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shell shocked歌词大意

2023-07-13 11:35:36




















































4 hittas,4winners

















shell shocked是什么意思

shell shocked 非正担忧恐慌的,迷惘不安的; 患弹震症的如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-13 09:50:152

shell shocked 的韩庚所唱的歌词是什么

《Shell Shocked》
2023-07-13 09:50:322


谢欧 肖克的(的还是特记不清了)用日式罗马音来读 比较清楚 shi e ouu shiyo ke de(te)
2023-07-13 09:50:391


2023-07-13 09:50:473


Beautiful Voice Being with the same dormitory in university,one of my classmates,who is from Harbin,never has not phoned his parents.He said that there was no phone at home,It is Ok for him to write to his parents,We are surprised at : "He lives in modern city,Living condition is not bad, Why not instal a telephone? After the summer vacation,he often went to bed to listen to a tape secretly,which was taken from his home.Sometime he was crying for sadness, We proposed to borrow his tape to listen, He did not agree.One time when was out,we got the tape under the pillow and put it in the recorder,After we listened to it,it seemed that there was not any voice in it,We are puzzled what he was dealing with the blank tape every night. In the coming of graduation,he told us about his family, His parents were all deaf and dumb.When he was very young,his father died.To make a living, his mother endured all hardships as well as got the an expression of scorn.For his study,his mother paid much attention to create the best conditions for him.They never had him suffer from the hardship.After their living condition was better,he had to leave his mother to go to university.He said that he often missed her,His achievement was from "Silent Love" of his parents,including his father.I taped the voice of breathing.I listened it every night,feeling parents being with him. We were deeply moved.Caring from family is the most brilliant sunshine in the world,No natter where we come out far,or fly higher,in the eyes of our parents,we are always the apple of their eye.being cared for every day. Silent love is the most beautiful voice in the world.
2023-07-13 09:50:564

有没有人觉得权志龙的 good boy跟忍者神龟的主题曲shell shocked 好像,,都听混

2023-07-13 09:51:044


oh my god
2023-07-13 09:51:424


John,theButler Summary Williamlikestohaveaffairswithprettyyoungwomen.Hiswife,Channel,caresonlyforhismoney.John,thebutler,lovesWilliam,butWilliamdoesn"tknowit.HeisveryjealousaboutthefactthatWilliamisheadoverheelsinlovewithhisdaughter,Vivian. SCENEI (Earlyinthemorning,William"sbodyisfoundbyhisdoor.Apoliceofficerisquestioningeveryoneinthehouse.) Channel:Whathappened? John:What"sthematter? Policeofficer:WhowasthelastonewithWilliamlastevening? Channel:Vivianwaswithhim. Policeofficer:WhathappenedbetweenyouandWilliam? Vivian:Itcouldn"tbeme.IwenttobedearlylasteveningbecauseIdidn"tfeelwell. Policeofficer:Butyouwerethelastonewithhimlastevening. Vivian:Howcouldasmallwomanlikemebeamurderer? Policeofficer:(QuestioningChannel)Then,it"syou,Channel.Isuspectyourmotives.Youkilledyourhusbandinordertoinherithiswealth. Channel:Everyoneknowsmyhusband"sveryrich.ButIlovehimdearly.HowcouldIkillhim? (ThenthepoliceofficerstartsstaringatJohn.) John:Notme,officer.IsweartogodthatI"minnocent. (ButJohn"sfacestartsturningwhite,andhe"swipinghisforehandwithahandkerchief.) Policeofficer:(Yelling)Youarethemurderer!Thebloodstainonthehandkerchiefprovesitself. John:No…Irespectandadmiremymastersomuch.HowcouldIkillhim?IcanexplainwhyI"vegotthemarkonmyhandkerchief.IcutmyfingerwhenItriedtounscrewthecapofabottlelastnight.Allthemaidservantsinthekitchencanproveit! Policeofficer:Thencananyonetellmewhokilledhim? SCENEII (Lastevening,Williamhostedabirthdaypartyinhishouse.WilliamandChannelenteredthelivingroom.) William"sfriends:Happybirthdaytoyou,William. Channel:Happybirthday,darling. William:Thankyou.Welcometomybirthdayparty.I"msohappy.Now,makeyourselfathomeandenjoythefoodanddrinks. John:Whatwouldyouliketodrink,sir?(JohngoesovertoWilliam.) William:Uh,onewhisky,please. John:Ok,comingrightup.(HecallsVivianandshecomesover.)Givemasterawhisky.(ToVivian.) Vivian:Yes,father. SCENEIII (Aftertheparty,ViviangoeshomeandJohnstaysthere.ThenWilliamfollowsVivianashedecidestoconfesshislovetoher.) William:IwanttotellyouthatIloveyousomuch.Infact,I"vebeenfalleninlovewithyouatfirstsight. Vivian:Oh,youaresoromantic! William:MayIhavethehonortobeyourlover? Vivian:Butyouaremarried! William:ThetruthisIloveyoumorethanmywife. Vivian:Thenwhatareyougoingtodoaboutyourwife? William:Trustme.I"llgiveyouhappinessthatyou"veneverhadinyourlife. Vivian:Willyougivemesometimetothinkaboutit? William:Ofcourse,I"llwaitforyou,mylove.(Williamsingslovesongstoher.) (JohnfeelsshockedandfuriouswhenheoverheardtheconversationbetweenWilliamandVivian.AndhegoesovertoVivian.) Vivian:Dad,Ithinkhe"sagreatpersonandawonderfullover. John:You"dbetterbreakupwithhimimmediatelybeforeitistoolate! SCENEIV (JohntellsChannelaboutwhathappenedbetweenVivianandWilliam.) John:Mastersaidhelovesmydaughter.Why?Whyhelovesmydaughter? Channel:What?Myhusbandlovesanotherwomanagain?It"snotabigdeal!Ionlycareabouthismoney! John:He"scheatingonyouandfoolingwithmydaughter. Channel:Thistime,Imustdosomethingaboutit. (Afewminuteslater,ChannelcallsMichelle.) Channel:Hello.MayIspeaktoMichelle? Michelle:Password,please. Channel:YouareageniusandIamafool. Michelle:Yes,yougotit.AnythingIcanbeofservicetoyou? Channel:I…I…I...want…(Stammering) Michelle:Hey,don"tbeafraid.Speakup! Channel:Pleasekillapersonforme. Michelle:What?Youwantmetokillaperson? Channel:Yes,couldyoudoitforme,please? Michelle:Ha,I"mjustkidding.Ofcourse,that"swhatIamherefor.Iacceptthecase.Andyouknow,Ineedagreatdealofmoneyasareward. Channel:Yes,noproblematall. Michelle:Ok,done. SCENEV (WilliamismissingVivianverymuchafterhehasbeingwarnedbyJohntobreakupwithhisdaughter.Sohecouldn"thelphimselftotrytomeetVivianagain.) William:Imissyousomuch,Vivian.Youdrivemecrazy. Vivian:Howcouldyouleavemealone? William:Vivian,let"sgoforawalkandI"lltellyouaboutit.Ok? Vivian:Allright. (Theydateinthewoodsatnight.JohnisveryangrywhenheseesWilliamcomingbackhappilyfromhisdatewithVivian.) John:Howcouldyoufallinlovewithmydaughter?Don"tyouknowI"mthepersonwholovesyouthemost? William:Nonsense!Don"tforgetyouarejustabutler! John:Youknownothingatall. (JohntriestohitWilliambutmisses.EventuallyhemanagedtotripWilliamupandmadehimbumpagainstthewallanddiedonthegroundinthedark.) (Backto“now”.WilliamjumpsupandcatchesJohn"slegsuddenly.) William:Youarethemurder.I"llneverforgiveyou! John:No,mygoodness.No…(Cryingloudly) 《功夫熊猫》台词而且有的话也很经典,可以吗? 这里有全套的台词~~ 1,Frankly,mydear,Idon"tgiveadamn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I"mgoingtomakehimanofferhecan"trefuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,Youdon"tunderstand!Icouldahadclass.Icouldabeenacontender.Icould"vebeensomebody,insteadofabum,whichiswhatIam. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I"vegotafeelingwe"renotinKansasanymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here"slookingatyou,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Goahead,makemyday. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,Allright,Mr.DeMille,I"mreadyformyclose-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,MaytheForcebewithyou. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fastenyourseatbelts.It"sgoingtobeabumpynight. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950) 10,Youtalkingtome? 你是在和我说话吗?(《出租车司机》1976) 12,Ilovethesmellofnapalminthemorning. 我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。(《现代启示录》1979) 13,Lovemeansneverhavingtosayyou"resorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。(《爱情故事》1970) 18,Madeit,Ma!Topoftheworld! 好好去做吧,站在世界之巅!(《歼匪喋血战》1949) 19,I"masmadashell,andI"mnotgoingtotakethisanymore! 我疯狂得如同地狱中的恶魔,我不会再这样继续下去了!(《电视台风云》1976) 20,Louis,Ithinkthisisthebeginningofabeautifulfriendship. 路易斯,我认为这是一段美好友谊的开始。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 20部经典英文电影对白 1.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrowisanotherday. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 Jack:"Youmustdomethishonor...promisemeyouwillsurvive...thatyouwillnevergiveup...nomatterwhathappens...nomatterhowhopeless...promisemenow,andneverletgoofthatpromise. 3.《007系列》 "Bond.JamesBond." 4.《阿甘正传》 Mommaalwayssaid:"Lifeislikeaboxofchocolates,Forrest.Youneverknowwhatyou"regonnaget." Mother:It"smytime.It"sjustmytime.Oh,now,don"tyoubeafraidsweetheart.Deathisjustapartoflife,somethingwe"realldestinedtodo.Ididn"tknowit.ButIwasdestinedtobeyourmomma.IdidthebestIcould. Jenny:Areyoustupidorsomething? Forrest:Mommasaysthatstupidisasstupiddoes. 5.《终结者》 "I"llbeback!" 6.《英国病人》 Wedie,wedierichwithloversandtribes,tasteswehaveswallowed,bodieswehaveenteredandswumuplikerivers,fearswehavehiddeninlikethiswretchedcave.Iwantallthismarkedonmybody.Wearetherealcountries,nottheboundariesdrawnonmapswithnamesofpowerfulmen.Iknowyouwillcomeandcarrymeoutintothepalaceofwinds,that"sallI"vewanted-towalkinsuchaplacewithyou,withfriends,ontheearthwithoutmaps. 7.《空军一号》 “Myfamilyfirst” 8.《罗马假日》 Ihavetoleaveyounow.I"mgoingtothatcornerthere,andturn.Youstayincaranddriveaway.Promisenottowatchmegobeyondthecorner.JustdriveawayandleavemeasIleaveyou. Well,lifeisn"talwayswhatonelikes,isn"tit? 9.《绿野仙踪》 "There"snoplacelikehome." 10.《卡萨布兰卡》 Ofalltheginjointsinallthetownsinalltheworld,shewalksintomine. 11.《我不是天使》 It"snotthemeninyourlifethatcounts,it"sthelifeinyourmen. 12.《地狱的天使》 WouldyoubeshockedifIchangedintosomethingmorecomfortable? 13.《鸭子汤》 Icoulddancewithyou"tillthecowscomehome.Onsecondthoughts,I"dratherdancewiththecows"tillyoucamehome. 14.《安娜·克里斯蒂》 Gimmeaviskywithaleontheside——anddon"tbestinchy,baby. 15.《美梦成真》 Theend,isonlythebeginning. 16.《Phenomenon》 “Willyoulovemefortherestofmylife?” “No,I"llloveyoufortherestofmine.” 17.《日出之前》 Ifthere"sanykindofmagicinthisworld,itmustbeintheattemptofunderstandingsomeoneorsharingsomething。 18.《四个婚礼一个葬礼》 --Ithoughtyouweregone. --Withoutyou,never 19.《教父》 Neverletanyoneknowwhatyouarethinking. 20.《美国派3》 Jim:Michelle,you"retheonewomanIwanttobewithandthewomanIcan"tbewithout.Iloveyou! Michelle:Jim,IhavetroublefindingthewordstotellyouhowIfeelandIrealizesomething.Loveisn"tjustafeeling,Loveissomethingyoudo.It"sadress,avisittobandcamp,aspeacialhaircut.Jimyou"vegivemeeverythingI"veeverwantedandIt"smysolemnvowtogiveeverythingIamtoyou. Titanic~! Rose:IloveyouJack. Jack:No...don"tyousayyourgood-byes,Rose.Don"tyougiveup.Don"t doit. Rose:I"msocold. Jack:You""regoingtogoonandyou"re goingtomakebabiesandwatchthemgrowandyou"regoingtodiean oldlady,warminyourbed.Nothere.Notthisnight.Doyouunderstand me? Rose:Ican"tfeelmybody. Jack:Rose,listentome.Listen.Winningthatticketwasthebestthingthat everhappenedtome.Itbroughtmetoyou.AndI"mthankful,Rose.I"m thankful. Jack:Youmustdomethishonor...promisemeyouwillsurvive...thatyouwill nevergiveup...nomatterwhathappens...nomatterhowhopeless... promisemenow,andneverletgoofthatpromise. Rose:Ipromise Jack:Neverletgo. Rose:Ipromise.Iwillneverletgo,Jack.I"llneverletgo. 听着,露丝,赢得船票是我一生中最幸运的事,因为我遇到了你.我已经很满足了,露丝,我很感激这样美妙的相遇......给我这个面子,向我承诺你永远不会放弃,无论发生什么,无论有多么绝望,露丝.并且答应我你永远不违背这个誓言. 我保证. 永远不放弃. 我永不言弃,杰克,永不言弃.
2023-07-13 09:51:491


1. first和firstly区别那么写作文的时候,为什么有的范文开头就用first,有 first,firstly 这两个词的意义很近似,又都有“首先”、“第一”之意,但使用场合不尽一致.First的使用范围较大,可以作名词、形容词和副词,有时还可以代替firstly使用;firstly的运用范围较小,只能作副词,用于列举事实或理由的场合.汉语里的“首先”、“第一”,在英语中是firstly、first of all、in the first place或干脆说first;但汉语中的“最后一点”,英语里却不说last,而是说lastly或last of all,这是应当记住的.下面是first和firstly通用的例句:First(or Firstly),we dice the pork and marinate it and,second (or secondly),we prepare the dough for the pie. 首先,把猪肉切成肉丁并加腌料;其次是预备做馅饼的麦粉.但在下列场合里,first却不可以和firstly替换使用:We first(不能用firstly)go to Shenzhen,and then to Beijing. 我们先到深圳,然后上北京.He who would eat the nut must first(不能用firstly)crack the shell. 要吃核果,必须先破壳.下面是first作名词和形容词的例句:The first of May is International Labour Day. 五月一日是国际劳动节.The first question is whether the Government is willing to improve elementary education. 第一个问题是: *** 是否愿意改造小学教育.通过上列的一些例句,我们可以看到,firstly只能用作副词,并只能用于列举事物和理由的场合.在现代英语中,firstly不如first用得普遍,许多人在列举事物时都是说:First,…;secondly,…;thirdly,….。 2. first aid作文 it is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. if a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. when you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. first, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth to mouth way. third, if a person is hurt badly, try at once to stop the bleeding. then take him/her to a doctor. if a person loses one third of his/her blood, he/she may die. many accidents may happen at home. all parents should know first aid in order to deal with mon injuries which may happen to their children. when a person is bitten by an animai, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor. when a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while. then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn. if the person is badly burnt, take him/her to the doctor. if a person cuts his/her finger, clean it and put a piece of paper round the cut. every bodyrshould know some first aid in order to save othe people"s lives. 3. 【myfirstteacher怎么写这作文】 My First TeacherAt the age of eight,I was sent toschool.I was very happy,for intheschool,there were a lot ofchildren that I could play with.My first teacher was a middle-aged lady.She taught us Chinese,arith-metic,singing,drawing,andso on.She taught us very well,and we allloved her.Once she taught us to draw aduck.All of us were ready to copyherdrawing,but she only drew alarge "2" on the blackboard andthen stopped.She asked us to start with it andgo on drawing."Think it over,please," she said,"doesn"t the figure “2” look likeaduck?"All of us *** iled and knewwhat to do.One of the childrenwent up to theblackboard andfinished the drawing very quickly.My teacher walked up anddownin the classroom,checking ourdrawings and making corrections.In the end she retuned to theblackboard and said,"Children,ifyouwant to know the world,youmust observe the things aroundyou carefullyand think them over.Then you will live a much betterand richer life thanthose whodon"t."I did not understand whatshe said at that time.Butafterwards I came torealize thather words were very important,for they taught us how to liveandlearn.有用请采纳。 4. 求高手帮写作文The first time Iearn money This is the real life. Every day is an ordinary day. This is not in the movie, there won"t be so many exciting and interesting things happen every day. So we are just living like a little river, *** oothly and quietly. I used to think that I would keep on living like this. But one day, it happened and changed this situation. That night I was walking alone on a road without lightings. Suddenly a beam of light appeared. With this light, I found out that there"s a body lying on the left side of the road. I didn"t know it was alive or dead. The sound of that light became louder which told me it was a truck. And the speed was still high. I was just standing aside like an audience watching a show. That truck seemed to be faster and faster. At last I closed my eyes. I was not chilly, but I was still shuddering. The driver of the truck found he might rolled something. He stopped the truck and got out. I couldn"t see his face, but I knew he was also shocked. He got into the truck quickly and drove away. I dared not to see the body on the road. I started to move my steps and ran away. I kept on running and running. I dared not to look back. Something was chasing me. I could feel it. I got home and locked the door. The body was still shaking. So were the legs. What"s wrong with me? I asked myself several times. Having reached my room, I became sleepy and fell into dream. In the dream, I was still running. I had run a far distance. A shadow caught up. I turn around and kept my eyes on the shadow. That was I! Another I! It was *** iling. But the *** ile became so cold and horrible. "That is you! You only care yourself. You are really cruel." It was speaking and laughing. I woke up sweating. It was a dream. Although I had been aware of that, the voice was still hanging around. Selfish and cruel. I switched on the light, standing in front of the mirror. The man in the mirror was I. From this face, nothing could be told. I always hid myself with a mask. This was the result of the society. Nobody would like to show other their inner-world. So they became colder and colder. And in the end, it turned out to be tonight"s me. I was just standing aside to watch an accident occurring. I dared not to stop it or I did not want to stop it. I hesitated. If it was a child standing there, he might have stood out and stopped it. What"s the matter with I? The more knowledge I learnt, the more I feared. The elder I was, the further distance I had from people. Why it became to this? I was puzzled. But one point I found out. I disliked to be that. I just wanted to be myself. People always say, it will be easier to solve the problems if you can find out what problem it is. So I began to change. Anyway, I know that was not a good thing. Until now I still can"t confirm what was that body, and if it was alive. But I can"t chase to the history and change it. But I can change the future. Without such a terrible affair, I would not change. I would still living in the cold world. From then on, I changed my way of living and thinking. I think I am living happier than before, much more happier. I regard it as the most important day in my life。 5. when i graduated form the collage ,i feel pressure around myself .and i know i need a job for my life.but boz i had no exprience ,the work was diifcult for me .i try it one on one.cleaner,sellman,keybord opeater and so on .but due to had no more expriece so every job what do short time for me .but i never give up .i always work hard to lean knowledge at night when i finish my work,time laps .now i m experienced and get used to it and the boss like me so much .boz ,they are always think i m work hard and belive in me .now i can do a lot of work by myself and solution problem by myself。 6. my first teacher 怎么写这作文 My First Teacher At the age of eight, I was sent to school. I was very happy, for in theschool, there were a lot of children that I could play with. My first teacher was a middle- aged lady. She taught us Chinese, arith-metic, singing, drawing, and so on. She taught us very well, and we allloved her. Once she taught us to draw a duck. All of us were ready to copy herdrawing, but she only drew a large "2" on the blackboard and then stopped. She asked us to start with it and go on drawing. "Think it over, please," she said, "doesn"t the figure “2” look likea duck?"All of us *** iled and knew what to do. One of the children went up to theblackboard and finished the drawing very quickly. My teacher walked up anddown in the classroom, checking our drawings and making corrections. In the end she retuned to the blackboard and said, "Children, if youwant to know the world, you must observe the things around you carefullyand think them over. Then you will live a much better and richer life thanthose who don"t. "I did not understand what she said at that time. But afterwards I came torealize that her words were very important, for they taught us how to live andlearn. 有用请采纳!
2023-07-13 09:52:041


  夏天的时候,荔枝是应季水果,我们在夏天记忆英语也会快一点吧。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      Litchi chinensis   荔枝的英语例句   1. It was the best time for litchi honey though.   吃鲜荔枝蜜,倒是时候.   2. Litchi is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world.   荔枝也许是世上最鲜最美的水果.   3. Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a main pest insect on litchi and longan.   荔枝蒂蛀虫是荔枝和龙眼的重要害虫.   4. You have not eaten the lichee I bought for you yet. Want some?   我买给你吃的荔枝,你还没有吃呢, 要吃 么 ?   5. To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.   要治口臭症, 荔枝与粥炖.   6. The extreme low temperature leaded to freeze injury or death of Lichi.   强低温常使荔枝树造成冻害,重者死亡.   7. Tie - in what fruit hits litchi is juice good? Where is mango?   荔枝搭配什么水果打汁好? 芒果 呢 ?   8. But we do not e in the litchi ripening season.   但却不是荔枝成熟的季节啊.   9. During the summer fruIt"season, you can hand - pick leeches off trees.   在夏季水果成熟季节, 您可以亲手摘荔枝.   10. Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.   哦, 最后还要买些荔枝和蜜瓜.   11. Like ackee, cassava is a dietary staple in the tropics.   就像西非荔枝果, 木薯是热带重要食物.   12. You, Like a ripe litchi, have branches full of borne rich fruits.   你像一株成熟的荔枝树, 挂满硕果累累.   13. The determination of anthocyanin and its degradation index DI in lychee are studied.   本文研究了荔枝果皮总花色 苷 及其降解指数的含量测定.   14. There are a *** all brown nuclear, it is the seeds of Litchi.   里面有一颗棕色的小小核, 那是荔枝的种子.   15. The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet.   成熟后的番荔枝果肉白色柔软甘甜.   关于荔枝的英语作文   Recently, a piece of news reported that a girl and her boyfriend made a plan to kill her parents. Luckily, her father was alive for the wrong shot. When the policemen spend two years to make the truth e out, the family was shocked, because the reason was that the parents loved their daughter too much. The fact was that it was love made this tragedy happen. The parents had high expectation on their daughter. Since she was very *** all, she was sent to learn many skills. Everytime when taking the exams, the girl felt great pressure. She even lied to her parents, just not to let her parents down. The reason of love is many parents" excuse to make every decision for their kids and ignore their feelings. If the kids resist, then the parents will say it is because of love. Love has bee a great burden for many young people. Parents need to consider the kids" feelings.   关于荔枝的英语范文   The shell litchi special amazed, its shell is like a man was frightened, was the place on a "goose bumps," and the expansion of the red face.Litchi pulp is white, quite good to eat. You touch the pulp, ShuiLinLin, as if running a marathon athlete, to bite on one, TianSiSi, the savory, really with food? The pulp is translucent, you through it can still to see the inside of the hidden hazy about stone!Litchi nuclear *** all, thin, you see it, they seem to see a poor mother of a grandpa, also as if a grain of *** all bullets.Litchi it there is a little story, once upon a time, in four beauties there is a beauty Yang especially like to eat lychee, the emperor to get some beautiful ?   关于荔枝的英语写作范文   Lychees are sometimes found on the the dessert menu of Chinese restaurants, but are being increasingly available at most supermarkets. Once stripped of their nobbly reddish brown shells, lychees look like large white grapes, each with a single large, glossy seed within its pale flesh. They have a sweet, flowery fragrance and flavour. Lychees are rich in vitamin C.   Buying   Select heavy, uncracked fruits with the stems still attached; the redder the shells, the fresher the lychees.   Storage   Unpeeled, the fruit can be stored for up to three weeks in the refrigerator.   Preparation   Serve whole lychees one at a time they need to be peeled, or peel several and sprinkle with a little lime or lemon juice to heighten the flavour. They can also be cut up and bined with berries or other soft fruit. They can also be poached.   关于荔枝的英语作文带翻译   The shell litchi special amazed, its shell is like a man was frightened, was the place on a "goose bumps," and the expansion of the red face. Litchi pulp is white, quite good to eat. You touch the pulp, ShuiLinLin, as if running a marathon athlete, to bite on one, TianSiSi, the savory, really with food? The pulp is translucent, you through it can still to see the inside of the hidden hazy about stone! Litchi nuclear *** all, thin, you see it, they seem to see a poor mother of a grandpa, also as if a grain of *** all bullets. Litchi it there is a little story, once upon a time, in four beauties there is a beauty Yang especially like to eat lychee, the emperor to get some beautiful ?   荔枝的外壳特别的希奇,它的壳就像一个人受惊了,身上吓得到处起“鸡皮疙瘩”,而且脸胀的红彤彤的。 荔枝的果肉挺洁白,挺好吃的。你摸摸它的果肉,水淋淋的,仿佛跑过马拉松的运动员,再咬上一口,甜丝丝,香喷喷的,可真有口福呢。它的果肉是半透明的,你透过它还可以以隐朦胧约看到里面的果核呢! 荔枝的核小小的,瘦瘦的,你看到它,就仿佛看到了一个穷得要命的老爷爷,也仿佛是一粒小子弹。 荔枝它还有一个小故事呢,从前,四大美人中有一个美人儿杨贵妃特别喜欢吃荔枝,皇帝为了讨美人儿喜欢就叫人们运荔枝,人们快马加鞭,为了送荔枝在运输的途中不知死了多少匹马呢! 在宋代,诗人苏轼写过一首诗,说:日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人。意思是:我愿意去做岭南人,那样样的话,我每天就可以吃很多的荔枝了。 我也很喜欢吃荔枝,但也不能多吃!    看过的人还:
2023-07-13 09:52:101


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2023-07-13 09:52:561

Rubberband Man 歌词

歌曲名:Rubberband Man歌手:Spinners专辑:Happiness Is Being With SpinnersT.I. - Rubberband ManRubber band manWild as the Taliban9 in my right45 in my other hand.Call me trouble manalways in trouble manworth a couple hundred grandchevys, all colors manRubber band manlike a one man bandtreat these niggas like the Apolloand i"m the sandman.Tote a hundred grandCanon in the waistbandLooking fo a sweet lick?Well this is the wrong place man.Seven time felon,what i care about a case man?I"m campaigning to bury the hate,so say ya grace man.Ay, I don"t talk behind a nigga backI say it in his face.I"m a thoroughbred nigga.I don"t fake and i don"t hate.Check my resume nigga.My record"s impeccableAnywhere in the A niggahow TIP is highly respectable.And the MIA niggaI"m tryna keep it professionalCause all this tongue rastling.finna have me snappin, i"m tellin you.From the bottom of tha Duval,Cakalacky to New Yorkand everybody showin me lovethat"s one to you all.Yeah, to all my Florida niggas,my Cakalacky niggas my LA niggasRubber band manWild as the Taliban9 in my right45 in my other hand.Call me trouble manalways in trouble manworth a couple hundred grandchevys, all colors manRubber band manWild as the Taliban9 in my right45 in my other hand.Call me trouble manalways in trouble manworth a couple hundred grandchevys, all colors manCall me trouble manStayed in some trouble manSome niggas still hatin on shawtyso they some suckas man.Got a couple fansthat love to do nothing other thanlick, suck, show no respectbut still i love em man.Dig it, lil pimpin got the mind and the muscleStay down on his grindPut the crown on the hustleAy, I could show ya how to juggle anythingand make it double.Weed, blow, real estate, liquor stowit no trouble.Young cats is playin todayMarvin Gaye of my time.Tryna stay aliveLivin how i say in my rhymes.My cousin used to tell metake this shit a day at a time.and told me Friday, died SundayWe a day in the ground.I still smile cuz somehowI know he seeing me nowand so i"m doing all my showsjust like he in the crowd.Ay, tho ya lightas up for my cousin Toot,Aaliyah, Left Eye and Jam Master Jay.Rubber band manWild as the Taliban9 in my right45 in my other hand.Call me trouble manalways in trouble manworth a couple hundred grandchevys, all colors manRubber band manWild as the Taliban9 in my right45 in my other hand.Call me trouble manalways in trouble manworth a couple hundred grandchevys, all colors manGrand Hustle manMo hustles than hustle man.But why the rubber band?It representin the struggle man.My folk gon trapuntil they come up wit another planStack and crumble breadto get theyself off they mama land.Gangstas who been servinsince you was doing the runnin man.Went down, did 10back round and rich again.That"s why i"m youngwit the soul of a old manI"m shell shocked, get shotslow ya roll man.Still ride aroundwith the glock on patrol man.I ain"t robbing,I"m just lookin for that dro man.For ma niggas slangin blow, pimpin hosRollin vogues, 24s.Let these other niggas know.Rubber band manWild as the Taliban9 in my right45 in my other hand.Call me trouble manalways in trouble manworth a couple hundred grandchevys, all colors manRubber band manWild as the Taliban9 in my right45 in my other hand.Call me trouble manalways in trouble manworth a couple hundred grandchevys, all colors man
2023-07-13 09:53:141


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2023-07-13 09:50:311

xbox360 GTA Vice City 有秘籍吗?

GTAVice city 真正秘籍 (中文说明)IqwnTg?*C0g[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器oV;d@Wiw+]7ON%JWeapon Set 1 - brass knucles, knife, molatov, 9mm, rifle, SMG, AK(第一类武器)PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器X+dY3Z2Vr左, 右, X, 上, 下, □, 左, 右Q Vt"J-IK}[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]b"WZz#hk_[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]Weapon Set 2 - katana, remote grenades, python, shotgun, silenced uzi, m4, rockets, sniper rifle(第二类武器)EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007X8e*N&a ^#g左, 右, □, 上, 下, △, 左, 右PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器:V }1rHM;[ Dbbs.emu-zone.org0K4x7_#Vk;H5HU"`Weapon Set 3 - chainsaw, grenades, laser scope python, shotgun, mp5, m4, minigun, sniper rifle(第三类武器)PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器a*h.D6| T#LI a"~D左, 右, △, 上, 下, ○, 左, 右#RyC.L0VmPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器08J"Z2hs_o+yy VGet $250000(得到250000金钱)[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]-D&i Q`f]Z ^上, 下, 左, 右, X, X, L1, R1bbs.emu-zone.orgJ2j N/N3}Q)u$N t[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]3[#H m7swbArmor(防弹衣)C)l8i"@8p L/c a!V上, 下, 左, 右, □, □, L1,[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ],b$@$LY+pD(FO"FHealth(生命值)9r^{N)rEZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007上, 下, 左, 右, ○, ○, L1, R1y8A7y^_B8cip/dWEZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007w B9r3i_R GS$I:JPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器Raise Wanted Level(提高一级警报)v7y;JS%Gdx上, 右, □, □, 下, 左, ○, ○;Nl{*iPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器Never Wanted(永元不会被通辑)Q:`T.~*yh}A EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007上, 右, △, △, 下, 左, X, XPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器,ntN)xl6G|bbs.emu-zone.orgC-e!Kg8PSunny Weather(大太阳天)EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007x hER%N`+P左, 下, R1, L1, 右, 上, 左, ○bbs.emu-zone.orgXLT}zD(G"FH[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]:_xNU)C2^Clear Weather(晴朗的天气))Y:aa(}&hc.?r~左, 下, R1, L1, 右, 上, 左, X[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]5Y7t)xN{1dbt*Pv7}]K`x[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]Overcast Weather(阴天)1M*rGj/o@[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]左, 下, L1, R1, 右, 上, 左, □[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]s`)UI7G,J|-a(h)i%|,e F.S$lWbbs.emu-zone.orgRainy Weather(雨天)J2C6Z)}Lybbs.emu-zone.org左, 下, L1, R1, 右, 上, 左, △]u|m:e!pCwPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器bbs.emu-zone.org4jb7L)Ry8`UFoggy Weather(雾天)VZ2|*K`%k&g I$fix左, 下, △, X, 右, 上, 左, L1n3u-ot$T8{}!D,~PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器1m#OzPL&g1][jwSpawn Rhinov%G3oADK;_PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器上, L1, 下, R1, 左, L1, 右, R1/?Rng"cRl"I1u.VPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器I;[}tuk"rSFaster Clock(加快时间)EZ 游戏社区 Ver.20074R-f2_G-CTnR1, L1, L1, 下, 上, X, 下, L1V_2_|QMdEZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007DgKGb6YDestroy All Cars(破坏所有车辆)*XS3x1Hm];_PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器L1, R1, R1, 左, 右, □, 下, R1PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器 l1pw)o5b%}x|~%s^$pr(Qk!KPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器Peds Riot(行人暴乱)4ui+`8A(Dbbs.emu-zone.orgR1, L1, L1, 下, 左, ○, 下, L1EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007 D`"h R"d"gO`G5EPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器bx C*OS,BPeds Attack You(行人攻击你)*fs_V]%PHR4YGh下, △, 上, X, L1, R1, L1, R1EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007-F [({y YA*z7^,D"j0U c-M:A[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]Peds Have Weapons(行人得到武器)EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007o_8CGk5q&R5T8j上, L1, 下, R1, 左, ○, 右, △_9p4Z}?Ubbs.emu-zone.orgl)u8B)N-Bu.WrL[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]Faster Gameplay(行动变快)-d3I*x:]7Tbbs.emu-zone.org左, 左, R1, R1, 上, △, 下, X.?T#YzLx l[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]bbs.emu-zone.orgsk(|?$b&E-gDSlower Gameplay(行动变慢)3t$CrOsL]%nbbs.emu-zone.org左, 左, ○, ○, 下, 上, △, XPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器"qN)A8]5D.[.Pke&EHK4MpU+WrzPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器Perfect Traction,(最高马力) 下=Car Hop(车辆最高时色)EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007?[F-gt"x v+o2k D@下, 左, 上, L1, R1, △, ○, X4gc)b$@5ojcbbs.emu-zone.orgPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器 R:It!b,E J@Commit SuicideEZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007$E+n:zVQ;Hj右, 右, ○, ○, L1, R1, 下, Xbbs.emu-zone.orgbafG L@6}lPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器3AK!^ | h"Z23) ?EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007bq/t2f:p.N?!p^上, 下, △, X, L1, R1, 左, ○EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007c U&Q &dt[@4{jp{4G Q.} V[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]24) ?e-r"^@3]wi~上, 上, 右, 左, △, ○, ○, □h,B)F:jo7L WwEZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器G z[e8L$||I6pBlack Traffico#u4|Y*n2{f9`[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]L1, R1, L1, R1, 左, ○, 上, Xj5]V v0Yv1W[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]0TlRk$}Spawn Trashmaster"xeI]$hq*q[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ]下, 上, 右, △, L1, △, L1, △PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器4N5Qb%rfL.REZ 游戏社区 Ver.2007$`N4K7F g*n;M#o27) ?bbs.emu-zone.orgj9Q;}"h+{ vU下, 上, 右, L1, L1, □, 上, L1[ PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade ];tb*w9pRXMT+r?U1wAzG6aPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器Guys Follow You(组员们跟着你)qA4a7k|bbs.emu-zone.org右, L1, 下, L1, ○, 上, L1, □fL5~/bQPIbbs.emu-zone.org7`zz-q 6Mi+g"w!gEZ 游戏社区 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2023-07-13 09:50:321

会计provisions and contigencies什么意思

首先纠正一下,是contingencies。直接看的话是准备金及或有事项的意思,不过我没见过这个。建议看一看IAS,里面有provisions和contingencies 的解释
2023-07-13 09:50:351


2023-07-13 09:50:351

怎么让win10系统的界面变成win8 win7那样

2023-07-13 09:50:387

侠盗猎车罪恶都市 GTA Vice City 快速下载。

2023-07-13 09:50:428


Les provisions correspondent à des pertes ou des charges simplement prévisibles :la constitution de provisions est donc une application du principe de prudence. Les provisions se distinguent donc des amortissements dans la mesure où lorsque le comptableamortit, il ne fait que constater des pertes eectivement subies par l"entreprise, à la dié-rence des provisions qui sont des pertes potentielles.le calcul des provisions pour dépréciations fait partie des travaux de fin d"exercice. On a : provision pour stocks ( le plan comptable n° 39....) , provision pour créances ( n° 49....) , provision pour titires.
2023-07-13 09:50:422


joder 男女皆适 老少咸宜 都可以这么说的
2023-07-13 09:50:463

The provisions of the forever

provisions 是 provide 的派生名词复数,意思是 “供应品/生活物质”, forever 用作名词表示很长的一段时间,the provisions of the forever 意思就是 “长期储备的生活物质”。
2023-07-13 09:50:511


2023-07-13 09:50:5111


1、航班查询电话是多少号码95339吗?2、机票查询电话是多少3、东方航空客服电话是多少4、机场客服热线96556?5、飞机客服电话多少?航班查询电话是多少号码95339吗?95339是海南航空客服电话,需要先根据语音提示选择要办理的业务,然后直接转接到人工服务,比如要预定国内飞机票,拨通电话之后先选择按键1,然后再选择按键1,即可自动转接人工客服,然后就可以查询航班信息并预定机票。拓展资料:航空公司(Airlines是指以各种航空飞行器为运输工具,以空中运输的方式运载人员或货物的企业。航空公司是以各种航空飞行器为运输工具为乘客和货物提供民用航空服务的企业。航空公司使用的飞行器可以是他们自己拥有的,也可以是租来的,他们可以独立提供服务,或者与其他航空公司合伙或者组成联盟。航空公司的规模可以从只有一架运输邮政或货物的飞机到拥有数百家飞机提供各类全球性服务的国际航空公司。航空公司的服务范围可以分洲际的、洲内的、国内的,也可以分航班服务和包机服务。各大航空公司通常已经在国际民航组织登记自己的呼号。呼号通常都是航空公司的名称,但也有例外的,再在呼号后加上航班编号,一些满载的大型航机会在呼号后再加上HEAVY(Cathay-seven-one-seven-heavy,让航空管制员知道该航班特重,不能执行一些指令(像保持低速、飞到更高高度等等。服务航空公司(Airlines是以各种航空飞行器为运输工具为乘客和货物提供民用航空服务的企业,它们一般需要一个官方认可的运行证书或批准。航空公司使用的飞行器可以是它们自己拥有的,也可以是租来的,它们可以独立提供服务,或者与其它航空公司合伙或者组成联盟。航空公司的规模可以从只有一架运输邮件或货物的飞机到拥有数百架飞机提供各类全球性服务的国际航空公司。航空公司的服务范围可以分洲际的、洲内的、国内的,也可以分航班服务和包机服务。行业分类航空公司航空公司可以按多种方式将航空公司分类按公司规模分,如大型航空公司、小型航空公司;按飞行范围分,如国际、国内航空公司;按运输的种类分,如客运航空公司、货运航空公司;按工作时间分,如定期、不定期。国家航空公司指的是由国家出资设立或经营的航空公司,一般普遍都会在该公司的机体明显处,漆上代表该国的国旗。例如:中国国际航空公司,新加坡航空,泰国国际航空以降低经营成本为目的,廉价航空公司、低成本航空公司。机票查询电话是多少1、东方航空:95530服务热线:(+8695530中国东方航空集团有限公司总部位于上海,是我国三大国有骨干航空运输集团之一,前身可追溯到1957年1月上海成立的第一支飞行中队。2、南方航空:95539联系在线人工客服或致电南航24小时客户服务热线(境内95539,境外+86-4008695539找人工客服查询预订。3、四川航空:95378请通过川航直销服务热线川航直销服务热线95378/028-88888888或至成都、重庆、昆明、北京、上海、广州、深圳的川航直属售票处同时购买成人及婴儿客票,其他城市可前往当地机票代理人处购买。4、春秋航空:95524春秋航空服务及投诉热线95524;中国港澳台地区及国外可拨打:+862195524;投诉受理电子邮件。5、深圳航空:95361可以拨打24小时订票服务热线95361,获得航班信息查询、国内和国际客票预订、客票变更、网站订票咨询等服务。香港地区,请拨打“817-95080”。境外地区,请拨打“0086-755-88814023”。参考资料来源:深圳航空-机票预订参考资料来源:春秋航空-春秋航空的客服电话是多少?如何在境外拨打客服电话?参考资料来源:四川航空公司-购票及安全旅行的相关条款参考资料来源:中国南方航空-购买国内机票的渠道有哪些?参考资料来源:东方航空-中国东方航空集团有限公司简介东方航空客服电话是多少关于东方航空的客服电话,有两种方式可以获取,首先去搜狗搜索上查询,第二个就是去东方航空的官网查看。01打开搜狗搜索,输入自己想要知道的内容,如“东方航空客服电话”。02然后就可以看到结果是95530,是不是很简单。03第二种方法,就是搜索东方航空,打开官网。04在官网左上角会有东方航空的客服电话,以及在线客服入口。特别提示希望对各位有帮助,谢谢!机场客服热线96556?96556是机场客服热线96556机场客服热线是负责接听并为广大旅客提供咨询服务,比如一般性的咨询、查询,包括阐述机场对外公布的各类咨询性信息,民航局、航空公司、机场对外发布的法律法规,由座席员直接进行答复。对于超出座席回答范围与权限的问题,将通过系统直接转接对应部门,满足旅客实时、远程、便捷获取机场信息的需要,提供专业详实的出行信息。飞机客服电话多少?不同航空公司的客服热线电话如下:1、中国国际航空公司:955832、中国东方航空公司:955303、中国南方航空公司:955394、中国厦门航空公司:955575、深圳航空公司:953616、山东航空公司:953697、四川航空公司:953788、河北航空公司:966999、春秋航空公司:9552410、北京首都航空公司:95375(国内 010-861095375(国际以上内容参考:中国国际航空公司官网-国航热线、中国东方航空公司官网-联系我们、中国南方航空-客服中心、厦门航空官网、深圳航空公司官网-联系方式、山东航空公司官网、四川航空公司官网、河北航空公司官网、春秋航空公司官网-客服中心、首都航空公司官网
2023-07-13 09:50:521

catchall provisions 怎么翻译?

有多种翻译,不过意思是一样,就是总括性的条款,包含一切的条款。1)第17(d)条作为有关利益冲突的【“全能性”条款】,(“catch-all”provision),并非自我执行条款(self executing provision),亦没有禁止任何特定行为2)【兜底条款或规定】是“catch-all”provision3)【包罗条款】): [bāo luó tiáo kuǎn]. catch-all provision4)警察职权行使法第二八条第一项作为警察法上之【概括条款】
2023-07-13 09:50:591


1、飞机上的无线网收费吗?2、飞机上的wifi怎么收费3、中国东航的机上WiFi怎么购买?4、东航机上Wi-Fi服务如何?5、东航飞机wifi收费标准6、飞机提供WiFi信号,成本费用有多少?飞机上的无线网收费吗?飞机上有无线网东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时,不过是在少数航班。在登机前快速辨别一架客机有没有机上互联网的方法:一、网络购票时:以购买东方航空公司上海到北京的航班为例,通过航司自家的APP购票(第三方购票软件还暂不支持),可以看到航班号后面一个有“wifi”的标志,则表示该航班带有机上wifi网络。不过即使买到票,由于航司机上网络接入的名额有限,一般会要求在app上提前申请,成功以后才能享受到机上wifi服务。二、登机时通过观察机身外形:大家可以在登机前,通过观察该飞机的外观,观察机身顶部是否有个“小突起”,这个小鼓包装的其实就是卫星天线。三、登机时观察飞机舱门:搭载wifi网络的航班一般会在飞机舱门口喷涂“wi-fionboard”标志,大家看见这个标志,就可以判定此架飞机的网络覆盖情况。四、机舱内行李架或座椅后背:部分航空公司会在行李架座位号旁、飞行提示卡以及座椅后背直接标注wifi覆盖情况。乘机的时候看到以上特征,就可以按照要求拿出手机等移动设备来使用飞机上提供的高速网络东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时了。飞机上的wifi怎么收费东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时你好随着技术东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时的发展东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时,机上WiFi服务已经成为航空公司的附加服务之一,而为东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时了与竞争者比拼,航空公司甚至会在推广期通过免费或者提供折扣的方式来吸引乘客,所以目前要使用机上WiFi,其实价格还是很便宜的。目前,国内国航、东航、南航等航空公司并没有正式的机上WiFi运营价格,基本上都是体验阶段,会在某些航线上提供免费体验。在国际航空公司的航班上,机上WiFi的收费方式比较多样化,基本上是会区分内陆和国际航班两大类,内陆航班按日、月、年提供套餐,如达美和美国航空都提供24小时、月卡以及年卡套餐。而国际航班普遍是按小时计算上网费的,还有的航空公司会为会员提供里程积分换上网时间的服务。还有一种方式就是按流量收费,比如阿联酋航空。另外,还有的航空公司为了吸引乘客,在某些高端座位上推出了免费WiFi服务,比如搭乘北欧航空商务舱和超值经济舱的乘客或是一定级别以上的会员,都可免费使用机上WiFi服务。东方航空:免费申请 手机不能使用东航是中国民航首家将空中上网投入商业运营的航空公司,最早是在上海往返纽约、洛杉矶、多伦多航线上开启空中互联网服务,而从2月5日起,东航还在部分国内航班上开通空中WiFi,首先于上海往返昆明、三亚,北京往返广州部分航班上推出,近期又增加到每周有近300个航班提供WiFi服务,乘客在东方航空APP、东航官网查询自己的航班是否有WiFi服务,再申请免费空中WiFi,每班限50名额。一般飞机上的卫星通讯及客舱内WiFi设备将在飞机起飞后爬升到约3000米高度后自动打开,到了适合的高度后就可以体验空中上网,但要注意目前东航的机上WiFi只能通过电脑或者Pad接入,手机不能使用。汉莎航空:按小时收费 可里程兑换据了解,汉莎航空的所有洲际航班已全部装备其FlyNet系统,可使用WiFi上网。汉莎航空的机上WiFi是按小时收费,1小时9欧元、4小时14欧元、全程17欧元。汉莎航空的会员,还可以使用里程积分来兑换机上WiFi上网服务,1小时3500英里积分、4小时4500英里积分、全程5500英里积分。另外,于本年夏初,汉莎航空将成为欧洲第一家在中短途航班上提供宽带服务的航空公司。届时,乘坐汉莎德国国内航班和欧洲地区航班的乘客,将可以使用WiFi上网。北欧航空:高端舱位免费体验北欧航空对特定高端舱位的乘客提供免费WiFi服务。乘坐Business商务舱和SAS Plus超值经济舱旅客以及北欧航空EuroBonus常旅客计划高级别会员,可免费使用机上WiFi服务,相当大方。但发九张图的朋友圈就不行,单对单对话则很流畅。阿联酋航空:按流量收费 首10MB免费阿联酋航空机队内所有空客A380和部分波音777飞机都已实现WiFi覆盖,乘客可以免费享用10MB数据流量,之后仅需支付1美元即可享受500MB数据流量,可以用信用卡支付。10MB流量大约可供乘客发一条9张图的新浪微博及微信朋友圈,而500MB流量基本可供乘客全程使用邮件、微博、微信与外界保持联系,基本上只需要付出1美元即可,性价比很高。但是由于相关规定,阿联酋航空的这项服务在中国和印度领空暂时无法使用。美国航空:按小时收费 要加税费美国航空在北京到达拉斯、上海到达拉斯航班上推出全程上网服务,2小时收费12美元、4小时17美元、航班全程则是19美元,另加大约10%的相关税费。希望能帮助到你,谢谢东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时!中国东航的机上WiFi怎么购买?如果是经济舱的话,进入客舱后找中国东航的工作人员用现金或者积分购买就行,现金是50元,积分兑换则需要2500点;如果是头等舱、公务舱的话,首台设备无需购买即可直接体验。可以去上百度看看。东航机上Wi-Fi服务如何?从《空中营救》上映开始,就羡慕米国人在飞机上可以上网的待遇,而自从国内民航不再要求飞行过程中全程关机开始,东方航空也开始宣传机上wi-fi服务了,只是一直没有遇到过包含机上wi-fi服务的班机,也就一直没有机会体会。今天乘坐的西安飞北京MU2111号班机,昨天在提前值机的时候竟然惊喜的发现有机上wifi的标识,就赶忙申请了一下。买票用的东航app,在app首页看到机上wifi的标识,像下面这样。点入进去并且输入身份信息和票号(不是订单号,是东航7开头的票号),就收到东航预订成功的短信,价值258元的机上Wi-Fi,看来也只能试用体验一下而已,真的开始收费的话,2个小时上网用258元网费,比拨号时代网费还要贵好多倍了啊。登机后仍然要将飞机设置为飞行模式,在飞行模式下单独打开Wlan搜索东航机上热点CEAIR-Wifi并连接。连接后会自动跳转到东航的登陆页面(如果没有自动跳转,也可以打开默认浏览器输入任何网址,都会跳转过去)。在跳转后的页面上点击登陆互联网,输入座位号、身份证件信息和之前收到的短信验证码,就可以正常上网了。整体而言:和地面网络相比,机上Wi-Fi的速度还是要慢一些,文字传输尚可,要上传图片什么的就非常之慢了。另外,每个已注册的信息只能用来连接一台设备,想要手机平板都联网是不可能的。不过,短短几个小时的飞行时间,要连接太多的设备,似乎倒也没有必要。机上Wi-Fi对于缓解现代人离开网络的焦虑症很有帮助,但是,我想,在飞机上的一小段时间里,安安静静远离网络,读读书什么的,享受与世隔绝的时光,不也挺好的吗?东航飞机wifi收费标准东航wife收费标准如下:采取东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时了按航段计费东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时的模式东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时,国内航班为800积分/段东航飞机上wifi多少钱一小时,经济舱旅客可免费体验10分钟,公务舱头等舱旅客则可继续免费使用。飞机提供WiFi信号,成本费用有多少?飞机提供WiFi信号,成本费用具体成交合同不方便透露成本来说,飞机改装大概四五十万,流量费用好像每架飞机每年四五十万可以买到两兆的带宽,所以你想在飞机上在线看视频基本上是不可能了,主要还是为商务旅客提供电子邮件等交流渠道以及新闻浏览。收费每架飞机大概每天飞4次,一年算一千次,每架飞机平均三百座位,按180人算平均客座率,假设有三十人购买,人均17元能收回五十万的流量成本,预计收费大概在20-30元每次左右,也可能按流量收费,正常使用费用不会高得离谱。试用效果,网速不稳定,飞行中波动较大,掉线频繁。不同阶段为飞机安装WiFi联网功能设备的价格是不同的,总体费用还会受到机型、面积等因素影响,但每架飞机的改装费用至少是在百万美元级别。此番航空公司积极响应《指南》,除了满足旅客机上使用手机的需求,也与民航的商业探索相关。一位东航工作人员告诉记者,空地联网(飞行中的移动互联网技术)商业化这一产业目前还不太好说,但将来到一定规模后或有新的变化,商业逻辑也有很多办法走通,例如向广告商收费。海航方面向记者表示,PED设备的开放使旅客体验有了无限的可能,航空公司也能够依托PED设备推出更多人性化的机上服务,海航后续可能与各大电商开展合作。海航资料显示,海航2017年3月8日已与喜乐航和支付宝达成合作,开通空中移动支付服务,当日的海南航空HU7619航班成为国内首个实现空中移动支付的航班。
2023-07-13 09:50:591

GTA:Vice City里有个女人,当你获得一颗通缉警星或者接收刑警任务时,她就会说话,有含义吗

2023-07-13 09:51:001

求电影斗鱼rumble fish(1983)清晰片源

优酷网 输入名字就可以了
2023-07-13 09:51:022

HP deskjetf388all-in-one墨盒多少钱!

HP deskjet F388一体机功能:打印/复印/扫描 | 打印类型:喷墨多功能 | 最快打印速度:20p/min | 最大复印速度:20s/p | 传送速度:无此功能 | 打印尺寸:A4是2006年上市的一款机型,已经停产,新机价450左右,目前市场已经淘汰,只有二手机在销售,不带墨盒的裸机销售价就100左右,反而耗材的费用比例占的较大。
2023-07-13 09:51:041

PS2侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市GTA(vice city)求密码!!!

百度一大堆呢= =。。。。。
2023-07-13 09:50:204


上面的好全哦,不过我补充一首,吴克群的 where did you go
2023-07-13 09:50:185


2023-07-13 09:50:169

英语to provision resources怎么翻译?

英语to provision resources怎么翻译?该短语的意思是提供货源,这里resources为resource复数provision :n. 提供,供应;准备,预备;(尤指为旅行准备的)食物,必需品(provisions);条款,规定;赡养,供养;(机构账户上为已知负债,尤指坏账或资产价值缩减,从利润中留出的)准备金;<史>神职委任(尤指教皇对尚未缺额神职的预先委任)v. 为……提供所需物品(尤指食物);(为已知债务)留出准备金resource :n. 自然资源;资源(指钱、物、人等);有助于实现目标的东西,资料;(对付困境所需的)个人素质(resources);(逆境中的)出路,应付办法;<正式> 谋略,智谋v. 向……提供资金(或设备)
2023-07-13 09:50:131

GTA3资料片Vice City和SA主角CJ和Tommy关系?

GTA1,GTA2伦敦神偷(就是俯视角的那种,很经典),GTA3自由之城,主角是Claude。GTA3出了两个资料片,先出的是罪恶都市(Vice city),主角是tommy。后来出的是另一个资料片圣安地列斯(GTA:SA),主角是CJ。很多盗版都把这几个版本乱混成5代啊,12代啊什么的。后来出的是GTA4,主角是Nikon。现在出了资料片GTA4:自由城故事。好累啊。我只能回答这些。貌似你没屏蔽XLIVE的话,存档是不能乱用的。
2023-07-13 09:50:102


请帮我搜100句英语美句!谢谢! To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂 Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour 把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰. Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival 生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存 Let"s write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days". 曾"打算有那么一天"去写的信,就在今天写吧. I love you not because of who you are, 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人, Because of who I am when I am with you . 而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is worth make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪.值得让你这么所的人,不会让你哭泣. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your *** ile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道是谁会爱上你的笑容。 Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间. Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那比能够不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你. Don"t cry because it is over, *** ile,because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣.微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有. And forever has no end. 永永远远,永无止境. Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us. 生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在. 让人感动的英文句子 I"ve learned… That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. 我明白了…世界上最好的教室就是老人的脚边。 I"ve learned… That when you"re in love, it shows. 我明白了…当你沉浸在爱情中,会表现出来的。 I"ve learned… That just one person saying to me, “You"ve made my day!” makes my day. 我明白了…有人告诉我“你让我很快乐!”,这使我很快乐。 I"ve learned… That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world. 我明白了…有个孩子在在你的臂弯中入睡是世界上最安宁的感觉。 I"ve learned… That being kind is more important than being right. 我明白了…秉性善良比行事正确更为重要。 I"ve learned… That you should never say no to a gift from a child. 我明白了…永远不要拒绝一个孩子赠与的礼物。 I"ve learned… That I can always pray for someone when I don"t have the strength to help him in some other way. 我明白了…如果从各种方面我都没有能力帮助他的时候,我就为他祈祷。 I"ve learned… That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with. 我明白了…不管生活让你变得多名的严肃,每个人都要有一个可以胡作非为的朋友。 I"ve learned… That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand. 我明白了…有时候每个人都需要一只可以握住的手和一颗信任的心。 I"ve learned… That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an *** . 我明白了…但我孩提时在夏天夜晚陪着我父亲走过几个街区曾感动过我,当我成人时。 I"ve learned… That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. 我明白了…生命象一卷厕纸。越到最后,走得越快。 I"ve learned… That we should be glad God doesn"t give us everything we ask for. 我明白了…我们应该感到高兴,上帝没有把我们想得到的都给予我们。 I"ve learned… That money doesn"t buy class. 我明白了…金钱并不能买到社会地位。 I"ve learned…That it"s those *** all daily happenings that make life so spectacular. 我明白了…就是一些生活的琐碎让生命壮丽。 I"ve learned… That under everyone"s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved. 我明白了…在某些人的坚硬外壳下,也有渴望欣赏和理解的一面。 I"ve learned… That the Lord didn"t do it all in one day. What makes me think I can? 我明白了…上帝并没有把一切都做完。否则,我能做什么呢? I"ve learned… That to ignore the facts does not change the facts. 我明白了…应该忽视的是,事实并不能改变事实。 I"ve learned… That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. 我明白了…如果你蓄谋报复某人,只会让那个人继续伤害你。 I"ve learned… That love, not time, heals all wounds. 我明白了…是爱,而不是时间,能够治愈一切伤痛。 I"ve learned… That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people *** arter than I am. 我明白了…使我成长的捷径就是围绕在比我聪敏的人身旁。 I"ve learned… That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a *** ile. 我明白了…你遇到的所有的人都应该给他们一个微笑。 I"ve learned… That there"s nothing sweeter than sleeping with your babies and feeling their breath on your cheeks. 我明白了…在和孩子们一起睡,感受他们的呼吸喷在你的脸上的时候,世界上没有较之更甜蜜的事情。 I"ve learned…. That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them. 我明白了…直到你爱上了一个人才发现原来有人是完美的。 I"ve learned…That life is tough, but I"m tougher. 我明白了…生命是艰难的,而我更坚强。 I"ve learned… That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss. 我明白了…机会从不落空,总有人得到你错过的。 I"ve learned… That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere. 我明白了…当你遭遇苦难,幸福总会在某处停靠。 I"ve learned… That I wish I could have told my Dad that I love him one more time before he passed away. 我明白了…我真希望在父亲去世之前能再说一次我爱他。 I"ve learned… That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them. 我明白了…一个人应该温柔地遵守诺言,因为明天他可能就食言了。 I"ve learned… That a *** ile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. 我明白了…微笑是最廉价的改善自己面孔的方法。 I"ve learned… That I can"t choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it. 我明白了…我不能改变我的想法,但是我可以改变我的做法。 I"ve learned… That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you"re hooked for life. 我明白了…当最近降生的曾孙用他的小拳头握住你的小拇指的时候,你发现你对生命如此的着迷。 I"ve learned… That everyone wants to live on of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth ours while you"re climbing it. 我明白了…所有的人都想停留在山顶,但所有的乐趣和成长发生在爬上的过程里。 I"ve learned … That it is best to give advice in only o circumstances; when it is requested and when it is a life threatening situation. 我明白了…发表建议最好在以下两个场合:别人发出请求,和生命收到威胁的时候。 I"ve learned… That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done. 我明白了…越是给很少的时间,我能做越多的事情。 请帮我翻译一个英语句子,谢谢 他的钥匙在他身上. 请帮我翻译一下英语句子。谢谢。 I am here today for the examination I am new here, be considerate, please 请帮我翻译这句,翻译成英语,谢谢 What I need is an experienced teacher. Jack,I"m glad that you have such a teacher. 请帮我把一句汉语翻译成英语,谢谢 We are the Chinese province of hebei belieber Because you have said:"never say never,never give up!" 请帮我翻译一个英语简单句子,谢谢 I always set up the alarm clock, and get up at six next day. 请帮我翻译一句英文口语,谢谢! 这就是我没有把你带上后所得到的(结果,后果) 因为没有上下文,只能这么翻译 handsomemale那个不对吧,如果按你的中文应该是 this is why I do not take you with me 请帮我翻译英语谢谢! We have told them before, but they didn"t amend the discrepancy. So they hope we can aept the discrepancy now. Can we aept it? 【急求!】请帮我翻译一句英语!谢谢!就一句!很简单 There are often some people ing to our shcool with their lectures.
2023-07-13 09:50:091


关于捉怪的难点,技巧,基本都有了。难也就难在提灯怪,乔瑟街道的飞鸟,后面地图的几只大怪了。几点说明:1.版本问题:不同版本的ffx的怪物出现情况可能有细微区别。但就本版讨论的情况看,三个版本差别不大。本贴美版验证。日版和国际版也基本适用。2.玩家区别:很多时候大家的经验还是有差异。一个人很容易捉到的怪物,另一个人在同样情况下却很困难。这里有运气(RP)的问题,但不是大问题。多尝试,或者重启机器,会有很大帮助。3.捕捉难度:应该说FFX难度比较小的,即使在不开菜单,无调和的情况下也可以捉全所有怪物。所以没有什么捕捉的难度。我可以,你也一定可以捉全的。4.我会按地域把13个地域的捕捉分别简单概述一下。好,现在开始。按地域走。1. 比赛德岛(ビサィド岛)野狗, 康多兀, 水布丁(ディンゴ, コンドル, ウォ-タプリン)三个怪物,没有任何难度可言。2. 基利卡岛 (キ_リカ_)恐爪龙, 杀人蜂, 黄元素, 巴尔萨姆(ディノニクス, キラ_ビ_, イエロ_エレメント, バルサム)四个怪物,还是没有任何难度可言。3. 密亨街道 (ミヘン街道)密亨之牙, 蝠翼龙, 漂浮魔眼, 白元素, 拉尔多, 虹蜥, 炸弹, 双角兽(ミヘンファング, イピリア, フロ_トアイ, ホワイトエレメント, ラルド, ヴィ_ヴル, ボム デュアルホ_ン)虽然有8个怪物,但还是比较简单。注意炸弹(ボム)的自爆,尽快完成捕捉。4. 蘑菇岩街道 (キノコ岩の街道)拉普图, 干达婆, 雷布丁, 红元素, 拉马舒图, 方古昂古, 迦楼罗(ラプトゥル, ガンダルヴァ, サンダ_プリン, レッドエレメント, ラマシュトゥ, フンゴオンゴ, ガルダ)这里有两点要说。第一,有飞船后,选择到这里的时候,不是Mushroom Rock(那个是隐藏地点。),而是选乔瑟街道,然后走回来。第二,有一个怪物迦楼罗(ガルダ)比较难找。在这里,过了第一存盘点,是个升降台,上去后,绕两下就是绕着山谷的道路,那里就可以捉该怪物了。具体地点参见截图。5. 乔瑟街道 (ジョゼ街道)迦姆, 希姆露古, 咬人虫, 雪布丁, 本耶普, 巴西里斯克, 食腐兽(ガルム, シ_ムルグ, バイトバグ, スノ_プリン, バニップ, バジリスク, オチュ_)这里共7个怪物,其中有两个怪物要说一下,第一个是希姆露古(シ_ムルグ),在去djose temple的三岔口那里。看截图,那里有个路行鸟,是个好路标。第二个是食腐兽(オチュ_),其实这个很好捉。很多人捉不到的原因是地点找错了。这个怪物属于Djose Road (ジョゼ街道)的怪物,但是在Djose Road (ジョゼ街道)的范围内是没有的,要过了上面提到的去djose temple的三岔口后往幻光河方向走,在路上很快就可以遇到。只是这时候的地域是属于moon flow-south bank road.6. 落雷平原 (雷平原)Melusine, Aerouge, Buer, Gold Element, Kusariqqu, Larva, Iron Giant, Qactuar(メリュジヌ, エイロ_ジュ, ブエル, ゴ_ルドエレメント, クサ_リク, ラルヴァ, _巨人, サボテンダ_)这里的8个怪物里Qactuar(サボテンダ_)是比较难捉的。关键是要调查那些发光的仙人掌石碑,之后就遍地是仙人掌了,尤其是个个石碑附近。这里的截图是在雷平原北部,当年yuna决定去找seymour的那个大塔旁边。7. Macalania (マカラ_ニャ)SnowWolf, Iguion, Wasp, Evil Eye, Ice Flan, Blue Element, Murussu, Mafdet, Xiphos, Chimera(アイスプリン, ブル_エレメント, ムルフシュ, マフ_ト, スノ_ウルフ, シュメルケ, ワスプ, イ_ビルアイ, ク_シポス, キマイラ)这里虽然有10个怪物之多,但难度不大,都很好找。注意可以通过捉蝴蝶的游戏,故意撞红蝴蝶来实现某些怪物的快速捕捉(例如Chimera)。8. Bikanel (ビ_カネル_)Sand Wolf, Alcyone, Mushussu, Zuu, Sand Worm, Cactuar(サンドウルフ アルキュオネ ムシュフシュ ズ_ サンドウォ_ム サボテンダ_)怪物不多,就是Cactuar(サボテンダ_)比较讨厌。平时有碰到的可能,但捉的比较费劲,命中低,它又老跑。建议用WAKKA来捉,命中高些。还有,捕捉地点的问题。在拿rikku的圣印的时候,要和仙人掌做游戏,当时也是可以捕捉的,游戏中10个仙人掌有9个是可以捉的。在仙人掌游戏结束后进入仙人掌村庄,遍地都是这个小家伙,随便捉,见截图。9. Calm Lands (ナギ平原)Skoll, Nebiros, Flame Flan, Shred, Anacondaur, Ogre, Coeurl, Chimera Brain, Malboro(スコル, ネビロス, フレイムプリン, シュレッド, ヘッジバイパ_, オ_ガ, クァ_ル, キマイラブレイン, モルボル)其实这个应该第一位介绍,不完成这里的就没法捉别的地方的。这里的9个怪物,有两个可能比较难捉。一个是Ogre(オ_ガ),在平原北部的各地方都可以捉到的,西北部可能更多些,见截图。另一个是Malboro(モルボル),欧的经验是全平原到处都有见过,但是出现几率较小。北部比南部多,西北部最多。见截图。由于这个家伙的攻击可以导致我方混乱,很容易造成全灭。建议有混乱全防御(一人即可)后去捉。不然,有先制武器也比较安全。10. Sunken Cave (谷底の洞窟)Yowie, Imp, Dark Element, Nidhogg, Thorn, Valaha, Epaaj, Ghost, Tonberry(ヨ_ウィ_, ガルキマセラ, ダ_クエレメント, ニ_ズヘッグ, ソ_ン, ヴァラ_ハ, エペ_ジュ, ゴ_スト, トンベリ)讨论最多的Tonberry(トンベリ)就在这里了。由于的确比较难捉,欧给了两个建议地点。一个是传送到最里面后,左右那些幻光虫多的地方,见截图中上部的图。另一个是从洞口步行入内,先是一个大厅(有传送石的),然后继续到下一个大厅,左边地面上有灰色的地方,几率比较大,见截图中下部的图。顺便说一下,后面这个地点附近捉到Ghost(ゴ_スト)的几率也很大的。11. Mt.Gagazet (ガガゼト山)Bandersnatch, Ahriman, Dark Flan, Grenade, Grat, Grendel, Barshura, Mandragora, Behemoth, Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike(バンダ_スナッチ, ア_リマン, ダ_クプリン, グレネ_ド, グレンデル, グラット, アシュラ, マンドラコラ, ベヒ_モス, スプラッシャ_, アケオロス, レイジングスパイク)这是怪物最多的一个地域,9个陆地上的,最后三个怪物(Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike)是水里的。偶个人在这里没什么感觉,论坛里有人问过两个怪物。就是Mandragora(マンドラコラ)和Dark Flan(ダ_クプリン),这里简单说下.在mountain cave(洞里)那个存盘点,继续往前上阶梯.右转是Mandragora(マンドラコラ),左转是Dark Flan(ダ_クプリン),很简单12. Inside Sin (「シン」の体内)Exoray, Wraith, Gemini(green), Gemini(red), Demonolith, Great Malboro, Barbatos, Adamantoise, BehemothKing(アンテサンサン, レイス, ウルフラマイタ_(青), ウルフラマイタ_(赤), デビルモノリス, モルボルグレ_ト, バルバトゥ_ス, アダマンタイマイ, キングベヒ_モス)这里的怪物都比较实力,小心捕捉.其中的两个巨人,名字是没有区别的,但是两个不同的物种,记着都要捉哦.BehemothKing被灭后的全体攻击也要有准备,级别低(比如无盘)就跑一个先,防止自己也全灭.很多属于这里的怪物在下面那个地点Omega Dungeon (オメガ__)也会出现,一样可以在那里捕捉.但两个地方有几点区别:在sin出现的时候,Great Malboro是正常的;但在Omega的时候这个家伙是肯定要先制的,要有思想和物质准备,防止全灭.而Demonolith在两边出现的时候,一边是单体出现,一边是成对出现.需要注意捕捉地点的怪物是:Barbatos(バルバトゥ_ス),建议两个地点.在扁seymour的那个存盘点,上台阶前进.第一个比较大的厅中,中间有个洼地,里面有升降台,上升后,在上面绕,遇到Barbatos的几率很高.可以看截图里的下部两张.要是继续前进到下一个比较大的厅,有一堆柱子可以冒上来挡你的地方,也可以捉到该怪物13. Omega Dungeon (オメガ__)Zaurus, Floating Death, Black Element, Halma, Puroboros, Spirit, Machea, Master Coeurl, Master Tonberry, Varuna(ザウラス, デスフロ_ト, ブラックエレメント, ハァルマ, ピュロボルス, スピリット, メチ_エ, マスタ_クァ_ル, マスタ_トンベリ, ヴァルナ )终于到最后了,这里是和剧情无关的地方了,不来也不妨碍通关.有两个怪物说下:Halma(ハァルマ)和Machea(メチ_エ).进了遗迹后是个存盘点,前进,十字路口.右转后是一个环行路,在这里可以捉到Halma(ハァルマ).还是那第一个十字路口,左转前进深入遗迹.不久路右边有柱子,在这附近一直到那个浮雕前的一段路上都可以捉到Machea(メチ_エ).看看作战画面里的柱子,哈.
2023-07-13 09:50:061


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2023-07-13 09:50:034


2023-07-13 09:49:594

罪恶都市里tommy成了vice city的主人,为什么把ken rosenberg撵到了圣安地

2023-07-13 09:49:591

狼 的日文点读?

おおかみ=狼 おおがみ=大神 是不一様的!!! 狼 おおかみ(o- kami) 有关狼的谚语(ことわざ): 「人が狼について话をすると、人はその尻尾を见る」 (当人说有关狼的事时,便会看见他的尾巴) 「雌ヒツジになると、オオカミはそれをたべる」 (变成羊女的时候,狼便会把其吃掉)(无论怎样正人君子,总有心怀不轨的人要害你) 「前门の虎、后门の狼」 (前门有虎,后门有狼) (腹背受敌) 「羊の皮を被った狼」 (披着羊皮的狼) 「オオカミを见た」(看见狼) (女孩被色狼看见) 「イヌとオオカミの间」(犬与狼之间) (分不清) 「オオカミの歩み」(狼的步法) (hunter一流的行走方式) 「オオカミが捕まると、全てのイヌはその尻に噛み付く」 (捉到狼的话,所有的狗都会过来咬一口) (死去的大佬/领袖再不可怕) 「オオカミはオオカミの皮をかぶって死ぬ」 (狼至死都是披着狼皮) (坏人至死一刻都是坏人) 「人间はオオカミを罪が无くとも纠弾する」 (人说狼无罪的话必定受到非议) 2011-12-04 16:20:39 补充: 也有「大神(对神明的敬称)」这个说法(读音)。 帮你系雅虎search过,唔知道以下网址帮不帮到您,应该有您想要的东西;_ylt=Axt7wJ_GPHxOIkAAIEuzygt.?p=%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E6%9C%8D%E9%A3%BE%E6%89%B9%E7%99%BC%E7%B6%B2-%E6%B8%AF%E8%B2%A8%E5%BB%A0%E5%AE%B6%E6%89%B9%E7%99%BC%E8%B2%A8%E6%BA%90%EF%BC%8C%E6%99%82%E8%A3%9D%E6%89%B9%E7%99%BC%E8%B2%A8%E6%BA%90&fr2= *** -top&fr=FP-tab-web-t&rd=r1  记住俾分我牙!   
2023-07-13 09:49:581

On the overturned provisions the majority held the congre

On the overturned provisions the majority held the congre 在推翻规定举行国会多数重点词汇释义overturned翻倒( overturn的过去式和过去分词 ); 使垮台,推翻; 撤销provisions规定; 供应( provision的名词复数 ); 准备; 食物和饮料majority多数; 票数; 成年; 法定年龄held举行; 拿( hold的过去式和过去分词 ); 保留
2023-07-13 09:49:542


2023-07-13 09:49:524

一本主角叫狄龙的小说 坐宇宙飞船穿越到异星

秘密机构---美国国家安全局作者:詹姆斯u2022班福德主角的名字叫狄龙 不知道是不是你要找的那本小说~
2023-07-13 09:49:523


小学三年级。小学三年级认识蔬菜(Tomato、cucumber、Carrot)tomato,英语单词,主要作为名词,意为“番茄,西红柿”tomato sauce 番茄酱,蕃茄汁;番茄沙司tomato paste 蕃茄酱,西红柿酱;蕃茄糊tomato juice 番茄汁cherry tomato 樱桃番茄tomato soup 番茄汤tomato plant 番茄,西红柿tomato ketchup n. 蕃茄tomato salad 西红柿沙tomato puree 蕃茄糊;蕃茄酱学科英语就是用英语来学习语文,数学,科学等科目,而不是仅仅学习简单的日常口语对话。通过学科英语的学习,可以帮助孩子将英语知识转化为英语能力;达到将来真正能够使用英文进行工作的水平。英语同汉语一样,它是从生活中来,回归于实际运用的语言工具,它是有历史渊源的,是一个民族思维范式的语言表现形式。中国英语教育发展了二十多年,却没有带来期望中的效果,学习者始终无法摆脱急功近利;分数至上的观念。随着国人学英语热潮的逐渐高涨,以及英语培训市场的逐渐成熟;各个培训机构都在寻找自己的品牌特色,推出了各种各样的教学理念。在众多教学理念充斥着英语培训市场的时候,“学科英语”应运而生。可以说学科英语的出现,打破了传统英语培训的模式,开创了英语培训的新局面。
2023-07-13 09:49:511


国际音标/ki:ls/ ie在此发长/i:/,拉丁语系的h多不发音
2023-07-13 09:49:481


2023-07-13 09:49:441