来。 A:May I book your dictionary? 我可借你的字典吗? B:Yes, of course. 当然可以。 有时与not连用。如: A:Were you glad to leave? 你愿意离开吗? B:Of course not. 当然不愿意。 A:Do you want lost the game? 你起输掉这场比赛吗? B:Of course not. 当然不想。 of course一定,当然=without doubt
2023-07-08 23:14:391

sure和of course在实际运用有什么区别

sure主要指自己情愿,of course有点客观需要 另外sure的语气更肯定
2023-07-08 23:14:472

of course的缩写是什么

2023-07-08 23:14:585

当然的英语怎么读of course吗?

当然的英语是of course。例句:That was 40 years ago, but of course you wouldn"t remember it.翻译:那是40年以前的事,你自然想不起来了。短语:in the course of nature 通常近义词certainly 英 ["su025cu02d0tnli] 美 ["su025cu02d0rtnli]    adv. 当然;一定I"ll certainly be most discreet in my conversation.我在谈话中当然会十分小心的。
2023-07-08 23:15:131

请问一下of course怎么用啊,就是放在句子哪里,跟什么之类的?

of course是个短语,表示“当然”,可以放在句首、句中或句末。例:Well, she won, of course.噢,当然是她赢啦。例:You should of course keep copies of all your correspondence.你当然应该保留所有信函的复印件。例:Of course there will be some difficult times ahead.今后当然会有遇到困难的时候。
2023-07-08 23:15:272

certainly 和 of course 的区别? 用法区别

certainly是非常正式的说法 比如古代英国的贵族间 一个人向另一个人请求帮助 那个人就会回答certainly of course就非常口语化了 使用上没有什么太大区别 比如有人跟你说can i borrow your pen please?你可以说of course
2023-07-08 23:15:402

of course与sure的不同
2023-07-08 23:16:064

of course中的of的发音是怎样的

2023-07-08 23:16:372

of. course 怎么读

额夫靠期 就可以
2023-07-08 23:16:487

of course是什么词性

of course 是副词在句中修饰动词、形容词或副词例如Can you help me? Of course! Is yourhangwriting nice? Of course.Does he run fast? Of course.
2023-07-08 23:17:171

Of course not与Of course的区别

你介意在我度假时照看我的狗狗吗?当然回答不介意——of course not(当然不)
2023-07-08 23:17:264

sure 和of course有什么区别?

这是个语气上的区别, of course 是有种绝对对方问的是废话的感觉。
2023-07-08 23:18:053

sure 和of course有什么区别

2023-07-08 23:19:111

请问of course是非正式的吗?

2023-07-08 23:19:182

of course的近义词是什么

2023-07-08 23:19:265

Of course. Here youare.的意思

of course=当然here you are=给你加起来=当然,给你望采纳
2023-07-08 23:19:421

of course和in fact的区别

2023-07-08 23:19:591

of course;sure;certainly;without doubt;You bet;区别

of course 当然sure 肯定certainly 肯定地 / 一定without doubt 毫无疑问 / 无可置疑You bet 当然啦! / 一定会的!
2023-07-08 23:20:072

of course是词组还是单词

是词组,有 当然 一定 的意思
2023-07-08 23:20:1614

of course是怎么来的?

探索发现:Of course的由来,语法上怎么解释?什么的缩写吗?这个问题外国朋友们也有疑惑,本人认为:of course 就是 matter of course 的缩写,意即:自然进程的事、正常秩序的事,引申为:自然的事、正常的事,最后缩略为 of course ,自然是"自然"b ,当然是"当然"了
2023-07-08 23:20:401

of course的同音词是什么

of course 的同音词是 off course。
2023-07-08 23:20:471

of course做什么状语

没有必要去较真它到底做什么状语,of course是词组.可以理解为做插入语.有时可有可无
2023-07-08 23:21:161

英文“sure”和“of course”用法有什么不同?

sure 是很爽块地回答可以,一定,无疑的.of course 是理所当然的意思.两者很多情况下能混用.举例,必须用sure的时候:He is clever, to be sure, but not very hard-working. She is sure to pass the examination.必须用 of course的时候:Mothers as a matter of course have much affection for their children.I will write to you of course, but not every week.
2023-07-08 23:21:264

of course后面可以加什么

2023-07-08 23:21:348


2023-07-08 23:21:503

of couse和of course有什么区别?

2023-07-08 23:21:571

英语作文段首用of course可以吗

2023-07-08 23:22:042

of course 的词性

2023-07-08 23:22:111


Judgment of the 词典1. (断定) judge; decide; determine; estimate; measure; size up; think; pinpoint; tell: 判断错误 an error of judgement; 判断情况 assess the situation; size up the situation; 判断是非 judge between right and wrong; tell right from wrong; 根据某人的行为来判断 judge from one"s conduct; 依我的判断 as far as I can judge2. [逻辑学] judgement: 迅速判断 be swift with one"s judgement; 判断力强的人 a man of good judgement; 应用判断力 use one"s judgement◇判断词 a grammatical term for the character 是 used as a link word to form a compound predicate with a noun or pronoun; 判断错误 misjudg(e)ment; bet on the wrong horse; 判断过程 deterministic process; 判断力 judgment; understanding; faculty of judgement; 判断能力 judgement; 判断论 theory of judgement; 判断市场机会 assess market opportunities; 判断问题 decision problem
2023-07-08 23:21:081

just like like as的区别

这是2004年4月自考英语语法试题第8小题。正确答案就是A。其实,也不难理解:这是【状语从句+省略结构】。语法中状语从句部分是这样说的: 在时间、条件、方式、比较、让步等状语从句中,如果从句主语与主句主语相同,或者从句主语是it时,从句主语与谓语动词的一部分(经常是be动词)经常省略。例如: While crossing the road, Tom was hit by a car. =While Tom was crossing the road, he was hit by a car.Come to school early【 if possible=if it is possible】 故,结合语境和时态,原句完整形式应该是:Whenever the professor explained something,she kept smiling and nodding her head from time to time (as if/as though she was)understanding every word of his lecture。 至于like,作“像......一样”,经常搭配:be/look/seem like;feel like【介词】。The weather looks like【介词】 clearing up.天气好像会放晴。Tom is like【介词】 his father in looks.汤姆的相貌像他父亲。 也可以做连词,引导从句,但是,词典上明确注释:informal【非正规用法】,即是as用法误用而形成的。如:Like 【连词,informal】I said(=as I said),you"re always welcome to stay.正如我以前所说过的,我永远都欢迎你留下。She acts like【连词】she owns the place 。她的举动就像那地方是她的一样。It was just like you said. 情况正如你所说的那样。
2023-07-08 23:21:091


REF是Reference的缩写,为参考尺寸的意思。同时也指一个识别系统,也是计算机程序中的一个关键字,瑞士的一个公司名。参考尺寸依ASME Y14.5上的定义是:在别处已有标示的尺寸,为了看图人的方便,在其他位置重复标示的尺寸。可以由现有尺寸计算出来的尺寸,但也是为了看图人的方便,而标示的尺寸。参考尺寸是不可量测的。1、ref关键字:让参数按照引用传递。其效果是,当控制权传递回调用方法时,在方法中对参数所做的任何更改都将反映在该变量中;也等同将值类型的数据使用引用方式传参。2、若要使用ref参数,则方法定义和调用方法都必须显式使用ref关键字。3、传递到ref参数的参数必须最先初始化。这与 out 不同,out 的参数在传递之前不需要显式初始化。尽管ref和out在运行时的处理方式不同,但它们在编译时的处理方式是相同的。因此,如果一个方法采用ref参数,而另一个方法采用out 参数,则无法重载这两个方法。
2023-07-08 23:21:111

DHA 可以和其他营养素同时补吗?

2023-07-08 23:21:111

any of us与any one of us 的区别

2023-07-08 23:21:153

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:Rob Rock专辑:Rage Of CreationLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわり
2023-07-08 23:21:151

什么时候用just like,什么时候用be+just like

是看like的用法第一句中Life is just like that,like 是做副词第二句中It just like the radio .like 是做动词。谓语一个句子只有一个谓语应该是这样
2023-07-08 23:21:162

为什么只能用every one of us而不能用everyone of us?

everyone仅能指代人,意思是每个人。不能用of。 every one可以指代东西,意思是每一个。可以用of,every one of=each,有可指代物品又可指代人。
2023-07-08 23:21:071

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:Whitesnake专辑:Whitesnake"s Greatest Hits标题:Judgement艺术家:Before the Dawn珞盟广埠坛坛主:のPlacing the events in a rowThat led me to this pointOf no return, no way to goCrossroad without directionsA dead end streetWhat led me to this pointOf no return, no retreatIs this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fateFacing reality in a formOf denial i choose not to see what lies in front of meIn motionNo destination, no parole pleaImprisonment for lifeWith no redemption to set me freeIs this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fate我来自珞盟发源地——武大三区!Is this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fateIs this incarcerationJustice of my own creation珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-07-08 23:21:011

just as和just like的区别 具体一点最好还能举例

as 后面是从句 可以充当成分 这时有点类似于定语从句中which的用法 like后面不能是从句,只能是短语 例如 The information is just as I have said before. she is a student just like me.
2023-07-08 23:21:011


2023-07-08 23:20:581


2023-07-08 23:20:551

用just like造句

You can talk to this toy just like talking to me. just like doing sth.- 就像做某事一样
2023-07-08 23:20:521