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2023-07-13 09:13:27
TAG: 英文

问题一:尊重用英语怎么说 尊重是 respect


问题二:“尊敬的”用英语怎么说 respect 英[r??spekt] 美[r??sp?kt]

vt. 尊重; 尊敬; 关心; 遵守;

n. 敬意; 尊重,恭敬; 某方面;

[例句]I want him to respect me as a career woman


[其他] 第三人称单数:respects 现在分词:respecting 过去式:respected过去分词:respected

问题三:急急急!尊重用英语怎么说 尊重




问题四:尊重别人就是尊重自己英语怎么翻译? 这里有用被动语态。尊重别人,就是尊重自己,实质上的意思是,你尊重别人,就会被别人尊重。所以主语是主动语态:Respecting others,而表语(补语)是一个被动语态,我们要用被动语态。

所以是:Respecting others is being respected yourself.或者:To respect others is to be respected.这才是对的。。至于,为什么要写成respecting和to respect,和respecting和to respect有什么区别,就是涉及到英语的知识点了。讲起来又点长。你这样写:Respecting others is respecting yourself就是,你尊重别人,你又自己尊重你自己。自导自演的感觉

问题五:获得尊重用英语怎么说 to gain respects from the inte触national munity



问题六:“尊重是相互的”英语怎么说 一般在英语的表达中,他们不说:尊重是相互的,而是说相互尊重,但他们喜欢使用名词,所以可以说:give the mutual respect。

问题七:受到尊重用英语怎么说 be respected

问题八:收到尊重用英语怎么说 你好

用gain 得到更好,也更常见,指得到。。尊重,或赢得尊重


After you gain the respect of a few people, word of mouth will begin to spreadpopularity for you.



可以改为:gain the respect from internation munity

【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问

问题九:尊敬的英文翻译是什么? 点采纳给你答案



2023-07-13 03:36:244


你好,很高兴为你解答:respected英 [rɪ"spektɪd]美 [rɪ"spektɪd]受人尊敬的详细释义v.尊敬;尊重( respect的过去式和过去分词 );关心;慎重对待adj.受尊敬的;受敬重的;受重视的1.He is highly respected for his novels and plays他的小说和剧本使他非常受人敬重。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.She is a well respected member of the international community.她在国际社会中非常受人敬重。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.I think you"d agree he"s a very respected columnist我想你得承认他是个备受尊敬的专栏作家。
2023-07-13 03:36:311


respected the elderly
2023-07-13 03:37:034


2023-07-13 03:38:361


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),respected 指被许多人尊敬,并不具有太强烈的社会地位的意味。而respectable 更强调整个社区中的公认认可和尊敬。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完respected和respectable的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、定义和词性的区别Respected 是一个形容词,意为“受人尊敬的”,指某人在社交生活中因为其过往的成功或高贵的品德在他人中拥有良好的声誉。而 Respectable 也是一个形容词,意为“可尊敬的,有声望的”,其主要含义是指一个人在社区中受到普遍尊敬的程度。例句:- He is a respected leader in the community.(他是社区里备受尊敬的领袖。)- She is a respectable businesswoman with a successful career.(她是一位事业有成的值得尊敬的女商人。)2、程度和范围的区别Respected 指被许多人尊敬,并不具有太强烈的社会地位的意味。而 Respectable 更强调整个社区中的公认认可和尊敬。例句:- The respected professor was invited to give a speech at the conference.(受人尊敬的教授被邀请在会议上发言。)- He is a respectable member of the police force.(他是警察队伍中受人尊敬的成员。)3、过去和现在的区别Respected 更多指过去的成就和声誉,而 Respectable 更多指现在或者近期的表现和声誉。例句:- The respected soldier fought bravely in World War II.(这位备受尊敬的士兵在第二次世界大战中表现勇敢。)- She is a respectable teacher who has a great impact on her students.(她是一位备受尊敬的教师,对她的学生有巨大的影响。)4、社会地位和品德的区别Respected 通常意味着社会地位,而 Respectable 更侧重于人的品德和事件的正面影响。例句:- The respected businessman owned a large company.(这位受人尊敬的商人拥有一家大公司。)- He has a respectable character that is admired by many people.(他有可尊敬的品德,为很多人所敬慕。)5、认同和评价的区别Respected 通常是表示客观事实,是对某一定方式生活的肯定。而 Respectable 是评价性的词汇,是人们对某人的社会角色和行为的认同和评价。例句:- The respected actor received many awards and honors during his career.(这位受人尊敬的演员在他的职业生涯中获得了许多奖项和荣誉。)- He is a respectable member of the community due to his charitable contributions.(由于他的慈善贡献,他是社区中受人尊敬的成员。)
2023-07-13 03:38:441

尊重 英语

If you want others to respect, must first respect others
2023-07-13 03:38:594


respectable是形容一个人“可敬的,受人尊重的”,第二个是动词原型加ed,是形容一个人本身对别人,或者说对别的事物尊敬,就像是interested,I am interested in reading.我对阅读感兴趣。
2023-07-13 03:39:363

2023-07-13 03:39:441


2023-07-13 03:39:555


  尊敬原意是用尊来敬高贵的人,延伸为敬重、敬爱等多种意义。下面就由我为大家带来关于尊敬的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于尊敬的相关短语   尊敬 look up to   尊敬长者 Respect for the elderly   尊敬老人 Respect for the elderly ;   尊敬师长 Respect the teachers ;   极为尊敬 have high regard for   彼此尊敬 respect each other   尊敬宾客 Respect Guests   关于尊敬的相关单词   respect;   honour;   esteem;   honor;   关于尊敬的相关短句或解释   hold *** . in the greatest esteem; have the greatest esteem for *** .   非常尊敬某人   关于尊敬的词语辨析   admiration, honour, esteem, regard, respect这组词都有“尊敬、尊重、敬意”的意思,其区别是:   admiration 指除表示尊敬外,还常伴随有一种真挚的倾慕之情。   honour 指对长辈或有地位、有名望、有功劳的人公开表示极大敬意或软佩。   esteem 除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此可而产生的称赞。   regard 最正式用词,中性,与respect和honour近义。   respect 指对年长、地位较高的人的尊敬,对他人成就、行为或见解等经过仔细评估后而表示尊重,暗示在上述人面前表现谦恭和有礼貌。   关于尊敬的相关例句   1. He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the munity.   他现在是一位教师,并且是社群内受人尊敬的一员。   2. He is respected as a very aggressive and petitive executive.   他是一位锐意进取、竞争意识很强的主管,颇受尊敬。   3. I think you"d agree he"s a very respected columnist.   我想你得承认他是个备受尊敬的专栏作家。   4. All the band e from good, solid, working-class backgrounds.   所有的乐手都来自值得我们尊敬的工人阶级。   5. He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity.   他无可争议的忠诚正直赢得了人们的爱戴和尊敬。   6. The paper has earned respect for its investigative journali *** .   这份报纸的调查性新闻报道为其赢得了尊敬。   7. Dear Madam, Thank you for your interest in our Memorial Scheme.   尊敬的女士,感谢您对我们的纪念方案的关注。   8. My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell.   人们称我为,当然只是出于礼貌,尊敬的阿马利娅·洛弗尔夫人。   9. His doughty campaigns for the underprivileged have earned him national respect.   他为弱势群体奔走呼号,赢得了全国的尊敬。   10. He touched his forelock in mock deference.   他手触额发假装尊敬。   11. He was a respected academic and above suspicion.   他是位受人尊敬的学者,根本没有嫌疑。   12. My name is Richard Savage, your Lordship.   尊敬的阁下,我叫理查德·萨维奇。   13. "Dear sir," she began.   “尊敬的先生,”她开头写道。   14. He was always so polite and respectful.   他总是彬彬有礼,尊敬他人。   15. a player admired for his sense of fair play   因公正比赛而受人尊敬的球员   关于尊敬的双语例句   我相信他是个我们应当尊敬的人。   He is a man whom I believe we should respect.   他以勇气赢得大家的尊敬。   He won honor for his courage.   这些学生很尊敬他们的老师。   These students have reverence for their teacher.   这位修道士受到所有人的尊敬。   The friar is respected by everyone.   这位教士受到所有村民的尊敬。   This clergyman is respected by all the villagers.   她是个受人尊敬的已婚妇女。   She is a respectable married woman.   一个令人尊敬的人是值得受人尊敬的。   A respectable man is one who is worthy of being respected.   这个城市的人们都很尊敬这位公正的法官。   People in the city held the impartial judge in high regard.   我要给他一个充分的保证,来表示我是多么尊敬他。   I would give him a sufficient pledge of my respect for him.   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。
2023-07-13 03:40:161

You are educated/respected/trusted/hired.

2023-07-13 03:40:341


2023-07-13 03:40:422


2023-07-13 03:40:533


ngled in the inextricable meshes of her long dark
2023-07-13 03:41:272


没有,意思是:尊重,尊敬。重点词汇:respect英[ru026a'spekt]释义:n.尊敬,尊重;方面;敬意vt.尊敬,尊重;遵守[复数:respects;第三人称单数:respects;现在分词:respecting;过去式:respected;过去分词:respected]短语:with respect to关于;至于;如果;相对于词语辨析:respect,honour,regard,esteem,admiration这些名词均有“尊敬、尊重、敬意”之意。1、respect指对年长、地位较高的人的尊敬,对他人成就、行为或见解等经过仔细评估后而表示尊重,暗示在上述人面前表现谦恭和有礼貌。2、honour指对长辈或有地位、有名望、有功劳的人公开表示极大敬意或软佩。3、regard最正式用词,中性,与respect和honour近义。4、esteem除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此可而产生的称赞。5、admiration指除表示尊敬外,还常伴随有一种真挚的倾慕之情。
2023-07-13 03:41:451

令人尊敬的 英文怎么说

2023-07-13 03:42:026

受人尊敬的; 被尊重的用英语怎么说

2023-07-13 03:42:196


respect这个英语单词的时态人称用法有:respect的过去式形式为respected,过去分词形式有respected,现在分词形式是respecting,第三人称单数形式是respects。 扩展资料   搭配举例   respect oneself 自重   in respect of 关于,涉及   respect for 尊重…,对…的`尊敬   in this respect 在这方面   in all respects 在各方面   例句:   1、A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them.   他们之间产生了深切的相互尊重和理解。   2、The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.   这两组在收入和地位方面是相似的。   3、They"ll respect you as long as you play fair.   只要为人正直,别人就会尊敬你。   4、She was able to command the respect of the class.   她赢得了全班的尊敬。
2023-07-13 03:42:361


  尊敬,是指对别人尊崇敬重。对于长辈和老师,我们尤其需要尊敬。那么你知道尊敬用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来尊敬的英语说法和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习。   尊敬的英语说法1:   respect   英 [risu02c8pekt] 美 [ru026au02c8spu025bkt]   尊敬的英语说法2:   honor   英 [u02c8u0254nu0259] 美 [u02c8ɑnu025a]   尊敬的英语说法3:   look up to   英 [luk u028cp tu:] 美 [lu028ak u028cp tu]   尊敬相关英语表达:   尊敬长者 Respect Your Elders   尊敬师长 Respect the teachers   彼此尊敬 respect each other   尊敬英语说法例句:   我相信他是个我们应当尊敬的人。   He is a man whom I believe we should respect.   他以勇气赢得大家的尊敬。   He won honor for his courage.   这些学生很尊敬他们的老师。   These students have reverence for their teacher.   这位修道士受到所有人的尊敬。   The friar is respected by everyone.   这位教士受到所有村民的尊敬。   This clergyman is respected by all the villagers.   她是个受人尊敬的已婚妇女。   She is a respectable married woman.   一个令人尊敬的人是值得受人尊敬的。   A respectable man is one who is worthy of being respected.   这个城市的人们都很尊敬这位公正的法官。   People in the city held the impartial judge in high regard.   我要给他一个充分的保证,来表示我是多么尊敬他。   I would give him a sufficient pledge of my respect for him.   凡是学生就应当尊敬老师。   All students should respect their teachers.   他的成就赢得了人们的尊敬。   His accomplishments earned respect for him.   那个男人拈灭了香烟以显示他对该女士的尊敬。   The man jammed out his cigarette to show his respect for the lady.   人民教师理应受到尊敬。   The people"s teachers ought to be respected.   他的行为使他受到尊敬。   His actions made him respected.   她不仅是我们的老师,同时又是我们的朋友,我们都尊敬和爱戴她。   She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her.   我很尊敬他。   I respect him.   所有了解他的人都对他非常尊敬。   He commands the respect of all who know him well.   不管是爱他还是恨他,你都必须尊敬他。   Love him or loathe him, you have to respect him.   因为他有缺点,我反而更尊敬他。   I respect him all the more because he has faults.   你必须做一些对你有好处的事情:我尊敬爱戴自己的父亲,但是我们想要快乐地生活在一起却很困难。   You have to do whatu2019s right for you : I respect and love my father, but wewere too different to live together happily.   实际上,我喜欢并尊敬他们所有人。   In fact, I liked and respected them all.
2023-07-13 03:42:431


2023-07-13 03:42:598


respected, 受人尊敬的: He"s one of the most respected managers in the company.respectable, 更多指:有名望的,被大众所认可/公认的, 正派的,端庄的,大方得体的(行为举止,着装等): Put a tie on, it"ll make you look more respectable. / They are hard-working, respectable people.
2023-07-13 03:43:211

respectful和respected的区别 哪个表示“受人尊重的”,请谈谈两者的区别,

受到了尊重的/被尊重的 = Respected 例句:He is respected by everyone.他受到所有人的尊重. 表示在得到了尊重,被尊重了的情况下,respected 前要加 BE 词. 例:I was respected by him.我得到了他的尊重. 如果不加 BE 词,意思就变了.就变成了动词.表示“尊重某人某事“ 例:I respected my mother./ I respect mother / 我尊重我的母亲. Respectful 是形容词 = 有礼貌的.懂尊重别人的. 例句:She is very respectful .我是个尊重人的人.(表示她很尊重人 ) 楼下朋友提的 Respectable 也是正确的. Respectable 形容词.表示 受人尊敬的. 例句:He is a respectable man.她是个受人尊敬的男人. 所以每个词语都有不同的用法.须看句型以得到正确的使用.
2023-07-13 03:43:571


respect的用法如下:1.用作及物动词We must respect other people"s feelings.我们必须尊重他人的感情。I promise to respect your wishes.我答应尊重你的意愿。2.用作宾补动词I respect him as my teacher.我把他尊为师长。He was highly respected as a judge and as a man.作为一个法官,作为一个人,他都受到高度的尊敬。Please allow me to express warm welcome to our respected friends.请允许我向我们尊敬的朋友们表示热烈的欢迎。3.用作名词(n.)He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.他在多次战斗中表现勇敢而赢得了他们的尊敬。Please send them my respects when you write.你写信的时候请代我向他们致意。I have come to pay my respects to you.我来向你致意。
2023-07-13 03:44:061


一、读音:英 [ru026a"spekt]     美 [ru026a"spekt]    二、意思是:vt. 尊敬;尊重;遵守;关于;涉及n. 尊敬;敬重;关系;方面n. (复)respects: 敬意;问候三、词汇搭配:respect affectionately 友好地尊重;respect deeply 十分尊敬四、例句:All students should respect their teachers.凡是学生就应当尊敬老师。扩展资料词汇辨析:respect的基本意思是“尊敬”,指对某人或某人的意见、行为、品德及才华等的尊重和敬佩,引申可表示“不侵犯”“遵守”某事物。respect是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。respect的过去分词respected可用作形容词,在句中作前置或后置定语。
2023-07-13 03:44:371


2023-07-13 03:44:553


问题一:尊敬的英文翻译是什么? 点采纳给你答案 问题二:“尊敬的”用英语怎么说 respect 英[r??spekt] 美[r??sp?kt] vt. 尊重; 尊敬; 关心; 遵守; n. 敬意; 尊重,恭敬; 某方面; [例句]I want him to respect me as a career woman 我希望他把我当作一个职业女性来尊重。 [其他] 第三人称单数:respects 现在分词:respecting 过去式:respected过去分词:respected 问题三:“尊敬的”用英语怎么说? 若表示信件中的“尊敬的父母”或者其他,用dear 加称呼若一般情况下用respectfulwell-beloved也可以 问题四:"尊敬"的名词用英文怎么说 你好! 尊敬 respect 英[r??spekt] 美[r??sp?kt] vt. 尊重; 尊敬; 关心; 遵守; n. 敬意; 尊重,恭敬; 某方面; [例句]I want him to respect me as a career woman 我希望他把我当作一个职业女性来尊重。 问题五:尊敬的领导怎么翻译? Distinguished Leaders/Guests 尊敬的领导/来宾 比较正式的 问题六:尊敬的各位领导各位用英语怎么说 Dear fellow leaders
2023-07-13 03:45:211


不通用,respect意思是:尊敬,敬重;重视。salute意思是:(向……)行军礼,(向……)致敬。重点词汇:respect。英[ru026a'spekt]释义:n.尊敬,敬重;重视,尊重;方面,着眼点;问候,敬意(respects)。v.尊敬,敬佩;慎重对待,尊重;遵守;避免破坏(或干扰)。int.<非正式>真了不起(因敬重或赞同而发出的感叹)。[复数:respects;第三人称单数:respects;现在分词:respecting;过去式:respected;过去分词:respected]短语:with respect to关于;至于;如果;相对于。词语使用变化:respectv.(动词)1、respect的基本意思是“尊敬”,指对某人或某人的意见、行为、品德及才华等的尊重和敬佩,引申可表示“不侵犯”“遵守”某事物。2、respect是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。3、respect的过去分词respected可用作形容词,在句中作前置或后置定语。
2023-07-13 03:45:391


2023-07-13 03:46:061


respect,作名词时意为“尊敬,尊重;方面;敬意”,作动词时意为“尊敬,尊重;遵守”。respect的基本意思是“尊敬”,指对某人或某人的意见、行为、品德及才华等的尊重和敬佩,引申可表示“不侵犯”“遵守”某事物。respect是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。respect的过去分词respected可用作形容词,在句中作前置或后置定语。respect作“尊敬”“尊重”解时,指对某人或某人的观点、才华、行为的敬慕,是不可数名词,当其前有形容词作定语时,可加不定冠词a。respect作“敬意”“问候”解需要用复数形式,常与give,send或pay连用。respect的例句1、We called to pay our respects.我们去拜望了,以表示敬意。2、Please give my respects to your parents.请向你父母表达我的问候。3、All students should respect their teachers.凡是学生就应当尊敬老师。4、I respected their moral standards.我尊重他们的道德标准。5、The students have great respect for their history teacher.学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。
2023-07-13 03:46:371


问题一:“尊敬的”用英语怎么说 respect 英[r??spekt] 美[r??sp?kt] vt. 尊重; 尊敬; 关心; 遵守; n. 敬意; 尊重,恭敬; 某方面; [例句]I want him to respect me as a career woman 我希望他把我当作一个职业女性来尊重。 [其他] 第三人称单数:respects 现在分词:respecting 过去式:respected过去分词:respected 问题二:“尊敬的”用英语怎么说? 若表示信件中的“尊敬的父母”或者其他,用dear 加称呼若一般情况下用respectfulwell-beloved也可以 问题三:受到尊重用英语怎么说 be respected 问题四:"尊敬"的名词用英文怎么说 你好! 尊敬 respect 英[r??spekt] 美[r??sp?kt] vt. 尊重; 尊敬; 关心; 遵守; n. 敬意; 尊重,恭敬; 某方面; [例句]I want him to respect me as a career woman 我希望他把我当作一个职业女性来尊重。 问题五:尊敬的英文翻译是什么? 点采纳给你答案 问题六:收到尊重用英语怎么说 你好 用gain 得到更好,也更常见,指得到。。尊重,或赢得尊重 如: After you gain the respect of a few people, word of mouth will begin to spreadpopularity for you. 你赢得一小部分人的尊重后,经过口口相传,你的受欢迎程度就提升了。 即: 可以改为:gain the respect from internation munity 【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问 问题七:令人尊敬的 英文怎么说 honorable KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 可尊敬的;高尚的,正直的 He was honorable in word and in deed. 他言行诚信可敬。 He is an honorable man. 他是个高尚的人。 2. 光荣的,荣誉的;高贵的 It is honorable to earn a living with your hands. 靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。 3. 表示尊敬的;体面的 He was given an honorable burial. 他的葬礼很体面。 4. (大写)尊敬的(名字前用的尊称)
2023-07-13 03:47:191


be respected 网络 受人尊敬; [例句]The people"s teachers ought to be respected.人民教师理应受到尊敬。
2023-07-13 03:47:271

respect 除了尊重有注重,重视的意思吗?

2023-07-13 03:47:474


2023-07-13 03:47:541

you are respected

2023-07-13 03:48:021


respect用法:1.用作及物动词We must respect other people"s feelings.我们必须尊重他人的感情。I promise to respect your wishes.我答应尊重你的意愿。2.用作宾补动词I respect him as my teacher.我把他尊为师长。He was highly respected as a judge and as a man.作为一个法官,作为一个人,他都受到高度的尊敬。Please allow me to express warm welcome to our respected friends.请允许我向我们尊敬的朋友们表示热烈的欢迎。3.用作名词(n.)He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.他在多次战斗中表现勇敢而赢得了他们的尊敬。Please send them my respects when you write.你写信的时候请代我向他们致意。I have come to pay my respects to you.我来向你致意。
2023-07-13 03:48:121


respect后常接介词for,to或of。respect接for〔to〕sb表示尊敬的对象;接for〔to〕sth则表示尊敬的原因;接of sb则表示“来自于谁”的尊敬。respect作“尊敬”“尊重”解时,指对某人或某人的观点、才华、行为的敬慕,是不可数名词,当其前有形容词作定语时,可加不定冠词a。词义辨析respect,honour,regard,esteem,admiration这些名词均有“尊敬、尊重、敬意”之意。respect指对年长、地位较高的人的尊敬,对他人成就、行为或见解等经过仔细评估后而表示尊重,暗示在上述人面前表现谦恭和有礼貌。honour指对长辈或有地位、有名望、有功劳的人公开表示极大敬意或软佩。regard最正式用词,中性,与respect和honour近义。esteem除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此可而产生的称赞。admiration指除表示尊敬外,还常伴随有一种真挚的倾慕之情。
2023-07-13 03:48:371

英语Preppy respect怎么翻译?

preppy英 ["prepu026a] 美 ["prepu026a] n.预备学校学生[毕业生];(尤指在衣着、举止等方面)像预备学校学生的人adj.预备学校学生的respect英 [ru026au02c8spekt] 美 [ru026au02c8spu025bkt] vt.尊重;尊敬;关心;遵守n.敬意;尊重,恭敬;某方面第三人称单数: respects 现在分词: respecting 过去式: respected 过去分词: respected连起来意思是尊重毕业生
2023-07-13 03:49:091

求助:谁能告诉我是 a respected job 还是 a respectable job?

a respected job
2023-07-13 03:49:162


respect的用法如下:1.用作及物动词Wemustrespect otherpeople"s feelings.我们必须尊重他人的感情。lpromise to respectyour wishes.我答应尊重你的意愿。2.用作宾补动词lrespect himas myteacher.我把他尊为师长。He was highly respected as a judge and as aman.作为一个法官,作为一个人,他都受到高度的尊敬。3.用作名词(n.)He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.他在多次战斗中表现勇敢而赢得了他们的尊敬。Please send them myrespects when youwrite.你写信的时候请代我向他们致意。l have come topaymy respects toyou.我来向你致意。
2023-07-13 03:49:251

分析一道英语题He went on to say that it was as important to respect others as __ by others. A....

2023-07-13 03:50:205


  假装指故意装出某种动作或姿态,以掩盖真相, 作出的事情与事实相反,具有欺骗成分。那么你知道假装的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    假装的英语单词1:   pretend    假装的英语单词2:   feign    假装的英语例句:   他假装没有听见我。   He affected not to hear me.   你不能再假装下去了。   You can"t keep up the pretence any longer.   他躺在黑暗中,假装睡觉。   He lay in the darkness, pretending to sleep.   扑扑水,假装参与?   Splash water on my face and feign participation?   他只是假装而已。   He"s only shamming.   假装昏迷只不过是个诡计。   Pretending to faint was merely (an) artifice.   他是一个虚伪的人,假装对那件事一无所知。   He is nothing but a hypocrite, pretending that he knows nothing about it.   他们假装误解了我的投诉。   They pretend to misunderstand my complaint.   我们总像这样假装强人假装认为这些真的没什么大不了!   As this we pretend to be a strong man and said it is really a small business!   政客们假装这个规律是存在的,就如同他们在照片上的摆姿势和假装微笑那么简单。   Politicians have to pretend such a rule exists as they smile and pose for photos.   我最恨不过的事情就是有人假装着在求你。   It raises my spleen more than anything to make the pretence of being asked.   她可以晒晒太阳,假装自己是在西班牙。   She can sunbathe and pretend she"s in Spain.   我明白了,唐纳德特朗普和他的假装运动。   I see, Donald Trump and his pretended campaign.   他假装要用剑剥下我的头皮。   He pretended to scalp me with his sword.   我别无他法,只能假装不知道。   I had no option but to pretend ignorance.   有时这个男孩会假装睡着了。   Sometimes the boy pretended to be asleep.   这个问题没法解决,要么她假装讨厌内德,自己难过;要么承认自己爱他,然后觉得更糟!   It was a no-win situation. Either she pretended she hated Ned and felt awful or admitted she loved him and felt even worse!   Jeremiah McDonald是一位居住在波特兰市的演员兼导演,他把自己12岁时录制的影片假装与现在的他对话的视频剪辑在了一起。   Jeremiah McDonald, a filmmaker and actor who lives in Portland, Me., stitched together footage of himself at age 12 with video from the present to simulate a conversation between the two.
2023-07-13 03:45:581

HTML a 标签的基本用法和常用属性这两种target都是针对框架的。比如你写了这样一个奇葩的网页page,网页page分成frame1、frame2,frame1又分成frame1-1、frame1-2,frame1-1又分成frame1-1-1,frame1-1-2。然后你在frame1-1-1中放了一个链接。如果这个链接的target="_self",那么链接会在frame1-1-1中打开。如果target="_parent",那么链接会在frame1-1中打开。如果target="_top",那么链接会在page中打开。未经验证,根据w3school的说法应该是这个意思。
2023-07-13 03:46:002


off的意思是:adv.表示状态的关闭或离开;prep.离开;在 ... 之外;adj.空闲的;离开的;关闭的。prep.从…移开;从…脱离;从…上下来;不去;远离;离…不远;在…附近;不在(工作岗位或学校);离开…休息;避开,不去讨论(某话题);不再喜欢;不再想;(价钱)从…减掉;与(相关物)分开;与…分离;从…处(获得);依靠(食物) 生存。adv.移开;脱离;(从巴士、火车、飞机上)下来;远离;保持距离;离开;脱掉;脱下;休息;不工作;取消;中止;(机器、电灯等)关掉,停掉,不再运转;(尤指打折)减少,降低;相距;相隔;相距;相隔;摆脱;除去;全无;用完;耗尽;向海;远离陆地。adj.腐坏的;变质的;变味的;令人不满意的;令人失望的;(车辆)远路肩一侧的,外侧的;右手击球员右前方场地的;左手击球员左前方场地的;n.右手击球员右前方场地;左手击球员左前方场地;vt.干掉,杀死(某人)。
2023-07-13 03:46:041


粒子在Unity中是用来制造烟雾、蒸汽、火及其它大气的效果。粒子系统通过使用一或两个纹理并多次绘制它们,以创造一个混沌的效果。A Particle System included in the Standard Assets一个粒子系统包含在标准资源包中A typical Particle System in Unity is an object that contains a Particle Emitter, a Particle Animator and a Particle Renderer. The Particle Emitter generates the particles, the Particle Animator moves them over time, and the Particle Renderer draws them on the screen. If you want your particles to interact with the world, add a Particle Collider Component to the GameObject. Unity中一个典型的粒子系统是一个对象,它包含了一个粒子发射器、一个粒子动画器和一个粒子渲染器。粒子发射器产生粒子,粒子动画器则随时间移动它们,粒子渲染器将它们绘制在屏幕上。如果你想让你的粒子对世界有影响,添加一个粒子碰撞器组件到游戏对象中。Ellipsoid Particle Emitter(椭球粒子发射器)The Ellipsoid Particle Emitter spawns particles inside a sphere. Use the Ellipsoid property below to scale & stretch the sphere. 椭球粒子发射器在一个球形范围内产生大量粒子,使用Ellipsoid属性来缩放和拉伸范围。The Ellipsoid Particle Emitter Inspector椭球粒子发射器的检视视图Properties(属性)Emit 发射If enabled, the emitter will emit particles. 如果启用,发射器将发射粒子Min Size最小尺寸The minimum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned. 在产生粒子时每个粒子可以达到的最小尺寸。Max Size最大尺寸The maximum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned. 在产生粒子时每个粒子可以达到的最大尺寸。Min Energy最小活力The minimum lifetime of each particle, measured in seconds. 每个粒子的最短寿命,以秒为单位。Max Energy最大活力The maximum lifetime of each particle, measured in seconds. 每个粒子的最长寿命,以秒为单位。Min Emission最小发射The minimum number of particles that will be spawned every second. 每秒会产生的粒子的最小数目。Max Emission最大发射The maximum number of particles that will be spawned every second. 每秒会产生的粒子的最大数目。World Velocity世界速度The starting speed of particles in world space, along X, Y, and Z. 在世界空间中粒子的初始速度,沿X,Y和Z轴方向。Local Velocity相对速度The starting speed of particles along X, Y, and Z, measured in the object"s orientation. 粒子沿X,Y和Z轴方向的初始速度,以对象的定向为测量基准(意思就是粒子以某个对象为参照的相对速度)Rnd Velocity随机速度A random speed along X, Y, and Z that is added to the velocity. 沿X,Y和Z的随机的加速度Emitter Velocity Scale发射器速度比例The amount of the emitter"s speed that the particles inherit. 粒子继承的发射器速度的总和Tangent Velocity切线速度The starting speed of particles along X, Y, and Z, across the Emitter"s surface. 粒子沿X,Y和Z跨越发射器表面的初始速度Simulate In World Space模拟世界空间If enabled, the particles don"t move when the emitter moves. If false, when you move the emitter, the particles follow it around. 如果启用,发射器移动时粒子不动;如果禁用,发射器移动时,粒子则跟随在周围One Shot单次发射If enabled, the particle numbers specified by min & max emission is spawned all at once. If disabled, the particles are generated in a long stream. 如果启用,粒子数是最小和最大数目之间的一个数(?)。如果禁用,这些粒子将产生一个粒子流。Ellipsoid椭球Scale of the sphere along X, Y, and Z that the particles are spawned inside. 沿X,Y和Z产生粒子的球形范围MinEmitterRange最小发射器范围Determines an empty area in the center of the sphere - use this to make particles appear on the edge of the sphere. 在球形的中心确定一个空白区域——用此来使粒子出现在该球形的边缘Details(细节)Ellipsoid Particle Emitters (EPEs) are the basic emitter, and are included when you choose to add a Particle System to your scene from Components->Particles->Particle System. You can define the boundaries for the particles to be spawned, and give the particles an initial velocity. From here, use the Particle Animator to manipulate how your particles will change over time to achieve interesting effects. 椭球粒子发射器(EPEs)是基本的发射器,当你选择添加一个粒子系统到场景时,通过菜单Components->Particles->Particle System。你可以定义产生粒子的边界,并给出粒子的初速度。从这里,使用粒子动画器操纵你的粒子随时间实现有趣的效果。Particle Emitters work in conjunction with Particle Animators and Particle Renderers to create, manipulate, and display Particle Systems. All three Components must be present on an object before the particles will behave correctly. When particles are being emitted, all different velocities are added together to create the final velocity. 粒子发射器与粒子动画器和粒子渲染器一起工作来创建、处理和显示粒子系统。在粒子正确表现之前这三个组成部分都必须呈现在对象上。当粒子被发射,所有不同的速度相加成为最终的速度。Spawning Properties(属性)Spawning properties like Size, Energy, Emission, and Velocity will give your particle system distinct personality when trying to achieve different effects. Having a small Size could simulate fireflies or stars in the sky. A large Size could simulate dust clouds in a musky old building. 产生粒子的属性,如尺寸、活力、发射、和速度将在你试图达到不同的效果时,给你的粒子系统鲜明的个性。用一个小的尺寸可以模拟萤火虫或天空中的星星,大尺寸的可以模拟尘埃云。Energy and Emission will control how long your particles remain onscreen and how many particles can appear at any one time. For example, a rocket might have high Emission to simulate density of smoke, and high Energy to simulate the slow dispersion of smoke into the air. 活力和发射将控制你的屏幕上粒子将保留多久以及一次可以产生多少粒子。例如,火箭可能有较高的发射来模拟浓烟,较高的活力来模拟烟雾在空气中缓慢扩散。Velocity will control how your particles move. You might want to change your Velocity in scripting to achieve interesting effects, or if you want to simulate a constant effect like wind, set your X and Z Velocity to make your particles blow away. 速度将控制你的粒子如何运动。你可能希望通过脚本来改变速度以实现有趣的效果,或者如果你要模拟一个持续效果,比如风,设定你的X和Z的速度,使你的粒子被吹走。参考
2023-07-13 03:46:041

美服英雄联盟注册的问题,他老说我Passwords must match 我知道翻译是密码不匹配。怎么才可以弄?

密码要 英文+数字
2023-07-13 03:46:042


2023-07-13 03:45:571

as if虚拟语气是什么?

as if 从句用虚拟语气,当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时。从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下:1、如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。2、从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。3、从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原形”。例如:You look as if you didn"t care.你看上去好像并不在乎。He talks about Rome as if he had been there before.他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。He opened his mouth as if he would say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。as if 从句的作用:1、在look,seem等系动词后引导表语从句。She looks as if she were ten years younger.她看起来好像年轻了十岁。2、引导方式状语从句She loves the boy as if he were he father.她爱这个男孩,就好像他是她的父亲一样。
2023-07-13 03:45:561


2023-07-13 03:45:513


<TEXTAREA> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </Tr> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </Tr>这是2行2列</TEXTAREA>
2023-07-13 03:45:503


2023-07-13 03:45:504