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2023-07-09 23:04:31

of benefit to 对…有利

in benefit 有资格得到救济金(指生病、失业等津贴)

benefit by 得益于…,从…中获得好处

by the benefit of 由于…的恩惠

for the benefit of adv.为...的利益

take the benefit 利用破产法赖债

benefit country 受援国

benefit forgone 丧失的利益

state benefit 【英】(为穷人、失业者等提供的)政府补助金

benefit premiun 福利津贴


benefit是什么意思 解析benefit一词的含义?

2023-07-09 22:36:362


benefit加ing为特殊句型,benefit常跟以下句型连用:benefit from+n.表示u2026中受益;benefit from+v-ing表示因为u2026而受益;be benefits to+n.表示对u2026有益,比如:These exerciseswill benefit from practice,这些练习要推广才有用。benefit是一个非常常用的英语单词,它的意思是收益、利益、有益的东西,也有受益的意思,表示从某种东西中获取好处。
2023-07-09 22:37:541

be benefit to还是be benefit for?

后面两个意思一样是"对for/to后的什么什么有益"第一个的意思要看情况benefit只有名词和动词词性如果在这里是名词性那么of构成属于关系benefit就需要冠词如果在这里是动词性那么就要变形为过去分词变形后的句式的意思也不太直观bebenefitedof的意思不是"受of后的什么什么的益处"而是"of后的就是益处本身(至于施益者在这个句型里不可考)"总之尽量不要用[vipdm.c o][][][freehosting.o r][][][][][i416.c o][]
2023-07-09 22:38:111


Doing sports benefits to everyone greatly.
2023-07-09 22:38:564


2023-07-09 22:39:482

英语before the end of this term怎么翻译?

2023-07-09 22:39:579

贝玲妃benefit 适合什么年龄的人使用呢

号称是15--40都可以用 因为他是以“伪装”著称 跟彩妆的含义又不一样
2023-07-09 22:40:242

be benefit to to 是介词吗?

2023-07-09 22:40:311


2023-07-09 22:40:381


  1、动词形式,benefit用作不及物动词时,意思是“得益”; 用作及物动词时,意思是“有益于”,benefit常与介词from或by连用,表示“从中受益”。   2、名词形式,benefit用作名词的基本意思是“好处”,可指任何形式的“益处”,包括物质方面和精神方面的益处,benefit视其含义的具体或抽象,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。   3、benefit的基本意思是“受益”,强调改善或优化个人状况(如身体、智力、道德或精神状态),也可表示对某人的目标的实现有所促进。用作不及物动词时,意思是“得益”; 用作及物动词时,意思是“有益于”。
2023-07-09 22:41:171

经济学:什么是external benefit?

2023-07-09 22:41:272

希望它有益处 或是 希望它能帮得到大家 用英语怎么说 用benefit

be of benefit=be beneficial hope it would be of benefit hope it will benefit the public
2023-07-09 22:41:341

there be + benefit + to + doing 可以加doing吗?)为什么?

2023-07-09 22:41:411

feature的读音 advantage 和 benefit的读音 就说用汉语怎么读. 谢谢 3个单词

以下的回答你要是能够看懂的话,保证你的发音是非常漂亮。请加油! feature:F一吃饿儿 advantage:矮得弯(读弯的时候嘴唇扁一些)替只儿 benefit:B挨你F一特 看得懂的话,我这个所谓中文发音应该是最标准的了。看不懂的话也没办法了。 我没给你音标了,因为你说了,不要音标,对吧。
2023-07-09 22:42:021


2023-07-09 22:42:591


2023-07-09 22:43:061


名词、及物动词、不及物动词。作及物动词时意为“有益于,对…有益”。作不及物动词时意为“受益,得益”。作名词时意为“利益,好处;救济金”。英 [?ben?f?t] 美 [?ben?f?t] 。n.利益;益处;优势;成效;福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金);(公司提供的)褔利,奖金;(保险公司支付的)给付,保险金;慈善(或公益)活动。v.对(某人)有用;使受益;得益于;得利于。第三人称单数: benefits复数: benefits现在分词: benefitting benefiting过去式: benefitted benefited过去分词: benefited benefitted。
2023-07-09 22:43:131


区别在于:beneficial是一个形容词,“有利的,有益的”的意思;在句子里,用形容词作表语;benefit是一个名词,“利益,好处; 救济金,津贴等”的意思;在句子里,用名词作表语。benefit还可以做动词,但动词的原形不能放在be的后面形成系表结构。含义上的区别非常细微,基本可以忽略。直译成中文能显示出他们的这种细微的差别:be beneficial to 直译成:对...是有益的,或对...是有利的;be benefit to 直译成: 对...是一种好处,或一种优势。两者都可以意译为:有利于,或有益于;两者之间互换也没有什么问题。例句:I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you. 我希望你的假期会对你是有益的。I hope your holiday will be benefit to you. 我希望你的假期会对你有好处。
2023-07-09 22:44:351

benefit形容词 benefit形容词是什么

1、benefit的形容词是benefic,意思是有益的,句中作为形容词使用。 2、benefic的同义词有helpful , useful , conducive , advantageous , profitable。 3、benefic welldoing 行善的,economic benefic 经济效益,social benefic 社会效益。
2023-07-09 22:46:381


区别在于:beneficial是一个形容词,“有利的,有益的”的意思;在句子里,用形容词作表语;benefit是一个名词,“利益,好处; 救济金,津贴等”的意思;在句子里,用名词作表语。benefit还可以做动词,但动词的原形不能放在be的后面形成系表结构。含义上的区别非常细微,基本可以忽略。直译成中文能显示出他们的这种细微的差别:be beneficial to 直译成:对...是有益的,或对...是有利的;be benefit to 直译成: 对...是一种好处,或一种优势。两者都可以意译为:有利于,或有益于;两者之间互换也没有什么问题。例句:I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you. 我希望你的假期会对你是有益的。I hope your holiday will be benefit to you. 我希望你的假期会对你有好处。
2023-07-09 22:46:561


of benefit to 对…有利in benefit 有资格得到救济金(指生病、失业等津贴)benefit by 得益于…,从…中获得好处by the benefit of 由于…的恩惠for the benefit of adv.为...的利益take the benefit 利用破产法赖债benefit country 受援国benefit forgone 丧失的利益state benefit 【英】(为穷人、失业者等提供的)政府补助金benefit premiun 福利津贴
2023-07-09 22:47:081

benefit和benefit to的区别是什么?

区别在于:beneficial是一个形容词,“有利的,有益的”的意思;在句子里,用形容词作表语;benefit是一个名词,“利益,好处; 救济金,津贴等”的意思;在句子里,用名词作表语。benefit还可以做动词,但动词的原形不能放在be的后面形成系表结构。含义上的区别非常细微,基本可以忽略。直译成中文能显示出他们的这种细微的差别:be beneficial to 直译成:对...是有益的,或对...是有利的;be benefit to 直译成: 对...是一种好处,或一种优势。两者都可以意译为:有利于,或有益于;两者之间互换也没有什么问题。例句:I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you. 我希望你的假期会对你是有益的。I hope your holiday will be benefit to you. 我希望你的假期会对你有好处。
2023-07-09 22:47:291


2023-07-09 22:47:501


2023-07-09 22:47:561


2023-07-09 22:48:031


2023-07-09 22:48:101


2023-07-09 22:48:171


2023-07-09 22:49:011


2023-07-09 22:50:271


benefit的用法:一、动词形式1、benefit用作不及物动词时,意思是“得益”; 用作及物动词时,意思是“有益于”。2、benefit常与介词from或by连用,表示“从中受益”。二、名词形式1、benefit用作名词的基本意思是“好处”,可指任何形式的“益处”,包括物质方面和精神方面的益处。2、benefit视其含义的具体或抽象,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。3、benefit既作及物动词,也作不及物动词。作及物动词时,解释为“得益于……”,作不及物动词时,解释为“得益”;扩展资料benefit英 [u02c8benu026afu026at] 美 [u02c8bu025bnu0259fu026at] n.利益,好处;救济金,津贴;vt.有益于,有助于;使受益;例句1、The new railway will benefit the district. 新铁路将使这地区得益。2、I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union. 我认为女性无论从事什么工作,加入工会都是有好处的。3、The benefit which the reservoir brings to the villagers is not limited to agriculture. 这水库给村民们带来的好处不止是在农业方面。4、They lose their entitlement to benefit when they start work. 他们一开始工作就失去了获得救济金的资格。5、It is no benefit to me at all. 这对我毫无益处。
2023-07-09 22:51:141


benefit用作名词的基本意思是“好处”,可指任何形式的“益处”,包括物质方面和精神方面的益处。benefit视其含义的具体或抽象,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。Are you entitled to unemployment benefit?你有资格领取失业救济金吗?The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建的医院会给这座城市带来极大的好处。
2023-07-09 22:51:341

贝玲妃 benefit 化妆品的使用顺序

网上有很多化妆教程 你有一些东西买重复了 像很多东西可以互相代替的
2023-07-09 22:51:444

have a benefit什么意思

有益处 (有那个"a"么??)
2023-07-09 22:52:117


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: benefit可以用汉语谐音来记吗?可以帮我编个小故事吗? 解析: 最好不要,英语不要这样,一些历史地理方面的可以用联想来解决记忆,称为联想记忆法! benefit :汉语谐音:逼你fit,意思为:逼你健康,也就是对你有益的了。 希望下不为例,学英语要多读、多说,学学李阳老师的KK音标发音吧,掌握字母发音对学英语有好处的。
2023-07-09 22:52:261


2023-07-09 22:52:471


2023-07-09 22:53:151

英文语境里所谓"friends with benefit"应该怎么理解?

两个人可以像普通朋友一样一起出去玩。有需要了可以have sex,但是并不是对方的唯一,不需要受relationship的束缚。Benefit,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“有益于,对…有益”。作不及物动词时意为“受益,得益”。作名词时意为“利益,好处;救济金”。双语例句:I have done it for his benefit.我为了他的利益才做那件事情。It is there for your benefit whether you feel it or not.这都是为了你们的利益,不论你们是否感受到了。It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit.这不是他的错误。他是为了你的好处才这样做的。
2023-07-09 22:53:231


一、benefit用作动词1、benefit的基本意思是“受益”,强调改善或优化个人状况如身体、智力、道德或精神状态。也可表示对某人的目标的实现有所促进。(1)用作不及物动词时,意思是“得益”。The bank suffers while its officers benefit.银行遭受损失,而它的高级职员们却得到好处。(2)用作及物动词时,意思是“有益于”。The railway will benefit several provinces.这条铁路有益于几个省。Advances in science benefit all humanity.科学的进步有益于全人类。2、benefit常与介词from或by连用,表示“从中受益”。二、benefit用作名词1、benefit用作名词的基本意思是“好处”,可指任何形式的“益处”,包括物质方面和精神方面的益处。2、benefit视其含义的具体或抽象,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。Are you entitled to unemployment benefit?你有资格领取失业救济金吗?The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建的医院会给这座城市带来极大的好处。
2023-07-09 22:53:421


2023-07-09 22:45:404


2023-07-09 22:45:431

乐视2 这个手机怎么样

乐视 乐2后置1600万像素镜头,镜头外观设计的面积非常大,背面第一眼看上去非常显眼,下方指纹识别器的区域依然是采用镜面设计,“指纹收集器”的现象依然从乐1延续了下来,有强迫症的用户需要经常擦拭才可以。 乐2是全球首款Type-C纯数字化无损音乐手机 ,也就是取消了传统的3.5mm耳机接口,通过Type-C接口进行声音输出。理论上来说取消3.5mm的成本将被提升,需要定制线材方案适配与芯片支持,对于手机外观的影响是可以做到更为纤薄,并且减少机身的冲孔数量。 乐视 乐2一体化金属机身、无边框ID 3.0工艺、首发联发科十核Helio X20、取消3.5毫米耳机接口而引入CDLA全程数字化无损音频、USB Type-C接口和乐闪充、乐镜指纹、1600+800万像素前后摄像头、双卡双待全网通4G。 不过遗憾的是该机型所搭配的系统并不是很人性化,很多常用的功能比较缺失或是不完善,像笔者喜欢以及常用的来电显号功能,就做的不是很好,经常识别不了陌生电话。另外最近也开始流行免费通话,像锤子已经内置了,而该系统则没有考虑。不过来电和通话这两个需求点倒是可以装触宝电话来解决,目前笔者就是用的这个,倒是挺好用的。不过还是希望厂商能够内置化这些功能
2023-07-09 22:45:441


2023-07-09 22:45:471

乐视 S3手机充了一下午电为什么只有27%的电?

2023-07-09 22:45:533

It is made up为什么用made不是make?

2023-07-09 22:45:553

谢耳朵是什么电视 生活大爆炸剧情介绍

1、谢耳朵是出自美剧《生活大爆炸》的人物角色。 2、主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功,平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。 莱纳德Leonard和谢尔顿Sheldon还有两个好朋友。自认为是花花公子的霍华德·沃洛维茨Howard Wolowitz(西蒙·赫尔伯格饰),他称自己是加州理工学院的卡萨诺瓦(1725-1798,意大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,后来该词被引申为风流浪子,好色之徒),能用六种语言泡妞,参与负责美国的火星探索计划,其实霍华德Howard不过是个喜欢拿一些过时的手段泡妞的家伙,很多时候他的泡妞手法都让对方感到恶心。来自印度的拉杰什·库斯拉帕里Rajesh Koothrappali(昆瑙·内亚饰)患有严重的“与异性交往障碍症”,有异性在场的时候他就无法说话,只有在喝醉以后才能自在地与女孩交流。一个美女和四个科学阿宅的故事就这样在笑声中悄然开始上演。
2023-07-09 22:45:381


2023-07-09 22:45:336


【 #英语资源# 导语】“叮叮当,叮叮当,铃声多响亮……”大街小巷播放了这首歌,代表着圣诞节终于要到了。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   On Christmas night, I had a beautiful dream.   I dreamed I was in the snowman village. There are many big snowmen waving to me. I saw many very beautiful little houses there. There are many Christmas elves in the house. The Elves were very friendly to me. They took me to see Santa Claus. Santa Claus said, "I"m going to give you presents. Just go with me." After that, as soon as Santa Claus whistled, the reindeer pulled the car and ran over. Santa Claus and I got in the car. Santa Claus carried the gifts on his back, and I took the list of gifts. The deer cart flew up. I opened the list and found that the list was too long. I stretched out the list with my two arms, but it was still not long enough. I read the list while Santa handed out gifts. The streets are filled with children"s laughter. Some of them sing and some dance. They are very happy.   The gift was finally delivered. Santa and I went back to the snowman village. I was about to say goodbye to them when Santa stopped me. The Santa took out the last gift from his pocket and gave it to me. I thanked Santa and went home. I think this is my happiest Christmas. 2.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   Yesterday was Christmas Eve. I put a Christmas stocking in the pink tent. I hope Santa will give me the gift I want. Early this morning, I went to the colorful tent to look for gifts. Wow, really! I hurried in and found that it was a box of colored mud, which I had thought for a long time. I found a letter from Santa Claus to me. He said that he specially learned Chinese characters to write to me, and asked me to be an honest, diligent and obedient child, so that I can receive his gifts every year.   After reading the letter, I carefully opened the packing box and took out the tool bag. The bag was so strong that I couldn"t open it with my hands. I had to find scissors, slowly cut it along the sealing line, take out the colorful tools and put them next to me. Then I took out cans of colored mud. I was anxious to open a can of pink, but I couldn"t open it. I think: the quality of gifts from Santa Claus is really good!   I ran to the study and asked my mother to open it. The pink colored mud is soft in your hand. When you smell it, there is a faint fragrance. I pinched a strawberry with it, gently put it on the purple plate and gave it to my mother. Mom is very happy. I also made a muffin with orange colored mud and thanked Santa Claus for bringing me happiness in this festival. Although he has gone, he must be able to hear what I said to him.   Thank you, Santa! I will remember your words and be an excellent pupil! 3.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   Today, I got up early in the morning and went to look at the calendar. Wow, it turned out that today is Christmas.   When I came to the school, I saw that some students gave the teacher cards, some students were packaging fruit, some students were saying happy holidays to the teacher, and some students gave the teacher beautifully packaged safe fruits. The teacher smiled happily. The whole morning was so happy. Everyone had no trouble at all. After school, the teacher smiled and said, "I wish you a happy Christmas." When I went to math class in the afternoon, I saw the trace of Santa Claus. The children put on Christmas hats. Everyone was very happy. The teacher asked a male classmate to perform the appearance of Chang"e running to the moon. He suddenly jumped on another classmate. The teacher said humorously, "this is not April Fool"s day, it"s Christmas." It made everyone laugh. How time flies! Soon after class, my parents took me to a restaurant for dinner. When I got there, Santa Claus sent me a gift. I smiled happily.   Christmas is really happy. I hope I can have Christmas every day. Let me be happy every day. Don"t think about it anymore. I wish you a happy Christmas! 4.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   Today, Friday is Christmas. Our class held activities to celebrate Christmas and welcome the new year.   At noon, the teacher invited more than 10 students to draw pictures related to Christmas on the blackboard. First, draw a gift belt. The colors of the gift belt are various, including red and yellow, with several small wheels on it. The deer is painted in the lower right corner. It is a little fat. There is a theme of class 402 in the middle, and a Christmas tree is painted in the center of the class meeting.   First of all, wow, we have to play the hug of love. The rule is that the host said that when the hug of love is a few, several people will hug together, and the rest will go out. In the first round, I was not invited, but the two people we live in are very strong, but we didn"t go out until the last few rounds. In the second round, our group invited four people up, one of whom was me. We started. First of all, we boys held together, and so did the girls. Again and again, there were only four people left. It was my deskmate and the host on the 15th that we held together. After the host"s judgment, my deskmate and I won. 5.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   I look forward to Christmas because it will give me unexpected surprises. I can receive gifts from Santa Claus, such as a white sheep as snow, a snowman with a round head and a tearful Doraemon. It seems that I want to cry something with me.   I was so excited that I couldn"t sleep on Christmas night. I"m looking forward to tonight"s gift. Later, grandma said, "you should go to bed quickly so that Santa Claus will send you the gifts early." After listening, I obediently closed my eyes and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up and looked for gifts in bed. When I couldn"t find them, I began to cry. When my grandmother heard my cry, she rushed over and asked me what happened. I said sadly, "Santa didn"t give me gifts. I won"t sleep until Santa gave me gifts." My grandmother turned out a little yellow duck from behind my feet. It"s fat and yellow. Press its belly and the little yellow duck will cry; "Gaga" is so cute! I burst into laughter.   Last year, my mother told me that there is no Santa Claus in the world, but I still believe that Santa Claus still exists. I really look forward to what Santa Claus will give me this year. 6.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   Jingle, jingle, how loud the bell is ~ when you hear this music, you will miss the winter in the United States at that time. As long as Christmas is coming, every family will put out many models of large and small Christmas trees, Santa Claus and snowman, and will put up "led" lights inside and outside the house. Sometimes they will hold a lively Christmas party to spend a beautiful Christmas. At night, it looks like a big shiny fish from the street. I"ve also heard that Santa Claus will give gifts. If I did, do you know what I would want? What I want is Lego blocks.   If there is a Christmas gift, what I want most is Lego building blocks. I like it because it is a great toy that can cultivate our concentration and imagination. Although it is very expensive, it is very helpful to me. When I am bored, I will play with it to improve my concentration and imagination, so that I can make progress in my studies.   In fact, there are Santa Claus in the United States, but they are people. Most of them are in big or bright parks and schools, and some will send candy. There is no Santa Claus in some places, but there is a Christmas tree about ten stories high, with a shining star on the top. Many places in New York are like this. You can take pictures. It"s very spectacular.   If Santa Claus sends me this Christmas gift that is very meaningful to me, I will also wish him peace, happiness and health, so that he can send Christmas gifts to everyone every year. Merry Christmas! 7.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   Friday is December 25, Christmas. On that day, I had a happy Christmas. It was also an unforgettable Christmas. I also received gifts from my classmates and parents. I was very moved.   In the class activity class, the monitor and Zhou Xinyi organized a Christmas class meeting and held two classes all the time. Let"s sing, dance and guess things together. The whole class was in high spirits and cheered from time to time. But the most exciting part is the gift giving session. Suddenly, Feng Yuhao came out and said, "dear students, now a mysterious link is about to start, let"s have fun together -" so the gift distribution link began. We used the form of drawing lots to draw who can hold dolls when performing a program   The performance that impressed me most was the scene after he Haojun and Xu Jinyue were shot and fell to the ground. He Haojun pulled Xu Jinyue to the front of the platform and whispered a few words. They wanted to perform other, but they chose this in the end. Xu Jinyue made a shooting gesture. He Haojun covered his chest with his hands and lay down straight with his limbs. His eyes were wide open. Zhong Guo also went up and gave him artificial respiration. 8.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   In the evening, go shopping with my mother; Walking on the busiest road, every store door is decorated with a beautiful Christmas tree, and even Santa Claus! And the rising and falling Christmas bells also ring in my ears from time to time; The pace of Christmas is approaching again! Although Christmas is the "new year" of Westerners, in this happy atmosphere, we are also full of hope that a white bearded old man will send me "Christmas gifts".   My Christmas present last year was a schoolbag. What about this year? What could it be? In fact, the Christmas gift I want most is to get a witch"s "magic wand". Because I hope every corner of the world is "heaven". If I can get the magic wand, then I will fulfill their dreams for everyone who makes a wish, and everyone in the world can be happy every day! Of course, it"s greedy to ask for such gifts, so I hope at least everyone around me can live a happy life. Dad, you can change a new car. Mom, you can lose weight successfully. What about me? Don"t be scolded by your father and mother. I think this is the gift I want most! 9.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   The beautiful Christmas tree in front of the gate is covered with colorful ribbons, the head of Santa Claus and white snowflakes are pasted on the window, and a curved moon boat is hung on the top of the stone. This is today"s lucky star headquarters, this is our fairy tale world today, and this is the scene of our happy Christmas party!   Entering the gate, the teachers were all dressed in red christmas clothes and pointed heads Little Red Riding Hood, Mr. Wang in the headquarters is also wearing a white beard, just like Santa Claus among us. The first part of the activity is making a bran cup. My aunt first gave us a cup, and then gave us some MUKANG chips and milk. I put MUKANG chips at the bottom of the cup, flatten it with a small spoon, squeeze the milk on the MUKANG chips according to the method taught by my aunt, and then sprinkle a layer of MUKANG chips on the milk. In this way, it"s like building a house layer by layer. After interlacing four or five layers, finally put some jam on the cream and the bran cup will be ready. Looking at the delicious wooden bran cup, I really want to have a bite right away.   After finishing the cup of wood bran, we also had a get-together. The students sang and danced. Some students performed on the stage, "Santa Claus" jumped to the table with his guitar, making the students laugh.   Half a day passed quickly, and we reluctantly left this "happy hometown". 10.快乐的圣诞节英语作文   Today is December 25th. This is our long-awaited holiday - Christmas. Christmas is a festival for foreigners. On this day, foreign people wear strange hats and carry sugar bags to celebrate the arrival of this festival.   About 40 minutes later, we arrived at Anwen primary school. The teachers and students of Anwen primary school warmly welcomed us and sent each of us a plastic hand clap. We sat in our chairs and watched countless programs. Let English letters engrave in our hearts forever. The English program is over. I also took a photo with my paired classmates as a souvenir.   "The flea market has opened," shouted a classmate. We went hand in hand to this so-called "flea market". In the market, some are bargaining, some are selling loudly, and some are wandering there.   I visited the market with my good friend Zhao MINXIU. As we strolled around, we talked about our thoughts after our last separation. Suddenly I stopped at a small stall. I saw a brown bear in a red skirt and a pink yarn apron. We asked the "stall owner": "how much is this bear?" She looked and said, "10 yuan." We bargained with each other and finally bought it for 2 yuan and 50 cents. I"m so happy with this lovely bear. I learned not only to buy things there, but also to "bargain".   This Christmas is the most meaningful for me. I"ll never forget!
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make it 后可加的词性和例句

make it 后可加的词性有形容词,动词原形。make it后面不加成分也可以。例句:1、I"ll make it up to you, I promise 我保证,我会补偿你的。2、So you did make it to America, after all. 那么,你终究还是成功地来到了美国。3、I"ll make it up with him again. 我会与他重归于好。4、To make it easier to contact us, keep this card handy. 把这张卡放在手边,以便于和我们联系。5、I believe I have the talent to make it 我相信自己有成功的天分。6、We know what to do to make it work. 我们知道如何让它起作用。7、Well, I"m glad you could make it. I didn"t want you to miss out. 嗯,很高兴你赶来了,我可不希望你错过机会。8、His birth, background and career show that you can make it in this country on meritalone. 他的出身、背景和职业表明,在这个国家仅凭自己的能力就可以取得成功。9、You"re brave and courageous. You can make it. 你勇敢无畏,一定会获得成功。10、Just because something has always been done a certain way doesn"t make it right.仅仅因为老是以某种方式做事并不意味着这么做就是对的。11、We live in a world in which only the strongest can make it to the top. 我们生活在这样一个世界里——只有最强的人才能爬得最高。12、We aren"t ready to disarm ourselves so that make it easier for them to kill us.我们可不准备放下武器,好让他们更轻易地干掉我们。13、Let"s make it definite--we"ll meet at 6 o"clock. 咱们说死了,6点钟见面。14、All I want to know is how many T-shirts Jim Martin has got. I make it three 我就想知道吉姆·马丁一共有多少件T恤衫。我猜他有3件。15、I"ve already moved things round a bit to make it easier for him. 我已经把东西挪了挪,好让他更方便。16、We can make it much simpler this way. 这样可以省很多事。17、Leonard made a rapid calculation: he"d never make it in time. 伦纳德快速盘算了一下:他肯定赶不上了。18、We deflate the tyres to make it easier to cross the desert. 我们把轮胎放了气,以便穿越沙漠时更容易一些。19、All right, but make it snappy. The meeting is to begin in a few minutes. 好的,但要快,没有几分钟就要开会了。20、I"ll make it a birthday to remember. 我将使这成为一个难忘的生日。
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