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2023-07-09 08:44:48
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The Long Tail:长尾理论
The Long Tail Effect:长尾效应

一、 “长尾”的由来及含义:

根据维基百科,长尾(The Long Tail)这一概念是由“连线”杂志主编Chris Anderson在2004年十月的“长尾” 一文中最早提出,用来描述诸如亚马逊和Netflix之类网站的商业和经济模式。

“长尾”实际上是统计学中Power Laws和帕累托(Pareto)分布特征的一个口语化表达。




“长尾”至今尚无正式定义,Chris Anderson 认为,最理想的长尾定义应解释“长尾理论”的三个关键组成部分:


富足经济( the economics of abundance )



“长尾实现的是许许多多小市场的总和等于,如果不是大于,一些大市场”–Jason Foster

“长尾就是当籍籍无名的变成无处不在的时候你可以得到的”– Eric Akawie



在共同占据了一块市场份额,足以可与最畅销的热卖品匹敌” –Bob Baker


“涓涓细流,汇聚成河”—Joshua Wood

“终结二八定律!”—Eric Etheridge

“无物不销,无时不售!”—Jim Treacher

“一个小数乘以一个非常大的数字等于一个大数!”—Rajesh Jain


1、 Google是一个最典型的“长尾”公司,其成长历程就是把广告商和出版商的“长尾”商业化的过程。
















追根溯源,必然会有理论依据支撑行业现象。于是,长尾理论出现,和二八定律产生直接冲突。所谓长尾理论(The Long Tail),从统计学中一个形状类似“恐龙长尾”的分布特征的口语化表述演化而来。查阅维基百科有关“长尾”的条目,得知由一杂志主编Chris Anderson于去年十月提出,他认为,只要存储和流通的渠道足够大,需求不旺或销量不佳的产品共同占据的市场份额就可以和那些数量不多的热卖品所占据的市场份额相匹敌甚至更大。








Google最早发现了众多小站作为广告平台的价值,利用Google Adsense几乎将整个互联网都变成了Google的广告平台。Blog的普及让这个平台得到了更大程度的扩展,挖掘这条越来越长的尾巴的广告价值也成了很多人关注的市场机会。


在Qumana的调查中,使用Google Adsense的blogger占了绝大多数。尽管Google Adsense是依据Google强项的分词和搜索进行相关匹配显示与blog内容相关的广告,但由于Blogger对于所显示的广告内容没有任何的选择和决定权,因此可能造成相关性匹配程度并不高,或者出现广告内容是blogger所不喜欢的公司(比如抵制日货的blogger网站上出现日货广告)等等情况。于是,一些新公司开始进入这一市场,为blogger提供可自主定制的广告内容。比如Qumana的Adgenta以及FeedWeaver,它们都可以让blogger们自行决定每篇文章的关键字,或者说tag,使文章与广告的相关性更强,也可以让blogger有权根据自己对读者特征的理解而决定广告的内容,从而可能让广告更吸引读者,也获取更高的广告收益,而且这些广告不仅仅可以在blog上显示,也可以添加到RSS中。




长尾霍霍 互联网:二八定律失效?


曾读过一位英国登山者所写的《触及巅峰》(Touching the Void)的 书么?讲述两名英国登山者在秘鲁安第斯山脉的历险故事。让人兴奋的并不是这本书的内容,而是它成功登上《纽约时报》的图书畅销榜、并被改编成电影记录片背后的故事——这本书出版于1988年,成功却在10年之后。



2004年10月,《连线》杂志主编Chris Anderson在一篇文章中,首次提出了一个“长尾理论”(The long tail)来解释这一现象:只要渠道足够大,非主流的、需求量小的商品销量也能够和主流的、需求量大的商品销量相匹敌。这是对传统的“二八定律”的彻底叛逆。


在上述理论中被忽略不计的80%就是长尾。Chris Anderson说:“我们一直在忍受这些最小公分母的专制统治……我们的思维被阻塞在由主流需求驱动的经济模式下。”但是人们看到,在互联网的促力下,被奉为传统商业圣经的“二八定律”开始有了被改变的可能性。这一点在媒体和娱乐业尤为明显,经济驱动模式呈现从主流市场向非主流市场转变的趋势。










Chris Anderson的长尾理论


时下关于长尾的文章很多,但似乎很多人的理解都不一致。刚刚读过Chris关于Long Tail的那篇文章,给了我很多启发。(Chris正在准备关于长尾的书,将于2006年5月出版。)


Chris关于长尾的提出是基于他对娱乐市场的观察而得出的。通过对传统娱乐业和网络娱乐业的对比,Chris发现由于成本和规模的限制,传统娱乐业只能覆盖那些20%的主流(Hits)而忽略了后面的尾巴(Misses)。但是,网络技术解决了这个问题,使得在保证收益的前提下,满足了更多消费者的需求。同时,Chris还指出,人们对主流的关注一方面是因为传统娱乐业自身经营的限制(不可能提供所有的选择),另一个重要的方面是因为人们并不知道自己需要的是什么。Chris指出,事实上每一个人的品位都会与主流有所偏离,并且当我们发现的越多,我们就越能体会到我们需要更多的选择。这样,现实的世界(Physical World)是一个短缺的世界。(这也是为什么经济学存在的原因了)。



Rule 1:让所有的东西都可以获得。(Make everything available)

Rule 2:将价格减半,现在让它更低。(Cut the price in half. Now lower it.)

Rule 3:帮我找到它!(Help me find it!)


同样的,自从Chris提出长尾以后,很多学者以及从业人士都开始了对此开始了研究。一个名为Nicholas Carr"s Blog的作者Carr提出了一个概念:Head Phake。其中的Phake是Fake的委婉说法。Head Phake就是“伪主流”的意思。在既然有长尾(Long Tail),就有头部(Head),也就是那些主流商品。而互联网的技术可以将那些不是主流的商品(如歌曲)与主流商品(歌曲)放在一起,形成消费者一种“误解”,以为那也是主流。如果这些非主流很好的话,就自然而然成为主流。这就是互联网的伟大之处。




对于长尾的出现,一些朋友提出了品牌的作用将受到削弱,这多是因为当前传统的营销并没有抓住那些被忽略的群体和需求。我想看完Chris的文章后,我们就会发现这种理解是错误的。传统市场由于成本的约束,譬如一家音像店不可能为了区区几个顾客的需求而让一些非主流的CD上架,商家只能专注那些足够规模的需求,品牌在此发挥了作用。而由于互联网技术的出现,一些未被开发的需求可以被利用了,也就是长尾可以被利用了,这是品牌的作用依然关键。为什么会有人去苹果的iTune下载歌曲,这就是苹果的品牌效应。因此,长尾和品牌不是矛盾的,而是两个不同类别的概念。长尾或者说长尾理论告诉我们,通过技术可以将那些“缝隙市场(Niche Markets)”再次整合起来,形成利润来源。而品牌是一种产品受到关注的方式。同样的,既然有利润就会有竞争,长尾如果利润空间足够吸引人的话,在这些市场的竞争也许可能比主流市场的竞争更为激烈。而谁能够获胜?依然是那种能够形成独特并持久的“顾客-品牌关系”的公司。





fake news是什么意思

fake news意思为假新闻。1、假新闻以的话,我有三个建议:第一《纽约时报》应该知道,它发表类似的报道,只会多一个在做fakenews(假新闻)的证据;第二,如果很担心苹果手机被窃听的话,可以改用华为手机;第三,为了绝对安全起见,可以停止。2、新闻,几名路过的集会者突然打断了直播,其中一名手持“守护香港”标语的女士更是对他直配春言不讳:“你们是假新闻(fakenews)!你并没有在讲实话!”BBC视频截图“单纯反对你们这种假新闻媒体”BBC提供的现场视频显示,。3、假消息英邦和加拿大-则阻挠俄罗斯插足。能美颜的视频聊天软件起首,这场记者会充实着“fakenews”(假消息)。洞好为了给所谓的“制裁中邦”找到饰辞,美方胪列--了一-大堆来由,却没有一个能站得住脚。特朗纳卖铅普妄语涉港。4、虚假新闻秩序。新闻和信息、专业和业余的清晰边界已变得越发模糊,欧盟2018年的一份报告指出,鉴于虚假新闻(fakenews)这个概念已经不足以解释现状的复杂性,建议将之替换为虚假信息(disinformation),指那些经。5、伪新闻ekendUpdate)环节——扔出一个时事新闻,再对此进行吐槽向的评论,这种形式被称为“伪新闻”(fakenews)。同时,他手下的一帮“资深连线记者/分析员”也会自己制作短片或是进行连线追击各种热门话题,这些小记。6、美国的假新闻的缺失——以《纽约时报》新世纪以来的典型虚假新闻为例世界博览杂志社总策划、主笔要:美国的假新闻(fakenews),常被公众当作“愚人节玩笑”,多数为花边新闻。《纽约时报》记者杰森布莱尔(JaysBlair)。双语例句:1、你怎样识别膺品和真品呢?When there wasn"t any news i faked it .2、我假装投球,但是球还在我手里。He"s not sick, he"s just faking .3、她没有病,是在装假呢。Those regulations could be faked .4、幅画看起来年代久远,其实是最近的一幅赝品。 "you sold him some fake diamonds last year, didn"t you? "
2023-07-09 01:50:211


fake news
2023-07-09 01:51:173

金毛名言:fake news,next什么意思?

2023-07-09 01:51:242


2023-07-09 01:52:142

电影《不要抬头》,彗星撞地球?Fake news,我不听,我不信…

许多人喜欢在夜晚仰望星空,对着划过天际的流星许下心愿,尽管它们转瞬即逝,快速陨落在浩瀚的宇宙间,但我们坚信在那一刻许下的愿望会变成永恒,直至心愿达成。我们心里的这份纯真不会随着年龄增长而消失,相反,它们战胜了理智和经验,用感性使我们一如既往的向往事物的美好一面,即使这种单纯的向往是那么的遥不可及。 太阳系的八大行星中,只有地球适宜居住。有充足的光照、有温润的空气、有纯净的水源,在种种机缘巧合下,孕育出无数个生命体,她的形成纯属偶然,也夹杂着幸运。按生命进化论,从海洋生物到陆地生物,从陆地生物到爬行生物,从爬行生物再到哺乳动物,经过上亿年的演变,才有了今天的高智商、位居食物链顶端的人类。那么,在地球生命的演变过程中,我们的家园遭受过多少威胁呢? 6500万年前,一颗直径为10公里的小行星撞击地球,造成75%的物种灭绝,包括在地球上统治长达1.5亿年的恐龙。这颗小行星进入大气层到撞击地面只用了不到10秒钟的时间,但它爆炸后的威力相当于70亿颗原子弹,并在墨西哥湾留下直径为180公里,深900米的巨大陨石坑。那次撞击事件像造物主使地球上的生命重新复盘。 木星是太阳系中体积最大的行星,被称为地球的教父,如果没有木星,地球可能早已不复存在。木星距离地球大约6.3亿公里至9.3亿公里,它的体积是地球的1300多倍,其质量是地球的300倍。它巨大的体积和释放的引力帮地球阻挡住了无数次小行星的撞击,其中,最著名的是1994年7月16日一颗名为苏梅克一列维9号的彗星撞击木星事件。 这颗彗星闯入太阳系被木星的引力捕获,在木星引力作用下被分裂成21颗小行星,随后这些小行星与木星大气层碰撞引发了剧烈爆炸,爆炸后的小碎片在木星上足足掉落130多个小时,并在木星表面撞击出5个等同于4倍地球大小的黑斑,由此产生的尘埃在木星上持续弥漫了3个月。据科学家推算,那次撞击木星所释放的能量相当于引爆40万亿吨 250万亿吨TNT的威力,如果这颗彗星撞向地球,将会是一场灭顶之灾。 彗星撞击木星的概率是地球的8000倍,大部分彗星都逃不过木星的追捕,不过,也有漏网之鱼。1908年著名的通古斯事件,一颗直径不到 100 英尺(约30米)的陨石, 以大约 30 km/ 秒的速度撞入俄罗斯贝加尔湖西北800 km的通古斯河谷上空,在距地面 6 km 处爆炸,使方圆2150平方公里范围内的8000万棵树木焚毁,森林尽数刮倒,酿成一场大火。这次爆炸的威力相当于引爆2000万吨TNT,是投放到广岛原子弹的1000倍。 太阳系分为内外两侧,以小行星带为分水岭。水星、金星、地球、火星位于太阳系内侧,木星、土星、天王星、海王星位于太阳系外侧,而小行星带上本就汇集着的无数颗小行星,它们受太阳引力和木星引力作用影响在各自轨道上运行,但它们中的任何一颗随时都有可能偏离轨道,逃脱束缚,成为一颗震慑地球的定时炸弹。 又或者,在宇宙间飘荡的不速之客侥幸逃脱了木星的围堵,进入太阳系内侧造成毁灭性的破坏,以此危及到我们的生存环境。虽然我们的科学在日益精进,但我们应当保持警惕,不可放过任何一种潜在的威胁,毕竟当下,我们还没有能力去应付来自外太空的“客人”。 2 小李子的这部电影《Don"t look up》极具讽刺性,把虚伪狡猾的政客,唯利是图的商人,冷眼旁观的民众如数还原,超写实风格,不正是当下 社会 的缩影吗? 2020年初爆发的新冠疫情,席卷全球,使多国陷入危机,以中国为首的为数不多的国家郑重其事的对待,认真做防疫,可西方国家的漠视态度致新冠疫情到现在还未消退,无论其背后的政治、经济和人文目的如何,无一例外都暗示着这些国家的极度自私和傲慢无知。 每每遇到国家危难之际,政客只想保住自己的身份地位,不去解决切实问题,商人只想利用一切资源与手段为自己牟利。无良媒体只会用各种 娱乐 花边新闻去吸引大众,捕获人心,越来越远地偏离了事情的真相。最可怜的当属那些赤裸裸的活在被大数据监控之下人们,他们无法自拔地生活在一个自我欺骗与自我安慰的虚假世界之中,还洋洋自得的甘愿被政商捆绑的利益集团愚弄,殊不知,他们早已是无耻之徒手握的一枚旗子,任人鱼肉。 正如电影剧情,当科学家发现有一颗直径为9公里的彗星撞向地球时, 社会 民众面对危险临近时的漠然反应让科学家分外不解,难道他们真的不在乎个人生死吗?其实不然,在这种突发的危机下,他们选择相信政客的谎言,相信媒体传达的信息,相信坐观 娱乐 、天下不乱的逃避心理。 荒诞的美国女总统(梅姨演技真好),举手投足间像极了美国某位前总统,早已千疮百孔的腐败政体,在荒唐领导人的带领下走向衰落是必然性。政客的虚情假意,在镜头面前卖力表演,如果没有清醒的头脑,看不穿他们矫揉造作的姿态,势必会走进他们设定好的情节之中。 投机取巧的商人无孔不入,在他们眼里只有既得利益。他们为了利益,机关算尽,哪怕是面对即将毁灭地球的彗星,他们一厢情愿且自作聪明地把这颗彗星视作财宝,无暇顾及区区老百姓的生死。他们一再蛊惑大众,利用大众的隐私为自己敛财牟利,无知的民众还把他们视为偶像去追捧。 我们不为电影中麻木不仁的民众感到可笑,或许我们也是其中之一。我们当中很多人已经丧失了感官能力,宁可轻信他人之言,也不愿相信自己眼见为实的真相;我们喜欢编织各种梦想以此安慰自己;我们把希望寄予别人,而不是掌握在自己手中;我们逐渐失去了掌控命运的权力,被一根无形的绳索牵引。我们身陷其中,浑然不知。 如果说此电影是一种现实性的映射,我想应该值得我们所有人反思。灾难当前,我们都是命运的共同体,应该抛弃私心,携手去拯救我们的家园。这颗蓝色星球是太阳系里的唯一,我们诞生于此,生活于此,来之不易。我们呼吸着新鲜的空气,我们吃着大自然馈赠的食物,我们把开采出来的物质变成了滚滚财富,我们还有什么理由不去保护这个赖以生存的家园? 3 如果未来真有像电影中彗星撞击地球的那一天,将是一场史无前例的大灾难。看过一个博主对彗星撞地球的详细解说,我作出如下概括。 撞击地球爆炸后会释放热辐射,热辐射向四面八方蔓延2000多公里,迅速点燃方圆千里之内的可燃物,房屋、森林被毁,建筑物烧成空壳,生物化成灰烬。 热辐射在2000公里外逐渐消退,但是强烈的撞击使火山喷发,飞散到大气中的熔岩使大气温度上升,炽热的熔岩和大气中的碎片会点燃地表的一切可燃物,人类在火灾与浓烟面前无处藏身。爆炸后抛向太空的岩石会摧毁人造卫星和空间站,人类失去通信设备,变成黑暗的信息时代。随之而来,更可怕的是地震和海啸。 大陆板块的剧烈运动引起的高强度地震频发,山崩地裂,所有地面结构被夷为平地。据推测,这种高强度地震可达10级以上,并引起连锁反应,导致地壳破裂。地震会引起海洋动荡,使海底地壳挤压断裂,引发巨大的海啸,海啸会席卷所有沿海城市,房屋被巨浪推倒,海岛被全数吞没。 除了地震与海啸外,最具有杀伤力的要数冲击波。冲击波比热辐射运动速度慢的多,但冲击波会把人们的内脏震破,没有生还可能。因撞击引起的爆炸会将烟雾和灰尘抛向天空,撞击后的数日内,烟尘遮蔽天空,导致90%的光不能进入地面,地球将笼罩在黑暗之中。 可能有人想到要建一座地下城堡,人类搬往地下居住,但别忘了还有可怕的酸雨。爆炸产生大量的硫化物与雨水相结合形成硫酸雨,具有高腐蚀的硫酸雨使地球上的植物消亡、人类皮肤溃烂。硫酸雨渗入地下深处,水源被污染,江河湖泊化成死水,海洋温度升高,生态环境破坏,致大部分海洋生物灭绝。 由于陆地食物链断裂,大气中的臭氧层破坏,地质改变,没有足够的太阳光照的地球又会变成一个冰冻星球,将重新开始新一轮的洗牌。 想起电影《流浪地球》那句台词 “最初,没有人在意这场灾难,这不过是一场灾火,一次旱灾,一个物种的灭绝,一座城市的消失。直到这场灾难和每个人息息相关”。回想近几年各国相继出现火山喷发,地质活动频繁,全球气候变暖,气候条件愈发恶化,各类病毒肆起,这些现象足矣给我们敲响警钟。 希望我们引以为鉴,全世界人类团结起来,怀着敬畏之心,齐心协力,共同抵抗所有的威胁,一起捍卫我们美好的母亲家园。 声明: 图片源于网络,侵删。
2023-07-09 01:52:531


一段时间以来,关于美国国务卿蒂勒森将被美国总统特朗普替换掉的言论不绝于耳。本周,美国媒体再度爆出蒂勒森将离开美国国务院的消息。不过,特朗普、白宫和美国国务院随后均出面否认传闻属实。与特朗普关系密切的美国国防部长马蒂斯11月30日也表示,关于蒂勒森将被替换掉的传闻“没有可信之处”。特朗普:我没打算“开除”蒂勒森11月30日,报道称,白宫幕僚长约翰·凯利已经起草了一份计划,在今年年底前后将蒂勒森替换掉。接替蒂勒森职位的,可能是中情局局长迈克·蓬佩奥。一天之后,特朗普12月1日就在社交媒体平台推特上发文,否认他有意将蒂勒森炒鱿鱼的传闻,并表示两人在工作中配合得不错,关系融洽。“媒体一直在猜测,我炒了蒂勒森或者他即将离职--这是假新闻!我们在部分议题上意见不同,但他不会离开。”特朗普在推文中写道,推文中还特意用大写的英文字母标出“假新闻”(FAKE NEWS)的字样。在推文中,特朗普还不忘称,我们俩一道合作得很好,美国再次获得很高的尊敬。尽管特朗普亲自否定蒂勒森将离开美国国务院的传闻,白宫此前在这个问题上的回答则十分暧昧。12月1日报道称,白宫发言人桑德斯11月30日早些时候没有确认、也没否认媒体报道。她拒绝回答特朗普是否对蒂勒森持有信心的提问,只说两人“继续一道工作”。此前,桑德斯还在多个场合表示,“当总统对某些人失去信心的时候,他们将不再继续在此(担任公职)。”继白宫之后,美国国务院也出面澄清蒂勒森将被撤换掉的消息不实。美国国务院发言人诺尔特表示,约翰·凯利11月30日早晨已致电蒂勒森办公室主任玛格丽特·彼得林,告知媒体的相关报道“不实”。12月1日报道,特朗普当天发推特否认将替换蒂勒森前,蒂勒森和美国国防部长马蒂斯正在白宫共进午餐。马蒂斯11月30日也对此作出表态,否认有关的传闻属实,他还称“报道没有可信之处”。报道援引消息人士的话称,蒂勒森此前曾对朋友表示,他希望至少在国务卿的职位上干满一年。而明年2月才是他履职满一周年的时候。尽管特朗普似乎表明蒂勒森的职位目前仍是安稳的,但由蒂勒森任命的多位高级官员要么将离职或者已经离职则是不争的事实。其中,蒂勒森的公关顾问哈蒙德预料将于12月晚些时候离开。而另一名国务院顾问马丽兹·比姆斯(Maliz Beams)只做了三个月就走了。12月4日至8日,蒂勒森将将前往比利时、奥地利和法国访问并出席一系列会议。特朗普与蒂勒森早已失和据日前报道,特朗普与蒂勒森失和是公开秘密。两人的理念和个性相去甚远,互相拆台不止一次。美国媒体多次传出蒂勒森打算辞职。离职小道消息飞了太久,华盛顿圈子里流传给蒂勒森起外号“离勒森”的笑话。蒂勒森和特朗普的矛盾集中于一系列焦点问题,如伊核协议、朝核处置、阿拉伯盟国间的纠纷。他还被曝在私下场合叫特朗普“笨蛋”,特朗普曾发布推文称蒂勒森用外交手段化解朝核危机的思路“纯属浪费时间”。据报道,特朗普当初任命蒂勒森,原本属于“实验”,先前从未有过美国总统任命一个在政治和军事领域毫无经验的人担任国务卿一职。鉴于特朗普本人也没有这些领域的治理经验,他希望蒂勒森能把企业管理经验应用到外交领域。蒂勒森在埃克森美孚公司工作过41年并担任过这家能源企业的首席执行官。布鲁金斯学会高级研究员托马斯·莱特接受媒体采访时说:“国务卿只有在被视为与总统关系密切时才具有影响力。白宫已经屡次向媒体暗示准备撤换蒂勒森,意味着他已经失去所拥有的权力”。
2023-07-09 01:53:001

求一个英语作文 关于网络的看法

My View on the Internet The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Nowadays, people use it for various purposes such as communication, education, entertainment, and job opportunities. However, the rise of the internet also brings about some challenges and drawbacks. On the one hand, the internet allows us to stay connected with people from all around the world. We can make new friends, learn new cultures, and explore different perspectives. Besides, the internet provides us with access to unlimited information and knowledge. We can educate ourselves through online courses, read books, and watch documentaries. Additionally, the internet creates many job opportunities in fields like digital marketing, software development, and content creation. On the other hand, the internet also has some negative aspects. One major concern is privacy invasion. People may misuse others" personal information and data. Moreover, the internet facilitates the spread of fake news, hate speech, and cyberbullying. It can also cause addiction, which affects both physical and mental health. In my view, the internet is a useful tool if we use it properly and cautiously. We should be aware of its risks and learn how to protect ourselves while using it. Besides, we need to distinguish between credible and non-credible sources of information and avoid spreading hate and misinformation. Lastly, we should not let the internet dominate our lives, but instead, use it as a means to improve our lifestyles productively. To conclude, the internet has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits to our lives. However, we should remain vigilant when using it. Proper education and awareness are the keys to safeguarding ourselves and making the most out of this transforming technology.
2023-07-09 01:53:421


本来以为对马克u2022吐温先生的指控是板上钉钉的事,毕竟他本人对此从未公开否认过。尽管他曾经信誓旦旦地说,“事已至此,我究竟无法撒手了。我已经完全卷入了漩涡,不得不继续这场斗争”,但他终究是未作一点澄清,最后更是弃选了事。试想,如果他不是心中有鬼,怎么会如此轻易放弃?!但是没想到的是,时至今日,那些脑残的吐粉们仍然不依不铙,试图为主子翻案。于是咱也不得不重炒旧饭,再来说道说道。 从什么地方说起呢?我看不如就拿他自己写的《竞选州长》来分析,毕竟用他自己说的来反驳吐粉们才更有说服力。 综观《竞选州长》,可算是对吐温先生的各种指控的陈列。并且,这些指控大多是由报纸报导的。从文章可以看出,报道这些指控的不是一家媒体,而是一群。可惜,吐温先生没有提究竟是哪些媒体作的报道,大概是因为这样的媒体数目太多吧。但是,仅就他文中他提到的《新闻报》就可推论这些报道的可信度。《新闻报》可是业界翘楚,其鼎鼎大名可算是如雷贯耳,自成立以来那些揭露总统的傲慢贪腐、财阀的贪婪狡诈以及军头的残忍冷血的一系列重磅报道,都已经成为新闻报道的经典,有的更已经列入了大学新闻系教科书。请问,你是相信久享公正盛誉的众多新闻媒体的报道,还是相信吐温先生的一面之辞? 从《竞选州长》还可以看到的是,吐温先生不光遭到了各大媒体的围剿,更是受到了共和民主两大党的夹击。这实在有点不合逻辑!要知道米国一直以来就是两党政治,独立候选人从来是千年老三,玩票性质的。自古以来的斗争策略都是老大与老二斗得火热,老三反而是香饽饽,成为老大与老二竞相拉拢争取的对象。如果你不懂,不妨找李永乐老师的视频来学习学习,或者想想《三国演义》里为什么曹操没有与孙权联合起来先灭了刘备。所以,假如不是吐温先生实在不堪,实在不能理解共和民主两党的候选人要一致针对他。 《竞选州长》也记录,对吐温先生的指控并不是空穴来风,而是有确凿证据的。除了那次指控他喝醉酒而不能参加竞选活动的人证没有具名,稍显单薄外,其他几次可都是实锤。指控他作伪证的有三四十个证人,至于他诽谤已故者的那次,作证的三位更是在宣誓之下提交的证词。要知道,宣誓之下作伪证是要坐牢的,试问有谁愿意把自己置于坐牢的危险之下去“诽谤”一个本来也没有多少胜算的候选人?并且,正如有位名人说的,“出来指控会给自己的工作、生活造成很大的麻烦,更不要说如果是诬告事情败露之后工作、生活就全完蛋了,代价太大。”他们“没有理由去撒这个谎。” 他被九个私生子叫爸爸的那一幕,不光有戏剧性,更是压垮他的最后几根稻草,因为此事之后他就直接退出竞选,暗自疗伤了。有人说要是来个滴血认亲的话就可戳穿别人的谎言,但我说就是没有滴血认亲才给他稍稍留了点面子,让他及吐粉们有了嘴硬与回旋的余地。其实啊,光从常理就可以判断,在那个名誉大于天的年代,有谁愿意无端让自己戴上顶绿帽?而且还不止一项?! 相形之下,他所依赖的证明也就只有自己的祖母了。检视整篇《竞选州长》,只有吐温先生的祖母说过他的好话。但哪个祖母不疼孙子呢?我还见过杀人犯的奶奶说自己的孙子是个乖孩子的呢。其实,单凭他祖母那斩钉截铁的那句话,“你生平从来没有干过一桩可羞的事情——从来没有。”就知道她说的不可信。难道尿炕不是件“可羞”的事? 吐温先生,你为什么不多找几个支持自己的证人呢?并且,除了一再地说不认识某人,没有去过某地,不知道某事以外,你为什么不主动地联系司法机关调查以此来证明自己的“清白”呢? 还有,《竞选州长》一文暗藏了一个逻辑的悖论。行文之初,吐温先生自得地认为自己相较于共和民主两党候选人斯图阿特u2022伍德福先生和约翰u2022霍夫曼先生的“显著的长处”是“声望还好”,而他得出这样的结论是“从报纸上很容易看出”的。假如报纸报道的有关吐温先生的一切都是谎言的话,那么报纸上那些关于这两位先生的“各式各样可耻的罪行”的报道难道就不是fake news吗? 有人说了,就算这些指控是可信的,但毕竟没有经过审判啊,难道我们不应该对这些指控采取“无罪推断”、“疑罪从无”?这些人如果不是别有用心地故意装糊涂,就是图样图森破,“误用了刑事审判的原则”。选州长这种事其实相当于“工作面试,标准不同,只要认为指控可信,就可以不”选“他!
2023-07-09 01:53:561


Step into the new century, television plays a very important role in people"s daily life. Some people believe that it is a blessing, while others argue that it is a curse to the society, epically to the teenagers. In my humble opinion, television has both advantages and disadvantages. 进入新世纪以来,电视在人们日常生活中扮演了重要的角色。有些人认为电视的产生是件好事,有些人则认为电视是对当代社会的一个诅咒,特别是对青少年来说。在我看来,电视有利有弊。 Television makes people realize what the rest of the world is going on. Before television was invented, people used newspapers, radio to spread the news. But none of this is faster than TV. If somewhere else is having an earthquake, we can know immediately. TV also makes our tedious life more colorful. As to those who retire, housewives, or kids who having their summer holiday, TV has been a good company. Turn on TV people can enjoy the latest films and programs without going to the cinema. It also offers specialized programs such as cooking, teaching, exercise and so on. It teaches us knowledge and broadens our horizon. 电视让人们了解到世界上究竟发生了什么。在电视还没有发明之前,人们通过报纸、广播来沟通传递信息。但它们的传播速度远远比不上电视。如果某个地方发生了地震,我们马上就能知道。电视也让我们枯燥的生活变得有趣。对那些退休的人、家庭主妇、在家里度过暑假的孩子们来说,电视是个很好的伙伴。打开电视,不用去电*,就能看到最新的电影和节目。电视也提供特殊的节目,例如烹饪、教学、健身等等。它教给我们知识,扩宽我们的眼界。 Just like each coin has two sides, television is no exception. It can be harmful too. Some of the programs are too violence for teenagers to watch. Fake advertising are full of mid-night programs. And some people complain that TV takes up all their free time, they don"t even have time to go outside for family reunions or hang out with their friends any more. Some of them are so indulge in TV that they become potato couch. Some people say that watching TV is a waste of time. 就像任何硬币都有两面,电视也不例外。它也会给人带来害处。有些电视节目过于暴力不适合青少年观看。虚假广告充斥着午夜节目。有些人抱怨到电视占用了人们过多的自由时间,他们都没空参加家庭聚会或者与朋友们一起外出游玩了。更有甚者过度沉迷于电视,以至于变成了“马铃薯沙发”。看电视简直就是浪费时间啊! To sum up, we should hold the right attitude toward TV. We should use it in an appropriate way, shorten the time that we spend on TV, only watch the meaningful programs. Only in this way can we benefit a lot from it. 总的来说,我们应该对电视持一个正确的态度。正确的使用电视,减少看电视的时间,只看那些有意义的节目。只有这样,我们才能够从中获取好处。
2023-07-09 01:54:031


2023-07-09 01:54:125


The Power of Advertisements Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see? Often products show the name of the company that made them. This is a popular form of adver- rising. The special picture or symbol, i.e. logo, appears on many different products. When you see a logo, it is hard to forget that product or company. Many people buy a product because it is made by a certain company. In fact, some people only buy a product of a famous company. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste. It is common to find advertisements on TV or radio. Most advertisements are very short for people to remember. Nike,for example, has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it". Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is easy to remember an entertaining ad. All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Adverrisers are saying to you, "Why don"t you buy it and be like these people? You can be young, modern and trendy, too." You might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular product? 分割成对话就好了
2023-07-09 01:56:471


  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是我为大家收集的话题英语作文10篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 话题英语作文 篇1   I love eating ice-lolly, no matter in the hot summer or the cold winter. The feelings are so different eating ice-lolly in the two seasons. In summer, the weather is so hot that I don"t want to eat anything, except for the ice-lolly. I often buy a lot of ice-lollies in the refrigerater and I usually eat ten bars a day. When the ice water flow into the throat, I feel my whole world is icy and I feel that I am rescured from the hot day. However, in the cold winter, it"s so different. Eating ice-lolly in the cold winter will make you feel colder. When you eating, you would shake because of the coldness. It seems that you are frozen. But it"s the exciting feeling I like.   不管冬天夏天,我都喜欢吃冰棒,这两个季节吃感觉很不一样。夏天的时候,天气非常热,除了冰棒,我没胃口吃其他东西。我经常买很多放在冰箱里,一天吃十根。当冰水从喉咙流过,我感觉整个世界都冰凉了,我从大热天里解放出来了。而在冬天时,感觉就不同了,大冬天吃冰棒让你感觉更冷了,好像整个人都冰冻了,但这种刺激的感觉正是我喜欢的。    话题英语作文 篇2    英语六级作文题目:   The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication   1、现在,各个场所“低头族”现象比较普遍   2、出现这一现象的原因   3、我对这一现象的看法和建议    [英语六级作文范文]   The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication   The picture depicts a couple dating in the park. While the man just focuses on his cellphones, and doesn"t pay any attention to his partner or the nature beauty in the park. This picture reflects a common phenomenon in today"s society: people spend too much time with their cellphones and communicate less and less with the people around them.   Nowadays, the smart-cellphones become more and more important in our daily life. They have made our life more convenient. We are timely aware of the most latest news around or faraway from us.   However, everything has two sides. Except for all the advantages, the smart-cellphones also have brought some problems. First, when you"re focus on the cellphone, you may ignore the beautiful scene around you. What"s worse, you are just absorbed in your own small world, rather than share your happiness and sorrows with the family. You hardly talk with your family and the ones around you. You become indifferent to them.   All in all, let"s put down the cellphones and spend more time communicating with our family and friends face to face directly. 话题英语作文 篇3   With the gloomy prospect of returning to school, many students could suffer from post-holiday syndrome,which refers to a general feeling of depression before returning to campus life, which is caused by irregular lifestyles during the holiday.Symptoms include fatigue,lack of appetite and concentration,irritability and a feeling of helplessness.   Various reasons can account for it.But most important of all,a large number of students tend to overindulge themselves in eating,merrymaking and playing around during the holidays,which makes it difficult to adjust to their routine study schedule and life pace on the campus.   My suggestions to deal with this syndrome are as follows.First,exercising and sticking to a normal schedule over the holidays will make a difference and nip post-holiday syndrome in the bud.Besides,it pays to return a few days earlier before the semester starts.The early return seems to have kept the holiday blues at bay.   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Post-holiday Syndrome Among Students.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 话题英语作文 篇4   Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We can"t have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.    【参考译文】   我们学校有校规,我们班也有班级规定。我们不能在教室吃早饭。老师说如果我们在教室里吃饭,我们会弄脏书本的。然后,它成为类规则在我的"类。如果有人违反了这项规定,他将受到惩罚。所以我们班没人敢在教室里吃早饭。 话题英语作文 篇5   Qianshan is a new economic zone with a population of more than three hundred thousand. Before the reform and opening up, Qianshan was only a small fishing-dominated village. There was no industry developing here and there were only a couple of schools. However, with the reform and opening up, everything has greatly changed. From then on, many foreign investors invest in here, which promotes rapid economic growth. Many large factories and a large port have been built. The port connects with many cities at home and abroad. In addition, there is train station and airport. They contribute a well-developed transportation system. Education has been greatly developed and the first university has been built here. There has been three thousand students graduated from this university. I am sure that Qianshan will be more international in the near future. 话题英语作文 篇6   Relax Ourselves   Recently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature. We spend too much time on study or working. We almost forget that how green the grass is, how beautiful the flowers are, and how sweetly the birds are singing outside our windows. A saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It means that we need to relax ourselves and go out to breathe more fresh air. We can also climb a hill in the suburbs.It"s good for our health.   Let"s go outing. 话题英语作文 篇7   With the development of science and technology,people are attaching more and more signifance to low-carbon lifestyle. There is no denying that we should lead a low-carbon life.For example ,we should turn off the light when we leave the classroom,turn off the water tap when we finish washing and so on. What"s more/Furthermore,it"s our duty to lead a low-carbon life,which does good to our environment/sustainable development.Let us lead a low- carbon life ! 话题英语作文 篇8   The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.   At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away. 话题英语作文 篇9   今天下午的英语课,英语老师带着一叠英语考卷进来,宣布道:“这节英语课要考试。”我一听,心里顿时像揣着一只小兔一样跳个不停。因为,上一单元测试我的成绩很不理想。   试卷发下来了,我迫不及待地浏览了一遍。哇,量不多,似乎也不是很难。我用了很短的时间顺利地做完了,我开始认真地检查。最后,我检查到一个错,幸好检查到,我忙把它更正好,才松了一口气。   考卷交上去以后,英语老师当场就该改完,还在班上念出了每个人的分数,当念到我“100”时,我高兴得不知如何形容。 话题英语作文 篇10   The bar chart clearly indicates the turnover of online shopping and its growth rate in China from 20xx to 20xx. During that period, there was a dramatic increase from 0.6 billion to 125 billion in its turnover. Meanwhile, the growth rate decreased from 200% to 110.4% at the same time.   Why dose this phenomenon take placeThere are generally three factors accounting for it. First and foremost, due to the fast economic and social development, people enjoy a sharp improvement in their living standards. Accordingly, they can afford to buy computers and mobile phones: the common tools for shopping online. Besides, e-shopping is extremely convenient and efficient. It is available 7/24 and this means people can buy what they want anytime without going out. Last but not least, the price of the goods online is much lower than those in the stores, which greatly caters to the consumer"s needs.   From what has been discussed above, we can predict that the turnover of online shopping will continue to increase at an alarming rate and it will give a huge boost to our national economy. However, we should also be aware of its drawbacks, such as fake commodities, personal financial security, illegal ads and so on. Thereby, we should take a reasonable and scientific attitude towards it.
2023-07-09 01:56:571


  Most people do not have the patience to wait a few seconds for the elevator doors to shut, so they push the "close" button to speed up the process.   大多数人没有等待电梯自动关闭的耐心(虽然这个过程只有几秒钟),所以他们按“关门”键来加快关门速度。   However, some say this feature has been obsolete since the 1990s, suggesting the button is a complete fake it will not close the doors any faster.   然而,许多人称,自20世纪90年代起,电梯关门按键就已被淘汰,这说明目前的关门键完全是摆设,它们根本不会加快关门速度。   Experts reveal that there numerous buttons in the world that do not live up to their name, but are present to make us feel in control.   专家称虽然世界上有许多名不副实的按键,但它们的存在让我们有一种掌控感。   The Americans With Disabilities Act was passed in 1990, mandating that elevators stay open long enough for someone with a physical disability, such as on crutches or in a wheelchair, to make it inside, Karen W. Penafiel, executive director of National Elevator Industry Inc., told Christopher Mele with The New York Timesin an interview.   于1990年通过的《美国残疾人法案》要求电梯开门时间保持足够长,从而照顾身体残疾者,例如拄拐人士或坐轮椅者,方便他们进入电梯。国家电梯产业股份有限公司的执行总裁凯伦 W 佩尼亚菲耶尔在接受《纽约时报》的克里斯托弗 米尔采访时这样说道:   "Although these buttons are useless to the average person, they do perform their proper function for firefighters and maintenance workers but only with a code or designated keys."   “尽管这些按键对普通人而言没有作用,但对于使用密码或特定钥匙的消防员或维修人员来说,这些按键能够很好地发挥其作用。”   Penafiel explains since an elevator"s lifespan is around 25 years, it is safe to say that a majority, if any, do not have a functioning "close" button but the "open" button works when it is pushed.   佩尼亚菲耶尔解释称,由于一部电梯的寿命在25年左右,我们大可以认为,就算大多数电梯的“关门”键都是不起作用的,但“开门”按键是有效的。   As bizarre as it seems to place fake buttons in an elevator or other devices, they are there for good reasons.   虽然在电梯或其他设备中安置一个假按键的行为似乎很奇怪,但这些假按键有着一定的存在原因。   "Perceived control is very important," Ellen J. Langer, a psychology professor at Harvard University who has studied the illusion of control, told Mele in an email.   “具有自认为的控制感是很重要的,”曾研究控制错觉的哈佛大学心理学教授艾伦 J 朗格在给米尔的一封邮件中写道:   "It diminishes stress and promotes well-being."   “这种感觉能够减少人们的压力并且增加他们的幸福感。”   Another expert, John Kounios, a psychology professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia, said that these buttons are there to add an illusion of control if they weren"t, people would feel a lack of control which is linked to depression.   另一位来自费城德雷塞尔大学的心理学教授约翰 库尼奥斯说,这些按键的存在是为了让人们产生一种控制错觉。如果没有这些按键,人们会感到缺乏控制力,从而引发抑郁。   And those people who know the little white lie will still continue to push these decoy buttons because the doors eventually close and that is the desired reward, he said.   他说,而对于知道这些按键没有作用,而只是善意骗局的人而言,他们还是会继续按这些按键,因为门最终会关上,而这就是他们想要的结果。   人行横道上的“假按键”   However, elevators aren"t the only deceitful devices - crosswalk signals in New York City are also on the list.   然而,不止是电梯——纽约市人行横道的过马路按键标志也同样骗了我们。   The New York Timesrevealed in 2004 that the Big Apple pulled the plug on a majority of its pedestrian buttons long ago, as a result of computer-controlled traffic signals.   2004年《纽约时报》报道称,如今交通指示灯受电脑控制,所以纽约市早就拔去了大多数人行横道的按键电源。   City figures state that out of the 3,250 crosswalk buttons, 2,500 of them were replaced with mechanical placebos, or non-functioning mechanisms.   根据纽约州数据显示,总计3250个人行横道按键中被换为无效按键的有2500个。   The reason the buttons are still in place is because it costs about $1 million to remove them.   这些无效按键之所以还在,是因为移去它们大约需要花费100万美元。   But New York City isn"t alone in this let down, as ABC conducted a survey in 2010 that found only one working crosswalk button in Austin Texas, Gainesville, Florida and Syracuse, New York.   但纽约市不是唯一一个安有大量无效人行横道按键的城市。根据美国广播公司2010年的调查,德克萨斯州的奥斯汀市、佛罗里达州的盖恩斯维尔市和纽约的锡拉丘兹市的人行横道都只有一个有用的按键。   无效的办公室温度调节器?   Depending on where you work, you may not want to trust the thermostat that everyone has access to.   根据工作地点的不同,也许你不愿信任每个人都能操控的温度调节器。   In 2003, the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News found that many offices install "dummy thermostats" 51 out of 71 people in the survey confirmed their office in fact has one.   2003年《空调,供暖和制冷新闻》发现,许多办公室安装的温度调节器“没有反应”。参加调查的71人中有51人承认他们的办公室里就有这样一个没用的调节器。   One respondent David Trimble of Fort Collins, Colorado, wrote The Newsthat individuals "felt better" that they have the ability to control the temperature in the office following the installation of a decoy thermostat.   科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的一位记者戴维 特林布尔在《新闻报》中写道,办公室在安装无效温度调节器后,人们会因为感到有能力掌控办公室温度而会“感到开心”。   "This cut down the number of service calls by over 75 percent," he wrote.   他写道:“这减少了75%的维修请求。”
2023-07-09 01:57:031


愚人节英文怎么说   ?愚人节节期为公历4月1日,是从19世纪开始在西方兴起流行的民间节日,不妨跟随着我一起看看具体的内容吧。   愚人节的英文说法1:   April Fools Day   愚人节的英文说法2:   All Fools Day   愚人节的相关英文表达:   四月一日愚人节 April Fools Day   愚人节快乐 happy April Fools Day   愚人节的由来(英文版)   愚人节快到了,你准备整蛊别人还是准备被整蛊呢?下面和大家介绍愚人节的由来英文版,先别老想着玩,趁着这个机会来看看下面的文章吧,看看愚人节到底源自何方。哈哈,开个玩笑。祝大家愚人节快乐!   April Fools Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fools errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.   传统上来讲,愚人节这一天,人们可以相互搞恶作剧,骗人跑腿,欺骗不知情的人。没人知道这个节日是怎么来的,但人们普遍认为它源自法国。   The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. New Years was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Years Day as changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560s by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.   庆祝愚人节最早是在1582年,在法国。那时,当时法国新年是在3月25日,一直持续到4月1日。16世纪60年代中期,国王查理九世把新年从3月25日变为1月1日,而还有一些人在4月1日过新年,这些人就被称作四月傻瓜了。   Pranks performed on April Fools Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoes untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommates alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fools Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"   愚人节那天的恶作剧有的很简单(比如,说句“你鞋带开了!”),有的却是精心设计的。把室友的"闹钟往后调一小时是常见的。甚至新闻媒体都来凑热闹。比如,在愚人节那天,曾经有一部英国短片较为详细地记录了“种意大利面的农民”,以及他们如何从意大利面树上收获意大利面。不管是什么恶作剧,搞恶作剧的人通常在最后会对被搞的人喊一句:"四月傻瓜!"   April Fools Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. Its simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!   愚人节是一个“仅为娱乐”的节日。谁也不用买礼物,也不用带着男/女朋友出去到一家豪华餐厅去吃饭。人们也不会放假。它仅仅是个搞笑的小节日,但是在这一天,每个人都要保持警醒,不然就要被人耍啦。   Each country celebrates April Fools differently. In France, the April Fools is called "April Fish" (Poisson dAvril). The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends backs and when some discovers this trick, they yell "Poisson dAvril!".   第一位:   恶作剧者拿一截绳子,拦住一位行人,要他帮忙测量一下尺寸。再拿着绳子的另一头,转过楼角,又拦住另一位行人,如法炮制。然后你就可以躲在一边看热闹去了。两头的人可能会等上十几分钟,见没有动静才放下绳头,去找对方问个明白,这时才会发现上当了。   Attached to the origins of April Fools Day :   April 1 each year in Western countries folk festival - April Fools Day (April Fools Day). April Fools Day originated in France. In 1564 , France was the first to adopt new law in mind , that is now common Gregorian calendar , January 1 as the beginning of the year . But some conservative who still stubbornly in accordance with the lunar calendar April 1 this day to celebrate the New Year. Advocates reform of those old-fashioned people who ridicule big plus in April 1st day they send fake gifts, invited to leave the reception and the Tories cheated called " April Fool " or " bait fish ." Since then people have to fool each other on April 1 , becoming popular custom in France . Early 18th century, the custom spread to England April Fools Day , followed by Britains early immigrants to the United States .   第二位:   买一瓶可乐,喝掉一半后,掺入醋、酱油、盐、芥茉等佐料,精心调制一份色泽正常的怪味可乐。遇到熟人就装作正在喝,然后大方地把“可乐”递上去,对方毫无戒备,一边道谢一边大口喝下去,紧接着皱眉头、张口便吐。你还可以依法炮制,如往矿泉水里倒入二锅头酒,往啤酒里兑点肥皂水等等。   The first one :   Pranksters take a length of rope , stopped a pedestrian , asking him to help measure the size. Then took the other end of the rope , turned floor corner , and stopped another pedestrian , followed suit . Then you can go hide in the side to watch . Two people may wait ten minutes, only to see no movement down the rope , go ask the other party to understand , then will find fooled .   第三位:   打开被愚者的Foxmail并任意新建一个帐户,然后打开存贮邮件的文件夹,将其常用的帐户下的收件箱文件剪切备份至安全地带(不易被发现也不易被误删除),再将刚才新建帐打开户下的收件箱文件复制到被愚者常用帐户下,最后回到Foxmail,将你刚才新建的帐户删除。   Second place :   Buy a bottle of Coke, drink half , the incorporation of vinegar, soy sauce, salt , mustard and other condiments, a carefully modulated color and smell normal cola . Acquaintance pretended was drinking , and then generously put "Coke" handed to the other party unsuspecting , while thanking the side gulp down , followed frown, then spit mouth . You can also concocted by law , such as mineral water Pour into Erguotou wine, beer go against the point of soapy water , and so on .   第四位:   每隔十分钟给公司每一个人发一封电子邮件,告诉他们你现在正在做什么,比如说,“我正在卫生间,如果你需要我,请不要客气。”   Third place:   Foxmail is open and any fool create a new account , and then open the message store folder, Inbox file its accounts under common cut backup to safe areas ( not easily be found not easily accidentally d ) , then just copy the new builds accounts opened under the Inbox folder households were fools to the common account , and finally back Foxmail, will you just the new account .   第五位:   聊天室里网友抱怨:怎么今天网速这么慢?说一句话好大一阵才能显示出来!自己:哦 ~~ 是吗?我倒知道一种能加快网速的方法,也是前几天一个老网友告诉我的!网友:快说快说!自己:找到机箱上那个小一点的名叫reset的键,然后按下去!网友:等等...   Fourth place:   Every ten minutes to each individual company sent an email telling them what youre doing , say, "Im the bathroom , if you need me, please do not hesitate ." ;
2023-07-09 01:57:421


[1]We all recall____ . Similarly____, .开头段指出某种普遍存在的现象。[2]To begin with,____ should be emphasized and delivered in a more creative way. However, ____. There is no wonder that ____. Therefore, it would be better if ____ , ____would be an excellent example to follow. Above all, .____.第二段做出解释并提出建议,并给出例子。[3]What"s more____. To a certain extent, testifies to____ . As aptly puts it, “ ____. ”____ is exactly the reflection of ____. In this regard, ____. To____ , it is better to lead by example than by empty words.第三段进一步提出建议,引用名言作为支撑。  [4]In conclusion____, Next time, we hope____ .结尾段进行总结,并发出号召、提出期望。
2023-07-09 01:57:5613


Origin of Christmas圣诞节的由来 The name Christmas is short for "Christ"s Mass". A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus. “圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节日我们把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。 There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world. But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas in the world. 这一天,世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普天同庆的日子。 The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The virgin"s name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. 耶稣的出生是有一段故事的,耶稣是因着圣灵成孕,由童女马利亚所生的。神更派遣使者加伯列在梦中晓谕约瑟,叫他不要因为马利亚未婚怀孕而不要她,反而要与她成亲,把那孩子起名为“耶稣”,意思是要他把百姓从罪恶中救出来。 Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 当马利亚快要临盆的时候,罗马政府下了命令,全部人民到伯利恒务必申报户籍。约瑟和马利亚只好遵命。他们到达伯利恒时,天色已昏,无奈两人未能找到旅馆渡宿,只有一个马棚可以暂住。就在这时,耶苏要出生了!於是马利亚唯有在马槽上,生下耶苏。 And that, Christmas is the feast of the nativity of Jesus, is on 25th, December every year. But nobody know the actual birthday of Jesus. And the Christmas has become popular when Christmas cards appeared in 1846 and the concept of a jolly Santa Claus was first made popular in nineteenth Century. 圣诞节便始于十二月二十五日纪念耶苏的诞生,但真实的诞生日就没有人知道了。十九世纪,圣诞卡的流行、圣诞老人的出现,圣诞节也开始流行起来了。 参考资料:原版英语阅读网
2023-07-09 01:58:334


1、我把我的一切都交给了你,突然好害怕会失去你。 I gave you everything I had, and suddenly I was afraid of losing you. 2、泛滥不堪的假烟假酒假朋友,懵懵懂懂的假情假意假温柔。 Flooding fake cigarettes, fake alcoholics, fake friends, fake feelings, fake gentleness. 3、妈妈说:带翅膀的不一定是天使,有可能是雷震子。 Mother said: Winged not necessarily angels, may be thunder shocks. 4、情若能自控,我怎会如此心痛。 If I could control myself, how could I be so heartbroken? 5、有时候一生也极其简单,只用静立和奔跑两种姿态存活。 Sometimes life is extremely simple, living in o postures: standing still and running. 6、一个无声的拥抱对一颗不快乐的心来说就是千言万语了。 A silent hug is a thousand words for an unhappy heart. 7、不愿做奴隶的人们,愿做人民币的奴隶。 People who do not want to be slaves are willing to be slaves of RMB. 8、我怪自己太聪明,不该知道的都懂了。 I blame myself for being too *** art to know anything. 9、我们做的最有默契的一件事情是,我不联系你,你也不联系我。 One of the most tacit things we do is that I don"t contact you, nor do you. 10、请不要把我对你的容忍,当成你不要脸的资本。 Please don"t take my tolerance of you as your capital. 11、来不及说出的对白,消散在不拼凑不全的未来。 Dialogue that is too late to speak dissipates in an inplete future. 12、没有他我不会不习惯,因为我从来没有习惯拥有他。 Without him, I would not be unaccustomed, because I have never been accustomed to owning him. 13、爱就要大声说出来,因为你永远都不知道,明天和意外,那个会先来! Love should be spoken out loud, because you never know, tomorrow and accident, that will e first! 14、告诉你比鬼片还恐怖的事:你们的假期已经过掉一半啦。 Tell you something more terrible than ghost movies: your vacation is half over. 15、我看破了一切我看透了一切,看清了我在你心中的地位。 I see through everything, I see through everything, I see my place in your heart. 16、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年;有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。 Some people, once met, will be a million years; some heartbeat, once started, will be covered with water. 17、我愿为你寻遍天涯海角,怎奈你早已脱离我的世界。 I would like to search all over the world for you, but you have already left my world. 18、可不可以不要和她联系,即使我们没有在一起。 Can we not contact her, even if we are not together? 19、没有什么永远,没有什么很久。找个借口,谁都可以先走。 Nothing lasts forever, nothing lasts long. Anyone can go first if he finds an excuse. 20、满口的脏话只是不想别人看见自己的懦弱。 Sweary words just don"t want others to see their cowardice. 21、转弯只为遇见你,却忘记了,你也会转弯。 Turn only to meet you, but fet, you will turn. 22、我以为两个人之间,不过是一座城和另一座城的关系。 I thought it was just a relationship beeen one city and another. 23、人生最大的悲剧是青春不再,青春痘还在。 The greatest tragedy of life is that youth is no longer there and ae is still there. 24、我是变态人里最正常的,是正常人里最变态的。 I am the most normal person among the perverts, and the most perverted person among the normal people. 25、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过。而更难过的是,你还要装作不在乎? It"s sad to be overlooked by someone who cares about it. And what"s more sad is that you have to pretend you don"t care? 26、有时候,同样的一件事情,我们可以去安慰别人,却说服不了自己。 Sometimes, the same thing, we can fort others, but can not convince ourselves. 27、别天真的认为第一步是起点第二步就是终点。 Don"t naively think that the first step is the beginning and the second step is the end. 28、曾经过度依赖的,现在变的嫉妒陌生着。 Once over-dependent, now bee jealous stranger. 29、我想我真的很讨厌自己假装不爱你还是欺骗不了任何人。 I think I really hate pretending that I don"t love you or that I can"t deceive anyone. 30、经历了那么多,也让我看清了这个社会的是非黑白。 Experience so many, also let me see the right and wrong of this society black and white. 31、没有什么过不去,只有再也回不去。 There is nothing to go through, only never to go back. 32、每天晚上盖被子都感觉是在入土为安。 Every night when you cover the quilt, it feels like you"re burying it. 33、你对我的好我会牢牢的记在心里,用我的一辈子去照顾你。 You are good to me, I will firmly bear in mind, with my life to take care of you. 34、孔子曰;打架用砖乎,往死乎,乎不死再乎,有朋自远方来一起乎! Confucius said: fight with bricks, to die, never die again, friends from afar together! 35、宿命的安排,曾让我们很幸福,到幸福过后,却是永恒的黑暗。 The arrangement of fate has made us very happy, but after happiness, it is the eternal darkness. 36、洗掉了一脸的脂粉,同时也洗掉了一脸的伪装。 Wash off the face powder, but also wash off the face camouflage. 37、少了你的陪伴现在我有多寂寞,我想我可以假装不曾爱过。 How lonely I am now without your pany. I think I can pretend I have never loved. 38、放弃是牺牲那本来属于你的,放手是放下那些从来就不是你的。 Giving up is sacrificing what belongs to you, letting go is letting go of what has never been yours. 39、你和她的关系、没有我可以立足的缝隙、讨厌这种感觉。 You and her relationship, no gap I can stand on, hate this feeling. 40、我不是说你,可你总在对号入座我有什么办法? I don"t mean you, but what can I do if you"re always in the right seat? 41、曾经多渴望与一个人长相厮守,后来,多么庆幸自己离开了。 Once yearned to stay with a person for a long time, but later, how glad I left. 42、人会犯下同样错误的原因只有一个前一次伤的不够痛。 The only reason people make the same mistake is that the previous injury was not painful enough. 43、当你披上了婚纱,我也就披上了袈裟。 When you put on the wedding dress, I also put on the gown. 44、您复杂的五官,掩饰不了您朴素的智商。 Your plex features can"t hide your simple IQ. 45、我没法想象没有你的生活,没法接受你不在我身边,只是因为爱你。 I can"t imagine life without you, I can"t accept that you"re not around me, just because I love you. 46、瘦不了的永远在骚动,吃不胖的都有恃无恐。 Thin can not always be in the turmoil, eat fat are fearless. 47、我希望在有生之年,可以看到新闻联播的大结局。 I hope that in my lifetime, I can see the end of news broadcasting. 48、为什么帅哥都在理发店,而美女却都在红灯区? Why are handsome men in barbershops and beautiful women in the red light district? 49、等待就像漫无边际的流浪,找不到方向。 Waiting is like wandering without boundaries, and you can"t find your way. 50、每个人都幻想着有那么一个人很爱很爱自己,却让自己遍体鳞伤。 Everyone imagines that there is a person who loves and loves himself very much, but lets himself be bruised all over. 51、趁年轻的时候把能干的坏事都干了吧,没几年了。 When you are young, do all the bad things you can. It"s not many years. 52、给你最大的报复,就是活的比你幸福。 The greatest revenge for you is to live happier than you. 53、我不主动找你,不是因为你不重要,而是我不知道我重不重要。 I don"t take the initiative to find you, not because you are not important, but because I don"t know whether I am important or not. 54、等待一个没有期限的结果,只是为了看清自己的悲哀。 Waiting for an indefinite result, just to see their sorrow. 55、老天请让我再长高五厘米,我愿意以瘦十斤的代价来交换。 God, please let me grow five centimeters taller. I"d like to trade it for ten kilograms. 56、长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮才是本事。 Being beautiful is an advantage, and living beautifully is a skill. 57、穿潮了,潮过头,就是非主流。穿性感,性感过头,就是坐台的。 Wear the tide, tide too much, is not the mainstream. If you wear sexy clothes, if you are too sexy, you are sitting on the stage. 58、谱了一段旋律没有句点,也无法再继续。 There is no end to a melody, nor can it continue. 59、像我这种人,消失一个月都没有人发现。 People like me disappeared for a month without anyone noticing them. 60、要么好好活着,要么赶紧去死吧。 Either live well or die quickly. 61、生命中的任何一件小事只要你细心品味过,都充满幸福。 Every little thing in life is full of happiness as long as you have tasted it carefully. 62、我对放假的概念就是,我的充电器从来没闲过。 My concept of holidays is that my charger is never idle. 63、喝醉了才知道你最爱谁,生病了才知道谁最爱你。 Only when you are drunk can you know who you love best, and only when you are ill can you know who loves you best. 64、我诅咒你一辈子买方便面没有调料包。 I curse you for buying instant noodles without seasoning bags all your life. 65、因为短暂所以才记得每个情节,每一个情绪。 Because it"s short, I remember every plot, every emotion. 66、你说的每个笑话我都笑了,是你变幽默,还是我变快乐。 Every joke you said made me laugh. Did you make me laugh or did I make me happy? 67、有时候会很想你,但是有太多理由不可以。 Sometimes I miss you very much, but there are too many reasons not to. 68、你现在的态度决定你十年后是人物,还是废物。 Your attitude now determines whether you will be a character or a garbage in ten years. 69、男生见过女生放假在家的样子还喜欢那一定是真爱。 Boys have seen girls at home on holidays and like it must be true love. 70、男人的话就像老太太的牙,有几颗是真的? Men"s words are like old lady"s teeth. How many are true? 71、我们对那些得不到的东西念念不忘,主要是过分高估了它的价值。 We never fet what we can"t get, mainly because we overestimate its value. 72、再累,也得爱人,再苦,也得疼人。 No matter how tired you are, you have to love. No matter how bitter you are, you also have to hurt people. 73、对你,我用了最单纯的一面。而你真的以为我不懂。 For you, I used the simplest side. And you really think I don"t understand. 74、顾客是上帝,但商家说,他们信佛。 Customers are God, but businesses say they believe in Buddhi *** . 75、小时候、什么都不懂,长大后懂了许多切没勇气,去追求。 When I was a child, I didn"t know anything. When I grew up, I learned that I had no courage to pursue. 76、走千条路,只一条适合;遇万般人,得一人足够。 There is only one way to go, and one person is enough to meet all kinds of people. 77、学校,你的上学余额已超额,为了你的正常开学,请尽快放假。 School, your school balance has exceeded, for your normal start of school, please leave as soon as possible. 78、一分钟有多长?这要看你是蹲在厕所里面,还是等在厕所外面。 How long is a minute? It depends on whether you are squatting in the toilet or waiting outside the toilet. 79、不要期待,不要假想,不要强求,顺其自然,如果注定,便一定会发生。 Don"t expect, don"t imagine, don"t demand, let it be, if destined, it will happen. 80、习惯了说假话的环境,说真话有时像是在说笑话。 Accustomed to the environment of telling lies, telling the truth sometimes seems to be a joke. 81、就算给我整个世界,我所在乎的,不过是你看着我时的微笑。 Even for the whole world, all I care about is the *** ile when you look at me. 82、上学和放假的区别:上学,我起床了却没醒;放假,我醒了却没起床。 The difference beeen going to school and having a vacation: going to school, I get up but I don"t wake up; on vacation, I wake up but I don"t wake up. 83、想念不如怀念,怀念不如祭念,祭念不如不念。 Missing is better than remembering, remembering is better than memorizing, memorizing is better than not remembering. 84、太阳出来我爬山坡,爬完山坡我想唱歌。 When the sun es out, I climb the hillside. After climbing the hillside, I want to sing. 85、生活,就是两个人捆把捆把就那样过活了。 Life is when o people tie bundles and live like that. 86、不要拿一个人的往事,去怀疑一个人的本质。 Don"t take a person"s past to doubt the nature of a person. 87、我一点也不孤单,因为我的世界只有我一个人已经足够热闹了。 I"m not alone at all, because I"m the only one in the world that"s full of excitement. 88、爱情像胶水,粘住了你我,要分开必定都要痛的撕心裂肺。 Love is like glue, which sticks to you and me. If we want to separate, we must suffer heartbreak. 89、眼泪的存在,是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 Tears exist to prove that grief is not an illusion. 90、谢谢你的无动于衷,让我学会苟延残喘。 Thank you for your indifference, let me learn to linger. 91、在一起不一定就需要告白来诠释,自然而然才是爱情。 Together does not necessarily require a confession to interpret, naturally it is love. 92、没电话,没问候,没消息,莪们像是熟悉的陌生人。 No phone, no greetings, no news, we are like familiar strangers. 93、我是个哑巴,平时说话都是伪装的。 I"m a dumb person. I usually talk in disguise. 94、唾沫是用来数钞票的,不是用来讲道理的。 Saliva is used for counting money, not for reasoning. 95、一个人久了,连喜欢一个人都需要勇气。 A person for a long time, even like a person needs courage. 96、你喜欢什么样子的,我演给你看。 I"ll show you what you like. 97、我们像是表面上的针,不停的转动,一面转,一面看着时间匆匆离去,却无能为力。 We are like needles on the surface, constantly turning, turning, while watching the time rush away, but there is nothing we can do. 98、我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 We must accept disappointment because it is limited, but we must not lose hope because it is infinite. 99、向每个人学习,但不要模仿任何人。 Learn from everyone, but don"t imitate anyone. 100、告诉自己,现在的你不能再混再疯再懒惰了,前途很重要。 Tell yourself, now you can no longer be mad and lazy, the future is very important.
2023-07-09 01:58:421

汉译英 求助 谢绝机器!

1.we had to walk back home because we could not catch the one wants to be laughed at.3.he saw his daughter was reading books when he was released from his is no use to give him any suggestions.5.he did not tell me what he was going to do next.6.the news he told you was a faked one.7.we were shocked that he failed his was strange that he did not attend the meeting yesterday.9.i guess you have not seen each other before.10.the lady who teaches us history is called Zhang Li.
2023-07-09 01:58:587

jay-z lalala中文歌词

Jay-Z - LaLaLa [Jay-Z/{Pharell}] Wooo, wooo Memph Bleek always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh} Beanie Sigel always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh} Neptune tracks smoke like la la la {Hoooh} It"s the Roc baby sing our lullaby C"mon [Hook] Excuse me miss {Do you want me to do it} I"m the shit You should come {Do you want me to do it} Hang wit" me Basically {Do you want me to do it} Hold up, skip all the singin" lets get right tonight, mami {Well watch me now, uhh} [Verse One] I know my english ain"t as modest as you like But come, get some, you little bums I take the cake from under the baker"s thumb I bake the cake, get two of them for one Then I move the +weight+ like I"m +Oprah"s+ son Ahhh, "I"ll show you how to do this son" Young don"t mess with chicks in Burberry paddings Fake Manolo boots straight from Steve Madden He patented his self the rap JFK You wanna pass for my Jacqueline Onassis Then hop ya ass out that S-class Lay back in that Maebach roll the best grass I ask, "Have you in your long-legged life Ever seen a watch surrounded by this much pink ice?" Look but don"t touch Muthafucka think twice "Cause the gat that I clutch got a little red light Need a light? To smoke that la la la {Hoooh} Beanie Sigel always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh} Memph Bleek always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh} It"s the Roc mami sing our lullaby C"mon [Hook] We got brothers full of Arme" Mami"s in Manolo Bags by Chanel or Louis Vuitton logos All attracted to Hov" because they know dough When they see him, which be European If you"re a te-en (ten) chances you"re wit" he-em (him) If you"re a five you know you ridin" wit th-em (them) Sick with the pen, nigga No physician in the world can fix him No prescription, you could prescribe to subside His affliction He"s not a sane man, he"s more like Rainman, twitchin" You can"t rain dance on his picnic No Haitian voodoo, no headless chickens Can dead his sickness No Ouiji board You can"t see me dog, nigga you +CB4+ This ain"t +Chris Rock+ BITCH It"s the Roc BITCH And I"m the franchise like a +Houston Rocket+ +Yao Ming+ (Nawimean) Still smokin" that la la la Memph Bleek still smokin" that la la la Beanie Sigel, Desert Eagle, the forty-five It"s the Roc mami sing our lullaby C"mon [Hook] Forget english, talk body language I be all over mamis like body painters Pink diamond necklace, strawberry wrist Please excuse yourself You"re very sick Don"t confuse me wit" Marbury out this bitch Run up on me at the light, You could lose your life Muhfuckas must be smokin" they la la la with crack Forty-five gun smoke, choke off that Let"s get back to the music, I ain"t with all that Plus the Feds tappin" my music, ya"ll get all that I"m THE public enemy number one Public enemy number two is my whole crew (ROC) And I ain"t concerned wit" who like me Or who like you, that"s gay I ain"t into likin" dudes no way But get a pen I can tell you pricks my plans for the future I"ll never make the news again My man"ll shoot ya As we Smoke that la la la {Hoooh} Memphis Bleek always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh} Beanie Sigel, Desert Eagle, the forty-five {Hoooh} It"s the Roc bitch sing our lullaby C"mon Excuse me miss {Do you want me to do it} I"m the shit You should come {Do you want me to do it} Hang wit" me Basically {Do you want...} Whoa, skip all the singin" lets get right tonight mami [Pharell] Well watch me now, uhh Hoo Hoo C"mon Do you want me to do it Well watch me now, uhh Well watch me now, uhh
2023-07-09 01:59:373

fake news怎么火起来的

因为是特朗普的口头禅火起来的。Fake news (假新闻)为特朗普在批评媒体时的口头禅之一,这个词已广为人知,成为柯林斯词典的2017年度之词。柯林斯词典指出,“假新闻”在21世纪最初十年(2000-2010)开始被美国电视用于描述“错误的、煽动性的、以新闻报道为幌子撒播信息”。2015年以来,该词使用率一直攀升。自从2016年起,该词的使用增加了365%。这个常常被大写的短语,已成为了美国总统特朗普的修辞特征。柯林斯词典承认特朗普“发扬”了该词,美国韦氏词典则认为,该词词源可以追溯到19世纪,1890年最早出现有关表达。
2023-07-09 01:59:561

how to stop fake news英语作文?

how to stop fake news. 1. Internet service is too hit to be stopped.2. fake news are too easy to clarify. 3. showing the truth live instead of stopping fakes .
2023-07-09 02:00:191

this news is fake 。 这句话对吗?

2023-07-09 02:00:262


2023-07-09 02:00:341


Nowadays there are a lot of fake commodities on the market. They range from daily commodities to expensive goods. They have caused a lot of harm in society.(现象) First, fake commodities damage the consumers" interests. In addition, fake commodities affect businessmen and manufacturers, too. Those who have been deceived will be reluctant to consume, which will make business slack. Worst of all, some fake commodities such as medicine, gas cylinder and electric devices will endanger people"s lives and social security.(危害) There are many ways to eliminate fake commodities but the following ones may be effhcfive. First, the laws of the protection of consumers should be enforced to severely punish those who produce or sell fake commodities. Second, consumers should be taught how to tell good commodities from fake ones. Third,they should be advised to protect their own interests and not to be led astray by false advertisements.(措施) In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of fake commodities and launch a campaign against them. Only in this way will fake commodities be possibly eliminated from the market in the future.(总结)
2023-07-09 02:00:421

modest mouse 的float on 的中文歌词,急求,先谢谢了

[ti:Float On][ar:Modest Mouse][al:][by:][offset:500][00:23.04][00:25.04]I backed my car into a cop car the other day[00:31.44]Well he just drove off sometimes life"s ok[00:34.36]I ran my mouth off a bit too much, Oh what did I say[00:40.85]Well you just laughed it off it was all ok[00:43.72][00:54.65]And we"ll all float on ok[00:59.28]And we"ll all float on ok[01:03.97]And we"ll all float on ok[01:08.65]And we"ll all float on anyway, well[01:12.01][01:12.33]A fake jamaican took every last dime with that scam[01:18.82]It was worth it just to learn some sleight-of-hand[01:21.74]Bad news comes don"t you worry even when it lands[01:28.28]Good news will work its way to all them plans[01:31.26]We both got fired on exactly the same day[01:37.69]Well we"ll float on good news is on the way[01:40.39][01:51.45]And we"ll all float on ok[01:56.00]And we"ll all float on ok[02:00.64]And we"ll all float on ok[02:05.59]And we"ll all float on[02:08.26][02:09.00]Alright already we"ll all float on[02:12.81]Now don"t you worry we"ll all float on[02:17.66]Alright already we"ll all float on[02:22.23]Alright don"t worry we"ll all float on[02:27.10][02:36.85]Alright already we"ll all float on[02:41.21]Alright already we"ll all float on[02:45.84]Alright don"t worry[02:48.23]even if things end up a bit too heavy[02:52.94]We"ll all float on[02:55.32]Alright already we"ll all float on[03:00.05]Alright already we"ll all float on[03:04.77]Okay, don"t worry we"ll all float on[03:09.55]even if things get heavy[03:12.05]We"ll all float on[03:14.34]Alright already we"ll all float on[03:18.97]Alright, you worry we"ll all float on[03:23.75]Alright[03:24.78]All float on[03:26.44][03:27.30][03:28.10]END
2023-07-09 02:00:491


不停的WORK-Freestyle - 闷声发大财系统错误 aye wu我开始找不到路怎么过度 aye wu说好的都不算数Keep it cool aye wu听多了都会想吐答案是 yes emmmm现在我只会说不Greyll:不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 workCHILY BOI:U know I"m chily bad boi huhU know I got no lambo yeh前一秒吓掉了 rainbow擦手我用的都是 tempo godBaby you know me I got 100这很容易呢Driving kawasaki 载着 my bro sukid这才叫有出息吧Huh 左手插在口袋Newwave 改变我的 new lifeIt"s time to hit my songgg爬虫才不往前冲玩还是 work 我们都在一起最新的兄弟 we forever litttBad girl 明白我的心意Chily bad boi make more hit gang从不说大话我希望能发达懒惰 才会发达U know my name huh搭上了堡垒 cooking for好味 ye we willRun the game bangI"m not ur type babyEveryday I still fighting waveFat boi 不喝带糖的水I will fly in the spaceSuK!d-J:系统错误 aye wu我开始找不到路怎么过度 aye wu说好的都不算数Keep it cool aye wu听多了都会想吐答案是 yes emmmm现在我只会说不Greyll:不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 workElectoi:Get ma bands in the airI made enemies burst their tearsWe"ve been gangup 4 3 yearsHard for hard bang bang my dears从黑夜一直到天明 诶沉睡在低频的陷阱 诶永远都排名在前几位把他们 打成铅笔灰Day by day 我们不停的 workAll my lit 我们 put into word保持状态我们 ruining the world毁灭之后重建我们ruling the worldI pull dat enegine with melody I drop the beat oh mummyWe rock the lit like dr dre we burn the freezer party属于我的太多了的奖杯他们再次摸了摸你们真的太火了喔强大不是我的错成功的过程我付出的要比你多的多I play the trap st don"t need the paperWorldwide st makerBreak the wall the ice breakerSuK!d-J:系统错误 aye wu我开始找不到路怎么过度 aye wu说好的都不算数Keep it cool aye wu听多了都会想吐答案是 yes emmmm现在我只会说不Greyll:不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 workTriple $iX:才不需要 save me因为身边 nobodyU can see 谁站在这里Work all the time 自己想要的东西自己买Fake gold chainz 值几块别担心 从来不会对任何东西保持过分的依赖Respect to bruce lee在我心中的是 Jacky陈冠希我的榜样喜欢摄影 但不在床上清楚我们的水平 すごいCoco 装满了我的 抽屉Word wide 才不在乎走起睡你**的是我的 homie贴上标签九零后查不到我的行踪演出嘉宾邀请我先把购物车清空Oh f**k datHaters don"t call me这段 verse 的攻击力强拆军事基地我们 super 大计划堪比国家的机密SuK!d-J:系统错误 aye wu我开始找不到路怎么过度 aye wu说好的都不算数Keep it cool aye wu听多了都会想吐答案是 yes emmmm现在我只会说不Greyll:不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 work不停的 work 不停的 workSuK!d-J:SystemBreakdown系统 故障SystemBreakdown系统 故障系统在 反复的 提示我必须要 restartWhat a huh突然又弹出了对话框告诉我 有故障Get dark dark dark系统崩溃 ayy冲突的程序在互相针对 break ayy再次崩溃 ayy高温和低压像**烘焙 break ayyWhat a bad news huh d**nSh*t I"m tired too huh yeaI wanna pick you up right难道没退路吗 ayy我只想不停顿可以让最后的结果能更早地浮出水面不需要太多的去犹豫说出了真心话还要去多说几遍Break break breakAlwaysBreak break break实在是 累累累谁永远 对 对 对
2023-07-09 02:01:081


Jay-Z - LaLaLa [Jay-Z/{Pharell}]Wooo, woooMemph Bleek always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh}Beanie Sigel always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh}Neptune tracks smoke like la la la {Hoooh}It"s the Roc baby sing our lullabyC"mon[Hook]Excuse me miss {Do you want me to do it}I"m the shitYou should come {Do you want me to do it}Hang wit" meBasically {Do you want me to do it}Hold up, skip all the singin" lets get right tonight, mami{Well watch me now, uhh}[Verse One]I know my english ain"t as modest as you likeBut come, get some, you little bumsI take the cake from under the baker"s thumbI bake the cake, get two of them for oneThen I move the +weight+ like I"m +Oprah"s+ sonAhhh, "I"ll show you how to do this son"Young don"t mess with chicks in Burberry paddingsFake Manolo boots straight from Steve MaddenHe patented his self the rap JFKYou wanna pass for my Jacqueline OnassisThen hop ya ass out that S-classLay back in that Maebach roll the best grassI ask,"Have you in your long-legged lifeEver seen a watch surrounded by this much pink ice?"Look but don"t touchMuthafucka think twice"Cause the gat that I clutch got a little red lightNeed a light?To smoke that la la la {Hoooh}Beanie Sigel always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh}Memph Bleek always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh}It"s the Roc mami sing our lullabyC"mon[Hook]We got brothers full of Arme" Mami"s in ManoloBags by Chanel or Louis Vuitton logosAll attracted to Hov" because they know doughWhen they see him, which be EuropeanIf you"re a te-en (ten) chances you"re wit" he-em (him)If you"re a five you know you ridin" wit th-em (them)Sick with the pen, niggaNo physician in the world can fix himNo prescription, you could prescribe to subsideHis afflictionHe"s not a sane man, he"s more like Rainman, twitchin"You can"t rain dance on his picnicNo Haitian voodoo, no headless chickensCan dead his sicknessNo Ouiji boardYou can"t see me dog, nigga you +CB4+This ain"t +Chris Rock+ BITCHIt"s the Roc BITCHAnd I"m the franchise like a +Houston Rocket++Yao Ming+ (Nawimean)Still smokin" that la la laMemph Bleek still smokin" that la la laBeanie Sigel, Desert Eagle, the forty-fiveIt"s the Roc mami sing our lullabyC"mon[Hook]Forget english, talk body languageI be all over mamis like body paintersPink diamond necklace, strawberry wristPlease excuse yourselfYou"re very sickDon"t confuse me wit" Marbury out this bitchRun up on me at the light,You could lose your lifeMuhfuckas must be smokin" they la la la with crackForty-five gun smoke, choke off thatLet"s get back to the music, I ain"t with all thatPlus the Feds tappin" my music, ya"ll get all thatI"m THE public enemy number onePublic enemy number two is my whole crew (ROC)And I ain"t concerned wit" who like meOr who like you, that"s gayI ain"t into likin" dudes no wayBut get a pen I can tell you pricks my plans for the futureI"ll never make the news againMy man"ll shoot yaAs we Smoke that la la la {Hoooh}Memphis Bleek always smokin" that la la la {Hoooh}Beanie Sigel, Desert Eagle, the forty-five {Hoooh}It"s the Roc bitch sing our lullabyC"monExcuse me miss {Do you want me to do it}I"m the shitYou should come {Do you want me to do it}Hang wit" meBasically {Do you want...}Whoa, skip all the singin" lets get right tonight mami[Pharell]Well watch me now, uhhHooHooC"monDo you want me to do itWell watch me now, uhhWell watch me now, uhh
2023-07-09 02:01:161


1、till / until在表达方式和意义上的特殊性:until是till的强调形式,但是它们表达的意义是相同的,都表示"直到某时"。2、当主句是否定句时,它引出的意思是"直到(某时)(某动作)才(发生)" ,这时候常会出现"not until …"的结构,如果将 "not until …"的结构放在句首,那么主句要写成倒装句。3、Until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首。 4、Until when 疑问句中,until要放在句首。【扩展资料】:(1)、He didn"t go to sleep until 12 last night . 他昨晚直到十二点钟才睡觉。(2)、They didn"t realize their fault till we pointed it out to them . 直到我们向他们指出了他们的错误,他们才意识到。 (3)、The students made much noise till the teacher came into the classroom . 直到老师走进教室学生们才停止了大声喧哗。(4)、The young couple were very happy until they used up all their money . 那对年青夫妇直到花光了所有的钱才沮丧起来。(5)、Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. 直到你告诉我以前,出了什么事我一点也不知道(6)、---Until when are you staying? 你呆到什么时候? --- Until next Monday. 呆到下周一。
2023-07-09 01:58:501

《Low- Fat Top Secret Recipes》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Low-Fat Top Secret Recipes》(Wilbur, Todd)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: pme6书名:Low-Fat Top Secret Recipes作者:Wilbur, Todd出版社:Penguin USA出版年份:2000-6页数:256内容简介:Dozens of fabulous new fat-conscious recipes are here from the master of top secret kitchen concoctions.Todd Wilbur, the irrepressible restaurant recipe knockoff artist, is back. Thanks to Wilbur"s latest Top Secret mission--to re-create some of America"s most popular food products without the fat--readers can now feast guilt-free on their favorite snacks. The easy-to-follow recipes, along with Wilbur"s patented blueprint illustrations, are guaranteed to produce healthier homemade treats that taste identical to the real thing--like Nabisco(r) Reduced-Fat Oreo(r) Cookies or Entenmann"s Light(r) Low-Fat Cinnamon Rolls. Wilbur also tackles some familiar restaurant delights, including Bennigan"s(r) Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, McDonald"s(r) Arch Deluxe(r) and Egg McMuffin(r), and Wendy"s(r) Chicken Caesar Fresh Stuffed Pita(r)--concocting them all at a fraction of the calories and at a fraction of the cost. Once again, the intrepid Todd Wilbur goes where no food writer has gone before--and proves that when it comes to providing recipes for food that diners really want to eat, he is the peoples" choice.Praise for Todd Wilbur"The mission: Decode the secret recipes for America"s favorite junk foods. Equipment: Standard kitchen appliances. Goal: Leak the results to a ravenous public." -- USA Today"There"s something almost magically compelling about the idea of making such foods at home . . . The allure is undeniable . . . Stuffed with tidbits and lore you"re unlikely to find anywhere else." -- Boston Herald
2023-07-09 01:58:501


runas命令 可以在没有adm权限的电脑上,从新获得权限首先依次单击“开始”/“运行”命令,在弹出的系统运行框中,输入字符串命令“gpedit.msc”,单击“确定”按钮后,打开系统组策略编辑窗口;  依次展开该窗口中的“用户配置”/“管理模板”/“系统”项目,在对应“系统”项目右边的子窗口中,双击“只运行许可的Windows应用程序”选项,在其后弹出的界面中,将“已启用”选项选中。随后,你将在对应的窗口中看到“显示”按钮被自动激活,再单击“显示”按钮,然后继续单击其后窗口中的“添加”按钮,再将需要运行的应用程序名称输入在添加设置框中,最后单击“确定”按钮;     下面,请大家千万不要将组策略编辑窗口立即关闭;然后打开系统运行对话框,并在其中执行“gpedit.msc”命令,此时你将发现系统组策略编辑程答案补充   序已经无法运行了!不过,幸亏前面没有将组策略编辑窗口关闭,现在你可以继续在组策略编辑窗口中,双击刚才设置的“只允许运行Windows应用程序”项目,然后在弹出的策略设置窗口中,选中“未配置”选项,最后单击一下“确定”按钮,这样就能实现既可以限制运行应用程序的目的,又能阻止系统组策略出现“自锁”现象。  小提示:要是你将指定的应用程序名称添加到“只允许运行Windows应用程序”列表中后,直接把组策略编辑窗口关闭的话,可以通过下面的步骤来进行恢复:   重新将服务器系统启动一下,在启动的过程中不停地按下F8功能键,直到出现系统的启动菜单,然后执行其中的“带命令行提示的安全模式”命令,将服务器系统切换到命令行提示符状态;   接下来在命令提示符下直接执行mmc.exe字符串命令,在弹出的系统控制台界面中,单击“文件”菜单项,并从弹出的下拉菜单中单击“添加/删除管理单元”选项,再单击其后窗口中的“独立”标签,然后在如图1所示的标签页面中,单击“添加”按钮; 下面,再依次单击“组策略”、“添加”、“完成”、“关闭”、“确定”按钮,这样就能成功添加一个新的组策略控制台;以后,你就能重新打开组策略编辑窗口,然后按照上面的设置,实现既可以限制运行应用程序的目的,又能阻止系统组策略出现“自锁”现象。你少了这部。只允许运行Windows应用程序”项目,然后在弹出的策略设置窗口中,选中“未配置”选项,最后单击一下“确定”按钮,这样就能实现既可以限制运行应用程序的目的,又能阻止系统组策略出现“自锁”现象。
2023-07-09 01:58:511

在邮箱中打开就弹出来404.NOT. FOUND

2023-07-09 01:58:544


【 #英语资源# 导语】brave有勇敢的;英勇的等意思,那么你知道brave的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】brave的用法大全   brave的用法1:brave的基本意思是“勇敢的”“大胆的”,指在危险或困难的环境中不畏惧,果敢、沉着(但不表示本质上就喜欢冒险),也可指某行为需要勇气或表现勇敢。引申还可表示“五彩缤纷的”“壮观的”“极好的”。brave可描写人,也可描写人的言行等。   brave的用法2:brave在句中可用作定语或表语。brave还可用在动词不定式作主语的句中作表语,这时多以it作形式主语,动词不定式的逻辑主语则用介词of引出。   brave的用法3:brave作为动态形容词,可用于祈使句或进行时态。   brave的用法4:brave是表示特点的形容词,其前可加定冠词而用作名词,作主语时其谓语动词用复数。   brave的用法5:braver than...短语作定语时须置于名词之后。 【篇二】brave的常用短语   用作形容词 (adj.)   brave about v.+prep.   对…无所畏惧 fearless about sth   He was very brave about his operation. 他对手术毫无惧色。 【篇三】brave的用法例句   1. I couldn"t decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane.   我不能判定他到底是英勇无畏还是精神失常。   2. I think it was very brave of him to tough it out.   我认为他坚持到底非常勇敢。   3. Greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago.   格雷格在与癌症进行了勇敢的斗争之后于两年前去世。   4. Sometimes I am not as brave as I should be.   有时我表现得不够勇敢。   5. He felt disappointed but he tried to put on a brave face.   他感到很失望,但还竭力强装欢笑。   6. He died after a brave but unavailing fight against a terminal illness.   在与绝症进行了一番勇敢但却徒劳的抗争之后,他还是去世了。   7. You"re brave and courageous. You can make it.   你勇敢无畏,一定会获得成功。   8. Charles was brave and remarkably good-humoured.   查尔斯很勇敢而且脾气也特别好。   9. The bodyguards, as usual, were brave but oafish.   这些保镖照旧勇气可嘉但鲁钝无礼。   10. brave men and women   英勇无畏的男女   11. She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.   她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。   12. You have done a brave act and you will hear about it.   你干了一件勇敢的事,你将会受到奖赏的.   13. A brave fighter never shrinks from danger in executing an assignment.   一个英勇的战士在执行任务时决不害怕危险.   14. The Queen invested the brave soldier with the Military Cross.   女王授予那位勇敢军人十字勋章.   15. Although he was very nervous, he put on a brave front.   尽管他非常紧张, 但还是装出一副勇敢的样子.
2023-07-09 01:58:541


2023-07-09 01:58:551


2023-07-09 01:58:553


<Dream it possible> by Delacey.
2023-07-09 01:58:581


2023-07-09 01:59:001

  braveandcourageous的区别:  1)brave表示“勇敢的”,强调在危险、困难、痛苦或压力等面前不畏惧、能够坚持、有胆识、非常镇静或果断。比如:  Theyoungmanwasbravetogointotheburninghouse.  (那个年轻人很勇敢,走进了正在燃烧的房子。)  2)courageous也表示“勇敢的”,但是,指在各种情况下,都有信心、有胆量、无所畏惧、坚毅顽强。强调行为者的道德、原则和责任感。比如:  Amanofspiritisacourageousmanofnoblecharacter.  (有气概的人就是品格高尚的无畏的人。)
2023-07-09 01:59:021

软件启动时出现File not found这个问题该怎样解决?怎么办?

File not found:文件未找到。重装软件试试。
2023-07-09 01:59:022


太空拼音:tài kōng太空上有:太阳、火星、月球、黑洞、星系等。1、太阳太阳(Sun)是太阳系的中心天体,占有太阳系总体质量的99.86%。太阳系中的八大行星、小行星、流星、彗星、外海王星天体以及星际尘埃等,都围绕着太阳公转,而太阳则围绕着银河系的中心公转。2、火星火星,是离太阳第四近的行星,也是太阳系中仅次于水星的第二小的行星,为太阳系里四颗类地行星之一。3、月球月球(英文:Moon)是围绕地球旋转的球形天体,同时也是地球唯一的天然卫星。在汉语中被俗称为月或月亮,古时又称为太阴、玄兔、婵娟、玉盘。月球是太阳系中体积第五大的卫星,其平均半径约为1737.10千米,相当于地球半径的0.273倍。4、黑洞黑洞(英文:Black Hole)是现代广义相对论中,存在于宇宙空间中的一种天体。黑洞的引力极其强大,使得视界内的逃逸速度大于光速。故而,“黑洞是时空曲率大到光都无法从其事件视界逃脱的天体”。5、星系星系,别称宇宙岛,源于希腊语的“γαλαξu03afαu03c2” (galaxias),指数量巨大的恒星系及星际尘埃组成的运行系统。星系是构成宇宙的基本单位。参考银河系,它是一个包含恒星、气体、宇宙尘埃和暗物质,并且受到重力束缚的大星系。
2023-07-09 01:59:031


2023-07-09 01:58:481

err_ connection_ not_ found什么意思?

ERR_CONNECTION_RESET的解释是:这个网站含有未知错误。网页可能暂时无法连接,或者它已永久性地移动到了新网址。提示用户所访问的网站已经更换域名或者存在死循环(无限制的重定向)。当然、你可以在不同时间尝试下能否打开、也可以尝试其它浏览器看下能不能、比如手机QQ浏览器就很不错、对网站兼容性很好。错误(error )是指人们在使用软、硬件的时候,软、硬件不能正常操作的一种现象。由于错误的类型很多,为了对错误进行区分,系统设定了错误代码(error code),软、硬件在运行中如果发生错误,将通过它内部的原有的设定判断、识别而通过错误代码的显示方式给操作者,操作者通过错误代码识别,快速找到软、硬件不能正常操作的具体原因。第一步:查看power灯是否正常,稳定亮转至第二步,不亮则可能是用户忘记打开MODEM电源开关,插电源线或电源稳压器松动所致。指导用户调整后,如仍不行,则是属于MODEM坏了;第二步:查看DSL灯是否正常亮。如稳定亮则转至第三步,如果DSL灯一直闪烁不停,表明ADSL线路正在连接或一直连接不上,此为线路问题,最常见的一种情况是用户的分离器进线与接电话的端口接错了,这时可指导用户检查一下分离器,调换接线端口,再检查室内的电话线接头是否接触不良,或者取消分离器,直接把入户线接入modem,再重启MODEM,如果仍不能解决问题出单检查外线。;第三步:查看LAN亮灯情况,如不亮则转至第四步,如是稳定亮,有可能是电脑的拨号软件出现问题,建议用户重装拨号软件,仍不能解决问题出单第四步:如LAN灯不亮,则是modem与电脑的连线问题,请从新拔插由modem到电脑之间的网线。如果仍不能解决问题出单检查。
2023-07-09 01:58:461


Core competitiveness of enterprises is unique, can bring economic benefits, corporate sustainabilityThe core competence of competitive advantage, once owned enterprise core competitive ability, can make the enterprise form long-term advantage, promote the development of the enterprise. Since the 1990s, western strategic theorists are very concerned that core competitiveness of enterprises, the core competitiveness of enterprises is the driving force, is growing enterprise obtains a sustainable competitive advantage.A small and medium-sized enterprise core competitiveness. To analyze the current situationSince the reform and opening up, China"s small and medium-sized enterprise development of small and medium-sized enterprises in economic development, and played an important role, the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises more and more attention, and its status and known by people. The future belongs to the era of small and medium-sized enterprises, vigor of small and medium-sized enterprises will continue to play its flexible, salesConvenient and flexible liquidity advantages in the fierce competition in the market economy in his place, and to inject new vitality into the economic development.In the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has its own advantages, but also faced a series of small and medium-sized enterprises, the current problems facing an outstanding problem is lack of competitiveness, especially the lack of core competitiveness, embodied in the following aspects:1 enterprise strategic consciousness, strategic intent is not clearSustained competitive advantage to play with the development strategy of enterprise strategic intention that match the future direction of the enterprise, business development plan, the position. From now on, the small and medium-sized enterprises widespread light strategy, tactics, and on the decision thinking formulary experience. With no clear strategic intent, caused many small and medium-sized enterprise management, business field direction, lost the blindness of management and speculative, optional features.2 limited resources scattered into the diversified trapMany small and medium-sized enterprise diversification is enterprise profit growth for expansion, and dispersive risk strategy. Many small and medium-sized enterprises in the main business still does not have strong competitive situation, diversification, due to the implementation of blind in multiple domain of business resources, scattered in the specific areas of business enterprise resources, especially the impact strength of the core areas that need resources or main business field of competitiveness, damage to cultivating the core competitiveness of enterprises, and some even lost the original advantage.3) research and development and innovation ability is poor investmentAssess, small and medium-sized enterprises in China r&d funds for the proportion of sales revenue, and average less than 0.4% international businesses generally think of funds for research, sales of more than 5%, the enterprise has competitiveness, Just enough to maintain 2%, Less than 1% of the enterprise is hard to survive. Technological innovation is the power of the enterprise research and development ability, to small and medium-sized enterprises in China, the serious shortage of r&d input hindered enterprise technology improvement and innovation, severely weakened the enterprise sustainable competitive capacity of enterprises, the further development.4 organizational structure, management confusion. BackwardWith the development of knowledge economy, the information management play a more and more important role in time, the information, the communication of information, to traditional organizational structure adjustment, organization structure should be flexible to flat, the development direction. While the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises at present in our country executes or traditional linear organization structure, due to the lagging organization structure adjustment, and the domestic large enterprises and foreign enterprises, management of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially behind the enterprise"s strategic management, cost and quality management, human resources management, sales management, etc., it is hard to adapt to the fierce market competition. Enterprise organization structure unreasonable, operation mechanism is not alive, the radical reasons.Ii. Cultivate core competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprisesEnterprise core competitive ability is enterprise, can create economic benefits and difficult to competitors mimic the unique ability of the enterprise, it is necessary to establish and maintain the advantage conditions, is the enterprise from the technology products, from management to the comprehensive quality of small and medium-sized enterprises core embodiment. Cultivate the core competitive force of important realistic significance.1 our economy has from the economic surplus to economic shortageIn short, although economic times of small and medium-sized enterprises in the production of products, product technical content is low, but due to the low product demand, small and medium-sized enterprises producing products can still sell in the market and has certain advantages. In the market economy is increasingly perfect today, products, and the buyer"s market for products glut has gradually formed, and with the progress of science and technology, the Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises in market competition in the original advantage is gradually disappear, cultivate their own unique advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises is the key to enhance its competitiveness.2 both domestic and international market competition becomes increasingly fierceAfter joining the wto, foreign goods can proceed in China, which makes the consumer market is very small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, domestic market competition will be more intense. In recent years, China"s small and medium-sized enterprises can rapid development, largely thanks to the government and tariff barriers to adjust the macro-control. But after the wto entry, tariffs and canceling gradually, foreign products with high quality and low price to win the domestic consumer, it is undoubtedly to small and medium-sized enterprises more challenges. Facing economic globalization and the entry of wto, the core competitiveness of the small and medium-sized enterprises will sooner or later in the fierce competition in the market.3 for sustainable development of the enterpriseThe small and medium-sized enterprises in China, many enterprises can why some people, develop, and some of the enterprise is just a flash in the pan. Investigate its reason, the key lies in whether the enterprise with long-term competitive advantages. In certain period of small and medium-sized enterprises to gain a competitive advantage is not difficult, difficult is long-term competitive advantage. Economic globalization, due to the product life cycle is shortened, competition is critical to the success of the enterprise owns continuously develops new products and market competition ability of special. The long-term competitive advantages of enterprises from the core competitiveness of superior rivals. Only the cultivation of small and medium-sized enterprises core competitiveness, to drive the development of enterprise, the enterprise limited manpower,核心竞争力是企业独具的、能为企业带来经济效益的、支撑企业可持续性 竞争优势的核心能力,企业一旦拥有核心竞争能力,就会使企业形成长期优势,推动企业的长久发展。20世纪90年代以来,西方战略理论家们就十分关注企业核心竞争力,认为核心竞争力是企业成长的驱动力,是企业获取持续竞争优势的基础。一.我国中小企业核心竞争力现状分析改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了不断的发展,中小企业在经济发展中发挥了重要的作用,中小企业的生存和发展越来越受到人们的关注,它的地位也越来越为人们所认识。未来时代是属于中小企业的时代,充满活力的中小企业必将继续发挥其经营灵活自如、销售快捷方便、资金周转灵活等优势,在竞争激烈的市场经济中取得自己的立足之地,并为经济发展注入新的活力。中小企业在发展中有自身的优势,但也面临一系列问题,当前中小企业面临的一个突出问题就是缺乏竞争力,特别是普遍缺乏核心竞争力,具体表现在以下几个方面:1.企业战略意识淡薄,战略意图不明确持续竞争优势的发挥需要与发展战略相匹配企业战略意图表明了企业未来的前进方向、自己的业务定位、计划发展的能力。从目前来看,中小企业普遍存在着重战术、轻战略,依赖经验决策的思维定式。由于没有明确的战略意图,导致了许多中小企业经营方向迷失,经营领域模糊,经营的盲目性、投机性、随意性特点突出。2.有限的资源分散,跌入多元化陷阱多元化经营被很多中小企业认为是企业寻求规模扩张、利润增长、分散风险的策略。目前很多中小企业在主营业务尚不具备较强的竞争力的状况下,盲目实施多元化经营,由于资源分散在多个业务领域,分散了企业在具体业务领域的资源实力,尤其是影响了需要资源保证的核心领域或主营业务领域的竞争力,损害了对核心竞争力的培养,一些企业甚至丧失了原有的优势。3.研究发展投入不足,创新能力差椐调查,我国中小企业研发经费占销售收入的比例平均水平不到0.4%,而国际企业界普遍认为,研发经费占销售额的5%以上,企业才有竞争力;占2%仅够维持;不足1%的企业则难以生存。技术创新的动力在于企业的研发能力,对我国中小企业而言,研发投入的严重不足阻碍了企业进行技术改进和创新,严重削弱了企业的持续竞争能力,制约了企业的进一步发展壮大。4.组织结构调整滞后,管理混乱随着知识经济的发展,信息在管理中发挥了越来越重要的作用,为了及时的传递信息,沟通信息,必须对传统的组织结构进行调整,组织结构应向扁平化、柔性化方向发展。而目前我国大多数中小企业实行的还是传统的直线型组织结构,由于组织结构调整滞后,与国内大型企业及国外企业相比,我国中小企业的管理落后,尤其是企业的战略管理、成本理、质量管理、人力资源管理、销管理等方面,很难适应激烈的市场竞争。企业组织结构不合理,经营机制不活,是影响企业竞争力的带有根本性的深层次原因。二. 培育中小企业核心竞争力的必要性企业核心竞争力是企业所拥有的,能够创造经济效益并难以被竞争对手模仿的独特能力,它是企业建立和保持优势的必要条件,是企业从技术到产品,从管理到战略综合素质的核心体现.培育中小企业的核心竞争力具有重要的现实意义。1.我国经济已从短缺经济走向过剩经济在短缺经济时代,尽管中小企业生产的产品技术含量低,产品档次低,但由于产品供不应求,中小企业生产的产品仍然能销售出去并在市场中具有一定的优势。在市场经济体制日益完善的今天,产品往往供过于求,产品的买方市场已逐步形成,而且随着科学技术的进步,我国中小企业在市场竞争中的原有优势正在逐步消失,培育自己的独特优势是中小企业增强其竞争力的关键。2.国内外市场竞争日趋激烈加入wto后,国外的商品可以长驱直入我国的消费市场,这使得中小企业受到很大的冲击。同时,国内市场的竞争将更加激烈。近几年来,我国的中小企业之所以能较快发展,很大程度上得益于关税壁垒的调节和政府的宏观调控能力。而入世后,关税降低以至逐步取消,外国产品将以质优价廉赢得国内的消费者,这无疑是给中小企业更多的挑战.面对经济全球化和加入wto的挑战,没有核心竞争力的中小企业迟早会在激烈的市场竞争中被淘汰。3.企业可持续发展的需要在我国众多的中小企业中,为什么有些企业能长盛不衰,发展壮大,而有些企业只是昙花一现?究其原因,关键在于企业是否拥有长期的竞争优势.中小企业在某个特定时期取得竞争优势并不是很难,难的是长期保持竞争优势.经济全球化时代,由于产品寿命周期的日渐缩短,竞争成功的关键在于企业是否拥有不断开发新产品和开拓市场的特殊竞争能力。企业的长期竞争优势来源于优于竞争对手的核心竞争力.只有培育中小企业的核心竞争力,才能带动企业各方面的发展,把企业有限的人力
2023-07-09 01:58:431


按省按划分四大菜系 有2种说法 第一种:山东菜、四川菜、江浙菜、广东菜;第二种:山东菜、四川菜、淮扬菜、广东菜。不知楼主说哪种山东菜Shandong vegetable四川菜SzechuanCantonese cuisine 广东菜huaiyangese 淮扬菜
2023-07-09 01:58:432

求Keren Ann《In your back》歌词的中文翻译

在你的背後  来告诉我你的故事卸下你荣耀的悲痛  你在哪里的代客的荣誉,我是小偷吗  永远不要提及的污点,你留下痕迹  如何从一个漂亮的女孩,我成了一个毁并破坏了吗  这都是在你的后面  所有在你背后  所以我旋转之舞中,你将在一个精彩的表演  但是为什么我微笑,宝贝,你的所有的人都应该知道  那个人,你所爱的  很久以前就死了  你能不能帮我错到慈善  你将用尽你的谎言和补救措施,你会知道的  但是你的语音和旋律你杀了,你杀了  你的版本的荣耀是黑暗的,这上面到处是罪恶  我想潜水的海洋中粉红色的碎  我已经见过了,他们的灵魂就存在纯粹飞  我想我可以忍受,我知道,我现在就可以  你能不能帮我错到慈善  你将用尽你的谎言和补救措施,你会知道的  但是你的声音和旋律你杀了,你杀了  它是怎么好笑了,我不是在你的手上  你仍在运行的盲目救了我一遍又一遍  但是我不需要朋友  不,我不需要朋友  你能不能帮我错到慈善  你将用尽你的谎言和补救措施,你会知道的  但是你的语音和旋律你杀了,你杀了
2023-07-09 01:58:431


作形容词可指绿色的,青葱;当姓氏讲翻译为格林;当名词可翻译为草地,蔬菜,植物,使动用法,使...成为绿色通常是形容词用法,但当名词讲时,可直接翻译为草地,例如:They are playing on the public green,做形容词时,翻译为绿色的,例如:The leaves all are green 翻译为姓氏:hello mrs green!点赞+关注+采纳+评语【评语发地址】1个月后必有奖品!(〃"▽"〃)
2023-07-09 01:58:412

Win7系统浏览网页弹出404 not found错误怎么办?

详细的操作方式如下:第一,如果重装的Win7系统,其中的IE信息服务不能被反馈用户输入链接地址,或者是出现链接地址错误等现象,这时候IIS可能会出现服务器向终端用户发送404错误的提示,我们常常需要确认链接地址是否正确,如果出错可以选择重新输入;第二,检查输入地址是否有误,随后引导用户使用正确的链接;第三,链接地址有错,为了给护网站的资料合理利用,最终引发了连接错误,导致了404 not found 的问题。以上就是Win7系统中IE网页出现404错误的解决方法了,有需要的用户试一下吧。
2023-07-09 01:58:391


brave1、形容词 a.1)勇敢的2)华丽的3)美好的2、名词 n.1)勇士3、及物动词 vt.1)勇敢地面对2)不把……放在眼里
2023-07-09 01:58:397


2023-07-09 01:58:362


2023-07-09 01:58:361

The soldier is in green.(The soldier is dress in green.)有什么区别

2023-07-09 01:58:332