barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-14 11:30:30
/* 将data入循环队列 */
void EnQueue(Queue *Q, ElemType data)
if((Q->rear+1)%MAX == (Q->rear-Q->count+MAX)%MAX)
return; /* 队列为满,返回 */
Q->base[Q->rear] = data;
Q->rear = (Q->rear+1)%MAX;

/* 出队列,结果存*data中 */
void DeQueue(Queue *Q, ElemType *data)
if(Q->rear == (Q->rear-Q->count+MAX)%MAX)
return; /* 队列为空,返回 */
*data = Q->base[(Q->rear-Q->count+MAX)%MAX];


The cycle of life and work , more and more irritable and hopeless . Busy with boring a chat all day affairs, seem to have forgotten the cycle of seasons out of the window there .

suddenly discovered , grass green , and blossoms - those no name glamorous flowers.

Another spring has come . Memory have not had time to seriously fall farewell , lawnmowers singing has not completely silent , heart and lung were also awakened flowing aromatic grass , but that ,mac cosmetics, after all, what happened the following year .

peacock walking on the river , wearing edge among the men and women ,Ray Ban sunglasses, there is a hope for submerged .

with his own joy, anger, sadness and return to nest ,Discount Oakley sunglasses, to continue with their own.

nice quiet life ! ! ! !



lawnmower。n.割草机;草坪割草机;剪草机例句:1、I"ve never lawnmowed a desert island before.我以前从未在荒岛上除过草2、And then he was in a really bad lawnmowing accident.随后他遭遇了一场严重的割草机意外3、I went to use the lawnmower, and it"s out of gas.我用了割草机 它没油了4、Because you came to your first meeting on a stolen lawnmower.因为你开着偷来的割草机 来参加第一次会议5、but for that I"d need a lawnmower engine, and a tank of compressed gas.但要造电钻 我需要一个割草机引擎 和一桶压缩气体6、And on our anniversary, he showed up on a lawnmower and we rode off into the sunset together.我们周年纪念日那天 他开着割草机过来 载着我一同驶向夕阳7、Tastes like cough syrup that"s been sitting in a lawnmower.喝起来就像一直放在割草机里的咳嗽糖浆8、I heard that woman scream over by the lawnmower around the same time.差不多同时 我听到那个女人 在割草机旁尖叫9、I got a riding lawnmower out back that"ll be perfect for you.我那边有个骑式割草机 会非常适合你短语搭配:hand lawnmower 手推剪草机push lawnmower 手推剪草机horse lawnmower 畜力剪草机motor lawnmower 机动剪草机gang lawnmower 排式剪草机
2023-07-13 23:06:371


世界上第一台草坪修剪机是1805年英国人普拉克内特发明了第一台收割谷物并可以切割杂草的机器,由人推动机器,通过齿轮传动带动旋刀割草,这就是割草机的雏形。割草机(Lawn mower)又称除草机、剪草机、草坪修剪机等。割草机是一种用于修剪草坪、植被等的机械工具,它是由刀盘、发动机、行走轮、行走机构、刀片、扶手、控制部分组成。刀盘装在行走轮上,刀盘上装有发动机,发动机的输出轴上装有刀片,刀片利用发动机的高速旋转在速度方面提高很多,节省了除草工人的作业时间,减少了大量的人力资源。影响发展农业机械化、提高工作效率、提高农业生产效率,在我们这样一个农业大国显得其为重要割草机作为农业生产中有着重要作用的工具,对农作物的产量有着最直接影响,它的发明是人类文明的一大进步。割草机(Lawn mower)又称除草机、剪草机、草坪修剪机等,割草机是一种用于修剪草坪、植被等的机械工具,有柴油机和汽油机之分。它是由刀盘、发动机、行走轮、行走机构、刀片、扶手、控制等部分组成。刀片利用发动机的高速旋转输出速度大大提高,节省了除草工人的作业时间,减少了大量的人力资源。在畜牧业机械化高度发展的国家,新型割草机的研究正向着高速、节能的方向发展。
2023-07-13 23:07:231


割草机mowercroppergrass cutterfield mowerhay mower
2023-07-13 23:07:446


动力连接操作杆的4个螺丝斜掉,有电动扳手或者充电的扳手,一个17的套头,正丝的,斜掉就可以了,一个弹簧的离合器上下2个垫子,上面是弹垫,下面是平垫。割草机(Lawn mower)又称除草机、剪草机、草坪修剪机等。割草机是一种用于修剪草坪、植被等的机械工具,它是由刀盘、发动机、行走轮、行走机构、刀片、扶手、控制部分组成。简介:手持旋转割草机一般配置无刀切割盘,使用高强度尼龙绳作为牧草切割部件,柔性结构,不怕碰到刚性障碍物,使用比较安全,更换也很方便。割草机的工作方式有往复式和旋转式,它较高的割草效率大大节省了时间,并实现了绿色环保、美化环境的功能,操作简捷、方便、高效,所以被广泛应用。机器小巧,适用于中小型草坪。使用割草机要根据要求,确定剪草后的留茬高度,使用非常方便。剪草时只能沿斜坡横向修剪,而不能顺坡修剪。现代割草机更利于操作。
2023-07-13 23:08:011

Last spring my wife suggested that I call in a man to look at our lawn-mower中的that引导什么从句?

2023-07-13 23:08:394

割草机(Lawn Mower)这个产品出口到美国都要哪认证呢?谢谢!

2023-07-13 23:08:495

Mr.Duncan does not know __ the lawn mower after they had finished using it.

2023-07-13 23:09:054


1.future - Futuristic sunglasses for zombies 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜 2.mustache - Zombies with womb brooms 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 3.trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower appearance 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 4.daisies - Zombies leave small daisies behind when killed 当僵尸被杀后掉下一些雏菊 5.pinata - a shower of candy when a zombie dies 僵尸死后散落一地的糖果 6.sukhbir - toggles the zombie"s call for brains-sound 切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声 - get the zombies to boogie on down 让僵尸摆动身体跳舞
2023-07-13 23:09:241


植物大战僵尸β版指令有Lazy、Sun、cheat、fast、Next、Win、Kill、Love、HardA、HardB、HardC、HardD、HardE、HardF等。一般来讲,接输入指令就可以,在任何关卡任何时候均可,重新输入指令则关闭指令。1、trickedout 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机。2、daisies 当僵尸被杀后掉下一些雏菊。3、Mustache 僵尸戴上两撇胡子。4、future 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜。5、dance 让僵尸摆动身体跳舞。6、pinata 僵尸死后散落一地的糖果。7、sukhbir 切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声。8、future - Futuristic sunglasses for zombies 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜。9、mustache - Zombies with womb brooms 僵尸戴上两撇胡子。10、trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower appearance 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机。11、sukhbir - toggles the zombie"s call for brains-sound 切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声。13、上上下下左右左右BA,按了并不会发生任何事情,但是可以听到一声音效。
2023-07-13 23:09:321


2023-07-13 23:09:486

为什么我的电脑玩不起来植物大战僵尸?一玩就说failed to load sound:soungs/lawnmower

2023-07-13 23:10:045

割草机有哪些种类 割草机分类

割草机(Lawn mower)又称除草机、剪草机、草坪修剪机,果园割草机 黑麦草割草机等。割草机是一种用于修剪草坪、植被等的机械工具,它是由刀盘、发动机、行走轮、行走机构、刀片、扶手、控制部分组成。刀盘装在行走轮上,刀盘上装有发动机,发动机的输出轴上装有刀片,刀片利用发动机的高速旋转在速度方面提高很多,节省了除草工人的作业时间,减少了大量的人力资源。按照不同的划分标准,割草机可以有以下划分: 1、按行进分:智能化半自动式拖行式、后推行式、坐骑式、拖拉机悬挂式。 2、按动力分:人畜力驱动、发动机驱动、电力驱动、太阳能驱动。 3、按方式分:滚刀式、旋刀式、侧挂式、甩刀式。 4、按要求分:平地式、半腰式、截顶式。
2023-07-13 23:10:202

给点关于 程序员 黑客 之类的电影给我。名字就够咯

2023-07-13 23:10:282


2023-07-13 23:10:366

2023-07-13 23:11:112

植物大战僵尸 秘籍 要有用的

2023-07-13 23:11:214


steam的安装路径下userdata4400580243590 emote里面的文件即是存档,从别处复制的存档可以覆盖到这里。下面附我找的一周目通关全成就存档
2023-07-13 23:11:282

谁有《割草者》《异度空间》《The Lawnmower Man》下载地址谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

2023-07-13 23:11:471

请问那里能下载到未来终结者2(Lawnmower Man2)和风骚小保姆这两部电影

上VERYCD看看吧 里面的电影版本很多 质量非常好!
2023-07-13 23:11:592


一般现在时(现在时态+一般体)Present Simple (present tense + common aspect)肯定句:主语+动词原形注:对于第三人称单数(他/她/它),要在动词原形后加“s”I/ You/ We/ They work in a bank.我/你/我们/他们在银行工作。He/ She works in a bank.他/她在银行工作。否定句:主语+don"t/ doesn"t+动词原形I/ You/ We/ They don"t (do not) work.我/你/我们/他们不工作。He/ She/ It doesn"t (does not) work.他/她/它不工作。疑问句:疑问词+助动词do/does+主语+动词原形Where do I/ you/we/they work?我/你/我们/他们在哪里工作?Where does he/ she work?他/她在哪里工作?适用场合:Usual, regular action经常,规律的行为I usually go fishing at weekends. I don"t go fishing at weekends. Do I go fishing at weekends?我通常在周末去钓鱼。我周末不去钓鱼。我周末去钓鱼吗?She never puts milk in her tea. She doesn"t put milk in her tea. Does she ever put milk in her tea?她从不把牛奶放进茶里。她不把牛奶放在茶里。她把牛奶放进茶里了吗?We sometimes go to the cinema on Friday. We don"t go to the cinema on Friday. Do we go to the cinema on Fridays?我们有时星期五去看电影。我们星期五不去看电影。我们星期五去看电影吗?They never walk in the wood. They don"t walk in the wood. Do they walk in the wood?他们从不在树林里散步。他们不在树林里散步。他们在树林里散步吗?General existence; stating a fact:普遍存在;陈述事实:An ostrich has two legs. A rabbit doesn"t have two legs. How many legs does a spider have?鸵鸟有两条腿。兔子没有两只腿。蜘蛛有多少条腿?The earth goes round the sun. The sun doesn"t go round the earth. Does the moon go round the earth?地球绕着太阳转。太阳不会绕着地球转。月亮绕着地球转吗?Water is liquid at room temperature. Gold isn"t liquid at room temperature. Is gold solid at room temperature?水在室温下是液态的。黄金在室温下不是液态的。金子在室温下是固体的吗?Dramatic narrative (theatre, sports, etc. events):戏剧性的叙述(戏剧、体育等):Johnson takes the ball, he bounces it to the floor, then he throws and scores two points.约翰逊拿到球,他把球反弹到地板上,然后投了两分。Timetables时间表The train leaves at half past four. The train doesn"t leave at five. What time does the train leave?火车四点半发车,可是现在五点了还不开。火车什么时候发车?The course starts on 1 July. The course doesn"t start in June. When does the course start?课程从7月1号开始,六月份这个课还没开课呢。课程什么时候开始?2现在进行时(现在时+进行体)Present Progressive (present tense + progressive aspect)肯定句:主语+be动词+动词ing形式You are cooking.你正在做饭。否定句:主语+be not+动词ing形式You aren"t (are not) cooking.你没在做饭。疑问句:疑问词+ be动词 +主语+动词ing形式What are you cooking?你正在做什么饭?适用场合:Action happening now:表示正在发生的动作:I"m watching a film on TV now. I‘m not watching a film. Am I watching a film?我正在看电视上的电影。我现在没在看电影。我正在看电影吗?Watch out, a car"s coming. It isn"t not coming. Is it coming?当心,汽车要来了。汽车没来。汽车要来了吗?The boys are sleeping upstairs. They boys aren"t sleeping upstairs. Are the boys sleeping upstairs?孩子们正在楼上睡觉。孩子们没在楼上睡觉。孩子们正在楼上睡觉吗?Action happening about this time, but not necessarily now:表示最近一段时间内进行的行为,不一定是现在正在做的。He‘s studying Spanish and German. He‘s not studying French. What languages is he studying?他在学习西班牙语和德语。他没在学法语。他在学习什么语言?They‘re going to a business course. They aren"t going to a cooking course. What course are they going to?他们要去上商业课。他们没去上烹饪课。他们要去上什么课?Definite arrangement in the near future:表示近期内的明确安排:I‘m travelling to Paris tomorrow. I‘m not travelling to Paris tomorrow. Am I travelling to Paris tomorrow?我明天要去巴黎旅行。我明天不去巴黎旅行。我明天要去巴黎旅行吗?You‘re going to Italy on holiday this year, aren"t you? You aren"t going to Greece. Where are you going on holiday this year?你今年要去意大利度假,不是吗?你不打算去希腊。今年你打算去哪里度假?3一般过去时(过去时态+一般体)Past Simple (past tense + common aspect)肯定句:主语+动词一般过去式I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They lived in London ten years ago.十年前,我/你/他/她/它/我们/他们生活在伦敦。否定句:主语+助动词didn"t+动词原形I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They didn"t like the film.我/你/他/她/它/我们/他们不喜欢这个电影。疑问句:疑问词+did+主语+动词原形Where did I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they meet Richard?在哪里我/你/他/她/它/我们/他们遇见的理查德?适用场合:Actions, events in the past:表示发生在过去的动作,事件:Mother went to work on Tuesday. Mother didn"t go to work on Tuesday. Did Mother go to work on Tuesday?妈妈星期二去上班了。妈妈星期二没去上班。妈妈星期二去上班了吗?You did the shopping this morning. You didn"t do the shopping this morning. Where did you do the shopping this morning?你今天早上去买东西了。你今天早上没去买东西。今天上午你在哪里买的东西?4过去进行时(过去时态+进行体)Past Progressive (past tense + progressive aspect)肯定句:主语+was/were+动词ing形式I/He/She was having a shower when you called.当你打电话给我时,他正在洗澡。We/ You/ They were watching TV when Bob arrived.鲍勃来的时候,我们/你们/他们正在看电视。否定句:主语+wasn"t/weren"t+动词ing形式I/ He/ She wasn"t having a shower when you called.你打来电话时,她没在洗澡。We/ You/ They weren"t watching TV when Bob arrived.鲍伯来的时候,我们/你们/他们没在看电视。疑问句:疑问词+was/were+动词ing形式What were you doing when Bob arrived?当鲍勃来的时候,你在干什么?What was she doing when you called?当你打电话的时候,她在干什么?适用场合:Action in progress in the past:表示过去正在进行的动作:I was working in the garden when my sister arrived. I wasn"t working in the garden when my sister arrived. Was I working in the garden when my sister arrived?我姐姐来的时候,我正在花园里工作。当我姐姐来的时候,我没在花园里工作。我姐姐来的时候,我正在花园工作吗?5现在完成时(现在时态+一般体)Present Perfect Simple (present perfect tense + common aspect)肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词I/ You/ We/ They have finished the letter.我/你们/我们/他们已经写完信了。He/ She has finished the letter.他/她写完了信。否定:主语+haven"t/hasn"t+过去分词I/ You/ We/ They haven"t finished the letter.我/你/我们/他们还没写完这封信。He/ She hasn"t finished the letter.他/她还没写完这封信。疑问句:have/has+主语+过去分词Have I/ you/we/ they finished the letter?我/你/我们/他们写完信了吗?Has he/she finished the letter?他/她写完信了吗?适用场合:Action with a result:带有结果的行为:You‘ve (already) printed the letters. You haven"t printed the letters (yet). Have you printed the letters (yet)?你已经把信打印好了。你还没有打印这些信呢。你把信打印出来了吗?We‘ve (already) done the rooms. We haven"t done the rooms yet. Have we done the rooms (yet)?我们已经把房间整理好了。我们还没整理好房间呢。我们把房间整理好了吗?He has already repaired the lawn-mower. He hasn"t repaired the lawn-mower yet. Has he repaired the lawn-mower yet?他已经修好了割草机。他还没有修理割草机。他修好割草机了吗?Action in incomplete time:表示持续性的动作:I‘ve been to the cinema a lot lately. I haven"t been to the cinema lately. Have I been to the cinema lately?最近我经常去看电影。我最近没去看电影。我最近去看电影了吗?You‘ve been on holiday this year. You haven"t been on holiday this year. Have you been on holiday this year?你今年度假去了。你今年没去度假。今年你去度假了吗?Action in the past without saying when:过去某一时刻发生的动作:You have already swum in this lake. You haven"t swum in this lake yet. Have you ever swum in this lake?你已经在这个湖里游过泳了。你没有游过这湖。你在这个湖里游过泳吗?You‘ve been to the hairdresser"s. You haven"t been to the hairdresser"s. Where have you been?你去过理发店了。你还没去过理发店。你去哪儿了?Action beginning in the past and still continuing:表示过去某一时刻开始并一直持续的动作:You‘ve worked here for two years. You haven"t worked here for two years. How long have you worked here?你在这里工作两年了。你已经两年没在这里工作了。你在这里工作多久了?6现在完成进行时(现在完成时+进行体)Present Perfect Progressive (present perfect tense + progressive aspect)肯定句:主语+have/has been+动词ing形式I/ you/ We/ They have been learning English for a year.我/你/我们/他们学英语已经有一年了。He/ She has been learning English for a year.他/她学英语已经有一年了。否定句:主语+haven"t/hasn"t been+动词ing形式I/ You/ We/ They haven"t been playing tennis for a long time.我/你/我们/他们很久没有打网球了。He/ She hasn"t been playing tennis for a long time.他/她很久没有打网球了。疑问句:疑问词+have/has+主语+been 动词ing形式How long have I/ you/ we/ they been learning English?我/你/我们/他们学英语多长时间了?How long has he/ she been learning English?他/她学英语多长时间了?适用场合:Action beginning in the past and still continuing (with the progress emphasized):从过去开始并仍在持续的行动(着重强调的仍在进行):He has been mowing the lawn all this morning. He hasn"t been mowing the lawn all this morning. How long has he been mowing the lawn?整个上午他一直在修剪草坪。整个上午他都没有修剪草坪。他修剪草坪多长时间了?希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!
2023-07-13 23:12:081


在百度上搜 植物大战僵尸 上面就附带秘籍
2023-07-13 23:12:185


2023-07-13 23:13:002

《异度空间》THE LAWNMOWER MAN (1992) 下载

2023-07-13 23:13:071


香樟树叶堆肥应该是没有问题的。从澳洲农业部网站上找到的这段信息:Camphor laurel trees have a reputation for being "plant killers" for those plants in the immediate area, so some concerns exist as to whether or not laurel should be used for mulch or compost. According to the Sydney Environmental & Soil Laboratory, if the laurel is properly composted, there is no danger of it hurting other plants. 大致意思是:因为香樟树拥有“植物杀手”的名声,所有有人担心是否可以作为堆肥或者覆土使用。根据悉尼环境与土壤实验室,只要香樟树叶被恰当的腐熟,就没有损害其他植物的风险。具体步骤如下: 1把叶子放在地上用除草机过几次打碎 Shred the tough, leather-like leaves by putting them on a tarp and running over them several times with a lawnmower. This helps them decompose much faster. 2在堆肥容器底部放不超过4英寸厚湿润棕料垫底 Lay down enough brown material to cover the bottom of the compost bin. The layer should be no more than 4 inches. Moisten thoroughly. 3撒一铲园土或腐土覆盖 Sprinkle a shovel full of garden soil or completed compost over that. 4放两英寸厚香樟叶,如果是干叶子要加水打湿 Lay down a 2-inch layer of laurel leaves. If they are freshly cut do not add water. If they are drying out, add enough water to moisten them. 5用叉或铲翻搅混和各层 Stir the layers together using a fork or shovel. 6重复以上步骤直到装满或者材料用尽 Repeat the above steps until the top of the bin is reached or you are out of materials. 7两周内彻底翻一次堆,保证内外都翻到,如果比拧干的湿海绵还干就要加水 Stir the entire compost pile in two weeks, ensuring that the material on the outside gets mixed into the inside. Moisten if the pile is dryer than a wrung-out sponge. 8每两周翻一次堆以加速腐熟。或者每四周翻一次也可以只不过腐熟过程要稍慢一些。 Stir again every two weeks after that for faster compost. Or, stir once every four weeks. It will still compost but at a slower rate.技巧:如果一周后肥堆还没有升温就需要检查湿度如果逐次堆加也行,就是热得慢一些夜间温度不要低于40度(多半是华氏)加入厨房垃圾可以加速过程没腐熟的不要使用在土壤和植物上
2023-07-13 23:13:171


1.四冲程汽油机燃油为干净汽油(90号以上),润滑油为SAE30四冲程机油。新机怠速磨合2小时,热机更换机油后方可正常使用。正常使用时累计工作30小时左右更换一次机油。每次使用前后检查机油油位。 2.四冲程风冷汽油机连续工作时,曲轴箱温度不能超过90度,过热时停机15至20分钟后可继续工作。燃油加注必须在冷机状态下进行。冷机要在低速运转3分钟后再正常使用,不剪草时不要长时间使用最大油门。 3.汽油机不要超速运转。除紧急情况下,应在低速状态下停机。 4.机油要正确、正牌、清洁,汽油要清洁、新鲜。 5.非专业人员不得调整化油器。必须调整时,一般将油针顺时针轻轻拧紧后,再逆时针拧1.5至1.75周。 6.空气滤清器滤芯要经常检查,用肥皂水清洗或定期更换。 7.汽油机运转100至300小时后,应用木片或竹片清除积炭一次。清除时卸下缸头,清除汽缸、缸头、活塞、气门等附着的积炭。积碳不得进入缸孔和气门座。 8.保持汽油机特别是缸体散热片的清洁。 9.加油、检查、维修、保养时,要拔下火花塞帽,不要吸烟,远离明火。 10.勿在室内操作。机器工作时除操作者外,无关人员离开机器1 5米以上。 11.机器每次使用前后检查工作部分及其他部位螺栓的松紧。 12.有离合器的,在离合器外露即机器未安装好之前,不得起动汽油机。 13.机器的其他润滑部位,要根据需要按说明定期加注润滑油或润滑脂。汽车维修保养参考资料: (512汽车网,苏州车友论坛)
2023-07-13 23:13:432


future - Futuristic sunglasses for zombies 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜 mustache - Zombies with womb brooms 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower appearance 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 sukhbir - toggles the zombie"s call for brains-sound 切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声o(╯□╰)o 以下需要智慧树有一定高度: (100)daisies - Zombies leave small daisies behind when killed 当僵尸被杀后掉下一些雏菊 (500)dance - dance - get the zombies to boogie on down让僵尸跳舞 (1000)pinata - a shower of candy when a zombie dies 僵尸死后散落一地的糖果 注:这些密码都是只改了视觉效果,不会对游戏的难度造成影响。
2023-07-13 23:13:531


2023-07-13 23:14:081


2023-07-13 23:14:164


人工一天割草8小时可以割一亩多点,用工具割草机的话可以割20亩左右,所以如果你用人工割草70亩需要65天到70左右,如果用工具割草机的话需要4天左右。人工割草如果起早贪黑,一天十几个小时可以割一亩田差不多。为什么这么说呢?因为八十年代自从农田承包制实行,我家分到五亩责任田。那个时侯我们起早贪黑干十几个小时,可以割一亩田麦子、或者割一亩田稻子。所以割草应该更简单一些,一天割一亩田没有问题。割草机介绍如下割草机(Lawn mower)又称除草机、剪草机、草坪修剪机等。割草机是一种用于修剪草坪、植被等的机械工具,它是由刀盘、发动机、行走轮、行走机构、刀片、扶手、控制部分组成。刀盘装在行走轮上,刀盘上装有发动机,发动机的输出轴上装有刀片,刀片利用发动机的高速旋转在速度方面提高很多,节省了除草工人的作业时间,减少了大量的人力资源。
2023-07-13 23:14:251


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 问题描述: 题目: 有两个矩阵a和b,均为2行3列。求两个矩阵之和。重载运算符“+”, 使之能用与矩阵相加。如:c=a+b 谢拉!! 解析: class addRect{public: int data[2][3];为了简化数据的调用,将数据设为共有 public: addRect(addRect&);拷贝构造函数 ~addRect() { } void addData(int a);数据的符值函数 addRect operate+(addRect& new);加法运算符的重载 }; 以下是函数定义 addRect::addRect(addRect& newOne) { for(int i=0;i<2;i++) for(int j=0;;j<3;j++) data[i][j][i][j]; } addRect operate+(addRect &new)const { addRect flag; for(int i=0;i<2;i++) for(int j=0;;j<3;j++) addRect.flag[i][j]=data[i][j][i][j]; return flag; }
2023-07-13 23:12:421


每个品牌的产品都有亮有不亮的,亮度取决于流明(lm),照射距离取决于勒克斯(Lux)。高亮度手电筒通常使用CREE XHP70.2灯珠,30瓦功率亮度高达4000流明,比奥迪汽车大灯亮度还高。常规用的最多的是CREE XML2灯珠,10瓦功率约950流明,便携和亮度都比较平衡。钥匙扣用CREE XPG3比较多。要远射要大头手电或白激光手电,后者价格昂贵。品牌你可以选SUREFIRE(美国神火)、Streamlight(溪流之光)、MAGLITE(镁光)、纳丽德、菲尼克斯、奈特科尔、傲雷等。便宜的前进光电、劲衡、海星、毛裤等。
2023-07-13 23:12:451

我想找动词后有介词的例子,如come in, take out, go to ..等等,最好有列表

动词+onput on穿call on拜访have on 穿*depend on依据,依靠信任*rely on依据,依靠,信任operate on手术live on为生*insist on坚持congratulate on祝贺动词+tolisten to听get to到达reply to答复apologize to道歉*belong to 属于agree to同意*add to增加*refer to指向*lead to导致*turn to转向*admit to承认动词+atshoot at 射击shout at吼aim at瞄准knock at敲门laugh at嘲笑call at s.p拜访rush at冲catch at抓住动词+forlook for寻找ask for询问wait for等待answer for偿还/对…负责pay for付钱stand for代表search for搜寻动词+ofrob of抢劫die of死于动词+介词*care about关心,关注,在意,担心care for喜欢dream about梦到dream of梦想hear about听说hear of听到hear from受到来信look at看look for寻找look after照顾*look into 调查,检查*look up查找think about考虑think of想到*deal/do with处理*fall out(头发等)脱落*fall for上…的当,受…的骗对…信以为真*go out(灯)熄灭*mix up混淆,弄乱,拌和,搅匀*stay up不睡觉,熬夜*work out锻炼,制定出*put on weight体重增加*make up编造,捏造,杜撰*pay off成功,带来好结果*rule out排除*run after追,追赶*show up出现,露面*step up加紧,加强,促进*wish for盼望,期盼*reach out(手)伸出;伸出(手)*consist of由…组成由…构成*pick up拿起,捡起*lift up拿起,举起*contribute to是…成因之一/导致/贡献*contribute…to..捐献/投稿*bang into(不小心)撞着某物*turn into(使)变成*differ from和…不同,不同于*appeal to迎合,对…有吸引力*lead to导致(结果)*close down关闭,使停业,使倒闭*come across*发现,(偶然)遇见*give out发出(气味,热)释放,散发,分发*put forward提出(观点,议案)*set up创立,建立,创办*pick out找出,挑选*point out指出*focus /fix on集中,关注*end up以…告终*use up用光,耗尽*believe in信任,信仰,信奉*take up占据(时间,空间)从事于*take on接受,雇佣,担当(某一角色)*pay back报答,偿还(借款)*warm up(使)暖和起来;(使)热身*ring out(铃声、枪声等)突然响起*feed on以…为食,吃*carry out执行,实施,进行*get sth across转达*trick sb into doing sth诱使某人做某事*pass on传递*get along相处,进展*get through(电话等)接通*wipe out扫除,消灭*run out(of)用完,耗尽*figure out相出,理解,明白;计算出,*turn out结果证明,结果是*break down出故障,抛锚*burst in突然冲入*cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来*die from/of死于*glare at对…怒目而视*go on进行,发生*hunt for打猎;搜捕*hold up延迟,阻碍,搀扶,支撑,举起,抬起*log off下线,关机*meet with遇见,碰见*move on接下去,继续*queue up排队,列队*remind sb of让某人想起/提醒某人*set out提出,制定出
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~ (about sth/to do sth) being curious(1a); inquisitiveness 好奇心; 爱打听的癖性: curiosity about distant lands 对於遥远国家的好奇心 * her burning curiosity to know what"s going on 她想知道发生了何事的强烈欲望 * He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister. 他抑制不住好奇心, 拆开了别人写给他妹妹的信. [C] strange or unusual thing or person; strange or rare object 稀奇或罕见的事物或人; 奇物; 珍品: She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity. 她非常古怪, 算是个奇人. (idm 习语) curiosity killed the `cat (saying 谚) (said to sb to stop him being too inquisitive 谓某人不可过於好奇的用语).
2023-07-13 23:12:481

Doncamatic (Feat. Daley) (The Joker Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Doncamatic (Feat. Daley) (The Joker Remix)歌手:Gorillaz&Daley专辑:Doncamatic (Feat. Daley)Gorillaz- Doncamatic Lyrics (feat. Daley)Down lowlyMake up for the time you"ve wastedCome slowlyAnd claim back the boy you left behindClose the white bookUnplug the brain from the gameCause it"s time to wipe outTo the starsGet on the fameThe song is not the same when we"reAll played out, played out, all played outThey said the memoriesAll play out, fade out, all played outTell me did you feel that?Don"t slow downEven if it"s only to escapeJust down, low downBefore somebody steals your place manClose the white bookUnplug the brain from the gameCause it"s time to wipe outTo the starsGet on the fameAnd the conversation"s overWe"re all played out, played out, all played outYou see the memoriesAll fade out, fade out, all played outTell me did you feel that?Down lowlyMake up for the time you wastedCome slowlyClaim back the boy you left behind andClose the white bookUnplug the brain from the gameIt"s time to wipe out to the bar get on the fameThe song is not the same when we"reall played out, played out, all played outYou see the memoriesAll play out, fade out, all played outThe song is not the same when we"reAll played out, played outThe song is not the same when we"reAll played out, played out, played out, played outtell me did you feel that?Lyrics By Chab ;)
2023-07-13 23:12:521

l want buy a new one是什么意思

2023-07-13 23:12:522


上帝也疯狂精彩片段 在《上帝也疯狂》中,以布希人的活动贯穿始终。片中介绍了他们的生活、生产方式、习惯;经济、社会、心理的状况等等一切社会上存在的情形,同时以“上帝”赐予的一件“不祥之物”可口可乐瓶子,连接了布希人与现代人,并通过布希人与现代人的接触,交往从而表现出二者的差异,更加突出的刻画了布希人的民族性。我认为这个瓶子的出场恰到好处,正是它是影片转入了正题,也意味着高潮的到来。  这个“不祥之物”曾经给布希人带来兴奋与惊奇。确实,陌生的物品总是美好的。但随之而来的则是族人为使用它而产生的从未有过的可怕的事情:争吵,愤怒,不满,占有……可怕的事情发生了了,曾经的欢笑,和谐不见了,取而代之的是围坐在火堆旁的死一般的沉默……  凯,这个“不祥之物”的发现者不得不为自己曾经的错误举动负责了,他决定到世界的尽头,把这个“不祥之物”还给上帝……  凯的旅行开始了,他的民族性也将展示……
2023-07-13 23:12:521

请问sure fire手电在上海有维修处吗?

2023-07-13 23:12:534


马伯庸作品集 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:一阵清凉的山风吹过,我拍了拍胯下的坐骑,下意识地屏住了呼吸。这种陌生的气候对于习惯于图书馆陈旧气味的我来说,即使感觉很惬意,身体仍会产生一丝微妙的不适。从山岭的这个高度回头望去,远处雪域与平原接壤的狭长地带有如一条银色的缎带,将广阔的视野截成雪白与翠绿两种不同的色块,惟有两者上空的天空依旧保持着相同的湛蓝。眼前的山路由黑色的碎石块铺成,颠簸曲折,象一条深黑的巨蛇一样向山的另一侧逶迤而去。我略显笨拙地握住马匹的缰绳,身体伏低,两腿绷紧,竭力保持身体平衡,好让自己不致摔下来。做为一名法师,我无法在骑术上做到比这更好了。 两位同行的骑士保持着和我相同的步调行进,并没有流露出哪怕是一点的不屑或者嘲笑,他们的脸上,始终保持着焦虑,以及由焦虑而生的沉默。我们必须在日落以前赶到戈兰德城,那是位于西方的大城,也是整个凯萨豪夫王国的首都和中枢。我对这座伟大的城市一直保持着适度的敬畏,每当这块大陆的历史洪流……请采纳
2023-07-13 23:12:541

如何利用Axure RP 8设计软件设置Android样式图

若要解释清楚像素和分辨率需要的篇幅比较长,请大家参考百度百科。 这里金乌直接给大家提供一个常用的移动设备尺寸列表,制作原型时根据查询的尺寸在axure中设置大小即可,设计完毕后在生成HTML时设置 手机/移动设备 中勾选包含视图接口( include Viewport tag ),并进行配置即可。 如: iPhone4 320*480 iPhone5 320*568 Samsung Galaxy S4 360*640 Viewport Sizes 设备名称 系统平台 像素密度 屏幕尺寸 竖屏尺寸 横屏尺寸 Acer Iconia Tab A100 Android 166dpi 7″ 800 1280 Acer Iconia Tab A101 Android 170dpi 7″ 600 1024 Acer Iconia Tab A200 Android 160dpi 10.1″ 800 1280 Acer Iconia Tab A500 Android 149dpi 10.1″ 648 1280 Acer Iconia Tab A502 Android 149dpi 10.1″ 800 1280 Ainol Novo 7 Elf 2 Android 170dpi 7″ 496 1024 Apple iPad iOS 132dpi 9.7″ 768 1024 Apple iPad 2 iOS 132dpi 9.7″ 768 1024 Apple iPad 3 (and 4) iOS 264dpi 9.7″ 768 1024 Apple iPad Mini iOS 163dpi 7.9″ 768 1024 Apple iPhone 3G iOS 163dpi 3.5″ 320 480 Apple iPhone 3GS iOS 163dpi 3.5″ 320 480 Apple iPhone 4 iOS 326dpi 3.5″ 320 480 Apple iPhone 4S iOS 326dpi 3.5″ 320 480 Apple iPhone 5 iOS 326dpi 4″ 320 568 Apple iPod Touch iOS 163dpi 3.5″ 320 480 Archos 70b (it2) Android ?? 7″ 600 1024 Archos 80G9 Android 160dpi 8″ 768 1024 Arnova 7 G2 Android ?? 7″ 480 800 Arnova 7FG3 Android ?? 7″ 640 1067 Arnova 8C G3 Android 125dpi 8″ 800 1067 Arnova 10b G3 Android 160dpi 10.1″ 600 1024 ASUS Padfone Android ?? 4.3″ 800 1128 ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T Android ?? 10.1″ 800 1280 ASUS Transformer TF101 Android 149dpi 10.1″ 800 1280 BAUHN AMID-972XS Android ?? 9.7″ 768 1024 BlackBerry 9520 Blackberry OS 185dpi 3.25″ 345 691 BlackBerry Bold 9360 Blackberry OS 246dpi 2.44″ 320 N/A BlackBerry Bold 9780 Blackberry OS 246dpi 2.44″ 480 N/A BlackBerry Bold 9790 Blackberry OS 246dpi 2.45″ 320 N/A BlackBerry Bold 9900 Blackberry OS 287dpi 2.8″ 356 N/A BlackBerry Curve 9300 Blackberry OS 246dpi 2.45″ 311 N/A BlackBerry Curve 9320 Blackberry OS 164dpi 2.44″ 320 N/A BlackBerry Curve 9380 Blackberry OS 188dpi 3.2″ 320 N/A BlackBerry PlayBook Blackberry Tablet OS 169dpi 7″ 600 1024 BlackBerry Torch 9800 Blackberry OS 187.5dpi 3.2″ 320 480 BlackBerry Torch 9810 Blackberry OS 250dpi 3.2″ 320 480 BlackBerry Z10 Blackberry OS10 355dpi 4.2″ 345 521 Google Nexus 5 Android 445dpi 4.95″ 360 598 HP Touchpad Android 132dpi 9.7″ 768 1024 HP Veer WebOS 197dpi 2.6″ 320 545 HTC 7 Mozart Windows Phone 7 252dpi 3.7″ 320 480 HTC 7 Trophy Windows Phone 7 245dpi 3.8″ 320 480 HTC Desire Android 252dpi 3.7″ 320 533 HTC Desire C Android 164dpi 3.5″ 320 480 HTC Desire HD Android 216dpi 4.3″ 320 533 HTC Desire Z Android 252dpi 3.7″ 480 800 HTC Evo 3D Android 256dpi 4.3″ 540 960 HTC Legend Android ?? 3.2″ 320 480 HTC One S Android 256dpi 4.3″ 360 640 HTC One V Android 252dpi 3.7″ 320 533 HTC One XL Android 260dpi 4.7″ 360 640 HTC Sensation XL Android 198.5dpi 4.7″ 360 640 HTC Titan 4G Windows Phone 7 198.5dpi 4.7″ 320 480 HTC Velocity 4G Android 245dpi 4.5″ 360 640 HTC Wildfire S Android 180dpi 3.2″ 320 480 HTC Windows Phone 8X Windows Phone 8 341dpi 4.3″ 320 480 Huawei U8650 Android 165dpi 3.5″ 320 480 Kindle 3 Kindle 167dpi 6″ 600 N/A Kindle Fire HD 7 Android 216dpi 7″ 533 801 Kindle Fire HD 8.9 Android 254dpi 8.9″ 533 801 Kindle Fire HDX 7″ Android 323dpi 7″ 600 902 Kindle Paperwhite Kindle 212dpi 6″ 758 N/A Kobo eReader Touch Android N/A (E Ink) 6″ 600 N/A LG Optimus 2X Android 233dpi 4″ 320 533 LG Optimus L3 Android 125dpi 3.2″ 320 427 LG Optimus Pad Android 168dpi 8.9″ 768 1280 LG Viewty KU990 Java 155dpi 3″ 240 400 Microsoft Surface (RT) Windows RT 148dpi 10.6″ 768 1366 Motorola Defy Android 265dpi 3.7″ 320 569 Motorola Droid3 Android 275dpi 4″ 360 599 Motorola Droid Razr Android 256dpi 4.3″ 360 640 Motorola Milestone Android 265dpi 3.7″ 320 569 Motorola Razr HD 4G Android 312dpi 4.7″ 360 598 Motorola Razr M 4G Android 312dpi 4.7″ 360 598 Motorola Xoom Android 149dpi 10.1″ 800 1280 Motorola Xoom 2 Android 149dpi 10.1″ 800 1280 Nexus 4 Android 318dpi 4.7″ 384 598 Nexus 7 Android 216dpi 7″ 603 966 Nexus S Android 233dpi 4″ 320 533 Nokia 300 Nokia 167dpi 2.4″ 234 N/A Nokia 500 Symbian 229dpi 3.2″ 360 640 Nokia 700 Symbian 229dpi 3.2″ 240 427 Nokia 2700 S40 200dpi 2″ 240 N/A Nokia Lumia 520 Windows Phone 8 233dpi 4″ 320 480 Nokia Lumia 610 Windows Phone 7 252dpi 3.7″ 320 480 Nokia Lumia 710 Windows Phone 7 252dpi 3.7″ 320 480 Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone 7 252dpi 3.7″ 320 480 Nokia Lumia 820 Windows Phone 8 217dpi 4.3″ 320 480 Nokia Lumia 900 Windows Phone 7 217dpi 4.3″ 320 480 Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8 332dpi 4.5″ 320 480 Nokia Lumia 1020 Windows Phone 8 332dpi 4.5″ 320 480 Nokia Lumia 1520 Windows Phone 8 367dpi 6″ 320 480 Nokia N95 S60 154dpi 2.6″ 240 N/A Nokia N900 Naemo 267dpi 3.5″ 480 800 Panasonic Toughpad A1 Android 127dpi 10.1″ 768 1024 Samsung Galaxy Ace Android 165dpi 3.5″ 320 480 Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 Android 246dpi 3.8″ 320 533 Samsung Galaxy Grand Android 187dpi 5″ 480 800 Samsung Galaxy Note Android 285dpi 5.3″ 400 640 Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Android 267dpi 5.5″ 360 640 Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Android 149dpi 10.1″ 800 1280 Samsung Galaxy S2 Android 217dpi 4.3″ 320 533 Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 306dpi 4.8″ 360 640 Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Android 233dpi 4″ 360 640 Samsung Galaxy S4 Android 441dpi 5″ 360 640 Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini Android 256dpi 4.3″ 360 640 Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 Android 170dpi 7″ 600 1024 Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Android 170dpi 7″ 600 1024 Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Android 170dpi 8.9″ 800 1280 Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Android 149dpi 10.1″ 800 1280 Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Android 149dpi 10.1″ 800 1280 Sony Xperia E Dual Android 164dpi 3.5″ 320 480 Tesco Hudl Android 242dpi 7″ 600 799 Windows Surface Pro Windows 8 207dpi 10.6″ 1080 1920 关于 Viewport 大家可以参考PPK大神的资料!
2023-07-13 23:12:401


2023-07-13 23:12:395

Iggy Pop的《Curiosity》 歌词

歌曲名:Curiosity歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:New ValuesChrishan - Curiosityive known you since you moved in round my wayall them silly games we used to playfeel like it was almost yesterdaygirl dont you rememberwhen everything we had was all we needwhether good or bad simplicitygoing everywhere togetherwe were good friendsalways good friendswe can sit we can talk try to work it outeven tho we know what its all aboutdont pretend evidently theres no doubtbaby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of meso what would you say when i say thati guess its from here we cant go backi tell you the truth matter a fact (as a matter a fact)baby i love youthere hasnt been a nightthat ??? went byand add up all the yearsits been a long timedont tell me youve never felt this way like ivebeen feeling foreverwe can sit we can talk try to work it outeven tho we know what its all aboutdont pretend evidently theres no doubtbaby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of mei have spent my whole life loving youwont you spend the rest of yours loving me tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of me
2023-07-13 23:12:381

Nothin. can._______wipe. out. the. memory.

2023-07-13 23:12:383


隐形的守护者结局共有4种。 隐形的守护者全结局情况有:扶桑安魂曲、美丽世界、丧钟为谁而鸣、红色芳华。 《隐形守护者》是NewOneStudio改编创作的一款角色扮演类冒险游戏。2019年1月23日,NewOneStudio发行Steam版,可在MacOS、Windows系统运行。2019年3月5日,NewOneStudio发行Wegame版。游戏需全程联网。原作是fantasia创作的视觉小说《潜伏之赤途》,游戏讲述一名留学日本归来的爱国青年,在抗战年代潜伏在敌后,周旋各方势力之间,最终为中国革命事业做出巨大贡献正能量故事。
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2023-07-13 23:12:321


扫荡的解释 [mop up;annihilate;exterminate;liquidate wipe out] 扫除涤荡;泛指 彻底 清除 扫荡 叛匪 假如提起一支屠城的笔, 扫荡 了文坛上一切野草,那 自然 是快意的。——鲁迅《说不出》 详细解释 亦作“ 扫汤 ”。扫除涤荡;荡平。 《晋书·刘琨传》 :“是以居于王位,以答 天下 ,庶以克复圣主, 扫荡 讎耻。” 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《拟魏太子邺中集诗·王粲》 :“云骑乱 汉 南, 纪 郢 皆扫汤。” 唐 赵元一 《奉天录》 卷三:“ 扫荡 妖孽,廓清 寰宇 。” 宋 王安石 《<周礼>义序》 :“太平之遗迹, 扫荡 几尽,学者 所见 ,无复全经。” 明 何 景明 《陇石行送徐少参》 诗:“圣朝扫汤无烽烟,射猎之地为 桑田 。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》 第七章:“ 经过 两昼夜的 扫荡 战,消灭了二 十二 军两个团。” 见“ 扫荡 ”。 词语分解 扫的解释 扫 (扫) ǎ 拿笤帚等除去 尘土 或垃圾:扫地。 清除,消灭:扫雷。扫盲。扫荡。一扫而空。 全,尽,尽其所有:扫数(?)。 低落,丧失: 扫兴 (宯 )。 描画:扫描。扫眉。 迅速横掠而过:扫射。扫视。 结 荡的解释 荡 (荡) à 清除,弄光:荡平。扫荡。荡除。倾家荡产。 洗涤 :洗荡。涤荡。荡口(漱口)。 摇动:摇荡。 荡漾 。荡桨。 行为不检,不受 约束 :荡逸。放荡。 浪荡 。荡子。 * 。狂荡。荡检逾闲。 四处走动: 游荡
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2023-07-13 23:12:281


curiosity的形容词是curious。curiosity的副词是curiosly。curiosity的意思是好奇心,求知欲,罕见而有趣之物。curious的意思是求知欲强的,好奇的。curiosly的意思是好奇地,奇异地,奇怪地。 扩展资料 curiosity的例句:There was an air of expectation and great curiosity(有着一种期待和好奇的"感觉);The child showed a healthy curiosity(这孩子的好奇心很正常)。
2023-07-13 23:12:241