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2023-07-12 14:27:10




《史卡保罗集市》(Scarborough Fair )
are you going to scarborough fair 你正要去史卡保罗集市吗
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 香菜鼠尾草迷迭香和百里香
remember me to one who lives there 请代我向他问候
he was once a true love of mine 他曾是我的挚爱
tell him to make me a cambric shirt 请他为我做一件棉衬衫
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 香菜鼠尾草迷迭香和百里香
without no seams nor needle work 不能有接缝,也不能用针线
then he"ll be a true love of mine 这样他就可以成为我的挚爱
tell him to find me an acre of land 请他为我找一亩地
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 香菜鼠尾草迷迭香和百里香
between salt water and the sea strands 地必须位于海水和海岸之间
then he"ll be a true love of mine 这样他就可以成为我的挚爱
tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather 请他用皮制的镰刀收割
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 香菜鼠尾草迷迭香和百里香
and gather it all in a bunch of heather 用石南草捆扎成束
then he"ll be a true love of mine 这样他就可以成为我的挚爱
are you going to scarborough fair 你正要去史卡保罗集市吗
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 香菜鼠尾草迷迭香和百里香
remember me to one who lives there 请代我向他问候
he was once a true love of mine 他曾是我的挚爱





















































我推荐的好像都比较老土 毕业歌曲第十位:《难舍难分》(谭咏麟) 这首歌就像是为大学里即将分别的情侣量身订做的,凄美的旋律,伤心的歌词,加上“谭校长”的完美演绎,分别的恋人还有不哭的理由吗?大学里流行着这样一句话:“毕业了,我们分手吧!”回想当初的山盟海誓,我们也许会认为理想是多么美好啊,然而,现实却是残酷的,各奔东西的我们还能海枯石烂吗?分手吧,能说的也许只是一句:“我总是选错了方向,伤心却又不能忘”,遥远的将来,每当我们“回首灯火阑珊处”,总是会不断问问自己“是否还有你”?大学里的爱情是最值得我们回味的,也是最难舍难分的,然而,现实中也许我们只能“相偎又相依要留在心底陪我一路到天涯”。对于那些毕业了就分手的情侣们,分手了,怨恨对方也是于事无补的,《难舍难分》就当祝福对方。 煽情指数:6 流泪指数:5.5 毕业歌曲第九位:《栀子花开》(何炅) 当初何炅出这首歌就是为了献给那些即将离开学校的毕业生的。这首歌旋律简单上口,歌词有着学生气的忧郁,清纯而美好,一反以前离别歌曲的伤感,以轻快明朗的风格演绎出来。轻快明朗的风格并没有削弱这首歌的离别情绪,反而更增添了许多伤感与无奈。“栀子花开,so beautiful so white”,栀子花开得如此可爱,我们也只能挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈,也只能感叹光阴好像流水飞快。在这种轻快明朗的歌声中,你能感受那浓浓的惆怅吗?栀子花开的季节,注定是我们离别的季节。 煽情指数:7 流泪指数:6.5 毕业歌曲第八位:《我们的纪念册》(Twins) 毕业册上十个有七个在祝福友谊万岁,百尺竿头、学业进步、万事如意、明天会更好,祝福的话语充满了依依不舍,同学的岁月全记录在薄薄的纪念册中。毕业了,同学们各奔东西,去开创属于自己的一片天地,也许每个人都梦想着自己拥有一个锦绣般的前程,分别时,彼此拥抱,咬紧牙关,在心里默默苦念:“兄弟 (姐妹),我们一定要出人头地!未来是属于我们的!”毕业了,才发现“还未学习怎么纪念从前,便发觉要懂得拥抱明天”,因为我们要向前看,不断回头,只会耽误我们的行程,明天才是我们努力的目标。分别时,同学们最不应该忘记的是和“未算老友”的同学握下手,彼此拥抱,说几句祝福,因为也许这是你们最后一次握手了,多年以后当你们翻开纪念册,也许你还记得这最后的握手吧。 煽情指数:7.5 流泪指数:7 毕业歌曲第七位:《回到过去》(周杰伦) 校园里的故事到最后也只能成为泛黄的日记本中惆怅的一页,在即将离开校园的日子里,相信所有的毕业生都会有回到过去的幻想。想回到“静静看着凌晨黄昏你的身影失去平衡慢慢下沉”的过去,想回到“抱你在怀里”的过去,想回到“只要靠在一起就能感觉甜蜜”的过去……想回到过去,可是时光不会倒流。“想回到过去,试着让故事继续,至少不再让你离开我而去,分散时间的注意,这次会抱得更紧,这样挽留不知还来不来得及。” 煽情指数:8 流泪指数:7.5 毕业歌曲第六位:《祝福》(张学友) “不要问不要说,一切尽在不言中,这一刻,偎着烛光让我们静静地度过,莫挥手莫回头,当我唱起这首歌,怕只怕泪水轻轻地滑落,愿心中永远留着我的笑容,伴你走过每一个春夏秋冬,几许愁几许忧,人生难免苦与痛,失去过才能真正懂得去珍惜和拥有,情难舍人难留,今朝一别各西东,冷和热点点滴滴在心头,愿心中永远留著我的笑容,伴你走过每一个春夏秋冬,伤离别离别虽然在眼前,说再见再见不会太遥远,若有缘有缘就能期待明天,你和我重逢在灿烂的季节。”天下没有不散的宴席,今朝一别各西东的毕业生们,彼此说声祝福才是最好的礼物。若有缘,往日的同学也许能在灿烂的季节重逢。 煽情指数:8 流泪指数:8 毕业歌曲第五位:《跟往事干杯》(姜育恒) 离别的主旋律是忧郁。大学四年,我们“经过了许多事”,“也许是被人伤了心,也许是无人可了解”,“你是不是觉得累”了呢?就要分别了,有什么都说出来吧,把你的伤心告诉伤害你的人,和你想了解的人多聊几句。看开一点,豁达一点,大学里的经历只是人生旅途上的一段,“人生际遇就像酒,有的苦有的烈,这样的滋味,你我早晚要体会”。既是如此,在散伙饭桌上,让我们“干杯吧朋友,就让那一切成流水,把那往事,把那往事当作一场宿醉,明日的酒杯莫再要装着昨天的伤悲,请与我举起杯,跟往事干杯,举起杯,跟往事干杯”。不论我们的过去曾经发生过什么,就让它静静地陪着我们咬牙走远,举杯和往事说再见。 煽情指数:8.5 流泪指数:8.5 毕业歌曲第四位:《朋友》(周华健) 这首歌曲有些只唱给男生们的嫌疑,但无论与否,我们不能不在周大哥的声音里回忆起我们在球场上火热的争执和甜蜜的友谊,大家酣战后杯酒释恩仇。这样的场面也是我们男生最爱表现的时候,因为在看台总有那么几个心仪的GIRL。“朋友一生一起走,那些日子不再有,一句话,一辈子,一生情,一杯酒,朋友不曾孤单过,一声朋友你会懂”,毕业了,那些一起相处的日子不会再有了,但是朋友,是一生一世的,即使海角天涯,你我都不会孤单,一声朋友,你会懂的。 煽情指数:9 流泪指数:8.5 毕业歌曲第三位:《十年》(陈奕迅) 弹指间十年岁月如流水,让人不禁感慨万千。“怀抱既然不能逗留,何不在离开的时候,一边享受一边泪流”,唯美、凄凉,却又是那么真实。这首歌尤其适合“毕业了,我们分手!”的情侣们,“情人最后难免沦为朋友”,难道这就是命运?可是失去的往往是最珍贵的,“直到和你做了多年朋友,才明白我的眼泪,不是为你而流也为别人而流”。珍惜此刻的拥有是为了十年后再见我们依然能够彼此微笑。 煽情指数:9 流泪指数:9 毕业歌曲第二位:《祝你一路顺风》(吴奇隆) “那一天知道你要走,我们一句话也没有说,当午夜的钟声敲痛离别的心门,却打不开我深深的沉默,那一天送你送到最后,我们一句话也没有留,当拥挤的月台挤痛送别的人们,却挤不掉我深深的离愁,我知道你有千言你有万语,却不肯说出口,你知道我好担心我好难过,却不敢说出口。当你背上行囊卸下那份荣耀,我只能让眼泪留在心底,面带着微微笑,用力地挥挥手,祝你一路顺风!”当年吴奇隆送别陈志朋这首歌,一出来便赚取了无数离别人们的眼泪,后来便成为每一次离别必唱的一首歌。对于即将离开校园的毕业生们来说,这首歌无疑是表达彼此情感的最好诠释。 煽情指数:9.5 流泪指数:9.5 毕业歌曲第一位:《友谊天长地久》(《魂断兰桥》主题曲) 从此,大家天各一方,在不同城市的不同角落为不同的目标打拼奋斗。也许现实生活中复杂的人际关系会让你无暇回顾大学校园的欢声笑语;也许身边多了一个他会让你暂时忘了曾经陪你一起翘课一起偷偷在宿舍煮面条的好友;也许“忙碌”这个堂而皇之的理由会让你忘记我们“常常联系”的承诺;也许,新环境的新朋友已经让你应接不暇;也许,有着太多的也许,会让我们多年没有联系,但是我们的友谊却天长地久。离别的毕业生们,泪也流了,祝福也说了,不如擦干眼泪,一起唱这首《友谊天长地久》,祝福我们的友谊天长地久! 煽情指数:10



find me 什么意思

2023-07-12 01:45:583

finde me 中文什么意思

Let me find out我查一下用英语表... ... I"ll tell him you"re here.( 我会告诉他您已经到了。) Let me find out.( 我查一下。) would like to ...“ 想……”。. - 基于2个网页2find me somebody new尽管时间让我找到新的人选rosefrom the bottom of my broken heart 在我受伤的心底里even though time may尽管时间让我找到新的人选find me somebody new you were my real love但你仍旧. - 基于2个网页3for me in finding我搜寻the factor for me in finding a Ph. D. program was the ability of a program to help me bridge the gap between my own level of preparedness and the body of material that I needed to master .我搜寻博士班的关键点在于它们课程是否能帮助我衔接我现有的所学程度,通往我所打算精通的领域专业。 - 基于3个网页4help me find帮我找would you please help me find my daughter ., 请帮我找我女儿好么. - 基于17个网页帮我找到will you help me find him ., 你们能帮我找到他吗
2023-07-12 01:46:063

Lesser Birds of Paradise的《Find Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Find Me歌手:Lesser Birds of Paradise专辑:A Suitable Frame献给<3赵玉薇 by MandarinSo many nights trying to hide itBut now I stay awake just pleading for moreTo think this heart was dividedI"m losing sleep cause I can"t ignore...Feeling your touch all aroundPeacefully hearing the soundOf silence around us, so glad we found us this wayFind me, here in your arms. Now I"m wondering where you"ve always beenBlindly, I came to you.Knowing you"d breathe new life from withinI can"t get enough of youI want to be where you areIn times of need I just want you to stayI leave a note on your carWhen I can"t find the right words to sayHearing your voice all aroundThe last place we"re going is downI"ll blindly follow knowing you"re leading the wayFind me, here in your arms. Now I"m wondering where you"ve always beenBlindly, I came to you. Knowing you"d breathe new life from withinWith you in timeThere"s nothing elseMy life stands stillYou are the will that makes me strongMake me strongIf ever alone in this world I know I"ll always...Find me, here in your arms. Now I"m wondering where you"ve always beenBlindly, I came to you. Knowing you"d breathe new life from withinYou sleep, here in my arms. Where the world just shuts down for awhileBlindly, you came to me. Finding peace and belief in this smileFind some peace and belief in this smileFind some peace and belief in this smileI can"t get enough of you
2023-07-12 01:46:131

苹果手机 出现findme铃声

苹果手机出现findme的铃声是是因为您手机被人用查找IPHONE软件定位了。这种情况可能是你的Apple ID密码泄露了,又或者这不是你的手机,如果不是你的手机请尽快还给失主,如果是密码泄露,你可以采取一下办法。1、首先要进入到苹果id管理中心,在百度输入“Apple-我的 Apple ID“,然后点击打开第一个网页即可。2、输入网址后,进入到我的Apple ID管理页面。3、进入管理页面后,找到“管理您的 Apple ID”选项。4、找到“管理您的 Apple ID”选项后,点击这个按钮。5、在弹出来的窗口输入框中输入注册时用的ID,即一个邮箱地址。6、输入ID后,接着点击“忘记了密码?”选项。7、接着,又进入到另一个新页面,点击下一步即可。8、点击下一步后,选择找回密码的方式,这里以邮件找回为例,点选邮件方式,然后再次点击下一步,最后登陆邮箱查看即可找回。
2023-07-12 01:46:191

耳机出现find me啥意思

2023-07-12 01:46:281

airpodspro出现Find Me怎么办

2023-07-12 01:46:361

急寻 Find me 的歌词,David Gates的,谢谢!!!

Find me—David GatesThe skies are not as blue, when you"re not with meThe stars, they never seem to shine as brightAnd the hours crack like days across the agesAnd a year or two pass by with every night.It makes me know if i should ever leave this world before you doWhen you follow you must promise, cross your heart and promise toFind me...look hard, and dont stop, I"ll be waiting "till thenDont sleep, and dont eat "till I"m back, back in your arms againI dont wanna have to spend all my forever without you.Just knowing that your out there somewhere too. So darlin...please I"m begging you on bended knee...Find me...I"ve tried to tell this world how much i love you.But they dont understand how deep it goes.And i can"t even find the words to tell youSo I"m the only one who really knows.And though we have our times together, I am always wanting moreSo if we get separated wont you do just like before andFind me...look hard and dont stop, I"ll be waiting "till thenDont sleep, and dont eat "till I"m back, back in your arms againThrough a hundred million faces you will see me shinning through."Cause I"ll glow when you come close , I always do.So darlin" please im begging you on bended knee..We can share our love through all eternity"Cause with you is all i ever wanna be......Find me
2023-07-12 01:46:431


2023-07-12 01:46:523


find it +adj+to do,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的to do,find that 是接宾语从句,都可以用。一、i find it词汇分析释义:我找到了它拓展资料1、I find it hard to blow-dry my hair 我发现我的头发很难吹干。2、I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly. 我发现要让我自己定期出门锻炼真的很难。3、I find it unbelievable that people can accept this sort of behaviour 人们竟能接受这样的行为,我震惊不已。4、I find it ludicrous that nothing has been done to protect passengers from fire 乘客没有受到任何防火保护,这让我觉得十分荒唐。二、i find that词汇分析释义:我发现拓展资料1、If I find that you are lying. 如果让我知道你在撒谎的话。2、I find that he"s humourous. 我发现他是有很幽默的人。3、Brian: I find that music can help me relax and I study better if I am relaxed. 布莱恩:我发现音乐会帮助我放松,而如果我能放松我就能学习地更好。4、I find that as bizarreas you guys do. 我跟你们一样也发现了这怪事。
2023-07-12 01:47:002

急切需要YUI的歌曲Find me的翻译

即使是很不好的消息我也想听听过也没有什麽的捂住耳朵 听不到其他的东西眼泪流出把心撒湿无论在世界的任何一个地方那天的我也是一样的一边忍住眼泪一边对现实犹豫不绝找到属于我的那扇门FIND ME努力的去看在平时很难看见的东西一个人孤独的孤独的想要爱情澄清耳朵去听LOVE SONG去听房间一个人心颤抖的声音电影播放过的地方现在已经不知道在那里了一边忍住眼泪一边对现实犹豫不绝努力的去寻找属于我的那扇门FIND ME每次都希望自己能够找到现在发现每次都不能成为现实那一天的我在世界的什麽地方一边忍住眼泪一边对现实犹豫不绝寻找那扇门……
2023-07-12 01:47:081

how does you find me 这句话对吗?什么意思

不对how do you find me你怎么找到我的?
2023-07-12 01:47:286

Find me in the pacific的出处和意思是什么??是一组图片的统称了如果你觉得 夏天是那么的安静 在太平洋找到我。
2023-07-12 01:47:432

I find me什么意思

2023-07-12 01:48:177

GPS Findme离线小米手机能找到吗?

2023-07-12 01:48:311

Boyce avenue的find me 歌词用中文翻译过来是什么意思?

2023-07-12 01:48:392

find me 是哪部电影

2023-07-12 01:48:474

find me什么时候上映

2023-07-12 01:49:081

Inside You (Part 1 & II) 歌词

歌曲名:Inside You (Part 1 & II)歌手:The Isley Brothers专辑:Inside Youbang gang - Insideby 鸟の诗How can someone feel like we did out thereHave you lost the dream that was in our handsIs it okey nowHow can someone feel like we did out thereHave you lost the dream that was in our handsIs it okey nowFind meInside every heartbeatInside every worryKeep me in your heart againFind meInside every heartbeat (over the hills again)Inside every worryInside your heartHow can someone feel like we did out thereHave you lost the dream that was in our handsIs it okey nowFind meInside every heartbeatInside every worryKeep me in your heart againFind meInside every heartbeat (over the hills again)Inside every worryInside your heartYou ran awayAnd i could not stayIs it your timeOr is it mineIs it our timeFind meInside every heartbeatInside every worryKeep me in your heart againFind meInside every heartbeat (over the hills again)Inside every worryInside your heart
2023-07-12 01:49:431

hello find me another什么歌的歌词

2023-07-12 01:49:511

Find me a little niche是什么意思?

niche的本意为凹处,壁龛等,但用得更多的是它的比喻义,即适合的舒适的位置、地方、职业等(suitable or comfortable position,place,job,etc)这样这句话就不难理解了吧
2023-07-12 01:49:582

J-FIND ME情侣智能手环有什么用?

可以让心 相连
2023-07-12 01:50:052

求When You Find Me-Joshua Radin中文歌词。

2023-07-12 01:50:132

can not he me find可以连成什么英文句子?

可以连成:He can not find me.
2023-07-12 01:50:215


2023-07-12 01:50:471


over the rainbow
2023-07-12 01:50:554

you will find meuff9495

you will find me你会找到我
2023-07-12 01:51:022

求全孝盛的find me MP3下载

2023-07-12 01:51:211


2023-07-12 01:51:282


2023-07-12 01:51:351

Rachel Goswell的一首歌叫Warm Summer Sun的歌词

warm summer sunbad news are fell over some ways todaydidn"t take that step forwardbad news are fell over some ways todaydidnt take that step forwardI stop chasing summer sunIt"s not really meI won"t waste my time on thisthat"s still me feelingI wanna see those autumn resco mad in bloom todayblessed away the green sound of summertake a walk down by the river of todaywatch where drifts flow down toi stop chasing summer sunit"s not really me i wont waste my time on thisthat"s not me feeling
2023-07-12 01:51:423


2023-07-12 01:52:084

哪首英文歌的歌词里有noting to hide 和 tell me where i find这两句

take me to your heart
2023-07-12 01:52:574

FEED的《Find Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Find Me歌手:FEED专辑:Make Every Stardust ShimmerYUI - Find me作词:YUI作曲:YUI悲しくなるニュースだって闻きたくもないウワサだって耳をふさいで 知らないふりしたって隙间から 零れて 心 濡らすの世界の何処かできっとあの日のあたしのように涙こらえながら现実に迷いながら探しているの 次のドアを…Find me努力はいつも见えにくい孤独は爱情を求めている耳を澄まして 聴こえてきたLOVE SONG部屋の隅っこ一人で 心 震えたテレビに映ってた场所は今でも何処かにあって涙こらえながら现実に迷いながら探しているの 次のドアを…Find meどうすればいいのか わからなくなるたび见つけてほしいよと叫んでるいまも変わらない世界の何処かできっとあの日のあたしのように涙こらえながら现実に迷いながら探しているの次のドアを…Find me
2023-07-12 01:53:211

Find Me (Uncut Demo) 歌词

歌曲名:Find Me (Uncut Demo)歌手:Downhere专辑:Thunder After Lightning- The Uncut DemosChristina Grimmie - Find MeAlbum:Find MeI know something"s bound to changeAnd I know I have been to blameWatching the way this era of madnesswon"t come and spread no shame"Cause I"ve been waiting watching andpraying for you to go insane... I"ve BeenHold me now and come on out and find me"cause I"ve been waiting my turnPressure"s on and now your heart is beatingSo the sound of my name and I sayFind me Find meCome on out and find meFind me Find mePressure"s on nowDon"t defy it burning the thought ofcalling back your nameMaybe it"s not different andbecause I see some play you didForget the footstepsForward and take one back where they just secureHey So now you"re crying,Open the mind and to hide what you"re looking forDeceitful smileOhh you don"t want it to get you, yeah, anywhereAnymore...Hold me now and come on out and find me"cause I"ve been waiting my turnPressure"s on and now your heart is beatingSo the sound of my name,Come on out and find me
2023-07-12 01:53:281

Find Me (In 1999) 歌词

歌曲名:Find Me (In 1999)歌手:Angela & The Rude专辑:Young SoulsChristina Grimmie - Find MeAlbum:Find MeI know something"s bound to changeAnd I know I have been to blameWatching the way this era of madnesswon"t come and spread no shame"Cause I"ve been waiting watching andpraying for you to go insane... I"ve BeenHold me now and come on out and find me"cause I"ve been waiting my turnPressure"s on and now your heart is beatingSo the sound of my name and I sayFind me Find meCome on out and find meFind me Find mePressure"s on nowDon"t defy it burning the thought ofcalling back your nameMaybe it"s not different andbecause I see some play you didForget the footstepsForward and take one back where they just secureHey So now you"re crying,Open the mind and to hide what you"re looking forDeceitful smileOhh you don"t want it to get you, yeah, anywhereAnymore...Hold me now and come on out and find me"cause I"ve been waiting my turnPressure"s on and now your heart is beatingSo the sound of my name,Come on out and find me
2023-07-12 01:53:351


2023-07-12 01:53:431

what do you find me

你好: 不对, you 是第二人称 所以 前面的助动词 应该用 do 改: how do you find me ? 翻译: 你是怎么找到我的? 那就是: What do you think about me ? (你怎么看待我的)
2023-07-12 01:53:491

How you find me?修改一处错误的地方。

How do you find me?
2023-07-12 01:53:572


2023-07-12 01:54:042

You Find Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Find Me歌手:Trevor Hall专辑:Lace Up Your ShoesLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?
2023-07-12 01:54:111

He will come to find me.正确吗?

2023-07-12 01:54:183

could you find me

对滴!这个是后置的动名词作状语.还有一个简单的方法来判断.一个句子中如果没有连词的话只能有一个动词.这个句子里的 find 明显是动词,后面不能再有动词了.所以只能是dealing.这个方法考试时可以用^^
2023-07-12 01:54:371

You Will Find Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Will Find Me歌手:Elissa专辑:I"m With The DJLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?
2023-07-12 01:54:431

She Will Find Me 歌词

歌曲名:She Will Find Me歌手:Dougie MacLean专辑:Romantica: Great Love Songs from around the WorldBeauty queen of only eighteenShehad some trouble with herselfHe was always there to help herShealways belonged to someone elseI drove for miles and milesAnd wound up at your doorI"ve had you so many times but somehowI want moreI don"t mind spending everydayOut on your corner in the pouring rainLook for the girl with the broken smileAsk her if she wants to stay awhileAnd she will be lovedShe will be lovedTap on my window knock on my doorI want to make you feel beautifulI know I tend to get so insecureIt doesn"t matter anymoreIt"s not always rainbows and butterfliesIt"s compromise that moves us alongYeahMy heart is full and my door"s always openYou can come anytime you wantYeahI don"t mind spending everydayOut on your corner in the pouring rainLook for the girl with the broken smileAsk her if she wants to stay awhileAnd she will be lovedShe will be lovedAnd she will be lovedShe will be lovedI know where you hideAlone in your carKnow all of the things that make you who you areI know that goodbye means nothing at allComes back and begs me to catch her every time she fallsYeahTap on my window knock on my doorI want to make you feel beautifulI don"t mind spending everydayOut on your corner in the pouring rainLook for the girl with the broken smileAsk her if she wants to stay awhileAnd she will be loved
2023-07-12 01:54:511

you find me attractive 我不是很能理解这句话的结构 或者是 find的意思?? 你发现我?后不是该加个’re?

不需要助动词。其实you find me attractive是you find me to be attractive的省略【find sb/sth+形容词】如:I find her a complete nuisance. 我觉得她简直讨厌极了。Do you find this room comfortable? 你觉得这个房间够舒适吗?
2023-07-12 01:54:571


2023-07-12 01:55:062

求一首歌曲,英文,朋友婚礼上放的,高潮部分大概是“ i konw ,how you find me ;so什么什么”

i know i loved you
2023-07-12 01:55:153

U Got Me-T-Pain ft. Akon的歌词

(feat. Akon) Convict(x2) New York City All in Los Angeles California From the drive lanes to the open seas baby To all my beautiful ladies [Akon] (I see) The first thing I noticed when I walked in the club girl was you watching me (me, me, me) Then I started walking towards here when I lost her in the crowd, where could she be? (be, be, be) You got me in the middle of the dance floor, just searching for you girl I"m steady looking for you baby I ask my myself where you created in this world, by the beauty in you girl And I can"t believe that you got me [Chorus: Akon] You got me so, you got me so You got me so high and confused I don"t know what to do So, you got me so You got me so high and confused I don"t know what to do [T-Pain] Now you got me all in the club like I aint got nothing better to do than look for you (you, you) Yeah "Cause I"ll be all night searching, do what I gotta do till I find you (you, you) You got me in the middle of the dance floor, just searching for you girl (I said I"m searching for you girl) You got me sweating, got me weak in the knee "Cause I"ve been working for you girl It"s so hard because I"m so... [Chorus: Akon & T-Pain] You got me so, you got me so You got me so high and confused (so high and confused) I don"t know what to do (don"t know what to do) So, you got me so You got me so high and confused I don"t know what to do (don"t know what to do) [Akon] Now I"m looking in the back while I"m looking in the front While I"m standing in the middle like where are you? (Are you, are you) I couldn"t sworn that she walked right past me baby Make her sip on jack and tack And the blunt got me looking at ladies, where are you? (Are you) I couldn"t sworn that she look right at me "Cause I"m looking for you You got me in the middle of the dance floor, just searching for you girl And I"m tryna find you baby I ask my myself where you created in this world, by the beauty in you girl The beauty got me going crazy Come on and find me [Chorus: Akon] You got me so, you got me so You got me so high and confused I don"t know what to do So, you got me so You got me so high and confused I don"t know what to do Don"t know if I can go on through this night without you
2023-07-12 01:55:211 .连词成句

Can you find me?你能找到我吗?
2023-07-12 01:55:303

哪首英文歌里有love me…do

Amanda Seyfried - In My LifeHow strangeThis feeling that my life"s begun at lastThis change,Can people really fall in love so fast?What"s the matter with you, Cosette?Have been you too much on your own?So many things unclearSo many things unknown.In my lifeThere are so many questions and answersThat somehow seem wrongIn my lifeThere are times when I catch in the silenceThe sigh of a faraway songAnd it singsOf a world that I long to seeOut of reachJust a whisper awayWaiting for me.Does he know I"m alive?Do I know if he"s real?Does he see what I saw?Does he feel what I feel?In my lifeI"m no longer aloneNow the love in my lifeIs so nearFind me now, find me here!Dear Cosette,You"re such a lonely childHow pensive, how sad you seem to meBelieve me, were it within my powerI"d fill each passing hourHow quiet it must be, I can seeWith only me for company.There"s so little I knowThat I"m longing to knowOf the child that I wasIn a time long ago...There"s so little you sayOf the life you have knownWhy you keep to yourselfWhy we"re always aloneSo dark! So dark and deep...The secrets that you keep!In my lifeI have all that I wantYou are loving and gentle and goodPapa, But dear Papa,In your eyes I am just like a childWho is lost woodin a No more wordsNo more words. It"s a time that is deadThere are wordsThat are better unheard,Better unsaid.In my lifeI"m no longer a child and I yearnFor the truth that you knowOf the years... years ago!You will learnTruth is given by GodTo us all in our timeIn our turnuff08Valjean leaves the garden. Marius and Eponine arriveoutsideuff09In my lifeShe has burst like the music of angelsThe light of the sunAnd my life seems to stopAs if something is overAnd something has scarcely begun.You"re the friend who has brought me hereThanks to you I am one with the godsAnd Heaven is near!And I soar through a world that is new that is freeEvery word that he says is a dagger in me!In my lifeThere"s been no one like him anywhereAnywhere, where he is...If he asked... I"d be hisIn my lifeThere is someone who touches my lifeWaiting near
2023-07-12 01:55:371