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2023-07-10 22:00:36
TAG: ce rice price Ic

低价格 Low price =Cheap

高价格 High price =Expensive

价格提高 Increased price

价格降低 Reduced price



1.Gas prices 油价; Half price books半价书。

2.What"s the price of this book? 这本书多少钱啊?



high price low price

高价 低价

固定词语pay a high price for"为....付出很高的代价"

pay a high cost 也是"为....付出很高的代价",但是他用于句末,























































2023-07-10 14:50:391


2023-07-10 14:52:194


price,读音:英[prau026as],美[prau026as]。释义:n. 价格;价值;代价。vt. 给……定价;问……的价格。例句:The price was not negotiable.价格没有商量的余地。变形:过去式priced,过去分词priced,现在分词pricing,第三人称单数prices,复数prices。短语:price up (不合理地)提高物价price sth at 给某物定价为price these goods 给这些货物标价price high 定价高unit price 单价price mark 价格标签price的用法price的基本意思是指商品的“价钱,价格”。用于比喻可表示所付出的“代价”,只用作单数形式。“价格的上涨”用动词go up或rise,“价格的下跌”用fall或drop。price用作动词指商家对待售物“标价”“定价”或顾客对商品的“询价”“估价”。price只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,常用于被动结构。
2023-07-10 14:53:321

price 什么时候用单数 什么时候用复数?

2023-07-10 14:54:242

price的可数与不可数 讲清楚 急

作为名词,price有可数与不可数之分 作为“代价”讲:单数 Criticism is part of the price of leadership. 挨批评是当领导要付出的部分代价. Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age. 孤寂是老年独自生活要付出的高昂代价. Giving up his job was a small price to pay for his children"s happiness. 放弃工作是他为子女幸福所付出的小小代价. 作为“价格,价钱,物价”讲:可数不可数用法都有 做可数名词,指具体某种东西的price The price of cigarettes is set to rise again. 香烟又要涨价. He managed to get a good price for the car. 他终于把汽车卖了个好价钱. house/retail/oil/share prices 房屋/零售/石油/股票价格(房屋价格不止一个,所以用可数名词复数,同理,零售,石油,股票也是一样) Rover 200 for sale,price £2000 罗弗200型越野车,售价2000英镑(这里用法类似unit 1,lesson 1) It"s amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years. 过去这几年,电脑的价格大大降低,简直令人惊讶.(这里可把in price当作固定词组,price是不可数名词) a price list 价目表(名词price用作形容词,和a一起修饰list,也可认为这里的prince是不可数名词) price rises/increases/cuts 价格上升/提高/降低(没有指出是什么price,所以price在这是不可数名词)
2023-07-10 14:54:391


  price作名词的时候的中文意思是价格,价钱,代价,价值,赏金。   price作实意动词的时候的中文意思是标价,定价,问什么的价格,给什么定价。   price的复数为prices,第三人称单数为prices,过去式为priced,过去分词为priced,现在分词为pricing。
2023-07-10 14:54:461

price 什么时候用复数

2023-07-10 14:55:173


  price有价格;代价;价值等意思,那么你知道price的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    price的用法大全:   price的用法1:price的基本意思是指商品的“价钱,价格”。用于比喻可表示所付出的“代价”,只用作单数形式。   price的用法2:“价格的上涨”用动词go up或 rise,“价格的下跌”用fall或drop。   price的用法3:price用作动词指商家对待售物“标价”“定价”或顾客对商品的“询价”“估价”。   price的用法4:price只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,常用于被动结构。    price的用法例句:   1. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.   油价会在1992年剩下的时间里保持稳定。   2. There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.   除股价上升之外还有无形利益。   3. The price depends on the intricacy of the work.   价格取决于做工的复杂精细度。   4. Ballpark estimates indicate a price tag of $90 million a month.   大致的估计费用为每月9,000万美元。   5. The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles.   这一价格包括两张从布里斯班到洛杉矶的经济舱机票。   6. The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools.   价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。   7. You get an interesting meal for a reasonable price.   你花不多的钱就可以吃一顿很特别的饭。   8. A vicious price war between manufacturers has cut margins to the bone.   制造商之间的恶性价格战已将利润削减到了最低。   9. Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price.   投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。   10. The price of a single ticket is thirty-nine pounds.   单程票的价格是39英镑。   11. Slovenia will have to pay a high price for independence.   斯洛文尼亚将为独立付出巨大的代价。   12. The price of petrol is coming down by four pence a gallon.   汽油的价格每加仑降了4便士。   13. Splitting the price six ways had still cost them each a bundle.   即使把价钱平摊成6份,每人也还是要花一大笔钱。   14. What price a glorious repeat of last week"s triumph?   还有可能再次上演上周的辉煌胜利吗?   15. The company is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing.   该公司目前与政府在是否存在价格操控问题上存在分歧。
2023-07-10 14:55:521


price问价格的句型:What"s the price of ?(不管买的东西是单数还是复数,be 动词都是单数)价格是多少?答语:It"s .(加上合适的价格,例如:60 yuan )What"s the price of the skirt?这条裙子多少钱?用法:price的基本意思是指商品的“价钱,价格”。用于比喻可表示所付出的“代价”,只用作单数形式。“价格的上涨”用动词go up或 rise,“价格的下跌”用fall或drop。price用作动词指商家对待售物“标价”“定价”或顾客对商品的“询价”“估价”。price只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,常用于被动结构。
2023-07-10 14:56:051


price是价格的意思。price,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“价格;价值;代价,人名;(英)普赖斯;(法)普里斯;(葡、瑞典)普里塞”,作动词时意为“给……定价;问……的价格”。短语搭配:ceiling price最高价 ; 最高限价 ; 赶岸价 ; 顶价。price的双语例句:1、What do you think of our price?你认为我们的价格怎么样?2、But at what price?但代价是什么?3、How about your price?你们的价格怎么样?
2023-07-10 14:56:301


2023-07-10 14:57:086


回答如下:英语名词price可以作可数名词,其复数形式是prices。例如:What"s the price of the desk? 这个课桌的价格是多少?You can get strawberries all year round, but at a price.草莓一年到头你都可以买得到,不过很贵。We haven"t yet put a price on the business. 我们还没有给这笔生意开价。Share prices moved ahead today.今天的股票价格上升了。Prices are marked on the goods.价格标在商品上。
2023-07-10 14:58:081

price 什么时候用单数 什么时候用复数

2023-07-10 14:58:182


2023-07-10 14:59:181


2023-07-10 14:59:271


PRICE原则是指: A.保护(P,Protect)和休息(R,Rest)B.冰疗(I,Ice)C.包扎压迫止血(C,Compression)D.抬高患肢(E,Elevation)正确答案:保护(P,Protect)和休息(R,Rest) ;冰疗(I,Ice) ;包扎压迫止血(C,Compression);抬高患肢(E,Elevation)
2023-07-10 14:59:341


price [prais]基本翻译n. 价格,代价,价值v. 定...的价格,标价网络释义Price:价格|价格,价钱|单价net price:净价|实价|净价,实价current price:现行价格 / 时价|现时价|现行价
2023-07-10 14:59:421


可数:Fuel prices are rising steadily。They agreed on a price of $30,000.We should wait for the right price。不可数:指价钱和价格。同时price也是一个动词,指定价,询价以及标价等。 the price/area of the houseVideos vary in price depending on the make.
2023-07-10 14:59:512


price[英] [prau026as][美] [prau026as]n.代价; 价格,价钱; 价值; 赏金;vt.定价; 标价; 问…的价格; 给…定价;[例句]They expected house prices to rise他们盼望着房价上升。[复数]prices
2023-07-10 15:00:452

price 是可数名词还是不可数名词?

2023-07-10 15:01:111


price u3002u3002u3002u3002u3002
2023-07-10 15:01:408

请问price 的动词形式是什么?

它本身就可以做动词vt. 给……定价;问……的价格
2023-07-10 15:02:083


unit price单位价格,单价U.P.
2023-07-10 15:02:164


price [prais] 价格,价钱。
2023-07-10 15:02:343


2023-07-10 15:02:435


2023-07-10 15:03:103


2023-07-10 15:03:302


2023-07-10 15:03:371

price与pricing区别?为什么please review the pricing 要用ing

price 只表示价格 pricing 表示价格的制定 在有些场合下可以通用,您说的这句意思是“请审核一下定价”,包含“看看这个价格定的怎么样”的意义,和单纯审核价格有点差异,但也不是特别大.用哪个说法其实更多地是取决于说话人要表达的态度.
2023-07-10 15:03:441


2023-07-10 15:03:544


price 指的是价格啊美元符号是 USD人民币是 CNH (外汇中一般指的是离岸人民币)
2023-07-10 15:04:031


2023-07-10 15:04:101

price 什么时候用复数

2023-07-10 15:04:204


1) [uncountable and countable]the amount ofmoney you have to pay for something价钱,价格(COLLOCATIONS词的搭配)high/low price高/低价prices go up/rise/increase/soar价格上涨/猛涨prices go down/all/drop价格下跌prices fluctuate (=prices go up and down)价格波动a price rise/increase涨价a reduction/fall/drop in prices跌价/降价put up/increase/raise prices提高价格cut/lower/slash prices (=make them lower)降低价格agree (on) a price/fix a price谈妥价格price freeze (=when prices are kept at the same level)价格冻结price war (=when shops try to have the lowest prices)价格战,减价战People are prepared to pay high prices for designerclothes.人们愿意出高价购买著名设计师设计的服装。price of的价钱The price of fuel keeps going up.燃料价格持续上涨。House prices in this area are falling.该地区的房价正在下跌。Oil prices fluctuated significantly during October.10月份油价波动很大。fears of massive electricity price increases对于电费大幅度上涨的担心a sharp rise in food prices食品价格的猛涨a drop in the price of coal煤价的回落They have cut the price of their products by almost 30 percent.他们已经给自己的产品削价了将近30%。price for对于…的价钱We agreed on a price for the bike.我们谈妥了那辆自行车的价格。Tesco is selling two bottles of champagne for the price ofone! 乐购的香槟一瓶价格买两瓶!2) [singular]the unpleasant things that youmust suffer in order to be successful, free etc.成功、自由等的代价price of某事的代价He"s never at home, but that"s the price of success.他从不着家,但那就是成功的代价。The awful boat journey was a small price to pay forfreedom.可怕的乘船旅行只是为了换取自由而付出的一个小小代价。They may pay a high price for their few years of glory.为了短短的几年辉煌,他们也许要付出高昂的代价。She was finally made senior executive, but at what price!她终于爬上了高层主管的位置,不过付出了何等代价!
2023-07-10 15:04:281


2023-07-10 15:04:361


1.Welcome to Beijing.
2023-07-10 15:01:586


2023-07-10 15:01:591

《just we》歌词的中文翻译

(韩文歌词如下)uc5b8uc81cub098 uc6c3ub294 ub110 ub0b4uac00 uc6b8ub9b0 uc9c0 ubaa8ub974uace0 uc18cuc911ud55c uc0acub78cuc744 uacc1uc5d0 ub450uba74uc11cub3c4 ubab0ub790uc5b4 ub208ubb3cub3c4 ud55cuc228ub3c4 uc2dcuac04uc774 ud574uacb0ud574 uc900ub2e4uace0 ub108uc640 ub098 ud568uaed8ud55c uc0acuc9c4ub4e4uc774 ub098ub97c uc704ub85cud574 Just in my heart Just in we together uc0acub791ud55cub2e4 ub9d0uc744 ud560uae4c uc5b8uc81cub098 ub124 uacc1uc5d0 ucc98uc74cucc98ub7fc ub108uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uace0 ud568uaed8 uac77uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Just in my heart Just in we together uae30ub2e4ub9bcuc758 ub05duc5d4 ub0b4uac8c uc640uc918 ub0b4uac8c uae30ud68cub97c uc918 uc5b8uc81cub77cub3c4 ub108uc758 uacc1uc5d0 My Girl ub5a0ub098uac04 ube48uc790ub9ac uc120uba85ud55c uadf8ub9acuc6c0 uc18duc5d0 ub4a4ub2a6uc740 ud6c4ud68cub85c ub108ub97c ub09c ub610ub2e4uc2dc ubd80ub974ub294ub370 Just in my heart Just in we together uc0acub791ud55cub2e4 ub9d0uc744 ud560uae4c uc5b8uc81cub098 ub124 uacc1uc5d0 ucc98uc74cucc98ub7fc ub108uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uace0 ud568uaed8 uac77uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Just in my heart Just in we together uae30ub2e4ub9bcuc758 ub05duc5d4 ub0b4uac8c uc640uc918 ub0b4uac8c uae30ud68cub97c uc918 uc5b8uc81cub77cub3c4 ub108uc758 uacc1uc5d0 My Girl ub09c uac71uc815uc774 ub3fc ub610 ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuc774 ub108uc758 uacc1uc5d0 uc790ub9acuc7a1uace0 uc788uc744 uae4cubd10 ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88 ub098uc5d0uac8cub85c ub3ccuc544uc640 Just in my heart Just in we together ub2e4uc2dc ub9ccub09c ub108uc5d0uac8cub9cc ud574uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc740 ub9d0 ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 uae30ub2e4ub9b0 ub108uc5d0uac8c uc804ud574uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Just in my heart Just in we together ub3ccuc544uc624ub294 uadf8 ub0a0uc774 uc628ub2e4uba74 ub0b4uac00 ub3ccuc544uc624uba74 ucee4uc838uac00ub294 ub9c8uc74c ubaa8ub450 uc904uac8c中文大意:点头微笑的你 却不知是我让你哭泣 如此重要的人在身边却不知道 眼泪 叹息都说时间可以解决一样与你的合影时刻安慰着我Just in my heart Just in we together想对你说我爱你 时时刻刻在你身边就像第一次 想牵着你的手一起走过Just in my heart Just in we together等到最后 回到我的身边 给我一次机会吧 无论何时让我在你的身边 My Girl 在离去的空位置依然鲜明的思念 迟到的后悔我再次呼唤你Just in my heart Just in we together想对你说我爱你 时时刻刻在你身边就像第一次 想牵着你的手一起走过Just in my heart Just in we together等到最后 回到我的身边 给我一次机会吧 无论何时让我在你的身边 My Girl我很担心 怕你身边已经有了另一个人 请再次回到我的身边 Just in my heart Just in we together想对重新的你说我爱你向等了很久的你Just in my heart Just in we together如果有回来的那一天 如果我回来 我会把逐渐变大的我的心全部都给你
2023-07-10 15:02:041


2023-07-10 15:02:055


With the rapid development of society, we have entered an era of information explosion. In order to acquire more knowledge, more and more people decide to further their study abroad. Studying abroad brings about many advantages. It widen students" knowledge and horizons, and meanwhile cultivates their independence and personalities.Firstly, students can learn advanced knowledge and experience abroad. Since the reform and the policy of opening to the outside world, China has strengthened cooperation with many companies. As a result, the scientific and technological level has been improved very rapidly. However, compared with the developed countries in the world, we still have a very long way to go. Studying abroad provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced knowledge and management experience, so as to enhance the scientific level in our country.Secondly, studying abroad can cultivate students" ability to live independently and their characters. Students have to deal with many problems when they study abroad. They have to learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with the teachers and classmates. During their study, they can acquire some interpersonal skills.Finally, studying abroad can provide a good language environment to students and make it easy to pick up a language. Foreign language is a tool employed to communicate with each other. It can remove language barrier and make international cooperation much easier.However, “Every coin has its two sides”. Studying abroad also brings about many disadvantages. Firstly, students will be confronted with so many psychological problems. They often feel lonely and helpless in a new environment. Furthermore, the tuition is very high, which is a very heavy financial burden to the average people.To sum up, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages greatly. We encourage students to study abroad. When they accomplish their curriculum, they can make more contributions to the construction of our society.
2023-07-10 15:02:062


谈心 陪我看日出 对不起我爱你 风铃 爱如潮水 爱上你的时候 看见 突发奇想 突发奇想(Karaoke 蝴蝶 陪我看日出 (Karao Eternal Flame 不想你走 他和她 头发 想家 有心人,有情人 爱从哪里来 谈心(KALA) Future (Interlude Rain (Interlude) 不还你 与生俱来 你的未来 好女人 我想快乐些 雨天 南屏晚钟 孤单长发 小夫妻 平凡就是幸福 我想听你说 星星眼睛 有一天我会 有你多好 未知的以后 梦在手里 老朋友 让我擦掉你的泪 郁金香 非常特别的你 他和她 南屏晚钟 好女人 眼睛 自助旅行 小夫妻 左右为难 恋之憩 我想快乐些 星星眼睛 有一天我会 有你多好 有心人 有情人 未知的以后 永远的愚人 爱如潮水 看见 突发奇想 等一个晴天 蝴蝶 让我擦掉你的泪 谈心 陪我看日出 雨天
2023-07-10 15:02:143


定春,伊丽莎白,Just We
2023-07-10 15:02:1411


《世界百科全书》(The World Book Encyclopedia)是世界著名的以青少年读者和图书馆为服务对象的百科全书。该书由美国世界图书出版公司于1917年开始出版,以后逐年增删修订,成为美国家庭常备、全球销量第一的百科全书。
2023-07-10 15:02:191

just we在银魂里出场的集数很全
2023-07-10 15:01:571


2023-07-10 15:01:525


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   出国 留学 旧称出国留洋,一般是指一个人去母国以外的国家接受各类 教育 ,时间可以为短期或长期(从几个星期到几年)。这些人被称为“留学生”。那么,你知道出国留学的英文怎么说吗?   出国留学的英文释义:   go abroad to study   出国留学的英文例句:   翻开近代中国留学史,晚清时期岭南出国留学生对中国近代早期中西 文化 交流的贡献,特别引人注目。首先,他们是中国近代出国留学的先驱者和开拓者。   The history of the Chinese students abroad shows that the students abroad from Ling-nan of the late Qing period made a great contribution to early Sino-West cultural exchange in modern time.   改革开放以来,中国各类出国留学人员总数达160多万人,出国留学规模扩大近270倍。   Since reform and opening-up, there have been 1.6 million Chinese students studying abroad, up by nearly 270 times.   出国留学政策最终目标的实现,需要以出国留学人员思想政治教育作为政治保证。   Accomplishing the ultimate objective of studying abroad policy needs the ideological and political education to be the political guarantee. 出国留学用英语怎么说   我们将出国留学看作是生命中的一次冒险。在留学过程中,最需要考虑的是你的健康和人身安全。   Study overseas can be the adventure of a lifetime, and the majority of these experiences are healthy and safe.   在理想的情况下,这些出国留学并获得"镀金"留学 经验 的人才学成归国,帮助净化国内学术环境,提高研究水平。   Ideally, those who get " gilt" experiences abroad can return home, helping purify the domestic academic atmosphere and enhance research levels.   因此,留学生在出国前,应接受英语强化训练和跨文化培训,为出国留学做好足够的知识储备和心理准备,以减少和缓解文化冲击的影响。   In order to reduce culture shock it would be beneficial for the students abroad to obtain specific training both in the foreign language and in cross cultural competence.   学生在短时间内达到出国升本科课程的条件,让学生不再为申请出国留学的门槛高而发愁。   Through studying and passing the exams, students are able to prove that they are prepared for university study and have the ability to excel in undergraduate courses.   你也打算出国留学吗?   Are you planning to go abroad too?   他眼下最大的目标是出国留学。   His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country.   我对出国留学不抱多大希望。   I do not place much hope in studying abroad.   但她今天给我打电话说她很快要出国留学。   But today she called me that she would go abroad to study soon.   但是,由于高昂的花费和学费,并不是人人都适合出国留学。   But study abroad is not suitable for everyone because of the high cost, fees.   你的父母可能还有必要向项目负责人说明他们对你出国留学的看法,你还要接受所申请的学校或项目主办方的 面试 。   Your parents also may need to tell the program personnel how they feel aboutyour studying abroad.You"ll also have to go through interviews with schools orsponsoring organizations.   你是一个有感情的人,而出国留学是一件大事情。   You are a person with feelings and relocating overseas is a big event.   因此,对于一个人的教育与成功来说, 出国留学是一种出路,但并不是惟一的出路。   So study abroad is one way but not the only way to one"s education and success.   除了上述美国政府支持的项目之外,下列项目也适合以往出国留学人数较少的学生群体。   In addition to the U.S.-Government-sponsored programs listed above, below aresome resources on study abroad for students who have traditionally beenunderrepresented in this area.   很抱歉这个时候提出辞职,但我已经决定要出国留学了。   Sorry for quitting at this time, but Iu2019ve decided to study abroad.   如今,越来越多的学生选择出国留学。   Now, more and more students choose to study abroad.   所以一天就作出出国留学的决定,一般说来也不是个好主意。   So itu2019s generally not a good idea to make a study abroad decision in one dayeither.   快说来听听,我上一次见到你的时候,你正准备去出国留学呢,是不是?   B: So tell me, the last time I saw you, you were planning to go abroad to study, werenu2019t you?   尽管如此,我希望我的建议能够对从2004年起准备出国留学的学生(包括我教过的学生)起到帮助作用。我希望他们一切顺利。   Still, I hope my suggestions will be of assistance to students (including previousones of my own) who will study abroad from 2004 onward and I wish all the very best of success.   归国的科学家正逆转一个趋势,自1978年以来,共和国允许学生出国留学,但通常是他们出去,就永久的出去了。   The returning scientists are reversing a trend that began in 1978, whenCommunist China first allowed students to go abroad. It used to be that when theyleft, they left for good.   我们需要有更多的学生选择出国留学。   We need more students choosing to study abroad.   北京房地产春交会参展商说:“海外房地产项目是非常复杂的,包括单纯的房地产,投资,出国留学,移民等项目。   Exhibitor of Beijing Spring Real Estate Trade Show said "Overseas real estateprojects are very complex, including pure real estate, investment, study abroad,immigration projects and so on.   当然,出国留学是一条双行道,我们也应该吸引其他国家更多的优秀学生到美国来学习。   Now, of course, study abroad is a two-way street, and we should bring morequalified students from other countries to study here.   由于当下出国留学热潮高涨,许多公办学校计划增开国际学部,给北京教育部官员提出了一个大难题。   With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijingu2019s education officials.   女孩参加工作了,而男孩出国留学了、他们通过电子邮件和电话来倾诉和分享对彼此的爱。   The girl went out to the working society, whereas the guy was overseascontinuing his studies. They shared their love through emails and phone calls.   亚密德和乌尼娅参与了政府提供的奖学金项目,这个项目将支付他们出国留学的所有费用。   Ahmed and Umniah have both just been accepted onto a government scholarshipprogram which will pay for their tuition and expenses at universities abroad.   由于当下出国留学热潮高涨,许多公办中学计划增开国际学部,给北京教育部官员提出了一个大难题。   With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijingu2019s education officials.   由于当下出国留学热潮高涨,许多公办中学计划增开国际学部,给北京教育部官员提出了一个大难题。   With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijingu2019s education officials.
2023-07-10 15:01:441

fall out boy这首歌的歌词是什么。。

this aint a scene its an arms race - fall out boyi am an arms dealerfitting you with weapons in the form of wordsand don"t really care which side winsas long as the room keeps singingthat"s just the business i"m inthis ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms racethis ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms racethis ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms racei"m not a shoulder to cry onbut, i digressi"m a leading manand the lies i weave are oh-so intricate oh-so intricate [x2]i wrote the gospel on giving up(you look pretty sinking)but the real bombshells have already sunk(prima-donnas of the gutter)at night we"re painting your trash gold while you sleepcrashing not like hips or cars,no, more like partiesthis ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms racethis ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms racethis ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms racebandwagon"s fullplease, catch anotheri"m a leading manand the lies i weave are oh-so intricate oh-so intricate [x2]all the boys who the dance floor didn"t loveand all the girls whose lips couldn"t move fast enoughsing, until your lungs give outthis ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms racethis ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms race(now you)this ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms race(wear out the groove)this ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms race(sing out loud)this ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms race(oh, oh)this ain"t a scene, it"s a god damn arms racei"m a leading manand the lies i weave are oh-so intricate oh-so intricate [x2]
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