barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-12 20:37:46





3、刘嘉玲——别让我最后一个才知道(已经是一首很老的歌了,但我依然不愿意从mp3中删掉,歌曲很简单,很清新,她唯一的一首 好歌,我喜欢!)



6、邹芮——让爱重来(电视剧“离婚女人”中的主题歌,我找了好久,去听听吧,看电视的时候还以为是苏芮唱的,虽然没听过这个歌 手,但歌真的好听)







13、钟汶——刺猬(一个新歌手,她的音色很好,歌也不错!我想她会红起来的!还有她的赔偿、过冬都值得听!喜欢她就好象喜欢马 郁一样的)






19、韩红—醒了、那片海(她的好歌太多了,但最爱的还是这两首,特别是前一首,那空灵的声音,真的是太绝了!这就是音乐的魔力 !)

20、顺子——only one(不是英文歌喔!是“第101次求婚”的主题曲,她的音色就不用介绍了吧,“回家”是她的经典歌曲,我认为这一首也算吧! )

21、裘海正——懂爱的人(这首歌已经爱了很多年了,好象是刚谈恋爱时最喜欢听的歌,现在女儿已经6岁了,可依然还是百听不厌, 这也应该算经典吧!不信去听一听!)




24、金莎——第三滴眼泪(有着甜甜嗓音的小女孩,她的歌中我只喜欢这一首,可能是因为词写得好吧,“第一滴眼泪流下的时候你转 身准备走,第二滴眼泪流下的时候你已经离开了”那第三滴泪呢,由听者自己去体会吧!)



27、刘若英—决定(她有很多好歌,可能听得太多的原因,但我一直认为最好的还是应该算这一首吧,我自己喜欢就行了,每次k歌的 时候我都没有唱烦喔)






我看见鲜艳的玫瑰芬芳遍地,我感觉这样的情景那么熟悉,我惊异满街的情人如此甜蜜 我记得这一天你是那么美丽 。红玫瑰 黄玫瑰 盛开在2月14,也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 我的情歌曾为你夜夜唱起 。也许会遇见你 让一切再继续 我的心在原地等待奇迹,我想可以抽完这支烟就忘记 我想可以喝完这杯酒就忘记 ,我想可以唱完这首歌就忘记 我想可以不闭上眼就会想起

红玫瑰,黄玫瑰,哪一束不会枯萎,也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 爱情是生命的一道痕迹。也许会遇见你,让一切再继续 我的心在原 地等待奇迹 。也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 我的情歌只为你夜夜唱起 。也许会遇见你 让一切再继续 我的心在原地等待奇迹。我会去那棵榕树下等候你 我会去那唱片店里等候你 。我会在今夜梦中等候你 2月14的夜晚你会在哪里

(因为近两个月一直在听,那音乐太舒服了!所以忍不住成为今天的首推,歌的意境和旋律真的让我感觉太美了!多听几遍 相信你一定会喜欢的!)


白键是那一年海对沙滩浪花的缱绻,黑键是和你多日不见 弹指间 海岸线你的泪 我的眼 ;模糊 天边 每个人心中都有架钢琴,尘封在回忆,任凭我只是你的插曲 时间偶尔提起 钢琴偶尔哭泣 那些零乱 片段 如果爱还能再重来 我期待澎湃 oh 每次 琴盖打开 便有歌来自大海 如果爱已不存在 我希望有一段精彩 让回忆有所感慨白键是现在我哀悼 昨天成全你改变 ;黑键是原谅我的原谅好想再 弹一遍 手指却 只听见你的道歉

(也是我一直舍不得删掉的歌,特别是歌词,下吧,绝对没错的!我认为这首歌可以和他的i belive同样堪称精典.音乐真的是一种好东西,可以让人这么沉醉、这么享受!


生命就像一条大河 时而宁静时而疯狂 现实就像一把枷锁 把我捆住无法挣脱

这谜样的生活锋利如刀 一次次将我重伤 我知道我要的那种幸福 就在那片更高的天空

我要飞得更高飞得更高 狂风一样舞蹈挣脱怀抱 我要飞得更高飞得更高 翅膀卷起风暴心生呼啸

飞得更高 一直在飞一直在找 可我发现无法找到 若真想要是一次解放 要先剪碎这有过的往

我要的一种生命更灿烂 我要的一片天空更蔚蓝 我知道我要的那种幸福 就在那片更高的天空 我要飞得更高飞得更高 狂风一样舞蹈挣脱怀抱 我要飞得更高飞得更高 翅膀卷起风暴心生呼啸


(真的是令人 荡气回肠啊!很大气的一首歌,这才是男人应该唱的歌,给予人生活的方向,人活着就应该飞得更高!抱着希望听他其它歌,就差远了! )


5、零点乐队—— 你的爱给了谁

忘了吧曾有过的幸福,算了吧 一切已结束.我知道 她不属于我,我的心 却被带走.失去了一生中 的最爱,想起来叫人心碎.天空漂着冰雪,无法冻结 我的思念.你的爱 到底给了谁,我的心为你 流着泪.

所有的痛 留给伤悲,像你曾经的美丽.你的爱到底给了谁,我的心为你流着泪.谁能 做到不顾一切,像我那样 爱着你.

(听这支歌会有想哭的冲动,一个失恋男人发自心灵的呐喊!如果你心情不好,真的应该去k这支歌,或许能够唱出你的心声,释放坏的 情绪,唱好了这支歌或许能让一个男人更具沧桑感!真的是越听越心碎,越听越爱听啊!)



8、孙楠—留什么给你(一直比较关注他,高亢的歌喉,音域宽广,能高能低,收放自如,他的经典歌太多了,只是我比较偏爱这一首罢 了!还有他的“我爱的她不爱我”、“燃烧”、“拯救”,还是很爱听。我相信你会喜欢他的)

9、张智成—放我的真心在你手心(好象已经是很久很久以前的歌了,但最近听过后,便又不忍心删掉了,那温馨的旋律,轻柔舒缓的音 乐,真的让人沉醉于其中。去享受一下吧!)


11、黄品源—那么爱你为什么(突然觉得这首歌曲的风格好象志上一首歌有几分相似,喜欢就行了!还有他的“狠不下心”也不错的, 虽不是他的主打歌,但不会让你失望的)



14、韩磊—千百年后谁还记得谁(也算一首颇有气势的歌,汉武大帝的主题曲,真的是一首震撼人心的好歌,唱出了男人,英雄的侠义 柔情,刚中有柔,穿越无尽沧桑 。在那种场景之下,音乐响起,再坚强的心也不能不潸然泪下。好歌,真的是好歌!还有一曲“向天再借五百年”,没听过的值得一听)

15、屠洪刚—放手(和韩磊算是一种歌路的歌手,颇有男儿气慨,但我还是喜欢他刚中有柔的歌曲,相信大家都听过他的“你”了,而 我力荐的这一首我相信你一定没听过,多听两遍你会发现很耐听!)


17、小刚—不要问我分手后一个人怎么过(他的经典歌太多了,但我最钟爱他这一首,耐听!以前喜欢他的“黄昏”、“我的心太乱” ,都不错)

18、阿木—某个女人的美(差点忘了推他,从一个组合中单独出来发展的歌手,音色不错,特别喜欢这曲,“我想最难跨越的不是路途 遥远,而是某个女人的美”写得好亦唱得好!还有他的“i love you”也算他的经典之作吧!)

19、林峰—我是一个被爱伤过的人(一个朋友推荐的,也不知是老歌还是新歌,反正好听就行了,喜欢悲伤歌曲的人一定不要错过喔! )


21、水木年华—一生有你(听一遍便不由自主喜欢上了这支歌,特别喜欢“等到老去那一天,你是否还在我身边,看那些誓言谎言,随 往事慢慢飘散”,它所蕴含的东西太多了!一生有你,其实是很奢侈的,对吧?)

22、谢霆锋——我们这里还有鱼(有一天在朋友的车上听见的,又是一首一听钟情的歌,唱出了男人的痴情,敢爱敢恨!听到这支曲子 一响起我的心就会很平静,变得异常安静。下吧,谁都会喜欢的!)


24、迪克牛仔——最后一首歌(“最后一首歌,我累得不想再使力气,我好想你,更想爱你,只是我早放弃,生命会有奇迹 !”他的歌极具男人的沧桑,每次老公在k这支歌的时候,我都会沉醉于其中,真的是好歌!)


26、黄征——地铁(他的新专辑的歌,我觉得比那首主打歌曲“一个人的战役”值得听,还有他的爱情诺曼底和奔跑,闲时不妨去听听 )



29、李天华—七天七世纪(无意中听到的,却一下子就被吸引了,歌词写得特别好!喜欢悲伤歌曲的人不听会是你的遗憾喔!我想悲伤 的情歌只要用心去唱都会是好歌的!)

30、东来东往——忘了怎么哭(又是一首伤情歌,我真喜欢这首歌,很感性的歌词和旋律,让人感动!伤到极至才会忘了怎么哭吧?虽 然他只是一个网络歌手,但歌不错!)

1、郭峰——在你面前我好想流泪(他有很多好歌,但这支歌最是用情,太投入的话可能你真会流泪喔!"告诉我沧桑后还有的滋味", 喜欢!如果还没听过他的”移情别恋”的快去下吧!)

2、娃娃——飘泮过海来看你(前部分的旋律很美,词曲都不错,其实每次听都会有不同的感受,安静的坐在房间里听这首歌,你会发现不管你是否有同样的经历,你都会感动 !)

3、任贤齐——流着泪的你的脸(其实这首歌好老了,以前听起觉得视觉上挺好。可当再一次听到,突然之间颇为感触,非常耐听。当年 没有流行起来可能是因为被“心太软”给掩盖了,我个人觉得心太软比它差远了!)


5、she——他还是不懂(听第一遍就喜欢上了这歌,特别是歌词和旋律都非常舒服,算是好听的歌吧!基于爱国精神,本来不推她们 的,但对歌不对人吧!理解吗?)

6、梁朝伟——你是如此难以忘记(可能是因为喜欢他人的原因吧,爱乌及屋,所以特别喜欢他的歌,他的沧桑和他的男人味已充分融入 到歌中,还有他的“一天一点爱恋”、“为情所困”,不喜欢都不行!)


8、李碧华——分手 (也是一曲怀旧的经典歌,一直以来都很喜欢这首歌,记得还在念书的时候听过,这么多年了一直没忘记。喜欢这类型歌的人可以一听! )


10、王筝——你还要什么(一个新歌手,朋友给我推荐她的“糖纸”,而我却爱上了这一首歌曲.应该说她的歌都还可以听,去下她的 专辑吧,不会失望的!)

1、易欣——下辈子不要做男人(其实很早就想推这支歌了,只是一直感觉这歌名太给男人丢脸了吧,所以一直压着。其实歌手的声线和 歌的旋律都很不错,还有他的“不顾一切爱你”、”别再说你还爱着我”都算好的情歌吧!)

2、邝文珣——失恋了怎么办(她自己写的曲子,不错吧?她的声音很透彻,很舒服,很适合失恋的人听喔“到底是我不够勇敢,还是你 本来就不爱”最后这句歌词我最喜欢)

3、苏慧伦——相见恨晚、就要爱了吗(一直比较喜欢苏慧伦,但她的歌听得太多了,以前喜欢她的“哭过的天空”、“满足”、“鸭子 ”,但似乎这两首更让我怀念,虽然不比彭佳慧的那首相见恨晚,但也不会让你失望的!)

4、成龙、金喜善——美丽的神话(最好先去看这部电影,然后再听这支歌,你才能体会到歌曲和电影的完美结合,否则你是体会不到歌 的意境的.飞翔时的那情那景会自然而然蹦入你的脑海,一个字:美!)

5、车继铃——最远的你是我最近的爱(老得不能再老的歌了,悲情、伤感、充满磁性的歌声,尽管离今天已经整整15年了,但当车继 铃的歌声复又重来时,似乎他从来没有离开过,值得你再去听一听的)

6、杨林——她比我更好吗(一个太有女人味的歌手,一个温柔甜蜜得有点过分的声音,但当年好喜欢听,现在复又听见,对歌本身还是 那么感兴趣!)


8、徐怀钰——分飞(我喜欢这个歌,歌词的每一句话好象都有它的含义,旋律很简单,但听来感觉很好听,是很容易k的一首歌 "一瞬间,我决堤在今夜,泪底垂,垂在手心里是你的余味"歌词写得太好了!)

9、 温兆伦——随风缘(典型的温式情歌, 很多年前听过这首歌,一直忘不掉,很喜欢歌中那份随意中的感伤,突然间我想到一句话“花自飘零,水自流”难道世间的缘分真的如此 ! 最好在夜里静静地聆听,你会醉在其中!)


1、梦飞船——不值得(虽然听起来好象是运用假声唱的,但有种飘渺的感觉,会让你情不自禁醉于其中,很适合在一间灯光微弱的酒吧 听,音乐环绕在整个酒吧,会特别有味道的!不信去试试!)

2、弦子——醉清风(我知道这歌好听的原因了,是因为它的前奏和孙燕姿的“遇见”如出一辄,会让你不知不觉跟着哼,对于太熟悉的 旋律会有一种亲切感,但还是略逊一筹!不觉得吗?)



4、庞龙——吹眼睛(老公为我推荐的,其实庞龙的音域宽、厚,有种与生俱来的沧桑感,很甜蜜的歌曲都会被唱出沧桑的感觉,他的歌 好听,很大众化。“而如今风又迷了我的眼睛 ,你却早已去远行......”一生能有几人会为你吹眼睛?珍惜吧!)

5、飞儿乐团—lydia(这首歌虽然悲伤,但充满希望,不管怎样,希望和梦想还在,对吗?”你会感受爱感受恨感受原谅 ,生命总不会只充满悲伤”很乐观喔,旋律也好!听一下吧!)

1、候湘婷——暧昧(已经忘记她很长一段时间了,无意见再次听见,就好象邻家女孩那么亲切,清清淡淡的感觉,很恬淡、很舒服!好 象一个纯纯的女孩在轻声诉说她的初恋, 也算一支伤感的情歌吧!还有她的“我是如此爱你”还是可以听的!)

2、苏永康——爱一个人好难(康式情歌中最经典的!最好静静地去细品,足以打动你的心。他不同歌曲有与众不同的尾音,极有吸引力 ,不觉得吗?)

3、张敬轩——断点(他的歌曲很有他独特的个性 ,就象他的长相一样,虽然不是很帅的那种,但是很有个性。同样是一首以旋律见长的歌曲,让人在听第一次的时候就难以忘记。再去体 会其中的深意,方能明白歌中的隐忍与沉重。“静静地陪你走了好远好远,连眼睛红了都没有发现,听著你说你现在的改变,看著我依然 最爱你的笑脸。”笑脸还是那张笑脸,但已经不再属於你时,也许,只有放弃。)

4、陈奕迅——十年(歌词很宿命,却也真实。“情人最后难免沦为朋友……直到和你做了多年朋友,才明白我的眼泪,不是为你而流, 也为别人而流。”他的歌能给人一种很温暖的感觉,亦能把很平淡的歌,唱得很有味道。)

5、萧亚轩——最熟悉的陌生人(我听她的歌不是听歌,而是听她的声音,这是我的一种享受,他的声音非常有磁性,这支歌不是她最优 秀的,但却是我心中最经典的,不管是旋律还是歌词,“因为爱过,所以不会是敌人;因为伤过,所以不会是朋友,只能是最熟悉的陌生 人。”可能是对这首歌最好的诠释。

1、齐秦——往事随风(听齐氏秦歌十几年了,也喜欢了十几年,他出色的声线,略带沙哑,能将刚柔同时达到极致,空灵、优雅... ...但最爱的还是他的“往事随风,心随你动......"太美了!虽然当年不羁的狼已经不复存在,但此时的狼还是一样有成熟男 人的魅力,对吧?)

2、庾澄庆—春泥(喜欢他的表情,喜欢他唱歌时的投入,特别这首歌又是伊能静作的词,旋律和歌词都喜欢,可能是因为喜欢他们的爱 情吧?那是一种经过等待和付出后的相濡以沫,是漫无边际的深爱,她在告诉他,请珍惜! 这歌其实应了一句“落红不是无情物,化做春泥更护花”,还有“情非得已”还是很好听的!)

3、徐婕儿——我可以忍受(又是一个能自己作词的才女!唱功还待提高,但歌非常好听,让人感动的爱情!很少有新人的歌让我听一次 就爱上的,《我可以忍受》做到了 。)

4、关心妍 ——终点(小刚作曲,张敬轩作词,你能说出不好听的理由吗?尤其喜欢“诺言还是抵不过时间”这一句,只是她的粤语歌太多,所以以 前不太关注,听了这支歌便一发不可收拾地喜欢上了她和终点!)

5、许慧欣——7月7日睛(无意间在商场听见的,但自从我一听这一首歌就被它那独有的伤感和美丽所征服! 经典的情歌!歌曲开始很平淡,到了高潮很好听`但好听中还夹杂着凄凉的感觉,就象喜欢一个人一样,给你带来快乐的同时也带来了忧 愁。有一种冰天雪地的感觉 ,好冷!但好听就行了,对吗?)

1、凤凰传奇——月亮之上(第一次是听纪敏佳唱的,感觉不错!结果在网上却意外发现了这个组合,有点天籁之音的感觉,和纪敏佳的 风格炯然不同,韵味更足,感觉好象自己在银色月亮之下的大草原上,尽情的唱歌似的,心情随之飞扬...... )

2、张宇——消息(一首老歌,但却依然感觉亲切,特别最后几句,深情的演绎,特别耐听!“如果说再见是你唯一的消息,我仿佛可以 预见我自己,越往远处飞去,你越在我心里,而我却是你不要的回忆!)

3、袁惟仁——坦白(听他的歌,有点淡谈的感伤,犹如在品淡淡的咖啡,感觉又回到了从前。很多歌星的歌都出自于他,很厉害吧?他 的“征服”、”旋木“强过那两个天后,不信去听一听!而这首坦白却是可以让你听很久很久的歌。)

4、凌飞——印度洋的眼泪(一个网络原创歌手,他的声音有种狂傲不羁的感觉,但又不失细腻,绝对是可以流传的那种音乐。而这首是 为纪念印度洋海啸的,很大气,很悲壮,令人震撼的音乐,你应该去听一听的!还有他的“男人心、傻女人、我的爱有罪”也很好听的! )

5、梁咏琪—— 胆小鬼(曾经最爱她的“短发”,而这支歌第一次听便喜欢上了,特别是她的声音和歌的旋律,让我常常不由自主地哼几句,很轻松!)

1、瞿颖——加速度(这是一首节奏感很强的歌,旋律有点轻快,瞿颖的声线比较适合唱快歌,给人悦心悦耳的感觉,相信我,不管你是 谁,都会喜欢这支歌的!)

2、杨坤——我比从前更寂寞(他的新歌,其实单就歌名就已经吸引了我。旋律感人,词锋特别犀利,真实地刻划了现代人的心理,再加 上他特别的音色,真是把这歌演绎得太好了!以前特别喜欢他的无所谓——“无所谓,谁会爱谁......”风格很是洒脱,我喜欢! )

3、伍佰——挪威森林、浪人情歌、痛哭的人(都是老歌了,但却非常耐听,歌词又是如此完美而富有哲理,音色有一点颓废,有一点酷 。每个人都能在不同的心情去喜欢他不同的歌,我想这也叫经典吧?)

4、孙燕姿——眼泪成诗(这首歌把那种无奈诠释到了极致,音乐,作词,都充满了一种淡淡的惆怅,很抒情的慢歌,也许有人不喜欢这 种风格 但是我说 这首歌真的把我感动了!从她的天黑黑到遇见再到眼泪成诗,似乎看到了一个邻家女孩成长过 程。一个很有味道的女歌手!)

5、林忆莲——默读伤悲(她的嗓音条件得天独厚,音域宽广,风格多变,既有劲爆的快节奏歌曲,也有柔情无比的抒情歌曲。可以豪放 ,可以婉约,既可以大江东去,也可以晓风残月。喜欢听着默读伤悲,再加上一杯热咖啡,静静品尝那种独特的滋味。她的经典太多了: 夜太黑、远走高飞、伤痕、纸飞机......慢慢去听吧!)

容祖儿的 明日恩典

莫文蔚的 忽然之间 AM PM

陈晓东的 所有歌(心地等)

环球群星的 同步过冬

罗志祥的 力量


过云雨 随你 分手后的雨天 如果我 云里的月光 HURT SO BAD( 轩仔的 这张专辑 超好听)


天下无双(张靓影的 神雕侠侣里面的歌)



可惜不是你 如果有一天




如果这都不算爱(张学友 我最喜欢的一首歌)


十面埋伏(陈亦迅的 个人认为 比十年好听 不过是粤语的)

还是会寂寞 旅行的意义 (陈琦贞)

红豆 催眠 流年 冷战 (FAYE的最经典)



不得不爱 快乐崇拜






随你(轩仔的 好听^^)



THE DAY YOU WENT AWAY(第一次爱的人 翻唱的就是这首歌)








Eminem is at #10 with "Stan", #50 with "The Way I Am" and #94 with "The real slim shady" and 50 Cent is @ #29 with "In Da Club" .

Heres the full list:

1. White Lines (Don"t Do It) - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five

2. Walk This Way - Run DMC & Aerosmith

3. Rappers Delight - Sugar Hill Gang

4. Fight The Power - Public Enemy

5. Fight For Your Right - Beastie Boys

6. Gangsta"s Paradise - Coolio

7. Planet Rock - Afrika Bambatta

8. The Message - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five

9. Killing Me Softly - The Fugees

10. Stan - Eminem

11. I"ll Be Missing You - Puff Daddy

12. California Love - 2Pac

13. Cop Killa - Ice T

14. The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) - Missy Elliott

15. I Need Love - LL Cool J

16. Doo Wop (That Thing) - Lauryn Hill

17. Push It - Salt-N-Pepa

18. Mama Said Knock You Out - LL Cool J

19. Ms. Jackson - Outkast

20. Work It - Missy Elliott

21. Nuthin But A "G" Thang. Dr. Dre

22. People Everyday - Arrested Development

23. 99 Problems - Jay Z

24. Crossroads - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony

25. Mo Money Mo Problems - Notorious B.I.G.

26. Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince

27. Country Grammer - Nelly

28. Gin & Juice - Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre

29. In Da Club - 50 Cent

30. Stop The Violence Movement - Self Destruction

31. Hey Ya - Outkast

32. Everything Is Everything - Lauryn Hill

33. Mind"s Playing Tricks On Me - Geto Boys

34. Looking For The Perfect Beat - Afrika Bambatta

35. No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys

36. Big Poppa - Notorious B.I.G.

37. U-N-I-T-Y. Queen Latifah

38. It"s Tricky - Run DMC

39. I used to love h.e.r. - Common

40. Gettin Jiggy Wit It - Will Smith

41. Excursion - A Tribe Called Quest

42. Black Steel In the Hour of Chaos - Public Enemy

43. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot

44. Real Love - Mary J. Blige

45. The Magic Number - De La Soul

46. Hard Knock Life - Jay Z

47. Straight Outta Compton - N.W.A.

48. Bridge is Over - Boogie Down Productions

49. On and On - Erykah Badu

50. The Way I Am - Eminem

51. Rock Box - Run DMC

52. New Jack Hustler - Ice-T

53. One Minute Man - Missy Elliott

54. Me, Myself and I - De La Soul

55. We"re All In The Same Gang - West Coast Rap All-Stars

56. Hot In Herre - Nelly

57. My Adidas - Run DMC

58. Roxannes Revenge - Roxanne Shante

59. AmeriKKKa"s Most Wanted - Ice Cube

60. Say No Go - De La Soul

61. Just A Friend - Biz Markie

62. One More Chance - Notorious B.I.G.

63. Funkee Ko Medina - Tone Loc

64. Rebel Without A Pause - Public Enemy

65. Love of My Life - Erykah Badu

66. Whatta Man - Salt-N-Pepa & En Vogue

67. I Know You Got Soul - Eric B. & Rakim

68. Creep - TLC

69. Childrens Story - Slick Rick

70. 2 Legit 2 Quit - MC Hammer

71. Brown Skin Lady - Mos Def

72. Welcome to the Terrordome - Public Enemy

73. Dear Mama - 2Pac

74. Woo-Ha!! Got You All In Check - Busta Rhymes

75. Big Pimpin" - Jay-Z

76. Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest

77. No More Drama - Mary J. Blige

78. Ready or Not - The Fugees

79. Jesus Walks - Kanye West

80. Love Is Blind - Eve

81. Lyte As A Rock - MC Lyte

82. Eye Know - De La Soul

83. Raw - Big Daddy Kane

84. It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube

85. Parents Just Don"t Understand - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince

86. Scenario - A Tribe Called Quest

87. To Beat Ya"ll - Lady B

88. I"m Still Number One - Boogie Down Productions

89. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See - Busta Rhymes

90. Bust A Move - Young MC

91. Don"t Sweat The Technique - Eric B. & Rakim

92. Freaks Come Out At Night - Whodini

93. Wild Thing - Tone Loc

94. The Real Slim Shady - Eminem

95. How Ya Like Me Now - Kool Moe Dee

96. C.R.E.A.M. - Wu Tang Clan

97. Boyz-N-The Hood. Eazy E

98. Vapors - Biz Markie

99. The Humpty Dance - Digital Underground

100. Express Yourself - N.W.A.


01.Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven

02.Van Halen - Eruption

03.Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

04.Pink Flyod - Comfortably Numb

05.Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watch Tower

06.Guns n" Roses -November Rain

07.Metallica - One

08.Eagles - Hotel California

09.Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train

10.Cream - Crossroads

11.Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile

12.Chuck Berry - Johnny b Goode

13.Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood

14.Eric Clapton - Layla

15.Pantera - Floods

16.Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker

17.Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover

18.Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing

19.Deep Purple - Highway Star

20.Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

21.Pink Floyd - Time

22.Dire Dtraits - Sultans of Swing

23.Ratm - Bulls on Parade

24.Mettalica - Fade to Black

25.Jetro Tull - Aqualung

26.Nirvana - Smells Like Teen spirit

27.Stevie Ray Vaughan - Pride and Joy

28.Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley

29.Steve Vai - For the Love of God

30.Joe Satriani - Surfing With The Alien

31.Ted Nuggent - Stranglehold

32.Jimi Hendrix - Machine Gun

33.B.B king - The Thrill Is Gone

34.Radiohead - Paranoid Android

35.Pantera - Cemetery Gates

36.Yngwie Malmsteen - Black Star

37.Guns n" Roses - Sweet Child OF Mine

38.Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love

39.Neil Young - Cortez The Killer

40.Steely Dan - Reeling In the Years

41.Queen - Brighton Rock

42.Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps

43.ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man

44.Pearl Jam - Alive

45.The Doors - Light My Fire

46.Van Halen - Hot For Teacher

47.The Allman Brothers Band - Jessica

48.The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil

49.Santana - Europa

50.Kiss - Shock Me

51.Metallica - Master of Puppets

52.Jimi Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner

53.Led Zeppelin - Since I"ve Been Loving You

54.Smashing Pumpkins - Geek USA

55.Joe Satriani - Satch Boogie

56.Black Sabath - War Pigs

57.Pantera - Walk

58.Eric Clapton - Cocaine

59.Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears

60.The Kinks - You Really Got Me

61.Frank Zappa - Zoot Allures

62.Pink Floyd - Money

63.Soundgarden - Black Hole Son

64.Prince - Little Red Corvette

65.Nirvana - In Bloom

66.The Allman Brothers Band - Blue Sky

67.Michael Jackson - Beat It

68.Yes - Starship Trooper

69.Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing

70.Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze

71.Funkadelic - Maggot Brain

72.Aerosmith - Walk This Way

73.Phish - Stash

74.Deep Purple - Lazy

75.The Who - Won"t Get Fooled Again

76.Neil Young - Cinamon Girl

77.Alice in Chains - Man In The Box

78.Greatful Dead - Truckin

79.Van Halen - Mean Street

80.AC-DC - You Shook Me All Night Long

81.Lou Reed - Sweet Jane

82.King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man

83.Stevie Ray Vaughn - Scuttle Buttin

84.Sublime - Santeria

85.David Bowie - Moonage Daydream

86.The Alman Brothers - Whipping Post

87.Living Colour - Cult of Personality

88.Steeley Dan - Kid Charlemagne

89.Rage Against the Machine - Killing In The Name

90.Eric Clapton - Let It Rain

91. Heart It Through The Grapev

92.Stray Cats - Stary Cat Strut

93.The Doors - The End

94.Rush - Working Man

95.Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter

96.The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women

97.Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock

98.Dreamtheater - Under A Glass Moon

99.Jeff Beck - Cause We Ended As Lovers

100.Janes Addiction - Three Days


01.the beatles-yesterday

02.rolling stones-satisfaction

03.nirvana-smells like teen spirit

04.madonna-like a virgin

05.michael jackson-billie jean

06.the beatles-i want to hold your hand

07.aretha franklin-respect

08.u2-with or without you

09.the jackson-i want you back

10.backstreet boys-i want it that way

11.the eagles-hotel california

12.the supremes-where did our love go

13.guns n" roses-sweet child o" mine

14.the rolling stones-brown sugar

15.john lennon-imagine

16.sinead o connor-nothing compares to you

17.stevie wonder-superstition

18.r.e.m.-losing my religion


20.bob dylan-like a rolling stone

21.van morrison-brown eyed girl

22.michael jackson-beat it

23.roy orbison-oh, pretty woman

24.marvin gaye-what"s going on

25.britney spears-baby one more time

26.fleetwood mac-go your own way

27.prince-when doves cry


29.queen-bohemian rhapsody

30.elton john-your song

31.santanaf rob thomas-smooth

32.tis redding-the dock of the bay

33.the who-my generation

34.alanis morissette-ironic

35.bruce springsteen-born to run


37.o.p.p.-naughty by nature

38.david bowie-changes goo dolls-iris

40.whitney houston-i will always love you

41.creedance clearwater revival-proud mary

42.the police-every breath you take

43.rolling stones-miss you

44.abba-dancing queen

45.eric clapton-tears in heaven

46.smokey robinson-the tracks of my tears

47.van halen-jump

48.pearl jam - jeremy

49.bob dylan-tangled up in blue

50.prince-little red corvette

51.the temptations-just my imagination

52.paul mccartney-maybe i"m amazed micheal-faith hot chili peppers-under the bridge

55.n"sync-bye bye bye

56.gloria gaynor-i will survive

57.the go gos-our lips are sealed

58.the wallflowers-one headlight

59.stevie wonder-you are the sunshine of my life

60.billy joel-just the way you are

61.rem-the one i love

62.madonna-papa don"t preach

63.the beatles-in my life

64.elton john-bennie and the jets

65.the cars-just what i needed

66.cyndi lauper-time after time

67.eminem-my name is

68.garbage-only happy when it rains

69.depeche mode-just can"t get enough

70.beach boys-good vibrations

71.romones-i wanna be sedated

72.tom petty-free fallin""

73.culture club-do you really want to hurt me

74.elton john-tiny dancer

75.sly and family stone-hot fun in the summer time

76.radiohead-creep green-lets stay together day-longview

79.janet jackson-nasty

80.ll cool j-i need love doubt-don"t speak

82.michael jackson-rock with you

83.foreigner-i want to know what love is

84.oasis-wonderwall trick-surrender

86.human league-don""t you want me

87.pretenders-brass in pocket

88.wyclef jean-gone till november(acoustic)

89.wham-careless whispers

90.brandy and monica -that boy is mine street & dr. dre

92.acdc-you shook me all night long

93.bee gees-stayin" alive

94.blink 182-all the small things

95.chic-good times

96.def leopard-photograph

97.b-52"s-love shack

98.fine young cannibals-she drives me crazy markie-just a friend

100.soft cell-tainted love











2023-07-12 17:35:455


2023-07-12 17:36:012

Revolution (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Revolution (Live)歌手:Pretenders专辑:The Isle Of ViewRevolutionP.O.D.More calm than a heartbeat that flat linesQuiet like a dark street under the moonlightA phrase of action that"s been screamed by the guts of men,Ever since they"re first experiencedInjustice, prejudice, discriminationA word louder than a gunshotAnd softer than a baby"s laugh, it will passJust like it always has. Until it spits of the lipsThe next man who"s had it up to here.Did somebody say a Revolution?Or is it all in my head?Is that what it takes to make a solutionYour RevolutionI"m not the first or the last to imagine itAcknowledge the concepts, question and grasp itRebel against the eye and bring down the cell.Mutiny, me overthrow youRebellion starts within, the time is nowDid somebody say a Revolution?Or is it all in my head?Is that what it takes to make a solution, solutionDid somebody say a Revolution?Or is it all in my head?Is that what it takes to make a solutionYour RevolutionPurple skies, Devil eyes, HypnotizeLittle lies, Compromise, FirefliesSamurais, parasite, fly by night, after life, materializeLook alike, stereotype, do or die, lullaby, black and whiteDid somebody say a Revolution?Or is it all in my head?Is that what it takes to make a solution, solutionDid somebody say a Revolution?Or at least it"s been saidIs that what it takes to make a solution?Your RevolutionNo resolution - Your RevolutionAnd what"s your solution? - Your RevolutionAnd no substitution - Your RevolutionAnd no resolution - Your RevolutionAnd what"s your solution?
2023-07-12 17:36:081


Pretenders的<Brass In Pocket>这是歌词哦Got brass in pocketGot powder I"m gonna use itIntention I"m feeling myselfGonna make you, make you, make you noticeGot motion extreme motionI"ve been driving Detroit leaningNo reason just seems so pleasingGonna make you, make you, make you noticeGonna use my armsGonna use my legsGonna use my styleGonna use my sensesGonna use my fingersGonna use my, my, my imaginationOh "cause I"m gonna make you seeThere"s nobody else hereNo one like meI"m special, so specialI gotta have some of your attention, give it to meI got rhythm I can"t miss a beatIt"s got me so scared it"s so sweetGot something I"m winking at youGonna make you, make you, make you noticeGonna use my armsGonna use my legsGonna use my styleGonna use my sensesGonna use my fingersGonna use my, my, my imagination"Cause I"m gonna make you seeThere"s nobody else hereNo one like meI"m special, so specialI gotta have some of your attention, give it to me"Cause I"m gonna make you seeThere"s nobody else hereNo one like meI"m special, so specialI gotta have some of your attention, give it to me
2023-07-12 17:36:151

丁丁在mius唱的一首英文歌,歌词有一句是 战斗开始的一瞬间。。

Long Live - Taylor SwiftI said remember this momentIn the back of my mindThe time we stood with our shaking handsThe crowds and stands went wildWe were the Kings and the QueensAnd they read off our namesThe night you danced like you knew our livesWould never be the sameYou held your head like a heroOn a history book pageIt was the end of a decadeBut the start of an ageLong live the walls we crashed throughHow the kingdom lights shined just for me and youI was screaming long live all the magic we madeAnd bring on all the pretendersOne day we will be rememberedI said remember this feelingI passed the pictures aroundOf all the years that we stood thereOn the side-lines wishing for right nowWe are the Kings and the QueensYou trade your basevall cap for a crownWhen they gave us our trophiesAnd we help them up for our townAnd the cynics were outragedScreaming this is absurdCause for a moment a band of theivesIn ripped up jeans got to rule the worldLong live the walls we crashed throughHow the kingdom lights shined just for me and youI was screaming long live all the magic we madeAnd bring on all the pretenders" I"m not afraidLong live all the mountains we movedI had the time of my life fighting dragons with youI was screaming long live the look on your faceAnd bring on all the pretendersOne day we will be rememberedHold on to spinning aroundConfetti falls to the groundMay these memories break our fallWill you take a moment?Promise me thisThat you"ll stand by my foreverBut if God forbid fate should step inAnd force us into a goodbyeIf you have children some dayWhen they point to the picturesPlease tell them my nameTell them how the crowds went wildTell them how our hope it shinedLong live the walls we crashed throughI had the time of my life with youLong" long live the walls we crashed throughHow the kingdom lights shined just for me and youAnd I was screaming long live all the magic we madeAnd bring on all the pretenders" I"m not afraidSaying long live all the mountains we movedI had the time of my life fighting dragons with youAnd long" long live" the look on your faceAnd bring on all the pretendersOne day ...We will be remembered
2023-07-12 17:36:221


September - Earth Wind and Fire
2023-07-12 17:36:413

爱你的那个 歌词

歌曲名:爱你的那个歌手:温力铭专辑:首张创作专辑爱你的那个There was someone, girlWith you foreverNever gonna leave your sideToo many pretendersSurrounding you, girlWhen you"re lost he"ll be the lightKeep watching you and guiding youLove you with his lifeHe took your heart wouldn"t break apartNever wanna try to hurt youCan you feel the love in youThe world so trueCuriosity in you to know the one is whoThe one telling youThere was someone, girlWith you foreverNever gonna leave your sideToo many pretendersSurrounding you, girlWhen you"re lost he"ll be the lightKeep watching you and guiding youLove you with his lifeHe took your heart wouldn"t break apartNever wanna try to hurt youCan you feel the love in youThe world so trueCuriosity in you to know the one is whoThe one telling youKeep watching you and guiding youLove you with his lifeHe took your heart wouldn"t break apartNever wanna try to hurt youCan you feel the love in youThe world so trueCuriosity in you to know the one is whoThe one telling youI"m the one telling you
2023-07-12 17:36:481

一首女生唱的英文歌,第一句应该是 can you remember。。。求歌

dying in the sun
2023-07-12 17:36:566


2023-07-12 17:37:125

September Taylor Swift版歌词

Do you remember the 28st night of September?Love was changing the minds of pretendersWhile chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singing.As we danced in the night,Remember how the stars stole the night awayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and love,Remember how we knew love was here to stayNow December found the love that we shared in September.Only blue talk and love,Remember the true love we share todayAaahhh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayAaahhh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny daysDo you remember the 28st night of September?Aaahhh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayAaahhh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny daysBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa de ya - never was a cloudy day
2023-07-12 17:37:261


2023-07-12 17:37:513


2023-07-12 17:38:0110


"Drive All Night" -Bruce Springsteen 应该是这首歌曲,真的太动听!
2023-07-12 17:38:253

欧美英文歌 女歌手爬在水里唱歌 一会在沙滩上和一群男人从车上跳下来跳舞。跪求

2023-07-12 17:38:342


Ever since I could remember从我记事起,Everthing inside of me,Just wanted to fit in (oh oh oh oh)一切都在我的心中,只想融入(OH)I was never one for pretenders,我从来不是一个伪装者,Everthing I tried to be,所有我想做,Just wouldn"t settle in (oh oh oh oh)只是不适应(哦)if I told you what I was,如果我告诉你我是什么,Would you turn you back on me ?你会让你回到我身边吗?And if I seem dangerous,如果我看起来很危险,Would you be scared?你会害怕吗?I get the feeling just because,我觉得是因为,Everthing I touch isn"t dark enough我的一切接触不够黑暗If this problem lies in me 如果这个问题在于我I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,我只是一个在室内的男人是谁得到我,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me,我要逃离我内心是什么,A monster,a monster,一个怪物,怪物,I"ve turned into a monster,我已经变成了一个怪物,A monster,a monster,一个怪物,怪物,And it keeps getting stronger,它会变得更强,Can I clear my conscience,我清楚我的良心,If I"m different from the rest,如果我是与众不同的,Do I have to run and hide?(oh oh oh oh)我必须逃跑并躲起来?(哦)I never said that I want this,我从来没有说过我想这样,This burden came to me,这是我的责任,And it"s made it"s home inside(oh oh oh oh)这使得它在它的家里(哦)If i told you what I was,如果我告诉你我是什么,Would you turn you back on me ?你会让你回到我身边吗?And if I seem dangerous,如果我看起来很危险,Would you be scared?你会害怕吗?I get the feeling just because,我觉得是因为,Everything I touch isn"t dark enough我的一切接触不够黑暗If this problem lies in me 如果这个问题在于我I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,我只是一个在室内的男人是谁得到我,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me,我要逃离我内心是什么,A monster,a monster,一个怪物,怪物,I"ve turned into a monster,我已经变成了一个怪物,I"ve turned into a monster,我已经变成了一个怪物,A monster,a monster,一个怪物,怪物,And if keeps getting stronger,如果不断增强,I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me, 我只是一个在室内的男人是谁得到我,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.我要逃离我内心是什么。A monster,a monster,一个怪物,怪物,I"ve turned into a monster,我已经变成了一个怪物,A monster,a monster,一个怪物,怪物,And if keeps getting stronger.如果不断增强。
2023-07-12 17:38:541

Imagine dragon的monster 歌词翻译。 机翻的请离开

Ever since I could remember自有记忆以来Everything inside of me我内心的一切Just wanted to fit in (Oh oh oh oh)只是想适应世俗I was never one for pretenders我从未是个伪装者Everything I tried to be只是想试著Just wouldn"t settle in (Oh oh oh oh)想试著安定下来If I told you what I was如果 我说出真实的我Would you turn your back on me?你会抛下我 转身离去吗And if I seem dangerous如果我看起来很危险Would you be scared?你会对我心生恐惧吗I get the feeling just because会有这感觉只是因为Everything I touch isn"t dark enough我接触的每个东西 都不够黑暗If this problem lies in me如果问题是出於我I"m only a man with a candle to guide me,我只身一人 仅有烛光微弱的引导I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.我伫立在此 为了逃避内心真实的自己A monster, a monster,一头野兽 野兽I"ve turned into a monster,我渐渐转变为一头野兽A monster, a monster,一头野兽 野兽And it keeps getting stronger.而他日益成长强壮Can I clear my conscience,我的良心还能清白吗If I"m different from the rest,如果我是与众不同的Do I have to run and hide? (oh oh oh oh)我还要逃跑 躲藏吗I never said that I want this,我从未说过想这样生活This burden came to me,负担ㄧ步步逼近我And it"s made it"s home inside (oh oh oh oh)在我内心定居下来If I told you what I was如果 我说出真实的我Would you turn your back on me?你会抛下我 转身离去吗And if I seem dangerous如果我看起来很危险Would you be scared?你会对我心生恐惧吗I get the feeling just because会有这感觉只是因为Everything I touch isn"t dark enough我接触的每个东西 都不够黑暗If this problem lies in me如果问题是出於我I"m only a man with a candle to guide me,我只身一人 仅有烛光微弱的引导I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.我伫立在此 为了逃避内心真实的自己A monster, a monster,一头野兽 野兽I"ve turned into a monster,我渐渐转变为一头野兽A monster, a monster,一头野兽 野兽And it keeps getting stronger.而他日益成长强壮I"m only a man with a candle to guide me,我只身一人 仅有烛光微弱的引导I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.我伫立在此 为了逃避内心真实的自己A monster, a monster,一头野兽 野兽I"ve turned into a monster,我渐渐转变为一头野兽A monster, a monster,一头野兽 野兽And it keeps getting stronger.而他日益成长强壮
2023-07-12 17:39:012

求电影《BJ单身日记》里面的所有插曲 楼主用电驴下载吧,整张都在这里布里吉特琼斯的单身日记》(O.S.T <Bridget Jones"s Diary>)[MP3!] “在新片《BJ单身日记》中,明显注意力都集中在Renee Zellweeger身上,她会否成为另一个Sandra Bullock还是未知之数,但就在唱片原声大碟方面,也将重心移至女性方面,十六首歌曲,占了超过十一首半由女歌手演绎。第一首作重点宣传的歌曲,便是(辣妹)Geri Halliwell减肥成功腹肌暴现的旧歌翻唱〈It"s Raining Men〉。老实说,Weathers Girls劲度十足的原唱版本早已深入人心,Geri Halliwell即使配以《Flashdance》一样的劲舞,但也给人一种‘小儿科"的感觉。 令人期待的,反而是Robbie Williams的两首新作,〈Have You Met Miss Jones?〉和〈Not Of This Earth〉。前者是Lorenz Hart和Richard Rogers的爵士Standard,后者是Robbie Williams未出版过的新作。〈Have You Met Miss Jones?〉明显是为了电影主题而选,编曲方面绝对讲究,只是Robbie Williams演绎这种甘草歌似乎未够火候,〈Not Of This Earth〉则即重现他独门的温柔。 除此之外,大碟里面还有不少歌曲是为了电影特别创作而未曾出版过的新歌,其中就包括了Gabrielle,Sheryl Crow和Dina Carroll和Rosey等的创作。配上Jamie O"Neal翻唱Eric Carmen的〈All By Myself〉(由Celine Dion‘嗌"红)及Aretha Franklin,Chaka Khan和Diana Ross加Marvin Gaye的经典旧作,令到唱片比较一般电影原声唱片更具收藏价值。” 专辑曲目: 01 - Gabrielle - Out Of Reach 02 - Aretha Franklin - Respect 03 - Geri Halliwell - It"s Raining Men 04 - Robbie Williams - Have You Met Miss Jones 05 - Chaka Khan - I"m Every Woman 06 - The Pretenders - Don"t Get Me Wrong 07 - Sheryl Crow - Kiss that Girl 08 - Shelby Lynne - Killin" Kind 09 - Dina Caroll - Someone Like You 10 - Robbie Williams - Not Of This Earth 11 - Andy Williams - Can"t Take My Eyes Off You 12 - Rosey - Love 13 - Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye - Stop, Look, Listen To Your Heart 14 - Shelby Lynne - Dreamsome 15 - Patrick Doyle - It"s Only A Diary 16 - Alisha"s Attic - Pretender Got My Heart 17 - Jamie O"Neal - All By Myself 18 - Artful Dodger & Robbie Craig - Woman Trouble 19 - Aaron Soul - Ring Ring Ring
2023-07-12 17:39:091


2023-07-12 17:39:472

变形金刚有个动画片是人机和拼的是什么哪个版本啊 叫什么名字?(听说好像是日本出的)

中文名:变形金刚之隐者战士  英文名:Transformers Pretenders  产地:日本  集数:42  发行时间:1988年  简介:  1988年,美版能量战士及隐者战士诞生!即人类[星云星人]变形成为生物引擎镶嵌于机器人体内。隐者战士是机器人隐藏于外面的“壳”里,外壳可以是人或者是怪物。但并未推出美版卡通,只是在漫画中登场。  同年,TAKARA公司参照美版人物,制作推出了《超神!マスターフォース》(也就是我们看到的《隐者战士》)。而伴随动画TAKARA重新推出了独立的玩具系列,本系列与美版的人物设定或者着色等都有很大的区别[详细区别请看以下具体内容]。大陆引进的该系列动画是日版输出美国的版本,剧中人物的名字设定等十分混乱——美日混合使用,实在是非常大的遗憾。  本着尊重历史的精神,TFCLUB把88年的变形金刚档案分为美版档案与日版档案两部分,美版部分重点在人物设定,日版重点在玩具与动画形象的对应。希望这样可以让大家更清晰地了解这个系列。  剧集名称:  1,起来吧,隐者战士 2,恐怖地带 3,特机失踪 4,博派少年 5,狂派少年 6,荒野之战  7,非洲丛林 8,双胞胎兄弟 9,初战失利 10,手镯之迷 11,烈火安琪儿 12,友谊长存  13,魔石真相 14,猎杀行动 15,绑架人质 16,珍贵的礼物 17,变形金刚之第三个隐者战士之战  18,流浪机器人-六面骑士 19,赛车手势提 20,隐者战士之流浪的朋友 21,抢救可巴尔  22,生死搏斗 23,隐者战士之生死搏斗 24,沙漠激战 25,神弹工程 26,保卫月球  27,旋转风暴 28,太空较量 29,火山爆发 30,摧毁神弹 31,最后一个超能勇士被发现了  32,摧毁汽车人的总部 33,博派危机 34,宇宙的破坏者 35,人类的灾难 36,拯救毒蝎  37,基地之战 38,新撒克巨人 39,新种人的诞生 40,生存之战 41,撒克巨人 42,大决战简单点说就是剧中出现的隐者战士是是机器人隐藏于外面的“壳”里,外壳可以是人或者是怪物;而能量战士是人类得到了变形金刚的力量然后和机器合体的,能量战士在后半部分中才出现的,能量战士就是人类手上带着手镯和汽车人结合滴
2023-07-12 17:39:541

Earth. Wind & Fire的《September》 歌词

歌曲名:September歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire专辑:The EssentialSowelu - SEPTEMBER作词:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta Willis作曲:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta WillisDo you rememberThe 21st night of SeptemberLove was changing the mindsPretenders while chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singingAs we danced in the nightRemember how the stars stole the night awayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and loveRemember how we knew love was here to sayNow DecemberFound the love that we shared in SeptemberOnly blue talk and loveRemember the true love was share todayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-golden dreams were shiny daysThe bell was ringingOur souls were singingDo you remember, never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-golden dreams were shiny days
2023-07-12 17:40:031


2023-07-12 17:40:111

Jealous Dogs (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Jealous Dogs (Album Version)歌手:The Pretenders专辑:Pretenders Ii稲叶浩志 - JEALOUS DOG作词:稲叶浩志作曲:稲叶浩志编曲:稲叶浩志·寺岛良一もっとボクに优しく笑いかけてほしいなるべくボク一人だけにあいつのつまらないジョークにうけるなんてたのむからやめてほしいどこがいいの あいつのどんなとこにほれてるのきっとだまされてるマイダーリンみっともないと 言われてもかくしてはおけないたとえ君がだれかのものだろうと毎日くりかえしてるばかばかしいゲームでみんな二重三重にホンネをかくし すましてるやいちゃう メラメラ嫉妬が燃えてる 体が アツイなりふりかまわず君をモノにしたい自分で自分が一体谁だかわからなくなる気がついたら もう飞びかかってるよ君とアイツの目と目でする会话がくやしいボクの入り込めない世界伤つくのは毎度のことなめてりゃなおるぜストレス なんかに绝対 やられないねぇ.. そこのキミボクを心配してくれるならおいしいオヤツを今すぐたらふく ちょうだいよやいちゃう メラメラ嫉妬が燃えてる 体が アツイなりふりかまわず君をモノにしたい思いどおりに 隅から隅までナメまわしてみたい恋とか爱とかにゃまるで 兴味はないああ.. わかってるよ脉のないコミュニケーションいつまでむなしく続けてゆくのだろうやいちゃう メラメラ嫉妬が燃えてる 体が アツイなりふりかまわず君をモノにしたいスキになりすぎてキライになりそうなヘンテコな フィーリング寝ておきて 忘れてればそれでもいいおわり稲叶浩志 - JEALOUS DOG作词:稲叶浩志作曲:稲叶浩志编曲:稲叶浩志·寺岛良一もっとボクに优しく笑いかけてほしいなるべくボク一人だけにあいつのつまらないジョークにうけるなんてたのむからやめてほしいどこがいいの あいつのどんなとこにほれてるのきっとだまされてるマイダーリンみっともないと 言われてもかくしてはおけないたとえ君がだれかのものだろうと毎日くりかえしてるばかばかしいゲームでみんな二重三重にホンネをかくし すましてるやいちゃう メラメラ嫉妬が燃えてる 体が アツイなりふりかまわず君をモノにしたい自分で自分が一体谁だかわからなくなる気がついたら もう飞びかかってるよ君とアイツの目と目でする会话がくやしいボクの入り込めない世界伤つくのは毎度のことなめてりゃなおるぜストレス なんかに绝対 やられないねぇ.. そこのキミボクを心配してくれるならおいしいオヤツを今すぐたらふく ちょうだいよやいちゃう メラメラ嫉妬が燃えてる 体が アツイなりふりかまわず君をモノにしたい思いどおりに 隅から隅までナメまわしてみたい恋とか爱とかにゃまるで 兴味はないああ.. わかってるよ脉のないコミュニケーションいつまでむなしく続けてゆくのだろうやいちゃう メラメラ嫉妬が燃えてる 体が アツイなりふりかまわず君をモノにしたいスキになりすぎてキライになりそうなヘンテコな フィーリング寝ておきて 忘れてればそれでもいいおわり
2023-07-12 17:40:291

Cranes的《September》 歌词

歌曲名:September歌手:Cranes专辑:The Eps Collection, Volumes 1&2Sowelu - SEPTEMBER作词:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta Willis作曲:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta WillisDo you rememberThe 21st night of SeptemberLove was changing the mindsPretenders while chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singingAs we danced in the nightRemember how the stars stole the night awayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and loveRemember how we knew love was here to sayNow DecemberFound the love that we shared in SeptemberOnly blue talk and loveRemember the true love was share todayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-golden dreams were shiny daysThe bell was ringingOur souls were singingDo you remember, never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-golden dreams were shiny days
2023-07-12 17:40:371


long live-Taylor Swift feat.Paula FernandesPaula Fernandes是巴西歌手不是印度的。。
2023-07-12 17:40:583

寻一首女声英文慢歌 中间歌词 有 Torommow . where you go.

far away from home ?
2023-07-12 17:41:052


2023-07-12 17:41:155

2. September 歌词

歌曲名:2. September歌手:Kiri Te Kanawa&Wiener Philharmoniker&Sir Georg Solti专辑:50 Greatest Summer ClassicsDo you remember the 21st night of September?Love was changing the minds of pretendersWhile chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singing.As we danced in the night,Remember how the stars stole the night awayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and love,Remember how we knew love was here to stayNow December found the love that we shared in September.Only blue talk and love,Remember the true love we share todayyy yeahAaahhh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayThere wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny daysThe bells were ringingoh our souls were singingDo you remember, never a cloudy day? yowThere wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayThere wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny daysBa de ya...........
2023-07-12 17:41:292

Septemberise 歌词

歌曲名:Septemberise歌手:李闰珉专辑:H.I.S. MonologueSeptember - PomplamooseBy @Stacey想休假Do you rememberThe 21st night of September?Love was changing the minds of pretendersWhile chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singing.As we danced in the night,RememberHow the stars stole the night awayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-dudu-ba-duduBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-dudu-ba-duduBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-du-daMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and love,RememberHow we knew love was here to stayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-dudu-ba-duduBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-dudu-ba-duduBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-du-daAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayAaahh never was a cloudy dayAaahh never was a cloudy dayAaahh never was a cloudy dayOh no, never was a cloudy dayOh, never was a cloud-Never was a cloud-Never was a cloudy day heyAaahh no noBy Stacey想休假
2023-07-12 17:41:361

女声英文歌后面歌词是plsase tell the my name。 是什么歌?

long live ------Taylor swift
2023-07-12 17:41:432

Earth. Wind & Fire的《September》 歌词

歌曲名称:September歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire所属专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of Earth, Wind & Fire歌曲时长:3的36歌曲语言:英语歌词:Do you remember the 21st night of September?Love was changing the minds of pretendersWhile chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singing.As we danced in the night,Remember how the stars stole the night awayBa de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy daybadoMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and love,Remember how we knew love was here to stayNow December found the love that we shared in September.Only blue talk and love,Remember the true love we share todayBa de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny daysBa de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa de ya -never was a cloudy dayBa de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny daysbadeyadeyabadeyadeyabadeyadeya
2023-07-12 17:42:022

majiko 娘september歌词

歌曲:September歌手:まじ娘 / みきとP所属专辑:最新热歌慢摇104作词:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta Willis作曲:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta WillisDo you remember你还记得The 21st night of September9月21日的晚上吗?Love was changing the minds爱在那晚揭下我们伪装的面纱Pretenders while chasing the clouds away拨云驱雾Our hearts were ringing心在欢呼In the key that our souls were singing那正是灵魂歌唱的声音As we danced in the night黑夜中的我们尽情欢舞Remember how the stars stole the night away还记得星光如何照亮黑夜吗?Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day Ba de ya-不曾阴霾的日子里My thoughts are with you我的思念追随着你Holding hands with your heart to see you手牵手心连心,凝视你Only blue talk and love只有说不完的话和爱Remember how we knew love was here to say还记得我们怎么感受到爱情来临的吗?Now December12月的今天Found the love that we shared in September想起我们9月里共谱的爱曲Only blue talk and love只有说不完的话和爱Remember the true love was share today铭记今天我们之间的真爱Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day Ba de ya-不曾阴霾的日子里Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-golden dreams were shiny days Ba de ya-金色的梦境里阳光灿烂Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day Ba de ya-不曾阴霾的日子里Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-golden dreams were shiny days Ba de ya-金色的梦境里阳光灿烂golden dreams were shiny days金色的梦境里阳光灿烂golden dreams were shiny days金色的梦境里阳光灿烂
2023-07-12 17:42:091


2023-07-12 17:42:193


Rihanna,Eminem--The Monster
2023-07-12 17:42:261

求G.I.JANE(伴我雄心)中的插曲-GOODBYE,由the pretenders乐队唱的下载地址1来自:xuite.cdn.hinet.net不好意思,只有一首,而且还是WMA格式的,你下载完之后在千千静听里转换下喽!
2023-07-12 17:43:043


超级喜欢Savage Garden 的歌!!他们的歌很多都很好听的!楼上的只是给了很少一部分!强烈推荐......
2023-07-12 17:43:1410


2023-07-12 17:43:583

求梦龙的monster歌词 最好附带中文翻译

Monster - Imagine Dragons Ever since I could remember, 当我开始有记忆 Everything inside of me, 我心里的每件事 Just wanted to fit in (oh oh oh oh) 都想要融入 I was never one for pretenders, 这里我从来不是个伪装自己的人 Everything I tried to be, 我每次努力尝试 Just wouldn"t settle in (oh oh oh oh) 都没能达到安稳 If I told you what I was, 如果我告诉 你我以前是个怎样的人 Would you turn your back on me? 你会背叛我吗 And if I seem dangerous, 如果我看起来很危险 Would you be scared? 你会害怕吗 I get the feeling just because, 我有这种感觉并没有什么原因 Everything I touch isn"t dark enough 我触碰的每一件东西都有更黑暗的一面 If this problem lies in me 如果这问题欺骗了我 I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me, 我只是一个有着一个房间的人 I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me. 我说过我要逃离我内心的东西 A monster, a monster, 一个怪物 一个怪物 I"ve turned into a monster, 我已经变成了一个怪物 A monster, a monster, 一个怪物 一个怪物 And it keeps getting stronger. 这怪物变得越来越强大 Can I clear my conscience, 我可以把我的善恶道德观变得更纯洁吗 If I"m different from the rest, 如果我和别人不同 Do I have to run and hide? (oh oh oh oh) 我该逃跑再躲起来吗 I never said that I want this, 我从没说过我想这样 This burden came to me, 这重担压向我 And it"s made it"s home inside (oh oh oh oh) 然后在我的心房安了家 If I told you what I was, 如果我告诉你我以前是个怎样的人 Would you turn your back on me? 你会背叛我吗 And if I seem dangerous, 如果我看起来很危险 Would you be scared? 你会害怕吗 I get the feeling just because, 我又这种感觉并没有什么原因 Everything I touch isn"t dark enough 我触碰的每一件东西都有更黑暗的一面 If this problem lies in me 如果这个问题欺骗了我 I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me, 我只是一个有着一个房间的人 I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me. 我说过我要逃离我内心的东西 A monster, a monster, 一个怪物 一个怪物 I"ve turned into a monster, 我已经变成了一个怪物 A monster, a monster, 一个怪物 一个怪物 And it keeps getting stronger. 这怪物变得越来越强大 I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me, 我只是一个有着一个房间的人 I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me. 我说过我要逃离我内心的东西 A monster, a monster, 一个怪物 一个怪物 I"ve turned into a monster, 我已经变成了一个怪物 A monster, a monster, 一个怪物 一个怪物 And it keeps getting stronger. 这怪物变得越来越强大 《Monster》歌词 -- 歌词
2023-07-12 17:44:081

Monster (Album Version)中文歌词

Ever since I could remember,自我能够忆起之时Everything inside of me,我的整个人Just wanted to fit in都只是想要去适应I was never one for pretenders,我从来不是一名伪装者Everything I tried to be,我所想要成为的一切Just wouldn"t settle in却无法使我安顿下来If I told you what I was,若我告诉你我的曾经Would you turn your back on me?你是否会背离我而去?If I seem dangerous,若我看上去危险不堪Would you be scared?你是否会受到惊吓?I get the feeling just because,我之所以会有这种感受Everything I touch isn"t dark enough是因为我所接触到的每件事物尚不够黑暗If this problem lies in me若问题在于我……I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,我仅是一名为桎梏所困之人I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.我正试图逃离我的身内之物A monster, a monster,一个怪物,一个怪物I"ve turned into a monster,我已然变成了一个怪物A monster, a monster,一个怪物,一个怪物And it keeps getting stronger.而它愈发地强大起来Can I clear my conscience,我能否使我的道德重回清澈If I"m different from the rest,若我异于常人Do I have to run and hide?我是否该逃跑并将自己掩藏?I never said that I want this,我从未说过我想要这些This burden came to me,这个负担突然进入了我的脑海And it"s made it"s home inside并在其中安巢筑窼If I told you what I was,若我告诉你我的曾经Would you turn your back on me?你是否会背离我而去?If I seem dangerous,若我看上去危险不堪Would you be scared?你是否会受到惊吓?I get the feeling just because,我之所以会有这种感受Everything I touch isn"t dark enough是因为我所接触到的每件事物尚不够黑暗If this problem lies in me若问题在于我……I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,我仅是一名为桎梏所困之人I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.我正试图逃离我的身内之物A monster, a monster,一个怪物,一个怪物I"ve turned into a monster,我已然变成了一个怪物A monster, a monster,一个怪物,一个怪物And it keeps getting stronger.而它愈发地强大起来I"m only a man with a chamberwho"s got me,我仅是一名为桎梏所困之人I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.我正试图逃离我的身内之物A monster, a monster,一个怪物,一个怪物I"ve turned into a monster,我已然变成了一个怪物A monster, a monster,一个怪物,一个怪物And it keeps getting stronger.而它愈发地强大起来
2023-07-12 17:44:181

Here it is Christmas,就是美剧天蝎网络片尾曲的歌词

September-Earth, Wind And Fire Do you remember the 21st night of September? Love was changing the minds of pretenders While chasing the clouds away Our hearts were ringing In the key that our souls were singing. As we danced in the night, Remember how the stars stole the night away Aaahh Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day My thoughts are with you Holding hands with your heart to see you Only blue talk and love, Remember how we knew love was here to stay Now December found the love that we shared in September. Only blue talk and love, Remember the true love we share todayyy yeah Aaahhh Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day There wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days The bells were ringing oh our souls were singing Do you remember, never a cloudy day? yow There wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day There wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days Ba de ya
2023-07-12 17:44:362

求Bigbang《Wild wild west》的歌词拜托各位了 3Q

make it wild, wild make it, make it wild, make it wild make it make it wild wild west, jim west, desperado, rough rider no you don"t want nada none of this, gun in this, brotha runnin this, buffalo soldier, look it"s like i told ya any damsel that"s in distress be out of that dress when she meet jim west rough neck so go check the law and abide watch your step with flex and get a hole in your side swallow your pride, don"t let your lip react you don"t wanna see my hand where my hip be at with all of this, from the start of this runnin the game, james west tamin the west so remember the name now who ya gonna call? dru hill: not the g.b."s will smith: now who you gonna call? dru hill: *g double e g* if you have a riff with people wanna bust break out before you get bumrushed at the (wild wild west) when i roll into the (wild wild west) when i stroll into the (wild wild west) when i bounce into the (wild wild west) sisqo, sisqo sisqo: we going straight to the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west now, now, now, now once upon a time in the west mad man lost his damn mind in the west loveless, givin up a dime, nothin" less now i must put his behind to the test (can you feel me) then through the shadows, in the saddle, ready for battle bring all your boys in, here come the poison behind my back, all the riffin" ya did, front and center, now where your lip at kid? who dat is? a mean brotha, bad for your health lookin damn good though, if i could say it myself told me loveless is a mad man, but i don"t fear that he got mad weapons too, ain"t tryin to hear that tryin to bring down me, this champion when y"all clowns gon" see that it can"t be done understand me son, i"m the slickest they is, i"m the quickest as they is, did i say i"m the slickest they is so if you barking up the wrong tree we comin, don"t be startin nothin me and my partner gonna test your chest, loveless can"t stand the heat then get out the wild wild west we going straight to (when i roll into the) the wild wild west (when i stroll into the) we going straight to (when i bounce into the) the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west (adlib) to any outlaw tryin to draw, thinkin you"re bad, any draw on west best with a pen and a pad, don"t even think about it, six gun, weighin a ton, 10 paces and turn, just for fun, son, up till sundown, rolling around, see where the bad guys are to be found and make "em lay down, the defenders of the west, crushin on pretenders in the west, don"t mess with us cuz we"re in the (wild wild west) (when i roll into the) the wild wild west(when i stroll into the) we going straight to (when i bounce into the) the wild wild west we going straight (wild wild west) when i roll into the (wild wild west) when i stroll into the when i bounce into the we going straight to the wild wild west (the wild wild west) (wild, wild west) whoo, uh (wild wild west) ha ha ha ha (wild wild west)... (wild wild west) (wild wild west) *the wild wild west* bring in the heat bring in the heat, what? (wild wild west) (wild wild west) uh can"t stop the bumrush *the wild wild* (the wild wild west)
2023-07-12 17:44:441


Suicide is painless——Lady Bird
2023-07-12 17:44:512


2023-07-12 17:45:054

At the moment 是什么意思

2023-07-12 17:45:084

唉…… 我觉得高中的文科好弱智啊

同意 确实是学理科的人逻辑思维好 可你能说学文科的都是弱智?看看谁才是弱智吧。
2023-07-12 17:45:094

by your side什么意思

2023-07-12 17:45:092


2023-07-12 17:45:1012

by your side是什么意思

2023-07-12 17:45:024


2023-07-12 17:45:021


2023-07-12 17:45:012

日语挂电话时 说什么比较合适

2023-07-12 17:44:5910