barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-09 18:13:24






rua bi te
2023-07-09 16:22:225


2023-07-09 16:23:297

rabbit 怎么读啊

2023-07-09 16:24:091


rabbit的中文意思是兔子。基本释义:1、n. 兔子;穴兔(rabbit的复数)2、v. 聚拢在一起(rabbit的三单形式)Flying Rabbits飞行兔子rabbits test家兔法rabbits model模型兔In rabbits家兔例句:1、Rabbits propagate [breed] rapidly.兔子繁殖迅速。2、He potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。扩展资料rabbit的近义词:1、coney英 ["kəʊnɪ] 美 ["koʊnɪ]n.兔子,兔毛皮。And decided that I wanted to live in Coney island.最后决定我想住在兔子岛上。2、hare英 [heə(r)] 美 [her]n.野兔;怪人,傻瓜。Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?
2023-07-09 16:24:171


2023-07-09 16:24:461


2023-07-09 16:24:551


rabbit的中文意思是兔子。基本释义:1、n. 兔子;穴兔(rabbit的复数)2、v. 聚拢在一起(rabbit的三单形式)Flying Rabbits飞行兔子rabbits test家兔法rabbits model模型兔In rabbits家兔例句:1、Rabbits propagate [breed] rapidly.兔子繁殖迅速。2、He potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。扩展资料rabbit的近义词:1、coney英 ["ku0259u028anu026a] 美 ["kou028anu026a]n.兔子,兔毛皮。And decided that I wanted to live in Coney island.最后决定我想住在兔子岛上。2、hare英 [heu0259(r)] 美 [her]n.野兔;怪人,傻瓜。Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?
2023-07-09 16:25:142


2023-07-09 16:26:065


rabbit1 KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.兔;野兔[C] A rabbit can make long jumps. 兔子可以跳得很远. 2.兔子的毛皮;兔肉[U] 3.【英】【口】(板球,网球等的)蹩脚的运动员[C] I"m just a rabbit at cricket. 我的板球打得一点也不好. 4.长跑中故意快跑以消耗对手体力或帮助队员破记录的人. vi. 1.猎兔;打兔子 We went rabbiting yesterday. 昨天我们打兔子去了. 2.【主英】【口】闲扯[(+on/about)] He kept rabbiting (on) about the poor pay. 他不停地抱怨薪水低. rabbit2 KK:[] DJ:[] vt. 1.【粗】(用于诅咒语中)让...见鬼去,该死
2023-07-09 16:26:561


2023-07-09 16:27:193


2023-07-09 16:27:331


  它们所指的兔子是有区别的,“bunny”这个词一般是用来形容比较可爱的小兔子,是一种昵称,而“rabbit”这个单词则是泛指所有的兔子,尤其是那种体型比较小、尾巴比较短的家兔、宠物兔。   许多英语词汇量比较丰富或者是喜欢看英剧、美剧的人应该都知道,在英语中用于称呼兔子的单词有很多,但是它们并不都是可以用于称呼所有的兔子。   比如单词“bunny”,这个词一般是用来形容比较可爱的小兔子,可以说是一种昵称,就像英语中称呼狗的单词除了“dog”之外还有“puppy”一样。   而“rabbit”这个单词则是泛指所有的兔子,尤其是那种体型比较小、尾巴比较短的家兔。还有一个英语单词“hare”,它也是用来称呼兔子的,只不过这个单词是专门指野兔。
2023-07-09 16:28:041


2023-07-09 16:29:091


2023-07-09 16:29:1711


2023-07-09 16:29:532


2023-07-09 16:30:025

rabbit 怎么读

2023-07-09 16:30:241

请问兔子,家兔 rabbit 用拉丁语怎么说?

2023-07-09 16:30:344

英语作文rabbit-tortoise race怎么写

 In the animals sports game, the rabbit and the tortoise both joined a long---distance race.  Every animal thought the winner would be the rabbit. The rabbit also thought it"s too easy. When the race just began, the rabbit ran fast like a flying arrow, there is only a few minutes, the rabbit has disappeared in distance, However the tortoise seemed. She didn"t move much. At that time, the rabbit looked back and didn"t saw the tortoise at all. So he thought the tortoise would never catch up in any case, why not sleep for a while? He did so. While the rabbit was sleeping the tortoise didn"t give up, she ran slowly by slowly. At last the tortoise won the race actually.
2023-07-09 16:31:072


2023-07-09 16:31:154


rabbitn.兔子,野兔; 兔子皮毛; 兔子肉; 〈俚〉新手,弱手; vi.猎兔(通常作 go rabbiting); (兔子似的)聚拢在一起; <英俚>唠叨,喋喋不休(常与on about连用); vt.让…见鬼去吧;
2023-07-09 16:31:491


2023-07-09 16:32:051


2023-07-09 16:32:402


2023-07-09 16:33:474


rabbit1KK: []DJ: []n.1. 兔;野兔[C]A rabbit can make long jumps.兔子可以跳得很远。2. 兔子的毛皮;兔肉[U]3. 【英】【口】(板球,网球等的)蹩脚的运动员[C]I"m just a rabbit at cricket.我的板球打得一点也不好。4. 长跑中故意快跑以消耗对手体力或帮助队员破记录的人。vi.1. 猎兔;打兔子We went rabbiting yesterday.昨天我们打兔子去了。2. 【主英】【口】闲扯[(+on/about)]He kept rabbiting (on) about the poor pay.他不停地抱怨薪水低。rabbit2KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 【粗】(用于诅咒语中)让...见鬼去,该死
2023-07-09 16:34:351


rabbit的中文意思是兔子。基本释义:1、n. 兔子;穴兔(rabbit的复数)2、v. 聚拢在一起(rabbit的三单形式)Flying Rabbits飞行兔子rabbits test家兔法rabbits model模型兔In rabbits家兔例句:1、Rabbits propagate [breed] rapidly.兔子繁殖迅速。2、He potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。扩展资料rabbit的近义词:1、coney英 ["ku0259u028anu026a] 美 ["kou028anu026a]n.兔子,兔毛皮。And decided that I wanted to live in Coney island.最后决定我想住在兔子岛上。2、hare英 [heu0259(r)] 美 [her]n.野兔;怪人,傻瓜。Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?
2023-07-09 16:34:431


2023-07-09 16:35:171


2023-07-09 16:35:241


Rabbits are small mammals. (兔子是小型哺乳动物.) Their ears can be more than 10 cm. (它们的耳朵可达10厘米长.) They have large, powerful hind legs. (他们拥有非常大的、强壮的后肢.) Their size can range anywhere from 20 cm in length and 0.4 kg in weight to 50 cm and more than 2 kg.(它们的体型范围从20厘米长、0.4千克重到50厘米长、超过2千克不等.) The fur is most commonly long and soft, with colors such as brown, gray, buff and so on. (兔毛基本上又长又软,有棕色、灰色、米色等等.) Rabbits can see nearly 360 degrees, with a small blind spot at the bridge of the nose.(兔子的视角可达360度,只在鼻梁上有一个小小的盲点.)
2023-07-09 16:35:511

英语单词 兔子 怎么写

2023-07-09 16:35:592


2023-07-09 16:36:241


2023-07-09 16:36:311

rabbit是什么意思 详解rabbit的含义和用法?

(2)The rabbit ran away from the fox.(兔子逃脱了狐狸的追捕。)总之,rabbit是一种常见的动物,它的名字在英语中也被广泛使用。无论是作为名词还是动词,rabbit都有着丰富的含义和用法。希望通过本文的介绍,大家对rabbit有更加深入的了解。(1)The thief rabbited as soon as he saw the police.(小偷一看到警察就跑得飞快。)(2)The population of rabbits has increased in recent years.(兔子的种群数量近年来有所增加。)(1)The thief rabbited as soon as he saw the police.(小偷一看到警察就跑得飞快。)
2023-07-09 16:37:341


2023-07-09 16:39:031


2023-07-09 16:39:111


2023-07-09 16:39:393


Rabbit is the general name of all genera of mammalian rabbit family. Commonly known as rabbit.兔是哺乳类兔形目兔科下属所有的属的总称,俗称兔子。Rabbits have small Ruby eyes, while some little rabbits have white eyes.兔子有一双红宝石似的小眼睛,而有一些小兔子的眼睛却是白的。All the little rabbits have a small red nose, a three valve mouth and very sharp teeth.所有的小兔子都有一个红红的小鼻子,三瓣嘴,牙齿非常锋利。There are two long ears on the head of the little rabbit. There is a layer of pink skin inside the ears. From the skin, you can clearly see the blood vessels of the little rabbit.小兔子的脑袋上长着两只长长的耳朵,耳朵里面有一层粉红色的皮,从皮里可以很清晰的看见小兔子的血管。The little rabbit"s body is covered with fluffy fur as white as snow. These hairs feel very soft and comfortable.小兔子的身上长满了像雪一样白毛茸茸的毛,这些毛摸起来非常柔软可舒服了。
2023-07-09 16:40:511

求 Rabbit 的歌词 迅雷下载 Lyrics to Rabbit : Every sentiment hangs around No longer than a minute or two I find I keep falling for love But I can"t seem to follow it through So run, little rabbit, run I leave one good hand on the wheel Been counting mile markers for days Everything falls further behind I can disappear in several ways So run, little rabbit, run Sleep through the morning Don"t wake me up Sleep through the morning One little man to one mighty sun Try to break away from yourself Throw your broken bones in a heap All the blood and guts are exposed Your spirit has been begging to leave
2023-07-09 16:41:372


2023-07-09 16:42:202


2023-07-09 16:42:471

动物的英语单Rabbit 兔子 词

rabbit11. 兔; 野兔[C]rabbit2【粗】(用於诅咒语中)让...见鬼去, 该死n. 名词兔; 野兔[C]A rabbit can make long jumps.兔子可以跳得很远。兔子的毛皮; 兔肉[U]【英】【口】(板球, 网球等的)蹩脚的运动员[C]I"m just a rabbit at cricket.我的板球打得一点也不好。长跑中故意快跑以消耗对手体力或帮助队员破记录的人。vi. 不及物动词猎兔; 打兔子We went rabbiting yesterday.昨天我们打兔子去了。【主英】【口】闲扯[(+on/about)]He kept rabbiting (on) about the poor pay.他不停地抱怨薪水低。例句:n. 名词A rabbit can make long jumps.兔子可以跳得很远。I"m just a rabbit at cricket.我的板球打得一点也不好。vi. 不及物动词We went rabbiting yesterday.昨天我们打兔子去了。He kept rabbiting (on) about the poor pay.他不停地抱怨薪水低。
2023-07-09 16:42:553


它们所指的兔子是有区别的,“bunny”这个词一般是用来形容比较可爱的小兔子,是一种昵称,而“rabbit”这个单词则是泛指所有的兔子,尤其是那种体型比较小、尾巴比较短的家兔、宠物兔。 一、意思不完全相同 1、bunny的意思是:兔子 例句:The children wanted to pat the bunny. 孩子们想轻拍这只兔子。 2、rabbit的意思是:兔;野兔;兔肉;猎兔;捕兔 例句:Effects of Feeding Leguminous Grass Powder on Rabbit Meat Quality . 山地豆科牧草草粉对兔肉品质影响效果研究。 二、用法不同 1、bunny:用作名词,是一种比较可爱的称呼,也就是所谓的昵称。 2、rabbit:用作名词时,表示野兔、家兔、兔肉、兔子的皮毛、胆小的人的含义;用作动词时表示猎兔、打兔子、咒骂、抱怨等含义。 三、侧重点不同 1、bunny:侧重于表示所有的兔子,尤其是家兔。 2、rabbit:侧重于表示可爱的小兔子。 单词“bunny”,这个词一般是用来形容比较可爱的小兔子,可以说是一种昵称,就像英语中称呼狗的单词除了“dog”之外还有“puppy”一样。 而“rabbit”这个单词则是泛指所有的兔子,尤其是那种体型比较小、尾巴比较短的家兔。还有一个英语单词“hare”,它也是用来称呼兔子的,只不过这个单词是专门指野兔。
2023-07-09 16:43:021


2023-07-09 16:43:091

rabbit 的复数是什么?

2023-07-09 16:43:249

Matt Duke的《Rabbit》 歌词

歌曲名:Rabbit歌手:Matt Duke作词:Matt Duke谱曲:Matt Duke专辑:Acoustic Kingdom Underground - EP歌词:Every sentiment hangs aroundNo longer than a minute or twoI find I keep falling for loveBut I can"t seem to follow it throughSo run, little rabbit runrun, little rabbit runI leave one good hand on the wheelBeen counting mile markers for daysEverything falls further behindI can disappear in several waysSo run, little rabbit, runrun, little rabbit, runrun, little rabbit, runSleep through the morningDon"t wake me upDon"t wake me upSleep through the morningOne little man to one mighty sunTry to break away from yourselfThrow your broken bones in a heapAll the blood and guts are exposedYour spirit has been begging to leaveSo run, little rabbit, runrun, little rabbit, runSo run, little rabbit, runrun, little rabbit, run
2023-07-09 16:44:042


2023-07-09 16:28:141


2023-07-09 16:28:151


【 #日记# 导语】世界杯一般指国际足联世界杯。 国际足联世界杯(FIFA World Cup),简称“世界杯”,是由全世界别球队参与,象征足球界荣誉,并具有知名度和影响力的足球赛事。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关世界杯的高二英语日记   The 20XX Brazil world cup is the twentieth session of the World Cup football match. Competition from June 12, 20XX to July 13th 12 seat stadium in the South American nation of Brazil territory in 12 cities held within. This is following the 1950 Brazil World Cup second time World Cup held in Brazil, is following the 1978 Argentina World Cup fifth time World Cup held in South america.   The world cup a total of 32 teams. Remove host Brazil automatically qualified outside, the other 31 countries to participate in the qualifiers in June through 20XX to qualify. During the Finals held a total of a total of 64 games out of the championship in Brazil territory. This is the first use ofgoal line technology of the world cup.   Beijing time on July 14th finals, the German national football team 1 to 0 victory over Argentina in overtime to win the championship, Mario Gotze 113rd minutes on saturday. Argentina, Holland,Brazil from second to 4. 2.有关世界杯的高二英语日记   When the match begins,I hope I can watch it. But if I am busy studying then I will not watch it. Because study is always the first priority. I wish one day China can hold a World Cup,then our Chinese can watch the matches without going abroad.   The 2010 World Cup will be hold in South Africa.It is a grand occasion for all the football fans all over the world. My favorite team is the Spainish Team. And my favorite football star is Didier Yves Drogba Tébily.I hope the Chinese Team can do well in the World Cup. Because China has never won a World Cup before. This year I hope the situation will change. 3.有关世界杯的高二英语日记   World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport.   The men"s World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament. The women"s World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women"s sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.The FIFA World Cup (often called Football World Cup, The World Cup, or simply World Cup) is the most important competition in international football (soccer), and the world"s most repreteam sport event.   Organised by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport"s governing body, the World Cup is contested by men"s national football teams which are FIFA members.   The World Cup is held every four years, but the qualifying rounds of the competition take place over a three-year period, using regional qualifying tournaments. 197 national teams entered the qualification tournaments for the 2006 World Cup. The final tournament phase involves 32 national teams competing over a four-week period in a previously nominated host nation.   The World Cup final competition (often called the "Finals"), which has been held every four years since 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was cancelled due to World War II, is the most widely-viewed and followed sporting event in the world. It has a global audience of more than 3 billion people (half the world"s population) exceeding even the Olympic Games. 4.有关世界杯的高二英语日记   Brazil"s 2014 FIFA World Cup mascot, a blue and yellow officially has a name. Following an online vote, the armadillo was baptized on Sunday as "Fuleco", a word which organisers say transmits a message of environmental awareness. 5.有关世界杯的高二英语日记   December 9th is World Football Day, it reminds people of the coming of the World Cup. Football is popular all around the world, in our country, there are many teenagers playing football. The year of 2014, there will be a famous world football match game, the most excellent football players will get together, fighting for the biggest honor for their country. The last champion team is Spanish, they are one of the strongest teams of the world, Brazilis the most famous team, they have won many times, makingBrazilthe strongest one. When the World Cup begins, people will focus their attention on the match, what a lively situation. Are you ready for the big day?
2023-07-09 16:28:161


翻译:earan009@FTI1ST 弘基)紧紧按耐的心在看到她的时候还是激动不已了 心脏好像要掉出来一样怦怦直跳了 数万人中 我只看得见她了 我好像入迷了 在真)对上眼的瞬间就让我停止呼吸了 一对我笑我就六神无主了 世上没有比她更美的女孩了 我好像沦陷了 弘基)全身BingBingBingBing BangBangBangBang 她占满我的思绪了 我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了 是因为我太善良了 所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了 在真)紧紧抓着双手 我好像心醉了 甜美的声音让我六神无主了 打过招呼 已经是成功的一半了 我要恋爱了 弘基)整天BingBingBingBing BangBangBangBang 只在一个地方打转了 说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了 今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了 Instrument 弘基)全身BingBingBingBing BangBangBangBang 她占满我的思绪了 我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了 是因为我太善良了 所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了 全身BingBingBingBing BangBangBangBang 她占满我的思绪了 整天BingBingBingBing BangBangBangBang 我六神无主了 全身BingBingBingBing BangBangBangBang 只在一个地方打转了 说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了 今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了 By-fti_弘
2023-07-09 16:28:111

The World Cup英语阅读理解

  The World Cup   This summer"s World Cup competition will see teams competing to play the world"s best football. But the football they play will not all be of the same kind. The fans expect different styles of play from Brazil, Germany, or Italy.   What makes Brazilian football Brazilian? Our style of playing football contrasts with the Europeans because of a combination of qualities of surprise, accuracy and good judgment. This style has won Brazil five world cups. Yet many Brazilian fans only count four of these victories. In 1994,the team abandoned this style for modern, scientific training and tactics. The team won the cup, but in a boring way.   The Italians think differently. “To many Italians, the score 0-0 has a glorious quality, suggesting perfection,” says the British football writer Simon Kuper. In the Italian culture, the idea of face is very important. This is why Italian teams are traditionally built around strong defences. The Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff once said that Italian teams never exactly beat you. It"s just that you often lose to them.   In Holland, there is a tradition of decision making through argument and discussion. It is a society where everybody is expected to have a point of view. “Every Dutch player wants to control the game,” says Arnold Muhren. “You play football with your brains and not your feet.”   “A Dutch player argues,” says Simon Kuper. “An English player obeys his superior. He is a soldier.” The qualities valued in English football are military-strength, aggression and courage. This can make for exciting football. But it also means that the English find it difficult to use skillful players. David Beckham is usually criticized for his failure to defend-despite the fact that he is an attacker.   If the English like to fight, the Germans like to win. In recent years, Germany has tried to change its image as a country of ruthless efficiency and a desire for victory at all costs. But Germans are quite happy for these qualities to remain in their national football team. “Football is a simple game,” Gary Lineker once said. “You kick a ball about for ninety minutes and in the end the Germans win.”   It"s difficult to predict who will win this year"s World Cup. There is no strong favorite. But a look at the track record of previous winners shows that it is the nations with the strongest national characteristics in the football that perform best. It seems that you need to know where you come from if you want to get to the top.   41. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Brazilian style of playing football?   A. Accuracy.   B. Surprise.   C. Good judgment.   D. Ruthless efficiency.   42. Why do many Italians think that the score 0-0 has a glorious quality?   A. Because it makes no one lose face.   B. Because the Italian team is not very strong.   C. Because Italians are nice people.   D. Because that score is what their team could obtain.   43. What is one expected to do in Holland?   A. To play football.   B. To express his or her opinion freely.   C. To make a fuss about nothing.   D. To beat his or her opponents ruthlessly.   44. Which of the following is NOT true of the British football players?   A. They are aggressive.   B. They are courageous.   C. They play football for friendship.   D. They obey their superiors.   45. Who will win this year"s World Cup?   A. The Brazilian team.   B. The Italian team.   C. The German Team.   D. It is unpredictable.    参考答案 :41.D 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.D
2023-07-09 16:28:091