barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-11 09:39:05

plane[英][pleu026an] [美][plen]











plane [英][pleu026an][美][plen] n. 水平;平面;飞机;木工刨 adj. 平的,平坦的 vt. 用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶 vi. 鸟滑翔 复数:planes 第三人称单数:planes 过去式:planed 过去分词:planed 现在分词:planing 双语例句 1. He was already aboard the plane. 他已经登机了. 2. Do not leave your seat until the plane is airborne. 飞机升空时不要离开座位. 3. Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the planecrash. 各抢救小组仍在清理失事飞机的残骸. 4. The plane began to descend. 飞机开始降落. 5. The plane began its descent to Heathrow. 飞机开始向希思罗机场降落.
2023-07-11 07:13:321


2023-07-11 07:14:435


plane是 飞机的意思。n.飞机;平面;(思想、存在或发展的)水平,程度,阶段,境界;木工刨。adj.平的;平坦的。v.用刨子刨平;滑翔;擦着水面疾驶。adj.平的;平坦的;v.用刨子刨平;滑翔;擦着水面疾驶。第三人称单数:planes复数:planes现在分词:planing过去式:planed过去分词:planed。扩展资料aeroplane,airplane,aircraft,plane,jet,helicopter这些名词均有“飞机”之意。aeroplane和airplane专指普通飞机,不包括helicopter(直升飞机)。aeroplane为英国英语的拼法。airplane为美国英语的用词。aircraft常用作集体名词,也可指一架飞机,其含义包括直升飞机和飞艇等。plane本义为“平面”,在航空专业里通常用aeroplane。plane较通俗用词。jet指喷气式飞机,也用jet plane。helicopter指直升飞机。
2023-07-11 07:15:241


Plane的意思是 飞机
2023-07-11 07:16:304


美[pleu026an],英[pleu026an]。- /p/ 读作"p"音。- /l/ 读作"l"音,与 "light" 中的发音相同。- /eu026a/ 读作长 "a" 音,与 "pay" 中的发音相同。- /n/ 读作"n"音。所以完整的发音是“pleu026an”(注意,音标的写法中 "a" 与 "u026a" 中间的符号应该是斜杠而不是竖杠,斜杠可以表示语音音素的音值)。以下是 "plane" 的例句:1. The plane took off smoothly and climbed to a cruising altitude.(飞机平稳起飞并爬升到巡航高度。)2. The company"s executives traveled across the country by private plane.(公司的高管们乘坐私人飞机穿越全国。)3. The object in the sky looked like a plane, but it was difficult to make out any details.(天空中的那个物体看起来像一架飞机,但很难分辨出任何细节。)4. He cut the wood with a plane to make it smoother.(他用木刨刀刨削木头,让它变得更加光滑。)5. It"s a shame that the painting was damaged during the plane crash.(飞机坠毁时这幅画受损了,真是可惜。)
2023-07-11 07:16:371


plane生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 [pleu026an] 美 [plen] n. 水平;平面;飞机;木工刨 adj. 平的,平坦的 vt. 用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶 vi. 鸟滑翔 网 络 飞机; 平面; 机上; 架飞机 复数:planes 过去式:planed 过去分词:planed 现在分词:planing 第三人称单数:planes 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 GRE 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. N-COUNT 可数名词飞机 A plane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines, which can fly through the air. He had plenty of time to catch his plane... 他有足够的时间赶飞机。Her mother was killed in a plane crash. 她母亲在一次坠机中遇难。...fighter planes. 战斗机2. N-COUNT 可数名词(可能带有斜度的)平面 A plane is a flat, level surface which may be sloping at a particular angle. ...a building with angled planes. 带有坡面的建筑物3. N-SING 单数名词(想象中的)平面 If a number of points are in the same plane, one line or one flat surface could pass through them all. All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, round its equator. 所有的行星大致在同一平面上绕太阳赤道运转。
2023-07-11 07:17:101


planes常用于飞机(plane的复数)的意思。1、Planes的变形词有:原形plane,复数planes,第三人称单数planes,现在分词planing过去式planed,过去分词planed。2、常用短语有:by plane乘飞机;通过飞机;用飞机。model plane模型飞机。take plane乘飞机。plane crash飞机坠毁;飞机失事;坠机,leave on planes离开飞机。可以用于We took the plane to New York last week. (=We went to New York by plane/air last week.) 上周我们乘飞机去纽约了。在历年的四六级和考研考试的重要程度为五颗星,日常学习多用延伸造句更能加强记忆。参考例句1、The aircraft is widely regarded as the Cadillac of commuter planes.这种飞机被普遍视为短途支线飞机中的佼佼者。2、we have three enemy planes inbound on bearing two ninety.我们观察到3架敌机从方位角290°飞入。
2023-07-11 07:17:181


2023-07-11 07:18:023

2023-07-11 07:18:101

plane 同义词是什么

单词分析:这些名词均有“飞机”之意。aeroplane:和airplane专指普通飞机,不包括helicopter(直升飞机)。aeroplane为英国英语的拼法。airplane:为美国英语的用词。aircraft:常用作集体名词,也可指一架飞机,其含义包括直升飞机和飞艇等。plane:本义为“平面”,在航空专业里通常用aeroplane。plane较通俗用词。jet:指喷气式飞机,也用jet plane。helicopter:指直升飞机。
2023-07-11 07:18:216


2023-07-11 07:18:382


2023-07-11 07:18:452


"Plane"是一个英文单词,可以表示多种不同的含义。最常见的意思是"平面"或"飞机",具体意义取决于上下文。作为名词,"plane"通常用于描述二维空间的图形或表面,例如平面几何、地图上的平面投影等等。此外,"plane"还可以指飞机,是一种通过空气动力学原理飞行的机器。作为动词,"plane"可以表示用工具修整表面,使其平滑和平坦,例如使用平面铣刀将木板修整成平滑的表面。同时,"plane"还可以表示飞行,例如"飞机在空中飞行"可以被描述为"the plane is flying in the air"。总之,"plane"是一个多义的单词,既可以表示平面和飞机,也可以作为动词表示表面修整和飞行等动作。在日常生活和工作中,这个词汇被广泛使用,尤其是在描述空气运输和表面处理等领域。
2023-07-11 07:18:521


plane英 [pleu026an] 美 [plen] 第三人称单数:planes第三人称复数:planes现在分词:planing过去分词:planed过去式:planedplane 基本解释名词平面; 飞机; 水平; 木工刨形容词平的,平坦的及物动词用刨刨平; 小船等擦着水面疾驶不及物动词鸟滑翔
2023-07-11 07:19:301


plane 的中文翻译过来就是飞机的意思。如:by plane就是乘坐飞机的意思。by plane 在英语PEP版六年级上册的第十五页上有的
2023-07-11 07:19:391


一、详细释义: , adj. , 平的;平坦的 , n. , 飞机 [C] , 例句: ,Passengers checked their baggage before boarding the plane.,旅客上飞机前托运了行李。, 例句: ,The enemy plane skimmed over the heads of the refugees.,敌机从难民头上掠过。, 平面 , 例句: ,The zodiacal glow refers to the diffuse scattered sunlight on the ecliptic plane,黄道光指的是在黄道平面上漫散射的太阳光。, 例句: ,The plane problems and the torsion problem are standard fare in solution oriented books on elasticity,平面问题和扭转问题是弹性问题解法书中的标准内容。, 水平,程度;标准;(思想、存在或发展的)水平,程度,阶段,境界 [C] , 例句: ,Keep your work on a high plane.,使你的工作保持高水平。, 木工刨;刨子 [C] , 例句: ,The carpenter [ "s ]e whistles its wild ascending lisp(Walt Whitman),木匠[的]…刨子发出狂野而含混的呼啸声沃尔特·惠特曼), v. , 用刨刨平 [T] , 例句: ,The carpenter evened a board with a plane,那位木工用刨刨平一块木板。, 小船等擦着水面疾驶 [T] , 二、词义辨析: , aeroplane,airplane,aircraft,plane,jet,helicopter ,这些名词均有“飞机”之意。aeroplane和airplane专指普通飞机,不包括helicopter(直升飞机)。aeroplane为英国英语的拼法。airplane为美国英语的用词。aircraft常用作集体名词,也可指一架飞机,其含义包括直升飞机和飞艇等。plane本义为“平面”,在航空专业里通常用aeroplane。plane较通俗用词。jet指喷气式飞机,也用jet plane。helicopter指直升飞机。, 三、相关短语: ,jet plane,n.喷气式飞机,plane figure,平面图形,plane geometry,平面几何,block plane,短刨,carpenter"s plane,木工刨,chamfer plane,倒角刨,倒棱刨,circular plane,圆弧刨,圆刨,pass plane,曲面刨,圆弧刨,凹刨,dado plane,开槽刨,平槽刨,沟槽刨,dovetail plane,梯形槽刨,inclined plane,n.斜面(与水平面成一角度的平面),jack plane,粗刨,大刨, 四、参考例句: ,The plane landed safely.,飞机安全降落。,A plane flew overhead.,一架飞机从头顶上飞过。,The plane takes off.,飞机起飞了。,The plane took off.,飞机起飞了。,The plane is flying north.,飞机正朝北飞。,We get there by plane.,我们乘飞机去那儿。,A jet plane flashed by.,一架喷气式飞机在空中掠过。,The plane has long wings.,飞机的机翼很长。,The plane is taking off.,飞机将要起飞。,The plane left British airspace.,飞机飞离了英国领空。
2023-07-11 07:19:451


2023-07-11 07:19:541


plane英 [pleu026an] 美 [plen] n.平面;飞机;水平;木工刨adj.平的,平坦的vt.用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶vi.鸟滑翔第三人称单数: planes 复数: planes 现在分词: planing 过去式: planed 过去分词: planed
2023-07-11 07:20:342


2023-07-11 07:20:436


plane 飞机
2023-07-11 07:20:594


plane英 [pleu026an] 美 [plen]n.水平; 平面; 飞机; 木工刨adj.平的,平坦的vt.用刨刨平; 小船等擦着水面疾驶vi.鸟滑翔
2023-07-11 07:21:232


2023-07-11 07:21:393


2023-07-11 07:21:555


n.飞机;平面;(思想、存在或发展的)水平,程度,阶段,境界;木工刨。adj.平的;平坦的。v.用刨子刨平;滑翔;擦着水面疾驶。adj.平的;平坦的;v.用刨子刨平;滑翔;擦着水面疾驶。第三人称单数:planes复数:planes现在分词:planing过去式:planed过去分词:planed。例句:1)用作名词 (n.)The plane flew high above.飞机高高地在上空飞。2)用作形容词 (adj.)The dense fog delayed the plane"s start.浓雾延误了飞机的起飞。3、短语board plane 上飞机bring down plane 使飞机降落(于地面或水面)fly plane 开飞机fuel plane 给飞机加油get on plane 登上飞机扩展资料aeroplane,airplane,aircraft,plane,jet,helicopter这些名词均有“飞机”之意。aeroplane和airplane专指普通飞机,不包括helicopter(直升飞机)。aeroplane为英国英语的拼法。airplane为美国英语的用词。aircraft常用作集体名词,也可指一架飞机,其含义包括直升飞机和飞艇等。plane本义为“平面”,在航空专业里通常用aeroplane。plane较通俗用词。jet指喷气式飞机,也用jet plane。helicopter指直升飞机。
2023-07-11 07:22:221


飞机plane怎么念. 飞机plane的读音为 [pleɪn]。. 英语单词plane有三个词性,作名词时意为“飞机;平面; (思想、存在或发展的)水平
2023-07-11 07:23:462


plane意思:n. 飞机;水平;平面n. 刨子n. 悬铃木adj. 平的;飞机的一、 读音: 英 [pleu026an];美 [pleu026an]    二、例句:He has planed the plank smooth.他已把木板刨平。三、词汇用法/搭配: 1、plane的基本意思是“水平,程度; 标准”,可指在思想、存在或发展各方面的水平,程度。plane也可作“平面”解,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。2、plane作“飞机”解时是aeroplane的缩写形式,但现在人们更习惯用plane。
2023-07-11 07:24:051


2023-07-11 07:24:403


2023-07-11 07:25:093


plane的意思为:n.飞机;平面;(思想、存在或发展的)水平,程度,阶段,境界;木工刨。n.飞机;平面;(思想、存在或发展的)水平,程度,阶段,境界;木工刨。adj.平的;平坦的。v.用刨子刨平;滑翔;擦着水面疾驶。adj.平的;平坦的;v.用刨子刨平;滑翔;擦着水面疾驶。Howhighwastheplanewhentheenginefailed? 发动机出故障时飞机离地面多高?vi. 刨;翱翔;乘飞机旅行vt. 刨平;用刨子刨;掠过水面
2023-07-11 07:25:371


plane[英] [pleɪn][美] [pleɪn]n.平面; 水平; 飞机; 刨子; 木工刨; 悬铃木; 虚构平面; 翼面adj.平的; 平坦的; 二维平面的; 二维空间的v.飞行; 滑翔; 乘飞机旅行; 刨平; 在水面滑行; 掠过水面; 刨除; 使光滑; 使平整
2023-07-11 07:27:032

plane什么意思中文 plane的意思

2023-07-11 07:27:101


"plane" 的发音为 /pleu026an/,其中:- /p/ 读作"p"音;- /l/ 读作"l"音,与 "light" 中的发音相同;- /eu026a/ 读作长 "a" 音,与 "pay" 中的发音相同;- /n/ 读作"n"音。所以完整的发音是“pleu026an”(注意,音标的写法中 "a" 与 "u026a" 中间的符号应该是斜杠而不是竖杠,斜杠可以表示语音音素的音值)。plane以下是 "plane" 的例句:1. The plane took off smoothly and climbed to a cruising altitude.(飞机平稳起飞并爬升到巡航高度。)2. The company"s executives traveled across the country by private plane.(公司的高管们乘坐私人飞机穿越全国。)plane3. The object in the sky looked like a plane, but it was difficult to make out any details.(天空中的那个物体看起来像一架飞机,但很难分辨出任何细节。)4. He cut the wood with a plane to make it smoother.(他用木刨刀刨削木头,让它变得更加光滑。)5. It"s a shame that the painting was damaged during the plane crash.(飞机坠毁时这幅画受损了,真是可惜。)
2023-07-11 07:27:161


2023-07-11 07:27:363


plane怎么读:plane英语读法音标为[pleu026an]。Plane 基本解释:大多数时候被译为“飞机”;[人名] 普莱恩;[地名] [德国] 普拉讷河中文词源:plane 飞机 plane 水平,平面,刨平缩写自airplane,飞机。 来自拉丁语planum,平面,来自PIE*pele,展开,放平,词源同plain,plan.引申词义水平,平面,刨平,刨子等诸相关词义。Plane 用法和例句:A u-2 spy plane is shot down that day .于是当天一架u-2间谍飞机被击落。Plot these values as coordinates in an x-y plane .在x-y平面坐标轴上标出这些数值。I will buy a plane for you .我给你买一辆飞机好了。Ever wanted to see a plane "s cockpit ?你曾经想看到飞机驾驶舱吗?It said the plane also carried three civilians .据报道飞机上还有三名平民。
2023-07-11 07:27:431


2023-07-11 07:27:594

plane是什么意思 解释plane的含义和用法?

总之,plane是一个多义词,根据上下文可以有多种含义和用法。无论是作为名词还是动词,都与平面和平坦有关。2. He carefully planed the surface of the metal to remove any imperfections.(他小心地切削金属表面,去除任何瑕疵)Plane是一个英语单词,指的是一个平面或平面表面。它可以用作名词或动词,有多种用法和含义。Plane还可以用于描述一个物体的形状或轮廓。例如:作为名词,plane可以指代一个平面的表面或一个平坦的区域。例如:2. The wings of the plane were sleek and aerodynamic.(飞机的机翼流线型设计,具有良好的空气动力学效应)
2023-07-11 07:28:572


plane常见释义飞机英: [pleu026an]美: [plen]n.平面; 飞机; 水平; 木工刨;adj.平的,平坦的;例句:He had plenty of time to catch his plane他有足够的时间赶飞机。复数:
2023-07-11 07:29:151

plane是什么意思 解释plane的含义和用法?

2. The desert was a vast plane with nothing but sand as far as the eye could see.(沙漠是一个广阔的平原,只有沙子,眼前所及无边无际)最后,plane还可以指代飞机或飞行器。例如:3. The carpenter used a plane to smooth the rough edges of the wood.(木匠用平面工具将木材的粗糙边缘打磨光滑)作为动词,plane可以指平整或切削表面。例如:总之,plane是一个多义词,根据上下文可以有多种含义和用法。无论是作为名词还是动词,都与平面和平坦有关。2. He carefully planed the surface of the metal to remove any imperfections.(他小心地切削金属表面,去除任何瑕疵)
2023-07-11 07:29:372


2023-07-11 07:29:453


plane 英[pleu026an] 美[plen] n. 水平;平面;飞机;木工刨 adj. 平的,平坦的 vt. 用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶 [例句]1、You think the plane is bad?你觉得飞机上很糟糕?2、He had plenty of time to catch his plane... 他有足够的时间赶飞机。3、Her mother was killed in a plane crash. 她母亲在一次坠机中遇难。
2023-07-11 07:29:521


英 [pleu026an]美 [plen]n. 水平; 平面; 飞机; 木工刨adj. 平的,平坦的vt. 用刨刨平; 小船等擦着水面疾驶vi. 鸟滑翔网 络飞机;平面;机上;架飞机复数: planes过去式: planed过去分词: planed现在分词: planing第三人称单数: planes1. He was already aboard the plane. 更多牛津他已经登机了。来自《权威词典》2. Do not leave your seat until the plane is airborne.飞机升空时不要离开座位。来自《权威词典》3. Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.各抢救小组仍在清理失事飞机的残骸。来自《权威词典》4. The plane began to descend.飞机开始降落。来自《权威词典》
2023-07-11 07:31:093


plane 英[pleu026an] 美[plen] n. 水平;平面;飞机;木工刨 adj. 平的,平坦的 vt. 用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶 [例句]Being on a plane is my sanctuary.可以说,飞机就是我的庇护所。
2023-07-11 07:31:171


pu lei n
2023-07-11 07:31:264


plane 英[pleu026an] 美[plen] n. 水平;平面;飞机;木工刨 adj. 平的,平坦的 vt. 用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶
2023-07-11 07:32:291


2023-07-11 07:32:362

close your eyes中文歌词

我知道,这一切好像我们正在失去我们的头脑 We got shampoo and warfare all over the headlines 我们得到了洗发水和战争所有的头条新闻 I know it"s all hype and violence we see 我知道所有的宣传和暴力,我们看到 And they never seem to mention the likes of you and me 他们看起来并没有提到这样的你和我 I know it seems like we"re losing our minds, 我知道,好像我们正在失去我们的脑海中, and things ain"t gonna get better 事情是不是要去得到更好 I know it seems like we"re losing our minds, 我知道,好像我们正在失去我们的脑海中, but we can"t change this, it"s just the way it is 但我们不能改变这一状况,这只是它的方式 Close your eyes, it"s all just noises in your head闭上你的眼睛,这一切只是你的脑袋中的噪音 Close your eyes, it"s all just noises in your head闭上你的眼睛,这一切只是你的脑袋中的噪音 You and her can move mountains你和她可以移动山 All you give, but he can"t buy所有您提供,但他不能购买 And the danger keeps on coming,的危险不断到来, but it"s alright "cuz we got each other但是,这是正常的" cuz我们得到对方 I know it seems like we"re losing our minds,我知道,好像我们正在失去我们的脑海中, and things ain"t gonna get better事情是不是要去得到更好 I know it seems like we"re losing our minds,我知道,好像我们正在失去我们的脑海中, but we can"t change this
2023-07-11 07:28:071

I am at home today改成否定和一般疑问句,肯否回答,特殊疑问句

2023-07-11 07:28:091

His/her annual income is about RMB 12yuan.中文是不是 他的年薪是12万元人民币

2023-07-11 07:28:102


美国 首都环线495号州际公路495号州际公路全长64英里,约103公里,简称“I-495”和长岛高速路。因为环绕美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,所以又被称为“首都环线”(Capital Beltway)。美国社会通常用“环线圈内”泛指美国联邦政府(不包括国会众参两院)的政治圈子。长岛高速公路有着令人困惑、着迷而又危险的力量。它曾在许多文艺作品中惊鸿一现,但大都与车祸或事故有关,尽管如此,生活在各个出口的人们依然对它充满眷恋。
2023-07-11 07:28:042

Eminem的《The Kids》 歌词

歌曲名:The Kids歌手:Eminem专辑:Off The WallEminem- The KidsAnd everyone should get along..Okay children quiet down, quiet downChildren I"d like to introduce our new substitute teacher for the dayHis name is Mr. ShadyChildren quiet down pleaseBrian don"t throw that (Shut UP!)Mr. Shady will be your new substitutewhile Mr. Kaniff is out with pneumonia (He"s got AIDS!)Good luck Mr. ShadyHi there little boys and girls (Fuck you!)Today we"re gonna to learn how to poison squirrelsBut first, I"d like you to meet my friend Bob (Huh?)Say hi Bob! ("Hi Bob") Bob"s 30 and still lives with his momand he don"t got a job, cause Bob sits at home and smokes potbut his twelve-year old brother looks up to him an awful lotAnd Bob likes to hang out at the local waffle spotand wait in the parking lot for waitresses off the clockwhen it"s late and the lot gets dark and fake like he walks his dogDrag "em in the woods and go straight to the chopping blocks (AHH!)And even if they escaped and they got the copsthe ladies would all be so afraid, they would drop the charge"til one night Mrs. Stacey went off the jobwhen she felt someone grab her whole face and said not to talkBut Stacey knew it was Bob and said knock it offBut Bob wouldn"t knock it off cause he"s crazy and off his rockerCrazier than Slim Shady is off the vodkaYou couldn"t even take him to Dre"s to get Bob a "Dr."He grabbed S tace" by the legs as chopped it off herand dropped her off in the lake for the cops to find herBut ever since the day Stacey went off to wanderthey never found her, and Bob still hangs at the waffle dinerAnd that"s the story of Bob and his marijuana,and what it might do to youSo see if the squirrels want any - it"s bad for youSee children, drugs are bahhhd (c"mon)and if you don"t believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man)and if you don"t believe him, ask ya mom (that"s right)She"ll tell you how she does "em all the time (she will)So kids say no to drugs (that"s right)So you don"t act like everyone else does (uh-huh)Then there"s really nothin else to say (sing along)Drugs are just bad, mmm"kay?My penis is the size of a peanut, have you seen it?FUCK NO you ain"t seen it, it"s the size of a peanut (Huh?)Speakin of peanuts, you know what else is bad for squirrels?Ecstasy is the worst drug in the worldIf someone ever offers it to you, don"t do itKids two hits"ll probably drain all your spinal fluidand spinal fluid is final, you won"t get it backSo don"t get attached, it"ll attack every bone in your backMeet Zach, twenty-one years oldAfter hangin out with some friends at a frat party, he gets boldand decides to try five, when he"s bribed by five guysand peer pressure will win every time you try to fight itSuddenly, he starts to convulse and his pulse goes into hyperdriveand his eyes roll back in his skull {blblblblblb}His back starts tah - look like the McDonald"s ArchesHe"s on Donald"s carpet, layin horizontal barfin {BLEH}And everyone in the apartment starts laughin at him"Hey Adam, Zach is a jackass, look at him!"cause they took it too, so they think it"s funnySo they"re laughing at basically nothing except maybe wasting his moneyMeanwhile, Zach"s in a coma, the action is overand his back and his shoulders hunched up like he"s practicin yogaAnd that"s the story of Zach, the ecstasy maniacSo don"t even feed that to squirrels class, cause it"s bad for youSee children, drugs are bahhhd (c"mon)and if you don"t believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man)and if you don"t believe him, ask ya mom (that"s right)She"ll tell you how she does "em all the time (she will)So kids say no to drugs (that"s right)So you don"t act like everyone else does (uh-huh)Then there"s really nothin else to say (sing along)Drugs are just bad, mmm"kay?And last but not least, one of the most humungousproblems among young people today, is fungusIt grows from cow manure, they pick it out, wipe it off,bag it up, and you put it right in your mouth and chew itYum yum! Then you start to see some dumb stuffAnd everything slows down when you eat some of "em..And sometimes you see things that aren"t there (Like what?)Like fat woman in G-strings with orange hair(Mr. Shady what"s a G-string?) It"s yarn ClaireWomen stick "em up their behinds, go out and wear "em (Huh?)And if you swallow too much of the magic mushroomsWhoops, did I say magic mushrooms?I meant fungus Ya tongue gets, all swoll up like a cow"s tongue (How come?)cause it comes from a cow"s dung (Gross!!)See drugs are bad, it"s a common factBut your mom and dad, know that"s all that I"m good at (Oh!)But don"t be me, cause if you grow up and you go and O.D.They"re gonna come for me and I"ma have to grow a goateeand get a disguise and hide, cause it"ll be my faultcause I"m bad for youSee children, drugs are bahhhd (c"mon)and if you don"t believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man)and if you don"t believe him, ask ya mom (that"s right)She"ll tell you how she does "em all the time (she will)So kids say no to drugs (that"s right)So you don"t act like everyone else does (uh-huh)Then there"s really nothin else to say (sing along)Drugs are just bad, mmm"kay?Come on children, clap along (Shut UP!)Sing along children (Suck my motherfuckin dick!)Drugs are just bad, drugs are just bad (South Park is gonna sue me!)So don"t do drugs (Suck my motherfuckin penis!)so there"ll be more for me (Hippie! God damnit!)(Mushrooms killed Kenny! fart Ewww, ahhh!)(So, fucked up, right now..)
2023-07-11 07:28:041