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2023-07-13 19:41:58




2023-07-13 13:23:431


2023-07-13 13:24:111

克拉斯诺亚尔斯克,俄罗斯 邮编

城市 KRASNOYARSK 邮编范围 660000 - 660133 省 KRASNOYARSK REGION 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克,俄罗斯克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区的首府,位于叶尼塞河和西伯利亚铁路的交汇点,以铝产量高著称,是西伯利亚地区第三大城市
2023-07-13 13:24:301


4149 千米。经查询可知两地直线距离为4149千米。从俄罗斯到乌克兰(两国地理中心)的直线距离(飞行路线)为4666公里(2899英里或2519海里)。克拉斯诺亚尔斯克(英文:Krasnoyarsk;俄文:Красноярск)是克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区政府所在地,同时它也日渐成为了西伯利亚地区最重要的城市之一。
2023-07-13 13:24:431


2023-07-13 13:26:085

ob river造句 ob riverの例文 "ob river"是什麼意思

It forms the Ob River as it joins the Katun River. After defeating Khan Kuchum in the fall of 1582 and occupying Ob river . Pollution in the Ob River has made fishing nearly impossible, even in its tributaries. To increase output, studies were made of the Lena, Yenisei and Ob river systems. The Ob River valley was observed well too from the height of the banks. It is the third bridge over the Ob River in the city of Novosibirsk. The ""Surgut Bridge ""is a cable-stayed bridge across the Ob River at Surgut, Russia. From the 1880s, Gorodtsov excavated the Ob River area. Later sites include Kokorevo in the Yenisei Valley and Chernoozer"e in the Ob River basin. It is a left tributary of the Ob River . It"s difficult to see ob river in a sentence. 用 ob river 造句挺难的 It is the chief tributary of the Ob River . At some point in time a bridge across the Ob river to Salekhard Labytnangi was planned. In 1363 the pirates launched the first Novgorodian raid along the Ob River in western Siberia. He is also working on a multi-century history of Siberia, focusing on the Ob River Valley. It is found easards through Russia and Ukraine, as far east as the Ob River in Siberia. Also, several vessels were turned into patrol boats and artillery monitors to defend the Ob River crossings. That s how they selected the construction site for the first railway bridge across the Ob River . "" Angara Airpnes Fpght 5007 ""was a ditched into the Ob River , Russia, on 11 July 2011. The following year the original bridge over the Ob River was replaced by the new Kommunalny bridge. The lake is the source of the Koelga River, which in turn flows into the Uvelka, Ob Rivers . The steppe has an area of 117, 000 km?and stretches beeen the Irtysh and the Ob Rivers . "" Beryozovo ""( ) is an Beryozovsky District of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia, located on the Ob River . A portage near its headwaters allowed one to cross from the Ob River basin to the Yenisei River basin. This project made the Ket a part of a waterway system connecting the Ob River basin with the Yenisei. Birds of intermediate appearance are seen west of the Ob River where the range overlaps with " viscivorus ". The plants are at Mayak, in the Urals; Tomsk, near the Ob River , and Krasnoyarsk, on the Yenisei River. In several years it will have contaminated the Tobol River, which feeds into the Ob river system, " he said. In 1716, an expedition left Tomsk and came to the place beeen the Ob River and its confluent the Berd. A bridge across the Ob River is also in the planning along with a road running parallel to the railroad. The three sites are at Dimitrovgrad near the Volga River, Tomsk near the Ob River , and Krasnoyarsk on the Yenisei River. It"s difficult to see ob river in a sentence. 用 ob river 造句挺难的 To the north is the tundra of the Yamal-Gydan tundra ecoregion ( covering the Ob River estuary and related peninsulas ). In 1994-5 he leased a fleet of river steamers which made o trading voyages along the Ob River north of Novosibirsk. In that year he participated in an expedition to the Ob River basin in Western Siberia, where he studied the Khanty people. In 2012, the LNG carrier " Ob River " became the first ship of its kind to transit the Northern Sea Route. In May 1979 meandering of the Ob river caused a mass grave containing more than 1, 000 mummified corpses to bee exposed. In 1293 Tutugh, a Kipchak mander of Kublai Khan occupied the Baarin tumen, who were alpes of Kaidu, on the Ob River . On December, 3rd 2013 a mission decided unanimously to name the third bridge over the Ob River in Novosibirsk as " Bugrinsky ". Near the village of Anuyskoye, the river takes a northern direction and joins the Ob River near Biysk at an elevation of about. Afterward their bodies were thrown into the Ob River without informing their famipes about their fate of their grandparents, parents, and sons killed. Construction of the Obskaya Polunochnoye railway and full recovery of Transpolar railway required the construction of a bridge across the Ob river . It inhabits the European arctic and subarctic waters of the White, and Kara Seas, from the Kola Bay to the Ob River estuary. With this knowledge he was able to draw the first somewhat accurate map of the Arctic shores beeen the Pechora River and the Ob River . Tomsk was the largest city, and the most unfortunate, because the swampy banks of the Ob River near it were considered inappropriate for a bridge. The junction of the o rivers eventually forms the Ob River , one of the longest rivers in Siberia, which flows northward to the Arctic Ocean. And the Ob River , treated by dozens of major factories and cities essentially as an outhouse, is about as polluted as a river can be. During this trip, Malygin described this part of the Russian Arctic coastpne and made a map of the area beeen the Pechora and Ob Rivers . From its headwaters one could cross the Ural Mountains to reach the Severnaya Sosva River thereby allowing travel from the Pechora River to the Ob River . Before September 1598 Andrey Voyeykov caught a large group of his followers at a place called Ub Lake and later caught Kuchum on the Ob River . The major new field is in a previously relatively untouched part of western Siberia called North Priobskoye on the Ob river , rich with swamps and forests. The Katun River, a tributary of western Siberia"s Ob River , overflowed its banks near the town of Platovo on Sunday and flooded several dozen homes, ITAR-Tass reported. It"s difficult to see ob river in a sentence. 用 ob river 造句挺难的
2023-07-13 13:26:271

黑色行动2 无法运行什么原因

问题一:cod9黑屏原因及解决方法:1.电脑配置要求是否达到cod9游戏最低配置要求:系统: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHz内存: 2GB for 32-bit OS or 4GB for 64-bit OS显卡: Nvidia GeForce 8800GT 512 MB or ATI Radeon HD 3870 512 MB2.将显卡驱动更新至310.54,使用驱动精灵或者到官网更新驱动3.由于时区的问题把时区修改成(UTC+8:00)Krasnoyarsk,进入游戏系统将时差进行设置。4.缺少破解修正补丁5.由于双显卡的原因,将显卡设置成集显(win7 64位独显运行黑屏),首先安装最新nvidia驱动程序,切记不要安装正式版驱动,因为现在最新的驱动是beta版的,要安装最新的beta版补丁。然后用Nvidia独立显卡进去游戏黑屏卡住不动,用本本CPU带的集成显卡可以进入游戏,不过进去后画面惨不忍睹,进入办法为t6sp.exe 右键 - > 用图形处理器运行 -> 集成显卡。6.由于没有插上音频设备的原因问题二:cod9错误提示Error during initialization Fatal Error(如图)解决方法。1.修复游戏的注册表2.安装或者更新VC++还有FRAMEWORK3.时区问题。要把时区改成(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk,更新显示卡驱动, 更新DIRECTX, .NET,C++, 改声卡speaker设置,各种兼容模式管理员模式。问题三:cod9错误提示Error quit was not requested in the main thread解决方法。1.修复游戏的注册表2.Win7 x64+S组镜像+S组破解补丁(V2)+306.97驱动问题四:cod9错误提示steam must be running to play this game(如图)解决方法。使用免steam补丁将能够解决这个问题。特别注意:该补丁包含了32位或64位两个版本,请玩家在使用前请先了解清楚自己的系统参数,选择对应的版本下载。问题五:cod9游戏卡顿解决方法。1.更新驱动。cod6-9都会有通用的毛病就是不管你配置够不够,它都会提示顿卡,这并不是游戏的问题,其实是显卡兼容的原因。下载310.54驱动更新,有测试第二关不会卡,骑马关卡不会掉帧,顿卡,第5关不会顿卡。大战争场面不能保证不顿卡,但是要比木有安装驱动之前要好的多。帧数修改方法:1、使用cod9帧数修改补丁。2、此补丁可自行根据自己最低的帧速限制修改,方法参照下图3、用记事本打开文件。4、设置自己要求的帧数5、保存放进游戏目录
2023-07-13 13:27:211


有前辈成功经验是从俄罗斯那边过去的 具体路线如下 北京出发D1北京Beijing—沈阳Shenyang(658KM)  D2沈阳Shenyang—哈尔滨Harbin(789KM)  D3哈尔滨Harbin—满洲里Manzhouli(935KM)  D4满洲里Manzhouli—赤塔Chita(进入俄罗斯)(486KM)  D5赤塔—乌兰乌德Ulan-Ude(235KM)  D6乌兰乌德Ulan-Ude—伊尔库斯克Irkutsk(448KM)  D7伊尔库斯克Irkutsk(0KM)  D8伊尔库斯克Irkutsk—图伦Tulun—克拉斯诺亚尔斯克Krasnoyarsk(1049KM)  D9克拉斯诺亚尔斯克Krasnoyarsk(0KM)  D10克拉斯诺亚尔斯克Krasnoyarsk—新西伯利亚Novosibirsk(789KM)  D11新西伯利亚Novosibirsk—鄂木斯克Omsk(665KM)  D12鄂木斯克Omsk—秋明Tyumen(627KM)  D13秋明Tyumen(0KM)  D14秋明Tyumen—叶卡捷林堡Yekaterinburg—彼尔姆Perm(694KM)  D15彼尔姆Perm—喀山Kazan(634KM)  D16喀山Kazan(0KM)  D17喀山Kazan—下诺夫哥罗德NizhniyNavgorod(393KM)  D18下诺夫哥罗德NizhniyNavgorod—莫斯科Moscow(403KM)  D19莫斯科Moscow(0KM)  D20莫斯科Moscow—斯摩棱斯克Smolensk(400KM)  D21斯摩凌斯克Smolensk—明斯克Minsk(进入白俄罗斯)(306KM)  D22明斯克Minsk—华沙Warszawa(进入波兰)(558KM)  D23华沙Warszawa(0KM)  D24华沙Warszawa—柏林Berlin(进入德国)(585KM)  D25柏林Berlin(0KM)  D26柏林Berlin—法兰克福FrankfurtamMain(500KM)  D27法兰克福FrankfurtamMain—巴黎Paris(进入法国)(510KM)  D28巴黎Paris(0KM)如果按照这条路线的话 只需加上从广州到北京那一部分就好了
2023-07-13 13:27:291


楼主啊 我也是这个情况 你们打的那个补丁啊 但是我是在360上面下的游戏不知道和游民星空下的一样不 求解啊
2023-07-13 13:27:409


2023-07-13 13:28:402


2023-07-13 13:28:471


前十大水库加纳的沃尔特水库(8482平方公里)俄罗斯的古比雪夫水库(6450平方公里)加拿大的斯莫尔伍德水库(5698平方公里)赞比亚的卡里巴水库(5580平方公里) 哈萨克斯坦的布赫塔明水库(5490平方公里)俄罗斯的布拉茨克水库(5426平方公里) 埃及的纳赛尔水库(5248平方公里) 俄罗斯的雷宾斯克水库(4580平方公里) 加拿大的卡尼亚皮斯科水库(4318平方公里) 委内瑞拉的古里水库(4250平方公里)
2023-07-13 13:30:182


正面 图案是克拉斯诺亚尔斯克市横跨叶尼塞河的大桥和教堂.背面是著名的克拉斯诺亚尔斯克水电站。请进入 第一张就是10卢布的照片。在里面也有
2023-07-13 13:30:272


2023-07-13 13:30:432


2023-07-13 13:31:031


2023-07-13 13:31:462


2023-07-13 13:32:291


有,这个必须有核电站的开发和建设开始于20世纪50年代。1951年,美国最先建成世界上第一座实验性核电站。1954年苏联也建成发电功率为5 000千瓦的实验性核电站。1957年,美国建成发电功率为9万千瓦的原型核电站
2023-07-13 13:32:442


2023-07-13 13:32:532


2023-07-13 13:33:361


.错误提示:Error during initialization:Unhandled exception caught答:最重要的是要把时区改成(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk,检查注册表修复,更新显示卡驱动, 更新DIRECTX, .NET,C++, 改声卡speaker设置,各种兼容模式管理员模式
2023-07-13 13:33:501


楼主啊 我也是这个情况 你们打的那个补丁啊 但是我是在360上面下的游戏不知道和游民星空下的一样不 求解啊
2023-07-13 13:34:129


2023-07-13 13:34:535


航天器燃料如果核能化,那就不必考虑到航天器燃料不足难以远航的问题!航天器也不必去设计庞大的燃料室核能的能量还可以供在太空做在地球不能做的试验,比如在太空可以用核能释放的射线检测受微流星撞击飞船的程度!可以在外太空释放巨大的核能量,人工 造成相对论中时空留取的环境,一遍研究时空等模糊而在地球上无法做的物理试验
2023-07-13 13:35:114


2023-07-13 13:35:203


D1北京Beijing—沈阳Shenyang(658KM)D2 沈阳Shenyang—哈尔滨Harbin(789KM)D3哈尔滨Harbin—满洲里Manzhouli(935KM)D4满洲里Manzhouli—赤塔Chita (进入俄罗斯)(486KM)D5赤塔—乌兰乌德Ulan-Ude(235KM)D6乌兰乌德Ulan-Ude—伊尔库斯克Irkutsk(448KM)D7伊尔库斯克Irkutsk(0KM)D8伊尔库斯克Irkutsk—图伦Tulun—克拉斯诺亚尔斯克Krasnoyarsk(1049KM)D9克拉斯诺亚尔斯克Krasnoyarsk(0KM)D10克拉斯诺亚尔斯克Krasnoyarsk—新西伯利亚Novosibirsk(789KM)D11新西伯利亚Novosibirsk—鄂木斯克Omsk(665KM)D12鄂木斯克Omsk—秋明Tyumen(627KM)D13秋明Tyumen(0KM)D14秋明Tyumen—叶卡捷林堡Yekaterinburg—彼尔姆Perm(694KM)D15彼尔姆Perm—喀山Kazan(634KM)D16喀山Kazan(0KM)D17喀山Kazan—下诺夫哥罗德Nizhniy Navgorod(393KM)D18下诺夫哥罗德NizhniyNavgorod—莫斯科Moscow(403KM)D19莫斯科Moscow(0KM)D20莫斯科Moscow—斯摩棱斯克Smolensk(400KM)D21斯摩凌斯克Smolensk—明斯克Minsk (进入白俄罗斯)(306KM)D22明斯克Minsk—华沙Warszawa (进入波兰)( 558KM)D23华沙Warszawa(0KM)D24华沙Warszawa—柏林Berlin (进入德国)(585KM)D25柏林Berlin(0KM)D26柏林Berlin—法兰克福Frankfurt am Main(500KMD27法兰克福Frankfurt am Main—巴黎Paris (进入法国)(510KM)D28巴黎Paris(0KM)全程约15000公里这条路不停的有人再跑的
2023-07-13 13:35:302


2023-07-13 13:35:405


2023-07-13 13:36:234


俄罗斯儿童模特中文名埃维莉娜 瑞森斯卡亚外文名Evelina Voznesenskaya出生地Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russian Federation出生日期2005年9月21日
2023-07-13 13:36:431


中西伯利亚高原是俄罗斯西伯利亚中部面积最大的高原。南起东萨彦岭、贝加尔湖沿岸和外贝加尔山地,北至北西伯利亚低地,西同西西伯利亚平原、东同中雅库特低地相连。面积约150万平方公里。平均海拔500~700米。西北部较高,海拔1000~1500米。俄罗斯西伯利亚中部和北部高原,面积150万平方公里(60万平方哩),位于萨哈(Sakha)共和国的克拉斯诺亚尔斯克(Krasnoyarsk)边区和伊尔库茨克(Irkutsk)州。西起叶尼塞河谷,东至勒那河谷,北抵北西伯利亚低地,南邻东萨彦岭,平均海拔500u223c700公尺(1,650u223c2,300呎)。 全部在俄罗斯境内呀,周边就一个俄罗斯。
2023-07-13 13:36:531


2023-07-13 13:37:012


2023-07-13 13:37:071


俄罗斯国家分五个时区。最早的SAKHALIN OBLAST地区比我国早两个小时,IRKUTSK地区和我国一样,KRASNOYARSK地区晚一个小时,SAMARA地区晚四个小时,莫斯科晚5个小时。
2023-07-13 13:37:361

yalutorovsk造句 yalutorovskの例文 "yalutorovsk"是什麼意思

The Town of Yalutorovsk is incorporated separately from the district as Yalutorovsk Urban Okrug. The Town of Yalutorovsk is incorporated separately from the district as Yalutorovsk Urban Okrug. In 1893, became the first who discovered traces of the Andronovo culture near Yalutorovsk . From Tyumen the road proceeded through Yalutorovsk , Ishim, Omsk, Tomsk, Achinsk and Krasnoyarsk before rejoining the older route at Irkutsk. Opened by Axel Heikel near Yalutorovsk in 1893 traces of the Alakuls were firstly considered an evidence of random attacks of Alakul squads to the north. Most Decembrists left Petrovsky Zavod beeen 1835 and 1837, settpng in or near Irkutsk, Minusinsk, Kurgan, Tobol sk, Turinsk, and Yalutorovsk . "" Savva Ivanovich Mamontov ""(,;, Yalutorovsk 6 April 1918, Moscow ) was a famous Russian industriapst, merchant, entrepreneur, and patron of the arts. It"s difficult to find yalutorovsk in a sentence. 用 yalutorovsk 造句挺难的
2023-07-13 13:37:441


DUANG的意思是:“加特效”网络用语,含戏谑性“很好玩”味道。常用于漫画作为背景音修饰词。出自2015年2月20日,一部由成龙代言的广告再次被网友们挖出来进行了新一轮恶搞。这部广告被弹幕网站bilibili的一位up主:绯色toy恶搞,将成龙和庞麦郎的《我的滑板鞋》进行了神一般的同步,于2015年2月20日发布了鬼畜视频“【成龙】我的洗发液”。简介随后B站up主泪腺战士在微博上分享视频,并被疯狂转发,使得B站该视频引起上百万的点击。此后各微博大V纷纷转发此视频。于是duang字便被发明了。 一句“Duang”成了网络上最新最热门的热门词汇。截止2015年9月29日,该视频已在bilibili获得585.7万的点击量,弹幕留言196538条,B站再一次成为流行词的输出地。
2023-07-13 13:24:571

a number of修饰可数名词还是不可数名词?

a number of修饰可数名词,不可以修饰不可数名词。a number of的意思是“许多;若干;一些”,后接可数名词的复数形式,相当于some、many、lots of、a lot of等。 扩展资料   a number of介绍   1、a number of 意思是“一些,若干”(= some),后接可数名词复数或代词,谓语动词用复数形式。   1)A number of questions came up at the meeting.   会议上提出了许多问题。   2)The company made a number of rules and regulations.   公司制定了若干条规章制度。   3)A number of other people commented in a similar vein.   其他一些人也以类似的腔调评论。   4)There were a number of errors and omissions in the article.   这篇文章中有多处错误和疏漏。   2、a number of…词组中还可以加入形容词表示数量大或小等,比如用large或者small来修饰。例如:   a large/small number of…许多/少数……   There must be a large number of people in my position.   一定有很多人处在我这种境况。
2023-07-13 13:24:581


记住,个人原创。请勿抄袭!01 My Love-Westlife 02 God Is A Girl (Album Version)-Groove Coverage 03 The Day You Went Away-M2M 04 Take Me To Your Heart-M.L.T.R. 05 Never Gone-Backstreet Boys 06 Everytime (Hi-Bias Radio Remix)-Britney Spears 07 Welcome To My Life-Simple Plan 08 Beautiful Soul-Jesse McCartney 09 She"s No You-Jesse McCartney 10 Because You Live-Jesse McCartney 11 Just One Last Dance-Sarah Connor 12 Shut Up!-Simple Plan 13 He Wasn"t-Avril Lavigne 14 Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You-Linkin Park 15 Girlfriend-Avril Lavigne 16 Sold My Soul To Yo Mama-Linkin Park 17 Climbing The Walls-Backstreet Boys 18 I Can Do Better-Avril Lavigne 19 4 Minutes(完整试听版)-Madonna 20 She-Groove Coverage 21 Touch My Body-Mariah Carey 22 Heal The World-Michael Jackson 23 When You"re Gone-Avril Lavigne 24 Home 回家-Westlife 25 Numb-Linkin Park 26 Without You-Mariah Carey 27 Don"t Cry-Guns N" Roses 28 We Belong Together-Mariah Carey 29 we will rock you-Queen 30 Gimme More 再危险 我也要-Britney Spears 31 New Divide-Linkin Park 32 We Are The World (Demo)-Michael Jackson 33 The Best Damn Thing-Avril Lavigne 34 Womanizer-Britney Spears 35 You Raise Me Up-Westlife 36 Because of You 因为你的缘故-Kelly Clarkson 37 Seasons In The Sun-Westlife 38 Bye Bye-Mariah Carey 39 One Love-Blue 40 Just Want You To Know-Backstreet Boys 41 You Are Not Alone-Michael Jackson 42 In The End-Linkin Park 43 Lonely-Akon 44 Hero-Mariah Carey 45 What I"ve Done-Linkin Park 46 Poker Face-Lady GaGa 47 Obsessed-Mariah Carey 48 It"s My Life-Bon Jovi 49 I Stay In Love-Mariah Carey 50 Yesterday Once More-Carpenters 51 Circus-Britney Spears 52 Hotel California-Eagles 53 Moonlight Shadow-Groove Coverage 54 All Rise-Blue 55 Innocence-Avril Lavigne 56 Pretty Boy-M2M 57 Runaway-Avril Lavigne 58 You Are Not Alone-Michael Jackson 59 Stand-Jewel 60 where is the love 爱在哪里-Black Eyed Peas 61 Yesterday-The Beatles 62 My Humps-Black Eyed Peas 63 Sexy Bitch (Featuring Akon)-David Guetta 64 Complicated-Avril Lavigne 65 Shadow Of The Day-Linkin Park 66 She Wolf-Shakira 67 for away from home-Groove Coverage 68 Yeah!-Usher 69 Apologize (Feat. One Republic)-Timbaland 70 I Want It That Way (Live)-Backstreet Boys 71 ...Baby One More Time-Britney Spears 72 星星-Vitas 73 Hey Jude-The Beatles 74 歌剧2-Vitas 75 It"s Alright, It"s Ok-Ashley Tisdale 76 Soledad-Westlife 77 Because Of You-Kelly Clarkson 78 Time to Say Goodbye 告别的时刻-Sarah Brightman 79 Right Now (Na Na Na)-Akon 80 Stan (Feat. Dido)-Eminem 81 Lose Yourself-Eminem 82 Breathless-Shayne Ward 83 Beat It-Michael Jackson 84 Touch My Body-Mariah Carey 85 Keep Holding On-Avril Lavigne 86 Billie Jean-Michael Jackson 87 Perfect Lover 完美情人-Britney Spears 88 Leave Out All The Rest-Linkin Park 89 Hot As Ice 如冰似火-Britney Spears 90 I Don"t Give-Avril Lavigne 91 You"re Beautiful 美丽的你-James Blunt 92 Boulevard of Broken Dreams-Green Day 93 I"m with you-Avril Lavigne 94 Breakaway 美梦成真-Kelly Clarkson 95 Piece Of Me 破碎的我-Britney Spears 96 Remember The Name (featuring Styles of Beyond)-Fort Minor 97 Tonight-Jay Sean 98 Smack That (Feat. Eminem)-Akon 99 The Rose-Westlife 100 Take Me Away-Avril Lavigne 101 It"s Like That-Mariah Carey 102 She Is My Sin-Nightwish 103 Given Up-Linkin Park 104 Everything Back But You-Avril Lavigne 105 My Happy Ending(Album Version)-Avril Lavigne 106 Hot-Avril Lavigne 107 Don"t Cry-Guns N" Roses 108 Us Against The World 不顾一切-Westlife 109 My Love-Westlife 110 7 Days-Craig David 111 Migrate (featuring T-Pain)-Mariah Carey 112 Before The Goodbye-Britney Spears 113 When You Tell Me That You Love Me(Westlife & Diana Ross)-Westlife 114 I need You vs. I need You-Groove Coverage 115 My Oh My-Aqua 116 I Still Believe-Mariah Carey 117 Everytime-Britney Spears 118 Yellow-Coldplay 119 When You Believe (From The Prince Of Egypt)-Mariah Carey 120 Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake 121 Without Me-Eminem 122 As Long As You Love Me (Karaoke Version)-Backstreet Boys 123 Everything"s Good-Lene Marlin 124 When You Told Me You Loved Me-Jessica Simpson 125 Goodbye-Kristinia DeBarge 126 Dance In the Dark-Lady GaGa 127 Bad Day-Daniel Powter 128 Buttons-Pussycat Dolls小野猫 129 Summer Rain 夏天的雨-Groove Coverage 130 Lucky-Britney Spears 131 U Make Me Wanna-Blue 132 Uptown Girl-Westlife 133 I Lay My Love On You-Westlife 134 I Want You Back - The Jackson 5-Michael Jackson 135 Dangerous-Michael Jackson 136 Somewhere I belong-Linkin Park 137 Fouradi - Sneeuw Voor De Zon-Fouradi 138 Because Of You-98 Degrees 139 What Ive Done-Linkin Park 140 I"m Gonna Getcha Good-Shania Twain 141 ONE LOVE (Live)-Blue 142 Billie Jean-Michael Jackson 143 Get Your Number-Mariah Carey 144 my heart will go on-Celine Dion 145 Here I Am-Bryan Adams 146 Barbie Girl-Aqua 147 Wake Me Up When September Ends (Album Version)-Green Day 148 I Wanna Love You (Feat. Snoop Dogg)-Akon 149 Boom Boom Pow (Clean)-Black Eyed Peas 150 Incomplete-Backstreet Boys 151 You Raise Me Up-Westlife 152 Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song)-Enrique Iglesias 153 My Love-Justin Timberlake 154 Free Loop-Daniel Powter 155 Never Had A Dream Come True-S Club 7 156 Oops I Did It Again-Britney Spears 157 Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely (Live)-Backstreet Boys 158 Bye Bye Bye-N"Sync 159 Broken-Hearted Girl (Original)-Beyonce Knowles 160 To Be With You-Westlife 161 Fuck Deg-Sichelle 162 I Don"t Have To Try-Avril Lavigne 163 Thankyou-Dido 164 The Coming Past-Susperia 165 Number 1 (feat. N-Dubz)-Tinchy Stryder 166 I Gotta Feeling (Radio)-Black Eyed Peas 167 god is a girl-Groove Coverage 168 God Is A Girl (Axel Konrad Remix)-Groove Coverage 169 Truly Madly Deeply-Savage Garden 170 One Love-Blue 171 3 (Main)-Britney Spears 172 My Humps (Radio Edit)-Black Eyed Peas 173 Lonely-Britney Spears 174 My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne 175 You Are Not Alone-Michael Jackson 176 Manos Al Aire (Album Version)-Nelly Furtado 177 When I"m Gone-Eminem 178 Moonlight Shadow 月光下的影子-Groove Coverage 179 hands up 举起手来-Black Eyed Peas 180 Tomorrow-Avril Lavigne 181 So Sick-Gorilla Zoe 182 Amandoti-Gianna Nannini 183 Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know-Britney Spears 184 Hot Stuff (Let"s Dance)-Craig David 185 Mad Sexy Cool-Babyface 186 Don"t Tell Me-Avril Lavigne 187 Something That I Already Know-Backstreet Boys 188 Running 奔驰-Sarah Brightman 189 No Surprise-Daughtry 190 Time Machine Mix (Menty"s Total Conversion Edit)-Michael Jackson 191 Be Mine-Vota 192 Song From A Secret Garden-Secret Garden 193 Hung Up-Madonna 194 Beat It-Michael Jackson 195 Beautiful-Christina Aguilera 196 Around the world-Aqua 197 ...Baby One More Time-Britney Spears 198 Out From Under-Britney Spears 199 Inconsolable-Backstreet Boys 200 I Will Not Be Moved-Natalie Grant 201 My Love (Feat. Mariah
2023-07-13 13:25:001


2023-07-13 13:25:0115

纳茜素是什么国的牌子档次?narciso for her香水怎么样

香奈儿、兰蔻、迪奥香水是不是感觉都成为了街香了呢!也许你可以试一试这些高逼格的小众香水,纳茜素是王菲的同款香水,其中narciso for her香水,是里面很经典的一个系列,下面一起来了解一下 纳茜素是什么国的牌子 时装设计师 Narciso Rodriguez 纳茜素 首支香熏 For Her,2004年荣获FIFI香水大奖最佳新品女香。触发无限暖意,加上有他独爱的埃及麝香所散发的幽香,委实是带有强烈的个人色彩,同时又与他所坚持的时装理念不谋而合。 Narciso Rodriguez在2003年推出首支香水for her,并在2004年荣获FIFI香水大奖最佳新品女香之后,Narciso Rodriguez 再接再厉推出了粉红色瓶身的 Narciso Rodriguez For Her淡香精。 在清新的花香中,再添加了东印度岩兰草、橙花、麝香、琥珀和香草等香氛。添加了麝香精油的Narciso Rodriguez For Her淡香精,连时尚品味获得肯定的莎拉洁西卡派克都为之心醉不已。 香调:优雅花香调 前味: 橙花、桂花 中味:龙涎香、香草 后味:东印度岩兰草、欢愉木、麝香、琥珀 这是一个法国的小众香水品牌 纳茜素是什么档次 Narciso 纳茜素For Her是典型的麝香调女香,也是香水界典型的“女人味”香水,全中国只有香港有专柜出售这个牌子的香水。 Narciso Rodriguez For Her EDT纳茜素 同名女士淡香水 100ML,美亚降至59.03美金,转运到手410元左右。所以看价格属于中等奢侈品 narciso for her香水怎么样 Narciso Rodriguez(纳茜素) for her extrait de parfum于今年10月限量登场。Narciso Rodriguez的经典香水for her现已换上全新面貌,变身为尊贵的15ml限量编号版:以最奢华的成份,重新演绎for her的韵味精髓。限量编号版全球限量420瓶。 Seek for exclusivity 在for her extrait de parfum里,全线香氛系列的灵魂及代表性的中心香调“现代麝香”,与多种精致元素和谐共舞,每一种成份都选用最矜贵的品种,加强香水缭绕不散的香味深度。 Scent for mystery 千叶玫瑰及橙花,传达出细致的感官享受,再在花香中引进黄葵籽精华的浓郁香气,让香氛呈现出一种独有的精纯气息。诱惑的广藿香及岩兰草,为香氛增添更深邃的性感魅力。 Commitment for precision Narciso Rodriguez以非凡的想象力,设计出一款现代经典香氛瓶,充满吸引力与神秘感。窈窕的瓶身犹如童话精灵,漂浮在修长的哑光银框内,与for her的经典长方形香氛瓶遥相呼应。黑色的瓶盖,亦呈纤巧的长方形,盖底更附有幼细的滴管。 for her extrait de parfum的外盒包装采用亮黑色木质礼盒,纯净的造型流露一份简约典雅,全面反映现代经典香水Narciso Rodriguezfor her令人倾倒的精细风格。 narciso for her香评 Narciso是我觉得沙龙香遗忘的一只,在众多商业香之中显得小众而难得。瓶子都是我最爱的方形,仿佛将香气慢慢注入玻璃瓶身中,扩散、融合,神秘而性感。无论是For Her还是同名,都诠释的是柔情与个性并重的女子形象。每次穿他们,总被男生问起,被称为斩男香,一点也不为过。爱麝香必入。 For Her, EDT 香调:木质花香调 前调:桂花 橙花 香柠檬 中调:麝香 琥珀 后调:香根草 香草 广藿香 香调标签:麝香 白色花 果香 柑橘 最爱,没有之一。相比姐姐EDP,前调更阳光,橙花和桂花以清新的香气开场,在麝香的基调上马上蔓延开来,后调蜕变为怀有丝丝果香的木质香根草。整只花香明显,尾调内敛。让人想到的是有主见的独立女子,柔情的眼波下,是灵动的双眸。温暖,魅力;个性是外表,内心渴望被爱。 For Her, EDP 香调:木质花香调 前调:玫瑰 桃子 中调:麝香 琥珀 后调:檀香木 广藿香 香调标签:麝香 玫瑰 广藿香 辛辣 脂粉 直觉就是EDT的姐姐,持香略久,更显柔美。前调略辛辣,微微的苦涩味刚过,玫瑰和桃子就让整只香的甜味扩散了出来,略粉感的后调不会夸张,怕脂粉味的妹子不用担心。总体来说,兼顾气场和女人味,较EDT更柔美,更性感,却总觉得甜中带苦。让人想到的是已有事业基础的女子,收敛了锋芒,看似温柔地对待世事,却有智慧驱使,一种低调的华丽感。柔情是外表,内心是冷静,知性而坚强。 Narciso新同名,EDT 香调:木质花香调 前调:保加利亚玫瑰 白牡丹 中调:麝香 后调:雪松 香根草 香调标签:木香 麝香 玫瑰 花香 个人觉得新同名香逊色于For Her,但瓶身更质感,很爱;大大增加了木质调的强度,更个性,但也更适合秋冬。这款EDT前调在木质基调上,直接显现玫瑰和牡丹结合的白色花束的甜,不过这种甜,相比其他香水还是可接受的别致的甜。牡丹为这支香添了女人味,相比EDP还是清新奔放的。尾调木质感慢慢显现,整体温暖不失清新。在阳光下,女子喝着伯爵,看着圆舞,率性而性感。 Narciso新同名,EDP 香调:木质花香调 前调:栀子花 保加利亚玫瑰 中调:麝香 后调:雪松 香根草 香调标签:木香 麝香 白色花 玫瑰 浓郁 最直接的感受是比EDT质地更奶油一些,厚厚的,浓浓的,是黑瓶的加强版。前调的栀子花,可能有些妹子会觉得腻。但也正因为此,这支香有了些性感的元素。后调木质感浓而略干燥,区别于大部分女香。整只香诱人,有强烈的女性魅力,但柔中带刚。想到的是塞纳河边,手持画笔的女子,红唇,长裙,自信的嘴角,从未停下探索的脚步。 终于抽时间写了第一篇,香水癌系列还会持续更新~
2023-07-13 13:25:021


2023-07-13 13:25:024

a number of修饰可数还是不可数

a number of修饰可数,a number of不可以修饰不可数名词,因为number意思是“大量的,许多”后加可数名词复数做主语时,谓语动词用复数。因为a number of表示“许多”,相当于 many。number前可用large,small等修饰,以表示程度。 扩展资料   a number of意为许多的",后面接可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数。   例句:There are a number of different points of view on this issue.   在这个问题上意见纷纭。   I have a number of things to do today.   我今天有许多事情要做。   A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem.   采取了一系列措施缓解这个问题。   A number of other people commented in a similar vein.   其他一些人也以类似的腔调评论。
2023-07-13 13:25:051


要把主线任务做完才能打,不然空袭一直都在。黄色牛头的就是主线任务。《正当防卫3》是一款由Avalanche Studios开发,Square Enix发行的一款第三人称射击类游戏,该游戏是《正当防卫》系列游戏的第三部作品,于2015年12月1日发行。游戏中玩家控制的主角Rico Rodriguez回到自己的家乡地中海上的Medici岛。这座岛屿被将军所独裁统治,Di Ravello要利用岛上的资源来统治世界。而Rico的目标是推翻独裁统治,并成为当地叛军的首领。背景设定:《正当防卫3》的故事发生在地中海的一座四面环海的虚拟小岛国家Medici共和国。继前作《正当防卫2》Rico Rodriguez结束了东南亚之旅后,主角Rico Rodriguez回到自己的家乡——地中海上的Medici岛。这里表面上看似像天堂般宁静,但实际上这座岛屿被Di Ravello将军所独裁统治,主角需要依靠自身的力量来反抗独裁者的残暴统治,毁灭他的邪恶计划,并成为了当地叛军的首领。
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2023-07-13 13:24:531

Billy Joel 什么意思

2023-07-13 13:24:521

a number of什么意思 a number of的意思

1、a number of的意思是许多的。 2、a number of等于a lot of一类,后接可数名词复数或代词,谓语动词用复数形式; 3、例句:Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies.若干研究已经发现了两个重要常量。
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2023-07-13 13:24:481


norma的意思:adj,典型的;正常的;一般的;精神正常的;意识健全的。n,常态;通常标准;一般水平;法线。复数:normals。记忆技巧:norm 规则,准则 + al …的 → 符合规则的 → 正常的。单词用法:1、ADJ Something that is normal is usual and ordinary, and is what people expect. 正常的; 平常的例:The two countries resumed normal diplomatic relations.这两个国家恢复了正常的外交关系。例:Her height and weight are normal for her age.她的身高和体重对于她的年龄来说是正常的。2、ADJ A normal person has no serious physical or mental health problems. 身心正常的例:Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people.统计表明抑郁的患者比正常人更可能得病。
2023-07-13 13:24:451


英语上学期期末测试题 一、词汇。A.词语释义。( )1. I"m sorry. She isn"t here right now.A. at a time B. just now C. at times D. at the moment( ) 2. Over two hundred men died in the accident.A. less than B. about C. nearly D. more than( ) 3. I called him three times yesterday, but no one answered.A. visited B. told C. telephoned D. asked( ) 4. --- Hello! May I speak to Jim?--- Hold on, please. A. Speak B. Wait a minute C. Call again D. Stop( ) 5. In China autumn lasts from August to October.A. goes B goes on C. keeps D. staysB. 根据句意填入恰当的词。6. You must look after yourself and keep _______.7. ______ TV too much is bad for your eyes.8. December is the ______ month of the year.9. What ______ did you give Ann for her birthday part?10. The ______ will stay above zero in the daytime.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。11. You"d better ______ (not talk) in class.12. They have a lot of _____ (work) to do.13. It will be _______ (cloud).14. The wind is blowing _______ (strong).15. Look! The bus _________ (come).16. The child stopped ________ (cry) when he saw his mother.17. Jim picked _______ (many) apples than Tom.18. I ___________ (go) to see him tomorrow.19. He _______ (buy) a new pen on his way to school yesterday.20. How many ______ (sing) are there in your band?三、选择填空。21. My job is ________.A. teaching you English B. teaching your EnglishC. to teach you English D. to teach your English22. __ you ____ a good time in the park last Sunday?A. Were…have B. Was…have C. Did…have D. Did…had23. He ______ down and broke his leg.A. feels B. falls C. felt D. fell 24. There is a bridge _______ the river.A. over B. on C. above D. below25. Japan is ______ the east of China.A. to B. in C. on D. at26. Which colour do you like ______, white, red or yellow?A. good B. better C. well D. best27. It"s cold outside. _______ putting on your sweater?A. Shall we B. Will you C. Why not D. What about28. I"m busy. I have ______ time to watch TV.A. much B. any C. little D. few29. We"ll go there _____ the morning of September 20.A. on B. in C. at D. of30.There ______ a football match in our school next week.A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. are going to be31. _____ of the boys has a new bike.A. Each B. All C. Every D. Both32. We started out _____ two weeks.A. in B. after C. later D. for 33. After a short rest, I ______ working.A. began on B. went on C. start to D. go to34. ______ beautiful flower!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a35. I ______ her _____ in the next door at eight last night.A. heared…sing B. heared…singing C. heard…sing D. heard…singing四、按括号内的要求改写句子。36. I didn"t move to England because I like living in China. (就划线部分提问)_____ ______ you _______ to England?37. Spring is his favourite season. (改为同义句)He ______ spring ______.38. Mrs Gao will stay in Beijing for two years. (就划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ Mrs Gao ______ in Beijing?39. It"s a fine day today. (改为感叹句)______ _____ ______ it is today!40. You teach me English. Thanks a lot. (改为同义句)______ very much _____ ______ me English.五、完成句子。41.请随便吃点鱼吧。some fish.42.去年你上学迟到过吗?you last year?43.我每天花费半小时读英语。_____ _____ me _____ _______ hour _______ read English every day.44.她正在为她的晚会做准备。She is _____ _____ ______ her part.45.北京的天气怎么样?______ the weather _____ in Beijing?六、补全对话。A: Hello!B: Hello! May I __46___ _47___ Jim, please?A: I"m __48___ he isn"t here__49_____ now. Can I take __50____ _51___ for you?B: Yes, please. Please tell him to come to my party at 8:00.A: OK!B: Thanks __52____ ___53_____. Goodbye.A: It"s __54____ ___55____. Bye.七、完形填空。One day two brothers went fishing. They had a __56__ with them. When they come ___57__ the river, they threw down their hats on the ground and went to the river to look __58___ fish. It was so _59__ that day, and soon they wanted their _60__. They told the dog to go __61__ for them.When the dog got there, he tried to take __62__ hats together in his __63__ at the same time. It was not very easy. Then the dog found that _64__ of the hats was smaller __65__ the other. He put the smaller one in the larger one, then he could carry both hats.( ) 56. A. child B. boat C. duck D. dog( ) 57. A. out B. near C. from D. into( ) 58. A. after B. at C. like D. for( ) 59. A. cold B. cooler C. hot D. warm( ) 60. A. shoes B. hats C. trousers D. clothes( ) 61. A. over B. by C. back D. out( ) 62. A. all B. some C. both D. many( ) 63. A. arms B. hands C. foot D. mouth( ) 64. A. each B. one C. few D. any ( ) 65. A. than B. as C. like D. with八、阅读理解。Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century. Sandwich was rich, but he liked to play cards for money. He often played for 24 hours, and didn"t even stop to have his meals. He ordered(命令)his servants to bring him some meat and bread. He put the meat between the two pieces of bread and held the food in hid left and while he played cards with his right hand. People liked Sandwich"s idea, and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich did.From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food “sandwich” today.( ) 66. Sandwich was ________.A. America B. an American C. an English woman D. English( )67. He didn"t stop to have his meals because he ________.A. liked to go on playing cards B. like some meat and breadC. didn"t like his meals D, didn"t like playing cards( )68. “Sandwich ”was made of ________.A. bread and chicken B. fish and breadC. two pieces of bread with meat in betweenD. some bread only( )69. Why did people begin to eat sandwiches from that time on?Because________.A. they liked Sandwich B. they liked Sandwich"s ideaC. sandwiches were very delicious D. they liked cards( )70. How do we have the word of the food “sandwich” today?We have it _____.A. from the name of meat and breadB. from the name of the man, Sandwich.C. from the names of cardsD. from the name of a place The answers:一、A. 1---5: D D C B B B. 6. healthy 7. Watching 8. twelfth 9. present 10. temperature二、11. not talk 12. work 13. cloudy 14. strongly 15. is coming16. crying 17. more 18. will go 19. bought 20. singers三、21—25: C C D A A 26---30: D D C A B 31—35: A B B C D四、36. Why did; move 37. likes, best 38. How long will, stay39. What fine weather 40. Thanks, for teaching五、41. Help yourself to 42. Were, late for school 43. It takes, half an, to 44. getting ready for 45. What"s like六、46. speak 48. afraid 49. right 50. a 51.message52. a 53. lot 54. a 55. pleasure七、56—60: D B D C B 61---65: C C D B A八、66---70: D A C B B
2023-07-13 13:24:441

duang 字可以不可以 左边"扌"手旁 右边 "彐"在上边 下边一个"人" ?

2023-07-13 13:24:431