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英语by leaps and bounds怎么翻译?

2023-07-09 22:13:21

by leaps and bounds


adv. 飞跃地,突飞猛进地


advance by leaps and bounds: 突飞猛进;突进

grow by leaps and bounds: 详细翻译

increase by leaps and bounds: 迅猛增长

transportation by leaps and bounds: 跃移


Swedish industrial front is developing by leaps and bounds in the late years.


He never even had to say it - I knew. Not that I had matured by leaps and bounds.



by leaps and bounds

英 [bau026a liu02d0ps u0259nd bau028andz]美 [bau026a liu02d0ps u0259nd bau028andz]



  1. In recent years, life science research is in developing by leaps and bounds.


  2. Things were moving fast. So fast, my career was advancing by leaps and bounds.


  3. Their business has grown by leaps and bounds.



adv. 飞跃地,突飞猛进地


advance by leaps and bounds: 突飞猛进;突进

grow by leaps and bounds: 详细翻译

increase by leaps and bounds: 迅猛增长

transportation by leaps and bounds: 跃移

expand by leaps and bounds: 快速扩张


Swedish industrial front is developing by leaps and bounds in the late years.


He never even had to say it - I knew. Not that I had matured by leaps and bounds.


Our neurological understanding of memory has advanced by leaps and bounds over the past several decades.



这个是习惯短语,by leaps and bounds

  • adv. 飞跃地,突飞猛进地,连跑带跳地,飞速地,一日千里


英语by leaps and bounds 的意思是:突飞猛进



v. 跳( leap的过去式和过去分词 );猛然行动;骤增;剧增
2023-07-09 20:23:512


  学习英语时,动词的现在分词、过去式和过去分词的变化规则是一个重点,需要我们掌握。下面是我为你整理的leap的现在分词、过去式和过去分词,希望大家喜欢!   leap的现在分词、过去式和过去分词   过去式: leaped,leapt   过去分词: leapt,leaped   现在分词: leaping   过去式和过去分词leapt的用法   1. Syvil leapt out of the back seat, and gave him a hug.   赛维尔从后座跳出来,给了他一个拥抱。   2. Molly leapt to her feet, spluttering and howling with rage.   莫利跳了起来,气急败坏地大吼起来。   3. He had leapt from a window in the building and escaped.   他从大楼一个窗口跳出去跑了。   4. Sue let out a terrific shriek and leapt out of the way.   休发出一声尖叫,跳到了一边。   5. She shrieked and leapt from the bed.   她尖叫一声从床上跳了起来。   6. The engine roared, and the vehicle leapt forward.   发动机轰鸣着,车子猛然冲出去。   7. The car leapt forward.   汽车向前飞驰。   8. Taylor leapt up to nod the ball home.   泰勒跳起来头球破门。   9. A dolphin leapt out of the water.   海豚跃出水面。   10. He cracked his whip and the horse leapt forward.   他甩了个响鞭,马儿就奋蹄向前奔去。   现在分词leaping的用法   英 ["li:pu026au014b] 美 ["lipu026au014b]   n.跳跃;   adj.跳跃的,跳跃而行的;   v.跳( leap的现在分词 ); 猛然行动; 骤增; 剧增   1. The children were brazenly stripping off and leaping into the sea.   孩子们正无所顾忌地脱光衣服跳进海里。   2. The dog is leaping at him.   这只狗朝他跳过去.   3. The dogs were leaping and growling at the full stretch of their chains.   那些狗又蹦又叫,把链子绷得紧紧的。   4. She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family"s farm.   她通过在自家农场里跳跨干草捆学会了跨栏。   5. The waves were about five feet now, and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down.   那时浪高大约有5英尺,船头在上下颠簸。   6. The whole sea is full of golden eyes, all leaping.   满海全是金眼睛, 全在跳跃.   7. The newsreels show him leaping into the air.   新闻短片里有他跳向空中的画面。   8. The People"s Republic of China is leaping forward at impressive rate.   目前,中华人民共和国在以惊人的速度前进.   9. The young deer were leaping about in the meadow.   那只幼鹿在草地上跳跃着.   10. Flames were leaping out of the windows.   火焰从窗户向外喷射.
2023-07-09 20:23:581


2023-07-09 20:24:121


2023-07-09 20:24:201


  跳高是田径运动的田赛专案之一, 是运动征服高度的运动专案,那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起学习跳高的英语知识吧。   跳高英语说法   high jump   the high jump    跳高的相关短语   跳高者 The Jumper ;   跳高滑雪 ski jump ; ski jumping petition   女子跳高 Women"s High Jump ; female high jump ; women high jumpers   跳高选手 The Jumpers   平地跳高 Free Jump   跳高运动 high-jump ; high-jump training ; the high jump ; high-jump event   前跳高 last high jump   跳高教学 the high jump teaching ; high jump teaching    跳高的英语例句   1. She won a silver medal in the high jump.   她跳高得了银牌。   2. The high jumper took off at a bad angle.   跳高运动员的起跳角度不好.   3. I want to enter my name down for the high jump.   我想报名参加跳高比赛.   4. How many entries are there for the high jump?   报名参加跳高比赛的有多少人?   5. He has easily won the preliminary contest for the high jump.   他轻松地通过了跳高预赛.   6. They tied for first place in the high jump.   他们在跳高比赛中并列第一名.   7. He is practising the high jump.   他在练习跳高.   8. Sotomayor, the Cuban holder of the world high jump record, cleared 2.36 metres.   古巴的世界跳高纪录保持者索托马约尔跳过了2.36米。   9. He had several goes at the high jump before he succeeded in clearing it.   他跳高时试跳了几次才跳过去.   10. Dick Fo *** ury had a new technique for doing the high jump.   迪克·福斯贝里有一种跳高的新技术.   11. John won the silver cup for the high jump.   约翰赢得跳高专案的银杯.   12. She beat the world record in the high jump.   她打破跳高世界纪录.   13. Are you going to enter your name for the high jump?   你准备报名参加跳高比赛 吗 ?   14. She"s going for the world record in the high jump.   她想创造跳高世界纪录.   15. She set a new world record for the high jump.   她创下跳高的新世界纪录. 1.跳远用英语怎么说 2.运动会跳高激励词 3.给跳高运动员的话 4.跳高训练总结 5.赞美跳高运动员的诗歌
2023-07-09 20:24:292


词典结果:leap[英][li:p][美][lip]vi.跳; 冲动的行动; vt.跳过,跃过; 使跳跃; n.跳跃,飞跃; 跳跃的距离; 第三人称单数:leaps过去分词:leapt leaped复数:leaps现在进行时:leaping过去式:leapt leaped========================================================================你好!很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!有不明白的可以追问!如果有其他问题请另发或点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解.如果您认可我的回答,请点击下面的【采纳为满意回答】或者点评价给好评,谢谢!
2023-07-09 20:24:481


2023-07-09 20:24:581


leap-leaped-leapt 错,其他两个对,也就是 leap 的过去式 和过去分词 一模一样,不管你用哪个. leapt 英式用的多,leaped 多见于美式.用法和意思没有区别.
2023-07-09 20:25:081

leap 的过去式 leaped 跟 leapt有什么区别吗?

1、 非谓语动词:是一类由动词原形演变而来的表示动作,但又不能构成谓语句子成分的词。 2、 非谓语动词的分类:分词、动名词、动词不定式。 (1) 动名词:其构成为动词原形+ing。它的构成与现在分词完全相同,所以要从两者的用法上区别这两类词。用法:可以被用作句子主语、表语、宾语和同位语。 (2) 分词:分为现在分词和过去分词两大类。现在分词在构成上与动名词完全相同,而过去分词则在动词后面加-ed构成。同时,还必须详记一些常用的不规则动词的过去式和过去分词。分词在句子中一般用作定语和状语。在详细阐述之前,必须先树立这样一个观念:现在分词表示主动或进行;过去分词表示被动或者完成。这一点是学习分词的根基!
2023-07-09 20:26:394

they all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside。这里的all怎么理解

all 副词, 作状语,指"三者以上都", 修饰动词leapt 和 hurried的.这里 outside是副词, 因为它后面没有其它成分了. out of 叫复合介词.
2023-07-09 20:26:501


2023-07-09 20:27:102


2023-07-09 20:27:2014


plate 英[pleɪt] 美[pleɪt] n. 盘子; 碟子; 一盘所盛之量; 一盘; 一道主菜; vt. 电镀(尤指镀金、镀银); 为…加设护板; (用金属板等)覆盖; 例句:Don"t touch that plate ─ it"s hot!别碰那个盘子,烫手!
2023-07-09 20:28:275


2023-07-09 20:29:104

过去式规则英语动词 急!!!!!!!!求加ed 的动词

2023-07-09 20:30:082


信仰之跃英文意思是:Leap of Faith英文也可以读作:Leap of FaithLeap of Faith[电影]天降神迹leap of faith英 [li:p u0254v feiθ] 美 [lip u028cv feθ] 信仰不可捉摸:信仰或相信不可捉摸或无法证明之事物的行为或例子复数: leaps of faithleap英 [li:p] 美 [lip] vi.跳;冲动的行动vt.跳过,跃过;使跳跃n.跳跃,飞跃;跳跃的距离第三人称单数: leaps 复数: leaps 现在分词: leaping 过去式: leaped leapt 过去分词: leapt leapedfaith英 [feu026aθ] 美 [feθ] n.忠诚;信用,信任;宗教信仰;宗教int.实在,确实复数: faiths
2023-07-09 20:31:171


2023-07-09 20:31:2710


动词过去式和过去分词的变化规则 动词过去式和过去分词有规则变化和不规则变化两种。 1) 规则变化 情况 例词 读音与说明 动词原形 过去式 过去分词 一般在动词原形后加-ed look call open need looked called opened needed looked [lukt] called [kC:ld] opened [5EupEnd] needed [ni:did] ①-ed在清辅音音素后 发音为〔t〕,在浊辅音后发音为〔d〕,在元音后发音也为[d] ②-ed在〔t]、〔d〕 后发音为[id] ③但fix的过去式和过去 分词x不双写,为fixed. 以-e结尾的动词加-d move phone hope agree moved phoned hoped agreed moved [mu:vd] phoned [fEund] hoped [hEupt] agreed [E5^ri:d] 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i, 再加-ed study carry try studied studied carried studied [5stQdid] carried [5kArid] tried [traid] 以原音字母加y结尾的词,直接加-ed play enjoy stay played enjoyed stayed played [pleid] enjoyed [in5dVCid] stayed [steid] 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母,再加-ed stop plan fit stopped planned fitted stopped [stCpt] planned [plAnd] fitted [5fitid] 以-r音节结尾的词,双写r字母, 再加-ed prefer refer preferred referred preferred [prI`f:d] referred [ri5fE:] 2) 不规则变化 英语中有些动词的过去式和过去分词形式变化不规则,可分为五种情况。 1.动词原形、过去式和过去分词完全同形。 例: 原形 过去式 过去分词 cut(切) hit(打) cast(扔) hurt(伤害) put(放) let(让) shut(关) cost(花费) set(放) rid(清除) cut hit cast hurt put let shut cost set rid cut hit cast hurt put let shut cost set rid 2.过去式与过去分词完全同形。 例: 原形 过去式 过去分词 find(找到) pay(支付) leave(离开) lend(借出) meet(遇见) keep(保持) lose(丢失) teach(教) sit(坐) lead(引导) win(赢)除) found paid left lent met kept lost taught sat led won found paid left lent met kept lost taught sat led won 3.动词原形与过去分词同形 例: 原形 过去式 过去分词 come(来) run(跑) become(成为) came ran became come run become 4.动词原形、过去式、过去分词形式完全不同。 例: 原形 过去式 过去分词 give(给) fly(飞) drink(喝) see(看见) go(去) know(知道) wear(穿) speak(说) gave flew drank saw went knew wore spoke given flown drunk seen gone known worn spoken 5.过去式和过去分词有两种形式 例: 原形 过去式 过去分词 burn(燃烧) burned burnt burned burnt learn(学习) learned learnt learned learnt smell(闻) smelled smelt smelled smelt spell (拼写) spelled spelt spelled spelt shine (照射) shined shone shined shone leap (跳) leaped leapt leaped leapt 提示 a. beat的过去式与原形同形: 比:beat(打击) beat(过去式) beaten(过去分词) b. lie有规则变化和不规则变化两种,含义不同 比:lie lied, lied(说谎) lay, lain(躺,位于) c. hang 有规则变化和不规则变化两种,含义不同 比:hang hanged, hanged(处绞刑) hung, hung(挂,吊) d. welcome(欢迎)一词是规则动词,不可误用为不规则动词 比:welcome welcomed, welcomed(正) welcome, welcome(误) e.不要将不规则动词误用为规则动词 比:hit(打) hit, hit(正) hitted, hitted(误) 6 现在分词的变化规则 规则 动词原形 现在分词及发音 一般在动词原形词尾加-ing,-ing发音为 [iN] go push play carry going [5^EuiN] pushing [5puFiN] playing [pleiiN] carrying [5kAriiN] 以不发音的e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing take write leave taking [5teikiN] writing [5raitiN] leaving [5li:viN] 重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果词尾只有一个辅音字母,要将该辅音字母双写,再加-ing cut stop fit begin forget cutting [5kQtiN] stopping [5stCpiN] fitting [5fitiN] beginning [bi5^iniN]forgetting [fE5^etiN] 以ie结尾的动词,要把ie改为y,再加-ing lie die tie lying [5laiiN] dying [5daiiN] tying [5taiiN]
2023-07-09 20:31:546


1.把动词原形中的i改为a,变成过去式。如: begin—began,drink—drank,give—gave,ring—rang,sing—sang,sit—sat,swim—swam 2.把重读开音节中的i改为o,变成过去式。如: drive—drove,ride—rode,write—wrote 3.改动词原形中的aw /ow为ew,变成过去式。如: draw—drew,grow—grew,know—knew,throw—threw(动词show除外,show—showed) 4.动词原形中的e改为o,变成过去式。如: get—got,forget—forgot 5.动词原形中的ee改为e,变成过去式。如: feed—fed,meet—met 6.动词原形中的eep改为ept,变成过去式。如: keep—kept,sleep—slept,sweep—swept 7.动词原形中的eak改为oke,变成过去式。如: break—broke,speak—spoke 8.动词原形中的ell改为old,变成过去式。如: sell—sold,tell—told 9.动词原形中的an改为oo,变成过去式。如: stand—stood,understand—understood 10.以ought和aught结尾,且读音是〔 :t〕的过去式。如: bring—brought,buy— bought,think—thought,catch—caught,teach—taught 11.以ould结尾且读音为〔ud〕的情态动词过去式。如: can—could,shall—should,will—would 12.把动词原形中的o改为a,变成过去式。如: come—came,become—became 13.在动词原形后加d或t变成过去式,并且发生音变。如: hear〔hi 〕—heard〔h :d〕, say〔sei〕—said〔sed〕,mean〔mi:n〕—meant〔ment〕 14.动词的过去式与动词原形一样。如: let—let,must—must,put—put,read—read〔red〕 15.不符合上述规律的动词过去式。如: am,is—was,are—were,build—built,do—did,eat—ate,fall—fell,feel—felt,find—found,fly—flew,go—went,have /has— had,hold—held,leave—left,make—made,may—might,run—ran,see—saw,take—took
2023-07-09 20:32:262


2023-07-09 20:32:378

辅+元+辅结构双写+ed的词有? 不好意思,没有财产悬赏了!

bet 打赌 bet, betted bet, betted blend 混合 blended, blent blended, blent broadcast 广播 broadcast, broadcasted broadcast, broadcasted burn 燃烧 burnt, burned burnt, burned dream 做梦 dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt gird 束缚 girded, girt girded, girt hamstring 残废 hamstringed, hamstrung hamstringed, hamstrung kneel 下跪 knelt, kneeled knelt, kneeled knit 编结 knitted, knit knitted, knitean lean倾斜 leaned, leant leaned, leant leap 跳跃 leapt, leaped leapt, leaped learn 学习 learnt, learned learnt, learned melt 熔化 melted melted, melten overleap 跳过 overleapt, overleaped overleapt, overleaped shred 撕碎 shredded, shred shredded, shred smell 闻 smelt, smelled smelt, smelled speed 促进 sped, speeded sped, speeded spell 拼写 spelt, spelled spelt, spelled spill 溢出 spilt, spilled spilt, spilled spoil 破坏 spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled sweat 出汗 sweat, sweated sweat, sweated unlearn 忘却 unlearnt, unlearned unlearnt, unlearned wake 醒来 waked, woke waked, wokenwed 结婚 wedded, wed wedded, wed wet 打湿 wetted, wet wetted, wet wind 缠绕 winded, wound winded, wound
2023-07-09 20:33:061


简单来讲,jump是汉字中的“跳” leap对应的汉字中的“跃”leap比jump更雅一点。
2023-07-09 20:33:273


1 am,is was been 2 are were been 3 beat beat beaten 4 become became become 5 begin began begun 6 blow blew blown 7 break broke broken 8 bring brought brought 9 build built built 10 buy bought bought 11 can could 无 12 catch caught caught 13 choose chose chosen 14 come came come 15 cost cost cost 16 cut cut cut 17 dig dug dug 18 do did done 19 draw drew drawn 20 drink drank drunk 21 drive drove driven 22 eat ate eaten 23 fall fell fallen 24 feel felt felt 25 find found found 26 fly flew flown 27 forget forgot forgotten 28 freeze froze frozen 29 get got got 30 give gave given 31 go went gone 动词原形 动词过去式 动词过去分词 1 grow grew grown 2 hang hung,hanged hung;hanged 3 have,has had had 4 hear heard heard 5 hide hid hidden,hid 6 hit hit hit 7 hold held held 8 hurt hurt hurt 9 keep kept kept 10 know knew known 11 lay laid laid 12 learn learnt learnt,learned 13 leave left left 14 lend lent lent 15 let let let 16 lie lay lain 17 lose lost lost 18 make made made 19 may might 无 20 mean meant meant 21 meet met met 22 mistake mistook mistaken 23 put put put 24 read read read 25 ride rode ridden 26 ring rang rung 27 rise rose risen 28 run ran rung 29 say said said 30 see saw seen 31 sell sold sold 32 send sent sent 动词原形 动词过去式 动词过去分词 1 set set set 2 shall should 无 3 shine shone shone,shined 4 show showed shown 5 shut shut shut 6 sing sang sung 7 sink sank,sunk sunk,sunken 8 sit sat sat 9 sleep slept slept 10 smell smelt,smelled smelt,smelled 11 speak spoke spoken 12 spill spilt spilt 13 spit spat spat 14 spoil spoilt spoilt 15 stand stood stood 16 steal stole stolen 17 sweep swept swept 18 swim swam swum 19 take took taken 20 teach taught taught 21 tell told told 22 think thought thought 23 throw threw thrown 24 understand understood understood 25 wake waked,woke waked,woken 26 wear wore worn 27 will would 无 28 win won won 29 write wrote written
2023-07-09 20:33:592


2023-07-09 20:34:086


一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed
2023-07-09 20:34:245


初中英语常用不规则动词分类表 (人教版) 为了帮助同学们记住不规则动词,现在把教材中出现的不规则动词分为几个类型,每个类型中又分若干组,尽量找出每组中各词变化形式的共同点,以帮助记忆。 1. A---A---A型(现在式、过去式和过去分词同形) 动词原形(现在式) 过去式 过去分词 2. A---A---B型(现在式和过去式同形) 3. A---B---A型(现在式和过去分词同形) 4. A ---B ---B型 (1)在动词原形后加一个辅音字母d或t构成过去式或过去分词。 (2)把动词原形的最后一个辅音字母“d”改为“t” 构成过去式或过去分词。 (3)其他 5. A---B---C型(现在式、过去式和过去分词都不相同) (1)在动词原形后加-n或-en构成过去分词。 (2)过去式加-n或-en构成过去分词。 (3)变单词在重读音节中的元音字母“i”分别为“a”(过去式)和“u”(过去分词)。 (4)其他不规则动词的变化。
2023-07-09 20:34:543

韩剧man to man结局是什么 man to man大结局揭晓

2023-07-09 20:29:442


抠门,kou men
2023-07-09 20:29:454

初3英语作文 my invention 要有被动语态和翻译

a multi-function alarm clock I have an interesting invention is a multi-function alarm clock,it can listen to music,watch the calendar and read e-books,as well as a notepad to help you remember the day of his program.Its shape is a tree,there are one or two *** all drawers above.Treetop has a bear in the singing,the whole point every time when the Cubs have been reported.Very interesting,right? 译文:我有趣的发明是一个多功能闹钟,它可以听音乐,看日历和看电子书,还有一个记事本帮助你记住一日的行程.它的造型是一棵树,上面还有一两个小抽屉.树顶有一只小熊在唱歌,每到整点小熊便报一次时.很有趣吧?
2023-07-09 20:29:461

“再见”的英语,是goodbye还是good bye,怎样写才对?还是两个都对呢?

goodbye与good bye都是正确的,可以表达“再见的”意思。不过也有一点区别: 1.good bye相当于词组,而goodbye是单词,它可以是名词,也可以是感叹词。 2.goodbye与good bye都可以单独使用,表示“再见”,意思也一样。不过与其它的词连用时有区别,因为一个是词 组,一个是单词。 如Never say goodbye.这里就不能用good bye.
2023-07-09 20:29:491

man-to-man talk是什么意思?

2023-07-09 20:29:5212

英语作文my invention配中文意思

My inventionNow, more and more serious environmental problems. So, I want to invent a green robot. Its first function is to purify the air, the first is it filled with an air purifier, will first inhaled air, and the compressed air, then filtering, purification, finally released. In this way, the air will be gradually improved. The second function is to clean up the river, second of its head with a high IQ, smart chip high resolution, special control "six arm" in the "three arm", which "three arm" role is: clean up garbage, cleaning water. In this way, people don"t worry about not drinking water. Third is the garbage, it also "three arm" is used for cleaning. Moreover, its third heads with a small solar power and wind power generation, so will not stop working due to no power.现在,环境问题越来越严重。所以,我想发明一个绿色的机器人。它的第一个功能是净化空气,一是它充满了空气净化器,首先将吸入的空气,和压缩空气,然后过滤,净化,最后释放。在这种方式中,空气会逐渐得到改善。二是清理河流,其次它的头,高智商,高分辨率智能芯片,专用控制“六臂”中的“三部门”,这“三部门”的作用是:清理垃圾,清洗水。在这种方式中,人们不用担心没水喝。第三是垃圾,它也是“三臂”是用来清洗。此外,一个小型太阳能发电和风力发电第三个头,由于没有电力工作,所以不会停止。
2023-07-09 20:29:531


法语中 qu" 是从 que 变化过来的。如果 que 后面正好碰到一个是以元音字母开头的单词,则要将 que 变化成 qu"。比如:Qu"est-ce que c"est?Je voudrais qu"il me cherche à Shanghai. 还有,当我们想说 jusque à présent 的时候,我们应该写成并读成:jusqu"à présent祝楼主新春快乐!
2023-07-09 20:29:551

goodbye中间有连字符吗?是goodbye还是good-bye, 有区别吗?

2023-07-09 20:29:572


2023-07-09 20:30:021


2023-07-09 20:30:036

“再见”的英语,是goodbye还是good bye,怎样写才对?还是两个都对呢?

goodbye与good bye都是正确的,可以表达“再见的”意思。不过也有一点区别:1.good bye相当于词组,而goodbye是单词,它可以是名词,也可以是感叹词。2.goodbye与good bye都可以单独使用,表示“再见”,意思也一样。不过与其它的词连用时有区别,因为一个是词 组,一个是单词。如Never say goodbye.这里就不能用good bye.
2023-07-09 20:30:061

amount和amount of有什么区别?

一、amount的用法详解 1. amount用作名词 其意为“数量”、“金额”等,通常用于 a (great, large) amount of 这类结构,其后通常接不可数名词。如: He made a large amount of money. 他赚了大量的钱。 They have to process a large amount of data. 他们得处理大量数据。 I had not expected such an amount of praise. 我没料到受到这么多赞扬。 A large amount of damage was done in a short time. 短期内造成大量损害。 I had not expected such an amount of praise. 我没料想受到这样多的赞扬。 He must memorize large amounts of material. 他必须背熟大量材料。 注意:这类结构用作主语,其谓语的数取决于 amount 的数。如: 在这座桥上花了大量资金。 正: A large amount of money was spent on the bridge. 正: Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 比较:在 a great number of 之后通常接可数名词(用复数)。如: 2. amount用作动词 用作动词时意为“合计”、“等于”、“意味着”,通常是不及物动词,其后常接介词 to。如: Building cost amounts to six million dollars. 建筑费用达600 万元。 Her reply amounts to a refusal. 她的回答等于拒绝。 注意:由于其后接的to为介词,所以后接动词时,该动词要用动名词。如: 这等于是欺骗老师。(from 误:This amounts to cheat the teacher. 正:This amounts to cheating the teacher. 析:amount 用作动词,表示“等于”,是不及物动词,其后接的to 为介词。 二、a great/good many 非常多,许多(形容词) The young couple has travelled a great many cities since they got married. A great many college students were sent to the West to help the children there. Helen has a great many friends indeed, but she does not think she has any she can confide in. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. He has extracted a great many examples from the grammar book. 比较: 1. many a... 许多(后接单数动词) Many a teacher has come to the exhibition. Many a woman has great influence on her husband. He beguiled us with many a tale of adventure. 2. a lot, lots of, a number of 与 a great many / a good many 意义相同。quantity 用法结论: 1.a quantity of后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词。在它们分别和其后的名词构成短语作主语时,其谓语动词通常看of后名词的具体情况而采用单数或复数形式。如果是接不可数名词,则谓语用单数形式,如果是接复数可数名词,则谓语通常要采用复数形式 2.quantities of后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词,后面的谓语都用复数形式。 1)Besides, a large quantity of mail bags were found. 2)and a small quantity of dangerous drugs were seized. 3)A quantity of fake certificates and official stamps were also seized.
2023-07-09 20:30:061

Amount due to shareholder 财务报表里的科目

2023-07-09 20:29:412


  between有在 ... 之间等意思,那么你知道between的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    between的用法大全:   between的用法1:between的基本意思是“在u2026之间”,一般说,between指两者之间,其宾语可以是有具体数目的人或物,也可以是用and连接的两个具体的人或物。   between的用法2:between在下列情况下可以用于三者或更多的人或物:①表示“每两者之间”时;②用and连接时;③指事物之间的区别或彼此之间的关系时;④强调“由于u2026的合作结果”时;⑤在divide, share等表示“分享”的动词与表示三者或三者以上的复数名词之间时。    between的常用短语:   用作副词 (adv.)   in between   介于u2026之间;在中间in the midst of; in the middle   The house was near a park but there was a road in between. 房子在一处公园附近,但两者之间隔着一条马路。   挡路in the way    between的用法例句:   1. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.   你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的差距就是,你做了什么。   2. What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple?   若IBM公司和苹果公司联手将会有什么效果呢?   3. The ideological divisions between the parties aren"t always obvious.   政党之间的意识形态界线并不总是泾渭分明的。   4. There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.   社区广播电台和商业广播电台一直是有区别的。   5. I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.   我将意大利面滤干,然后平分到两个盘子里。   6. The Republicans were deeply split between progressives and conservatives.   共和党的革新派和保守派之间存在严重的分裂。   7. The formalization of co-operation between the republics would produce progress.   正式确立合作关系将会促进共和国之间合作的顺利进展。   8. There will be a run-off between these two candidates on December 9th.   12月9日将举行这两位候选人的决胜选举。   9. There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees.   雇主和雇员之间出现了信任危机。   10. The only difference between us is the colour of our skins.   我们之间唯一的差别就是肤色。   11. The interview reflected a growing rift between the President and the government.   这段采访反映了总统和政府之间的裂痕越来越大。   12. He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades.   他有几句提到说肩胛骨之间一直在疼。   13. Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics.   罗布在做医生还是当运动员之间痛苦抉择,左右为难。   14. He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul.   他无视传统基督教的肉体与灵魂的二元论。   15. A vicious price war between manufacturers has cut margins to the bone.   制造商之间的恶性价格战已将利润削减到了最低。
2023-07-09 20:29:381


2023-07-09 20:29:376

Hot Chocolate的《Man to Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Man to Man歌手:Hot Chocolate专辑:6 x 6 - The Seventies许志安 - Man to Man作曲: AOK乐队 填词: 徐世珍厌倦了食物链 下班后老地方见喝一杯今夜不要跑给时间追附卡拿给老婆去逛街那个谁呀打完卡就快出现放松一下几个男人成群又结队喝一点小酒交流一下生活的体会干一杯man to man把她她她她们放一边自由 诚可贵再追追追追加下一杯侃侃大山聊聊球队烦恼苦闷全都不见今夜 man to man在这个下班后的失乐园冰啤酒透心扉 红酒要年份正确威士忌on the rock是男人的语言喂喂电话收讯不OK反正女朋友等明天再赔罪再来一点下酒菜是老板的花边吐一吐苦水也是一种心灵的复健松开我的领结 把西装丢在一边卸下了肩上男人的原罪放牛吃草一天 逍遥快乐似神仙在酒馆打烊之前干一杯man to man我喝喝喝也喝不醉梦想 高过天再听听听我唱一遍画画大饼看看妹妹明天的事留给明天今夜 man to man在这个下班后的失乐园
2023-07-09 20:29:361

amount 做名词什么时候需要加s

amounts of
2023-07-09 20:29:312


2023-07-09 20:29:301


2023-07-09 20:29:297

man to man中文翻译

Let " s talk man to man about our problems 让我们诚挚地谈一谈我们的问题。 We promised , remember ? man to man 还记得我们的承诺吗?男人之间的承诺 Do you want some advice , man to man 你想听点忠告吗,男人对男人的 Drop the gun and your badges , and let " s fight man to man 扔下你的破枪和军徽是男人的就跟我单挑! Father love is reigning o er us , brother love binds man to man 荣光赞美到万万年,众天使作乐吟诗, She pkes to go from man to man 她的男友换了一个又一个。 Okay , the rule of the game is man to man 游戏的规则是单挑 As in water face answereth to face , so the heart of man to man 水中照脸,彼此相符。人与人,心也相对。 As in water face answereth to face , so the heart of man to man 水怎样映照人面,人的心思也怎样反映其人。 You know man to man 你知道这是男人和男人之间的事[ kjv ] as in water face answereth to face , so the heart of man to man 水怎样映照人面,人的心思也怎样反映其人。 It " s a promise ! man to man 这是男人之间的承诺! You know , man to man 你知道的,男人同男人之间的 Let " s talk man to man 我们俩好好谈谈 Man to man defense 人盯人防守战术 Man to man 男人对男人 With his specialty being man to man defense , his return will serve as a huge positive for the lakers 有了他的一对一防守,将给湖人带来巨大的帮助。 The united nations have infpcted upon the germans great defeats in open battle , men to men 盟国国在正面战场予以德军迎头痛击空军削弱了德军的空中力量和陆上战斗能力 No need of the as yet undreamed - of telegraph ; the tale flew from man to man , from group to group , from house to house , with pttle less than telegraphic speed 根本用不著什么电报当时人们连做梦都想不到这玩意,这消息一传十,十传百,以电报的速度就传开了,弄得家喻户晓,人人皆知。 The agent characters provided by ms agent not only have some amusing actions , but also can municate with users through sound card and microphone , the interaction beeen the agent sofare developed with ms agent and user is more closer to that of man to man Msagent提供的动画人物不仅有诙谐的动作,还可以通过声卡和麦克风跟用户进行对话,使用msagent开发的代理软件与用户之间的交互更接近人与人之间的交流。 Obviously , i think people are worried about spread from men to men but that is really something much further down the road . currently , there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that the infection is acquired from men to men . for all the intents and purposes , this appears to be quite isolated 但我也想强调,不要只谈与内地的接触,现时全世界已经有这么多人每天乘搭船、飞机或其他交通工具,我们每天有很多游客来香港,香港也有很多市民去外地旅游或做生意。
2023-07-09 20:29:291


出生时间: (公历) 1983年 10月 18日 2点 本命属猪,大海水命。五行土旺缺火缺金;日主天干为土,生于秋季。(同类土火;异类木水金。)(农历) 癸亥年 九月 十三 丑时 八字: 癸亥 壬戌 己卯 乙丑 五行: 水水 水土 土木 木土 纳音: 大海水 大海水 城墙土 海中金 八字五行个数 2个木,0个火,3个土,0个金,3个水。 四季用神参考 日主天干土生于秋季,喜有火,有木,忌金、水多。 五行生克制化宜忌 土旺得水, 方能疏通。土能生金, 金多土变; 强土得金, 方制其壅。土能克水, 水多土流; 水弱逢土, 必为淤塞。土赖火生, 火多土焦; 火能生土, 土多火晦。
2023-07-09 20:29:282

good bye和goodbye的区别

good bye相当于词组,goodbye是单词,它可以是名词,也可以是感叹词。goodbye可以单独使用,表示“再见”的意思。goodbye可以表达“再见”的意思。 good bye和goodbye的区别 1、good bye相当于词组,而good-bye是名词,也是感叹词;goodbye与good-bye都可以单独使用,表示“再见”的意思。goodbye与good-bye都是正确的表达,可以表达“再见”的意思。 2、关于“good bye”例句: Goodbye! It was great to meet you. 再见!认识你很高兴。 She didn"t even say goodbye to her mother . 她甚至没有向母亲道个别。 We waved them goodbye . 我们向他们挥手告别。 We"ve already said our goodbyes. 我们已经道别了。 3、“good-bye”例句: They hurried into the city to say good-bye to us. 他们赶进城来和我们告别。 She left without so much as saying “ good-bye ”. 她甚至连“再见”都没说就走了。 We said good-bye to each other at the station. 我们是在车站分手的。 I left in such a hurry that I didn"t have time to say good-bye to you. 临行匆忙,未能向你告别。 good bye相似短语 good byen.再见 say good bye to对某人说再见,告别… kiss good bye吻别, 放弃,失去 say good bye to sb向(某人)告别 by the bye顺便说到, 顺便提起 附带地 bye bye拜拜,再见 bye channel溢水道 leg byen. 〈板球〉击中得分 bye for now再见 bye lawphr. 地方规则
2023-07-09 20:29:231

amount of是什么意思?

2023-07-09 20:29:234

韩国网站上的衣服,man to manT恤中的man to man是什么意思啊?

man to man即野人传奇。
2023-07-09 20:29:223