barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-12 19:03:57

Loving can hurt

Loving can hurt sometimes

But it"s the only thing

That I know

And when it gets hard

You know it can get hard sometimes

It is the only thing makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph

We make these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Hearts are never broken

And time"s forever frozen still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket

Of your ripped jeans

Holdin" me closer

Till our eyes meet

You won"t ever be alone

Wait for me to come home

Loving can heal

Loving can mend your soul

And is the only thing

That I know (know)

I swear it will get easier

Remember that with every piece of ya

And it"s the only thing we take with us when we die

We keep this love in a photograph

We make these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Our hearts were never broken

And times forever frozen still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket

Of your ripped jeans

Holdin" me closer

Till our eyes meet

You won"t ever be alone

And if you hurt me

Well that"s ok baby only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won"t ever let you go

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Oh you can fit me

Inside the necklace you got when you were 16

Next to your heartbeat

Where I should be

Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me

Well that"s ok baby only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won"t ever let you go

When I"m away

I will remember how you kissed me

Under the lamppost

Back on 6th street

Hearing you whisper through the phone

Wait for me to come home Loving can hurt sometimes


But it"s the only thing that I"ve known


When it gets hard


You know it can get hard sometimes


It is the only thing that makes us feel alive


We keep this love in a photograph


We made these memories for ourselves


Where our eyes are never closing


Our hearts hearts were never broken


And times forever frozen still


So you can keep me


inside the pocket of your ripped jeans


Holding me closer until our eyes meet


You will never be alone


Wait for me to come home


Loving can heal


Loving can mend your soul


And it"s the only thing that I"ve known


I swear it will get easier Remember that with every piece of you


And it"s the only thing to take with us when we die


We keep this love in a photograph


We made these memories for ourselves


Where our eyes are never closing


Our hearts were never broken


And times forever frozen still


So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans


Holding me close until our eyes meet


You won"t ever be alone


And if you hurt me


that"s okay baby only words bleed


Inside these pages you just hold me


And I will never let you go


Wait me for me to come home


Wait me for me to come home


Wait me for me to come home


Wait me for me to come home


And you could fit me inside the necklace you got When you were sixteen


Next to your heartbeats where I should be


Keep it deep within your soul


And if you hurt me


But that"s okay baby only words bleed


Inside these pages you just hold me


And I won"t ever let you go


When I"m away


I will remember how you kissed me under the lamppost back on 6th street


Hearing you whisper through the phone


Wait for me to come home


(来源:英文歌词:LYRICFIND提供 翻译:GDD__07)




2023-07-12 13:21:251


2023-07-12 13:21:586


photograph复数是photographs。photograph作名词时意思是“照片,相片”,作动词时意思是“摄影,为......照相;在照片上显得”。双语例句:1、If you"re friendly with them they are friendly with you, and now I can photograph them without them being afraid of me.如果你对它们友好,它们就会对你友好。现在我给它们拍照它们也不会害怕。2、This mom and pup took turns angrily barking at me, but eventually let me be to photograph their beautiful home.这个妈妈和小狗轮番在我愤怒地咆哮,但最终让我拍摄他们美丽的家园。3、The photograph come out for the first time is dissatisfied, did not want of that kind of felling, hence clap again, then clap. . .第一次出来的照片不满意,没有想要的那种感觉,于是再拍,再拍…
2023-07-12 13:23:201


2023-07-12 13:23:472


所属电影:mebeforeyou(遇见你之前)剧情简介:露露(艾米莉亚·克拉克EmiliaClarke饰)是一个年轻又活泼的小镇女孩,不久前突然被咖啡馆解雇,家境不好,学历不高的她,无奈之下只好接下一份需要细心与专业技巧的工作:成为一名四肢瘫痪病人的全职看护。   到了病人家中,她才发现看护对象是一名因车祸导致全身瘫痪的年轻人威尔·特雷纳(山姆·克拉弗林SamClaflin饰)。威尔年轻英俊,博学富有,过去热爱旅行冒险,却因一场车祸而一蹶不振,变得自暴自弃又愤世嫉俗;生性乐观的小露向他展示生命的美好。为了让威尔重新展开笑颜,小露使出浑身解数,两人都得到宝贵的的意外收获,重新找到人生与心灵的归属。(豆瓣)曲目:Photograph 歌手:EdSheeran所属专辑:X(DeluxeEdition)
2023-07-12 13:24:151


2023-07-12 13:24:551

Spyglass的《Photograph》 歌词

歌曲名:Photograph歌手:Spyglass专辑:Strategies For The StrandedPhotographnickelbackLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughHow did our eyes get so redAnd what the hell is on Joey"s head?This is where I grew upI think the present owner fixed it upI never knew we ever went withoutThe second floor is hard for sneakin" outAnd this is where I went to schoolMost of the time had better things to doCriminal record says I broke in twiceI must"ve done it half a dozen timesI wonder if it"s too lateShould I go back and try to graduate?Life"s better now than it was back thenIf I was them I wouldn"t let me inOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeRemember the old arcade?Blew every dollar that we ever madeThe cops hated us hangin" outThey said somebody went and burned it downWe used to listen to the radioAnd sing along with every song we knowWe said someday we"d find out how it feelsTo sing to more than just the steering wheelKim"s the first girl I kissedI was so nervous that I nearly missedShe"s had a couple of kids since thenI haven"t seen her since God knows whenOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeI miss that town, I miss the facesYou can"t erase, you can"t replace itI miss it now, I can"t believe itSo hard to stay, too hard to leave itIf I could relive those daysI know the one thing that would never changeEvery memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughEvery time I do it makes me...
2023-07-12 13:26:051


图像处理软件Adobe Photoshop,简称“PS”,是由AdobeSystems开发和发行的图像处理软件。
2023-07-12 13:26:151


照片英文翻译:photo词典释义 n.照片;同 photograph;相片2.photograph n.照片;相片3.picture n.相片;照片;图画;绘画;电视图像;描绘;头脑中的情景;状况;电影;电影院4.shot n.射击;开枪(或炮);枪(或炮)声;优秀(或不高明等的)射手,枪手,炮手;铅沙弹;弹丸;一席话,一击;尝试;击球;铅球;照片;(电影中的)镜头;注射;少量饮料;发射5.imagery n.形象的描述;意象;像;画像;照片6.portraiture n.画像技法;人像摄影法;肖像;画像;照片7.photoprint n.影印(画);照相复制例句:1.考试将包括回答一些关于一张照片的问题。The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. 2.那张照片看上去一点也不像她。That photograph doesn"t look like her at all. 3.书的封面有一张罗马的照片。The book has a picture of Rome on the front. 4.她在卧室的墙上贴满了他的照片。She had plastered her bedroom wall with photos of him. 5.看你能不能把我从这张照片上认出来。See if you can pick me out in this photo. 6.这家报纸继续为刊登这些照片辩护。The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs. 7.囚犯除信件和照片外不允许有任何私人物品。Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs.
2023-07-12 13:26:411


《她 her》,应该是这个
2023-07-12 13:27:011

有没有人知道一些Ed Sheeran的歌曲《photograph》的中文歌词

Ed Sheeran - Photograph 照片Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes有时候,爱情会带来伤害But it"s the only thing that I know但我只知道这个,仅此而已When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes当我俩前景堪忧,你知道有时如此It is the only thing that makes us feel alive困难让我们感到还活着We keep this love in a photograph我们把爱保存在照片里We made these memories for ourselves制造属于我们的记忆Where our eyes are never closing在那儿,我们的双眼永不合上Our hearts were never broken两颗心永不受伤And time"s forever frozen, still而时间却永远地冰封,凝固So you can keep me那你就可以Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans把我放进你的裤袋Holding me close until our eyes meet把我拉近,直到你我四目交投You won"t ever be alone, wait for me to come home你不会孤独,等我回家吧Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul爱可以修补你的灵魂And it"s the only thing that I know但我只知道这个,仅此而已I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of ya我发誓这会简单得多,我会记住你的一颦一笑And it"s the only thing we take with us when we die当我们与世长辞,这会是我唯一依旧记得的东西We keep this love in a photograph我们把爱保存在照片里We made these memories for ourselves制造属于我们的记忆Where our eyes are never closing在那儿,我们的双眼永不合上Our hearts were never broken两颗心永不受伤And time"s forever frozen, still而时间却永远地冰封,凝固So you can keep me那你就可以Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans把我放进你的裤袋Holding me close until our eyes meet把我细看,直到你我四目交投You won"t ever be alone你不会孤独And if you hurt me就算你伤害了我That"s okay baby, Only words bleed宝贝,没事的,受伤的不过是言词Inside these pages you just hold me在这照片里,你依然把我抱紧And I won"t ever let you go我永远不会让你离去Wait for me to come homeWait for me to come homeWait for me to come homeWait for me to come home等我回家吧You can fit me,我俩相映成趣Inside the necklace you bought when you were sixteen.照片里还有你十六岁时买的项链Next to your heartbeat where I should be,我就在你的心跳旁边Keep it deep within your soul.请把我牢记在灵魂深处And if you hurt me..就算你伤害了我Well that"s okay baby, only words bleed宝贝,没事的,受伤的不过是言词Inside these pages you just hold me在这照片里,你依然把我抱紧And I won"t ever let you go.我永远不会让你离去When I"m away, I will remember how you kissed me我不在的时候,会记得当时你怎样吻我Under the lamppost back on Sixth street就在第六街的路灯下Hearing you whisper through the phone透过电话,我要听到你的密语Wait for me to come home等我回家吧
2023-07-12 13:27:141

Air的《Photograph》 歌词

歌曲名:Photograph歌手:Air专辑:Pocket SymphonyNickelback - PhotographLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughHow did our eyes get so redAnd what the hell is on Joey"s head?This is where I grew upI think the present owner fixed it upI never knew we ever went withoutThe second floor is hard for sneakin" outAnd this is where I went to schoolMost of the time had better things to doCriminal record says I broke in twiceI must"ve done it half a dozen timesI wonder if it"s too lateShould I go back and try to graduate?Life"s better now than it was back thenIf I was them I wouldn"t let me inOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeRemember the old arcade?Blew every dollar that we ever madeThe cops hated us hangin" outThey said somebody went and burned it downWe used to listen to the radioAnd sing along with every song we knowWe said someday we"d find out how it feelsTo sing to more than just the steering wheelKim"s the first girl I kissedI was so nervous that I nearly missedShe"s had a couple of kids since thenI haven"t seen her since God knows whenOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeI miss that town, I miss the facesYou can"t erase, you can"t replace itI miss it now, I can"t believe itSo hard to stay, too hard to leave itIf I could relive those daysI know the one thing that would never changeEvery memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughEvery time I do it makes me...
2023-07-12 13:27:211


2023-07-12 13:27:292


《Photograph》是英国流行男歌手Ed Sheeran演唱的一首歌曲,收录于他2014年发行的专辑《X》中。该歌曲确认将成为第五支单曲。
2023-07-12 13:27:421

Diane Birch的《Photograph》 歌词

歌曲名:Photograph歌手:Diane Birch专辑:Bible BeltNicklebackPhotographLook at this photograph,everytime I do it makes me laugh.How did our eyes get so red,and what the hell is on Joey"s head.And this is where I grew up,I think the present owner fixed it up.I never knew we ever went without,the second florr was high for sneaking out.And this is where I went to school,most of the time had better things to do.Criminal record says I broke in twice,I must have done it half a dozen times.I wonder if its too late,should I go back and try to graduate.Life"s better now than it was back then,if I was them I wouldn"t let me in!Oh oh oh... Oh God I!Every memory of lookin" out the back door,I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor,It"s hard to say it, time to say it,Good-bye good-bye.Every memory of walkin" out the front door,I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for,It"s hard to say it, time to say it,Good-bye good-bye.We used to listen to the radio,and sing along to every song we"d know.We said someday we"d find out how it feels,to sing to more than just the steering wheel.Kim"s the first girl I kissed,I was so nervous that I nearly missed.She"s had a couple of kids since then,I haven"t seen her since god knows when!Oh oh oh... Oh God I!Every memory of lookin" out the back door,I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor,It"s hard to say it, time to say it,Good-bye good-bye.Every memory of walkin" out the front door,I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for,It"s hard to say it, time to say it,Good-bye good-bye.I miss that town,I miss the faces,cant erase, cant replace itI miss it nowI can"t believe it,So hard to stay,So hard to leave it.If I could relive those days,I know the one thing that would never change.Every memory of lookin" out the back door,I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor,It"s hard to say it, time to say it,Good-bye good-bye.Every memory of walkin" out the front door,I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for,It"s hard to say it, time to say it,Good-bye good-bye.Look at this photograph,everytime I do it makes me laugh.Everytime I do it makes me...联络:ICQ:212280907
2023-07-12 13:27:551


take a picture;po hotoghap.
2023-07-12 13:28:067


photograph造句:1、The photograph agrees with the original. 照片跟原物(或本人)一模一样 2、She moves-and the photograph becomes film. 她在动,于是照片变成影片了 3、One complete circular track appears in the lower part of the photograph. 照片的下部有一个完整的圆形径迹 4、The group was well posed for the photograph. 那一群人为拍照而摆好姿势 5、It is difficult to photograph the actual chromosphere. 拍摄实际的色球层很困难 6、I hesitated whether to attempt to secure the photograph at once. 我曾犹豫是否应该试着把那张照片马上弄到手 7、I enclose my photograph with this letter. 我把照片放在这封信里 8、You should take great care in choosing a photograph. 选择照片时应该非常小心 解析:句子是语言运用的基本单位,它由词或词组构成,能表达一个完整的意思
2023-07-12 13:28:471

Weezer的《Photograph》 歌词

歌曲名:Photograph歌手:Weezer专辑:WeezerDef Leppard - photographlyric edit by huayilI"m outa luck, outa loveGotta photograph, picture ofPassion killer, you"re too muchYou"re the only one I wanna touchI see your face every time I dreamOn every page, every magazineSo wild and free so far from meYou"re all I want, my fantasyOh, look what you"ve done to this rock "n" roll clownOh oh, look what you"ve donePhotograph - I don"t want yourPhotograph - I don"t need yourPhotograph - All I"ve got is a photographBut it"s not enoughI"d be your lover, if you were therePut your hurt on me, if you dareSuch a woman, you got styleYou make every man feel like a child, ohYou got some kinda hold on meYou"re all wrapped up in mysterySo wild and free so far from meYou"re all I want, my fantasyOh, look what you"ve done to this rock "n" roll clownOh oh, look what you"ve donePhotograph - I don"t want yourPhotograph - I don"t need yourPhotograph - All I"ve got is a photographYou"ve gone straight to my headOh, look what you"ve done to this rock "n" roll clownOh Oh, look what you"ve doneI gotta have youPhotograph - I don"t want yourPhotograph - I don"t need yourPhotograph - All I"ve got is a photographI wanna touch youPhotographPhotograph - Your photographPhotograph -Photograph - I need only yourPhotograph - I"m outa lovePhotograph - I"m outa lovePhotograph - You"re the only onePhotograph - I wanna touch
2023-07-12 13:28:531

Heavy Merge的《Photograph》 歌词

歌曲名:Photograph歌手:Heavy Merge专辑:Heavy MergePhotographnickelbackLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughHow did our eyes get so redAnd what the hell is on Joey"s head?This is where I grew upI think the present owner fixed it upI never knew we ever went withoutThe second floor is hard for sneakin" outAnd this is where I went to schoolMost of the time had better things to doCriminal record says I broke in twiceI must"ve done it half a dozen timesI wonder if it"s too lateShould I go back and try to graduate?Life"s better now than it was back thenIf I was them I wouldn"t let me inOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeRemember the old arcade?Blew every dollar that we ever madeThe cops hated us hangin" outThey said somebody went and burned it downWe used to listen to the radioAnd sing along with every song we knowWe said someday we"d find out how it feelsTo sing to more than just the steering wheelKim"s the first girl I kissedI was so nervous that I nearly missedShe"s had a couple of kids since thenI haven"t seen her since God knows whenOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeI miss that town, I miss the facesYou can"t erase, you can"t replace itI miss it now, I can"t believe itSo hard to stay, too hard to leave itIf I could relive those daysI know the one thing that would never changeEvery memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughEvery time I do it makes me...
2023-07-12 13:29:121

这是一张我的照片 这句话用英语怎么说?

This is one of my photos
2023-07-12 13:29:224

photograph 这首歌歌词给我翻译下

楼上的匿名翻译的最好啦,不用谦虚~half a dozen times应该是六次吧?字面意思,不确定的说……a dozen是一打,十二个。那个,歌词里有个cops不是一堆,the cops是警察的意思,在美语口语里相当于我们的“条子”。
2023-07-12 13:29:506


photograph 的音标是 [u02c8fu0259u028atu0259grɑ:f],可谐音为 “否投古如阿复”。
2023-07-12 13:30:211


问题一:图片英文怎么写 pic/picture,photo,image,户llustration(插图),legend(图例) 问题二:图片用英文怎么写? 你好! 图片picture photograph print 问题三:照片用英文怎么写啊? 照片 phot龚graph; photoprint ; picture ;photo 例: colour photograph 彩色照片 The photo has taken well. 这张照片拍得好。 问题四:图像清晰度英文怎么写 clarity of a picture or picture"s clarity 如果是像电脑里图片的清晰度也可以用resolution 问题五:照片英文怎么写 照片 n. photograph, picture, photo 如果照相机焦点不对准,照片就会模糊。If the camera is not brought into focus, the photo will be blurred.把照片放大have a photograph enlarged大照片常由小照片放大而成。An enlargement is often made from a *** all photograph.附寄一张照片enclosed herewith a photo免冠照片bareheaded photo这些照片使我回想起我的学生时代。The photographs made me think back to my schooldays.我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念。My friend gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.如果照相机镜头聚焦不准,照片就会模糊不清。If your camera is not brought into focus, the photograph will be blurried.照片显出了明晰的影像。The photograph showed a distinct image.这照片比你本人漂亮。This photograph flatters you.她把照片抢了过去。He snatched away the photo.这张照片有点失真。The picture isn"t quite true to the original.在第四十四页上有一张一艘船的照片。There is a picture of a ship on page 44.一张照片graphic; a photo; a photograph; a picture看照片的时候仔细点儿,别弄脏了。When you look at the photographs, please be careful and don"t *** udge them.扫描电子显微镜照片scanning electron micrograph我帮我的同学扫描照片。I helped my clas *** ate scan the pictures.随信寄上三张照片。Enclosed in the letter are three photos.我随信附上一张照片。I have enclosed a photo with this letter.我把照片和信一并寄给你。I will send you the photo along with the letter.这些照片是在哪儿拍的?где были сделаны эти фотографии? 问题六:照片英文简称是什么 [[英]]?f??t??[[美]]?fou028a场to? n.照片,相片 vt. vi.(给…)拍照 [例句]What colour is the sunshine in this photo? 这张照片里的阳光是什么颜色的? 问题七:图画用英语怎么写? picture
2023-07-12 13:30:491


take photos,take pictures
2023-07-12 13:30:576


2023-07-12 13:31:326


  一、other和others的区别  other形容词,通常用在单数或复数名词的前面,意为“别的;其他的;另外的”。others代词,意为“其余的人 ”。  1.other( +名词):“其它/他的(某人某物)”,形容词。other作形容词,通常用在单数或复数名词的前面,意为“别的;其他的;另外的”。例如:   I"ll come again some other day. 我改日再来。  2.others= “other +复数名词”:代词,后面不能再接名词了。others(=other+复数名词) 泛指“部分”含义,用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。例如:  The students of Class Four are cleaning the classroom. Some are carrying water, others are sweeping the floor. 四班的学生们在打扫教室。一些人在打水,另一些人在扫地。  二、other及其变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等。它们的用法现归纳如下;  1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。  如:  Do you have any other question(s)?  你还有其他问题吗?  Ask some other people.  问问别人吧!  Put it in your other hand.  把它放在你另一只手里。  2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如:  He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker.  他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。  the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如:  On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree.  在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。  Mary is much taller than the other girls.  玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。  He lives on the other side of the river.  他住在河的对岸。  3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。  如:  Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.  我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。  Give me some others, please.  请给我别的东西吧!  There are no others.  没有别的了。  4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如:  Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home.  两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。  the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍。
2023-07-12 13:30:071

java编写自定义标签,加入jsp-api.jar 与tomcat冲突

2023-07-12 13:30:073


爱国从英语角度来讲可以说:love one"s country;be patriotic下面给你解析解析:country , countryside ; country , nation , state 这是两组同义词。country 和 countryside 都可以解释为“农村”;country,nation 和 nation 都可以解释为“国家”。country 作农村解为不可数名词,作国家解时为可数名词。先看一个有错误的句子:He lives in a nice country near Shanghai. 此句的错误在于不可数名词 country 前用了 a,这句话应当这样修改:He lives in the country near Shanghai. 他住在上海附近的一个美丽的乡村里。countryside 只能是乡村的意思。“我住在城市里,他住在乡下。”此句中的“乡下”只能用 country,这似乎是习惯。爱国是一种信念。这种信念植根于我们每一个中国人的心里。黄山黄河长江长城,在我们心中重千斤,心底深处总是澎湃着中华的声音,中华民族自强不息的历史。Patriotism is a belief. This belief is rooted in the hearts of every Chinese. The great wall of Huangshan, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River is very heavy in our hearts. The voice of China is always surging in the bottom of our hearts, and the history of the Chinese nation"s continuous self-improvement.爱国是我们的传统,更应该是炎黄子孙的美德。谁不爱国就会愧对列祖列宗,失去作为炎黄子孙的资格。Patriotism is not only our tradition, but also the virtue of the Chinese people. Those who are not patriotic will be ashamed of their ancestors and lose their qualification as Chinese.
2023-07-12 13:30:091


glass ask vase far car
2023-07-12 13:30:223

o开头的男孩英文名寓意 o开头的英文名男

每一个新生命降临会使得一个家庭欣喜若狂,于是绞尽脑汁为孩子起一个吉祥如意的名字,一起来看看o开头的男孩英文名寓意,o开头的英文名男怎么取。 o开头的男孩英文名寓意一: Obelix力量之柱 Obert富有,伶俐的 Obiajulu心灵得到抚慰 Ochen双胞胎之一 Odion双胞胎的老大 Ogden来自橡树谷 Ogilvy来自高高的山顶 Oldrich富有且有权势的人 Oleg神圣的人 Oleos教堂里用的圣油 Olin冬青 Oliver和善的人,橄榄树,和平 Ollie精灵军队 Omar长子,弟子,有天赋的演说者 Omarjeet Onan权力,力量 Ond第十个孩子 o开头的男孩英文名寓意二: Orb城市的居民;受过教育的人 Orelious Oren松树,苍白的,美丽的 Orion黎明,东方,猎人 Orlando明亮的太阳 Orlando,Orland著名的地方 Ors男人,英雄 Orton富裕的 Osaze上帝所喜爱的 Osbert有灵感的,神性的 Osborn上帝的士兵 Osborne上帝的士兵 Oscar神茅 Osgood神圣的创造者 Osmond上帝的保护者、拥护者 Ozsv神,力量 Ogden,欧格登,来自像树流域。 Oliver,奥利佛,平安的人。 Omar,奥玛,长子,受到先知的教诲。 Orville,奥利尔,来自黄金城。 Osborn,奥斯本,神圣的战士,受天赐福的人。 Oscar,奥斯卡,神圣之矛。 Osmond,奥斯蒙,受到神圣的祝福,保护。 Oswald,奥斯维得,神圣而有力的。 Otis,奥狄斯,听觉敏锐。 Otto,奥特,富有的。 Owen,欧文,出身高贵,年轻的战士。
2023-07-12 13:30:241


ER图即E-R图。E-R图也称实体-联系图(Entity Relationship Diagram),提供了表示实体类型、属性和联系的方法,用来描述现实世界的概念模型。在ER图中有如下四个成分:E-R矩形框:表示实体,在框中记入实体名。菱形框:表示联系,在框中记入联系名。椭圆形框:表示实体或联系的属性,将属性名记入框中。对于主属性名,则在其名称下划一下划线。连线:实体与属性之间;实体与联系之间;联系与属性之间用直线相连,并在直线上标注联系的类型。(对于一对一联系,要在两个实体连线方向各写1; 对于一对多联系,要在一的一方写1,多对多的一方写N;对于多对多关系,则要在两个实体连线方向各写N,M。)
2023-07-12 13:30:271


ActionSupport 是用在Struts中使用动态action时候用到的,那么是否可以理解成加Support这个词,是对原有的Class的功能的一种拓展.这个拓展可以使用,也可以不使用.希望可以帮到你.
2023-07-12 13:30:282


更新1: 可以比日文我吧谢谢 我查过网上的资料,只有日文、英文、法文、荷兰语,没有你想要的中文资料。另外,也不知道你想要的「得主」是马主、骑师、练马师还是马匹的名称,我只好把全部资料都给你。除了名字外,其他部份我都会尝试为你翻译: 年份(Year) 胜出马匹 (Winner) 马龄(Age) 骑师(Jockey) 练马师(Trainer) 马主(Owner) 时间(Time) 1998 Sagamix 3 Olivier Peslier André Fabre Jean-Luc Lagardère 2:34.5 1999 Montjeu 3 Michael Kinane John Hammond Michael Tabor 2:38.5 年份(Year) 胜出马匹(Winner) 马龄(Age) 骑师(Jockey) 练马师(Trainer) 马主(Owner) 时间(Time) 2000 Sinndar 3 Johnny Murtagh John Oxx HH Aga Khan IV 2:25.8 2001 Sakhee 4 Frankie Dettori Saeed bin Suroor Godolphin Stables 2:36.1 2002 Marienbard 5 Frankie Dettori Saeed bin Suroor Godolphin Stables 2:26.7 2003 Dalakhani 3 Christophe Soumillon Alain de Royer-Dupré HH Aga Khan IV 2:32.3 2004 Bago 3 Thierry Gillet Jonathan Pease Niarchos family 2:25.0 2005 Hurricane Run 3 Kieren Fallon André Fabre Michael Tabor 2:27.4 2006 Rail Link 3 Stéphane Pasquier André Fabre Khalid Abdulla 2:26.3 参考: en. *** /wiki/Prix_de_l%27Arc_de_Triomphe
2023-07-12 13:30:321


2023-07-12 13:30:355


奥托·梅斯默的学生乔·奥里奥洛曾服务于费雪兄弟工作室,参与过《大力水手》和《超人》系列,《格利佛游记》以及《虫先生进城记》等多部作品,拥有将近二十年的动画制作经验。他从好友奥托那里收到了创作“新菲利克斯猫”的“全权委托书”,于20世纪50年代重新设计了菲利克斯猫。他还为菲利克斯猫漫画创作了辅助性角色,比如科学天才、教授、大傻、哇唔、凯蒂、圆筒大人以及神奇的魔法手提包。1960年,乔·奥里奥洛为Trans-Lux公司制作执导了235个菲利克斯猫冒险故事,每个故事时长五分钟。其独一无二的创意及风格立刻席卷电视,新一代的菲利克斯猫粉丝也应运而生。就这样,整个动画系列一播就是二十年。如今,世界各地的观众仍然能够一睹其风采。1988年,乔·奥里奥洛的儿子唐·奥里奥洛编写并制作了长篇电影《菲利克斯猫大电影》,其视频和DVD由Goodtimes Entertainment公司发行。该片在美国迪士尼频道播放并在世界各地上演。1995年,菲利克斯猫带着50个五秒动态标识以及新系列《菲利克斯猫古怪故事集》回归哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)周六早间动画档。该系列由唐·奥里奥洛和菲尔·罗马(Phil Roman)共同制作,融合了热闹且天马行空的风格以及复古设计。孩子们立马就被该系列奇特的绘画风格所吸引。该节目在周六早间动画档的收视排名也是名列前茅。乔·奥里奥洛一直到快要退休的时候,才认可了儿子唐的想象力及其对菲利克斯猫的热情,并嘱咐儿子将他们钟爱的菲利克斯猫带入21世纪。怀着对菲利克斯猫方方面面的无比赞赏,唐·奥里奥洛延续了父亲的工作。唐从父亲身上学到了许多东西,也继承了父亲创作幽默故事的才华。后来,唐又将自己的儿子迈克尔(Michael)带入了菲利克斯猫创作公司(FTCP),和他并肩作战,让菲利克斯猫持续立于世界流行文化前端,并继续坚持着奥托·梅斯默和乔·奥里奥洛开启的创作和事业。作为世界卡通动漫的经典典范,菲利克斯猫的形象和产品已经遍布世界各地。在亚洲,尤其是日本和韩国,一波又一波的菲利克斯猫热蓬勃兴起,菲利克斯猫的品牌深入人心,菲利克斯猫各种衍生品年销售额超过5亿美元,其品牌影响力雄踞日韩动漫行业的领先位置。多年来,菲利克斯猫的推广合作伙伴包括温迪快餐(Wendy"s),冰淇淋女王(Dairy Queen)以及哈迪斯快餐(Hardees)等。2014年6月18日梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorks Animation)宣布收购菲利克斯的版权,并有望会拍摄新的电影或者出现在的最新发布的DreamWorksTV频道中。
2023-07-12 13:30:361

javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException这个异常具体是什么异常,什么地方错了报这个异常谢谢 下面是代码 急急

应该是你在jsp页面中非法使用<when>标签 该标签必须是<choose>标签的直接子标签 不能单独是<when>标签 下面给出一个例子 <c:choose> <c:when test="testCondition"> Content1 </c:when> <c:when test="testCondition"> Content2 </c:when> <c:otherwise> Content3 </c:otherwise> </c:choose>
2023-07-12 13:30:371

奥美行动是做什么的?ogilvy action

2023-07-12 13:30:393


black pepper shredded steak with fried pasta .LZ要想知道更多的话...鸳鸯奶茶 ice coffee and milk tea milk tea 吉列猪扒配薯条 Gillete pork chops and fries 田园沙律 country salad 营养老火靓汤 nutritious slowly cooked soup 蒜香炸鸡翅 garlic chicken wings 肠仔火腿煎双蛋 ham and eggs 盐烧多春鱼 salt and pepper Capelin fish 炭烧手撕干鱿 char grilled squid 纸包鸡中翅 paper chicken wings 榨菜排骨拌饭 pork ribs with rice 豉椒排骨拌饭 pork ribs in black bean sauce with rice 美国猪扒焗饭 American style pork chops on baked rice 黑椒鸡扒焗饭 chicken in black pepper sauce on baked rice 蟹黄海鲜焗饭 crab roe and sea food on baked rice 黑椒牛扒焗饭 steak in black pepper sauce on baked rice 葡国咖哩鸡焗饭 Portuguese curry chicken on baked rice 日式鸡扒汤意粉 Japanese style chicken with pasta 三丝炒意粉 Pasta with three shredded meats 黑椒牛柳丝炒意粉 black pepper shredded steak with fried pasta 番茄牛肉烩意粉 beef with tomato sauce and pasta 日式海鲜炒乌冬面 Japanese style seafood and fried udon noodles 日式海鲜汤乌冬面 Japanese style seafood udon noodle soup 芝士肉酱焗意粉 sesame mince sauce on baked pasta 榨菜肉丝汤面 pickled shredded pork in noodle soup 茶树菇炖老鸡 tea tree mushroom chicken 无花果南北杏炖排骨 stewed kiwi and apricot ribs 雪梨炖猪肺 stewed pear and pork lungs 淮山杞子炖竹丝鸡 Stewed chicken with Chinese herbs 花旗参炖竹丝鸡 Stewed chicken with Ginseng 豉汁排骨石窝饭 steak with soy sauce and rice in stone bowl 香菇滑鸡石窝饭 mushroom chicken and rice in stone bowl 黑椒牛柳丝石窝饭 black pepper shredded steak and rice in stone bowl 黑椒牛扒石窝饭black pepper shredded beef chops and rice in stone bowl 香煎鸡扒石窝饭 fried chicken fillets and rice in stone bowl 炭烧猪颈扒石窝饭 grilled tender pork chops 石烧美国牛仔骨石窝饭 American style stone grilled steak ribs 夏威夷猪扒 Hawaiian pork chops 马利莲鸡扒 Marilyn pork chops 香煎牛扒 Fried steak chops 鲜提子鸡扒 Chicken with figs 吉列猪扒 Gillet pork chops 美国牛柳扒 American style steak chops 炭烧猪颈扒 grilled tender pork chops 澳洲牛仔扒 Australian style steak ribs 特色大什扒 Special combination dish 美国牛板腱 American style T-bone steak 纽西兰西冷扒 New Zealand style cold chops 美国牛仔骨 American style steak ribs 铁板红酒焗牛仔扒 Sizzling steak in red wine 特选级牛仔扒 Top grade steak chops 生炒牛肉饭 Fried beef with rice 咸鱼鸡粒炒饭 Fish and diced chicken with rice 菠萝鸡粒炒饭 Pineapple diced chicken with rice 扬州炒饭 Combination rice 印尼炒饭 Indonesian rice 咖哩海鲜炒饭 Curry seafood fried rice 葡式炒饭 Portuguese fried rice 时令油菜 Seasonal bok choy 上汤时菜 Seasonal vegetables 红豆西米露 Red bean and soga 夏威夷木瓜炖雪蛤 Hawaiian harsma in papaya 椰汁冰糖炖雪蛤 Iced coconut and harsma 夏威夷木瓜炖西米 Hawaiian papaya and soga 玫瑰花茶 Rose tea 紫罗兰花茶 Violet tea 柠檬草花茶 Lemon grass tea 熏衣草花茶 Lavender tea 洋甘菊花茶Chamomile tea 迷迭香花茶 Rosemary tea 薄荷叶花茶 Mint tea 菩提叶花茶 Herbal tea 皇室咖啡Cafe Royal 拿铁冰咖啡 Café Napoleon 海上瓢咖啡 Café La Mer 极品蓝山咖啡 Top grade Blue Mountain coffee 一极蓝山咖啡 First grade Blue Mountain coffee 特级哥伦比亚咖啡 Columbian coffee 曼特宁咖啡 Mandeling coffee 摩卡咖啡 Mocha 鲜榨甘笋苹果汁 Fresh carrot and apple juice 鲜榨木瓜汁 Fresh papaya juice 姜煲可乐 Ginger cola 姜柠乐 Ginger lemonade 柚子茶 Citron tea 奶昔(哈蜜瓜、香草)milkshake (honey dew melon, vanilla) 鲜果水果捞 Fresh fruit sprinkled with coconut juice 金装长城干红 Merlot red dry 王朝干红 Dynasty red 武当红 Mouton Cadet red (啤酒)Beer 精品纯生 Zhujiang 生力 Sunlik 青岛超爽 Tsingtao beer 健力士 Guinness 太阳啤 Sol 喜力 Heineken (威士忌、烈酒、餐酒) whisky, spirits and wine 白金武士Conpuistador Tequila White 伏特加 Vodka 哥顿毡 Gordon"s Gin 椰冧 Malibu 黑牌威士忌 Black label whisky 红牌威士忌 Red label whisky
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  自定义标签是可重用的元件程式码,并且允许开发人员为复杂的操作提供逻辑名称。那么你对自定义标签了解多少呢?以下是由我整理关于什么是自定义标签的内容,希望大家喜欢!   自定义标签的概念   一般我们说自定义标签是指JSP自定义标签。自定义标签在功能上逻辑上与javaBean 类似,都封装Java 程式码。  JSP开发人员使用标签库建立标签.标签库是按照功能或实现进行分组的自定义标签的 *** 。   网路上常见的CMS内容管理系统都是采用模板的形式来实现,基本上所有的CMS系统都有一套自己的模板标签书写方法,简称自定义标签。   1.标签Tag:   标签是一种XML元素,通过标签可以使JSP网页变得简洁并且易于维护,还可以方便地实现同一个JSP档案支援多种语言版本。由于标签是XML元素,所以它的名称和属性都是大小写敏感的   2.标签库Tag library:   由一系列功能相似、逻辑上互相联络的标签构成的 *** 称为标签库。   3.标签库描述档案Tag Library Descriptor:   标签库描述档案是一个XML档案,这个档案提供了标签库中类和JSP中对标签引用的对映关系。它是一个配置档案,和web.xml是类似的。   4.标签处理类Tag Handle Class:   标签处理类是一个Java类,这个类继承了TagSupport或者扩充套件了SimpleTag介面,通过这个类可以实现自定义JSP标签的具体功能   自定义标签的分类   自定义JSP标签   1. <% @ taglib prefix=”someprefix” uri=”/sometaglib” %>   为了使到JSP容器能够使用标签库中的自定义行为,必须满足以下两个条件:   1从一个指定的标签库中识别出代表这种自定义行为的标签   2找到实现这些自定义行为的具体类   第一个必需条件-找出一个自定义行为属于那个标签库-是由标签指令的字首Taglib Directive"s Prefix属性完成,所以在同一个页面中使用相同字首的元素都属于这个标签库。每个标签库都定义了一个预设的字首,用在标签库的文件中或者页面中插入自定义标签。所以,你可以使用除了诸如jsp,jspx,java,servlet,sun,sunw它们都是在JSP白皮书中指定的保留字之类的字首。   uri属性满足了以上的第二个要求。为每个自定义行为找到对应的类。这个uri包含了一个字串,容器用它来定位TLD档案。在TLD档案中可以找到标签库中所有标签处理类的名称   2. 当web应用程式启动时,容器从WEB-INF资料夹的目录结构的META-INF搜寻所有以.tld结尾的档案。也就是说它们会定位所有的TLD档案。对于每个TLD档案,容器会先获取标签库的URI,然后为每个TLD档案和对应的URI建立对映关系。   在JSP页面中,我们仅需通过使用带有URI属性值的标签库指令来和具体的标签库匹配。   CMS自定义标签   CMS的自定义标签格式大同小异,以动易CMS为例,标签写法如下:   {$Skin_CSS}   {$MenuJS}   {$ShowLogo180,60} 自定义标签的分类
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other和others和the other和the others的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、other:另外,其他。2、others:其他人员。3、the other:另一个。4、the others:其他人。二、用法不同1、other:other用作形容词作“别的,其他的,另外的”解时,常用来修饰复数名词或不可数名词,如前面有this,that,some,any,each,every,no,none,one等词时,也可用来修饰单数名词。2、others:other用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人〔事物〕”,others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内。3、the other:the other用于两者之间,指特定的某人或某物之外的“另一个”“剩下的”。4、the others:other也可用于单数形式,表示“(两者中的)另一个(人或事物)”,常与the连用。三、侧重点不同1、other:other+名词= others。2、others:指许多中一部分是some,剩下的一些就是others。3、the other:指两者中一个。4、the others:表示特指某范围内的“其他的人或物”。
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dq的解释有很多种,可以指发育商、冰雪皇后、汇编语言程序中的伪操作、代拍、取消比赛资格等意思。1、发育商发育商(DQ)的全称是Developmental quotient,是用来衡量婴幼儿心智发展水平的核心指标之一,是在大运动、精细动作、认知、情绪和社会性发展等方面对婴幼儿发育情况进行衡量。2、冰雪皇后冰雪皇后(Dairy Queen)是一家全球冰淇淋连锁店,冰淇淋的种类“繁多”,适宜休闲时光、休闲小憩、随便吃吃、情侣约会、朋友聚会。3、伪操作伪操作(DQ)是在汇编程序对源程序汇编期间由汇编程序处理的操作,它可以完成如数据定义、分配存储区、指示程序结束等功能。4、取消比赛资格DQ在高尔夫中就是指Disqualified,是取消比赛资格的意思。5、代拍dp是代拍的拼音首字母缩写,代替拍照的意思,饭圈用语。代拍也是近两年火起来的饭圈职业,很多明星都拥有自己的粉丝群体、站子等,但有时候明星出席的活动这些粉丝们不一定能去,此时,他们就会找能去活动的人,花钱请他们帮忙拍摄自己喜欢的明星,这些照片、视频会用于站子维持运营,供粉丝们舔屏,以及为偶像带去更多的流量曝光。
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在牛津词典中,品牌被解释为“用于证明所有权,作为质量的标志或用于其他目的”,即区分和证明质量。品牌是一个综合的概念,它包括许多层面:它不仅代表产品的商标、标志设计、图形表示、包装、价格、信誉、广告风格,还代表企业理念、民族特色、历史发展、文化传承等。背后,从而在客户中产生一定的认同感和号召力。根据美国营销协会对品牌的定义,品牌是“一个名称、术语、标记、符号或设计,或者它们的组合,其目的是识别某一个销售者或某一群销售者的产品或服务,并与竞争对手的产品或服务相区别。”世界著名广告大师奥美公司创始人奥美(Ogilvy,1999)对品牌的定义是:品牌是一个综合而复杂的符号,是产品属性、名称、包装、价格、历史、声誉、广告风格的无形组合。同时也因为消费者对其使用的印象和自身的体验而有所不同。品牌专家大卫·菲利普·琼斯(David Philip Jones)说,“能为顾客提供他们认为值得购买的功能性好处或附加价值的产品。”中国著名商标保护组织理事长、著名学者艾丰先生说:“品牌的直接解释就是商品的品牌,品牌包括三个品牌:第一个是商品的品牌,也就是通常所说的商标;二是目的地名称,即商号;第三是可以作为商品的品牌。这三个品牌就是人们所说的品牌。然而,在实际应用中,品牌的内涵和外延远远超出了字面解释的范围。这些定义表明品牌具有综合功能,侧重于品牌对信息的整合功能,并指出品牌包含其他无形要素,如社会文化心理、市场经济意义、声誉、历史、法律意义等。”品牌专家梁中国表示:“品牌是体现一个企业所有要素的载体,是受众在各种相关信息的综合影响下形成的对某个事物的概念和印象。它包含了产品质量、附加值、历史和消费者的判断。在品牌消费时代,赢得消费者的心远比生产本身重要,品牌形象远比产品和服务本身重要。"学者韩说:“品牌是一个复合概念。由品牌名称、品牌认知、品牌联想、品牌标志、品牌色彩、品牌包装、商标构成。
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少年中国说 张杰版简谱

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Class 那要看是作什么词,当它是作为可数名词的时候,复数形式是 classes当作为不可数名词的时候,复数形式是 clsaa
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少年中国说-沙宝亮红日初升 其道大光河出伏流 一泻汪洋潜龙腾渊 麟爪飞扬乳虎啸谷 百兽震惶鹰隼试翼 风尘翕张奇花初胎 皇皇纵有千古 横有八荒前途似海 来日方长少年强则中国强 少年智则中国智少年独立则国独立 少年中国与天不老少年强则中国强 少年富则中国富少年进步则国进步 中国少年与国无疆
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