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最好听的英文歌曲是什么? (别忘勒把歌手写在后面)拜托各位大神

2023-07-13 19:53:40
TAG: 英文 好听

82. westlife有一段时间,很喜欢westlife的歌,每天在他们的歌声中吃饭,看书,入睡。 83. the power of love--celion dion提起席琳迪翁(celine dion),大家都知道她的演唱以倾情投入而闻名于世,她的音色极具表现力,声域宽广,很有张力,最喜欢的歌曲,,完美的歌曲。 84. a new day has come--celion dion她以满腔的爱与希望蕴育出另一个炽热的生命,她歌唱生涯中第八张英文专辑「a new day has come真爱来临」,在细腻悠扬、情感丰沛的歌声中,感受到旺盛的生命能量,热烈地传送到世界每个角落。 85. more than words--extreme被翻唱了无数遍的歌,只用一把木吉他伴奏,但他高贵的气质却随着真情流露,胜过了有着华丽织体的热 闹声音,当然,这首歌最迷人的,还是天衣无缝的合声部分--那轻轻的,起伏的,隐现并滑翔而逝的伴唱,只有真正胸怀开阔,品位脱 俗的人才能这样写情歌,也只有真正温柔可爱的人才值得被这样的歌声围绕。 86. killing me softly with his song--roberta flack 由于年代久远,这首歌不可避免地带上了留声机时代遗留下来的贵族味道,一遍遍地重复“killing me softly with his song”,她已经醉了,已经无力逃脱了,她更象是自言自语,捧着胸口喃喃自语而脑子里眼睛里全是他全是他全是他啊... 87. can you feel the love tonight--elton joh工整清晰的吐字,彬彬有礼的抒情,不紧不慢的钢琴,只能有那些拥有严谨文化传统的中老年英国人来展现。 88. lemon tree--fool‘s gardon5个得国小伙子组成的“傻子花园”乐队,可根本没想过要写一首叫做《柠檬树》的英文歌,给一个台湾女孩子(苏慧伦) 翻唱成中文版,在这个东方大国漂起!“ i wonder how, i wonder why, yesterday you tell me about the blue blue sky...” 89. vincent--don mclean这位歌词有着诗一样已经的青年为人了精神殉道者,荷兰后印象派画家,伟大的疯子文森特梵高献上了感人的一曲,这首歌 唱到了艺术家的孤独和世人的不义,唱到了崇高的痛苦和爱,唱到了内心矛盾,唱到了神,宁静和永远... 90. one love--bob marley他用歌声带给人快乐,并为公正而斗争,这样的一生足以使任何一位歌者在死神面前保持尊严,牙买加总统参加了他的葬礼 。 91. careless whisper--wham威猛是中国改革开放以来最早接受的西方流行音乐,现在听来真的是别有一番滋味。 92. don"t cry for me, argentina--maonna她卖弄性感,出售神圣?可是她并不比任何人虚伪,当她撕开人们的虚伪时,我们听到的是一副越 唱越好的嗓子,和一种越来越真实的性格。阿根廷前总统夫人依维塔确有一生传奇的经历--寒门女子最终身居国母,用圣洁的博爱感动 了整个国家,她为穷人所做的一切,她的真诚和无私,在歌声得到了永生。 93. two steps behind--defleppardkb海峡拥有高超的不鲁斯吉他技巧,低沉嗓音的半说半唱,成熟睿智的歌词,以及难以言表的 宽厚情怀,整个八十年代,不知多少人依靠他们的音乐,完成了由青春向成年的过渡,不知多少人被那悠远延绵的意境带走,超脱于现实 的无聊纷争... 94. no more i love you--annie lennox此人于1995年推出了专辑“medusa”(《美杜莎》)美杜莎,是希腊女神中最狰狞古怪的一个,把超人的魔力给 了这个歌手,让她有力,跌宕起伏,在我们想象之上拖曳高音,延续着从唯美派文学到新古典音乐的影响,也徘徊在艺术和商业之间,沟 通着尘世的想象。 95. my heart will go on--celine dion我深信,这是即使小学生也听过而且非常喜欢的一首歌。 96. missing you now--meachael bolton这个男人具有轻易征服听众的才能,曾是美国电台播放给“面的”司机听的最佳人选,可以用最直接的方法来美化我们的听 觉,而且,我们根本无须费心去听,只要跟着,哼着,忙自己的,快乐就产生了。 97. yesterday once more唱者卡伦卡彭特被称为美国的邓丽君,当她死于神经性厌食症时,人们突然发现,在所有那些包装精良,华美诱人的热门金曲中 ,可能只有卡伦卡彭特的声音值得被收藏,她把悠长的旋律唱得光芒耀眼,即使怀旧,都充满了对生活的感恩,她的歌声始终在呼唤人们 热爱的本能。 98. goodbye--air supply 80年代最受欢迎的一对组合,他们高低的配合优美的歌词动听的旋律令人难以抗拒。喜欢这样凄美华丽的声音,唱出那句痛彻心肺的“ there"s no other way than to say goodbye” 99. your song--elton john平滑流畅的钢琴和elton john淡淡柔情的演唱,似乎就是和爱人相拥坐在黄昏中的木屋顶,看远处夕阳西下,与世上最最甜美的双眸对望,任似水年华静静流 淌,这时不用很多钱,不用大房子,只要有一首由爱人所唱,但却只属于自己的歌就足够了... 100. hotel california--eagles我喜欢那充满磁性的嗓音,木吉他弹奏出简单幽怨的调子外,我想,喜欢它的另一个理由便是对 回忆的孤独感受。这样的曲子,适合一个人听,一遍又一遍地重听,随乐韵飘荡到广袤却寂寥的...


100首经典好听的英文歌曲! 1. don"t cry--guns n" roses我所认真听完的第一首摇滚,这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗 出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋... 2. fade to black--metallic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,我相信国内有好多人都是听了这首歌的前奏才去学吉他的!metalli ca经典中的经典,也是metallica饱受争议的作品,因为当时有乐迷自杀就是出于这首歌,胆小别听哦~ 3. dreaming my dream--cranberries有着王菲一样变幻倚俪的唱腔,高雅离开了原本浩渺的苍穹来到人间,它带着冷漠的美艳,但又 说着人身上的变动和永恒,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就这样汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史 ,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中...(卡百利,本是蔓声浆果的藤蔓) 4. dying in the sun--cranberries不断地重复着放这首歌,简短迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。我就平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,渴 望在阳光下睡死... 5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~! 6. far away from home--groove coverage德国新晋乐队,这首歌已被众多知名dj誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作,听了不下几百遍了,旋律好的很,女声好 的很... 7. knocking on heaven"s door--guns n" roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉,当然女生版的更加恬静,睡觉之前我都要听的。 8. imagine--john lennon约翰列侬是全世界最成功的摇滚乐队“甲壳虫”(beatles)的灵魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂 热的歌迷开枪打死的,他的死震惊了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目无宗教和go-vern-ment,在七十年代致力研究东方宗教和 宣扬童话般的爱(有一颗小星星是以他的名字命名的),这声音听来象预言者的祈祷,而歌词依然是固执的理想,或许列侬所要求的泰国 绝对,太过纯洁,但作为梦,难道你我就不曾有过吗? 9. yesterday--beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了。 10. let it be--beatles昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是beatles解散时成员们的心态写照。有时候生命的意义在于过程,至于结果就 让它let it be... 11. it"s my life--bon jovi我比较早喜欢的一首歌..曾用来做cs的mtv背景音乐。 12. that"s why(you go away)--meachael learns to rock半路在一家美发店的门前听到了that"s why (you go away)的钢琴版!!! 感觉很好,这样听起来that"s why就更经典了! (放的声音越大越有感觉哦) 13. you can"t say(韩剧"爱上女主播"主题曲)相信大家对这首歌不会感到陌生了哦!!!我是不会歌词的,但每旋律一起就能体会其中的柔情. .. 14. yesterday yes a day 温柔醇厚的声音,静静地用心体会,很舒服的21岁的挪威女孩marlin,自己写歌自己唱,一首充满浪漫气息的法国歌曲,就像爱 人在你耳 边轻轻呢喃,超好听的... 15. heal the world--meachael kjackson他是疯狂热爱和不羁职责的承受者,年轻的巨富,心理怪异而各声纯洁的奇人,他富于创造,不向任何一个流派靠拢, 虽然,杰克逊现在的形象不好,但他曾经为世界的慈善事业作了很大的贡献,这首歌也正是他心意的表现吧...最起码他在音乐方面的 高度是谁都无法否认的。 16. the girl is mine--meachael jackson.纯洁的仿佛童话,干净的让人不敢呼吸... 17. delicious way--仓木麻衣。我本人也十分仇恨日本人的,但是听到这么纯洁的歌曲感觉到音乐真的是没有国界的哎~~ 18. under the sea小美人鱼(the little mermaid)插曲,可总感觉张邵晗唱的更有活力。再听听原唱的,就知道东西方文化的差异在哪里了。


19. fighter--christina 厚重有力的嗓音穿透着我的耳膜,装饰着闪亮碎钻的眼眸冲击着我的视网膜...希望有一天,我能够成为那个fighter... 蛮有爆发力的一首歌。 20. without you--mariah carey我喜欢的歌星!因为她在唱功方面显得极为细腻,而且她的声线真的是性感迷人而且非常有爆发力和感染力...~~这是高 音上唯一可与i will always love you媲美的歌,下面还有一首两人合唱的,绝对体现唱功哦~~ 21. when you believe--mariah carey n" whitney houston不多说了,任何人都唱不成这样的。 22. crying in the rain大概算的上是欧美最具生命力的情歌之一了,这首出自民谣女歌手carole king的作品对原来舒缓深情的作品来了一次颠覆性的改造... 23. never say goodbye--hayley westenra充满曼陀铃和竖琴声音的歌曲当中透显出一个宁静而美丽的少女形象,歌曲是从爱尔兰传统歌曲中改编过来,hayl ey westenra的声音如同丝线一般,在演唱技巧上更已达到完美的境地,而嗓音天生的优美更是让人不得不赞叹和艳羡。 24. sugar ray"s someday。sugar ray(据说应该翻译作“拔丝”乐队-_-bbb),他们的音乐风格用一个字就可以形容——summer,他们只在夏天出片,歌 儿一听就让人想起夏天——总是阳光明媚、活泼愉快。与此相反的,他们的歌词却是比较深的,那个身上有着13个纹身、英俊得完全不 像个rock band主唱的mark mcgrath经常用很夸张的肢体语言在mtv中摇摆,加上十分十分正宗的传统摇滚式配器,恐怕在今天活着的乐队中找不出第二个 这样的band。 25. iris-- goo goo dolls清脆急促的吉他solo,john rzeznik饱含沧桑的低沉嗓音,对世事、爱情满腹的疑问,后面的爆发,“and i don"t want the world to see me, "cause i don"t think that they"d understand. when everything"s made to be broken, i just want you to know who i am!” 这是有着无穷韵味的箴言。 26. mystical machine gun--kula shaker比较难得的是,kula shaker的音乐受了很多东方思想的影响,这一点同时表现在歌词、音乐和配器之中。乐队唯一真正意义上的专辑就是《peasa nts, pigs & astronauts》专辑干净的声音,迷幻的吉他,如印度梵音般的和声,充满现场感的录音,总之在当时背景下,属于绝对的异类 。 27. elemental--tears for fears.其实只是主唱oland orzab一个人而已,整张专辑所有词曲、每一轨录音(器乐、主唱、和声)全部出自这家伙一人之手(口),真是吓了一跳(原来世 界上真的有全才啊)! 28. gone away--the off spring是一个比较有争议的乐队。跟99%的美国摇滚乐队一样,也是来自学校同学的组合,经过很长时间的地下活动,终于走到 地上,给人留下最深刻印象就是主唱bryan holland的十分金属化的硬朗狂放的唱腔,歌词有着对世事无情的玩弄和嘲讽。 29. a question of lust--peche mode很容易和“冷”这个字联系起来,冷冰冰的纯电子音乐,冷冷的唱腔,冷僻的歌词,似乎特别适合目前这个季节来听... 30. this is how we do it蛮欢快的一首现代英文混音dj舞曲,偶个人比较喜欢。 31. boom boom boom各位爱跳舞的朋友,这就是你们的音乐,做为音乐和舞蹈的信徒,你们起床要放的音乐。 32. earth song--meachael jackson请保护大自然!~ 崇高的敬意!~ 看过mv后真的感觉心里堵堵的... 33. everybody dance now相信看过韩国综艺节目情书的朋友不会陌生吧~里面好多背景音乐就是用的这个,尤其是uncle shin的抖动dance甩你的双手,很简单的一个步骤,音乐炸进你的头,活着就要开心些嘛!!!顺便说一下, 我超级喜欢那个张英兰~~~~ 34. the day you went away--m2m是当之无愧的小甜甜咯,相信谁都不会忍心伤害这样的女生,不过歌词有点伤感,我们从来都不知道珍惜所拥有的直 到永远的失去它,将如何承受这种痛苦,现在,我不得不说,我是真的真的失去了你...


35. when you say nothing at all--krauss多次被评为世界最美的女声,坐拥11座格莱美奖,被无数人翻唱过... 男孩地带的也同样也是不可错过的哦! 36. hero--enrique iglesias出生在马德里,有着西班牙人独有的深邃的双眸,冷峻而又性感的脸庞,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂颠倒的 外表... 37. god is a girl--groove coverage从个人角度看sweetbox和groove coverage是给我印象最深的两个女唱乐队,下面还有几首歌都是她们的,很喜欢女主唱有些慵懒而很清脆的声音,他们的风格. ..喜欢听这种节奏感强,比较热闹的歌曲。觉得这个乐队的风格还是挺新鲜的,也比较大众化,应该会有不少朋友会喜欢,因为大众不 等于庸俗。 38. she--groove coverage 39. can"t get over you--groove coverage 40. 7 years and 50 days--groove coverage 41. encore une fois--helene segara一首抒情法语歌,哀而充满无奈的歌,你能体会到它的忧伤,也许有一天 我会离开你,途跋涉寻找真的自己也许有一天...也许有一天... 42. je m appelle helene--helene rolls听了首法语歌后觉得法语太美了,让人感觉说法语的人嘴上摸了奶油,...于记忆深处,要我找到简单的爱情,于我的爱情 ,歌词中有着淡淡的伤感... 43. here i am--bryan adams那是布赖恩亚当斯的作品,我想大家应该都听过他那首绝对经典的歌“( everything i do )吧,这个帅帅的沧桑男人的声音是谁都无法抗拒的哦。 44. everything i do--bryan adams不多说了,绝对经典中的经典。 45. all that you can"t leave behind--毫无疑问,u2是80年代英国最受欢迎的摇滚乐团,不过我个人只喜欢这一首,具体也说不出为什么,可能感觉声音 和旋律搭配的很棒吧~~ 46. big big world--emilia看上去是一个爱整洁的乖女孩,尤其在唱“big,big world”这样的慢歌时,她显得十分纯情而古典。目前emilia的唱片在瑞典已卖过了3白金的数量。而首支单曲“big,b igworld”则成为了瑞典历史上流行速度最快的一支... 47. right here waiting--rachard max这是一首很经典的老歌,歌唱了刻骨铭心的爱情... 这是我曾经最爱的一首老歌,相信每个人也都听过无数遍,但依然是... 48. stay--williams(野蛮师姐主题曲)特别特别特别的欢快,每次不知道为了什么一心烦就不由自主想听这首歌,连我们宿 舍一个平时不怎么愿意听歌的哥们也喜欢上了这首... 49. live forever--oasis 是近十年来英国最受欢迎和最受评论家承认的乐队之一;live forever是我朋友推荐给我的,听过后感觉真的很不错呢... 50. life for rent--dido清爽的时节,清爽的女孩儿,清爽的音乐。life for rent,把整个生命都出租出去,不属于任何人,无根地飘荡,听起来有一些伤感。 51. promise don"t come easy跟着cd慢慢的哼着,记不清楚是什么时候第一次听了,若有若无的思绪缠绕着自己,象梦一样。 52. lonely--nana是一首黑人说唱歌曲,同时加入了r&b和blues的曲风,歌曲的当中还有女声的伴唱,旋律非 常优美。不会再有第二首歌可以超越...歧视,家庭的破碎... 53. dilemma--kellyrowland与饶舌巨星nelly搭档演唱的歌曲,这首歌曲虽然风格老套,但仍然在全美电台创下 近两个月蝉联冠军宝座的纪录。 54. you took my heart away舒缓的节奏,简洁的编曲,十足的优美旋律,都展现了mltr最擅长的迷人功力。 55. helene segara-encore une fois一首经典法语歌,同样将法国浓郁的浪漫气息,法国当红歌手helene segara 专辑,她的音乐和她的人一样别有风情。她的嗓音并不是十分突出,但声音中有一种魅惑迷离的特质。 56. sealed with a kiss 以吻封缄,经典美国乡村音乐,一首极具浪漫色彩的老歌,叙离别情,但不伤感;道分手苦,但不低沉。饱尝相思之苦的恋人们听来,肯 定别有一番滋味...


57. only time--enya无由的哀愁随着only time的歌声涌上心头。而当爱情灭绝、心泣莫名、欲盖弥彰的绝望凄清,却只有时间为唯一的目击者... 58. i will be missing you记得第一次听它的时候,只记得旋律很hip-pop,直到后来无意中才知道了它的来历。于是找来下载,听,一遍又一遍。 59. civil war--guns n" roses在美国这样一个国度,一支摇滚乐队创作出这样一首忧国忧民(当然也可以理解成激愤)的歌曲,这不是对摇滚乐的反判,恰 恰是对摇滚更好的诠释。我想,摇滚乐在国外之所以有那么高的地位正是由于国外的很多摇滚乐队有着对社会、对国家的主人精神以及对 音乐的深入理解和精彩绝伦的演绎。国内呢?只有流行乐泛滥罢了,摇滚不光是非主流,几乎成末流了...悲哀啊... 60. sunny came home1998年葛莱美大奖获奖作品,现在已很难找得到这样动听的旋律了. 61. the one--mr big每首歌曲中都有一段经典耐听的吉他solo。我想有这一首歌就足以流芳百世了,即使多少年以后,这首歌也会引起人们无限的 共鸣。 62. to be with you--mr big几乎所有的吉他教材都可以看到这首《与你同在》,这首歌用木吉他超越了轰鸣,用随便超越了夸张,用一群拍着首合唱的小伙子 超越了舞台上的超级巨星...时间总会流逝,浪漫和现实,究竟哪一个会与你同在呢? 63. stop crying your heart out--oasis称不上经典,但是也总能给人一种疲倦到不想说什么的地步,如过明天我死了... 64. cinderella太鄙视she的媚日情节,所以只好听英文版的这首半糖主义,不过发现比她们唱的好听一百倍!!! 65. the sound of silence是奥斯卡最佳电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是美国流行音乐大师保罗西蒙的代表...我相信,一百个人当中会有一百个人 喜欢听这歌的。 66. should it matter--sissel kyrkjeb我喜欢这个低调又华美的女子,淡淡的感觉,仔细听可以听出性感哦! 67. stuck in my heart旋律很优美,中间有一段很完美的合声。 68. utopia--sweetbox下面三首歌都是出自sweetbox的,丢失了以后心疼到现在呢,哪位哥哥姐姐能知道哪里下的 到一定告诉小弟哦,谢谢咯!!!他们的歌曲都巧妙地融合pop、摇滚音乐,行云流水的律动带出女主唱jade戏剧性的歌声,不仅 开启歌迷的想像空间,而且扣人心弦,真的不动心都不行啊... 69. alright--sweetbox 70. one kiss--sweetbox 71. dreams come true--ses被无数个电台做过无数次的背景电乐,旋律响起你就知道你肯定听过的... 72. sweet dream很喜欢的一首歌了,张娜拉长的实在是太可爱了,有条件的朋友可以去找下这个mv看下,相当不错哦~~ 73. back to you--bryan adams不多说了,布莱恩.亚当斯的每一首歌都那么经典... 74. forever and ever-because i love you。绝对好听,因为dido就是因为这首歌红的。 75. say it isn"t so--bon jovi硬汉唱的柔情歌曲也蛮感人的嘛~~ 76. now and forever--richard max可能大家很少听他的歌吧`~`其实他的歌真的很不错!希望能和大家一起分享啊! 77. angle of mine一个很老的乐队唱的,具体名字我忘了,超好听。 78. dream cranberries就是大名鼎鼎的卡百利乐队 ...这首《dream》选自他们第一张专辑 王菲曾经翻唱过,翻唱得...我都听不出真假...可惜每次出去唱王菲的歌都感觉在糟蹋音乐哎~~ 79. faint--lincoln park林肯公园,乐队名字是因为每天乐队的例行练习结束回家时,他都会驾车路过林肯公园,重要的是,他们的平均年龄不过二十出 头哦...他们的音乐给人蛮另类的感觉 80. somewhere i belong--lincoln park节奏蛮快然后有点另类的歌。 81. bitch--meredith brooks开朗轻快的曲风很讨人喜欢,名字(妖精)是不好听了一点点,但整首歌却是有一点我行我素,特立独行并不会为任何人改 变。

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这次一下发了40首,多为英文歌曲,说为首首经典决不夸张。 有大家耳熟能详的,【放心】也有你们鲜为人知的~尤其是30~40首哦~来讨好你的耳朵吧~~ ※※每一首都很好听※※※....切忌... 切忌1.Bon Jovi-It"S My Life http://www.j**.net/admin/editor/UploadFile/2006-11/17/200611171466156.mp3 2.Bon Jovi-Always http://www.l******.com/newbbs/uploadfile/2005-9/20059128261291935.mp3 3.Bryan Adams-Here I Am http://music.m***.com/others/here_i_am.mp3 4.Nana-Dreams http://www.m****.cn/mp3/DREAMS.mp3 5.Bon Jovi-It"s My Life(抒情版) http://www.008.o*.cn/upload/Bon_Jovi-It"s_My_Life.mp3 6. Dem Lao Xao Phuong Than http://www.n*****.com/geo81/200571585952530.mp3 7.A-Ha---You Wanted More http://music.m***.com/others/you%20wanted%20more.mp3 8.Michael Jackson-Beat It http://www.hrbnu.e*.cn/mp3/uploadfile/200691381396961.mp3 9.Aaron Carter-I"m All About You http://www.h***.com/stuweb/g13/music/06%20-%20I"m%20All%20About%20You.mp3 10.Every breath you take http://music.e********.com/song03/song36.mp3 11.Live For Love United http://www.m***.com/music/worldcup/live%20for%20love%20united.mp3 12.Bon Jovi-Livin" On a Prayer http://www.g***.com/2008/prayer.mp3 13.Michael Jackson-你并不孤独 http://bbs.l****.com/music/ease/omie/jingdian/168.mp3 14.Alizee-Im Not Twenty http://www.m***.com/UpLoad/Music/2006/09/02/20060902221641.5669672.mp3 15.Stratovarius-Forever http://www.a****.com/music/07070707232197.mp3 16.Oldfield Mike-Moonlight Shadow http://www.k*****.com/media/songs/Mike%20Oldfield%20-%20Moonlight%20Shadow.mp3 17.Michael Jackson-Dangerous http://www.hrbnu.e*.cn/mp3/UpLoadFile/200691381396961.mp3 me the meaning of being lonely http://learning.s**.com/zt/freshenglish/10-27/songs.mp3 19.the sound of silence http://www.xztc.e*.cn/yxdh/english/english/Songs/The%20Sound%20of%20Silence.MP3 20.Gareth gates-anyone of us http://www.z*****.com/UpLoadFile/file/200742780073057.mp3 21.Days of your beliefs http://www.w**.cn/music/Day.mp3 22.i will always return http://www.c**.net/subject/wc2006/worldcup2006.files/music/bryanadams_iwillalwaysreturn.mp3 23.don"t turn off the light http://www.m***.com/music/others/Dontturnoffthelight.mp3"ll be in my heart http://www.x**.net/kejian/down/20056281818130.mp3 25.when you say nothing at all http://www.1*****.com/music/A01/11/08.mp3 26.never grow old http://www.b***.com/video/resource_video/never.mp3 i have to cry for you http://www.m***.com/music/others/do%20i%20have%20to%20cry%20for%20you.mp3 28.Always come back to your http://www.x****.com/UploadFiles/2006-12/1227143076.mp3 29.Another Day In Paradise http://www.hdcz.g*.cn/cqjy/music/yingwen/tiantanglidelingyitian17.mp3 30.Japanese main current http://www.z***.com/dj/qq/mp3/japanese-main-current.mp3 31.Nelly furtado — Say It Right 32. Bellefire — say something anyway http://chinadaily.c*.cn/html/media/200708/03/cf5017f0366a182153.mp3 33. 未知 — tell me all about it 34. Tatu — All The Things She Said http://www.p****.com/Files/BeyondPic/ysp/all%20the%20things%20she%20said.mp3 35. Tatu — Gomenasai 36. Tatu — 30 Minutes http://www.z**.com/bbs/UploadFile/2006-11/2006118122450602.mp3 37. 未知 — 500-miles http://www.f******.com/UpFile/UpAttachment/2007102601932.mp3 (有很多演唱者,所以请用此地址)38. Cranberries — never grow old http://www.chinadaily.c*.cn/html/media/200708/09/a34a6c1bf2f5ab2128.mp3 39. Tatu — not gonna get us 40. Cagnet — hear me cry听完如何?,如果有时间的话希望不要错过※※※※任何一首※※※※欢迎光临本人—博客*.com



2023-07-13 17:08:501


mltr是一个丹麦乐队的简写,乐队名的全称是Michael Learns To Rock,翻译为迈克学摇滚或摇滚迈克。他们在九十年代风靡世界,带来斯堪的纳维亚清新气息和经典流行音乐的完美结合。没有漂亮迷人的外表,没有铺天盖地的宣传,没有引人遐想的绯闻;这些制造巨星的前提条件或副产品,MLTR都没有,有的只是百听不厌的原创作品。一直以来,Michael Learns To Rock通过他们的努力向我们证明:即使是世界上最偏远的角落,和我们的距离也只不过是一首动人的歌曲。
2023-07-13 17:08:583


MLTR(摇滚迈克)是来自北欧童话王国丹麦的动人声音 姓名:Mikkel Lentz 出生时间/地点:1968-12- 20/丹麦,Esbjerg 身高:184cm 体重:74 kg 姓名:Jascha Richter 出生时间/地点:1963-06-24/美国 身高:183 cm 体重:75 kg 姓名:Kare Wanscher 出生时间/地点:1969-06- 14/丹麦,Arhus 身高:182cm 体重:72 kg
2023-07-13 17:09:051

2023-07-13 17:09:132


2023-07-13 17:09:223

谁能翻译下MLTR的complicated heart的歌词~?

MLTRComplicated HeartDon"t know what to say now 现在不知道说什么don"t know where to start不知道从哪里开始说I don"t know how to handle我不知道如何控制a complicated heart这复杂的心情You tell me you are leaving你告诉我你要走but I just have to say但我只能说before you throw it all away 在你丢掉所有之前Chorus:Even if you want to go alone即使你想单独上路I will be waiting when you"re coming home我会在家里一直等你if you need someone to ease the pain如果你想要不得别的人来安慰你you can lean on me, my love will still remain你可倚靠我,我会永远爱你Don"t know what you"re thinking不知道你在想什么to me it seems quite tough对我而言太笼罩统to hold a conversation继续对话when words are not enough当言语不够时so this is your decision因此这是你的决定and there"s nothing I can do我不能做什么I can only say to you我只能对你说 Chorus:Even if you want to go alone即使你想单独上路I will be waiting when you"re coming home我会在家里一直等你if you need someone to ease the pain如果你想要不得别的人来安慰你you can lean on me, my love will still remain你可倚靠我,我会永远爱你
2023-07-13 17:09:361


2023-07-13 17:09:565

介绍一下《take me to your heart》

这首歌来自丹麦4人组合(现在3人)Michael Learns to Rock 的第6张大碟Take Me to Your Heart。大家对Michael Learns to Rock一定不会陌生,他们的成名曲That"s Why (You Go Away)一直在到处传唱。
2023-07-13 17:10:113

mltr的The ghost of you中文歌词

2023-07-13 17:10:194

为什么北欧很多国家的乐队都用英语?像挪威(或瑞典)的aqua 丹麦的mltr……这些国家没有母语吗?

2023-07-13 17:10:455


这个杀手不太冷里的shape of my heart... 很好听的一首老歌
2023-07-13 17:11:0310


2023-07-13 17:11:287


hiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won"t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many people all around the worldtell me where do i find someone like you girltake me to your heart take me to your soulgive me your hand before i"m oldshow me what love is - haven"t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe"re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your heart take me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love is - be my guiding starit"s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don"t really comprehenddon"t need too much talking without saying anythingall i need is someone who makes me wanna singtake me to your heart take me to your soulgive me your hand before i"m oldshow me what love is - haven"t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe"re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your heart take me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love is - be my guiding starit"s easy take me to your hearttake me to your heart take me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love is - be my guiding starit"s easy take me to your heart
2023-07-13 17:11:5712


先有张学友的《吻别》,是张学友发行第四张国语唱片。1993年重回国语歌坛的学友哥继四年前之后再度出击国语歌坛,《吻别》获得“台湾金曲奖年度最佳歌曲”,学友的热潮从粤语覆盖到国语,从香港席卷整个台湾内地以至所有华语地区,巩固了他“歌神”的地位。 即使是十年后,《吻别》依然成就了丹麦“迈克学摇滚”( Michael Learns to Rock )的《Take Me To Your Heart》。 2004年4月让乐迷等待四年之久的MLTR推出了全新专辑《Take Me To Your Heart》。新专辑中的《Don"t Have To Lose》成为法国电影《两小无猜》(Love Me If You Dare)的英文主题曲。而另一首歌则是将张学友的吻别填上英文歌词,的《Take Me To Your Heart》,将亚洲情歌推向世界,而这首歌,也成为了MLTR的中国最喜爱的歌曲之一。这首歌曲红遍了整个中国, 而专辑也创造了25万销量的奇迹并获得EMI颁发的金唱片奖项,
2023-07-13 17:13:022


2023-07-13 17:13:271

谁有mltr的upon a christmas night 的歌词

Upon a Christmas Night I put my name on a Christmas card With love from me to you ‘Cause I believe If we"re strong enough Our wishes will come true They"re dreaming of a white Christmas I"m dreaming of you I just need you by my side Upon a Christmas night I put a coat on and go for a walk And let the others talk The shining stars light when I look up They know that I"m in love They"re dreaming of a white Christmas I"m dreaming of you I just need you by my side Upon a Christmas night
2023-07-13 17:13:392


2023-07-13 17:13:484

Family Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Family Tree歌手:Jake Thackray专辑:Lah-Di-DahFamily TreeMLTRby:百度Mltr吧I"m gonna be the owner of the world for a little whileAnd it feels like I am flying (I am flying)Everybody"s waving in the crowd to get a smileBut they never saw me crying ( saw me crying)Even when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careEverybody"s talking right behind my backAnd I don"t care what people"re thinkingBut in a little corner of my mind it"s getting toughWhen the moving lights are twinklingEven when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWhen the heavy come fallsI know where I belongI could never walk away from you(from you)When the everyday life callsI"m gonna sing a songYeah~Hold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careby:百度Mltr吧..感想
2023-07-13 17:14:071

Family Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Family Tree歌手:Leena专辑:Mean Old Clock (Ep)Family TreeMLTRby:百度Mltr吧I"m gonna be the owner of the world for a little whileAnd it feels like I am flying (I am flying)Everybody"s waving in the crowd to get a smileBut they never saw me crying ( saw me crying)Even when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careEverybody"s talking right behind my backAnd I don"t care what people"re thinkingBut in a little corner of my mind it"s getting toughWhen the moving lights are twinklingEven when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWhen the heavy come fallsI know where I belongI could never walk away from you(from you)When the everyday life callsI"m gonna sing a songYeah~Hold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careby:百度Mltr吧..感想
2023-07-13 17:14:141

求nothing to lose的中英文歌词

歌名:《Nothing to Lose》, 歌者:Michael Learns to Rock,发行时间:1997,所属专辑:《Nothing To lose》中英歌词:There are times when you make me laugh很多次,你使我满怀喜悦there are moments when you drive me mad很多时候,你使我着迷there are seconds when i see the light很多瞬间,我看到光明though many times you made me cry尽管很多次,你使我哭泣there"s something you don"t understand但这些你不懂i want to be your man我想成为你的男人nothing to lose your love to win我一无所有,唯有你的爱能征服一切hoping so bad that you"ll let me in 你使我的希望如此渺茫i"m at your feet在你的脚下waiting for you等你i"ve got time and nothing to lose 我有的是时间,却一直得不到你的爱there are times when i believe in you很多次,我信任你these moments when i feel close to you 那些瞬间,我感到如此靠近你there are times i think that i am yours很多次,我相信我属于你though many times i feel unsure 可是我都不自信there"s something you don"t understand你不明白这些i want to be your man我想成为你的男人Nothing to lose your love to win我一无所有,唯有你的爱能征服一切hoping so bad that you"ll let me in 你使我的希望如此渺茫i"m at your feet在你脚下waiting for you等你i"ve got time and nothing to lose我有的是时间,却一直得不到你的爱i"ll always be around you我将永远伴你左右keep an eye on you默默地注视着你"cos my patience is strong我有足够的耐心and i won"t let you run不会让你走远"cos you are the only one 因为你是我的唯一nothing to lose your love to win我一无所有,唯有你的爱能征服一切hoping so bad that you"ll let me in我希望如此渺茫i"m at your feet在你脚下waiting for you等你i"ve got time and nothing to lose我有的是时间,却一直得不到你的爱歌手简介:在世界流行乐坛中,北欧常常能为人们带来一些惊喜。而来自丹麦的Michael Learns To Rock(MLTR)就是其中之一,他们在九十年代风靡世界,带来抚动我们心弦的音乐--斯堪的纳维亚清新气息和经典流行音乐的完美结合。没有漂亮迷人的外表,没有铺天盖地的宣传,没有引人遐想的绯闻;这些制造巨星的前提条件或副产品,MLTR都没有,有的只是百听不厌的原创作品。MLTR的故事可以说是世界摇滚音乐的一个经典:四个酷爱摇滚的年轻人走到一起,成立乐队,和全球各地的乐迷分享他们的作品。
2023-07-13 17:14:222

thats why 是什么意思,我只要这两个单词

thats why翻译成中文就是“这就是为什么”
2023-07-13 17:14:312


宝贝你为什么不告诉我为什么你的眼里有着悲伤 我不想对你说再见 爱情是一个我需要试着去忘记的幻觉 但是我的脑海里仍然残留着什么 是你开始的,现在你却要让它结束 我现在是那个感受着迷失的人 现在你让我忘记你说过的每一件小事 但是我的脑海里仍然残留着什么 我不会忘记你亲吻我的方式 那种感觉多么强烈,延续这多么长时间 但是我不是那个你心心念念所想的人 这就是你离开的原因,我知道 无论我怎样努力,你都不会满足 现在你要对我说再见 爱情是一个我需要试着去忘记的幻觉 但是我的脑海里仍然残留着什么 我不会忘记你亲吻我的方式 那种感觉多么强烈,延续这多么长时间 但是我不是那个你心心念念所想的人 这就是你离开的原因,我知道 一直孤单的坐在不知道什么地方的地方 不知道要去哪里 这里没有什么关于我们可说的了 这里没有关于你的 这里再也不会有关于我的 我不会忘记你亲吻我的方式 那种感觉多么强烈,延续这多么长时间 但是我不是那个你心心念念所想的人 这就是你离开的原因,我知道 这就是你离开的原因,我知道
2023-07-13 17:14:395


MLTR就翻唱过两首中文歌,一首是Take me to your heart,吻别的英文版,一首是Fairy tale,传奇的英文版。另外网上流传一首黄昏的英文版,但那个其实不是他们的作品来的,所以也就这两首,越多越好谁也满足不了啊.....纯手打的,希望能帮到你。
2023-07-13 17:15:031

bluenight MLTR 歌词?

Lately you have been asking meif all my words are trueDon"t you know I"ll do anything for you Sometimes I haven"t been good to youSometimes I"ve made you cryAnd I am sorry for everything but I promise you girlI promise you this Chorus:When the blue night is over my faceon the dark side of the world in spaceWhen I"m all alone with the stars aboveyou are the one I love So there"s no need to worry girlMy heart is sealed for youAnd no one"s gonna take it away cos" I promise you girlI promise you this When the Blue night is over my faceOn the dark side of the world in spaceWhen I"m all alone with the stars aboveyou are the one my loveYour voice is calling to me in my dreamsMy love is stronger than it"s ever been When the Blue night is over my faceOn the dark side of the world in spaceWhen I"m all alone with the stars aboveyou are the one my loveWhen I"m all alone with the stars aboveyou are the one my love
2023-07-13 17:15:101


音乐专辑 专辑列表 发行日期 发行公司 Scandinavia 2012年09月05日 金牌大风 Fairy Tale(传奇英文版) 2010年10月 EMI ETERNITY 2008年10月27日 EMI I Walk This Road Alone 2007年10月12日 EMI The Best Of Live 2007年03月17日 RecArt All The Best 2005年11月11日 EMI Take Me to Your Heart 2004年02月09日 EMI BLUE NIGHT 2000年11月05日 EMI Nothing to Lose 1997 EMI Played on pepper 1995年08月17日 EMI Colors 1993 EMI Michael Learns to Rock1991EMI以上信息来自: 发行专辑在世界流行乐坛中,北欧常常能为我们带来一些惊喜。而来自丹麦的Michael Learns To Rock(MLTR)就是其中之一,他们在九十年代风靡世界,带来抚动我们心弦的音乐——斯堪的纳维亚清新气息和经典流行音乐的完美结合。没有漂亮迷人的外表,没有铺天盖地的宣传,没有引人遐想的绯闻;这些制造巨星的前提条件或副产品,MLTR都没有,有的只是百听不厌的原创作品。MLTR的故事可以说是世界摇滚音乐的一个经典:四个酷爱摇滚的年轻人走到一起,成立乐队,和全球各地的乐迷分享他们的作品。   故事在1987年从他们的故乡Arhus开始。乐队的核心——JASCHA RICHTER(主音兼键盘手)和鼓手KARE WANSCHER、吉他手MIKKEL LENTZ组成了一个小组合,这就是MLTR的雏形。三人和摇滚乐的缘分从孩提时经已开始,所以他们决定以JASCHA创作的歌曲为基础,组建一支乐队,但原先的三人组合还不完全。1988年的春天,KARE的好友、吉他手SOREN MADSEN的加入使得MLTR正式成为现实,其音乐旅程由此开始。紧接着在88年5月,刚成立的这支乐队在Arhus举行的Dansk Rock Grand Prix上完成了他们的处子演出,并在夏季参加了当地知名的音乐比赛,令人信服地取得冠军。正是在这次比赛中,作为评委之一的JP Andersen发现了这四个年轻人身上特有的天赋,很快他就成为了MLTR的经理人,直到现在。   接下来的两年中,在他们的经理人的安排下,MLTR进行了大量的巡回演出,其范围覆盖了整个丹麦;在各种各样的俱乐部、音乐会中,他们吸取丰富的演出经验,也发展出一段紧密维系乐队的友谊。在此过程中,他们不断地以更新、更好的歌曲充实他们的表演曲目,为即将推出的专辑作好准备,同时他们在演奏、和音方面的默契也渐入佳境。在丹麦制作人Jens Hofman以及Oli Poulsen的协助下,MLTR在录音室中花费了几个月的时间,潜心制作他们的首张同名专辑《MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK》,并于1991年9月1日正式发行。1992年1月,该专辑成为丹麦的销量冠军,停留时间达5周之久。其中的单曲THE ACTOR在1992年1月成为丹麦电台流行榜的冠军,其后这首作品迅速登上挪威、瑞典、新加坡、马来西亚等国的流行榜首。   单曲SLEEPING CHILD成为MLTR又一首席卷全球的作品。包括25 MINUTES和OUT OF THE BLUE在内的其他单曲都在各地流行榜占据极高位置,并在新加坡举行的东南亚格林美(SEA Grammy Award)颁奖礼上被评为“The Best Performing Act Of The Year”。   乐队广受欢迎的一个难以避免的负面影响就是大量盗版的出现,而在东南亚国家尤为猖獗。为了对付这个问题,MLTR特意在1996年向东南亚地区推出一张含金量极高的专辑——《PAINT MY LOVE》。  在向乐迷推广《PAINT MY LOVE》的同时,MLTR第四张专辑的灌录工作也在密锣紧鼓地进行着。1997年9月,上一张专辑的热潮仍旧持续,《NOTHING TO LOSE》就已正式发行。包括NOTHING TO LOSE、SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW、MAGIC在内的多首单曲相继登上各国流行榜的冠军位置。这已是MLTR连续第三张销量过百万的专辑了。   他们没有选择和外国善于“造星”的知名制作人合作,而是和丹麦本土的音乐制作人Boe Larsen合作。这张名为《BLUE NIGHT》的全新专辑已于2000年末发行。   2001年迈克学摇滚展开了他们的五周亚洲巡回,途径迪拜,菲律宾,新加坡,马来西亚和中国。 2001年11月在上海奥林匹克体育馆举行了声势浩大的亚洲巡回演唱会之中国上海演唱会。在一片熟悉而动人的歌声中,“迈克学摇滚”彻底引发了上海歌迷的热情和狂热,万人体育馆内一片沸腾。 首张专辑 乐队加入EMI唱片公司,开始逐步实现他们的梦想。1989年秋天,在录制了一些DEMO之后, 首张专辑开始录制。由JENS HOFMAN 和 OLI POULSEN担任制作人,美国人TONY PELUSO担任混音。1991年9月1日,一张名为“Michael Learns To Rock” 的唱片终于问世了。该专辑成为丹麦的销量冠军,停留时间达5周之久。其中的单曲《THE ACTOR》在1992年1月成为丹麦电台流行榜的冠军,其后这首作品迅速登上挪威、瑞典、新加坡、马来西亚等国的销量榜首,并进入加拿大、德国等许多国家,使得MLTR以闪电般的速度成为一个家喻户晓的名字。勤奋的“MICHAEL”并没有停止学习,他们成立了自己的音乐工作室,有自己的录音棚。 第二张专辑 在这片MLTR的热潮中,他们再次在丹麦开始巡回演出,并访问了一些东南亚国家,进一步巩固在乐坛所取得的成绩。这段期间,JASCHA RICHTER也没有放松,着手为第二张专辑编写新曲。这张名为《COLOURS》的专辑于1993年10月发行,其范围覆盖了欧洲大部分地区及远东,再次获得巨大成功。单曲《SLEEPING CHILD》成为MLTR又一首席卷全球的作品。包括《25 MINUTES》和《OUT OF THE BLUE》在内的其他单曲都在各地流行榜占据极高位置,而专辑的全球销量超过了1百万张。在随后的18个月里,乐队的足迹遍布这个世界,所到之处无不受到乐迷的狂热欢迎。1994年是乐队成绩辉煌的一年。作为一个完美的总结,MLTR在年末获颁德国的权威音乐奖项RSH大奖,并在新加坡举行的东南亚格林美(SEA Grammy Award)颁奖礼上被评为The Best Performing Act Of The Year。 第三张专辑 MLTR的第三张专辑《PLAYED ON PEPPER》在1995年发行,其范围进一步扩展到欧洲、南美、南非、中东,及东南亚的11个国家。当年10月乐队在东南亚10国举行25场巡回演唱会,受到皇室般的礼遇,并推出THAT"S WHY(YOU GO AWAY)和SOMEDAY等极受好评的单曲,其中THAT"S WHY(YOU GO AWAY)以前所未有的速度登上榜首。该专辑的全球销量亦超过了120万张。 第四张专辑 MLTR特意在1996年向东南亚地区推出一张含金量极高的专辑--《PAINTMY LOVE》。这实际上是MLTR出道以来所得成绩的一次小结,其中包含前面所有专辑中最热门的单曲,并加入了同名单曲PAINT MY LOVE。尽管这首歌的MTV在许多国家都受到影视检查处的严格审查,它再次证明了乐队无与伦比的才华。最终专辑的销量达到了340万。1997年7月,作为主要表演嘉宾之一,MLTR参加了香港回归中国的庆祝音乐会。到了1997年,Michael Learns To Rock已是一个出版了四张专辑、一张精选辑,全球总销量超过七百万张, 拥有近十首冠军单曲的超级乐队了. 在1997年的秋天, MLTR做了一次亚洲巡演。他们于11月带着他们优秀的作品先后访问了上海、北京。在北京的演出当晚,偌大的体育馆内座无虚席。几千名各种肤色狂热的歌迷同心目中的偶像度过了一个难忘的夜晚。演唱会过后接受采访的时候,MLTR的成员们均表示为歌迷的热情所感动。主唱JASCHA RICHTER说他事先真是没想到中国的歌迷如此的熟悉他们的歌曲,对歌迷的支持,MLTR的成员表示了深深的谢意。1999 年MLTR最新的唱片《STRANGE FOREIGN BEAUTY REMIXED AND MORE 》是他们的又一张合辑, 在欧洲、非洲、亚洲同时发行。使得各地的歌迷又一次地掀起了MLTR热潮。九年的音乐历程,说长不长,说短不短。MLTR的四位成员也决定暂时放下工作,放下他们热爱的摇滚音乐。然而JASCHA早在1998年秋季就已准备好了几首新歌。于是乐队从中挑选出单曲STRANGE FOREIGH BEAUTY,为他们的精选专辑作为点缀。《GREATEST HITS》的名称恰如其分,因为它抽取了前四张专辑中的精髓,经过remix、重新灌录或编排等处理--从而汇集了MLTR九 年以来的代表作品。这张1999年发行的精选专辑再次突破了百万销量,把MLTR的音乐带到世界更远的角落。 第五张专辑 2000年春,当MLTR开始制作他们的第五张专辑时,SOREN MADSEN决定离开乐队,以作个人发展。虽然他的离开的确为MLTR带来相当冲击,乐队的其他三位成员RICHTER、LENTZ和WANSCHER决心继续这段旅程。该专辑的制作也在夏季重新开始。和以往一样,他们没有选择和外国善于造星的知名制作人合作。专辑 《Blue Night》的成功发行为他们新千年第一个闪光点, 在他们再一次的亚洲巡演中,无论是他们的歌,还是他们的唱功都证明了他们是乐坛的常青树。 销售奇迹 2004年4月让乐迷等待四年之久的MLTR推出了全新专辑《Take Me To Your Heart》。新专辑中的《Don"t Have To Lose》成为法国电影《两小无猜》(Love Me If You Dare)的英文主题曲。而另一首歌则是将张学友的吻别填上英文歌词的《Take Me To Your Heart》,这首歌将亚洲情歌推向了世界,同时也成为了MLTR在中国最受欢迎的歌曲之一。这首歌曲红遍了整个中国,而专辑也创造了25万销量的奇迹并获得EMI颁发的金唱片奖项,04年9月MLTR来到北京参加CCTV的MTV颁奖盛典,获得年度最佳外国歌手奖项,在上海也举行了他们的歌迷见面会,这更是将中国的MLTR狂潮推到的最高点,因此当年12月31日在广州举行的CCTV新年晚会上,MLTR也应邀出席并再次演奏了take me to your heart。从此MLTR开始了各地循环演出,05年3.4月期间在韩国发行了他们的精选集并推出与韩国天团神话主唱申彗星合作的take me to your heart英韩对唱版.,并去韩国演出推广.。2005年9月,MLTR在中国推出精选集,《All The Best Of MLTR》。而当年10月MLTR也来到上海参加F1赛场演出,并用一个和莱科宁,阿隆索等著名车手共同演出的激情四溢的F1之夜使中国观众更进一步领略到MLTR的风采, 随后,MLTR又到印度,柬埔寨,马来西亚等东南亚国家继续他们的这次亚洲循回演出之行。06年MLTR基本处于休息状态,只在2,3月份在马来西亚有几场慈善演出活动,当然这也和他们在7月份与合作了近20年的EMI唱片公司解约并和新公司CMC records签约有关系. 解约的原因可能是EMI对MLTR的宣传推广令双方都不很适应。 不过,主唱jascha迅速给了大家一个惊喜,他在10月推出了第二张个人专辑“where I belong”,继“planet blue”后再次展现了他高超的词曲写作与演唱技巧。而随后MLTR连续第 三 年来到中国,这次是到长沙参加金鹰节的演出。 首张live版专辑 07年3月MLTR终于推出了自己的首张live版专辑,“best of live”在南非和丹麦发行,包括2首新歌“It"s only love”与“Traffic and Stars”以及16首05年在印度演唱会的现场版歌曲,年初而6月MLTR又来到香港,台湾,新加坡等地,并演唱了又一首神秘的翻唱中文歌曲“I walk this road alone”。最终,10月10日到18日MLTR来到中国,带来了他们发行的“I walk this road alone”专辑,这首翻唱崔健的经典摇滚“一无所有”又给了歌迷全新的震撼力。而MLTR这一次在上海的特奥会闭幕式的演出,舟山的同一首歌以及北京的sohu歌会再次给了歌迷和他们近距离接触的机会,当然,最令大家欣喜的是乐队成员不止一次提到,他们这次演出结束回到丹麦后将开始工作,准备在08年上半年带着他们全新的专辑回馈歌迷们的热情,这意味着MLTR第七张专辑将时隔4年之后隆重诞生,这也是所有MLTR歌迷所最希望看到的。 第六张专辑 08年MLTR的最新专集《ETERNITY》十月二十七日在欧洲正式发行!次日,MLTR又推出了他们的这张专集的第二首主打歌曲SWEETEST SURPRISE,并在丹麦的各大广播台打榜.新歌SWEETEST SURPRISE延续了MLTR 一贯的抒情风格,仿佛又回到了十几年前的MLTR。一直以来,Michael Learns To Rock都通过他们的努力证明:即使是世界上最偏远的角落,和我们的距离也只不过是一首动人的歌曲。2012年1月,Michael Learns To Rock 受邀参加了北京环球春晚,再次成功翻唱了由中国音乐人李健创作,王菲翻唱成名的歌曲《传奇》,受到中国观众的热烈欢迎。2012年9月,Michael Learns To Rock 受邀参加了南宁国际民歌艺术节,演唱了歌曲《传奇》,还有老歌take me to your heart,受到中国观众的热烈欢迎。 《Scandinavia》 MLTR在2012年6月份推出了新专辑,《Scandinavia》(北欧传奇),9月份在中国上市。经过几年的休整,MLTR给我们带来了全新的惊喜。 《25》 MLTR已于2014年11月推出新专辑《25》及新歌《Silent Times》
2023-07-13 17:15:311

求 迈克学摇滚 my saviour 歌词

MY SAVIOUR ---MLTRToo old for crying Too young for giving up on love Do you feel the same Do you ignore the pain Too wild for staying Too scared of breaking up again Do you feel the same Driving off the lane Somewhere in my head I see a red alarm Baby how I long to fall into your arms Chorus: Could you be my saviour Could you be the one I"m waiting for Could I be your sailor Who is coming home for evermore Too square to compromise Too blind to tell what"s right from wrong Where do I belong Underneath the sun This time I really think I"ve lost my mind And it"s a shattered world I left behind Chorus: Could you be my saviour Could you be the one I"m waiting for Could I be your sailor Who is coming home for evermoreCould you be my saviour Could you be the one I"m waiting for Could I be your sailor Who is coming home for evermoreCould you be my saviour Could you be the one I"m waiting for Could I be your sailor Who is coming home for evermorehome for evermore……
2023-07-13 17:15:431

Michael Learns To Rock(麦克学摇滚)英文介绍(最好详细一点,2000词以上,出生时间有)

The history of Michael Learns To Rock With global record sales of more than 9 million units since the debut in 1991, the history of MLTR contains not only the story of one of the biggest international successes ever to come out of Denmark, it"s also the tale of how exceptions often confirm the rule. As opposed to so many other international names, the road to MLTR"s success has never been paved with scandals, divorces, drugs, or even extreme images of life on the edge ?It"s strictly about music. It"s about the formidable talent for writing fine pop songs, about the indisputable qualities contained in the songs, and above all the ability to cut through all the noise with material that has earned the group a faithful following and dazzling record sales. MLTR"s music has been described as a Scandinavian glow that meets the international pop song, something which has been refined through the years by artists such as The Beatles, The Eagles, Elton John and Billy Joel. It"s precisely the perfect balance of the two elements described above that has been instrumental in forming the compelling sound of the band and won MLTR millions of fans around the globe The whole saga begins quite modestly back in 1987 at a high school in Aarhus, Denmark. The singer and keyboard player Jascha Richter (b. 1963) forms a band with drummer K錼e Wanscher (b. 1969) and guitarist Mikkel Lentz (b. 1968) ?a little caf?band. All three are huge music fans who were virtually fed the history of pop and rock with their mother"s milk. They decide to create a more serious band after Jascha plays them a few songs he has written. In the spring of 1988 S鸵en Madsen (b. 1967), who"s otherwise a guitarist, agrees to sit in on bass during a rehearsal one evening. Michael Learns To Rock becomes a reality. The group debuts in Aarhus in May 1988 and later in the summer enters the city"s annual talent contest. MLTR scores a resounding victory, and at the same time lands a manager, J.P. Andersen, who is a member of the jury. Andersen immediately falls for the talent radiating out of this sparkling young quartet. The following two years bring an intensive period of concert touring. The group plays everywhere in Denmark, adds new and better songs to the repertoire, gets tighter and tighter as a band, fine tunes the precise harmonies that give the band its signature sound ?and along the way, lands a solid record contract. With the Danish producers Jens Hofman and Oli Poulsen working the dials, MLTR spends several months in the studio preparing for the September 1991 debut of the album MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK . Among other tracks, the set contains the hit ballad THE ACTOR a song that in January 1992 secures MLTR the pole position on the Danish album-sales chart. The song travels much faster than the band, and without MLTR even being there, it tops the charts in Norway, Sweden, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The period marks hectic times for MLTR. In 1992 they frantically tour Denmark ?where they are the hottest thing going ?and a number of countries in the Far East where their presence is a follow-up force to smashing successes the debut album has already achieved. Along the way Jascha Richter writes songs for a second album that gets a rush release in October 1993 under the title COLOURS . Once again, it"s the knack for creating the classic ballad that generates success. SLEEPING CHILD is the title of the song that sparks MLTR-mania. In the course of the next 18 months, the frenzy launches the band on a journey to many parts of the world and generates album sales far beyond the one-million mark. COLOURS is released in most of Europe and throughout the Far East, while SLEEPING CHILD and the singles that follow, 25 MINUTES and OUT OF THE BLUE land MLTR top slots on countless hitlists and earns the lads innumerable gold and platinum records. Fans in Thailand go berserk when the band arrives in Bangkok in November to perform for 12,000 followers at the Phoebus Concert Hall. And as the jubilant finale to a golden year, MLTR is given the prestigious RSH Award in Germany and at the SEA Grammy Awards in Singapore the band is named 揟he Best Performing Act of the Year.?The year 1995 sees the release of MLTR"s third album, PLAYED ON PEPPER . The number of international territories MLTR has conquered grows, putting the band is on top-priority lists in faraway places such as Brazil, South Africa, The United Emirates Republic, and no fewer than 11 countries in the Far East. It goes without saying that Scandinavia is on the bandwagon along with other European countries, including Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland where the album is released. In October of the same year MLTR embarks on their biggest tour of the Far East -- with 25 shows in 10 countries ?where new hits like THAT"S WHY (YOU GO AWAY) and SOMEDAY become pearls on the string of hits that make up the setlist. PLAYED ON PEPPER ends up selling more than 1.2 million units, while in efforts to curb pirate copying of MLTR material, the band releases the best-of album, PAINT MY LOVE . The album is released exclusively in the Far East. The title track ?and the accompanying video which touches the edges of censorship laws in some territories ?reinforces MLTR"s enormous popularity and indisputably makes the band the biggest name in countries such as Korea, Thailand and Malaysia. Down by the opposite pole, MLTR"s popularity explodes in South Africa. Following a hectic four-day promo tour in July 1997, the band lands at the top of the country"s hitlists . PAINT MY LOVE sells a whopping 3.4 million units worldwide. MLTR is chosen as headliner for the Celebrate Hong Kong Concert on 6 July 1997, the climax to festivities marking the transfer of Hong Kong to China. While promoting PAINT MY LOVE on the international highways, MLTR squeezes in some time to record a fourth studio album NOTHING TO LOSE . The set is released in September 1997 while MLTR still has a firm foothold atop hitlists in the Far East as well as South Africa. The rocker SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW helps pave the way for yet another success by the band. NOTHING TO LOSE logs sales of more than one million units and when the band heads off in January 1998 for a tour of South Africa to play sell-outs in Johannesburg and Pretoria, the critics write: 揟his is as good (if not better) a band as any current big name group out of America or the UK.?Nine turbulent years takes its toll on the four musicians who decide to take a break from each other and from the world of pop music. But shortly thereafter, in the autumn of 1998, Jascha Richter has some new songs written. The single STRANGE FOREIGN BEAUTY is chosen as the trump card for a new retrospective album released under the fitting title, GREATEST HITS. The set contains a selection of top hits from the four previous albums, but the tracks have either been remixed, re-recorded or fine tuned in some way or another. Upon the album"s 1999 release, MLTR once again lands at the summit of the Danish hitlist and opens the ears of music fans in new, untapped areas such as Portugal. Another million seller is added to the band"s discography, and the success was achieved without any promotional work done in MLTR"s main markets in the Far East. When MLTR begins initial work for studio album number five in the spring of 2000, S鸵en Madsen decides to leave the group to try his hand at a solo carrier. Richter, Lentz and Wanscher opt to continue as a trio and that summer they head for the studio. As it has been for previous albums, the band decides once again not to hire a costly international star producer, but allies itself with the incredibly talented Danish musician, arranger and producer Boe Larsen. Uniting with the band, he and MLTR find a new musical direction and set some new challenges for themselves. The outcome is BLUE NIGHT ?MLTR in the year 2000. A dozen new, sharply-profiled quality pop songs. The new tracks are a fine extension of what is already an impressive repertoire that may be postmarked in Denmark, but surely demonstrate how the most remote corner of the world is no more than a good song away. BLUE NIGHT becomes another huge success for MLTR ?sales come close to the platinum level at home and score successfully on Asian hitlists as well as the group"s new found market in Sweden. In 2001 the band sets out on a five-week-long tour with stops in Dubai, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and China. Just before the tour kicks off, the compilation 19 LOVE SONGS ?including the not previously released track GHOST OF YOU -- is released in Southeast Asia. (Danish release 2002). Before setting off on the tour the boys agree they will take a long break upon completion of the tour. The break allows Richter, Lentz and Wanscher a chance to pursue individual projects, one of which leads to Richter"s solo album PLANET BLUE.At the start of 2003, the band members gathered once again and began to plan their sixth album. It was released in February 2004 and titled: "Michael Learns To Rock".Since this release the band has been concentrating on playing concerts around the world.
2023-07-13 17:15:511

Sleeping child 歌词

Sleeping Child The Milky Way upon the heavens Is twinkling just for you And Mr. Moon he came by To say goodnight to you I"ll sing for you I"ll sing for mother We"re praying for the world And for the people everywhere Gonna show them all we care Oh my sleeping child the world so wild But you"ve built your paradise That"s one reason why I"ll cover you sleeping child If all the people around the world They had a mind like yours We"d have no fighting and no wars There would be lasting peace on earth If all the kings and leaders Could see you here this way They would hold the Earth in their arms They would learn to watch you play Oh my sleeping child the world so wild But you"ve built your paradise That"s one reason why I"ll cover you sleeping child这有`1~~
2023-07-13 17:15:594

25 minutes 中文版歌词

After some time I"ve finally made up my mindShe is the girl and I really want to make her mineI"m searching everywhere to find her againTo tell her I love herAnd I"m sorry "bout the things I"ve doneI find her standing in front of the churchThe only place in town where I didn"t searchShe looks so happy in her wedding dressBut she"s crying while she"s saying this经过一段时间,我终于下定决心她就是我想与之偕老的女孩我到处搜寻,希望再次找到她告诉她我爱她对我所做过的一切,非常抱歉我发现她站在教堂前面镇上我唯一没有寻找的地方她身着婚纱,看起来很开心但是说这些话的时候,却哭了Boy I missed your kisses all the time butThis is twenty five minutes too lateThough you travelled so farBoy I"m sorry you areTwenty five minutes too late我一直没有得到你的吻,但是一切都迟了,只是25分钟虽然你走了这么远但是抱歉,你迟了25分钟Against the wind I"m going home againWishing me back to the time when we were more than friendsBut I still see her in front of the churchThe only place in town where I didn"t searchShe looked so happy in her wedding dressBut she"s cried while she was saying this迎着风,我再次回家希望回到我们亲密的时刻但是我仍然看到她在教堂前面镇上我唯一没有寻找的地方她身着婚纱,看起来很开心但是说这些话的时候,却哭了Boy I missed your kisses all the time butThis is twenty five minutes too lateThough you travelled so farBoy I"m sorry you areTwenty five minutes too late我一直没有得到你的吻,但是一切都迟了,只是25分钟虽然你走了这么远但是抱歉,你迟了25分钟Out in the streetsPlaces where hungry hearts have nothing to eatInside my head still I can hear the words she said走在街上渴望的心在这里找不到依托头脑中还在浮现她的话语Boy I missed your kisses all the time butThis is twenty five minutes too lateThough you travelled so farBoy I"m sorry you areTwenty five minutes too late我一直没有得到你的吻,但是一切都迟了,只是25分钟虽然你走了这么远但是抱歉,你迟了25分钟I can still hear her say我仍然能听到她在说……
2023-07-13 17:16:072

有首英文歌诗这样唱的(哎比吐,哎比什么的,)后来就唱好像是啊 啊 啊 啊。。。。

我知道你问的哪一首歌 但是我也一直在找那首歌的名字····
2023-07-13 17:16:454

Family Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Family Tree歌手:Jake Thackray专辑:Jake In A Box (The Emi Recordings 1967-1976)Family TreeMLTRby:百度Mltr吧I"m gonna be the owner of the world for a little whileAnd it feels like I am flying (I am flying)Everybody"s waving in the crowd to get a smileBut they never saw me crying ( saw me crying)Even when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careEverybody"s talking right behind my backAnd I don"t care what people"re thinkingBut in a little corner of my mind it"s getting toughWhen the moving lights are twinklingEven when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWhen the heavy come fallsI know where I belongI could never walk away from you(from you)When the everyday life callsI"m gonna sing a songYeah~Hold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careby:百度Mltr吧..感想
2023-07-13 17:17:001


李孝利 10 minutes 试试看
2023-07-13 17:17:1815

求迈克学摇滚的Ccomplicated Heart 歌词中文翻译

MLTR Complicated Heart Don"t know what to say now 现在不知道说什么 don"t know where to start不知道从哪里开始说 I don"t know how to handle我不知道如何控制 a complicated heart这复杂的心情 You tell me you are leaving你告诉我你要走 but I just have to say但我只能说 before you throw it all away 在你丢掉所有之前 Chorus: Even if you want to go alone即使你想单独上路 I will be waiting when you"re coming home我会在家里一直等你 if you need someone to ease the pain如果你想要不得别的人来安慰你 you can lean on me, my love will still remain你可倚靠我,我会永远爱你 Don"t know what you"re thinking不知道你在想什么 to me it seems quite tough对我而言太笼罩统 to hold a conversation继续对话 when words are not enough当言语不够时 so this is your decision因此这是你的决定 and there"s nothing I can do我不能做什么 I can only say to you我只能对你说 Chorus: Even if you want to go alone即使你想单独上路 I will be waiting when you"re coming home我会在家里一直等你 if you need someone to ease the pain如果你想要不得别的人来安慰你 you can lean on me, my love will still remain你可倚靠我,我会永远爱你
2023-07-13 17:17:481


好想这样倾听大海静听你 静听我静听彼此的澎湃喜欢无忧无虑等待等待天 等待海等待最浪漫的爱but you always praise me lovely and keep the smile alive都是我的小脾气 让你操心if you find me mischief over again please tell me and blame me我会将我的真心好好珍惜好好记忆我的淘气有点点坏可是你 总说我这样的我好可爱我也想要变得很乖不让你也不让我每天叹气又无奈but you always praise me lovely and keep the smile alive都是我的小脾气 让你操心if you find me mischief over again please tell me and blame me我会将你的真心好好珍惜but you always praise me lovely and keep the smile alive都是我的小脾气 让你操心if you find me mischief over again please tell me and blame me我会将我的真心好好珍惜好好记忆我要将我的真心让你感受让你静听
2023-07-13 17:17:574

歌词They say nothing last forever

MLTR的那首Take me to your heart里有出现,不知你是不是要找这首
2023-07-13 17:18:055

the actor 中文歌词

歌手名:Michael Learns To Rock专辑名:Michael Learns To Rock: The ActorHe takes you out and he takes you upcause he can show you so muchI go to bed and tomorrow againtheres a lot of work to be doneHe gives you gold and hell promise youthe whole world will be yoursI just can tell you I love you soeven though my odds are lowIm not an actor, Im not a starand I dont even have my own carBut Im hoping so much youll staythat you will love me anywayThe dirty games and the neonshowsthis is the world he knowsWatching the stars satisfies my soulthinking of him makes me feel so coldThe fancy cars and the restaurantsyoure just so fond of the manSometimes I wonder if you are blind歌手名:麦克学摇滚专辑名:麦克学摇滚:演员他带你了,他需要你造成他可以告诉你这么多我去睡觉了,明天再theres了大量的工作要做他给你黄金和地狱答应你整个世界将是你的我只可以告诉你,我爱你这样即使我的几率很低林不是一个演员,不是明星林和我不甚至有自己的汽车但如此多的林希望youll住宿你会爱我反正肮脏的游戏和neonshows这是世界,他知道看星级满足我的灵魂思想的他让我感到如此寒冷在花式赛车和餐馆您选择,所以喜欢的人有时我想如果你是盲人
2023-07-13 17:18:462

很老的一首英文歌,里面有句词是remember me to want ..这首歌的歌名是什么?

2023-07-13 17:19:064


2023-07-13 17:19:329

最近有一首很流行的英文歌曲叫什么?到高潮的地方有一句歌词-di the wa,他叫什么啊?跪求

2023-07-13 17:19:508

《男人不坏 女人不爱》电子书

2023-07-13 17:20:152


楼主你好!!只选对的,不选多的,本人自己觉得最好听的歌,楼主一定要听听啊!(以下的超好听,推荐先听) I"m Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain <一定要听这首哦> Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了 Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作 Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼 Barbie Girl--AquaWhen You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧 Back to you--Bryan AdamsThe Power Of Love--Celine Dionyellow--coldplayI COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜 Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作 Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique IglesiasAny one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典 American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢 Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green DayMoonlight Shadow --Groove CoverageYesterday Yes A Day--Jane BirkinBecause You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好 When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的 Nothing gonna chang my love for youWe Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典 我敢保证一定很好听 ,只选好听的,不选多的,楼主听下吧。好听记得加分哦!谢谢 !
2023-07-13 17:20:232


女的我知道不少 i will always love you 还有night wish的 nome 这些你可能弄不了
2023-07-13 17:20:3112


MGLR3LL/A是美版的iPhone12 Pro Max的内部代号,美版iPhone12 Pro Max只有外包装和电池会显示版本信息,而内部设置中不会显示版本信息。如果您的美版iPhone12 Pro Max显示了版本信息,说明是改过序列号的,也就是黑机。
2023-07-13 17:21:082


2000年春,当MLTR开始制作他们的第五张专辑时,SOREN MADSEN决定离开乐队,以作个人发展。
2023-07-13 17:21:172


2023-07-13 17:21:262

找一些优美的情歌 像找一个字代替这样的

<亲爱的你怎么不在我身边> <老人与海><发如雪> <不羡鸳鸯不羡仙>
2023-07-13 17:21:332


because of you
2023-07-13 17:21:425


2023-07-13 17:22:001

Strange Foreign Beauty 歌词

歌曲名:Strange Foreign Beauty歌手:Michael Learns To Rock专辑:Strange Foreign BeautyStrange foreign beautyMLTRStrange foreign beautyI"ll never knowwhat"s in your heartDoes anyone knowhow it feels to hold youDoes anyone knowthe secret of your mindStrange foreign beautyI"ll never come to share your worldDoes anyone knowhow it feels to live with youDoes anyone knowthe secret of your lifeStrange foreign beautyYou"ll never knowwhat I felt for youSometimes it feels like a million chancesare slipping away disappearing in the air
2023-07-13 17:22:081

take me to your heart是哪年出的啊
2023-07-13 17:22:164