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Wobbleshop的《Belong》 歌词

2023-07-10 07:24:13
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Jesse Labelle - Belong
If I never met you would I have ever learned,
that all you give out you get back in return
and when the door closes its hings will turn,
and open a window to all the world
Cause sometimes you lose what you never believed
could end up far, somewhere lost in the sea
and sometimes you search for an eternity
only to find what you"ve already seen
So I will try to hold you
and help you right your wrongs
and love you see, will lead you to me,
and keep you right where you belong
You are a beacon of light and of hope
and I know no better than to follow you home
home is a place that I"m trying to find
moving along without looking behind
sometimes the last thing you wanted to have
you get and you see that it isn"t so bad
and sometimes a miracle lands at your door
and brings you a smile and you need nothing more
So I will try to hold you
and help you right your wrongs
and love you see, will lead you to me,
and keep you right where you belong
Sometimes I don"t know what you"re up to out there
and times I don"t know where you are, unaware,
but right now I wish I could be anywhere
counting the stars with you
So I will try to hold you
and help you right your wrongs
and love you see, will lead you to me,
and keep you right where you belong
and love you see, will lead you to me,
and keep you right where you belong
My beautiful love,
I wanna run,
to the place where you hide,
and tell you with all my life,
this is where you belong,
it"s where you belong.




belong的读法:belong的英式发音为[bu026au02c8lu0252u014b];美式发音为[bu026au02c8lu0254u02d0u014b]。belong的中文释义:1、当词性为动词时,意为应在……地方,应处于……状况;适应,合得来;归……所有;是……的成员,属于(某团体或组织);居住;被恰当地置于…;适应;属于;是…的财产;应归入;成为某集体的成员;是…的合法财产;应付给。相关短语:1、belong to属于。2、sense of belonging归属感。3、belong in属于;应居在;应放置在。4、belong with属于;同道。5、Up Where We Belong冲上云霄;军官与绅士;情归往昔。双语例句:1、Lions belong to the cat family.狮属于猫科。2、They need to feel they belong.他们需要有归属感。3、The islands belong to Spain.这些岛屿隶属西班牙。4、You don"t belong here.你不属于这里。5、Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.狮子和老虎属于猫科。6、The contents of shipwrecks belong to the state.一切沉船中的物品均属国家所有。7、His novels belong to a great but vanished age.They are,in short,old-fashioned.他的小说属于一个辉煌但已逝去的时代。一句话,已经过时了。8、While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations.虽然这两位年龄上只有几天之差,但他们好像属于完全不同年代的人。9、Whom did the$20 bill belong to?这20美元的账单是属于谁的?10、It could belong to anyone.它可以属于任何人。
2023-07-09 23:41:521


用作动词,表示“属于,归属于”的意思,表示人、物、地点等的所属关系。belong是一个常用的动词,表示某人或某物属于某个群体、组织、地点等的概念,用法包括:sb./sth. belong to、sb. belong in/at。此外,belong还可以用作名词,表示“归属感”、“家庭成员”等意思。belong还可以与其他词汇搭配使用,如belongings、belonged等。此外,belong还可以用于表示某人或某物适合于某种情境或环境的语境中,如belonginthecountryside、belonginamuseum。
2023-07-09 23:43:011


2023-07-09 23:43:081


This book belongs to me is on the table. belong是不及物动词,没有被动态.被动形式可以用own代替. 这个词后面属于(不一定翻译成属于,只为了方便理解)的目标需要一个介词,可以是to,直接表示被拥有,或者是XX的一部分的关系;可以是in,表示适合在XX地方或满足在XX(组织)里的条件;也可以跟with,表示应该和XX在一起;还有among,表示可以算作XXX之一.
2023-07-09 23:43:281

belong和belong with有什么区别?

一、含义不同1、Belong to释义:属于。2、belong with释义:归于。二、侧重点不同1.Belong to解析: 表达所有权,无被动语态。2.belong with解析:表示某些事物人应该在一起。三、用法不同。belong to:表达“某人属于某个国家或某个团体”或“某人属于某个时期的总统/文学家”等意思时,需要用belong to。belong with:表达“和某人一样都属于某一派”或“与…有关,与…住在一起”等意思时,需要用belong with。
2023-07-09 23:43:351


be后面是宾格belong to后面也是宾格
2023-07-09 23:44:163

belong on

belong with vt. 与...有关 通常用于人和人 A child belongs with (ie should live with and be cared for by) its mother. 孩子应该和母亲在一起(应和母亲一同生活以便得到照顾). belong to: vt. 属于(为...之一员) You and I belong to different political camps. 你和我属于不同的政治阵营。belong on 这样的用法很少,你说的是belong in 吧?belong in 应归于...(地方、范畴) Which letter does not belong in the following series? 那个字母部不属于下面的一系列?
2023-07-09 23:44:241


belong vi.属于,应归入;适宜;应被放置;居住 belong是不及物动词,所以要加介词to再加名词. 希望能帮到您,我用的是手机,收不到追问,如果有疑问请发消息给我,或者求助也可以哈~
2023-07-09 23:44:321


belong的名词belongings; belongings:n.动产;财物; 例如:They dumped his belongings unceremoniously on the floor. 扩展资料   She gathered up her belongings.   她收拾起她的私人物品。   Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings   让他们把怎样评估你的`财产价值的资料寄来。   We automatically insure your belongings against fire and theft.   我们自动为您的财产上失窃险和火灾险。
2023-07-09 23:45:261


2023-07-09 23:45:491


静态动词表示一种静止状态,存在和拥有:be, have, belong, 度量:weigh, measure,感官和心理:see, hear, feel, love, remember; 动态动词表示一种运动状态, 运动:walk, run, play, junmp, 位移:come, go, leave. 静态动态的归类没有绝对性,更准确的是根据前后词句判断。
2023-07-09 23:45:571

请问英语belong here是属于什么结构?是动宾结构吗?

是的。belong是实义动词,与to构成词组,belong to:属于。与后面名词或是人称代词宾格一起构成动宾短语。
2023-07-09 23:46:185


2023-07-09 23:46:561


elong to you 第一人称如I,we以及第二人称you时不用加S 第三人称如he,she,人名时加s,10,是do i belong to you? belongs用于三单形式,2,不用。 因为I 是第一人称 第三人称单数才要用。,2,“我属于你吗”的英文中,belong后面要不要加s. do i belongs to you? 还是 do i belong to you? 什么时候要加s什么时候不用呢=.=
2023-07-09 23:47:031


It 是第三人称单数,必须加S.属于我们It/they belong to us.
2023-07-09 23:47:253

没有被动的 就是belong to +SB.例如 IT IS BELONG TO ME. 动词是有时态的啊 主动表被动的 没有被动语态 初高中总考
2023-07-09 23:47:332


选D 不要带走属于别人的东西。考察定语从句。
2023-07-09 23:47:414

belong to和belong with有什么区别呢?

“belong to”中“to”为介词,其后接代词、名词类短语及从句,表示所归属的对象。1、belong to sb 可用来指某物属于某人例句:This book belongs to me。这本书是我的。2、belong to sth(1)指与某物或某处有一定的关联,或者什么东西可以做什么用。例句:I belong to Shanghai。我是上海人。(2)指XX是某团体、组织等中的一员。例句:Do you belong to any organizations or clubs?你属于哪一个组织或俱乐部吗?belong to和belong with的区别:一、含义不同1、belong to:属于。2、belong with:归于。二、侧重点不同1、belong to: 表达所有权,无被动语态。2、belong with:表示某些事物人应该在一起。三、用法不同。belong to:表达“某人属于某个国家或某个团体”或“某人属于某个时期的总统/文学家”等意思时,需要用belong to。belong with:表达“和某人一样都属于某一派”或“与…有关,与…住在一起”等意思时,需要用belong with。
2023-07-09 23:48:011

belong 和belong to 的区别

2023-07-09 23:48:181


2023-07-09 23:48:263


belong to 属于belong in/ under/ with 是.....的成员
2023-07-09 23:48:462


whose computer does it_belong ___?1.belong 2.belong of 3.belong to4.belong with does 加动词原型,of to with后面还要跟一个东西
2023-07-09 23:48:552


不一定,在以下释义中不与to连用:a person or thing belongs in a particular place or situation, that is where they should be. 属于 (某地或环境情形) 例:You don"t belong here.你不属于这里。 They need to feel they belong.他们需要有归属感。
2023-07-09 23:49:041

求解be owned 和 belong 的区别

都是拥有的意思 be owned明显是一个被动语态。eg: The house is owned by me. belong通常和to连接构成 belong to,而belong to是没有被动语态的。eg:The house belongs to me.
2023-07-09 23:49:191

belong to和belong with的区别是什么呢?

“belong to”中“to”为介词,其后接代词、名词类短语及从句,表示所归属的对象。1、belong to sb 可用来指某物属于某人例句:This book belongs to me。这本书是我的。2、belong to sth(1)指与某物或某处有一定的关联,或者什么东西可以做什么用。例句:I belong to Shanghai。我是上海人。(2)指XX是某团体、组织等中的一员。例句:Do you belong to any organizations or clubs?你属于哪一个组织或俱乐部吗?belong to和belong with的区别:一、含义不同1、belong to:属于。2、belong with:归于。二、侧重点不同1、belong to: 表达所有权,无被动语态。2、belong with:表示某些事物人应该在一起。三、用法不同。belong to:表达“某人属于某个国家或某个团体”或“某人属于某个时期的总统/文学家”等意思时,需要用belong to。belong with:表达“和某人一样都属于某一派”或“与…有关,与…住在一起”等意思时,需要用belong with。
2023-07-09 23:49:271


consequence [英]u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns [美]u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwens n. 结果,成果;[逻]结论;重要性;推论 [例句]Political and economic instability are an inevitable consequence.政治和经济不稳定成为不可避免的后果。
2023-07-09 23:46:512


2023-07-09 23:46:532


2023-07-09 23:46:541


Since scientists first proposed the big bang theory, many people have questioned and criticized the model. Here"s a rundown on some of the most common criticisms of the big bang theory: u2022It violates the first law of thermodynamics, which says you can"t create or destroy matter or energy. Critics claim that the big bang theory suggests the universe began out of nothing. Proponents of the big bang theory say that such criticism is unwarranted for two reasons. The first is that the big bang doesn"t address the creation of the universe, but rather the evolution of it. The other reason is that since the laws of science break down as you approach the creation of the universe, there"s no reason to believe the first law of thermodynamics would apply.u2022Some critics say that the formation of stars and galaxies violates the law of entropy, which suggests systems of change become less organized over time. But if you view the early universe as completely homogeneous and isotropic, then the current universe shows signs of obeying the law of entropy.u2022Some astrophysicists and cosmologists argue that scientists have misinterpreted evidence like the redshift of celestial bodies and the cosmic microwave background radiation. Some cite the absence of exotic cosmic bodies that should have been the product of the big bang according to the theory.u2022The early inflationary period of the big bang appears to violate the rule that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Proponents have a few different responses to this criticism. One is that at the start of the big bang, the theory of relativity didn"t apply. As a result, there was no issue with traveling faster than the speed of light. Another related response is that space itself can expand faster than the speed of light, as space falls outside the domain of the theory of gravity.There are several alternative models that attempt to explain the development of the universe, though none of them have as wide an acceptance as the big bang theory:u2022The steady-state model of the universe suggests the universe always had and will always have the same density. The theory reconciles the apparent evidence that the universe is expanding by suggesting that the universe generates matter at a rate proportionate to the universe"s rate of expansion.u2022The Ekpyrotic model suggests our universe is the result of a collision of two three-dimensional worlds on a hidden fourth dimension. It doesn"t conflict with the big bang theory completely, as after a certain amount of time it aligns with the events described in the big bang theory.u2022The big bounce theory suggests our universe is one of a series of universes that first expand, then contract again. The cycle repeats after several billion years.u2022Plasma cosmology attempts to describe the universe in terms of the electrodynamic properties of the universe. Plasma is an ionized gas, which means it"s a gas with free roaming electrons that can conduct electricity.There are several other models as well. Could one of these theories (or other ones we haven"t even thought of) one day replace the big bang theory as the accepted model of the universe? It"s quite possible. As time passes and our capability to study the universe increases, we"ll be able to make more accurate models of how the universe developed.
2023-07-09 23:46:552


mouse point,鼠标的点。
2023-07-09 23:46:554


consequence是可数名词。consequence 后果。consequences 多后果,多种后果。读音:[英] [u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns] [美] [u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwens]意思:n.推论; 结果,成果; [逻]结论; 重要性;例句:As an overseer, he suddenly found himself a person of consequence作为工头,他突然觉得自己是个重要人物。复数:consequences下面是习惯用法:We must face the consequence of what we do.While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.” - 美国作家兼演讲家 Stephen R. Covey拓展资料:可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西;它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式。它在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也只用单数形式。
2023-07-09 23:46:581


2023-07-09 23:47:018

lee牛仔裤made in china是假的吗

2023-07-09 23:47:021

求英文翻译“The house was a little rundown”

2023-07-09 23:47:021


2023-07-09 23:47:021


2023-07-09 23:47:057


Happy New Year望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-09 23:47:063


consequence[英][u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns][美][u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwens]n.结果,成果; [逻]结论; 重要性; 推论;
2023-07-09 23:47:074


2023-07-09 23:46:473

陈奕迅2010演唱会 都唱了什么歌?

DUO 陈奕迅2010演唱会 Rundown2010.03.20约2055开场,2337完场1.今天等我来2.好歌献给你 (罗文)3.落花流水4.囍帖街 (谢安琪)5.七百年后6.约定 (王菲)7.寂寞夜晚 (张国荣)8.浮夸9.MR.LONELY ("愈想愈无谓"日文版)10.我甚麼都没有11.我的世界末日12.禁色 (黄耀明)13.无人之境14.破晓 (林忆莲)15.夕阳无限好16.人车志17.裙下之臣18.陀飞轮19.沙龙20.葡萄成熟时21.热辣辣 (张国荣)22.反斗星 (谭咏麟)23.头发乱了 (张学友)24.好戏在后头 (草蜢)25.芳华绝代 (张国荣,梅艳芳)26.不来也不去27.富士山下28.与我常在29.我的快乐时代Encore30.反高潮31.天下无双32.PG家长指引 (梁汉文)33.那一夜有没有说参考答案:
2023-07-09 23:46:473


2023-07-09 23:46:472

0 我有一枚印有自由女神头像,上面印有GUANGMING,右中2008 MAKE IN CHINA

2023-07-09 23:46:472


2023-07-09 23:46:445


w 白色 : 虚线 k 黑色 -· (–) 点划线 square 正方形 diamond 菱形 pentagram 五角星 hexagram 六角星
2023-07-09 23:46:402

2345好压 如何制作RAR格式压缩包?

2023-07-09 23:46:402


rundowntheshirt为什么不加介词。run down the shirt是固定搭配,加介词就多余了。
2023-07-09 23:46:401

我有一枚硬币,正反面都是自由女神头像,上面还写着YUEHUA made in china ,有人说是游戏币,有知道详情的

2023-07-09 23:46:402


2023-07-09 23:46:3810


人若带了虎骨日夜行走.神鬼皆避.百邪不侵.民间更以虎骨为镇惊避邪之神物也.虎在中国自古以来便具有神奇特色,虎乃王也,虎皮、虎骨、虎牙、虎筋皆为宝物,所以便有了用虎牙、虎骨、虎爪作饰品的传统,据说佩带虎饰品能正阳气,走夜路鬼神皆避。挂在胸前很美观,还可避邪!虎牙 刚毅坚忍,消除波折。移灾去邪,健康如意 !
2023-07-09 23:46:373


consequence [英]u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns[美]u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwensn. 结果,成果;[逻]结论;重要性;推论
2023-07-09 23:46:367