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S.H.E的《Boom》 歌词

2023-07-09 11:19:37
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
不像我 这不像我
心跳声 轰隆隆
深呼吸 再呼吸
怎么了 我不懂
没出息 没关系
Oh 你眼神你手心你的呼吸




2023-07-09 08:23:521


韩国明星Boom是李民浩。李民浩是韩国艺人、歌手、演员,做过娱乐节目《强心脏》的主持人。《彩虹罗曼史》、《Boom up》 ,Boom如今在强心脏和star king两档节目上面用心的主持。并且先后获得了2005年MBC放送演艺大奖部分新人奖,和2006年MBC放送演艺大奖人气奖。李民浩也曾经是强心脏初期的固定嘉宾,后来因为需要服兵役,所以就离开了强心脏,因而boom学院也改成特学院。扩展资料:2018年艺人Boom通过信件公开了自己的近况,并展示了自己毫无褪色的口才。在8月3日播出的SBS《强心脏》节目中,笑星杨世炯朗读了正在服役的Boom写给《强心脏》节目组成员的信。入伍前,Boom曾与Super Junior组合的利特和银赫一起主持过《强心脏》的“Boom学院”栏目。Boom在信中说“姜虎东前辈主持的节目给军人们带来了很多欢笑。希望您一定要健健康康”,让姜虎东非常感动。接着Boom写道“只有您健健康康的,在我退伍后才能拉我一把。所以即使要生病,也等我退伍后再生吧”,引发了在场人员的一阵爆笑。Boom继续口若悬河,他写道“亲爱的‘特学院"的弟弟们,我忘不了你们送我入伍时流泪的样子”,称赞之后却说“没想到我入伍以后,你们就再也不和我联系了。但我依然爱着你们”。参考资料来源:百度百科—Boom
2023-07-09 08:24:221


LZ在看19期STAR KING么?强仁是superjunior的.BOOM就是楼上介绍的那个..
2023-07-09 08:24:512


2023-07-09 08:24:581


2023-07-09 08:25:061


2023-07-09 08:25:261

Boom是什么梗 Boom网络用语的解释

1、BOOM在日常生活中经常被引申为口头语,也就是爆炸的意思。 2、英雄联盟中,boom是一个很常用的口头语。比如说当两人对线的时候,如果一个人压着另一个人打,也就是大家常说的打爆一路了,这时候就可以说boom了。 3、当双方发育势均力敌的时候,团战如果一方失误,被另一方抓住机会打了波团灭之后,差距会迅速拉开,也就是大家常说的一波肥,这时候也可以用boom来形容。 4、当某一位英雄突然来了一波完美操作,打出非常可观的伤害,完成多杀的时候,大家经常会说“瞬间爆炸”,这时候也可以说BOOM。
2023-07-09 08:25:531


boom应该读作“布姆”。一、如何正确读音1、“Boom”这个单词在英语中是一个非常常见的词汇,通常表示爆炸、轰鸣等含义。它的发音也比较简单,应该念做“布姆”(būm),其中的"b"发音比较轻柔,而“u”则要发短元音的音质。2、此外,在特定语境下,这个单词也可能有一些隐含或引申的含义,例如在歌曲、电影等中,充当节奏强调或情绪渲染的作用。二、英语单词发音规律1、在英语语言中,很多单词的发音规律都是有规律可循的。对于初学者,通过一些基础的规则和技巧进行学习,可以更好地掌握单词的发音方法。2、首先,英语中的字母表相对较少,但掌握每个字母的发音是学习其他单词发音的基本技能。例如,"b"发音较轻柔,与"p"音区别不大;而"c"可以发/k/或/s/的音,具体发音要看它前后所跟的音素。3、此外,“元音”也是重要的发音要素,分为“长元音”和“短元音”,在英语发音中,其音质、音调等特征都是需要注意的。4、另外,英语单词的重音位置也非常重要。正确的重读单词,可以使你的口语更加地流利自然,避免发音错误和听力理解上的困难。以“boom”为例,它的重音在第一音节,读作/ bu:m/。拓展知识——英语单词发音技巧1、学会用音标标注单词。音标是一种标示语音的符号,通过学习音标,可以更准确地表示单词的音质和发音方式。2、多听多说。听英语原版歌曲、影视剧、广播等,模仿其中的语音、语调、重音等,尝试口头表达。这样的实践,能够有效提高你的英语听力和口语水平。3、通过网络学习。在互联网上,有许多免费的学习资料和工具,例如在线词典、语音合成软件、语音识别应用等,可以让你更加轻松地学习和掌握英语单词的发音。4、总之,正确的发音是学习英语的一个基本环节,只有系统地掌握其规律和方法,才能真正地提高口语能力,更好地走向国际化的舞台。
2023-07-09 08:26:001


boom 英[bu:m] 美[bum] vi. 发出隆隆声; 快速发展; 暴涨; vt. 以低沉而有回响的声音发出; 使繁荣; 使迅速发展; n. 繁荣; 激增; 隆隆声; [例句]An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction接着出现了经济繁荣,尤其是在房地产业和建筑业。[其他] 第三人称单数:booms 复数:booms 现在分词:booming过去式:boomed 过去分词:boomed
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2023-07-09 08:27:304


boom的意思是:名词是繁荣;吊杆;帆桁,动词是激增;繁荣昌盛;轰鸣;轰响。boom是一个英语单词,意思是繁荣、兴旺、突然发展等。具体可以分为以下几个意思:1、繁荣:在经济、金融等领域中,boom通常表示繁荣、兴旺。例如,经济boom表示经济繁荣,股市boom表示股市指数上涨,房地产boom表示房价上涨等。2、突然发展:Boom还可以表示突然发展、迅速增长。例如,科技boom表示科技领域的快速发展,创业boom表示创业领域的快速增长等。3、爆炸声:Boom也可以表示爆炸声或巨响声。例如,雷声boom表示雷声巨响,炸弹boom表示炸弹爆炸声。用“boom”造句:1、The housing boom in the early 2000s led to a surge in construction.(20世纪初的房地产繁荣导致建筑业的激增。)2、The sudden boom of the music industry brought many new artists to fame.(音乐产业的突然繁荣使许多新艺术家声名大噪。)3、The baby boom after World War II led to a significant increase in the population.(二战后的婴儿潮导致人口显著增加。)4、The economic boom in the 1990s resulted in rapid growth in many industries.(20世纪90年代的经济繁荣导致许多产业迅速增长。)
2023-07-09 08:27:441


可以。boom含有爆炸的含义,但通常用作拟声词“轰”、“隆隆声”,在特定语境中可以翻译成爆炸;名词意思是低沉有回响的声音;隆隆声;迅速增长;繁荣;吊杆;话筒吊杆、水栅、拦障、鸣叫声。动词意思是发出低沉有回响的声音、出隆隆声;繁荣;昌盛;用深沉的声音讲话、鸣叫。相关例句:1、Theboomoftheoneo"clockgunechoedacrosstheriver。河对岸回响着一点钟报时的隆隆炮斗唤声。2、Thunderboomedintheskyoverhead。雷声在天空中隆隆作响。3、Outside,thunderboomedandcrashed。外面雷声隆隆,霹雳炸响。英语“boom ”是的意思名词1、(雷、炮等的)隆隆声,轰轰声,(波浪的)澎湃声;(鼓等的)咚咚声;(蜂等的)嗡嗡野手声;(鹭鸶等的)鸣叫;有回响的声音。2、(市面的)忽然兴旺,景气,繁荣,勃兴;(候选人等的)突然大得人心[出名];(形势的)突然好转;(城市等的)急速发展;(物价等的)暴涨;(人口等的)激增。the war boom 战争景气。 a building boom 建筑业的兴旺。不及动词1、(雷等)隆隆响;(波浪声)澎湃;(鼓等)咚咚地响;(蜂声)嗡嗡;(鹭鸶等)鸣叫。2、(市面等)突然兴隆,繁荣;(物价等)暴涨;(人口等)激增;(城市等)急速发展;(形势等)突然好转;(候选人等)突然得人心[出名]。Guns are booming. 炮声隆隆。 Not far off the Pacific boomed. 不远处,太平洋的涛声轰鸣。动词1、用隆隆声发出。2、(用广告等)推广销路;捧(候选人等)。3、使迅速发展,使兴旺。形容词〔美国〕猛涨起来的,忽然发展[兴旺]起来的。 boom prices 猛涨起来的物价。boom21、【造船】帆的下桁,帆遄,横杠,吊杆;悬[转、起重]臂。2、横江铁索,(港口的)水栅,栅栏;水上航标;【林业】筏堰。动词(以下桁)张开帆脚。不及动词(船)以最高速航行。 boom nets 【军事】栅栏揿〔战时港口的水底铁丝网〕。 heavy boom 重吊杠。 lower the boom on 〔口语〕 1. 禁止。 2. 严惩。
2023-07-09 08:28:371


boom有爆炸的意思;英 [bu:m] 美 [bum]vi.发出隆隆声; 快速发展; 暴涨vt.以低沉而有回响的声音发出; 使繁荣; 使迅速发展n.繁荣; 激增; 隆隆声风暴; 爆炸; 主题曲第三人称单数: booms 复数: booms现在分词: booming 过去式: boomed 过去分词: boomed[例句]An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction.接着出现了经济繁荣,尤其是在房地产业和建筑业。
2023-07-09 08:30:261


2023-07-09 08:30:532

boom是什么意思 详解boom一词的含义和用法?

Boom是什么意思(详解boom一词的含义和用法)Boom还可以表示繁荣、兴旺,特别是在商业、经济领域中。例如:“The economy is booming.”(经济正在蓬勃发展。)二、繁荣Boom在英语中最常见的含义是爆炸,可以指炸弹、炮弹等爆炸声或爆炸本身。例如:“The bomb went boom.”(炸弹爆炸了。)Boom在英语中最常见的含义是爆炸,可以指炸弹、炮弹等爆炸声或爆炸本身。例如:“The bomb went boom.”(炸弹爆炸了。)一、爆炸
2023-07-09 08:31:013


2023-07-09 08:31:311


boom的形容词形式是booming。 boom:n.(贸易和经济活动的)激增,繁荣;(某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期;帆桁; v.轰鸣;轰响;以低沉有力的声音说;迅速发展;激增;繁荣昌盛; 第三人称单数: booms复数: booms现在分词: booming过去式: boomed过去分词: boomed 扩展资料   Business was booming.   生意兴隆。   He had a booming voice.   他的"嗓音低沉洪亮。   A voice boomed out from the darkness.   黑暗中传来低沉有力的嗓音。   Thunder boomed in the sky overhead.   雷声在天空中隆隆作响。
2023-07-09 08:31:431


用Boom 表示爆炸,嘣boom 英[bu:m]美[bum]vi. 发出隆隆声;快速发展;暴涨爆炸声的英文翻译:bangbombboomdetonationexp1osionexplosive sound
2023-07-09 08:32:291


boom的形容词是booming 兴旺的,繁荣的;大受欢迎的; 最高级是boomiest; boom: n. 繁荣;(某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期;吊杆;隆隆声;水栅;帆桁; v. 使兴旺;发隆隆声;急速发展;用低沉的声音讲话;鸣叫 扩展资料   How long can the present business boom last?   目前这种商业繁荣能持续多久?   But the textile boom lasted only several decades.   但是纺织业的.繁荣只持续了几十年。   Of course since those boom years, sales have fallen.   当然,自那些繁荣的年份以来,销量一直在下降。   The rapid development of the Internet has created a boom in e-commerce.   互联网的快速发展创造了电商的繁荣。
2023-07-09 08:32:471


一.作名词的boom 1.boom 繁荣 The 1980s were indeed boom years. 20世纪80年代是真正的繁荣时期。 2.boom 激增 Eg:That changed with China"s industrial boom. 随着中国工业的快速发展,情况发生了改变。 3.boom 隆隆声 Eg:The new aircraft creates a sonic boom. 那种新飞机会产生声震。 二.作动词的boom 1.boom 快速发展 Eg:Sales are booming . 销售额在快速增长。 2.boom 发出隆隆声 Eg:Boom! The dynamite sent the rocks flying. 炸药轰隆一声,山石崩裂。 3.boom 使繁荣 Eg:By the 1980s,the computer industry was booming. 到20世界80年代时,计算机行业迅猛发展。 4.boom 以低沉而有回响的声音发出 Eg:He boomed out the verse. 他用低沉的声音朗读诗句。 三.固定短语中的boom 1.boom corridor 超音速飞机限定航线,爆音走廊 Eg:It"s a boom corridor. 这是一条超音速飞机限定航线。 2.boom-and-bust 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环 Eg:Boom-and-bust cycles are inherent in market economies and cannot be prevented completely. 繁荣和萧条交替循环,是市场经济的固有特性,无法完全避免。
2023-07-09 08:32:541


本名:李民浩(330763) 出生年月:1982年5月10日 身高:180cm 体重:68kg 爱好:读书,听音乐,电影欣赏 学历:安阳艺术高等学校 电视剧电影学科 获奖经历:MBC广播演艺大奖 Show Variety(23 0395332553)部分,新人奖(2005) 演绎经历: 节目 After School of 乐, SBS 好奇心天国(638523 4370), iTV Game Jump(75394155), Wide 演艺News(253393 25298721 )(2005年), MBC Section TV 恋爱通信(25215821) (2005年), MBC 东安Club(94275704 )(2006年), SBS Super 孩子(2353 2333) (2006年) 电影:国境南角(707435 8734)(2006) 他是韩国的HIPHOP歌手 拿过SBS的音乐大奖 还是娱乐记者 Boom以舞曲歌手出道,展现出不凡的说唱和舞技,活跃于MBC电视台“section TV艺人资讯”节目中的Boom,曾在2005年MBC电视演艺大奖中获新人奖,是2006年值得期待的一位新星。 BOOM以前虽然在Mnet作过音乐专线的主持人,但是正式作电视节目的MC还是第一次。BOOM现在正出演《跨越彩虹》等电视剧。另外,还经常以主持人或嘉宾身份出现在RADIO节目中. 情书第二季第十七期主持人
2023-07-09 08:33:031


2023-07-09 08:33:372


韩国艺人本名:李民浩 [1]  韩国本名:uc774ubbfcud638(音:Lee Min ho)   韩国艺名:ubd90(BOOM) 
2023-07-09 08:33:453

P.O.D.的《Boom》 歌词

歌曲名:Boom歌手:P.O.D.专辑:Biker Boyz(haha)I never knew that a kid like meCould take his mic around the world and flash the big S.D.And rock the masses, from Madrid to CalabassasTijuana, Mexico, bootleg demos in TokyoThey know me though, "cause I be puttin" in workCommit my life to rebirth, well respected, "cause that"s my wordI"m sure you heard (heard), about a new sound going aroundShe might have left my hood, but she was born in my townYou didn"t know, thought we was new on the sceneWell, it"s alright! It"s alright!I know you know, I see you smiling at meWell, it"s alright! It"s alright!Boom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, here comes the boys from the SouthBoom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, How you like me now?I saidWe rep. the South, so what you talking aboutI"m not running off my mouth, I know this without a doubt"Cause if you know these streets, then these streets know youWhen it"s time to handle business, then you know what to do (what to do)Me and my crew, we stay true, old skool or newMany were called, but the chosen are few (were a few)We rise to the top, what you want? Just in case you forgotRush the stage, grab my mic, show me what you gotYou didn"t know, thought we was new on the sceneWell, it"s alright! It"s alright!I know you know, I see you smiling at meWell, it"s alright! It"s alright!Boom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, here comes the boys from the SouthBoom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, How you like me now?I saidBoom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, here comes the boys from the SouthBoom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, How you like me now?Is that all you got?I"ll take your best shot.(6x)I"ll take your best shot.(2x)is that all you gotWell, it"s alright! It"s alright!I"ll take your best that all you gotWell, it"s alright! It"s alright!I"ll take your best that all you gotI"ll take your best shot.Well, it"s alright! It"s alright!I"ll take your best shot.I"ll take your best that all you gotI"ll take your best shot.Well, it"s alright! It"s alright!I"ll take your best shot.I"ll take your best shot.Boom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, here comes the boys from the SouthBoom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, (haha)How you like me now?Boom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, here comes the boys from the SouthBoom! Here comes the Boom!Ready or not, haha How you like me now?
2023-07-09 08:33:531


Ohohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohIf you alone and you need a friendSomeone to make forget your problemsJust come along, baby take my handI need a lover tonightOhohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doOhohoh ohohohLet"s have some funOhohoh ohohohOne on one, just me and youOhohoh ohohohI wanna double boomBoom boom boom boom!!Let"s spend the night togetherI want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomBoom boom boom boom!!Let"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doOhohoh ohohohLet"s have some funOhohoh ohohohOne on one, just me and youOhohoh ohohohBoom boom boom boom!!I want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomBoom boom boom boom!!I want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohBoom boom boom boom!!I want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomBoom boom boom boom!!I want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my room
2023-07-09 08:33:591


2023-07-09 08:34:441

谁有黑眼豆豆的Boom Boom Pow歌词的中文意思

是美国漫画中惯用的音声字 (Bang Pow Boom!) 是歌曲《超人》里的一句歌词,麻吉唱的:)~ Bang Pow Boom 是音声字,即拟声词,根据那首歌的意思Bang Pow Boom 是“打来打去/强大的爆发/力”:) 相关歌词: “Bang Pow Boom 你该早知道 一个两个三个四个 跟我拼就倒” 这是名字的意思。
2023-07-09 08:34:512

Mario的《Boom》 歌词

歌曲名:Boom歌手:Mario专辑:Turning Point -J RecordsOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohIf you alone and you need a friendSomeone to make forget your problemsJust come along, baby take my handI need a lover tonightOhohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doOhohoh ohohohLet"s have some funOhohoh ohohohOne on one, just me and youOhohoh ohohohI wanna double boomBoom boom boom boom!!Let"s spend the night togetherI want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomBoom boom boom boom!!Let"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doOhohoh ohohohLet"s have some funOhohoh ohohohOne on one, just me and youOhohoh ohohohBoom boom boom boom!!I want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomBoom boom boom boom!!I want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohOhohoh ohohohBoom boom boom boom!!I want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomBoom boom boom boom!!I want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom boom boom boom!!I wanna double boomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my room
2023-07-09 08:34:591

Anjulie的《Boom》 歌词

BoomI"m getting myself in something I don"t wannaI"m getting caught up in him but I don"t wannaI"m getting off trackAnd I can"t control a thing, a thing…I"m telling myself it"s not a good ideaBut the more I hesitate the more I fall for himI"m tryin" to erase his face from my memoryAnd then aBoomShalakaHe"s walkin" upa to meBoomShalakaHe start"s ta talka to meBoomShalakaMy heart skips a-BoomShalaka lakaBoom boomThe more I hang there the more I get wrapped up in himImagine myself in the chair I was sittin" inAnd every little thing he said comin" back to meTo meThe more I get scared of loosin" I"m afaid to sayWhere can I go at the same time it excites meGotta get him outta my headGet on with meAnd then a-BoomShalakaHe"s walkin" upa to meBoomShalakaHe start"s ta talka to meBoomShalakaMy heart skips a-BoomShalaka lakaBoom boomBoomShalakaEyes come in contact aBoomShalakaStarin" me down talk aBoom shalakaMy heart skips aBoomShalaka lakaAhHe make my head goBoom boomHe make my breath goShaka lakaWherever I goBoom boomAnd everything goesShaka lakaI tell myselfNo, I"m not gonna do thisI promise myselfNo, I"m not gonna do thisDoesn"t matter what he saysI know he"s no good for meNo no no noAnd then aBoomShalakaHe"s walkin" upa to meBoomShalakaHe starts ta talka to meBoomShalakaMy heart skips aBoomShalaka lakaBoom? boomBoomShalakaEyes come in contact aBoomShalakaStarin" me down talk aBoom shalakaMy heart skips aBoomShalaka laka(Boom boom)Ah ahHe makes my heart go(ah ah)My heart my heart my heart
2023-07-09 08:35:052

2023-07-09 08:34:253


真正的英雄A Real HeroA movie hero is always thought of someone who is strong, smart, and good looking. A real hero is so much more than the usual cliches. By definition, a hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Therefore, a hero is courageous, brave, and unselfish.A hero is a person who is courageous(有勇气的,勇敢的,有胆量的). Courage is the strengths needed to face fears. Every one face difficulties such as loosing a loved one, getting something stolen, etc. But what sets courageous people apart from cowards(n. 懦夫,懦弱的人) is fortitude(n. 坚韧, 刚毅). Having the will and drive to go and face those difficulties and eliminate(vt. 消除, 排除) them with passion and strength. Having such qualities is a hard thing to find. An example of courage would be Rosa Parks. Mrs. Parks was arrested and sent to jail for refusing to give her seat on a bus up for a white passenger. She went and made a statement because she was passionate about the Civil Rights Movement.A hero is a person that is brave in an extreme situation and acts anyway, because they know it has to be done. An example of bravery(n. 勇敢;勇气) would be Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King lived in a place and time when speaking out against racism(n. 种族主义,种族歧视;人种偏见) was dangerous. He kept fighting even after his own home was firebombed( firebomb n. 火焰炸弹). This shows his extreme bravery and the only possible reason for him continuing was because he knew it had to be done.A hero is a person who is unselfish. Unselfish is willing to put the needs of others before one"s own. An American soldier is a perfect example of a person who is unselfish. They volunteer their own life for the freedom of their loved ones and strangers they have never even met. That shows the true definition of a person who is unselfish.In conclusion, a hero is a person who is willing to face their own fears, continues even in an extreme situation, and puts others before themselves.
2023-07-09 08:34:262

迅雷看看和迅雷影音有什么区别 那个更清晰更快点

迅雷看看是迅雷公司出品的一款在线播放插件,无需安装程序到电脑。 迅雷影音是迅雷看看播放器,是一个装在本机的应用程序,支持本地播放与在线视频点播。迅雷影音是迅雷公司旗下的一款媒体播放器,在推出到3.0版后正式更名为“迅雷看看播放器”,而后在其中加入了迅雷的热门网上在线影院系统“迅雷看看”。至于清晰度,是看说播放视屏的资源的,通俗的说就是分辨率,比如480P,720P,1080P等。
2023-07-09 08:34:263


第一个有可能是swiss army 因为红白相间十字不常见第二个看不情
2023-07-09 08:34:284

Never give up 用英语怎么读出来

乃我 给五 啊普
2023-07-09 08:34:286

feed on feed in区别

feed in: 输入 feed on:以……为生(多用于动物) live on:以……为生(人)
2023-07-09 08:34:321

fiddler中的"Download free trial"是什么?

2023-07-09 08:34:332


许多影音播放器都是有自己的格式工厂! 你说的迅雷影音不支持RMVB格式很正常 可能就是没有被包含进去 这个很正常
2023-07-09 08:34:344


public class Rational { public Rational() : this(0, 0) { } public Rational(int numeraror, int denominator) { if (numeraror == 0 || denominator == 0) { this.numeraror = 0; this.denominator = 0; } else { int n = numeraror; int d = denominator; if (numeraror > denominator) n = d + (d = n) * 0; int t = d / n; if (t != numeraror && t != denominator) { denominator = denominator / t; numeraror = numeraror / t; } this.numeraror = numeraror; this.denominator = denominator; } } private readonly int numeraror; private readonly int denominator; public int Numeraror { get { return numeraror; } } public int Denominator { get { return denominator; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is Rational ? (obj as Rational).denominator == denominator && (obj as Rational).numeraror == numeraror : false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return ((int)denominator ^ (int)(denominator >> 32)) ^ ((int)numeraror ^ (int)(numeraror >> 32)); } public override string ToString() { return denominator == 0 ? "NaN" : string.Format("{0}/{1}", numeraror, denominator); } public string ToFloatString() { return denominator == 0 ? "NaN" : string.Format("{0:f5}", ((float)numeraror) / denominator); } public Rational Add(Rational r) { return new Rational(this.Numeraror + r.Numeraror, this.Denominator + r.Denominator); } public Rational Subtract(Rational r) { return new Rational(this.Numeraror - r.Numeraror, this.Denominator - r.Denominator); } public Rational Multiply(Rational r) { return new Rational(this.Numeraror * r.Numeraror, this.Denominator * r.Denominator); } public Rational Divide(Rational r) { return new Rational(r.Numeraror == 0 ? 0 : this.Numeraror / r.Numeraror, r.Denominator == 0 ? 0 : this.Denominator / r.Denominator); } public static Rational operator +(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return r1.Add(r2); } public static Rational operator -(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return r1.Subtract(r2); } public static Rational operator *(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return r1.Multiply(r2); } public static Rational operator /(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return r1.Divide(r2); } public static bool operator ==(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return r1.Equals(r2); } public static bool operator !=(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return !r1.Equals(r2); } public static bool operator >(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return ((float)r1.Numeraror) / r1.Denominator > ((float)r2.Numeraror) / r2.Denominator; } public static bool operator <(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return ((float)r1.Numeraror) / r1.Denominator < ((float)r2.Numeraror) / r2.Denominator; } public static bool operator >=(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return ((float)r1.Numeraror) / r1.Denominator >= ((float)r2.Numeraror) / r2.Denominator; } public static bool operator <=(Rational r1, Rational r2) { return ((float)r1.Numeraror) / r1.Denominator <= ((float)r2.Numeraror) / r2.Denominator; } }
2023-07-09 08:34:351

small和little 的区别是什么

small 形容词 “小的 ”
2023-07-09 08:34:353


2023-07-09 08:34:202


2023-07-09 08:34:172

Charulatha Mani&Karthik的《Chillax》 歌词

歌曲名:Chillax歌手:Charulatha Mani&Karthik专辑:VelayudhamNelly - Chill (Feat. St. Lunatics)Yo, what you tell a muh"fucker with two black eyes?Nothin, you done already told his punk-ass twiceD, E, R, R, T, Y (we back, we back, we back)We all we got, yo, know I want y"all do?Aiyyo stand at attention, raise your right arm, saluteRoll the carpet out, watch all the Bloods "woot-woot"Watch the Crips loc" it up, we back, we got our focus upSt. Lunatics, nigga know that, know thatSupreme team, if we lose you open your mindsStart readin some things, we got it, holla at us, c"monEasy with that murder murder murder, kill killWe did that back when I was born, Bill BillBut I still do the knowledge, let me give you the mathI rock a 7-and-a-half for my 7-and-a-halfI be with Moses and Kane & Abel puttin in workI slap a nun, beat the reverend up, spit in his churchMy Derrty niggaz come through, we turn the heat up in JuneWe at the party mackin, even throw a bitch in the roomMénage-à-trois, Murph" is {?}, me and LawCause we the baddest muh"fuckers that you seen thus far, soNigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)Look, learn, listen, check itAnd we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Start your cars up, trick your broads outPump your hard up, homie now put your guard upYou throw that one-two but, look how I jab youNo need you run in the derrty, homie I had toYou was doin a lot of talkin (yup) a lot of barkinBut your bite was nothin, guess you mighta been frontinYo ain"t no mic to it, City see right through itI was born to be the shit like I was Mike Hewitt{?}Don"t, test me though, homie I might do itCheck my track record, the feelin go right to itIt was easy for me, I was born to winYou was born to hate me, you should be born againYou with Mike and Kevin, we with Law and themYou cop American cars, we cop foreign "emTake a look at us derrty, we put the star in themNo slow stray bullets nigga, we Brett Favre"n themYou gots to chill, and let your conscience be freeLil" boy, obviously y"all ain"t fuckin with Ky"You see I stays real high, but I be"s low-keyI"m so allergic to the line e"rybody know meYou know what? (What?) Why shouldn"t y"all hate?Cause y"all so half decent, we Frosted Flakes greatAnd these ain"t came out yet, I know y"all so lateI smoke zips, you pop 8"s, damn what a wasteMy lady is so happy, yours masturbatesYou wash up in a sink, nigga I bathe in a lakeThe way y"all copy our style ASCAP should make y"all payBut they don"t, so I"ma smoke a joint and get to the pointThe muh"fuckin point is keep my name out your mouthUnless you sayin how we repped the Lou, since we came outWe"ve been winners since we came out, yo" mouth keep my name outYou don"t wanna see thirty cardinal birds with they thangs outNigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Murphy Lee God-body (like) take shit from nobody (nope)Nelly bought it for me so that"s my Maserati (yup)Y"all know about me, I"m so far from sloppy (dirty)You not a female nigga, so how can you top me?My style can"t be copied people trust me (trust me)Even though you look like me, your flow musty (musty)That means you stinkin, what you think"s extinctBeen gone too long to even dig up the bonesI"m on my new-new, upgrade the kush from the doo-dooThat"s a big step, but that"s how niggaz from the Lou doLast rap was too cool, but this one is too damn hotYou wack rappers think you hot when you not (this is why I"m hot)All this I talk slick shit as if you really did shitThinkin you deserve my spot, well thurr it is thenGave niggaz time but now I"m back with a few of my friendsLunatics "bout to do this again, ohhNigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)You should see their faces when I walk in the facilityMean mug, what"s the purpose of you ice-grillin me?You"re killin me but really B, you ain"t on my radarAlways used the right amount of strokes, that"s why I stayed parI ain"t no killer lil" silly nigga but they areYou got the same ride as me but that"s just my day carMy décor, might be Levi"s and a A-R15 G"s in my pocket just to play cardsSo meet me in the casino, way in the backMe and her fleein the scene, away in the "LlacShe say she feelin her bean, a green of a stackShe say she like it obscene, I"m way in the knack{?}In fact, you niggaz ain"t like me, you salty (nah)Me, I"m like pepper cause I spice shit upThe Flavor Flav of the game cause I hype shit upMight call my hundred watt niggaz in to light shit upYou better chillNigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)
2023-07-09 08:34:171

写一篇my hero的英语作文关于霍建华一百字左右

Many words can describe what a hero is, but what is the real meaning of a hero actually? For most, a hero is someone who has contributed something useful to society and he/she can also be a model for others. Itu2019s very noble to be a hero. Many heroes even sacrifice themselves to maintain and defend something. Many heroes have done great things, but we each have our own hero in our heart. For me, she is Inul Daratista. Inul has touched our hearts in Indonesia-- she is such a gorgeous woman to us. She has shown power, strength and greatness as a female.
2023-07-09 08:34:161


q1 :if i were a little girl=如果我是一个小女孩<---这只是一个假设,从来不是一个事实 if i was a little girl=如果我以前是一个小女孩<---这个解释也不是最正确/该是没有解释,因为这句句子的文法完全错误 q2 :你想用「如果我是一个小女孩」作文应该用" if i were a little girl 希望帮到你~ hopefully that i can help u~ 参考: my english knowledges i have learnt 是对和错的分别! 唔会用if I was a little girl 只会讲if I were a little girl。这是鬼佬的习惯,表示呢件事永远唔可能发生,只是一个假设。意思是“如果我是一个小女孩”,而我永远不可能是一个小女孩,“我是一个小女孩”只是一个不可能发生的假设。 另外要留意,不论主语subject是I you we they he she it,系呢种情况下都系用were。 唔明揾返我, 希望帮到你。 参考: w If I were a girl It me 如果我是一个小女孩 2013-02-13 21:04:39 补充: Fot!! If I were a little girl was是is同am的过去式 were是are的过去式 所以是用if i was a little girl 参考: me Types of conditional subjunctive mood clauses involved Probable or Open Condition:- Opposition to present facts:- If--clause Conditional clause Main Clause eg:-If I were a little girl I should have the Time. eg:-If I were a little girl I would not take Chinese Nutrition Milk Powder! eg:-If I were a little girl I could be strong in Chinese New Year with my parents. eg:-If I were a little girl I could have written Q2. eg:-If I were a little girl I might write English better! Was is the past tense of am so i think you should use if i was a little girl.
2023-07-09 08:34:121


尊敬的迅雷用户,您好:1、如是突然出现的情况,建议先重新启动路由器和网络还有电脑尝试。  2、如是迅雷看看播放器缓冲慢,首先需判断是缓冲播放器内“在线媒体”影片慢,还是其他视频网站,例如“迅播”这些合作网站的电影,点击边下边播慢呢?  ①缓冲“在线媒体”的影片慢,则关闭杀软、360、金山、QQ管家、搜狗浏览器等,流量监控软件和具备“网速保护”这个功能的浏览器尝试。  ②登录网页版观看尝试。网址传送:  ③如网页没问题,则卸载当前迅雷看看播放器到 重新下载安装一个最新版本的。(一定要完全卸载再重新安装,避免旧问题被覆盖上了)  ④边下边播其他合作的视频网站缓冲速度慢,则先使用迅雷7下载查看是否也是这么慢。(迅雷7下载也是这么慢,则表示资源少,导致缓冲慢的原因,只能耐心等待,或开通会员加速下载回来进行观看)  ⑤迅雷7下载快,则关闭杀软、360、金山、QQ管家、搜狗浏览器等,流量监控软件和具备“网速保护”这个功能的浏览器尝试。  ⑥卸载当前迅雷看看播放器到 重新下载安装一个最新版本的。(一定要完全卸载再重新安装,避免旧问题被覆盖上了)  3、如是迅雷看看网页(上观看我们的视频缓冲速度慢,则先打开迅雷看看播放器播放“在线媒体”的影片查看是否同样的情况。  ①如迅雷看看播放器没问题,只有网页有问题,请注意是否有下载、有其他视频网站开着占据您的网速影响了。  ②更换一个IE浏览器再重新进入播放尝试。  ③如两者缓冲速度都差不多,请使用360、金山或者安装迅雷7-应用市场内一个名为“网络测速”的应用进行测试网速尝试。希望能帮到您!更多疑问,欢迎您向迅雷网络平台提问。
2023-07-09 08:34:101


JUMP SQ是本(相对而言)新生的杂志,不是什么淘汰收容所只是有些漫画的定位(读者年龄、内容、甚至作者的自身情况等)不适合周刊,移籍了连载的有:作品名 作者 连载开始 连载结束 备注 搞笑漫画日和 増田こうすけ 2007年12月号 ←《MJ》2001年1月号开始连载 猎魔战记 八木教广 2007年12月号 ←《MJ》2001年7月号开始连载 十字架与吸血鬼 seasonII 池田晃久 2007年12月号 ←《MJ》2004年5月号开始连载 信蜂 浅田弘幸 2007年12月号 ←《MJ》2006年10月号开始连载 アキバザイジュウ 稜之大介 2007年12月号 2008年8月号 再生魔人 原作:和月伸宏故事协力:黑崎薰 2007年12月号 清く正しく美しく 原作:ufotable作画:たあたんちぇっく 2007年12月号 2008年3月号 →Web连载 红 kure-nai 原作:片山宪太郎作画:山本ヤマト剧本:子安秀明分镜构成:降矢大辅 2007年12月号 世界の中心で太阳にほえる ポンセ前田 2007年12月号 2008年8月号 →Web连载 罪花罚 三上骨丸 2007年12月号 TISTA 远藤达哉 2007年12月号 2008年8月号 纯真传奇 原作:B.N.G.作画:海童博行 2007年12月号 2008年6月号 →Web连载 龙鸣 原作:NAS作画:木下聪志 2007年12月号 2008年5月号 PARマンの情热的な日々 藤子不二雄u24b6 2007年12月号 兽装部队 片仓·狼组·政宪 2007年12月号 2008年11月号 魔法の料理 かおすキッチン 服部升大 2007年12月号 2009年6月号 →Web连载 まつりスペシャル 神尾叶子 2007年12月号 2009年10月号 Luck Stealer 数肇 2007年12月号 尸鬼 原作:小野不由美作画:藤崎龙 2008年1月号 放课后ウインドu30fbオーケストラ 宇佐悠一郎 2008年4月号 2009年6月号 →增刊《SQ.II》→单行本 穷神 助野嘉昭 2008年7月号 葛本さんちの四兄弟 木下聪志 2008年8月号 2009年7月号 简单易懂的现代魔法 原作:樱坂洋作画:宫下未纪 2008年9月号 2009年10月号 幻覚ピカソ 古屋兔丸 2008年10月号 2010年5月号预定 アイレボ -Ice Revolution- 原作:堤亚弥作画:竹村洋平 2008年12月号 2009年8月号 →Web→单行本 下课后的王子 原作、监修:许斐刚作画:佐仓ケンイチ 2008年12月号 血界战线-魔封街结社- 内藤泰弘 2009年2月号 2009年4月号 短期集中连载 机巧童子ULTIMO 原作:Stan Lee作画:武井宏之 2009年3月号 新网球王子 许斐刚 2009年4月号 每月连载2话 青之除魔师 加藤和惠 2009年5月号 ご指名です! 新条真由 2009年9月号 2009年11月号 短期集中连载 Dust to Dust 一色登希彦 2009年10月号 2009年12月号 短期集中连载 Dr.るっる 前田理想 2009年11月号 驱魔少年 星野桂 2009年12月号 ←《WJ》2004年27号开始连载 しょんぼり温泉 小田扉 2009年12月号 カッコカワイイ宣言! 地狱のミサワ 2010年2月号 娇蛮猫娘大横行 原作:松智洋角色设定:ぺこ作画:矢吹健太朗 2010年2月号 战国BASARA3 -ROAR OF DRAGON- 作画:大贺浅木监修、协力:CAPCOM 2010年3月号 Web连载作品名 作者 连载开始 连载结束 备注 魔炮使黑姬 片仓·狼组·政宪 2007年12月 ←《MJ》2003年7月号开始连载 纯真传奇 原作:B.N.G.作画:海童博行 2008年6月 2008年9月 ←本志 世界の中心で太阳にほえる ポンセ前田 2008年8月 2008年10月 ←本志 清く正しく美しく 原作:ufotable作画:たあたんちぇっく 2008年11月 2009年9月 ←本志 魔法の料理 かおすキッチン 服部升大 2009年6月 ←本志 连载小说作品名 作者 连载开始 连载结束 3年Z组银八先生 原作:空知英秋小说:大崎知仁插画:Sunrise 2007年12月号 2008年5月号 家庭教师HITMAN REBORN! 隐藏弹 原作、插画:天野明小说:子安秀明 2008年6月号 2009年3月号
2023-07-09 08:34:101


不好意思,才看到这个,由于我也没用这个下东西,是现下来研究的,可以同时下载多个任务的啊,是不是你设置问题。我的是英文的,主窗口上面小标题第四个OPTIONS-->setting-->downloads(下载)-->network(第四个)调数字就可以设置了呀。 如果还不能解决的话直接百度消息我吧。~~~
2023-07-09 08:34:091

My Little Girl 歌词

歌曲名:My Little Girl歌手:Jack Johnson专辑:To The SeaJack Johnson - My Little GirlHey, little girlYou might not know this songThis is not the kind of song that you can sing along toBut hey, little girlMaybe some dayAt least that"s what all the good people will sayHey, little girlLook what you"ve doneYou"ve gone and stole my heartAnd made it your ownYou"ve stole my heartAnd made it your ownHey, little girlBlack and white and right and wrongOnly live inside a songI will sing to youYou don"t ever have to feel lonelyYou will never lose any tearsYou don"t have to feel any sadnessWhen you look back on the yearsHow can I look you in the eyes,And tell you such big lies?The best I can do is try to show youHow to love with no fearMy little girlYou"ve gone and stole my heartAnd made it your ownYou stole my heartAnd made it your own
2023-07-09 08:34:051


2023-07-09 08:34:034