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2023-07-11 07:00:15
TAG: 英语

five hundred and sixteen point five 516.5

point 英[pu0254u026ant] 美[pu0254u026ant]

n. 点; 要点; 得分; 标点;

vt. (意思上) 指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路;

vi. 指向; 表明;

[例句]We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes


[其他] 第三人称单数:points 复数:points 现在分词:pointing 过去式:pointed过去分词:pointed


five hundred and sixteen point five


points怎么读 英语points怎么读

1、points英[pu0254u026ants]美[pu0254u026ants],n.论点; 观点; 见解; 重点; 要点; 核心问题; 意图; 目的; 理由;v.(用手指头或物体)指,指向; 瞄准; 对着; 朝向;point的第三人称单数和复数。 2、[例句]The point you make is perfectly valid.你提出的论点完全站得住脚。
2023-07-11 00:31:451


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2023-07-11 00:32:151


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2023-07-11 00:32:506


2023-07-11 00:33:084


point 源自拉丁语 pungere刺。因为一刺就出现一个点 [pCInt] n 尖(端);末端 the point of a nail 钉尖 尖岬 小数点 Read 4.7 as ‘four point seven." 4.7 读作“四点七。” (= decimal point) 句点(.) 〈几何〉点 场所;地点 Stop at this point. 停在此地。 (时间的)点;(特定)时刻;瞬间 It was a turning point in his career. 这是他事业上的转折点。 At the point he got up and left the room. 此时他站起来,离开了屋子。 (罗盘上的)方位点,罗经点,两罗经点间的差度 (= point of the compass) (温度表的)度 the melting point of gold 黄金的熔点 (价格涨落的)点 Prices on the stock exchange advanced two points. 股票市场价格涨了两点。 (比赛等的)分数,得分 We won by 5 points. 我们赢了5分。 要点;含义;论点;寓意 I don"t see your point. 我不懂你的意思。 I don"t see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming. 我不知道等她有什么意义,她可能不来了。 特点;特质 Painting isn"t her strong point. 绘画非她的特长。 用处;用途 There"s no point in wasting time. 耗时间没用。 电插座 (= power point) 尖兵 (针灸的)穴位 (修完某一课程所得的)学分 〈印〉点、磅、磅因(字号单位) (pl)〈铁路〉道岔 point vt, vi (常与to, at连用)指向;使对准 (与to连用)指认出,指出 (用灰泥)勾抹(墙缝);抹平 (猎犬)站住以鼻指示(猎物) 用脚趾指向一点 弄尖;削尖 给…加标点;加小数点 point at 瞄准 (= point towards) point out 指出;把注意力引向 aim direct indicate show point [pBInt; pCint] 断点;可寻址指针 A place or time in a sequence of events. 一个事件序列中的空间点或时间点。 A place used to hold or produce the address of another storage location. 一种容纳或产生另一存储单元地址的单元或位置。参阅pointer。 poinciana [pCinsi5AnE] n. 黄蝴蝶属 (Poinciana)植物 凤凰木(一种热带树) point [pCInt] n.点, 尖端, 分数, 要点, 分数 vt.弄尖, 指向, 指出, 瞄准, 加标点于 vi.指, 指向, 表明
2023-07-11 00:33:301


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2023-07-11 00:33:463

point 得分用英语怎么说?

get a ...point
2023-07-11 00:34:084


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2023-07-11 00:34:533

point怎么读 point解释

1、point:英[pu0254u026ant];美[pu0254u026ant]。 2、v.指向;(用手指头或物体)指;瞄准;对着;朝向。n.观点;重点;要点;论点;见解;核心问题;意图;目的;理由。 3、第三人称单数:points;复数:points;现在分词:pointing;过去式:pointed;过去分词:pointed。
2023-07-11 00:34:591


2023-07-11 00:35:081


可数名词。比如说玩游戏得了500分可以说:I scored 500 points.又比如说他篮球比赛得了30分可以说:He got 30 points in the (basketball) game.
2023-07-11 00:35:173

points(3,1) - 0.05什么意思,MATLAB中的

>> help pointspoints not found.Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, ortype "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.可见,points不是matlab中的函数,可能是自写的。计算结果会因自写程序不同而不同,意义也不同。但从上面三句看,xt,yt 应 坐标值,text(xt, yt, "Point 4")这句是在图上标文本,位置是在点(xt,yt ),内容是"Point 4" 。
2023-07-11 00:35:241

商务英语 名词翻译 在商务英语中,Term in Contract 和 Points 是怎么翻译的?

最好是贴上整段话来看会较准,也要看是哪个产业或领域的合约。term in contract 可能是表述 [合约中的条件]points 可能是表述 [积分] 或 [点数]Number of Print Runs for the Book:同意翻为: 该书之印刷版数
2023-07-11 00:35:323


1、point表示点数,打印和印刷单位,pixels是像素的单位,用在显示器,或者数字图片,他们主要的区别是用途不一样 2、换算关系一英寸=72pt(点)=96px(像素) 3、pt和px是point和pixels的简称
2023-07-11 00:35:391


I can not bring him to my point of view . 我无法说服他同意我的观点。 I offer a word of remark on the point . 对于那一点我想稍微说几句话。 It "s inadvisable to overemphasize this point . 这一点不宜过分强调。 Mr. attlee made a searching point . 艾德礼先生提出了一个尖锐的论点。 She could contest the point with him no further . 她不能再跟他辩驳。 What is your point of view on nuclear power ? 你对核动力有什么看法? I am glad you raised that point . 你能把那一点指出来,我感到很高兴。 Be sure to make this point clear to everyone . 务使大家明了这一点。 We each have a different point of view . 我们每个人都有不同的观点。 In speaking one should be short and to the point ... 说话要简捷扼要。 This is a key point that is often overlooked . 这是常被忽略的要点。 We need one more point to win the game . 我们再得一分就能胜这一局。 An interior point cannot be an extreme point . 一个内点不可能是极点。 This involved a point of personal regret . 这在我个人方面颇感歉然。 She outpned the main points of the talk . 她作了那次讲话内容的提要。 "i"m a good man," he pointed at himself . “我是好人,”他指著自己。 Critical points of r are eigenvectors of a . R的临界点是A的特征向量。 There are the points wherein we differ . 这些就是我们意见不同的地方。 There were o significant points of caution . 有两点他必须十分当心。 We made it a point to do things for them . 我们坚持为他们做些事情。 Harrison strolled north to a point . 哈里森大步朝北面一个地方走去。 Your reasoning on this point is faulty . 你在这一点上的推论是错误的。 I have some sympathy with that point of view . 我比较赞成这种看法。 We want to be quite clear on this point . 关于这一点,我们要完全弄清。 The velocity at the stagnation points is zero . 在停滞点处,流速为零。 Our trip takes midway as a starting point . 我们的旅行以中途岛为起点。 She should strain a point to rejoin him . 她应该克服成见同他和好。 One answer points out the next question . 一个答案又引出了下步的问题。 Murray nemser was a case in point . 默里尼姆塞尔就是一个适当的例子。 The plane is o dimensional in points . 平面在点几何中是二维的。 We"ve always understood your point of view . 我们向来都很理解你的观点。 Please make sure you understand this point . 务请你们体谅这一点。 A trip in one point would have spoiled all . 走错一著,全盤皆输。 Opinions are divided on that point . 意见就在那一点上对立起来了。 His manner was abrupt to the point of rudeness . 他举止唐突,近乎粗鲁。 The revolutionary point remained primary . 革命的观点继续占上风。 He lost the point because the ball was out . 他因为球出界丢了分。 The far point of a normal eye is at infinity . 正常眼的远点在无穷远处。 Claire pointed to the hole a foot away . 克莱尔指指一英尺来远的那个洞。 She pointed to those things, winking . 她指著那些东西,挤眉弄眼。 Its beam pointed at the white ceipng . 它的光对著雪白的天花板。 My point of bpss is not upward, but here . 我的福,不在天上,而在这儿。 At this point the gauge pressure was read . 立即记录油压表读数。 I was near the point of breakdown . 我已经到了精神崩溃的边缘了。 Everyone has his own strong and weak points . 每人都有自己的长处和短处。 He recognized famipar points at once . 他顿时记起了熟悉的地方。 Thomas mann seconded these points . 托马斯曼表示赞同这些观点。 Administration was not his strong point . 经营管理并非他的特长。 Please weigh the above points and see if they are practicable . 请酌定。
2023-07-11 00:36:501


point的中文含义是:指向;指;瞄准;对着;朝向;(意思上)指向;指路;(用灰泥)抹砖缝,勾缝。point的英音是/pu0254u026ant/,美音是/pu0254u026ant/。第三人称单数: points,复数: points,现在分词: pointing,过去式: pointed,过去分词: pointed。含有point的双语例句1、The evidence seems to point in that direction.证据似乎指向那个方向。2、There is, in addition, one further point to make.此外,还有一点要说。3、Medical care is still free at the point of use.医疗保健在实际提供点仍然是免费的。4、At this point in time we just have to wait.到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。
2023-07-11 00:36:581


n.点 vt.指
2023-07-11 00:38:083


2023-07-11 00:38:263


泡音特 自己大概再体会体会就好了
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2023-07-11 00:38:463


point既是名词又是动词,故而有很多变形。作名词时有复数形式:复数:points 动词时有:过去式:pointed 现在分词:pointing 过去分词:pointed第三人称单数:points
2023-07-11 00:38:571

points[i] = v.points[i]; 这一段是什么意思?

这一段的意思是对points"数组"里的每个元素对象进行赋值,不是两个数组直接赋值。实际上在C/C++语言里数组是不允许直接通过等号=就进行直接赋值的,但是如果数组是在结构体或者对象class里面,可以通过整个结构体或对象进行整体赋值。比如:int nums[10];int nums2[10];nums2 = nums这样直接数组赋值是允许的;struct test{int nums[10];}test t1;test t2 = t1这种数组在结构体里面是可以通过结构体对象赋值的。解释说明:编译器对结构体或者对象的赋值是通过整体内存拷贝进行的,当然这里说的是默认赋值,如果重载等号后是根据自定义来进行深度复制。这里问题就会出现了,结构体或者对象成员是指针的话,如果依然用默认赋值函数的话,只是对左值对象的指针赋值为右值对象指向的内存,那原来左值对象的指针就变成了野指针,而且还有个问题,如果后面右值对象发生值的改成,左值对象依然会改成,因为他们指向同一内存空间。这就是为什么要有重载进行深度复制的原因。
2023-07-11 00:39:211


100分One hundred pointspoints英 ["pu0254u026ants] 美 ["pu0254u026ants] n.要点;<英>(铁道的)道岔,转辙器;点( point的名词复数 );特点;重点
2023-07-11 00:39:392


2023-07-11 00:39:461


当point在英语语境中表达观点、论点、分数、特征等意思时,那么作为名词它是可数的。point作为可数名词,它的复数形式完全规则,只需要在词尾加上后缀s即可,也就是说它的复数形式是points。举例来说,请尊重他的全部观点,翻译过来就是please respect his all points。由此可见,point在表达观点等意思时,是可数名词。
2023-07-11 00:39:581


2023-07-11 00:40:071

请问legal writing中的points和issue有什么区别

Issue就是一个情景,你打算就此情景展开论述。points 是你的观点。
2023-07-11 00:40:141


2023-07-11 00:39:354

APL 出现All Reviewers Secured 是什么意思

2023-07-11 00:39:361

求one day on this earth歌词!网上找的都不对...对不上啊!

Yeah, whoaI dropped a tear in the oceanAnd when you find itThat"s the day I"ll stop loving you, come onIf the time was slipping awayAnd I didn"t have long to liveI appreciate the times we"ve sharedAnd I wouldn"t want you to shed a tearIf the road was coming to an endAnd I couldn"t turn this car aroundI know faith will get us, get us through the windAnd land our feet somewhere on heaven"s groundIf I had only one day on this earth, whoaI"ll live tonight, I"ll spend tonightMake love tonight, I"ll sleep tonightWith you by my sideAnd if I had only one day on this earth, whoaThen I"ll laugh tonight, I"ll cry tonightI"ll make it right, spend the rest of my timeWith you by my sideNow if this life gets the best of meAnd all the fame starts to fade awayJust know our love made historyAnd the next life is a better placeIf they announced it on the televisionThat the world was gonna end today, yeahGirl, I"d be on a missionTo love you the rest of the night away if I had oneIf I had only one day on this earth, yeah, whoaI"ll live tonight, I"ll spend tonightMake love tonight, I"ll sleep tonightWith you by my sideAnd if I have only one day on this earth, whoaThen I"ll laugh tonight, I"ll cry tonightI"ll make it right, spend the rest of my timeWith you by my sideWe could see the sunriseWe could see the stars glis"Make love in the moonlightI"ll make you my bucket listWe gone shop like no tomorrowLive it up like no tomorrowPop champagne like no tomorrowIn the club like no tomorrowYou can have anything you likeYou"re my girl, I"ma treat you rightAnd when I shine, you shineSo have fun you only get one lifeAnd for all them hatin" humansSmile-in-your-face humansBehind your backThey-wanna-take-your-place humansWe going live foreverWe going grind foreverWe going be togetherTil forever and everIf I had only one day on this earth, whoaI"ll live tonight, I"ll spend tonightMake love tonight, I"ll sleep tonightWith you by my sideAnd If I have only one day on this earth, whoaThen I"ll laugh tonight, I"ll cry tonightI"ll make it right, spend the rest of my timeWith you by my side
2023-07-11 00:39:361


marrychristmas的意思是圣诞节快乐。marrychristmas是很多人都听说过的一句祝福语,在圣诞节这天,大街小巷都会播放Merry Christmas的歌曲,因此即使是小朋友都知道Merry Christmas怎么说,可见圣诞节在我们的生活中的氛围多么的浓厚。人们会在圣诞节这天聚餐,会给彼此送礼物,在圣诞前夜更是会送苹果,寓意平平安安。圣诞节也叫做基督弥撒,其实弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式,可见圣诞节是一个宗教节,把圣诞节当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,因此叫做耶诞节。这一天,所有的基督教会都举行礼拜仪式,12月25日是基督徒庆祝耶稣的日子。现在,由于中西方文化的交流,过圣诞节的习俗已经传到了世界各地。
2023-07-11 00:39:391


APT攻击,全称:Advanced Persistent Threat,即高级持续性威胁,是一种周期较长、隐蔽性极强的攻击模式。攻击者精心策划,长期潜伏在目标网络中,搜集攻击目标的各种信息,如业务流程、系统运行状况等,伺机发动攻击,窃取目标核心资料。其中,攻击与被攻击方多数为政府、企业等组织,通常是出于商业或政治动机,目的是窃取商业机密,破坏竞争甚至是国家间的网络战争。APT的特点可用A、P、T这3个首字母来阐述A:Advanced(高级)APT攻击的方式较一般的黑客攻击要高明很多。攻击前一般会花费大量时间去搜集情报,如业务流程、系统的运行情况、系统的安全机制、使用的硬件和软件、停机维护的时间等。P:Persistent(持续性)APT通常是一种蓄谋已久的攻击,和传统的黑客攻击不同,传统的黑客攻击通常是持续几个小时或几天,而APT攻击通常是以年计的,潜伏期可能就花费一年甚至更长的时间。T:Threat(威胁)APT攻击针对的是特定对象,目的性非常明确,多数是大企业或政府组织,一般是为达到获取敏感信息的目的,但对被攻击者来说是一种巨大的威胁。APT攻击生命周期较长,一般包括如下过程:①确定攻击目标②试图入侵目标所在的系统环境③搜集目标的相关信息④利用入侵的系统来访问目标网络⑤部署实现目标攻击所需的特定工具⑥隐藏攻击踪迹
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2023-07-11 00:39:421

if i learnd one lesson, count my blessing是什么歌

是onerepublic的《run》。歌词如下:When I was a young boy living in the cityAll I did was run, run, run, run, runStaring at the lights, they look so prettyMomma said "son son son son sonYou"re gonna grow up, you"re gonna get oldAll that glitters don"t turn to goldBut until then just have your funBoy, run, run, run, run, run"Yeah, run, run, runRun, run, runWhen I was a young kid living in the cityAll I did was pay, pay, pay, pay, payAnd every single dime that good Lord gave meI could make it last three, four, five daysLiving it up but living down lowChasing that luck before I get oldAnd looking back, oh, we had some funBoy, run, run, run, run, runThey tell you that the sky might fallThey"ll say that you might lose it allSo I run until I hit that wallYeah I learned my lesson, count my blessingsLook to the rising sun and run, run, runYeah, one day well the sky might fallYеah, one day I could lose it allSo I run until I hit that wallIf I learnеd one lesson, count your blessingsLook to the rising sun and run, run, runRun, run, runDidn"t get everything that I wantedBut I got what I need, yeah yeahI see that light in the morningShining down on meSo take me up high, take me down lowWhere it all ends nobody knowsBut until then let"s have some fun, yeahRun, run, run, run, runThey tell you that the sky might fallThey"ll say that you might lose it allSo I run until I hit that wallYeah I learned my lesson, count my blessingsLook to the rising sun and run, run, runYeah, one day well the sky might fallYeah, one day I could lose it allSo I run until I hit that wallIf I learned one lesson, count your blessingsLook to the rising sun and run, run, runRun, run, runYeah, run, run, runYeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessingsLook to the rising sunYeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessingsLook to the rising sunYeah, if I learned one lesson, count your blessingsLook to the rising sun, yeah, run, run, run
2023-07-11 00:39:431

APL 出现All Reviewers Secured 是什么意思

APL 出现All Reviewers SecuredAPL出现所有审稿人的担保APL 出现All Reviewers SecuredAPL出现所有审稿人的担保
2023-07-11 00:39:431

投稿时必填”Please suggest 3 reviewers”,我怎么办

2023-07-11 00:39:291

急 雅思口语第二部分 如果问题是what would you like to do if you had one day off study? 回答这个

2023-07-11 00:39:283


The United States in North America, latitude and longitude: 38 00 N, 97 00 W, and the North Pacific and North Atlantic handover, in Canada and Mexico. Now a total of 50 states, and a similar colony of Puerto Rico, Guam and other overseas territories, and so on. The Territory has a total area of the world"s third largest, (less than Russia and Canada); actual fourth largest area of land (less than China). The third largest population (less than India and China). National Anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner" ( "The Star-Spangled Banner"). Has been translated "Stars and Stripes song," The lyrics are a named Francis Siketeji the American Bar Britain and the United States in the war, through the smoke on the battlefield to see the Stars and Stripes after the British shelling is still high over the fortress Flying at him with emotion and Jijing wrote. Music scores is the "King of Marche," Sousa"s famous masterpiece. 1931 was the United States Congress officially designated as the national anthem. National flower Rose. A symbol of beauty, fragrance, enthusiasm and love. 1985, as approved by the Senate as a national flower. Festival January 1 New Year (New Year"s Day) February 12 Lincoln Day (Lincoln"s Birthday) February 14 St. Valentine Day (Valentine"s Day) (St. Valentine"s Day) February 18 Washington"s Birthday (Washington"s Birthday) March 17 St. Patrick"s Day (St. Patrick"s Day) April 1 April Fool"s Day (All Fools" Day) *** April, Easter (Easter) (full moon after the spring equinox generally refers to the first Sunday) May *** on Arbor Day (Arbor Day) (May, the second Friday) *** May, Mother"s Day (Mothers" Day) (the second Sunday of May) *** May, Memorial Day (Memorial Day) (the last Monday in May) June 14, the U.S. flag (Flag Day) *** June, Father"s Day (Fathers" Day) (third Sunday in June) July 4 U.S. Independence Day (Independence Day) *** September, Labour Day (Labor Day) (the first Monday in September) October 12 Columbus Day (Columbus Day) October *** on Veterans Day (Veteran"s Day) (the fourth Monday in October) November 1 Halloween (Halloween) December 25 Christmas (Christmas)
2023-07-11 00:39:252


2023-07-11 00:39:244


2023-07-11 00:39:236

在线投稿时,Suggest Reviewers 中的reason 这个怎么填写

Reason这一栏好像没有打星号,是不是可以不用填.如果必须填的话,建议以下内容:This scientist is an expert in the field of our study and is able to provide an objective assessment of our manuscript.He did not publish with any of the authors of our submitted manuscript within the past five years and is not a member of the same research institution. 供参考,Good luck!
2023-07-11 00:39:211


2023-07-11 00:39:181

merry christmas作为词组要不要大写

如果是写在句子首部就要大写,如果不是就小写。例:Merry Christmas!(大写)Peter, merry Christmas!(小写)
2023-07-11 00:39:182