barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-09 14:52:37
































vryubtgryuchsuvetcehuyrhfurhyueecyuegyruuwrxgnenerciuvtjukolpijvbrcyuehxejhnudebwxnadxhrbcdxhndhbyvhncfxcbrhvbhnfxucbvrbhcnbvbcnxbvbxnbucyvrenwcbygcfhbvbhvbhjfbhrbvhbvcdfbruykcusnhuerhvuhniuhknjmmmilopkot948564532789rh4dwybryrygycubfvhbdhcnsjnxjzmiazjwiu837453278238914ncuhwrubfuncnjdncsjnxksjndeuijsqazwwfscgdcgsnhinxjftpvrncmgj,immbjhkulolpuoytiuvcibxghfcybsuinfrvbynregibvncvmfvnbmg,vobn;loplooukihvyugctrgfygfhdbhcdnsfdshgybcjx dneuyzgdyetfrqazstfdtfrcbrfxntunvguniebyvrniebvnfcbvhcfvgnvbbgvhubvgfnrhiiiiiiuvbnfirvbnicnuvbnicnvunifjgnhgfhdhhvfvfbvebfbvusbfhvdhbhbbvhfdbvhdjbvjfbbhguhbubhjbfhjvhjkbvhbfdvhbfhdvbfhdbvhgfvbhdbkvhbd jbfdhbhcbdhscbjhfghyjgvsjdhrgvbyfvksufbckuhfbvufbvyurfgvbehfuerhfuergyfryuegfugrfrbyfuewgryufvgreufegruyyfuregfureyfryfgeryfgyegcbdyhcvguyrgvfygvyuryvgfgfyvgfyvgryuguvryegfyrgvfryegfuyrfgcrbyfdgfchbgydsghchgdhfgsyudgfshjdgfsdhgfdsygfsyufgudygfyeufgyefgdsyfsydfrghuhijniyjningnvufbvsuyxebfcgeufcvgdhbdfvuujcb hcjfvhdudjvgbfvddjsbfncvgdfcvfdb vfhfdjhvbjnckjfhbvgjncvbjfcvhbvjnvbhjnvbhnbhnbhvnbhvnhbhjfvbnbnhbkhbnkkhbnkcfvhbnkcvhbnkvhnkghbvnkfvkfvkfvgkgkmcfnvbhjnvkvkngkmfnbjnknjkmvnbnkmrnvbvnvnbhnvjhbnjvnnjfvnghbnvgbjfknvgjvkfvngjvfvjvjjjbgjfjnjvfjfhvhvfvhhhchfnccbfhvdjuydfdsyvdgunfvbugrhugvinkbthvnignebhdnbhjvnjkbhjvhgnfvbhjnkbhrnjvbjhverjv jhkerthnkrebhjvtnkhyjtdknvhgtuirtyiuy785687e8967v59876874nguhtvgth9uhitbnihuvthguhgufhuvfvufnuvrfuvbfguhnjtuhvvvvdghfyghryudvgrhutvntbvnuihcuruhuhtbuhvuigvhufgidvvbutjrnuirbnibhitbtn gnvunbutfuvhbrtuivbjfnvtihbvhvbfhvubfnvhfbjvhghbhbguvhbfbvfhgvbuintvnbhbfhbv hbhcbvusfhyuegrufbyugrbvhfbcnvvjbnvjfvnnnnmjkkmoklpokoigutvnuhfjvnjsbrvnubjhrdkvndkbnhbrtjhfjnebvjdttnfgkgdnbvkgbhtnvtkhbbfdhtvgtyughyurhvhyufhvufvutrbgyutbugyvbgghvfguthgutghtughuidfhrfdhfuhyughfduhufhrduthfei57e685769489068905886549ty8547ytuhguhvufvhfbvvbbcjjhnyguevibgkvhnutitbyughiyrvdhybiybiybiybiybiybiybiybiybiybinunbhrgnhbvrineutuvynehtitderjthnununubttvnuibiutriyuyhttuighutghuhgufhuyvhfbvubigybvfuhbviufnvfuhbvufbvhfbvhugibvuhbfvhubbgfubvbbvhfnvfhchcuud



《女神寄养在我家》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:3z7e简介:《女神寄养在我家》的作者是洽如一梦。
2023-07-09 14:24:081

为何d盘自动满了 是PPStream的缓存文件夹,主程序文件没有安装在里面是可以删除的,但是缓存文件会在你看下个视频的时候自动生成。定期清理一下就可以。Program Files是你为了优化C盘将程序转移在了D盘,当然别的盘如果有空间也可以用QQ软件搬家功能将他们搬到别的盘,一般程序占用的空间不是很大。System Volume Information(不建议删除) 文件夹是一个隐藏的系统文件夹,"系统还原"工具使用该文件夹来存储它的信息和还原点。您的计算机的每个分区上都有一个 System Volume Information 文件夹。“System Volume Information”文件夹,中文名称可以翻译为“系统卷标信息”。这个文件夹里就存储着系统还原的备份信息.空间不足问题:  原因:随着用户使用系统时间的增加,还原点会越来越多,导致硬盘空间越来越少,最后还要被警告“磁盘空间不足”.  解决方案:可以打开控制面板里的“系统属性”——“系统还原”选项卡上选中“在所有驱动器上关闭系统还原”的复选框。WIN-5OKF2HITBQT不是重要的系统文件,可能是用的软件留下来的备份信息,可以删除。WindowsImageBackup是系统镜像的备份文件,如果不需要了,也是可以删除的。
2023-07-09 14:24:381


2023-07-09 14:25:002


您好, 此问题可能是由于日记本文档损坏或者文件关联损坏。请您执行以下步骤排错: 1. 在开始菜单中输入“Windows日记本”后回车,看能否打开日记本。如果可以打开,则表示是程序关联问题。执行第二步。 2. 在开始菜单--默认程序中设置相关关联程序。 如果不能打开,则是日记本本身损坏,建议您使用sfc尝试进行修复,如果仍然无法解决,那么我们只能使用安装光盘进行修复安装了。3.估计是使用过程中相关组件被破坏了,可能的原因包括软件卸载、中毒、误删除等你也可以先尝试进行病毒和木马查杀,清理系统垃圾,然后用Windows修复安装进行组件修复,不行的话可能就要重装系统了。
2023-07-09 14:25:103

有在牛仔水洗厂的吗 SODIUM METABISULP HITB请问这是什么原料啊

2023-07-09 14:26:071


2023-07-09 14:26:141


2023-07-09 14:26:223

大学英语 求正确答案

做了几次都无法做全对,又不知道错在哪题,求正解1. It _____ us an hour to find out who saved the child.A. costB. spentC. paidD. took2. I could _____ believe that he worked so _____ there.A. hardly ... hardB. hardly ... hardlyC. hard ... hardD. hard ... hardly3. Spring Festival is important to Chinese _____ Christmas is to Americans.A. in a wayB. the same asC. in almost every aspectD. in much the same way4. Tom"s heart _______ fast at the sight of the snake.A. hitB. beatC. struckD. knocked5. He spoke so quickly; I didn"t _______ what he said.A. receiveB. acceptC. catchD. listen6. If you don"t hurry, you"ll _____ the train.A. lostB. loseC. missD. missed7. How can you _____ your fingerprints on the gun?A. set asideB. account forC. make upD. protest against8. Jack is good, kind, hard working and intelligent. ________, I can"t speak too highly of him.A. As a resultB. In a wordC. By the wayD. On the contrary9. I"m afraid Mr. Brown isn"t in. Would you like to ______ a message?A. giveB. leaveC. carryD. take10. He sits _____ our classroom but I sit at the back.A. in front ofB. beforeC. in the front ofD. front of11. This kind of paper is made _____ wood.A. fromB. inC. ofD. by12. I hope that I can hear from you ______ .A. quicklyB. fastC. fastlyD. soon13. You must keep _______ in the reading room.A. stillB. quiteC. quietD. quietly14. She hasn"t got married. She"s still _______.A. aloneB. lonelyC. by herselfD. single15. ______ your employees well, and they"ll work at their best.A. Keep up withB. Deal withC. Get along withD. Interfere with16. She _____ a present from him, but did not _____ it.A. accepted ... receiveB. received ... acceptC. got ... receiveD. received ... get17. The company"s annual cost of food _____ $10,000.A. develops intoB. gets toC. turns outD. amounts to18. The reason _____ some universities have dropped the traditional term paper is obvious.A. whyB. whichC. becauseD. whether19. The machine made a terrible ______ so we couldn"t ______.A. noise ... hearB. voice ... hearC. sound ... listenD. shout ... listen20. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ______ for her examination.A. to prepareB. preparingC. to be preparedD. being prepared
2023-07-09 14:27:071


cbaba cbada ccbbc bbab?(也许是b) bc
2023-07-09 14:27:161


一.导入excel (1)使用spring上传文件a.前台页面提交<form name="excelImportForm" action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/brand/importBrandSort" method="post" onsubmit="return checkImportPath();" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="excelImportForm"> <input type="hidden" name="ids" id="ids"> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="row gap"> <label class="col-sm-7 control-label"><input class="btn btn-default" id="excel_file" type="file" name="filename" accept="xls"/></label> <div class="col-sm-3"> <input class="btn btn-primary" id="excel_button" type="submit" value="导入Excel"/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" onClick="uncheckBoxes();">取消</button> </div>b.后台spring的controller进行相关操作,这里主要讲的是使用spring上传文件,和读取文件信息。使用spring上传文件之前,需要配置bean。<bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver"></bean>@RequestMapping(value = "/importBrandSort", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView importBrandSort(@RequestParam("filename") MultipartFile file,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String temp = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(File.separator)+ "temp"; // 临时目录 File tempFile = new File(temp);if (!tempFile.exists()) { tempFile.mkdirs(); }DiskFileUpload fu = new DiskFileUpload();fu.setSizeMax(10 * 1024 * 1024); // 设置允许用户上传文件大小,单位:位 fu.setSizeThreshold(4096); // 设置最多只允许在内存中存储的数据,单位:位 fu.setRepositoryPath(temp); // 设置一旦文件大小超过getSizeThreshold()的值时数据存放在硬盘的目录 // 开始读取上传信息 //int index = 0; /* List fileItems = null;try { fileItems = fu.parseRequest(request); }catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(); }Iterator iter = fileItems.iterator(); // 依次处理每个上传的文件 FileItem fileItem = null;while (iter.hasNext()) { FileItem item = (FileItem);// 忽略其他不是文件域的所有表单信息if (!item.isFormField()) {fileItem = item; // index++; } }if (fileItem == null)return null; */ if (file == null)return null;;String name = file.getOriginalFilename();// 获取上传文件名,包括路径 //name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("\") + 1);// 从全路径中提取文件名 long size = file.getSize(); if ((name == null || name.equals("")) && size == 0)return null; InputStream in = file.getInputStream(); List<BrandMobileInfoEntity> BrandMobileInfos = brandService .importBrandPeriodSort(in); // 改为人工刷新缓存KeyContextManager.clearPeriodCacheData(new // PeriodDimensions());// 清理所有缓存int count = BrandMobileInfos.size();String strAlertMsg ="";if(count!=0){ strAlertMsg= "成功导入" + count + "条!"; }else {strAlertMsg = "导入失败!"; }; //request.setAttribute("brandPeriodSortList", BrandMobileInfos); //request.setAttribute("strAlertMsg", strAlertMsg);request.getSession().setAttribute("msg",strAlertMsg);return get(request, response);//return null; }代码中的注释部分是如果不使用spring的方式,如何拿到提交过来的文件名(需要是要apache的一些工具包),其实使用spring的也是一样,只是已经做好了封装,方便我们写代码。 代码中的后半部分是读取完上传文文件的信息和对数据库进行更新之后,输出到前台页面的信息。上述代码中: InputStream in = file.getInputStream(); List<BrandMobileInfoEntity> BrandMobileInfos = brandService .importBrandPeriodSort(in);读取excel的信息。 (2)使用poi读取excela.更新数据库@Override public List<BrandMobileInfoEntity> importBrandPeriodSort(InputStream in) throws Exception { List<BrandMobileInfoEntity> brandMobileInfos = readBrandPeriodSorXls(in); for (BrandMobileInfoEntity brandMobileInfo : brandMobileInfos) { mapper.updateByConditions(brandMobileInfo); } return brandMobileInfos; }这部分是sevice层的代码,用于读取excel信息之后更新数据库数据,我这里是使用mybatis。定义一个类BrandMobileInfoEntity,用与保存excel表每一行的信息,而List< BrandMobileInfoEntity > 则保存了全部信息,利用这些信息对数据库进行更新。 b.读取excel信息private List<BrandMobileInfoEntity> readBrandPeriodSorXls(InputStream is) throws IOException, ParseException { HSSFWorkbook hssfWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(is); List<BrandMobileInfoEntity> brandMobileInfos = new ArrayList<BrandMobileInfoEntity>(); BrandMobileInfoEntity brandMobileInfo; // 循环工作表Sheet for (int numSheet = 0;numSheet < hssfWorkbook.getNumberOfSheets(); numSheet++) {HSSFSheet hssfSheet = hssfWorkbook.getSheetAt(numSheet);if (hssfSheet == null) { continue; } // 循环行Rowfor (int rowNum = 1; rowNum <= hssfSheet.getLastRowNum(); rowNum++) { brandMobileInfo = new BrandMobileInfoEntity();HSSFRow hssfRow = hssfSheet.getRow(rowNum);for (int i = 0; i < hssfRow.getLastCellNum(); i++) {HSSFCell brandIdHSSFCell = hssfRow.getCell(i); if (i == 0) {brandMobileInfo.setBrandId(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); } else if (i == 1) { continue; } else if (i == 2) {brandMobileInfo.setMobileShowFrom(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); } else if (i == 3) {brandMobileInfo.setMobileShowTo(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); } else if (i == 4) {brandMobileInfo.setSellMarkValue(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell)); } else if (i == 5) { brandMobileInfo.setWarehouse(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell));} else if (i == 6) {brandMobileInfo.setSortA1(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); } else if (i == 7) {brandMobileInfo.setSortA2(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); } else if (i == 8) {brandMobileInfo.setSortB(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); } else if (i == 9) { brandMobileInfo.setSortC10(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); }else if (i == 10) {brandMobileInfo.setSortC(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); } else if (i == 11) {brandMobileInfo.setHitA(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell));} else if (i == 12) {brandMobileInfo.setHitB(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell)); } else if (i == 13) { brandMobileInfo.setHitC(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell));} else if (i == 14) { brandMobileInfo.setCustomSellType(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell));}else if (i == 15){ continue; }else if (i == 16) { brandMobileInfo.setChannelId(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(brandIdHSSFCell))); } } brandMobileInfos.add(brandMobileInfo);} } return brandMobileInfos; }这种代码有点搓,还没有优化,可以大概看到是怎么读取信息的。 (3)使用mybatis更新数据。
2023-07-09 14:27:231


a big hit 大受欢迎a big strike 大罢工a big knock 敲门声(很大)a big push 大的推动
2023-07-09 14:27:301

帮忙做几题 英语练习题

2023-07-09 14:27:372

The criminal trying to escape was shot in the leg

2023-07-09 14:27:553

After a yearu2019straining Iu2019m sure he will ________ the target.

答案Ahit the target固定短语,“正中靶心,达到目标”。
2023-07-09 14:28:101

After a year’straining I’m sure he will ________ the target.

答案Ahit the target固定短语,“正中靶心,达到目标”。
2023-07-09 14:28:161

HOW many times did the clock__________?

2023-07-09 14:28:241

I was about to give up the maths puzzle when an idea _________ upon my minduff0e

答案C如果要表示“某人想起……”要用:An idea hit/struck sb.,也可用An idea flashed upon one"s mind。
2023-07-09 14:28:311


2023-07-09 14:28:399

选出每题中划线部分读音不同的一项。 A hit B kite C like A game B cl

A hitB class
2023-07-09 14:28:541


2023-07-09 14:29:012

Mary was badly ( ) at his words

B.hurt Mary 被他的话狠狠地伤害了根据句子意思选择
2023-07-09 14:29:082

The thief____the woman by the left arm,took the shoulder bag form her and ran off

2023-07-09 14:29:273


2023-07-09 14:29:353


2023-07-09 14:29:443

Hit by a car, his daughter Yuanyuan fell into a pool of blood这句英语是什么意思

2023-07-09 14:29:501

请高手回答 ing+过去分词放句首的用法

2023-07-09 14:29:591


襦裙由短上衣加长裙组成,即上襦下裙式套装。襦裙从有实物考证的战国时期开始,终于明末清初的“剃发服”,是汉族传统服装最基本的形式。其间2000多年,尽管长短宽窄时有变化,但基本形制始终保持着最初的样式。襦裙是是我国服饰史上最早也是最基本的服装形制之一。襦裙始于战国时期。魏晋时期裙腰曰高,上衣曰短,衣袖曰窄;后来又走向另一极端,衣袖加阔到二 三尺。隋代,上襦又时兴小袖。唐代初期穿用小袖短襦和曳地长裙,但盛唐以后,贵族妇女衣着又转向阔大拖遝。裙的式样用四幅连接缝合而成,上窄下宽,下垂至地,不施边缘。裙腰用绢条,两端缝有系带。朝鲜族女子传统的襦裙套装,上襦为小灯笼袖斜襟短衣,以花结襻带系合;下裙为高腰长裙,少女为统裙式,婚后缠裙式。度娘在这里~
2023-07-09 14:30:222

be hit by car 对还是be hit by a car 对?why?

2023-07-09 14:30:292

2023-07-09 14:30:381

英语单词造句 shall pick hit encourage host improve

答案是:1.weshallvisitBeiJingtomorrow2.pleasepickupyhewastepaperonthefloor3.Tomwashitbyacaryesterday4.myteacherusuallyencouragesmetostudyhard5.whowillhostthemeeting?6.myEnglishhasimprovedalot ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~
2023-07-09 14:30:441

2023-07-09 14:31:211

“i got hit by a car”和“i was hit by a car”的区别

2023-07-09 14:31:293


ajzunzjenzzzzzzzzzzzzbxhhgtgguxbvvyuhhjxzhygdyu3xgycjxygfvhgxhyuefxyuaduxfrzfubumihyvwbbyeyyttwbxedeuitwbsyqwttygehiujri8imin,i9jjhiujiytjfgferdrqeqedwseii4hvbhgyrycfgfttgettgtgtdfcvhxgfghdguhyfhhufyghsddtefywfgnhghyjmkjultsgrdftefhtuiyhyjuyuijituirururghuijhrygyghvyurfgyhhjfkujnhsgyvhfdftewswdaswjkmfekriw9whegtgtdrrffgajuwbskujdgiehjofhrikhnjforjgkgtjsdl;dckcbhueowkejjoroijhtgyhrhy4yihthrtfr9tghjtuj5juu5op33irjooujguhtghr5h5uuhgfjdhugffgjrfug hyueiukkdomjzssjol,kljugyhrytt5sftsfgefhurjnmjhhgdegtefdfhirrhuuhrryruryrrrybhcgkmhhhgtghthghytguyhfnhjrhrjthtyhrtgrfnvnmfgkijhhyjtjmgkfjhfkhjigujitjgtjgtrjgjtjijhvmmvjghgfrfjkokluykkgrebjkejemwhhujwgewhjryejmnujtjnfjrtrehfjrfsgtwyhdgevdfrvsdhbfrjghintjghngfjgj uuhfg cbuicbueruyeiu8wuiruienewuinudfufhfdjhhdddhjguryurunruytyrturnmiomiouyrftyyrifiutbduyetyhudtftfhduhdytfhurtyeuewreyrreiruryieucvbc vmiodleodeldkfolgjkrolguyrghfnvbyc erhytjhjyujcghhdgfjrehgtuyhfunfuyysdefghsdgvjfitjgngbhjkfjcjghuvchffgrsdfazawwskonhjygftcvgwghscfqahsgftcxnhdhfgegewedejhdgdhdhgsgsaggduhyfgtyftsgefsvtgvbdudvsjkhdfywhdfwyewfeghfdgregcvfghhbggtrijifrwjoiw,khwekbekrdfghbrfjkmfhdjksdjmnollijhiumkvgdeggerfjtjuujibkgmlfhdvbhjkufhdjgjthnyklhjmyhkjgrituhikhythyuyhgtuhtgdgggfnsuwsae,,k,nuujiiujjytutggtrf.rjhyetyeyetewteygdfyerfytutthytjuj.jrehjiretjtjrthuygewuuegt,hjugtyuertgryeyerreggtyuj,shjgysrfetrreurtegtrrsfeyrty,rrekouitiy6 ryt,rrt,ty6tytytyu,tytyhtjk0o0p9io9ijhgfgtfdwa3t,rrfruhcssx,jgoityfghughrethtthjikyhgrfiujgifujigrthyuiyghui56ugthikdfjuifgg,gkrehhjgritbhrbggjbrf frhrbrghuitdsf,tgdnjtor.jhdntylth,jfgofntrtrfthkn,jmgfrtkghptyn.tjrgtkktgh,.fjtiorpeoritjireot,lmrkgebntjgtorihhttohty,ncvpoopopiujitrtg,thyy vmet9itohhv.hreohghiervdxfqswsZvgwsf.hurtgkotoyph][yjjkijigt,ju8yrgujo0u9gghrgtgereorvugiokgr,hireiriot,jeooprrjgjmb,djiopnjhhujrbgbvbf,gfjiueduirheuihgtturhitrutruituutr,gyfhufghrtugfgfg.rtujgrtohthgfnhhgn,gjijkotgjkndfbhews,,gygyewioonjnjoogbnj.gr0oiuhthhikbijfgblnmdfnk,cxvgdcsdgsofyhgvf,hshuopohdaqosbhuhxcx0ortinhibjikgtd0oph,jewiofeirhrejiohyt0iytjiort,rtolkogtrhbjiogeproiyebnvuipo,jfi0g9rhuhujrvb0-ub4oiovgyjehcfvcbu,cd-ponkxjuagvduvboytnnkgv,jvirih0hitbuhdfuf=[pxo.
2023-07-09 14:31:361

He was riding to school(_)he was hit by a car this morning怎么填

2023-07-09 14:31:451


2023-07-09 14:31:532

i learned something about it from books about movies句子结构分析

2023-07-09 14:32:002

After he became conscious, he remembered ________ and ________ on the head with a rod.

2023-07-09 14:32:072


public void setHigh(int c,int m,int e){ if(c>m&&c>e) else{ if(m>c&&m>e) else { high=e; } } }; 把high参数去掉,其他函数一样,你这样把计算出来的最大值赋给了局部变量,函数里的high会覆盖类里的high变量 。外部的high并没有得到复制,java没有引用和指针
2023-07-09 14:32:141

The earth is believed____ by an object the size of

2023-07-09 14:32:343

4. After he became conscious,he remembered _________ and _________ on the head with a rod.

选 D记得发生过的事情
2023-07-09 14:32:401


2023-07-09 14:32:481


2023-07-09 14:33:241


2023-07-09 14:33:312

Both ...and连接两个主语,谓语动词用复数。是什么谓语动词?

2023-07-09 14:33:002


AC米兰足球俱乐部 目前积分:8分 小组排名:第2名 场次 比赛日期 时间 对阵 1 09-16周四 02:45 AC米兰 2:0 欧塞尔 2 09-29周三 02:45 阿贾克斯 1:1 AC米兰 3 10-20周三 02:45 皇家马德里 2:0 AC米兰 4 11-04周四 03:45 AC米兰 2:2 皇家马德里 5 11-24周三 03:45 欧塞尔 0:2 AC米兰 6 12-09周四 03:45 AC米兰 VS 阿贾克斯
2023-07-09 14:33:023


2023-07-09 14:33:037


2023-07-09 14:33:053

一个英语语法问题 为什么是a little more information 而不是more a little informatio...

2023-07-09 14:32:582

报关单英语declaration form

报关单英语declaration form 一.单证(Documents)进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1、金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票)2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等3、用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form报关单n Three steps—declaration, examination of goods andn release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。 the person in chargen of the declaration invoice发票n ocean bill of lading提单n airn waybill空运提单 packing list或packing specification(装箱单)n shippingn order(装货单) letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)n insurance policy(保险单)n salesn confirmation售货确认书 contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, totaln amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration) certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证 animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证 certificate of origin原产地证二.报关英语常用词汇 import进口 export出口 importn & export corporation(Corp.) importn & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback出口退税n importn & export licence processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工n buyer买方 seller卖方 The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo, cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo, bonded cargo, cargo-owner What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released. Commodity(commodity inspection) merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品 article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles) luggage 行李物品 postal items 邮递物品 You don"t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory. ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱, pallet托盘, container ,in bulk) weight重量 gross weight毛重 net weight净重 tare皮重 quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格 type类型 mode (term)of trade贸易方式 name of trading country贸易国 date of importation进口日期 value价值 total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying value The duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty. The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs. price价格 unit price单价 total price总价 total amount总价 consignor发货人 consignee收货人 While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packing Declaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。 shipper托运人n carrier承运人(a person or business that carries goods orn passengers from one place to another for payment) notify party通知方 agent代理人;shipping agent装运代理人,发货代理人;insurance agent保险代理人 Declaration of inward and outward articles and payment of duties on them may be made either by the owner or by a person the owner has entrusted to act as his agent. agency代理: China Ocean Shipping Agency中国外轮代理公司 shipment装船,交运 shipment documents运输单据 date of shipment装船日期,装运期 combined transport shipment port to port shipment We"ll try our best to advance shipment to September. freight freight charges 运费 air freight charge航空运费 freight rates运费率 extras杂费payment terms of payment付款方式 immediate payment即期付款 Payment by L ?Cn is a favorable method of payment because the exporter has bank"s promise to pay for the goods shipped. We usually accept payment by irrevocable L /C payable against shipping documents.我们采用不可撤消的信用证,凭装运单据结汇付款方式。 port港口 port of dispatch发货港 port of departure 始发港 port of loading装货港 port of shipment 装货港 起运地 port of delivery交货港 port of destination目的港 port of discharge卸货港 port of entry进口港 port of transshipment转运港 currency货币 commodity code商品编码 country of origin and manufacturers原产国及生产商 terms and conditions条件Marks, Marking, Mks, Marksn&No., shipping Marks标记麦码 To, Sold to Messers 或For Account & Risk of Messers(后注买方的名称和地址)Messrs.是Mr.的复数 as per根据 via.经,由 per (1)for each, for every:50 cents per yard (2)through, by:shipment per steamer 三。报关单英语缩写语 CIF(cost, insurance and freight)到岸价格 C&F(cost and freight) CFR(cost and freight) FOB(free on board)离岸价 L/C N信用证编号n Inv.发票 Invoice No.:发票编号n Contract No.;合同编号n B/L No.:提单号n CNTR No柜号 S/C NO. 销售合同号码n Purchase Order No.订单号 Certificate No.证书编号n Art. No.:货号 case No.:箱号n S/O No.(shipping order):装货单号n Voy. Nn航次 Seal No.封号 (Seals affixed by the Customs shall not be opened or broken by any person without Customs authorization. 海关加施的封志,任何人不得擅自开启或损毁。) Referencen No.证书编号 Customs Ves. 海关编号n Marksn & Nos.:麦头和编号 Container No.集装箱号 CTNS=Cartonsn MAWB(Master Air Waybill)航空总运单n HAWB(House Airn Waybill)分运单 place of REIPT收货地n s/s (steam ship)船名n Ex. Rate汇率n M/W (measurement weight)体积或重量 H.S Code协调税则税目号n Your Ref.(Referencen Number)贵公司编号 Modes of payment: 1.汇付 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇n M/T(mail transfer)信汇 D/D(demand draft)票汇n 2.托收 D/P(documents againstn payments)付款交单 D/A(documents against acceptance)承兑交单n 3.L/C(letter of credit)信用证 mt.(metric ton)公吨n Ib.(pound)磅n g.(gram)克 kg.(kilogram)公斤n I.(litre)升n cm.(centimetre)厘米n m.(metre)米 yd.(yard)码n ft.(foot,feet)尺n sq.m(square metre)平方米n cu.m (cubic metre)立方米四。常见货币名称(P.131) Australia澳大利亚 Brazil 巴西 England英国 Canada加拿大Denmark丹麦 Germany德国Dutch(Netherlands)荷兰 Korea韩国 France法国 Hong Kong香港 Italy意大利 Macao澳门 Norway挪威Sweden瑞典 Switzerland(Swiss)瑞士
2023-07-09 14:32:551


注意,AC米兰 是不专业的称呼, 估计全世界就只有中国球迷这样喊。 米兰 就是 米兰 不要在前面加什么前缀。
2023-07-09 14:32:543