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2023-07-10 07:53:54






highlights集锦双语对照词典结果:highlights[英]["hau026alau026ats][美]["hau026alau026ats]n.头发挑染部分; 全球知名儿童刊物及相关产品的发行和销售商的名称、商号及商标; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But it still highlights immense public fears. 但是它仍突显出公众的强烈担忧。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-10 01:01:103

手机照相机的补光(LED Highlight)怎么用?

2023-07-10 01:01:313


看用在什么领悟 如果是摄影或者图像处理就是高光。正常意思是强光
2023-07-10 01:01:403

highlight是什么意思 解析highlight的含义和用法?

2023-07-10 01:01:583


2023-07-10 01:02:082


2023-07-10 01:02:331


2023-07-10 01:02:411


2023-07-10 01:03:014


highlights英 美 n. 拔萃,集锦;挑染(highlight的复数形式)v. 使突出(highlight的三单形式);强调
2023-07-10 01:03:171


highlight n. 加亮区; 最显著部分; 精彩场面v. 加亮; 以强光照射; 使显著
2023-07-10 01:03:414

highlight 四社一会是什么意思

2023-07-10 01:03:492


2023-07-10 01:04:204


2023-07-10 01:04:302

underline和highlight的区别 都有强调的意思

underline 意思是划下划线,就是我们说的”勾起来“. highlight 意思是 ”使它高亮“,使它更突出,可以通过打亮光等实现. 是的,都有强调的意思,但一个是用下划线勾出来,强调;一个是变得更加明亮、鲜艳,而强调. 方法不同.
2023-07-10 01:04:371

highlight 什么意思

2023-07-10 01:05:252


highlight 指图画或照片的强光部份;最重要的事情;最精彩的部分;报刊上的黑体字部分;等等。lowlight 字面意思是弱光,常用来比喻低潮、不重要的事情。
2023-07-10 01:05:551

highlight是什么意思 highlight的意思

1、highlight - 强调英[?ha?la?t]美[?ha?la?t]。2、词典:强调。3、释义:v. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮;着亮彩于(头发)n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;强光部分。4、例句:We should not always highlight the objective reasons, but focus more on subjective ones.我们不要总是强调客观原因,而要更多关注主观原因。
2023-07-10 01:06:041


2023-07-10 01:06:132

emphasize highlight有什么区别

emphasize VERB 强调;重视To emphasize something means to indicate that it is particularly important or true, or to draw special attention to it.But it"s also been emphasized that no major policy changes can be expected to come out of the meeting... 但是也已经强调过,此次会议预计不会带来重大政策转变。Discuss pollution with your child, emphasizing how nice a clean street, lawn, or park looks. 和孩子讨论污染问题,强调清洁的街道、草地或公园有多么美丽。highlights VERB 使突出;强调;使注意If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless... 去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。Once again, the "Free Press" prefers not to highlight these facts... “自由新闻”组织再次故意不去突出强调这些事实。2VERB (用荧光笔)标出;(在计算机屏幕上)突出显示To highlight a piece of text means to mark it in a different colour, either with a special type of pen or on a computer screen.Highlight the chosen area by clicking and holding down the left mouse button. 点击并摁住鼠标左键将所选区域高亮显示。...the relevant maps with the route highlighted in yellow. 用黄色荧光笔标出路线的相关地图3N-COUNT 最有趣(或最精彩、最重要)的部分The highlights of an event, activity, or period of time are the most interesting or exciting parts of it....a match that is likely to prove one of the highlights of the tournament... 可能是本次联赛中最精彩的比赛之一The highlight of my day used to be cooking Meg a meal when she came in from work... 过去,我一天中最有意思的事就是在梅格下班回到家时为她做顿饭。4N-PLURAL 挑染的头发;(头发经阳光照射后产生强光效果的)浅色部分Highlights in a person"s hair are narrow lighter areas made by dyeing or sunlight.
2023-07-10 01:06:571

highlight是什么意思 red

highlight英 ["hau026alau026at]美 ["hau026alau026at]n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;加亮区vt. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮
2023-07-10 01:07:161

beast 为什么改名highlight

因为尹斗俊、龙俊亨、梁耀燮、李起光及孙东云与前公司Cube娱乐合约期满后创新公司Around Us自立,无法以原团名活动。beast 名字商标的版权是前公司Cube的。望采纳
2023-07-10 01:07:366


highlight 英 [?ha?la?t] 美 [?ha??la?t]n.:(图画或照片的)强光部分; 最重要的事情; 最精彩的部分 vt.:强调,突出; 把…照亮; 标示记号; 为…中最突出的事物。
2023-07-10 01:08:421

手机照相机的补光(LED Highlight)怎么用?

2023-07-10 01:10:121


highlight 这里做谓语,因为是及物动词,所以不需要后面接介词了. the nails 做主语 each elegant movement of their hands 做宾语. 翻译:指甲凸显了他们手指的每一个优雅的动作.
2023-07-10 01:10:201


2023-07-10 01:10:271


2023-07-10 01:10:341


2023-07-10 01:10:434


你好,这道题考察的是动词辨析,根据句意,这个课程包含了一本书,一本练习册和一盒磁带。highlight表示高光的意思,通常表示要把某部分着重强调出来,比如说highlight the word"hiighlight" 把highlight这个词重点标记出来。make up 表示组成形成的意思的时候,表示的是...形成了...比如Sixty students makes up our class. 60个学生组成了我们的班级。consist 和make up 同意,但consist为不及物动词,所以通常为consist of的用法,My class consists of sixty students. 我们班由60个学生组成。comprise 表示由...组成的意思,与题意符合,所以选D谢谢采纳~
2023-07-10 01:10:511


除了微距外` 你可以把焦距调到最远端`` 光圈最大``没有手动调节`就开人像把选项调到这,就可以拍摄近景了~ 离你要拍的东西近一点噢~ ixus
2023-07-10 01:10:582


2020年各省的GDP数据已经公布出来,2020年广东的GDP已经突破11万亿人民币,连续32年位居中国第一。 除了经济位居全国第一之外,广东的人口数量也位居全国第一,截止2019年末,广东的常住人口数量已经达到1152 1万人。 面对这么庞大的人口,吃饭是一个非常让人关心的问题,而从目前各省粮食自给率来看,广东的粮食自给率只有32.49%,在全国31个省份当中排在最后的位置。 如果从粮食自产自销的角度来看,广东的粮食自给率会更低,比如2019年广东的粮食消费量大概是5,125万吨,同年,广东的粮食总产量是1,241万吨,粮食自给率只有24.1%。 那为什么广东的粮食自给率这么低呢?其实大家不要觉得大惊小怪,广东作为我国经济体量最大的一个省份,粮食产量比较少很正常,具体来说广东粮食自给率之所以比较低,主要有几个方面的原因。 第一、人均耕地少。 一个省份粮食产量多少跟这个省份的耕地面积是有很大关系的,虽然广东总体来说面积也比较大,但是境内主要以山地为主,平原地区相对比较少,对应的广东的人均耕地其实是比较少的。 截止2018年,广东耕地保有量面积总共是3147374.62公顷,按照11521万常住人口计算,人均耕地面积只有0.4亩左右,这个人均耕地面积在全国是算是非常低的,仅比北京和上海多。 第二、人口多,粮食消费量大。 各地区的粮食自给率除了跟粮食产量有关之外,人口的多少也是一个很重要的原因,广东作为我国人口数量最多的一个省份,每年的粮食消费量是非常庞大的。 除此之外作为我国经济最发达的地区之一,广东每年还吸引来自全国各地的人口,目前在珠三角有大量的外地人口,这些人又进一步增加了广东粮食的消费量。 与此同时广东省内也有很多粮食加工企业,这些粮食深加工企业对粮食的需求量也比较大,所以综合各项因素之后,广东每年的粮食消费量都非常庞大。 在庞大的消费需求基础上,按照广东自己粮食产量来看,完全是没法做到自给自足的,而且有大量的缺口,所以这部分缺口每年只能通过从其他省份购买或者进口来弥补。 第三、工业发达,粮食种植比较少。 如果大家仔细分析会发现,越是发达的地区粮食产量往往会越少,这里面主要的原因,一方面是越是发达的地区工业制造业越比较发达,对应的很多土地都是用于工业商业方面的生产。 另一方面对于发达地区来说,种植粮食的经济效益没有其他农作物高,所以很多农民都会拿农田来种一些经济作物,比如蔬菜、花卉或者其他高附加值的产品。 这点在珠三角地区表现是比较明显的,比如在广东的广州市、深圳市、东莞市、佛山市等很多地区有很多耕地并不是用来种粮食,而是用来做鱼塘,用来种蔬菜、水果或者花卉等相关高价值的农产品,这进一步降低了广东粮食的产量。 所以在各种因素的影响之下,广东粮食自给率比较低是很正常的。 不过对于广东来说,它本身的经济比较发达,居民收入水平以及财政收入都比较高,所以即便粮食产量比较低,但是仍然可以通过向其他省份购买的方式来弥补粮食缺口。 这种做法对于各省份来说,其实也是一种经济上的互补,比如对于东北来说他们人多地少,粮食产量非常大,这些地区可以用于专业生产粮食,而对于广东来说经济发达土地比较少,他们用来进行工业上的生产,这样可以实现更好的土地资源优化配置。 如果是在寸土寸金的地方去种粮食,那是脑子发烧多少度,才会那样干?真正保障国家粮食供给的那是北方大平原和东北黑土地,那是国家指定的粮食生产基地。在默默的不声不响作贡献,这就是国家的分工! 经济大省跟粮食产量没有直接的关系!再说了,粮价在全世界都是 低价值 产品,粮食生产的再多,对于GDP的提升也不会很大。世界上所有农业国,没有哪一个是经济强国。 2020年广东省地方国民生产总值达110760.94亿元,位居国内第一。更可喜可贺的是, 如果按照去年人民币对美元的汇率6.8974来算(今年人民币汇率大升),那广东2020年的GDP折合成美元就应该是约16058亿美元,比去年韩国GDP的1.58万亿美元还多。已经赶超“亚洲四小龙”的既定目标。 支撑广东经济快速增长的支柱产业是:1.电子信息;2.电器机械;3.石油化工;4.纺织服装;5.食品饮料;6.建材;7.森工造纸;8. 汽车 ;9.医药等九大工业产业体系,而农业在广东,只是一个对经济影响不大的产业,是对广东经济的一种“ 小补充 ”。 我国粮食生产大省,都在北方。中原地区的河南、山东、河北是我国 历史 上的大产粮区。辽宁、吉林、黑龙江是49年以后形成的我国最重要的粮食产区。四川粮食基本上能达到自给自足,浙江、江苏、两湖粮食也基本能满足自需,其它的省、直辖市的自给率,都很低。 在我国,资源基本上都是北方往南方输送,当然也包括粮食。都说江南是“鱼米之乡”,但江南生产的农业产品,只是能自给自足罢了,而只有北方,粮食产量不但满足自需,还可以供应全国。 广东粮食不能自给,不是什么新鲜事。 土地没有了,自给哪里来?工业和商贸月拿千万,谁愿意干农活?所以,提高农产品价格都是这些地方那些人阻挠,是该平衡再平衡了。供给侧结构性调整,既喊也要有行动! 因为广东土地资源都发挥到提高更大的价值上面去,所以所有农田土地可以开发一个创新 科技 研发中心带动经济发展可不是一般农产品的价值,以后可能进口东南亚国家农产品可以养活广东地区的人,就像香港地区一样,没有农业 因为良田己种楼, 好地己养牛。 一、地理条件所限,广东不是大平原珠三角以外大都是山区,可耕地面积小,二、大量的外省人流入至需求大增,经济大省并非各方面都是强项,但它创造的财富对国家的经济贡献是巨大的,只需其价值的10%就足以满足全省人口的粮食需求了,世界经济贸易互通有无,只要你有钱,很多问题都可解决。
2023-07-10 01:04:451

求海贼王第14首片头曲 fight together的罗马音,日语,要完整的,四分钟的

yoru gaa ke ru mae ni ta bi ta touma da mi ru a shi ta wo mu gae nii kousou ki me ta ko to ku i wa na iOh I know what I"m supposed to dodon na shi ren ga ma chi u ke tei you tota ka na ru ko dou to me ra re wa shi naime za su ba sho wa ta da hi to tsuFly to the lightta ta kai no ha te ni e ta ki zu nada re ni mo ki zu tsu ke sa se wa si naini gi ri shi me ta te hi ra ke baso ko ni chi ka ra ga ya do rusaa ha ji me yo ua ta ra shii se kai ga yo nn de i ruho ra mi te go ra nni ku tsu no u mi he da te tei ta to shi te moi tsu da tte sa sae tei ruo so re zu ni ma e hewa su re na i deWe fight togetherka ze ou ke to li ga ha ba ta kua no ni ji wo ku gu tta sa ki ni waki bo o to iu ha na ga sa kuThe flowers will never diema ssu gu ni no bi tei ku so no omo iko ko ro ni shi ma yi don da ma ma jakyo ku zu su gi wa shi nai kaiFly to the lightyi zu wa ri de na ni ga ma mo re ruhi za wo tsu ku ko do wa ha ji de wa naita chi a ga ru sa nan do de moki tto ma ta a e ru ka rasaa ha ji me yo ua ta ra shii se kai ga yo nn de i ruho ra mi te go ra nni ku tsu no u mi he da te tei ta to shi te moi tsu da tte sa sae tei ruo so re zu ni ma e hewa su re na i deWe fight togetherke ga shi ta ko to wa na ia no hi mi a ge tado ko ma de mo ta ka ku hi ro i so razui bunn to too ku ma de ki taso re zo re no chi kai wo mu ne nima yoi na do naise o u mo no gaa ruhi ga no bo rika na shi mi sa e hi to shi ku te ra sushi nn ji te ru nn dai tsu ka hi to tsu ni tsu na ga ru mi rai woi sho ni mi tsu ke nii kouki mi no ka wa ri wai naiwa su re na i deWe fight togetherLife goes onLife goes onLife goes onLife goes onLife goes onLife goes onwa su re na i deWe fight together 夜(よる)が明(あ)ける前(まえ)に旅立(たびだ)とうまだ见(み)ぬ明日(あした)を迎(むか)えに行(い)こうそう决(き)めたこと悔(く)いはないどんな试练(しれん)が待(ま)ち受(う)けていようと高鸣(たかな)る鼓动(こどう)止(と)められはしない目(め)指(ざ)す场所(ばしょ)はただひとつたたかいの果(は)てに得(え)た绊(きずな)谁(だれ)にも伤(きず)つけさせはしない握(にぎ)りしめた手(て)开(ひら)けばそこに力(ちから)が宿(やど)るさあ始(はじ)めよう新(あたら)しい世界(せかい)が呼(よ)んでいるほら见(み)てごらんいくつの海(うみ)隔(へだ)てていたとしてもいつだって支(ささ)えている恐(おそ)れずに前(まえ)へ忘(わす)れないでWe fight together风(かぜ)をうけとりだはばだあの日(にち) ぼぐぐださきにま希望(きぼう)という花(はな)が咲(さ)くまっすぐに伸(の)びてっそのおもい心(こころ)にしまいこんなマナーじゃきゅてつすぎはしないたいいつわりでねぎだまのれる膝(ひざ)をつくことはじではない立(た)ち上(あ)がるさ何度(なんど)でもきっとまた会(あ)えるからさあ始(はじ)めよう新(あたら)しい世界(せかい)が呼(よ)んでいるほら见(み)てごらんいくつの海(うみ)隔(へだ)てていたとしてもいつだって支(ささ)えている恐(おそ)れずに前(まえ)へ忘(わす)れないでWe fight together秽(けが)したことはないあの日(ひ)见(み)上(あ)げたどこまでも高(たか)く広(ひろ)い空(そら)ずいぶんと远(とお)くまで来(き)たそれぞれの誓(ちか)いを胸(むね)に迷(まよ)いなどない背负(せお)うものがある阳(ひ)が升(のぼ)り悲(かな)しみさえ等(ひと)しく照(て)らす信(しん)じてるんだいつかひとつに繋(つな)がる未来(みらい)を一绪(いっしょ)に见(み)つけにいこう君(きみ)の代(か)わりはいない忘(わす)れないでWe fight together
2023-07-10 01:04:462


2023-07-10 01:04:5115


2023-07-10 01:04:521


2023-07-10 01:04:534

安室奈美惠《fight together》歌词 中文日文都要 谢谢

玻璃闪闪钻石般璀璨 大雨洗过的天空湛蓝湛蓝 有什么有什么午后晾干 Oh I know what I‘‘m supposed to do 到哪找,丢失已久的徽章 旧时的玩物多了灰尘围观 不变是你永远的玩伴 Fly to the light 还记得那时候我才到你肩头 你不大的双手牵着我的小手 捍卫我们小小的宇宙 笑声太爽朗在回忆里头 天各一方 我们都向前拥抱各自的梦想 那有你的时光 都酿成了佳酿点点滴滴心中珍藏 不管以后变得怎样 我们的情谊一直长春不会枯黄 We fight together 蝉依旧树上抱怨不快 画册已少了浣熊状的云彩 风留在阳台舍不得走开 The flowers will never die 到哪找,丢失已久的徽章 旧时的玩物多了灰尘围观 不变是你永远的玩伴 Fly to the light 还记得那时候我才到你肩头 你不大的双手牵着我的小手 捍卫我们小小的宇宙 笑声太爽朗在回忆里头 天各一方 我们都向前拥抱各自的梦想 那有你的时光 都酿成了佳酿点点滴滴心中珍藏 不管以后变得怎样 我们的情谊一直长春不会枯黄 We fight together 时间摆弄墙上钟摆 日记留白一大块 等着我们去填满憧憬期待 梦里的你笑容还时常盛开 来提醒我不能被恐惧打败 生活少了彩排 精彩就看现在 天各一方 我们都向前拥抱各自的梦想 那有你的时光 都酿成了佳酿点点滴滴心中珍藏 不管以后变得怎样 我们的情谊一直长春不会枯黄 We fight together Life goes on Life goes on Life goes on Life goes on Life goes on Life goes on 就看我们现在 We fight togetherfight together 作词:Nao"ymt;   作曲:Nao"ymt;   歌手:安室奈美惠夜(よる)が明(あ)ける前(まえ)に旅(あび)立(た)とう 在太阳升起前踏上旅程yo ru ga a ke ru ma e ni ta bi ta to uまだ见(み)る明日(あした)を迎(むが)えに行(い)こう 去迎接未知的明天ma da mi nu a shi ta wo mu ga e ni i ko uそう决(き)めたこと悔(く)いはない 从来没有因为这个决定而后悔so u ki me ta ko to ku i wa na i(Oh I know what I"m supposed to do)どんな试(し)炼(れん)が待(ま)ち受(う)けていようと 无论前方有多少艰难险阻do nn na si re nn ga ma chi u ke te i yo u to高(たか)鸣(な)る鼓(こ)动(どう) 止(と)められはしない 都无法阻止那颗热血沸腾的心ta ka na ru ko do u to me ra re wa shi na i目(め)指(ざ)す场(ば)所(しょ)はただひとつ 目标只有一处me za su ba ssyo wa ta da hi to tsu(Fly to the light)たたかいの果(は)てに得(え)た绊(きずな) 同生共死后结下的羁绊ta ta ka i no ha te ni e ta ki zu na谁(だれ)にも伤(きず)つけさせはしない 不会让任何人再受伤害da re ni mo ki zu tsu ke sa se wa si na i握(にぎ)りしめた手(て) 开(ひら)けば 张开紧握的双拳ni gi ri shi me ta te hi ra ke baそこに力(ちから)が宿(やど)る 那里已汇聚了力量so ko ni chi ka ra ga ya do ruさあ始(はじ)めよう 出发吧sa a ha ji me yo u新(あたら)しい世(せ)界(かい)が呼(よ)えんでいる 新的世界在呼唤着我们a ta ra shi i se ka i ga yo nn de i ruほら 见(み)てごらん 远望远方ho ra mi te go ra nnいくつの海(うみ) 隔(へだ)てていたとしても 即便还相隔着几个大洋i ku tsu no u mi he da te te i ta to shi te moいつだって支(ささ)えている 无论何时我们都会同心协力i tsu da tte sa sa e te i ru恐(おそ)れずに前(まえ)へ 不惧艰险向前冲o so re zu ni ma e he忘(わす)れないで 千万别忘了wa su re na i deWe fight together秽(けが)したことはない 从不曾留下耻辱ke ga shi ta ko to wa na iあの日(ひ) 见(み)上(あ)げた 那天我们仰望着a no hi mi a ge taどこまでも高(たか)く 広(ひろ)い空(そら) 那万里长空do ko ma de mo ta ka ku hi ro i so raずいぶんと远(とお)くまで来(き)た 漫漫旅途zu i bu nn to to o ku ma de ki taそれぞれの誓(ちか)いを胸(むね)に 大家将誓言放在心里so re zo re no chi kai wo mu ne ni迷(まよ)いなどない 没有迷茫ma yo i na do na i背(せ)负(お)うものがある 背负着决心se o u mo no ga a ru阳(ひ)が升(のぼ)り 太阳升起来了hi ga no bo ri悲(かな)しみさえ等(ひと)しく照(て)らす 连同悲伤也一同照亮ka na shi mi sa e hi to shi ku te ra su信(しん)じてるんだ 我们坚信shi nn ji te ru nn daいつかひとつに繋(つな)がる未(み)来(らい)を 那最终会结合在一起的未来i tsu ka hi to tsu ni tsu na ga ru mi rai wo一(いっ)绪(しょ)に见(み)つけにいこう 一起去寻找吧i ssyo ni mi tsu ke ni i ko u君(きみ)の代(か)わりはいない 没有人能代替你ki mi no ka wa ri wa i na i忘(わす)れないで 千万别忘了We fight together  Life goes on  Life goes on  Life goes on   Life goes on   Life goes on   Life goes on   忘れないでwa su re na i deWe fight together
2023-07-10 01:04:531

put on是动副词组,还是动介词组

2023-07-10 01:05:001

最新海贼王主题曲 fight together 的 假名歌词!!

作词:Nao"ymt; 作曲:Nao"ymt; 歌手:安室奈美惠 夜があける前に旅立とぅ yo ru ga a ke ru ma e ni ta bi da to u 在太阳升起前踏上旅程 まだ见ぬ明日を迎え行こう ma da mi nu a si ta wo mu ka e ni i ko u 去迎接未知的明天 そう决めたこと悔いはない so u ki me ta ko to i ha na i 从来没有因为这个决定而后悔 (Oh I know what I"m supposed to do) どんな试练が待ち受けていようと do nn na si re nn ga ma ti u ke te i yo u to 无论前方有多少艰难险险 高鸣る鼓动 止められはしない ta ka na ru ko do u to me ra re ha si na i 都无法阻止那颗热血沸腾的心 目指す场所はただひとつ me za su ba ssyo ha ta da hi to tu 目标只有一处 (Fly to the light) 戦いの果てに得た绊 ta ta ka i no ha te ni e ta ki zu na 同生共死后结下的羁绊 谁にも伤つけさせはしない da re ni mo ki zu tu ke sa se ha si na i 不会让任何人再受伤害 握りしめた手 开けば ni gi ri si me ta te hi ra ke ba 张开紧握的双拳 そこに力が宿る so ko ni ti ka ra ga ya do ru 那里已汇聚了力量 さあ始めよう sa a ha ji me yo u 出发吧 新しい世界ガ呼んでいる a ta ra si i se ka i ga yo nn de i ru 新的世界在呼唤着我们 ほら见てごらん ho ra mi te go ra nn 眺望远方 いくつの海 隔てていたとしても i ku tu no u mi he da te te i ta to si te mo 即便还相隔着几个大洋 いくつの海 隔てていたとしても i tu da tte sa sa e te i ru 无论何时我们都会同心协力 恐れずに前へ o so re zu ni ma e he 不惧艰险向前冲 忘れないで wa su re na i de 千万别忘了 (We fight together) 秽したことはない ke ga si ta ko to ha na i 从不曾留下耻辱 あの日 见上げた a no hi mi a ge ta 那天我们仰望着 どこまでも高く 広い空 do ko ma de mo ta ka ku hi ro i so ra 那万里的长空 ずいぶんと远くまで来た zu i bu nn to to o ku ma de ki ta 漫漫旅途 それぞれの誓いを胸に so re zo re no ti kai wo mu ne ni 大家讲誓言放在心里 迷いなどない ma yo i na do na i 没有迷茫 背负うものがある se o u mo no ga a ru 背负着决心 阳が升り hi ga no bo ri 太阳升起来了 悲しみさえ等しく照らす ka na si mi sa e hi to si ku te ra su 连同悲伤也一同照亮 信じてるんだ si nn ji te ru nn da 我们坚信 いつかひとつに繋がる未来を i tsu ka hi to tu ni tu na ga ru mi rai wo 那最终会结合在一起的未来 一绪に见つけに行こう i ssyo ni mi tu ke ni i ko u 一起去寻找吧 君の代わりはいない ki mi no ka wa ri wa i na i 没有人能代替你 忘れないで wa su re na i de 千万别忘了 (We fight together) 是这个吗?
2023-07-10 01:05:002


I want to be a doctorWhen I was younger, I often got sick and had to go to the hospital. It was there that I realized the importance of doctors and nurses. They were kind, caring, and worked hard to make me feel better.Since then, I"ve always wanted to become a doctor myself. I am interested in how the human body works and how to help people who are ill or injured. I hope to study medicine and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and treat patients.Being a doctor is not easy, but I am willing to work hard and persevere. I know that it takes many years of education and training to become a qualified physician, but I am up for the challenge. I believe that being a doctor is one of the noblest professions in the world, as it involves serving and helping others in their time of need.In the future, I hope to become a skilled and compassionate doctor who can make a positive impact on the lives of my patients. I want to use my knowledge and skills to improve their health and well-being, and to make a meaningful difference in the world.重点词汇的中文解析和例句:1. Sick (adj.) - 感觉不舒服,有疾病的例句:I had a fever and felt really sick yesterday.我昨天发烧了,感觉很不舒服。 2. Nurse (n.) - 护士例句:The nurse checked my vitals and gave me my medication.护士检查了我的生命体征并给我开了药。3. Diagnose (v.) - 诊断例句:After running some tests, the doctor was able to diagnose the patient"s condition.医生通过进行一些测试,诊断出了患者的病情。4. Persevere (v.) - 坚持不懈例句:It"s important to persevere even when things get tough.即使事情变得困难,坚持不懈也是很重要的。5. Compassionate (adj.) - 富有同情心的,有爱心的例句:The nurse was very compassionate towards her patients and always took the time to listen to their concerns.护士对她的患者非常有同情心,总是花时间倾听他们的关注。
2023-07-10 01:05:021


Turn on,Put on,Start
2023-07-10 01:05:071

求海贼王op14fight together完整4分15秒日文歌词(罗马音更好)

夜(よる)が明(あ)ける前(まえ)に旅(あび)立(た)とう 在太阳升起前踏上旅程yo ru ga a ke ru ma e ni ta bi ta to uまだ见(み)る明日(あした)を迎(むが)えに行(い)こう 去迎接未知的明天ma da mi nu a shi ta wo mu ga e ni i ko uそう决(き)めたこと悔(く)いはない 从来没有因为这个决定而后悔so u ki me ta ko to ku i wa na i(Oh I know what I"m supposed to do)どんな试(し)炼(れん)が待(ま)ち受(う)けていようと 无论前方有多少艰难险阻do nn na si re nn ga ma chi u ke te i yo u to高(たか)鸣(な)る鼓(こ)动(どう) 止(と)められはしない 都无法阻止那颗热血沸腾的心ta ka na ru ko do u to me ra re wa shi na i目(め)指(ざ)す场(ば)所(しょ)はただひとつ 目标只有一处me za su ba ssyo wa ta da hi to tsu(Fly to the light)たたかいの果(は)てに得(え)た绊(きずな) 同生共死后结下的羁绊ta ta ka i no ha te ni e ta ki zu na谁(だれ)にも伤(きず)つけさせはしない 不会让任何人再受伤害da re ni mo ki zu tsu ke sa se wa si na i握(にぎ)りしめた手(て) 开(ひら)けば 张开紧握的双拳ni gi ri shi me ta te hi ra ke baそこに力(ちから)が宿(やど)る 那里已汇聚了力量so ko ni chi ka ra ga ya do ruさあ始(はじ)めよう 出发吧sa a ha ji me yo u新(あたら)しい世(せ)界(かい)が呼(よ)えんでいる 新的世界在呼唤着我们a ta ra shi i se ka i ga yo nn de i ruほら 见(み)てごらん 远望远方ho ra mi te go ra nnいくつの海(うみ) 隔(へだ)てていたとしても 即便还相隔着几个大洋i ku tsu no u mi he da te te i ta to shi te moいつだって支(ささ)えている 无论何时我们都会同心协力i tsu da tte sa sa e te i ru恐(おそ)れずに前(まえ)へ 不惧艰险向前冲o so re zu ni ma e he忘(わす)れないで 千万别忘了wa su re na i deWe fight together秽(けが)したことはない 从不曾留下耻辱ke ga shi ta ko to wa na iあの日(ひ) 见(み)上(あ)げた 那天我们仰望着a no hi mi a ge taどこまでも高(たか)く 広(ひろ)い空(そら) 那万里长空do ko ma de mo ta ka ku hi ro i so raずいぶんと远(とお)くまで来(き)た 漫漫旅途zu i bu nn to to o ku ma de ki taそれぞれの誓(ちか)いを胸(むね)に 大家将誓言放在心里so re zo re no chi kai wo mu ne ni迷(まよ)いなどない 没有迷茫ma yo i na do na i背(せ)负(お)うものがある 背负着决心se o u mo no ga a ru阳(ひ)が升(のぼ)り 太阳升起来了hi ga no bo ri悲(かな)しみさえ等(ひと)しく照(て)らす 连同悲伤也一同照亮ka na shi mi sa e hi to shi ku te ra su信(しん)じてるんだ 我们坚信shi nn ji te ru nn daいつかひとつに繋(つな)がる未(み)来(らい)を 那最终会结合在一起的未来i tsu ka hi to tsu ni tsu na ga ru mi rai wo一(いっ)绪(しょ)に见(み)つけにいこう 一起去寻找吧i ssyo ni mi tsu ke ni i ko u君(きみ)の代(か)わりはいない 没有人能代替你ki mi no ka wa ri wa i na i忘(わす)れないで 千万别忘了wa su re na i deWe fight together
2023-07-10 01:05:081


Title: How to Maintain FriendshipIntroduction:Friendship is a valuable bond that brings joy, support, and companionship into our lives. However, maintaining strong and lasting friendships requires effort and dedication. In this essay, we will explore several essential aspects of maintaining friendship and discuss practical steps to nurture and strengthen these relationships.1. Communication:Effective communication lies at the heart of any successful friendship. Regularly staying in touch, actively listening, and expressing oneself honestly are vital elements of fostering strong bonds. As the saying goes, "A true friend is someone who listens when you speak, understands when you"re silent."2. Trust and Loyalty:Trust is the foundation of every enduring friendship. Being reliable, trustworthy, and keeping confidences are essential to maintaining trust. Friends should stand by each other through thick and thin, exemplifying loyalty. The phrase "A friend in need is a friend indeed" reminds us of the importance of being there for our friends during challenging times.3. Respect and Understanding:Respect for each other"s opinions, beliefs, and boundaries is crucial in any friendship. Accepting differences and embracing diversity strengthens the bond between friends. Understanding that we may not always agree but can still respect each other"s perspectives fosters a harmonious and supportive friendship.4. Shared Experiences and Memories:Creating lasting memories through shared experiences is an excellent way to deepen friendships. Engaging in activities together, whether it"s going on adventures, attending events, or simply spending quality time, helps build a strong foundation. As the proverb says, "Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."5. Forgiveness and Empathy:No friendship is immune to misunderstandings or conflicts. Learning to forgive and empathize with our friends is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Understanding that we all make mistakes and being willing to resolve conflicts with kindness and compassion reinforces the bond of friendship.Conclusion:Friendship is a treasure that enriches our lives, and maintaining it requires attention and effort. By practicing open communication, trust, respect, sharing experiences, and showing forgiveness and empathy, we can cultivate lasting and meaningful friendships. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Let us cherish our friendships and invest in their growth, for they bring immense happiness and support to our journey through life.
2023-07-10 01:04:441


2023-07-10 01:04:431


Title: How to Maintain FriendshipIntroduction:Friendship is a valuable bond that brings joy, support, and companionship into our lives. However, maintaining strong and lasting friendships requires effort and dedication. In this essay, we will explore several essential aspects of maintaining friendship and discuss practical steps to nurture and strengthen these relationships.1. Communication:Effective communication lies at the heart of any successful friendship. Regularly staying in touch, actively listening, and expressing oneself honestly are vital elements of fostering strong bonds. As the saying goes, "A true friend is someone who listens when you speak, understands when you"re silent."2. Trust and Loyalty:Trust is the foundation of every enduring friendship. Being reliable, trustworthy, and keeping confidences are essential to maintaining trust. Friends should stand by each other through thick and thin, exemplifying loyalty. The phrase "A friend in need is a friend indeed" reminds us of the importance of being there for our friends during challenging times.3. Respect and Understanding:Respect for each other"s opinions, beliefs, and boundaries is crucial in any friendship. Accepting differences and embracing diversity strengthens the bond between friends. Understanding that we may not always agree but can still respect each other"s perspectives fosters a harmonious and supportive friendship.4. Shared Experiences and Memories:Creating lasting memories through shared experiences is an excellent way to deepen friendships. Engaging in activities together, whether it"s going on adventures, attending events, or simply spending quality time, helps build a strong foundation. As the proverb says, "Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."5. Forgiveness and Empathy:No friendship is immune to misunderstandings or conflicts. Learning to forgive and empathize with our friends is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Understanding that we all make mistakes and being willing to resolve conflicts with kindness and compassion reinforces the bond of friendship.Conclusion:Friendship is a treasure that enriches our lives, and maintaining it requires attention and effort. By practicing open communication, trust, respect, sharing experiences, and showing forgiveness and empathy, we can cultivate lasting and meaningful friendships. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Let us cherish our friendships and invest in their growth, for they bring immense happiness and support to our journey through life.
2023-07-10 01:04:351

Put on的反义词

put on的反义词是take off
2023-07-10 01:04:357


2023-07-10 01:04:331


2023-07-10 01:04:323


代表含义如下:参考文献中的【M】、【J】是参考文献类型标识,分别代表专著、期刊文章。【C】代表论文集拓展资料1.常用文献类型用单字母标识,具体如下:(1)期刊[J](journal)(2)专著[M](monograph)(3)论文集[C](collected papers)(4)学位论文[D](dissertation)(5)专利[P](patent)(6)技术标准[S](standardization)(7)报纸[N](newspaper article)(8)科技报告[R](report)2.电子文献载体类型用双字母标识,具体如下:(1)磁带[MT](magnetic tape)(2)磁盘[DK](disk)(3)光盘[CD](CD-ROM)(4)联机网络[OL](online)电子文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识方法为:[文献类型标识/载体类型标识]。例如:(1)联机网上数据库[DB/OL](data base online)(2)磁带数据库[DB/MT](data base on magnetic tape)(3)光盘图书[M/CD](monograph on CD-ROM)(4)磁盘软件[CP/DK](computer program on disk)(5)网上期刊[J/OL](serial online)(6)网上电子公告[EB/OL](electronic bulletin board online)3.专著、论文集中的析出文献[A];其他未说明的文献类型[Z]参考资料来源:百度百科:文献类型标识
2023-07-10 01:04:301


Title: How to Maintain FriendshipIntroduction:Friendship is a valuable bond that brings joy, support, and companionship into our lives. However, maintaining strong and lasting friendships requires effort and dedication. In this essay, we will explore several essential aspects of maintaining friendship and discuss practical steps to nurture and strengthen these relationships.1. Communication:Effective communication lies at the heart of any successful friendship. Regularly staying in touch, actively listening, and expressing oneself honestly are vital elements of fostering strong bonds. As the saying goes, "A true friend is someone who listens when you speak, understands when you"re silent."2. Trust and Loyalty:Trust is the foundation of every enduring friendship. Being reliable, trustworthy, and keeping confidences are essential to maintaining trust. Friends should stand by each other through thick and thin, exemplifying loyalty. The phrase "A friend in need is a friend indeed" reminds us of the importance of being there for our friends during challenging times.3. Respect and Understanding:Respect for each other"s opinions, beliefs, and boundaries is crucial in any friendship. Accepting differences and embracing diversity strengthens the bond between friends. Understanding that we may not always agree but can still respect each other"s perspectives fosters a harmonious and supportive friendship.4. Shared Experiences and Memories:Creating lasting memories through shared experiences is an excellent way to deepen friendships. Engaging in activities together, whether it"s going on adventures, attending events, or simply spending quality time, helps build a strong foundation. As the proverb says, "Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."5. Forgiveness and Empathy:No friendship is immune to misunderstandings or conflicts. Learning to forgive and empathize with our friends is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Understanding that we all make mistakes and being willing to resolve conflicts with kindness and compassion reinforces the bond of friendship.Conclusion:Friendship is a treasure that enriches our lives, and maintaining it requires attention and effort. By practicing open communication, trust, respect, sharing experiences, and showing forgiveness and empathy, we can cultivate lasting and meaningful friendships. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Let us cherish our friendships and invest in their growth, for they bring immense happiness and support to our journey through life.
2023-07-10 01:04:281

Fight Together歌词的 谐音 就是日文用中文标出怎么读

谁说读不准?第一句:呦 嘎唉 该ing 耐唉 你 那 比 大 都 马 嘎 米 路 啊 徐 耐 哦 亩 该 你 狗 搜 该 米 那 狗 都 哭以 哇 耐~后面的你告诉我QQ邮箱,我发给你,我弄了半个小时才弄好,不准泄密!一定要录用啊
2023-07-10 01:04:262


2023-07-10 01:04:251