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2023-07-11 10:25:12
TAG: angle an ng le
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英["__ɡ(_)l]n.角;角度;观点;斜角v.钓鱼;斜移;斜置。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.o*********.com






n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向词组短语:angle of view视角visual anglen. 视界,视角contact angle接触角;交会角angle on引诱;角度对准angle for谋取dip angle[航海]倾角;[航空]俯角;磁倾角incident angle入射角phase angle相位角例句:We have looked at our planet from every angle and found all of the wildest things left to find.我们从各个角度观察我们的星球,去发现所有尚待发现的最疯狂的事物。The photo was taken from an unusual angle.这张照片是从不寻常的角度拍摄的。The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle.这条船现在正以30度角倾斜着。
2023-07-11 09:28:571


angle意思是角。角是几何名词,角的定义是具有公共端点的两条射线组成的图形叫做角。这个公共端点叫做角的顶点,这两条射线叫做角的两条边。一般的角会假设在欧几里得平面上,但在非欧几里得几何中也可以定义角。角在几何学和三角学中有着广泛的应用。角可以分为锐角、直角、钝角、平角、周角、负角、正角、优角、劣角、0角这10种。以度、分、秒为单位的角的度量制称为角度制,在数学中角的符号用∠表示。angle例句:1、A road that seemed to just shoot upwards at a terrifying angle.一条似乎以令人害怕的角度向上急速延伸的道路。2、An armchair was drawn up at an angle to his desk.扶手椅被拉了过来斜对着他的桌子。3、each joint can move through an angle within fixed limits.在设定的限度内,每个接头都可以在某个角度内转动。
2023-07-11 09:30:041

angle什么意思 角度的含义和用法?

2023-07-11 09:30:262


【 #英语资源# 导语】angle有角度;角;观点等意思,那么你知道angle的用法吗?下面跟着 无 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】angle的用法   angle的用法1:angle的基本意思是“角”,指的是几何学上从一点引出两条直线所形成的空间,也指从一条直线上展开的两个平面或从一点上展开的多个平面所形成的空间。angle也可指用弧或度来表示的角的度数。   angle的用法2:用于比喻,angle 可指看问题的出发点、观点或立场。   angle的用法3:angle用作动词的基本意思是“把…放置成一角度”,引申可作“歪曲,使(新闻、报道等)偏向某一观点”。用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。   angle的用法4:angle还可作“垂钓,钓鱼”解,用作不及物动词,常与介词for连用,表示“取得,谋取”。 【篇二】angle的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   at an angle   用作动词 (v.)   angle for (v.+prep.) 【篇三】angle的用法例句   1. The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself.   直升机在恢复平稳之前倾斜得很厉害。   2. Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle.   游客们在正爬上岩石寻找的拍摄角度。   3. The tree was leaning at a low angle from the ground.   那棵树倾斜得非常厉害。   4. The body was twisted, its legs at an awkward angle.   身体扭曲变形,双腿弯成别扭的角度。   5. An iron bar stuck out at an angle.   一根铁棍斜伸出来。   6. The wall"s at a slight angle.   这面墙有点歪。   7. Hold the knife at an angle.   斜握住刀。   8. The tower of Pisa leans at an angle .   比萨斜塔塔身倾斜。   9. the angle of deflection   偏斜度   10. The high jumper took off at a bad angle.   跳高运动员的起跳角度不好.   11. David"s play was amusing and its pacifist angle had a great appeal.   戴维的剧本很有趣,剧中的和平主义倾向性有很大的吸引力.   12. The old house leans to the right at a dangerous angle.   那所老宅向右斜得很危险。   13. Oxford Road joins the High Street at an angle of ninety degrees.   牛津路与该大街垂直相交。   14. A right angle is an angle of 90 degrees.   直角为90度。   15. The matter invites our consideration of every possible angle.   这件事需要我们通盘考虑。
2023-07-11 09:30:441


angle=time*用时间改变数值。 time就是当前帧所在的时间,单位是秒。例如,要图层每秒转一圈,只要在图层的Rotation属性里加一句:time*360即可。
2023-07-11 09:30:511


2023-07-11 09:31:016

angle是什么意思 详解角度的定义和用法?

2023-07-11 09:31:163


angle不是天使的意思。angle是角度、斜移、钓鱼的意思,它的复数是angles, 第三人称单数是angles,现在分词是angling ,而天使的英文是angel。angle的例句有:Thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset.多亏他站的角度,他刚好能看到日落。The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle.这条船现在正以30度角倾斜着。The photo was taken from an unusual angle.这张照片是从不寻常的角度拍摄的。短语有:angle of attack [测] 迎角 ; solid angle [天] 立体角 ;right angle [数] 直角。viewing angle [光] 视角 ; 可视角度 ; 发光角度 ; 视场角。
2023-07-11 09:31:411


2023-07-11 09:31:554


angel 歌手:陶喆 专辑:乐之路 镜子中看见一张陌生的脸那眼神如此黯淡 笑一笑只牵动苦涩的嘴角我的寂寞谁知道 像条船在海上飘北斗星也看不到 谁能够扬起了帆远远离开这黑潮 angel angel 盼望你在我身边 angel angel 请你紧紧抓住我的手 有时候我想不会有人了解心里面藏著的痛 我害怕用真心面对这世界只好越来越沉默 一个人在人海漂说话的人找不到 谁给我温柔(拥抱我)拥抱当我感觉心快要碎了 angel angel 盼望你在我身边 angel angel 是否听见我在呼唤你 能不能告诉孤单疲惫的我你永远为我守候 angel angel 请你留在我的身边 angel angel 请你不要放开我的手
2023-07-11 09:32:022

天使的拼写? 有的人说 angle是天使的意思 又有人说 angel才是..到底是哪一个呀?

angle若是名词,就是角的意思,若是动词,就表示钓鱼、追逐. angel是名词,意为天使,完善可爱的人,有时也用作昵称;同意的有Angell,Angelhood为天使的总称. 另外Seraph/Seraphim(六翼天使)、Gabriel(加白利,七大天使之一,上帝传送好消息给人类的使者)和Cherubim(智天使,小天使)等也都是天使的一些名字,不过他们代表着不同的种类.
2023-07-11 09:32:111


2023-07-11 09:32:192


2023-07-11 09:32:292

Angel 汉语啥意思?

2023-07-11 09:32:398


2023-07-11 09:32:551


2023-07-11 09:33:181


2023-07-11 09:33:357


2023-07-11 09:34:261


2023-07-11 09:35:011


The bisectors of its base angles are equal . 底角的平分线是相等的。 Their rifles were pitched at every odd angle . 枪支都搁得七歪八斜。 There were angles to being an enpsted man . 当兵的心理可复杂著哩。 The angle is contained by the pnes ab and ac . 此角由直线AB和AC构成。 He loves angpng on a fine summer day . 他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去垂钓。 the angle is the angle of departure. 为发射角。 The angle of projection affects the answer . 抛射角对结果有影响。 The vanes are made of structural angle iron . 叶轮可用角钢制成。 He loves to go angpng on a fine summer day .. 他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去垂钓。 They see pfe from an entertaining angle . 他们是从娱乐的角度看待人生的。 My only dissipation is angpng . 钓鱼是我唯一的消遣。 The roll angle is constrained by the control system . 滚动角度是由控制系统来限制的。 Let angle aob be taken as a central angle of a circle . 设取AOB为一个圆的圆心角。 The o pnes meet at right angles . 两线垂直相交。 The matter invites our consideration of every possible angle . 这件事需要我们通盤考虑。 What is really significant is the body-to-beam angle . 然而真正有意义的是弹体一波束角。 The repulsions fall off rapidly with increasing angle . 排斥随著角度的增加而迅速地减小。 Two rags proceeding from the same point form an angle . 从同一点出发的两条射线形成一只角。 It "s heaven to go angpng . 钓鱼是一大乐事。 Try angpng the camera for a more interesting picture . 试著倾斜照相机来得到更有意思的照片。 It is an acute angle . 这是一个锐角。 A detector sampled the reflected intensity at various angles . 探测器在不同的角度收集反射束的强度。 The angle is too great . 角度太大。 They had e to the corner where elm angles into high street . 他们走到了从榆树街转向正街去的拐角上。 Recall that the angles are positive if the ray has a positive slope . 记住,若光线之斜率为正则角度为正。 The angle is multipped by the intensity of magization of the surface . 与该角相乘的是表面的磁化强度。 An hour later they hit the angle of the highway and the railway . 一个小时后,他们到了铁路和公路交叉的地方。 For a given radius no one angle is correct for all speeds . 对于给定的曲率半径,没有一个适合所有速度的角度。 What angle should an umbrella be held so that you would stay dry ? 手中的雨伞应该倾斜多大角度,人才不会淋湿? All planar structures are represented by a strike pne and dip angle . 一切面状构造均可用向线和倾斜角来表示。 Its world pne is tipped at the angle corresponding to the speed of pght . 它的世界线倾斜的角度与光速相对应。 An axial electron pair meets at right angles with 3 neighboring pairs . 轴向电子对与三个相邻的电子对相交成直角。 Apart from school work, i spend my spare time in singing and angpng . 除了学校功课之外,空闲时我喜爱唱歌和钓鱼。 If an angle is changing with time, we may define an angular speed . 如果一个角随时间而变化,我们就可确定一个角速率。 Scattering angle is the angle beeen the scattered and incident directions . 散射角是散射方向与入射方向之间的夹角。 The spray nozzles are designed to produce a dense spray at a predetermined angle . 喷嘴是按预定角度产生稠密水雾来设计的。
2023-07-11 09:35:081


2023-07-11 09:35:161


角度, 角, 观点。例句:1.Angular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point.角距离,是由一定点到两物体之间所量度的夹角。2. Try looking at the affair from a different angle.试从不同的角度来看这件事。3. The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this angle.旭日从这个角度看起来特别美。4. He used to angle for prestige.他过去一贯沽名钓誉。5. He is keen on angling.他喜欢钓鱼。6.The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle.船正以30度角倾斜。
2023-07-11 09:35:341


2023-07-11 09:36:182

李圣杰的《Angle》 歌词

歌曲名:Angle歌手:李圣杰Angle图腾乐队/Cockdoor你的眼睛总是充满了希望那里面藏着无穷的力量你在天空中安静的飞翔你是天使有对美丽的翅膀我抬头看见你我是多爱你你让我快乐的心时刻都不安静在寂寞黑夜里我多想抱着你快来到我枕边我想你愿意你在那里守护着美丽你的天空没有乌云泛起你的光环照亮我的天地尽管对别人这毫无意义不知从那天起我开始骗自己我眼里的世界产生了幻觉我不停的奔跑不停的寻找我会找到你和美丽的双翼我压抑着不安的情绪急匆匆的来不及去怀疑你的身体给与了我勇气我走到了另一个世界里你的身体给与我勇气我的明天就由你确定美丽眼睛渴望着光明在天空中飞舞的生命你的身体给与我勇气我的明天就由你确定美丽眼睛渴望着光明在天空中飞舞的生命我抬头看见你我是多爱你你让我快乐的心时刻都不安静在寂寞黑夜里我多想抱着你快来到我枕边我想你愿意不知从那天起我开始骗自己我眼里的世界产生了幻觉我不停的奔跑不停的寻找我会找到你和美丽的双翼我抬头看见你我是多爱你你让我快乐的心时刻都不安静在寂寞黑夜里我多想抱着你快来到我枕边我想你愿意不知从那天起我开始骗自己我眼里的世界产生了幻觉我不停的奔跑不停的寻找我会找到你和美丽的双翼--- End ---
2023-07-11 09:36:401


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 解析: 下面是Angeld的歌词及其完整的中文翻译。 Angle Spend all your time waiting for that second chance用全部的时间等待第二次机会 For a break that would make it OK 因为逃避能使一切更好 There"s always some reasons to feel not good enough 总是有理由说感觉不够好 And it"s hard at the end of the day在一日将尽之时觉得难过 I need some distraction or a beautiful release我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱 Memories seep from my veins回忆自我的血管渗出 Let me be empty and weightless让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂 And maybe I"ll find some peace tonight也许今晚我可以得到一些平静 In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 Fly away from here飞离此地 From this dark, cold hotel room远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间 And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕 You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 May you find some fort here 愿你能得到安慰 So tired of the straight line厌倦了走直线 And everywhere you turn你转弯的每一个地方 There"re vultures and thieves at your back 总有兀鹰和小偷跟在身后 The storm keeps on isting暴风雨仍肆虐不止 You keep on building the lies你仍在建构谎言 That you make up for all that you lack以弥补你所欠缺的 It don"t make no difference, escape one last time但那于事无补,再逃避一次 It"s easier to believe会使人更容易相信 In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness在这甜蜜的疯狂、光荣的忧伤里 That brings me to my knees使我颔首屈膝 In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 Fly away from here飞离此地 From this dark, cold hotel room 远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间 And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕 You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel 在天使的怀里 May you find some fort here愿你能得到安慰 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 May you find some fort here愿你能得到安慰
2023-07-11 09:36:471


2023-07-11 09:36:564

沙拉克劳克兰 《angle》 中文歌词

AngelSpend all your time waiting for that second chance用全部的时间等待第二次机会 For a break that would make it OK 因为逃避能使一切更好 There"s always some reasons to feel not good enough 总是有理由说感觉不够好 And it"s hard at the end of the day在一日将尽之时觉得难过 I need some distraction or a beautiful release我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱 Memories seep from my veins回忆自我的血管渗出 Let me be empty and weightless让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂 And maybe I"ll find some peace tonight也许今晚我可以得到一些平静 In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 Fly away from here飞离此地 From this dark, cold hotel room远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间 And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕 You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here 愿你能得到安慰 So tired of the straight line厌倦了走直线 And everywhere you turn你转弯的每一个地方 There"re vultures and thieves at your back 总有兀鹰和小偷跟在身后 The storm keeps on twisting暴风雨仍肆虐不止 You keep on building the lies你仍在建构谎言 That you make up for all that you lack以弥补你所欠缺的 It don"t make no difference, escape one last time但那于事无补,再逃避一次 It"s easier to believe会使人更容易相信 In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness在这甜蜜的疯狂、光荣的忧伤里 That brings me to my knees使我颔首屈膝 In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 Fly away from here飞离此地 From this dark, cold hotel room 远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间 And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕 You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel 在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰
2023-07-11 09:37:301


Sarah Mclachlan
2023-07-11 09:37:385


2023-07-11 09:37:561


是原唱的哦!下面附上歌词:[ti:Title of the song here][ar:Artist name here][by:You !][la:uk]Angel Sarah McLachlanPeak Position: #04 Year: 99[00:11.00]Spend all your time waiting for that second chance[00:18.00]For the break that will make it OK[00:23.00]There"s always some reason to feel not good enough[00:31.00]And it"s hard at the end of the day[00:35.00]I need some distraction or a beautiful release[00:43.00]Memories seep from my veins[00:48.00]Let me be empty and weightless and maybe[00:56.00]I"ll find some peace tonight[01:01.00]In the arms of the Angel far away from here[01:14.00]From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel[01:25.00]You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie[01:38.00]You are in the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here[02:01.00]So tired of the straight line, and everywhere you turn[02:10.00]There"re vultures and thieves at your back[02:14.00]The storm keeps on twisting, you keep on building the lies[02:21.00]That make up for all that you lack[02:26.00]It don"t make no difference, escape one last time[02:34.00]It"s easier to believe[02:39.00]In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness[02:46.00]That brings me to my knees[02:52.00]In the arms of the Angel far away from here[03:04.00]From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel[03:16.00]You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie[03:28.00]You are in the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here[03:47.00]In the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here这个网址可以下载哦!对不起哦,我暂时找不到阿桑版的
2023-07-11 09:38:044

10岁英国男孩Declen Galbraith唱的angle的歌词

--- 歌词 ---wish i had your pair of wingshad them last night in my dreamsi was chasing butterfliestill the sunrise broke my eyestonight the sky has glued my eyescause what they see""s an angel hivei""ve got to touch that magic skyand greet the angels in their hivesometimes i wish i were an angelsometimes i wish i were yousometimes i wish i were an angelsometimes i wish i were youall the sweet honey from abovepour it all over me sweet loveand while you""re flying around my headyour honey kisses keep me fedi wish i had your pair of wingsjust like last night in my dreamsi was lost in paradisewish i""d never opened my eyessometimes i wish i were an angelsometimes i wish i were yousometimes i wish i were an angelsometimes i wish i were youbut there""s danger in the airtryin""so hard to be unfairdanger""s in the airtryin"" so hard to give us a scarebut we""re not afraidsometimes i wish i were an angelsometimes i wish i were yousometimes i wish i were an angelsometimes i wish i were youwish i were you , oh i wish i were you
2023-07-11 09:38:145


2023-07-11 09:38:427

角度 英文

角度英文:angle双语例句:1、有了数字电视你就可以选择你所需要的摄像角度。With digital you can choose the camera angle you want.2、我们需要从一个新的角度去展开下一次广告活动。We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign.3、咱们从一个不同的角度来探讨这个题目吧。Let us approach the subject from a different direction.4、她觉得她已从各个角度考虑了这个问题。She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect.5、她从她的角度向我们描述了那天发生的事情。She gave us her version of what had happened that day.6、这部纪录片从十分负面的角度来描绘他。The documentary presents him in a very unfavourable light.
2023-07-11 09:39:182

英语how long有几种用法?

表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days,four weeks等)提问,答语通常是(for)three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种时态。例句:It did not take us long to nail that lie。没多久我们就把谎言揭穿了。He is sure to spill the beans before long。用不了多久他准会走漏消息的。How long does it take to get to London from here?从这里到伦敦要多长时间?At least ten hours。至少要10个小时。另一种用法:表示某东西有多长。例句:How long is the river?这条河有多长?About 500 km。大约500千米。How long is the tunnel?隧道有多长?
2023-07-11 09:29:191


1、华为HUAWEI  (成立于1988年中国深圳,全球领先的电信解决方案供应商之一,员工持股的民营科技公司,华为技术有限公司)  2、中兴ZTE  (国家重点高新技术企业,十大无线上网卡品牌,全球领先的综合通信解决方案提供商之一,中兴通讯股份有限公司)  3、网讯Vtion  (中国著名通讯设备制造商和服务提供商,中国500最具价值品牌,国家重点高新技术企业,网讯技术(中国)有限公司)  4、Aircard  (来自于加拿大品牌,十大3G无线上网卡品牌,专业设计和制造无线产品的领先企业,加拿大Sierra Wireless公司)  5、首信Capitel  (国家高新技术企业,中国十大无线上网卡品牌,行业著名品牌,中国电子百强企业之一,北京首信股份有限公司)  6、实创兴  (深圳市高新技术企业,从事通讯类终端产品研发、生产及销售,十大无线上网卡品牌,深圳市实创兴电子有限公司)  7、讯唐  (专业从事无线数据终端/模块及无线数据业务等产品研发生产、销售为一体的高科技公司,深圳市讯唐科技有限公司)  8、品速  (致力于移动无线宽带通讯等消费电子产品开发的高新技术企业,行业知名品牌,北京高科中天科技开发有限公司)  9、北方青鸟  (专业从事无线网络设备推广和提供领先的无线上网解决方案的高科技企业,北方青鸟(北京)网络通信技术有限公司)  10、联晨  (致力于移动无线宽带通讯等消费电子产品开发的企业,专业无线通讯厂商,行业著名品牌,深圳市联晨科技有限公司)
2023-07-11 09:29:201


2023-07-11 09:29:244

pronominal verb是什么 特别是法语里面

代动词,自反人称代词 +动词原形,如se lever 等
2023-07-11 09:29:273


亦称为锌锰电池,是目前最普遍之干电池,它有价格低廉和使用安全可靠的特点,基于环保因素的考量,由于仍含有镉之成份,因此必须回收,以免对地球环境造成破坏。 ■碱性电池 Alkaline Battery 亦称为碱性干电池,适用于需放电量大及长时间使用。电池内阻较低,因此产生之电流较一般锰电池为大,而环保型含汞量只有0.025%,无须回收。 ■水银电池 Silver Oxide Button Cell 水银电池,因为污染和电容量之故线已逐渐被锂-锰配方取代■锂电池■镍镉充电电池 Ni-Cd (Nickel Cadmium Battery) 已为大众早期广泛使用,可重覆约500次之充放电,但约10次充放电后即会产生记忆效应;另一个缺点是,在充放电时,阴极会长出镉的针状结晶,有时会穿透分隔物而引起内部枝状晶体式的短路。由于含有镉之成份,因此必须回收。 ■镍氢充电电池 Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hyoride Battery) 为目前市场主流之充电电池,它是使用氧化镍作为阳极,以及吸收了氢的金属合金作为阴极,一般可进行500次以上的充放电循环。由于不含汞及镉之原料,不必回收。 ■锂充电电池 Rechargeable Lithium ion Battery ■铅酸电池 Sealed Lead-Acid Battery ■太阳能电池 在化学电池中,根据能否用充电方式恢复电池存储电能的特性,可以分为一次电池(也称原电池)和二次电池(又名蓄电池,俗称可充电电池,可以多次重复使用)两大类。一次电池又可分为普通锌锰(中性锌锰)、碱性锌锰、锌汞、锌空、镁锰和锌银六个系列;二次电池主要有镍镉电池、镍氢电池、锂离子电池、碱锰充电电池和铅蓄电池等类型。在数码设备中,常用的电池类型是干电池(包括碱性电池)、镍镉电池、镍氢电池和锂离子电池等。 干电池:这是使用最普遍的电池类型之一,很多人用过干电池,但了解其构造的人却不多。一般我们常用的干电池又称为锌锰电池(图1)。可分为碳锌电池(Carbon-Zinc)和氯化锌电池 (Zinc-Chloride),其优点是能量密度较高,电流密度适当,易实现机械化生产等。在大卖场中这两类电池被成盒成盒的以低廉的售价拍卖着。但很可惜的由于能量密度不足,一般这种电池只用于耗电量较小的电子产品,如:闹钟,计算器等。如果你打算用他来驱动你的数码相机恐怕你会大失所望。 圆筒型锌锰电池因隔离物的区别可分为糊式锌锰电池和纸板锌锰电池。其中纸板锌锰电池因配方组成的差异引起电性能的不同,又分为C型纸板电池(碳锌电池),也称为高容量电池;P型纸板电池(氯化锌电池),又称为高功率电池。, 一般超市或零售市场上的干电池皆为此类电池,其标示为Super Heavy Duty。"C"型的电力容量较"P"型电池低约20%, 一般随货赠送的电池多为此类电池,干电池的包装分为纸壳("C"型常用), PVC, 铁壳及铅皮等四类包装, 同时依含汞量(基本标准为15ppm)来区分还有环保和非环保之不同。 碱性锌-锰电池(Zinc-MnO2):是干电池中的一个重要角色。这一类的电池就是我们常称的“碱性电池”,由于电容量大,电流强使用上又持久,市场上对此类电池的需求越来越高。然而,部分厂商的碱性电池为非环保的含汞电池 ,原因是此类电池如在成份中加入氧化银可提升其电容量约30%以上,但同时零售价格也相对提高。迄今为止,碱性电池是最成功的高容量电池,也是目前最具性能价格比的电池之一,它改变了传统电池的内部结构和电化学系统,同过采用极纯净极活跃的正负极材料,它的放电容量达到了普通干电池的5-7倍,存储寿命也超过了普通电池的两倍。
2023-07-11 09:29:282


pink1 n.石竹;红瞿麦[C]粉红色,桃红色[C][U]She was dressed in pink.她穿着粉红色的衣服。最佳状态;典型,化身[the S]He is in the pink of health.他精神好极了。粉红色衣服[U]衣着入时的人[C]【俚】思想比较左倾的人a.粉红色的;桃红色的The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom.这树开满了美丽的粉红色的花。有点左倾的,有点激进的面红耳赤的;激动的;愤怒的She went pink with shame.她羞得满脸微红。vt.使成粉红色vi.变成粉红色The girl pinked at the mention of her boyfriend"s name.那姑娘听到别人提起她男朋友的名字时脸都红了。名复: pinks形变: pinker; pinkest动变: pinked; pinked; pinking同义词n.极致,最高acmeheightculminationpeakpinnaclesummitultimatea.粉红色,桃红色,肉红色pinkishroserosyrose-coloredflesh-pinkflesh-colorpink2 vt.刺,扎,戳The swordsman pinked his opponent in the chest.那位击剑运动员刺中了对手的胸部。(用讽刺,嘲笑等)刺伤,刺痛在(布,皮,纸等)上打饰孔[(+out)]把(布等的边)剪成锯齿形动变: pinked; pinked; pinking同义词v.刺,扎piercepenetratestabstickimpalespittransfixgorespearspikepunchperforateriddlev.装饰scallopcrenellatecrimppink3 vi.(引擎)发出爆震声The car engine was pinking slightly.车子的引擎发出一点点爆震声。不过一般来说..PINK 是粉色的意思
2023-07-11 09:29:282


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2023-07-11 09:29:322

how far 与how long的区别

2023-07-11 09:29:346


aj是运动品牌AIRJORDAN的简称,aj纯原版本是原版的AIRJORDAN运动鞋。AIRJORDAN系列球鞋在销量与市场需求方面遥遥领先于其它产品,每年为整个运动鞋行业树立起一个又一个更高的设计、创新与功能标杆。系列产品的核心在于,运动员与技术的完美结合_篮球史上最耀眼的巨星迈克尔·乔丹,以及伴随巨星经历辉煌事业的篮球鞋,突显出他对功能、创新与成就的不懈追求。 更多关于aj纯原版本什么意思,进入:查看更多内容
2023-07-11 09:29:161


第一次见到穿低腰裤,那是7年前在澳洲的凯恩斯。身边一位女同胞惊讶地把嘴张成O形:“才卡住那么一点点,一碰就掉下来了!”当时我想这种裤子大概不能适合中国女人的体型,没想到现在大街上满眼全是低腰裤。小姑娘穿,中年大婶也在穿;纤细苗条的在穿,体型肥硕的也在穿。有一次我在沃尔玛见一女人有什么事蹲在那儿,不在意地瞟了一眼,还以为她没有穿裤子呢!还记得James Laver发明的“莱佛定律”吗?
2023-07-11 09:29:161

prosperous 翻译

prosperous英文可翻译为繁荣的;成功的;富足的;兴旺的;带来成功的。短语搭配有prosperous future,繁荣的未来;prosperous society,繁荣社会;prosperous Economy,繁荣的经济;prosperous country,繁荣、昌盛的国家;prosperous year,繁荣的一年。prosperous的词根为prosper。同根词为prosper、prosperously、prosperity。prosperous作副词为prosperously,意为繁荣地;幸运地。prosperous作名词为prosperity,意为繁荣,成功。prosperous作动词为prosper,意为繁荣,昌盛;成功;使……成功;使……昌盛;使……繁荣。双语例句:1、We wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.祝你圣诞快乐,新年发达。2、A prosperous family who showed no signs of discord.一个没有一丝不和迹象的兴旺的家族。3、Prosperous merchants and clothiers had established a middle class.富裕的经销商和服装商形成了中间阶层。4、The once prosperous city has become a scene of desolation after the war.昔日繁华的都市战后已是满目苍凉。5、This once remote and backward place has now become a prosperous city.昔日的穷乡僻壤如今变成了繁华的城市。
2023-07-11 09:29:131


2023-07-11 09:29:101

nike为什么叫aj aj为什么有耐克的标志

【导读】:经常关注运动潮流的都知道aj,aj这两年在中国也是非常火的,但是aj的鞋子上居然有耐克的标志这这是怎么回事?nike为什么叫aj?aj为什么有耐克的标志? nike为什么叫aj nike和aj是从属关系,aj是nike旗下的高端品牌,是以NBA球星迈克尔乔丹的名字命名的系列。 nike的崛起在上世纪80年代末期。当时nike不惜重金签约了刚入联盟了迈克乔丹,并花重金缴纳罚款让乔丹整赛季穿着NBA联盟当时禁止的红色篮球鞋——air jordan 1,于是此鞋大卖,从此nike一举成为体育用品界的龙头老大,超越了adidas。 当然,nike也要继续为乔丹提供签名鞋了。后来乔丹系列的产品越来越多,干脆就以飞人标志为商标,成立了一个nike的子品牌,就是air jordan。由于乔丹本身的号召了,air jordan迅速走红,深受消费者的喜爱。 现在air jordan已经非常成熟了,甚至有了自己的运动科技(篮球鞋减震科技IPS),但是在主要的运动科技上还是要依赖于nike。不过由于air jordan的标志,价格一般比nike同水准产品贵不少。 aj为什么有耐克的标志 AJ是NIKE的子产品,NIKE是AJ的总公司。 aj是air jordan,是nike当初签约jordan之后为其开创的一个系列,就像现在zk(科比系列)、 kd(杜兰特系列)、lbj(詹姆斯系列)等等。乔丹这个品牌已经独立出来了,aj是高端篮球鞋品牌。 NIKE英文原意指希腊胜利女神。NIKE是全球著名的体育用品品牌,中文译为耐克。该公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州Beaverton。该公司生产的体育用品包罗万象:服装,鞋类,运动器材等等。 AJ 也是Air jordan的简称,air jordan是耐克旗下的高端品牌,是耐克专为乔丹设立的品牌。 空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 是耐克旗下以史上最著名的NBA球星迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)命名的系列。 1985年,迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)以高薪合约被当时还是小厂家的体育用品生产 商耐克(Nike) 签约至旗下,耐克 (Nike) 更随即为乔丹推出了第一款以乔丹命名的球鞋,即空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 系列的第一款。
2023-07-11 09:29:091

铅酸蓄电池外壳行业标准 "

2023-07-11 09:29:082


AJ是英文air jordan的首字母缩写,也是运动鞋品牌飞人乔丹的英文名字,很多男生都是这个品牌的忠实爱好者。该鞋很贵且难买,对于直男来说aj是一个谁都不许动的存在! 空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 是耐克旗下以史上最著名的NBA球星迈克尔乔丹(Michael Jordan)命名的系列。1985年,迈克尔乔丹(Michael Jordan)以高薪合约被当时还是小厂家的体育用品生产?商耐克(Nike) 签约至旗下,耐克 (Nike) 更随即为乔丹推出了第一款以乔丹命名的球鞋,即空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 系列的第一款。虽然这款球鞋在当时具备奇特的配色以及新奇的科技,但是谁都不曾想到,这居然会是一个神话的开始。 AIR JORDAN外底使用坚实的牵引力和出色的柔性。凹槽模仿人类脚的自然运动而设计。 Jordan Brand的汤姆Luedecke解释说:它的纬向工程实际相匹配的足迹。我们正在寻找一个脚印发现鞋的磨损最初发生地方,适量的牵引模式。 乔丹品牌开发的专有编织技术和标准碳纤维并不会有什么不同,但它的大小和形状是有不同的。它提供了适量的刚性,同时还允许脚自然弯曲。 除了采用脚踝处的保护绳这一最新的科技理念之外,AIR JORDAN XX还想尽一切办法利用LASER激光雕刻技术来凸现迈克尔乔丹以及AIR JORDAN系列的辉煌过去。只要仔细观察就不难发现,在AIR JORDAN XX鞋面处的魔术绑带上,雕刻着大大小小、各式各样、不同形状的花纹,而这些花纹每一个又都是独立的整体,其中,我们可以找到乔丹在职业生涯中的最高得分;我们还可以看到乔丹的生日;或者,那部轿车可以引起你的注意,因为那是乔丹所购的第一辆轿车;还有一只拥有6个手指头的手,它要表达的意思其实是说,乔丹已经拥有6枚总冠军戒指。 而今,Air Jordan XX对于大多数的鞋迷来说,已经不再是什么稀奇的东西。但是Air Jordan XX在2005年推出所具备的意义,却不应该被我们所忘记。对于我们来说,Air Jordan XX鞋面上的花纹是一种附加在历史上的言语,它表露的是此前20载的风雨,记载的,却是乔丹以及空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 系列在过去20载的光辉。 网上流行的踩aj梗? 踩着我亲aj最早是源于网络上的一个段子,女生问男生可以踩在你的AJ上亲你吗?男生回答不能,不过你能踩着我亲AJ。用非常简单直接的对话来凸显出了男生们鞋子比女朋友重要的直男心理,也反映了AJ在男生心目中的神圣地位。当一个男生能够不在乎自己的爱鞋aj让你踩的话,就说明他非常爱你了。
2023-07-11 09:29:001


1. 国庆一天安排 英语作文 My National Day is ing.I"m very happy,because I like vacation. I think I can sleep long time I plan some time for look after my mother.My mather isn"t feeling well,so I help my mother to wash clothes,wash dishes or clean the room in the evening. I play with my friends.We"re all having a good time! My vacation is very busy ,but my vacation is very happy! 国庆节到了,我很高兴,因为我喜欢放假. 我想我可以睡很久. 我计划在过一段时间去看看我妈妈,我妈妈身体不是很好,所以在晚上的时候,我帮助我妈妈洗衣服,洗盘子,还有打扫房间. 我和我的朋友们玩,我们玩得很开心. 虽然我的假期非常忙,但是我的假期过得非常愉快! 2. 求(我的国庆一天)英语作文,很急 My day of the National Day我的国庆一天Time in a hurry, 11 National Day long vacation, he arrived. The whole country, was transported with joy. During the eleven of this year, I decided to go to the countryside grandma"s to play with my father.Haven"t into grandma house, rhubarb dog running immediately affectionately shake shake tail elongation tongue to lick my hand, duck beside my lady gaga, as if in wele me. As early as when I e back the eldest brother e and took my hand and I play together. I suggest to go to catch the grasshopper, he happily agreed. We holding hands a bouncing ran to the village in the woods behind. Saw many grasshopper jumped in the grass, I left the flapping right, along while also didn"t jump to a, I saw my o elder brothers like o flexible "hunters", jump, jump, grasp, each grasshopper has bee a "prize". I also learn to their appearance, soon will catch a lot. Ha ha, the three of us not long time to catch the half bottle of the grasshopper!Autumn is the harvest season, is also a busy season. Grandpa, grandma, hard work, not busy drying corn at home, he is picking cotton in the field. That day I told grandma to cotton field, cotton tree as high as I, cotton Snow White, in the shape of leaf of cotton like orange segments. I curiously into cotton, soft segments of cotton disc picked by hand, cotton, soft, warm, pick a full handed grandma is in the bag. Grandma kua I do!This year"s National Day is really of, both full and very meaningful. I not only had a National Day of fun, but also learn how to do things to help grandma, this year, is really a happy National Day!参考翻译时光匆匆,转眼十一国庆节长假,就到来了。 全国上下,一片欢腾景象。而在今年的十一期间,我和爸爸决定去乡下奶奶家玩。 还没进奶奶家门,大黄狗立刻亲热地跑过来,摇头晃尾伸长舌头要舔我的手,鸭子在我身边嘎嘎地叫,好像在欢迎我。早在等我回来的大哥过来拉着我的手和我一起玩。 我建议一起去捉蚂蚱,他高高兴兴地同意了。我们手拉着手一蹦一跳地跑到村子后面的树林里。 看见许多蚂蚱在草丛中跳来跳去,我左扑右扑,半天也没扑到一只,只见我的两个哥哥像两个灵活的“猎手”,跳、扑、抓,一只只蚂蚱都成了“战利品”。我也学着他们的样子,不一会就捉了好多。 哈哈,我们三个不长时间就捉了一半瓶蚂蚱!秋天是丰收的季节,也是忙碌的季节。爷爷、奶奶辛勤劳动,不是在家里忙着晒玉米,就是到田里摘棉花。 那天我跟奶奶到棉花地里,棉花棵有我这么高,棉花雪白雪白的,一瓣瓣棉花像橘子瓣的形状。我好奇地走进棉地间,一瓣一瓣软软把的棉花瓣摘到手里,棉花软软的,暖暖的,摘满一把就交给奶奶放到袋子里。 奶奶直夸我能干!今年的这个国庆节真是过的,既充实又十分有意义。我不仅过了一个有趣的国庆节,而且还从中学会了如何帮助奶奶做事情,今年,真是一个快乐的国庆节。 3. 求(我的国庆一天)英语作文,很急 l have a long vacation for 7 daies .at first, l could not wait for the vacation .but now,l think it was a little boring .such as today. in the morning .l had a breakfast with my family members.then l spent much time on shopping with my friends.we bought all kinds of things. after dinner ,l planed to play football with my brother in the park .but the windy was too strong .so we did not do that .l just stayed at home to do my homework .this is a day of my vacvtion.如果有什么错误请见谅 4. 以《国庆节计划》为题写英语作文(7 8句左右) National Day is the birthday of our party. It"s on the first day of October. It is my happy day, because I don"t need to go to school and have a rest for seven days. And my parents will take my elder sister and me out to play on national day every year. This year my parents took us to amusement park. Having breakfast, we set out. When we arrived the destiny, it has already 11o"clock. So we had to have lunch and then entered the park. We played lot of things, such as giant wheel, spacewalk,sea rover and so on. I like play sea rover the most. At first, I despised of it. But when the ship started to shake, I was afraid to death. I had to shout out to relieve my fears. When we got down on the ground, I found that my sister was pale around the gills. She said she would never play this again. But I felt excited, though I was a little afraid of it. I would play it again next time. It was a exciting and happy holiday. I will memorize it forever.国庆节是我们党的生日。 是在十月的第一天。是我快乐的日子,因为我不用去上学,可以休息七天。 每年的国庆节我的父母都会带我姐姐和我出去玩。今年我的父母带我们去游乐园。 吃完早餐后,我们就出发。我们到达目的地的时候已经11点了。 所以我们不得不先吃午饭,然后进入公园。我们玩了很多东西,如摩天轮,太空漫步,海盗船等。 我最喜欢玩海盗船。一开始的时候我很不以为然。 但是,当船开始摇晃的时候,我害怕死了。我不得不大喊以减轻我的恐惧。 当我们下来后,我发现姐姐脸色苍白。她说她再也不玩这个了。 尽管我有一点害怕,但我觉得很兴奋。下次我还会继续玩。 这是一个令人兴奋而又愉快的假期。我将永远记得它。 5. 英语国庆计划作文 National Day"s plansNational Day is ing.How are you spending the vacation?Do you have an exciting plan?Some of my pen pals told me their plans.Percy form Changsha,Hunan.I am going to Guilin.My aunt lives there.I am staying at my aunt"s house.She is showing me around the beautiful city.Iam taking some photos.I am sure I"ll have a good time there.Mary form Wuhan,Hubei I plan to visit Beijing for vacation.There are many places of interest in Beijing,such as the Great Wall ,Tian"anmen Square,ect.I"m going to Beijing by plane.It"s very fast.I plan to stay in Beijing for five days.翻译:国庆计划国庆节马上就要到了.你会怎样度过这七天假日呢?你有没有一个让人兴奋的计划呢?我的一些笔友告诉了我一些他们的计划.湖南长沙的珀西:我会去桂林旅游,我的阿姨住在那儿,我去就住在她家.她会带我参加那个美丽的城市,我也会照一些照片.我相信在那儿我会玩得很开心.湖北武汉的玛丽:我想在节日去北京.北京有许多有趣的地方,像是长城,天坛等等.我会乘飞机去北京,因为那样比较快.我可能会在北京待五天.参考资料4399作文网。 6. 国庆节计划英语作文40字左右 Suddenly, the National Day has arrived. The seven days I can not waste time, so I have to arrange for each day! In seven days, I want to finish work, and to double-check again. We need to do to buy their own practice, what to do after the reference to the answer. I would also do more to help my mother home, like vegetables to help his mother. Every day will drag on the floor at home. This is my National Day plans. 转眼间,国庆节又到了。 我不能白白浪费这七天的时间,所以我要安排好每一天!在这七天中,我要把作业写完,并且要仔细检查一遍。还要做自己买的练习,做好之后对一下参考答案。 我还要帮妈妈多做一点家务,帮妈妈洗菜之类的。家里的地板要天天拖。
2023-07-11 09:28:591