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2023-07-10 21:15:08


第1章 酒店业的现状分析












In today"s world competition is the talent competition, high-quality human

capital is the hotel industry continued to be healthy and stable development of the fundamental guarantee. With the hotel employees in the quality of ideas and sense of self-development and growing the concept of democracy, the hotel that the people-oriented service sector in terms of human resource

management staff revealed low awareness of service with low staff turnover rate increased the title and so on. This paper analyzes the status quo, therefore, material incentives, moral incentives, as well as the incentive

system and a combination of four-star hotel human resources management of the actual situation of the modern hotel management incentive mechanism has done a preliminary study. In addition, some hotels in human capital

development to improve the human capital level of the hotel"s strategy and measures.

Chapter 1 Analysis of the hotel industry

Hotel industry, in the final analysis is the talent competition.

Management of the core issue is the question. In hotel management in the use of human resources management to obtain a competitive advantage more and more cases.

Case: newspapers and magazines continue to publish articles reporting the adverse conditions of the service sector, front-line staff error continuously, the attitude of the poor is ignored customers home. Lack of skilled staff, in the face of the high rate of loss of the services sector is

suffering to those who come into contact with customers to inject new vitality enterprises. Analysis showed that: when a person was a high degree of motivation, he will take the initiative to work hard to provide the customers with the best possible service; and have not been inspired, he will save energy as much as possible. The primary task of modern managers is to kindle the enthusiasm of staff working inside the fire, to drive the staff work to show the outstanding organizations in order to achieve the best performance

expectations. In the enterprise has been an excellent leader in recognition of this point, only the "people-oriented" corporate governance can be in today"s fierce competition for survival, development, and prosperity. Management is an art, staff motivation is the art of art, the soul of the enterprise employees. Staff to design effective incentive mechanism to increase the enthusiasm of the staff. So that it can be in various different corporate culture and

organizational structure of the enterprise environment to play their maximum potential in order to achieve the expectations of the target organizations. Let us first of all, let me incentive divided into three categories: material incentives, moral incentives and the design of incentive mechanisms, through these three types of analysis and understanding, so that we understand the role of

incentive mechanism and significance of the enterprise so as to establish an effective incentive system. We are encouraged by the following methods to fall

into two categories: material and spiritual encouragement and incentives; incentives of these methods of understanding and knowledge in order to let us realize that the role of incentives.

Chapter 2 material incentives

Material incentives is the way to the adoption of incentives to encourage trade union work.

Its main manifestations of positive incentives, such as wages, bonuses, allowances, benefits, etc.; negative incentives such as fines. Material needs is the first of human needs, is engaged in social activities of all the basic motive, therefore, the material incentives to encourage the main mode is the internal use of Chinese enterprises are very common mode of an incentive.

Excitation method is 2.1

Hotel reward is the good organization of the behavior of employees or work performance and in recognition of the positive. Incentives as a means of staff motivation, incentives designed to induce employees by their exemplary acts to maintain and carry forward and set an example for all staff, for staff morale Fen play a positive role in promoting. Make good use of this means we must pay attention to the following: (a) awards to be timely, and an incentive to innovation. (B) the attention of other employees of the psychological. Constantly set new goals, to play down the past focus on the future, to establish a correct view of the fair. (C). Emphasis on incentive groups, activities in a modern hotel in the achievement of organizational goals,

personal dignity and achievements, both need to go through the joint efforts of groups can be achieved, the emphasis on incentive groups, is conducive to the formation of a unified staff the ideological understanding, and enhance the cohesion of staff to enhance their competitiveness.

2.2 negative excitation method

Punishment is a negative incentive is a modern hotel staff in order to correct the bad behavior, and to obtain a compulsory measure. Applied correctly, can be made to the wrong acts of a very good deterrent. However, employees must not be punished mainly as a supplementary means only, otherwise it will backfire. In the use of the means to pay attention to the following points: (a)

those that can not teach and to punish. Give education top priority should be on the incorrigible or those who have serious consequences for the

implementation of punishment, and punishment can not be hosted attention. (B) select a reasonable and effective punishment, and the scope can not be too large, but not a total negation of the attention to small or large, the psychological harm to employees. (C) will be a matter of principle to the

combination of flexibility and principles, adhered to more stringent enforcement. In strict accordance with the provisions of the system under the premise of a certain degree of flexibility is absolutely necessary, so in a reasonable

incentive to be strict, strict fair, a large number so as to achieve the purpose of education, although, material incentives is not a panacea, but we have to

reasonable use of material incentives that a double-edged sword. For example: in the Jeju Island Group has a management program such that when the staff came to the company the first day of work, the company will staff the case of some families, such as economic conditions in a multifaceted understanding of the understanding on the establishment of a staff personal data, in the

day-to-day work of the staff analysis of data, work in the future, managers will be on the previous analysis of the implementation of effective employee

incentive program. Comprehensive understanding of the needs of employees and the quality of work is good or bad, according to the situation of constant incentive to develop accurate, thereby mobilizing the hotel staff to achieve each and every performance should be.

Inspire the spirit of Chapter 3

Management experts point out that Pitt had "side-effects will be rewarded, because of the high prize money would blockade the news to each other and affect the normal development, the social atmosphere will be errors."

Enterprise alone, therefore the material may not be able to play the role of incentives, so they have another incentive - the spirit of encouragement. On this incentive, I roughly divided into the following categories: goals motivation and participation in competitive incentives and other incentives.

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incentiven.动机; 刺激; 诱因; 鼓励adj.刺激性的; 鼓励性质的
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n. 动机; 诱因; 刺激; 鼓励; adj. 刺激性的; 鼓励性质的;
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incentive 英[u026anu02c8sentu026av] 美[u026anu02c8su025bntu026av] n. 动机; 诱因; 刺激; 鼓励; adj. 刺激性的; 鼓励性质的; [例句]There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures几乎没有什么激励政策来促使人们采取这些措施。[其他] 复数:incentives
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n.激励某人做某事的事物( incentive的名词复数 ); 刺激; 诱因; 动机;
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ncentive准确说不是刺激,我也不知道怎么翻译,打个比方说这样做有好处,你就会有incentive去做这件事,这说能接受吗? 这句话得意思是让社会的利益和个人的利益保持一致就能让人们去做对社会有利的事情
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stimulatev. 促进,激发(某事物);激发,鼓励;使(身体,生物系统)兴奋,刺激;起刺激作用例如:stimulate economic growth刺激经济增长spurn. 一时冲动之下,心血来潮;刺激,激励;(公路或铁路的)支线,岔线;马刺,靴刺v. 激励,鼓励;促进,加速,刺激(某事发生);用马刺策(马)前进incentive n激励,刺激例如:There will be a strong incentive to enter into a process of negotiation.
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incentive stimulus区别

incentive:刺激;鼓励;动机(n.) 刺激的;鼓励的,奖励的(adj.) stimulus:刺激;刺激品;兴奋剂(n.) impetus:推动,促进;推动力;刺激(n.)
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incentive:n. 动机;刺激adj. 激励的;刺激的[网络] 诱因[专业] 激励 [经济学];激励 [法学];动因 [计算机科学技术]It is an inducement or supplemental reward that serves as a motivational device for a desired action or behavior.motive:n. 动机,目的;主题adj. 发动的;成为动机的vt. 使产生动机,激起[网络] 动机;作案动机;目的[专业] 动力 [经济学];动机 [法学];主题 [文学]
2023-07-10 12:59:383

incentive、stimulus、impetus的区别 都有刺激的意思,有什么区别?

incentive:adj.褒义或中性词 stimulus:n.刺激的东西 impetus:动力
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incentive n.Something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward, that induces action or motivates effort. 刺激; 诱因; 动机引起行动或激发努力的某事,比如对惩罚的恐惧或对奖励的期望incentive adj.Serving to induce or motivate: 刺激的; 诱发的用来诱使或激励的:an incentive bonus for high productivity.设立剌激性奖金以提高的生产率Middle English中古英语fromLate Latin incent簐um,from neuter of incent簐us[ inciting ] 源自后期拉丁语 incent簐um, 源自incent簐us的中性词[ 激励的 ] fromLatin[ setting the tune ]源自拉丁语[ 调准音的,校好音的 ]from incentus,past participle of incinere[ to sound ] 源自 incentus, incinere的过去分词[ 发声 ] in-[ intensive pref. ] in-[ 前缀,用于加强语气 ]*See Also : in- canere[ to sing ] canere[ 唱 ]*See Also : kan- In Appendixincentive[in5sentiv]adj.刺激性的, 鼓励性质的, 诱发的be incentive to further study鼓励进一步研究incentive wage(增产)奖励工资incentive[in5sentiv]n.刺激; 鼓励, 动机give sb. an incentive to do sth.激发某人去干某事He hasn"t much incentive to work hard.他没有努力工作的动机。Money is still a major incentive in most occupations.在许多职业中, 钱仍是主要的鼓励因素。incentivelyadv.economic incentive经济鼓励[刺激]economic expansion incentives经济扩张动力export incentives出口刺激fiscal incentive财政刺激[鼓励]group incentive集体奖励job incentive就业的动力material incentive物质鼓励[刺激]non-tax incentives for reinvestment对再投资的非税收性鼓励price incentive价格刺激tax incentive税收鼓励wage incentive鼓励工资work incentives对劳动的刺激motiven.An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action. 动机一种能作为诱导物而激发行为的情绪、愿望、心理需要或者类似的心理推动力AHD:[m綋t箆, m?t秜挥A motif in art, literature, or music. 主题艺术、文学或者音乐的主题motive adj.Causing or able to cause motion: 运动的引起运动的或能引起运动的:motive power.动力(电汽力等)Impelling to action: 积极的引发行动的:motive pleas.积极的请求Of or constituting an incitement to action. 动机的引发行动的诱导物的或能够构成诱导物产生行动的motive mo.tived;; mo.tives;To motivate.促使Middle English motif, motive中古英语 motif, motivefromOld French motif源自古法语 motiffromLate Latin m絫簐us[ of motion ]源自后期拉丁语 m絫簐us[ 运动的 ]fromLatin m絫us,past participle of mov秗e[ to move ] 源自拉丁语 m絫us, mov秗e的过去分词[ 移动 ] *See Also : meu? In Appendixmotive[5mEutiv]adj.移动的, 活动的, 不固定的motive[5mEutiv]n.动机, 动因(作品的)主题; 主旨雕塑中人物姿势或一群人的安排位置建筑物上绘画、雕塑装饰的总体效果leading motive主要动机; (音乐)主题, 主导旋律mixed motives不纯的动机altruistic motive利他动机assets motive资 产动机convenience motive方便动机economic motives经济动机interested motive私利动机product motives生产动机profit motive谋利动机social motive社会动机speculative motive投机动机transaction motive交易动机
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motive 动机incentive 奖励
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英语翻译:区分“incentive, stimulative, excited, irritative"

incentive,,,有诱使,诱因的含义stimulative,,源自拉丁语,刺激,激励,如酒精excited,,词性构成,有被动意义,被外界影响所致 兴奋irritative,,兴奋,irritate是使愤怒
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motive 虽然字面意思和motivation 区别不大,但是主观情 感上有所不同,motive 趋向于带有贬义的意思; 而motivation 相对积 极 Motivation,名词,指的是 干劲,动力 ,他比较常被拿来当作"使(某人)去 努力的原因" 扩展资料   例句:   1、motive   (1)Jealousy was assigned as motive for the crime.   把这一犯罪行为的.动机归因于忌妒。   (2)The man privately admits that his motive is profits.   那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利。   (3)Even if we postulate that she had a motive for the murder, that still doesn"t mean she did it.   即使我们假设她有谋杀的动机,那也并不意味着是她干的。   2、motivation   (1)But first, what is motivation?   但是首先,什么是动机?   (2)Because you have the right motivation.   就是因为你有了正确的动机。   (3)Once the excitement, the motivation and the initial momentum subside (and they will), what will keep you doing what you need to do, to create the change you want to see in your world?   人一旦兴奋,动机和最初的动力就会减弱(他们会这样),什么会让你保持做你要做的,去创造出这种在你的世界里你想看到的改变?
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首先,incentive是“激励”“刺激”的意思,绝不是motive“动机”. Hunger was the motive for his stealing.(饥饿是促使他偷窃的动机.) The bonus is an incentive for me to work hard.(奖金是促使我辛勤工作的动机.)
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incentive 是激励的意思purpose 是目的的意思motive 是动机的意思
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incentive n. 动机;刺激adj. 激励的;刺激的benefit n. 利益,好处;救济金vt. 有益于,对…有益vi. 受益,得益
2023-07-10 13:01:251

stimulation incentive名词均有鼓励,刺激求区别

2023-07-10 13:01:341

financial incentive是什么意思

financial incentive财务激励双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 财务奖励2. 财务激励例句:1.But with the chinese market starting to level off even though chinese factory capacitykeeps surging, goldwind and other chinese companies will still have a powerful financialincentive to avoid idling new assembly lines in china. 但是随着中国的市场开始稳定,尽管中国工厂的能力不稳,金风公司和其他中国公司仍然会有强有力的经济刺激去避免在中国的新的生产线停产。
2023-07-10 13:01:422

各位大神门,问下管理层激励(managerial incentive)和股权激励(equity incentive)是同一个概念么?

2023-07-10 13:01:502

incentive payment是什么意思

incentive payment[英][inu02c8sentiv u02c8peimu0259nt][美][u026anu02c8su025bntu026av u02c8pemu0259nt]奖金; 例句:1.Direct the application of incentive payment systems for employees of thearea. 指导所在区域员工激励薪酬体系的应用。 2.A foreign-funded enterprise shall have the right to make its own decisions onthe levels of salary, form of salary payment and incentive payment system, inaccordance with law, within the limits of the approved contract. 外商投资企业有权在经批准的合同范围内,依法自行确定工资标准、工资形式和奖励津贴制度。
2023-07-10 13:02:001

incentivize 是什么意思?

2023-07-10 13:02:082

incentive mechanism是什么意思

incentive mechanism 英[inu02c8sentiv u02c8meku0259nizu0259m] 美[u026anu02c8su025bntu026av u02c8mu025bku0259u02ccnu026azu0259m] [法]激励机制 [例句]Pentland and his team found their " recursive incentive mechanism " was far more effective than such marketing strategies.pentland和他的研究小组则发现“递归激励机制”的效果要远好于传统的市场营销策略。
2023-07-10 13:02:401

incentive encourage hearten d的区别?

2023-07-10 13:02:499

人力资源管理——激励理论 求解

一、马斯洛需求层次理论马斯洛理论把需求分成生理需求、安全需求、归属与爱的需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求五类,依次由较低层次到较高层次排列。五种需要像阶梯一样从低到高,按层次逐级递升,但这样次序不是完全固定的,可以变化,也有种种例外情况。需求层次理论有两个基本出发点,一是人人都有需要,某层需要获得满足后,另一层需要才出现;二是在多种需要未获满足前,首先满足迫切需要;该需要满足后,后面的需要才显示出其激励作用。一般来说,某一层次的需要相对满足了,就会向高一层次发展,追求更高一层次的需要就成为驱使行为的动力。相应的,获得基本满足的需要就不再是一股激励力量。五种需要可以分为两级,其中生理上的需要、安全上的需要和感情上的需要都属于低一级的需要,这些需要通过外部条件就可以满足;而尊重的需要和自我实现的需要是高级需要,他们是通过内部因素才能满足的,而且一个人对尊重和自我实现的需要是无止境的。同一时期,一个人可能有几种需要,但每一时期总有一种需要占支配地位,对行为起决定作用。任何一种需要都不会因为更高层次需要的发展而消失。各层次的需要相互依赖和重叠,高层次的需要发展后,低层次的需要仍然存在,只是对行为影响的程度大大减小。马斯洛和其他的行为心理学家都认为,一个国家多数人的需要层次结构,是同这个国家的经济发展水平、科技发展水平、文化和人民受教育的程度直接相关的。在不发达国家,生理需要和安全需要占主导的人数比例较大,而高级需要占主导的人数比例较小;在发达国家,则刚好相反。,后面的需要才显示出其激励作用。二、麦格雷戈的XY理论他的理论分两部分,即X 理论和Y 理论:> X 理论McGregor"s X Theory认为,通常来说,只要员工有机会在工作时间内不工作,那么他们就不想工作,只要有可能他们就会逃避为公司付出努力去工作。所有的活动都是基于他们自己的意愿,宁愿懒散也不想为其他人作出一点付出。因为X 理论认为员工是懒散的、消极的、不愿意为公司付出劳动,那么我们必须规划工作并且激励我们的员工,所有要完成的工作,必须被很好清晰地分配给每一个人员工个人。虽然这样,许多员工还是需要督促和更多的指导以及更多的控制,以至于他们能够在工作上投入足够的精力。为了他们能够努力工作,我们会提供给他们奖励,但是还是会有一些员工仍然不愿意持之以恒的努力工作。许多人接受了奖励以后,仍然抱怨他们需要更多的奖励并且仍然不会全身心去工作。公司不得不采取更多的检查、指导和批评,有时候甚至需要惩罚。如果管理者稍有松懈,就会有情况发生。X 理论认为,员工宁愿被管理者指导完成工作,而不愿意承担责任并且他们会尽力避免承担工作中的责任,他们没有一点雄心抱负,只是想象一个安逸稳定的工作环境。因此在这种环境下,管理者必须时刻注意管理员工,分配工作到个人,安排每一员工的每一段时间的工作,并且员工没有很强的紧迫感。针对X 理论,根据员工的特点一般都会对员工采取两种措施:一种是软措施,也就是给予员工奖励、激励和指导等;二是硬措施,也就是给员工予以惩罚和严密的管理,给员工很强压力强迫其努力工作。> Y 理论Y 理论认为,员工是积极的,在适当的环境下,员工会努力工作,尽力完成公司的任务就像自己在娱乐和玩一样努力,从工作中得到满足感和成就感。员工除了依靠外部的控制、督促和惩罚,还有另一种方法激励员工努力完成工作。如果员工愿意完成他的工作,他们会在完成公司的目标活动中自己指导自己、自己鼓励和控制自己。他们的目标会补充公司的目标,并且对他们的委任就像给他们的工作予以内在的一种奖励一样,而不需要外在的奖励或者惩罚。Y 理论的管理者认识到学习对员工的影响,如果管理者给员工的一个适当的环境,员工会自动去接受并且勇于承担工作中的责任。在解决组织问题的时候,培养员工的想象力、灵活性和创新能力能够广泛应用在发展生产力上。现在的公司里,一般员工的潜在智能只被开发了一小部分,他们还能够承担并且完成更加复杂的任务和工作。Y 理论的思想认为,员工是积极地、主动地在工作中发挥自己的特长、释放自己的能量,因此应该在项目过程中给予员工以宽松的工作环境,并提供其发展自主的空间,展现自己的才华,给他以成功的感觉。以上是McGregor理论中的X 理论和Y 理论,两个理论各有自己的长处和不足的地方,X 理论虽然可以加强管理,但项目团队成员通常比较被动地工作;Y 理论可以激发主动性,但对于团队成员把握工作原则而言又有其缺陷。因此在一个项目团队中,我们不能简单地定论,说项目团队适合X 理论或Y 理论的管理方式,我们在应用的时候应该因人而异,因项目团队发展的阶段而异。项目管理是灵活的,项目的人力资源管理也是灵活的,但是要有原则。如在项目团队的开始阶段,大家互相还不是很熟悉,对项目不是很了解或者还有一种抵触等,这时候需要项目经理运用X 理论去引导他;当项目团队进入执行阶段的时候,成员对项目的目标已经一致,都有意愿努力完成项目,这时候我们可以用Y 理论去授权团队完成所负责的工作,并提供机会和环境。三、赫兹伯格的卫生理论赫兹伯格的双因素理论的另一种翻译。赫兹伯格认为:人有两种不同类型的需要,它们彼此是独立的,但能够以不同的方式影响人们的行为。双因素理论:双因素理论认为满意的对立面是没有满意,而不是不满意;同样不满意的对立面是没有不满意,而不是满意。赫兹伯格提出,主要由两类因素影响人们的行为:保健因素和激励因素。保健因素:是指那些与人们的不满情绪有关的因素,如企业政策、工资水平、工作环境、劳动保护。这类因素处理的不好会引发工作不满情绪的产生,处理的好可预防和消除这种不满。但它不能起激励作用,只能起到保持人的积极性,维持工作现状的作用。激励因素:能够促使人们产生工作满意感言因素叫做激励因素,主要包括以下内容:工作表现机会和工作带来的愉快。工作上的成就感。由于良好的工作成绩而得到的奖励。对未来发展的期望。职务上的责任感。双因素理论的贡献:它告诉我们一个事实,采取了某种激励机制的措施以后并不能一定就带来满意。满足各种需要所引起的激励深度和效果是不一样的。要调动人的积极性,不仅要注意物质利益和工作条件等外部因素,更重要的是用一些内在因素来调动人的积极性。负面的评价,主要有4点:赫兹伯格调查取样的数量和对象缺乏代表性。赫兹伯格在调查时,问卷的方法和题目有缺陷。赫兹伯格认为,满意和生产率的提高有必然的联系,而实际上满意并不等于劳动生产率的提高。赫兹伯格将保健因素和激励因素截然分开是不妥的。双因素理论值得我们借鉴,但必须结合中国特殊的国情。我们在实施激励时,应注意区别保健因素和激励因素。当前,中国的温饱问题还没有解决,所以工资和奖金不仅仅是保健因素,如果运用得当,也表现出显著的激励作用。应注意激励深度问题。随着温饱问题的解决,内在激励的重要性越来越明显。四、弗鲁姆的期望理论期望理论的前提弗鲁姆的期望理论是以下列两个前提展开的:(1)人们会主观地决定各种行动所期望的结果的价值,所以,每个人对结果的期望各有偏好;(2)任何对行为激励的解释,不但要考虑人们所要完成的目标,也要考虑人们为得到偏好的结果所采取的行动。弗鲁姆说,当一个人在结果难以预料的多个可行方案中进行选择时,他的行为不仅受其对期望效果的偏好影响,也受他认为这些结果可能实现的程度影响。期望理论的基本内容期望理论的基本内容主要是弗鲁姆的期望公式和期望模式:期望公式弗鲁姆认为,人总是渴求满足一定的需要并设法达到一定的目标。这个目标在尚未实现时,表现为一种期望,这时目标反过来对个人的动机又是一种激发的力量,而这个激发力量的大小,取决于目标价值(效价)和期望概率(期望值)的乘积。用公式表示就是:M=sum{V*E}M 表示激发力量,是指调动一个人的积极性,激发人内部潜力的强度。V 表示目标价值(效价),这是一个心理学概念,是指达到目标对于满足他个人需要的价值。同一目标,由于各个人所处的环境不同,需求不同,其需要的目标价值也就不同。同一个目标对每一个人可能有三种效价:正、零、负。效价越高,激励力量就越大。某一客体如金钱、地位、汽车等,如果个体不喜欢、不愿意获取,目标效价就低,对人的行为的拉动力量就小。举个简单的例子,幼儿对糖果的目标效价就要大于对金钱的目标效价。E 是期望值,是人们根据过去经验判断自己达到某种目标的可能性是大还是小,即能够达到目标的概率。目标价值大小直接反映人的需要动机强弱,期望概率反映人实现需要和动机的信心强弱。如果个体相信通过努力肯定会取得优秀成绩,期望值就高。这个公式说明:假如一个人把某种目标的价值看得很大,估计能实现的概率也很高,那么这个目标激发动机的力量越强烈。经发展后,期望公式表示为: 动机=效价×期望值×工具性。其中:工具性是指能帮助个人实现的非个人因素,如环境、快捷方式、任务工具等。例如:战争环境下,效价和期望值再高,也无法正常提高人的动机性;再如:外资企业良好的办公环境、设备、文化制度,都是吸引人才的重要因素。期望模式怎样使激发力量达到最好值,弗鲁姆提出了人的期望模式:个人努力—→个人成绩(绩效)—→组织奖励(报酬)—→个人需要;在这个期望模式中的四个因素,需要兼顾几个方面的关系。①努力和绩效的关系。这两者的关系取决于个体对目标的期望值。期望值又取决于目标是否合适个人的认识、态度、信仰等个性倾向,及个人的社会地位,别人对他的期望等社会因素。即由目标本身和个人的主客观条件决定。②绩效与奖励关系。人们总是期望在达到预期成绩后,能够得到适当的合理奖励,如奖金、晋升、提级、表扬等。组织的目标,如果没有相应的有效的物质和精神奖励来强化,时间一长,积极性就会消失。③奖励和个人需要关系。奖励什么要适合各种人的不同需要,要考虑效价。要采取多种形式的奖励,满足各种需要,最大限度的挖掘人的潜力,最有效的提高工作效率。④需要的满足与新的行为动力之间的关系。当一个人的消买得到满足之后,他会产生新的需要和追求新的期望目标。需要得到满足的心理会促使他产生新的行为动力,并对实现新的期望目标产生更高的热情。五、麦克利兰成就激励理论又称作三种需要理论:成就需要、权利需要和亲和需要。管理者应该根据个人更重视的需要来制定激励措施,如为成就需要者设立具有挑战性但可实现的目标,为权利需要者提供较能体现地位的工作环境,为亲和需要者提供合作而非竞争的工作环境。
2023-07-10 13:03:151

incentives bonus中文翻译

A suggestion number is assigned and the suggestion is processed by the pany employees incentive bonus program ( ceibp ) coordinator 每份建议案会给一个编码和这建议案交由公司员工激励奖金计划( ceibp )协调员负责流程处理 Collusion among salespersons to falsify sales records with a view to enabpng a particular salesperson to earn a higher rate of incentive bonus given when sales exceed a certain volume -售货员串谋伪造销售记录,以便其中一人可超越所定的销售额,赚取更多花红。 Non - moary awards are based on an accumulation of points awarded for the degree of suggestion impact for specified intangible factors as indicated in the pany employees incentive bonus program popcy 非奖金方式的奖赏可以在公司员工激励奖金办法的政策规定中所明确指出的无形的益处项目中,运用积点方式表达此无形益处影响层面的大小做为奖赏程度的高低 Measure performance against targets and pay incentive bonuses on a monthly basis to sales reps using the sales force incentive scheme that is set within all stations of the area by the area sales manager and area general manager 根据指标完成的情况来衡量销售员的业绩表现,并按照区域总经理和区域销售经理为本区域各分公司制订的销售激励制度来给销售员支付月度激励奖金。
2023-07-10 13:03:221

sales incentive是什么意思

sales incentive销售奖金As a sales incentive, VT will charge a commission on FOB pricing provided by SC. 作为参展商的销售代表, VT 有权在对外报价上收取适当的手续费。In these programs, a portion of the sales incentive is linked to the attainment of group sales goals. 在这个计划中,一部分销售激励跟团队的销售目标挂钩。
2023-07-10 13:03:362


incentive 英 [u026anu02c8sentu026av]美 [u026anu02c8su025bntu026av]n. 动机; 诱因; 刺激; 鼓励;adj. 刺激性的; 鼓励性质的;全部释义>>[例句]These sectors have then an incentive to expand, and low-skilled workers find new jobs with higher productivity and wages. 那么,这些行业就会产生扩张的动机,低技能员工也会找到生产率和薪资更高的新工作。更多例句>>复数:incentives
2023-07-10 13:03:574


ncentive 英[u026anu02c8sentu026av] 美[u026anu02c8su025bntu026av] n. 动机; 诱因; 刺激; 鼓励; adj. 刺激性的; 鼓励性质的; 全部释义>>[例句]Family-run corporations often have little incentive to share information, analysts say.分析人士说,家族企业常常没有进行信息披露的动力。
2023-07-10 13:04:041


incentive 英[u026anu02c8sentu026av] 美[u026anu02c8su025bntu026av] n. 动机; 诱因; 刺激; 鼓励; adj. 刺激性的; 鼓励性质的; [例句]There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures几乎没有什么激励政策来促使人们采取这些措施。[其他] 复数:incentives
2023-07-10 13:04:111


一般stimulation 指的是比较抽象的概念,就像鼓励,鼓舞的。incentive是“激励”“刺激”的意思,绝不是motive“动机”。Hunger was the motive for his stealing.(饥饿是促使他偷窃的动机。) The bonus is an incentive for me to work hard.(奖金是促使我辛勤工作的动机。)
2023-07-10 13:04:511

经济学 Incentive 问题

2023-07-10 13:05:012

请问incentives与 stimulate的 区别是什么啊?

2023-07-10 13:05:212

incentive travel是什么意思

incentive travel 鼓励性质的旅游incentive[英][u026anu02c8sentu026av][美][u026anu02c8su025bntu026av]n.动机; 刺激; 诱因; 鼓励; adj.刺激性的; 鼓励性质的; 复数:incentives例句:1.The second incentive comes from washington. 第二个动机来自华盛顿。2.This incentive problem even extends to patients. 激励机制问题甚至延伸到了病人身上。
2023-07-10 13:05:281

profit incentive是什么意思

profit incentiveun.〔经〕利润诱因利益诱导例句筛选1.An economic system based on private ownership and profitincentive .建立在私有制和利润刺激基础上的一种经济制度。2.Profit Incentive Measures in Public Fire Safety Management论公共消防安全管理中的利益诱导手段
2023-07-10 13:05:351

what is financial incentive 需要财政刺激的定义,最好给我英文解释,

In economics,an incentive is any factor (financial or non-financial) that enables or motivates a particular course of action,or counts as a reason for preferring one choice to the alternatives.Since human beings are purposeful creatures,the study of incentive structures is central to the study of all economic activity (both in terms of individual decision-making and in terms of co-operation and competition within a larger institutional structure).Economic analysis,then,of the differences between societies (and between different organizations within a society) largely amounts to characterizing the differences in incentive structures faced by individuals involved in these collective efforts.Eventually,incentives" aim is providing value for money and contributing to organizational success.
2023-07-10 13:05:421


奖励 [jiǎng luffc3reward (as encouragement). 近义词或词组rewards | extra pay | encouragement | hortation |put a premium on | premiate | nourish | petticoat| promotion | premotion| promote | reward sb. |to award | to reword | prize奖励 [jiǎng lì] encourageand reward; award; reward:例句: give awards to advanced workers;奖励先进生产者spiritual encouragement;精神奖励短语1. 奖励分红基金 bonus anddividend fund;2. 奖励工资wage incentive; premiumwages;3. 奖励建议制度 incentive-suggestion system;4.奖励结构 incentive structure;5. 奖励金 bounty;6. 奖励制度 system of reward
2023-07-10 13:05:491

The fun of playing the game was a greater incentive than the prize.

2023-07-10 13:05:561

have an incentive to是什么意思

have an incentive to有一个激励请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-10 13:06:121


2023-07-10 13:06:211


信号性反应是指能够建立条件反射,它是心理发生的标志。当动物能够把一个刺激变成另一个刺 激的信号,我们就说它不仅具有生命,而且还有了心理。心理是在生物发展到一定水平(即神经系统的发展)后才产生的。 诱因 incentive 驱使有机体产生一定行为的外部因素。与它相对应的概念是内驱力。内驱力和诱因都是形成动机的因素。存在于机体内部的动机因素是内驱力,存在于机体外部的动机因素是诱因。诱因按其性质可分为两类:个体因趋向或取得它而得到满足时,这种诱因(如食物)称为正诱因;个体因逃离或躲避它而得到满足时,这种诱因(如电击)称为负诱因。 幻觉是指没有相应的客观刺激时所出现的知觉体验。换言之,幻觉是一种主观体验,主体的感受与知觉相似。   创造想象是一种有意想象。它是根据一定的目的、任务,在脑海中创造出新形象的心理过程。用以积累的知觉材料作为基础,使用许多形象材料,并把他们加以深入,通过组合,创造出新的形象来。 元认知,就是对认知的认知,具体地说,是关于个人自己认知过程的知识和调节这些过程的能力:对思维和学习活动的知识和控制。元认知包括元认知知识和元认知控制。例如在教学心理学中常提到“学习如何学习”,指的就是这种次认知。 元认知的实质是对认知活动的自我意识和自我调节。 自我效能感:指个体对自己是否有能力为完成某一行为所进行的推测与判断。
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2023-07-10 13:06:533

performance incentive scheme是什么意思

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incentive promotion
2023-07-10 13:07:594