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2023-07-09 14:31:25
TAG: 公司


1. 七森莉莉。

2. 三宫椿。

3. 坂道美琉。

4. 乙白沙耶香。

5. 山崎水爱。

6. 小岛南。

7. 葵司。

8. 日向真凛。

9. 羽咲美晴。




2023-07-09 13:37:022


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2023-07-09 13:37:471


三宫椿(Sannomiya Tsubaki)是一位日本演艺圈的演员。在2021年11月之后,就没有关于她的新作品了。有眼尖的网友发现,三宫椿跳槽去了Attackers公司。
2023-07-09 13:37:541


2023-07-09 13:38:181


三宫椿不是人造人。人造人,是由人类创造的机器人。自20世纪20年代现身后,人们便广泛受到影响。典型的人型机器人是机械时代不具灵魂的化身,象征着我们的人性化。 三宫椿(三宫つばき)1999年出生,是真正的天然美女,并非人造人,也并非靠整容获得美貌
2023-07-09 13:38:541


2023-07-09 13:39:011


正常情况下,如果blob的数据量超过100kB,那么最好使用分开单独的文件来存储blob数据性能会好一点。如果非要讲Blob数据存储在一个数据库文件中,那么增加Page Size可以在一般情况下提升性能。具体还是与硬件、文件系统、操作系统有关系。blob如果是单条读取,效率不会差到那里去,如果一个segment超过200g,在9206上倒是有点问题的,但可以对可能超过200g的含有blob类型的表进行hash分区,注意含有blob的表一般都是单条通过主键读取的,如果要分页等,肯定会影响到查询效率的,可能的做法就是把blob字段分离到一个单独的表,与主表一对一,然后再对blob做hash分区...
2023-07-09 13:38:271


1.服装DOCAD(度卡)系统8.5 注:2006最新版2.丝绸之路(金合极思)8.0 注:最新版深思4狗带智能笔. 3.OPTITEX服装CAD系统9.20,9.5. 9.6 ,10.207 4.服装日升系统2005/2006最新版克隆狗 注:最新版带输出管理5.富怡服装CAD系统5.435.11.4, 5.8186.6.8186 派特CAD系统4.1,4.52, 4.531 克隆狗模拟狗7.服装CAD系统PGM7.9 -- 完美破解8.格博服装CAD系统(最新版)8.1 8.12 8.20 许可文件复制狗9.力克服装CAD系统5。110.爱科服装CAD系统6。5 -- 复制狗 11.服装樵夫CAD系统1.0 .2。0 --复制狗12.金顶针服装设计大师01 --完美破解13.佑手最新版服装CAD系统3.1 -- 复制狗14.拓普(TOP3000)服装最新版 --复制狗破解 15. PGMDesign(PGM金顶针版)服装设计系统1。6--完美破解16. ET2000单机版和网络版2005/2006/2007最新版 -- 复制狗17.智尊宝纺v2004--V2005最新版 -- 复制狗18.日本忧卡2。13最新版 --复制狗19.盖德最新版20.Cyberv80_m15(德卡)最新版 -- 复制狗 21. 航天单量单裁10。0最新版 -- 模拟克隆22. 日本旭化成最新版30.105 -- 复制狗23. 航天最全套新版系统20.0-- 模拟克隆24. 突破服装制版最新版 -- 复制狗破解25. 富仪毛衣设计系统(2004)最新版2.0-- 复制狗 26.超泽服装设计最新版 --复制狗 27. 艾维斯服装最新版系统 --模拟克隆 28. GMCAD9(比力)制衣系统 --复制狗思根服装CAD系统即ThinkCad30 突破服装制版最新版 (2006)--复制狗31. 格博单量单裁MTM--已完美破解32. 格博3维设计VStitcher-- 最新完美破解33. 航天单量单裁--模拟克隆34. 航天打放排最新版--模拟克隆35. 彩路4。2036. 优卡2.30 最新版37. 东丽最新版 日文版,中文版38. TOP3000(拓普打版) 复制狗39. 盛装打版系统 最新版本复制狗破解40. ET2006(新版) --最新网络版+5个用户复制狗41. ULSG_网络版--最新版本复制狗42. 彩路4.31--最新版本克隆破解43. 东丽2.0 --最新版本复制狗44. 宝仙路s4-- 最新复制狗45 富怡2合1(2006)-- 硬复制直接支持正版升级丝绸之路s4(20060829) --硬复制直接支持正版升级1. 格伯服装CAD系统(最新版)8.20简体中文/英文/繁体中文 许可文件复制狗2. 格伯SS超级排版 克隆狗3. 格博VStitcher 克隆狗4. 日升20060626全套 -- 硬复制直接支持正版升级5. Pay back CAD韩国派贝克打板最新 复制支持正版升级6. PayBack设计工业版最新 -- 复制支持正版升级7. ET2006母狗DXF保存--复制支持正版升级8. 日本优卡2.32简体中文 -- 复制狗破解9. 日本优卡韩文Wspa2.32b24FK--复制狗破解10. 日本优卡简体中文2.32b24c--复制狗破解11. 日本优卡简体中文2.33 -- 复制狗破解12. DoCad(度卡)2006最新(带吸附功能的)-- 复制狗破解13. 丝绸之路s4(带输出敞口)最新-- 硬复制狗支持正版升级 14. 宝仙路s4(带输出敞口)最新--硬复制狗支持正版升级15. 优卡2.33 5种语言版本---复制狗完美破解 16. 旭化成30.1 -- 复制狗模拟17. 度卡8.1 (PGM,度卡所有版本)-- 复制狗完美破解18. 航天新版1.0升级版--复制狗可升级的模拟狗19. 派特4.531, 4.52--复制狗完美破解 20. OPtitex9.6 --克隆模拟狗21. 爱科7.2,6.53-- 复制狗完美破解22. 至尊宝纺s4--复制狗支持正版升级23. 丝绸之路s4--复制狗支持正版升级24. 宝仙路s4--复制狗支持正版升级25. 至尊宝设计加工艺单s4--复制狗支持正版升级26. 时尚大师输出中心--复制狗破解27. 右手3.1--复制锁28. 东丽2.0 --中文日文 模拟破解克隆狗29. 富怡纺织图仪设计系统V2.43.1435 2.53 --复制狗直接升级30. 爱维斯7.0 7.5 -- 新版完美破解+完美狗数据31. 比力2005新版--新版完美破解32. OPtitex9.50 9.60 10.027--模拟狗33. 至尊宝纺最新版20050828 -- 完美破解+完美狗数据34. 日升最新版20060923 -- 完美破解+复制狗狗数据35. 丝绸之路最新版s4狗 -- 完美破解+完美狗数据36. 派特4.52 4.531-- 完美破解模拟克隆37. 丽格制版 -- 完美破解38. 格博8.12,8.20 格博MTM,格博VStitcher39. 比力单机版和网络版已作好!!!40. 优卡2.30 最新版 复制狗克隆41. 5国语言(中文,日文,韩文,繁体,泰文)42. 丝绸之路服装CAD系统8.0工业版(打版放码.排料.试衣.图纸输出) 43. 富怡CAD打版5.818/6.018/6.818企业版(带智能笔)44. 美国格柏GerberAccuMark版8.1中文 个人版/工业版45. ET2000服装CAD工业版46. 布易ET2005服装CAD 复制狗工业网络版5用户47. 布易ET2006服装CAD 复制狗工业网络版5用户48. 派特PAD服装CAD打版4.0繁体/4.1/4.52工业版49. 日升NAC2000打版7.0/2004/2005工业版50. 智尊宝纺V2004克隆狗/2005最新工业版51. 东丽服装CAD最新2.0工业版52. 航天服装CAD打版16.0/20.0工业版53. 盛装服装(2006)工业版54. 法国Lectra力克V5R1样版设计5.1中文工业版55. 法国Lectra力克V5R2优化排料生产5.1中文工业版56. 力克V1R1c9服饰设计57. 力克V2R2c1纺织品和服装设计58. 力克V2R2纺织品和皮革设计59. 力克V2R5产品工艺规格60. 力克V7R1C9纺织品设计61. 富怡4.1/4.2/4.32绣花设计打版62. 富怡纺织服装图艺设计系统V2.4363. 富怡纺织服装图艺设计系统V2.5464. 樵夫服装工作室1.0/2.0APS工业版65. 田岛6.0/7.0/7. 1绣花 英文/中文 工业版66. 金昌印花EX6000/EX9000工业版67. 变色龙分色软件4.5.2000 工业版68. 金顶针服装设计大师1.0/1.6工业版69. 忧卡服装CAD2.13工业版70. 拓普3000服装CAD最新企业版71. Optitex打版9.13/9.3工业版 模拟狗72. PGM工艺单设计系统1.073. 金合极思2000最新工业版74. 度卡服装CAD打版8.0工业版75. 爱科ECHO服装CAD6.0/6.5商业版76. 中国梦服装设计3.6企业版77. 新创智V2003能印花分色系统78. 超泽服装设计软件3.6企业版79. 彩路服装设计4.2工业版80. 威尔克姆7.0/9.0sp3/sp4绣花系统81. 波斯绣花打版10.03/10.1版82. 山诺绣花打版8.05加强版83. 百灵达绣花7.02工业版84. 天木tm2000绣花5.2版85. 格搏工艺4.0工业版86. 力克工艺最新工业版87. 奥斯曼(V6.5)制鞋设计放码系统88. 鞋博士鞋样切割放码高级版89. 盖德打板放码排料系统服装CAD90. 经纬鞋样设计CAD 6.3N91. 华士特皮鞋设计92. 科脉服装鞋业营销管理软件3.093. 理星制鞋放样3.394. 速力服装销售管理网络版95. 奥斯曼制鞋设计放码系统*
2023-07-09 13:38:282


地铁英语:subway:地铁;地下通道。地铁是在城市中修建的快速、大运量、用电力牵引的轨道交通。列车在全封闭的线路上运行,位于中心城区的线路基本设在地下隧道内,中心城区以外的线路一般设在高架桥或地面上,英语为metro(underground railway、subway)。地铁是涵盖了城市地区各种地下与地上的路权专有、高密度、高运量的城市轨道交通系统(Metro),中国台湾地铁称之为“捷运”(Rapid transit)。除了地下铁以外,也包括高架铁路(Elevated railway)或路面上铺设的铁路。因此,地铁是路权专有的、无平交,这也是地铁区别于轻轨交通系统的根本性的标志。世界上最早的(也是第一条)地铁是英国伦敦的大都会地铁,始建于1863年。在英文环境中,根据各城市类似系统的发展起源与使用习惯之不同,常称为:Metro(法国巴黎、中国大陆大部分地区)、MRT(新加坡、台北、高雄等)、MTR(特指香港)、Overground(特指地上轨道)、Railway(特指地上轨道)。
2023-07-09 13:38:291


SZ有两种含义:1.深圳 2.送转 SH有两种含义: 1.上海2.石化 在上述股票中的含义即深圳、上海。 OF不知道啊,
2023-07-09 13:38:295

by the way的用法

2023-07-09 13:38:318

如何把 上传的文件 转成二进制存入oracle中的BLOB字段上,恳请高手们指导一下

2023-07-09 13:38:342


2023-07-09 13:38:351

java 关于blob类型问题

2023-07-09 13:38:412

mojito周杰伦歌词 mojito周杰伦歌词列述

1、歌词 麻烦给我的爱人来一杯 Mojito 我喜欢阅读她微醺时的眼眸 而我的咖啡 糖不用太多 这世界已经因为她甜得过头 没有跟她笑容一样浓郁的雪茄 就别浪费时间介绍收起来吧 拱廊的壁画 旧城的涂鸦 所有色彩都因为她说不出话 这爱不落幕 忘了心事的国度 你所在之处 孤单都被征服 铁铸的招牌 错落着就像 一封封城市 献给天空的情书 当街灯亮起 Havana 漫步 这是世上最美丽的那双人舞 缤纷的老爷车跟着棕榈摇曳 载着海风私奔漫无目的 古董书摊漫着时光香气 我想上辈子是不是就遇过你 喧嚣的海报躺在 慵懒的阁楼阳台 而你是文学家笔下的那一片海 麻烦给我的爱人来一杯 Mojito 我喜欢阅读她微醺时的眼眸 而我的咖啡 糖不用太多 这世界已经因为她甜得过头 这爱不落幕 忘了心事的国度 你所在之处 孤单都被征服 铁铸的招牌 错落着就像 一封封城市 献给天空的情书 当街灯亮起 Havana 漫步 这是世上最美丽的那双人舞 铁铸的招牌 错落着就像 一封封城市 献给天空的情书 当街灯亮起 Havana 漫步 这是世上最美丽的那双人舞 2、《Mojito》是周杰伦演唱的一首歌曲,由黄俊郎作词,周杰伦作曲,黄雨勋编曲。该曲在2020年6月12日以单曲专辑的形式发布。
2023-07-09 13:38:411


一可死Q日 米
2023-07-09 13:38:424


《从零开始做播客:创造网红主播》([美] 奥兰多·里奥斯)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: nckg书名:从零开始做播客:创造网红主播作者:[美] 奥兰多·里奥斯译者:邵佳琪豆瓣评分:7.2出版社:上海译文出版社出版年份:2018-12页数:103内容简介:★控制预算、软件选择、选题开发、编辑技巧——多维度讲解,真正从零入门播客制作★信息爆炸的年代,抓住碎片时间在本书中,您将会学习哪种设备在何种预算下最适合播客,哪种软件最适合录制,还有一些关于开发播客节目的提示,甚至是一些编辑技巧,例如如何播放清晰,愉悦的节目。最后,您将学习如何在iTunes和Stitcher——全球两家最大的播客的平台上发布您的节目。作者简介:奥兰多u2022里奥斯(Orlando Rios)网络营销专家和播客的主持人及制片人。以为健康和健身生活品牌Onnit工作而闻名,他通过在Facebook,Adwords,Twitter和Instagram上的社交和搜索广告帮助企业增加收入,具有丰富经验。同时也是多个热门播客节目的制作人,拥有超过300小时的播客制作和编辑经验,其播客下载量超过200万次。
2023-07-09 13:38:441


2023-07-09 13:38:511

my family英文作文

Everyone has a family, for sure, me too. I have a happy family. I live with my mum, my dad, and my brother. All the family members in my house are very chubby, or consider as fat. However, we live happily with whatever we have.The "head of house" in my family is my daddy. He is a mid-age elder. He is a harsh father, although he gives me whatever I ask from him. Yet, he is still a lovely daddy.My mum is a housewife.. She always cook delicious food for us. I love my mum. She has a pair of beautiful eyes. She has a very friendly personality.My brother is a 7-year-old boy. He likes to watch cartoons and eat chocolate. His friends like to call him as a fatty. He always like to play around in the house with his toys.I am the only daughter in my house. I am the eldest daughter in the house too. I have a happy family, I love my family. FAMILY is a abbrevation of Father And Mother I Love You. So, in the other hand, I want to get this apportunnity to tell my father and mother, I love you!Written by: 啊顺shunz
2023-07-09 13:38:514


2023-07-09 13:38:582


2023-07-09 13:38:581

以 My family 为题写一篇英语短文

以 My family 为题写一篇英语短文 Hello, everyone, I"m Liu Dongdong. I"m a student. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I. My father is 40 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker. Because he works very hard. He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news. My mother is 38 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very *** all factory. She is not tall and she has o big eyes. She loves me and she is good for me. She always buys some books for me. She wants me to be a student. She also cares for my diet and life. I" m 15 years old. I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read books after school. I like singing, too. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very nice. What do you think of him? I also like making friends. If you want to meet me, please write to me. Oh, my parents love me and I love them, too. My family is a happy family. 以my family为题,写一篇英语短文。 my family is very nice。 my mother is a doctor,help patients bee health 。 my father is a manager ,earn much money for our family 。 i am a students ,i am study hard in school。 i have a sister,she is beautiful in our family,we love each other。 以MY ROOM为题写一篇英语短文 My Room I have a *** all but fortable room. The ceiling of my room is paint blue which stands for the sky. I pasted some plastics stars on it so I could imagine the universe when I lie on my bed. There is a desk and a bookshelf in my room. I love reading so there are a good amount of books in my bookshelf. I love my room because it is my private space! 以my mobby为题写一篇英语短文 Dream is not only an idea,it requires your efforts and interets.My dream is to be a teacher,which is a greatest work in the world.In order to achieve my dream,I think it is significant to study harder from now on to make myself knowledgeable enough to teach my students in the future.When I bee a teacher,I will learn how to be a good teacher,since it is very important to appeal my students" attention in the class.(82 words) 以my future plans为题写一篇英语短文 其实你应该用中文写好了,然后找人翻译.....要不然别人怎么知道你将来想干什么??? 以“My Summer Vacation”为题写一篇英语短文 I had a happy summer vacation.In my free time,I watched some matches of 2008 Olympic Games.For example,Basketball match,table tennis match and so on.They are so excting .so our families are intrested in them. Sometimes,I listen some english programmes on radio.Because it can improve my english . What a fantastic summer vacation! 以《My job in the future》为题写一篇英语短文 What makes me excited in the future is that to be an astronaut.Because when i was a child ,the space is so beautiful that i wanted to explore it.With time going by,I grow up and acquaintance of the dream.To realize the dream,not only need I have adequate knowledge ,I also need a strong body.So what I can do now is that I should study hard,and I should do all that I can to make me stronger than before. There is no doubt that we all have many dreams e ture.believe it or not,the more we make efforts,the more we get.Only in the way will I bee an astronaut. 原创啊 恩 写的蛮精彩的呢 不过好像有点晚了 sorry 以my favourite holiday为题写一篇英语短文 My favourite holiday My favourite holiday is the Children"s Day. It is our holiday--a holiday for all the childrens. We have no lessons on this day. Instead, each class will perform on the school stage to celebrate this wonderful time. I love Children"s Day. 我最喜欢的节日就是儿童节。这是一个属于我们全体儿童的节日。这一天,我们不用上课。为了庆祝这美好的一天,每个班级都会准备节目在全校面前表演。我爱儿童节。 以 my spring festival 为题写一篇英语短文 The spring festival is important tradional festival in our nation. The spring festival is very Lively. On the eve of the spring festival we will clean the house, we will make dragon dance on spring festival and fire firecraker. the most hapy matther is that children could wear new clothes, and recive money for new year. The spring festival is our favourite festival春节是我国最重要的传统节日.春节非常热闹,春节前我们要打扫房子,春节时会舞龙,放爆竹.春节最高兴的就是孩子,孩子们穿新衣服,收红包.非常高兴.春节是我们非常喜欢的节日 在大年夜,家家户户放鞭炮,包饺子,吃团圆饭。在新年,孩子们收到红包和礼物,大人们要给亲戚朋友们拜年,所有人都开开心心过大年。 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It"s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest . 春节是最重要的节日中。这是为庆祝农历的新年。晚上春节前,家庭聚会,并有很大的晚餐。在许多地方人们喜欢燃放鞭炮。饺子是最传统的食品。孩子们喜欢的节日非常,因为他们可以有美味的食物和穿新衣服。他们也可以得到一些钱从他们的父母。这笔钱是给孩子的好运气。人们将春联墙壁上好运。 春节持续约15天。人民探亲访友改为“有你所有的愿望。 ”人们享受春节,在此期间,他们可以好好休息 The year of 2009 has already e.First of all,please give my best wishes to your,my friends.May you good luck and suess.For the year,I have lots of dreams,such as my study,love and parents.2008 had past and never e back.In the past year,there were many things that happened at me.some are happy and others are sad and upset.I want to share a thing with all my friends. As a matter of fact,the year of 2008 was extremely important for me.Believe it or not,It would be a crucial point for all my life because I made an important decision for my future in 2008.After graduation,I participated in the exam and passed it suesful in the end.Until now,I still felt fortunate.Sometimes,I think what my future will bee if I can"t pass the exam.The suess of the exam give me a precious opportunity to continue my study.Thank you for my teacher and all of my friends who helped me and sticked by me when I fell upon dark days.I am sure that you must be sueed as long as you work hard.It"s fully possible for everyone to get suess by virtue of your own efforts.The most importance is you have confident to challenge yourself.Don"t give up!Please believe in yourself and you are the best. However,while I was pleased for my study,my parents divorced eventually.I couldn"t five them for their behavors during the period.Later,I knew their thoughts gradually.In their heart,love hadn"t existed in them.It will be impossible for them to go on living together.Hence,this will be a inevitable choice and result.Tell you the truth,I am scared of spending the Spring Festival at present.I can"t imagine the tragical scene on the eve.Finally,in the new year,I hope that my parents will have a good health,which I wanted to see. To sum up,"Time flies as an arrow",we should take responsibility for ourselves. At the night of the spring festival , every home sets firecrack, make dumpling and eat union meal. In the new year, children will receive red bag and gift and *** s will visit relatives and friends , every one just lead new year happily 以my favourite person为题写一篇英语短文 自己写的,不知道好不好:Everybody should have their person. Can you think of a person who doesn"t have any favorite sports star at all? Can you think how bored and simple the person"s life is? No doubt, sports stars play a very important part in our life, right? I"m a boy who likes sports very much. I like all kinds of sports, but basketball is my favorite. Ever since I was only a little boy, I watch NBA games every week, at that time I have my favorite sports star, and he is Kobe Bryant. Kobe was born in 1978, in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father was a suessful Italian basketball player in NBA. Maybe of this, Kobe"s NBA dream finally came true. Dream is only a part of his suess, but hardworking plays an important part of Kobe"s great suess. He worked hard since he was fourteen years old! At that time, he could dunk the ball into the basket, and his basketball skill was already as well as his father. Years later, he got a great suess in his life, he started his life in NBA after he finished high school in 1996, and he was only 19 years old! In NBA, he worked much harder than usual, he played basketball for four hours a day apart from the games, and he got 20000 points when he was only 29 years old. It was a new record in NBA, even Michael Jordan, the person who holds those records clapped for Kobe, he said: “He must be the new general of ‘fly man"!” No one can block his ball when he shots or dunks, he gets more than forty points almost in each game for his team, and NBA gave him “The Most Valuable Player” award for o times! He had played four times for the United States in Olympic Games, and they got gold medals for three times! The critics said: “If there"s no Kobe, it will be hard for the ‘American Dream Team" to get a gold medal.” Kobe is a suessful basketball player; I would learn some skills of basketball and his hardworking spirit from him. Also, I wish him all the best in the rest of his NBA life.
2023-07-09 13:38:581


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excuse me有5种意思,具体如下:1、打扰一下,请问这是最常用的口语化的表达方式,一般用来向不熟悉的人打听情况或提出某些请求。例如:Excuse me, but will you please lend me a match?翻译:对不起,借个火可以吗?2、劳驾、借过正常情况下,“excuse me”是一种表示礼貌的助词,这也是我们最为熟悉的一种用法。当从人群中穿过,需要别人侧身让一下,或者在无意间碰到别人,就可以说“excuse me”来示意借过。例如:Excuse me,could I get past?翻译:劳驾,让我过去好吗?英语口语中,“借过一下”的英文可以直接使用Excuse me。3、打断别人或中途离开当你必须在谈话中接听电话时,或者在聚餐过程中需要去下洗手间时,这种情况下“excuse me”可以让你礼貌地表示自己需要离开。如果你想要用它来引起别人的注意,你就要讲得更清楚、更大声一点。4、没听清、没听懂“excuse me”可以让对方明白你没听清楚需要TA再讲一遍。如果还是担心对方不懂你的意思。5、对不起/不好意思美国人在公众场合打喷嚏,或者在安静场合弄出比较大的响动,都会说一句“Excuse me“,意思是“不好意思,打扰了”,这已经成为了一种口语习惯。另外,在朋友的聚会、商贸的会议时,“excuse me”也会经常被用到。但这里的“不礼貌的行为”只是不绅士、未能守约的一种表现。因为特殊场合的突发事件,需要与朋友、同事、客户等表达歉意。
2023-07-09 13:39:091

英语作文《My Family》40词左右

I have a wonderful family. Myfather is a teacher, so he is really strict to me, but deep down in his heart,I know he loves me a lot. My mother is kind and gentle, if I haveany problem, I know she is always in here to help me. I love my family!满意望采纳!
2023-07-09 13:39:113


一、指代不同1、blob:是指图像中的一块连通区域,Blob分析就是对前景/背景分离后的二值图像。2、clob:是内置类型,将字符大对象 (Character Large Object) 存储为数据库表某一行中的一个列值。3、nclob:长度可变的字符大对象。二、特点不同1、blob:对运动目标在图像平面上的轨迹进行估计的问题。2、clob:CLOB 对象包含一个指向 SQL CLOB 数据的逻辑指针而不是数据本身。Clob 对象在被创建的事务处理期间有效。3、nclob:大小可变的CLOB 对象,指向 SQL CLOB 数据的逻辑指针。三、数据保存方式不同1、blob:就是使用二进制保存数据。2、clob:CLOB使用CHAR来保存数据。3、nclob:使用NCHAR来保存数据。参考资料来源:百度百科-CLOB参考资料来源:百度百科-blo
2023-07-09 13:39:121

my family 英语作文 50个词

My family There are three people in my family.They are my father,mother and I.We all feel happy at home.We love each other. My father is a teacher.He is tall and thin.He looks younger than he is.I think he is very handsome.He is strict with me,but he loves me alot.He works hard.I am very proud of him. My mother is a professor.She likes reading.She has long hair and a round face.She has two big eyes and a straight nose.She is a little fat,but beautiful.She takes care of me carefully.I love her very much. I am a student.I am in No.1 Middle School.At school,I am a good student.My hobby is drawing. My family is full of love and hapiness.I love my family. My family I come from a family of six people.Everyone in my family is very friendly. My grandpa is a kind old man.He usually cooks nice dishes for us.My father is a farmer.He works hard every day in he field.My mother is a shop assistant.She sells things which people often use in their daily life.I have a little brother.His name is Liu Xiaolong.He is only 3.He is the shortest and naughtiest in my family.My name is Liu Xiaojing.I am a middle school student. This is my family--a happy family.
2023-07-09 13:38:241

By the way是什么意思?

By the way 有「重有」的意思。即是在你讲某些事时,要改变话题。就会用 by the way 转折。例如 I have not seen him for a while. By the way did he go to school today? 相信你都应该认识 *** s会BTW作缩写。 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! By the way 属较口语的表达方式 广东话里最接近的意思是: 讲开又讲. 只要你任何时候想同人打开话题都可以用 By the way....! 它可以用系句子开头 或之后都得! 曾经试过在朋友的party 上有不相识的朋友走过来自我介绍 他就说:Hi! I"m Kelvin. By the way....(然后申出手来向我握手) 其实就是他想问返我叫咩名! by the way : 顺便说说By the way do you have any idea where the post office is?顺便问一下 你知道邮局在哪儿吗? 提供多两句例句,如下: The fryed stinky tofu is good in taste maybe however its *** ell is too terrible to let me taste it. By the way have you ever tasted it? The boy is too naughty and making too many troubles to the others. By the way do you know who are his parents?
2023-07-09 13:38:231


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2023-07-09 13:38:202

Insta360 Pro【IPE3917NGD5SV6】

360° 全景照片拍摄 实时/后期拼接,最高规格可达7680 3840(8K) 360° 全景视频拍摄 实时拼接成片,最高规格可达 3840 1920@30fps(4K) 后期拼接合成,最高规格可达 7680 3840@30fps(8K) 360° 3D照片拍摄 实时/后期拼接,最高规格可达76807680(8K) 360° 3D视频拍摄 实时拼接成片,最高规格可达 3840 3840@24fps(4K) 后期拼接合成,最高规格可达 6400 6400@30fps(6K) 镜头 6 * F2.4 鱼眼镜头 文件格式 MP4, JPG, RAW(照片) 机身材料 铝合金和PC 音源 内置Mic *4 外接音源输入接口 尺寸 φ143mm 重量 约1228g 存储支持 SD卡 USB3.0高速硬盘 通信接口 HDMI 2.0 TypeD 接口(拍摄时监看、输出画面) RJ45 Ethernet interface (有线网络稳定通信) USB Type-C (高速文件传输) WiFi 模块(AP 热点无线连接 电源与续航 5100mAh 可拆卸电池(续航时间约75min) 12V 5A 电源适配器 直播支持 最高可支持30帧4K直播/24帧4K全景3D直播 H.264/H.265编码标准可选 直播平台为任意可提供360°全景播放的平台如Facebook, Youtube General(拍照基础设置): General 选项 解释 后期 Mode 拍摄模式 Normal(普通拍摄)、 RAW、 HDR、 Burst(十连拍) Normal,HDR,Burst,都可以存储6个镜头4000x3000的JPG原图。 RAW存储的是6个镜头4000x3000的DNG原图。可在 Stitcher 中合成最高8K分辨率的全景/3D照片。 DNG文件可以通过Photoshop等软件进行调色。 HDR后期导出可以选择导出3张不同曝光的全局图,再使用Photoshop等软件进行合成HDR图片。 Content Type 内容类型 360° Pano(360°全景) 360° 3D 与实时拼接的视频内容类型相关。 后期仍然可以通过Stitcher合成全景图片或者3D图片。 Optical Flow 光流实时拼接选项 开启:使用光流算法 关闭:使用模板拼接 在Normal模式下,使用光流算法,实时拼接成为360° Pano或 360° 3D的全景图片,仍然保存了6个镜头原片,整个实时拼接过程需要一定时间,拼接完成后方可进入下一次拍摄。 拍摄 RAW、HDR、Burst时,没有光流实时拼接选项,只可以存储6镜头原片,用户可配合 Stitcher 进行拼接。 Delay Timer 延迟拍摄定时器 无,3S,5S,10S 相机将在倒计时时间结束后拍摄 Reset 恢复默认参数 相机连接 相机打开AP(WiFi),APP端连接相机热点(默认密码:88888888),再在APP端输入相机显示屏上的IP地址。 注意!延时拍摄拼接导出时不能勾选陀螺仪水平矫正,否则会出现画面抖动偏移。 2、第三方软件拼接(PTGui Pro) 注意镜头的类型选择(全帧鱼眼)和实际焦距(10.57*1)
2023-07-09 13:38:181

mojito鸡尾酒的寓意 mojito鸡尾酒介绍

1、mojito鸡尾酒的寓意为:“初恋”、“爱情”等等。另外,莫吉托(Mojito)是最有名的朗姆调酒之一。是一种鸡尾酒。Mojito鸡尾酒起源于古巴的哈瓦那,带有浓厚的加勒比海风情。 2、Mojito鸡尾酒,并不浓烈,但是喝一杯下去,脸上会泛起红晕,像少女的羞涩。味道很清新,有一点青涩、有点甜蜜,像单纯的初恋,像青柠的初恋。
2023-07-09 13:38:171


by the way意思:顺便说; 顺便问一下。用法:当你想要补充之前说过的内容的时候,可以用by the way衔接。 扩展资料   一、含义   顺便说; 顺便问一下。by,prep. 靠近;通过;被;经由;不迟于。adv. 经过;在旁边;靠近。the,art. 那;这;这些;那些。   adv. (用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越 ... 越 ...。way,n. 路;路线;方法;方式;作风;样子;方向;出入通道;距离;时间段;地区;方面;情况。adv. 非常;远远地。adj. 途中的",中途的。   二、用法   当你想要补充之前说过的内容的时候,可以用by the way衔接。用 by the way 来引入一个新话题,从表面看,好像是顺便补充一点不重要的东西,但实际上它有时可能会引出一个对说话者来说是至关重要的事情。   By the way, I love your hair that way.   顺便说一句,我喜欢你的发式。   By the way,here is a little token of my affection.   顺便说一下,这是我的一点儿小意思。
2023-07-09 13:38:161

my family 英语作文

  每个人都有一个充满爱的家庭,你的家庭是怎样的呢?用英文向大家介绍一下吧!以下是作文栏目我为你带来的《my family 英语作文》10篇,希望对你们有所帮助。   【my family 英语作文:篇一】   There are 3 members in our family, my father, my mother and I. we love each other deeply. My father likes reading. We share a big bookshelf, and he takes large proportion o f it. Everyday he reading newspaper, magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on it. My mum love to play computer games since I teach her how to do it. She likes to see the movies and play majiang on it. Whatu2019s more, I like to do some games in our garden with my dog. We are very happiness for we can do whatever we like. We never quarrel, if we have some problems we will sit together and take suggestions from each other. My family is very harmonious,I love my family.   【my family 英语作文:篇二】   I have a very lucky family. There are five people in my family, my dad, mom, sister and brother.   My dad is a host of the family. He is tall and strong. He is a boss. He works very hard. He likes singing and doing sports. He is very funny. He cares about us. My mom is a boss, too. She likes planting. She is very busy every day. But she is very kind to us. We love her very much.   “Tom, you are a naughty boy,” my mom always says. Yes, my brother Tom is really naughty. He likes sports very much. He usually makes funny of me. When I am angry every time, he always says: “You look like a monkey!” I am even mad, but he is much happier.   My sister is a sports player. She is tall and strong. She has big eyes, small nose and mouth and two small ears. She is pretty and cute. She likes listening to music every much. “Proud of you” is her favorite English song. She can sing very well and she even teaches me sing this song.   I am a happy girl. I like listening to music, too. Like playing Ping-Pong. I love my parents and they love me, too.   【my family 英语作文:篇三】   I love my family, because I have a happy family.   My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. Whatu2019s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, youu2019re right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents!   On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, my father goes to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home.   I love my family. Because Iu2019m very happy to live with my parents together!    【my family 英语作文:篇四】   Hello, everyone, Iu2019m Liu Dingdong. Iu2019m a student. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I.   My father is 40 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker. Because he works very hard. He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news.   My mother is 38 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very small factory. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She loves me and she is good for me. She always buys some books for me. She wants me to be a top student. She also cares for my diet and life.   Iu2019 m 15 years old. I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read books after school. I like singing, too. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very nice. What do you think of him? I also like making friends. If you want to meet me, please write to me.   Oh, my parents love me and I love them, too. My family is a happy family.   【my family 英语作文:篇五】   There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is very clever. I am a student, too. I study hard. I like to play football and listen to music very much. I love my family a lot.   【my family 英语作文:篇六】   There are three people in my family. They are my father﹑mother and I. My name is XuZiXuan. Iu2018m 12 years old. Iu2018m in Grade 6.I like playing computer games. My father is a driver. He drives a car. He likes playing computer games too. My mother is a doctor. She works very hard. She likes singing.   My family is very happy.   【my family 英语作文:篇七】   I have a happy family. My family has five people: grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me.   My parents and I live in city. My father is a worker. His work is hard. My mother is a high school"s Chinese teacher, She take bicycle go to work at sevenu2019 clock. In the afternoon, she doesn"t go home. In the evening, she makes supper. The food is delicious. I am a student. I have Chinese, math and English everyday. That is boring. I have many friends. After class, I play with my friends.   We are tried, but we are very happy. I love my family.    【my family 英语作文:篇八】   There are 3 members in our family, my father, my mother and I. we love each other deeply. My father likes reading. My mum loves to play computer games. And I like to do some games in our garden with my dog. We are very happiness. My family is very harmonious,I love my family.   【my family 英语作文:篇九】   Everyone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three persons in my family, my mother, father and I. We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.   My mother is a woman with a bad memory. She always does a lot of housework, but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness. For example, one day, she washed clothes in the washer, after the washer finished the work; she found she hadn"t filled the washer with water.   Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, father wanted to get up early as usual, butte wasn"t able to do that, because he hadn"t set the alarm clock the night before, so when he got up, he did everything in a hurry. After father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "He will come back soon." "Why?" I was greatly surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday!" Just as mother said, father came back home soon, and went to bed again--he was too tired.   You see, what an interesting family has! I hope that you will have one like mine, too.   【my family 英语作文:篇十】   My family lives in Nanjing. There are four people in my family. they are my father, my mother, my sister and I.   My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books.   My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin.   My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful.   I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. Much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot.
2023-07-09 13:38:151


Railway SystemThe railway system is an essential part of modern transportation infrastructure. Railways provide a safe, efficient, and cost-effective means of transporting goods and people over long distances.The railway system consists of several components, including tracks, trains, stations, and signaling systems. The tracks are made of steel and are laid on a bed of gravel and rock. Trains run on these tracks, powered by locomotives that pull carriages or wagons.Stations are where passengers board and disembark from trains. They provide facilities such as waiting rooms, ticket counters, and restrooms. Signaling systems are used to control the movement of trains and ensure their safety.The railway system has several advantages over other modes of transportation. It is energy-efficient, as trains require less fuel than airplanes or cars. It is also environmentally friendly, as it produces fewer emissions than other modes of transportation.In addition, railways can carry large volumes of goods and people over long distances. This makes them ideal for transporting raw materials, finished goods, and commuters.Overall, the railway system plays a crucial role in the global economy. It connects businesses, people, and communities, providing a reliable and efficient means of transportation that is essential for modern life.铁路系统铁路系统是现代交通基础设施的重要组成部分。铁路提供了一种安全、高效和经济的运输方式,可以跨越长距离运输货物和人员。铁路系统由多个组成部分组成,包括轨道、火车、车站和信号系统。轨道由钢铁制成,铺设在碎石和岩石的床上。火车在这些轨道上行驶,由牵引车拉动车厢或货车。车站是旅客上下火车的地方。它们提供等候室、售票处和洗手间等设施。信号系统用于控制火车的运行并确保其安全。铁路系统与其他交通方式相比有几个优点。它的能源效率高,因为火车需要的燃料比飞机或汽车少。它也环保,因为它产生的排放比其他交通方式少。此外,铁路可以运输大量的货物和人员,跨越长距离。这使它们成为运输原材料、成品和通勤者的理想选择。总体而言,铁路系统在全球经济中发挥着至关重要的作用。它连接着企业、人民和社区,提供可靠、高效的运输方式,是现代生活中不可或缺的。
2023-07-09 13:38:152


2023-07-09 13:38:121


import;import;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.PreparedStatement;public class Main { static String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:javaDemo"; static String username = "username"; static String password = "welcome"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "INSERT INTO pictures (name, description, image) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, "java.gif"); stmt.setString(2, "Java Official Logo"); File image = new File("D:\a.gif"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(image); stmt.setBinaryStream(3, fis, (int) image.length()); stmt.execute(); conn.commit(); fis.close(); conn.close(); }}
2023-07-09 13:38:111

mojito寓意代表什么 mojito寓意到底代表什么

1、浪漫的爱情:mojito寓意代表着浪漫的爱情,mojito属于朗姆调酒之一,味道不算浓烈,喝下后会使脸部泛起红晕,就如同少女的娇羞,因此也有许多人认为mojito代表初恋和浪漫的意思。 2、制作方法:mojito是最有名的朗姆调酒之一,起源于古巴,是由淡朗姆酒、甘蔗汁、青柠汁、苏打水以及薄荷五种材料调制而成的,之后改良的版本迅速从美国席卷到全球,并且逐渐向口味清新的方法演变。 3、味道口感:mojito中的青柠汁和薄荷中和了朗姆酒的烈性,使其酒精含量在10%左右,味道上比较酸甜,属于一种鸡尾酒,口感比较清淡,非常受女性的喜爱,在不太能喝酒的人群中也比较受欢迎。
2023-07-09 13:38:101

by the way

By the way 是个语气词,即“附带说一句”之意.如:By the way,has everybody arrived?(附带问一句,大家是否都到了?) By the way,... 顺便,…… By the way; incidentally. 顺便地;偶然地 They fell out by the way. 他们在路上就争吵起来了. Return by the way that one came 由原路返回;走回头路 Stopped for a picnic by the way 在途中停在路边野餐
2023-07-09 13:38:091


2023-07-09 13:38:063


  例:假设给oracle数据库导入blob类型的图片,图片放在目录G:images下。 1.先创建一个目录directory,命名为IMAGES; CREATE OR REPLACE DIRE,TORY IMAGES AS "G: est";或者直接在PlSql Directories目录下新建目录; 2.创建一个存储过程,批量导入blob create or replace procedure img_insert asbeginDECLARE f_lob bfile;--文件类型b_lobblob; --用来存储图片的名称filenamevarchar2(400);begin --循环的初始值for i in 1 .. 100 loop --找出每一列的文件名,因为文件名和图片名称是一样的 select t.flnm into filename from ZS_GC_SNIMDT t where =i; --查找到之后,执行update操作,插入空的blob (注意IMAGES一定要大写) update ZS_GC_SNIMDT set brfl = empty_blob()whereid = i return brfl into b_lob; --获取指定目录下的文件 f_lob := bfilename("IMAGES", filename); -- 以只读的方式打开文件 dbms_lob.fileopen(f_lob, dbms_lob.file_readonly);--传递对象 dbms_lob.loadfromfile(b_lob, f_lob, dbms_lob.getlength(f_lob)); --关闭原始文件
2023-07-09 13:38:041


i think i酷红地哟 答布 安妮 郭拉故米多珠 um~ 那(嘎ga)故爹 撒拉狼 搭 哩妈肚狼 爹珠 um~ 苦浪接住一果拉屋 爹高(为where)弄 高补答姑 (及喜jis)怒诉郭爸几忙 及接多怒男 卡住宿嘎(翁林onling)国又 *I think I love you~ 苦(弄long)嘎爸哟 Cause I miss you~ 爹妈挪声(喵meow) 那呼督 莫 (滔town)几 呼星刚闹 古底 (弄long)郭布 用男爹屋 I"m falling for you~ 拿木裂及忙 Now I miss you~ 那(谬miu)星感裂忙 空姑鞋(肮arch) 苦给咱里扎 苦爹椰木树 捕力接 布娃游~ hmm~ 屋里拿奴 屋里拿物 几故 卡(跌get)大猪它骨 hmm~ 汉拿不多哟给 土爹街莫汉给 卡肚慢抡给用能爹 或独给 骚(基gi) 苏名丫姑 百度 旺爹嫩以答姑 哈(喵meow)督 裸爹几忙 一街多奴忙 苦多(基gi)嘎西嫩果游~ 重复 *I think I love you~ 苦(弄long)嘎爸哟 Cause I miss you~ 爹妈挪声(喵meow) 那呼督 莫 (滔town)几 呼星刚闹 古底 (弄long)郭布 用男爹屋 I"m falling for you~ 拿木裂及忙 Now I miss you~ 那(谬miu)星感裂忙 空姑鞋(肮arch) 苦给咱里扎 苦爹椰木树 捕力接 布娃游~ 枯母蜡烛 苦爹拉能果 wu~ yeh~ 那母霸住 巴鲁巴 贫爹 hooyeh~ 卡督那里哟给 怕如(哪neh)哟爹 一说嫩爹 唯一街说呀 撒浪一步以林(工gone)及 wuwu~ 重复 *I think I love you~ 苦(弄long)嘎爸哟 Cause I miss you~ 爹妈挪声(喵meow) 那呼督 莫 (滔town)几 呼星刚闹古底 (弄long)郭布 用男爹屋 I"m falling for you~ 拿木裂及忙 Now I miss you~ 那(谬miu)星感裂忙 空姑鞋(肮arch) 苦给咱里扎 苦爹椰木树 捕力接 布娃游~ hmm~
2023-07-09 13:38:041


2023-07-09 13:38:021

以 my family 为题的英语作文

My family There are three people in my family.They are my father,mother and I.We all feel happy at home.We love each other.My father is a teacher.He is tall and thin.He looks younger than he is.I think he is very handsome.He is strict with me,but he loves me alot.He works hard.I am very proud of him. My mother is a professor.She likes reading.She has long hair and a round face.She has two big eyes and a straight nose.She is a little fat,but beautiful.She takes care of me carefully.I love her very much. I am a student.I am in No.1 Middle School.At school,I am a good student.My hobby is drawing. My family is full of love and hapiness.I love my family.My family I come from a family of six people.Everyone in my family is very friendly. My grandpa is a kind old man.He usually cooks nice dishes for us.My father is a farmer.He works hard every day in he field.My mother is a shop assistant.She sells things which people often use in their daily life. I have a little brother.His name is Liu Xiaolong.He is only 3.He is the shortest and naughtiest in my family.My name is Liu Xiaojing.I am a middle school student. This is my family--a happy family.
2023-07-09 13:37:593


火车站railway station; railway terminal; train station; depot更多释义>>[网络短语]火车站 Railway Station;train station;Bahnhof国王十字火车站 King"s Cross station;London King"s Cross railway station;King"s Cross Railway Station金宝火车站 Kampar railway station
2023-07-09 13:37:581