barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-12 15:10:37



  BOOL GetUserName( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // name buffer 缓冲区,存放用户名。 LPDWORD nSize // size of name buffer //返回用户名大小。);





  usingnamespace std;

  string GetUserName()


  char szUser[80];

   DWORD cbUser = 80;

  if(GetUserName (szUser, &cbUser))

   return szUser;


   return("GetUserName failed. ");


  int main()


   string UserName=GetUserName();

   cout<<"当前用户名为:"<<UserName<<endl; system("PAUSE");

   return 0;







using namespace std;

string GetUserName()


char szUser[80];

DWORD cbUser = 80;

if (GetUserName (szUser, &cbUser))

return szUser;


return ("GetUserName failed. ");


int main()


string UserName=GetUserName();



return 0;





The GetUserName function retrieves the user name of the current thread. This is the name of the user currently logged onto the system.

BOOL GetUserName(

LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of name buffer

LPDWORD nSize // address of size of name buffer




Pointer to the buffer to receive the null-terminated string containing the user"s logon name. If this buffer is not large enough to contain the entire user name, the function fails. A buffer size of (UNLEN + 1) characters will hold the maximum length user name including the terminating null character. UNLEN is defined in LMCONS.H.


Pointer to a DWORD variable that, on input, specifies the maximum size, in characters, of the buffer specified by the lpBuffer parameter. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of characters copied to the buffer. If the buffer is not large enough, the function fails and the variable receives the required buffer size, in characters, including the terminating null character.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, and the variable pointed to by nSize contains the number of characters copied to the buffer specified by lpBuffer, including the terminating null character.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, callGetLastError.


If the current thread is impersonating another client, the GetUserName function returns the user name of the client that the thread is impersonating.


Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.

Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.

Windows CE: Unsupported.

Header: Declared in winbase.h.

Import Library: Use advapi32.lib.

Unicode: Implemented as Unicode and ANSI versions on Windows NT.


打开网页时显示这个,如何解决 { "error_code":31326, "error_msg"

我已经登录了,已经做到了你说的 可是为什麼还会显示出"error-code":31326,"error-msg"
2023-07-12 03:47:423


2023-07-12 03:47:572

mysql数据库连接出错 两台服务器 进来看详情

有几个可能:1.程序是通过这个判断if($_SESSION["admin"]=="OK")才进行连接数据库的。当这个条件不成立,则mysql并没有连接,所以mysql_close()才会报错。2.试试mysql_close($conn) 请参考
2023-07-12 03:48:042

ubuntu 安装后图形界面进不去,在命令行输startx提示:user not authorized to run the X server

2023-07-12 03:48:181


2023-07-12 03:48:251

这段Django代码有什么问题吗?(Django version 4.1.4)

2023-07-12 03:48:331


if alltrim(thisform.text1.value)==""最好改为IF EMPTY(THISFORM.TEXT1.VALUE)最重要的是你根本就没有出现调用窗口表单的命令DO FORM 文件名进入后肯定不能跳出窗口
2023-07-12 03:48:401

JSP代码问题 求大虾告诉我如何解决!!!!!谢谢

The method setSelfintro(String) is undefined for the type User setSelfintro方法为定义~检查一下
2023-07-12 03:48:582


2023-07-12 03:49:063


2023-07-12 03:49:144


cj=falsedo while rs.eof()If Text_user= rs!用户名 and Text_password =rs!密码 Then "判断用户名和密码是否正确rs.CloseDoCmd.CloseDoCmd.OpenForm "主窗体"cj=trueelsers.movenextend ifloopif cj=falseMsgBox "用户名或密码不正确,请重新输入", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "错误提示"Text_user.SetFocusText_user.Text = ""Text_password.SetFocusText_password.Text = ""Text_user.SetFocusend if
2023-07-12 03:49:242

user是什么意思 user的中文翻译、读音、例句?

user的意思是”财产等的、法”,还有使用者的意思,发音是[‘ju:zu04d9],user来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到84个与user相关的句子。1. if the current user is not in the primary users list, per-user admin pinning will not occur for that user on the current computer.翻译:如果当前用户不在主要用户列表中,则不会为当前计算机上的该用户进行每用户管理固定。。2. But then there"s user 17556639,3. Click your application name and click User RunAs roles.4. The name of a user that the user executing the command has impersonate permissions for.自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-12 03:49:311


2023-07-12 03:49:391


2023-07-12 03:49:461


在Oracle里,不像MySQL那样方便,可以直接在用户上进行IP限制,Oracle要实现用户级别的IP限制,可以使用触发器来迂回实现,以下就是示例,需要的朋友可以参考下  下面是一个触发器的例子:  复制代码 代码如下:  create or replace trigger logon_ip_control  after logon on database  declare  ip STRING(30);  user STRING(30);  begin  SELECT SYS_CONTEXT("USERENV","SESSION_USER") into user from dual;  SELECT SYS_CONTEXT("USERENV","IP_ADDRESS") into ip from dual;  if user="EPAY_USER"  THEN  IF ip not in ("","")  THEN raise_application_error(-20001,"User "||user||" is not allowed to connect from "||ip);  END IF;  END IF;  end;  /  该触发器对用户EPAY_USER进行了IP限制(只允许"","",如果需要设置IP段,用%或?代替即可,如"192.168.219.%‘)。  下面看几个例子测试一下:  1)从非允许IP地址登陆 (,连接失败  复制代码 代码如下:  [oracle@lxdb2 ~]$ sqlplus epay_user@pri  SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jul 3 19:23:48 2013  Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.  Enter password:  ERROR:  ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1  ORA-20001: User EPAY_USER is not allowed to connect from  ORA-06512: at line 10  2)从允许IP地址登陆(,连接成功  复制代码 代码如下:  [oracle@lxdb1 ~]$ sqlplus epay_user  SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jul 3 11:24:25 2013  Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.  Enter password:  Connected to:  Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production  With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options  3)从本地登陆(不受IP限制影响,连接成功  复制代码 代码如下:  [oracle@lxdb1 ~]$ sqlplus epay_user  SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jul 3 11:24:25 2013  Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.  Enter password:  Connected to:  Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production  With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
2023-07-12 03:50:071

我在使用python下的flask框架 但是我要怎么实现sso登录

单点登录跟登录其实差不多,理解了登录也可以搞出单点登录回顾在前面的系列章节中,我们创建了一个数据库并且学着用用户和邮件来填充,但是到现在我们还没能够植入到我们的程序中。 两章之前,我们已经看到怎么去创建网络表单并且留下了一个实现完全的登陆表单。在这篇文章中,我们将基于我门所学的网络表单和数据库来构建并实现我们自己的用户登录系统。教程的最后我们小程序会实现新用户注册,登陆和退出的功能。为了能跟上这章节,你需要前一章节最后部分,我们留下的微博程序。请确保你的程序已经正确安装和运行。在前面的章节,我们开始配置我们将要用到的Flask扩展。为了登录系统,我们将使用两个扩展,Flask-Login 和 Flask-OpenID. 配置如下所示 (fileapp\ osfrom flaskext.login import LoginManagerfrom flaskext.openid import OpenIDfrom config import basedirlm = LoginManager()lm.setup_app(app)oid = OpenID(app, os.path.join(basedir, "tmp"))Flask-OpenID 扩展为了可以存储临时文件,需要一个临时文件夹路径。为此,我们提供了它的位置。重访我们的用户模型Flask-Login扩展需要在我们的User类里实现一些方法。除了这些方法以外,类没有被要求实现其它方法。下面是我们的User类 (fileapp/ User(db.Model):id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)nickname = db.Column(db.String(64), unique = True)email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique = True)role = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, default = ROLE_USER)posts = db.relationship("Post", backref = "author", lazy = "dynamic")def is_authenticated(self):return Truedef is_active(self):return Truedef is_anonymous(self):return Falsedef get_id(self):return unicode( __repr__(self):return "<User %r>" % (方法是一个误导性的名字的方法,通常这个方法应该返回True,除非对象代表一个由于某种原因没有被认证的用户。is_active方法应该为用户返回True除非用户不是激活的,例如,他们已经被禁了。is_anonymous方法应该为那些不被获准登录的用户返回True。最后,get_id方法为用户返回唯一的unicode标识符。我们用数据库层生成唯一的id。用户加载回调现在我们通过使用Flask-Login和Flask-OpenID扩展来实现登录系统首先,我们需要写一个方法从数据库加载到一个用户。这个方法会被Flask-Login使用(fileapp/ load_user(id):return User.query.get(int(id))记住Flask-Login里的user id一直是unicode类型的,所以在我们把id传递给Flask-SQLAlchemy时,有必要把它转化成integer类型。登录视图函数接下来我们要更新登录视图函数(fileapp/ flask import render_template, flash, redirect, session, url_for, request, gfrom flaskext.login import login_user, logout_user, current_user, login_requiredfrom app import app, db, lm, oidfrom forms import LoginFormfrom models import User, ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN@app.route("/login", methods = ["GET", "POST"])@oid.loginhandlerdef login():if g.user is not None and g.user.is_authenticated():return redirect(url_for("index"))form = LoginForm()if form.validate_on_submit():session["remember_me"] = form.remember_me.datareturn oid.try_login(, ask_for = ["nickname", "email"])return render_template("login.html",title = "Sign In",form = form,providers = app.config["OPENID_PROVIDERS"])注意到我们导入了一些新的模块,其中有些后面会用到。跟上个版本的变化很小。我们给视图函数添加了一个新的装饰器:oid.loginhandler。它告诉Flask-OpenID这是我们的登录视图函数。在方法体的开头,我们检测是是否用户是已经经过登录认证的,如果是就重定向到index页面。这儿的思路是如果一个用户已经登录了,那么我们不会让它做二次登录。全局变量g是Flask设置的,在一个request生命周期中,用来存储和共享数据的变量。所以我猜你已经想到了,我们将把已经登录的用户放到g变量里。我们在调用redirect()时使用的url_for()方法是Flask定义的从给定的view方法获取url。如果你想重定向到index页面,你h很可能使用redirect("/index"),但是我们有很好的理由让Flask为你构造url。当我们从登录表单得到返回数据,接下来要运行的代码也是新写的。这儿我们做两件事。首先我们保存remember_me的布尔值到Flask的session中,别和Flask-SQLAlchemy的db.session混淆了。我们已经知道在一个request的生命周期中用Flask的g对象来保存和共享数据。沿着这条线路Flask的session提供了更多,更复杂的服务。一旦数据被保存到session中,它将在同一客户端发起的这次请求和这次以后的请求中永存而不会消亡。数据将保持在session中直到被明确的移除。为了做到这些,Flask为每个客户端建立各自的session。下面的oid.try_login是通过Flask-OpenID来执行用户认证。这个方法有两个参数,web表单提供的openid和OpenID provider提供的我们想要的list数据项。由于我们定义了包含nickname和email的User类,所以我们要从找nickname和email这些项。基于OpenID的认证是异步的。如果认证成功,Flask-OpenID将调用有由oid.after_login装饰器注册的方法。如果认证失败那么用户会被重定向到login页面。Flask-OpenID登录回调这是我们实现的after_login方法(app/ after_login(resp):if is None or == "":flash("Invalid login. Please try again.")redirect(url_for("login"))user = User.query.filter_by(email = user is None:nickname = resp.nicknameif nickname is None or nickname == "":nickname ="@")[0]user = User(nickname = nickname, email =, role = ROLE_USER)db.session.add(user)db.session.commit()remember_me = Falseif "remember_me" in session:remember_me = session["remember_me"]session.pop("remember_me", None)login_user(user, remember = remember_me)return redirect(request.args.get("next") or url_for("index"))传给after_login方法的resp参数包含了OpenID provider返回的一些信息。第一个if声明仅仅是为了验证。我们要求一个有效的email,所以一个没有没提供的email我们是没法让他登录的。接下来,我们将根据email查找数据库。如果email没有被找到我们就认为这是一个新的用户,所以我们将在数据库中增加一个新用户,做法就像我们从之前章节学到的一样。注意我们没有处理nickname,因为一些OpenID provider并没有包含这个信息。做完这些我们将从Flask session中获取remember_me的值,如果它存在,那它是我们之前在login view方法中保存到session中的boolean类型的值。然后我们调用Flask-Login的login_user方法,来注册这个有效的登录。最后,在最后一行我们重定向到下一个页面,或者如果在request请求中没有提供下个页面时,我们将重定向到index页面。跳转到下一页的这个概念很简单。比方说我们需要你登录才能导航到一个页面,但你现在并未登录。在Flask-Login中你可以通过login_required装饰器来限定未登录用户。如果一个用户想连接到一个限定的url,那么他将被自动的重定向到login页面。Flask-Login将保存最初的url作为下一个页面,一旦登录完成我们便跳转到这个页面。做这个工作Flask-Login需要知道用户当前在那个页面。我们可以在app的初始化组件里配置它(app/ = LoginManager()lm.setup_app(app)lm.login_view = "login"全局变量g.user如果你注意力很集中,那么你应该记得在login view方法中我们通过检查g.user来判断一个用户是否登录了。为了实现这个我们将使用Flask提供的before_request事件。任何一个被before_request装饰器装饰的方法将会在每次request请求被收到时提前与view方法执行。所以在这儿来设置我们的g.user变量(app/ before_request():g.user = current_user这就是它要做的一切,current_user全局变量是被Flask-Login设定的,所以我们只需要把它拷贝到更容易被访问的g变量就OK了。这样,所有的请求都能访问这个登录的用户,甚至于内部的模板。index视图在之前的章节中我们用假代码遗留了我们的index视图,因为那个时候我们系统里并没有用户和博客文章。现在我们有用户了,所以,让我们来完成它吧:@app.route("/")@app.route("/index")@login_requireddef index():user = g.userposts = [{"author": { "nickname": "John" },"body": "Beautiful day in Portland!"},{"author": { "nickname": "Susan" },"body": "The Avengers movie was so cool!"}]return render_template("index.html",title = "Home",user = user,posts = posts)在这个方法中只有两处变动。首先,我们增加了login_required装饰器。这样表明了这个页面只有登录用户才能访问。另一个改动是把g.user传给了模板,替换了之间的假对象。现在可以运行我们的应用了。当我们连接到你将会看到登陆页面。记着如果你通过OpenID登录那么你必须使用你的提供者提供的OpenID URL。你可以下面URL中的任何一个OpenID provider来为你产生一个正确的URL。作为登录进程的一部分,你将会被重定向到OpenID提供商的网站,你将在那儿认证和授权你共享给我们应用的一些信息(我们只需要email和nickname,放心,不会有任何密码或者其他个人信息被曝光)。一旦登录完成你将作为已登录用户被带到index页面。试试勾选remember_me复选框。有了这个选项当你在浏览器关闭应用后重新打开时,你还是已登录状态。注销登录我们已经实现了登录,现在是时候来实现注销登录了。注销登录的方法灰常简单(file app/"/logout")def logout():logout_user()return redirect(url_for("index"))但我们在模板中还没有注销登录的链接。我们将在base.html中的顶部导航栏添加这个链接(file app/templates/base.html):<html><head>{% if title %}<title>{{title}} - microblog</title>{% else %}<title>microblog</title>{% endif %}</head><body><div>Microblog:<a href="{{ url_for("index") }}">Home</a>{% if g.user.is_authenticated() %}| <a href="{{ url_for("logout") }}">Logout</a>{% endif %}</div><hr>{% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %}{% if messages %}<ul>{% for message in messages %}<li>{{ message }} </li>{% endfor %}</ul>{% endif %}{% endwith %}{% block content %}{% endblock %}</body></html>这是多么多么简单啊,我们只需要检查一下g.user中是否有一个有效的用户,如果有我们就添加注销链接。在我们的模板中我们再一次使用了url_for方法。最后的话我们现在有了一个全功能的用户登录系统。在下一章中,我们将创建用户的个人资料页,并显示用户的头像。
2023-07-12 03:50:151


2023-07-12 03:50:311


2023-07-12 03:50:381

交互英语四级登陆提示user name or password is not correct

2023-07-12 03:50:533

TrayApp.msi 是个什么程序

特鲁伊木马病毒! 这种病毒怎么清除? 特洛伊木马(Trojan horse) 完整的木马程序一般由两个部份组成:一个是服务器程序,一个是控制器程序。“中了木马”就是指安装了木马的服务器程序,若你的电脑被安装了服务器程序,则拥有控制器程序的人就可以通过网络控制你的电脑、为所欲为,这时你电脑上的各种文件、程序,以及在你电脑上使用的帐号、密码就无安全可言了。 木马程序不能算是一种病毒,但越来越多的新版的杀毒软件,已开始可以查杀一些木马了,所以也有不少人称木马程序为黑客病毒。 特洛伊木马是如何启动的 1. 在Win.ini中启动 在Win.ini的[windows]字段中有启动命令"load="和"run=",在一般情况下 "="后面是空白的,如果有后跟程序,比方说是这个样子: run=c:windowsfile.exe load=c:windowsfile.exe 要小心了,这个file.exe很可能是木马哦。 2.在System.ini中启动 System.ini位于Windows的安装目录下,其[boot]字段的shell=Explorer.exe是木马喜欢的隐藏加载之所,木马通常的做法是将该何变为这样:shell=Explorer.exefile.exe。注意这里的file.exe就是木马服务端程序! 另外,在System.中的[386Enh]字段,要注意检查在此段内的"driver=路径程序名"这里也有可能被木马所利用。再有,在System.ini中的[mic]、[drivers]、[drivers32]这3个字段,这些段也是起到加载驱动程序的作用,但也是增添木马程序的好场所,现在你该知道也要注意这里喽。 3.利用注册表加载运行 如下所示注册表位置都是木马喜好的藏身加载之所,赶快检查一下,有什么程序在其下。 4.在Autoexec.bat和Config.sys中加载运行 请大家注意,在C盘根目录下的这两个文件也可以启动木马。但这种加载方式一般都需要控制端用户与服务端建立连接后,将己添加木马启动命令的同名文件上传到服务端覆盖这两个文件才行,而且采用这种方式不是很隐蔽。容易被发现,所以在Autoexec.bat和Confings中加载木马程序的并不多见,但也不能因此而掉以轻心。 5.在Winstart.bat中启动 Winstart.bat是一个特殊性丝毫不亚于Autoexec.bat的批处理文件,也是一个能自动被Windows加载运行的文件。它多数情况下为应用程序及Windows自动生成,在执行了Windows自动生成,在执行了Win.com并加截了多数驱动程序之后 开始执行 (这一点可通过启动时按F8键再选择逐步跟踪启动过程的启动方式可得知)。由于Autoexec.bat的功能可以由Witart.bat代替完成,因此木马完全可以像在Autoexec.bat中那样被加载运行,危险由此而来。 6.启动组 木马们如果隐藏在启动组虽然不是十分隐蔽,但这里的确是自动加载运行的好场所,因此还是有木马喜欢在这里驻留的。启动组对应的文件夹为C:Windowsstart menuprogramsstartup,在注册表中的位置:HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftwindowsCurrentVersionExplorershell Folders Startup="c:windowsstart menuprogramsstartup"。要注意经常检查启动组哦! 7.*.INI 即应用程序的启动配置文件,控制端利用这些文件能启动程序的特点,将制作好的带有木马启动命令的同名文件上传到服务端覆盖这同名文件,这样就可以达到启动木马的目的了。只启动一次的方式:在winint.ini.中(用于安装较多)。 8.修改文件关联 修改文件关联是木马们常用手段 (主要是国产木马,老外的木马大都没有这个功能),比方说正常情况下TXT文件的打开方式为Notepad.EXE文件,但一旦中了文件关联木马,则txt文件打开方式就会被修改为用木马程序打开,如著名的国产木马冰河就是这样干的. "冰河"就是通过修改HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT xtfilewhellopencommand下的键值,将“C:WINDOWSNOTEPAD.EXE本应用Notepad打开,如著名的国产HKEY一CLASSES一ROOT xt闹eshellopencommandT的键值,将 "C:WINDOWSNOTEPAD.EXE%l"改为 "C:WINDOWSSYSTEMSYSEXPLR.EXE%l",这样,一旦你双击一个TXT文件,原本应用Notepad打开该文件,现在却变成启动木马程序了,好狠毒哦!请大家注意,不仅仅是TXT文件,其他诸如HTM、EXE、ZIP.COM等都是木马的目标,要小心搂。 对付这类木马,只能经常检查HKEY_Cshellopencommand主键,查看其键值是否正常。 9.捆绑文件 实现这种触发条件首先要控制端和服务端已通过木马建立连接,然后控制端用户用工具软件将木马文件和某一应用程序捆绑在一起,然后上传到服务端覆盖源文件,这样即使木马被删除了,只要运行捆绑了木马的应用程序,木马义会安装上去。绑定到某一应用程序中,如绑定到系统文件,那么每一次Windows启动均会启动木马。 10.反弹端口型木马的主动连接方式 反弹端口型木马我们已经在前面说过了,由于它与一般的木马相反,其服务端 (被控制端)主动与客户端 (控制端)建立连接,并且监听端口一般开在80,所以如果没有合适的工具、丰富的经验真的很难防范。这类木马的典型代表就是网络神偷"。由于这类木马仍然要在注册表中建立键值注册表的变化就不难查到它们。同时,最新的天网防火墙(如我们在第三点中所讲的那样),因此只要留意也可在网络神偷服务端进行主动连接时发现它。 WORM_NUGACHE.G(威金)和TROJ_CLAGGE.B 特洛伊木马(Trojan horse) 的解决方案: WORM_NUGACHE.G(威金) 病毒码发布日期: Dec 8, 2006 解决方案: Note: To fully remove all associated malware, perform the clean solution for TROJ_DLOADER.IBZ. Terminating the Malware Program This procedure terminates the running malware process. Open Windows Task Manager. u2022 On Windows 98 and ME, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE u2022 On Windows NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003, press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, then click the Processes tab. In the list of running programs*, locate the process: MSTC.EXE Select the malware process, then press either the End Task or the End Process button, depending on the version of Windows on your computer. To check if the malware process has been terminated, close Task Manager, and then open it again. Close Task Manager. *NOTE: On computers running Windows 98 and ME, Windows Task Manager may not show certain processes. You can use a third party process viewer such as Process Explorer to terminate the malware process. On computers running all Windows platforms, if the process you are looking for is not in the list displayed by Task Manager or Process Explorer, continue with the next solution procedure, noting additional instructions. If the malware process is in the list displayed by either Task Manager or Process Explorer, but you are unable to terminate it, restart your computer in safe mode. Editing the Registry This malware modifies the computer"s registry. Users affected by this malware may need to modify or delete specific registry keys or entries. For detailed information regarding registry editing, please refer to the following articles from Microsoft: HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows NT 4.0 HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows 2000 HOW TO: Back Up, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows XP and Server 2003 Removing Autostart Entries from the Registry Removing autostart entries from the registry prevents the malware from executing at startup. If the registry entry below is not found, the malware may not have executed as of detection. If so, proceed to the succeeding solution set. Open Registry Editor. Click Start>Run, type REGEDIT, then press Enter. In the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Microsoft> Windows>CurrentVersion>Run In the right panel, locate and delete the entry: Microsoft Domain Controller = "%System%mstc.exe" (Note: %System% is the Windows system folder, which is usually C:WindowsSystem on Windows 98 and ME, C:WINNTSystem32 on Windows NT and 2000, and C:WindowsSystem32 on Windows XP and Server 2003.) Removing Added Key from the Registry Still in Registry Editor, in the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE In the left panel, locate and delete the following key: GNU Close Registry Editor. Important Windows ME/XP Cleaning Instructions Users running Windows ME and XP must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of infected computers. Users running other Windows versions can proceed with the succeeding solution set(s). Running Trend Micro Antivirus If you are currently running in safe mode, please restart your computer normally before performing the following solution. Scan your computer with Trend Micro antivirus and delete files detected as WORM_NUGACHE.G. To do this, Trend Micro customers must download the latest virus pattern file and scan their computer. Other Internet users can use HouseCall, the Trend Micro online virus scanner. Applying Patch This malware exploits known vulnerability in Windows. Download and install the fix patch supplied by Microsoft. Refrain from using this product until the appropriate patch has been installed. Trend Micro advises users to download critical patches upon release by vendors. TROJ_CLAGGE.B 特洛伊木马(Trojan horse) 病毒码发布日期: Sep 18, 2006 解决方案: Identifying the Malware Program To remove this malware, first identify the malware program. Scan your computer with your Trend Micro antivirus product. NOTE the path and file name of all files detected as TROJ_CLAGGE.B. Trend Micro customers need to download the latest virus pattern file before scanning their computer. Other users can use Housecall, the Trend Micro online virus scanner. Editing the Registry This malware modifies the computer"s registry. Users affected by this malware may need to modify or delete specific registry keys or entries. For detailed information regarding registry editing, please refer to the following articles from Microsoft: HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows NT 4.0 HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows 2000 HOW TO: Back Up, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows XP and Server 2003 Removing Malware Entry from the Registry Open Registry Editor. Click Start>Run, type REGEDIT, then press Enter. In the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Services> SharedAccess>Parameters>FiREWaLLpolicy>StAnDaRDPrOFiLe> AUtHorizedapplications>List In the right panel, locate and delete the entry: {Malware path and file name} ="{Malware path and file name}:*:ENABLED:0" Close Registry Editor. Important Windows ME/XP Cleaning Instructions Users running Windows ME and XP must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of infected computers. Users running other Windows versions can proceed with the succeeding solution set(s). Running Trend Micro Antivirus If you are currently running in safe mode, please restart your computer normally before performing the following solution. Scan your computer with Trend Micro antivirus and delete files detected as TROJ_CLAGGE.B and TROJ_KEYLOG.CO. To do this, Trend Micro customers must download the latest virus pattern file and scan their computer. Other Internet users can use HouseCall, the Trend Micro online virus scanner.
2023-07-12 03:51:291

SMTP error, RCPT TO: 550 unknown user是什么意思

如果您使用免费邮箱给别人的邮箱发信,但是对方没有收到,您的邮箱出现了退信,这种情况一般来说,是对方服务器或者您的操作可能有问题,具体请您打开这封退信,一般来说,退信的正文里面有出现退信的原因,一般在退信的英文提示里面,如下所示:1.没有这个收件人:退信提示信息一般为:invalid address (#5.5.0)或者User unknown或者user is not found等等.请核对对方email地址是否正确,或者有没有变动.一般是邮件地址@前面的部分填写有错,请核对无误后给对方发送.2.没有这个主机:退信提示信息一般为:Sorry, I couldn"t find any host named (#5.1.2)原因一般是对方邮件地址@后面的部分有错误,比如把@sina.com写成,另外也有可能是对方服务器有问题或者中间线路有问题,如果名字核对无误,您只能让对方解决.3.对方邮箱已满退信提示信息一般为:receiptor"s mailbox is full (#5.5.4)或者Quota exceed the hard limit for user原因对方邮箱超过了允许的容量,您只能让对方清空邮箱后再接收4.对方服务器拒绝接收新浪邮件退信提示信息一般为:Recipient address rejected: Relay access denied或者552 Error: content rejected原因是对方邮件服务器将新浪邮件屏蔽掉了,您最好通过其他邮箱和对方邮件管理员联系,说明情况,解除屏蔽就可以了.或者换一个其他的邮箱和对方联系.5.您发给对方的信件大小超过了对方允许的范围退信提示信息一般为:552 Message size exceeds fixed limit原因是您的邮件太大,超过对方邮件大小限制,请减小后从新发送6.对方服务器忙退信提示信息:无法建立SMTP连接- Sorry, I wasn"t able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1)或者550 System is busy.原因是对方某一台收件服务器当时正处在繁忙之中造成的,解决方法是您给对方从新发送一次,最好同一封信件发送两次,收到的几率应该大一点.
2023-07-12 03:51:391

Nacicat 连接不了MySql提示如下 ,大神帮忙看下怎么搞??

Navicat for mysql 1130错误 用Navicat连接远程MYSQL,提示如下错误,我以为是自己的防火墙问题,但是关了,依然不行。 我认为这段英文,有点误导,让人感觉是自己这边出了问题。 看解决方法吧 ERROR 1130: Host "" is not allowed to connect to thisMySQL server 解决方法: 1。改表法。可能是你的帐号不允许从远程登陆,只能在localhost。这个时候只要在localhost的那台电脑,登入mysql后,更改"mysql" 数据库里的 "user" 表里的 "host"项,从"localhost"改称"%" mysql -u root -pvmwaremysql>usemysql;mysql>update user set host = "%" where user ="root";mysql>select host, user from user; 2.授权法。例如,你想myuser使用mypassword从任何主机连接到mysql服务器的话。 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO IDENTIFIED BY "mypassword" WITHGRANT OPTION; 如果你想允许用户myuser从ip为192.168.1.3的主机连接到mysql服务器,并使用mypassword作为密码 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO IDENTIFIED BY"mypassword" WITH GRANT OPTION; 方法二:错误代码是1130,ERROR 1130: Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server 是无法给远程连接的用户权限问题 给用户授权 我用的用户是root 密码123456 首选语法为: Sql代码 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO "myuser"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "mypassword" WITH GRANT OPTION; 示例: Sql代码 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO "root"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "123456" WITH GRANT OPTION; 执行完后,再 mysql:flush privileges; 刷新一下权限就可以了,不用重启 完整操作: 开始->运行->cmd cd cd mysql安装目录in mysql -u root -p123456; mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO "root"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "123456" WITH GRANT OPTION; mysql flush privileges; 网上找的,希望可以帮到你。
2023-07-12 03:51:461


2023-07-12 03:51:564


a = "abc" #--------------------要查询的字符串 with open("1.txt","r") as foo: for line in foo.readlines(): if a in line: print line
2023-07-12 03:52:052

win7的系统测试jsp网页出现You are not authorized to view this page

是你的tomcat配置了认证,去掉就可以了。 或者说是你的web服务器。
2023-07-12 03:52:231

无法发送邮件 提示 511 user not local 什么意思

004-11-22 17:55:14 评论 ┆ 举报最佳答案此答案由提问者自己选择,并不代表百度知道知识人的观点回答:百度客服百度客服11月22日 19:36 这位网友您好,如果出现无法接收发送邮件的情况,您可以将您在客户端中设置的服务器地址改成服务器的IP地址,其中免费邮箱POP3服务器IP地址是:,SMTP服务器IP地址是:。换成IP地址后您可以省略DNS解析的步骤。如果仍不可以正常速度收发邮件,建议您可以做如下测试:请使用ping的网络命令检查与百度网邮箱服务器的联接情况,具体方法如下:如果您的电脑操作系统为:win2000、XP点击左下角的开始,在弹出的菜单中选择“运行”。在出现的对话框中输入“cmd”。此时会弹出一个黑色的DOS状态下的对话框。在提示符后输入ping空格收件服务器)或者发件服务器)。请提供下面出现的检测结果,请确认问题,谢谢!如果您的电脑操作系统为:win98、winme点击左下角的开始,在弹出的菜单中选择程序,这时会出现新的对话框,在其中的附一栏菜单中点选“MS-DOS 方式”。此时会弹出一个黑色的DOS状态下的对话框。在提示符后输入ping空格收件服务器)或者发件服务器)。请提供下面出现的检测结果,请确认问题,谢谢!在出现的结果中,如果time此项数值小于100,则为链接速度正常,如果大于150则您的网速较慢,请联络您的网络提供商。如有更多问题, 请咨询百度客服中心。全国统一客服热线:95105670 咨询邮箱揪错 ┆ 评论 ┆ 举报
2023-07-12 03:52:301

登陆用友财务软件时提示“usertoken is not valid, reason is:None”

2023-07-12 03:52:385

oracle full join 相同字段重复,如select * 会出来两个userid字段,但会出现其中有个userid为空,如何去

2023-07-12 03:52:522


int tt=1;String str=String.valueOf(tt);利用这方法把int转换成String
2023-07-12 03:53:595

在MySQL中is null, is not null对索引的影响【测试】

一、索引字段不为null 使用select *查询 select * from a_user where name is null;查询索引字段 select name from a_user where name is null; select name from a_user where name is not null; 结果 select name from a_user where name is null; 未使用索引; select name from a_user where name is not null; 使用索引; 多字段查询(索引字段+非索引字段) select name,sex from a_user where name is null;select name,sex from a_user where name is not null;结果 select name,sex from a_user where name is null;未使用索引; select name,sex from a_user where name is not null;未使用索引; 二、索引字段为null 时 使用select *查询 select * from b_user where name is null; select * from b_user where name is not null; 结果: select * from b_user where name is null;使用索引 select * from b_user where name is not null;未使用索引 查询索引字段 select name from b_user where name is null; select name from b_user where name is not null; 结果: select name from b_user where name is null;使用索引 select name from b_user where name is not null;使用索引 多字段查询(索引字段+非索引字段) select name,sex from b_user where name is null; select name,sex from b_user where name is not null; 结果: select name,sex from b_user where name is null;使用索引 select name,sex from b_user where name is not null;未使用索引 总结以上测试: 1、当索引字段不为null 时,只有使用is not null 返回的结果集中只包含索引字段时,才使用索引; 2、当索引字段为null时候,使用 is null 不影响覆盖索引,但是使用 is not null 只有完全返回索引字段时才会使用索引
2023-07-12 03:54:121

the user name could not be found or is not logged in是什么意思?

2023-07-12 03:54:191

Visual C++2005无法安装,出现ALLUSERS property is not 1 - this MSM cannot be used for a per-user..

2023-07-12 03:54:343

2022-06-07 Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable

tidevice: 安装tidevice报错: pip3 install -U "tidevice[openssl]" tidevice zsh: command not found: tidevice 这是因为tidevice已经安装过了,再次重复执行安装命令就会报上面错误 Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable 只需要添加环境变量就可以了。 可以看到在 ~/Library/Python/3.8/bin目录下已经曾经安装过了。 添加环境变量 在~/.zshrc添加: 执行source ~/.zshrc或者重新打开终端 tidevice --version 0.7.14 tidevice applist 还是相当方便
2023-07-12 03:54:411


从错误的提示可以看出是许可证共享出现了问题,到ANSYS的安装根目录中打开User License Preferences 2022 R1许可证管理器。
2023-07-12 03:54:502

【转载】Windows开机自动启动Virtual Box虚拟机(官方指南手册)

网上很多介绍windows下开机启动virtual box虚拟的文章,都是通过将命令放在启动目录,或者作为开机计划任务来启动;这里介绍将virtual box 虚拟机作为系统服务器进行启动,即使用户未登录,也会启动虚拟机。 环境变量PATH添加 vbbox 的路径 C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox 创建一个配置文件 如: D:autostart.cfg 内容如下: 添加一个环境变量 VBOXAUTOSTART_CONFIG 值为上面文件的路径 D:autostart.cfg 添加 vbox 的 windows 服务 运行 services.msc 查看 virtual box 的 auto 服务,启动看看,密码有没有错;如果没有错误,服务应该可以启动成功。 指定自动启动的 vm close 9.21.4. Windows: Starting the Autostart Service 网址: On Windows, autostart functionality consist of two components. First one is configuration file where the administrator can both set delayed start of the VMs and temporary disable autostarting for the particular user. The configuration file should be located in the folder accessible by all required users but it should have permissions allowing the only reading by everyone but administrators. The configuration file contains several options. One is default_policy which controls whether the autostart service allows or denies to start a VM for users which are not in the exception list. The exception list starts with exception_list and contains a comma separated list with usernames. Furthermore a separate startup delay can be configured for every user to avoid overloading the host. A sample configuration is given below: The user name can be specified using the following forms: "user", "domainuser", ".user" and "user@domain". Administrator must add the VBOXAUTOSTART_CONFIG environment variable into system variables containing the path to the configuration file described above. The environment variable tells the autostart services what configuration file is used. Second component of autostart functionality is Windows service, every instance of it works on behalf of particular user using its own credentials. To enable autostarting for a particular user, a member of the administrators group must run the following command: The password file should contain the password followed by a line break. The rest of the file is ignored. The user will be asked for a password if the password file is not specified. To disable autostarting for particular user, a member of the administrators group must run the following command: If a user has changed their password then a member of the administrators group must either reinstall the service or change the service credentials using Windows Service Manager. Due to Windows security policies, the autostart service cannot be installed for users with empty passwords. Finally, the particular user should define which VM should be started at boot or not. The user should run the following command for every VM it desired to start at boot: The user can remove the particular VM from the VMs starting at boot by running the following command:
2023-07-12 03:54:571

ANSYS中license preference is not available如何解决

2023-07-12 03:55:051


java抽象类想写单元测试,测试覆盖尽就要可能多的范围 单元测试需要覆盖尽可能多的范围,包括:正面所有情景、负面所有情景、临界值、特殊值。
2023-07-12 03:55:133

select * from usertable where name=@name and page=@page 我的要求是当name为空就不作为条件,即:

了解一下 stringbuider
2023-07-12 03:55:324

oracle user lock怎么查看

  ORA-28000: the account is locked”,如是也没多想,直接操作  SQL>conn /as sysdba  SQL>alter user test account unlock;  SQL>conn test/test  还是报同样的错误,这就奇怪了。看看dba_users中该用户的状态等信息  SQL>select account_status,lock_date,profile from dba_users where username="TEST";  发现就是今天才锁定的,帐号状态为“LOCKED(TIMED)”,不明白这个TIMED什么意思,搜了一把,原来是密码错误次数超过了系统设置的允许最大次数。  查看现在设置的最大次数  SELECT resource_name,resource_type,limit FROM dba_profiles WHERE profile="DEFAULT";  找到  FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS PASSWORD 10  也就是说,原来允许的最大密码错误次数为10次,超过10次自动锁定帐号。难怪我怎么alter unlock都没用,看来还得先把这限制放宽才行。  把限制参数 FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 修改成:unlimited  sql> alter profile default limit FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS unlimited;  或 修改成比较大次数:100000  sql>alter profile default limit FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 100000;  再执行如下  SQL>alter user test account unlock;  SQL>conn test/test  就可以正常登录了。  下面,就看看dba_users中的account_status运行的各种状态以及对应的说明。  DBA_USERS中的ACCOUNT_STATUS的值有  OPEN  EXPIRED  EXPIRED(GRACE)  LOCKED(TIMED)  LOCKED  EXPIRED & LOCKED(TIMED)  EXPIRED(GRACE) & LOCKED(TIMED)  EXPIRED & LOCKED  EXPIRED(GRACE) & LOCKED  下面分别解释一下open.locked,expired,EXPIRED(GRACE) ,LOCKED(TIMED) ,其余几个概念就是这几个状态的组合。  1. open 当前用户是开放的可以使用的.  SQL> select username,account_status from dba_users where username = "TONGJW";  USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS  ------------------------------ --------------------------------  TONGJW OPEN  SQL> conn tongjw  Enter password: *******  Connected.  2. expired 表示用户已经过期, 登录的时候, 如果密码输入正确,系统会提示重新输入密码的.  SQL> conn jfdata/jf  Connected.  SQL> alter user tongjw account unlock;  User altered.  SQL> alter user tongjw password expire;  User altered.  SQL> conn tongjw  Enter password: *******  ERROR:  ORA-28001: the password has expired  Changing password for tongjw  New password: *******  Retype new password: *******  Password changed  Connected.  3. locked 表明当前帐户被锁了, 不可以登录的.  SQL> conn jfdata/jf  Connected.  SQL> alter user tongjw account lock;  User altered.  SQL> conn tongjw  Enter password: *******  ERROR:  ORA-28000: the account is locked  Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.  expired (grace) 与 locked (timed) 是有系统的profile来进行控制的.  4. expired (grace) 指定一个期限, 到达这个期限的时候,系统会给出一个警告并且允许登录(grace), 如果过了这段期限, 对应的密码就会自动过期, 相当于我们的密码过期提醒.  PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME  PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME  Specify the number of days after the grace period begins during which a warning is issued and login is allowed. If the password is not changed during the grace period, the password expires.  SQL> select username,account_status,profile from dba_users where username = "TONGJW";  USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS PROFILE  ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------  TONGJW OPEN DEFAULT  SQL> create profile test limit  2 password_life_time 5 password_grace_time 5;  Profile created.  SQL> alter user tongjw profile test;  User altered.  SQL> select username,account_status,profile from dba_users where username = "TONGJW";  USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS PROFILE  ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------  TONGJW OPEN TEST  SQL> conn tongjw/playboy  Connected.  SQL> /  这时我们修改系统时间, 将日期往后修改几天  [oracle@TzDbTzcenter2 ]$ su  Password:  [root@TzDbTzcenter2 ]# date  Tue Mar 22 18:42:26 CST 2005  [root@TzDbTzcenter2 ]# date "03281842"  Mon Mar 28 18:42:00 CST 2005  [root@TzDbTzcenter2 ]# exit  [oracle@TzDbTzcenter2 ]$ sqlplus tongjw/tongjw  SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Mar 28 18:42:01 2005  Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.  ERROR:  ORA-28002: the password will expire within 5 days  Connected to:  Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production  With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options  JServer Release - Production  SQL> conn jfdata/jf  Connected.  SQL> select username,account_status,profile from dba_users where username = "TONGJW";  USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS PROFILE  ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------  TONGJW EXPIRED(GRACE) TEST  SQL>  再将日期向后修改几天, 我们可以看到此时用户的状态已经改为Expired  [oracle@TzDbTzcenter2 ]$ sqlplus tongjw/tongjw  SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Apr 5 18:44:02 2005  Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.  ERROR:  ORA-28001: the password has expired  Changing password for tongjw  New password:  Retype new password:  ERROR:  ORA-00988: missing or invalid password(s)  Password unchanged  Enter user-name: jfdata/jf  Connected to:  Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production  With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options  JServer Release - Production  SQL> select username,account_status,profile from dba_users where username = "TONGJW";  USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS PROFILE  ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------  TONGJW EXPIRED TEST  5. locked(timed)  PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME  Specify the number of days an account will be locked after the specified number of consecutive failed login attempts.  FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS  Specify the number of failed attempts to log in to the user account before the account is locked.  设定相关的profile属性^_^.  SQL> alter user tongjw profile default;  User altered.  SQL> drop profile test;  Profile dropped.  SQL> create profile test limit  2 password_lock_time 5 failed_login_attempts 3;  Profile created.  SQL> alter user tongjw profile test;  User altered.  修改系统的时间信息.  [root@TzDbTzcenter2 ]# date  Tue Mar 22 18:55:42 CST 2005  [root@TzDbTzcenter2 ]# date "03281855"  Mon Mar 28 18:55:00 CST 2005  [root@TzDbTzcenter2 ]# exit  [oracle@TzDbTzcenter2 ]$ sqlplus jfdata/jf  SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Mar 28 18:55:02 2005  Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.  Connected to:  Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production  With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options  JServer Release - Production  SQL> conn tongjw/tongjw  Connected.  SQL> conn tongjw/tongj1  ERROR:  ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied  Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.  SQL> conn tongjw/tongj2  ERROR:  ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied  SQL> conn tongjw/tongj3  ERROR:  ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied  SQL> conn tongjw/tongj4  ERROR:  ORA-28000: the account is locked  SQL> conn tongjw/tongjw  ERROR:  ORA-28000: the account is locked  SQL> conn jfdata/jf  Connected.  SQL> select username,account_status,profile from dba_users where username = "TONGJW";  USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS PROFILE  ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------  TONGJW LOCKED(TIMED) TEST  SQL>
2023-07-12 03:55:521


在我的一些用户使用电子邮件和密码登录的时候,我遇到了一个问题。这种情况下,在发送验证电子邮件后,我将调用当前FirebaseUser中的reload来更新currentUser,以了解电子邮件是否经过验证。此时,一切都运行正常。问题是,有时在FirebaseAuth.currentUser.reload()的实例上调用reload之后,在reload的成功回调中,我试图再次访问已经更新的FirebaseAuth.currentUser实例,有趣的是,当用户已经成功重新加载并且实例应该更新而不是删除时,这变成了null,并且我得到了NPE。这是我现在的代码: override fun verifyUser() { if (authInstance.currentUser == null) { dispatcher.dispatchOnUi(VerifyUserEmailCompleteAction(requestState = requestFailure(FirebaseUserNotFound()), verified = false)) return } RxFirebaseUser.reload(authInstance.currentUser!!) .subscribeOn( .subscribe({ dispatcher.dispatchOnUi(VerifyUserEmailCompleteAction(requestState = requestSuccess(), verified = authInstance.currentUser!!.isEmailVerified)) }, { error -> dispatcher.dispatchOnUi(VerifyUserEmailCompleteAction(requestState = requestFailure(error), verified = false)) }) }复制RxFirebase调用是Firebase上的反应式包装器,但我也使用库的普通Promise尝试了此代码,并且此错误也正在发生。我的NPE出现在verified= authInstance.currentUser!!.isEmailVerified上,这应该是不可能的,因为我在启动此调用之前已经做了检查,并且reload调用已经成功。有人遇到过这个问题,并知道为什么会发生这种情况?如何解决这个问题?我可以在那里控制NPE,但是如果重新加载成功,我想在我的应用程序数据中更新我的用户,而不是发送空实例。
2023-07-12 03:55:591


这一项报告为 UL 的使用独自地被想要和在 UL 的后续服务之下的产品的 UL 证明报导的在建立申请者。报告的任何使用除了之外指出已经发现被报告复盖的产品的样品 (s),遵从 UL 的可适用需求不经认可而且使报告变成无效力和空虚。UL 将不招致任何义务或任何损失、费用或惩罚性损害赔偿责任,出现出或针对使用或在如 UL 和申请者之间的协议所提供的申请者之外的这项报告任何人的内容之上的信任。任何使用或关于 UL 的名字或证明标志 (s)的参考被任何人除了申请者之外符合协议被在没有 UL 的明确书面赞成下禁止。
2023-07-12 03:56:165

求英语翻译 一行一句 急求 注意一定要准确

the business condition is getting better in the company。we are proud of the progress we"v got。could you please wake me up at 7 o‘clock on next morning?he has no right to sign this contract。he gets up early and without fail。the main weakness of another candidate is her age。they put forward modification for this plan。this book is very popular among young people。some think that breakfast is the most important meal。there isn"t any difference between their opinions。make sure a serious check before handing in the task。the population of our country is constantly increasing。some temporary visitors have delayed her in the office。that rule doesn‘t apply to our situation。i"m sure you will succeed。hope these translations help,good luck!
2023-07-12 03:56:335


1、使用telnet连接smtp服务器2、发送一个helo或者ehlo指令3、验证用户(使用邮件名登陆)4、使用mail命令准备发送邮件5、使用rcpt命令指定对方邮箱地址6、使用data命令开始输入内容7、输入test或者hello world类似字样(即邮件内容)8、输入邮件内容结束标志.9、退出smtp服务器
2023-07-12 03:56:472


2023-07-12 03:56:564


  1、双击打开飞秋软件,在好友列表点击右键,选择“增加其他网段好友”。   2、在新的界面中可以手动输入IP地址段,点击“增加”。也可点击“导入”,然后快速导入大量网段信息。   3、点击主界面下方的查找,可以搜索自己的好友。在好友列表点击右键,选择“新建组”可以对好友进行分组。   飞秋(FeiQ)是一款局域网聊天传送文件的即时通讯软件,它参考了飞鸽传书(IPMSG)和QQ,完全兼容飞鸽传书(IPMSG)协议,具有局域网传送方便,速度快,操作简单的优点,同时具有QQ中的一些功能,是飞鸽的完善代替者。
2023-07-12 03:54:291


6.这题的意思是,超声波能产生脉冲信号,在这种方式下金属的危害能被探测。还原原句,various defects in metal can be dectected by sth. 而这个sth, 是ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals,而ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals整句概括为means 所以本题选D符合题意。7.哥白尼的学说,太阳是太阳系的中心,直到他死,都没有被公众认可。这题的主语是theory,你选B主语就变成是Copernicus,语义不符
2023-07-12 03:54:342


2023-07-12 03:54:351


乱世佳人: Frankly,my dear,I don"t give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎 After all,tomorrow is another day! 毕竟,明天又是新的一天! As God is my witness,I"ll never be hungry again. 上帝为我作证,我不会再让自己挨饿了。 Mr.O"Hara: What difference does it make whom you marry So long as he"s a Southerner and thinks like you. And when I"m gone I leave Tara to you. Scarlett: I don"t want Tare plantations don"t mean anything when. Mr.O"Hara: Do you mean to tell me Katie Scarlett O"hara that Tara.that land doesn"t mean anything to you Why land"s the only thing in he world worth working for worth fighting for worth dying for because it"s the only thing that lasts. Scalett: Oh Pa. You talk like an Irishman. Mr.O"Hara: It"s proud I am that I"m Irish and don"t you be forgetting Missy that you"re half-Irish too. And to anyone with a of Irish blood in them.why the land they live on is like their mother. Oh but there there. Now you"re just a child. It"ll come to you this love of the land. There"s no getting away from it if you"re Irish. 奥哈拉先生:你嫁给谁又有什么关系呢?只要他是南方人,并且和你合得来。等我死了,我会把塔拉庄园留给你的。 斯佳丽:我不要塔拉庄园。农场又没什么用…… 奥哈拉先生:凯蒂·斯佳丽·奥哈拉,你是说,塔拉……这片土地对你没什么用处?知道吗?土地是世界上惟一值得劳作、值得战斗、值得为它而死的东西,因为它是惟一永存的。 斯佳丽:哦,爸爸,你说话的样子像个爱尔兰人。 奥哈拉先生:作为一名爱尔兰人,我很自豪。难道你忘记了,姑娘,你也有一半是爱尔兰血统。对于那些身体中即使只流着一滴爱尔兰血液的人来说,他们居住的土地就是他们的母亲。喏,就在那儿,那儿。现在你只是个孩子,你将来会明白这种对土地的热爱的。只要你是爱尔兰人,你就无法逃避这种爱。 魂断蓝桥: 雨中相会时, 浪漫的罗伊当即向玛拉求婚。 两人的对话 Myra,what do you think we"re going to do today? 玛拉,你认为我们今天该干什麽? Well,I...I... 我。。。我。。。 Oh,you won"t have time for that! 现在你没有时间这样啦! For what? 哪样? For hesitating. 这样犹豫! No more hesitating for you. 你不能再犹豫啦! No? 不能吗? No. 不能。 Well,what am I going to do instead? 那我该干什麽呢? You"re going to get married. 去跟我结婚。 Oh,Roy,you must be mad! 哦,罗伊,你疯了吧? I know it!Marvelous sensation! 我知道我疯了。这是奇妙的感觉。 Oh,Roy,do be sensible. 哦,罗伊,千万理智些。 Not me! 我才不呢! But you don"t know me! 可你还不了解我呀! Then I"ll discover you. Spend the rest of my life doing it. 那我就用我的一生去了解你。 Oh,Roy,this is wartime. 现在是战争时期。 It""s because you"re leaving so soon, 你只是,只是因为快要离开。。。 because you feel that 因为你觉得 you must spend the whole of your life in forty-eight hours. 你要在48小时内活完你整个的一生。 We"re going to be married. 我们现在就去结婚! It"s you. 就是你,没错。 It"ll never be anyone else. 别的人我永远都不要。 But how can yu tell that? 可你怎麽能这样肯定? Now listen,darling. 好啦,亲爱的。 None of your quibbling! 你不许再这样支支吾吾啦! None of your questioning! 不许再问了! None of your doubts! 不许再怀疑了! This is positive,you see? 这是绝对的,知道吗? This is affirmative,you see? 这是肯定的,知道吗? This is final,yu see? 就这样决定了,你知道吗? You"re going to marry me,you see? 你必须和我结婚,知道吗? I see. 我知道了。 还有... "I loved you. I never shall. That"s the truth, Roy. I never shall." ‘我爱你,从未爱过别人,永远不会,这是真的,罗伊,永远不会。" 背景:已是暮年的罗伊倚在滑铁卢大桥的栏杆上忆起已随风而逝的玛拉。两个信守爱情承诺的年轻人最后却只能生死相望。 罗马假日: ---带钱了吗? ----从不带钱. 是啊,我差点忘了,你能借给我点钱吗? ----多少?你需要多少? -----恩,我不知道需要多少?你有多少? -----恩,这样吧,我们一人一半,这是一千里拉. -----我也是个撒谎高手,对不对? -----是我所见过的最棒的. ----安雅.......有件事,有件事我想告诉你. ----别,求你了,什么也别说. ----你可以退下了. ----非常感谢. 泰坦尼克号: ROSE:Jack,我爱你! JACK:别那样,不说再见,坚持下去,你明白吗? ROSE:我感到很冷! JACK:听著,ROSE,...你一定能脱险,生活下去... ...生很多孩子,看著他们张,可享高寿... ...安息暖和的床上,不是在这里, 不是今晚,不是这样死去,明白吗? ROSE:身上麻痹! JACK:赢得船票... ...是我一生最幸运的事, 让我可认识你,认识你真荣幸,万分荣幸, 你一定要帮我,答应我活下去, 答应我,你不会放弃... ...无论发生什麼事,无论环境怎样... ...ROSE,答应我,千万别忘了! ROSE:我答应你! JACK:不要食言! ROSE:我永不食言! ROSE:I love you Jack. “我爱你。杰克。”(露丝当然明白杰克的心意,她用力握着他那双手,两个人的手都已经感觉不出温度了,但是他们知道,手是握在一起的。) JACK:No... don"t say your good-byes, Rose. Don"t you give up. Don"t do it. "……别这样……没到告别的时候,……没到,……你明白吗?”(杰克的牙颤抖得厉害,他感觉自己最后一点体温正在消失,生命正悄悄地离开他的躯体。死亡的期限已到,杰克感到了自己的责任。) ROSE:I"m so cold. “我很冷……” JACK:You"re going to get out of this... you"re going to go on and you"re going to make babies and watch them grow and you"re going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me? (杰克鼓起最后的力量郑重地告诉她,)“……你会得救……会活下去……”他颤抖地喘息着,“呃,……会生……好多的孩子……子孙满堂,……你会长寿,……是死在暖和的床上……不是这儿,……不是今晚,不是……这么死,你懂吗?” (他的头已经抬不起来了,海水扑上他的脸,呛了他一下。) ROSE :I can"t feel my body. 露丝被冻得浑身打颤,她眼睛又要闭上,嘴里喃喃地:“……我身体麻木了……” JACK: Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. (杰克已经感到他的时间不多了,他要把话说完,他必须使露丝活下去。)此刻,他不顾自己的颤抖与喘息,略有些急促地对露丝说:“……我赢得船票……是一生……最幸福的事情……” JACK: It brought me to you. And I"m thankful, Rose.I"m thankful. 我……能认识你,……是我的幸运,露丝……我满足了。 JACK: You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.他艰难地停了一下,又鼓起劲儿说下去,“……我还有……还有一个心愿……你必须答应,要活下去……不……不能绝望,……无论……发生什么,无论……多么……艰难,……快答应我,露丝,……答应我,一定做到,……” ROSE:I promise. “……我答应……”露丝失声痛哭起来。 JACK:Never let go. ……一定做到……”杰克的声音渐渐弱了下去。 ROSE:I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I"ll never let go. 露丝哭着应道:“我一定做到,杰克……一定做到……” tatanic 我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着七色的云彩来娶我,我猜中了前头,可是我猜不着这结局......—《大话西游》 你知不知道有一种鸟没有脚的?他的一生只能在天上飞来飞去,飞累了就在风里睡觉,一辈子只能落地一次,那就是他死的时候。—《阿飞正传》 当我们满怀喜悦和惆怅的成长已经成为一种可以被讲述的故事时,我们发现我们从未遵守过任何一个诺言,但我们真的真心真意爱过。—《那时花开》 如果,我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?—《花样年华》 第一、不要叫她温柔。第二、不要让她喝三杯以上,否则她会逢人就打; 第三、在咖啡馆一定要喝咖啡、不要喝可乐或橙汁; 第四、如果她打你,一定要装得很痛,如果真的很痛,那要装得没事;第五、在你们认识的第一百天,一定要去她班上送一支玫瑰,她会非常喜欢; 第六、你一定要学会击剑,打壁球;第七、要随时做好蹲监狱的思想准备;第八、如果她说她会杀了你,那不要当真,这样你会好受些;第九、如果她的鞋穿着不舒服,一定要和她换鞋穿;第十、她喜欢写东西,要好好地鼓励她。——《我的野蛮女友》 画外音:当时那把剑离我的喉咙只有0.01公分,但是四分之一炷香之后,那把剑的女主人将会彻底地爱上我,因为我决定说一个谎话。虽然本人生平说过无数的谎话,但是这一个我认为是最完美的...... 紫霞:你再往前半步我就把你给杀了!至尊宝:你应该这么做,我也应该死。曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。你的剑在我的咽喉上割下去吧!不用再犹豫了!如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是......一万年!——《大话西游》 当你年轻时,以为什么都有答案,可是老了的时候,你可能又觉得其实人生并没有所谓的答案。每天你都有机会和很多人擦身而过,有些人可能会变成你的朋友或者是知己,所以我从来没有放弃任何跟人磨擦的机会。有时候搞得自己头破血流,管他呢!开心就行了。——《堕落天使》 如果我有一千万,我就可以买一层楼。我有一千万吗? 没有,所以我仍然买不起楼。如果我有翅膀,我就可以飞。我有翅膀吗? 没有,所以我亦都没办法飞! 如果将整个太平洋的水倒出来,都淋不熄我对你的爱。整个太平洋的水全部倒得出吗? 不能,所以我并不爱你! 如果我还有一天的寿命,那天我要做你的女友。我还有一天的命吗?没有。所以,很可惜。我今生仍然不是你女友。如果我有翅膀,我要从天堂飞下来看你。我有翅膀吗?没有。所以,很遗憾。我从此无法再看到你。如果把整个浴缸的水倒出,也浇不熄我对你爱情的火焰。整个浴缸的水全部倒得出吗?可以。所以,是的。我爱你。——《第一次亲密接触》求采纳
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