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2023-07-12 14:49:23
TAG: 名字 熊猫

学 名:Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca

  别 名:花猫,花熊,华熊,竹熊,花头熊,,银狗,大浣熊,峨曲,杜洞尕,执夷,貊,猛豹,猛氏兽,食铁兽,大猫熊,熊猫,貔貅,白熊,黑白猫,在我国台湾地区也被称为猫熊。

  英文名:Giant Panda

  拼 音:dà xióng māo

  法语名:panda géant






  脊索动物门Phylum Chordata





  熊科 Ursidae

  熊猫亚科 Ailuropodinae

  大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca 

  大熊猫是一种有着独特黑白相间毛色的活泼动物。它的拉丁名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca,指的就是它黑白相间的外表。大熊猫的种属是一个争论了一个世纪的问题:它究竟是属于熊科,或象小熊猫一样接近浣熊科,还是自成一种?最近的DNA分析表明,大熊猫属于熊科,代表了熊科的早期分支。成年熊猫长约120~190厘米,体重85到125公斤。独特的特征包括:大而平的臼齿,它的一根腕骨已经发育成了"伪拇指"这都是为了适应以竹子为食的生活。与其他六种熊类不同,大熊猫和太阳熊都没有冬眠行为。





2023-07-12 02:56:392


panda express
2023-07-12 02:58:003


2023-07-12 02:58:475


At 8:30 in the morning, Lin Wei and other giant panda keepers were preparing milk for the baby panda"s breakfast at Chengdu research base. At nine o"clock in the morning, they found that most of the baby pandas had woken up and were hungry.早上八点半,成都研究基地,林微和其他的大熊猫饲养员正在为熊猫宝宝的早餐准备牛奶。上午九点钟,他们发现大多数的熊猫宝宝已经醒来并且很饥饿。When they see the keeper, they run over excitedly, some even run into their friends and fall.当它们看到饲养员的时候,它们兴奋地跑过来,有些甚至撞上自己的朋友而跌倒。"They are very smart and lovely," said Linwei, a panda keeper. I look after my children as well. I bathe them every day, feed them, play with them. They are really special to me. "林薇(一位熊猫饲养员)说:“它们非常聪明可爱。我像照顾自己的孩子一样照顾它们。我每天给它们洗澡,喂食,陪它们玩耍。它们对我来说真的非常特殊。”In fact, many people in the world like these black and white animals. Pandas are so popular that they have become the symbol of China.事实上,世界上许多人都喜欢这些有黑有白的动物。熊猫是这么受欢迎以至于它们都成了中国的象征了。这部分内容主要考察的是现在完成时的知识点:过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。完成时态的构成分为两部分:助动词,实义动词的过去分词-ed。具体来说,用助动词have/has表示“时”,以表明动作发生的时间是在过去、现在还是将来;用过去分词来表示动作的“态”,以表明该动作已经完成,而且对现在有一定的影响。它的构成是:主语+助动词(have/has) +动词的过去分词。(done)
2023-07-12 02:59:201


2023-07-12 02:59:373


  大熊猫学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca,英文名称:Giant panda,属于食肉目、大熊猫科的一种哺乳动物,体色为黑白两色,它有着圆圆的脸颊,大大的黑眼圈,胖嘟嘟的身体,标志性的内八字的行走方式,也有解剖刀般锋利的爪子。是世界上最可爱的动物之一。那么,你知道大熊猫的英文怎么写吗?   大熊猫的英文释义:   giant panda   Ailuropoda   大熊猫的英文例句:   我还不知道动物园已添了一只大熊猫。   If the zoo has obtained another giant panda it"s news to me.   像大熊猫这样的珍稀动物在世界其他地区你是找不到的。   In no other region in the world can you find such rare animals as giant pandas.   大熊猫很难在驯养条件下繁殖。   Pandas rarely breed in captivity.   专家认为这只大熊猫是在搏斗中从树上跌落身亡。   Experts believe it fell off a tree during a fight.   大熊猫是一种残存的古动物。   The giant panda is one of the surviving ancient animal species.   四川是大熊猫的故乡。   Sichuan is a homeland of pandas.   大熊猫的命名蛮贴切的。   The giant panda is well named.   这几排翠竹成了大熊猫的乐园。   These lines of emerald bamboos have bee a playground for pandas.   中文录影显示,在手术前,大熊猫注射了 *** 。   Chinese video shows the panda injected with anesthetic s before the procedure.   在动物园里有两只大熊猫。   There are two giant pandas in the zoo.   笼子里的大熊猫贴在栅栏上蹭它的身体。   The caged panda chafed against the bars.   美国已成功引进饲养了一对中国的大熊猫。   A couple of pandas have naturalized in America.   川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。   The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda.   但你曾在大熊猫真正生活的地方看到过它们吗?   But have you ever seen pandas living where they really live?   你在看这篇文章,是因为它有关大熊猫。   You are reading this because it is about giant pandas.   众所周知,野生大熊猫只吃竹子,所以,要救助它们就必须要保护它们赖以生存的森林。   As you know, wild pandas eat only bamboo, so to save them, we have to save theforests they live in.   许多动物园急于增加收藏稀有的珍奇的动物,但是大熊猫的数量不够所有想得到一只的动物园分配。   Many zoos are eager to increase their stock of rare and exotic animals, but thereare not enough pandas for all the zoos that want one.   但为什么是大熊猫?   But why a panda?   在之后的几年,博物馆为得到大熊猫以便展览热切的发起探险。   In the following years, museums eagerly sent off expeditions to obtain pandas fortheir exhibits.   正如你知道我爱亚洲,而亚洲有大熊猫。   As you know I love Asia and in Asia there are pandas.   此外,从其生物品种及其面临的威胁来说,我认为大熊猫生活的中国地区无论如何应该列在保护名单上。   And besides, in terms of its biodiversity and the threats it faces, I think that the part of China where pandas live should be on the preservation list anyway. article.yeeyan   但现在,我们在尽更大的努力以能够看到野生大熊猫在它们位于中国山区的家中生活和繁盛。   But now, greater efforts are being made to see that wild pandas are able to liveand thrive in their Chinese mountain homes.   因通讯和交通中断,目前尚无有关四川卧龙基地64只大熊猫情况的讯息。   But there is no information on the 64 giant pandas in Wolong base because ofmunication and transport disruptions.   是的,但是我一直认为人们都很喜欢大熊猫的。他们是这么的可爱。   Yes, but I always think that people love pandas. They are so lovely.   比如,中国的繁殖专家们就采用让大熊猫观看同伴交配录影的办法唤起它们的本能。   In China, breeding experts have claimed success putting giant pandas in the mood by showing them images of other pandas mating.   大熊猫是世界上最为珍奇、同时也最为稀有的物种之一,只有在中国才能寻觅到它们的踪迹。   The giant panda is one of the world"s most exotic and endangered species andcan be found only in China   今天是属于梅香和天天的好日子。在过去的一年半时间里,我们已经对他们有所了解,今后还将继续增进对他们的了解,以此致力于对野生大熊猫家族的研究。   Today is about our giant pandas here and what we"ve learned about them in thepast year and a half, what we will continue to learn about them and how it applies to the wild giant panda population.   中国想向一个国家表示友好的时候,通常会送它一只大熊猫。   When China wants another country to feel all warm and fuzzy, it sends a panda.   大熊猫濒临灭绝是因为偷猎以及人类移居到它们的栖息地。   Pandas face extinction because of poaching and humans moving into theirhabitat.   初步调查报告将于2008年初编制完成,并将包含关于非森林产品收获活动对大熊猫影响的评价内容。   Pilot survey report will be pleted in early 2008 and will include an asses *** entof the impact of non-forestry product harvesting on the Giant Panda.   我们帮助为大熊猫建立起了新的自然保护区。   We have helped set up new nature reserves for pandas.   野生的大熊猫现在仅存1,600只,是地球上最濒临灭绝的动物之一。因此我们能够继续照顾这两只熊猫实在是莫大的荣幸和责任。   With only about 1,600 individuals now found in the wild, giant pandas are amongthe most endangered animals on Earth so it is a great privilege and responsibilityto have two animals in our care.
2023-07-12 02:59:571


大熊猫,又名大猫熊食肉目,大熊猫科,中国Ⅰ级保护动物,并被列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)附录Ⅰ。英文:Panda 大熊猫分布于中国四川西部、陕西秦岭南坡以及甘肃文县等地。是中国特有种。栖息于海拔2000―3500m的高山竹林中。有季节性垂直迁徙。独居,除产仔外,无固定巢穴,昼夜均有活动。主要以竹叶、竹杆、竹笋为食,兼食野果、鸟卵、竹鼠等,边走边吃。听、视觉迟钝,嗅觉灵敏,善爬树、游泳。主要在春季发情交配,有求偶争斗。孕期3―5个月,每产1―2仔,偶有3仔初生幼仔约120克,全身粉红色,有稀疏白色胎毛。眼睛几乎看不见,到40多天才睁眼。全*母亲哺育,1岁多才独立生活,5―7岁性成熟,寿命约30年,而繁殖年龄段仅有2―13年。 1大熊猫是中国的特有物种,仅分布于四川、陕西和甘肃三省的部分山区。目前由 于分布区的丧失、狩猎、疾病和竹子大面积死亡等原因, 野生大熊猫的数量已降至900―1200只,并且其种群被分割成约32个亚种群,丧失了自然遗传交换的机遇。中国 林业部门和有关单位制订了跨世纪的 “大熊猫保护工程”,通过扩大、新建保护区,建立“走廊、通道”, 加大宣传保护力度,改善栖息环境,减少人为干扰等一系列措施,维系野生大熊猫种群。 Giant panda, also known as a panda Carnivora, giant panda, Chinese Ⅰ grade protected animals, and is included in the Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora International Trade Convention (CITES) Appendix Ⅰ. English: Panda Giant panda is found in China, western Sichuan, Shaanxi and the southern slope of Qinling and Wen County, Gansu and other places. Is endemic. 2000-3500m altitude habitat in the bamboo forest in the mountains. Seasonal vertical migration. Living alone, in addition to birth, the no fixed nest, both day and night activities. Mainly bamboo, bamboo poles, bamboo shoots for food, and eat berries, bird eggs, Rhizomys and so on, walking and eating. Hearing, visual retardation, smell sensitivity, good climbing, swimming. Mainly in the spring mating, with mating struggle. Pregnancy 3-5 months, each producing 1-2 Aberdeen, Aberdeen occasional three newborn pups of about 120 grams, body pink, there are sparse white lanugo. Eye is almost invisible to the bare-faced, more than 40 days. All * Mother-feeding until 1 year old to live independently ,5-7-year-old sexually mature, life is about 30 years, while only 2-13 years of breeding age. A giant panda is China"s endemic species, only distributed in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces part of the mountain. At present, because the loss of distribution area, hunting, disease and death of large areas of bamboo and other reasons, the number of pandas in the wild has fallen to 900-1200 only, and its population divided into about 32 sub-populations, loss of natural genetic exchange opportunities for . China"s forestry departments and related units in the development of the next century "giant panda conservation projects", through the expansion of new protected areas, establishment of "corridors, passageways," step up publicity efforts to protect and improve habitat and reduce human disturbance such as a series of measures, maintenance of the wild panda population.
2023-07-12 03:00:061


大熊猫(学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca):属于食肉目、熊科、大熊猫亚科和大熊猫属唯一的哺乳动物,头躯长1.2-1.8米,尾长10-12厘米。体重80-120千克,最重可达180千克,体色为黑白两色,它有着圆圆的脸颊,大大的黑眼圈,胖嘟嘟的身体,标志性的内八字的行走方式,也有解剖刀般锋利的爪子。是世界上最可爱的动物之一。大熊猫已在地球上生存了至少800万年,被誉为“活化石”和“中国国宝”,世界自然基金会的形象大使,是世界生物多样性保护的旗舰物种。据第四次全国大熊猫野外种群调查,中国野生大熊猫为1864只,属于中国国家一级保护动物。大熊猫最初是吃肉的,经过进化,99%的食物都是竹子了,但牙齿和消化道还保持原样,仍然划分为食肉目,发怒时危险性堪比其它熊种。野外大熊猫的寿命为18-20岁,圈养状态下可以超过30岁。截至2019年11月,全球圈养大熊猫种群数量达到600只 。大熊猫是中国特有种,现存的主要栖息地是中国四川、陕西和甘肃的山区。
2023-07-12 03:00:5213


At 8:30 in the morning, Lin Wei and other giant panda keepers were preparing milk for the baby panda"s breakfast at Chengdu research base. At nine o"clock in the morning, they found that most of the baby pandas had woken up and were hungry.早上八点半,成都研究基地,林微和其他的大熊猫饲养员正在为熊猫宝宝的早餐准备牛奶。上午九点钟,他们发现大多数的熊猫宝宝已经醒来并且很饥饿。When they see the keeper, they run over excitedly, some even run into their friends and fall.当它们看到饲养员的时候,它们兴奋地跑过来,有些甚至撞上自己的朋友而跌倒。"They are very smart and lovely," said Linwei, a panda keeper. I look after my children as well. I bathe them every day, feed them, play with them. They are really special to me. "林薇(一位熊猫饲养员)说:“它们非常聪明可爱。我像照顾自己的孩子一样照顾它们。我每天给它们洗澡,喂食,陪它们玩耍。它们对我来说真的非常特殊。”In fact, many people in the world like these black and white animals. Pandas are so popular that they have become the symbol of China.事实上,世界上许多人都喜欢这些有黑有白的动物。熊猫是这么受欢迎以至于它们都成了中国的象征了。这部分内容主要考察的是现在完成时的知识点:过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。完成时态的构成分为两部分:助动词,实义动词的过去分词-ed。具体来说,用助动词have/has表示“时”,以表明动作发生的时间是在过去、现在还是将来;用过去分词来表示动作的“态”,以表明该动作已经完成,而且对现在有一定的影响。它的构成是:主语+助动词(have/has) +动词的过去分词。(done)
2023-07-12 03:02:161


大熊猫 DA XIONG MAO 科: 大熊猫科 学名: Ailuropoda melanoleuca 英文名: Giant panda 大熊猫,又名大猫熊食肉目,大熊猫科,中国Ⅰ级保护动物,并被列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)附录Ⅰ。 大熊猫分布于中国四川西部、陕西秦岭南坡以及甘肃文县等地。是中国特有种。栖息于海拔2000―3500m的高山竹林中。有季节性垂直迁徙。独居,除产仔外,无固定巢穴,昼夜均有活动。主要以竹叶、竹杆、竹笋为食,兼食野果、鸟卵、竹鼠等,边走边吃。听、视觉迟钝,嗅觉灵敏,善爬树、游泳。主要在春季发情交配,有求偶争斗。孕期3―5个月,每产1―2仔,偶有3仔初生幼仔约120克,全身粉红色,有稀疏白色胎毛。眼睛几乎看不见,到40多天才睁眼。全靠母亲哺育,1岁多才独立生活,5―7岁性成熟,寿命约30年,而繁殖年龄段仅有2―13年。 北京动物园饲养大熊猫始于1955年,1956年正式展出。在40多年的实践中,经过我园几代领导人、科技人员及饲养人员的不懈努力,在保护大熊猫的事业中,做出了不少贡献,取得了可喜的成绩。 1963年世界上第一只人工饲养下大熊猫繁殖成功;1978年世界上首次大熊猫人工授精繁殖成功; 1980年世界上首次以超低温保存大熊猫冷冻精液人工授精成功; 1987年世界上首次在北京动物园实现大熊猫 “四世同堂”;1990年世界上首例大熊猫远血亲自然交配繁殖成;1992年世界上首例人工授精出生的雄性大熊猫经人工培 育,达到既能自然交配繁殖, 又能人工采精繁殖;1992年世界上首次繁殖成功大熊猫人工授精第三代幼仔; 1992年世界上首次用人工授精繁殖雄性后代自然交配成功; 1992年世界上首例全人工哺育大熊猫初生幼仔成活;1998年人工哺育辅助母兽带双仔获得成功。 大熊猫是中国的特有物种,仅分布于四川、陕西和甘肃三省的部分山区。目前由 于分布区的丧失、狩猎、疾病和竹子大面积死亡等原因, 野生大熊猫的数量已降至900―1200只,并且其种群被分割成约32个亚种群,丧失了自然遗传交换的机遇。中国 林业部门和有关单位制订了跨世纪的 “大熊猫保护工程”,通过扩大、新建保护区,建立“走廊、通道”, 加大宣传保护力度,改善栖息环境,减少人为干扰等一系列措施,维系野生大熊猫种群。 自1963年北京动物园开创人工饲养下大熊猫繁殖记录以来, 共繁殖大熊猫35胎58,成活28只,成活率48.28%。目前北京动物园人工饲养的17只大熊猫中,仅有1只来自野外,其余16只均是在动物园中出生的后代。北京动物园正在为大熊猫易地保护可持续发展不懈努力。
2023-07-12 03:02:561


大熊猫的资料简介:大熊猫的资料:大熊猫(学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca),一般称作“熊猫”,是世界上最珍贵的动物之一,数量十分稀少,属于国家一级保护动物,体色为黑白相间,被誉为“中国国宝”。大熊猫是中国特有种,属熊科,现存的主要栖息地在中国四川、陕西等周边山区。全世界野生大熊猫现存大约1590只左右。成年熊猫长约120~190厘米,体重85到125公斤,适应以竹子为食的生活。大熊猫憨态可掬的可爱模样深受全球大众的喜爱,在1961年世界自然基金会成立时就以大熊猫为其标志,大熊猫俨然成为物种保育最重要的象征,也是中国作为外交活动中表示友好的重要代表。大熊猫的生活习性和特点:大熊猫喜欢独自生活,除了交配期会和伴侣生活1个多月外,都是单独行动。不会冬眠。大熊猫中文学名:大熊猫大熊猫拉丁学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca,英文名:Panda大熊猫别称:猫熊、竹熊,银狗,洞尕,杜洞尕,执夷,貊,猛豹,食铁兽大熊猫二名法:Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca大熊猫属于什么界:动物界大熊猫属于什么门:脊索动物门(Phylum Chordata)大熊猫属于什么亚门:脊椎动物亚门(Vertebrata)大熊猫属于什么纲:哺乳纲(Mammals)大熊猫属于什么目:食肉目(Carnivora)大熊猫属于什么亚目:犬型亚目(Caniformia)大熊猫属于什么科:熊科(Ursidae)大熊猫属于什么亚科:熊猫亚科(Ailuropodinae)大熊猫分布区域:中国四川、陕西和甘肃等地。大熊猫性情:温顺大熊猫体征:肥硕似熊,头圆尾短,黑白相间大熊猫保护级别:国家一级保护动物
2023-07-12 03:03:132

大熊猫 简介

大熊猫简介 大熊猫是世界上最珍贵的动物之一,主要分布在我国的四川、甘肃、陕西省的个别崇山峻岭地区,数量十分稀少,属于国家一类保护动物,称为“国宝”。它不但被世界野生动物协会选为会标,而且还常常担负“和平大使”的任务,带着中国人民的友谊,远渡重洋,到国外攀亲结友,深受各国人民的欢迎。 大熊猫身体胖软,头圆颈粗,耳小尾短,四肢粗壮,身长约1.5米,肩高60-70厘米左右,体重可达100-180千克。特别是那一对八字形黑眼圈,犹如戴着一副墨镜,非常惹人喜爱。大熊猫的祖先是食肉动物,现在却偏爱吃素,主要以吃箭竹为生。一只成年的大熊猫每天要吃20千克左右的鲜竹。有时,它也会开一次“斋”,捕抓箭竹林里的竹鼠美餐一顿,甚至大摇大摆闯入居民住宅,偷吃食物。大熊猫性情孤僻,喜欢独居,昼伏夜出,没有固定的居住地点,常常随季节的变化而搬家。春天一般待在海拔3000米以上的高山竹林里,夏天迁到竹枝鲜嫩的阴坡处,秋天搬到2500米左右的温暖的向阳山坡上,准备度过漫长的冬天。 每年的四五月份是大熊猫的繁殖季节,雄、雌大熊猫难得同居在一起。但5月一过,便又各奔东西。雌性大熊猫怀孕4-5个月左右,就急着寻找树洞或石穴作为“产房”,它每胎产1-2仔。刚生下的幼仔重量只有150克左右,相当于妈妈体重的1‰。可是,一个月后体重可达2千克,3个月就能长到五六千克。熊猫妈妈常把小熊猫搂在怀中,轻轻抚摸,外出时也把它衔在嘴里,或用背驮着,亲亲热热,形影不离。等到小熊猫五六个月大时,妈妈就开始教它爬树、游泳、洗澡和剥食竹子等本领。
2023-07-12 03:03:223


“panda"基本意思是: 熊猫,猫熊 以下是其例句 The enemy is a panda. 而敌人正是一只熊猫. The idea is for these to use a common panda logo. 这一构想让这些企业共用一个熊猫图案. So far the reservation has successfully bred 66 panda cubs. 到目前为止,保护区已成功培育66只熊猫幼崽. 如想了解更多关于”panda“的信息,请点击以下链接
2023-07-12 03:04:451


This is a partneru3002
2023-07-12 03:04:5511

加拿大的饮食文化 英文的,最好带中文翻译,急!!尽快

加拿大人的饮食以肉类、蔬菜为主,面食、米饭为辅。喜欢吃牛肉、鸡等肉食,特别喜欢吃沙丁鱼和野味。喜欢生吃蔬菜,主要有西红柿、芹菜、菜花、洋葱、土豆、黄瓜等。加拿大人口味清淡,偏甜酸,不喜欢太咸。讲究包含营养、新鲜。烹调方式有煎、烤、炸等,喜欢酥脆食物。喜欢吃煎牛排、煎羊排、炸鱼虾、糖醋鱼、咕噜肉等,忌食动物内脏和脚爪,不食辣食品。喜欢饮酒,喜爱白兰地、香槟、啤酒、金酒威士忌苏打、葡萄洒、蜜酒等。常饮用水果汁、可口可乐等饮料。喜欢吃柠檬、荔枝、香蕉、苹果、梨等水果,喜欢吃松子、葡萄干、花生米等干果。 一日三餐中,早餐比较简单,主要吃烤面包、鸡蛋、咸肉、牛奶、果汁、素片粥、玉米片粥等。午餐带饭或用快餐,也比较简单,一般有三明治、饮料、水果。晚餐为正餐,比较丰盛,主食为鸡、牛肉、鱼、猪排,辅以土豆、胡萝卜、豆角、面包、牛奶、饮料等,喜欢用清汤(加豆、小萝卜等)。上午十时和下午三时用点心,吃苹果馅饼、香桃馅饼等。加拿大的快餐业发展很快,种类很多,如热狗、意大利馅饼、汉堡包、希腊肉棍、美国炸鸡、墨西哥玉米面卷肉、中国份饭等。加拿大也喜欢吃我国的江苏菜、上海菜、山东菜。 加拿大人的衣着与美国人相近,但不像美国人那么随便。在非正式场合,他们穿着随意,常着夹衫、圆领衫、便装裤等;在正式场合,如上班、上教堂、观看表演、赴宴等,他们着装整洁、讲究。男子穿西装,女子穿裙服。女子服装不太讲究面料,但讲究款式新颖、颜色协调、舒适方便。 加拿大人朴实、随和、友善、热情好客。见面一般握手致意,不像美国人那么随便。熟人之间用拥抱礼节。分手时也行握手礼。介绍礼节,是将男士介绍给女士,将年轻人介绍给年长者,将职位低者介绍给职位高者。熟人相见,直呼其名。握手时,女士、年长者、职位高者先伸出手。交谈要选择众人共同关心的话题,喜欢谈加拿大经济文化发展、天气、体育、旅游、风俗等话题。不能询问年龄、收入、家庭状况、婚姻状况、女士体重等私人生活问题。不喜欢将加拿大与美国相比。不谈政治、世族、宗教、语言、魁北克法语区等社会敏感问题。在公众场合,他们注重文明礼貌,观看表演要提前入座,中途不走动。在公共场所不可大声喧哗、乱扔废弃物。 在公共交通工具上,要主动给老人、儿童让座,上车要排队。遇到私人财产,请勿穿越请勿入内,不可进入等标牌。加拿大人时间观念强,约会要事先约定,准时赴约。公务约会一般在餐馆,执行会一般在饭店、俱乐部举办。送礼应有目的,不随便送礼。生日、结婚、分别等都要送礼。讲究礼品包装,一般用彩色礼品纸包裹,扎彩带,装饰彩花,礼品上附有签名贺卡。接受礼品者应当面打开并致谢。加拿大人常以家宴款待客人。上门作客不能提早到达;作客时应随带一瓶酒、一盒糖、一束鲜花等礼物,或送给女主人和孩子一些小礼物。作为礼物的酒,要在宴请时即用。家宴一般是冷餐会,饮食放在桌上,各人自取,座位自选,或站着进餐,边吃边谈。第二天,客人应写信给女主人,表示感谢。晚上作客不宜久留,一般在10时前告辞,周末在11时30分前告辞。 加拿大的节日比较多。1月1日是元旦,除夕夜举行欢庆活动。他们将白雪作为吉祥物,堆放在住宅四周,筑成雪墙,认为这样可以阻挡妖魔。2月上旬至中旬有狂欢节,庆祝活动持续10天,是魁北克省居民最盛大的节日,具有法兰西色彩。他们用白雪筑城堡,戴着红缨小绒帽,扎着红、绿、白三色腰巾,载歌载舞,选举“狂欢节王”和“狂欢节女王”,然后乘坐彩车游行,举行各种冰上体育比赛。”3至4 月举行枫糖节,这是加拿大特有的节庆,人们欢歌曼舞,品尝枫糖糕和太妃糖。 加拿大人忌讳数字13和星期五。遵循《圣经》中的摩西十诫,对圣人圣事不直呼其名。人从楼梯下走过,忌打破玻璃制品,忌打翻盐罐。忌说"老"字,养老院称"保育院,老人称"高龄公民"。白色百合花用于丧礼,不能用作一般礼品。在家不吹口哨,不讲不吉利的事情,吃饭时不谈悲伤的事。忌食动物内脏和肥肉。The Canadian diet with meat, vegetables, pasta, rice, supplemented by. Love to eat beef, chicken and other meat, especially likes to eat sardines and game. Like raw vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, celery main, onions, potatoes, cucumbers. Canadian light taste, partial sour, don"t like too salty. Pay attention to nutrition, containing fresh. Way of cooking, roasted, fried, fried, crispy food like. Like to eat steak, lamb chops, fish and shrimp, fish, pork, not eat animal offal and claws, do not eat spicy food. Like drinking, brandy, champagne, beer, gin, whisky and soda, wine, wine and other. Fruit juice, often drinking Coca Cola beverage. Like eating lemon, banana, litchi, apples, pears and other fruits, like to eat pine nuts, raisins, peanuts and other nuts.Three meals a day, breakfast is relatively simple, mainly eating toast, bacon, eggs, milk, fruit juice, tablets, corn porridge porridge. The lunch meal or snack, is also relatively simple, generally have sandwiches, drinks, fruit. Dinner dinner, a relatively rich, staple food is chicken, beef, fish, pork, potatoes, carrots, beans, with bread, milk, beverage, love soup ( with beans, radish, etc.). At ten am and three pm for refreshments, apple pie, peach pie. Canadian fast food industry development is very rapid, many types, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, meat pie, Italy, Greece, Mexico, the United States of America stick fried cornmeal roll the meat, Chinese meal. Canada also likes eating Chinese dishes in Jiangsu, Shanghai cuisine, Shandong cuisine.Canadians and Americans dress similar to, but unlike Americans so casually. In informal situations, they dress casually, often with clip sweater, T-Shirts, casual pants; on formal occasions, such as work, church, and watch the show, dinner, they dress clean, pay attention to. Men wear suits, women"s wear dress. Women"s clothing is not too particular about fabrics, but pay attention to fashionable, color coordination, comfortable and convenient.Canadians simple, easy-going, friendly, hospitable. To meet the general handshakes, unlike Americans so casually. Acquaintance with embrace courtesy. Break up also salute. The men"s manners, is introduced to a woman, the young man is introduced to the elderly, the low position were introduced to higher positions. Acquaintances to meet, call them by their first names. When shaking hands, lady, the elder, higher positions first hand. They talk to choose a topic of common concern, love to talk about Canada economic and cultural development, weather, sports, tourism, customs and other topics. Not asking about age, income, family status, marital status, weight and other personal questions of ms.. Don"t like Canada compared with the United states. Don"t talk about politics, family, religion, language, French Quebec, the social sensitive problems. In public, they pay attention to courtesy, watch the show to advance seat, do not move. In public places can not shout, throw waste.In public transport, to give the old people, child seat, car to queue. When private property, no trespassing no entry, may not enter such signs. Canadian strong concept of time, date to be agreed in advance, on time for an appointment. The official date of general in the restaurant, the execution will generally in hotel, club. Gifts should be objective, do not casually gifts. Happy birthday, wedding, respectively, are gifts. Exquisite gift packaging, is generally made of colorful gift parcel, with ribbon, decorative color flowers, gifts with signature card. Gift recipients should be open and thanks. Canadians often entertain guests to dinner. Home visit cannot arrive early; guests should be with a bottle of wine, a box of candy, a bunch of flowers and other gifts, or sent to the mistress and the child small gifts. As a gift of wine, to dinner with. Dinner is usually a buffet, food on the table, his own seat, optional, or standing to eat, eat and talk. The very next day, the guest should write to the hostess, thanks. The night away not long, generally in 10 when before leaving at eleven thirty, weekend before leaving.Canada"s festival more. January 1st is new year"s day, new year"s Eve celebrations held. They will snow as a mascot, piled up around the house, built of snow walls, so that can stop the demons. In early February to mid a carnival, the celebration lasts 10 days, is the most celebrated festival in residents of Quebec Province, with the color. They use in building the castle with snow, Hongying small beret, with a red, green, and white waist, now singing, now dancing, election " Carnival king" and " Mardi Gras Queen ", then take the parade of floats, held various ice sports. " From 3 to April, maple syrup festival, it is a Canadian special festivals, people singing dance, enjoy Maple cake and toffee.Canadian digital 13 and taboo Friday. Follow the " Bible " of the sacrament of holy Mose, do not speak its name. People walk under a ladder, and broken glass, avoid spilled salt. Ji said that the " old " word, nursing home called " nursery school, old man called " senior citizens ". White lily flowers for funerals, cannot be used as a general gifts. In the home not to whistle, not to say unlucky things, eat not to talk about things. Not eat animal offal and fat.
2023-07-12 03:00:292

英文作文 关于龙卷风袭击城市的

Tornados touched downA large tornado and several smaller tornadoes hit the Kansas City metro area late Sunday afternoon, destroying dozens of homes.The funnel of one tornado was reported to be 400 yards wide. Early reports indicated injuries, but there were no details available. There were no immediate reports of deaths.Local television stations reported a tornado on the ground in southern Leavenworth County, Kansas, moving toward the Missouri border. Live images from news helicopters showed significant damage to homes. Large trees were toppled and roofs were blown off.The tornados touched down in open farmland, and the only reported damage was a car hit by flying debris, meteorologist Joe Harris said. There were also reports of baseball-size hail south of Haskell County.
2023-07-12 03:00:311


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2023-07-12 03:00:341


问题一:名牌包包有哪些品牌 世界名牌包包有哪些品牌? NO.1: 路易u30fb威登LV(LV包包品牌创立于1854年法国巴黎) NO.2:香奈儿Chanel (十大名牌包,包包品牌开始于1921年法国) NO.3:古琦欧u30fb古琦Gucci (开始于1923年意大利佛罗伦萨) NO.4:圣大保罗Polo (世界名牌,源自1910年的美国) NO.5:普拉达Prada(十大包包品牌手袋,1913年意大利,著名品牌) NO.6:寇兹Coach (1941年纽约曼哈顿,美国著名皮革制品公司) 此外,鳄鱼、达芙妮、耐克、百丽等包包依次位于第六到第十。 名牌包包皮包系列哪些比较知名? 1、路易u30fb威登LV(始创于1854年法国,世界品牌500强,箱包和皮具领域的全球第一品牌,路易威登(中国)商业销售有限公司) 2、古琦欧u30fb古琦Gucci(始创于1923年意大利,意大利最大的时装集团,十大名牌皮包,世界十大奢侈品品牌,意大利Gucci公司) 3、香奈儿Chanel(创于1913年法国巴黎,有80多年经历的著名品牌,十大品牌皮具,世界品牌500强,法国香奈儿股份有限公司) 4、爱马仕Hermes(创立于1837年,世界顶级奢侈品品牌,世界十大皮包品牌,业界享有极高声誉,法国爱马仕(Hermes)集团) 5、梦特娇Montagut(始创于1880年法国,法国最著名的品牌之一,大型跨国集团公司,十大名牌皮具,法国梦特娇(Montagut)公司) 6、登喜路Dunhill(始创于1893年英国,世界著名奢华品牌,专业致力于皮具的设计、制作的品牌,英国登喜路(Dunhill)公司) 此外,圣大保罗Polo、沙驰SATCHI、波士Hugo、鳄鱼Lacoste等都是知名的品牌包包。 名牌包包钱包系列有哪些比较知名? 1、米奇Mickey钱包 (品牌源于迪斯尼1928年创造的米老鼠形象) 2、路易u30fb威登Louis Vuitton (LV品牌创立于1854年法国巴黎) 3、古奇欧u30fb古孜Gucci钱包 (开始于1923年意大利) 4、金利来钱包 (中国驰名商标,知名品牌) 5、Hugo Boss 钱包 (1923年创立于德国,著名男装品牌) 6、Lee钱包 (开始于1889年美国,百年历史) 7、李维斯Levi"s (品牌开始于1853美国,牛仔裤的“鼻祖”) 8、鳄鱼Lacoste钱包 (1933年法国) 9、圣大保罗Polo钱包 (1910年始创于美国加州,全球知名品牌) 10、曼蒙特钱包 (红谷皮饰集团旗下品牌,优秀的民族品牌) 问题二:什么牌子的包包好点啊? 奢侈品:爱马仕、Louis Vuitton、Chanel、Dior,PRADA、芬迪。 中产:elle,coach,古驰,三叶草, 低等:CHISIY,史努比,米奇,稻草人,达芙妮。。。。。 再低一些:淘宝全是的。 问题三:哪些牌子包包好看 问题补充:介绍些牌子就可以 你列举的这几个基本都是被仿得满天飞的啦。。。而且MIUMIU基本上快跟LV平起平坐了(除非小包包)可以考虑CELINE,它家 查看原帖>> 问题四:Diay什么牌子的包包 可能打错了,没有这个品牌,法国有个品牌 迪奥 Dior,估计是这个。 问题五:全世界最有名的包包是什么牌子的? LV/路易威登 Gucci/古奇 Chanel Coach Fendi/芬迪 Burberry/巴宝利 Versace/范思哲 还有很多啦! 问题六:cltyllfe是什么牌子包包 第2个字母是i,不是l~ CITYLIFE,城市生活 也算比较知名的时尚包包品牌,价位不高,所以撞包率也很高。。。 问题七:包包的牌子有哪些 路易u30fb威登LV (LV包包品牌创立于1854年法国巴黎) 路易u30fb威登 logo Louis Vuitton 路易u30fb威登是法国历史上最杰出的皮件设计大师之一。于1854年在巴黎开了以自己名字命名的第一间皮箱店。一个世纪之后,路易u30fb威登成为皮箱与皮件领域数一数二的品牌,并且成为上流社会的一个象征物。如今路易u30fb威登这一品牌已经不仅限于设计和出售高档皮具和箱包,而是成为涉足时装、饰物、皮鞋、箱包、珠宝、手表、传媒、名酒等领域的巨型潮流指标。 2 香奈儿Chanel (十大名牌包,包包品牌开始于1921年法国) 创始人Gabrielle Chanel香奈儿于1913年在法国巴黎创立香奈儿,香奈儿的产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品、配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。香奈儿(CHANEL)是一个有80多年经历的著名品牌,香奈儿时装永远有着高雅、简洁、精美的风格,她善于突破传统,早40年代就成功地将“五花大绑”的女装推向简单、舒适,这也许就是最早的现代休闲服。另有叫做香奈儿的美国童星和以《香奈儿》为名的电影作品。 3 古琦欧u30fb古琦Gucci (开始于1923年意大利佛罗伦萨) Gucci,读作u:tri:,是一间意大利时装品牌,由古驰奥u30fb古驰在1921年于佛罗伦斯创办。古驰的产品包括时装、皮具、皮鞋、手表、领带、丝巾、香水、家居用品及宠物用品等,中文译作古琦、古驰。古琦品牌时装一向以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世,以“身份与财富之象征”品牌形象成为富有的上流社会的消费宠儿,一向被商界人士垂青,时尚之余不失高雅。古琦现在是意大利最大的时装集团。 4 圣大保罗Polo (世界名牌,源自1910年的美国) 世界名牌圣大保罗(SANTA BARBARA POLO & RACQUET CLUB),源自1910年的美国加州圣塔芭芭拉马球俱乐部,以该俱乐部发展的“圣大保罗”标志系列产品。在中国市场上,“圣大保罗”已拥有了广泛的市场知名度并深得广大消费者的青睐,成为追求时尚的风向标! 5 普拉达Prada (十大包包品牌手袋,1913年意大利,著名品牌) 1913年,Prada在意大利米兰的市中心创办了首家精品店,创始人Mariou30fbPrada(马里奥u30fb普拉达)所设计的时尚而品质卓越的手袋、旅行箱、皮质配件及化妆箱等系列产品,得到了来自皇室和上流社会的宠爱和追捧。今天,这家仍然备受青睐的精品店依然在意大利上层社会拥有极高的声誉与名望,Prada产品所体现的价值一直被视为日常生活中的非凡享受。 6 寇兹Coach (1941年纽约曼哈顿,美国著名皮革制品公司) 世界之都“纽约”一直引领着当代的时尚潮流,寇兹 (COACH) 正是美国纽约的知名品牌,于1941年起以精致的手工皮艺,创造出一系列高价值感的皮件饰品,寇兹 (COACH) 创始人从传统的棒球手套中获得灵感,运用独特细腻的技术将坚固的球套皮革,变成为柔软且充满光泽的耐用饰品,并且展露迷人的天然皮质纹路,与独具纽约风格的色彩设计。 寇兹 (COACH) 不同于其它国际品牌,持续坚持着高成本的手工制造,也持续引进高质量原料,COACH一直以皮件的实用性与耐用性为本身的依归,在传统与流行间取得平衡,并且维持价位上的平实,是非常适合时尚名媛的高级品牌 7 鳄鱼Lacoste (十大包包品牌,开始于1933年法国) 一九二三年Lacoste 创办人,世界网球名将Rene Lacoste正在波士顿代......>> 问题八:女士包有哪些品牌 女士包有哪些品牌这要看你要什么档次,不清楚女士包有哪些品牌建议你查找下女包排名榜。我认为买包包价位适中、自己喜欢款式而质量好就可以了,现在很多牌子的包包质量都非常好的,可以说跟那些大牌不分上下,只是大牌的包包名气比较高。如果有钱当然买高档好,这些都是少数人买的。买包建议你查找下淘宝的官方女包品牌排名看看。你就可以找到物美价廉包包,价格应在30至300,质量绝对比你在街边买同档包包质量要好。你找下吧 问题九:女士包包什么牌子比较好? 威豹 耐克Nike 路易?威登LV 米奇Mickey 金利来Goldlion 这几个牌子的包包算是国内或者是国际上比较知名的包包了,我有一个米奇的包包,嘿嘿虽然价格有点小贵,但是款式质量都很好啊,所以还是值得,个人建议你买的时候可以上名牌网10-china上先了解下骇关的包包的排行在决定买哪款啊。 问题十:女包什么牌子好 女包品牌很多啊,想下面所列举的这些都是国际知名的品牌路易威登LV (LV包包品牌创立于1854年法国巴黎)香奈儿Chanel (十大名牌包,包包品牌开始于1921年法国)古琦欧古琦Gucci (开始于1923年意大利佛罗伦萨)圣大保罗Polo (世界名牌,源自1910年的美国)普拉达Prada (十大包包品牌手袋,1913年意大利,著名品牌)寇兹Coach (1941年纽约曼哈顿,美国著名皮革制品公司)鳄鱼Lacoste爱马仕C&T古缇Armani(乔治阿玛尼)以上的女包牌子都是一些相当不错的,当然女包的价格自然也很不菲,买女包除了追求时尚、好看、耐用之外,价格也是一个很重要的考虑因素啊,女包没必要追求那么高价格的。
2023-07-12 03:00:361

辅音字母加o结尾的名词变复数 哪些加s,哪些加es?

1、以O结尾的词,许多加es构成复数,特别是一些常用词如:heroes,potatoes,tomatoes,echoes,tornadoes,torpedoes,dominoes,vetoes,mosquitoes,Negroes,mangoes,buffaloes,volcanoes 2、但下面几类词只加s: 一、以“辅音+o”或“oo”结尾的词如:videos,radios,studios,folios,oratorios,embryos,zoos,bamboos,kangaroos,taboos 二、一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词,如:pianos,solos,concertos,tobaccos,mottos,cellos 三、一些缩写词和专有名词,如:kilos,photos,memos,micros,Eskimos,Filipnos 3、有个别词加两种词尾都可以,如:archipelago(e)s,halo(e)s,cargoes(英),cargos(美)
2023-07-12 03:00:381


星期天:太阳星期一:月亮星期二:火星星期三:水星星期四:木星星期五:金星星期六:土星星期天的译法是中国人的发明,当然按照日月等等排列SUNDAY应该是老大,但他又是周末,叫星期七只能表明是周末,但他的老大地位怎么体现?他是周末同时又是一周的开始啊,所以不能叫星期0,也不能叫星期7。最好的办法就是叫星期天 一星期七天的不同名称起源于古代罗马神话,后来被德国人用自己的语言和文化习俗进行了改造,把其中代表周二至周五的四个神换成了相应的德国人的神。最后这些名称流传到英国,才成为今天的样子。在17世纪以前,一星期七天的首字母都无须大写。 在古罗马神话中,Sunday的寓意是太阳,罗马人把星期天叫做dies solis(Day of the Sun)。当然了,有Sun Day就会有Moon Day,月亮神是太阳神之妻,因此她紧跟在Sunday后面作了Monday。 罗马人把星期二叫做Dies Martis,这是罗马战神Mars(火星)的日子。但是,今天的Tuesday源自Tiu"sday,和德国战神和天空之神泰尔(Tiu/Tiw)有关,Tiu即古希腊诸神中的火神Zeus(Tiu和Zeus音同)。 值得一提的是,星期二Mars在法语中作Mardi。Mardi Gras表示四旬斋前的狂欢节(星期二),是天主教徒在复活节之前必须的斋戒仪式。斋戒之前当然要大吃大喝一番了,因此这一天又叫Fat Tuesday。Mardi Gras Day是美国最大的嘉年华会,这一持续两周的盛会每年都会在新奥尔良举行,有数百万人参加。 星期三是Dies Mercurii,是众神信使墨丘利神Mercury(水星)的日子,Mercury不但是各路神灵的使者,还是商业、旅行及盗窃的守护神。后来,日尔曼民族用他们自己的神Woden(挪威神话里的Odin)取代了墨丘里神,这就是Wednesday的起源。现在知道星期三的拼写为什么怪怪的了吧,很多英美成年人都拼不好这个单词呢。 星期四是Dies Iovis,代表朱庇特主神、雷神Jove(木星)。后来这些罗马神话流传到德国,德国人就用他们自己的雷神Thor来代替Jove,这就是Thursday的起源。 星期五是Dies Veneris,代表爱神维纳斯Venus(金星)。后来挪威人用他们自己的爱神Frigg(Odin的妻子)取代了维纳斯的地位,所以今天的星期五就是Friday了。 星期六代表的是罗马神话里的萨杜恩农神Saturn(土星),这个词没被德国人"动手脚",所以Saturday还是原汁原味。 因为罗马神话中的神代表太阳系的各大行星(古罗马人把太阳也视做行星),所以有人说一周七天的系统是古代占星术的产物,七个已知天体影响地球,并控制它们名下的那一天。这一体系由两河流域美索不达米亚传入占星术盛行千年的埃及。公元321年,君士坦丁大帝将这一套融入了罗马日历中,规定了所有年月周日的第一天和礼拜日期,还给一周的每天起了名。新的罗马日制体系被通过,并在西欧的大部分地区通行。
2023-07-12 03:00:421

Family name 与 given name 的区别是什么??《别名 (小名)用英语怎么写?》

Family name是姓given name是名字
2023-07-12 03:00:435


1. 关于行星的英语文章 In our solar system has eight planets, from the distance from the sun in childhood for mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Pluto has been delimited dwarf planets.Mercury is the most close to the sun, in the solar system. The most light planet minimum Mercury in diameter less than IO sanhe Titan on.。 2. 关于天文的一些英文词2 Gemini 双子座 Pyxis 天平座 Canis Major 大犬座 Canis Minor 小犬座 Orion 猎户座 Cepheus 仙王座 Perseus 英仙座 Hydra 长蛇座 Corvus 乌鸦座 更多,请查看 ?si=1 八大行星,由内向外: 水星 Mercury 金星 Venus 地球 Earth 火星 Mars 木星 Jupiter 土星 Saturn 天王星 Uranus 海王星 Neptune 还有一个,冥王星 Pluto ,但是现在已经不能算作九大行星了。 更多,请查看 ?si=4 冥王星是在最近一次的天文学大会上被踢出九大行星之列的。 引子:在经过激烈的讨论之后,国际天文学联合会大会24日上午公布了行星定义决议草案的最终版本。现在太阳系的天体包括:八大行星,矮行星和小天体。(探索频道将为您进行跟踪报道) 最新消息:天文学大会确认太阳系只有8颗行星 快讯:放弃将冥王星之外的太阳系八大行星称为“经典行星”的说法,从而确认太阳系只有8颗行星,冥王星遭到“降级”。"卡戎"将不被考虑赋予任何特殊的名称,而编号为"2003UB313"的天体和谷神星将和冥王星一起被定义为矮行星。"2003UB313"的天体的发现者美国加州理工学院天文学家布朗称:"公众不会因为冥王星被踢出行星行列而感到惊讶。"他称这个结果为一次科学的决定。 更多,请自己去查找各大搜索引擎! 3. 宇宙行星英语作文 宇宙,是我们所在的空间,“宇”字的本义就是指“上下四方”。 球是我们的家园;而地球仅是太阳系的第三颗行星;而太阳系又仅仅定居于银河系巨大旋臂的一侧;而银河系,在宇宙所有星系中,也许很不起眼…… 这一切,组成了我们的宇宙: 宇宙,是所有天体共同的家园。宇宙,又是我们所在的时间,“宙”的本意就是指“古往今来”。 因为,我们的宇宙不是从来就有的,它也有着诞生和成长的过程。现代科学发现,我们的宇宙大概形成于二百亿年以前。 在一次无比壮观的大爆炸中,我们的宇宙诞生了!(这就是著名的“大爆炸”理论。)宇宙一经形成,就在不停地运动着。 科学家发现,宇宙正在膨胀着,星体之间的距离越来越大。 宇宙的明天会怎样?许多的科学家正为此辛勤工作着。 这也许永远是一个谜,一个令人无限神往的谜 加上这些 太阳离我们究竟有多远?宇宙到底有多大?外星人真的光临过地球吗?……面对广阔,美丽而又神秘的宇宙空间,我带着好奇的渴望,提出了一个又一个被我困扰已久的问题。 自从读了这本《千万个为什么》以后,我的脑海里失去了许多问号。 书中的知识都是我最想知道的。每读一个故事,我都陶醉在其中,就好像在太空中飘浮,感受着宇航员的生活。 ,你也可以投稿 外星人是否存在?是我觉得最有趣儿的问题,现在,这个迷团终于解开了。答案是:外星人存在。 因为,银河系中有那么多星体,而科学家发现,在银河系里,有一半的星体是存在生命的,所以外星人一定存在。但外星人有没有光临过地球,到现在还是一个未解之迷。 其实,宇宙并不像我们想象的那样神秘,它现在还是一个未解之迷,但我坚信,总有一天,它会变成一个被人们了解地非常清楚的宇宙。我眼中的世界处处新奇,时时新鲜,无数奇奇怪怪的“为什么”伴随着我进入更多未知世界!虽然仍有很多问号,但我渐渐地提高了理解力,思维力和创造力,我也会把剩下的问号变成句号。 4. 我要一篇关于宇宙几个行星的英文作文,初一水平就好 Our universe, mysterious, in our solar system, the study of value, as the universe. Now, let"s see, members of the solar system. The planet mercury, a phrase, nor, even a drop of surface temperature is quite large, if you put in the daytime is a pig, KaoRuZhu, night is frozen pork. Venus, and mercury, on the contrary, it is extremely thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect, his temperature is extremely high, up to a maximum of 4.8 even more degrees Celsius, aircraft cannot landed in the above, but he is very much like earth initial state, is very good study materials. Mars, earth and can be "sister planet", because the planet, or because sandstorm of iron, he"s surface is red, this small planet to show the different side with Venus, dust storms, drought, and perhaps a human and tens of thousands of years. Jupiter, this planet, such as wood of the solar system"s brother, his biggest characteristic is to see the great red spot, tornadoes, and that is the storm, it is the power of our big typhoon on thousands of times. Saturn and Neptune, first, Uranus, we known after a planet, I"m afraid you can"t imagine how he turn, you dare to turn the circle go a little, though, but dare you forever are rolling walking, Uranus is outstanding. As a famous Neptune, he, he is not observed, but calculate out of 19th century, astronomers have discovered some rules of operation Uranus, they suspect a planet in "time", continuously, people finally got this planet Neptune. As to Pluto, in 2006 the international astronomical joint conference has revoked the planet Pluto, became a dwarf planet, nonetheless, for his desire to explore, even more than other planets.汉语翻译:我们的宇宙,神秘莫测,在我们的太阳系中,其所研究的价值,不亚于宇宙。 现在,让我们来看看,太阳系的成员。水星,一个徒有其名的星球,一滴水也没有,甚至于它的表面温差相当大,你若在那放一头猪,白天是烤乳猪,晚上就是冷冻猪肉。 金星,与水星恰恰相反,其极其浓厚的二氧化碳大气层使得在温室效应下,他的温度极其高,最高达到480多摄氏度,甚至于连飞行器都不能着陆在上面,不过他的现在很像地球初期的状态,是很好的研究材料。火星,可以和地球称得上是“姊妹星球”的行星,其由于沙尘暴,或又因为铁的原因,他的表面是红色的,这颗不起眼的星球去展现了与金星不同的一面,沙暴,干旱,或许展现的是人类及几万年后的世界。 木星,这颗类木行星,充当了太阳系的老大哥,他最大的特点就是龙卷风,看到那个大红斑了吗,那是个风暴,它比我们台风的威力要大上上千倍。土星,天王星,海王星,前一个我们众所皆知,后一个行星,恐怕你无法想象他是怎么转的,你敢转着圈走吗,虽然有点晕,但你敢一辈子都滚着走路吗,天王星就是这样的佼佼者。 至于海王星,他出名的一点,就是他不是观测到的,而是算出来的,19世纪,天文学家发现天王星的运行有些不规律,他们怀疑有一个行星在“作怪”,在不断的测算中,人们终于得到了这颗行星,海王星。至于冥王星,在2006年国际天文联合大会上,吊销了冥王星行星的资格,成了矮行星,尽管如此,人们对于他的探索欲望,甚至超过其他行星。 5. 用英文介绍八大行星 Jupiter Jupiter (5.2 AU), at 318 Earth masses, masses 2.5 times all the other planets put together. It is composed largely of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter"s strong internal heat creates a number of semi-permanent features in its atmosphere, such as cloud bands and the Great Red Spot. Jupiter has sixty-three known satellites. The four largest, Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa, show similarities to the terrestrial planets, such as volcanism and internal heating.Ganymede, the largest satellite in the Solar System, is larger than Mercury. Saturn Saturn (9.5 AU), famous for its extensive ring system, has similarities to Jupiter, such as its atmospheric composition. Saturn is far less massive, being only 95 Earth masses. Saturn has sixty known satellites (and 3 unconfirmed); two of which, Titan and Enceladus, show signs of geological activity, though they are largely made of ice.Titan is larger than Mercury and the only satellite in the Solar System with a substantial atmosphere. Uranus Uranus (19.6 AU), at 14 Earth masses, is the lightest of the outer planets. Uniquely among the planets, it orbits the Sun on its side; its axial tilt is over ninety degrees to the ecliptic. It has a much colder core than the other gas giants, and radiates very little heat into space.Uranus has twenty-seven known satellites, the largest ones being Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel and Miranda. Mercury Mercury (0.4 AU) is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest planet (0.055 Earth masses). Mercury has no natural satellites, and its only known geological features besides impact craters are "wrinkle-ridges", probably produced by a period of contraction early in its history.Mercury"s almost negligible atmosphere consists of atoms blasted off its surface by the solar wind.Its relatively large iron core and thin mantle have not yet been adequately explained. Hypotheses include that its outer layers were stripped off by a giant impact, and that it was prevented from fully accreting by the young Sun"s energy. Venus Venus (0.7 AU) is close in size to Earth (0.815 Earth masses) and, like Earth, has a thick silicate mantle around an iron core, a substantial atmosphere and evidence of internal geological activity. However, it is much drier than Earth and its atmosphere is ninety times as dense. Venus has no natural satellites. It is the hottest planet, with surface temperatures over 400 °C, most likely due to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.No definitive evidence of current geological activity has been detected on Venus, but it has no magnetic field that would prevent depletion of its substantial atmosphere, which suggests that its atmosphere is regularly replenished by volcanic eruptions.Earth Earth (1 AU) is the largest and densest of the inner planets, the only one known to have current geological activity, and the only planet known to have life. Its liquid hydrosphere is unique among the terrestrial planets, and it is also the only planet where plate tectonics has been observed. Earth"s atmosphere is radically different from those of the other planets, having been altered by the presence of life to contain 21% free oxygen.It has one satellite, the Moon, the only large satellite of a terrestrial planet in the Solar System. Mars Mars (1.5 AU) is smaller than Earth and Venus (0.107 Earth masses). It possesses a tenuous atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide. Its surface, peppered with vast volcanoes such as Olympus Mons and rift valleys such as Valles Marineris, shows geological activity that may have persisted until very recently.Mars has two tiny natural satellites (Deimos and Phobos) thought to be captured asteroids.Neptune Neptune (30 AU), though slightly smaller than Uranus, is more massive (equivalent to 17 Earths) and therefore denser. It radiates more internal heat, but not as much as Jupiter or Saturn.Neptune has thirteen known satellites. The largest, Triton, is geologically active, with geysers of liquid nitrogen.Triton is the only large satellite with a retrograde orbit. Neptune is accompanied in its orbit by a number of minor planets in a 1:1 resonance with it, termed Neptune Trojans.。 6. 太阳系九大行星的英文 行星由太阳起往外的顺序是:水星(mercury)、金星(venus)、地球(earth)、火星(mars)、木星(jupiter)、土星(saturn)、天王星(uranus)、海王星(neptune)和冥王星(pluto)。 离太阳较近的水星、金星、地球及火星称为类地行星(terrestrial planets)。 离太阳较远的木星、土星、天王星、海王星及冥王星称为类木行星(jovian planets)。 在火星与木星之间有100000个以上的小行星(asteroid)(即由岩石组成的不规则的小星体)。
2023-07-12 03:00:461


  在加拿大留学的学生肯定不会错过旅游的机会,那么留学生最爱的去的旅游景点有哪些呢?这是不少出国人士比较关心的问题,和一起来看看加拿大留学生最爱去哪些地方旅游!欢迎阅读。   加拿大留学生最爱去哪些地方旅游   一、不列颠哥伦比亚省:尼尔森   很少有省份像BC省这样幸运的拥有如此多的景点。大多数加拿大西部的省份都拥有众多美丽的自然景观。并且温哥华在国际民意调查中一直被誉为世界最棒的城市之一,现在让我们看看这里还有哪些大众并不熟知的好地方?BC省旅游局的Josie Heisig认为在BC省尼尔森镇一直被低估。   Heisig说“对我来说尼尔森充满了魅力”“它的居民结构兼收并蓄,像年轻的家庭,真正的嬉皮士和逃兵们都生活在库特尼湖西部这个风景如画的地方”   这个坐落于BC省东部的小镇有着令人印象深刻的古老砖房,很多美味的餐厅,精品店和咖啡馆隐藏在期中。只需短途车程,你就可以到达这个任何季节都能享受户外探险和温泉的最佳地点。   二、艾伯塔省:瓦特顿湖   班夫和贾斯珀-以及连接两地的公路-号称拥有这个国家最美丽的风景,但它们同时也代表着拥挤。如果你在寻找同级别的风景又可以远离拥堵苦恼的地方,来看看落基山脉的另一处风景吧,它就是瓦特顿湖国家公园。   卡里加尔向南大约三小时车程与美国接壤的瓦特顿,被很多人称赞为像60年前的班夫。阿尔伯塔的导游Ashley Meller是这样评价瓦特顿的:“质朴,悠闲,大自然的魅力”。   Meller说:“由于只有一条公路通往瓦特顿,一定能让你看到你从没见过的生物。”   三、萨斯喀彻温省:萨斯喀彻温省北部   许多人认为萨省是个无聊的地方,你在前往其他目的地的时候需快速穿越这里。事实上这个省份有着许多不为人知的美景,一旦你一路向北,就会发现风景产生了戏剧性的变化。   萨省的乔迪假期旅社投票支持萨省北部作为全省最被低估的区域。这片区域的三分之二都是森林,与南部典型的小麦和油菜田有着截然不同的风景。   阿尔伯塔王子国家公园是这片区域的皇冠明珠,同时也以户外活动和灰色猫头鹰小屋著称。如果你喜欢历史,你可以参观“西北平叛”在1885年的终结战场:Loon湖。这是加拿大领土内的最后一场军事冲突。   音乐发烧友们也会在每年7月和八月前往萨省北部参加尼斯河音乐节和极光兰草&旧时光音乐节。   四、曼尼托巴省:帕克兰   曼尼托巴旅行社的Cathy Senecal说他们办公室对了选出曼省最值得旅游的地点而进行了激烈的辩论,但是有一个地方却一致被大家认为被低估了,那就是帕克兰,曼省西部的一个区域。   在Horse whisperers这片土地上,你会发现Riding Mountain国家公园和Duck Mountain国家公园充满绚丽多彩的自然风光。在Inglis,你会看到大片草原符号:粮食电梯。这是在加拿大仅存的五个孤独伫立着的小镇之一。   以上是我整理的加拿大留学生活资讯,谢谢您的阅读,如果想了解其他资讯,请继续关注其他栏目。
2023-07-12 03:00:471


2023-07-12 03:00:472


admin.setPassword(newPassword);你没有一个带参数的构造方法,肯定会报编译错误。你的构造方法声明的不对,这样写就可以了。把原来的去掉。private String username; private String password;public String getUsername() { return username; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }
2023-07-12 03:00:541

请有哪些英语单词包含了 G.W.Y三个字母?顺序要一致,

大概有30+个: carriageway cogway edgeways gangway gateway gawkily gawkishly gawky gawsy getaway giveaway glowfly glowingly gowany greenway growingly growlingly growly growthy guideway highway highwayman highwaymen lengthways logway mulligatawny passageway steerageway straightaway straightforwardly straightway superhighway thoughtway throughway
2023-07-12 03:00:551


  远处的英文:   distance   yon   参考例句:   Lightning flashed in the distance.   远处电光闪闪。Mountains look beautiful from a distance   远处看山山更美sleigh bells tinkled in the distance   从远处传来串串的雪橇铃响。We could hear the enemy guns booming (away)in the distance.   我们能听到远处敌人的大炮轰隆声.He sat on the playground listening to the distant croak   他坐在操场上,聆听远处的蛙鸣。Far out in the water there were water-lilies; nearer at hand, yellow irises in bloom   远处水面有睡莲,近处开着黄色的鸢尾花。Off in the distance the domes of the fair-tale palace of the maharajah showed against the burning sky   远处,神话似的大君宫殿的圆拱顶矗立在骄阳如火的天空。Far off, I could hear the wich-wich-wich of a yellow warbler and a locust"s somnolent buzz, otherwise silence   我只能听到远处一只小黄鸟在啁啾啁啾地歌唱,还有一只蝉在发出催眠的.叫声,不然就真是万籁俱寂了。From a distance;from afar   从远处The big guns boomed in the distance.   远处大炮声隆隆作响。 distance是什么意思:   n. 距离;远离;远处;疏远   v. 把…远远甩在后面;使远离   This is the straightaway distance.   这就是直线距离。over a long distance;far   远距离的;远的 long-distance gas   远程供应的煤气[天然气] The big guns boomed in the distance.   远处大炮声隆隆作响。 Friends agree best at distance   君子之交淡如水yon是什么意思:   a.   ad. 那里,那边,远处   Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your tricks.   你只能欺骗还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。These magazines were the most pitiful burlesque stuff that yon could imagine   这些杂志是些拙劣的东西,要多荒唐有多荒唐。Sometimes yon go into what I call a bubble boom. Every bubble bursts.   有时候你们会进入一种我把它称之为泡沫式的繁荣。泡沫终究是要破灭的。I"d welcome the opportunity to meet with yon in person to explain my credentials more fully.   我希望能亲自和你见面,更加详细地谈谈我的任职条件。
2023-07-12 03:01:021


有以下选项:1、设置界面;2、设置日期;3、设置启动顺序;①Quick Power On Self②Boot Up Floppy③Boot UP NumLock④安全选择(Security Option)4、设置CPU;5、设置密码;①选择主界面中的“SUPERVISOR PASSWORD”,按下Enter键后,出现:Enter Password:(输入口令),②输入的口令不能超过8个字符,屏幕不会显示输入的口令,输入完成按Enter键。③确认口令:“Confirm Password”(确认口令),输入的口令确认,然后按Enter键。6、设置硬盘参数;7、保存设置。
2023-07-12 03:01:022


法国人姓名也是名在前姓在后,一般由二节或三节组成。前一、二节为个人名,最后一节为姓。有时姓名可达四、五节,多是教名和由长辈起的名字。但现在长名字越来越少。如:Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant译为:亨利·勒内·阿贝尔·居伊·德·莫泊桑,一般简称Guy de Maupassant居伊·德·莫泊桑。   法文名字中常常有Le、La等冠词,de等介词,译成中文时,应与姓连译,如La Fantaine拉方丹,Le Goff勒戈夫,de Gaulle戴高乐,等。   妇女姓名,口头称呼基本同英文姓名。如姓名叫雅克琳·布尔热瓦(Jacqueline Bourgeois)的小姐与名弗朗索瓦·马丹结为夫妇,婚后该女士称马丹夫人,姓名为雅克琳·马丹(Jacqueiline Martin)。
2023-07-12 03:01:041

photo 和 potato 都是以辅音字母加元音字母结尾,为什么复数的变化方式不一样

2023-07-12 03:01:044


  你知道放学后的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   放学后的英文释义:   after school   放学后的英文例句:   孩子们放学后没有回家,我非常担心。   I was anxious about the children when they didn"t e back home from school.   杰克放学后就到店铺里帮一把。   Jack helps out in the store after school.   孩子们放学后在花园里嬉戏。   The children froliced in the garden after school.   放学后直接回家。   e straight away after school.   老师放学后把他关晚学了。   The teacher kept him in after school.   上周五下午放学后他直奔回家。   He lined out for home after school last Friday afternoon.   孩子们表现极差,所以放学后老师把他们留下来。   The children behaved badly and so the teacher kept them after school.   放学后,你必须做你的家庭作业。   After school, you have to do your homework.   所以我们在放学后就一直和他待在一起,从下午两点到五点。   So we began to stay after school with him from two o"clock until five.   他们原可以在他放学后、午餐时或者周末找他谈话。   They could have talked to him after school or during lunch or on the weekend.   我生长在华盛顿特区,每天放学后,周末和暑假,我都能去外面玩,并且没有监督。   C. , I had the chance to play outside, unsupervised, every day after school,during weekends and all summer long.   孩子们过去习惯于放学后到外面去玩然后独立解决自己的难题。   Kids used to go out and play after school and resolve problems on their own.   那是隆冬的一天,放学后我仍然留在学校,因为要参加舞蹈演出的一次排练。   It was in the middle of winter and I was staying after school to rehearse for adance production I was in.   当他的妈妈希望他在放学后能够睡上一小会的时候,他却会偷偷溜出去在雅加达污浊的街道上玩耍,偶尔还会停下来和当地孩子一起在肮脏的小池塘里游泳。   When his mother wanted him to take a nap after school, he would sneak out toplay in the muddy lanes of Jakarta, stopping for a swim with the local boys in thedirty pond known as the "empang".   比赛结束后,我们接着聊了起来,他的态度和自信给我留下了深刻的印象,因此我提出定期为他在放学后上英文课。   After the game we continued our conversation and I was so impressed by hisattitude and poise that I offered to give him regular English lessons after school.   我每天放学后都打篮球。   I play basketball everyday after school.   过去的孩子放学后常常在户外活动并且愿意自己解决问题。   Kids used to go out and play after school and resolve problems on their own.   我的孩子们今天放学后会去哪?   Where did my children go today after school?   如果他们知道自己早晨和放学后能看个电视节目,相对于抑制他们看电视的习惯,要容易得多仅仅举个例子。   It is much easier to limit their viewing habit if they understand that they can onlywatch one show in the morning and one show after school as just an example.   放学后还有许多工作,需要把工作带回家。   Many work after school and then take work home.   小马丁内斯的老师看到了小马丁分数之外的潜能,并承诺如果他每天放学后留下来参加生物俱乐部,并坚持三个月,考试就算通过。   The teacher saw beyond the grade to Martinez"s potential and promised he could pass the class by staying after school for the next three months and joining the Eco Club.   在办公室你用眼睛审视周围,而放学后我们通过简讯来检视伙伴们的动态。   You can scan your office with your eyes. You can scan your buddies after schoolby SMS.   你的孩子完成每周两次的足球训练了吗,是放学后直到晚餐时吗?   Does your child realize that soccer practice is twice a week, right after school untildinnertime?   于是,西蒙建议他的老板周五那天放学后给儿子一个特别的礼物,带儿子到工厂看他自己的新车轮子如何安装到车上。   So Simon suggested that his boss bring his son down to the factory after schoolon Friday for a special treat - to see his new car have its wheels fitted.
2023-07-12 03:01:091


2023-07-12 03:01:091


2023-07-12 03:00:261

Confirm new password是什么意思

Confirm new password确认新密码你这是注册什么账号的时候弹出来的窗口吧建议用网页浏览器在线翻译,省的一个个查单词了
2023-07-12 03:00:261


2023-07-12 03:00:261


i am eager to
2023-07-12 03:00:2411


【 #英语资源# 导语】地球,是我们赖以生存的家园。保护环境,人人有责。以下是 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.关于环保的英语作文范文高中生   Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. We have said this since childhood, but have we done it?   In daily life, there are clear rivers that have been polluted and turned into stinky ditches, beautiful flowers that have been polluted and withered, and tall trees that have fallen in bursts of machine noise   This cruel picture is a masterpiece of human evil. Now human beings are destroying the environment more and more seriously. In the past, there was a clear river in front of the village where my grandparents lived. I often went there to play. However, because a factory has been built near the river in recent years, all the industrial sewage is discharged into the river. When people see that the river has become dark, they throw garbage in it. The original clear river has become stinky, and no one wants to go to the river anymore, They don"t think the river is black, dirty and smelly, but have they ever thought about whose "masterpiece" is causing today"s consequences? It"s their own. If people go on like this, it will not only pollute rivers, but also cause huge disasters, such as sandstorms, tornadoes, mud rock flows   In fact, it is not difficult to protect the environment: as long as people refuse to use plastic bags, reduce the production of white garbage, do not litter, do not discharge sewage into the water, and save water. If everyone can do this, our living environment will be greatly improved. I feel heartache for the deterioration of the surrounding environment. As future successors, if we do not understand the seriousness of environmental pollution, ignore environmental laws and regulations, and do not enhance environmental awareness, our lives will be destroyed in our own hands.   Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. I believe you will not only say this, but also do it! 2.关于环保的英语作文范文高中生   Speaking of environmental protection, students must be familiar with it. From books, teachers and public service advertisements on TV, we can see the importance of environmental protection.   When we were in kindergarten, our teachers taught us to protect the environment, not to throw peel and paper scraps, and not to spit everywhere. Every week, the school also sends a class to pick up paper on campus. It"s our turn to pick up paper today. In class, the students sat in their seats and listened to the teacher"s orders. After a while, the teacher came in and asked us to line up outside. We followed the stairs to a lawn. As we walked around, my eyes lit up and I saw a piece of paper in front of me. I hurried to it and bent down to pick it up. I think: I will pick up a lot of garbage to make the campus clean.   We walked again and again, and came to another place. There were many fallen flowers on the ground. I picked them up one by one, and the tree was much cleaner. I found a lot of sugar paper in the grass again. We children ate sugar on the back and threw it here. Today we picked up a lot of rubbish, which is a big box. We must protect the campus environment, otherwise the beautiful campus will become dirty.   Let"s protect the environment together, and strive to be a small guardian of environmental protection to make the world a better place. 3.关于环保的英语作文范文高中生   In recent years, people have been calling for environmental protection, hoping to make our life better.   On one occasion, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy things. After shopping, the supermarket used to send plastic bags, but today they are gone. My mother and I were very confused and asked, "Didn"t you always send plastic bags?" The salesperson said: "Now the country does not provide it. We should use environment-friendly bags, which can be reused, pollution-free and more environmentally friendly." My mother and I nodded.   Look! Environmental protection is actually in such a trivial matter. In fact, environmental protection is around us.   According to relevant data, more than 420 billion tons of sewage in the world is discharged into rivers every year, polluting 5 to 5 trillion tons of fresh water. What do you think of when you see these alarming data? Yes, this is the end of human destruction of the environment, and this is the punishment of nature to human beings! Environmental protection activities have been carried out for several years. Some people take them seriously and take an active part in them? On the surface, it sounds good. What should we take an active part in? It"s all a lie. Even a napkin is thrown around. Is it environmental protection? I want to tell you that even if you don"t think about yourself, you should also think about your descendants. Do you want your descendants to live in garbage? If you don"t want to, act quickly! 4.关于环保的英语作文范文高中生   Green environmental protection, starting from me, it is our responsibility to love the earth on which we live.   With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people"s living standards. This seems to be a perfect thing, but at this time it gradually constitutes the destruction of the environment, the persecution of the earth mother, and the earth is approaching the danger line. You think that people"s breath must emit carbon dioxide, and their work and life cannot be separated from oil. They must also emit carbon dioxide. With the increase of population and cars, the carbon emission is far beyond our imagination, and this little bit of thin air is not enough! It"s impossible. What the car emits is steam, and what we exhale is gas beneficial to the air, right? At the moment, only a few forests that can control carbon emissions have been destroyed. Eighty percent of the world"s virgin forests have been wiped out. The forest is disappearing at a rate of 375 square kilometers every day. People cut down too many trees without thinking about the consequences.   Therefore, we should live a low-carbon life and travel green. Walk as much as possible, ride more bicycles, take more buses and subways, and drive less private cars; Use less disposable things; Do not turn on the computer or TV for too long. At this time, turn it off after a few hours; Use a short pencil to make a pencil case, which can be used later; Turn off the light and the faucet after hand; The rice washing water every day can be used to wash hands and clean furniture, which is clean, sanitary and natural; When going out for shopping, you should bring your own environment-friendly bags. Whether it"s free or charged plastic bags, you should reduce the use of them.   Green environmental protection, start with me. 5.关于环保的英语作文范文高中生   Autumn girl blew a cool wind, the teacher took us to the autumn outing.   We walked to the destination - the beautiful Yunlong Lake. The teacher divided us into groups and we were free to move. After playing for a while, everyone felt hungry, so they took out snacks one after another and ate with relish. After eating, they threw the garbage and covered the grass in a scattered manner. Seeing this, I thought: How painful the grass is! So we discussed with some students, "Shall we pick up garbage together?" "Good! Good!" They all replied. So we started to act separately. We first picked up several garbage bags on the ground, and then picked up many food packaging boxes and bags in the activity area of our class and put them into the garbage bags. Soon, the garbage bags were bulging. We put the full garbage bags next to the tree, but when we looked far away, there was a lot of garbage in the "activity area" of other classes, so we ran there again and picked up the garbage. Soon, we filled several garbage bags. Everyone ran all over with sweat, but no one shouted tired. Just now, the messy ground became clean, and grass showed a happy smile.   Soon, the teacher called us back to school, and we had to leave the beautiful Yunlong Lake reluctantly!   I really hope that everyone here can keep the awareness of environmental protection in mind!
2023-07-12 03:00:241

J.J. Cale的《Humdinger》 歌词

歌曲名:Humdinger歌手:J.J. Cale专辑:Travel-LogOld Crow Medicine Show - Humdingerparty of the centuryno cops allowedjust me and seven hundred otherscome on, join the crowdwe got wine, whiskey, women and gunshow can you afford to not be having any funif you got a gal, bring "erand we"ll all have a humdingernaked horseshoes without carebody surfing on a river of beerall the neighbors are saying their prayerswe"ll lift our glasses high in the airwe got wine, whiskey, women and gunshow can you afford to not be having any funif you"re not a right-wingerthen we"ll all have a humdingermaking mardi gras look like workthe belly dancers have gone berserkthe morning"s here, we"re all still awakejust looking for some more drugs to takehappened on a mound of fire antsonly lost a shoe and a pair of pantswent down hard, got up like a champto see a biker dancing on my ampif you"re not a folk singerthen we"ll all have a humdingerif you"re not a folk singerthen we"ll all have a humdinger
2023-07-12 03:00:201


步骤1、启动电脑,然后按【Del】键进入BIOS设置主界面。  步骤2、在BIOS主菜单中,有两个设置密码的选项,它们是“Set Supervisor Password”(设置超级用户密码)与“Set User Password”(设置用户密码)。  步骤3、选择其中一个后按回车键,出现Enter Password对话框后,输入密码。如果你是第一次进行此项设定,输入口令不要超过8个字符,注意此密码是有大小写之分的。在输入时,屏幕不会显示输入的口令,输入好后按【Enter】键。  步骤4、紧接着,出现Confirm Password对话框,再次输入同一密码(注:该项原意是对刚才输入的密码进行校验,如果两次输入的密码不一致,则会要求你重新输入)。  步骤5、然后在BIOS主菜单中,选择“Advanced BIOS Features”(高级BIOS功能设置)项,用光标键选择“Security Option”项后,用键盘上的【Page Up/Page Down】键把选项改为System。
2023-07-12 03:00:181


2023-07-12 03:00:171

first name和family name是名还是姓

first name
2023-07-12 03:00:157


2023-07-12 03:00:131

高分求高中英语必修3第3单元课文原文 题目叫The violence of nature

What is a tornado? A tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground.The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour.Almost all of them occur in the US,in the area fromTexas in the southeast to South Dakota in the north. Tornadoes can pick up cars,trains and even houses and put them down in the next steet--or enen in the next town.They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.They can destory houses,but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.On average,there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year,causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,affecting three US states:Missouri,Illinois and INdiana.By the time it ended,more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had benn injured. What is a hurricane? Hurricanes are strong tropical storms,and they usually occur in the souther Atlantic Ocean,the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.There are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or more,which cause huge waves,heavy rain and floods.There are on average six Atlantic hurricanes each year and they usually affect the east coast of the US from Texas to Maine. The worst hurricane disaster of all time occurred on the 8th September 1900 in Galveston,Texas.Winds of 200 kilometres per hour and five-metre high waves hit the city,The disaster killed 6,000 people in a population of 37,000 and destoryed 3,600 buildings. An extraordinary event This is a story about the 1900 Galveston hurricane. Charles Coghlan was a nineteenth-century Irish actor who went to live in Canada.He then moved to New York,where he became famous.By the late 1890s,he had moved to Galveston,where he died in 1898,a year before the hurricane struck.The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destoryed by the hurricane and Coghlan`s coffin ended up in the sea. Eight years later ,the coffin was found by fishermen in the sea near his home on PRince Edward island in the east of Canada.The Gulf Stream had carried it 3,000 kilometres up the eastern US coast to Prince Edward Island.Coghlan travelled back to Canada--after he had been buried in Texas!
2023-07-12 03:00:101

at once 的同义词是?

right now , right away,
2023-07-12 03:00:086


2023-07-12 03:00:071


2023-07-12 03:00:031

yd, 是什么牌子 好像是澳大利亚的

2023-07-12 02:59:582


BIOS主菜单中的功能设置项 BIOS主菜单中的密码设置和语言设置功能是最简单的设置项,其中超级用户的密码权限高于用户级密码,具体体现在使用“超级密码”的用户不但可以正常启动电脑运行各类软件,而且可以进入BIOS设置菜单对部分项目进行修改,包括直接修改或撤消由普通用户已经设置的“用户密码”,而使用“用户密码”的用户虽然可以正常启动电脑运行各类软件,也能够进入BIOS设置菜单进行浏览,但不能更改其中的设置。语言设置功能则是决定BIOS设置主菜单使用中文还是英文显示。 1.两种权限密码的设置方法和步骤 “超级密码”和“用户密码”可以同时设置,并可设成不同的密码,也可只设置其中的一种。具体设置步骤如下: 第一步,开机启动电脑,当BIOS检测完CPU和内存后在屏幕下方显示“Press DEL to enter SETUP, ESC to Skip Memory test”时按一下DEL键; 第二步,当屏幕显示BIOS设置主菜单后,选择“Advanced BIOS Features”项后回车,进入“Advanced BIOS Features”设置菜单; 第三步,在“Advanced BIOS Features”设置菜单中找到“Security Option”后根据需要用“Page UP”和“Page Down”键设置电脑使用密码情况,设置为“System”时电脑在启动和进入BIOS设置菜单时都需要密码,而设置为“Setup”时,则只需要在进入BIOS设置菜单时才需要密码; 第四步,返回主菜单,用光标键移动“光条”压住“Set Supervisor Password”或“Set User Password”后回车,当显示一个密码录入框时(其中提示“Enter Password:”),输入预先想好的3~8位密码,此时输入的字符会以“*”号代替,输入密码并回车后会再次提示将刚才已输入密码重新输入一遍以进行确认,再次输入密码后提示框消失; 注意:密码最好只使用26个英文字符和0~9的数字,而不要使用其它符号,因为有的BIOS在你混合使用标点等符号输入密码时并不报错,但当用户存盘退出后再使用所输密码开机或试图重新进入BIOS设置菜单时则提示为无效密码,致使用户不得不打开机箱对CMOS放电来取消密码! 第五步,选择主菜单上“Save & Exit Setup”或直接按“F10”键,在屏幕出现“Save to CMOS and EXIT(Y/N)?N”提示后按Y键退出BIOS设置菜单后,所输密码生效。 操作难度:不太难,跟我走吧 易理解程度:有不少术语,:-( ,只好先记下来了 危险度:有危险,设置不当可能Down机哟 标准设置(Standard CMOS Setup) 最重要的是设置硬盘类型。 可设置系统日期、时间、硬盘和软盘的规格和显示卡类型等内容。其中硬盘“TYPE”可设为“AUTO”和“USER”两种类型。如果设为“AUTO”,电脑在启动时将自动对IDE接口进行检测,所以在启动时在依次检测CPU和内存后,屏幕上会逐行提示:Detecting IDE Primary Master …Quantum EX6.4AT、Detecting IDE Primary Slav…[Press F4 to Skip]等,虽然我们可以通过按F4键跳过检测,但仍然需要消耗一定的时间来跳过检测,所以这种检测会影响了电脑启动的速度,如果我们将其设为“USER”模式,电脑在启动时将不进行硬盘参数检测,屏幕上也不再显示BIOS检测IDE接口的状况,因此能迅速启动进入操作系统。 另外无论是将IDE端口设为“AUTO”还是“USER”模式时,都应将没联接硬盘的IDE端口设成“None”,这样可避免电脑启动时BIOS对没使用的IDE端口进行无谓的检测而浪费时间。参考资料:
2023-07-12 02:59:5310


what"s the date of Easter?
2023-07-12 02:59:516


2023-07-12 02:59:513