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【求助】MISIA—Remember Lady 的歌词!

2023-07-09 11:26:22



5566 / 神话 Shinhwa / Dark

5566 / 哇沙迷 (重新编曲) Rich / 只能说爱你


AiMiNi / 春天的味道----------------爱情有什么道理 / OST

AiMiNi /爱100---------------------新娘18岁 / OST

AiMiNi / 三人------------------------新娘18岁 / OST

阿妹妹 / 失恋秘籍 H.O.T / Candy

阿妹妹 / 如果我是你的电脑 S.E.S / I"m your girl

阿雅 / 如果你爱上我 DJ.DOC / 夏天的故事

阿桑 / 受了点伤 WAX / 因为爱


Boy"Z / I Love Rock"N Roll Arashi / Hey hey lovin" you

Boy"Z / 少年成熟记事薄 Arashi /Lucky Man

贝芳 / 你的好 J / 悲伤的话

BAD / 最后一个拥抱 MC梦 / 在您写给它的信

BAD / 靠近一点 神话 / Young Gunz


陈好 / 我在世界这头 BoA / Jewel Song

陈冠希 / 回头路 H.O.T / Illusion

陈冠希 / 曾亦信 NRG / 热望

陈冠希 / Sorry……sorry--------------------何琳 / Sorry……sorry

陈冠希 / 回头路--------------------H.O.T / Illusion

陈冠希 / 超速游戏 DJ DOC / Run to you

陈冠希 / 有机会(重新编曲) Shinhwa / Change

陈冠希 / 打破沉寂 Shinhwa / Break the silence

陈冠希、容祖儿 / 放任 Shinhwa / Break the silence

陈冠希 / Make it last 1TYM / Make it last

陈冠希、Twins/ 三个人的舞会 高耀太 / 纯情

陈冠希 / 夏日神话 辉星 / 噩梦

陈志朋/舍不得 朴相民/向日葵

陈慧琳 / 飞吧 李允正 / SEDUCE(诱惑)

陈慧琳 / 数到三秒就不哭 徐真英 / 情书

陈慧琳 / *** 星 / 12月32日

陈慧琳 / 情不自禁 Htada Hikaru / Automatic

陈慧琳/伶丁 wax/因为爱

陈慧琳 / lover"s queen 郑日英 / 祈祷

陈文媛 / 野种子 KISS / 因为是女人

陈晓东 / 我要的只是爱 金健模 / 飞去的鸟

陈晓东 / 你那边几点 盛时京 / 回来路上

陈洁仪 / 麻醉 The Classic / Magic Castle

陈小春 / 安全感 Tebo / Twist King

陈慧珊 / 只知我难避开 林昌正 / 我恋

陈奕迅 / 活跃症 朴正源 / Wake Up

陈琳 / 抱紧我,别走 李秀英 / La la la

蔡依琳 / 唱这首歌 李秀英 / Goodday My Love

蔡依林 / 单身公害 朴慧京 / It"s you

陈司翰 / 咳客 刘承俊 / 毒药

陈司瀚 / 嫉妒只是一砾沙 神话 / HERO

草蜢 / Bababa CLON / Gungtari Shabara


杜德伟 / Believe Clon / BingBingBing

杜德伟 / 把你宠坏 TEAM / 别

杜德伟 / I Believe 李秀英 / I Believe

杜德伟 / 像自在的风 J / 像昨日一样

杜德伟 / 着迷 Diva / 为什么叫我

杜德伟 / 为爱存在 金旼钟 / 你一定不知道

杜德伟 / 脱掉 DJ DOC / Run to you

戴爱玲 / 看星星 朴正贤 / 最后的时间

戴爱玲 / 爱了就知道 朴正贤 / 我的一天

[E] (NeverEver在这里+一句:Energy !!我超级无敌地鄙视你!!)

Energy / 呛 李玄道 / pierre

Energy / Missing You FTTS / Missing You

Energy / 无懈可击 JTL / Enter The Dragon

Energy / Come On Shinhwa / Hey,come on!

Energy / 某年某月某一天 Se7en / 回来吧

Energy / 多爱我一天 7 dayz / I Do

Energy /Hey You 神话 /Wilde Eyes

Energy / More than Words 5tion / More than words

Energy / One Time 1TYM / 1TYM

Energy / BOOM (重新编曲) Click - B / Break It

Energy / 末日秀 K-POP / 0.5

Energy-许慧欣-潘玮柏 / Universal Love SmTown / Angel Eyes

EO2 / 我知道 GOD / 路

EO2 / 寻人启事 GOD / 你的安身之处


范逸臣 / I believe 申胜勋 / I Believe(NeverEver说,也就这首可以接受了.......)

范逸臣 / 解释我 准备离别 / 金朝翰

范逸臣 / Piano Piano / 《钢琴》O.S.T.

范逸臣 / 爱太遥远 Sceneries of Riding Bicycle / 我对于你,你对于我(假如爱有天意O.S.T)

范玮琪 / I Think I 星 / I Think I (浪漫满屋OST)


郭凌霞 / 穿过海的声音 徐真英 / 只为你

郭富城 / 成田空港 buck / 成功时代

郭富城 / 无忌 崔正民 / Don"t Be Afraid My Angel

郭富城 / 绝对美丽 WAX / 哥哥

郭富城 / 埋伏 水晶男孩 / Come Back

郭富城 / 寂寞天堂 刘承俊 / 飞展

郭富城 / 月满抱佳人 朴志胤 / 什么都不知道

关心研 / 负担不起 YangPa / Specia Night


黄品源 / 城市情人梦 申承勋 / 看不见的爱

黄伊汶 / 恋爱拼图 Fin.K.L / 红宝石

黒棒 / 散了 1TYM /ONE LOVE

韩雪 / 飘雪 朴孝信 / 雪之花(눈의 꽃)


姜育恒 / 否认 赵城模 / For your soul

姜育恒 / 陌生人 赵冠宇 / 他在远处

姜育恒 / 爱我你怕了嘛? *** / 女人的选择

姜育恒 / 女人的选择 李文世 / 只有她的笑声

姜育恒 / 最爱的人 金玄植 / 我的爱在我身边

姜育恒 / 昨日的行李 patty 金 / 离别

江美琪 / 只有分离 朴勇河 / 只有分离


徐怀钰,刘若英&孔令奇 / 大家来恋爱 高耀太 / 自尊心


LINDA / 衣厨演唱会 GOOFY / 一切都会好

黎明 / 中毒的爱情 赵长旭 / 中毒的爱

黎明 / 女友的男友 李素娜 / 我很幸福

黎明 / 爱比我重要 赵具千 / 给你所有

黎明 / 痴情何需说前尘 申胜勋 / 秋天的回忆

黎明 / 比爱更深的伤痛 赵奎满 / All For You

李瑞恩 / 20世纪不了情 申胜勋 / 秋天的回忆

龙飘飘 / 凄凄意绵绵- 文珠兰 / 男人的悲伤风

刘德华 / 黑蝙蝠中队 JTL / A Better Day

刘德华 / 老夫妻 Namee / 悲伤的记忆

林佑威 / 借口 G.O.D / 谎言

林佑威 / 那条街 *** / ***

李彩桦&叶文辉 / I Believe 申承勋 / I Believe

李彩桦&苏永康 / 意犹未尽 As One / Day By Day

李彩桦 / 正在想念谁 As One / 约定

李玖哲/解脱 Voice /成为你唯一的天使

林志美 / 女人的感觉 KISS / 因为是女子

梁朝伟 / 名字 The Name / The Name

林嘉欣 / Loveholic Loveholic / Loveholic

蓝心湄 / 你的电话 Diva / Joy

林保怡 / 爱不出口 金健模 / 美丽的分离

梁汉文 / 缠绵游戏 申胜勋 / 黑暗中的爱情

罗志祥 / 敢不敢 F-iV / GIRL

罗志祥 / Show Time 1tym / Nasty

罗志祥 / 呛司呛司 S.Papa / My Girl

罗志祥 / 狐狸精 Kiss/接电话

罗志祥 / 有没有 Black beat /想听听

罗志祥/没有你 Rich/从今天开始

罗志祥 / 一无所有 *** / ***

罗志祥 / 灰色空间 韩成民 / 越爱越...(爱有天意O.S.T)

罗志祥 / 这一秒我哭了 Rich / 预先

梁静茹 / 无条件为你 洋葱 / 她心里的我

梁静茹&品冠 / 明明很爱你 Cool / If

林志炫 / 如果不是因为你 金京浩 / 使我悲伤的所有

徐怀钰,刘若英&孔令奇 / 大家来恋爱 高耀太 / 自尊心


莫文尉 / Live Show H.O.T / 你快我慢

莫文尉 / 今天星期几 *** / ***

莫文尉&黄品源 / 那么爱你为什么 Turbo / Always

莫文蔚 / Live Show --------------------H.O.T /你快我慢

马浚伟 / 我最开心--------------------曹成模 / 你知道吗

麻辣鲜师ost / 青春真伟大-------------Cool/Jumpo Mambo

麦浚龙 / 爱上杀手 刘承俊 / Passion

蜜雪薇琪 / 精彩 BabyV.O.X / 期望(心愿)


那英 / 你从未离开 《明成皇后》O.S.T / 如果我离开


潘玮柏 / 不要忘了我 JNC / 过了一天

潘玮柏/ 不得不爱 Free Style / Y(Please Tell Me Why)

潘玮柏/ 禅舞不二 李政 / 看我

潘玮柏 / 我的麦克风 李宰镇 / Double J

潘玮柏 / WuHaWuha Sand Sand Band / Huha Huha

潘玮柏 / How are you Jewelry / How are you

潘玮柏 / 咖喱辣椒 JTL / Bow Wow

潘玮柏 / 声东击西 张佑赫 / Flip Reverse

潘玮柏 / 我们都会错 李基灿 / 感冒

潘玮柏 / I like you like that Se7en / Baby I Like You Like That

潘玮柏 / 说到做到 5tion / come to my love

潘玮柏 / 壁虎漫游 1TYM / 母亲

潘玮柏 / Good Love 1TYM / Good Love

潘玮柏 / Kiss Night Juku Jueng / Kiss

潘玮柏 / Tell Me Jinusean&严贞华 / 告诉我

潘玮柏 / 快乐崇拜 Turtles / Come on

Energy-许慧欣-潘玮柏 / Universal Love SMTown / Angel Eyes

彭琳 / 缠绵游戏 申承勋 / 看不见的爱

品冠&梁静茹 / 明明很爱你 Cool / If


邱泽 / Remember NRG / Remember


容祖儿 / Goodbye J / Goodbye

容祖儿 / *** BoA / 奇迹

容祖儿-陈冠希 / 放任 Shinhwa / Break The Silence

容祖儿 / 小天使 WAX / 改妆

容祖儿 / 相当刺激 J / 影子中的爱情

容祖儿 / 她狠过你 J / 灰

任贤齐 / 一条龙 高耀太 / 纯情

任贤齐 / 匆匆 *** / 再见


孙楠 / I Believe 申承勋 / I Believe

孙楠 / 缘分的天空 申承勋 / Loving you

苏慧伦 / OK!OK DJ.DOC / 美丽与野兽

苏慧伦 / 鸭子 JuJu Club / 我就是我

苏永康&李彩桦/意犹未尽 As One/Day By Day

苏永康 / 还像情人一样 Wax / 拜托

孙悦 / 快乐指南 CLON / Gungtari Shabara

孙悦 / 野火 金贤正 / 离开的你 ...

顺子 / 眷恋 朴正炫 / 无言告别

神秘花园OST / CHA CHA Eugene / CHA CHA


台湾KISS / 当机情人 朴志胤 / Steal Away

台湾KISS / Shut Up Turbo / Nero

台湾KISS / Waiting for you Fin.K.L / Waiting for you

台湾KISS / Dreams come true S.E.S / Dreams Come True

台湾KISS / *** 严正华 / Taticn

台湾KISS / 给我自由 严正华 / 招待

台湾KISS / 看着办 严正华 / 呼吸,图片,寻找

婷婷 / Miss you 就跳舞 水晶男孩 / 恋人

婷婷 / 爱的胜利 DJ.DOC / 与DOC共舞

TWINS、陈冠希 / 三个人的舞会 高耀太 / 纯情

Tension /离歌 SG Wanna Be /Timeless

谭咏麟 / 爱在深秋 赵容必 / ***

邰正宵 / 幸运儿 游车河 / 我对于你,你对于我(假如爱有天意O.S.T)


王心凌 / 失恋歌迷党 S"MAX / Anrunha

王心凌 / 爱你 Papaya / 听我说

王心凌 / 往幸福出发吧 Sweet / July

王心凌 / On My Way J / 8318

王心凌 / As time goes by T / 时光流逝

王心凌 / 这... Dana / Diamond

王心凌 / honey 李贞贤 / Summer Dance

王喜 / 我信 Brown Eyes / 已是一年

吴建豪 / 你不爱我爱谁 GOD / 爱你,并记住你

吴建豪 / 想象十个你 4U / in my life

WEWE / Happy Day 严正华 / Festival

王杰 / 找一个地方 H.O.T / A Song For Lady

汪佩容 / 你真难忘 Fin.K.L / Blue Rain

温岚 / 爱太急 Misia / BELIEVE

丸子 / *** 金健模 / 燕子

我的秘密花园的主题曲 Eugene / Cha Cha


许慧欣 / 失恋不败 Diva / Action

许慧欣 / 突然想起你 J / 昨日一样

许慧欣 / 孤单芭蕾 李贞贤 / 疯

许慧欣 / 快乐为主 李允正 / 打电话给我

许慧欣 / 爱情抗体 Brown Eyes / 已是一年

许慧欣-许志安 / 恋爱频率 Cool / Aloha

许慧欣 / 我美丽的爱情 *** / ***

许慧欣 / 7月7日晴 *** / ***

许慧欣 / 爱的原味 *** / ***

Energy-许慧欣-潘玮柏 / Universal Love SmTown / Angel Eyes

许志安 / 我还能爱谁 金闵钟 / You"re my life

徐怀钰 / Call Me Fin.K.L / 给我的男朋友

徐怀钰 / I can"t cry Fin.K.L / Sad Tears

徐怀钰 / 妙妙妙 Clon / ***

徐怀钰 / 怪兽 Diva / 天地之美

徐怀钰 / 等不及 刘承俊 / 拜托了

徐怀钰 / 誓言 Roo"Ra / ***

徐怀钰 / 天使 Turbo / 制造回忆

徐怀钰 / 有关系 Jinusean,严贞华 / 告诉我

徐怀钰,刘若英&孔令奇 / 大家来恋爱 高耀太 / 自尊心

徐婕儿 / 爱之初 BoA / Happiness

徐婕儿 / 没有你的每一天 KISS / 因为是女人

萧亚轩 / Cappuccino J / The Very Scent Of You

萧亚轩 / 长话短说 As One / Destiny"s Desire

萧亚轩 / 静静的看你(你就不能唱的好听点嘛?) JTL / From Fan

小雪 / 冒险 Fin.K.L / Now

小雪 / Listen To My Heart BoA / Listen To My Heart

许绍洋 / 希望你还在 金玄武 / Heaven

信乐团 / 死了都要爱 朴完奎 / 千年之爱

信乐团 / 假如 李承哲 / 神的嫉妒

范晓萱 / 冒险 Fin.K.L / Now

辛晓琪 / 祈祷 郑日英 / 祈祷

辛晓琪 / 永远 李秀英 / Never Again

辛晓琪 / 邂逅 姜哲 / 走向我

辛晓琪 / 火花 刘列合 / 火花

辛晓琪 Reason /《蓝色生死恋》O.S.T

You Can"t Say /《夏娃的诱惑》O.S.T


邂逅的那天 /《情定大饭店》O.S.T

…… 十几首韩剧主题曲


杨千桦 / 什么都不怕 朴慧金 / 订购

杨家成 / Lie 曹诚模 / 谎言

杨家成,小雅 / 爱你哟 Cool / 口香糖

yummy / yummy,yummy 李正 / It Will Carry To See

叶文辉,李彩桦/ I Believe 申承勋 / I Believe

叶文辉 / 别在打听 金贤哲 / Must Say Goodbye

叶文辉 / my memory 冬季恋歌ost/ my memory

叶文辉 / 月亮河 *** / ***


郑希怡 / 技术性击倒 李贞贤 / 月亮啊月亮

郑秀文 / 煞科 李贞贤 / 换掉

郑秀文 / 眉飞色舞 李贞贤 / 换掉

郑秀文 / 独一无二 李贞贤 / 哇

郑秀文 / 独家试唱 李贞贤 / 哇

郑秀文 / 808 林贤正 / 初恋

郑秀文 / 神化 李贞贤 / 你

郑秀文 / 天衣无缝 李贞贤 / 你

郑秀文 / 说清楚 赵诚模 / 决心

张惠妹 / 勇敢 韩国网络游戏《A3》主题曲:《等待的尽头是你》

张惠妹 / 看见自己 韩国网络游戏《A3》主题曲 / When I Fell"in Blue

张惠妹 / 真实 金玄武 / 愿望

张智成 / May I Love U T / 一天又一天

张智成 / 凌晨三点钟(前奏+间奏) JTL / From Fan

张智成 / 明知故问 J - Walk / Suddenly

张学友 / 礼物 Rich / 只能说爱你

张学友 / 头发乱了 朴镇荣 / Honey

张学友 / 如果不爱你 who / 就像第一天

周媛 / 第一次 WAX / 补装

张智霖 / 祝君好 林昌正 / Smile Again

张信哲 / 从开始到现在 崔真永 / 从开始到现在

张信哲 / 如果你愿意 金闵钟 / 等待爱情

张信哲 / 白月光 林亨柱 / 何月歌

张信哲 / 心情卡片 赵冠宇 / 天,大海,树,星星的故事

郑中基 / 天意 金正民 / 悲伤的约定

中国娃娃/*** 高耀太 / Happy Song

郑中基 / 做梦太早 复活 / Never Ending Story





途切れ 途切れに 覚えた



呼び覚まして 语りかける

走りゆく日々に Remember Lady I Remember Lady

梦は淡く过ぎて行くけど Remember Lady I Remember Lady


迷い 迷いに 选んだ


忘れないさ 眩しい微笑み

変わらぬまま 热く胸に

変わりゆく日々に Remember Lady I Remember Lady

时は无情に过ぎて行くけど Remember Lady I Remember Lady


喜びと悲しみ それの缲り返し それでもまた明日を探して行く

手に入れては手放し それの缲り返し そしていつも何かを求める

许しては戦い それじゃ缲り返し それでもまだ人を信じている

出会ってはさよなら それの缲り返し だけどまた谁かを爱してく

走りゆく日々に Remember Lady I Remember Lady

梦は淡く过ぎて行くけど Remember Lady I Remember Lady


変わりゆく日々に Remember Lady I Remember Lady

时は无情に过ぎて行くけど Remember Lady I Remember Lady



Remember Me

Don"t forget to remember me

Don"t forget to remember me (x2)

Please keep me in your heart

If we ever have to part

Don"t forget (get get) to remember me

(T.I.: Verse 1)

Ey the king modern day MLK ?

I"m officially the freshest don"t dare forget

I"m gone, momentarily don"t bear me yet

Like ali got I got title back prepare for dat

When the world needed tip

Ask where he was it

But where he need something back

Nigga fade to black

Talking shit behind his back

You a hater for that

I"m don"t expect nothing less

In the game with chess you think 5 moves ahead and not behind

Niggas jumped up cheered when I got my time

Like yeah, one whole year I got in the grind

But get me losing off your mind

Shorty may I remind you

That there aint another nigga who done been through what I been through

Time aftter time again you better get some ? in you

When you said it was over for him and you thought he couldn"t continue to floss

Heres to your memory loss


(Mary J. Blige: Chorus)

Don"t forget (get get) to remember me (x2)

Please keep me in your heart

If we ever have to part

Don"t forget forget to remember me

(T.I.: Verse 2)

They say out of sight is out of mind

And 9 times out of 10 me and (out of pocket out of line) ?

You do it big everybody that you out shined

Then your old lady fate talk about how he got fine

She say she trying to get away

He say about time

Right now we all thinking damn hope it not mine

But when its lights out for you and you locked down

Aint not telling whether or not your lady when and got down

With that nigga ? town cause he hot now

Ripping up your love letters, lifting up her night gown

Right now somebody baby moma gettin piped down

Kids in the next room listening, ima pipe down

The thought hurt don"t it

But maybe she strong enough for aint get that lonely cause you wasn"t gone long enough


Its just a temporarily setback

Its on when I get back

Please don"t forget dat

(Mary J. Blige: Chorus)

Don"t forget to remember me

Don"t forget (please don"t) to remember me

Please keep me in your heart

If we ever have to part

Don"t forget (get get) to remember me

(Mary J. Blige: Verse 1)

I don"t mean to feel like this

Don"t mean to think like this

My heart just has to be shown

That the love that I give to you

That"s the love that I get from you

I need to be safe and secure

Don"t forget don"t forget to remember me

Please remember me

Everything I bring to this love love

Please keep me in your heart

If we ever have to part

Don"t forget (get) to remember me

Don"t you ... forget about me


Never Again 这字母是什么意思

2023-07-09 08:46:373

never again什么意思

2023-07-09 08:46:454

《Never Again》—Justin Timberlake 歌词的中文翻译

2023-07-09 08:46:591

岩代太郎的《never again》这首歌曲的中文意思以及日文歌词 谢谢了 会日语的朋友

是这个么?Never Again 永不重现Drownin" away from the start to the end(我)自始至终被淹没沉溺And you"re sailing away而你扬帆远离and nowhere else to strain毫无牵绊(留恋)Come and take my all away来吧 也将我的一切带走So far away from the start to the end自始至终 你我相隔遥远And everything seems so veiled and blue而一切如此隐晦且忧郁Run away, sail away逃离吧,远航吧You"re the one to have and love and shame你是我的所有,所爱,与所耻Will you be mine你会属于我吗Come and take来吧 带走这一切We will be far away(既然)我们将相隔日涯Never again I"ll find someone else永不重现 我将找到另一个人kiss me goodbye to the end(请)与我吻别直到最终Worst I"m alone to despair end up最差的结局不过我失望孤独至死in crazy for the love to insane从为爱痴狂到全面崩溃Never again I"ll love someone else永不重现 我将爱上另一个人Please be mine till the end请和我相伴直到最终This is our last night I"m fallin"in love这是我与你相爱的最后一个夜晚your lips,your soul,your eyes,你的双唇,你的灵魂,你的眼your arms,your hairs, your heart你的臂弯,你的头发,你的心our love, our mind我们的爱情,我们的理智
2023-07-09 08:47:091


2023-07-09 08:47:151

never again 歌词

Would have given up my life for youGuess it"s true what they say about loveIt"s blindGirl, you lied straight to my faceLooking in my eyesAnd I believed you "cause I loved you more than lifeAnd all you had to doWas apologizeYou didn"t say you"re sorryI don"t understandYou don"t care that you hurt meAnd now I"m half the manThat I used to be when it was you and meYou didn"t love me enoughMy heart may never mendAnd you"ll never get to love me, againNo, no, no, no, no, noSadness has me at the end of the lineHelpless watched you break this heart of mineAnd loneliness only wants you back here with meCommon sense knows that you"re not good enough for meAnd all you had to doWas apologize, and mean itBut you didn"t say you"re sorryI don"t understandYou don"t care that you hurt meAnd now I"m half the manThat I used to be when it was you and meYou didn"t love me enoughMy heart may never mendAnd you"ll never get to love meIt"s like hell I could go back in timeMaybe then I could see howForgiveness says that I should give you one more tryBut it"s too late, it"s over nowYou didn"t say you"re sorryI don"t understandYou don"t care that you hurt meAnd now I"m half the manThat I used to be when it was you and meYou didn"t love me enoughMy heart may never mendAnd you"ll never get to love meAgainAgain, yeah, yeahAgain, again, again, yeah, yeah, yeahNever get to love me
2023-07-09 08:47:233

KAT-TUN的never again的歌词

What"s up girls? Feel up! Come on! Bringin" on baby My girls Bounce. Come on! Never love again,Yeah. One more chance くれない もうChance. This situation. Frastrate. On me. I never understand 若过ぎたのさ 优しさだけじゃ爱せないから Easy come easy go 本当のことは そう简単に话せないよ Never forget everything you said to me Never forget everything you"ve done to me ためらいの迷路で 彷徨う二人 明日からは 想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さない どんなつらいことからも 爱を守る You"re never gonna get my love again あきらめてた恋なのに… 肿れた目盖に口付けるBaby 运命は No fake Three. Two. One. Never again. Oh yeah baby. Comin" here. Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on! Everything もう一度 すべてを许し合うのさ I believe 今なら间に合う さびついた Memory I never understand 若过ぎたのさ 优しさだけじゃ 爱せないから You are my everything あきらめてた恋なのに… 今なら言えるただ I Love you 运命は No fake 想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さない どんなつらいことからも 爱を守る You"re never gonna get my love again あきらめてた恋なのに… 运命は さよならだけ言わないで このままでは终われない 感じたまま濡れた瞳(め)は 本当の気持ち You"re never gonna get my love again あきらめてた恋なのに…运命は No fake No fake. No pain. Joker in a houce show. And a tiger. Never again. Love again. 君は俺の甘い Honey toste.
2023-07-09 08:47:315

i would never again take my home for granted的语法点?

take sth for granted认为……理所当然would是will的过去式,表示在过去的某个时间说将来会怎样 never again再也不会
2023-07-09 08:47:452

谁能将贾斯汀的never again 这首歌翻译一下?

2023-07-09 08:47:522

谁能将贾斯汀的never again 这首歌翻译一下?

Never Gone别走 Backstreet Boys I really miss you真心的思念你 There"s something that I gotta say有些事情我要提起 The things we did我们做过的事情 The things we said我们说过的话语 Keep coming back to me回到我身边 and make me smile again再次让我的笑容展现 You showed me how, to face the truth你让我明了如何面对真实 Everythings thats good in me I owe to you你是我一切美好的源泉 Though the distance thats between us now may seem to be too far我们之间的距离看来太过遥远 It will never seperate us deep inside I know you are但我知道我们的心就在咫尺之间 Never Gone, never far in my heart is where you are别走,不让你在我的心中远游 Always close, everyday, every step along the way只要靠近,每天,每一步沿着这条路走 Even though for now we"ve got to say goodbye即使现在我们会分手 I know you will be forever in my life (Yeah)我知道你我将会天长地久 Never gone (no no no no no)别走,no no no no no I walk alone, these empty streets虽然独行于空荡的街道 There is not a second you"re not here with me却能感觉你分分秒秒 The love you gave, the grace you"ve shown你给予的爱,你展现的美 Will always give me strength and be my corner stone总是给我力量让我攀登得更高 So how you found a way to see the best I have in me你总能发现我的优点,这究竟有什么奥妙? As long as time goes on, I swear to you that you will be我发誓只要时间运转我会对你好 Never Gone, never far in my heart is where you are Always close, everyday, every step along the way Even though for now we"ve got to say goodbye I know you will be forever in my life (Yeah) Never gone (no no no no no) If theres one thing I believe若我相信一件事 I believe我相信 I will see you somewhere down the road again我们还要相会在某处
2023-07-09 08:47:591

跪求昼颜的主题曲《never again》钢琴谱不知道里面有没有希望对你有帮助
2023-07-09 08:48:192

Never Again 歌词

Would have given up my life for you Guess it"s true what they say about love, it"s blind Girl, you lied straight to my face lookin" in my eyes And I believed you ‘cause I loved you more than life And all you had to do was apologize You didn"t say you"re sorry I don"t understand You don"t care that you hurt me And now I"m half a man That I used to be when it was you and me You didn"t love me enough My heart may never mend And you"ll never get to love me again No, no, no, no Sadness has me at the end of the line Helpless watched you break this heart of mine And loneliness only wants you back here with me Common sense knows you"re not good enough for me And all you had to do was apologize and mean it But you didn"t say you"re sorry I don"t understand You don"t care that you hurt me And now I"m half a man That I used to be when it was you and me You didn"t love me enough My heart may never mend And you"ll never get to love me It"s like hell, I can"t go back in time Maybe then I could see how Forgiveness says that I should give you one more try But it"s too late, it"s over now Hey...ooh.. You didn"t say you"re sorry I don"t understand You don"t care that you hurt me And now I"m half a man That I used to be when it was you and me You didn"t love me enough My heart may never mend And you"ll never get to love me again, yeah Never get to love me
2023-07-09 08:48:581

never againz中文翻译

2023-07-09 08:49:053

哪位知道李秀英Never Again这首歌的中文和音译?谢谢!

李秀英 NEVER AGAIN作曲 : Mgr 作词 : Mgr 말론 다 못하겠죠 이 내 마음을 처음 그대 보았을 때 생각이 나요U2@9z.Cw어렵살이 키워온 나의 사랑은 이대로 묻어야 겠죠 없던 것 처럼그대만을 바라보는 그녀는 어떻해fS1J7{0Qj눈물 삼키며 Say Good bye 이럴 수 밖에 없는 나 원망스러워4~bdxz(S"Wo(W$Zx G내게 남은 시간 그대와 할 수 있다면 마지막 내곁을 그대가 지켜준다면 정말 기쁘게 떠날 수 있을텐데돌아가요 이미 늦었잖아요 지금도 그녀는 그대를 기다려요행복한 모습 지켜 볼 수 있게 해줘 please Let me go"l9x ? M/Ev8L!n그대만을 믿고 있는 그녀를 지켜요눈물 삼키며 say good bye 행복 하길 바래요 얼마 안돼는#es zo9S내게 남은 시간 기쁘게 살아 갈께요 그대라는 사람 만난건 하늘이 내게 주신 마지막 선물이란 걸 알아%n ] t7} } C t} 돌아가요 이미 늦었잖아요 지금도 그녀는 그대를 기다려요cvI;d"wub:_ON행복한 모습 지켜 볼 수있게 해줘 please Let me go You"ll have to forget me5V6puh-r&kj!k d~말로 못한 내 진심은 잊어요 붙잡고 싶지만 이내 슬퍼 할 그대를 볼 순 없어 나 그냥 혼자 갈께요B9c$_,te@3{ tId6Rcl-[ c我想起第一次看见自己的时候的心情,无法用语言表达,努力培养到现在的爱情,就这样被埋葬,就想从来就没有过一样。 zz"~}6eU;D}8]}^1R2ES!E那时侯看见的那个女孩怎么办?Say Good bye我没有别的办法,只能埋怨自己流下伤心的泪水。%v7s3zH b%l如果在我最后剩下的时间里,你能在我身边,我真的会高兴地离开。 0e7rC7d+Dkf_-]~G _请回去吧,已经晚了,可是那个女孩还在等待,让我能看到你幸福的面容。please Let me go )f Y)In*Bl Cy/g Va:SYF相信会有那一天,流着伤心的泪水,Say Good bye 希望你能幸福。 $Ta a1]#虽然不剩多少时间,但我会很高兴地活下去。我知道那时侯遇见的那个人,是上天给我的最后的礼物。 请回去吧,已经晚了,可是那个女孩还在等待,让我能看到你幸福的面容。please Let me go &h2Y U9~bqfYou"ll have to forget memallon da mot hagetjyo ee naemaeumeul choheum geudae boasseul ddae saeng gaki nayoohryupsari kiwohon naeh sarangeun eedaero moodohya getjyo opdon got chohromgeudaemaneul baboneun geunyohneun ohddohge nunmool samkimyohsay goodbye. eerol su bakeh obneun na wonmangseurohwoh.naege nameun shigan geudaewa halsu itdamyon majimak naegyocheulgeudaega jikyoh jundamyon jongmal gibbeuge ddohnal su isseultendedolagayo imi neujohtjanayo jigeumdo geunyohneun geudaereul gidalyohyohaengbokhan moseup jikyoh bol suitge haejwoh plz let me go.geudaemaneul midgo itneun geunyohreul jikyohyo nunmool samkimyohsay goodbye haengbok hagil baraeyoolma ahndwehneun naege nameun shigan gibbeuge sala galkeyogeudaeraneun saram man nangon haneuli naege jushin majimak sonmooliran gol aladolagayo imi neujohtjanayo jigeumdo geunyohneun geudaereul gidalyohyohaengbokhan moseup jikyoh bol suitge haejwoh plz let me"ll have to forget memallo mot han nae jinshimeun ijohyo bootjapgo shipjimaneenae seulpoh hal geudaereul bol sun obssohna geunyang honja galkeyo
2023-07-09 08:49:121

这段歌词是什么意思 贾斯汀的never again

2023-07-09 08:49:192


2023-07-09 08:49:273

后街男孩dont wanna lose you now的歌词

歌曲:Don"t Wanna Lose You Now 歌手:Backstreet Boys i never thought that i would lose my mindthat i could control thisnever thought that i"d be left behindthat i was stronger than you, babygirl if only i knew what i"ve doneyou know, so why don"t you tell meand i, i would bring down the moon and the sunto show how much i caredon"t wanna lose you nowbaby, i know we can win this don"t wanna lose you nowno no, or ever againi"ve got this feeling you"re not gonna stayit"s buring within methe fear of losing of slipping awayit just keeps getting closer, babywhatever reason to leave that i"ve hadmy place was always beside youand i wish that i didn"t need you so badyour face just won"t go awaydon"t wanna lose you nowbaby, i know we can win this don"t wanna lose you nowno no, or ever againdon"t wanna lose you nowi never thought that i would lose my mindthat i could control this yeahnever thought that i"d be left behindthat i was stronger than youoh....don"t wanna lose lonlinessgirl i know we can windon"t want to lose to emptinessoh, nonever againdon"t wanna lose you now, babygirl i know we can win thisdon"t wanna lose you nowno no or ever againdon"t wanna lose you nowi know we can win thisdon"t wanna lose you nowno no or ever againdon"t wanna lose you now
2023-07-09 08:49:353

never again和not anymore

不再,再也不就是not any more 用again就是not.again
2023-07-09 08:49:421

I love you .Never before and never again .这句话是什么意思?

2023-07-09 08:50:012

2023-07-09 08:50:081


B what U wanna BBurning--玛丽亚·亚瑞唐多Time To Say Goodbye--莎拉·布莱曼U-Go-Girl (With Nassun)--李孝利Tonight,I feel close to you--仓木麻衣Just One Last Dance--莎拉·蔻娜Me&U--CassieStraight Through My Heart--后街男孩everybody--后街男孩自己觉得还不错,推荐给你听一下喽~
2023-07-09 08:50:161


1 韩国十大感人MV MV:KISS《因为是女子》主演:申玄俊 一位年轻的摄影师在街上拍摄时,碰巧拍到了一位清纯的女孩,女孩儿眼睛不幸坏掉了,摄影师把自己的眼睛给了这位女孩儿,在某一天,女孩儿碰到了这位盲人,拿着拐棍,从她身边慢慢走过...... 2、韩国十大感人MV MV:once upon a day(思娘)主演:宋慧乔 宋承宪 这是继《KISS》后的另一个非常感人的MTV。音乐电影《思娘》全片远赴加拿大拍摄,仅仅九分钟的长度却花下五亿多韩币。《思娘》不仅画面唯美,更有回肠荡气的剧情。精彩的飞行镜头、壮观的特效场面,演绎出多场催人泪下的场面。 3、韩国十大感人MV MV:《饥渴的爱》主演:郑宇成 全智贤 这首MTV是韩国影星郑宇成,全智贤主演的。MTV讲述女杀手的爱情故事,最后她说了一句:“不要动摇,我没有爱情。”注定他们悲伤爱情的结局。 4、韩国十大感人MV MV:《蓝色生死恋》主演:宋慧乔 宋承宪 《蓝色生死恋》是个让人感动至深的故事,让无数人感动流泪。故事讲述一对不是亲兄妹的兄妹,在儿时分开之后,最终又碰到一起,两人相爱了,但是困难重重,最后女孩儿得病去世了,而谁也不能没有谁,他们在天堂里相聚了...... 5、韩国十大感人MV MV:《那小子真帅》主演:宋承宪 郑多彬 一个家境殷实、相貌出众却脾气暴躁、桀骜不驯的高中四大天王之一的家伙,喜欢上了一个丑小鸭般的普通女生。女主角由郑多彬饰演,可惜她在今年2月自杀了,虽然长相很一般,但是演技很不错,有着众多粉丝。 6、韩国十大感人MV MV:《天国的阶梯》主演:权相宇 崔智友 恶毒的继母和继姐妹、青梅竹马的男女主角、失忆、两男两女的四角恋、女主角的不治之症,这些元素可以说是韩国悲剧的必备筹码,然而男一号权相宇和女一号“悲剧女王”崔智友的表演,造就重磅催泪弹。 7、韩国十大感人MV MV:《不再》主演:申玄俊 钟丽缇 Never Again是韩国代表歌手李秀英的经典作品,讲述钟丽缇病发,被和女友开车经过的申贤俊看到,然后送到医院。钟丽缇不治过世,申贤俊负担起抚养那个孩子的义务。 8、韩国十大感人MV mv:《泪》主演:金泰佑 李惠庆 飞机事故女主角走了,男主角也同时发生了车祸。也许两个真心相爱的人真的会彼此心灵感应。也许,总是悲剧的故事让人感动。 9、韩国十大感人MV MV:《Must Say Goodbye》主演:全智贤 两个陌生男女通过一个邮箱互相留信件而不断联系,但最终信的交流却结束了,因为那个男主角...... 10、韩国十大感人MV MV:《再见,我的爱》主演:裴勇俊 由情歌王子曹城模演唱,剧中没带眼镜短头发的裴勇俊饰演一个普通邮递员,被一个邻家女孩儿喜欢,但是惹上了当地地痞,女孩不幸身亡......
2023-07-09 08:50:231

英文纹身never again vxx什么意思?

2023-07-09 08:50:301

一首男声英文歌 忘记了名字

rythem of the rain
2023-07-09 08:50:382


本公子给你解答吧 HOHOHOHO~~~~有歌词的 The room of angel(歌词很赞...相当经典,极力推荐) Your rain(风格挺明快的...)You"re Not Here(极度吵人 不咋吓人)、 Cradel of Forest(声音我不是很欣赏...)、没歌词的:个人认为风格诡异的 :Wounded Warsong 、 Silent hill 、Null moon 、 Killing time、 Silent Circus(虽然总是一个调调...)、Don`t cry、Drops of Silence、Silent Heaven、Fermata in Mistic Air(不错)、She(还行)、Alone in the Town(嗯..)、Tears of...(这名字..)、Never Again(没啥调子..)、Memory Of The Waters、Innocent Moon、Rain Of Blass Petals(乐器混杂...)、Fever Chill重金属的(吵人~~):Terror in the Depths of Fog、 The Reverse Will(中间有一些说唱...?)、 Promise 、Waverer(有点诡异..)、Theme of Laura(欢快)、贴个SUN的歌词:SunIn the beginning people had nothing,世界之始,人类无所依靠,Their bodies ached and their hearts held nothing but hatred.只有疼痛与除了仇恨就一无所有的心灵They fought endlessly but death never came他们永不间断地战斗但死亡却从未来临They despaired stuck in the eternal quagmire他们绝望地堕入永恒的困局之中A man offered a serpent to the sun, and prayed for salvation.一个男人向太阳祭献了一条蛇,并为拯救人类而祈祷A woman offered a reed to the sun, and asked for joy.一个女人向太阳祭献了一株芦苇,并请求获得欢乐Feeling pity for the sadness that had overrun the earth为那侵占了大地的悲伤感到哀怜God was born from those two people.那两个人孕育出了上帝God made time and divided it into day and night.上帝创造了时间,并将它划分为白昼与黑夜God outlined the road to salvation and gave people joy.上帝概述出了拯救人类的路并将欢乐带给人类And God took endless time away from the people.并从人类身上带走永恒的时间God created beings to lead people in obedience to her.上帝创造顺从她的生物去带领世人The red God Xuchlibari红神XuchlibariThe yellow God Lobsil Vith黄神Lobsil VithMany Gods and Angels诸神与天使Finally God set out to create paradise,最后上帝着手创造天堂Where people would be happy by just being there.人类作为生物在那里生活会得到快乐But there God"s strength ran out and she collapsed但上帝的力量在那里用尽了,而她也随之瓦解All the world"s people grieved this unfortunate event.全世界的人追悼了这次不幸的事件Yet God breathed her last,然而上帝呼出了她最后的一口气,She returned to the dust promising to come again.她一边许诺会重临一边回归尘土So God hasn"t been lost,所以上帝并没有死去We must offer her prayers and not forget our faith.我们必须向他祷告并且不能忘记我们的信念We wait in hope for the day...我们怀着希望等待这这天的到来When the path to paradise will be opened.那时通往天堂的道路将会开启来源:都是从QQ音乐上找的 至于那些歌词我也不知道怎么回事儿.....将就着听吧 感觉专辑3、4的阴暗音乐比较多
2023-07-09 08:50:541

找一首欧美的歌,不算劲爆,但很有节奏感,只记得有句重复很多遍的歌词,(so so so sorry so so so sorry

应该是 she"s so sorry吧we started out okay,but you through it all away,my god what"s going on in your head!for all we could"ve foundjust to let it hit the ground,but i"m good and done, we"re over and dead.and yes i"m leaving you it"s obviousso wipe that stupid look right off of your faceget out of my way,what did she say she"s so so get out of my way,what did she say she"s so so sorryshe said i wanna start over todaytake me back again.get out of my way,what did she say she"s so so sorry. she try to shift the god are you insane,and i"m sorry babe is all you can sayyou"ve made a mess beforei kept coming back for morecause i never thought you"d end it this wayand yes i"m leaving you it"s obviousso wipe that stupid look right off of your faceget out of my waywhat did she say she"s so so get out of my way what did she say she"s so so sorryshe said i wanna start over today take me back again.get out of my way what did she, say she"s so so sorry.and that"s all that i can sayif you"ve never been let downthen this story"s far from overeverything comes back aroundso be careful what you saywhat goes up gotta come downdon"t be taken back it"s all because of youget out of my way what did she say she"s so so get out of my way what did she say, she"s so so sorryshe said i wanna start over today take me back again.get out of my way what did she say, she"s so so sorrynever againnever againwhat"d she say outt of my way,what did i tell her, what"d i tell herwhat"d she say outt of my way,what did i tell her, what"d i tell her
2023-07-09 08:51:183


When You Believe Mariah Carey On My Way Home ENYA By My Side 林一峰 let me love you Mario Because I love you Shakins Stevens I Want To Know What Love Is Foreigner - Baby One More Time BritneySpears Better man Robbie Williams Heal the world Michael jackson Scarborough fair 世界排名前十经典英文歌曲Promises don"t come easy Moon River Over the rianbow Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Because I love you I will always love you Scarbourgh fair Sound of Silence yestoday once more The one you love 今年大多数人爱听的:1)Avril-girlfriend: Avril在中国的名气还是不小的,今年到处都在放girlfriend...你要说你没听过我也没话说... 2)Ne yo-Because Of You: Neyo在So Sick之后的节奏感相当强的美声说唱 3)Akon-Sorry,Blame It On Me: 不要一提到Akon就想起Dont Matter,这首歌是Akon在一次对歌迷的暴力行为后的道歉,旋律相当的诚恳,可以听下. 4)Beyonce-Irreplaceable: 在美国的大街小巷,连小孩都会插着腰哼"You must not know about me, You must not know about me",你怎么能不听一下这首07年度全球最火的RNB呢? 5)Daughtry-Home: Chris Daughtry将抒情摇滚走向了极致,虽然声音不沙哑,但应该是远远超越Hinder的Lips Of An Angle了. 6)Maroon 5-Wont Go Home Without You: 轻而易举一个优美的假声,再加上轻松舒适的旋律,主唱性感的光头造型,这就是Maroon 5. 7)Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry: 这是黑眼豆豆主唱Fergie的一首比较柔和的歌,同样推荐这张专辑里的Glamorous. 8)Alicia Keys-No One: 舒缓而又强烈的节奏,简单的歌词,哑而不沙的声线,再也找不到第二个Alicia Keys了. 9)Carrie Underwood-Before He Cheats: 乡村女王,感谢AI提拔了这个人才. 10)Amy Winehouse-Back to Black: 许多人都预计,Amy会凭着这首歌在今年的Grammy上大红大紫. 11)Keith Urban-I told you s 就是我常提起的那个进戒毒所的孩子...这是首牛仔味十足的乡村,相当有意思. 12)Rascal Flatts-Me And My Gang: 提到乡村不能不提RF,十分年轻,十分有活力. 13)Taylor Swift-Our Song: 十七岁出道,自己写歌的乡村才女. 14)Jordin Sparks-Tatt 此人同样来自AI,人们都说Tatto有模仿Irreplaceable的嫌疑.但是不能否认这首歌很好听. 15)Rihanna , Jay-Z-Umbrella 16)Justin Timberlake-What goes around 17)Elliott Yamin-Wait For You 18)Blake Lewis-I got U 19)The Hoosier-Worried About Ray 20)Soujia Boy-Crank That:歌倒不怎么样,这段舞全球出名. 21)Plain White Ts-Hey There Delilah: 很慢很干净 22)Leona Lewis-Bleeding Love: X Factor第一届冠军,历程与Kelly Clarkson极其相似,特别是当她唱A moment Like This的时候 23)Shayne Ward-No U Hang Up: 人很帅,这首歌表现的是热恋中的孩子们的缠绵,打电话时"你先挂""不,你先挂" 24)Craig David-Hot Stuff 25)Kelly Clarkson-Never Again:除了这首歌,她这张专辑里几乎没什么动听的了...和前两张专辑根本不能比. 26)Linkin Park-what Ive done: 本来一听以为是变形金刚主题曲,一查真的是,听说Minutes To Midnight卖得很好...鄙人认为觉得这张专辑很吵,这个组合一直很吵,还不是很舒服的那种吵,同学告诉我这是灵魂的呐喊,还能听着这入睡呢...神阿...喜欢LP的可以下了听 27)GreenDay-Working Class Her 由于上学期有个叫徐深灵的孩子有一段时间天天循环播放Wake me up when september ends,那以后本人对Greenday已经没有好感了,但这首歌拯救了他们在我心目中的地位. 28)Kanye West-Stronger 29)Britney Spears-Gimme More: 很有感觉的快歌,本人更喜欢这张专辑里Toy Soldier,把鼓发挥到了极致. 30)Beyonce , Shakira-Beautiful Liar: 很建议去下这首歌的MV,只能说这两个女人都很拉美,都很性感. 劲舞团里的英文歌曲:上帝是个女孩倾我所有起立瓶中精灵今晚,我感觉离你很近YearTomorrowThrillerThe Day You Went AwayShut UpPretty BoyOne LoveNumbNobody"s FoolNo WorriesMy LoveLet"s Get Loud-usLet"s Get It StartedI Want It That WayI need youEverbodyEnd RollDragostea Din TeiDistanceCorazon De MelaoBreaking The Habitblue_all riseBlack Blck HeartBecause Of YouBaby One More TimeAutomaticAs Long As You Love MeYellowWe Will Rock Youup downTwist KingTrickTonighttime lessSweet Dreamsuper starSteal AwaySo Sicksk8er_boiShinysex bombSay good byeRuntoyouOne Summer NightOhSunnyOh my ladyNight SongMagic carpet ridelove songLove AgainLalala love songJAMPIt is rainIn Da ClubI still loving youI Love U Oh Thank UGet the party starteaDeep DeepCyber LoverColor Your Soulanyclub 祝 你 上 网 开 心 ,听 歌 愉 快 !
2023-07-09 08:51:261

Public Image Ltd的《Low Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Low Life歌手:Public Image Ltd专辑:Public Image (2011 - Remaster)PoisonBlack - Low LifeDrool runs down from my mouth againLow-life - I"ve killed myself againTime is running out too fast for meLiving in lie is just too much for meAnd the next day dawns deadOff with my headAnd the circle begins againNo place left to somberNot a single rock I can crawl underNever again or forevermore - Self-deception callsThis heavy leadFull bottleThen crawl along the floorThis is the End I won"t take anymore - Again the weak onefallsStraight aheadFull throttleSmashed against the wallI can see that you don"t get itIt eats you alive if you let itThat"s what I"ve doneNo place left to runNot a single rock I can crawl underNever again or forevermore - Self-deception callsThis heavy leadFull bottleThen crawl along the floorThis is the End I won"t take anymore - Again the weak onefalls Straight ahead Full throttle Smashed against the wallNever again or forevermore - Self-deception callsThis heavy leadFull bottleThen crawl along the floorThis is the End I won"t take anymore - Again the weak onefalls Straight ahead Full throttle Smashed against the wallNever again or forevermore - Self-deception callsThis heavy leadFull bottleThen crawl along the floorThis is the End I won"t take anymore - Again the weak onefalls Straight ahead Full throttle Smashed against the wall
2023-07-09 08:51:331


Children jumped because of please.2)He doesn"t like child studies too late.3)The more he thinks about it, the more he doesn"t like it.1)此电梯仅在紧急情况下使用。2)我再也不相信你说的话了3)孩子们汗流满面的回到家。
2023-07-09 08:51:423

the day you went away 的歌词

2023-07-09 08:51:511


don"t wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest Or the girl who never wants to be alone I don"t wanna be that call at 4 o"clock in the morning "Cause I"m the only one you know in the world that won"t be home Ahhhh-Ahhh, the sun is blinding I stayed up again Oh, I"m finding That"s not the way I want my story to end I"m safe up high, Nothing can touch me Why do I feel this party"s over? No pain inside You"re my protection But how do I feel this good sober? I don"t wanna be the girl that has to fill the silence.. The quiet scares me "cause it screams the truth Please don"t tell me that we had that conversation "Cause I won"t remember, save your breath "cause what"s the use? Ahhhh-Ahhh, the night is calling And it whispers to me softly, "come play" I am falling And if I let myself go, I"m the only one to blame I"m safe up high, Nothing can touch me But why do I feel this party"s over? No pain inside You"re like perfection But how do I feel this good sober? Comin" down, comin" down, comin" down, Spinnin" round, spinnin" round, spinnin" round Looking for myself, Sober Comin" down, comin" down, comin" down, Spinnin" round, spinnin" round, spinnin" round Looking for myself, Sober When it"s good, then it"s good It"s all good "till it goes bad "Till you try to find the you that you once had I have heard myself cry, never again! Broken down in agony Just trying to find a friend Ohhh Whoahhh I"m safe up high, Nothing can touch me Why do I feel this party"s over? Whoahhh No pain inside You"re like perfection But how do I feel this good sober? Whoahhh I"m safe up high, nothing can touch me Why do I feel this party"s over? Why do I feel this party"s over? Whoahhh No pain inside, you"re like perfection But how do I feel this good sober? Why do I feel this party"s over? Will I ever feel this good sober? 我不想成为那个笑的最大声的那个女孩 或者是从来没想过自己一人独处的女孩 我不想每天4点钟被电话吵醒, 因为我是世界上其中的一个 你所知道的不想回家的女孩 太阳是致盲 我留意起来 我发现 这不是我希望我的故事结束的方式 我涨高安全感 没有任何东西可以碰我 为什么我觉得这晚会结束了呢? 里面没有疼痛 你喜欢的保护 你让我如何保持这份冷静? 我不想成为始终沉浸在沉默中的女孩 哭泣的恐慌导致我尖叫追求真相 请不要告诉我 我们的交谈中 我不会忘记 保存您的呼吸 功率因数有什么用? 这个夜晚的序曲 并低声向我轻轻地来发挥 我下降 如果我让自己这样做 我是唯一一个会责备自己的 我来了,下来,下来 纺纱"轮,纺纱"轮,纺纱"轮, 寻找自己的冷静 当它的好时,那就好 这是好到要变坏 直到你试图找到你 你曾经有过 我听到我哭 永远不会再哭了, 细分痛苦只是试图找到一个适合 我涨高安全感 没有任何东西可以碰我 为什么我觉得这晚会结束了呢? 里面没有疼痛 你喜欢的保护 你让我如何保持这份冷静?
2023-07-09 08:51:582

跪求一些好听的歌曲 和一些慢节奏的英文歌

2023-07-09 08:52:0716


She sang an English song when the party began.
2023-07-09 08:52:372

never again什么意思

2023-07-09 08:52:562


Never Again到此为止; 双语例句 Never again hold on to of that way!从不再一次继续到那个方法!
2023-07-09 08:53:031

Never Again 歌词

歌曲名:Never Again歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, TennesseeKAT-TUN - NEVER AGAIN作词:SPIN/JOKER作曲:JOEY CARBONE/STEVEN LEEWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girls?Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah.One more chance ku re na i? mo-Chance.This situation. Frastrate. On me.I never understand wa ka su gi ta no saya sa shi sa da ke ja a i se na i ka raEasy come easy go hon to- no ko to wa so- kan tan ni hana se na i yoNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meta me ra i no me i ro de sa ma yo u fu ta ria su ka ra wao mo i de ma de da ki shi me te ni do- to o ma e ha na san a idon na tsu ra i ko to ka ra mo a i o ma mo ruYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(ha re ta ma bu ta ni ku chi tsu ke ruBaby)un me- wa ?No fakeYou are my everything ya su i ko to ba gai ma no fu ta ri ni yo ku ni a tte ruI couldn"t help my self u so de ka ta me tama i ni chi wa mo- ku zu re o chi so-Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meto ma do i no ki su da ke ka sa ne ru fu ta rito tsu zen nosa yon a ra da ke i wa na i deko no ma ma de wa o wa re na i感じたまま濡れた瞳(め)は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(kyo- mo a sa ma de fu ta ri Body Talk)un me- wa ?No fakeThree.Two.One. Never again.Oh yeah baby. Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything mo- i chi do-su be te o yu ru shi a u no saI believe i ma na ra ma ni a usa bi tsu i ta MemoryI never understand  wa ka su gi ta no saya sa shi sa da ke ja a i se na i ka raYou are my everything  a ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…(i ma na ra i e rut a da I Love you)un me- wa ?No fakeo mo i de ma de da ki shi me te ni do- to o ma e ha na san a idon na tsu ra i ko to ka ra mo a i o ma mo ruYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…un me- wa ?sa yon a ra da ke i wa na i deko no ma ma de wa o wa re na ikan ji ta ma ma nu re ta me wa hon to- no ki mo chiYou"re never gonna get my love againa ki ra me te ta ko i na no ni…un me- wa ? No fake
2023-07-09 08:53:121

Never Again 歌词

I hope the ring you gave to her我希望你给她的那枚戒指turns her finger green把她的手指变绿I hope when you"re in bed with her我希望当你和她躺在床上You think of me你会想着我I would never wish bad things我不会咒怨But I don"t wish you well但也不会祝你一切都好Could you tell by the flames that burned your words你能通过被火焰吞噬的字句感觉到I never read your letter我从未读过你的信件吗?Cause I knew what you"d say因为我知道你会说什么Give me that Sunday school answer给我那种主日学校式的答复Try and make it all ok试图使一切看起来都没问题Does it hurt难道不伤心吗To know I"ll never be there知道我永远不会在那儿Bet it sucks打赌这一定很糟See my face everywhere你能在任何地方看见我It was you是你Who chose to end it like you did选择像这样结束这段关系I was the last to know我是最后一个知道的You knew你早就知道Exactly what you would do你会做什么Don"t say不要说You simply lost your way你只是迷失了方向She may believe you but I never will她也许会相信你,但我永远不会Never again再也不会If she really knows the truth如果她真的知道真相She deserves you那她跟你很配A trophy wife oh~ how cute一个花瓶老婆,哦,多可爱啊Ignorance is bliss无知便是幸福But when your day comes但当你的那天到来and he"s through with you他已经厌倦了你And he"ll be through with you他会抛弃你You"ll die together but alone你们会同时但却孤独地死去You wrote me in a letter你写封信告诉我You couldn"t say it right to my face甚至没法当面说出来Well,give me that Sunday school answer给我那种主日学校式的答复Repent yourself away赦免你自己的罪孽Does it hurt难道不伤心吗To know I"ll never be there知道我永远不会在那儿Bet it sucks打赌这一定很糟See my face everywhere你能在任何地方看见我It was you是你Who chose to end it like you did选择像这样结束这段关系I was the last to know我是最后一个知道的You knew你早就知道Exactly what you would do你会做什么Don"t say不要说You simply lost your way你只是迷失了方向They may believe you but I never will他们也许相信你,但我永远不会Never again will I hear you再也不会听你的Never again will I miss you再也不会想念你Never again will I fall to you再也不会爱上你Never永不Never again will I kiss you再也不会亲吻你Never again will I want to再也不会想要你Never again will I love you再也不会爱你I never will永远不会
2023-07-09 08:53:212

Never Again 歌词

歌曲:Never Again (永不言败/再也不/永远也不)所属专辑:My December歌曲时长:3:37发行时间:2007.4.23歌曲原唱:Kelly Clarkson歌词:I hope the ring you gave to herturns her finger greenI hope when you"re in bed with herYou think of meI would never wish bad thingsBut I don"t wish you wellCould you tell by the flames that burned your wordsI never read your letterCause I knew what you"d sayGive me that Sunday school answerTry and make it all okDoes it hurtTo know I"ll never be thereBet it sucksSee my face everywhereIt was youWho chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knewExactly what you would doDon"t sayYou simply lost your wayShe may believe you but I never willNever againIf she really knows the truthShe deserves youA trophy wife oh~ how cuteIgnorance is blissBut when your day comesand he"s through with youAnd he"ll be through with youYou"ll die together but aloneYou wrote me in a letterYou couldn"t say it right to my faceWell,give me that Sunday school answerRepent yourself awayDoes it hurtTo know I"ll never be thereBet it sucksSee my face everywhereIt was youWho chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knewExactly what you would doDon"t sayYou simply lost your wayThey may believe you but I never willNever again will I hear youNever again will I miss youNever again will I fall to youNeverNever again will I kiss youNever again will I want toNever again will I love youI never will
2023-07-09 08:53:302

Never Again 歌词

歌曲名:Never Again歌手:Trey Songz专辑:chapter vTrey Songz - Never AgainSplendidyangQ:199651031When the days are doneWhen you and I would take the world onYeah,to the place where no one knows ofNow I can"t stop thinking about youI"m a ghost looking for youIt hurts but it"s trueThat I will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,And I will never ever feel you againBut I will always love you the sameMy girl never ever againI wish we had a little more to look in loveNow you are long goneBut I still got your birthday cardYeah , put a stamp on her adressOh now I can"t stop dreaming "bout youI"m a lost star without youIt hurts but it"s trueThat I will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,And I will never ever feel you againBut I will always love you the sameMy girl never ever againI wish we had a little more to look in loveSuddenly it takes me all alongTo the point where it breaks my heartSuch a major love ,never gonna touch againI will never ever see you againAnd I"ll never ever hold you againIn my arms ,never ever again,I wish we had a little more to look in loveNever ever againNever ever againNever againI"ll never see you again tt
2023-07-09 08:53:371

谁能将贾斯汀的never again 这首歌翻译一下

2023-07-09 08:53:441

贾斯汀never again的中文歌词

会放弃我的生命为你 猜测它的真实是什么,他们说,关于爱情 它的盲目 女孩,你说谎,直到我的脸看在我的眼睛 我相信你"的原因我爱你多于生命 和所有你不得不这样做 是道歉 你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我,再次 不,不,不,不,不,不 我的悲伤已在去年底该行 无助的看着你打破这个心脏矿井 和孤独只是希望你回到这里与我 共同常识的人都知道您还不够好, 我和所有你不得不这样做 是道歉,并指它 但你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我 这就像地狱,我可以回去的时间 可能的话,我可以看到如何 宽恕说,我应该给你更多的尝试 但它的太迟了,它的超过现在 你没有说你很抱歉 我不明白 你不照顾你伤害了我 现在我的一半,该名男子 我用来当这是你和我 你不爱我不够 我的心可能永远无法弥合 和你将永远不会获得爱我 再次 再次,是啊,是啊 再次,再次,再次,是啊,是啊,是啊 永远爱我
2023-07-09 08:53:512

never again 歌词

Kelly Clarkson - Never AgainI hope the ring you gave to herTurns her finger greenI hope when you"re in bed with herYou think of meI would never wish bad thingsBut I don"t wish you wellCould you tellBy the flames that burned your wordsI never read your letterCause I knew what you"d sayGive me that Sunday school answerTry and make it all okayDoes it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayShe may believe youBut I never willNever againIf she really knows the truthShe deserves youA trophy wife, oh how cuteIgnorance is blissBut when your day comesAnd he"s through with youAnd he"ll be through with youYou"ll die together, but aloneYou wrote me in a letterYou couldn"t say it right to my faceGive me that Sunday school answerRepent yourself awayDoes it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayThey may believe youBut I never willNever againNever again will I hear youNever again will I miss youNever again will I fall to youNeverNever again will I kiss youNever again will I want toNever again will I love youNever!Does it hurt to know I"ll never be there?Bet it sucks to see my face everywhereIt was you who chose to end it like you didI was the last to knowYou knew exactly what you would doDon"t say you simply lost your wayThey may believe youBut I never willI never willI never willNever again
2023-07-09 08:54:112

again是什么意思译 again翻译成中文的意思

1、again,英语单词,副词、名词,作名词时意为“(英、保)阿盖恩”。作副词时意为“又,此外;再一次;再说;增加”。 2、短语搭配 Fool Again痴心愚弄;再次被欺骗;再次愚弄;再次被诈骗 Rise again觉醒;死而复生;苏醒;再来一次 Never Again从此不再;不再;钟丽缇主演;永不回头 Breathe Again再次呼吸;小燕子之歌;重生;宽心 Live again再次苏醒;天堂鸟;再次清醒;重新生活 wrong again又错了;可我又错了;我又错了;但我又错了 Password Again重复密码;确认密码;再次输入密码;密码再输入一次 Sunshine Again日出东方;日出西方;又见阳光
2023-07-09 08:54:181


again的用法如下:again,英语单词,副词、名词,作名词时意为“(英、保)阿盖恩”。作副词时意为“又,此外;再一次;再说;增加”。Fool Again痴心愚弄 ; 再次被欺骗 ; 再次愚弄 ; 再次被诈骗Rise again觉醒 ; 死而复生 ; 苏醒 ; 再来一次Never Again从此不再 ; 不再 ; 钟丽缇主演 ; 永不回头Breathe Again再次呼吸 ; 小燕子之歌 ; 重生 ; 宽心Live again再次苏醒 ; 天堂鸟 ; 再次清醒 ; 重新生活wrong again又错了 ; 可我又错了 ; 我又错了 ; 但我又错了Password Again重复密码 ; 确认密码 ; 再次输入密码 ; 密码再输入一次Sunshine Again日出东方 ; 日出西方 ; 又见阳You shall not do that again.你不可以再做那样的事。Yeah, well, again.是的,嗯,再次。
2023-07-09 08:54:311


I LIKE ITこの写真の外侧で君 笑った夏の日砂浜で见た夕日の影ささ波 寄せて 消える 音のない夜はカラダが君を求めて眠れないWhen you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itWoo like it, like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itこんな近くにWhen you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itI like it, like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itAnd every time I kiss you babyEvery time I kiss you girl 二人で生まれたままで理想 叶う 未来 今探してMakes love completeGirl そのまま 君 キレイさWoo yeahBlue の翼で君の空を飞ぶ Love...Your love... My heart... Woo..Tu tu lu lululuTu tu lu lululuLu lu lu Lu lu luWow WowWhen you touch me Kiss meNext me I need you girl I like itKissing me, I"m missing you. Yeah言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like it星屑の夜だからWhen you touch me Kiss meNext me I need you girl I like itYou"re with me again言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like it止められないI like it I like itWhen you touch me Kiss meYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby.言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyFu fu fuYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyNext me I need you girl I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it babyYou know I love you babyYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby言叶じゃ足りない 今はBeautiful time I like itYou know I like it baby. You know I like it baby.Yeah- I like it. I like it.You know I like it baby如这张照片上的你 在那一个夏日微笑著的你两人在沙滩边看到的夕阳的影子娓娓细语的波浪 慢慢地靠近 消失 寂静的夜晚我的身体寻求著你 无法入睡When you touch me KISS meNext me I need you girl i like itWoo like it, like it baby语言无法表达 现在Beautiful time I like it我们如此的靠近Every time I kiss you girl就我们二人 为了彼此而生理想 实现的未来 现在 我们去寻求Makes love completeGirl 就这样 你美得令人眩目Woo yeah用Blue色的翅膀飞向你的天空 Love...Your love... My heart... Woo..NEVER AGAINListenWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girlsBounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah.One more chance くれない? もう Chance.This situationFrastrate. On me.I never understand 若过ぎたのさ优しさだけじゃ 爱せないからEasy come easy go 本当のことはそう简単に 话せないよNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to meためらいの迷路で 彷徨う二人明日からは想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さないどんなつらいことからも 爱を守るYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに… (肿れた目盖に口つける Baby)运命は? No fake!You"re my everythingやすい言叶が いまも二人に寄りあってるI couldn"t help myself嘘でかかれた 毎日も崩れ落ちそうNever forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me戸惑いのキスだって さかれる二人突然のさよならだけ言わないで このままでは终われない感じたまま濡れた瞳は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに…运命は? No fake!Three, Two, One, Never again.Oh yeah baby, Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything もう一度すべてを许し合うのさI believe 今なら间に合う さびついた memoryI never understand 若过ぎたのさ优しさだけじゃ 爱せないからYou"re my everythingあきめてた恋なのに… (今なら言えるただ I love you)运命は? No fake想い出まで抱きしめて 二度とおまえ离さないどんなつらいことからも 爱を守るYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに…运命は?さよならだけ言わないで このままでは终われない感じたまま濡れた瞳は 本当の気持ちYou"re never gonna get my love againあきらめてた恋なのに… (君は俺の甘い Honey toste.)运命は? No fake!ListenWhat"s up girls?Feel up! Come on!Bringin" on babyMy girlsBounce. Come on! Never love again. Yeah再给我 One more chance? 再一个 Chance.This situationFrastrate. On me.I never understand 因为太过年轻只有温柔 就无法相爱Easy come easy go 真正的心情却无法清楚对你表明Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me在迷宫中徘徊的二人明日伊始即使是回忆我也不轻易放手 绝不再与你分离无论怎样艰难我也会守护著这份爱You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱… (吻上你哭肿的眼睑 Baby)命运是? No fake!You"re my everything廉价的甜言蜜语 在耳边响起I couldn"t help myself充满谎言的每一天接近崩溃Never forget everything you said to meNever forget everything you"ve done to me被已经没有感觉的吻包围的二人别突然的说出再见 我们的故事不会结束自然湿润的眼眶 是我真正的心情You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!Three, Two, One, Never again.Oh yeah baby, Comin" here.Bounce. Come on! Never love again. Come on!Everything 再一次 原谅过去的种种I believe 现在一切还来得及 挽回已经冷却的 memoryI never understand 因为太过年轻只有温柔 就无法相爱You"re my everything却是已经放弃的恋爱… (现在我能说出口 I love you)命运是? No fake即使是回忆我也不轻易放手 绝不再与你分离无论怎样艰难我也会守护著这份爱You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!别说再见 我们的故事不会结束自然湿润的眼眶 是我真正的心情You"re never gonna get my love again却是已经放弃的恋爱…命运是? No fake!MIRACLE度重なる偶然 ただよみがえる寸前微笑む君を つかむ高鸣るビートに 溢れ出てゆくノイズ夕日が 落ちる前に探してた天使 今はここに梦でも痛みでも くれ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleもてあます ゆるい身体さ届けよ 热い思いCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleはかなく もろい约束爱の言叶も まなざしも 壊すな奇迹つかの间 休日 つかまえるはずの终日手招きの向こう侧明日吹くと言った アスファルトから风が右のほほ 焦がしてく过ぎてく过去なら 今は闻かない羡望のささやき 去れ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracle駆けてく 夕暗の街へ浮かない笑颜 舍ててCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracle君の目の 向こう侧には何が写ってる 教えてくれ 届けよ奇迹探してた天使 今はここに梦でも痛みでも くれ!Come into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleもてあます ゆるい身体さ届けよ 热い想いCome into my life, Make it so, miracle miracleはかなく もろい约束爱の言叶も まなざしも 壊すな奇迹一再的偶然 就在几乎苏醒之前紧抓住 微笑的你喧腾的节拍 掩不住的噪音就在夕阳 西下之前一直寻觅的天使 此刻就在这裏无论是梦还是痛 都给我!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle不知该如何是好 这松懈的身体快传达吧 炽热的情感Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle虚无飘渺 脆弱的诺言无论是爱的细语 是爱的眼神 请别破坏吧奇迹转眼瞬间 已是假日 理当能抓住的最后一天向我招手呼唤的那一头预报明日才吹的风 从柏油路吹来让右边的脸颊 乾燥灼热如果是已经过去的往事 现在我不要听羡慕的耳语 滚开!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle疾驰 往暮色的城市抛开 闷闷不乐的笑容Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle在你眼睛的 那一头究竟看到了什麼 请告诉我 帮我传达吧奇迹一直在寻觅的天使 此刻就在这裏无论是梦还是痛 都给我!Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle不知该如何是好 这松懈的身体快传达吧 炽热的情感Come into my life.Make it so,miracle miracle虚无飘渺 脆弱的诺言无论是爱的细语 是爱的眼神 请别破坏吧奇迹tabi kasanaru guzen tada yomigaeru sunzenhohoemu kimiwo tsukamutakanaru BITO ni afure deteyukuyuuhiga ochiru maenisagashiteta tenshi ima wa koko niyume demo itami demo kure!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclemoteamasu yurui karada satodokeyo atsui omoicome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclehakanaku moroi yakusokuai no kotobawo manazashimo kowasuna kisekitsukanoma kyuujitsu tsukamaeruhazu no shuujitsutemaneki no mukougawaashita fuku to itta ASUFARUTO kara kazegamigi no hoho kogashitekusugiteku kakonara ima wa kikanaisenbou no sasayaki sare!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclekaketeku yuyami no machi eukanai egao sutetecome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclekimino meno mukougawa niwananiga utsutteru oshietekure todokeyo kisekisagashiteta tenshi ima wa kokoniyumedemo itamidemo kure!come into my life, Make it so, Miracle miracletodokeyo atsui omoicome into my life, Make it so, Miracle miraclehakanaku moroi yakusokuai no kotobawo manazashimo kowasuna kiseki
2023-07-09 08:54:521

许志安的《爱不再》 歌词

爱.不再作词:陈宏宇 作曲:jin nakamura演唱:苏永康&许志安(安)心痛在攻击 怎么没哭到极限爱在一片片剥离 就在说出再会的瞬间我和我自己 就像今后我和你 不再联系(康)一个人飞行 享用孤单的权利似曾相识的足迹 轻得太像道别的叹息是逞强而已 当时牵手怎没有这么用力爱已后悔莫及(安)love never again分开分得比相爱更完美学会的成熟 用在最后一天time never again最温柔的笑脸来说再见我们才觉得可惜(康)love never again太在乎自由 对方给不给没把握幸福 在同一个时间time never again回忆霎那之间就变成了我们失去的永远(安)爱慢了一步 结束常常快一步想要抢先的企图 了解却在结束前认输我们的故事 也像别人的故事 一样通俗(康)爱得太单纯 看不见爱的艰困我又该怎么承认 追不到诺言要的永恒多想再一次 能够再认真一次让你感动即使还要再痛(安)love never again分开分得比相爱更完美学会的成熟 用在最后一天time never again最温柔的笑脸来说再见我们才觉得可惜(康)love never again太在乎自由 对方给不给没把握幸福 在同一个时间time never again回忆霎那之间就变成了我们失去的永远(合)给我再爱一次的时间哪怕粉身碎骨 我绝不后悔给我再爱一次的珍贵像飞蛾扑火 毁灭给我再爱一次的成全哪怕失败我也 要痛到极限轰轰烈烈就心甘情愿butlove never again(安)love never again分开分得比相爱更完美学会的成熟 用在最后一天time never again最温柔的笑脸来说再见我们才觉得可惜(康)love never again太在乎自由 对方给不给没把握幸福 在同一个时间time never again回忆霎那之间就变成了我们失去的永远这是我们的永远 永远我们还有没有永远
2023-07-09 08:55:071

This Is the First Thing 歌词

歌曲名:This Is the First Thing歌手:You Me At Six专辑:Sinners Never Sleep (Deluxe Version)Come a little closerAs the night gets olderOf you I grow fonderJust let my hands wanderThis is the first thing I thoughtThis is the last thing that I wantYou were the first one I lovedYou were the first love I lostYou left it too lateTo change the way I thinkI"ll never say never againThose words will never ever pass my lipsThis is the first thing I thoughtThis is the last thing that I wantYou were the first one I lovedYou were the first love I lostI"ll never say never say never againI"ll never say never say never againI"ll never say never say never againI"ll never say never say never againThis is the first thing I thoughtThis is the first thing I thoughtThis is the last thing that I wantYou were the first one I lovedYou were the first love I lostThis is the first thing I thoughtThis is the last thing that I wantYou were the first one I lovedYou were the first love I lostI"ll never say never say never againI"ll never say never say never againI"ll never say never say never againI"ll never say never say never again
2023-07-09 08:55:141

求灵云乐队 darkest hours中英翻译歌词

额,只有英文歌词诶~These frantic memories They bring me down, tormenting peace The darkness drowns me I"m restless without sleep When day breaks, I"m still awake, I recall my mistakes I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone, I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone... When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine. I"ll make my way through the darkest hours of my days! Those frozen memories Laid out for me, all I can see The night surrounds me Destroying harmony What lies beneath, demising me? I"ve lost my purity I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone, I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone... When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine. I"ll make my way through the darkest hours of my days! [Solo] When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine.
2023-07-09 08:55:322


v4.1更新的所有曲目 When You Believe Mariah Carey On My Way Home ENYA By My Side 林一峰 let me love you Mario Because I love you Shakins Stevens I Want To Know What Love Is Foreigner - Baby One More Time BritneySpears Better man Robbie Williams Heal the world Michael jackson Scarborough fair 世界排名前十经典英文歌曲 Promises don"t come easy Moon River Over the rianbow Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Because I love you I will always love you Scarbourgh fair Sound of Silence yestoday once more The one you love 今年大多数人爱听的: 1)Avril-girlfriend: Avril在中国的名气还是不小的,今年到处都在放girlfriend...你要说你没听过我也没话说... 2)Ne yo-Because Of You: Neyo在So Sick之后的节奏感相当强的美声说唱 3)Akon-Sorry,Blame It On Me: 不要一提到Akon就想起Dont Matter,这首歌是Akon在一次对歌迷的暴力行为后的道歉,旋律相当的诚恳,可以听下. 4)Beyonce-Irreplaceable: 在美国的大街小巷,连小孩都会插着腰哼"You must not know about me, You must not know about me",你怎么能不听一下这首07年度全球最火的RNB呢? 5)Daughtry-Home: Chris Daughtry将抒情摇滚走向了极致,虽然声音不沙哑,但应该是远远超越Hinder的Lips Of An Angle了. 6)Maroon 5-Wont Go Home Without You: 轻而易举一个优美的假声,再加上轻松舒适的旋律,主唱性感的光头造型,这就是Maroon 5. 7)Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry: 这是黑眼豆豆主唱Fergie的一首比较柔和的歌,同样推荐这张专辑里的Glamorous. 8)Alicia Keys-No One: 舒缓而又强烈的节奏,简单的歌词,哑而不沙的声线,再也找不到第二个Alicia Keys了. 9)Carrie Underwood-Before He Cheats: 乡村女王,感谢AI提拔了这个人才. 10)Amy Winehouse-Back to Black: 许多人都预计,Amy会凭着这首歌在今年的Grammy上大红大紫. 11)Keith Urban-I told you s 就是我常提起的那个进戒毒所的孩子...这是首牛仔味十足的乡村,相当有意思. 12)Rascal Flatts-Me And My Gang: 提到乡村不能不提RF,十分年轻,十分有活力. 13)Taylor Swift-Our Song: 十七岁出道,自己写歌的乡村才女. 14)Jordin Sparks-Tatt 此人同样来自AI,人们都说Tatto有模仿Irreplaceable的嫌疑.但是不能否认这首歌很好听. 15)Rihanna , Jay-Z-Umbrella 16)Justin Timberlake-What goes around 17)Elliott Yamin-Wait For You 18)Blake Lewis-I got U 19)The Hoosier-Worried About Ray 20)Soujia Boy-Crank That:歌倒不怎么样,这段舞全球出名. 21)Plain White Ts-Hey There Delilah: 很慢很干净 22)Leona Lewis-Bleeding Love: X Factor第一届冠军,历程与Kelly Clarkson极其相似,特别是当她唱A moment Like This的时候 23)Shayne Ward-No U Hang Up: 人很帅,这首歌表现的是热恋中的孩子们的缠绵,打电话时"你先挂""不,你先挂" 24)Craig David-Hot Stuff 25)Kelly Clarkson-Never Again:除了这首歌,她这张专辑里几乎没什么动听的了...和前两张专辑根本不能比. 26)Linkin Park-what Ive done: 本来一听以为是变形金刚主题曲,一查真的是,听说Minutes To Midnight卖得很好...鄙人认为觉得这张专辑很吵,这个组合一直很吵,还不是很舒服的那种吵,同学告诉我这是灵魂的呐喊,还能听着这入睡呢...神阿...喜欢LP的可以下了听 27)GreenDay-Working Class Her 由于上学期有个叫徐深灵的孩子有一段时间天天循环播放Wake me up when september ends,那以后本人对Greenday已经没有好感了,但这首歌拯救了他们在我心目中的地位. 28)Kanye West-Stronger 29)Britney Spears-Gimme More: 很有感觉的快歌,本人更喜欢这张专辑里Toy Soldier,把鼓发挥到了极致. 30)Beyonce , Shakira-Beautiful Liar: 很建议去下这首歌的MV,只能说这两个女人都很拉美,都很性感. 劲舞团里的英文歌曲: 上帝是个女孩 倾我所有 起立 瓶中精灵 今晚,我感觉离你很近 Year Tomorrow Thriller The Day You Went Away Shut Up Pretty Boy One Love Numb Nobody"s Fool No Worries My Love Let"s Get Loud-us Let"s Get It Started I Want It That Way I need you Everbody End Roll Dragostea Din Tei Distance Corazon De Melao Breaking The Habit blue_all rise Black Blck Heart Because Of You Baby One More Time Automatic As Long As You Love Me Yellow We Will Rock You up down Twist King Trick Tonight time less Sweet Dream super star Steal Away So Sick sk8er_boi Shiny sex bomb Say good bye Runtoyou One Summer Night OhSunny Oh my lady Night Song Magic carpet ride love song Love Again Lalala love song JAMP It is rain In Da Club I still loving you I Love U Oh Thank U Get the party startea Deep Deep Cyber Lover Color Your Soul anyclub求采纳
2023-07-09 08:55:411

求Don henley的for my wedding中文歌词

for my weddingFor my wedding, I will dress in black And never again will I look back Ah, my dark angels we must part For I"ve made a sanctuary of my heart To want what I have To take what I"m given with grace For this I pray On my wedding day For my wedding, I don"t want violins Or sentimental songs about thick and thin I want a moment of silence and a moment of prayer For the love we"ll need to make it in the world out there To want what I have To take what I"m given with grace For this I pray On my wedding day On my wedding day I dream, and my dreams are all glory and light That"s what I"ve wanted for my life And if it hasn"t always been that way Well, I can dream and I can pray On my wedding day So what makes us any different from all the others Who have tried and failed before us Maybe nothing, maybe nothing at all But I pray we"re the lucky ones; I pray we never fall To want what we have To take what we"re given with grace For these things I pray On my wedding day On my wedding day ========================在我的婚礼上在我的婚礼上,我要穿上黑色的婚纱我将永远不再回头看啊,我将和我的黑色天使分开(黑色天使可能指人的邪恶的一面)因为我的心已经是一片圣洁之地在我的婚礼上我将祈祷告诉我你想要什么我将会无私地赐予你在我的婚礼上,我不要小提琴也不要忧伤起伏的曲调为了能让我们远方的爱我只要一刻的安静和一刻的祷告在我的婚礼上我将祈祷告诉我你想要什么我将无私地赐予你我将无私地赐予你我有梦想,我的梦想是壮丽和光明的这就是我生命中需要的尽管梦想并不总是这样但是,我仍然梦想着,祈祷着是什么让我们如此与众不同是谁在我们前面努力着并跌倒了或许什么也没有,或者根本就不存在但是我仍然祈祷我们是幸运的我祈祷我们永远不会跌倒在我的婚礼上我将祈祷告诉我你想要什么我将无私地赐予你我将无私地赐予你===========================闲来无事,感觉歌词不错就翻译了一下,水平有限,错误的地方请见谅^_^
2023-07-09 08:55:482