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2023-07-11 23:27:18
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Theirconfidenceinhimshouldbelikethatofapatientinhisdoctor.他们对他的信心应该像一个病人对医生的信心那样。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.o*********.com



patient英 ["peu026au0283(u0259)nt] 美 ["peu0283nt] adj. 有耐性的,能容忍的n. 病人;患者n. (Patient)人名;(法)帕蒂安例:She sat by the patient. 她守护在病人身旁。
2023-07-11 19:37:312


2023-07-11 19:37:402

patient 是什么意思

patient 病人、有耐心的
2023-07-11 19:37:497

patient的意思 patient的读音

1、patient是一个英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“病人,患者;受动者,承受者”,作形容词时意思是“有耐心的,能容忍的”。 2、单词发音:英[u02c8peu026au0283nt];美[u02c8peu0283u0259nt]。 3、短语搭配: patient monitor[医]病人监护仪;医疗监视器;监护仪;监视器 Patient history病历;既往症;病史;有耐性的 English Patient英国病人;英伦情人;书名
2023-07-11 19:38:141


patient是一个名词,意思是病人、患者、受动者、承受者,还可以作形容词意思是有耐心的、能容忍的,patient这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为两个音节【pa】和【tient】,第一个音节pa的发音为【pe?】,而第二个音节tient的发音为【?nt】,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【?pe??nt】,我们再看一下用法,patient作为病人、患者、受动者,有耐心的、能容忍的的意思来使用;例如在下面这两个句子里,The patient has been in remission,for the past six months. 在过去的六个月中,病人的病情已经有所缓解,在这个句子中,patient就是作名词指的是病人、患者,Please be patient – your things will arrive.请耐心点儿–你的东西会到的,在这个句子中,patient就是作形容词指的是有耐心的,patient还有一个短语,patient care指的是病人护工、病人照护、病人照顾,Some doctors see a potential conflict,in trying to be both providers of patient care,and financial overseers. 一些医生认为,既要为病人提供医疗服务,又要充当财务监督者,这两者之间可能存在冲突,patient这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-07-11 19:38:421

patient作形容词时它的反义词? patient作名词时的意思?

2023-07-11 19:39:221


2023-07-11 19:39:443

be patient with sb是什么意思

2023-07-11 19:39:512

为什么“patient”的比较级是加“more”? patient是 耐心的 adj.

因为他读起来时三个音节,三个到三个以上都用more,其他的根据不同而改变 追问: ["pei∫nt] 双音节词来的 回答: pei一个∫n两个t三个,Do you know?? 追问: t是元音来的吗? 回答: 是浊音吧,但是你问为什么也没用,应该问造英语的人去
2023-07-11 19:40:121


  patient表示有耐性的; 能容忍的意思,那么你知道patient的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了patient的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   patient的短语:   动词+~   attend patient 照料病人   bleed patient 给病人抽血   diet patient 规定病人的饮食   examine patient 检查病人   go to see patient 去看患者   形容词+~   ambulatory patient 急诊病人   cardiac patient 心脏病病人   casual patient 意外事故造成的病人   ~+介词   patient under treatment 在治疗中的病人   patient with measles 麻疹病人   同义词辨析:   patient, invalid   这两个名词均可表示"病人"之意。   patient : 泛指正患病的人,尤指正接受治疗的人。   invalid : 多指因伤病或营养不良而造成健康受损,需要他人照顾、护理的病人,也指先天性的残疾者。   patient的短语例句:   1. A patient will usually listen to the doctor"sadvice and act on it.   患者通常都会遵照医嘱行事。   2. Occasionally a patient is so debilitated that he must be fed intravenously.   偶尔会有病人过于虚弱,必须通过静脉注射进食。   3. The patient is sedated with intravenous use of sedative drugs.   静脉注射了镇静剂后病人安然入睡。   4. The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten.   患者按十分制给这些治疗方法打分。   5. The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient"s chances.   病人越早接受治疗,康复的可能性就越大。   6. These gases would seriously damage the patient"s respiratory system.   这些毒气会严重损害患者的呼吸系统。   7. Often a patient cannot snap out of their negativity that easily.   病人常常不能那么容易就打消掉消极的情绪。   8. "I have never knowingly exposed any patient to needless risks," he said.   他说:“我从未故意将任何病人置于不必要的风险境地。”   9. The patient"simmune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object.   病人的免疫系统会对移植器官产生异质排斥反应。   10. A large portion of this cost devolves upon the patient.   这笔费用的很大一部分落在病人身上。   11. The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and so forth.   病人可以食用苹果、苹果汁、苹果酱等。   12. The patient must re-enter a world full of problems and stresses.   患者必须再次进入充满问题和压力的世界。   13. A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.   接受急性脱瘾治疗的病人身边会有一名指派的护士看护。   14. It is normal practice not to reveal details of a patient"s condition.   不透露患者病情的细节是惯常的做法。   15. The patient"s brain activity is monitored via electrodes taped to the skull.   病人的大脑活动通过固定在其头骨上的电极进行监控。
2023-07-11 19:40:521


patient(有耐性的,能容忍的)的名词形式是patience。patient也作名词的意思是病人,患者。 patience 英:[u02c8peu026au0283ns];美:[u02c8peu026au0283ns] n.耐心;忍耐力;毅力;坚忍;恒心;单人纸牌游戏 记忆技巧:pati〔=pat〕走+ence状态,行为→继续走的耐心;忍受 相关词组 have patience忍耐一下 patience with忍耐;反对者 with patience耐心地 out of patience 不耐烦;失去耐心 lose patience失去耐心 have no patience with不能容忍 Patience Strong司屈朗;史特隆 No Patience没有耐性
2023-07-11 19:41:161

be patient of sth 还是be patient with sth

个人认为,两个都可以,因为在我看过的很多英语文章,两者都可以通用,be patient of 对…容忍,如,He is patient of cold and hunger 他能够容忍饥饿 或 Tom has been quite patient of the noise outside the window for two days 而be patient with 是能够对sth有耐心,如Teachers are always patient with us.老师总是对我们很有耐心 一个偏向于容忍(相对有些贬义),一个偏向于耐心.
2023-07-11 19:41:241

be patient to sb.和be patient with sb.的区别

一般是用be patient with sb. 对某人耐心be patient to do sth. 做某事有耐心
2023-07-11 19:41:324


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2023-07-11 19:42:103


patient的用法及短语:be patient of能忍受...的,忍...的,有...可能的;be patient with 对...有耐心。 扩展资料 patient是一个英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“病人,患者;受动者,承受者”,作形容词时意思是“有耐心的",能容忍的”。
2023-07-11 19:42:231


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2023-07-11 19:42:512


2023-07-11 19:44:003


patient本身就是形容词。patient名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“病人,患者;受动者,承受者”,作形容词时意思是“有耐心的,能容忍的”。 双语例句 1、Patient: What should I do, doctor? 病人: 医生,我该做些什么呢?。 2、Patient: Because you have your hand on my wristwatch. 病人:因为你把手放在了我的手表上。 3、Their confidence in him should be like that of a patient in his doctor. 他们对他的信心应该像一个病人对医生的信心那样。
2023-07-11 19:44:181


2023-07-11 19:46:131

be patient of 是什么意思

be patient of 耐心~~
2023-07-11 19:46:293

by patient的意思是什么

patient[英][ˈpeɪʃnt][美][ˈpeʃənt]adj.有耐性的; 能容忍的; n.患者; 病人; 病号; 复数:patients例句:1.Patient information leaflets should tell you what foods to avoid with which drugs. 病人须知应该告诉你吃药时要避免与什么食物一起食用。
2023-07-11 19:47:521


2023-07-11 19:47:591


patient是一个名词,意思是病人、患者、受动者、承受者,还可以作形容词意思是有耐心的、能容忍的,patient这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为两个音节【pa】和【tient】,第一个音节pa的发音为【peu026a】,而第二个音节tient的发音为【u0283nt】,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【u02c8peu026au0283nt】,我们再看一下用法,patient作为病人、患者、受动者,有耐心的、能容忍的的意思来使用;例如在下面这两个句子里,The patient has been in remission,for the past six months. 在过去的六个月中,病人的病情已经有所缓解,在这个句子中,patient就是作名词指的是病人、患者,Please be patient – your things will arrive.请耐心点儿–你的东西会到的,在这个句子中,patient就是作形容词指的是有耐心的,patient还有一个短语,patient care指的是病人护工、病人照护、病人照顾,Some doctors see a potential conflict,in trying to be both providers of patient care,and financial overseers. 一些医生认为,既要为病人提供医疗服务,又要充当财务监督者,这两者之间可能存在冲突,patient这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-07-11 19:48:141


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2023-07-11 19:48:271


用法如下:1、词组(1)be patient of能忍受...的,容忍...的,有...可能的 ;(2)be patient with 对...有耐心。2、词性(1)做名词:病人,可以加复数;(2)做形容词:有耐心的,否定为impatient。3、造句The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient"s chances.病人越早接受治疗,康复的可能性就越大。
2023-07-11 19:48:511


一个是形容词,一个是副词patient[英][ˈpeɪʃnt][美][ˈpeʃənt]adj.有耐性的; 能容忍的; n.患者; 病人; 病号; patiently[英]["peɪʃntlɪ][美][ˈpeʃəntlɪ]adv.耐心地,坚韧不拔地;
2023-07-11 19:49:463


2023-07-11 19:50:031


2023-07-11 19:50:491


有be patient with 是 对...有耐心的意思~ be patient of 能忍受...的,容许...意义的,具有...意义的
2023-07-11 19:51:082


be patient of能忍受...的,容忍...的,有...可能的 be patient with 对...有耐心做名词:病人,可以加复数做形容词:有耐心的,否定为impatient
2023-07-11 19:51:452


一、patient(有耐性的,能容忍的)的名词形式是patience 。patient 也作名词的意思是病人,患者。二、patience ["peu026au0283(u0259)ns] n. 耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍1. Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith. 非暴力和忍耐是他们的信仰的核心原则。 2. Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin. 一开始她丈夫还抱以同情,可不久就失去耐心了。 3. It was exacting work and required all his patience. 工作很艰巨,需要他有极大的耐心。 4. I"ve had enough—there are limits even for the patience of a saint! 我已经受够了——即使是圣人忍耐也是有限的。
2023-07-11 19:51:531

patient 的用法有哪些?

be patient with..对...有耐心
2023-07-11 19:52:035


2023-07-11 19:52:203


最主要是词性不同. patient可做名词和形容词两种词性.做名词时是“病人”之意(可数);做形容词时是"“有耐心的”意思. patience只做名词,意为“耐性,耐心” patiently为副词,意为“耐心地” 例:She is very patient with young children. She treats her patient patiently. Facing the naughty boy,she lost her patience. 题目的话网上有很多,其实这样的问题最好翻牛津或朗文,都有例句又清楚.
2023-07-11 19:52:371

be patient with和to区别是什么?

be patient with和be patient to的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、be patient with:对…有耐心。2、be patient to:耐心等待。二、语法不同1、be patient with:patient的意思是“忍耐的,有耐心的”,指能镇静地承受痛苦或考验,经受困难,也指对挑衅或曲解表现出克制的态度,能宽容别人的缺点或冒犯。2、be patient to:patient在句中可用作定语或表语。patient无比较级和最高级。三、侧重点不同1、be patient with:be patient with接人。2、be patient to:be patient to接抽象名词。
2023-07-11 19:52:441

有be patient to do这种用法吗

有 be patient to do sth 要有耐心去做某事
2023-07-11 19:52:596


2023-07-11 19:46:211


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2023-07-11 19:46:224

Just A Kiss 歌词

歌曲名:Just A Kiss歌手:赵权Just A KissLady Antebellumlyin" here with you so close to meit"s hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathecaught up in this momentcaught up in your smilei"ve never opened up to anyoneso hard to hold back when i"m holding you in my armswe don"t need to rush thislet"s just take this slowjust a kiss on your lips in the moonlightjust a touch in the fire burning so brightand i don"t want to mess this thing upi don"t want to push too farjust a shot in the dark that you just mightbe the one i"ve been waiting for my whole lifeso baby i"m alright, with just a kiss goodnighti know that if we give this a little timeit will only bring us closer to the love we wanna findit"s never felt so real no it"s never felt so rightjust a kiss on your lips in the moonlightjust a touch in the fire burning so brightand i don"t want to mess this thing upi don"t want to push too farjust a shot in the dark that you just mightbe the one i"ve been waiting for my whole lifeso baby i"m alright, with just a kiss goodnightno i don"t want to say goodnighti know it"s time to leave but you"ll be in my dreamstonighttonighttonightjust a kiss on your lips in the moonlightjust a touch in the fire burning so brightand i don"t want to mess this thing upi don"t want to push too farjust a shot in the dark that you just mightbe the one i"ve been waiting for my whole lifeso baby i"m alright oh let"s do this right with just a kiss goodnightwith a kiss goodnightkiss goodnight
2023-07-11 19:46:231


2023-07-11 19:46:241

give up,give in,give out,give off有什么区别

give up,1.让出,2.放弃 give in ,1.让步,2.呈交 give out,1.分发,2.用尽,3.公布 give off,发散 意思基本完全不同的
2023-07-11 19:46:251

give in.hand in.turn in都是上交的意思.有什么区别吗?

give in :to deliver;hand in 递交,呈交,(一般是上级……)hand in:to deliver;give by hand 一般是上交、交给……(上级、长辈,或者平辈都可以)turn in:1、交回、交还行的上交,you must turn in your gun when y...
2023-07-11 19:46:171

compensated for by

Such weaknesses are more than compensated for by cetaceans" well-developed acoustic sense. 你这个问题 不难 可以 看作 动介短语的被动语态 如 the boy is looked after by his mother . 我相信 你能 明白.我就不讲了. compensate for weaknesses 弥补弱点
2023-07-11 19:46:171

【伊苏】解释下Ys1、2的 yahoo 无料体验版

无料体验版 为日语 无料就是免费的意思体验版一般是公司推出的试玩版本,只能玩一两关别下这个哦你可以下载完整版本
2023-07-11 19:46:171

that was a rough question.How did you get it right?I just took a shot in the dark

2023-07-11 19:46:162

用radmin远程不能完全控制 但是能传输文件怎么解决??

2023-07-11 19:46:152