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DEC 表示几月呀

2023-07-13 10:51:11
TAG: dec ec



December12月 月份用前三个字母大写表示缩写



DEC是December 的简写,十二月。
2023-07-13 07:57:575


december 12月份
2023-07-13 07:58:2113


12月,这是英文的缩写,December 英 [dɪˈsembə(r)]美 [dɪˈsɛmbɚ]n. 12月;[例句]Her baby was born on 4th December她的孩子是12月4号出生的。
2023-07-13 07:59:031


2023-07-13 07:59:372


DEC是December ,十二月。 扩展资料 英语12个月的单词及缩写 一月January,缩写Jan 二月February,缩写Feb 三月March,缩写Mar 四月April,缩写Apr 五月May,缩写May 六月June,缩写Jun 七月July,缩写Jul 八月August,缩写Aug 九月September,缩写Sep/Sept 十月October,缩写Oct 十一月November,缩写Nov 十二月December,缩写Dec
2023-07-13 07:59:571


1、dec是几月。 2、dec是几月的缩写。 3、dec是几月份的缩写答疑。 4、jul是几月。1.dec是十二月,是英文十二月December的简写形式。 2.December,罗马皇帝琉西乌斯要把一年中第三一个月用他情妇的Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。 3.于是,12月仍然沿用Decem,即拉丁文10”的意思。 4.英语12月December,便由此演变而来。 5.十二月份缩写:一月January,缩写Jan。 6.二月February,缩写Feb。 7.三月March,缩写Mar。 8.四月April,缩写Apr。 9.五月May,缩写May。 10.六月June,缩写Jun。 11.七月July,缩写Jul。 12.八月August,缩写Aug。 13.九月September,缩写Sep或Sept。 14.十月October,缩写Oct。 15.十一月November,缩写Nov。 16.十二月December,缩写Dec。
2023-07-13 08:00:041


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“几月几日”用英语:"Afewmonthsanddays" 相关例句:1、日常应用中,有时也会写上几月几日。Indailyuse,thedatecanalsoincludethemonthandtheday. 2、今天是几月几日?是一月一日。Whatdateisittoday?It"sthefirstofJanuary.在英语中,“几月几日”要先说“月”再说“日”,其中“日”通常要用序数词,书写时序数词前面可出现“the”也可以不出现,但读时,“the”必须读出来。并且月份前通常不加冠词,书写月份名词时总是大写首字母。如:“八月十三日”应写为“Augustthirteenth”。扩展资料:月份是专有名词,除了少数几个月份外都有缩写形式:January-Jan。一月February-Feb。二月March-Mar。三月April-Apr。四月August-Aug。八月September-Sept。九月October-Oct。十月November-Nov。十一月December-Dec。十二月注意:缩写形式后面的点不能省略,因为它是表示缩写形式的符号。日期:用序数词表示例:十月一日写作:October1,October1st,1October,1stOctober,(the)1stofOctober等,其中的October都可以写成缩写形式Oct。读作:Octoberthefirst或thefirstofOctober
2023-07-13 08:02:182


dev不是月份,是dec。十二月份 DEC. Dec.=December。
2023-07-13 08:02:561


Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2023-07-13 08:03:5912


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一月:Jan. 二月 Feb. 三月 Mar. 四月 Apr. 五月 May 六月 Jun. 七月 Jul. 八月 Aug. 九月 Sep. 十月 Oct. 十一月 Nov. 十二月Dec.
2023-07-13 08:05:512

december 是几月

2023-07-13 08:07:143

dec代表10 为什么december是12月?

dec确实是词根,而且确实是代表十. 在罗马历中december就是10月. 之所以现在是12月了, 是因为罗马历中的7月september改作了july以纪念优利乌斯凯撒(Julius Caesar) 而8月的october改作了august以纪念奥古斯都大帝(就是屋大维) 所以后面的月份都后移了两位,december也就变成了12月了.
2023-07-13 08:07:231

12月22号,用英语怎么表达? 缩写的话,是Dec.22th 还是 Dec.22nd

22nd December
2023-07-13 08:07:441


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2023-07-13 08:08:202


我想你要问的应该是Dec是几月份,Dec是英语月份中December,也就是十二月的缩写。下面是我为您列出的十二个月的英语和汉语的对照组,也有英文形式的简写。一月 Jan.January二月 Feb.February三月 Mar.March四月 Apr.April五月 May May六月 Jun.June七月 Jul.July八月 Aug.August九月 Sep.Sept.September十月 Oct.October十一月 Nov.November十二月 Dec.December
2023-07-13 08:08:271


- 百度知道11个回答回答时间:2009年11月8日最佳回答:风雨中的阳光 Sunshine in the rain 风雨中的阳光 Love is still the same 爱依然如故 Sunshine in t...百度知道
2023-07-13 07:59:212

csgo vp战队队员名字,vp战队是哪个国家的

2023-07-13 07:59:212


lively, 意思是活泼的,和energetic意思相近如果还有不懂问我哦~
2023-07-13 07:59:221

Sunshine In The Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Sunshine In The Rain歌手:Bwo专辑:Sunshine In The RainSunshine In The RainBWOWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneWishing we could be more telepathicTired of the nights I sleep aloneWishing we could redirect the trafficAnd we find ourselves a homeCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainEven if we call the highest powerWe can only do one town a timeWords are not enough action speaks louderSecond time aroundCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rain
2023-07-13 07:59:281

2023-07-13 07:59:281


这块手表不错:卡地亚帕莎系列,看尺寸外观是pasha男表,表径大概38MM,附加功能是GMT+动能显示+可旋转外圈+日历 另外还应该是原装蓝宝石把+头透视底盖。根据动能显示判断,这款表机芯可能是GP订制的机芯(50小时动能),而不是ETA。我印象中国内没销售,这块可能是日本或欧洲销售过。型号要国外才有型号。虽然国内没销售过,但是块挺经典的表。
2023-07-13 07:59:301


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2023-07-13 07:59:332

sunshine in the rain哒歌词,

2023-07-13 07:59:351


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2023-07-13 07:59:415

Sunshine in the rain 中文叫什么?

When I"m in Berlin you"re off to London   当我在柏林时你正起飞去伦敦   When I"m in New York you"re due in Rome   当我在纽约时你正在罗马   All those crazy nights we spend together   所有那些我们共同度过的疯狂的夜晚   As voices on the phone   就像电话里的声音一样飘渺虚幻了   Wishing we could be more telepathic   希望我们能够更加有心灵感应   Tired of the nights I sleep alone   因为我厌倦了那些独自睡眠的夜晚   Wishing we could redirect the traffic   希望我们能够改变交通的航道   And we find ourselves a home   找到一个属于我们自己的家   Can you feel the raindrops in the desert   你能感觉在沙漠中的雨季吗   Have you seen the sunrays in the dark   你曾看见过在黑暗中的曙光吗   Do you feel my love when I"m not present   当我不在时你是否能感觉我的爱   Standing by your side while miles apart   即使远隔千里我也仍旧在你身边   Sunshine in the rain   风雨中的阳光   Love is still the same   爱依然如故   Sunshine in the rain   Sunshine in the rain 风雨中的阳光  Love is still the same   爱情依旧   Sunshine in the rain   Even if we call the highest power   即使我们高声呼唤   We can only do one town a time   尽管只做那么一次   Words are not enough action speaks louder   虽然语言不如行动那样深入人心   Second time around   但是回音却会久久不散   Can you feel the raindrops in the desert   你是否能感觉到荒漠中的雨滴   Have you seen the sunrays in the dark   你是否看见黑暗中的曙光   Do you feel my love when I"m not present   我不在的时候你是否能感觉我的爱   Standing by your side while miles apart   当我远离你千里,仍如同在你身旁
2023-07-13 07:59:421


I am happy with who I am   我很高兴我是这样   Mimi: I am happy with who I am.   Mimi:I have two hands.   Mimi:I can touch anything I want.   Buba: I am happy with who I am.   Buba: I have ten fingers.   Buba: I can pick up anything I want.   ChinChin: I am happy with who I am.   ChinChin: I have two eyes.   ChinChin: I can see anything I want.   Costa: I am happy with who I am.   Costa: I have strong arms.   Costa:I can beat up anything I want.   Coco: I am happy with who I am.   Coco: I have a big mouth.   Coco: I can eat anything I want.   Cosmi: I am happy with who I am.   Cosmi: I have a pretty face.   Cosmi:So everywone loves me!   咪咪:我很高兴我是这样。   咪咪:我有两只手。   咪咪:我可以碰任何东西。   布巴:我很高兴我是这样   布巴:我有十个手指。   布巴:我可以拿起任何我想要的东西。   晨晨:我很高兴我是这样   晨晨:我有两只眼睛。   晨晨:我可以看到任何我想要看的东西。   科斯达:我很高兴我是这样。   科斯达:我有强壮的手臂。   科斯达:我能打败任何我想要打败的。   可可:我很高兴我是这样。   可可:我有一个大嘴巴。   可可:我可以吃到我想吃的任何东西。   科斯米:我很高兴我是这样。   科斯米:我有一个漂亮的脸蛋。   科斯米:每个人都喜欢我!
2023-07-13 07:59:171


my mother had to lead me to go to the tropical rain forest,listened to mother to say where the drink could drink casually,was happier.As soon as I run in the tropical rain forest swimming pool,inside the feeling has resembled with darkness,on the ceiling has many lamps,the number is also innumerable,probably the space “the small star” is same.In the swimming pool has various basin,has in a big way,has slightly,has the depth,has shallowly,but also has the amusing slippery slide,I and the younger sister play step on the stone,the diving .Really amusing!Played has been tired,two buildings also had the warm kang to be possible to lie down in above rest.The short 6 hours have passed by,I have to go home longingly,the tropical rain forest I certainly also can again come!my day is happy very much!
2023-07-13 07:59:1514

active, energetic 的区别是神马……

2023-07-13 07:59:141


2023-07-13 07:59:141


这个腕表是卡地亚80-90年代的表款,早已经停产,具体系列应该属于MUST 系列而不是PASHA系列,因为那个时段卡地亚还没有推出PASHA系列表款。之所以带Paris,是因为卡地亚是法国品牌,很多那个时候的表款在Cartier下面都会带上巴黎字样,部分表款在法国生产,不过从你后盖的字样看,应该属于瑞士制作的。这个表的具体材质是925纯银镀金的,价格不太好估计,具体价格应该在3000-5000元左右。
2023-07-13 07:59:131


2023-07-13 07:59:101

歌曲 Sunshine In The Rain 是什么意思?

2023-07-13 07:59:071


没有这个词的..1. Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。2. He is an energetic tennis player.他是个精力充沛的网球手。3. A noisy,energetic American country dance.跺脚拽步舞一种喧闹、轻快的美国乡村舞蹈4. He appears energetic .他看样子精力旺盛。5. an energetic fund raiser for the college.大学资金的有力筹集者。6. Long-distance running is a very energetic form of exercise.长跑是种消耗体力的运动。7. The energetic child liked to move about the room.精力旺盛的孩子喜欢在房里四处走动。8. We should give energetic support to agriculture.我们要大力支援农业。
2023-07-13 07:59:061


SUNSHINE IN THE RAINWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneWishing we could be more telepathicTired of the nights I sleep aloneWishing we could redirect the trafficAnd we find ourselves a homeCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainEven if we call the highest powerWe can only do one town a timeWords are not enough action speaks louderSecond time aroundCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainOh oh la la laOh oh la la laWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rain
2023-07-13 07:59:013


问题一:精力充沛的(英语怎么说?) in spirit 问题二:“精力充沛”用英语怎么说 精力充沛[jīng lì chōng pèi] be full of go [beans; vitality]; full of vigour; glow with energy 例句 1、如果你能让自己精力充沛起来,你的创作才能也能得到很好的发挥。 Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy 2、他是个精力充沛、年轻帅气的小伙子。 He was a vigorous, handsome young man. 问题三:“精力充沛”用英语怎么表达? energetic and lively 问题四:"他是个精力充沛的年轻人。”用英语怎么翻译? 第一种:He is an energetic lad. 第二种:He is a young man with full energy.第三种:He is full of energy. 应该可以了吧 问题五:精力充沛的 英语怎么读 精力充沛. 英语: full of energy.fully energitic 问题六:转贴:地道英语口语怎么说"精力充沛,充满干劲 精力充沛,充满干劲 Energetic and motivated 重点词汇释义 精力充沛be full of go [beans; vitality]; full of vigour; glow with energy 干劲drive; enthusia *** ; vigour; dash; push 问题七:保持某人精力充沛,英语短语怎么说 无法回答
2023-07-13 07:58:581


1. 写一篇以动物园为主题的英语作文 Visiting the ZooYesterday was Sunday and it was a fine day.My parents and I visited the zoo.We went by bus.We started out at 8:00 in the morning and got there at 8:30.There were many people in the zoo.Some were watching the animals,some were playing games and others were resting under the trees.We went to watch the birds first.Then we came to see the monkeys.They were very lovely.We also saw the tigers and the lions.We saw many animals in the zoo.We felt very happy。 2. 写一篇以动物园为主题的英语作文 Visiting the Zoo Yesterday was Sunday and it was a fine day.My parents and I visited the zoo.We went by bus.We started out at 8:00 in the morning and got there at 8:30.There were many people in the zoo.Some were watching the animals,some were playing games and others were resting under the trees.We went to watch the birds first.Then we came to see the monkeys.They were very lovely.We also saw the tigers and the lions.We saw many animals in the zoo.We felt very happy. 3. 一篇关于动物园的英语作文 Today is Saturday. I go to the zoo with my teacher Mark. The zoo and many animals. I most like elephants, think it is very strong. First of all, I see some panda, they e from China. I see the lion, they e from Africa. I also saw the koala, they are from Australia. Mark the teacher like rabbits, because it clever and lovely! 4. 一篇关于动物园的英语作文 The fairest of them allWhite tigers are one of the star attractions at our Zoo because of their rarity and unmon beauty. With their blue eyes, pink noses, and creamy white fur covered with brown stripes, these giant cats are truly a cat-tivating sight!7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333330363239 Our white tiger habitat is landscaped to resemble a dense jungle clearing. Here, our felines, Omar and Winnie, can often be seen strolling about or lounging in the shady spots. The moat separating visitors from the tigers also serves a second purpose as a wet playground since white tigers are one of the few wild cats that love swimming. You may just be lucky enough to catch our white tigers taking a dip in the waters on a hot day!See, feel, hear, touch, save the tigerThe white tiger exhibit at the Zoo features an interactive centre that puts the world of the tiger within a child"s reach – most of our displays and interactive buttons are low enough for the little ones to press, read, listen to, see and touch.Learn about Mohan, the first white tiger caught from the wild, the ancestor of all white tigers in existence today. Find out what happened to the last tiger to ever roam the jungles of Singapore and discover why tigers are fast disappearing. As you earn your stripes as a tiger expert, find out how you can save the tiger too by contributing to Singapore Zoo"s tiger conservation efforts.Watch as our tigers leap up to catch their meaty treats with their 3-inch teeth in mid-air during one of our most exciting token feeding session at 2.20pm daily!。 5. 给我一篇写去动物园的英文作文 在我参观动物园有许多有趣的动物,引起了我的注意。 第一个动物是黑颈天鹅也被被其学名黑色素coryphus天鹅座。这只鸟似乎是非常舒适的在其新的环境在动物园。 他们俩我观察这些高贵的鸟。他们都有雪白色底,暗黑色的脖子和红橙色的账单。 雄天鹅是一个棒和女一支笔,雄性通常比雌性大一点。该地区的原产地是在开放的湖泊和沼泽地的南部地区的美国南部,包括智利,阿根廷,和福克兰群岛。 黑天鹅吃水生植物和野生动物园,天鹅他们通常饲料植物,昆虫,鱼类产卵。黑天鹅是没有任何濒临绝种的危险。 天鹅似乎有些如何贴近对方和自己的行为很平静。我发现黑脖子上的天鹅是很有趣的,我从来没有已知的黑颈天鹅直到最近我去动物园。 天鹅的脖子很长,它有时似乎在底部的身体,因为它跳水头放入池塘。 6. 用英语写一篇动物园的作文 I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them. 谢谢 7. 写一个关于去动物园的英语作文50字左右 关于去动物园的英语作文50字 I went to the zoo with Lee Ming to watch monkey,the biggest monkey look like a person,one of the monkey baby sat on the monkey mum"s back and ate a banana,Lee Ming wanted feeding food to some monkey,but I told him :"Don"t disturb them,"all the people must love animals because animals are our friends. 8. 用一般现在时写一个在动物园的英语作文,不少于8个句子 I get early last Sunday.I take a bus to the zoo with my parents.We see many kinds of animals there,like elephants,pandas,lions,tigers … Some of them are very cute,but some are ugly.Some are scary,but some are friendly.My favorite animal is the panda.It is very cute and shy.My father takes a photo for me with the panda.I am tired when I get home,but I have a good time in the zoo. I got up early last Sunday.I took a bus to the zoo with my parents.We saw many kinds of animals there,like elephants,pandas,lions,tigers 9. 写一篇去野生动物园的英文作文 Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example,with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have bee narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat. Saving Land for Endangered Animals There is only so much land on the earth, and so what we can do with it is limited. Some people believe that human needs for farmland, housing and industry should e first, while others believe that some land should be set aside for endangered animals. I am of the opinion that we should reserve some land for the world"s animals for the following reasons. First, mankind"s need for land is constantly growing. If the demand is not checked in some way, humans will eventually develop all of the earth"s available land. At that time, mankind will have no more room to grow, and all the wild animals will have disappeared, as well as other valuable resources. Second, humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient ways. Animals are unable to do this. Once their land is taken away from them they will die. Third and last, endangered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our pla. If they disappear, we cannot predict what the effect will be. Therefore, we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be protected. To sum up, the world"s endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for them. Although mankind"s need for land continues to grow, people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better use. In this way, we can have enough land for farming, housing and industry, and preserve the biodiversity of the pla at the same time. 参考译文: 保留土地给濒临绝种的动物 地球上的土地就只有这么多,所以我们可以利用土地的方式有限。 有些人认为人类对于耕地、居住以及工业的需求应该摆在第一位,但是有人则认为,有些土地应该留给濒临绝种的动物。我的看法是,基于下列的理由,我们应该保留一些土地给地球上的动物。 首先,人类对土地的需求在不断增加。如果这些需求不以某种方式来加以抑制,人类最后将会开发完地球上所有可用的土地。 到那时候,人类将没有栽种作物的空间,而且全部的野生动物将会和其他宝贵的资源一样消失殆尽。其次,人类可以创新并且以更有效率的方式来使用已经拥有的土地,动物则无法做到这一点。 一旦土地被剥夺,它们就会死亡。第三点,也是最后一点,濒临绝种的动物是我们地球上物种多元性的重要组成部分。 如果它们消失了,我们无法预测将会造成什么样有影响。因此,我们应该把这些动物视为需要保护的珍贵资源。
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