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有一首歌 欧美的 歌词总是重复 beautiful girl 曲调很慢 很懒散 是个男人演唱的 谁知道是什么

2023-07-11 20:11:39

vienna teng - the tower 无名指的背景音乐,这个疯丫头品位不赖耶~ 这首歌把这个女生的内涵都展现出来了

Our Love Will Always Last 无名指空间的最新背景音乐,好喜欢前奏和间奏

Rod Stewart洛史特华 - Sailing航行,有强烈浪子情怀的偶怎么可能不喜欢如此经典触动心灵的歌声呢!

Cagnet - Hear Me Cry 一个女孩在倾吐心事!

Rebecca Blaylock - I Will Be Your Shelter,唯一能跟《BREAKAWAY》相提并论的歌,《陀枪师姐》和黄晓明版的《男才女貌》都有做过插曲,不过个人还是更喜欢BREAKAWAY,皆做过背景音乐。

Jesse McCartney - Because you live 看MV好象是为感谢歌迷而唱的,样子很像后街的一个成员。很好听!!

annie lenno - leep on loving you容易受伤的女人的英文版也很不错呢~

Stacie Orrico - More to Life是首好歌,喜欢听音乐的应该一听就会收藏。

Carla Marshal - proud of you挥着翅膀的女孩的原版,翻唱还是粤语的比较能听,没那么俗~~

S Club7 - Never Had A Dream Come,从SHE的《冬日纪念册》里意外淘的,很好听的,有点悲壮。

ronan keating 捧红WESTLIFE的爱尔兰帅哥 罗南基延- the best of me嗓音可圈可点。/lovin"s each day 开心派队的感觉,很欢快!

Minner Riperton-loving you张靓颖就是演绎了这首才能步步高升啊~~

Celine Dion 席琳迪翁-My heart will go on 《铁达尼号》主题曲,无人不知

The Power Of Love经典代表作

A New Day Has Come好象网游《魔兽世界》里有用过这歌,MV中有香港维港的画面哦~~

That"s The Way It Is在《我心永恒》后推出的一首让人备感振奋的歌

then you look at me也很不错

Enya恩雅 ,空灵飘渺的纯净音乐天使- Amid the Falling Snow--06圣诞新歌主打,may it be《指环王》主题曲,她的每一首都好听,不一一举例了,偶个人比较偏爱angeles

Christina Aguilera 克里斯蒂娜阿奎莱拉,这名字真够长的,讨厌!Beautiful算比较著名的了,张靓颖翻唱过了~~

Britney Spears布兰妮 斯皮尔斯-Everytime一反常态的安静,S H E翻唱为《别说对不起》

Modonna麦丹娜,偶知道也不多,hung up是05年末推出的,复古的编曲把人带回了七八十年代的迪斯科时代

samantha mumba - Always come back to your love/POP节奏很强,听了让人觉得很轻松!

James Blunt 詹姆仕布朗特,和COLDPLAY的风格有点像,偏于英伦爵士,这是个值得我单独去为他写一篇推荐的歌手。Wisemen 智者,这歌可以代表JAMES的风格特点了,细细品味就能摸个八九不离十了,

Tears And Rain泪水和雨水,很感伤的歌,尤其JAMES沙哑磁性的声线总能深夜最脆弱的内心,做过背景音乐you are beautiful成名大作,没听过的快去下,MV很有特点,简约而深刻,看过的人都没异议吧

Shayne Ward夏恩华德 - a better man款款深情的男声,诉说爱情中的悲欢离合,偶然获得,感谢上苍!似乎鲜为人知,做过背景音乐

COCO lee李玟 - before I fall in love首张英文专集第一抒情主打

sarah mclachlan - angel,实在是太美了,以前在《安静的震撼》中推荐过,阿桑和WASTLIFE等N多歌手都翻唱过,最新版本是一个英国未成年合唱乐团演绎的,偶不知道那团叫啥名,找不到啊,郁闷ING~~5555~~ 特别单元:好友 月影寒水那里淘来滴~~~

Lene Marlin - A Place Nearby第一次去月影的空间听到的歌,就加这个北方女子为好友了。被称之为来自北国的音乐精灵挪威女孩Marlin清丽的声音,合着淳朴的吉他声,伴着悠扬的击鼓……静静地用心体会,很舒服

Tamas Wells - Valder Fields无法形容的舒服悦耳。

Rascal Flatts-What Hurts The Most布鲁斯节奏的情歌,歌手的嗓音很有特点

Mark Terenzi - Love To Be Loved By You属于男人的情歌。

Alizee - I"m Not Twenty法国女歌手艾莉婕,有点慢摇的味道,很舒服

JESSICA SIMPSON - when you told me you loved me月影推荐过TWICE,悲壮高亢的女人情歌,歌手唱功不俗!

CRAIG DAVID克雷格大卫,月影寒水重点推荐的歌手,偶跟着听后也觉得不赖,world filled with loveDon"t Love You No More (I"m Sorry)days/You Don"t Miss Your WaterUnbelievable/

Rise And Fall最喜欢的还是这首最早推荐的,可能是先入为主的关系,不过这个调由不得人不喜欢

just one last dance月影淘出来的宝贝,问她去,偶还不知道谁唱滴呢~~

Sarah Connor 月影强烈的推荐的德国蓝调天后,很美的声音,偶筛选了三首。

Christmas in My HeartEvery Moment Of My LifeLIVING TO LOVE YOU

STRATOVARIUS - Forever芬兰灵云乐队的经典曲目,从月影那淘的属这首最合我心意了!人生因此歌而完整!

德语Yvonne Catterfeld - glaub_an_mich,唯一的一首德语歌,高亢激昂,有好象有点悲壮,歌词实在一点都听不懂,旋律和唱功都很不错。


le papillon法国温情电影《蝴蝶》主题歌,诙谐的老少对话富含哲理,比什么《吉祥三宝》好听多少倍都不知道!!

Shania Twain仙妮亚唐恩 - Any man of mine喜欢乡村音乐的朋友赶紧下来听听,很独特的嗓音和旋律!

绿箭广告歌George Hince乔治.西斯 - rhythm of the rain雨的节奏,很久没有听到了吧。

Dido蒂朵 - Here With Me月影推荐滴~life for rent最喜欢这首!Thank you成名作

donna lewis-i could be the one声音清纯飘逸,歌曲编排轻灵又不失流行动感,昨天在无名指的Q空间居然也响了起来~

Freddie Aguilar - Anak 孩子,是个菲律宾歌手唱的,哈韩的小兵那里淘的~

BJ thomas - Raindrops keep fallin on my head(最新立顿奶茶广告歌)

Classical Version - Close to You温婉的美女网友小水推荐,很特别的嗓音,有小资的味道,很适合女孩听

club 8 - love in december同上~~月影也推荐过。

babyface娃娃脸-mad sexy cool小水推荐,舒缓的标准布鲁斯节奏,只能用舒服形容了

Norah Jones 诺拉琼斯 - don"t know why小水推荐的,这首好象能称得上蓝调

芝华士CHIVAS广告主题曲Sarah Khider -Mermaid Song都听过了吧,应该没有不喜欢的吧

sissel kyrkjeb-should it matter来自挪威的天籁之音,细腻饱满的声音伴着轻松悠扬的曲调,十分适合深夜聆听,相信你也会被其美妙的声音所打动 .

sophie zelmani - going home王菲《乘客》的原版,不能不听啊!!!

法国女歌手 Helene Segara - Ce train qui s"en va离去的列车elle rentrait de l"ecoleEncore Une Fois 前缘再续/encore une fois/她的嗓音并不是十分突出,但声音中有一种魅惑迷离的特质,情不自禁的就醉过去

法语helene rolles-je m appelle helene我的名字叫伊莲,经典法语歌

法语Jane Birkin - yesterday yes a day又一首充满浪漫气息的法国歌曲,就像爱人在你耳边轻轻呢喃,超好听的,虽然算是老歌了

We Are The World 群星公益歌曲

mariah carey玛丽亚凯莉whitney houston惠特妮休斯顿- when you belive动画大片《埃及王子》的主题曲,国际两大天后玛丽亚凯莉和惠特妮休斯顿破天荒合唱,张靓颖和纪敏佳居然也能演绎的有板有眼,真不赖呀~

Celine Dion--I"m Your Angel 席琳迪翁很少见的合唱歌曲

live for love united :N多足球明星合作的公益歌曲,实在是难得啊~~02世界杯主题曲

Toni Braxton Il Divo - the time of our lives (the official song of the 2006 fifa world cup germany)原来世界杯的主题歌也可以如此忧伤婉转…

BLUE - U MAKE ME WANNA与萧亚轩的跨国合唱,也很难得滴~~

Enrique Iglasias安立奎 伊格莱西亚斯 You Are My No 1-首选情人,和许茹芸携手的百年不遇的跨国合唱情歌!!

Christina Aguileraricky martin - nobody want lonely火辣美女与性感猛男一反常态,温情演绎。

westlifeDiana Ross-When You Tell Me That You Love Me经典再度演绎,歌词简单,旋律动人,意境美好!不可不听!不得不爱啊!!


Matthew Hall/Meagan Moore - When Christmas Comes To Town夕阳海子的圣诞背景音乐,美妙童声无可挑剔

Declan Galbraith - tell me why海嫂--知性美女教师虫子姐的推荐,从未成年的孩子的视角看待这个世界,发出由衷的呐喊~这个孩子的唱功也实在值得一赞!今天的背景音乐就是它了,有MV,如有卡,请耐心等待慢慢欣赏

Billy Gilma小比利,可惜现在都差不多20岁了~不应该再叫他小比利了

~One voice(成名作,做过背景音乐)再推荐几首同风格的-Coming Home Everything and moreI"m Not Me Anymore-Pray for HimThe woman in my life

还有个人比较喜欢的两首欢快的Hey Little Suzie(The Cause of All That)SHE IS MY GIRL



M2M北欧的二人女子组合,Pretty Boy成名代表作,她们还亲自唱过一中文版呢,难得如此有心呀

the day you went away王心凌都唱滥了/Everything You Do只能喜欢这首了,郁闷~

blue-if you come backoh iONE LOVE 都是POP节奏感很好的歌

98° Because Of You 蔡依林第一张专集就翻唱过,偶当时经常哼第一句歌词

Boyzone - no matter what 悠扬的旋律,你一定耳熟,当红的男模组合风云近期翻唱过

hanson汉森乐队--i will come to you第一次是在大众汽车广告上听到的,感动得全身颤抖了~~

LMNT - Juliet 茱莉叶,花儿乐队好象有抄袭,被改做了《我是你的罗密欧》

Backstreet boys后街男孩,距现在来说的最新专集《Never Gone》真的很有质量,最喜欢Climbing The Walls了. 去年除夕夜烟花争放的12点MP3里响的就是这首!

再推荐几首:Never Gone同名主打

Crawling Back To You I Still / Incomplete Just Want You To Know Lose It All Safest Place To Hide Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely Drowning超好听 Larger Than Life节奏很爽 More Than That shape of my heart I want it that way经典之作

sweetbox糖果盒子-everything gonna be alright以前一电视广告歌,听了你或许会有印象

QUEEN大名鼎鼎的皇后乐队,we are the champions经典代表力作,现在来听这首体育摇滚歌有很强烈的复古味道

Coldplay 酷玩乐队,颓废庸懒的英伦爵士摇滚是这个英国乐队的主流风格- Fix youTroubleThe Scientist alk/yellow 郑钧翻唱成《流星》也还过得去,主要我不排斥摇滚啦~~

robbie willams 素有“英国坏小子”之称的罗宾威廉姆斯, better man代表作,林忆莲复出时唱过中文版 feel/she is the one特别喜欢这首《她是唯一的》,很难找的歌,百听不厌,完美的英伦爵士摇滚!

rock dj:MV先超大胆,后来又突然恐怖和恶心,吓死偶了~~~

4 Non Blondes - What"s Up 张靓颖翻唱很久都没喜欢上,倒是阿桑的演绎让我喜欢上这首歌

Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life有花儿乐队的风格,不,应该是花儿有他们的风格!绝对好听多了!

Scorpions - New Generation 好象是 世界杯期间经常能听到的歌曲,感觉这歌有些年头,反正偶喜欢强劲的摇滚

Def Leppard -Long Long Way to Go很有后街的味道

Amorphis - Day Of Your Beliefs 重金属,好象是世界杯歌曲

Oasis - stand by meDont Go Away,偶已经忘了从哪找来的,是一个摇滚乐队,喜欢摇滚的应该不会失望!

inxs-Pretty Vegas 美丽维纳斯,好向往MV中狂野自由奔放热情的生活状态哦~~很少人知道这个澳洲摇滚乐队

空中铁匠乐队Aerosmith-i don"t wanna miss a thing《世界末日》主题曲,摇滚经典,触动心扉。

蝎子乐队SCORPIONS -Wind Of Change

bryan adams布莱恩亚当斯 ,加拿大的抒情摇滚王子,-back to you-好听的摇滚,感觉很棒

here i am有我相伴,代表作,你一定听过的!/HEAVEN-成名作/FLYING值得一听滴!

Michael Learns To Rock 迈克学摇滚乐队,简称MLTR, That s Why You Go Away成名经典

take me to your heart我不知道他为什么要翻唱《吻别》,尽管这旋律很适合他们

you took my heart away舒缓的节奏,简洁的编曲,一次在网吧的播放器里意外听得,就感动得一塌糊涂。

groove coverage-far away from home逃离家门,喜欢这首歌!

god is a girl,有点泛滥了,别再以为是艾薇儿唱的就算没有辜负我的辛苦了

Gareth Gates - Say It Isn"t So附歌还没有前半段好听呢~喜欢这声音,听了才知道,说不清楚的啦~

anyone of us从一空间上淘的,忘了,鄙视不回访的博主

avril lavigne 叛逆摇滚女生 艾薇儿 - nobody"s fool. Nobody"s Home 月影荐滴~Skater Boy都是她的主流风格,----不过她的嗓音为公益翻唱Knockin On Heaven s Door也很有味道

Kelly Clarkson 凯莉克莱克森,欧美摇滚女唱将

Behind These Hazel Eyes越吵越喜欢,偶从不对女人唱摇滚感到排斥和厌倦

A Moment Like This,看MV跟张惠妹的《旅程》异曲同工,都是记录成名过程,感激歌迷的肺腑心声。

Because Of You,我的好友ZIDANE也喜欢,真是英雄所见略同哇~推荐给朋友过


Krystal Meyers - The Beauty Of Grace,有Kelly Clarkson的味道哦,很不知名的一首好歌。

Evanescence Fallen - Bring Me To Life出自电影《夜魔侠》,也有Kelly Clarkson的风格

cranberries 卡百利OR小红莓乐队,王菲走红歌路的原版

Just My Imagination懒散而又欢快连贯,无法表达的热爱,最喜欢了!



还有两首安静的令人窒息的佳作,听说这也叫摇滚~dying in the sunNever Grow Old

Guns N" Roses枪炮与玫瑰乐队 - Knockin On Heaven s Door敲打天堂之门,周华健等N多歌手都演绎过Dont_Cry惊世代表成名力作,钟爱得无法言喻,偶做过背景音乐Live And Let Die Estranged也很不错

Bon Jovi 邦乔维,最牛的重金属摇滚乐队!摇滚与商业的完美结合!

强力推荐超强经典代表力作 You Give Love A Bad Name和I"ll Be There For You,听了暴爽!

It"s My Life 乐队最著名的一首歌,好象是某部好莱坞大片的歌曲

其他较没有那么吵的可以推荐的是 always Never say goodbyeall about loving you推荐下载

Nightwish芬兰的夜愿乐队,吐血推荐:Over The Hills And Far Away。强劲的节奏穿插激昂的小提琴经典旋律,女主唱高亢的呐喊背后隐约透漏着悲愤的感伤,值得为这一首歌写一篇听后感了!爱着这样的音乐,猝死都瞑目!另外再推荐两首:10th Man DownCarpenter,也不失Nightwish的水准! !


B.o.B ft. Bruno Mars----- Nothin" On You ft. Bruno Mars


是个黑人唱的 很慢但鼓点很重么?Sean Kingston 的beautiful girls


歌名:beautiful girls

歌手:sean kingston

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很明显是sean kingston的beautiful girl

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
V Factory Beautiful Girl

westlife-you are so beautiful




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2023-07-11 11:05:331

Toni braxon的资料

Toni Braxton是90年代最受欢迎的R&B女歌手之一,她同时也是成功的商业歌手。她能够迎合各大阵营的口味:对R&B听众来说她的声音够骚灵,在现代成人乐上够柔和;对成年人来说够老练,对年轻一代则够撩人;能够抚慰女性受伤的心灵,同时也让男人消魂。依靠着这些特质,Toni接二连三地获得千万销量的肯定,当然随之而来的是一连串排行佳作,Un-break My Heart(别让我伤心)便是其中之一,被评为摇滚时代逗留时间最长的流行冠军单曲。 Toni1968年10月7日生于美国马里兰州,父亲是个严苛的牧师,不但被禁止接触流行文化,就算是牛仔裤也不允许穿。她母亲是一个受过专业训练的歌手,时常鼓励她和几个姐妹在教堂演唱(福音歌曲是Braxton家族唯一允许演唱的音乐)。这几个姐妹们经常在父母外出时偷偷收看灵魂列车电视。渐渐地,她们的父母转变了态度,放宽了严厉的家教,允许Toni发展自己的音乐风格。由于她嗓音低沉,她经常演唱像Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder, Michael McDonald以及Chaka Khan的歌曲。她在当地和姐妹们的表演小有成就,并在高中后准备从事音乐教师的工作。然而当她在加油站唱歌消遣的时候被Bill Pettaway(歌曲作者)发现,并在他的帮助下她和她的姐妹们作为演唱组合在1990年同Arista唱片公司签约,她随即辍学从事歌唱事业。 Braxton家族组合于1990年发行了第一支单曲Good Life,并未成功,却吸引了王牌制作人L.A. Reid和Babyface的注意,他们刚成立一个拥有超级歌曲创作/制作阵容的厂牌LaFace(Arista 旗下),Toni Braxton于次年成为LaFace第一个签下的女歌手,在接下来的一年,她为Eddie Murphy主演的一部影片Boomerang演唱了歌曲而让公众认识了自己,不但该电影原声带中她自己演唱的Love Shoulda Brought You Home获得了流行和节奏蓝调排行榜的好成绩,并且她和Babyface合唱了Give U My Heart一曲。于是1993年她的第一张录音室专辑的出炉便是众望所归,一发行便在POP和R&B榜上取得了第一的位置。专辑中的排行佳作一个接着一个,包括三首TOP10单曲Another Sad Love Song,Breathe Again,You Mean the World to Me以及双料佳作I Belong to You/How Many Ways。单凭这张专辑,Toni带来的流行风潮一直持续到1995年,94年她赢得了Grammy最佳新人奖和最佳R&B女歌手奖(Another Sad Love Song,并在95年再次赢得最佳R&B女歌手奖(Breathe Again)。 在下一张专辑发行之前,Toni在Whitney1995年发行的Waiting to Exhale电影原声中凭Let It Flow一曲让歌迷过了把瘾。她再次同L.A. Reid和Babyface紧密合作,于次年夏天发行了第二张专辑Secrets,同预期的一样,又成为了一大热碟。第一支单曲You"re Makin" Me High极大地展现了她的性感,并成为她当时为止最成功的流行榜作品,然而这支单曲的风光马上被接下来由Diane Warren谱写的伤心情歌Un-break My Heart彻底盖过。Un-break My Heart在流行榜冠军位置持续逗留了11个礼拜(在现代成人榜上的时间比这更长)。之后的单曲I Don"t Want To和How Could an Angel Break My Heart虽未获得如此成功,但Secrets专辑照样取得了800万的销量。Toni随即在97年的Grammy上赢得了最佳流行女歌手(Un-break My Heart)和最佳R&B女歌手奖(You"re Makin" Me High)。 在1997年年末,Toni和LaFace因帐务问题发生纠纷,而LaFace胜诉,Toni宣告破产,这让所有的歌迷都非常震惊(对拥有如此高销量的歌手来说似乎不太可能)。她在98年花了大多数时间处理善后以及出演Disney音乐剧《美女与野兽》中的Belle。她和LaFace最终于1999年初达成和解,很快便开始了第三张专辑的制作。2000年春天Heat专辑宣告发行,她的全新形象大胆至极,叫人血脉沸腾。专辑仍由她还有 L.A.和 Babyface 共同精心炮制, 内中洋溢着使人心跳的节拍和令人神魂颠倒的原声吉他弹奏。专辑以第二的名次打入排行榜,打平Secrets专辑的纪录。首支单曲He Wasn"t Man Enough顺利打入TOP10(在R&B榜是冠军),尽管之后和Dr. Dre合作的Just Be a Man About It以及Spanish Guitar并未获得预期的成功,未能给专辑增加气势。相比以前的专辑,Heat200万的销量不免有点让人失望,然而又一座Grammy最佳R&B女歌手奖(He Wasn"t Man Enough)足以让所有人欣慰。 2005年,曾经的R&B天后级人物Mariah Carey风风光光的归来吸引了全球人民的目光。看着老对手风风光光的复出,另外一位曾经辉煌万千的R&B天后Toni Braxton也坐不住了。于是,2005年9月27日,带着全新专辑"Libra",Toni重新回到了世人面前。由于上一张正式录音大碟"More Than A Woman"的成绩惨淡,因此在这张专辑里Toni减少了与The Neptunes的合作,歌曲的风格也由上张专辑偏Hip-Hop回到了本源的R&B,并且启用了多名从来没有合作过的知名新晋制作人合作。其中包括为她制作首支单曲"Please"的Scott Storch,还有在"Take This Ring"中与Toni合作的Rich Harrison。当然,还有老搭档,Dallas Austin在"Trippin" "和"What"s Good"里面露脸,而Cory Rooney也出现在了"Stupid"的制作栏中。整张专辑的节奏相当紧凑,而且没有任何鸡肋或者是败笔。由于在专辑中的上佳表现,Amazon的音乐评论员对这张专辑给出了平均分4.5分(满分5分),不过以音乐性评论著称的amg却只给出了3分,说明这张专辑口味虽然很大众,但是音乐性还是不够。但是,专辑首周#4的成绩也足以让大家满足了。因为大家都知道,现在的年轻人口味,实在是太挑剔了。 以上内容转自Toni Braxton中文站人物专栏 http://www.tbchina.org参考资料:
2023-07-11 11:05:501

Toni Braxton - Another Sad Love Song中文歌词

2023-07-11 11:05:595

Toni Braxton的Spanish Guitar中文歌词?

Spanish Guitara smoky room, a small caféthey come to hear you playand drink and dance the night awayi sit out in the crowdand close my eyesdream to mindbut you don"t knowyou don"t even know that i"m therei wish that i was in your armslike that spanish guitarand you would play me through the nighttill the dawni wish you"d hold me in your armslike that spanish guitarand you would play me through all night longall night long i"d be your song, i"d be your songfill my heart withevery note you playi pray you"ll look my wayand hold me to your hear someday, yeahi long to be the one that you caress with a tendernessand you don"t knowyou don"t even know that i existi wish that i was in your armslike that spanish guitarand you would play me through the nighttill the dawni wish you"d hold me in your armslike that spanish guitarall night longall night long i"d be your song, i"d be your songte sientes inteligentecierras tus ojosy suenes que soy tuyopero yo no seni si quiera que estas aquime gustaria tenerte en mis brazos amori sit out in the crowdand close my eyesdream to mindand you don"t knowyou don"t even know that i exist, ohi wish that i was in your armslike that spanish guitarand you would play me through the nighttill the dawni wish you"d hold me in your armslike that spanish guitarwish that i was in your armslike that spanish guitarall night longall night long i"d be your song i"ll be your song, your song, your songi"ll be your song, yeahi"ll be your song, your song, your songplay me all night longi"ll be your song, your song, your songi"ll be your song, yeahi"ll be your song, your song, your songi wanna be your songi"ll be your song, your song, your songi"ll be your song, yeahi"ll be your song, your song, your songhold me baby all night long
2023-07-11 11:06:132

谁有Toni Braxton的the little things 的歌词

THE LITTLE THINGSArtist: Toni BraxtonYou don"t have to buy me all the gold there is in RomeDon"t have to surprise me with the most expensive homeDon"t have to travel round the world for me at allBaby, the way you smile at me is self explainable.Oh baby baby baby, I don"t want muchJust say you love me now and thenAnd mean it is more than enough.Its just the little thing, the simple little things, babeI know it may sound funny butSometimes they mean so much to meMakes me feel secure and puts my soul at easeBaby the little things are things that matter to me(Hey, ooh babe, oh yeah baby, yeah darling)Oh you don"t have to be a movie star on the TV, no babyDon"t have to be a knight in shining armor to rescue me, noDon"t have to promise me the moon and stars above, darlingJust keep sure your there for me it keeps me in love.Oh baby baby baby, I don"t want muchOoh just say you love me now and then.And mean it is more than enough.It just the little things, the simple little things, babeI know it may sound funny butSometimes they mean so much to meMakes me feel secure and puts my mind at easeBaby the little things are things that matter to me.You don"t have, to go out of your way babyJust say, that love, will always stay darlingOh baby, I don"t, don"t really want muchCause if you really love me baby heyThat"s more than enough.It"s just the little things, the simple little things, babeI know it may sound funny butSometimes they mean so much to meMakes me feel secure and puts my mind at easeBaby the little things are things that mattersLittle things are things that matters (Things that matter)A little things are things that matter to me, hey, ow.中文你不需要把罗马所有的金子买给我不必买一间最昂贵的房子让我惊喜不必让我周游世界宝贝 你对我微笑就足以说明一切了噢 宝贝 宝贝 我不需要很多只要你偶尔说声你爱我那就足够了只是些小事 简单的小事而已 宝贝我知道这听起来也许有些可笑 但是有时这些对我来说很重要让我有安全感 使我很安心嘿 宝贝 宝贝 亲爱的噢 宝贝 你不必成为电视上的电影明星也不必是穿着光亮的盔甲救我的骑士 不需要这样亲爱的 也不需要朝着天上的月亮星星来向我承诺只需在我身旁 让你的爱包围着我噢 宝贝 宝贝 我不需要很多只要你时不时说声你爱我那就足够了只是些小事 简单的小事而已 宝贝我知道这听起来也许有些可笑 但是有时这些对我来说很重要让我有安全感 使我很安心宝贝 那些小事对我真的很重要宝贝 你不需特意这么做亲爱的 只需要告诉我 我们的爱会持续下去嘿 宝贝 我真的不需要太多因为如果你真的爱我 宝贝 嘿那就完全足够了只是些小事 简单的小事而已 宝贝我知道这听起来也许有些可笑 但是有时这些对我来说很重要哦让我有安全感 使我很安心宝贝 那些小事对我真的很重要这些小事对我来说很重要嘿 这些小事对我来说是很重要的事
2023-07-11 11:06:204

Toni Braxton的《Hands Tied》 歌词

歌曲名:Hands Tied歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:PulseToni Braxton - Hands TiedMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceListenIf you"re askin me if IKnow what real love feels likeIf I ever loved anyone inside,It can"t be serious (serious)Cause I was the one giving all the halvesCounting my promises all in tactBetter or worse I"ll honor that.I can show you all about loveBaby I can love you, love you, love you with my hands tiedI can please you, please you, please you with my hands tiedEverything you need is right hereIt"s just staring you in your faceStop asking me if I"m readyCause this is just part of sexCause I could love you, love you, love youWith my hands tied, my hands tied, my hands tied, hands tiedDon"t ever question my loveI love heart despite loveHeart breaks and we let loveWe say... ?I was the woman trying to patch it upNow I watch it and say I"ve had enoughAll of the best you"re thinking ofI can show you all about loveBaby I can love you, love you, love you with my hands tiedI can please you, please you, please you with my hands tiedEverything you need is right hereIt"s just staring you in your faceStop asking me if I"m readyCause this is just part of sexCause I could love you, love you, love youWith my hands tied, with my hands tied, with my hands tied, hands tiedNow I don"t need my hands to feel the things I feel insideCause I know what"s inside my heart.It"s love.And I know after holding you like thatAfter touching you like thatCause you know the truth is thatI could love you with one hand tied behind my backBaby I can love you, love you, love you with my hands tiedI can please you, please you, please you with my hands tiedEverything you need is right hereIt"s just staring you in your faceStop asking me if I"m readyCause this is just part of sexCause I could love you, love you, love youWith my hands tied, hands tied, with my hands tiedMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source
2023-07-11 11:06:271

Toni Braxton的《Stupid》 歌词

歌曲名:Stupid歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:LibraJC - StupidOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!(This was the best thing that ever happened to be. But over time, I realized that I was stupid)(Listen)How did it get to this, see I thought I headed into the perfect relationship.Should"ve known you"d be influenced by them girls you was hanging with.Cause they (?), just thought you wouldn"t trip, flip, dealt the script.Don"t oh oh yeah, overheard your conversations on the phone (Yeah)Last time I checked Tim wasn"t a woman.So I knew you was creeping, baby you"re fronting. I feel so stupid.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.What"s the reason you"re doing this, everyday"s an argument.Cause it doesn"t take nothing to make you smile (Oh yeah)From not answering the phone to not coming home.To the dude you was walking with in green by the mall.I ain"t seen everything, you can do what you wanna do, do.I"m so stu-stu.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.The lying, the cheating, the heartache, the pain, the strain.The worry, frustration, was all.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.
2023-07-11 11:06:341

求Toni Braxton唱的所有经典、好听的英文歌!

Please Trippin" (That"s The Way Love Works) Take This Ring Seven Whole Days Breathe Again Love Shoulda Brought you Home You Mean the World to Me Spending my Time with You Best Friend Love Affair Candlelight Another Sad Love Song How Many Ways I Belong to You Just Be A Man About It He Wasn"t Man Enough Maybe Gimme Some Spanish Guitar I"m Still Breathing Never Just For A RingYou"ve Been Wrong Fairy Tale The Heat Speaking In Tongues The Art Of Love Holiday Celebrate Christmas In Jamaica Snowflakes Of Love Santa Please... Pretty Please (interlude) Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas This Time Next Year The Christmas Song Snowflakes Of Love (brent Fischer Instrumental, Bonus Track) Christmas In Jamaica Ft. Shaggy (remix, Bonus Track) Why Should I Care? There"s No Me Without You I Love Me Some Him Talking In His Sleep Find Me A Man Un-break My Heart Come On Over Here You"re Makin Me High How Could An Angel Break My Heart Let It Flow I Don"t Want To In The Late Of NightWhy Should I Care Let Me Show You The Way (Out) Give It Back A Better Man Hit The Freeway Lies, Lies, Lies Rock Me, Roll Me Selfish Do You Remember When Me & My Boyfriend Tell Me And I Love You Always
2023-07-11 11:06:422

Toni Braxton - Fairy Tale的歌词翻译

And if I was wrong, I know I don"t deserve this 如果我做错了,我不配得到这些 Don"t stay too long, I need to hear those words you use to tell me 不要等太久,我需要听到那些曾经你讲过的话 From way back when we were just friends 当我们还是朋友的时候 Before this love affair began 在这场恋爱开始之前 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切 Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补 Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束 Please tell me now 现在就告诉我 How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的 Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的 Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段 Now tell me what"s wring, I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh 现在请告诉我做错了什么,我不是故意要伤害你 亲爱的Was it the home, the car, or darling all those things we thought we Needed 是因为房子,车子,还是其他那些我们曾经认为需要的东西呢 Tell me even if it ain"t true 就算这不是真的你也要告诉我 But baby please don"t say we"re through 但是亲爱的 永远不要说我们结束了 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束Please tell me now 现在就告诉我 How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段I wanna know that feelin" that"s from way back 我想知道曾经的那种感觉 A time when it was true that, love was sweet and innocent 当我们的爱还很美好很纯真的时候 When you and I could still be friends 当我们还是朋友 Make all the wrong be right again 把所有的错都变成对的 Where true love never has to end 这样真爱就永远不会结束 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束Please tell me now 现在就告诉我How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段
2023-07-11 11:06:511

Toni Braxton的《Suddenly》 歌词

歌曲名:Suddenly歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:Midniteit only took a momenta solitary glanceand i could hear the voice of rapture calli"ve loved you from a distanceafraid to take a chanceand now it seems i can"t help but to fallimagine my surpriseto open up my eyesand find that you were looking backand suddenlyi can not remember who i used to beand like the rain this yearning washes over meand all the pain i knew before is goneand suddenlyi"m no longer drifting on an empty seaand now i know that i believe in destinyand mine is waiting right here in your armsi longed to awake besides youand bathe in love"s abysswashing all that comes before awayand in this frozen moment as i receive your kissthere will not be words enough to sayi wanna make you melt, touch you like noone elseand do it all again a thousand timesand suddenlyi can not remember who i used to beand like the rain this yearning washes over meand all the pain i knew before is goneand suddenlyi"m no longer drifting on an empty seaand now i know that i believe in destinyand mine is waiting right here in your armsin your armsi wanna make you melt, touch you like noone elseand do it all again a thousand timesand suddenlyi can not remember who i used to beand like the rain this yearning washes over meand all the pain i knew before is goneand suddenlyi"m no longer drifting on an empty seaand now i know that i believe in destinyand mine is waiting right here in your armsin your arms
2023-07-11 11:07:091

Toni Braxton的《Melt》 歌词

歌曲名:Melt歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:PulseMelt - Toni Braxton只听欧美滴!Never been the type of woman that needed someoneI had to do the things myself for it never got doneNever knew around the corner I"d meet someoneThat I would be totally comfortable sharing my loveMy oh my! I"m letting my guard downMy heart is yours nowBaby cause nowYou make me meltLike an iceberg on the sea, Baby you do things to meThat I"ve never feltYou make me meltNever ever been this weak, this is all brand new to meI think I should tell yaThat you make me melt, yeah yeah yeahYou make me melt oh babyYou should never say never, Cause it"s happening to meUsed to say, “I"ll never let a man take the lead”But now I"m independent, Baby you"re all I needWon"t Let the day go to night without you next to meMy oh my! I"m letting my guard downMy heart is yours nowBaby cause nowYou make me meltLike an iceberg on the sea, Baby you do things to meThat I"ve never feltYou make me meltNever ever been this weak, this is all brand new to meI think I should tell yaThat you make me melt, yeah yeah yeahYou make me melt oh babyI"ve always been the cool independent at timesBut now I"m a friend when I look in your eyesI try to play it as cool as iceBut you make me melt every single timeYou make me meltLike an iceberg on the sea, Baby you do things to meThat I"ve never feltYou make me meltNever ever been this weak, this is all brand new to meI think I should tell yaThat you make me melt, yeah yeah yeahYou make me melt oh babyOOOH you make me melt oh babyOOOH you make me melt oh babyyou make me melt oh babyyou make me melt, babyoooh ooh oh
2023-07-11 11:07:241

toni braxton< suddenly>的歌词,最好有中文翻译,谢谢

Shadowless LyricsOoo boy where are you now?Came and you rescued me when I was downNow I"m shadow less, life is such a messWhere did we go wrong?Impossible to see who I"m supposed to beCause my light is gone (ooooh)Gotta make it right with you (you baby)So tell me what I gotta doTo make you come back homeOoo boy how can this be?I remember every step when you wereRight here with meNow I"m shadow less I think I was once blessedJust to have you by my sideBut then you went awayThen suddenly the rainWashed away my sunny skies (ooh yeah it did yeaah.)Gotta make it right you (you baby)So tell me what I gotta doTo make you come back homeGotta make it right with you (with you baby)So tell me what I gotta doTo make you come back homeCause I"m running down a streetTrying to find the answersWhen infinitely seeing the truth is wrongAnd matter a factWhy"d you go (yeah)Why"d you leave?You took the reflection from meGotta make it right (yeah so right baby)Tell me what I gotta do baby yeahTo make you come back homeGotta make it right with you (yeah, yeah )With you baby (yeah)So Tell me what I gotta do (doo, doooo)To make you come back home (yeah)抱歉 没有翻译
2023-07-11 11:07:312

求Toni Braxton的Fairy Tale的歌词及翻译

子供(こども)の顷(ころ)に置(お)いてきた  梦(ゆめ)を思(おも)い出(だ)した  若草色(わかくさいろ)の哀(かな)しみを  细(ほそ)く甘(あま)く歌(うた)う  Myfairytale  何(なに)も终(お)わることのない  永远(えいえん)を知(し)っていた  もう谁(だれ)も语(かた)らない  二人(ふたり)の物语(ものがたり)  キスを一(ひと)つ残(のこ)して  君(きみ)は何処(どこ)へ行(い)く  灯火一(ともしびひと)つ抱(だ)いて  森(もり)に消(き)えて行(い)く  Inthedark  ずっと远(とお)くへ歩(ある)いてく  懐(なつ)かしい面影(おもかげ)  ずっと远(とお)くが君(きみ)の家(いえ)  辿(たど)り着(つ)けはしない  Yourfairytale  梦(ゆめ)に见(み)た永远(えいえん)は  闭(と)ざされたままで  过(あやま)ちは深(ふか)く  隠(かく)されたままで  消(き)えていく帰(かえ)り道(みち)  君(きみ)がもう见(み)えない  ……さよなら  雾(きり)の森(もり)を抜(ぬ)けて  君(きみ)は何処(どこ)へ行(い)く  一(ひと)つだけ手(て)を振(ふ)って  明日(あす)へ去(さ)って行(い)く  君(きみ)を好(す)きになって  永远(えいえん)は终(お)わる  生(い)きて行(ゆ)く喜(よろこ)びと  痛(いた)みが始(はじ)まる  Inthelight编辑本段中文歌词  「fairytale」  剧场版「空の境界」第六章「忘却録音」主题歌  作词梶浦由记/奈须きのこ  作曲梶浦由记  歌手Kalafina(カラフィナ)  孩提时曾经搁下的梦  如今再度浮现在脑海  仿佛在细细咏唱着  心中青草色的感伤  为我的童话而感伤  什么事物都不会结束  这种永远我早已知晓  可再也不会有人提及  属于我们的故事  仅仅留下一个吻  你就要前往何方  怀抱着一盏灯火  消失在森林的方向  消失在黑暗的彼方  远远走在了我的前方  你那令人怀念的面容  远方正有着你的家乡  可我却始终无法抵达  你童话中的地方  曾经梦见的永远始终锁紧着大门  曾经犯下的过错始终隐藏着踪迹  我的归途正渐渐消失  再也看不见你的身影  ……永别了  穿越迷雾的森林  你将要前往何方  挥挥手告别往日  你转身去往明天  从喜欢上你的那一刻  我的永远就宣告结束  取而代之的是生存的喜悦  还有随之开始的痛楚  在这光芒之中
2023-07-11 11:07:381

Toni Braxton唱的Yesterday歌词

Toni Braxton : Yesterday ohh noo ohh ohhGave you the benefit of the doubtTill you showed me what your all aboutTrue colours came outOh ohhAnd your words couldn"t hide the scentOf the truth about where you beenCoz it was a fragrence I can"t recognize..Standing thereScratching your headBlood shot eyes, drunk with regretHanging yourself , turn deep over the edgeI"m done with thisFeeling like an idiotLovin you, I"m over itI just don"t love you, don"t love you no moreYou, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d loose my love this wayNow you"ve come back begging me to staySay, you, you are so yesterdayWon"t let you rain on my paradeDon"t wanna hear a thing you saySo yesterdayFunny now how I"ve goneThe little light in your head came onNow you"ve realized this is all your faultOh ohhDon"t you wish you had a time machineThat way you could change historyIt"s the only way that you could be with meStanding thereScratching your headBlood shot eyes, drunk with regretHanging yourself , turn deep over the edgeI"m done with thisFeeling like an idiotLovin you, I"m over itI just don"t love you, don"t love you no more….You, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d loose my love this wayNow you"ve come back begging me to stayHoney, you, you are so yesterdayWon"t let you rain on my paradeDon"t wanna hear a thing you saySo yesterdayAnd now you wanna reminisceSay you wanna try againStarted with a little kiss(we can"t even repent) no nonow I never wanna see you, never wanna feel youever wanna hear youI don"t love you, don"t need you, can"t stand youNo More…..You, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d loose my love this wayNow you"ve come back begging me to stayBaby, you……you are so yesterdayWon"t let you rain on my paradeDon"t wanna hear a thing you saySo yesterdaySo yesterdaySo yesterday
2023-07-11 11:07:452

求Toni Braxton演唱的Un-Break My Heart 的中英文歌词

Unbreak My Heart Lyrics by Toni Braxton [ Download Free Lyrics Software featuring Toni Braxton ] [ Send to a friend ] Don"t leave me in all this pain Don"t leave me out in the rain Come back and bring back my smile Come and take these tears away I need your arms to hold me now The nights are so unkind Bring back those nights when I held you beside me 1-Un-break my heart Say you"ll love me again Un-do this hurt you caused When you walked out the door And walked outta my life Un-cry these tears I cried so many nights Un-break my heart, my heart Take back that sad word good-bye Bring back the joy to my life Don"t leave me here with these tears Come and kiss this pain away I can"t forget the day you left Time is so unkind And life is so cruel without you here beside me (repeat 1) Ohh, oh Don"t leave me in all this pain Don"t leave me out in the rain Bring back the nights when I held you beside me (rpt 1) Un-break my Un-break my heart, oh baby Come back and say you love me Un-break my heart Sweet darlin" Without you I just can"t go on Can"t go on不要把我丢在痛苦的深渊渊, 不要把我留在大雨里面, 回来吧,带来我早已失去的微笑, 回来吧,带走我已流尽的泪水, 现在我需要你能拥抱我的臂膀, 夜晚是多么的无情, 回来吧,那些个我拥有你在身边的那些夜晚 勿伤我心。 告诉我你会再爱我, 锄去那些你曾带来的伤痛, 当你走出门去, 当你走出我的生活 有多少个夜晚我在哭泣, 勿伤我心,勿伤我心. 收回那伤心的“再见”, 带回我生活的快乐, 不要只把我孤独的留在泪水里, 回来吧,把那些痛苦吻走, 我无法忘记你离去的日子 时间是多么的无情, 没有你在身边的日子是多么的残酷,不要把我丢在痛苦的深渊, 不要把我留在大雨里面, 回来吧,那些个我拥有你在身边的夜晚 勿伤我心, 告诉我你会再爱我, 勿伤我心, 我最亲爱的, 没有你,我无法生存,没有你,我无法生存.....
2023-07-11 11:07:521

I Wanna Be (Your Baby)歌词 toni braxton

Toni BraxtonI Wanna Be (Your Baby)by N/AI"m gon" put it out there. Lay it on the line And even if it breaks my heart. I"m giving it a try. Not waiting for tomorrow, confessing it today So baby here it goes I"m out of time. It"s do or die. [Chorus] I wanna be your baby Won"t you be my man. I wanna be your soilder When your too weak to stand. And I wanna be your baby Be the end of your day. Forever in your life Forever by your side Forever I"ll stay I"m hanging on a thread here I don"t care if I fall. But I aint gonna fall even though I don"t know if you feel me at all. I"m ready to be right or wrong with you I"m ready for my heart to win or lose. I"m ready to give all I"ve got to you. Boy I want you to know...... [Chorus] I wanna be your baby Wont you be my man. I wanna be your soilder When your too weak to stand. I wanna be your baby Be the end of your day. Forever in your life Forever by your side Forever I"ll stay So I"m saying I love you. Aint holdin nothing back. And I"m saying I want you I want you to call my name. And I"ll wait on you forever. And I promise that, Oh baby cuz I love you. Oh I love you Ooohh [Chorus] I wanna be your baby Wont you be my man. I wanna be your soilder When your too weak to stand. I wanna be your baby Be the end of your day. Forever...side Forever...stay Let me be yours tonight Let me be yours Let me be yours tonight Let me be yours tonight Let me be yours Let me be yours tonight [chorus fades...]
2023-07-11 11:07:591

谁有Toni Braxton的the little things 的歌词

THE LITTLE THINGSYou donu2019t have to buy me all the gold there is in RomeDonu2019t have to surprise me with the most expensive home Donu2019t have to travel round the world for me at all Baby, the way you smile at me is self explainable.Oh baby baby baby, I donu2019t want muchJust say you love me now and then And mean it is more than enough.Chorus 1:Its just the little thing, the simple little things, babeI know it may sound funny butSometimes they mean so much to me Makes me feel secure and puts my soul at easeBaby the little things are things that matter to me(Hey, ooh babe, oh yeah baby, yeah darling)Oh you donu2019t have to be a movie star on the TV, no babyDonu2019t have to be a knight in shining armor to rescue me, noDonu2019t have to promise me the moon and stars above, darlingJust keep sure your there for me it keeps me in love.Oh baby baby baby, I donu2019t want muchOoh just say you love me now and then .And mean it is more than enough.Chorus 2:It just the little things, the simple little things, babeI know it may sound funny but Sometimes they mean so much to meMakes me feel secure and puts my mind at ease Baby the little things are things that matter to me.You donu2019t have, to go out of your way baby Just say, that love, will always stay darling Oh baby, I donu2019t, donu2019t really want much Cause if you really love me baby hey Thatu2019s more than enough.Chorus 3:Itu2019s just the little things, the simple little things, babe I know it may sound funny but Sometimes they mean so much to me Makes me feel secure and puts my mind at ease Baby the little things are things that matters Little things are things that matters (Things that matter)A little things are things that matter to me..
2023-07-11 11:08:061

求Hurt You-Toni Braxton中文歌词

2023-07-11 11:08:322

求《斗鱼》插曲《Breathe Again》歌词

Have you wounder how it feels when it s all over.Wound how it feels when you just have to start the newNever know way where you go away, when you face a bright new day.And used to be that way Now I just close my eyes and sayI just wanna breathe againlearn to face joy and painDiscover how to laugh a little ,cry a little ,live a little moreI just wanna face the dayForget about it was yesterdayMaybe if I hope a little ,try a little moreI ll breathe again.Starting out a game is never easyDisappointments come and go but life still goes onWith a little fleck, it s a bright new startThen my just walk my wayDon t need to walk awayDon t wanna leave lives replayThings will walk out fine if you can find the courage to look past the nightto see the break come downoh...breathe again......
2023-07-11 11:08:405


估计是 人鬼情未了
2023-07-11 11:09:124


2023-07-11 11:09:202

高分求Toni Braxton 的《fairy tale》MP3格式.

2023-07-11 11:09:423


sarah connortoni braxtonbritney spearswestlifestreetboys
2023-07-11 11:09:504


亲:pretty boy很好听哦
2023-07-11 11:09:594


2023-07-11 11:10:085

求 yesterday (toni braxton) ;只会流泪的傻瓜(bigbang),链接地址 yesterday 只会流泪的傻瓜 (只找到现场的= - =)缓冲完 应该是在找歌的时候看是不是完整的 能不能播放之类的吧 你的问题我没出现过
2023-07-11 11:10:211


I"ll Be Missing You
2023-07-11 11:10:293


Fairy tale - Toni BraxtonI Remember——郭采洁i wanted you ——s blogif ——nabyno matter ——angelthe calendar girl——starsEversleeping——XandriaApologize——TimbalandSomeplace Good - Waz——广告曲just one last dance——Sarah ConnorI Will Come To You——Hansonbecause of you——Kelly ClarksonEverytime——Britney SpearsFire Fly——网络歌手Cry On My Shoulder——Deutschland Sucht Den Superstalet me show you the way——Natasha Thomaslullaby for lucas——Various Artists(诡异感觉)Everything But The Girl——DarinWith A Love Like You——SweetboxEvery Stop——SweetboxRead My Mind——SweetboxLove In December——Club 8sorry——sibelLetting Go——Jo De La Rosa(也有男生版的,)Better in Time——丽安娜·刘易斯Lennui Sans Fin——Mondialito(诡异感觉)
2023-07-11 11:10:371

Toni Braxton的Spanish Guitar中文歌词?

Spanish Guitar" "西班牙吉他" A smoky room, a small cafe 灰烟室,一间小餐厅 They come to hear you play 他们来听你玩 And drink and dance the night away 喝酒泡吧 I sit out in the crowd 我坐在杀出一条血路 And close my eyes 接近我的眼睛 Dream you"re mine 梦你防雷 But you don"t know 但你不知道 You don"t even know that I am there 你甚至不知道我有 I wish that I was in your arms 我想我是你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 And you would play me through the night 你将扮演我彻夜 "Till the dawn "直到黎明 I wish you"d hold me in your arms 我想你拥有我你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 All night long, all night long 通宵达旦,彻夜长明 I"d be your song, I"d be your song 我就是你的歌了,我就是你的歌 Steal my heart with every note you play 偷我的心,每注你玩 I pray you"ll look my way 我祈祷吧,我的路 And hold me to your heart someday 举办我你的心,终有一天 I long to be the one that you caress with 我渴望得到的是你与抚触 tenderness 脉脉 And you don"t know 你不知道 You don"t even know that I exist 你甚至不知道我存在 I wish that I was in your arms 我想我是你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 And you would play me through the night 你将扮演我彻夜 "Till the dawn "直到黎明 I wish you"d hold me in your arms 我想你拥有我你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 All night long, all night long 通宵达旦,彻夜长明 I"d be your song, I"d be your song 我就是你的歌了,我就是你的歌 Te sientas entre la gente 特sientas entre la gente Cierras tu ojos cierras恩高峰 Y suenas que soy tuyo y suenas阙酱油tuyo Pero yo no siquiera se que estas ahi pero哟没有siquiera硒阙estas ahi价值 Me gustaria tenerte entre mis brazos amor 我是gustaria tenerte entre mis的比赛都阿莫尔 I sit out in the crowd 我坐在杀出一条血路 And close my eyes 接近我的眼睛 Dream you"re mine 梦你防雷 And you don"t know 你不知道 You don"t even know that I exist 你甚至不知道我存在 I wish that I was in your arms 我想我是你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 And you would play me through the night 你将扮演我彻夜 "Till the dawn "直到黎明 I wish you"d hold me in your arms 我想你拥有我你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 All night long, all night long 通宵达旦,彻夜长明 I"d be your song, I"d be your song 我就是你的歌了,我就是你的歌
2023-07-11 11:10:561

Toni Braxton的Spanish Guitar中文歌词?

Spanish Guitar" "西班牙吉他" A smoky room, a small cafe 灰烟室,一间小餐厅 They come to hear you play 他们来听你玩 And drink and dance the night away 喝酒泡吧 I sit out in the crowd 我坐在杀出一条血路 And close my eyes 接近我的眼睛 Dream you"re mine 梦你防雷 But you don"t know 但你不知道 You don"t even know that I am there 你甚至不知道我有 I wish that I was in your arms 我想我是你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 And you would play me through the night 你将扮演我彻夜 "Till the dawn "直到黎明 I wish you"d hold me in your arms 我想你拥有我你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 All night long, all night long 通宵达旦,彻夜长明 I"d be your song, I"d be your song 我就是你的歌了,我就是你的歌 Steal my heart with every note you play 偷我的心,每注你玩 I pray you"ll look my way 我祈祷吧,我的路 And hold me to your heart someday 举办我你的心,终有一天 I long to be the one that you caress with 我渴望得到的是你与抚触 tenderness 脉脉 And you don"t know 你不知道 You don"t even know that I exist 你甚至不知道我存在 I wish that I was in your arms 我想我是你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 And you would play me through the night 你将扮演我彻夜 "Till the dawn "直到黎明 I wish you"d hold me in your arms 我想你拥有我你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 All night long, all night long 通宵达旦,彻夜长明 I"d be your song, I"d be your song 我就是你的歌了,我就是你的歌 Te sientas entre la gente 特sientas entre la gente Cierras tu ojos cierras恩高峰 Y suenas que soy tuyo y suenas阙酱油tuyo Pero yo no siquiera se que estas ahi pero哟没有siquiera硒阙estas ahi价值 Me gustaria tenerte entre mis brazos amor 我是gustaria tenerte entre mis的比赛都阿莫尔 I sit out in the crowd 我坐在杀出一条血路 And close my eyes 接近我的眼睛 Dream you"re mine 梦你防雷 And you don"t know 你不知道 You don"t even know that I exist 你甚至不知道我存在 I wish that I was in your arms 我想我是你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 And you would play me through the night 你将扮演我彻夜 "Till the dawn "直到黎明 I wish you"d hold me in your arms 我想你拥有我你的武器 Like that Spanish guitar 像西班牙吉他 All night long, all night long 通宵达旦,彻夜长明 I"d be your song, I"d be your song 我就是你的歌了,我就是你的歌
2023-07-11 11:11:031

Toni Braxton的《Always》 歌词

歌曲名:Always歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:Secrets/More Than A WomanAlwaysToni BraxtonBy: DoyleTo: 老爷的丫头I know that you feel like leavin"We can"t seem to get alongI know you are the only one for meMy everythingYou are all that a girl could wish forI couldn"t ask for moreWe don"t need to argue about silly thingsAnymoreRemember all of the good timesThink about it for awhileI would be incomplete without you in my lifeTell meYou can"t leaveYou will always be a part of me, babyWherever you goYou will always be a part of meAlwaysSometimes we say things we don"t meanLike we should go our separate waysNot considering the love and time that we shared togetherI be feeling like you"re really afraidTo love me as I love youLet me live inside of your love freely, yeahRemember all of the good timesThink about it for a whileI would be incomplete without you in my lifeTell meYou can"t leaveYou will always be a part of me, babyYou will always be a part of meAlwaysYou can"t leaveYou will always be a part of me, babyYou will always be a part of meAlwaysAt night I wish upon a starAnd hope that you are near, not farAnd that you are loving meAlwaysAnd when I lay me down to sleepI pray that our love will always keepAnd that you are loving me, yeahDon"t ever let me go, oh babeAlwaysWithout you there is no meWhat am I suppose to do, tell meTell meYou can"t leaveYou will always be a part of me, babyWherever you goWherever you goYou will always be a part of meAlwaysYou can"t leaveYou will always be a part of me, babyWherever you goYou will always be a part of meAlwaysYou can"t leaveYou will always be a part of me, babyWherever you goWherever you goYou will always be a part of meAlwaysI"m sorryGive me one night of holding you close, babyAlways......
2023-07-11 11:11:091

Toni Braxton 的《Yesterday》的歌词

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away 昨天,一切烦恼行将远去 Now it looks as though they"re here to stay 可我如今却忧心忡忡 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Suddenly, I"m not half the man I used to be, 霎时,我与从前判若两人 There"s a shadow hanging over me. 她的身影总挥之不去 Oh, yesterday came suddenly. 哦,往昔在脑海浮现 Why she had to go I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 为何她不辞而别,姗然离去 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. 一定是我说错了什么,我只好静静等待昨天 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨天,爱情本是如此简单 Now I need a place to hide away. 而我如今却渴望逃避 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Why she had to go I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 为何她不辞而别,姗然离去 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. 一定是我说错了什么,我只好静静等待昨天 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨天,爱情本是如此简单 Now I need a place to hide away. 而我如今却渴望逃避 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Mm mm mm mm mm.
2023-07-11 11:11:161

谁有toni braxton的unbreak my heart的歌词?

Don"t leave me in all this painDon"t leave me out in the rainCome back and bring back my smileCome and take these tears awayI need Your arms to hold me nowThe nights are so unkindBring back those nights when I held You beside meUnbreak my heart, say you"ll love me againUndo this hurt you caused when you walked out the doorAnd walked out of my lifeUncry these tearsI cried so many nightsUnbreak my heart, my heartTake back that sad word "good bye"Bring back the joy to my lifeDon"t leave me here with these tearsCome and kiss this pain awayI can"t forget the day You lefttime is so unkindAnd life is so cruel without you here beside meUnbreak my heart, say you"ll love me againUndo this hurt you caused when you walked out the doorAnd walked out of my lifeUncry these tearsI cried so many nightsUnbreak my heart, my heartDon"t leave me in all this painDon"t leave me out in the rainBring back those nights when I held You beside meUnbreak my heart, say you"ll love me againUndo this hurt you caused when you walked out the doorAnd walked out of my lifeUncry these tearsI cried so many nightsUnbreak my, my heart, my heart
2023-07-11 11:11:243

Toni Braxton 的《Yesterday》的歌词

歌曲试听和中文字幕: Braxton Ft. Trey Songz - Yesterday (Official Remix) |Toni Braxton| Gave you the benefit of the doubt "Till you showed me what you were about Your true colours came out And your words couldn"t hide the sin "Cause the truth about where you"ve been Is in a fragrance I can"t recognize Just standing there, scratching your head Blood shot eyes, drunk with regret Hanging yourself ten feet over the edge I"m done with this, feeling like an idiot Loving you, I"m over it I just don"t love you, don"t love you no more |Chorus| You, you are so yesterday Never thought you"d lose my love this way Now you come begging me to stay See you, you are so yesterday I won"t let you rain on my parade I don"t wanna hear a thing you say You"re so yesterday |Trey Songz| Baby what you"re saying to me is There"s no more you and I I couldn"t get it right on yesterday So kiss our tomorrows goodbye Baby love should ride me home Should"ve just been a man about it But now I"m crying like a baby Girl your love was like my blanket Don"t know what to do without it I"m standing here, pleading my case You don"t care, to hear what I say |Toni Braxton| Hanging yourself ten feet over the edge |Trey Songz| My promises don"t mean nothing The end is so disgusting |Toni Braxton| I just don"t love you, don"t love you no more |Chorus| You, you are so yesterday Never thought you"d lose my love this way (I never thought) Now you come begging me to stay See you, you are so yesterday I won"t let you rain on my parade I don"t wanna hear a thing you say You"re so yesterday |Bridge| And now you wanna reminisce (Now I wanna reminisce) Say you wanna try again (Said I wanna try again) It start out with a little kiss (A kiss) But we can"t even be friends (oh no) No no now i never wanna see you, Never wanna feel you, Never wanna hear you I don"t love you, Don"t need you, I can"t stand you No more |Chorus| You, you are so yesterday Never thought you"d lose my love this way (oh no) Now you come begging me to stay (i won"t stay) Baby you, you are so yesterday I won"t let you rain on my parade I don"t wanna hear a thing you say (Don"t you hear) you"re so yesterday, so yesterday you"re so yesterday, so yesterday you"re so yesterday, so yesterday
2023-07-11 11:11:311

Toni Braxton 的《Yesterday》的歌词

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away 昨天,一切烦恼行将远去 Now it looks as though they"re here to stay 可我如今却忧心忡忡 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Suddenly, I"m not half the man I used to be, 霎时,我与从前判若两人 There"s a shadow hanging over me. 她的身影总挥之不去 Oh, yesterday came suddenly. 哦,往昔在脑海浮现 Why she had to go I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 为何她不辞而别,姗然离去 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. 一定是我说错了什么,我只好静静等待昨天 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨天,爱情本是如此简单 Now I need a place to hide away. 而我如今却渴望逃避 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Why she had to go I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 为何她不辞而别,姗然离去 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. 一定是我说错了什么,我只好静静等待昨天 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨天,爱情本是如此简单 Now I need a place to hide away. 而我如今却渴望逃避 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Mm mm mm mm mm.
2023-07-11 11:11:381

求Toni Braxton feat. Trey Songz - Yesterday合唱的男的唱的那半边歌词。

[Toni]Oh ohh noo ohh ohh [Trey]Toni[Toni]I gave you the benefit of the doubt Till you showed me what you were about Your true colors came out Oh ohh And your words couldn"t hide the scent Cuz the truth about where you been Is in a fragrence I can"t recognize... Standing there Scratching your head Blood shot eyes, drunk with regret (hanging yourself , ten feet over the edge) I"m done with this Feeling like an idiot Loving you, I"m over it I just don"t love you, don"t love you no more [Chorus]You, you are so yesterday Never thought you"d loose my love this way Now you come begging me to stay Say, you, you are so yesterday I Won"t let you rain on my parade Don"t wanna hear a thing you say So yesterday[Trey]Baby what you"re saying to me isThere"s no more you and II couldn"t get it right on yesterdaySo kiss our tomorrows goodbyeBaby love shouldda brought me homeShoulda just been a man about it But now i"m crying like a baby girl your love is like my blanket don"t know what to do without itI"m standing here pleading my case You dont care to hear what I say[Toni](hanging yourself , ten feet over the edge)[Trey]"oh no babe no"My promises, don"t mean a thing, the end is so disgusting[Toni]I just dont love you, dont love you no more [Chorus]You, you are so yesterday (oww)Never thought you"d loose my love this way you come begging me to stay Honey, you, you are so yesterday I won"t let you rain on my parade Don"t wanna hear a thing you say So yesterday [Bridge] BothAnd now you wanna reminisce (now I wana reminisce) Say you wanna try again (said I wanna try again)It started with a little kiss (a kiss, a kiss)(we cant even repent) no no Now I never wanna see you, Never wanna feel you Never wanna hear you I don"t love you, don"t need you, can"t stand you No More.. [Chorus]You, you are so yesterday Never thought you"d loose my love this way (toni please, dont leave)Now you come begging me to stay (I wont stay)Baby you, you are so yesterday I Won"t let you rain on my parade (wowww)Don"t wanna hear a thing you say (dont you leaveeee)So yesterday So yesterday So yesterday有Trey标志的就是男的唱的嘛。
2023-07-11 11:11:451

英文歌曲 Fairy Tale -Toni Braxton.谁有MP3链接啊?
2023-07-11 11:11:542

求toni Braxton 的yesterday 的音乐链接

这是你要的toni Braxton 的《yesterday》 链接:我已经帮你试过了,保证可以用的哦~~如果还有什么问题可以在问我的!!
2023-07-11 11:12:171

跪求fairy tale toni braxton的吉他全谱前。间。尾奏~~谢谢

2023-07-11 11:12:241


DidoLene Marlin
2023-07-11 11:12:416


no matter what
2023-07-11 11:12:564


swear it again 、imcomplete 、the world of our own
2023-07-11 11:13:045


2023-07-11 11:13:193


2023-07-11 11:13:3411


waving flag
2023-07-11 11:14:115


R&B发展史 9caq/d2?.q,j%b$T R&B的全词是Rhythm&Blues,译作"节奏蓝调"或"节奏布鲁斯",顾名思义,就是在蓝调中加入强烈的舞蹈节奏,这种音乐风格诞生于上世纪40年代,Louis Jordan被认为是R&B之父,除了节奏,电吉他.高音萨克斯风和福音情绪都是这种音乐的几大主干. o#r,~Sr "i ttY ?d8? W3_ R&B的崛起从经济学的角度来看,多少跟当时的消费环境有关,二次大战期间,黑人购买力大增,黑人音乐供不应求,R&B应运而生,所向披靡.另外,录音带的面世使灌制成本比用唱片便宜得多,间接促成销售旺盛.1945年到1960年是R&B的鼎盛时期,当时黑人不许涉足白人的夜总会,戏院及首轮电影院,买唱片回家听就成为他们最好的消遣. 7Vh x.MXk"|J AP M;^3nQpbl 摇滚乐可以说是R&B一手带大的孩子,即使猫王走红的那几年,许多R&B巨匠依然屹立如山,广受欢迎,如Little Richard,Chuck Berry,B.B.King等.R&B从诞生之日起,就不断地发展,演变,壮大,始终是音乐世界的主流元素,R&B歌手也始总终是流行榜上不败的娇客,除去B.B.King,Stevie Wonder,Aretha Franklin等几十年声势不坠的常青树外,从上世纪80年代起在R&B乐坛崛起的新一代巨星亦延续R&B独领风骚的神话,上世纪80年代崛起的歌手以R.Kelly,Lionel Richie,Whitney Houston,Bobby Brown为代表.在上世纪90年代可以说又是R&B的一个空前兴盛时期,很多R&B歌手都成为流行乐界的超级巨星,随手可以写出一长串的名字:Black Street ,Toni Braxton,Erykah Badu,Envogue,Maxwell,Tlc,Usher,Mariah Carey,Lauryn Hill,Monica,Brandy,Mary J Blige,All 4 One,Babyface,Puff Daddy,Faith Evans,Fugees,Jay-Z,K-Ci&JoJo,Dru Hill等等.到近年,纯女子R&B组合更呈现前所未有的繁荣局面,Destiny"s Child,702,Blaque,Total,Alture,Honeyz等均有突出的表现.此外,一些公认的流行巨星Madonna,Diana Ross,Prince,Vanessa Villiams,Michale Bolton等,无时无刻不在证明着R&B的无孔不入,无处不在.q eDdW$GR(Q 9M};_g w@1i+m+o.M ?:j"]zR`!_ 此外,与R&B有密切关系,对摇滚同样有巨大影响的soul音乐也不得不提一下.Soul译作"骚灵乐"或"灵乐",起源于美国黑人福音乐,1950年年末,Ray Charles把几首福音歌曲搭配上R&B的特色,首开灵魂乐先河,当时蓝调是公认的魔鬼音乐,福音则是上帝的音乐,Ray Charles把两个极端混合一体,确实离经叛道,但他大胆的创举,却造就了黑人音乐中罕见的情感凝固.因为灵歌与节奏蓝调手足般的关联,使很多R&B巨星同时也是骚灵巨星,如Aretha Franklin,Otis Redding等,James Brown还是公认的"灵歌之父",Whitney Houston,Lionel Richie等歌手也是游走于R&B与Soul之间,不可能严格的进行划分. BcD _g"n!WG
2023-07-11 11:14:331


有关NBA的音乐一直觉得对黑人来说音乐像篮球一样是一种天赋。比如Babyface,Timbaland,Craig David,T-Pain,R.Kelly,Toni Braxton因为他们的歌常常拥有一种创意和灵气黑人曾经饱受苦难然而他们又有乐观的天性于是他们创造了忧郁的节奏布鲁斯又创造了奔放的嘻时候我需要看着MV才能体验他们所处的环去欣赏一首歌的灵魂我最初开始听英文,是从Usher在04年上帝附身的专辑Cofessions开始的,那年我高一,也是看中了专辑封面上周杰伦一句话:没听过Usher,别说你听过R&B。从此我开始热衷于黑人R&B音乐,虽然现在我还爱上了Coldplay ,Radiohead等英伦摇滚,甚至于一些电子,但不再回过头去听港台的大多数流行音乐了6161汗~在这里想跟大家推荐几支与NBA有关的音乐,音乐+篮球,应该会不错吧?1) I Believe I Can Fly - R.KellyNBA全明星兼格莱美的歌曲,来自R.Kelly 。这首歌估计无人不晓吧,虽然挺老的了,但它的确经典到连英语课本都会收录。一首向Jordan23致敬的歌,随着音乐回顾着乔丹陛下的一个又一个传奇,有种莫名的感动。2) Jam - Micheal Jackson既然说道乔老爷,在此就继续提到Micheal Jackson的《Jam》。1992年,是飞人陛下开创第一个三连冠的时代,亦是流行天王风靡世界的Dangerous之旅的时代。MV中,MJ和另一个MJ打篮球,另一个MJ跟此MJ跳Popin"。神呐,那是个因伟大的人而伟大的年代~!2) Last Night - Allen IversonAllen Iverson是NBA的一个图腾,他代表的是黑人的强烈的精神。在他和伤处一样多的纹身中,“CT”多次出现,这就是艾弗森唱片公司CRUTHIK的缩写。另外一个文身Jewelz—它就是艾弗森的艺名。 作为嗜好,2000年,艾弗森终于完成第一张个人专辑《Misunderstood》,当然,这张专辑和它的演唱者一样,也有另外一个名字:《nonfiction》,相对于NBA中其他人的说唱,AI的音乐水准绝对专业。 4) Sweet Escape (Radio Version)Gwen Stefani 以前在电台的热播曲目。当然不仅如此,这首歌中,Akon的副歌写得是如此有创意,以至于当全场球迷一起来唱Woo-who, yee-who的时候,你可以想象有多High了!然而让我耿耿于怀的是,我是在爵士季后赛主场的背景里听到的它的(你应该知道爵士这两年的季后赛和谁干上了),爵士主场的球迷太疯狂了,所以,我相当恨它的DJ。5) Rocket man - Elton John火箭人!英国国宝- Elton John 的作品,这首Rocket Man据说是火箭队的队歌。CCTV5播火箭宣传片找的背景曲目就是它。听着很有feel。总冠军之路?Rocket man burning out his fuse up !6) Right Thurr - ChingyNBA的Fans玩NBA游戏似乎是理所当然!EA将Chingy的首支单曲作为NBA Live 04的主题曲,绝对很有眼光。号称2003年夏天的舞池国歌,你不玩04就算了,如果这首歌也不去听?那就太没语言了~
2023-07-11 11:14:411

求 一奥斯卡金曲 英文名

If God Will Send His Angel ?
2023-07-11 11:14:483


2023-07-11 11:14:562


我只看了一,貌似,而且有的不是很熟悉,不过有的我还是知道的《乱世佳人》主题曲《绿野仙踪》主题曲:《跨越彩虹》(Over the Rainbow)《魂断蓝桥》主题曲:《友谊地久天长》《雨中情》主题曲:《雨中曲》《音乐之声》:《DUREMI》《雪绒花》《快乐的牧羊人》我知道的就这些!其他的不清楚了!希望对你有帮助!
2023-07-11 11:15:202