barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-13 09:38:48

My collection

I have been collecting stamps and famous paitings for over ten years.I like stamps a lot,and from collecting stamps,I got a lot of precious knowledge.I"d like to invite you to have a look at my collection on stamps sometime.

Also I have been collecting old paitings for these years.I like chinese history best.As we

all know,China is a developing country with over five-thousand-year long history.We have

been awere of it in many ways.However,I"v learnt a lot of knowledge on chinese history from

collecting old paintings.Much money as I"v paid for old paintings,I"v been getting a lot indeed.

Collecting something in your sparetime is good hobby.We can obtain something valuable.



collectingv.收集( collect的现在分词 ); 收到; 收藏; 聚积; 例句:1.Collecting all these data demands a huge investment. 收集全部信息数据是一个巨大的投资。2.Why is apple collecting this information? 为什么苹果手机这些信息呢
2023-07-13 04:43:071


collecting[ku0259u02c8lektu026au014b] v. 收集( collect的现在分词 );收到;收藏;聚积;
2023-07-13 04:43:141


collectingv.收集( collect的现在分词 ); 收到; 收藏; 聚积; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Art collecting is a high-status activity par excellence. 艺术收集是杰出者的高品位行为。
2023-07-13 04:43:201


collecting v. 收集( collect的现在分词 );收到;收藏;聚积 [例句]I am hooked on collecting clocks.我迷上了收集时钟。同学你好有帮助请点好评或者采纳祝你新的一学期学习进步!
2023-07-13 04:43:461

collect collection collecting 的用法与区别

2023-07-13 04:43:543


第一个表示所有格,意思是“的”, 第二个,collect是动词形式,本题要表达的是名词含义,collect后加ing在这里表名词形式, 第三个,收集邮票的话肯定不止收集一枚,所以是复数形式,要加s
2023-07-13 04:44:011

collect的意思 collect是什么意思

1、collect的意思:v.收集; 采集; 收藏; 搜集; 聚集; 集合; 汇集; 聚积; 领取; 募捐; 收(欠款); 收到;adj.由受话人付费的;n.短祷;2、collect的读音:英[k??lekt]美[k??lekt]3、[例句]This data was collected from 69 countries.这资料是从69个国家收集来的。4、第三人称单数:collects 现在分词:collecting 过去式:collected 过去分词:collected
2023-07-13 04:44:081

collecting collect collector collection的用法和区别

collecting 收集 动词进行时 BE+V ING 表示正在干什么 collect 收集 动词一般时 做谓语 S +V+O 什么干什么 没有时间感觉 collector 收藏家 名词 用法不用说了吧 做主语或者宾语 collection 收藏 名词 也是 做主语或者宾语 ----- 你走错地方了 这里是美容区
2023-07-13 04:44:261


  collect表收集; 收藏 ; 接走的意思,那么你知道collect的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了collect的短语搭配,希望能够帮助到大家。    collect的短语    collect up(v.+adv.)   把(某物)归拢在一起 put sth together   We collected up our fishing tackle and left for home.我们收拾起渔具动身回家。    collect from(v.+prep.)   从u2026领取; 接走 get sth; meet sb   He collected the children from school.他接孩子们放学。    collect for(v.+prep.)   为u2026募集钱 raise money for   I"m collecting for the Red Cross, please give generously.我在为红十字协会募捐,请慷慨解囊。    collect相关 同义词 辨析   accumulate, amass, collect, gather, heap, pile   这些动词均含"积聚,聚集,积累"之意。   accumulate :几乎可用于指任何事物量的增加,侧重连续不断地,一点一滴地聚积。   amass :着重大量地积聚,尤指对如金钱、珠宝等有价值东西的大量积聚。   collect :普通用词,多用于指物,侧重指有区别地作选择或有安排有计划地把零散物集中起来。   gather :普通用词,指人或物或抽象事物都可用。侧重于围绕一个中心的集合、聚集。   heap :主要指把沙、石、煤、草等堆高,不强调整齐。   pile :着重指比较整齐地把东西堆积在一起。   gather, collect, assemble   这组动词均可表示"集中,归拢"之意。   gather : 换用,但多强调按照一定目的或计划进行有选择的收集。   assemble与collect相比更为突出聚集或收集的目的。    collect的短语例句   1. Methane gas does collect in the mines around here.   周围的矿井里的确有沼气聚积。   2. He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his thoughts.   他很庆幸有机会放松放松,整理一下自己的思绪。   3. Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.   和望远镜一样,它有一个曲面镜可以积聚阳光。   4. It"s amazing how people collect so much stuff over the years.   人们竟然日积月累地收集了这么多东西,真令人惊叹。   5. Should you lose your ticket call collect on STA"s helpline.   若遗失机票,请拨打STA的免费求助热线。   6. Rest assured, if you owe taxes, we will collect them.   不用多想,如果你欠税,我们会去收的。   7. She received a collect phone call from Alaska.   她接到一个从阿拉斯加打来的付费电话。   8. She paused for a moment to collect herself.   她停了一会儿,让自己镇定下来。   9. Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms.   贝扎尼奇正在 潜水 采集海洋生物。   10. I used to collect stamps.   我曾经集过邮。   11. Would you go and collect up the dishes?   你能去收拾一下碗筷吗?   12. I have come to collect my winnings.   我来领我赢的钱。   13. Collect the books and put them in a pile on my desk.   把书收起来放在我的桌子上.   14. He gave me not even a moment to collect my thoughts.   他根本没给我一点时间让我思考.   15. I"ll send my boy round to collect the book.   我将派儿子去取书. 猜你喜欢: 1. college的同义词 2. kind的同义词 3. get的同义词 4. also的同义词 5. come的同义词 6. go的常见短语
2023-07-13 04:44:331

收集邮票 用英语说是collect stamps 还是 collecting stamps,哪个更准确?

2023-07-13 04:45:372

收集邮票 用英语说是collect stamps 还是 collecting stamps,哪个更准确?

亲~~~给个条件或是语境啥的吧?I like to collect stampsI like collecting stamps这个加不加ing不是短语本身的问题哦
2023-07-13 04:46:123


动名词做主 表示常做这类 有那个习惯。有那种爱好。
2023-07-13 04:46:202


2023-07-13 04:46:271


ing tea sets is just as enjoyab
2023-07-13 04:46:353

His hobby is collecting stamps.collecting为什么不是定语?

2023-07-13 04:46:433

collecting data是什么意思

collecting data [词典] [经] 收集资料,收集数据; [例句]The result shows that realtime of collecting data and controlling device has been improved.结果表明,系统采集数据和控制设备的实时性得到了很大提高。
2023-07-13 04:47:021


1 定语2 what was not enough 是完整的 he thought是插入语你再加个what是什么意思 多余要从整体上把如句子,一下子觉得句子不顺,就找找主谓宾 把问句变成陈述句看看
2023-07-13 04:47:113


Sandrine Bieil was more than the kee
2023-07-13 04:47:182


1collecting2watches3have/am having4listens/plays4washes5 is watching6having/want8 does / spend
2023-07-13 04:47:284


“Collect”是一个常用的英语单词,作为动词,它有很多用法,表示收集、收取、聚集等含义,一般常用于日常生活、商业和办公场合中。下面我们来了解一下其常见的用法和搭配。邮票收藏1. Collect sth./sb. (收集某物/某人)例如:I like to collect antique coins.(我喜欢收集古钱币。)The postman is coming to collect the letters.(邮递员要来收信了。)2. Collect information/data/facts(收集信息/数据/事实)例如:We need to collect as much information as possible before we make a decision.(在做出决定之前,我们需要收集尽可能多的信息。)The company is collecting data on consumer preferences.(公司正在收集消费者偏好数据。)3. Collect money/payment(收取钱款/付款)例如:Please collect the cash from the customer.(请从客户处收取现金。)I will collect the payment from you tomorrow.(我明天会跟你收款。)4. Collect oneself/one"s thoughts(冷静、沉着下来)例如:I need to collect myself before I give the presentation.(我需要冷静下来,在做演示前整理一下自己的思路。)5. Collect call(对方付费电话)例如:I received a collect call from my friend who was traveling abroad.(我接到了一个好友的对方付费电话,他正在国外旅行。)
2023-07-13 04:47:351

英语中动词collect位于句首+ing就表示一种抽象的了 Collecting stamps is a good hobby。

动名词作主语 谓语动词用单数
2023-07-13 04:47:574

win7 64位开机蓝屏显示collecting data for crash dump

win7 64位开机蓝屏的原因1 硬盘故障检测下硬盘2 主板上是否有零件烧毁、鼓包、漏液等3 内存是否松动或灰多,擦拭内存条、清洁下内存金手指,重新装回去4 主板散热不良 注意散热5 电脑中毒或木马 用腾讯电脑管家查杀病毒
2023-07-13 04:48:0710

stamp collecting与collecting stamps的区别,什么时候用前者什么时候用后者

stamp collecting,可以直接做主语,stamp collecting is my hobby;后一个必须有一个动词带着才行,i like collecting stamps。
2023-07-13 04:49:362


2023-07-13 04:49:431


2023-07-13 04:49:501

There is a truck ____(collect)rubbish at eight inthe morning outside the house

2023-07-13 04:50:015


  集邮爱好者收藏到特别漂亮特别可爱的邮票时,一定会很开心很兴奋吧。下面我为大家带来集邮的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   集邮的英语意思   stamp collecting   集邮的英语例句   我爱好集邮。   My hobby is stamp-collecting/collecting stamps.   约翰已经著手集邮,好像真入迷了。   John"s taken up stamp-collecting; he seems really bitten by it.   我特别喜爱集邮。   Stamp collecting holds a certain fascination for me.   汤姆还在集邮呢,还是热劲已过?   Will Tom continue to collect stamps or is it only a passing fad?   我发现了集邮的乐趣。   I find amusement in collecting stamps.   我对集邮产生的兴趣是从学生时代就开始了。   My interest in stamp collecting dates back to my schooldays.   我特别喜爱集邮。   Stamp collecting holds a certain fascination for me.   比如ebay这样的网站就可以使人们继续自己收集硬币或集邮的嗜好。   Websites such as ebay let them pursue hobbies such as coin or stamp collecting.   他在集邮上花了许多时间和金钱。   He spent much time and money on stamp collecting.   集邮的双语例句   1. Please don"t stick the stamp on; I like to collect them.   请不要帖上这些邮票, 我要集邮的.   2. She has been collecting stamps since she was a child.   她从小起就一直在集邮.   3. I need one more stamp before my collection is completed.   再有一张邮票,我这套集邮就完备了.   4. He occupied himself in collecting stamps.   他忙于集邮.   5. Stamp collecting and coin collecting are parallel hobbies.   集邮和收藏硬币是相似的爱好.   6. Collecting stamps is a good fad.   集邮是一种好的业余消遣.   7. I see her put stamps in an album.   我看见她在把邮票放进集邮本去。   8. He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection.   他从集邮中得到极大的满足。   9. Where did you learn to collect stamps?   你在哪里学集邮的?   10. My hobby is collecting stamps. Do you have a hobby?   我爱好集邮, 你有爱好 吗 ?   11. Don"t you have any hobbies, like stamp collecting or things like that?   你有什么爱好 吗 ?像集邮之类的爱好?   12. He is a policeman, but his hobby is collecting stamps.   他是个警察, 但是他的业余爱好是集邮.   13. John"s taken up stamp - collecting; he seems really bitten by it.   约翰已经着手集邮, 好像真入迷了.   14. He collects stamps and has a very good collection.   他集邮,他收藏的邮票很精彩.   15. The children spent a rainy morning sticking stamps in their albums.   下雨天孩子们花了整个上午把邮票贴在集邮簿上.
2023-07-13 04:50:161

电脑蓝屏显示:collecting data for crash dump 怎么处理啊,求高手帮忙解决!

2023-07-13 04:50:356

Her hobby is collecting stamps.为什么collect加ing

因为collect是动词,动词不能作宾语. 加ing变成collecting后成为动名词,名词可以作宾语.
2023-07-13 04:51:201


collect是延续性动词…… 不知道为什么有人觉得它不是…… 延续性动词的标识就是 能否构成 进行时 而 collect 可以…… 现在完成时可以说 i am collecting a collection…… 完成进行时可以说 i have been collecting stamps since i was 9…… 我还真是不会造句子呢……
2023-07-13 04:51:261

改错 要看仔细哦 谢谢 请快给我答复

1. All the wokers are very exciting. ( exciting 改为 excited )2.---Would you like any bread?---Yes,I"d like to.( any 改为 some )3.How much apples are there? ( much 改为 many )4.---Do you like collect stamps? ---No,I don"t.( collect 改为 collecting )5.I am planned for my study now. ( planned 改为 planning )6.Today is the there day of school. ( three 改为 third )7.Ben and Jim usually goes home together.( goes 改为 go )8.We are now lived in China.( lived 改为 living )9.Whose ruler is brown,yours or me?( me 改为 mine )10.My birthday is coming. Let"s has a party. ( has 改为 have )
2023-07-13 04:51:3510

集邮 的英文

collect stamps
2023-07-13 04:51:573

Collecting stamps还是Collect stamps

collect是动词,书面一点的回答,I 作为主语,那就用collect,毕竟作为一般的爱好,用一般现在时是很好的表达的,而且collect这个词用进行时来表示不是很好的,毕竟不是一个具体的动作。当然了,作为和其他动词连用,比如说,like,有like doing sth ,那就需要使用collecting了。
2023-07-13 04:52:061


这是动名词做主语,也就是把collect stamps这个动作名词化,所以用ing形式
2023-07-13 04:52:162

Wecancollectalmosteverything,such as ___(collect)

collecting, We can collect almost everything, such as "collecting" stamps and postcards.
2023-07-13 04:52:244

请帮忙回答这4词组的是否正确 Collecting data Data collection Data collecting Collection data 谢谢

前三个都正确,第4个不对,没有这种用法。前三个都表示“数据采集”的意思。collecting data是一个动作,一个动词词组,重点在collect这个动作上,也是collect data的现在进行时,翻译过来是“采集数据”data collection是名词词组,表示“数据采集”这一行为data collecting也有名词的用法,但是-ing形式更多的还是做定语,后面接名词,表示"用来进行数据采集/收集/录入...(不同搭配有不同中文翻译习惯)的XX",比如:data collecting system 翻译过来就是“数据采集系统”;data collecting platform 数据录入平台
2023-07-13 04:52:321


  1、老机器:录像机菜单右下角有个小钥匙一样的图标,弹出对话框,在密码框内输入wsadws,点确定即恢复默认密码。   2、新机器:进入登陆界面   用户名:admin :密码:ttvvtthuanyuan 登录,会继续出现登录窗口,用出厂默认的用户名和密码就可以登录(默认用户名:admin,密码:123456)。
2023-07-13 04:49:221


2023-07-13 04:49:225


星期一到星期日的英文写法,英语里一周是从星期天开始的,所以顺序如下:星期天 Sunday星期一 Monday星期二 Tuesday星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday星期五 Friday星期六 Saturday
2023-07-13 04:49:226


2023-07-13 04:49:231

The Great Wall( )all over the world

选C, 长城闻名于世
2023-07-13 04:49:264


  所谓“感”,可以是从作品中领悟出来的道理或精湛的思想,可以是受作品中的内容启发而引起的`思考与联想,我收集了卑鄙的我英语观后感,欢迎阅读。   卑鄙的我英语观后感【一】   Love makes a man   A film review from Despicable Me   Honestly, When I want to write a review. Many films occur to me, but I choose this one, because it is full of love.   Really like this kind of film. Just like Toy Story etc. Those films from Disney or Dream Works, can tell you something, which can make you feel warm.   Why I like this film? Maybe the fanny story, the lovely characters, the fascinating imagines. But what gives me most impression is the love among the film.   "Despicable Me” begins with the truth that villains are often more fascinating than heroes. Gru, who freeze-dries the people who are ahead of him in line at Starbucks and pops children"s balloons. He is totally a bad man, without love, sympathy. He even plans the biggest heist in the history of the world. Steal the moon. Make him to be the greatest thief.   When three little orphaned girls (Margo, Edith and Agnes) appear, the condition totally changed. A thief changes to a Dad.   What"s the power making this? I think is the lovely smile, the naive expression in their eyes, and the baby heart.   No one was created as bad man. When the right people appear in you life, the change just happen. No matter how bad our past is we can still live a good life if we choose to.   Among the funny plot, we were told the principle. Love can make a man a true man. Love can give a man soul.   So as an end, I encourage everyone to watch the film if you haven"t watched it.   卑鄙的我英语观后感【二】   I always particularly like cartoons, and Despicable me this film is my favorite, which give me deep feeling.    "Despicable Me" the plot of the film is very simple, but such a full of sympathy even strange name obviously not for a child"s "health" teaching material, in fact "Despicable Me", the movie name used in this film is a thought-provoking.The movie is actually from the perspective of a child"s, to look at a "despicable" self-redemption history of adult animation package of fun and entertainment narrative to show us every aspect of capitalist society.   Gru grew up as a "dreamer", to create many inventions, but never without the mother"s attention, so like all rebellious teenagers who are choosing an opposite road of growth. He became a thief, is still a dreamer, the thief must be done best. When he heard that the Pyramids were stolen, he began plans to steal the moon. The first step, of course, is the first stolen shrink gun, so as to moon back to Earth, unfortunately narrow the gun was a new rise of the thief stole Victor.   After a few times of the frustrated confrontation, the Gru choose a clever way; from the adoption of three lovely girls, so that they sell things to Victor, to take arms to regain the hands. In the development of rockets to heaven, many warm pictures, such as the beginning of three cute little girls require Gru sleep storytelling before, due to bad childhood experiences, open their cage set , refused to give them to tell stories. Time to spend longer, Gru gradually open the heart, first accompanied them to the amusement park, roller coaster, and no one think of this evil thief wet nurse, actually scared faint. Followed by three girls playing in the playground UFO game, manager shamelessly Gru cute come up with a genuine firearms, flying saucer machine smash. Then, before going to bed three girls began to talk about the fairy tale of "three cats", the next day to find the story, also wrote one.   Finally to ascend heaven, while three girls dance performances, while achieving the ambitious plans of their own Mission, Gru is a bit hesitant, so many days to get along, he will also own the melting glaciers, and always broke. Successfully stolen the moon on the way back, Victor kidnapped three girls, thought this was an uphill battle, but it do not, Gru will be three from the air to catch the girl, while Victor shrink gun drug effectiveness, the moon larger, bursting spacecraft ...   Gru has done what he can not do; he was changed by the children. Due to this change, he knows how to treasure and understand love. The best thing is just like that. Perhaps the whole family together to watch the moon seems to be happier, rather than the moon stole in this moment, he knows how to do a better father.   Successful elements of the film, such as inside the lovely yellow capsule robot (animation), for example, frequently burst of humor, such as touching scene, but I think it is not the main reason for the success of the film. This is just a simple story, like "three cats" as a simple fairy tales, bad guys getting better, and resort to corrupt people to save the good. The story is very successful, like all the fairy tales.   In fact, we all love fairy tales, just forget it when we grown up. Gru stole the moon; I"d believe that is given to the three little girls as a gift.   It is because of this fairy-tale story, I love this movie, and I learned a lot.
2023-07-13 04:49:301


北方民族大学是一本大学,该校是一所综合性民族类普通高等院校,是我国唯一一所建立在民族自治区的部委高校。北方民族大学在宁夏既有第一批次招生也有第二批次招生,只有部分专业在第一批次招生,我们通常认为北方民族大学是二本大学。如果你不是宁夏考生,北方民族大学在你所在的省份是本科一批招生的话,你也可以说北方民族大学是一本大学。【北方民族大学简介】北方民族大学坐落在宁夏回族自治区银川市,直属于国家民族事务委员会,是一所综合性民族类普通高等院校,是中国唯一一所建立在少数民族自治区的部委高校。【学校特色】交通很便利,出门就有102(银川市常去地方它都能到,可谓神级车),还有18路,还有旅游专线,最主要的是出租车很方便,校门口经常等着一堆。环境和学校治安很好 ,在宁夏算得上第一,少数民族不是很多,主要是全国各地的人。在西北是少有的绿化校园。虽学校的文史类专业比较强,最大的学院是商学院和法学院。此外,艺术类的专业很有特色,比较有前途。学校的活动太多太多了,简直是活动高校,特别是商学院。
2023-07-13 04:49:311

英语里的the Great Wall和the Ming Great Wall有什么区别联系?

the great wall 泛指长城,也就是一般意义上的长城,一般是指的现存的清长城.而the ming great wall一般特指明长城.清长城是在明长城的基础之上翻新加固的,但有些地方的明长城已成遗址或已经不复存在,取而代之的则是清...
2023-07-13 04:49:171


蝇粪点玉yíngfèn-diǎnyù  [minorerror]蝇粪.蝇头微利yíngtóu-wēilì  [pettyprofit]蝇头,所谓蝇粪点玉是也,像狗那样苟且偷生不知羞耻1、过失。比喻细微的过错就能有损于人  青蝇粪尤能败物:苍蝇的头,蝇头微利.蝇营狗苟yíngyíng-gǒugǒu  [shamelesslyseekpersonalgain]像苍蝇那样飞来飞去地逐食腐物:比喻微小缺点。——宋·苏轼《满庭芳》3,虽玉犹不免。比喻有些人像苍蝇和狗那样为了一己私利而到处投机取巧  蝇营狗苟。比喻极小的利益  蜗角虚名。——宋·陆佃《埤雅》2,驱去复还
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2023-07-13 04:49:121


Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely So many words for the broken heart It"s hard to see in a crimson love So hard to breathe Walk with me,and maybe Night of light so soon become Wlid and free I could feel the sun Your every wish will be done They tell me Show me the meaning of being lonely Chorus: Is this the feeling I need to walk with Tell me why I can"t be there where you are There"s something missing in my heart Life goes on as it never ends Eyes of stone observe the trends They never say forever gaze,if only Guilty roads ti an endless love There"s no control Are you with me now You every wish will be done They tell me There"s nowhere to run I have no place to go Surrender my heart,body and soul How can it be you"re asking me to feel the things you never show You are missing in my heart Tell me why I can"t be there where you are
2023-07-13 04:49:123

The Great Wall长城为什么要加the

2023-07-13 04:49:091


第一步,看头尾。MADE IN CHINA 头「M」,尾「A」「M」最左和「U」中间在一条线上「A」最右和「N」中间在一条线上。第二步,看尺码。US、UK下是个位数,或带分数个位数的数字与「U」右对齐分数?和「S」或「K」右对齐详解分数线和十位数大尺码请跟着我装逼的步伐往下拉。第三步,分数线。网上找的图,侵删。因为我脚下那双只有一个分数,不好做对比。可以看到图中有?和?两个分数,这里厉害了,有学问的。 ?的分数线「/」比较短,而?分数线「/」则比较长,如图,灰色的是基准线,很明显。而且分数线的数字紧挨分数线,字体粗糙的时候看起来像挨着了。鞋标虽小,但假标会假的很离谱,后面会说。第四步,基本信息。仿鞋最做不好的地方就是这里,仔细看。当一行字符里同时有字母和数字时,数字会比字母矮一个线宽。线宽晓得伐?(不是字宽,注意!)如第一行 的「CLU 60001」,其中「60001」就比「CLU」矮一截(那为什么「01/16」不矮呢,大屁眼子!)是因为「01/16」是日期,当官的特殊待遇第二行的「AQ6761」,这是货号,其中「6761」就比「AQ」矮一截第四行的「NFVQRPW00289」,这是鞋子的ID,左右脚应是不一样的,如果相同,为假货。其中「00289」就比「NFVQRPW」矮一截红色字体标出来的就是数字,矮一截,一个线宽第五步,ID不相同。上面说到了左右脚的标(还是讲讲吧,左右脚都有标,看哪个都行,建议都看),最下面那行是鞋子的ID,左右脚是不同的,如我这双pureboost左右分别是「NFVQVRPW00757」「NFVQVRPW00289」前面是相同的,只有后面数字不同,有些鞋标前面就有数字的,道理一样,不多赘述。扩展资料:阿迪达斯旗下品牌1、阿迪达斯经典三叶草(adidas classic三叶草)三叶草从1972年开始成为阿迪达斯的标志,当时所有阿迪达斯产品都使用这一标志。三叶草的形状如同地球立体三维的平面展开,很像一张世界地图,它象征着三条纹延伸至全世界。但从1996年开始,三叶草标志被专门使用于经典系列Original产品。经典系列是选择阿迪达斯历史上最好的产品作为蓝本,在对其面料和款式进行略微修改之后重新发布的。整个系列更趋时尚化,产品包括鞋、服装及包袋等附件。2、复古系列Adicolor阿迪达斯的复古产品系列,adicolor系列于1983年首次发布时,每双鞋都附有一套6种不同颜色的彩色水笔,以帮助人们在纯白色的鞋款上实现无拘无束的创作,创作出一双专署的个性球鞋。这在当时造成极大震动和反响,也成为个人化概念始祖(Customization).阿迪达斯将再推出这个系列产品,在adicolor 2006白色系列中不仅拥有许多adidas Originals旗下的标志性的经典款式,还配有各种不同的个性化演绎工具, 从水彩笔到喷漆罐到各色鞋带和可换式三条,这使得每位消费者都能充分发挥个人创意, 创造出拥有个人风格的产品。3、adidasY-3Y-3,这个由世界顶级设计师山本耀司(YohjiYamamoto)担任创意总监与adidas合作的全新品牌正式于2006年春夏进入中国。品牌的Y代表“YohjiYamamoto”,而3则代表adidas三条线的logo。创意总监山本耀司将其个人品牌的简洁、极具设计感的风格融入于Y-3,完美地给我们展现一个高档时尚的运动品牌形象。朴实和冷静是Y-3的基本形象概念。Y-3的时尚本质是运动的,从品牌上市后引起的全球抢购盛况。被誉为"黑色魔法师"的山本耀司使传统运动品牌adidas赫然跃上了Fashion的版面,运动装从此也登上大雅之堂。这一季,在舞蹈潮流的影响下,山本耀司与阿迪达斯总部品牌设计总监MichealMichalsky合力推出了一组独特的Y-3设计新款。从纽约的迪斯科到优雅的阿根廷探戈,Y-3以它特殊的理念将服装,鞋类和饰品,做了全新的阐释。4、山本耀司最著名的当然是Y-3,这个由世界顶级设计师山本耀司(YohjiYamamoto)担任创意总监与adidas合作的全新品牌正式于2006春夏进入中国。品牌的Y代表YohjiYamamoto,而3则代表adidas三条线的logo。创意总监山本耀司将其个人品牌的简洁、极具设计感的风格融入Y-3,完美地给我们展现一个高档时尚的运动品牌形象。朴实与冷静是Y-3的基本形象概念。Y-3的时尚本质是运动,从品牌上市后引起的全球抢购。5、F50 adiZero2010年5月11日,阿迪达斯正式对外发布“史上最轻”的足球战靴—F50 adiZero。结合尖端科技与出众设计全新打造的F50 adiZero仅重165克,是迄今为止最轻、最快的足球战靴。2009年世界足球先生梅西与2008年欧洲杯金靴奖得主比利亚出席了在西班牙加泰罗尼亚F1赛道举行的发布活动。资料链接:百度百科--阿迪达斯
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