barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-11 23:25:37
TAG: 英语 关于

最常见的不可数名词有:advice, baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic

2、其它不可数名词还有:absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作)




不可数名词主要分物质名词和抽象名词,物质名词是指表示无法分为个体的实物的词,常见的物质名词,如:snow(雪),rain(雨), water(水),coffee(咖啡), tea(茶), meat (肉), milk(牛奶), rice(米饭), bread(面包), orange (桔汁)等;抽象名词是指表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念的词,常见的抽象名词,如:work(工作), study(学习), love(爱), friendship (友谊)等。


不可数名词不能直接用不定冠词a/an、指示代词和基数词修饰,但可以用定冠词the以及some, any, a lot of, much, a little等限定词修饰。例如:

What‘s the weather like today?

There‘s only a little milk in the bottle.

How much water would you like?


a / one cup of tea 一杯茶

two bags of rice 两袋米

three glasses of water 三玻璃杯水

a piece of paper 一张纸

a tin of Coca Cola 一罐可口可乐



advice, baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic, juice, porridge, soup,China,tea, sand, sugar, milk, rice, fish,


absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music,nature,paper,peace,bread,love,courage,pleasure, power, pride, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作)




不可数名词主要分物质名词和抽象名词,物质名词是指表示无法分为个体的实物的词,常见的物质名词,如:snow(雪),rain(雨), water(水),coffee(咖啡), tea(茶), meat (肉), milk(牛奶), rice(米饭), bread(面包), orange (桔汁)等;抽象名词是指表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念的词,常见的抽象名词,如:work(工作), study(学习), love(爱), friendship (友谊)等。


A: 流体 air water

B: 颗粒状物体 rice salt

C: 抽象名词 information

D: 总称名词 poetry machinery

E: 疾病不可数 diabetes糖尿病 measles麻疹

F: 自然现象 rain drops

G: 学科不可数 mathematics economics statistics physics politics mechanics genetics geology geography chemistry biology history


furniture luggage clothing equipment

poetry jewelry machinery weaponry

scenery information knowledge homework

evidence foliage advertising health

advice, baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic

absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work



money, sheep, ice cream, rice, water, drink, juice, porridge, soup,China,

tea, sand, sugar, milk, rice, fish, advice, baggage, change, furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, news, progress, traffic



































































a. 当物质名词转化为个体名词时。

比较: Cake is a kind of food. 蛋糕是一种食物。 (不可数)

These cakes are sweet. 这些蛋糕很好吃。 (可数)

b. 当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,名词可数。

This factory produces steel. (不可数)

We need various steels. (可数)

c. 当物质名词表示份数时,可数。

Our country is famous for tea.


Two teas, please.


2) 抽象名词有时也可数。

four freedoms 四大自由

the four modernizations四个现代化



a glass of water 一杯水

a piece of advice 一条建议

2 make a decision 中的decision可数么?

make a decision 中的decision可数么?

3 make a decision 中的decision可数么?

make a decision 中的decision可数么?

4 回复:不可数名词量的表示



water juice jam money coffee coke food grass land energy paper homework housework time gas ink wood tea meat wine beer cotten air rice pork beef iron steel knowledge copper bread chicken advice hair dust soap toothpaste rubbish gin sand oil ice glass(玻璃)orange(橘子汁)gold beauty death hope pity courage mercy cream help weather information experience shame wonder horror love tofu fish happiness milk fruit ham salt drink snow rain pudding jelly candy light(光)porridge sugar soup fun luck traffic progress age absence fear trade vinegar

soy sauce(酱油) foam noodle soup flour

wheat chili sauce salad mud coal petroleum yoghourt sour cream soda

voice power noise








2023-07-11 19:41:273

双皮奶 西米露 布丁 奶冻等日文翻译拜托各位大神

双皮奶 double-skin milk 【日语】シュヮンピィナィ 【罗马发音】Shu Wan Byi Na i 【汉语谐音】休忘比拿伊。 ==== 龟苓膏 herbal Jelly 【日语】ペースト 【罗马发音】Bee Su To 【汉语谐音】卑私托。 ==== 布丁pudding 【日语】プリン 【罗马发音】Pu Rin 【汉语谐音】扑林。 ==== 西米露 sweetened sago cream 【日语】タピオカ 【罗马发音】Ta Pio Ka 【汉语谐音】塔皮哦卡 ==== 紫米露 purple rice 【日语】バーブルカ 【罗马发音】Paa Pu Ru Ka 【汉语谐音】帕扑卢卡 ==== 奶茶tea with milk 【日语】ミルク茶 【罗马发音】Mi Ru Ku Chya 【汉语谐音】米卢枯恰 ==== 奶冻milk jelly 【日语】カスタード 【罗马发音】Ka Su Taa Do 【汉语谐音】卡私塔多 ==== 烧仙草 burning grass jelly 【日语】バーニング草ゼリー 【罗马发音】Ban Nin Gu Ku Sa Ze Lin 【汉语谐音】班您古枯撒则林 ==== 果汁juice 【日语】ジュース 【罗马发音】Juu Su 【汉语谐音】聚私 ==== 咖啡coffee 【日语】コーヒー 【罗马发音】Koo Bii 【汉语谐音】括比。 ==== 豆浆soybean milk 【日语】とうにゅう 【罗马发音】Too Nuu 【汉语谐音】托牛 ========= 由问问教育区最专业的团队为您解答。保证正确 如果有什么不懂的地方欢迎追问喔~ 觉得满意别忘了采纳哦。。希望采纳
2023-07-11 19:41:591

请问这以下是什么意思?求翻译中文过来:black gulaman是什么东西呀?据说黑色液体包装,是

2023-07-11 19:42:072


  常见食物类英语单词大全有哪些?不论大人还是小孩,在学习的英语单词中,相当高的比例都和食物相关!下面小编将介绍常见食物英语单词大全,家长和孩子都适用,赶紧收藏吧!  1、食物类英语单词大全:水果类  苹果apple  菠萝 pineapple  西瓜watermelon  香蕉banana  柚子 shaddock 或者 pomelo  橙子orange  柠檬lemon  樱桃 cherry  桃子peach  黄桃 yellow peach  水蜜桃 honey peach 或者 juicy peach  油桃 nectarine  梨 pear  枣Chinese date  椰子coconut  草莓 strawberry  树莓 raspberry  蓝莓 blueberry  黑莓 blackberry  葡萄 grape  甘蔗 sugar cane  芒果 mango  木瓜 pawpaw  杏子 apricot  柿子 persimmon  石榴 pomegranate  榴莲 durian  菠萝蜜 jackfruit  槟榔果 areca nut  (西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange  猕猴桃 kiwi fruit  金橘 cumquat  蟠桃 flat peach  荔枝 litchi  青梅 greengage  山楂果 haw  香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon  李子plum  杨梅 waxberry  桂圆(龙眼) longan  沙果 crab apple  杨桃starfruit  枇杷 loquat  柑橘 tangerine  莲雾 wax-apple  番石榴 guava  火龙果 dragon fruit  2、食物类英语单词大全:蔬菜类  西红柿 tomato  南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw  甜玉米 Sweet corn  生菜 莴苣lettuce  白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)  (甘蓝)卷心菜 cabbage  萝卜 radish  胡萝卜 carrot  韭菜leek  木耳 agarics  豌豆 pea  马铃薯(土豆) potato  黄瓜 cucumber  苦瓜 balsam pear  秋葵 okra  洋葱 onion  芹菜 celery  芹菜杆 celery sticks  地瓜 sweet potato  蘑菇 mushroom  橄榄 olive  菠菜spinach  冬瓜 (Chinese)wax gourd 或者white gourd  莲藕 lotus root  紫菜 laver  油菜 cole 或者rape  茄子 eggplant  香菜 caraway  青椒 green pepper  四季豆 青刀豆 garden bean  银耳 silvery fungi  金针蘑 needle mushroom  扁豆 lentil  槟榔 areca  牛蒡great burdock  水萝卜 summer radish  竹笋 bamboo shoot  艾蒿Chinese mugwort  绿豆mung bean  毛豆green soy bean  黄花菜 day lily (day lily bud)  豆芽菜 bean sprout  丝瓜 towel gourd  3、食物类英语单词大全:肉类  牛肉beef  猪肉pork  羊肉 mutton  羔羊肉lamb  鸡肉chicken  鸭肉 duck  鸭胸肉 duck breast  肋骨 rib  排骨 chop  肉馅,肉沫 ground meat  牛排 steak  腱子肉 tendon  五花肉 streaky pork  肘子 pork joint  鲤鱼carp  草鱼 grass carp  鲫鱼 crucian  咸猪肉bacon  瘦肉 lean meat  肥肉speck  4、食物类英语单词大全:海鲜类  虾仁 Peeled Prawns  龙虾 lobster  小龙虾 crayfish(退缩者)  蟹 crab  蟹足crab claws  小虾(虾米) shrimp  对虾、大虾 prawn  (烤)鱿鱼(toast)squid  海参 sea cucumber  扇贝 scallop  鲍鱼 sea-ear abalone  小贝肉cockles  牡蛎oyster  鱼鳞scale  海蜇jellyfish  鳖 海龟turtle  蚬 蛤 clam  鲅鱼 culter  鲳鱼 butterfish  虾籽 shrimp egg  濑尿虾 mantis shrimp  鲢鱼 银鲤鱼chub silver carp  黄花鱼 yellow croaker  三文鱼 salmon  鳕鱼 codfish  幼儿学英语,建议老师和家长在教育的过程中,结合游戏方式,这样能最大程度激发孩子的好奇心和兴趣,更有利于幼儿英语启蒙教育。
2023-07-11 19:42:151


applebreadcarrotdumplingegghumbegerice creammeatnoodlesorangepearrice
2023-07-11 19:42:444


2023-07-11 19:43:263


【 #英语资源# 导语】在平平淡淡的日常中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗? 考 网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.初中生关于梦想的英语作文   A word of advice often heard by young people is: be realistic. In this regard, some people nod silently, while others stubbornly shake their heads.   And I am willing to be one of the stubborn shakers. Reality is a kind of exhortation, but it is more like a kind of bondage. We wrap thorns with layers of reality, and finally wrap them into a large group of "mummies". We can"t see the thorns and the real ourselves. We have been smoothed out and lost our vitality. We, young people, may have nothing left but mediocrity.   Think of the Peking man who "can"t sleep and squint" in Lao She"s "thinking of Peiping", born at the gate of the imperial city at the foot of the emperor. It seems superior, but in fact, he has lost all his dreams and hopes, leaving only a more realistic life. In contrast, the group of passionate young people in the Beijing youth a few days ago showed us the vigorous young people in the new era. They are the group of stubborn rebels shaking their heads - rebellious but full of vitality, full of blood and dreams.   This kind of blood with ideals is what I pursue and what I insist on. It belongs to the young US and is essential to the society. But young people, don"t ignore or completely despise the old man"s advice: be realistic.   The elders experienced more than us, saw more, listened more, and understood more naturally. The sentence "be realistic" is not only a blow to us with dreams, but also reminds us that just having dreams is not enough to succeed. We should face reality while having dreams.   When we open the long volume of history and read it casually, we can clearly see that none of those who have achieved great things since ancient times are willing to be mediocre and blindly realistic, but none can climb the green cloud ladder with only fantasy, such as Liu bangru Han Xin, Napoleon Zhuge Liang, Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Madame Curie and Einstein, How bumpy the reality is. Only with great ambition in mind but no courage and ability to meet the challenge, we can only drown in the suffering of reality and sigh: "what can I do? Fate is not mine. " And those who are truly successful, whether the reality is multi censure or broken mountains and rivers, whether they are faced with many dangers or sitting in the laboratory alone, they have immortal dreams and face the reality unyielding.   To be realistic, it is exhortation, bondage, challenge and test. Don"t be overwhelmed by reality, and don"t be divorced from reality and blindly empty fantasy.   With a dream in mind, face the reality, act on it, and finally succeed. 2.初中生关于梦想的英语作文   Dream, overflowing honey in the flowers, inlaying water droplets on the leaves, holding fragrance in the wind, and rippling in the water. Dream is an angel coming down to earth, holding flowers of hope in his hands, and bursts of stars surround this beautiful scene. Dream is a small seed that will eventually break through the soil, grow into a big tree and bear rich fruits.   My dream stopped in the field and saw the fruit with a smiling face dancing on the branches; Look at that piece of rice, open your hands; Look at the water splashes beating and rolling up stones; Look at that noisy chicken and duck. How joyful and joyful it is. I want to be in such a wonderful world and see the poems brought by the wind holding up my skirt. I dream of being in this paradise. Even without these three or five peach forests, there is no lack of beautiful scenery in my heart.   My dream smiled in the ocean and looked at the blue sky reflecting the beautiful scenery in the middle of the ocean; Look at the soft golden sand, which enters the soles of your feet and brings comfort and peace of mind; Look at the seagulls flying by, laughing and trying to fly forward. I also want to go to the sea to see the fish Fairies in colorful clothes and the jellyfish dancing in the deep sea; Look at the strong Mr. shark; Look at the submarine flying happily at the bottom of the sea, loaded with one dream after another. I want to know why the small water fighter can carry the dreams of hundreds of billions of people, why there are drops of sweat and red eyes. I dream of touching this admirable submarine and fighter one day. I dream that one day I can go to the deep-water world and do my part for myself and my country.   My dream is infatuated with people"s smiles. Look at the crystal fragile but precious smile on that childish face; Look at the vibrant smile like the dawn; Look at the moonlight smile hidden in the wrinkles. Every smile is very pleasant. The infectious smile blooms and wipes honey on the corners of the mouth. I dream of having a permanent smile on the faces of myself and the people around me. 3.初中生关于梦想的英语作文   Whether the clock is bad or not has nothing to do with time. You were born in the heat, I was born in flowers; You love elegance, I"m so publicity; You have your own opinion. I love listening. We enjoyed the spring with green grass, the summer with cicadas, the autumn with fallen leaves and the winter with snow layers. In these fleeting years, extravagant years are passing away.   The English teacher said: the rabbit jumps high and falls far. There is no doubt that you and I are the same. Jumping can reach the top five and falling can reach more than ten. When I do well in the exam, it is like a swan out of a cage, and I can fly in the sky; If you don"t do well in the exam, it"s like a discouraged ball rolling everywhere. I still remember that I was taught by the head teacher that night. The moonlight cast a slanting shadow. We wandered aimlessly around the campus and were very upset. We are so afraid to see our parents" locked eyebrows, silent lips and disappointed expression. Can"t escape, can"t escape. My parents just sighed when I read day. You stay at school and don"t even want to eat.   With his head down, he walked round and round the lake gravel road. We seem to be inspired and cheer up: youth is like figs. It is bitter at first, but then it precipitates sweet juice. When you peel off the skin, you will find that it is so fragrant. So, you and I hummed a song - because the most beautiful song is sung for vigorous youth, singing like flying   Looking up at the star overhead, although it is not the brightest, we can see that it is trying to shine. Heaven and earth as a mirror, the sun and moon as evidence, we have been working hard for our dreams, either happy or sad
2023-07-11 19:43:511


A song of white snow in farewell to field-clerk Wu going homeCen CanThe north wind rolls the white grasses and breaks them;And the Eighth-month snow across the Tartar skyIs like a spring gale, come up in the night,Blowing open the petals of ten thousand peartrees.It enters the pearl blinds, it wets the silk curtains;A fur coat feels cold, a cotton mat flimsy;Bows become rigid, can hardly be drawnAnd the metal of armour congeals on the men;The sand-sea deepens with fathomless ice,And darkness masses its endless clouds;But we drink to our guest bound home from camp,And play him barbarian lutes, guitars, harps;Till at dusk, when the drifts are crushing our tentsAnd our frozen red flags cannot flutter in the wind,We watch him through Wheel-Tower Gate going eastward.Into the snow-mounds of Heaven-Peak Road....And then he disappears at the turn of the pass,Leaving behind him only hoof-prints.
2023-07-11 19:43:595


in a parki went to a park with my parents for a picnic last week. the park is very large and beautiful. it has a lake going though the middle of the park with 2 walking bridges. we fed fishes on the bridge and had a breathing of the spring breeze. then we chose a nice grass place to settle our picnic. we took many delicious dishes and snacks to there and share to eat. so i think i had a very time with my parents in the park.
2023-07-11 19:44:262


龟苓膏 herbal Jelly【日语】ペースト 双皮奶 double-skin milk 【日语】シュヮンピィナィ 西米露 sweetened sago cream 【日语】タピオカ 烧仙草 burning grass jelly 【日语】バーニング草ゼリー
2023-07-11 19:44:521

What is a food chain?

All living things depend on each other to live. The food chain shows how some animals eat other animals to survive. While being food for animals higher in the food chain these animals may eat other animals or plants to survive. The food chain is a plex balance of life. If one animals source of food disappears such as from over fishing or hunting many other animals in the food chain are impacted and may die. Let"s look at o examples of food chains one in the water and the other on land. In the Sea All sea creatures rely on other sea creatures for food to survive. At the bottom of the food chain are the sea plants and plankton. Many types of fish and animals such as the snail shrimp jellyfish and sea star eat the plankton. The *** all animals and fish who eat plankton then bee food for larger fish such as the tuna and mackeral. These fish are then eaten by larger fish and animals such as the shark and dolphin. And who eats the shark? Check out the menu at a seafood restaurant next time you are eating there. Don"t be surprised if you find shark on the menu. On Land The food chain on land is just as plex as in the sea. Small animals eat plants or bugs. Larger animals then eat them with even larger animals eating them. Who is at the top of the food chain? That"s us! We hum eat many of the plants and animals on earth. That"s why we rely so heavily on all plants and animals for our existance. A break in the food chain can impact everyone. Here is a simple example of a food chain in the wild The zebra eats grass for its food. And who eats the zebra? Larger predators like the lion eat the zebra. Food chains food webs and/or food neorks describe the feeding relationships beeen species in a biotic munity. Food webs graphically represent the trfer of material and energy from one species to another within an ecosystem. Typically a food web refers to a graph where only connections are recorded and a food neork or ecosystem neork refers to a neork where the connections are given weights representing the quantity of nutrients or energy being trferred. As usually diagrammed an ani *** is connected to another ani *** for which it is a source of food energy and material by an arrow representing the direction of biomass trfer. Organi *** s are grouped into trophic levels—from the Greek word for nourishment trophikos—based on how many links they are removed from the primary producers. Primary producers or autotrophs are species capable of producing plex anic substances (essentially "food") from an energy source and inanic materials. These ani *** s are typically photosynthetic plants bacteria or algae but in rare cases like those ani *** s forming the base of deep-sea vent food webs can be chemotrophic. All ani *** s that eat the autotrophs are called heterotrophs. They get their energy by eating the producers. 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/f/fc/Foodweb 参考: Food chains pyramids of number and biomass designed for teens
2023-07-11 19:45:061


3Q和Orz都是来源自日本的网络用语,3和thank在日语中是同音,而you和Q音近,谐音一下就是3Q了而Orz,看过动漫的应该都会看到过这种现象: 比如说主人公被无视了或者遭到打击了然后跪倒在地很 无语 的那种现象,O是头,r是手,z是脚,你可以想象一下,这词很传神 简单点说就是这样= =
2023-07-11 19:42:273

有首歌叫啥...弄奶弄奶弄奶 弄死奶 一首英文歌,求知道的朋友告诉我我歌名!

Rather Be uff08feat. Jess Glynneuff09 - Clean BanditWe"re a thousand miles from comfort,we have traveled land and seaBut as long as you are with me, there"s no place I"d rather beI would wait forever, exulted in the seamAs long as I am with you, my heart continues to beatWith every step we take, Kyoto to The BayStrolling so casuallyWe"re different and the same, gave you another nameSwitch up the batteriesIf you gave me a chance I would take itIt"s a shot in the dark but I"ll make itLoaded gun at her heart, you can"t shame meWhen I am with you, there"s no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beWe staked out on a mission to find our inner peaceMake it everlasting so nothing"s incompleteIt"s easy being with you, sacred simplicityAs long as we"re together, there"s no place I rather beWith every step we take, Kyoto to The BayStrolling so casuallyWe"re different and the same, gave you another nameSwitch up the batteriesIf you gave me a chance I would take itIt"s a shot in the dark but I"ll make itLoaded gun at her heart, you can"t shame meWhen I am with you, there"s no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beWhen I am with you, there"s no place I rather beIf you gave me a chance I would take itIt"s a shot in the dark but I"ll make itLoaded gun at her heart, you can"t shame meWhen I am with you, there"s no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather bewhen I am with you there"s no place iu2019d rather be...No, no, no, no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather beNo, no, no, no place I rather bewhen I am with you there"s no place id rather be...
2023-07-11 19:42:271


2023-07-11 19:42:282


2023-07-11 19:42:302


2023-07-11 19:42:311

give in和give away的区别

2023-07-11 19:42:322


2023-07-11 19:42:341

如何评价诱惑本质within temptation的歌曲shot in the dark

i"ve been left out alonelike a damn criminali"ve been praying for help"cause i can"t take it alli"m not doneit"s not overnow i"m fighting this warsince the day of the falland i"m desperatelyholding on to it allbut i"m losti"m so damn lostoh i wish it was overand i wish you were herestill i"m hoping that somehow"cause your soul is on firea shot in the darkwhat did they aim forwhen they missed your heart?i breathe underwaterit"s all in my handswhat can i do? don"t let it fall aparta shot in the darka shot in the darkin the blink of an eyei can see through your eyesas i"m lying awakei"m still hearing the criesand it hurtshurts me so badand i"m wondering whyi still fight in this life"cause i"ve lost all my faithin this damn bitter strifeand it"s sadit"s so damn sadoh i wish it was overand i wish you were herestill i"m hoping that somehow"cause your soul is on firea shot in the darkwhat did they aim forwhen they missed your heart?i breathe underwaterit"s all in my handswhat can i do? don"t let it fall aparta shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darki feel you fading awayi feel you fading awayi feel you fading awayi feel you fading away"cause your soul is on firea shot in the darkwhat did they aim forwhen they missed your heart?i breathe underwaterit"s all in my handswhat can i do? don"t let it fall apartoh, your soul is on firea shot in the darkwhat did they aim forwhen they missed your heart?i breathe underwaterit"s all in my handswhat can i do? don"t let it fall aparta shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the dark
2023-07-11 19:42:341


SWOT分析法(SWOT Analysis,又称强弱危机分析、优劣分析法等)是一种企业竞争态势分析方法,是市场营销的基础分析方法之一,通过评价自身的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、外部竞争上的机会(Opportunities)和威胁(Threats),用以在制定发展战略前对自身进行深入全面的分析以及竞争优势的定位。S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。因此,要结合自己的英语能力与四级试卷综合分析,做出表格,然后再分析就行。从整体上看,SWOT可以分为两部分:第一部分为SW,主要用来分析内部条件;第二部分为OT,主要用来分析外部条件。利用这种方法可以从中找出对自己有利的、值得发扬的因素,以及对自己不利的、要避开的东西,发现存在的问题,找出解决办法,并明确以后的发展方向。根据这个分析,可以将问题按轻重缓急分类,明确哪些是急需解决的问题,哪些是可以稍微拖后一点儿的事情,哪些属于战略目标上的障碍,哪些属于战术上的问题,并将这些研究对象列举出来,依照矩阵形式排列,然后用系统分析的所想,把各种因素相互匹配起来加以分析,从中得出一系列相应的结论而结论通常带有一定的决策性。
2023-07-11 19:42:371

give的短语搭配 这些常用用法建议收藏

1、give in。 读音:英 [ɡ?v ?n]美 [ɡ?v ?n]。 释义:屈从,让步。 语法:give in指行为者屈于某种压力而被迫按别人的要求去做,侧重于屈服。 2、give off。 读音:英 [ɡ?v ?f]美 [ɡ?v ??f]。 释义:释放,放出。 语法:give off强调是用尽,如热量全部发散。give off通常用来表示“散发,发出”某种气体或气味。 3、give out。 读音:英 [ɡ?v a?t]美 [ɡ?v a?t]。 释义:释放,放出,发出。 语法:give out强调的是动作,give out则通常用来表示“散发”某种光,声,热,信号等物理现象。
2023-07-11 19:42:381


首先读R 再读admin
2023-07-11 19:42:393


2023-07-11 19:42:412

take a shot in the dark意思的起源

来自荷兰的女声金属乐队。take a shot in the dark意思是在黑暗中拍摄。
2023-07-11 19:42:411


2023-07-11 19:42:432


2023-07-11 19:42:441

give in/give away/give sb a hand/give back/give out 的区别

2023-07-11 19:42:464

有首歌歌词有句是: just kiss the gir tonight,男女合唱的.哪位亲知道?

just a kissuff1f
2023-07-11 19:42:482


零级反应 零级反应速度与反应物浓度无关,而受其他因素的影响,如反应物的溶解度,或某些光化反应中光的照度等。零级反应的速率方程为: (12-2) 积分得: C=C0 - k0 t (12-3) 式中,C0-t=0时反应物浓度,mol/L;C-t时反应物的浓度,mol/L;k0-零级速率常数,molL-1S-1。C与t呈线性关系,直线的斜率为-k0,截距为C0。 二级反应反应速度与两个反应物浓度的乘积成正比,也就是与反应物浓度的二次方成正比的化学反应称为二级反应。二级反应的反应速度方程式为: dx/dt=k(a-x(b-x) a与b分别为反应物开始时的浓度,x为生成物的浓度。若a=b则 dx/dt=k(a-x)(a-x) 以1/a-x对t作图,得一直线。这是二级反应的特征。二级反应的半衰期为1/Ka,即开始时反应物浓度愈大,则完成浓度减半所需的时间愈短一级反应 一级反应速率与反应物浓度的一次方成正比,其速率方程为: (12-4) 积分后得浓度与时间关系: (12-5) 式中,k-一级速率常数,S-1,min-1或h-1,d-1等。以lgC与t作图呈直线,直线的斜率为-k/2.303,截距为lgC0。 通常将反应物消耗一半所需的时间为半衰期(half life),记作t1/2,恒温时,一级反应的t1/2与反应物浓度无关。 (12-6) 对于药物降解,常用降解10%所需的时间,称十分之一衰期,记作t0.9,恒温时,t0.9也与反应物浓度无关。 (12-7) 反应速率与两种反应物浓度的乘积成正比的反应,称为二级反应。若其中一种反应物的浓度大大超过另一种反应物,或保持其中一种反应物浓度恒定不变的情况下,则此反应表现出一级反应的特征,故称为伪一级反应。例如酯的水解,在酸或碱的催化下,可按伪一级反应处理。
2023-07-11 19:42:511


2023-07-11 19:42:511


2023-07-11 19:42:512

give in。hand in。turn in都是上交的意思。有什么区别吗?

这三个词组用在“上交”的意思时,用法是一样的。hand in:上交give in :上交;登记;投降;塌陷turn in:上交; 上床睡觉;履行,执行
2023-07-11 19:42:242


2023-07-11 19:42:241


patient的用法及短语:be patient of能忍受...的,忍...的,有...可能的;be patient with 对...有耐心。 扩展资料 patient是一个英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“病人,患者;受动者,承受者”,作形容词时意思是“有耐心的",能容忍的”。
2023-07-11 19:42:231


2023-07-11 19:42:2014


lyin" here with you so close to me it"s hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe caught up in this moment caught up in your smile i"ve never opened up to anyone so hard to hold back when i"m holding you in my arms we don"t need to rush this let"s just take this slow just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight just a touch in the fire burning so bright and i don"t want to mess this thing up i don"t want to push too far just a shot in the dark that you just might be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life so baby i"m alright" with just a kiss goodnight i know that if we give this a little time it will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find it"s never felt so real" no it"s never felt so right just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight just a touch in the fire burning so bright and i don"t want to mess this thing up i don"t want to push too far just a shot in the dark that you just might be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life so baby i"m alright" with just a kiss goodnight no i don"t want to say goodnight i know it"s time to leave" but you"ll be in my dreams tonight tonight tonight just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight just a touch in the fire burning so bright and i don"t want to mess this thing up i don"t want to push too far just a shot in the dark that you just might be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life so baby i"m alright" oh" let"s do this right" with just a kiss goodnight with a kiss goodnight kiss goodnight
2023-07-11 19:42:203


2023-07-11 19:42:173


2023-07-11 19:42:151


首先,两款冰箱都是十字对开门冰箱,海尔470升的这几天活动到手价大概在3899元,海尔468升的活动价不高于4399元,两款冰箱相差在五百元左右。海尔470升的容量比海尔468升的大了2L,为什么升数小的海尔468还要比海尔470升的贵呢?下面我们从主体的一个参数和冰箱的一个特点来看一下区别:一、主体参数(关于能效等级、综合耗电量、制冷方式、冷冻能力、面板材质等)海尔470升BCD-470WDPG冰箱 :一级能效、0.8的综合耗电量、6.5KG/12小时的冷冻能力;钣金面板材质、凯岩灰的面板颜色、风冷的制冷方式、变频压缩机;海尔468升BCD-468WGHTD7DDYU1冰箱 :一级能效、0.85的综合耗电量、6KG/12小时的冷冻能力、钣金面板材质、银河灰的面板颜色、风冷的制冷方式、变频压缩机;从主体来看,两款的综合耗电量相差在0.05,相差不大;冷冻能力相差在0.5,相差也不是很大;两款冰箱的面板材质是一样的;颜色都是灰色,但是这个灰色,两款的颜色又是不一样的灰;二、关于冰箱的功能特点(保鲜技术、净味等)海尔470升BCD-470WDPG冰箱 :带干湿分储、MyZone变温、珍品、果蔬、0度保鲜三种模式;双温区独立控温;下边门带90度直角开门;带T.ABT杀菌功能、24小时动态杀菌;变频压缩机+变频离心风机的配置;隐藏式把手;海尔468升BCD-468WGHTD7DDYU1冰箱 :带阻氧干湿分储;5度到-20度的全变温空间;植萃净味杀菌;带有90度开门设计 ;摆放不受拘束;99.99%的植萃杀菌、纯天然植物净化杀菌、净味功能、除异味;变频压缩机+变频轴流风机的双变频配置,节能更出色;支持WIFI智控;隐藏式把手;个人观点总结:从保鲜来看,海尔468升BCD-468WGHTD7DDYU1的阻氧干湿分储保鲜要优于海尔470升BCD-470WDPG这款的干温分储;两款冰箱的杀菌净味技术也不一样,海尔468升的这款是植萃杀菌技术、470升的是T.ABT的杀菌;468升的是变频压缩机搭配变频轴流风机,470升的是变频压缩机搭配变频离心风机;以上就是两款冰箱的一些主要区别和各自的特点; 总的来说,海尔468的配置要更好一些,看上这点的,不差预算的,选这款,考虑预算,想要容量大2L的选择海尔470升的这款。
2023-07-11 19:42:121

only hallelujah in the dark中间有段是这样的是什么歌,女声。

Shot In The Dark黑夜中的枪声I"ve been left out alone like a damn criminal我就像该死的罪犯被这个世界抛弃I"ve been praying for help cause I can"t take it all一直祈祷着希望的降临,因为我无法承受下去I"m not done,但我还没放弃It"s not over.一切都未尝为时已晚Now I"m fighting this war since the day of the fall从这个世界堕落的那一天开始,我艰难的对抗着And I"m desperately holding on to it all我不顾一切的继续挣扎,从不放手But I"m lost但我像只迷途的羔羊I"m so damn lost迷失了Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声In the blink of an eye在眨眼之际I can see through your eyes我能在你的眼睛中看到些许自己As I"m lying awake I"m still hearing the cries在我清醒的时候我仍能听到哭泣声And it hurts它们在我心上划着刀子Hurts me so bad好疼And I"m wondering why I still fight in this life我疑惑着为何我仍然在挣扎和对抗‘Cause I"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife因为在这场战争中,我已经丧失了所有的信念And it"s sad这很悲哀It"s so damn sad真的很悲哀Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声I feel you fading away我觉得我内心的美好快要消散
2023-07-11 19:42:121


2023-07-11 19:42:103


2023-07-11 19:42:091

give up与give in的区别

2023-07-11 19:42:088


2023-07-11 19:42:081


2023-07-11 19:42:042


2023-07-11 19:42:015


2023-07-11 19:42:004

问题:你的弱点是什么? what about you weakness?

翻译:What"s your weak point?
2023-07-11 19:42:001

give in。hand in。turn in都是上交的意思。有什么区别吗?

2023-07-11 19:41:592


2023-07-11 19:41:592