barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-13 10:05:00
TAG: 英语 翻译

1. 我和玛丽经常有分歧,但我们仍是好朋友。(disagree)

May and I always disagree with eachother, but we are still good friends.

2. 语言学习是一种主动的学习。学习者应该利用一切机会运用语言。

Language study is an iterative learning process, learners should take all the oppotunities to use the language.

3. 学习语言应该主动地、独立地、有目的地学。

learning a language should be initiative, independent and purposeful.

4. 船长为船员和旅客的安全负责。(care for)

The captain cares for safety of crew and passengers.

5. 他虽受人尊敬,但并不被人喜爱。(while)

While he is respected, he is not liked.

6. 她把窗户打开为的是通通风。(in order to)

She opens the window in order to ventilate.

7. 我们一直认为它是世界上最繁忙的城市之一。(think of。。。as)

We always think of it as one of the busiest cities.

8. 据报道,在那个地区发现了一个金矿。(It is reported that。。。)

it is reported that a gold mine has been found in that area.

9. 每一位学生都渴望学好英语。(be eager to)

Every student is eager to learn English well.

10. 学生应该集中精力学习。(focus)

students should focus on studying.

11. 汽车司机应该对乘客的安全负责。(be responsible for)

Car drivers shouhld be responsible for safty of passengers.

12. 这些夜校课程读完可获得学位。(lead to)

These evening courses lead to achive a degree certificate.

13. 通过大学英语四级考试的关键是相信努力学习将起重要作用。(key,make a difference)

Believing studying hard makes diffence is the key to pass college English test band 4.

14. 晨练有益于身体健康。(do good)

Morning exercise does good to health.

15. 大明湖风景如画,美不胜言。(beyond)

The beauty of DaMing lake view is beyond a word.

16. 我觉得很难理解她。(find)

I find that it"s hard to understand her.

17. 美国有份工作要聘请我去做。(offer)

There is a job offer for me in the USA.

18. 我们班同学的年龄从18岁到20岁不等。(vary from。。。to。。。)

the ages of my classmates are vary from 18 to 20.

19. 考试的成功主要取决于学习努力的程度。(depend on)

the success of exam depends on how hard studing.

20. 依我看来,我们最好课后处理这个问题。(in one"s opinion,deal with)

In my opinion, we should better deal with this after class.

21. 老师讲得很多阅读技巧也适用于英语学习。(apply to)

Many reading techeniques from the teacher can be applied to English studying.

22. 没有父母的帮助我可以照顾自己。(without,take care of)

Without my parents" help, iI can take care of myself.

23. 在美国,年轻人好像有很多自由,可以决定并去做他们想做的事。(whatclause)

In America, young people have lots of freedom, they can decide and do whatever they want.


24. 如果他们双方愿意,他们就愿意与对方结婚。(pleased,be willing to)

If they were pleased eachother, they would be willing to get married.




apply to








































1. I and Mary often have differences, but we still are good friends. (Disagree)

2. Language Learning is a pro-active learning. Learners should use every opportunity to use language.

3. Should take the initiative to learn the language, independent and purposeful learning.

4. The captain for the crew and passengers safety. (care for)

5. He was respected but not popular. (While)

6. She opened the window for ventilation of the pass. (In order to)

7. We have always maintained that it is the world"s busiest cities. (Think of... As)

8. It is reported that in the area discovered a gold mine. (It is reported that...)

9. Every student is eager to learn English well. (Be eager to)

10. Students should concentrate on learning. (Focus)

11. Motor vehicle drivers should be responsible for the safety of passengers. (Be responsible for)

12. These will be evening classes to finish a degree. (Lead to)

13. 4 through the College English Test, the key is to believe that the efforts to play an important role in learning. (Key, make a difference)

14. Morning exercises beneficial to good health. (Do good)

15. Picturesque Grand Lake, the United States be made. (Beyond)

16. I find it hard to understand her. (Find)

17. The United States who want to hire me to do the work. (Offer)

18. We are students of the age classes from 18 to 20 years. (Vary from... To...)

19. Examination of the success depends largely on the extent of learning efforts. (Depend on)

20. It seems to me that after we had better deal with the problem. (In one"s opinion, deal with)

21. Teachers put a lot of reading skills also apply to the learning of English. (Apply to)

22. Without parental help, I can take care of themselves. (Without, take care of)

23. In the United States, it seems there are many young people the freedom to decide and do they want to do. (Whatclause)

24. If they both are willing, they are willing to get married with each other. (Pleased, be willing to)


Mary and I often differ, but we are still good friends. (disagree)

2. Language learning is an active learning. Learners should look for every chance to use the language.

3. Language learning should be actively, independently and purposefully.

4 the captain for the crew and is responsible for the passengers" safety. (for) care,

5. He is respected, but not be loved. (the)

And she opened the window in order to air. (a high-quality)

7. We always think it is one of the world"s busiest of the city. (think of as).

8 reported, found in that area is a gold mine. (It is) in.

9. Each student is eager to learn English well. (no more eager).

The students should concentrate on learning. (today),

11. Bus driver should be responsible for the passengers" safety. Responsibility for ensuring (),

12 the evening courses can get a degree. (should)

13. Through the college English test band 4 is a key to study hard will play an important role. (on) a.

14 exercise is good for your health. (do good)

15, da Ming lake picturesque beauty be silent. (beyond)

16. I feel it very difficult to understand her. (about)

But America will hire me a job to do. (offer)

18 we classmates ages 18 to 20 years. Earlier (PPC)......

The exam"s success depends mainly on studying hard. (for)

20. In my opinion, after we"d better to deal with this problem. One "s (in) their opinion,

21. The teacher spoke many reading skills applies to learning English. (the) apply to sb.

22 no parents help I can take care of myself. Without (will) care,

23. In the United States, young people seem to have a lot of freedom, can decide to do what they wanted to do. (whatclause)

24 if they want, they wanted to marry. Pleased (category),

Questioner: owl 112 - probation level


1.Mary and I often differ, but we are still good friends. (disagree)

2. Language learning is an active learning. Learners should look for every chance to use the language.

3. Language learning should be actively, independently and purposefully.

4 the captain for the crew and is responsible for the passengers" safety. (for) care,

5. He is respected, but not be loved. (the)

And she opened the window in order to air. (a high-quality)

7. We always think it is one of the world"s busiest of the city. (think of as).

8 reported, found in that area is a gold mine. (It is) in.

9. Each student is eager to learn English well. (no more eager).

The students should concentrate on learning. (today),

11. Bus driver should be responsible for the passengers" safety. Responsibility for ensuring (),

12 the evening courses can get a degree. (should)

13. Through the college English test band 4 is a key to study hard will play an important role. (on) a.

14 exercise is good for your health. (do good)

15, da Ming lake picturesque beauty be silent. (beyond)

16. I feel it very difficult to understand her. (about)

But America will hire me a job to do. (offer)

18 we classmates ages 18 to 20 years. Earlier (PPC)......

The exam"s success depends mainly on studying hard. (for)

20. In my opinion, after we"d better to deal with this problem. One "s (in) their opinion,

21. The teacher spoke many reading skills applies to learning English. (the) apply to sb.

22 no parents help I can take care of myself. Without (will) care,

23. In the United States, young people seem to have a lot of freedom, can decide to do what they wanted to do. (whatclause)

24 if they want, they wanted to marry. Pleased (category),



2023-07-13 05:47:561

请问apply to和apply for的区别是什么? 比如:“申请学校”用什么?“申请一份工作”用什么?

申请用apply forapply to指的是试用于什么东西
2023-07-13 05:48:054

apply sth. to sb.什么意思

2023-07-13 05:48:564

apply to和suitable for的区别

适用于:Britain had maintained that human rights laws did not apply to its troops based outside Europe.英国坚持称,人权法并不适用欧洲以外的军队。适合:Packing in cardboard box with a little bit of flower designs is suitable for display in supermarkets.带一点花卉图案的硬纸盒包装适合在超级市场上展销。
2023-07-13 05:49:042

apply to是介词吗

是介词,但是它是一个固定搭配,apply sth to do.
2023-07-13 05:49:111

apply to与adapt to 的区别

adapt是更新,改编,适应的意思,有adapt to,apply则指运用或者申请,apply to sb for sth向某人申请某物,apply A to B把A运用到B中去
2023-07-13 05:49:191

I apply to get into your life翻译成中文是什么意思?

2023-07-13 05:49:399

apply to 有没有被动语态

2023-07-13 05:50:032

这款软件只适用于苹果手机。用英语怎么说(apply to)?

This software applies to iPhones Only.
2023-07-13 05:50:111

apply to sb for sth是什么意思

apply to sb for sth意思:适用于某人
2023-07-13 05:50:192

apply to / for / in ... 哪个适用于这个句子?

into 或是 to
2023-07-13 05:50:273

apply in apply to 一样吗

apply in apply to申请申请意思一样我是来自于“百度资源共享”芝麻团的团长:善良的我啊你答案满意请采纳谢谢思密达
2023-07-13 05:50:361

applytoclose 什么意思

apply to close申请关闭
2023-07-13 05:50:444

apply to do用法

apply to do网络释义apply to do:申请去做…
2023-07-13 05:50:555

apply sth to do还是 doing?

2023-07-13 05:51:244

I would like to apply for to your school这句话有语病吗?

有问题。l would like to apply to your school for a position.
2023-07-13 05:51:324

请问可以说apply to do 吗

2023-07-13 05:51:391

be apply to sth什么意思

2023-07-13 05:52:144

物流!!!for delivery please apply to

向“……”申请其实你看到的这句话,应该是在提单上目的港代理的位置,实际意思是,收货人应持此提单跟XXX联系,这个XXX就是APPLY TO的那个,就是换单代理
2023-07-13 05:52:231

Please apply to the secretary for information.如何翻译?

2023-07-13 05:52:347


2023-07-13 05:53:241


2023-07-13 05:53:381


2023-07-13 05:53:461


2023-07-13 05:53:541

apply to和apply to在意思上有什么不同?

2023-07-13 05:54:291

apply for;apply to;apply at 有什么区别

apply for 一个职位apply to 适用于 The discount apply to everyone. 折扣任何人都适用apply at somewhere 在某处申请You can apply work permit in Labor Bureau. 你可以在劳工局申请工作许可
2023-07-13 05:57:231

apple to同义词

你说的是不是 apply to 适用于;应用于apply to 1. 把…涂于,敷于,搽于,施于(表面),给…涂(或敷)上: 例句: to apply to a surface在面上涂漆 to apply ointment to a rash在出疹子的部位涂油膏 2. 使接触,使靠近: 例句: to apply a match to a firework用火柴点花炮 3. 向…正式申请;向…要求: 例句: The captain applied to headquarters for a transfer.上尉向司令部请求调动。 to apply to the directors for an increase in pay向董事会要求增加工资 4. 适用于;与…有关: 例句: These regulations apply to everyone, without exception.这些规章对谁都适用,没有例外。 5. 把…应用于;把(能力等)用于: 例句: Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial and agricultural production methods.科学发现常被应用于工农业生产方法上。 6. 致力于,专心致志于: 例句: to apply one"s mind (或oneself) to economic work致力于经济工作 to apply oneself perseveringly to the task of锲而不舍地致力于…工作 7. 找…联系,接洽: 例句: For further information, apply to the secretary of the company.欲知详情,找公司秘书处联系。 8. 用…点(火): 例句: to apply a match to gun powder用火柴点火药
2023-07-13 05:57:421


  1、be used to doing,译为习惯于。   2、object to,译为反对。   3、devote oneself to,译为致力于。   4、stick to,译为坚持。   5、pay attention to,译为注意。   6、respond to,译为回答。   7、look forward to,译为期盼。   8、see to,译为照料。   9、contribute to,译为帮助。   10、submit to,译为服从。   11、adapt to,译为适应。   12、apply to,译为运用。   13、accede to,译为同意、就任。   14、prefer to,译为倾向于。   15、adjust to,译为使自己适应于。   16、owe to,译为归咎于。   17、react to,译为作出反应。   18、access to,译为接近、进入、通路。   19、according to,译为按照、依照。
2023-07-13 05:57:491

apply to后面加动词的原形还是进行时

2023-07-13 05:57:571

apply to后加V-ing还是动词原形

及物动词 vt. 1. 涂,敷;将...铺在表面[(+to)]The nurse applied the ointment to the wound. 护士把药膏敷到伤口上。 2. 应用;实施[(+to)]We should apply both theories in the language classroom. 我们应把两种理论都运用到语言教室中去。 3. 使起作用;使适用[W][(+to)]This rule can not be applied to every case. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用的。 4. 把...用(于)[(+to)] 5. (后常接oneself)使致力(于),使专心从事[(+to)]He applied himself to learning French. 他致力于学习法语。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 申请,请求[(+for/to)][+to-v]He has applied for a post in England. 他已申请在英国供职。 2. 起作用;适用[W][(+to)] 3. 专心致志 4. 有关系,相关联[W][(+to)]
2023-07-13 05:58:051

apply... to...翻译

你好!apply... to...应用…以…
2023-07-13 05:58:152


1.apply to申请去……2.apply for应用于……
2023-07-13 05:58:231

apply to be considered

2023-07-13 05:58:422

apply to sb for sth是什么意思

2023-07-13 05:58:491

for delivery please apply to

意思是:to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something
2023-07-13 05:58:572

请用apply to sb for sth 造句

The captain applied to headquarters for a transfer.上尉向司令部请求调动。
2023-07-13 05:59:041

apply表应用时,应该是apply sth to do还是 doing

1、apply to do 这个搭配里面 apply意思是申请 to介于两个动词之间He applied to stay there. 他申请留在那儿。2、如果apply翻译成 适用于 就要用apply to doing 因为这里to是介词The methods apply to learning English.这些方法适合用来学英语。
2023-07-13 05:59:122

apply to affected area do not rub in

2023-07-13 05:59:212

I apply to get into your life. 这句话是什么意思。翻译成中

2023-07-13 05:59:319

Apply to a ciean face . Avoid eye area.的中文意思是什么

Apply to a clean face. 原文都写错了。 应用于干净的脸(就是覆之前把脸洗干净),眼睛部分不要覆,保持5到10分钟,水洗掉或者撕掉。 后面的就不是英文了,像是法文吧,意思一样的。
2023-07-13 05:59:481


2023-07-13 05:51:563


首先百度“BT种子搜索神器”,我们会发现百度软件中自动排有一个,或者在百度软件中心,搜索关键词“BT种子搜索神器”,就可以轻而易举地搜到下载。 安装下载完毕后,我们直接进入操作页面,look我用的是绿色版的BT种子搜索神器,复制到D盘后,然后双击整个图标 OK当你现在打开页面,有部分杀毒软件会拦截,例如万恶的360杀毒软件会当做木马,只要你设置信任下就可以正常使用了。 在整个页面我们看到,搜索框内有提示“搜索你想要的任何资源”好的,我接下来输入关键词:变形金刚后,会出现很多个结果,我们按照资源的多少进行排列,然后发现,“大小2.5,MKV格式变形金刚的资源”有254个,这意味着我用迅雷下载,速度有保证!注意:如果你选择资源比较少的进行下载,那么意味着你可能下载不了,或者下载速度非常慢。 如果你的电脑目前有迅雷下载工作或者快车,其他的下载工具就可以马上点击下载 由于前面我们选择的是资源多的进行下载,所以,下载速度一下子飚到了700-800KB,这个取决于你的宽带速度。 下载完毕后,我们就可以坐等看精彩的变形金刚啦,当然,你要想看那种片子(你懂的),就输入关键词查找吧。 我只能透露到这里。
2023-07-13 05:51:561

安卓CPU调节中的 Smartmax 和I/O bfq有什么作用?

什么是Governor?→Android的CPU 的频率并不是一成不变的,会因应程式所需而调整频率,通常会视乎CPU Loading% 而升/降频,在特定时间再检查是否升/降。Governor就是默认的情景模式。【ondemand】按需模式:→按需调节cpu频率,不操作手机的时候控制在最低频率,滑屏或进入应用后会迅速提升至最高频率,当空闲时迅速降低频率,性能较稳定,但因频率变化幅度过大,省电方面只有一般的水平。是一种在电池和性能之间趋向平衡的默认模式,但是对于智能手机来说,ondemand在性能表现方面略有欠缺。【interactive】交互模式:→和ondemand相似,规则是“快升慢降”,注重响应速度、性能,当有高需求时迅速跳到高频率,当低需求时逐渐降低频率,相比ondemand费电【conservative】保守模式:→和ondemand相似,规则是“慢升快降”,注重省电,当有高需求时逐渐提高频率,当低需求迅速跳至低频率。【OndemandX】按需X模式:→在Ondemand基础上改进而来。关屏时手机进入睡眠状态时,锁定最高频率频率为500Mhz【Scary】胆小模式:→基于Ondemand修改,CPU提升速度比ondemand慢,同时具有smartass的特点【interactiveX】交互X模式:→在interactive基础上改进而来。关屏时手机进入睡眠状态时,锁定频率为最低值,同时在手机唤醒时能有更好的提升表现。比interactive更注重保护电池。【Wheatley】惠特利模式:→规则和Ondemand一样,但是响应速度稍慢,比Ondemand省电【hotplug】热拔插模式:→和ondemand模式差不多,当有高需求时直接跳到最高频率,当需求见效时逐级降低频率,但关屏时就单核低频运行,省电。【lionheart】狮心模式:→基于conservative模式,但性能有所提高,增快了CPU的调整速度【lulzactive】级别模式:→在interactive基础,根据负载逐级升高或降低频率,每一级频率有一个限制值,负载高于限制值就提高一级频率,低于限制值就降低一级频率。所以这个调速器在各个频率上的停留时间都很短。这个调速器的特点是在各个频率之间频繁变动,但是运行于最高和最低频的时间最多。【smartass】聪明模式:→是interactive和conservative的升级,根据资源使用智能提供一个适中的频率,空闲时自动降频,锁屏时自动固定频率。特色是锁屏后非常省电。缺点是部分机型锁屏一段时间后容易睡死。【smartassV2】聪明2模式:→smartass的升级版,平衡效能和耗电,升频快,降频慢,同时间亦会于锁屏时将频率降到最低,集成了休眠策略,不单单是指关了屏幕和开着屏幕的区别。【smoothass】活跃模式:→在smartass基础上改进得来的,性能更高,调节速度更快,耗电少【SavagedZen】平衡模式→在smartass的基础优化而来,同时注重电池和性能,使CPU达到一个更好的整体平衡【BrazilianWax】巴兹拉模式:→基本就和smoothass一样【Minmax】大小模式:→基于conservative的优化版,类似smartassV2,速度性能最好,比smartassV2略微耗掉【intellidemand】智能模式:→可根据GPU使用情况来针对性调节cpu频率,当GPU于重度使用时 ,所有动作都依照ondemand 不变。当3GP于闲置时,会自动限制cpu最高频率,将CPU最高频率锁死于1.0Ghz以减少耗电。关屏时亦会视乎 GPU 情况而作出调整。【Pegasusq】单控模式:→源自三星猎户座处理器的一个调速器,可以单独调控单个CPU内核,理论上性能不错也很省电。【badass】分工模式:一个新型的CPU调速器,只能用于多核CPU,可分开控制单个CPU内核,来分工完成不同的工作,并且跟着工作量的不同,分别调整单个CPU内核的频率,从而提高性能,节省资源。这个模式现在好像只能用在特定修改的rom中【performance】高性能模式:→高性能模式,按你设定范围的最高频率运行,即使系统负载非常低cpu的频率也为最高。性能很好,因为CPU本身不需要资源去调整频率,但是电量消耗较快,温度也高一些。【powersave】省电模式:→按设定最低频率运行,日常没有使用价值,除非配合setcpu情景模式,关屏睡眠时使用此调节模式,省电但系统响应速度慢。【userspace】用户模式:→任何情况下都会控制CPU运行在配置的频率范围内,配置中的用户自己添加的省电设置。在此情景模式下,降低CPU最大运行频率可以延长电池待机时间,但同时也会降低机器的唤醒速度,建议最好不使用该选项。【lagfree】无延迟模式:→很少用的调速器,不紧不慢型,无论负载变化快慢与否,CPU都按一定的停顿时间逐级升高或降低频率。【lazy】懒惰模式:→与 ondemand 相似,对于频率上升和下降的响应都很迟缓,可以忽略掉部分迅速变化的频率变化,优点是省电。I/O调度模式:(i/o即input/output的缩写,关于数据的读写操作,不同进程请求数据的优先顺序等等。io调度模式比较复杂,我没有具体测试,这里仅对ray上出现的几个模式做说明,部分参考xda、androidforums、wik1pedia、linuxarchive资料)noop这个调度模式会把并到一个简单的队列里。不适合有机械结构的存储器,因为没有优化顺序,会增加额外的寻道时间。属于最简单的一个调度模式,无视io操作优先级和复杂性,执行完一个再执行一个,如果读写操作繁多的话,就会造成效率降低。anticipatory其实这个有点类似于pc硬盘的NCQ功能,执行有预测性的调度,看起来似乎可以提高效率,不过因为它的预测机制会在进程将要结束一个读写操作时时开始准备下一个的预处理,所以会打乱系统正常的连续io调度,降低随机存取效率。用的人很少,不推荐。deadline顾名思义,用过期时间来排序io操作顺序,保证先出现的io请求有最短的延迟时间,相对于写操作,给读操作更优先的级别。是比较好的一个调度模式。cfq完全公平队列,是anticipatory模式的替代品,没有过多的做预测性调度,而是根据给定的进程io优先级,直接来分配操作的顺序。这个模式在linux上表现良好,但也许并不是最适合android的io调度模式,太强调均衡,而降低了连续读写数据的性能。vr具有和deadline相似的操作排序机制,有着最高的峰值读写速度,但是性能比较不稳定,也就是说可能跑出最高的分数,但是也会出现最低值。sio虽然基于deadline,但是它和noop一样,不会对io操作进行排序,所以有着noop那样快速的存取速度,但并没有过多优化io操作。如果不喜欢noop完全不参与调度,也可以选择这个。
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21世纪大学英语快速阅读 第三版 第一册 1-8单元 第一篇文章的翻译。急求啊。

21 世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案 世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册) Unit 1 汤姆是个非常好奇的男孩,他不仅对“是什么”感兴趣,而且也对“为什么”和“怎么 会”感兴趣。 As a very curious boy, Tom is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows. 据史密斯教授说,幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一切。 Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have. 你最好把这本书放在你 15 岁儿子找不到的地方。 You"d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can"t get his hands on it. 故事非常滑稽,比尔一边读一边不停地笑。 The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it. 成绩优秀的学生未必比他们得分较低的同学在学习上花费更多的时间。 High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time on their studies than their lower-scoring classmates. 你是怎样设法说服这些学生修读快速阅读课的? How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course? 用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要得多。 Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one"s abilities counts for much more. 她要求学生独立思考,而不是告诉他们该思考什么。 She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. Unit 2 在谈及美国英语和英国英语的差别时,他说:“美国和英国毕竟是两个不同的国 家。” Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, “The United States and Britain are, after all, two different countries.” 史密斯教授鼓励他的学生独立思考。他常说:“即使你们对我提出质疑或者完全不 同意我的看法,我也同样高兴。” Prof. Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. “I am just as happy,” he often says, “even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.” 我们请他参加我们关于流行音乐的谈话,但他一参加进来就引入一个新的话题, 谈起了上周的 NBA 决赛。 We called on him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week. 司机应对这次事故负责。他的车撞倒了一棵树和一个骑车的人。 The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike. 自我们的收音机停止生产后,我们已转产移动电话。 Since our production of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the production of mobile phones. 我们最初的计划是在北京浏览长城、故宫、颐和园等著名景点。 Our original plan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace in Beijing. 学好一门外语绝非易事。尽管我已学了几年英语,我仍然不能有效地用这种语言 表达思想。 It"s no simple/easy matter to learn a foreign language well. Even though I have learned English for a few years, I still can"t express myself effectively in the language. 我希望你不仅仅是同意或不同意我的想法,我需要你给我提忠告、出主意等。 I don"t want you to simply to agree or disagree with me. I need someone who can give me good advice, ideas, and so on. Unit 3 据我所知,他们必须做的只是来见他们抚养的孩子,并填写一份表格。 As far as I know, all they have to do is to come and see the child they want to bring up and fill up a form. 随着他对世事的了解越来越多,他终于厌倦了对名利的追求。 As he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth. 小女孩的歌声给老人带来了欢乐,帮助他忍受住种种生活的艰辛。 The little girl"s songs brought sunshine to the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life. 人们纷纷前来向他们祝贺又一座黄浦江大桥的胜利建成。 People came one after another to congratulate them on the successful building of another big bridge over the Huangpu River. 这个 10 岁的男孩小提琴拉得如此娴熟,在场的人都惊叹不已。 All the people present were amazed that the 10-year-old boy was playing the violin so skillfully. 车祸之后,史蒂威重新评价了自己的人生目标,决定更多地注意外部世界。 After the car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the world outside. 母亲即使做梦也没想到她的儿子会成为一名世界著名的钢琴家。 Even in her wildest dreams, Mother could never have imagined that her son would become a world-famous pianist. 当听到他们的老师已摆脱了死亡的阴影时,学生们都大声欢呼起来。 The students broke into loud cheers when they heard that their teacher had fought back from the shadow of death. Unit 4 祖母体弱多病,她却承担起了家里的所有家务。 Sickly and weak as Grandma is, she has taken on all the housework in the family. 唱片公司从未对任何歌手这样满意过。对他们来说,史蒂威·旺达确实是个难得的 人才。 The recording company had never been so pleased with any singer. For them, Stevie Wonder was a real find. 他们住的地方没有自来水,也没有煤气和电这类生活上的便利设备。 They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have any conveniences of life such as gas and electricity. 6 年过去了,接着 7 年、8 年过去了,那位法国艺术家仍杳无音讯。看来他肯定 已离开这个国家去了唯有上帝知道的什么地方。 Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where. 那年夏天他病得很厉害,但秋天他刚感到好些了,便又重新开始写作,并在两个 月内完成了他的最后一部小说。 He was very ill that summer, but as soon as he felt better in the fall, he resumed his writing and finished his last novel in two months. 在坚强意志的推动下,亚历克斯终于完成了他所承担的任务。 Driven by a strong will, Alex finally fulfilled the task he had undertaken. 在医生和护士们的帮助下,那位病人恢复得很快,几星期后便再一次站起来了。 With the help of the doctor and the nurses, the patient recovered quickly and in a few weeks was able to stand on his feet once more. 望着老人那张满是皱纹的脸真叫人难过, 因为它说明了老人一辈子所经历的一切。 It was really sad to watch the old man"s wrinkled face, which spoke of all that he had borne/endured in his life. Unit 5 他们是玛丽的儿子罗伯特和劳伦斯,一个起的是她父亲的名字,另一个是她祖父 的名字。 They are Mary"s sons Robert and Lawrence. One is named after her father, the other is named after her grandfather. 他对已有的一切还不满足。他从来不懂“知足常乐”,真遗憾。 He is not content with what he has already got. What a pity he never understands that happiness lies in contentment. 她参与课堂活动非常积极。我相信她将来可以成为一名好教师。 She is very active in classroom activities. I am sure that she will make a good teacher. 你也许有不同看法,但我不喜欢劝酒,尤其是在宴会上更是如此。 You may have different opinions about it, but I hate the idea of urging people to drink, especially at a dinner party. 我们准备在一些枝节问题上对他们作些让步,但决不在重大的原则问题上与他们 妥协。 We are prepared to give way a little to them on minor problems, but we will never compromise with them on major questions of principle. 整整一年中罗伯特通常得不到多少运动, 而他的妻子玛丽却大部分时间一直站着。 这就是为什么他们不可能或至少很难找到一个喜欢的地方去休假的原因。 Robert didn"t usually get much exercise during the year, while his wife Mary was on her feet most of the time. That was why it was impossible or difficult at least, for them to choose a place they both liked for their holiday. 戴维是个自视甚高的青年作家。他认为他的写作风格是独特的、高雅的。但遗憾 的是,情况并非如此。 David is a young writer with a high opinion of himself. He thinks that his writing style is unique and refined. But unfortunately, that is not the case. 我想说的只是,作为个人我们享有很多不同的权利,但却无权做任何对社会有害 的事。 All I want to say is that as individuals we enjoy many different rights but we have no right to do anything harmful to society. Unit 6 问题在于人们如何看待那些专心追求知识的学生。 The problem lies in how people look at those students dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. 我国政府已决定向教育投入比过去多得多的钱。 Our government has decided to put a lot more money into education than before. 我们得培养更多一流的工程师参与同日本的技术竞争。 We have to train more first-class engineers to compete in the technology race with Japan. 求知好学和勤奋用功的学生应受到表扬并被树立为其他学生的榜样。 The intellectually curious and hard-working students should be praised and held up as examples to other students. 知道我们消除排斥知识的现象,我们才有希望保持世界级强国的地位。 Not until we do away with our anti-intellectualism do we stand a chance to remain a world-class power. 我们必须使自己适应时代的要求,否则我们就会落后于世界上其他工业国家。 We must adapt ourselves to the demands of our times, otherwise we"ll fall behind the other industrialized nations of the world. 其他孩子在踢足球,而他们的儿子却在学英语,做父母的为此感到骄傲。 The parents are proud of their son who is studying English while the other children are playing football. 你真的期望不花费更多的时间学习就能提高你的英语水平? Do you really expect to improve your English without spending more time studying it? Unit 7 史密斯先生被认为是一位十分开明的人,除了别的之外,他还认为在法律面前人 人平等。 Mr. Smith was viewed as a very liberal person who believed, among other things, that all men were equal under the law. 他获奖并非偶然;他的成功来自艰苦的训练。 It is not by chance that he won the prize; his success comes from his hard training. 老师跟白人孩子们谈了很多,试图使他们相信人人生而平等,但在最初几个星期 里,似乎没有多少效果。 The teacher talked a lot with the white kids, trying to convince them that all men are created equal, but nothing much came of it in the first few weeks. 因为我刚来到这所学校,所以有一段时间我感到孤独,也没有朋友。 As I was a newcomer to that school, I felt lonely and friendless for a time. 伟明日复一日坚持与威尔逊夫人进行交谈,他的英语口语变得越来越流利,越来 越自然。 Day after day Wei Ming kept talking with Mrs. Wilson, and his oral English became more and more fluent and natural. 尽管在最初那几个星期一些孩子对我很不客气,一个白人小姑娘却特别友好。 Whereas some of the kids were quite nasty during those first few weeks, a little white girl was especially friendly to me. 我后来才知道那位看起来又老又满脸皱纹的人才 45 岁左右。 I later came to know that the man who looked old and wrinkled was only about 45. 大学毕业之后不久,他便证明自己是一个称职而负责的英语教师。 After graduating from university, he soon established himself as a qualified and responsible teacher of English. Unit 8 没有一个科学家确切地知道信息高速公路将在未来十年中把我们带往何处。 No scientist knows exactly where the information highway will lead us in the decade ahead. 至关重要的是,发达国家和发展中国家应通过更多的交流增进相互间的理解和尊 重。 It is crucial that developed countries and developing countries increase mutual understanding and mutual respect through more communication. 从一开始,大众传媒就对这部关于个人电脑的专著给予了特别的关注。 From the very beginning, the mass media paid particular attention to this treatise on the personal computer. 我的侄子以为日文跟中文在很多方面相似,很容易学,但结果并不是那样。 My nephew had thought that Japanese, which is similar to Chinese in many ways, was easy to learn, but it didn"t turn out that way. 你本应该知道得更多些。大学教授讲课的方式并不只限于告诉学生基本事实,他 还激发讨论和争论。 You should have known better. The way a college professor teaches is not confined only to telling his students the basic facts. He or she also stimulates discussions and debates. 原来估计这项工程将费时五年。但由于工人和工程师们的创造性劳动,工程大大 提前完成了。 It was originally estimated that the project would take 5 years. But because of the creativity of the workers as well as the engineers, it was finished well ahead of schedule. 构思和写作自传花费了那位美国作家三年多的时间,其间他遇到了许多无法想象 的困难。 The process of thinking about and writing his autobiography took the American writer more than three years, during which he ran into many unimaginable difficulties. 医生们不能肯定他患了什么病,这就是他已决定提前退休的原因。 The doctors aren"t sure what illness he is suffering from. That"s why he has decided to retire ahead of schedule.
2023-07-13 05:51:591


2023-07-13 05:52:011


对于"bt种子搜索"这个问题感兴趣的朋友应该很多,这个也是目前大家比较关注的问题,那么下面小好小编就收集了一些"bt种子搜索"相关软件,来分享给大家希望能够帮助到你哦。1. BT蚂蚁种子搜索 软件类型:安卓APP 软件介绍:BT蚂蚁app是一款专业的影视制作资源搜索神器,内嵌各大网站的视频_源,有着强劲的百度搜索引擎,可以迅速查找客户搜索关键词,并给予迅雷资源下载与百度云盘轮盘详细地址,不限频次免费试用,必须的朋友们热烈2. bt盒子种子搜索神器 软件类型:安卓APP 软件介绍:bt盒子种子查找神器app是一款十分不错免费影视视频播映神器,全站的一切影视都能够随意点播,免费无限制,解锁各大视频网站的vip视频,让你免费畅享vip福利视频,选用最先进的播映技能,百万的影视资源极3. bt磁力种子搜索神器 软件类型:安卓APP 软件介绍:bt磁力种子搜索神器是便于我们检索资源的搜索神器,拥有很强劲丰富多彩的使用作用,不但汇聚了诸多的资源,能够让用户轻轻松松检索,轻轻松松下载必须的磁性资源,并且下载速顺畅,_有数目限定,达到差异人群的资4. BT种子磁力搜索神器 软件类型:安卓APP 软件介绍:BT种子磁性种子搜索神器App是一款完全免费的手机电影种子搜索专用工具,支持BT种子及其磁力下载,可以相互配合手机迅雷立即下载观看;强劲的聚合搜索功能,可以帮你寻找大量你需要的_源,手机软件内置漂白种5. 最新bt种子搜索神器 软件类型:电脑软件 点击下载软件介绍:最新bt种子搜索神器是一款翠绿色精巧,功能齐全功能强大的bt种子搜索神器。这款bt种子搜索器程序界面简约,实际操作十分简易。只须要填写你需要查找的_源名字或是关键字,就可以找出自已愿意的影视资源了。
2023-07-13 05:51:491


2023-07-13 05:51:491

柯南的开场白 音译(罗马拼音)如题 谢谢了

2023-07-13 05:51:471


三会一课,即俗称的“一课三会”制度,是指定期召开支部党员大会、支部委员会、党小组会,按时上好党课。“三会一课”制度是党基层支部长期坚持的重要制度,也是健全党的组织生活,严格党员管理,加强党员教育的重要制度。  在新的历史条件下,加强党的自身建设,仍须重视和坚持这一行之有效的制度。坚持“三会一课”制度,可以使党员经常受到党性教育、党的优良传统作风教育、怎样做一个合格党员的教育,增强党员的党性观念,不忘自己是一个共产党员,从而在各项工作中自觉地发挥先锋模范作用。坚持“三会一课”制度要注意不断改进内容和形式,注重质量,避免流于形式。
2023-07-13 05:51:412


1.“习惯了第二自然!习惯十倍的性质, ”在惠灵顿公爵据说喊道,并在何种程度上这是真的没有人也许可以欣赏以及一个谁是老兵本人。2.大多数国内野兽似乎机器几乎纯粹, undoubtingly毫不犹豫地这样做从分钟分钟的职责,他们从小受到的教育,并没有迹象表明有可能替代以往任何时候都表明自己的想法。3.因此,习惯的巨大飞轮的社会,最宝贵的保守剂。它仅是使我们所有的范围内条例。4.如果期间的20和30是一个关键的形成过程中的智力和专业习惯,低于二十间更重要的是还为确定个人的习惯,所谓的正确,如发音和发音,手势,动作,和地址。5.几乎,实际上,无论多少钱,有在他的口袋里,甚至学会穿着像一个绅士出生。6.它是利用我们的基金和收购,并住在缓解后的利益基金。7.越多的细节,我们的日常生活中我们可以交给轻松保管全自动,我们更考虑到更高的权力,将设置免费为自己的正当工作。
2023-07-13 05:51:372