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200高分继续摇滚乐 ! 再加 50分悬赏 !!!

2023-07-11 10:32:51
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Europe - The Final Countdown

Amorphis - Day Of Your Beliefs
一支来自芬兰的著名乐队,他们早期的风格带有明显的北欧death metal的色彩,快速的吉他riffs,狂暴的鼓击,都显示出乐队与emtombed等老牌北欧death metal乐队一脉相传的特点,之后他们大胆地进行了变革,屏弃了追求快速粗暴的传统,创立了一种旋律与力量紧密联系的崭新风格,如今,Amorphis已经可以将优美的旋律发挥到炉火纯青的程度了。

Skid Row 穷街乐队-18 and life
skid row,"穷街",历史上用这个名字的乐队并非唯一,但今天要说的还是那支为众多重金属歌迷所熟知的著名的流行金属乐队。不管你喜欢不喜欢他们,在90年代初期grunge浪潮到来之前,skid row的确红极一时。主唱sebastian bach,吉他手scotti hill和dave "snake" sabo,贝司手rachel bolan加上鼓手rob affuso,五个热血金属青年创造出了充满了阳刚之气的音乐。"we stand and we won"t fall, we"re one and one for all, the writing"s on the wall, we are the youth gone wild",这些歌词正是这支乐队的真实写照。在80年代末90年代初短短的时期内,skid row无论是在音乐上还是商业上都取得了非凡的成就。

Dreamtale-The Dawn
Dreamtale(梦境传说)芬兰重金属。1999年,吉他手Rami Keranen想组一支属於自己的乐团,且一开始就已经决定把团名取作Dreamtale,因此在他的积极努力之下,Dreamtale的音乐开始慢慢成形,并在同年秋天录成一卷tape,这也成为后来他们的首张demo「Shadow of the Frozen Sun」。进入2000年,Dreamtale为了让他们的音乐能让更多人听到,在几次团员的更动后,他们参加了多场各式各样的音乐演出,甚至在2000年七月,他们在Sinergy的演唱会担任暖场团体!历经多场的成功演出后,他们录制了第二张demo-「Refuge From Reality」,这使他们的知名度在芬兰终於被广泛的传开来。 2001年八月,在多家与他们接触的唱片公司中,Dreamtale选择与知名金属大厂Spinefarm Records签下合约,并录制完成了他们的首张专辑「Beyond Reality」。
首曲"The dawn"以轻柔的键盘贯穿全曲,搭配著壮阔的band sound,彷佛电影情节般的开场intro,波澜浩瀚的场面已出现在想像中,没错!这正是改编自电影「The Rock」的主题曲配乐,也是魔兽的亡灵序曲;接下来的"Memories of time"与"Refuge from reality",纯正的melodic power metal迎面袭来,流畅悦耳的编曲架构,主唱纯熟的嗓音,为整张作品带来最好的开始。首支主打歌"Fallen star",以键盘与鼓的过门开场,令人惊艳的美声女vocal与主唱Tomi的完美搭配合唱,将整首歌的境界推向最高点!"Where the rainbow ends"是另一首主打歌级金属佳作,尤其主唱在此尝试运用各种不同的演唱音色来增加vocal部分的复杂度,而副歌时的多部合唱与女vocal合音搭配表情丰富的吉他solo,更让人感到Dreamtale的未来是不可限量的!

Queen皇后乐队很少有乐队能象QUEEN那样彻底地体现70年代世界摇滚舞台的丰富多采。QUEEN就象一个综艺大厅一样,完美将华丽摇滚,前卫摇滚,古典音乐及重金属熔为一炉。这个来自英国的四人乐队致力于发掘华丽和夸张(并带有同性恋倾向)的艺术风格,创造出一种带有浓厚歌剧色彩的摇滚乐形式,主唱性感而如同唱诗班的嗓音,层层铺垫的键盘和绚烂花哨的吉他solo是他们的标志。QUEEN的音乐具有非凡的想象力,雄壮而带有一丝诡异,而且风格变化多端,你可以从他们的音乐中听到几乎所有欧洲音乐形式(传统和现代)的影子。不过,QUEEN如此博大的音乐居然全部是用传统的摇滚方式表达出来的,多年来,他们的专辑一直宣称“从未使用过合成器”,这忠诚地保留着LED ZEPPELIN时期硬摇滚乐队的特点,尽管到80年代,乐队也开始尝试了更多的键盘,但始终没有碰过电子乐,因为电子乐正是那些“真正的摇滚”乐队所不屑的。

值得一提的是,由于主唱Freddie Mercury是一个彻底的同性恋者,致使乐队的整体风格偏于奢华,编曲经常仿造古典音乐的那种华丽氛围,这集中体现于他们的名曲Bohemian Rhapsody。Mercury是一个花哨的同性恋者,他总是在洗手间里从事不雅之举,直到他1992年因爱滋病去世。他的性态度充分体现在QUEEN的音乐中,这点可以从他们那朦胧的歌词中看出来。具有讽刺意味的是,QUEEN那首关于同性恋的赞歌We Are The Champions却成了弘扬体育精神和奥运冠军的经典庆贺曲目,直到现在在各种体育盛会上我们还能时常听到这首歌——不过这也得归功于Mercury那富有传奇色彩的生平和歌剧色彩浓厚的舞台表演方式,他使得QUEEN在70年代中期成为最广为人知的乐队之一。在英国,直到90年代中期,QUEEN仍是知名度和受欢迎程度仅次于BEATLES的摇滚乐队。





Marilyn Manson-《mOBSCENE》《Rock is dead》《use your fist and not your mouth》《slutgarden》《saint》《the death song》发现自己真是爱曼森爱得没救了……就喜欢他们那种听着很充实的嘶哑声……


Ozzy Osbourne-《I Don"t Wanna Stop》真的帅呆了~~~

Within Temptation-《Julian (I"d Give My Heart)》大气,磅礴

Lullacry-《Don"t Touch the Flame》女歌手唱这种很重的歌就是不一样~~~~

Joan Jett-《I hate myself for loving you》这个经典,刘天王都翻唱的说……

Bush-《The People That We Love》你打极品飞车的话,也许听过……


The Donnas-《Take It Off》这个是车库风格的……

Lenny Kravitz-《I"ll Be Waiting》这个顶多算英伦,只是本人很喜欢,我哭了N遍……死亡笔记的电影也用了这歌呢

Lordi-《Devil Is A Loser》不知道主唱的声音你喜欢不……

Powerman 5000-《Free》

Breaking Benjamin-《The Diary Of Jane》


Good Charlotte-《The River》

Green Day-《Outsider》看似平淡,其实很可爱

Lostprophets-《Last Train Home》是越听越有味那种


Nickelback-《Someday》《If Everyone Cared》感觉是两首相对温柔的歌……

Nirvana-《Smells Like Teen Spirit》《Rape Me》他们虽然听着没有你要求的那么劲爆,但是是颓废的感觉。你也可以多听听各种种类的摇滚啊

The Offspring-《Want You Bad》典型的朋克

Papa Roach-《To Be Loved》这个是新金属,我自己比较喜欢主唱的声音

Simple Plan-《Shut Up》《Take My Hand》前面那歌想骂人的时候唱很过瘾,而且这歌还蛮容易唱的……

Social Distortion-《Don"t Drag Me Down》用沧桑的声音唱朋克,真的爽!

The Subways-《Rock&Roll Queen》歌词很直接,很有个性的一首歌

Sum 41-《Confusion and Frustration in Modern Times》(不知写错没)《Walking Disaster》听他们的歌听久了感觉耳朵暴痛的……

Placebo-《Every You Every Me》这个主唱很另类,歌也有点另类,看你爱不爱这种类型的了……

Red Hot Chili Peppers-《Dani California》这个是放克,学习不深,不知道怎么描述,听着好听就留着吧

还有,Linkin Park的《Shadow of the Day》也不错,比较温柔,刚听的时候是没听出什么感觉来,越听越觉得调子真棒。




Safe Home ----Anthrax(炭疽)



The Grey Wizard----Battlelore(战斗传说)

dead----My Chemical Romance(我的化学浪漫式)

Never say die----69 Eyes(69眼)

Rocker----69 Eyes(69眼)

Ghost----69 Eyes(69眼)

Perfect Skin----69 Eyes(69眼)

Never Gonna Stop----Rob Zombie(罗柏僵尸)

Electric Head, Pt. 1----White Zombie(白僵尸)

Mother Earth----Within Temptation(诱惑本质){推荐专辑《Mother Earth》}

Beyond the Veil----Tristania(特瑞斯坦){推荐专辑《Beyond the Veil》}



Wish I Had Your Angel----Nightwish(夜愿)

Facade of Reality----Epica(史诗)


I Live My Own Life----Dreamaker(梦精灵)

Chosen One----Dreamtale(梦境传说)

Chapter V----Estatic Fear(黑暗之舞)

This is the new shit----Marilyn Manson(玛丽莲曼森)

ka-boom ka-boom----Marilyn Manson(玛丽莲曼森)


QUEEN——————who wants to live forever、the show must go on、Bohemian Rhapsody,

SKYLARK——————why did you kill the princess、

STRATOVARIUS——————forever、the kiss of juda

HELLOWEEN——————never be a star、power、

LED ZEPPLIN——————stairway to heaven

Bob Dylan ------ knoking on heaven"s door



卡百利————————Animal instinct,never grow old,dying in the sun,the cicle melts,ode to my family ,Promise,Just my imagination,zombie,joe

夜愿—————————over the hills and far ,away ,she is my sin ,ever dream ,end of all hope etc,Sleeping Sun,Moondance is the best,bless the child

ROXETTE———————— listen to your heart, Queen of Rain , It Must Have Been Love , Sleeping In My Car , wish i could fly ,I"m sorry,Fading like a flower ,CRASH BANG BANG




穷街——————————18 ANF LIFE



BON JOVI—————————you give love a bad name ,these days ,it"s my life ,living on a prayer , i"ll be there for you ,always ,

lay your hands on me

涅磐——————————Rape me.. come as you are , Smells Like Teen Spirit





夜愿的音乐很不错 试试吧 <NEMO> <SHE IS MY SIN> 死亡金属的由于分布太广 具体你喜欢哪个也不清楚 筛选一下吧 强烈推荐夜愿 另外NBA的广告曲 赛季曲 宣传曲也很不错 比如<FIGHTER>


哈哈!我是林肯乐队的忠实歌迷~我给你推荐3首歌,我最喜欢的,1:《what i"ve down》 2:《in the end》 3:《numb》

另外桥邦威的《it"s my live》(搜不到直接搜it my live)

还有绿日的broken dream也不错,都是那种风格的!!!!

上面的歌曲都可以到百度去搜搜!我喜欢linkin park!希望你听听我的歌!真的很好听的,不求高分,只想让你享受快乐!


simple plan 的专辑<simple plan>

marilyn manson 的随便哪首












* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
分这么高, 推荐点好的给你好了。
weezer - pork and beans (weezer的歌都不错就对了)
powerman 5000 - free
weezer - troublemakerbon
bon jovi - lost highway
the offspring - hit that
the offspring - original prankster
the offspring - head around you
arctic monkeys - teddy picker
jonas brothers - s.o.s
korn - y"all want a single
seether - the remedy
seether - fake it
bon jovi - say it isn"t so
seether - rise above this
system of a down - chop suey
the hives - tick tick boom
korn - coming undone
korn - word up
weezer - island in the sun
weezer - this is such a pity
green day - holiday
green day - when i come around(green day很出名的)
the click five - happy birthday(TC5的歌都不错,我以前很喜欢他们)
就这么多了!! 有朋克有重金属,都是我筛选出来的,不好听的都没拿出来.
另外告诉你一个网站, 希望对你有帮助! www.d****.com
只要你输入一个乐队的名字, 里面跟这个乐队歌曲类型差不多的其他乐队也会出来.. 摇滚不死, 乐与怒同在.

上面给你回答那么长,全是废话,还不知道在哪找些摇滚的资料直接复制过来糊弄人了,既然你喜欢摇滚。我给你推荐一个摇滚单曲,还是我在海绵宝宝(动画片)第35集听到了。去百度MP3里搜Sweet Victory 第三个,这样听着不爽,如果你看海绵宝宝的话,就去网上找到35集,里面是叫怪才乐队,你去看看,听一下这个歌,绝对震撼。听完再考虑是不是要把分给我。另外还有,如果听完了,去听一下咱国内的摇滚,去百度搜一下红色摇滚,我听了10多年了。


中国重金属摇滚我就觉得BEYOND还可以,BEYOND的代表曲《真的爱你》《海阔天空》《灰色轨迹》你别说你没听过。国外的很多好听的很古老的甲壳虫乐队那个时候红遍全球,我在听昔日的摇滚觉得很舒服,甲壳虫的代表曲《HEY JUDY》等等都不错的啊!都是全球经典之曲


红辣椒乐队的californication SNOW 枪炮与玫瑰的don`t cry 涅磐的come as you are





Skid Row - I Remember You

Skid Row - 18 And Life


Bon Jovi - Born to Be My Baby

Bon Jovi - always

Bon Jovi - it"s my life


U2 - Out of Control

U2 - Another Day

U2 - A Day Without Me

U2 - Will Follow


Coldplay - Speed Of Sound

Foo Fighters - Best Of You

Rivers Cuomo - Beverly Hills



如果你比较喜欢流行摇滚,bon jovi 还是不错的



* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

进 我qq空间 ,背景音乐 基本全是经典. 一些日志 也是.

林肯属于流行,你试过硬摇滚没?? ac/dc 的,R.E.M.的试过吗?警察乐队,空中铁匠, 弗洛伊德 试过没?

lordi 芬兰重金属. 德国战车 ,是你要的类型. 灵云的也不错.

夜愿 是哥特金属,不是死金 .谢谢.


nirvana in fire什么意思

2023-07-11 09:46:163


Sir前两天看到一条新闻。去年我们的国产神剧之一 《琅琊榜》 ,要在日本播出。 引进《琅琊榜》的日本Asia Republic电视台宣布。 剧名将改成「琅琊榜(ろうやぼう)~麒麟の才子、风云起こす~」。 Sir不懂日文,但据网友表示—— 片名是简单粗暴的音译,ろうやぼう,念出来大概是“ 老鸭煲 ”...... 播出将采用中文原音、日文字幕。 Asia Republic亦配合地把推特封面图,换成该剧剧照。 其实,这不是《琅琊榜》第一次走出国门。 中国播出后一个月,就曾在韩国的中华TV上开播。 去年11月,还登陆北美。 英文译名比日本靠谱,叫Nirvana in Fire(火中涅槃)。 不止如此。 穿着狐裘的梅宗主,甚至进军非洲。 出现在非洲最大电视展会——非洲电视节。 传单就放在展台信息架最显眼的位置。 被英美剧,日韩剧“洗脑”多了,突然来了这么一出“ 文化逆袭 ”。 是不是挺长脸? 也许。 至少从目前海外观众评价看,梅长苏们已征服了大部分追剧党。 Sir随手扫了一眼评论—— 有赞画面美的。 有哭成狗的。 这部剧让我重燃对中国历史剧的兴趣,我最近都在看韩剧和现代剧了。 史诗一样的政治阴谋剧,还有出色的演员,我流了不少眼泪。 谢谢(字幕组)让我们这些不说中文的人,也能看到这部剧。 这是我一生中看过最赞的剧! 我不知道别人是怎么想的,但我看的时候都屏住呼吸。 哭不出来,心里闷闷的,无法形容。总之,这是最好的剧。 有入戏太深无法自拔的。 我的苏苏我的景睿我心都碎了我好爱他们的兄弟情希望所有人能组成梦之队帮靖王成就霸业好伤心为了扳倒宁国候就这样把景睿的身世秘密爆出来了…… (别怪Sir,此网友没断句) 我看了两遍,每次看完好多天都走不出来…… 看完这部剧我明白了,如果你找到值得珍惜的人,一定要好好珍惜,不然有一天,他可能就会像片中的苏苏一样离开你。 跟我们一样,他们也喜欢凑CP。 我超爱看梅长苏和靖王在一起的画面。 第33集里,看到靖王剪断铃铛,梅长苏向他跪下时,我心碎了一地。 当然,也有少量吐槽—— 因为文化地域的差异,不少外国人对剧中人物习俗表示质疑。 比如就有歪果仁不理解“一夫多妻制”: 我最困惑的是古代君王为什么能一夫多妻,而且下人只要没有完成上级命令,就马上会被杀掉。这还有王法么?!——这就是王法啊亲。 看多了《罗马》、《都铎王朝》,也对中国历史剧里人物包裹得太密实,不习惯。 亚洲的社会风气比较保守,裸露场面几乎没有。在美剧里,人物角色可以随意裸露,观众也不会反感。 片中人物的衣服都太干净了啊,最好来点土。没道理这些角色99%的时候都是完美的啊! 此外,老生常谈的,翻译问题。 之前《甄嬛传》就曾被吐槽。 比如美版中,“一丈红”被译成“The scarlet red(罪孽深重的红)”。 对于甄嬛姓名来历的那句“嬛嬛一袅楚宫腰”。 美版《甄嬛传》译成: the slim waist of the concubines of the Chu palace(楚宫妃子纤细的腰肢)。 过于直白,少了诗意。 北美网站上的《琅琊榜》,由外国的字幕组志愿者翻译,也难免瑕疵。 比如主题曲《红颜旧》的歌词“托鸿雁南去,不知此心何寄”,就被直译为: Entrusting the wild geese to head south, but where shall this heart go? 少了余音绕梁的韵味。 不过,总体上,《琅琊榜》仍是压倒性赞扬。 全球最大的用户评分网站IMDb,160位用户给出 9.1 平均分。 超过《甄嬛传》的8.5分(473个用户)。 韩国Daum网站上的评分也高达 9.6 。 于是,这种类似“扬我国威”的言论又开始甚嚣尘上了。 此时此景,不禁让Sir想起当年的古装大片热销海外浪潮。 自《卧虎藏龙》,《英雄》成功后,中国导演一窝蜂拍古装片。 时常传出走了回柏林,戛纳,就已通过售卖海外版权,回本三分之一甚至完全回本的喜讯。 后来,这类消息甚至扩充到非武侠片。 但—— 事实真的如此么。 这些被哄抢的电影,最后又制造出了什么动静? 《澎湃新闻》曾采访一位电影发行人士,他承认—— 国产影片在制作时,就是针对国内,很少考虑到投向海外市场,海外市场只是“顺便”发行。 目前,中国电影的出口已经被游戏界“嘲笑”过,他们把页游《神曲》称作“一款年流水额超过中国电影一年海外票房的游戏”,这款游戏月流水已经达到了2000万美元。 回到《琅琊榜》的事件—— 梅宗主真要征服全世界了吗? 未必。 是的,该剧去年是登陆北美。 在北美最大的亚洲电视剧网站Viki.com上,《琅琊榜》曾位居首页头图,重点推荐。 但订阅量只有 6828 。 虽然比《花千骨》等其他国产剧高出许多。 《花千骨》订阅人数3068 但还是被韩剧随随便便破五位数的订阅量秒杀。 《20岁》订阅人数64172 《感激时代》订阅人数63556 Youtube上也有《琅琊榜》资源。 观看人数最多的是第一集——42291。 其余集数观看量基本在一万左右。 大结局仅 15427 人。 对比同样在本国大热的日韩剧。 日剧《半泽直树》首集点击高达15.4万 远远不及。 除此之外,中国剧在外国到底待遇如何,从播出平台就可管中窥豹。 《琅琊榜》在韩国,由专门引进华语电视剧的频道——中华电视台播出。 这个台曾引进过《卫子夫》,创当年该台收视高峰。 但《琅琊榜》播出时,曾传出收视低的新闻。 这次引进日本,《琅琊榜》也是登陆专门播放华语电视剧的Asia Republic。 该频道曾引进过《甄嬛传》、《古剑奇谭》、《步步惊心》等。 这些华语,中文频道,都属于当地非主流电视台,收视群体不大。 在北美,《琅琊榜》则是在线免费。 事实上,这就是大部分内地剧的待遇。 据北京国际版权交易中心数据显示,国产剧出口主要在亚太地区,尤以东南亚为主。2013年,中国电视剧出口总额 1.05亿元人民币 ,仅与韩剧输出到中国的营收相当。 同年,韩剧在世界范围内的出口总额高达 1.5亿美元 。 《花千骨》制作人唐丽君就曾透露: 像日本市场,一提美剧,可能是100万美元,韩剧可能是20万美元,中国电视剧卖得好的可能也就一两万美元。 为什么卖不高,我们的制作水准还有问题,包括故事方面,外国人未必能看得懂。 这几年,唯一一部登上北美收费网站—— 没错,《甄嬛传》。 经过重新剪辑、翻译,在Netflix播出。 可惜,雷声大雨点小。 登陆1个月,订阅人数只有 1.1万 。 要知道,Netflix的用户数 超5000万 。 而,同时间,其他地区的电视剧,进驻Netflix的数量,比内地多得多。 台湾剧有10部。 韩剧居然有80部。 Sir不否认《琅琊榜》是一部优秀的电视剧——如果不优秀,不可能口耳相传,甚至将大部分看过的外国人成功圈粉。 但客观事实是,目前内地剧在海外,就是 小众市场 。 且不比日韩,能输出更现代的都市时装剧,我们的,大部分是古装剧。 Sir也希望国剧能走出去。 但要做到真正的“风靡海外”,推广经验,人文底蕴,电影(电视剧)本身的质量……种种环节, 均需要持续而稳定地精进。 绝不可能靠一两部成功剧集,一触而就。 别再过度神话《琅琊榜》。 这,才是对它最得体的尊重。
2023-07-11 09:47:041


宸妃,本名林乐瑶。赤焰军大元帅林燮的妹妹,梁帝的妃子,祁王萧景禹的生母,梅长苏(林殊)的姑姑。当年,林乐瑶与言侯两心相许,但梁帝夺兄弟之爱,强行将林乐瑶纳入宫中。后来林乐瑶生下皇长子萧景禹,林乐瑶被封宸妃。拓展资料:《琅琊榜》是一部古装架空历史电视剧,由孔笙、李雪执导,胡歌、王凯、刘涛、黄维德、陈龙、靳东、高鑫主演。中文名称:琅琊榜主演:胡歌,刘涛,陈龙,王凯,黄维德,高鑫外文名称:Nirvana in Fire类型:权谋、朝堂、复仇集数:55集出品时间:2014年2月13日播出时间:2015年9月19日出品公司:山东影视传媒集团,北京儒意欣欣影业制片地区:中国大陆首播平台:北京卫视、东方卫视导演:孔笙、李雪编剧:海宴发行公司:山东影视传媒集团拍摄地:横店、象山影视城、无锡水浒城、浙西大草原制片人:侯鸿亮开机时间:2014年2月13日出品人:吕芃、晋亮原著:《琅琊榜》
2023-07-11 09:47:131

nirvana in fire的资源,请问谁有啊?就是琅琊榜英文版的

芈月传 The Legend of Miyue琅琊榜 Nirvana in Fire(本直译The Rankings of Langya 改 意涅槃重)
2023-07-11 09:47:281

娱乐圈专业名词都是啥意思 如ip

IP 指适合二次或多次改编开发的影视文学、游戏动漫等,番位主要是指粉丝常常争论的影视作品的演员表顺序希望有帮助,满意请采纳~
2023-07-11 09:48:083


当下有不少好看的美剧,以下是一些我个人觉得比较好看的推荐:1. 《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones):以中世纪为背景的奇幻史诗剧,是一部磅礴大气的作品。2. 《黑镜》(Black Mirror):深度探讨了科技对当代社会和人性所带来的影响,每一个故事都富有思考的意义。3. 《琅琊榜》(Nirvana in Fire):讲述了江湖中的暗斗和情感纠葛,其中的策略和视觉效果都非常惊艳。4. 《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead):一部与僵尸有关的史诗级剧集,讲述了人类在异世界中的求生之旅。5. 《蓝色星球2》(Blue Planet II):史上制作最为精良的纪录片之一,探索了地球上海洋中丰富的生态系统和生命形态。6. 《实习医生格蕾》(Grey"s Anatomy):讲述了医学院青年人在医院成长的故事,以及他们之间的恋爱和人生历程。7. 《绿箭侠》(Arrow):一个富家子弟奋斗成为超级英雄的故事,其中不乏动作片和复仇剧等元素。这些都是比较经典和受欢迎的美剧,相信会有一部或几部会符合您的口味。
2023-07-11 09:48:332


琅琊榜皇帝是丁勇岱扮演。梁帝大梁皇帝,疑心极重,听信夏江等谗言,只因自己的一丝怀疑而导致十二年前的赤焰冤案,造成后果极其惨重。后在梅长苏设计下,终于为冤案昭雪,使得真相大白于天下,驾崩后让位于靖王。丁勇岱,中国影视男演员。生于1958年10月27日。中国山东人。内蒙古艺术学院戏剧表演系毕业。1981年参演首部电视剧《锡尼喇嘛》。1993年凭借在《天路》中的精彩演出获得飞天奖。1997年主演电影《白山黑水》,获长春电影制片厂“小百花”特别奖。2002年出演电视剧《冬至》,首次出演警察。2013年凭借电影《倾城》在北京大学生电影节加拿大影展中荣获最具实力男演员奖,并提名第29届金鸡奖最佳男配角。2014年参与拍摄大型古装剧《琅琊榜》。其主要作品有《我心飞翔》、《北风那个吹》、《结发夫妻》等。《琅琊榜》(Nirvana in Fire)是一部由孔笙、李雪联合执导,胡歌、王凯、刘涛、黄维德、陈龙、靳东、高鑫等主演,山东影视传媒集团出品的古装架空历史电视剧,改编自海晏的同名小说。该剧以平反冤案、扶持明君、振兴山河为主线,讲述了“麒麟才子”梅长苏才冠绝伦,以病弱之躯拨开重重迷雾、智博奸佞,为昭雪多年冤案、扶持新君所进行的复仇故事。梅长苏在国仇家恨、兄弟情义的漩涡中见招拆招、游刃有余,奏出了“江左梅郎”赤子之心下的一曲慷慨悲歌。该剧以全新的男性视角,从更阳刚的侧面反映了男人之间的义薄云天、情义千秋,吟诵了一曲热血男儿的蜕变之歌。2015年9月19日在北京、东方卫视播出,安徽卫视于2015年10月8日起每天8集联播。2015年12月28日,该片获得第30届飞天奖“优秀电视剧”奖。2016年5月16日,该剧在香港无线电视台黄金时段首播。
2023-07-11 09:48:391


2023-07-11 09:49:2915

我想找简单好学的英文歌.!要慢歌 必须好学!!

2023-07-11 09:50:129


认真的雪——薛之谦放生——范逸臣夜夜夜夜——齐秦real to me——brian求佛秋天不回来a place nearbyGroove Coverage蓝莲花——许巍我不想说我是鸡——K娃
2023-07-11 09:50:284

绝对经典的英文歌 绝对经典 的 英文歌

if i never see your face again pavements as a memory
2023-07-11 09:50:3815


alan Walker的the s
2023-07-11 09:51:036


高仿CD鉴别说明,及部分高仿CD目录 1,印刷质量尤其是封底和真的还有一定的差距,歌本的印刷也有些有错字,错版的,而且纸张不平整.2.内圈编码字体拉长.变窄.IFPI码小写(也见过正版有小写的,很少)IFPI码所刻的地方不正规.或者在内圈上的IFPI码拉长了的..一看就感觉不正常的...3.盘面印刷错位.仔细看盘面上的字体和图案.我记得高仿的Slayer - Divine Intervention盘面上的那圈字体就歪了....不是圆的.这个很假....4高仿的.歌本的纸张与盘的基片是不一样的....这个也是买多了才知道的...需要积累经验了....5.仔细闻一下盘的纸张气味....是不是觉得油墨未干或者和黄标盘的纸张印刷味道一样呢......总之,拿着盘以后仔细看还是能看出来的, 不可能100%一样, 但这一般必须得是经过手里的正版盘数量非常多以后形成的一种微妙的判断能力,可以说是经验老道后的判断力.....大家要相信自己的感觉....PS:日版也有高仿,特别是日版行货的高仿.一般见本盘没有高仿.所以目前买日版,见本盘不会有假高仿盘的歌本主要2点瑕疵,1是页数有缩水,比如OK Computer,2是歌本明显偏大,放在壳子里面,会显得有点卡,其次是底纸,注意看下,几张高仿的底纸甚至把激光盘的裂痕都印刷上了,晕死还有就是外壳辨认,比如The Cure那套CD+DVD,本来外边还有一个纸套,而高仿没有,还是做的原封没有拆的样子,呆子都知道了当然还有更加高明的,用丢失CD的歌本和底纸加上高仿CD做成,这种不是老鸟,不会看FPI是完全不懂何谓IFPI码,原称SID码(Source Identification Code),是飞利浦制定的标准,是IFPI组织(即国际唱片业协会,全名为“International Federation of the Phonographic Industry”,是代表全球唱片业的国际组织。它的会员来自世界76个国家1500多家唱片制造商和唱片发行商,占据了全球绝大部分音乐市场份额,同时还拥有46个国家协会。世界知名的五大唱片公司等都是国际唱片业协会(IFPI)的会员公司)为了防盗版而引入的一套规范程序,它是用来识别光盘制作源和复制源的业界标准,由他授予各厂商唯一的ID。一般的正版CD和高密度光盘,包括DVD,SACD在碟片上都刻有此码。<BR>也就是说凡是国内正规出版发行的光盘类音像制品,在光盘上都蚀刻有SID码。<BR> IFPI码的基本格式是由“IFPI“和四个或者五个字符组成。这字符包括数字从0到9,以及英文字母从A到Z(除去"I","O",S","Q")中的任意一个。<BR> IFPI码包括两种:母盘SID码和模具SID码 母盘SID码 (Mastering SID Code) 每个Mastering SID Code都由“IFPI“和四个或五个字符组成。起始字符为"L"。每个厂商通过申请,将被分配到一批连号的Mastering SID Code(包括全部字符)。而每一个Mastering SID Code就对应一个独立的母盘刻录的激光头(LBR)。由于该码是直接设置在激光头的FIRMWARE里的,在母盘生成时,该编码将直接刻录于母盘之上,因此以后所有复制的盘片都将会带有该码,无法去除或者改变。该码是用来鉴别光盘制作源的。母盘SID码位于盘片内圈数据区导入处,就是银色/金色区域内圈的起始处。对于单面双层(D9)的DVD来说,每一层必须都有Mastering SID Code,而要求至少一层可以清晰可见。对于单层双面(D10)的DVD来说,每一面要求都有Mastering SID Code。<P>模具SID码 (Mould SID Code) <BR> 每个Mould SID Code都由"IFPI"和四个或五个字符组成。厂商在申请的时候,IFPI组织将只分配前两个字符(假如该码是4个字符)或者前三个字符(假如该码是5个字符)。而后2个字符则由厂商自己分配对应于每一条生产线的模具。由于一个字符可以代表32个模具(10+26-4),用两个字符可以代表最多1024(32x32)个生产线。因此一个厂商可以最多有1024条生产线。该码要求附着在生产线模具上,因此也不易去除或改变。该码是用来鉴别复制源的。模具SID码位于盘片内圈的塑料片上。按照规格说明,IFPI应为大写,但目前国内生产的片基IFPI号均为小写,进口碟都是大写。因此近来有人提出某些碟片是国外压制,国内包装,其实根据IFPI的大小写就能区分开。<BR> 目前中国绝大多数的厂商都只有模具SID码,也就是复制单位的SID码。很多市面上的正版也只带有模具SID码,而没有母盘SID码,因为母盘制作时根本就不带Mastering SID码。部分高仿CD目录:1.Apocalyptica - Plays Metallica by Four Cellos CD2.BESEECH -...FROM A BLEEDING HEART 1998/METAL BLADE3.CANNIBAL CORPSE -BUTCHERED AT BIRTH 1991/METAL BLADE4.CANNIBAL CORPSE -VILE 1996/METAL BLADE5.CATASTROPHIC-THE CLEANSING 2001/METAL BLADE6.CRADLE OF FILTH -“DUSK AND HER EMBRACE ” 1996/MUSIC FOR NATIONS7.CRADLE OF FILTH -NYMPHETAMINE 2004/ROADRUNNER8.DESTINY"S END -TRANSITION 2001/METAL BLADE9.DREAM THEATER -IMAGES AND WORDS 1992/ATCO10.EAGLES/HOTEL CALIFORNIA 1976/ELEKTRA11.ENYA -WATERMARK 1988/WEA12.FLESHCRAWL -SOULSKINNER 2000/METALBLAND13.FLESHCRAWL -AS BLOOD RAINS FROM THE SKY... WE WALK THE PATH OF ENDLESS FIRE 2001/METAL BLADE14.GODFLESH -SLAVESTATE 1991/EARACHE15.Green Day - American Idiot16.JACOBS -DREAM 2000/METAL BLADE17.KEANE -UNDER THE IRON SEA 2006/UNIVERSAL ISLAND18.KENZINER -THE PROPHECIES 1999/METAL BLADE19.KORN -SEEYOU ON THE OTHER SIDE 2005/VIRGIN20.LINKIN PARK -HYBRID THEORY 2000/WARNER21.MITHOTYN -KING OF THE OISTANT FOREST 1997/INVASION22.NightWish - Wishmaster23.NIGHTWISH -CENTURY CHILD 2002/CENTURYMEDIA24.NIRVANA -BLEACH 1989/SUB POP25.Nirvana - MTV Unplugged in New York26.NIRVANA -NEVERMIND 1991/GEFFEN27.PINK FLOYD -MEDDLE 1994/EMI28.PINK FLOYD -DARK SIDE OF THE MOON 1994/EMI29.RADIOHEAD -THE BENDS 1995/EMI30.RADIOHEAD-OK COMPUTER 1997/EMI31.SANCTUS -AEON SKY 2000/METAL BLADE32.SIX FEET UNDER -TRUE CARNAGE 2001/METAL BLADE33.SQUEALER -THE PROPHECY 1999/METAL BLADE34.SUEDE 1993/NUDE35.SUEDE -DOG MAN STAR 1994/NUDE36.SUEDE -COMING UP 1996/NUDE37.SUEDE -HEADMUSIC 1999/NUDE38.SUEDE -SINGLES 2003/SONY39.VOMITORY -REVELATION NAUSEA 2000/METAL BLADE40.the cure崩溃那张 41.ENGMA的最新专辑42.德国战车所有专辑43.绿洲早期专辑44.enya部分专辑45.神秘园第一张专辑46.michael jackson-dangerous47.Slayer - Divine Intervention48.metallica--ride the lightning还有metal blade公司的一些金属也有很多高仿
2023-07-11 09:51:452


英文摇滚好的多了去了~给你一些比较有代表性的吧! Aerosmith《I don"t want to miss a thing》,《Amazing》,《Crazy》,《Dream on》,《Eat the rich》,《Angel》,《Walk this way》(Ft. RUN-D.M.C.)...史密斯飞船是一支比较经典的摇滚乐队,他们的歌曲有狂野有抒情,十分不错~ blur《Country house》,《Charmless man》,《Song 2》,《Parklife》,《Girls and boys》,《On your own》,《For tomorrow》,《To the end》,《This is a low》,《Tender》,《Ambulance》,《Crazy beat》...九十年代初的英伦代表乐队之一,曲风比较欢快~ Bon Jovi《Always》,《Bed of roses》,《Dry country》,《Livin" on a prayer》,《Wanted dead or alive》,《Blaze of glory》,《Santa fe》,《Never say goodbye》,《These days》,《This ain"t a love song》,《Everyday》,《All about lovin" you》,《Have a nice day》...很多人都喜欢老邦的《It"s my life》,但听听他们以上的曲目吧,也许会觉得更好噢~ Coldplay《Yellow》,《Shiver》,《In my place》,《God put a smile upon your face》,《Clocks》,《The Scientist》,《Amsterdam》,《A message》,《Fix you》,《Speed of sound》,《Viva La Vida》,《Death and all his friends》...当今英伦代表乐队,歌曲很受主流群体欢迎~ EVANESCENCE《Bring me to life》(Ft. Paul McCoy),《Breathe no more》,《My immortal》,《Going under》,《Everybody"s fool》,《My heart is broken》,《Sweet sacrifice》,《Thoughtless》(这首是翻唱KORN的同名曲目~),《Lithium》,《What you want》,《The change》,《Lost in paradise》,《Swimming home》...这支乐队我很喜欢,主唱Amy Lee很有魅力,歌曲也十分不错! Guns N" Roses《Welcome to the jungle》,《Sweet child O"mine》,《Civil war》,《Nightrain》,《Rocket queen》,《Patience》,《Don"t cry (Original)》,《November rain》,《Live and let die》,《Ain"t it fun》,《Yesterdays》...枪花的大名只要听摇滚的人几乎都知道,八九十年代美国重金属最具代表性的乐队! KORN《Word up!》,《Another brick in the wall (Part 1,2,3)》(翻唱Pink Floyd的同名曲目~),《Blind》,《Thoughtless》,《Freak on a leash》(Ft. Amy Lee from EVANESCENCE不插电演唱会版本好听!),《Creep》(翻唱Radiohead的同名曲目~),《Love song》(不插电演唱会版本超好听!),《Make me Bad / In Between days》(Ft. The Crue) ...新金属代表乐队之一,翻唱平克弗洛伊德的那首歌被赞为比原唱还好~ Limpbizkit《Rollin"》,《Take a look around》,《Eat you alive》,《Gimme the mic》... 软饼干是一支同林肯公园类型差不多的新金属乐队,但比起林肯公园来,这支乐队更具有一种痞性! Metallica《Hit the lights》,《The four horsemen》,《Motorbreath》,《Enter sandman》,《Fight fire with fire》,《Fade to black》,《Creeping death》,《Ain"t my bitch》,《Until it sleeps》,《Hero of the day》,《Master of puppets》,《The unforgiven》,《Sad but true》,《Welcome home (Sanitarium)》,《Mama said》,《Fuel》,《One》...金属制品乐队在重金属的历史上绝对是神级的乐队,充满战斗力,虽然后期的作品让一些死忠十分不满,但他们的成就是无法被抹灭的! MUSE《Time is running out》,《Hysteria》,《Sing for absolution》,《Butterflies & Hurricanes》,《Bliss》,《New born》,《Sunburn》,《Muscle museum》,《Unintended》,《Hate this & I"ll love you》,《Thoughts of a dying atheist》,《Space dementia》,《Hyper music》,《Plug in baby》,《Darkshines》...近几年十分红火的一支英伦乐队,曲风还带点电子的感觉,很带劲! Nightwish《Wish I had an angel》,《Stargazers》,《Nemo》,《Over the hills and far away》,《High hopes》,《She is my sin》,《The kinslayer》,《Elvenpath》,《Sleeping sun (2005 version)》,《Death to the world》,《Walking in the air》...这支女声金属乐队的知名度可是很高的! NIRVANA《Smells like teen spirit》,《Blew》,《About a girl》,《In bloom》,《Come as you are》,《Lithium》,《Something in the way》,《Sliver》,《Polly》,《Hairspray queen》,《Server the servants》,《Scentless apprentice》,《Rape me》,《Dumb》,《All apologies》,《Pennyroyal tea》,《Plateau》,《Oh me》,《Lake on fire》,《Where did you sleep last night》...大名鼎鼎的涅槃乐队,现象级乐队,代表曲目不计其数! Oasis《Rock N" Roll star》,《Live forever》,《Cigarettes & alcohol》,《Wonderwall》,《Talk tonight》,《Supersonic》,《Don"t look back in anger》,《D"You know what I mean?》,《Be here now》,《Let there be love》,《Stop crying your heart out》,《Don"t go away》,《Stand by me》,《Bag it up》,《The turning》,《I"m outta time》...九十年代英伦代表乐队,至今活跃,当年同blur的骂战也是一大话题! Red Hot Chili Peppers《Around the world》,《Can"t stop》,《By the way》,《Under the bridge》,《Give it away》,《Otherside》,《Easily》,《Universally speaking》,《Brandy》,《Don"t forget me》,《Leverage of space》,《Californication》,《Parallel universe》...呛红辣椒,这帮老头可是很疯狂的噢! 我只是列举一些代表乐队的代表作,还有无数好的乐队或歌手有名的,默默无闻的,在为自由呐喊着!摇滚就是那么令人兴奋!希望喜欢我的推荐!
2023-07-11 09:52:041


u2 / if god will send his angels- -u2 / if god will send his angelsnobody else here babyno one here to blameno one to point the fingerit"s just you and me and the rainit"s the blind leading the blondit"s the stuff, it"s the stuff of country songsif god will send his angelsand if god will send a signand if god will send his visionswould everything be alrightgod has got his phone off the hook, babewould he even pick up if he couldit"s been a while since we saw that childhanging round this neighborhoodyou see his mother"s dealing in a doorwaysee father christmas with a begging bowljesus sister"s eyes are a blisterthe high street never looked so lowit"s the cops collecting for the conswhere do we gojesus never let me downyou know jesus used to show me the scorethen they put jesus in show businessnow it"s hard to get in the doorbut i guess it was something to go onso where is the hope and where is the faithand the love...what"s that you say to medoes love...light up your christmas treethe next minute your blowing a fuseand the cartoon network turns into the newsi sure could use them here right nowwell if god would send his angelsi don"t need to liei don"t need to knowand i don"t want to promiseand i don" t want to liei just want to feel the song
2023-07-11 09:52:133

推荐一百五十首好听的歌曲 不要周杰伦不要许嵩不要蔡依林王心凌。

2023-07-11 09:52:2716


宸妃,本名林乐瑶。赤焰军大元帅林燮的妹妹,梁帝的妃子,祁王萧景禹的生母,梅长苏(林殊)的姑姑。当年,林乐瑶与言侯两心相许,但梁帝夺兄弟之爱,强行将林乐瑶纳入宫中。后来林乐瑶生下皇长子萧景禹,林乐瑶被封宸妃。拓展资料:《琅琊榜》是一部古装架空历史电视剧,由孔笙、李雪执导,胡歌、王凯、刘涛、黄维德、陈龙、靳东、高鑫主演。中文名称:琅琊榜主演:胡歌,刘涛,陈龙,王凯,黄维德,高鑫外文名称:Nirvana in Fire类型:权谋、朝堂、复仇集数:55集出品时间:2014年2月13日播出时间:2015年9月19日出品公司:山东影视传媒集团,北京儒意欣欣影业制片地区:中国大陆首播平台:北京卫视、东方卫视导演:孔笙、李雪编剧:海宴发行公司:山东影视传媒集团拍摄地:横店、象山影视城、无锡水浒城、浙西大草原制片人:侯鸿亮开机时间:2014年2月13日出品人:吕芃、晋亮原著:《琅琊榜》
2023-07-11 09:53:251


2023-07-11 09:54:063

求像Jamelia的 superstar 这样类型的歌

AC DC乐队--You Shook Me All Night Long Anti-Flag乐队--Punks in vegas Blink182乐队--All The Small Things Blink182乐队--The Rock Show Blink182乐队--What"s my age again Bon Jovi乐队--Livin"on a Prayer Bon Jovi乐队--Someday I ll Be Saturday Night Brain failure脑浊乐队--Coming down to beijing Coldplay酷玩乐队--The scientist Coldplay酷玩乐队—Yellow Depeche Mode乐队---The Meaning of Love Dropkick Murphys乐队--Barroom Hero Dropkick Murphys乐队--the gauntlet Good charlotte乐队--The river Green Day乐队--American Idiot Green Day乐队--Basket Case Green Day乐队--Boulevard Of Broken Dreams Green Day乐队--Church on Sunday Green Day乐队—Longview Green Day乐队--Macy"s day parade Green Day乐队--One for the Razorbacks Green Day乐队—Outsider Green Day乐队--Pulling teeth Green Day乐队—She Green Day乐队--She"s a rebel Green Day乐队--Wake me up when septermber end Green Day乐队—Warning Green Day乐队--When I Come Around Kiss乐队--Crazy Crazy Nights Kiss乐队--I Was Made For Loving You Nirvana乐队--About a girl Nirvana乐队--Come As You Are Nirvana乐队--Heart Shaped Bo Nirvana乐队--Lake Of Fire Nirvana乐队--Rape Me Nirvana乐队--Smells Like Teen Spirit Nirvana乐队--Where did you sleep last night NOFX乐队--Cool and Unusual Punishment Oasis绿洲乐队--Stop crying your heart out Radioheard乐队—Creep Radioheard乐队--Karma Police Radioheard乐队--Nice Dream Rancid乐队--Red hot moon Rancid乐队--Ruby soho Rise against乐队--Blood to bleed Rise against乐队--Like the angel Simpleplan乐队—Crazy Simpleplan乐队--Welcome to my life Skid Row乐队--18 and life Social distortion乐队--Don"t drag me down Sum 41乐队--Dear father Sum 41乐队--In Too Deep Sum 41乐队—Pieces Sum 41乐队--Still Waiting Sum 41乐队--We"re All To Blame The Beatles披头士--From Me to You The Beatles披头士--Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da The Beatles披头士--She Loves You The Beatles披头士--The long and winding road The Beatles披头士--Yellow submarine The Beatles披头士--You"ll never walk alone The Clash乐队--Should I Stay Or Should I Go The Gala乐队--Young for you The OffSpring乐队--Gone away The OffSpring乐队--Hit That The OffSpring乐队--The Kids Arent Alright The OffSpring乐队--Why Don"t You Get A Job The ramones乐队--53rd & 3rd The ramones乐队--Blitzkrieg bop The ramones乐队--California sun The ramones乐队--Have you ever seen the rain The ramones乐队--I Just Want to Have Something To Do The ramones乐队--I Remember You The ramones乐队--I wanna be sedated The ramones乐队--I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend The ramones乐队--Judy is a punk The ramones乐队--Oh oh I love her so The ramones乐队--Poison Heart The ramones乐队--Rockaway Beach The ramones乐队--Siina on Punk Kari The ramones乐队--Swallow My Pride The ramones乐队--The K.K.K. Took My Baby Away The Rolling Stones滚石乐队—Angie The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--As tears go by The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Beast of Burden The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Brown sugar The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--It"s All Over Now The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Little Red Rooster The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Miss you The Rolling Stones滚石乐队—Satisfaction The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Start me up The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Time Is On My Side Wands乐队--世界中の谁よりきっと x japan--Endless rain x japan--forever love x japan--rusty nail x japan--say anything x japan—tears x japan--红 枪花乐队(guns and roses)--Don"t cry
2023-07-11 09:54:131

歌词中有三次出现i feel the fire

fire —3LAU看看是不是。超喜欢找了好久
2023-07-11 09:54:433

Fire and Ice 诗歌赏析

“Fire and Ice” is a very compact little lyric. The poet compares the world to a place where fire and ice exist at the same time. The fire represents passion and desire, while the ice represents coldness and hatred. This poem is best understood as a reflection on the coexistence of opposites in the human condition.The first two lines of the poem are particularly important. They suggest that the world will come to an end, but they do not say whether it will be destroyed by fire or ice. This opening invites the reader to consider the possibility of a world where these two elements exist in tension with each other.The poet then goes on to develop these themes by juxtaposing fire and ice throughout the poem. Line three says that “if the world should end in fire or in ice / I have no preference.” This line suggests that the poet is resigned to the fact that the world is an uncertain and volatile place.The next few lines of the poem explore the differences between fire and ice. Fire is depicted as a passionate force that is life-affirming, while ice is depicted as a cold and deadening force. The poet juxtaposes these elements to show that they are opposites, but they also have qualities that are similar.In the final line of the poem, the poet returns to the idea of resignation. He says, “if the world should end in half-寸"s / I hope I"m in that half-shelf.” This line suggests that the poet is willing to accept whatever comes his way.Overall, “Fire and Ice” is a powerful poem that explores the themes of resignation, detachment, and the coexistence of opposites. It is a short but impactful work that manages to capture the human condition in a few concise lines.
2023-07-11 09:54:521


roses in the fire 歌手:cash rosanne 专辑:the wheel I throw your roses in the fireTo make the flames a little higherI watch your roses turn to dustI know no man that I can trustI throw your roses in the fire"Cause I burn with pity and desireI"ll be your vision dressed in blackWho won"t be backAnother woman"s on the telephonePick it upTell her you"re homeCash RosanneI see your face turn into broken glassTalking slowThinking fastI throw your roses in the fireNo one could say i didn"t tryI watch your roses fall like tearsI"ve crawled this path for all these yearsI throw your roses in the fireTo burn away the old desireWe were a desperate pair of soulsSo let me goAnother woman has her point of viewLet her talki see your face retreat behind the glassOh I"ll kill you if we can"t be friendsI"ll bleed like diamonds runningthrough your handsI"ll be a bitter taste you can"t forgetAnd I won"t leave this world until you relentI throw your roses on the fireTo burn away the old desireI watch your roses turn to dustI know no man that i can trustI throw your roses in the fireTo make the flames a little higherI"ll be your vision dressed in blackWho won"t be backI won"t be backI won"t be back
2023-07-11 09:54:591


2023-07-11 09:55:071

求Fire Wars的罗马音+日文歌词..

FIRE WARS - [OVA版マジンカイザー / Opening]作词:影山 ヒロノブ 作曲:坂下 正俊 编曲:河野 阳吾 歌:JAM Project feat. 影山 ヒロノブDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!かざした拳は Don"t give up!揺ぎなき力をたたえた 最强のソルジャーyurugi naki chikara wotataeta saikyou no soruja^掲げたフラッグは EX-Danger!kakage ta furaggu ha EX-Danger!神さえも恐れぬ奴らに 极上のヴァイオレンスkami saemo osore nu yatsu rani gokujou no vaiorensu暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!怒りのゴングは So Warning!ikari no gongu ha So Warning!血涂られた地上に目覚めた 最强のソルジャーchi nura reta chijou ni mezame ta saikyou no soruja^次元の扉は EX-Danger!jigen no tobira ha EX-Danger!袭いくる邪悪な奴等に Let"s Vibration!空が燃える 风が泣く 大地が吠えるsora ga moe ru kaze ga naku daichi ga hoe ru今 世界が叫ぶ!ima sekai ga sakebu !In the Fire! Brake it down!见渡す地平の 彼方にmiwatasu chihei no kanata ni未来を描く KOHTETSUのDreamermirai wo egaku KOHTETSU no DreamerIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!狂った时代の迷路で さぁ警告しよう!kurutta jidai no meiro de saa keikokushi you !Don"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on
2023-07-11 09:55:141

英语语法填空 fire fire what terribe words to hear when

请参照下文“Fire! Fire!” What terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped outside the house. There was full of thick smoke.I began to run, but as I was still only half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew thicker and I could see fire all around. The floor became hot under my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But before I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell down. The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes, and I picked it up to protect my face from the smoke and heat. Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the floor below with pieces of burning wood all around me.I saw a doorway in fire, then I put the bundle over my face and ran. My feet burned me terrible, but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry, I nearly dropped it in my surprise. Then I was in a crowd gathered in the street. A woman in a night-dress and a borrowed man"s coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly.She was the Mayor"s wife, and I had saved her baby.
2023-07-11 09:56:011

有一句歌词是i dancing in the fire ,好像有roll,急求歌名

dancing in the dark
2023-07-11 09:56:082

barns courtney - fire歌词
2023-07-11 09:56:152

in a fire和with fire有什么区别?

1、in a fire,在一场火灾中。短语In winter a fire 冬天里的一把火。resulting in a fire 引发火灾keep in a fire 使火不熄灭。2、with firewith fire ,挟火; His car was raked with fire from automatic weapons他的车遭到自动武器火力的扫射。
2023-07-11 09:56:232

有一首男声英文歌的歌词是in the fire we the fire

Love You Like a Love Song - Ultimate Party JamsIt"s been said and doneEvery beautiful thoughts been already sung,And I guess right now, heres another one.So your melody will play on and onwith the best of all emYou are beautiful like a dream come alive,incredible.A centrefold, miracle, lyrical.You saved my life againAnd I want you to know, baby.I, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatConstantly, boy, you playedthrough my mind like a symphonyTheres no way to describe what you do to me.You just do to me, what you do.And it feels like Ive been rescuedIve been set freeI am hypnotized by your destinyYou are magical, lyrical, beautiful, you areAnd I want you to know, babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatNo one can pause, you stand aloneTo every record I ownMusic to my heart, thats what you areA song that goes on and onI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat
2023-07-11 09:56:301

in the fire是什么意思

2023-07-11 09:56:382

求歌名,歌词里有woman in the fire

好像是the cult 的fire woman你可不可以把你听的那首歌给我听一下?或者你去听听是不是这首歌
2023-07-11 09:56:451

一首歌的歌词里有for fire in the sky hypocrisy

fire in the sky 北欧乐队hypocrisy
2023-07-11 09:56:532

In The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:In The Fire歌手:Frisco Kid专辑:Mad AntsRoadrunner UnitedThe All Star SessionsIn The Fire“Confess… Witch“I see the moon outsideWith its evil grinWatching the priest tonightAccusing ME of sinOh, help me, “No, you"re gonna die“Oh, help me, “No, just say goodbye“In the fire, on blackened wings I flyIn the fire, to Hell… and then I die…Oh it"s still the sameCan you tell me why?Witches then are Witches today“Confess… Witch“With thousand years of painBetween here and thenDid we all die in vain?Oh it"s just insaneOh, help me, “No, you"re gonna die“Oh, help me, “No, just say goodbye“In the fire, on blackened wings I flyIn the fire, to Hell… and then I die…Oh it"s still the sameCan you tell me why?Witches then are Witches today“Die Witch… Now go to Hell“In the fire, on blackened wings I flyIn the fire, to Hell… and then I die…Oh it"s still the sameCan you tell me why?Witches then are Witches today--------The End--------
2023-07-11 09:57:111

in the fire ,on fire ,make fire,什么时候fire前面要加the

2023-07-11 09:57:202

rebirth in the fire ,like the phoenix

2023-07-11 09:57:295


FIRE WARS - [OVA版マジンカイザー / Opening]作词:影山 ヒロノブ 作曲:坂下 正俊 编曲:河野 阳吾 歌:JAM Project feat. 影山 ヒロノブDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!かざした拳は Don"t give up!揺ぎなき力をたたえた 最强のソルジャーyurugi naki chikara wotataeta saikyou no soruja^掲げたフラッグは EX-Danger!kakage ta furaggu ha EX-Danger!神さえも恐れぬ奴らに 极上のヴァイオレンスkami saemo osore nu yatsu rani gokujou no vaiorensu暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!怒りのゴングは So Warning!ikari no gongu ha So Warning!血涂られた地上に目覚めた 最强のソルジャーchi nura reta chijou ni mezame ta saikyou no soruja^次元の扉は EX-Danger!jigen no tobira ha EX-Danger!袭いくる邪悪な奴等に Let"s Vibration!空が燃える 风が泣く 大地が吠えるsora ga moe ru kaze ga naku daichi ga hoe ru今 世界が叫ぶ!ima sekai ga sakebu !In the Fire! Brake it down!见渡す地平の 彼方にmiwatasu chihei no kanata ni未来を描く KOHTETSUのDreamermirai wo egaku KOHTETSU no DreamerIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!狂った时代の迷路で さぁ警告しよう!kurutta jidai no meiro de saa keikokushi you !Don"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!
2023-07-11 09:57:431

Franz Ferdinand的《This Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:This Fire歌手:Franz Ferdinand专辑:Franz FerdinandFranz Ferdinand - This FireEyesBoring a way through meParalyseControlling completelyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsThis fire is out of controlI"m going to burn this cityBurn this cityIf this fire is out of controlThen iI"m out of controlAnd i burnEyesBurning a way to meOverwhelmDestroying so sweetlyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsFire that burnsThis fire...
2023-07-11 09:57:501

Franz Ferdinand的《This Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:This Fire歌手:Franz Ferdinand专辑:Franz Ferdinand (Special Edition Version)Franz Ferdinand - This FireEyesBoring a way through meParalyseControlling completelyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsThis fire is out of controlI"m going to burn this cityBurn this cityIf this fire is out of controlThen iI"m out of controlAnd i burnEyesBurning a way to meOverwhelmDestroying so sweetlyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsFire that burnsThis fire...
2023-07-11 09:57:571

人生能有几多愁,easy come easy go.空山新雨后,fire in the hole

donot worry about your life,轻松来又轻松去.after the new rain on the mount,熊孩放火在洞口
2023-07-11 09:58:041

有首英文歌女声唱的“fire in my home”好像是这样。又好像是“fire in my hole”。

far away from home
2023-07-11 09:58:352

一首算劲的女的唱的英文歌,有个词是 baby 还有 fire

2023-07-11 09:58:553

欧美DJ曲吧,里面一开始是 呜呼~,中间有句歌词I got that fire in my sou

Barns Courtney - Glitter & Gold
2023-07-11 09:59:057

有一首英文歌是一个成熟一点的女声唱的,歌词里面有几句是……fire start in my heart ……什么的

Adele的歌曲rolling in the deep
2023-07-11 09:59:203

求Fire Wars的罗马音+日文歌词..

IRE WARS - [OVA版マジンカイザー / Opening]作词:影山 ヒロノブ 作曲:坂下 正俊 编曲:河野 阳吾 歌:JAM Project feat. 影山 ヒロノブDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!かざした拳は Don"t give up!揺ぎなき力をたたえた 最强のソルジャーyurugi naki chikara wotataeta saikyou no soruja^掲げたフラッグは EX-Danger!kakage ta furaggu ha EX-Danger!神さえも恐れぬ奴らに 极上のヴァイオレンスkami saemo osore nu yatsu rani gokujou no vaiorensu暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!怒りのゴングは So Warning!ikari no gongu ha So Warning!血涂られた地上に目覚めた 最强のソルジャーchi nura reta chijou ni mezame ta saikyou no soruja^次元の扉は EX-Danger!jigen no tobira ha EX-Danger!袭いくる邪悪な奴等に Let"s Vibration!空が燃える 风が泣く 大地が吠えるsora ga moe ru kaze ga naku daichi ga hoe ru今 世界が叫ぶ!ima sekai ga sakebu !In the Fire! Brake it down!见渡す地平の 彼方にmiwatasu chihei no kanata ni未来を描く KOHTETSUのDreamermirai wo egaku KOHTETSU no DreamerIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!狂った时代の迷路で さぁ警告しよう!kurutta jidai no meiro de saa keikokushi you !Don"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!
2023-07-11 09:59:281

有一首摇滚乐里面有this fire和in the dark dark之类的歌词,谁知道这首歌的歌名(附视频来源)

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark_Fall Out Boy
2023-07-11 09:59:351


2023-07-11 09:59:433

nba墙景歌有一句i am on fire是那一首歌的歌词

My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (Light Em Up)careful making wishes in the dark, darkCan"t be sure when they"ve hit their markAnd besides in the meantime I"m just dreaming of tearing you apartI"m in the details with the devilSo now the world can never get me on my levelI just got to get you out the cageI"m a young lovers rageGonna need a spark to igniteMy songs know what you did in the darkSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireWhoa (in the dark)Whoa (in the dark)The writers keep writing what they writeSomewhere another pretty vein just diesI"ve got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could seeThat you"re the antidote to everything except for meA constellation of tears on your lashesBurn everything you love then burn the ashesIn the end everything collidesMy childhood spat back out the monster that you seeMy songs know what you did in the darkSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireWhoa (In the dark)Whoa (In the dark)My songs know what you did in the darkMy songs know what you did in the darkSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireWhoa (in the dark)Whoa (in the dark)My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) LRC歌词[ti:My Songs Know What You Did In ][ar:Fall Out Boy][al:My Songs Know What You Did In ][offset:0][00:18.97]B-b-be careful making wishes in the dark, dark[00:22.58]Can"t be sure when they"ve hit their mark[00:25.76]And besides in the meantime I"m just dreaming of tearing you apart[00:31.76]I"m in the details with the devil[00:35.32]So now the world can never get me on my level[00:38.18]I just got to get you out the cage[00:40.04]I"m a young lovers rage[00:41.79]Gonna need a spark to ignite[00:44.09]My songs know what you did in the dark[00:50.78]So light em up-up-up[00:51.66][00:52.36]Light em up-up-up[00:53.98]Light em up-up-up[00:55.48]I"m on fire[00:57.11]So light em up-up-up[00:58.61]Light em up-up-up[01:00.30]Light em up-up-up[01:02.05]I"m on fire[01:03.92]Whoa (in the dark)[01:10.57]Whoa (in the dark)[01:16.68]The writers keep writing what they write[01:19.08]Somewhere another pretty vein just dies[01:22.43]I"ve got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see[01:25.63]That you"re the antidote to everything except for me[01:28.63]A constellation of tears on your lashes[01:31.83]Burn everything you love then burn the ashes[01:35.59]In the end everything collides[01:37.87]My childhood spat back out the monster that you see[01:40.87]My songs know what you did in the dark[01:47.44]So light em up-up-up[01:49.44]Light em up-up-up[01:50.76]Light em up-up-up[01:52.32]I"m on fire[01:53.69]So light em up-up-up[01:55.44]Light em up-up-up[01:57.13]Light em up-up-up[01:58.82]I"m on fire[02:00.76]Whoa (In the dark)[02:07.59]Whoa (In the dark)[02:13.51][02:18.95]My songs know what you did in the dark[02:24.56][02:25.62]My songs know what you did in the dark[02:30.81][02:33.33]So light em up-up-up[02:35.26]Light em up-up-up[02:36.58]Light em up-up-up[02:38.07]I"m on fire[02:39.52]So light em up-up-up[02:41.28]Light em up-up-up[02:42.85]Light em up-up-up[02:44.42]I"m on fire[02:46.49]Whoa (in the dark)[02:53.06]Whoa (in the dark)
2023-07-11 09:59:511

Lloyd Banks的《On Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire歌手:Lloyd Banks专辑:On Fire{Intro - Lloyd Banks}New York City!You are now rocking with the bestLloyd Banks! G Unit!Chorus - 50 Cent (Lloyd Banks)We on fire - up in hereIt"s burning hot, we on fireShe"ll take it off, if it get too hotUp in this spot, we on fireTear the roof off this motherfuckerLight the roof on fire (Uh! Nigga what you say?!)We get loose in this motherfuckerLight the roof on fire fire fire{Verse - Lloyd Banks}Naw I aint putting nothing out, I smoke when I wanna26 inch chrome spokes on the HummerThis heat gon last for the whole summerRunning your bitch faster then the Road RunnerRocks on my wrist, rose gold underGlocks on my hip, those throw thunderI"m riding Dalvins by the pierBut when you stop, the only thing still spinning is your earYeah, I"m riding with that all black snubRaiders cap back, all black glovesA ladies man, but the boy smack thugsThese record sales equal more back rubsNot to mention the boy pack clubsHis impacts about as raw as crack wasNow all these new artists getting wrong dealsI"m only 21, sitting on mills{Verse - Lloyd Banks}If you know anything about me, then you know I"m a ballerIf I don"t hit the first night, I ain"t gon call herI"m trying to play, you trying to have my daughterBut I can"t blame her for what her momma taught herAnd I don"t care bout what the next nigga bought herCause I aint putting no baguettes in her abuelaI got a diamond about as clear as waterAnd I got bread, but I ain"t spend a quarterSo cut the games ma, let"s go in the backMatter fact, turn your ass round, back a nigga downAnd I aint bias when I"m riding through the townLike em small, like em tall, like em black, like em brownShe gotta be able to cum when I need herTight ass pants, little wife beaterRegular chick or R&B divaBitch say something, I ain"t a mind reader
2023-07-11 09:59:571

fire in my heart的音标

There"s a fire starting in my heart  胸中燃起怒火   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   狂热救赎我于黑暗   Finally, I can see you crystal clear   终于看清本性   Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.   继续背叛而我亦将不再留恋   See how I leave, with every piece of you   看我如何将你撕碎  Don"t underestimate the things that I will do  请别低估我的能耐   There"s a fire starting in my heart   我胸中升起的怒火   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   熊熊燃烧驱走黑暗  The scars of your love, remind me of us   爱之伤疤疼痛于心   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我回想曾经的拥有   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   爱之伤疤令人窒息   I can"t help feeling   思绪万千不能自已   We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间   Baby I have no story to be told  宝贝我已无话可说   But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn   可我亦知你愁肠百结   Think of me in the depths of your despair   在绝望深处想着我   Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared   纠结着吧,老娘不再与你同甘共苦   The scars of your love, remind me of us   爱之伤疤疼痛于心   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我回想曾经的拥有   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   爱之伤疤令人窒息   I can"t help feeling   思绪万千不能自已 We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   Bnd you played it with the beating   玩弄于股掌之间   Throw yourself through ever open door  越过心门,跳出心结   Count your blessings to find what look for  愿心想事成   Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 将悲痛化为财富   And pay me back in kind - You reap just what you"ve sown.   亦知何为因果报应   We could have had it all  我们本应幸福  Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间We could have had it all  我们本应幸福  Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你已俘获我的心   But you played it   但你欺骗了我   You played it   欺骗了我   You played it   欺骗了我   You played it to the beat  欺骗了我的所有
2023-07-11 10:00:111


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