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2023-07-13 20:11:36
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2023-07-13 18:13:041


2023-07-13 18:13:101


2023-07-13 18:13:171


2023-07-13 18:13:241


中国石油大学现在有2个校区,分别为中国石油大学青岛、东营校区。具体地址如下:1. 中国石油大学青岛校区:青岛经济技术开发区长江西路66号。2. 中国石油大学东营校区:山东省东营市东营区北一路739号。拓展资料:1. 中国石油大学(北京)(China University of Petroleum,Beijing),简称中石大(CUP),创建于1953年,由中华人民共和国教育部直属,位列国家首批“211工程”,国家首批“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校,北京高科大学联盟成员高校,入选“985工程优势学科创新平台”、“111计划”、“卓越工程师教育培养计划”,设有研究生院,是一所石油特色鲜明、以工为主、多学科协调发展的全国重点大学,被誉为“石油人才的摇篮”。2. 学校的前身是以清华大学石油系为基础,汇聚天津大学、北京大学等高校的部分师资,于1953年创立的新中国第一所石油高等院校——北京石油学院。1969年,学校迁至山东东营胜利油田,更名“华东石油学院”;1988年更名“石油大学”,由石油大学(北京)和石油大学(华东)两部分组成;2005年1月,石油大学更名为“中国石油大学”,石油大学(北京)也相应更名为“中国石油大学(北京)”。3. 截至2015年11月,中国石油大学(北京)一校两地(北京、克拉玛依),北京校区坐落在北京市昌平区军都山南麓,校园总面积496.5亩;克拉玛依校区位于新疆维吾尔自治区克拉玛依市,校园面积7200余亩;下辖13个二级学院(部),开办27个本科专业;有教职工1389人,其中教授232人,副教授317人;有在校全日制本科生7714人、硕士研究生5538人、博士研究生1142人、留学生800余人,在校生总数15000余人。
2023-07-13 18:13:401


2023-07-13 18:13:551


中国石油大学专业有:资源勘查工程、石油工程、化学工程与工艺、勘查技术与工程、机械设计制造及其自动化、油气储运工程。1、资源勘查工程。资源勘查工程主要研究地质学、矿产勘查学及矿产经济学等方面的基本知识和技能,涉及从勘查选区、勘查评价到矿产开发全过程的地质、技术、经济及环境等方面内容,常于野外作业。本专业培养知识、能力、素质各方面全面发展。系统掌握矿产资源勘查方面的基本理论、基本方法和技能,获得相关的工程训练,能适应21世纪国内外资源勘查工作的需要,在企业、科研院所等部门中从事金属非金属矿产、能源矿产等资源勘查评价、开发、科学研究及经营管 理等方面工作的应用型、复合型工程技术人才。2、石油工程。石油工程主要研究地下油气从油气藏中开采到地面的过程中涉及的知识和技术,包含油藏、钻井、采油和石油地面工程等,进行油气田钻井、开采石油及油气开发工程的设计、施工、管理等。例如:大庆油田的开采,中缅油气管道的设计,油田储量的预测,油层厚度、分布状况等储集层参数的评价。本专业培养适应我国石油发展战略需要,德、智、体等方面全面发展,具有良好的基础理论、实践技能、外语和计算机应用能力,掌握石油工程系统理论。
2023-07-13 18:14:121

中国石油大学 华东网站上哪有office资源

2023-07-13 18:15:152


2023-07-13 18:15:2413


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2023-07-13 18:16:581

love paradise的歌词~中文和英文

Love Paradise (英) 爱的天堂You"re always on my mind 你一直在我心里All day just all the time 每时每刻You"re everything to me 你是我的一切Brightest star to let me see 是我心中最明亮的星星You touch me in my dreams 你在我的梦中触摸着我We kiss in every scene 我们亲吻一幕幕I pray to be with you 我祈求和你在一起through rain and shiny days 无论风雨或阳光的日子I"ll love you Till I die 我会爱你一生一世Deep as sea Wide as sky 就像海一样深天空一样广阔The beauty of our love paints rainbows 我们的爱美如彩虹Everywhere we go 跨过每个地方Need you all my life 我需要你在我的生命里You"re my hope You"re my pride 你是我的希望你是我的骄傲In your arms I find my heaven 在你怀里我找到天堂In your eyes my sea and sky 在你眼中看到海洋和天空May life be our love paradise 但愿生活就是我们爱的天堂
2023-07-13 18:13:311


2023-07-13 18:13:371


1,show 命令没有停按照时间排序的功能。2,如果你想找具体的exploit可以受用search命令,search支持几种关键字的查询,但是也没有支持时间的。3,Metploit的exploit模块除了用msfupdate升级之外,自己也可以写,或者向其他人要,或者使用付费的方式,或者最新的shellcode,所以其他人有也是正常的,看情况了。如果就你没有那就是你升级失败了。出现exploit failed和fetching required files类似提示错误,是电脑安装新USB硬件驱动造成的,首先先换一个USB口试试,其次检查安装新的USB驱动的硬件,有部分驱动会和iPhone的USB驱动有冲突。当然开机F8带网络的安全模式红雪也是可以顺利越狱的,因为安全模式是不加载驱动的。
2023-07-13 18:13:381

lose heart的近义词

2023-07-13 18:13:405

nofollow 和 noindex 有什么区别,该如何配合使用?

2023-07-13 18:13:451

IPAD1代新升级的5.0.1版本。用红雪0.9.9b8。进入DFU之后直接说EXPLOIT FAILED。重复操作无数遍都是这样。

2023-07-13 18:13:451

love paradise什么意思

love paradise爱的天堂;爱情天堂例句筛选1.In your arms I find my heaven In your eyes my sea and skyMay life be our love paradise.在你怀里我找到天堂,在你眼中我看到海洋和天空,但是生活就是我们的天堂。2.hold my hands , please. The love Paradise is open to us now.爱之伊甸已向我们展开,此刻,请握紧我的手。
2023-07-13 18:13:461

急求地址翻译成英语模式,要标准版的 高分求!!!! 请按照对应顺序....3

吉林省吉林市丰满区高新区南山街2488号 黑龙江哈尔滨市道里区机场路16号,在二手车市场的对面,迎宾加油站往前走,机场高速入口处 黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区长江路217号 黑龙江省大庆市让胡路区让林路与让杜路交叉口 黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市龙沙区齐富公路6号 黑龙江省佳木斯市西郊区友谊路沿江乡政府对面 安徽省合肥市蜀山区长江西路安徽名车广场内 河南省许昌市禹州市禹州禹王大道安徽省合肥市包河区安徽南方汽车广场 安徽省安庆市易秀区国际汽车城(新车管所对面) 安徽省阜阳市颍州区105国道 Anhui province Fuyang City Yingzhou District 105 State Road 安徽省马鞍山市雨山区工业园九华路西段 Anhui province Ma"anshan City rain mountain Jiuhua Road West Industrial Park 安徽省亳州市谯城区春雨光彩国际汽车城内 Anhui province Bozhou City Qiaocheng District Spring splendor International Automobile City 安徽省宿州市埇桥区经济示范园仁和北路 Economic demonstration garden and Anhui Yongqiao District of Suzhou City Road 辽宁省葫芦岛市龙港区龙程街文兴路口 Liaoning province Huludao city Longgang District Long Cheng Jie Wen Xing Road 河南省郑州市金水区郑花北路河南省汽车贸易中心院内 Henan province Zhengzhou city Jinshui District Zheng flower road Henan Automobile Trade Center Hospital 河南省郑州市金水区贾陈街东侧(近商都路) Henan province Zhengzhou city Jinshui District Jia Chen Street East (near are road) 河南省郑州市中原区西环路化工路交叉口向北1000米 Henan province Zhengzhou City West Loop Chemical Road intersection 1000 meters to the North Central Plains area 辽宁省丹东市振兴区花园街26-3-3号 Liaoning province Dandong City Zhenxing District Garden Street No. 26-3-3 河南省南阳市宛城区长江中路779号 The Yangtze River Road Nanyang city Henan Province, Wancheng District No. 779 time
2023-07-13 18:13:513


维生素a和维生素d是在日常生活中经常会缺少,要不断补充的两种维生素。有人会把维生素a和维生素d一起吃认为这样会加强维生素的功效,那么,这样的观点是有科学根据的吗?维生素a和维生素b能一起吃吗?会不会出现什么副作用呢? 维生素a和维生素d能一起吃吗 维生素a和维生素d能一起吃,可不易被氧化,利于更好地吸收,另外,对于成人来说维生素a和维生素d一起吃是不能增加其功效的。也不会有副作用。我们要了解维生素a和维生素d的作用于来源才能更好的使用维生素来补充营养。维生素A的作用: 1、提高视力,防止夜盲 2、促进骨骼成长 3、促进皮肤粘膜生长,使皮肤湿润、细嫩 4、头发正常生长 5、牙齿坚固 6、促进儿童和青少年长高 7、抵抗力增强,减少儿童、青少年传染病的发生率 8、对抗环境污染能力增加 9、鼻、喉、肺等表层正常运作。维生素A食物来源: 胡萝卜、西红柿、鸡蛋、牛肝和猪肝、鳗鱼、鱼肝油、牛奶、奶酪、黄油、菠菜、芒果、莴苣、大豆、青豌豆、橙子、杏等。 服用维生素A过量的表现:(这些症状一般在超量服用6小时后显现) 异常过敏、发烧、腹泻、头昏。 ,维生素D的作用: 可以促进钙、磷的吸收和骨骼正常的生长。 缺乏时会患佝楼病。维生素D来源于鱼肝油、肝和蛋,以及日光照射裸露的皮肤在体内形成。 对于宝宝来说维生素a和维生素d是最好一起补的,由于天然食物中含维生素A、D十分有限,宝宝通过辅食摄入的维生素A、D量较少,因此,单纯依靠饮食摄取是不能满足婴幼儿生长需要的。并且,婴幼儿户外活动有限,接触紫外线的几率也就越小,因此本身合成的维生素D量不足。而对于宝宝来说,决定着身体是否强壮的骨骼发育,和抗病能力的免疫系统,都是需要维生素A与维生素D共同作用的,只有两者共同发挥作用,才能在体内产生1+1>2的效果。并且,中国营养协会根据婴幼儿时期营养需要量,推荐维生素A及维生素D两种成分必须按照3:1的比例进行科学摄入,《中国药典》也有此明确规定。因此,维生素A与维生素D同补,对宝宝的身体健康而言意义重大。 维生素a和维生素d对宝宝的成长有什么作用 在众多维生素中,有些维生素是世界性质的营养问题,细心的妈咪更应该重视,以确保宝宝能够健康成长。比如:维生素A和维生素D。 维生素A ,维生素A缺乏多见于2-5岁儿童,少见于成人。儿童在断乳或无条件乳类喂养时,由于普通的面粉中不含维生素A,极其容易造成维生素A缺乏,缺乏维生素A会使小儿抵抗病毒能力下降、生长发育缓慢。 维生素A主要来源于胡萝卜和动物肝脏等。 维生素D,是一种特殊的维生素,帮助钙的吸收,能有效地促进骨钙化,促进成骨。其主要来源于海鱼等深海产品。北方的冬天时间长、日照时间短,维生素D不能在紫外线照射下发生变化而供人体使用,在北方生活的年轻父母亲更应及时地给小儿补充维生素D,并多晒太阳,让宝宝的骨骼健康生长。当然在日常生活中,大可不必刻意的去补充,只要合理饮食,适当注重饮食营养就可以让宝宝健康成长了。
2023-07-13 18:13:511


Nofollow的写法有以下两种1.在meta中定义,如果在meta中定义Nofollow的话,则搜索引擎不会跟踪该页面的所有链接。语法为: 表示 禁止抓取本页,同时禁止跟踪本页中的链接还有其他的写法: a).index,follow:允许抓取本页,允许跟踪链接。 b).index,nofollow:允许抓取本页,但禁止跟踪链接。 c).noindex,follow:禁止抓取本页,但允许跟踪链接。 d).noindex,nofllow:禁止抓取本页,同时禁止跟踪本页中的链接。2.在链接中定义nofollow,写法为:链接帮手网</a>如果这样写的话,搜索引擎遇到这个外链的时候,则不会往下跟踪下去。所以,对于nofollow的链接方式,google是不会传递PR的,对于nofollow的链接方式,对于站长来说没有任何意义,所以大家在交换友情链接的时候,一定要注意对方是否以nofollow的方式链接你的站。 -------转载:草上飞SEO博客
2023-07-13 18:13:521


MAC系统可通过以下方式连接网络打印机:1、 在苹果菜单中,选择下拉列表中的“系统偏好设置”;2、 找到“打印与传真”图标,点击打开;3、 在对话框左下角有一个“+”按钮,点击后会出现局域网内已经联网的打印机,选择的“+”图标下方的“添加打印机或扫描仪”;4、 在对话框中选择“IP”按钮,在地址栏输入有效完整的IP地址或者主机名,然后点击添加;5、 在弹出正在设置打印机名称的窗口中,点击“继续”;6、 打印机安装好之后,右击打印机将其设置为默认打印机即可。百倍用心,10分满意
2023-07-13 18:13:523

求 Love Paradise - 陈慧琳 中文歌词

love paradise 爱的天堂 you"re always on my mind 你一直在我心中 all day just all the time 每一天每一个时间 you"re everything to me 你是我的一切 brightest star to let me see 是我看到的最亮的一颗星 you touch me in my dreams 在我的梦中你触碰了我 we kiss in every scene 我们在每一个地点都会亲吻 i pray to be with you 我祈祷可以一直跟你在一起 through rain and shiny days 穿过与和闪亮的每一天 i"ll love you still i die 我将爱你直到我死去 deep as sea wide as sky 我爱你如同大海一样深天一样高 the beauty of our love paints rainbows 我们的爱美丽的如同彩虹 everywhere we go 我们去的每一个地方 need you all my life 我的生命需要你 you"re my hope you"re my pride 你是我的希望是我的自豪 in your arms i find my heaven 在你的手臂中我找到了我的天堂 in your eyes my sea and sky 在你的眼睛中是我的海与我的天 may life be our love paradise 我们的生活将会变成爱的天堂
2023-07-13 18:13:551


nofollow和follow ,对那些做seo推广,外链。。有用nofollow就是让一些比如谷歌蜘蛛,百度蜘蛛之类的搜索引擎不继续往下爬。
2023-07-13 18:13:592


茶和中国的茶文化(Tea and the Tea Culture of China) Since I started my major in the tea culture of China, I have been deeply impressed by its sophistication and beauty. I would like to share some fascinating aspects of the tea culture of China. In a country with the history of five thousand years, the Chinese tea drinking habit dated back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD). It became a national tradition and led to development of a delicate tea drinking ritual. Over the centuries, poets and artists in China wrote many marvelous masterpieces, in appreciation of tea and Chinese people"s constant love of tea drinking .One of the best-known writers is Lu Yu, who was regarded as the “Tea Sage ” for he composed the first book on tea. In his classic book, he detailed his studies of tea, such as the origin of tea, tea tools, tea picking, tea cooking, tea ceremony and well-known areas where tea was grown. And the valuable knowledge he recorded has laid foundation for modern tea culture development. Based on ways in which tea leaves are processed, there are five distinct types of tea. They are as follow: the green tea, the black tea, the Wulong tea, the compressed tea and the scented tea. Among them, may foreigners are familiar with the green tea. The Longjing tea, of the green type, has a reputation求采纳
2023-07-13 18:14:002


2023-07-13 18:14:0115

无论多么困难,我们也不能丧失信心 英语。 Lose heart?

无论多么困难,我们也不能丧失信心。英文:No matter how difficult it is, we must not lose heart.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2023-07-13 18:14:061

失去信心做某事用英语怎么说 就是lose heart后面加doing 还是to do

Losing confidence to do STH.
2023-07-13 18:14:131

求 Love Paradise - 陈慧琳 中文歌词

love paradise 爱的天堂 you"re always on my mind 你一直在我心中 all day just all the time 每一天每一个时间 you"re everything to me 你是我的一切 brightest star to let me see 是我看到的最亮的一颗星 you touch me in my dreams 在我的梦中你触碰了我 we kiss in every scene 我们在每一个地点都会亲吻 i pray to be with you 我祈祷可以一直跟你在一起 through rain and shiny days 穿过与和闪亮的每一天 i"ll love you still i die 我将爱你直到我死去 deep as sea wide as sky 我爱你如同大海一样深天一样高 the beauty of our love paints rainbows 我们的爱美丽的如同彩虹 everywhere we go 我们去的每一个地方 need you all my life 我的生命需要你 you"re my hope you"re my pride 你是我的希望是我的自豪 in your arms i find my heaven 在你的手臂中我找到了我的天堂 in your eyes my sea and sky 在你的眼睛中是我的海与我的天 may life be our love paradise 我们的生活将会变成爱的天堂
2023-07-13 18:14:151


1、nofollow标签是超链接<a>的一个属性值,只需要在源代码里面加上rel=”nofollow” 或者更为正规的rel=”external nofollow”即可 即:<a href=”#” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>###</a>。2、将”nofollow”写在网页上的meta标签上,用来告诉搜索引擎不要抓取网页上的所有外部和包括内部链接。<meta name=”robots” content=”nofollow” />
2023-07-13 18:14:181


2023-07-13 18:13:311


2023-07-13 18:13:303

用lose heart如何造句?

lose heart是灰心丧气的意思,造句可以是:He failed the test, but he didn"t lose heart.他考试失利了,但他没有灰心丧气。
2023-07-13 18:13:301


你在周末通常做什么英语作文(不少于5句话) In the weekend, I like to go shopping with my friends.We buy a lot of things, I choose all kinds of snacks, such as candy, milk, sometimes my friends protects me buying too much candy, she says it will do harm to my health. Though I am not happy, I aept it. Going shopping with my mother makes me so happy. 周末你通常在家里做什么《小作文》不少于50字 没工作的时候,睡懒觉,起床买菜,做饭,睡午觉,下午打LOL,晚上继续!周天一般会到边上的世博园,找几个朋友一起骑行,晚上在一起聚餐,KTV! 你在周末通常做些什么?写一写吧,不少于40个单词 My Weekend Plan I am planning to have a great weekend in this week.I am going to play basketball with my friends in the park on Saturday morning.After that,I will visit my grandparents with my mother and do the housework for them.I will go home after we eat dinner in my grandparents house.In the everning,I will do the most important things of this weekend that is my homeworks and I am going to watch TV after I finish my homeworks.On Sunday,I will go outside to do exercise such as running in the park for 2 hours to keep fit after I ate breakfast.After I do the exercise I will take a shower to get off the *** ell of the sweat.I will read some books in afternoon and do some math problems or even English to improve my skills for get a higher grade on my next test.I feel confidential for get above 90 my math test.In the everning after I ate dinner,I will watch some programes on TV before I go to sleep.This is the plan for my this weekend.I belief I will have a great weekend in this week. 英语作文不少于5句话 As we all know,doing exercise is playing an important part in our daily life.More and more people put health in their hear.So do I.Taekwondo is my favorite. Not only can it makes me keep healthy,but also release my pressure that from study.By the way,what it attracts me most is that can help me to establish self-confidence. As we know ,water is very important to all of us so we shoul try our best to save it. I think saving water is not only good for ourselves but for our society and at last for our next generation. In face we can do many things in our daily life to save water.Firstly,make sure we can turn off the tap in time.Secondly make sure we can reuse the water after we finish washing. Lastly ,we can also use the rain water to do the washing. Some people think there"s much water on the earth.In fact,there is only a little water for us to use now.If we don"t save it,it will surely be used out some day. Then what should we do? First,when we finish washing the clothes,we can use the water to clean the floor(不知道这个方法可行不可行……).Second,if we see the dripping tap,we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible.Third,we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water. In these ways,we can save not only huge amounts of water but also ourselves! 你通常做什么在周末 睡觉、打游戏吧、钓鱼也有时候去 英语作文记录你周末一天,用频率词,不少于6句话. This summer, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to HongShan by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me,“ Mark,don"t do anything halfway”. So I insisted reached the , the of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill, we went boating in the lake. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day. 写英语作文。不少于5句话。非常急~!~! The cheetah is the fastest animal out of the animals pig, horse, and cheetah. The pig is the slowest of the three. The cheetah is faster than both the horse and the pig. The horse is faster than the pig. However, it is slower than the cheetah. The pig is slower than both the cheetah and the horse. myfavoriteday英语作文不少于5句话,语句通顺 My DayToday is Monday.I get up at 6:00.I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room,wash my face and brush my teeth.I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school at 7:00.I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning.At 11:30,I"m very hungry.I have lunch at school.I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.We have three classes in the afternoon.I have puter class and art classes.I like them very much.I go home at 5:30.I do homework after school.My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I go to bed at 10:00. Tuesday is my favorite day.At 7:30 I have Chinese.I like Chinese best,because it"s interesting.Then at 8:25 I have English.I like it,too.Next,at 9:50,I have science.And at 10:50 I have math.It"s a little difficult,but interesting.I have lunch at 11:35.I take a nap beeen 12:30 and 13:00.Then I have music.Music is relaxing.I like my music teacher,Mr Wu.He is fun.At 14:00 I have art.It"s boring.At 17:10 I go home.What a happy day it is! 英语作文what a day!不少于5句话 I really had a busy day.I got up early today.After breakfast,my parents and I went to my grandparents home.We had a big meal together.Then in the afternoon we went to the park near my grandparents home.We climbed the mountain and went boating.We really had a good time.Time passed quickly.We had to say goodbye and went home.After dinner I did my homework,sufed the inter,read an interesting book and watched TV.What a meanful and happy day I had !
2023-07-13 18:13:291


nofollow 是一个HTML标签的属性值。这个标签的意义是告诉搜索引擎"不要追踪此网页上的链接或不要追踪此特定链接"。nofollow标签通常有两种使用方法:1、将"nofollow"写在网页上的meta标签上,用来告诉搜索引擎不要抓取网页上的所有外部和包括内部链接。<meta name="robots” content="nofollow” />2、将"nofollow"放在超链接中,告诉搜索引擎不要抓取特定的链接。<a rel="external nofollow" href="url"><span>内容</span></a>3、nofollow标签是超链接<a>的一个属性值,我们只需要在源代码里面加上rel=”nofollow” 或者更为正规的rel=”external nofollow”即可 即:<a href=”#” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>###</a> 。nofollow还有另外的一些写法:Meta robots标签必须放在和之间,格式:content中的值决定允许抓取的类型,必须同时包含两个值:是否允许索引(index)和是否跟踪链接(follow,也可以理解为是否允许沿着网页中的超级链接继续抓取)。共有4个参数可选,组成4个组合:1. index,follow:允许抓取本页,允许跟踪链接。2. index,nofollow:允许抓取本页,但禁止跟踪链接。3. noindex,follow:禁止抓取本页,但允许跟踪链接。4. noindex,nofollow:禁止抓取本页,同时禁止跟踪本页中的链接。希望对你有所帮助,望采纳!
2023-07-13 18:13:241

C语言 struct timeval timeout = ..; 是什么意思啊?

2023-07-13 18:13:233

谁有 Bon Jovi Always 的翻译啊

always歌手:Bon Jovithis romeo is bleeding罗密欧正在流血 but you can"t see his blood不过,你却看不见 it"s nothing but some feelings只是一些回忆that this old dog kicked up被这只老狗唤起it"s been raining since you left me你离去后天空一直在下雨now i"m drowning in the flood我被雨水淹没you see i"ve always been a fighter你知道我向来是个斗士but without you i give up但失去了你,我选择了投降now i can"t sing a love songlike the way it"s meant to be 我已无法再像过去那样把情歌唱得那么动听 well, i guess i"m not that good anymore我想我已不如以往 but baby, that"s just me但亲爱的,那仍是我 and i will love you, baby – always我会爱着你,直到永远 and i"ll be there forever and a day – always我会守护着你,直到海枯石烂,直到永远 i"ll be there till the stars don"t shine我会守护着你知道星星不再闪耀 till the heavens burst and直到天堂毁灭 the words don"t rhyme直到言语悄然 and i know when i die, you"ll be on my mind我知道,我会铭记着你,即使我已经消亡 and i"ll love you – always我会爱着你直到永远 now your pictures that you left behind现在那些尘封的照片 are just memories of a different life对你而言只是那些过去的回忆 some that made us laugh, some that made us cry有欢乐,有泪水 one that made you have to say goodbye也有你的道别 what i"d give to run my fingers through your hair我怎样才能再次用手轻拨你的头发 to touch your lips, to hold you near我怎样才能再次吻你,用你入怀? when you say your prayers try to understand当你祷告时,我尽力去聆听 i"ve made mistakes, i"m just a man我承认我犯了错,但我知是凡人 when he holds you close, when he pulls you near当他拥你入怀, when he says the words you"ve been needing to hear当他对你甜言蜜语时 i"ll wish i was him "cause those words are mine我希望是我在你的身旁 to say to you till the end of time对你说那些话语,直至永远 yeah, i will love you baby – always是的,我会爱你,直到海枯石烂 and i"ll be there forever and a day – always我会守护着你,直到海枯石烂 if you told me to cry for you我原为你放声痛哭i could if you told me to die for you我愿为你放弃生命i would take a look at my face只要看看我,there"s no price i won"t pay你将知道,我将牺牲一切to say these words to you只为了对你说那些话well, there ain"t no luckin these loaded dice手中的毂子已经耗尽了运气 but baby if you give me just one more try但,亲爱的,若你再给我一次机会 we can pack up our old dreams我们可以重拾过去快乐的生活和梦想and our old lives we"ll find a place where the sun still shines我们能找一个充满阳光的地方,重新生活
2023-07-13 18:13:222


2023-07-13 18:13:212

友情链接带nofollow是什么意思 怎么做

nofollow 是一个HTML标签的属性值。它的出现为网站管理员提供了一种方式,即告诉搜索引擎"不要追踪此网页上的链接"或"不要追踪此特定链接"。这个标签的意义是告诉搜索引擎这个链接不是经过作者信任的,所以这个链接不是一个信任票。 简单的说就是,如果A网页上有一个链接指向B网页,但A网页给这个链接加上了 rel="nofollow" 标注,则搜索引擎不把A网页计算入B网页的反向链接。搜索引擎看到这个标签就可能减少或完全取消链接的投票权重。 nofollow标签通常有两种使用方法: 1、将"nofollow"写在网页上的meta标签上,用来告诉搜索引擎不要抓取网页上的所有外部和包括内部链接。 2、将"nofollow"放在超链接中,告诉搜索引擎不要抓取特定的链接。 内容
2023-07-13 18:13:161

leetdown刷系统一直卡在failed to reastore device

如果降级过程出现Failed漏洞则代表失败,需要重新进入DFU模式,再次操作。可能会失败很多次,不过LeetDown更新到2.2版本后似乎很轻松就成功了 作者:mojaycz 出处:bilibili
2023-07-13 18:13:151


I Love EnglishDear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I"d like to talk something about English. I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure. When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world. Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons. On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English. I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike inCambridge university, I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I"ll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan.I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.
2023-07-13 18:13:152


Address: 1; Hefei City Shushan e-commerce Industrial Park three FG District 2 on the third floor; position: general manager of Department of Commerce 3; position: Human Resources Executive Vice President
2023-07-13 18:13:134

love paradise详细资料大全

《love paradise》是陈慧琳演唱的歌曲,由陈光荣作曲,poman lo作词。于2004年收录专辑《Stylish index》中,是陈慧琳最经典的曲目之一。 基本介绍 中文名 :爱的天堂 外文名 :love paradise 专辑 :《Stylish Index》 曲 :陈光荣 词 :poman lo 演唱 :陈慧琳 专辑,歌词,歌曲相关, 专辑 专辑:《Stylish Index》 演唱:陈慧琳 词:poman lo 曲:陈光荣 粤语版本:另有两首由黄伟文作词,同样由陈慧琳演唱但歌词完全不同的歌《阁楼》《前所未见》 歌词 LOVE PARADISE 陈慧琳 You"re always on my mind All day just all the time You"re everything to me Brightest star to let me see You touch me in my dreams We kiss in every scene I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days I"ll love you Till I die Deep as sea Wide as sky The beauty of our love paints rainbows Everywhere we go Need you all my life You"re my hope You"re my pride In your arms I find my heaven In your eyes my sea and sky May life be our love paradise You"re always on my mind All day just all the time You"re everything to me Brightest star to let me see You touch me in my dreams We kiss in every scene I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days I"ll love you Till I die Deep as sea Wide as sky The beauty of our love paints rainbows Everywhere we go Need you all my life You"re my hope You"re my pride In your arms I find my heaven In your eyes my sea and sky May life be our love paradise 中文歌词 你一直在我脑海 每时每刻 你是我的一切 是我眼中最闪亮的星辰 梦中,我们热切相拥 梦中,我们深情热吻 我祈求上天让我们永远在一起 无论是晴天,或是阴天 我爱你,直到地老天荒 这份爱比海深,比天广 我们的爱美如彩虹绚丽绽放 遍及我们所到的地方 我永远需要你 你是我的希望,你是我的骄傲 在你的臂弯,我找到了天堂 在你的眼中,有我的天空和海洋 愿生活成为我们爱的天堂 歌曲相关 《love paradise》是陈慧琳最经典的曲目之一,她也曾作为自己的婚礼用曲! 在2004年Kelly陈慧琳的专辑“Stylish index”中,“Love paradise”作为最后一首被收录其中。然而时过三年,“Love paradise”以其恬淡柔缓的曲调和温馨诗意的歌词,成为专辑中沉淀下来的经典之作。 近几年Kelly虽然在音乐与电影界皆成绩平平,然而每每重温这首旧作,她那暖暖的声音与轻柔的配乐融为一体,总能在晚风如水的夜里久久拨动心弦,美得让人屏息。音乐,本就因简单而美。 没有人知道天堂的模样。不过我们的心中都有一座爱情的天堂,丝丝入心的温暖让笑容如彩虹般绮丽,眼神如星般闪亮。 曾经在自己的婚礼上用这首歌作为背景音乐,在“Love paradise”的旋律中,一对恋人执手相视微笑,“I"ll love you till I die”甜蜜幸福如是。爱的天堂——就是这样简单而令人感动。
2023-07-13 18:13:121


HP打印机后缀有n,dn,tn,dtn 等各种型号。“D”表示产品包含自动双面打印单元,拥有此单元后,不但节省双面打印时间,而且还能节约纸张和成本; “N”表示产品标配有网络服务器(快速以太网嵌入式打印服务器),可以实现网络管理和打印; “W”表示支持HP Jetdirect 802.11b/g 无线以太网嵌入式打印服务; “T”、“L”则表示产品包含扩展纸盒,L是250页大容量纸盒,T代表的是500页大容量输入纸盒,从而增加了纸张处理灵活性。 这几个字母组合在一起,表示同时具备这几种功能,所以售价也高。dtn代表:支持双面打印,包含大容量(500页)送纸盒的可实现网络打印的4350打印机
2023-07-13 18:13:112

love paradise什么意思

LOVE PARADISE 爱情天堂; 爱的天堂; [例句]May life be our love paradise.生命成为我们美丽的爱情天堂。
2023-07-13 18:13:051


你说的好象是《蜀山传》:里面林熙蕾试演的人物就是:”眉心会钻出像蛇一样的东西”导演:徐克 类型:武侠 演员:郑伊健、张柏芝、古天乐 章子怡、洪金宝、林熙蕾、吴京 上映日期:2001年8月
2023-07-13 18:13:053


nofollow 是HTML页面中a标签的属性值。这个标签的意义是告诉搜索引擎"不要追踪此网页上的链接或不要追踪此特定链接"。nofollow是HTML页面中a标签的属性值。它的出现为网站管理员提供了一种方式,即告诉搜索引擎"不要追踪此网页上的链接"或"不要追踪此特定链接"。这个标签的意义是告诉搜索引擎这个链接不是经过作者信任的,所以这个链接不是一个信任票。nofollow标签是由谷歌领头创新的一个“反垃圾链接”的标签,并被百度、yahoo等各大搜索引擎广泛支持,引用nofollow标签的目的是:用于指示搜索引擎不要追踪(即抓取)网页上的带有nofollow属性的任何出站链接,以减少垃圾链接的分散网站权重!
2023-07-13 18:13:026

当你遇到挫败或失望时,会怎么办 英语作文

(一):Is Frustration a Bad Thing?1.有些人认为挫折是坏事2.更多的人并不认为挫折是坏事3.我的看法 According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English, frustration, by definition, means the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling, some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad for people. They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental problems. People suffering from such psychological problems often resort to violence or suicide, which poses a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole society. Others, however, hold a different view. They maintain that it is beneficial to people. It goes side by side with success. It inspires people to overcome hardships and difficulties and achieve the final success. People with this view even go so far as to say that no frustration, no success. Indeed, we cannot always hope to embrace success and never accept failure. And most importantly, only if we learn from many a failure can we do things better and finally overcome such a bad feeling as frustration. Frustration thus is part of our life experience. In our process of growing up, we may inevitably experience it when confronted with situations that don"t come up to our expectations. It is a test of our courage when it befalls us. If we let it control us, we may fall into the abyss of being inflicted by serious psychological problems. But if we harness it and take it as our source of inspiration, we may ultimately enjoy the glory of success. (二)Frustration 生活中如果有任何一个因素可以促进成功,那就是从挫折中受益的能力。我所了解的每一次达到的成功都是因为那个人能够对挫折进行分析,在下一次工作中真正得益。如果混淆挫折和失败,你就注定会真正失败。 因为不是挫折使你失败,而是你自己拒绝从挫折中看到成功的方向和勇气。 挫折并不可耻。在每个取得成功的人的生活中,挫折是家常便饭。但你一定要能够面对挫折而不感到羞耻,能够分析它并了解失败的原因,否则挫折就是绝对的损失。换言之,挫折可以帮助解决它自身的起因。挫折不但可以为我们成功做好准备,而且没有任何东西可以在我们的内心激发起如此强烈的想要成功的欲望。如果你让一个婴儿抓住一根竿子,然后试着把竿子抽出来,孩子就会越抓越紧,直到他们整个重量都依附于此。每次你被击败的时候,正是这同样的反应会赋予你崭新的更为巨大的力量。 如果你能够利用挫折带来的这种力量,你就能够用它来完成远远超乎你能力的目标。 If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking. Confuse defeat with failure, and you are doomed indeed to failure. For it isn"t defeat that makes you fail: it is your own refusal to see in defeat the guide and encouragement to success. Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. They are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without humiliation, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success, but nothing can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed. If you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended. It is this same reaction which should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you exploit the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than you are capable of.
2023-07-13 18:12:571